(Great Britain - London)
I John Gore was born about 1490 in Londen, Groot-Brittannië. Note re John: Bron m.b.t. Gore-Booth: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~truax/smith-p/p28 die verwijst naar Burke's Peerage.
Child of John out of an unknown relation:
1 Gerard Gore, born about 1516. Follow II.
II Gerard Gore was born about 1516, son of John Gore. Gerard is deceased on tuesday 11-12-1607, about 91 years old. Note re Gerard: Alderman of the City of London, obtained a grant of land in Surrey temp. Elizabeth. Gerard married, at the age of about 34 years, in 1550 to Helen Davenant. Note re Helen: dochter van Ralph Davenant.
Children of Gerard and Helen:
1 Richard Gore.
2 Ralph Gore.
3 Gerard Gore, born 07-1555.
4 John Gore, born before 1560. Occupation: Lord Mayor van Londen in 1624. Title: Sir.
5 Paul Gore, born about 1560 in Magherabegg, Donegal, Ierland. Follow III.
III Paul Gore was born about 1560 in Magherabegg, Donegal, Ierland, son of Gerard Gore and Helen Davenant. Paul is deceased 09-1629 in Abbey Church, Donegal, Ierland, about 69 years old. Note re Paul: He was created Baronet of Manor Gore on 1 February 1620/21. He was a Soldier of fortune; M.P. for Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. The extinct (since 1802) Earls of Ross, the Earls of Arran, the Lords Harlech and the Gore-Booths descend from the seventh son of Gerald, Sir Paul Gore, a successful soldier of fortune in late Elizabethan Ireland, who was granted substantial estates in the north-west and was created a baronet in 1622. He put down roots in Ireland, was elected M.P. for Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal, and died in 1629. It was he who built the castle of Ardtermon on the shore of Drumcliff Bay about two miles west of the present Lissadell. Its angle towers and protective bawn betoken its seriously defensive purpose.. Paul married to Isabella Wycliffe. Note re Isabella: dochter van Francis Wycliffe en Jane Rokeby.
Children of Paul and Isabella:
1 Henry Gore. Title: Lt. Cmdr.
2 Arthur Gore.
3 Ralph Gore. Title: Sir. Note re Ralph: Ancestor of the Extinct house of Gore, Earls of Ross.
4 Francis Gore. Follow IV.
IV Francis Gore, son of Paul Gore and Isabella Wycliffe. Francis is deceased 02-1712. Note re the death of Francis: 1713?. Title: Sir. Note re Francis: Sir Francis of Ardtermon was the direct ancestor of the present Gore-Booth family of Lissadell. Sir Francis co-operated with the Cromwellians, yet reconciled himself with the Royalists and was granted land at the Restoration. He was elected M.P. for Co. Sligo in 1661. Francis married to Anne Parke. Anne is deceased in 1671. Note re Anne: dochter en erfgename van Capt. Robert Parke of Newtown Manor or Castle, alias Parke's Castle, just across the country boundary into Leitrim.
Children of Francis and Anne:
1 Francis Gore. Follow V-a.
2 Ralph Gore Ralph married to Isabella Spring.
3 Charles Gore.
4 William Gore.
5 Arthur Gore.
6 Henry Gore.
7 Richard Gore. Follow V-e.
8 Isabella Gore. Follow V-d.
9 Mary Gore. Follow V-c.
10 Anne Gore.
11 Elizabeth Gore.
12 Paul Gore, born in Corstown, Kilkenny, Ierland. Follow V-b.
13 Robert Gore, born in 1657 in Newtown, Leitrim, Ierland. Follow V-g.
V-a Francis Gore, son of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Francis married to N.N. Tyffan.
V-b Paul Gore was born in Corstown, Kilkenny, Ierland, son of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Paul married to Dorcas Whyte. Note re Dorcas: dochter van T. Whyte.
V-c Mary Gore, daughter of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Mary started a relationship with William Ormsby.
V-d Isabella Gore, daughter of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Isabella married to Adam O´Hara.
V-e Richard Gore, son of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Richard married in 1696 to Gertrude Hyde. Note re Gertrude: dochter van Arthur Hyde.
V-g Robert Gore was born in 1657 in Newtown, Leitrim, Ierland, son of Francis Gore and Anne Parke. Robert is deceased 12-1705, 48 years old. Robert married, at the age of 20 years, 02-1677 to Frances Newcomen.
Note re the marriage: of 1678. Note re Frances: dochter van Sir Thomas Newcomen en Frances Talbot.
Children of Robert and Frances:
1 Catherine Gore.
2 Frances Gore. Follow VI-b.
3 Anne Gore. Follow VI-a.
4 Mary Gore.
5 Nathaniel Gore, born in 1692 in Newtown Gore, Sligo, Ierland. Follow VI-c.
VI-a Anne Gore, daughter of Robert Gore and Frances Newcomen. Anne started a relationship with John Ormsby.
VI-b Frances Gore, daughter of Robert Gore and Frances Newcomen. Frances:
(1) married to Francis Gore. Title: Rev.
(2) married to Charles Ingoldsby.
VI-c Nathaniel Gore was born in 1692 in Newtown Gore, Sligo, Ierland, son of Robert Gore and Frances Newcomen. Note re the birth of Nathaniel: Artarmon?. Nathaniel married, at the age of 19 years, on saturday 25-07-1711 to Letitia (Lettice) Booth. Letitia (Lettice) was born in Dublin, Ierland, daughter of Humphrey Booth and Elinor Jones.
Children of Nathaniel and Letitia (Lettice):
1 Booth Gore, born in 1712 in Artermon, Sligo, Ierland. Follow VII.
2 John Gore, born in 1714. John is deceased in 1780, 66 years old.
3 Letitia Gore, born in 1726.
4 Angela Catharine Gore, born in 1728.
5 Frances Gore, born in 1730.
VII Booth Gore was born in 1712 in Artermon, Sligo, Ierland, son of Nathaniel Gore and Letitia (Lettice) Booth. Booth is deceased on sunday 22-08-1773, 61 years old. Title: 1st Baronet van Lissadell, Sligo, op 30-08-1760. Booth married, at the age of 31 years, on monday 23-12-1743 to Emily Newcomen. Note re Emily: dochter van Brabazon Newcomen en Arabella Lambart.
Children of Booth and Emily:
1 Booth Gore. Booth is deceased on sunday 17-06-1804. Title: 2nd Baronet van Lissadell.
2 Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth, born in 1752. Follow VIII.
VIII Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth was born in 1752, son of Booth Gore and Emily Newcomen. Robert Newcomen is deceased on sunday 23-10-1814, 62 years old. Title: 3rd Baronet van Lissadell. Note re Robert Newcomen: nam bij Koninklijk Besluit van 30-08-1804 de achternaam Gore-Booth aan en het wapen van Booth. Robert Newcomen married, at the age of 52 years, on monday 19-11-1804 to Hannah Irwin. Note re Hannah: dochter van Henry Irwin van Streamstown, Sligo, en Anne Stewart.
Children of Robert Newcomen and Hannah:
1 Anne Gore. Follow IX-a.
2 Robert Gore-Booth, born on sunday 25-08-1805. Follow IX-b.
3 Henry Gore-Booth, born on tuesday 11-04-1809 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland. Follow IX-c.
IX-a Anne Gore, daughter of Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth and Hannah Irwin. Anne is deceased on thursday 14-06-1883. Anne married on monday 07-12-1829 to Robert N.N..
IX-b Robert Gore-Booth was born on sunday 25-08-1805, son of Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth and Hannah Irwin. Robert is deceased on thursday 21-12-1876, 71 years old. Title: Sir; 4th Baronet van Artarman (Lissadell). Note re Robert: erfde op negenjarige leeftijd de titel en bezittingen na het vroege overlijden van zijn vader in 1814; Member of Parliament voor County Sligo 1850-1876, landeigenaar die het huidige Lissadell House, Sligo, Ierland bouwde; The Gore Baronetcy, of Artarman in the County of Sligo, was created in the Baronetage of Ireland on 30 August 1760 for Booth Gore. Sir Robert Gore-Booth, the 4th Baronet was an Anglo-Irish landowner who was accused of evicting starving his tenant farmers during the period of the Great Irish famine and of packing them into coffin ships to emigrate. In contrast, other reports state that he mortgaged his estates and assisted his tenants by both providing them with food and refusing to accept any rents during the famine. From Burke's Peerage: "During the Irish Famine of 1840s, mortgaged the Lissadell estate to provide food for his tenants, refusing meanwhile to accept any rents.". Robert:
(1) married, at the age of 21 years, on friday 23-03-1827 to Caroline King. Note re Caroline: dochter van Robert Edward King.
(2) married, at the age of 24 years, on friday 02-04-1830 in Dublin, Ierland to Caroline Susan Goold. Note re Caroline Susan: dochter van Thomas Goold.
Children of Robert and Caroline Susan:
1 Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth, born in 1831. Follow X-a.
2 Emily Frances G. Gore-Booth, born in 1835.
3 Fanny Stella Ann Gore-Booth, born in 1837.
4 Henry William Gore-Booth, born on saturday 01-07-1843. Follow X-b.
IX-c Henry Gore-Booth was born on tuesday 11-04-1809 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland, son of Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth and Hannah Irwin. Henry is deceased on monday 25-07-1881, 72 years old. Henry:
(1) married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 08-05-1834 to Isabella Smith.
Note re the marriage: woonde te Swiss Cottage, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, Engeland, in 1861 with daughter Emily and her mother Elizabeth Frances, listed as his ´wife´ and with the name Gore-Booth. He lived at 4 Friars St´le? Villas, Richmond, Surrey, England, in 1871 with ´Fanny Gore-Booth, wife.6´ He was a Army officer in 1872.1 He was a Scots Fus Guards. He was listed as a "Captain Army, son of a Baronet" in 1881.7 He lived at 7 Warbeck Terrace, Hammersmith, Chelsea, Middlesex, England, in 1881 listed as married, a lodger in the home of ´Fanny Swindells.. Note re Isabella: dochter van James Smith.
(2) married, at the age of 54 years, on saturday 02-05-1863 in Clifton, Bristol, Gloucester, Groot-Brittannië to Elizabeth Frances Mayner, aged about 30 years.
Note re the marriage: voor zover bekend was Henry Gore-Booth op dat moment nog steeds getrouwd met Isabella Smith.Elizabeth Frances was born about 1833 in Birmingham, Warwickshire, Engeland. Note re the birth of Elizabeth Frances: mogelijk geboren circa 1832 te Lydney, Gloucestershire, Engeland. Note re Elizabeth Frances: ook bekend als Fanny Swindells; dochter van John Mayner; in 1871 woonde ze met Henry en 3 anderen: Ann Jones (65, w, visitor), Ada Jones (33, w., servt), and Note? Jones (14, scholar), allen geboren in Lydney, Gloucestershire, Engeland. Mogelijk haar verwanten? Mogelijk haar moeder en zuster? In 1861 and 1871 staat ze genoteerd als de vrouw van Henry. In 1881 woont Henry als huurder in het huis van Fanny Swindells, weduwe, 49 jaar, geboren in Lydney, Gloucestershire, Engeland.
Children of Henry and Isabella:
1 Mary Isabella Gore-Booth, born in 1835. Follow X-c.
2 Robert Henry Gore-Booth, born on sunday 16-12-1838. Robert Henry is deceased on sunday 23-04-1916, 77 years old.
3 James Gore-Booth, born on tuesday 22-09-1840 in Rou, Dunbarton, Schotland. Follow X-d.
4 Caroline Joanna Gore-Booth, born in 1842. Follow X-e.
5 Joanne Airbella Gore-Booth, born in 1844.
6 Edmund Henry Gore-Booth, born on friday 03-04-1846. Edmund Henry is deceased on thursday 05-05-1904, 58 years old.
7 Henry Francis Gore-Booth, born on wednesday 27-12-1848. Henry Francis is deceased on sunday 04-10-1903, 54 years old. Occupation: rector van Sacred Trinity, Salford. Title: Rev.
8 Reginald Newcomen Henry Gore-Booth, born on monday 02-09-1850. Reginald Newcomen Henry is deceased on saturday 30-04-1921, 70 years old.
9 Isabella McCall Gore-Booth, born in 1852. Isabella McCall is deceased on sunday 24-12-1876, 24 years old.
Child of Henry and Elizabeth Frances:
1 Emily Frances Arrabella Gore-Booth, born on tuesday 04-11-1851 in Chester, Cheshire, Groot-Brittannië. Follow X-f.
X-a Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth was born in 1831, son of Robert Gore-Booth and Caroline Susan Goold. Robert Newcomen married, at the age of 29 years, on thursday 06-09-1860 to Mary Egerton-Warburton. Mary is deceased in 1923.
X-b Henry William Gore-Booth was born on saturday 01-07-1843, son of Robert Gore-Booth and Caroline Susan Goold. Henry William is deceased on saturday 13-01-1900, 56 years old. Occupation: High Sheriff, Arctic explorer. Title: Sir; 5th Baronet of Artarman (Lissadell). Henry William married, at the age of 23 years, on monday 29-04-1867 to Georgina May Hill. Note re Georgina May: dochter van Colonel John Hill of Tickhill Castle, Yorkshire, England.
Children of Henry William and Georgina May:
1 Constance Georgine Gore-Booth, born on tuesday 04-02-1868 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland. Follow XI-a.
2 Josslyn Augustus Richard Gore-Booth, born on thursday 25-02-1869. Follow XI-b.
3 Eva Selina Laura Gore-Booth, born on sunday 22-05-1870 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland. Eva Selina Laura is deceased on wednesday 30-06-1926 in Hampstead, Londen, Groot-Brittannië, 56 years old. Occupation: dichteres van naam en kiesrecht activiste.
4 Mabel Olive Gore-Booth, born in 1874. Follow XI-c.
5 Mordaunt Gore-Booth, born on thursday 05-12-1878.
X-c Mary Isabella Gore-Booth was born in 1835, daughter of Henry Gore-Booth and Isabella Smith. Mary Isabella is deceased on tuesday 06-03-1877, 42 years old. Mary Isabella married, at the age of 29 years, on tuesday 26-01-1864 to Sandbach Parker.
X-d James Gore-Booth was born on tuesday 22-09-1840 in Rou, Dunbarton, Schotland, son of Henry Gore-Booth and Isabella Smith. James is deceased on monday 13-10-1913, 73 years old. Occupation: Captain Royal Engineers, Colonel. James married, at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 20-07-1870 to Louisa Charlotte Trench. Note re Louisa Charlotte: dochter van Henry Trench.
Children of James and Louisa Charlotte:
1 Georgiana Isabella Susan Gore-Booth, born in 1873 in Dublin, Ierland. Follow XI-d.
2 Ethel Norah Gore-Booth, born about 1875.
3 Douglas Bloomfield Gore-Booth, born on monday 15-11-1875 in Woolich. Douglas Bloomfield is deceased on friday 19-01-1900 in Natal, 24 years old.
X-e Caroline Joanna Gore-Booth was born in 1842, daughter of Henry Gore-Booth and Isabella Smith. Caroline Joanna is deceased on monday 17-07-1905, 63 years old. Caroline Joanna married, at the age of 26 years, on thursday 02-07-1868 to James Wallis Dennistoun. James Wallis is deceased on monday 02-11-1908.
X-f Emily Frances Arrabella Gore-Booth was born on tuesday 04-11-1851 in Chester, Cheshire, Groot-Brittannië, daughter of Henry Gore-Booth and Elizabeth Frances Mayner. She was baptized on thursday 29-01-1852 in Liverpool, Lancashire, Groot-Brittannië. Note re the birth of Emily Frances Arrabella: mogelijk geboren in 1852 in Warwick, Engeland mogelijk geboren in Liverpool, Lancashire, Engeland gedoopt in St. Peter's. Emily Frances Arrabella is deceased on saturday 06-03-1915 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 63 years old. Emily Frances Arrabella married, at the age of 20 years, on saturday 02-11-1872 in West Derby, Saint Mary The Virgin, Lancashire, Engeland to William Frederick Warwick.
Note re the marriage: kinderen:
Richard Warwick,
Henry J. Warwick,
Emily Frances Warwick (c 09 Jun 1873 - 11 Dec 1930),
Grace I. Warwick (c 1876),
William Henry Warwick (06 Sep 1876 - bt 1914 - 1919),
Catherine Mary Warwick (c 1878),
Frederick Henry Warwick (09 Aug 1880),
James K. Warwick+ (1882 - Dec 1961),
Alfred Warwick+ (14 Apr 1890 - 11 Aug 1918),
Anne Isabella Warwick (10 Apr 1892),
John Warwick (21 Mar 1895),
Arthur Warwick (08 Mar 1896). Note re William Frederick: zoon van William Henry Warwick en Marianne NN.
XI-a Constance Georgine Gore-Booth was born on tuesday 04-02-1868 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland, daughter of Henry William Gore-Booth and Georgina May Hill. Note re the birth of Constance Georgine: 7 Buckingham Gate, London S.W.?. Constance Georgine is deceased on friday 15-07-1927 at 01:25 in Dublin, Ierland, 59 years old. She was buried in Dublin, Ierland. Note re the death of Constance Georgine: Sir Patrick Dunne's Hospital. Occupation: politician, revolutionary (leadership role in the Irish Easter Rebellion of 1916 and the subsequent revolutionary struggle for freedom in Ireland). Title: Countess Markievicz. Note re Constance Georgine: one of the leaders of the 1916 Rising in Ireland, and was the first woman to be elected to Dail Eireann, where she served as Minister for Labour (thus becoming the first woman minister in a modern European democracy), and was also the first woman to be elected to the House of Commons at Westminster, London (where she declined to take her seat) History: Constance Markievicz, her childhood at Lissadell; her involvement in the 1916 Rising; her 'trial', her time in prison in England and her release; her election as a Sinn Fein MP to Westminster Parliament (the first woman to be elected to this Parliament, she refused to take her seat, but was apparently gratified to learn of a coat peg with her name on it in a Westminster cloakroom); her position as Minister in Dail Eireann; her membership of the Fianna Fail party, and canvassing for Fianna Fail in Sligo. Constance Georgine married, at the age of 32 years, on saturday 29-09-1900 in Londen, Groot-Brittannië to Casimir Dunin-Markievicz, aged 26 years.
Note re the marriage: From Burke´s Peerage:
"Nationalist politician and participant in armed struggle for Irish independance, condemned to death for her part in the Easter Rising 1916 but reprieved and sentence commuted to penal servitude for life (released 1917), elected MP (Sinn Fein) to Imperial Parl., Westminster, for St. Patrick´s, Dublin, 1918-21 (the first woman so elected, but did not take her seat), elected rep Dublin City Provisional Dail Ireland (also Min Labour) 1921-22 and as memb Irish Free State Dail Eireann 1923-27; also a painter.".Casimir was born in 1874 in Polen. Title: Count. Note re Casimir: zoon van Pierre en Marie Shrzaszczewsk; weduwnaar van Jadwida Splawa Neyman.
Child of Constance Georgine and Casimir:
1 Maeve Alys Markievicz, born on wednesday 13-11-1901 in Lissadell, Sligo County, Ierland.
XI-b Josslyn Augustus Richard Gore-Booth was born on thursday 25-02-1869, son of Henry William Gore-Booth and Georgina May Hill. Josslyn Augustus Richard is deceased in 1944, 75 years old. Occupation: landhervormer, creëerde te Lissadell, Sligo, Ierland, een van de eerste tuinbouw landerijen in Europa. Title: Sir; 6th Baronet of Sligo (Lissadell). Note re Josslyn Augustus Richard: 2 zonen gedood in de tweede wereldoorlog. Josslyn Augustus Richard married, at the age of 38 years, in 1907 to Mary l´ Estrange-Malone, aged 23 years. Mary was born in 1884. Mary is deceased in 1968, 84 years old. Title: Lady Gore-Booth.
Children of Josslyn Augustus Richard and Mary:
1 Gabrielle Gore-Booth.
2 Bridget Gore-Booth.
3 Michael Saville Gore-Booth. Title: Sir; 7th Baronet of Sligo.
4 Rosaleen Gore-Booth.
5 Aideen Gore-Booth. Aideen is deceased in 1994.
6 Angus Josslyn Gore-Booth, born on friday 25-06-1920. Follow XII.
XI-c Mabel Olive Gore-Booth was born in 1874, daughter of Henry William Gore-Booth and Georgina May Hill. Mabel Olive married, at the age of 26 years, 12-1900 to Percival Foster.
XI-d Georgiana Isabella Susan Gore-Booth was born in 1873 in Dublin, Ierland, daughter of James Gore-Booth and Louisa Charlotte Trench. Georgiana Isabella Susan married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 25-08-1898 to Frederick St. John Gore.
XII Angus Josslyn Gore-Booth was born on friday 25-06-1920, son of Josslyn Augustus Richard Gore-Booth and Mary l´ Estrange-Malone. Angus Josslyn is deceased on friday 26-01-1996, 75 years old. Title: Sir; 8th Baronet of Sligo. Angus Josslyn married, at the age of 28 years, on saturday 14-08-1948 to Rosemary Myra Vane, aged 26 years. The marriage was dissolved in 1954. Rosemary Myra was born on friday 04-11-1921. Note re Rosemary Myra: dochter van Christopher Vane, Baron Barnard (1888-1964) en Sylvia Straker (+1993).
Child of Angus Josslyn and Rosemary Myra:
1 Josslyn Henry Robert Gore-Booth.
Index (103 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
Booth | Humphrey | [Parent in law of VI-c] | |||
Booth | Letitia (Lettice) | [Partner of VI-c] | |||
Davenant | Helen | [Partner of II] | |||
Dennistoun | James Wallis | 02-11-1908 | [Partner of X-e] | ||
Dunin-Markievicz | Casimir | 1874 | [Partner of XI-a] | ||
Egerton-Warburton | Mary | 1923 | [Partner of X-a] | ||
l´ Estrange-Malone | Mary | 1884 | 1968 | [Partner of XI-b] | |
Foster | Percival | [Partner of XI-c] | |||
Goold | Caroline Susan | [Partner of IX-b] | |||
Gore | Angela Catharine | 1728 | [Daughter of VI-c] | ||
Gore | Anne | [Daughter of IV] | |||
Gore | Anne | Nummer VI-a | |||
Gore | Anne | 14-06-1883 | Nummer IX-a | ||
Gore | Arthur | ||||
Gore | Arthur | [Son of IV] | |||
Gore | Booth | 17-06-1804 | [Son of VII] | ||
Gore | Booth | 1712 | 22-08-1773 | Nummer VII | |
Gore | Catherine | [Daughter of V-g] | |||
Gore | Charles | [Son of IV] | |||
Gore | Elizabeth | [Daughter of IV] | |||
Gore | Frances | Nummer VI-b | |||
Gore | Frances | 1730 | [Daughter of VI-c] | ||
Gore | Francis | 02-1712 | Nummer IV | ||
Gore | Francis | Nummer V-a | |||
Gore | Francis | [Partner of VI-b] | |||
Gore | Frederick St. John | [Partner of XI-d] | |||
Gore | Gerard | ±1516 | 11-12-1607 | Nummer II | |
Gore | Gerard | 07-1555 | [Son of II] | ||
Gore | Henry | [Son of III] | |||
Gore | Henry | [Son of IV] | |||
Gore | Isabella | Nummer V-d | |||
Gore | John | ±1490 | Nummer I | ||
Gore | John | <1560 | [Son of II] | ||
Gore | John | 1714 | 1780 | [Son of VI-c] | |
Gore | Letitia | 1726 | [Daughter of VI-c] | ||
Gore | Mary | Nummer V-c | |||
Gore | Mary | [Daughter of V-g] | |||
Gore | Nathaniel | 1692 | Nummer VI-c | ||
Gore | Paul | Nummer V-b | |||
Gore | Paul | ±1560 | 09-1629 | Nummer III | |
Gore | Ralph | [Son of II] | |||
Gore | Ralph | [Son of III] | |||
Gore | Ralph | ||||
Gore | Richard | [Son of II] | |||
Gore | Richard | Nummer V-e | |||
Gore | Robert | 1657 | 12-1705 | Nummer V-g | |
Gore | William | [Son of IV] | |||
Gore-Booth | Aideen | 1994 | [Daughter of XI-b] | ||
Gore-Booth | Angus Josslyn | 25-06-1920 | 26-01-1996 | Nummer XII | |
Gore-Booth | Bridget | [Daughter of XI-b] | |||
Gore-Booth | Caroline Joanna | 1842 | 17-07-1905 | Nummer X-e | |
Gore-Booth | Constance Georgine | 04-02-1868 | 15-07-1927 | Nummer XI-a | |
Gore-Booth | Douglas Bloomfield | 15-11-1875 | 19-01-1900 | [Son of X-d] | |
Gore-Booth | Edmund Henry | 03-04-1846 | 05-05-1904 | [Son of IX-c] | |
Gore-Booth | Emily Frances Arrabella | 04-11-1851 | 29-01-1852 | 06-03-1915 | Nummer X-f |
Gore-Booth | Emily Frances G. | 1835 | [Daughter of IX-b] | ||
Gore-Booth | Ethel Norah | ±1875 | [Daughter of X-d] | ||
Gore-Booth | Eva Selina Laura | 22-05-1870 | 30-06-1926 | [Daughter of X-b] | |
Gore-Booth | Fanny Stella Ann | 1837 | [Daughter of IX-b] | ||
Gore-Booth | Gabrielle | [Daughter of XI-b] | |||
Gore-Booth | Georgiana Isabella Susan | 1873 | Nummer XI-d | ||
Gore-Booth | Henry | 11-04-1809 | 25-07-1881 | Nummer IX-c | |
Gore-Booth | Henry Francis | 27-12-1848 | 04-10-1903 | [Son of IX-c] | |
Gore-Booth | Henry William | 01-07-1843 | 13-01-1900 | Nummer X-b | |
Gore-Booth | Isabella McCall | 1852 | 24-12-1876 | [Daughter of IX-c] | |
Gore-Booth | James | 22-09-1840 | 13-10-1913 | Nummer X-d | |
Gore-Booth | Joanne Airbella | 1844 | [Daughter of IX-c] | ||
Gore-Booth | Josslyn Augustus Richard | 25-02-1869 | 1944 | Nummer XI-b | |
Gore-Booth | Josslyn Henry Robert | [Son of XII] | |||
Gore-Booth | Mabel Olive | 1874 | Nummer XI-c | ||
Gore-Booth | Mary Isabella | 1835 | 06-03-1877 | Nummer X-c | |
Gore-Booth | Michael Saville | [Son of XI-b] | |||
Gore-Booth | Mordaunt | 05-12-1878 | [Son of X-b] | ||
Gore-Booth | Reginald Newcomen Henry | 02-09-1850 | 30-04-1921 | [Son of IX-c] | |
Gore-Booth | Robert | 25-08-1805 | 21-12-1876 | Nummer IX-b | |
Gore-Booth | Robert Henry | 16-12-1838 | 23-04-1916 | [Son of IX-c] | |
Gore-Booth | Robert Newcomen | 1752 | 23-10-1814 | Nummer VIII | |
Gore-Booth | Robert Newcomen | 1831 | Nummer X-a | ||
Gore-Booth | Rosaleen | [Daughter of XI-b] | |||
Hill | Georgina May | [Partner of X-b] | |||
Hyde | Gertrude | [Partner of V-e] | |||
Ingoldsby | Charles | [Partner of VI-b] | |||
Irwin | Hannah | [Partner of VIII] | |||
Jones | Elinor | [Parent in law of VI-c] | |||
King | Caroline | [Partner of IX-b] | |||
Markievicz | Maeve Alys | 13-11-1901 | [Daughter of XI-a] | ||
Mayner | Elizabeth Frances | ±1833 | [Partner of IX-c] | ||
N.N. | Robert | [Partner of IX-a] | |||
Newcomen | Emily | [Partner of VII] | |||
Newcomen | Frances | [Partner of V-g] | |||
O´Hara | Adam | [Partner of V-d] | |||
Ormsby | John | [Partner of VI-a] | |||
Ormsby | William | [Partner of V-c] | |||
Parke | Anne | 1671 | [Partner of IV] | ||
Parker | Sandbach | [Partner of X-c] | |||
Smith | Isabella | ||||
Spring | Isabella | ||||
Trench | Louisa Charlotte | [Partner of X-d] | |||
Tyffan | N.N. | [Partner of V-a] | |||
Vane | Rosemary Myra | 04-11-1921 | [Partner of XII] | ||
Warwick | William Frederick | [Partner of X-f] | |||
Whyte | Dorcas | [Partner of V-b] | |||
Wycliffe | Isabella | [Partner of III] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 3.3.2 on 27-07-2009 21:00
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