(Zuid-Holland - Medemblik)
By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical.
I Dirck Focker was born about 1596 in Medemblik. Occupation: duinboer. Dirck married to Maria Ariens.
Children of Dirck and Maria:
1 Adriaen Dircksz Focker, born in Medemblik. Follow II-b.
2 Jan Dircksz Focker, born in Medemblik. Follow II-c.
3 Trijntje Dircks Focker, born in Medemblik. Follow II-a.
4 Dirck Dircksz Focker, born in Medemblik. Follow II-d.
5 Pieter Dircksz Focker, born in Medemblik. Follow II-e.
II-a Trijntje Dircks Focker was born in Medemblik, daughter of Dirck Focker and Maria Ariens. Trijntje Dircks married in Renesse to Sijmon Jansz Nieulant. Note re the marriage: waarschijnlijk.Sijmon Jansz was born in Renesse. Note re the birth of Sijmon Jansz: waarschijnlijk. Occupation: landman.
Child of Trijntje Dircks and Sijmon Jansz:
1 Catalijntje Nieulant. She was baptized on sunday 12-12-1649 in Haamstede.
II-b Adriaen Dircksz Focker was born in Medemblik, son of Dirck Focker and Maria Ariens. Occupation: duinboer. Adriaen Dircksz married to Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme.
Children of Adriaen Dircksz and Trijntje Maertensdr:
1 Catalijne Fokker. Follow III-a.
2 Jan Adriaansz Fokker. Follow III-b.
3 Pieter Adriaansz Fokker. Follow III-c.
4 Maerten Adriaansz Fokker. Follow III-d.
5 Maetje Fokker. She was baptized on sunday 29-05-1661 in Haamstede.
6 Dirck Adriaansz Fokker. Follow III-e.
II-c Jan Dircksz Focker was born in Medemblik, son of Dirck Focker and Maria Ariens. Occupation: landman/duinmeier. Jan Dircksz:
(1) married on tuesday 05-12-1656 in Haamstede to Maria Waeijs. Maria was born in Burgh. She was baptized on sunday 11-11-1618 in Haamstede. Note re Maria: dochter van Paulus Waeijs, winkelier te Haamstede, en Adriaantken Jans Pauwels.
(2) married on tuesday 21-02-1662 in Burgh to Aagje Gerrebrants.
Children of Jan Dircksz and Aagje:
1 Catrijntje Fokker. She was baptized on sunday 30-11-1659 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Catrijntje: (uit voorhuwelijkse relatie).
2 Maria Fokker. She was baptized on sunday 31-12-1662 in Haamstede.
3 Dirck Jansz Fokker. Follow III-f.
4 Jacobus Jansz Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 25-04-1666 in Haamstede.
5 Marij Jans Fokker. Follow III-g.
6 Jacoba Fokker. She was baptized on sunday 11-05-1670.
II-d Dirck Dircksz Focker was born in Medemblik, son of Dirck Focker and Maria Ariens. Dirck Dircksz is deceased about 1662 in Haamstede. Occupation: landman. Dirck Dircksz married on wednesday 28-01-1660 in Haamstede to Neeltje Gerrebrants. Neeltje was born in Ellemeet. Neeltje is deceased on monday 13-11-1690 in Haamstede.
Children of Dirck Dircksz and Neeltje:
1 Claes Dircksz Fokker. Follow III-h.
2 Dirck Dirckse Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 26-02-1662 in Haamstede.
II-e Pieter Dircksz Focker was born in Medemblik, son of Dirck Focker and Maria Ariens. Pieter Dircksz is deceased in 1674. Occupation: duinboer. Pieter Dircksz married to Grietje Gerrebrants,after the publication of the bans on tuesday 03-06-1653 in Haamstede. Grietje was born in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Note re Grietje: Grietje Gerrebrands Voorwinde?.
Children of Pieter Dircksz and Grietje:
1 Catarijna Fokker. Follow III-i.
2 Jan Pietersz Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 07-05-1656 in Haamstede.
3 Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse Fokker. Follow III-j.
4 Dirck Pietersz Fokker. Follow III-k.
III-a Catalijne Fokker, daughter of Adriaen Dircksz Focker and Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme. She was baptized on sunday 14-03-1649 in Haamstede. Catalijne married to Pieter Leendertsz Strayer.
III-b Jan Adriaansz Fokker, son of Adriaen Dircksz Focker and Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme. He was baptized on sunday 07-04-1652 in Haamstede. Jan Adriaansz is deceased in 1695. Occupation: schepen te Haamstede en Koudekerke 1689-1695. Jan Adriaansz:
(1) married on tuesday 01-06-1677 in Haamstede to Tanneken van Huyssen. She was baptized on saturday 06-05-1651 in Burgh. Note re Tanneken: dochter van Joris Huyssen en Mayken Jans.
(2) married on saturday 22-09-1691 in Haamstede to Marijtie (Maria) Jans Dagh. Marijtie (Maria) Jans was born in Burgh.
Children of Jan Adriaansz and Tanneken:
1 Adriaan Fokker. Follow IV-a.
2 Joris Fokker. Follow IV-b.
Children of Jan Adriaansz and Marijtie (Maria) Jans:
1 Catharina Jans Fokker. Follow IV-c.
2 Janna Janse Fokker. Follow IV-d.
III-c Pieter Adriaansz Fokker, son of Adriaen Dircksz Focker and Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme. He was baptized on sunday 15-03-1654 in Haamstede. Pieter Adriaansz married to Levijntje Pieters,after the publication of the bans on monday 14-03-1678 in Haamstede. Levijntje was born in Haamstede.
III-d Maerten Adriaansz Fokker, son of Adriaen Dircksz Focker and Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme. He was baptized on sunday 04-06-1656 in Haamstede. Maerten Adriaansz:
(1) married on wednesday 17-02-1683 in Renesse to Berbeltje Dirks (Barbel) de Oude.
(2) married on thursday 16-09-1694 in Elkerzee to Magdalena Pieters Braber,after the publication of the bans on saturday 31-07-1694 in Elkerzee. She´s a daughter of Pieter Petersz Braber and Maijken Joos Hubregtse. She was baptized on sunday 08-01-1662 in Elkerzee. Note re the birth of Magdalena Pieters: doopgetuigen: Maatje Pieters Loos en Bastiaantje Stamperus.
Child of Maerten Adriaansz and Berbeltje Dirks (Barbel):
1 Dirck Maertensz Fokker. Follow IV-e.
III-e Dirck Adriaansz Fokker, son of Adriaen Dircksz Focker and Trijntje Maertensdr van Damme. He was baptized on sunday 02-09-1663 in Haamstede. Dirck Adriaansz married to Adriana Frans.
Children of Dirck Adriaansz and Adriana:
1 Adriana Fokker. Follow IV-g.
2 Laurijna Fokker. Follow IV-f.
3 Dirk Fokker. He was baptized on wednesday 14-12-1701 in Renesse.
III-f Dirck Jansz Fokker, son of Jan Dircksz Focker and Aagje Gerrebrants. He was baptized on sunday 06-04-1664 in Haamstede. Dirck Jansz married on monday 16-11-1705 to Adriana Frans.
III-g Marij Jans Fokker, daughter of Jan Dircksz Focker and Aagje Gerrebrants. She was baptized on wednesday 28-09-1667 in Haamstede. Marij Jans:
(1) married to Jacob van der Vere.
(2) married on saturday 01-03-1692 in Haamstede to Meerten Jasperse Costens, aged 38 years. Meerten Jasperse was born on wednesday 28-01-1654 in Haamstede,son of Jasper Cornelisse Costens and Neeltje Jans. Meerten Jasperse is deceased before friday 16-04-1717, at the most 63 years years old.
Children of Marij Jans and Meerten Jasperse:
1 Neeltie Costens, born on saturday 15-03-1692 in Haamstede.
2 Johannes Costens, born on sunday 12-04-1693 in Haamstede.
3 Catharina Costens, born on sunday 18-04-1694 in Haamstede. Follow IV-h.
4 Johanna Costens, born on sunday 06-01-1697 in Haamstede. Follow IV-i.
5 Leendert Costens, born on thursday 31-07-1698 in Haamstede.
6 Johanna Costens, born on sunday 04-04-1700 in Haamstede.
7 Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) Costense, born on sunday 01-01-1702 in Haamstede. Follow IV-j.
8 Aegie Costens, born on sunday 21-10-1703 in Haamstede.
9 Rochus Costens, born on sunday 09-01-1707 in Haamstede.
10 Martijntje Costens, born on sunday 10-02-1709 in Haamstede.
III-h Claes Dircksz Fokker, son of Dirck Dircksz Focker and Neeltje Gerrebrants. He was baptized on sunday 25-04-1660 in Haamstede. Claes Dircksz married to Grietje Imans Groothant,after the publication of the bans on friday 15-01-1694 in Haamstede. She was baptized on wednesday 12-12-1657 in Haamstede. Grietje Imans is deceased on sunday 04-07-1745 in Haamstede. Note re Grietje Imans: dochter van Ieman Hubrechtse Groothant en Elisabeth Marinisse.
Children of Claes Dircksz and Grietje Imans:
1 Neeltje Fokker, born on wednesday 17-10-1696 in Haamstede. Follow IV-k.
2 Dirk Klaesz Fokker, born on sunday 03-05-1699 in Haamstede. Follow IV-l.
III-i Catarijna Fokker, daughter of Pieter Dircksz Focker and Grietje Gerrebrants. Catarijna married about 1683 to Adriaan Jobse Dartig.
III-j Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse Fokker, daughter of Pieter Dircksz Focker and Grietje Gerrebrants. She was baptized on sunday 02-05-1660 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse: geboren te Westeren Ban onder Haamstede, gedoopt te Burgh?, doopgetuigen: Dirck Dirxse Focker en Neeltje Gerrebrants. Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse is deceased before 10-1692. Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse married on wednesday 19-07-1684 in Dreischor to Cornelis Lievense van Orisant, aged 24 years,after the publication of the bans on saturday 17-06-1684 in Burgh. Cornelis Lievense was born in 1660 in Bommenede. Note re the birth of Cornelis Lievense: in de polder van Blois. Religion: N.G.. Note re Cornelis Lievense: ook genaamd Breevelt, zoon van Lieven Gillissen en Janneke Wijckx.
Children of Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse and Cornelis Lievense:
1 Lieven Cornelisz van Orizant. Follow IV-m.
2 Pieter Cornelisz van Orizant, born in 1686 in Haamstede.
3 Grietje Cornelisse van Orisant, born on sunday 07-03-1688 in Haamstede. Follow IV-n.
4 Maritie Breevelt. She was baptized on sunday 13-11-1689 in Haamstede.
5 Pieternelle van Breevelt. She was baptized on sunday 09-03-1692 in Haamstede.
III-k Dirck Pietersz Fokker, son of Pieter Dircksz Focker and Grietje Gerrebrants. He was baptized on sunday 16-03-1664 in Haamstede. Note re Dirck Pietersz: op 16-11-1699 als Poorter te Zierikzee ingeschreven met een kind. Dirck Pietersz married on tuesday 22-06-1694 in Zierikzee to Maria van der Hout.
IV-a Adriaan Fokker, son of Jan Adriaansz Fokker and Tanneken van Huyssen. He was baptized on sunday 26-02-1679 in Haamstede. Adriaan married to Laurijna Fokker. She´s a daughter of Dirck Adriaansz Fokker and Adriana Frans.
Child of Adriaan and Laurijna:
1 Maarte Adriaanse Fokker, born in 1738.
IV-b Joris Fokker, son of Jan Adriaansz Fokker and Tanneken van Huyssen. He was baptized on sunday 31-10-1683 in Haamstede. He was buried on thursday 30-03-1741 in Middelburg. Note re Joris: werd op 04-04-1722 als poorter van de stad Middelburg ingeschreven. Joris married to Anna Catharina van Moorcant,after the publication of the bans on friday 01-02-1709 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 27-03-1689 in Haamstede. Note re Anna Catharina: dochter van Jacob van Moorcant en Cornelia Naekt.
Children of Joris and Anna Catharina:
1 Jacobus Fokker. Follow V-a.
2 Abraham Fokker, born 09-1719. Follow V-b.
IV-c Catharina Jans Fokker, daughter of Jan Adriaansz Fokker and Marijtie (Maria) Jans Dagh. She was baptized on sunday 22-02-1693 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Catharina Jans: doopgetuige: Berbel Dirx d'Oude, huisvrouw van Meerten Adr. Fokker. Catharina Jans:
(1) married to Boudewijn Gerritse Braber,after the publication of the bans on friday 06-04-1714 in Haamstede. Boudewijn Gerritse was born in Haamstede,son of Gerrit Cornelisse Braber and Neeltje Boudewijnsdr Walzee. Boudewijn Gerritse is deceased before 1721.
(2) married on wednesday 21-05-1721 in Burgh to Peter Brouwer,after the publication of the bans on friday 18-04-1721 in Burgh. Peter was born in Burgh. Peter is deceased in 1775 in Koudekerke. Note re the death of Peter: begraven in de kerk. Religion: N.G.
Child of Catharina Jans and Boudewijn Gerritse:
1 Neeltje Braber. Follow V-c.
IV-d Janna Janse Fokker, daughter of Jan Adriaansz Fokker and Marijtie (Maria) Jans Dagh. She was baptized on sunday 13-03-1695 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Janna Janse: NG, doopgetuigen: Cornelis Dag, Handrik Janse Dag en Mary Dag. Janna Janse is deceased after 1756. Note re Janna Janse: een andere bron noemt als moeder: Tannetje Jorisdr (Westerweel?). Janna Janse:
(1) married to Johannes (Jan) Gerritse Braber,after the publication of the bans on friday 17-04-1716 in Haamstede. He´s a son of Gerrit Cornelisse Braber and Neeltje Boudewijnsdr Walzee. He was baptized on sunday 17-04-1689 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Johannes (Jan) Gerritse: NG, doopgetuige: Elisabeth Braber, vrouw van Philip Jan Marinisse. Johannes (Jan) Gerritse is deceased on wednesday 01-08-1731 in Haamstede.
(2) married on thursday 21-02-1732 in Burgh to Lucas Willemze van Lillo,after the publication of the bans on friday 01-02-1732 in Haamstede. Lucas Willemze was born in Burgh. Note re the death of Lucas Willemze: tussen 1746 en 1755.
Children of Janna Janse and Johannes (Jan) Gerritse:
1 Gerrit Braber. He was baptized on monday 29-03-1717 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: doopgetuigen: Gerrit Cornelisse Braber en Catharina Jans. Gerrit is deceased before 1722.
2 Marijtje Braber. She was baptized on saturday 22-10-1718 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Marijtje: doopgetuigen: Michiel Blom en zijn vrouw.
3 Neeltie Braber. She was baptized on sunday 25-05-1721 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Neeltie: doopgetuigen: Klaas Dirckse Fokker en Grijtie Walzee. Neeltie is deceased before 1727.
4 Gerrit Braber, born on thursday 25-06-1722 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 28-06-1722 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: NG, doopgetuigen: Neeltje Fokker en Cent van Schelvé zijn huisvrouw. Gerrit is deceased before 1730, at the most 8 years years old.
5 Neeltie Braber, born on wednesday 08-01-1727 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 12-01-1727 in Haamstede.
6 Gerrit Jansz Braber, born on monday 07-08-1730 in Haamstede. Follow V-d.
Children of Janna Janse and Lucas Willemze:
1 Arjaantje van Lillo, born on saturday 09-01-1734 in Haamstede. Follow V-e.
2 Willem van Lillo, born on monday 11-06-1742 in Haamstede. Follow V-f.
IV-e Dirck Maertensz Fokker, son of Maerten Adriaansz Fokker and Berbeltje Dirks (Barbel) de Oude. He was baptized on sunday 04-03-1691 in Renesse. Dirck Maertensz married on wednesday 01-12-1723 in Renesse to Maria Krijns.
Children of Dirck Maertensz and Maria:
1 Krijn Fokker, born in Renesse. Follow V-h.
2 Maarten Fokker, born in Renesse. Follow V-g.
IV-f Laurijna Fokker, daughter of Dirck Adriaansz Fokker and Adriana Frans. Laurijna:
(1) married to Lodewijk van Drielen.
(2) married to Adriaan Fokker. He´s a son of Jan Adriaansz Fokker and Tanneken van Huyssen. He was baptized on sunday 26-02-1679 in Haamstede.
Children of Laurijna and Lodewijk:
1 Krijna van Drielen, born in 1722.
2 Dirk van Drielen, born in 1724.
Child of Laurijna and Adriaan:
1 Maarte Adriaanse Fokker, born in 1738.
IV-g Adriana Fokker, daughter of Dirck Adriaansz Fokker and Adriana Frans. Adriana:
(1) married to Dirk Martinusz van Drielen.
(2) married to Marinus Schapekaas.
(3) married to Cornelis van Hulle,after the publication of the bans on thursday 24-11-1735 in Renesse.
(4) married to Rogier van Zuijen,after the publication of the bans on friday 03-03-1752 in Renesse.
IV-h Catharina Costens was born on sunday 18-04-1694 in Haamstede, daughter of Meerten Jasperse Costens and Marij Jans Fokker. Catharina married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 12-08-1718 in Haamstede to Leendert Straijer, aged 26 years. Leendert was born in 1692 in Haamstede.
IV-i Johanna Costens was born on sunday 06-01-1697 in Haamstede, daughter of Meerten Jasperse Costens and Marij Jans Fokker. Johanna married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 07-04-1719 in Burgh to Cornelis van Burgt, aged 24 years. Cornelis was born in 1695 in Burgh.
IV-j Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) Costense was born on sunday 01-01-1702 in Haamstede, son of Meerten Jasperse Costens and Marij Jans Fokker. He was baptized on monday 02-01-1702 in Haamstede. Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 18-10-1731 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Maria Cornelisse de Glopper, aged 25 years. Maria Cornelisse was born on sunday 15-11-1705 in Burgh. Note re Maria Cornelisse: hertrouwd op 04-05-1758 te Serooskerke (DV 33) met Leendert Thonisse Tjoeke, gedoopt op 10-01-1734 te Elkerzee, zoon van Thonis Janse Tjoeke en Lauwrijntje Jonas.
Children of Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) and Maria Cornelisse:
1 Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se), born in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow V-i.
2 Job Kosten. He was baptized on sunday 10-02-1743 in Serooskerke, Schouwen.
3 Johannis Cornelisse Kosten, born in 1745 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow V-j.
IV-k Neeltje Fokker was born on wednesday 17-10-1696 in Haamstede, daughter of Claes Dircksz Fokker and Grietje Imans Groothant. Neeltje married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 11-06-1717 in Haamstede to Cent van Schelven. He was baptized on sunday 13-06-1694 in Biert. Cent is deceased in 1751 in Haamstede. Occupation: molenaar te Haamstede. Note re Cent: zoon van Isaac van Schelven en Neeltje Bosschieter.
Children of Neeltje and Cent:
1 Neeltje van Schelven, born on tuesday 10-08-1723 in Haamstede. Follow V-k.
2 Maria van Schelven, born on saturday 25-03-1730 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 26-03-1730 in Haamstede. Maria is deceased on monday 21-11-1785 in Brouwershaven, 55 years years old.
3 Sara van Schelven, born on monday 30-11-1733 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 06-12-1733 in Haamstede.
4 Cornelis van Schelven, born on thursday 14-02-1737 in Haamstede. Follow V-l.
IV-l Dirk Klaesz Fokker was born on sunday 03-05-1699 in Haamstede, son of Claes Dircksz Fokker and Grietje Imans Groothant. Dirk Klaesz:
(1) married to Marij Engelze.
(2) married to Neeltje den Oude. Neeltje was born about 1704 in Renesse.
(3) married,at the age of 51 years, on monday 15-03-1751 in Renesse to Agnieta Peijs.
Children of Dirk Klaesz and Marij:
1 Janna Fokker (private). Janna:
(1) married to Bartel Straijer.
(2) married to Jacob Tak.
2 Grietje Fokker, born on wednesday 10-06-1722 in Haamstede.
Children of Dirk Klaesz and Neeltje:
1 Lena Fokker. Follow V-n.
2 Klaas Fokker, born on thursday 18-09-1732 in Haamstede. Follow V-o.
Child of Dirk Klaesz and Agnieta:
1 Dirk Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 22-09-1754 in Renesse.
IV-m Lieven Cornelisz van Orizant, son of Cornelis Lievense van Orisant and Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse Fokker. He was baptized on monday 23-04-1685 in Dreischor. Lieven Cornelisz is deceased in 1741 in Haamstede. Lieven Cornelisz married to Maria Dartig,after the publication of the bans on saturday 22-04-1713 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 29-10-1690 in Haamstede. Maria is deceased on friday 28-06-1748 in Haamstede.
IV-n Grietje Cornelisse van Orisant was born on sunday 07-03-1688 in Haamstede, daughter of Cornelis Lievense van Orisant and Geertruyt (Geertje) Pieterse Fokker. Grietje Cornelisse married to Jacob Jacobsz Tak,after the publication of the bans on friday 15-05-1711 in Haamstede. Jacob Jacobsz was born in Zierikzee.
V-a Jacobus Fokker, son of Joris Fokker and Anna Catharina van Moorcant. He was baptized on sunday 19-02-1713. Jacobus married to Willemina Nieuwenhuize.
Child of Jacobus and Willemina:
1 Jacob Fokker, born in 1747.
V-b Abraham Fokker was born 09-1719, son of Joris Fokker and Anna Catharina van Moorcant. Abraham is deceased on monday 15-06-1795 in Middelburg, 75 years years old. Occupation: koopman. Abraham married,at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 29-09-1750 in Middelburg to Johanna Bartramy, aged 24 years. Johanna was born 06-1726 in Frankrijk. She was buried on thursday 07-02-1788 in Middelburg. Note re Johanna: dochter van Anthony Bartramy en Anna Cattiau.
Children of Abraham and Johanna:
1 Anthony Fokker, born on sunday 28-10-1753 in Middelburg. Follow VI-a.
2 Johan Pieter Fokker, born on thursday 09-10-1755 in Middelburg. Follow VI-b.
3 Johanna Fokker, born in 1767 in Middelburg. Follow VI-c.
V-c Neeltje Braber, daughter of Boudewijn Gerritse Braber and Catharina Jans Fokker. She was baptized on friday 03-05-1715 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Neeltje: doopgetuigen: Gerrit Braber en Cristin Walzee. Neeltje married to Christoffel Kluijt,after the publication of the bans on thursday 31-01-1743 in Koudekerke. Christoffel was born in Poortvliet. Note re Christoffel: zoon van Cornelis Kluyt.
Child of Neeltje and Christoffel:
1 Christijne Kluijt, born on tuesday 30-03-1745 in Koudekerke. Follow VI-d.
V-d Gerrit Jansz Braber was born on monday 07-08-1730 in Haamstede, son of Johannes (Jan) Gerritse Braber and Janna Janse Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 13-08-1730 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit Jansz: doopgetuigen: Cent van Schelve en Neeltie Klaesze Fokker, zijn huisvrouw. Gerrit Jansz is deceased about 1794 in Haamstede, about 64 years years old. Occupation: klerk en bode van de gemeente Haamstede. Religion: from 1751 N.H. lidmaat te Haamstede. Note re Gerrit Jansz: beroepen in 1793: Bode van het gerecht, de weeskamer, de armenkamer ende secretaris; knape van de brandspuit; knape en blanijert van de meekeur; clercq en bode van de Westeren Ban van de Duyne en vrije Gemeente van Haamstede. Gerrit Jansz married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 02-08-1754 in Haamstede to Dina Cornelisdr van Zuijen, aged 21 years,after the publication of the bans on thursday 11-07-1754 in Haamstede. Dina Cornelisdr was born on thursday 30-04-1733 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 03-05-1733 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina Cornelisdr: doopgetuigen: Susanna Marinusze van Zuijen en Lijsabet Simonze Kok. Dina Cornelisdr is deceased on saturday 14-12-1799 in Haamstede, 66 years years old. Religion: from 1753 N.H. lidmaat te Haamstede. Note re Dina Cornelisdr: dochter van Cornelis Marinusze van Zuijen en Krina Regiers van Splunteren (Crijna Rogierse de Wever).
Children of Gerrit Jansz and Dina Cornelisdr:
1 Johannes Braber, born on sunday 26-01-1755 in Haamstede. He was baptized on wednesday 29-01-1755 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Johannes: NG, doopgetuige: Janna Jansdr Fokker, weduwe van Lucas van Lillo.
2 Cornelis Gerritszen Braber, born on sunday 20-02-1757 in Haamstede. Follow VI-e.
3 Janna Gerritsdr Braber, born on sunday 06-08-1758 in Haamstede. Follow VI-f.
4 Crina Gerritsdr Braber, born on monday 31-12-1759 in Haamstede. Follow VI-g.
5 Willemina Braber, born on monday 19-10-1761 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 25-10-1761 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Willemina: doopgetuigen: Jona Willem te Water en Janna Bakkers. Note re the death of Willemina: jong overleden.
6 Marinus Braber, born on monday 27-06-1763 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 03-07-1763 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Marinus: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje van Schelve.
7 Lucas Braber, born on sunday 29-07-1764 in Haamstede.
8 Maria Braber, born on wednesday 25-09-1765 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 29-09-1765 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Maria: NG, doopgetuige: Adriana van Lillo.
9 Boudewijn Gerritse Braber, born on tuesday 09-09-1766 in Haamstede. Follow VI-h.
10 Cornelia Braber, born on wednesday 04-11-1767 in Haamstede. She was baptized on saturday 07-11-1767 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Cornelia: NG, doopgetuige: Cornelia Marinusdr van Zuijen.
11 Neeltje Braber, born on wednesday 11-10-1769 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 15-10-1769 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Neeltje: NG, doopgetuige: Crina Marinuszen van Zuijen. Neeltje is deceased before 1772, at the most 3 years years old.
12 Johannes Braber, born on friday 30-11-1770 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 09-12-1770 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Johannes: NG, doopgetuige: Janna Bakker.
13 Neeltje Gerritszen Braber, born on monday 01-06-1772 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 07-06-1772 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Neeltje Gerritszen: NG, doopgetuige: Crina Marinuszen van Zuijen.
V-e Arjaantje van Lillo was born on saturday 09-01-1734 in Haamstede, daughter of Lucas Willemze van Lillo and Janna Janse Fokker. Arjaantje married to Jan Bakker.
V-f Willem van Lillo was born on monday 11-06-1742 in Haamstede, son of Lucas Willemze van Lillo and Janna Janse Fokker. Willem married to Crijna Westerweel. Note re the marriage: Uit dit huwelijk:
1. Lucas van Lillo, geboren 04-01-1766 te Burgh, gedoopt 05-01-1766 te Burgh, overleden 06-09-1772 te Brouwershaven;
2. Willemijntje (Kornelia gedoopt) van Lillo, geboren 03-02-1767 te Burgh;
3. Cornelis van Lillo, geboren 28-01-1770 te Burgh, overleden 16-11-1778 te Brouwershaven.She´s a daughter of Cornelis Bastiaanse Westerweel and Willemijntje Willems Beije. She was baptized on wednesday 28-11-1742 in Burgh.
V-g Maarten Fokker was born in Renesse, son of Dirck Maertensz Fokker and Maria Krijns. Maarten married to Dina Groenleer,after the publication of the bans on friday 08-02-1765 in Burgh.
V-h Krijn Fokker was born in Renesse, son of Dirck Maertensz Fokker and Maria Krijns. Krijn:
(1) married to Maatje Pieterse Natte. She was baptized on sunday 21-04-1726 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Maatje Pieterse is deceased in 1771 in Ellemeet.
(2) married on thursday 11-06-1772 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Jacoba Imansdr de Jonge.
Children of Krijn and Maatje Pieterse:
1 Dirk Fokker, born in Ellemeet. Follow VI-i.
2 Pieter Fokker, born on wednesday 07-03-1764 in Ellemeet. Follow VI-j.
3 Cornelis Fokker, born in Ellemeet. He was baptized on sunday 19-07-1767 in Serooskerke, Schouwen.
4 Maria Fokker, born in Ellemeet. Follow VI-k.
5 Cornelia Fokker, born in Ellemeet. She was baptized on sunday 24-11-1771 in Serooskerke, Schouwen.
Child of Krijn and Jacoba Imansdr:
1 Krijna Fokker, born on sunday 25-07-1773 in Serooskerke, Schouwen.
V-i Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) was born in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) Costense and Maria Cornelisse de Glopper. He was baptized on sunday 27-03-1740 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse is deceased on tuesday 15-04-1817 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse married to Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). The religious wedding was celebrated about 1762 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: (trouwboek verloren gegaan)]. Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr was born in Rengerskerke,daughter of Hend(e)rick (Heyndrick) Willemse (Wolfertse) Boot (Boodt) and Leena Adriaense Kister(s). She was baptized on sunday 01-09-1737 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 33]. Note re the birth of Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr: doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Boot. Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr is deceased on sunday 11-10-1812 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: akte 8]. She was buried on sunday 11-10-1812 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: Register permissie begraven Serooskerke 1806-1813].
Children of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr:
1 Cornelis Jacobse Kosten, born in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VI-l.
2 Leendert Kosten, born about 1765 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VI-m.
3 Cornelia Kosten, born in Serooskerke, Schouwen. She was baptized on sunday 31-07-1768 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 34].
4 Marinus Kosten, born in 1770 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VI-n.
5 Maria Kosten, born in Serooskerke, Schouwen. She was baptized on sunday 21-03-1773 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 34].
6 Jan Kosten, born on wednesday 11-09-1776 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VI-o.
7 Johannis Kosten, born on saturday 06-03-1779 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VI-p.
8 Johanna Kosten. She was baptized on sunday 27-02-1780 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 34].
V-j Johannis Cornelisse Kosten was born in 1745 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Cornelis Maartense (Meertens) Costense and Maria Cornelisse de Glopper. Johannis Cornelisse is deceased on tuesday 15-03-1825 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 80 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Johannis Cornelisse married to Maria Janse den Boer,after the publication of the bans on friday 27-03-1772 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. The religious wedding was celebrated on thursday 16-04-1772 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 33]. Maria Janse was born in Ellemeet. She was baptized on saturday 04-10-1749 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Maria Janse is deceased on monday 07-11-1831 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Note re Maria Janse: dochter van Jan Pieterse den Boer en Elisabeth Hoogenboom.
Children of Johannis Cornelisse and Maria Janse:
1 Cornelia Kosten, born on saturday 17-10-1772 in Noordgouwe. Follow VI-q.
2 Jan Kosten, born on monday 17-11-1788 in Ellemeet. Follow VI-r.
V-k Neeltje van Schelven was born on tuesday 10-08-1723 in Haamstede, daughter of Cent van Schelven and Neeltje Fokker. She was baptized on sunday 15-08-1723 in Haamstede. Neeltje married to Marinus Cornelisse van Zuijen,after the publication of the bans on friday 07-09-1742 in Haamstede. He was baptized on wednesday 13-11-1720 in Haamstede. Note re Marinus Cornelisse: zoon van Cornelis Marinusze van Zuijen en Crijna Rogierse de Wever.
Children of Neeltje and Marinus Cornelisse:
1 Cornelia Marinusse van Zuijen, born on wednesday 18-03-1744 in Haamstede. Follow VI-s.
2 Cornelis Marinusz van Zuijen, born on sunday 08-02-1750 in Haamstede. Follow VI-t.
3 Klaas van Zuijen, born on sunday 14-04-1754 in Haamstede.
4 Willem van Zuijen, born on friday 10-08-1759 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 19-08-1759 in Haamstede.
V-l Cornelis van Schelven was born on thursday 14-02-1737 in Haamstede, son of Cent van Schelven and Neeltje Fokker. He was baptized on sunday 17-02-1737 in Haamstede. Occupation: meester timmerman. Cornelis married to Joppa de Glopper. She´s a daughter of Adriaan de Glopper and Neeltje Krijgsman. She was baptized on sunday 21-09-1738 in Burgh.
V-n Lena Fokker, daughter of Dirk Klaesz Fokker and Neeltje den Oude. Lena:
(1) married to Marinus Braber.
(2) married to Marinus Krommenboom.
V-o Klaas Fokker was born on thursday 18-09-1732 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Klaesz Fokker and Neeltje den Oude. Klaas is deceased on tuesday 07-10-1760 in Azië, 28 years years old. Note re the death of Klaas: in Azië aan boord van het V.O.C. schip "Kattendijke". Note re Klaas: voer in 1759 als soldaat op het schip "Vredestein" van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Klaas married to Stoffelina Verdijk,after the publication of the bans on friday 30-08-1754 in Renesse. Stoffelina was born on tuesday 17-08-1728 in Haamstede,daughter of Jan Verdijk and Barbara Walzee.
Children of Klaas and Stoffelina:
1 Jan Fokker, born in Renesse. Follow VI-u.
2 Dirk Fokker, born in 1753 in Haamstede. Follow VI-v.
VI-a Anthony Fokker was born on sunday 28-10-1753 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Johanna Bartramy. He was baptized on tuesday 30-10-1753 in Middelburg. Anthony is deceased on thursday 24-08-1820 in Middelburg, 66 years years old. Occupation: koopman, lid rechtbank van Koophandel. Anthony married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 23-09-1777 in Middelburg to Adriana Sanders, aged 24 years. Adriana was born on thursday 28-06-1753 in Middelburg. She was baptized on sunday 01-07-1753 in Middelburg. Adriana is deceased on sunday 13-07-1823 in Middelburg, 70 years years old. Note re Adriana: dochter van Johannes Sanders en Maria de Buck; woonden ca. 1750 te Middelburg.
Children of Anthony and Adriana:
1 Maria Fokker, born on tuesday 19-05-1778 in Middelburg. Follow VII-a.
2 Abraham Fokker, born on saturday 03-02-1781 in Middelburg. Follow VII-b.
3 Sentina Fokker, born on sunday 24-08-1783 in Middelburg. Follow VII-c.
4 Johan Pieter Fokker, born on thursday 24-11-1785 in Middelburg. Follow VII-d.
VI-b Johan Pieter Fokker was born on thursday 09-10-1755 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Johanna Bartramy. Johan Pieter is deceased on sunday 30-10-1831 in Axel, 76 years years old. Occupation: Gedeputeerde der Staten-Generaal, Lid uitvoerend Bewind Bataafsche Republiek, ´s Lands astromonist, Arts te Axel en Middelburg. Johan Pieter married,at the age of 33 years, on saturday 15-08-1789 in Axel to Johanna Hoelands, aged 32 years. Johanna was born on wednesday 24-11-1756 in Axel. Johanna is deceased on tuesday 28-11-1815 in Axel, 59 years years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Levinus Hoelands en Elsje Frajenhoven.
Child of Johan Pieter and Johanna:
1 Johanna Fokker, born in 1794 in Axel. Johanna is deceased on thursday 19-04-1810 in Hulst, 16 years years old.
VI-c Johanna Fokker was born in 1767 in Middelburg, daughter of Abraham Fokker and Johanna Bartramy. Johanna married to Huibregt van der Meer,after the publication of the bans on sunday 28-01-1798 in Middelburg. Huibregt was born in 1768 in Middelburg. Huibregt is deceased on thursday 18-03-1841 in Middelburg, 73 years years old. Occupation: commissionair, rechter Rechtbank van Koophandel Middelburg.
Children of Johanna and Huibregt:
1 Maria Johanna van der Meer, born in 1799 in Middelburg. Follow VII-e.
2 Adriana Anthonia van der Meer, born in 1802 in Middelburg. Follow VII-f.
VI-d Christijne Kluijt was born on tuesday 30-03-1745 in Koudekerke, daughter of Christoffel Kluijt and Neeltje Braber. She was baptized on sunday 04-04-1745 in Koudekerke. Note re the birth of Christijne: doopgetuigen: Cornelis Kluyt en Janna Marinisse. Christijne married,at the age of 32 years, in 1777 to François Verhulst.
VI-e Cornelis Gerritszen Braber was born on sunday 20-02-1757 in Haamstede, son of Gerrit Jansz Braber and Dina Cornelisdr van Zuijen. He was baptized on sunday 27-02-1757 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Cornelis Gerritszen: NG, doopgetuige: Cornelia van Zuijen. Cornelis Gerritszen married,at the age of 26 years, on monday 18-08-1783 in Haamstede to Lena Pieterze Stoofman.
Children of Cornelis Gerritszen and Lena Pieterze:
1 Gerrit Braber, born on thursday 20-11-1783 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 23-11-1783 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: NG, doopgetuige: Crina Bakker, huisvrouw van Pieter Overdulve. Gerrit is deceased before 1790, at the most 7 years years old.
2 Pieter Braber, born on wednesday 09-02-1785 in Haamstede. Follow VII-g.
3 Dina Braber, born on wednesday 19-04-1786 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 23-04-1786 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina: NG. Dina is deceased before 1793, at the most 7 years years old.
4 Cornelia Braber, born on thursday 08-11-1787 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 11-11-1787 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Cornelia: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Stoofman, huisvrouw van Dingeman Verboom.
5 Gerrit Cornelisse Braber, born on monday 04-10-1790 in Haamstede. Follow VII-h.
6 Dina Braber, born on saturday 28-12-1793 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 05-01-1794 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Gerritsze Braber. Dina is deceased before 1796, at the most 3 years years old.
7 Dina Braber, born on wednesday 19-10-1796 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 30-10-1796 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Gerritsze Braber.
VI-f Janna Gerritsdr Braber was born on sunday 06-08-1758 in Haamstede, daughter of Gerrit Jansz Braber and Dina Cornelisdr van Zuijen. She was baptized on sunday 13-08-1758 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Janna Gerritsdr: NG, doopgetuige: Arjaantie van Lillo, huisvrouw van Jan Bakker. Janna Gerritsdr is deceased on friday 29-01-1830 in Burgh, 71 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Janna Gerritsdr married to Adriaan Gillisse. Adriaan is deceased before 1830.
VI-g Crina Gerritsdr Braber was born on monday 31-12-1759 in Haamstede, daughter of Gerrit Jansz Braber and Dina Cornelisdr van Zuijen. She was baptized on wednesday 02-01-1760 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Crina Gerritsdr: doopgetuige: Cornelia van Zuijen. Crina Gerritsdr is deceased before 09-1822, at the most 62 years years old. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Crina Gerritsdr married to Pieter Janszen Overdulve. Pieter Janszen was born on saturday 14-10-1758 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 22-10-1758 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Pieter Janszen: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltie Jansdr Houtman, huisvrouw van Cornelis Quant. Pieter Janszen is deceased on wednesday 04-09-1822 in Haamstede, 63 years years old. Occupation: dagloner. Note re Pieter Janszen: zoon van Jan Pietersz Overdulve en Adriaantje Jansdr Houtman.
Children of Crina Gerritsdr and Pieter Janszen:
1 Adriaan Overdulve, born on sunday 22-07-1781 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 12-08-1781 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Adriaan: tweeling met Adriana. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Adriana Overdulve, born on sunday 22-07-1781 in Haamstede. Follow VII-i.
3 Gerrit Overdulve, born on tuesday 06-08-1782 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 11-08-1782 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: doopgetuige: Dina Corneliszen van Zuijen. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Jan Overdulve, born on thursday 19-02-1784 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 22-02-1784 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Jan: doopgetuige: Willemijntje Frans, huisvrouw van Johannes Bineveld. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
5 Dina Overdulve, born on wednesday 05-07-1786 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 09-07-1786 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina: doopgetuige: Janna Gerritsdr Braber. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
6 Gerrit Overdulve, born on tuesday 02-10-1787 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 07-10-1787 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: doopgetuige: Janna Gerritsdr Braber. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
7 Adolph Overdulve, born on wednesday 26-11-1788 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 30-11-1788 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Adolph: doopgetuige: Willemijntje Frans. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
8 Janna Overdulve, born on thursday 30-09-1790 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 03-10-1790 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Janna: doopgetuige: Janna Gerritsdr Braber. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
9 Jacob Overdulve, born about 1792 in Haamstede. Jacob is deceased on friday 20-11-1840 in Leeuwarden, about 48 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jacob remained unmarried.
10 Jan Overdulve, born on monday 05-03-1792 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 11-03-1792 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Jan: doopgetuige: Willemijntje Frans, huisvrouw van Johannes Bieneveld. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
11 Gerrit Overdulve, born on tuesday 30-12-1794 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 04-01-1795 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: doopgetuige: Neeltje Gerritszen Braber. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
VI-h Boudewijn Gerritse Braber was born on tuesday 09-09-1766 in Haamstede, son of Gerrit Jansz Braber and Dina Cornelisdr van Zuijen. He was baptized on sunday 14-09-1766 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Boudewijn Gerritse: doopgetuige: Janna Bakker, huisvrouw van Corns Corns van Zuijen. Boudewijn Gerritse is deceased on thursday 01-04-1813 in Haamstede, 46 years years old. Occupation: dagloner. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Boudewijn Gerritse married to Francina (Sijntje) Martens (Maartenze) van Winsum (Winzum). Francina (Sijntje) Martens (Maartenze) was born about 1753 in Haamstede. Francina (Sijntje) Martens (Maartenze) is deceased on monday 12-02-1821 in Haamstede, about 68 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster.
Children of Boudewijn Gerritse and Francina (Sijntje) Martens (Maartenze):
1 Gerrit Braber, born on saturday 23-04-1796 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 01-05-1796 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Gerritsze Braber.
2 Boudewijn Braber, born on sunday 31-12-1797 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 14-01-1798 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Boudewijn: doopgetuigen: Dina van Zuijen en Neeltje Gerritz Braber, doophefster. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
3 Dingeman Braber, born on wednesday 12-02-1800 in Haamstede. Follow VII-j.
VI-i Dirk Fokker was born in Ellemeet, son of Krijn Fokker and Maatje Pieterse Natte. He was baptized on sunday 05-09-1762 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Dirk is deceased on friday 17-02-1843 in Renesse. Occupation: bouwman, landman. Dirk married on wednesday 07-05-1788 in Renesse to Krina van Akeloo, aged 15 years. Krina was born in 1773. Krina is deceased on monday 25-09-1826 in Renesse, 53 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Krina: dochter van Jan van Akeloo en Adriaantje Wisse.
Children of Dirk and Krina:
1 Jan Fokker, born in 1792 in Renesse. Follow VII-k.
2 Adriana Fokker, born on saturday 18-07-1795 in Renesse. Follow VII-l.
3 Maatje Fokker, born in 1799 in Renesse. Follow VII-m.
4 Neeltje Fokker, born on friday 06-12-1805 in Renesse. Follow VII-n.
5 Pieter Fokker, born on monday 01-04-1811 in Renesse. Follow VII-o.
VI-j Pieter Fokker was born on wednesday 07-03-1764 in Ellemeet, son of Krijn Fokker and Maatje Pieterse Natte. He was baptized on sunday 11-03-1764 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Pieter is deceased on tuesday 27-08-1850 in Haamstede, 86 years years old. Occupation: winkelier. Pieter married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 30-06-1790 in Renesse to Neeltje Abrahamse de Bruine, aged 21 years. Neeltje Abrahamse was born in 1769 in Renesse. Neeltje Abrahamse is deceased on saturday 13-03-1841 in Renesse, 72 years years old. Occupation: winkelierster. Note re Neeltje Abrahamse: dochter van Abraham Stoffelse de Bruijne en Willemijntje Jansdr Buurman.
Children of Pieter and Neeltje Abrahamse:
1 Maatje Fokker, born on friday 17-12-1790 in Renesse. She was baptized on saturday 25-12-1790 in Noordwelle.
2 Krijn Fokker, born on sunday 22-05-1796 in Renesse. Follow VII-p.
3 Kornelia Fokker, born on thursday 28-03-1799 in Renesse. Follow VII-q.
VI-k Maria Fokker was born in Ellemeet, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Maatje Pieterse Natte. She was baptized on sunday 16-04-1769 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Maria married to Cornelis Gast. Cornelis was born in Renesse. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Cornelis Gast en Janna Wisse.
Child of Maria and Cornelis:
1 Cornelis Gast, born on friday 18-02-1791 in Noordwelle. Follow VII-r.
VI-l Cornelis Jacobse Kosten was born in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). He was baptized on sunday 18-09-1763 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: DV 34]. Cornelis Jacobse is deceased on saturday 24-09-1842 in Nieuwerkerk. Note re the death of Cornelis Jacobse: als Kostense. Occupation: landbouwer op de hofstede Bouwlust te Nieuwerkerk. Cornelis Jacobse married to Neeltje Cornelisse de Glopper,after the publication of the bans on friday 14-10-1796 in Nieuwerkerk. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 30-10-1796 in Nieuwerkerk. Neeltje Cornelisse was born in Ellemeet,daughter of Cornelis de Glopper and Sara Daniëlse Bakker. She was baptized on sunday 22-04-1759 in Elkerzee. Neeltje Cornelisse is deceased on tuesday 11-10-1831 in Nieuwerkerk. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Neeltje Cornelisse: weduwe van Marinus Abelse van Agthoven, voordien landbouwer op Bouwlust.
VI-m Leendert Kosten was born about 1765 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). Leendert is deceased on tuesday 10-06-1828 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, about 63 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Leendert married to Joppa Koense Landegent,after the publication of the bans on wednesday 17-03-1802 in Noordwelle [source: trouwgelden]. She was baptized on sunday 04-12-1757 in Dreischor. Joppa Koense is deceased on wednesday 27-02-1833 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Note re Joppa Koense: dochter van Koenraad Hubrechtse (van) Landegent en Catalijntje Jacobs Landsheer. Leendert and Joppa Koense remained childless.
VI-n Marinus Kosten was born in 1770 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). Marinus is deceased on monday 14-01-1833 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 63 years years old. Occupation: kleermaker. Marinus married to Dina Maartense Dooge,after the publication of the bans on thursday 31-07-1806 in Nieuwerkerk. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 26-08-1806 in Nieuwerkerk. She was baptized on sunday 16-08-1761 in Dreischor. Dina Maartense is deceased on saturday 06-02-1830 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Note re Dina Maartense: dochter van Maarten Janisse Dooge en Dina Aalbregtse Sorge, weduwe van Hendrik Abelse van Agthoven. Marinus and Dina Maartense remained childless.
VI-o Jan Kosten was born on wednesday 11-09-1776 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). Jan is deceased on tuesday 09-01-1838 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Jan married to Elizabeth Verseput,after the publication of the bans on thursday 13-12-1804 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Elizabeth was born in Ellemeet. She was baptized on friday 13-09-1782 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Elizabeth is deceased on wednesday 10-06-1868 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Cornelis Jacobse Verseput en Pieternella Pieterse Kosten(se) (geb. Burgh).
Children of Jan and Elizabeth:
1 Maria Kosten, born on wednesday 12-06-1811 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VII-s.
2 Janna Kosten, born on saturday 02-07-1814 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VII-t.
VI-p Johannis Kosten was born on saturday 06-03-1779 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Jakob (Jacob) Cornelisse Kosten(se) and Elisabeth (Lijsbeth, Lijsebet) Heyndricksdr Boot (Bood). He was baptized on sunday 27-02-1780 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Johannis is deceased on friday 08-01-1830 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 50 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Johannis married,at the age of 29 years, on sunday 01-05-1808 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Jannetje Leendertse Kloet, aged 22 years. Jannetje Leendertse was born on monday 27-06-1785 in Kerkwerve. She was baptized on sunday 03-07-1785 in Kerkwerve. Jannetje Leendertse is deceased on monday 18-02-1861 in Noordwelle, 75 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Jannetje Leendertse: dochter van Leendert Janse en Pieternella Bartelse Kloet.
Children of Johannis and Jannetje Leendertse:
1 Kornelia Kosten, born in 1809. Follow VII-u.
2 Jakob Kosten, born on sunday 31-01-1813 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VII-v.
3 Johanna Kosten, born on thursday 06-03-1817 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VII-w.
VI-q Cornelia Kosten was born on saturday 17-10-1772 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Johannis Cornelisse Kosten and Maria Janse den Boer. She was baptized on sunday 01-11-1772 in Noordgouwe. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 09-06-1852 in Ellemeet, 79 years years old. Cornelia married,at the age of 34 years, on saturday 15-11-1806 in Elkerzee to Leendert Boogerd,after the publication of the bans in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Leendert was born in Ellemeet. He was baptized on sunday 26-02-1769 in Elkerzee. Leendert is deceased on monday 30-10-1843 in Ellemeet. Address: Ellemeet. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Leendert: zoon van Cornelis Johannesse Boogerd en Sara Daniëlse Bakker; bezat bij zijn overlijden een hofstede met 51.21.90 ha grond.
VI-r Jan Kosten was born on monday 17-11-1788 in Ellemeet, son of Johannis Cornelisse Kosten and Maria Janse den Boer. He was baptized on sunday 23-11-1788 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Jan is deceased on sunday 19-01-1851 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 62 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, later arbeider. Jan:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 11-09-1811 in Noordwelle to Janna Hoogenboom, aged 18 years. Janna was born on friday 11-01-1793 in Noordwelle. She was baptized on sunday 20-01-1793 in Noordwelle. Janna is deceased on thursday 21-08-1823 in Noordwelle, 30 years years old. Note re Janna: dochter van Jacob Hoogenboom, landbouwer op Zelandia te Noordwelle, en Cornelia Gerritse de Vos.
(2) married,at the age of 40 years, on friday 12-06-1829 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Willemijna Walgier (Walligier), aged 28 years. Willemijna was born on tuesday 13-01-1801 in Zierikzee. She was baptized on wednesday 14-01-1801 in Zierikzee. Willemijna is deceased on monday 25-09-1871 in Kralingen, 70 years years old. Note re Willemijna: dochter van Jan Walgier en Johanna van Dorp.
VI-s Cornelia Marinusse van Zuijen was born on wednesday 18-03-1744 in Haamstede, daughter of Marinus Cornelisse van Zuijen and Neeltje van Schelven. She was baptized on sunday 22-03-1744 in Haamstede. Cornelia Marinusse married,at the age of 18 years, on friday 11-06-1762 in Haamstede to Cornelis Marinusz de Man. He was baptized on sunday 22-05-1740 in Zonnemaire. Note re Cornelis Marinusz: zoon van Marinis de Man en Elizabeth Keuvelaar.
Child of Cornelia Marinusse and Cornelis Marinusz:
1 Marinus Cornelisse de Man, born on monday 20-08-1764 in Haamstede. Follow VII-x.
VI-t Cornelis Marinusz van Zuijen was born on sunday 08-02-1750 in Haamstede, son of Marinus Cornelisse van Zuijen and Neeltje van Schelven. Occupation: molenaar. Cornelis Marinusz married to Johanna van der Vorst. Johanna was born on sunday 08-08-1751 in Oostkapelle. Johanna is deceased on monday 27-04-1829 in Oostkapelle, 77 years years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jan van der Vorst en Willemijntje den Hollander.
Child of Cornelis Marinusz and Johanna:
1 Marinus van Zuijen, born on saturday 02-03-1793 in Oostkapelle. Follow VII-y.
VI-u Jan Fokker was born in Renesse, son of Klaas Fokker and Stoffelina Verdijk. Jan is deceased on wednesday 22-01-1800 in Burgh. Jan married on thursday 18-04-1782 in Haamstede to Aagtje Matthijssen. Aagtje was born in Serooskerke, Schouwen,daughter of Cornelis Jansz Matthijszen. Aagtje is deceased on thursday 27-12-1804 in Burgh.
Children of Jan and Aagtje:
1 Nicolaas Fokker, born on wednesday 14-01-1784 in Haamstede. Follow VII-z.
2 Cornelis Fokker, born on sunday 24-12-1786 in Haamstede.
3 Adriana Fokker, born in 1789 in Haamstede. Follow VII-aa.
4 Stoffel Fokker, born on thursday 01-10-1789 in Burgh. Follow VII-ab.
5 Dirk Fokker, born on thursday 22-01-1795 in Haamstede. Follow VII-ac.
VI-v Dirk Fokker was born in 1753 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Stoffelina Verdijk. Dirk is deceased on sunday 23-01-1814 in Haamstede, 61 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Dirk married,at the age of 45 years, on thursday 12-04-1798 in Haamstede to Adriana Vis, aged 29 years. Adriana was born on saturday 10-12-1768 in Haamstede,daughter of Pieter Maartensz Vis and Lena Aalbrechtse Boot. She was baptized on sunday 11-12-1768 in Haamstede [source: RBS 220]. Note re the birth of Adriana: doopgetuige: Tona Leendertse Blom Den 10 is gebooren en den 11 december gedoopt
het kind van
Pieter Martensen Vis
Lena Aalbrechtse Boot
Getuijge wed. Tona Leedense Blom
De Naam van 't kind Adriana
. Adriana is deceased on saturday 01-10-1831 in Haamstede, 62 years years old. Occupation: dagloonster.
Children of Dirk and Adriana:
1 Klaas Fokker, born on wednesday 13-03-1799 in Haamstede. Follow VII-ad.
2 Pieter Fokker, born on sunday 22-02-1807 in Haamstede.
VII-a Maria Fokker was born on tuesday 19-05-1778 in Middelburg, daughter of Anthony Fokker and Adriana Sanders. Maria is deceased on monday 18-07-1836 in Middelburg, 58 years years old. Maria married to Salomon van Soelen,after the publication of the bans on friday 24-02-1804 in Middelburg. Salomon was born on wednesday 24-06-1778. Salomon is deceased on wednesday 01-11-1837, 59 years years old. Occupation: klerk, handelaar, bierbrouwer.
VII-b Abraham Fokker was born on saturday 03-02-1781 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Fokker and Adriana Sanders. He was baptized on thursday 08-02-1781 in Middelburg. Abraham is deceased on tuesday 27-12-1825 in Middelburg, 44 years years old. Occupation: koopman, leerlooier. Abraham:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 23-06-1807 in Dordrecht to Maria Adriana ´t Hooft, aged 24 years,after the publication of the bans on friday 05-06-1807 in Dordrecht. Maria Adriana was born on tuesday 10-06-1783 in Dordrecht. She was baptized on thursday 12-06-1783 in Dordrecht. Maria Adriana is deceased on tuesday 05-04-1814 in Middelburg, 30 years years old. Note re Maria Adriana: dochter van Adriaan 't Hooft (02-07-1742 Dordrecht - 29-10-1824 Dordrecht) en Geertruyda van Breugel (28-10-1757 Berchem - 08-03-1828 Dordrecht).
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on wednesday 01-05-1816 in Zierikzee to Elisabeth Susanna Boom, aged 20 years. Elisabeth Susanna was born on sunday 13-09-1795 in Zierikzee. Elisabeth Susanna is deceased on wednesday 20-01-1864 in Middelburg, 68 years years old. Note re Elisabeth Susanna: dochter van Boudewijn Boom en Judith de Kater.
Children of Abraham and Maria Adriana:
1 Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker, born on thursday 08-06-1809 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-a.
2 Adriaan Abraham Fokker, born on tuesday 24-07-1810 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-b.
3 Gerrit Adriaan Fokker, born on tuesday 17-12-1811 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-c.
4 Maria Johanna Petronella Fokker, born on sunday 06-12-1812 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-d.
Children of Abraham and Elisabeth Susanna:
1 Boudewijn Anthony Fokker, born on tuesday 21-10-1817 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-e.
2 Cornelis Jacobus Fokker, born on friday 13-08-1819 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-f.
3 Pieter Sentinus Fokker, born on tuesday 15-05-1821 in Middelburg. Pieter Sentinus is deceased on saturday 14-12-1822 in Middelburg, 1 year years old.
4 Abraham Marinus Fokker, born on monday 30-06-1823 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-g.
VII-c Sentina Fokker was born on sunday 24-08-1783 in Middelburg, daughter of Anthony Fokker and Adriana Sanders. Sentina is deceased on monday 27-09-1824 in Middelburg, 41 years years old. Sentina married,at the age of 24 years, on sunday 03-04-1808 in Middelburg to Pieter Johannis Spaan, aged 22 years. Pieter Johannis was born 08-1785 in Middelburg. Pieter Johannis is deceased on thursday 05-04-1866 in Rotterdam, 80 years years old. Note re Pieter Johannis: zoon van Isaac Spaan en Maria Onrust.
Child of Sentina and Pieter Johannis:
1 Christiaan Jan Spaan, born in 1821 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-h.
VII-d Johan Pieter Fokker was born on thursday 24-11-1785 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Fokker and Adriana Sanders. Johan Pieter is deceased on wednesday 03-04-1844 in Sas van Gent, 58 years years old. Occupation: advocaat, districts commissaris Walcheren, Rijksbetaalmeester en Wethouder Sas van Gent, waarnemend Prefect Middelburg. Johan Pieter married,at the age of 22 years, on monday 21-12-1807 in Groede to Maria Dina Faro, aged 19 years. Maria Dina was born on friday 11-01-1788 in Groede. Maria Dina is deceased on monday 24-06-1861 in Oostburg, 73 years years old. Note re Maria Dina: dochter van Johannes Faro en Adriana Josina Luteijn.
Children of Johan Pieter and Maria Dina:
1 Adriana Johanna Fokker, born on sunday 16-04-1809 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-i.
2 Johanna Antonia Fokker, born on thursday 25-10-1810 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-j.
3 Johannes Lambertus Fokker, born on wednesday 19-08-1812 in Middelburg. Follow VIII-k.
4 Maria Anthoinetta Fokker, born on monday 06-12-1813 in Sas van Gent. Follow VIII-l.
5 Anthony Fokker, born on tuesday 13-05-1817 in Sas van Gent. Anthony is deceased on saturday 25-05-1839 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, 22 years years old.
6 Emelia Hubertina Johanna Fokker, born on wednesday 23-02-1820 in Sas van Gent. Emelia Hubertina Johanna is deceased on sunday 26-11-1865 in Oostburg, 45 years years old.
7 Adolph Johannes Fokker, born on wednesday 28-11-1821 in Sas van Gent. Adolph Johannes is deceased on tuesday 24-05-1898 in Oostburg, 76 years years old. Occupation: rijksontvanger en wethouder te Oostburg.
8 Willem Hendrik Fokker, born on tuesday 15-04-1823 in Sas van Gent. Willem Hendrik is deceased on saturday 11-03-1854 in Roquerolles, Frankrijk, 30 years years old.
9 Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker, born on wednesday 30-04-1828 in Sas van Gent. Follow VIII-m.
VII-e Maria Johanna van der Meer was born in 1799 in Middelburg, daughter of Huibregt van der Meer and Johanna Fokker. Maria Johanna married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 24-11-1825 in Middelburg to Petrus Philippus Josephus Ketner, aged 31 years. Petrus Philippus Josephus was born in 1794 in Middelburg. Occupation: bontwerker. Note re Petrus Philippus Josephus: zoon van Franciscus Ketner en Pieternella Vianeij.
VII-f Adriana Anthonia van der Meer was born in 1802 in Middelburg, daughter of Huibregt van der Meer and Johanna Fokker. Adriana Anthonia is deceased on sunday 30-06-1867 in Middelburg, 65 years years old. Adriana Anthonia married,at the age of 20 years, on thursday 24-10-1822 in Middelburg to Zacharias Johannes van Ginhoven, aged 35 years. Zacharias Johannes was born in 1787 in Middelburg. Zacharias Johannes is deceased on monday 31-05-1858 in Middelburg, 71 years years old. Occupation: rijksontvanger, secretaris van de burgemeester van Sint Joosland, ontvanger directe belastingen. Note re Zacharias Johannes: zoon van Pieter van Ginhoven en Johanna Vos.
VII-g Pieter Braber was born on wednesday 09-02-1785 in Haamstede, son of Cornelis Gerritszen Braber and Lena Pieterze Stoofman. He was baptized on sunday 13-02-1785 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Pieter: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Stoofman, huisvrouw van Dingeman Verboom. Pieter is deceased on monday 29-07-1833 in Haamstede, 48 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwersknecht, dagloner. Pieter married,at the age of 32 years, on wednesday 31-12-1817 in Haamstede to Adriaantje van der Nood. She was baptized on sunday 13-02-1791 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Adriaantje: doopgetuige: Maria Matthijszen. Adriaantje is deceased on wednesday 06-05-1857 in Haamstede. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster, dagloonster. Note re Adriaantje: dochter van Cornelis van der Noort en Ariaantje Marinisdr Dijkgraaf.
Children of Pieter and Adriaantje:
1 Cornelis Braber, born about 1818 in Burgh. Follow VIII-n.
2 Cornelia Braber. She was baptized on sunday 24-10-1819 in Haamstede. Cornelia is deceased on saturday 30-12-1820 in Haamstede.
3 Cornelia Braber, daughter,born death on monday 20-05-1822 in Haamstede.
4 Adriaantje Braber, born on sunday 08-05-1825 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 05-06-1825 in Haamstede. Adriaantje is deceased on thursday 23-06-1825 in Haamstede, 1 month years old. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
5 Lena Braber, born on thursday 25-10-1827 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-o.
6 Cornelia Braber, born on tuesday 28-07-1829 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 02-08-1829 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Cornelia: NG. Cornelia is deceased on tuesday 17-05-1831 in Haamstede, 1 year years old.
7 Pieter Braber, born on saturday 22-09-1832 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 07-10-1832 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Pieter: NG. Pieter is deceased on thursday 20-02-1834 in Haamstede, 1 year years old.
VII-h Gerrit Cornelisse Braber was born on monday 04-10-1790 in Haamstede, son of Cornelis Gerritszen Braber and Lena Pieterze Stoofman. He was baptized on sunday 10-10-1790 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Gerrit Cornelisse: doopgetuige: Willemijntje Speelman. Gerrit Cornelisse is deceased on monday 30-01-1832 in Burgh, 41 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Religion: N.G.. Gerrit Cornelisse married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 28-04-1820 in Burgh to Jacomina Speelman. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 07-05-1820 in Burgh. She was baptized on sunday 10-01-1796 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Jacomina: doopgetuige: Johanna Walle. Jacomina is deceased after 1832. Occupation: arbeidster. Religion: N.G.. Note re Jacomina: dochter van Adriaan Willemze Speelman en Magdalena Janze Hardekaas.
Children of Gerrit Cornelisse and Jacomina:
1 Jan Braber, born on friday 01-12-1820 in Burgh. He was baptized on sunday 07-01-1821 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Jan: NG. Jan is deceased on monday 02-03-1829 in Burgh, 8 years years old.
2 Adriaan Braber, born on saturday 24-11-1821 in Burgh. He was baptized on sunday 06-01-1822 in Burgh. Adriaan is deceased on thursday 02-05-1822 in Burgh, 5 months years old. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
3 Cornelis Braber, born on wednesday 01-01-1823 in Burgh. He was baptized on sunday 09-02-1823 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Cornelis: NG. Cornelis is deceased on saturday 25-10-1823 in Burgh, 9 months years old.
4 Adriaan Braber, born on thursday 17-02-1825 in Burgh. He was baptized on sunday 06-03-1825 in Burgh. Adriaan is deceased on friday 23-06-1826 in Burgh, 1 year years old.
5 Lena Braber, born on tuesday 31-10-1826 in Burgh. Follow VIII-p.
6 Marinus Braber, born 01-1828. Marinus is deceased on sunday 10-02-1828 in Burgh, 1 month years old.
7 Magdalena Braber, born on friday 09-10-1829 in Burgh. Follow VIII-q.
8 Adriana Braber, born on thursday 25-08-1831 in Burgh. She was baptized on sunday 09-10-1831 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Adriana: N.G. gedoopt. Adriana is deceased on saturday 29-10-1831 in Burgh, 2 months years old.
VII-i Adriana Overdulve was born on sunday 22-07-1781 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Janszen Overdulve and Crina Gerritsdr Braber. Note re the birth of Adriana: tweeling met Adriaan. Adriana is deceased on monday 01-03-1847 in Haamstede, 65 years years old. Occupation: dagloonster en arbeidster. Adriana:
(1) married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 03-05-1811 in Haamstede to Marinus Vis, aged about 31 years. Marinus was born about 1780 in Haamstede. Marinus is deceased before 06-1828, about 48 years years old. Occupation: dagloner.
(2) married,at the age of 46 years, on friday 06-06-1828 in Haamstede to Willem Adriaanse Speelman. He was baptized on sunday 28-01-1798 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Willem Adriaanse: doopgetuige: Adriaantje Janze Plokhaar. Willem Adriaanse is deceased after 03-1847. Occupation: dagloner en arbeider. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Note re Willem Adriaanse: zoon van Adriaan Willemze Speelman en Magdalena Janze Hardekaas.
VII-j Dingeman Braber was born on wednesday 12-02-1800 in Haamstede, son of Boudewijn Gerritse Braber and Francina (Sijntje) Martens (Maartenze) van Winsum (Winzum). He was baptized on sunday 16-02-1800 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dingeman: doopgetuige: Janna Braber. Dingeman is deceased on thursday 05-11-1846 in Haamstede, 46 years years old. Occupation: dagloner. Religion: from 1826 N.H. lidmaat te Haamstede. Note re Dingeman: werd in 1829 te Breda vermeld als militair; in 1841 vermeld als "daglooner thans gevonnisde". Dingeman married,at the age of 35 years, on saturday 15-08-1835 in Haamstede to Cornelia van As, aged 30 years. Cornelia was born on saturday 16-03-1805 in Oosterland. Cornelia is deceased on sunday 19-06-1864 in Haamstede, 59 years years old. Occupation: dagloonster, arbeidster. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis van As en Jacoba Vermake; weduwe van Andries Fritzius.
Children of Dingeman and Cornelia:
1 Francina Braber, born on monday 11-01-1836 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 14-02-1836 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Francina: NG. Francina is deceased on monday 28-08-1837 in Haamstede, 1 year years old.
2 Boudewijn Braber, son,born death on monday 14-05-1838 in Haamstede.
3 Boudewijn Braber, born on friday 07-06-1839 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-r.
4 zoon Braber, son,born death on sunday 12-12-1841 in Haamstede.
VII-k Jan Fokker was born in 1792 in Renesse, son of Dirk Fokker and Krina van Akeloo. Jan is deceased on wednesday 27-01-1869, 77 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Jan:
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 30-08-1817 in Renesse to Dina de Oude, aged 21 years. Dina was born in 1796 in Renesse. Dina is deceased on friday 20-11-1835 in Renesse, 39 years years old. Note re Dina: dochter van Gerrit de Oude en Kaatje de Bruijne.
(2) married,at the age of 44 years, on friday 22-04-1836 in Renesse to Joppa van Burgh, aged 49 years. Joppa was born on tuesday 06-06-1786 in Westenschouwen. She was baptized on sunday 11-06-1786 in Burgh. Joppa is deceased on saturday 19-01-1861 in Renesse, 74 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Joppa: dochter van Marinus van Burg en Adriaantje Krijgsman.
Children of Jan and Dina:
1 Dirk Fokker, born on thursday 10-07-1823 in Renesse. Dirk is deceased on friday 01-04-1853 in Renesse, 29 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht.
2 Gerrit Fokker, born on monday 10-10-1825 in Renesse. Gerrit is deceased on thursday 28-09-1826 in Renesse, 11 months years old.
3 Kaatje Fokker, born on sunday 01-04-1832 in Renesse. Follow VIII-s.
VII-l Adriana Fokker was born on saturday 18-07-1795 in Renesse, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Krina van Akeloo. Adriana is deceased on saturday 27-04-1816 in Renesse, 20 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Adriana married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 27-10-1815 in Renesse to Marinus de Bruijne, aged 23 years. Marinus was born in 1792 in Renesse. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Marinus: zoon van Jacobus de Bruijne en Cornelia van Splunder.
VII-m Maatje Fokker was born in 1799 in Renesse, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Krina van Akeloo. Maatje is deceased on monday 16-01-1843 in Renesse, 44 years years old. Maatje married,at the age of 32 years, on friday 08-04-1831 in Renesse to Jan van de Velde, aged 31 years. Jan was born in 1800. Jan is deceased on sunday 16-06-1844 in Renesse, 44 years years old. Occupation: kuiper. Note re Jan: zoon van Daniel van de Velde en Jakoba Landsheer.
Children of Maatje and Jan:
1 Daniël van de Velde. Daniël is deceased in 1831.
2 Krina van de Velde, born in 1833. Krina is deceased in 1833, 0 days years old.
3 Daniël van de Velde, born in 1835. Daniël is deceased in 1835, 0 days years old.
4 Krina van de Velde, born in 1836. Krina is deceased in 1836, 0 days years old.
5 Daniël Jansz van de Velde, born on thursday 11-05-1837 in Renesse. Follow VIII-t.
6 Dirk Krijn van de Velde, born on sunday 06-01-1839 in Renesse. Dirk Krijn is deceased on wednesday 24-10-1860 in Renesse, 21 years years old. Occupation: kuiperleerling.
VII-n Neeltje Fokker was born on friday 06-12-1805 in Renesse, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Krina van Akeloo. Neeltje is deceased on thursday 12-02-1857 in Renesse, 51 years years old. Neeltje:
(1) married,at the age of 19 years, on tuesday 12-04-1825 in Renesse to Leendert de Oude, aged 26 years. Leendert was born in 1799 in Renesse. Leendert is deceased on wednesday 14-03-1832 in Renesse, 33 years years old. Note re Leendert: zoon van Gerrit de Oude en Kaatje de Bruijne, weduwnaar van Adraantje van de Velde.
(2) married,at the age of 27 years, on monday 04-03-1833 in Renesse to Leendert de Bruijne, aged 36 years. Leendert was born on wednesday 27-04-1796 in Renesse. Leendert is deceased on saturday 20-04-1844 in Renesse, 47 years years old. Occupation: herbergier. Note re Leendert: zoon van Jacobus de Bruijne en Cornelia van Splunder.
Children of Neeltje and Leendert:
1 Gerrit de Oude, born on wednesday 12-10-1825 in Renesse. Follow VIII-u.
2 Dirk de Oude, born on friday 07-09-1827 in Renesse. Follow VIII-v.
3 Krina de Oude, born on friday 08-01-1830 in Renesse. Follow VIII-w.
4 Kaatje de Oude, born on friday 14-10-1831 in Renesse. Follow VIII-x.
Children of Neeltje and Leendert:
1 Jakobus de Bruijne, born about 1839 in Renesse. Follow VIII-y.
2 Krijn de Bruijne, born on thursday 24-02-1842 in Renesse. Follow VIII-z.
VII-o Pieter Fokker was born on monday 01-04-1811 in Renesse, son of Dirk Fokker and Krina van Akeloo. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 28-05-1884 in Nieuwerkerk, 73 years years old. Occupation: boerenknecht. Pieter married,at the age of 22 years, on monday 09-09-1833 in Renesse to Cornelia Blom, aged 20 years. Cornelia was born on thursday 25-02-1813 in Renesse. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 25-01-1888 in Nieuwerkerk, 74 years years old. Occupation: melkboerin. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis Blom en Joppa de Oude.
Children of Pieter and Cornelia:
1 Krina Fokker, born on monday 30-03-1835 in Noordwelle. Krina is deceased on sunday 05-05-1918 in Zierikzee, 83 years years old.
2 Cornelis Fokker, born on friday 28-07-1837 in Renesse. Follow VIII-aa.
3 Joppa Fokker, born on tuesday 04-06-1839 in Renesse. Follow VIII-ab.
4 Adriaantje Fokker, born on sunday 27-12-1840 in Renesse. Follow VIII-ac.
5 Dirk Fokker, born on saturday 25-03-1843 in Renesse. Follow VIII-ad.
6 Jan Fokker, born on tuesday 18-06-1844 in Renesse. Follow VIII-ae.
7 Maatje Fokker, born on sunday 29-03-1846 in Renesse. Follow VIII-af.
8 Johannis Fokker, born on monday 16-09-1850 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-ag.
VII-p Krijn Fokker was born on sunday 22-05-1796 in Renesse, son of Pieter Fokker and Neeltje Abrahamse de Bruine. Krijn is deceased on monday 28-02-1870 in Haamstede, 73 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 4]. Occupation: landbouwer. Krijn:
(1) married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 27-06-1817 in Renesse to Tona (Toontje) Kosten(se), aged about 24 years. Tona was born about 1793 in Noordwelle. Toontje is deceased on thursday 17-02-1825 in Haamstede, about 32 years years old. Note re Toontje: dochter van Job Kosten en Neeltje van der Weduwe.
(2) married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 22-12-1826 in Haamstede [source: akte 5] to Grietje Faase, aged 22 years. Grietje was born on tuesday 28-08-1804 in Brijdorpe,daughter of Johannis Willemse Faase and Willemina Fasol. Grietje is deceased on tuesday 30-07-1844 in Haamstede, 39 years years old. The decease was registered on wednesday 31-07-1844 [source: akte 20]. Occupation: landbouwster.
Children of Krijn and Toontje:
1 Neeltje Pieternella Fokker, born about 1818 in Renesse. Follow VIII-ah.
2 Pieter Fokker, born on saturday 14-04-1821 in Renesse. Pieter is deceased on thursday 03-08-1826 in Haamstede, 5 years years old.
3 Tonis Fokker, born on tuesday 08-02-1825 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-ai.
Gezin Krijn Fokker en Grietje Faase
Children of Krijn and Grietje:
1 Willemina Fokker, born on tuesday 09-10-1827 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-aj.
2 Pieter Fokker, born on monday 12-01-1829 in Haamstede. The birth was registered on monday 12-01-1829 [source: akte 3]. Pieter is deceased on friday 01-01-1830 in Haamstede, 11 months years old.
3 Pieter Fokker, born on monday 21-06-1830. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 23-06-1830 in Haamstede, 2 days years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 21].
4 Pieternella Fokker, born on wednesday 10-08-1831 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-ak.
5 Johannis Fokker, born on friday 14-12-1832 in Haamstede. The birth was registered on friday 14-12-1832 [source: akte 25]. Johannis is deceased on monday 16-08-1858 in Haamstede, 25 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 4].
6 Krina Fokker, born on wednesday 13-08-1834 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-al.
7 Nicolaas Fokker, born on saturday 03-10-1835 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-am.
8 Gilles Fokker, born on sunday 14-05-1837 in Haamstede. The birth was registered on monday 15-05-1837 [source: akte 14]. Gilles is deceased on wednesday 25-01-1843 in Haamstede, 5 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 4].
9 Adriana Fokker, born on saturday 07-07-1838 in Haamstede. The birth was registered on sunday 08-07-1838 [source: akte 20]. Adriana is deceased on friday 10-02-1843 in Haamstede, 4 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 6].
10 Pieter Fokker, born on saturday 29-02-1840 in Haamstede. The birth was registered on monday 02-03-1840 [source: akte 4]. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 25-01-1843 in Haamstede, 2 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 5].
VII-q Kornelia Fokker was born on thursday 28-03-1799 in Renesse, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Neeltje Abrahamse de Bruine. Kornelia is deceased on sunday 08-03-1857 in Nieuwerkerk, 57 years years old. Address: (op 01-05-1847 vertrokken naar Nieuwerkerk). Occupation: landbouwster. Kornelia married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 26-08-1818 in Noordwelle to Nicolaas de Oude, aged 31 years. Nicolaas was born on thursday 26-10-1786 in Noordwelle. Nicolaas is deceased on friday 18-01-1856 in Renesse, 69 years years old. Address: (op 01-05-1847 vertrokken naar Nieuwerkerk). Occupation: duinboer. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Leendert de Oude en Jannetje Kooman.
Children of Kornelia and Nicolaas:
1 Jannetje de Oude, born on saturday 23-01-1819 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-an.
2 Pieternella de Oude, born on sunday 27-02-1820 in Noordgouwe. Follow VIII-ao.
3 Neeltje de Oude, born on wednesday 12-10-1825 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-ap.
4 Cornelis de Oude, born on thursday 24-11-1831 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-aq.
5 Maria de Oude, born on sunday 02-06-1839 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-ar.
VII-r Cornelis Gast was born on friday 18-02-1791 in Noordwelle, son of Cornelis Gast and Maria Fokker. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 20-11-1856 in Renesse, 65 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, burgemeester te Noordwelle. Cornelis:
(1) married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 11-05-1814 in Noordwelle to Maria Moolenburg, aged 23 years. Maria was born in 1791 in Bommenede. Maria is deceased on wednesday 01-12-1824 in Noordwelle, 33 years years old. Note re Maria: dochter van Maarten Moolenburg en Kaatje de Bil.
(2) married,at the age of 36 years, on wednesday 28-11-1827 in Noordwelle to Dina Steur, aged 32 years. Dina was born in 1795 in Renesse. Dina is deceased on friday 26-02-1875 in Renesse, 80 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Dina: dochter van Klaas Steur en Anna Boluijt.
Child of Cornelis and Maria:
1 Cornelis Leendert Gast. Follow VIII-as.
VII-s Maria Kosten was born on wednesday 12-06-1811 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Jan Kosten and Elizabeth Verseput. Maria is deceased on sunday 02-01-1898 in Landsmeer, 86 years years old. Maria married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 13-08-1834 in Renesse to Machiel van der Est, aged 23 years. Machiel was born on sunday 17-03-1811 in Burgh. Machiel is deceased on monday 09-08-1880 in Renesse, 69 years years old. Occupation: hoofdonderwijzer. Note re Machiel: zoon van Machiel van der Est en Adriana Kaaijman.
VII-t Janna Kosten was born on saturday 02-07-1814 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Jan Kosten and Elizabeth Verseput. Janna married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 20-08-1834 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Leendert de Oude, aged 23 years. Leendert was born on thursday 17-01-1811 in Noordwelle,son of Nicolaas de Oude and Jacomina Verseput. Occupation: landbouwer.
Child of Janna and Leendert:
1 Nikolaas Leendert de Oude, born on monday 07-09-1835 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VIII-at.
VII-u Kornelia Kosten was born in 1809, daughter of Johannis Kosten and Jannetje Leendertse Kloet. Kornelia is deceased in 1885, 76 years years old. Occupation: boerenmeid. Kornelia married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 09-10-1835 in Noordwelle to Pieter Noordhoek, aged about 20 years. Pieter was born about 1815 in Sint Philipsland. Pieter is deceased on sunday 20-07-1890 in Haamstede, about 75 years years old. Occupation: melkboer, landbouwer.
Children of Kornelia and Pieter:
1 Johannis Pieters Noordhoek, born on monday 27-07-1840 in Noordwelle. Follow VIII-au.
2 Jannetje Noordhoek, born on wednesday 18-12-1844 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-av.
VII-v Jakob Kosten was born on sunday 31-01-1813 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Johannis Kosten and Jannetje Leendertse Kloet. Jakob is deceased on thursday 26-02-1891 in Noordwelle, 78 years years old. Jakob married,at the age of 30 years, on thursday 04-05-1843 in Noordwelle to Anna Clement.
VII-w Johanna Kosten was born on thursday 06-03-1817 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Johannis Kosten and Jannetje Leendertse Kloet. Johanna is deceased on tuesday 27-12-1859 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 42 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Johanna married,at the age of 19 years, on tuesday 24-01-1837 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Job Imanse van de Panne, aged 20 years. Job Imanse was born in 1817 in Duivendijke,son of Iman Jobse van de Panne and Maria Simonse Hanse. Job Imanse is deceased on monday 01-08-1892 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 75 years years old. Occupation: arbeider.
Children of Johanna and Job Imanse:
1 Maria van de Panne, born on sunday 19-02-1837 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VIII-aw.
2 Pieternella van de Panne, born on sunday 03-06-1838 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VIII-ax.
3 Jannetje van de Panne, born on thursday 31-12-1840 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VIII-ay.
4 Iman van de(r) Panne, born on saturday 14-08-1852 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow VIII-az.
VII-x Marinus Cornelisse de Man was born on monday 20-08-1764 in Haamstede, son of Cornelis Marinusz de Man and Cornelia Marinusse van Zuijen. He was baptized on sunday 26-08-1764 in Haamstede. Marinus Cornelisse married,at the age of 22 years, 05-1787 in Burgh to Maatje Janse Beije. She was baptized on sunday 02-02-1766 in Burgh. Maatje Janse is deceased about 1790 in Burgh.
VII-y Marinus van Zuijen was born on saturday 02-03-1793 in Oostkapelle, son of Cornelis Marinusz van Zuijen and Johanna van der Vorst. Marinus is deceased on monday 12-07-1847 in Oostkapelle, 54 years years old. Occupation: molenaar. Marinus married to Suzanna Pieternella Braber. Suzanna Pieternella was born in Brigdamme,daughter of Govert Jansz Braber and Catharina Janse Dekker.
Child of Marinus and Suzanna Pieternella:
1 Cornelis van Zuijen, born on thursday 16-01-1817 in Oostkapelle. Follow VIII-ba.
VII-z Nicolaas Fokker was born on wednesday 14-01-1784 in Haamstede, son of Jan Fokker and Aagtje Matthijssen. Nicolaas is deceased on thursday 12-12-1816 in Middelburg, 32 years years old. Nicolaas married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 14-04-1808 in Burgh to Kaatje de Oude, aged 21 years. Kaatje was born on monday 04-12-1786 in Haamstede,daughter of Crijn Cornelisz de Oude and Lena Braber. Kaatje is deceased on tuesday 09-03-1847 in Renesse, 60 years years old.
Children of Nicolaas and Kaatje:
1 Aagje Fokker, born on thursday 20-07-1809 in Haamstede.
2 Krijn Fokker, born on wednesday 22-08-1810 in Haamstede.
3 Lena Fokker, born on wednesday 20-09-1815 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bb.
VII-aa Adriana Fokker was born in 1789 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Fokker and Aagtje Matthijssen. Adriana is deceased on tuesday 26-12-1871 in Burgh, 82 years years old. Occupation: boerenmeid. Adriana married,at the age of 27 years, on tuesday 07-05-1816 in Burgh to Gerrit Slaager, aged 30 years. Gerrit was born in 1786 in Burgh. Gerrit is deceased on saturday 25-05-1839 in Burgh, 53 years years old. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Marinus Slaager en Pieternella van Zuijen.
Children of Adriana and Gerrit:
1 Pieternella Slaager, born on monday 28-08-1820 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bc.
2 Anna Slaager, born on sunday 23-09-1821 in Burgh. Anna is deceased on wednesday 02-10-1907 in Burgh, 86 years years old.
3 Marinus Slaager, born on tuesday 27-05-1823 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bd.
4 Jan Slaager, born on sunday 11-09-1825 in Burgh. Follow VIII-be.
5 Stoffel Slaager, born on friday 14-11-1828 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bf.
6 Nicolaas Slaager, born on wednesday 02-03-1831 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bg.
7 Cornelis Slaager, born on wednesday 22-01-1834 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bh.
VII-ab Stoffel Fokker was born on thursday 01-10-1789 in Burgh, son of Jan Fokker and Aagtje Matthijssen. Stoffel is deceased on sunday 06-02-1831 in Burgh, 41 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Stoffel:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 10-11-1815 in Burgh to Grietje Leemans, aged 32 years. Grietje was born on saturday 30-08-1783 in Haamstede. Grietje is deceased on tuesday 11-11-1828 in Burgh, 45 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Grietje: dochter van Isaac Leemans en Neeltje Verdijk.
(2) married,at the age of 40 years, on monday 01-02-1830 in Burgh to Adriaantje van Popering, aged 29 years. Adriaantje was born in 1801 in Sirjansland. Adriaantje is deceased on sunday 04-07-1869 in Oosterland, 68 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Adriaantje: dochter van Cornelis van Popering en Adriana Groenleer, weduwe van Willem Zomer.
Child of Stoffel and Grietje:
1 Jan Fokker, born on sunday 15-03-1818 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bi.
VII-ac Dirk Fokker was born on thursday 22-01-1795 in Haamstede, son of Jan Fokker and Aagtje Matthijssen. Dirk is deceased on thursday 09-06-1842 in Burgh, 47 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Dirk married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 09-03-1822 in Burgh to Barbara (Barbel) Melieste, aged 22 years. Barbara (Barbel) was born on monday 22-07-1799 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Barbara (Barbel) is deceased after 1860 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., at least 61 years years old. Address: (emigreerde in 1857 naar Amerika, waar ze woonde bij het gezin van haar in 1854 geemigreerde zoon Willem Fokker (Tucker)). Occupation: boerenmeid. Note re Barbara (Barbel): dochter van Willem Melieste en Maria Rentier.
Children of Dirk and Barbara (Barbel):
1 John Fokker (Tucker), born on sunday 05-01-1823 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bj.
2 Willem Fokker, born on thursday 30-09-1824 in Burgh. Willem is deceased on friday 11-04-1828 in Burgh, 3 years years old.
3 Adriaan Fokker, born on friday 02-02-1827 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Adriaan: 02-12-1826?. Adriaan is deceased on friday 23-02-1827 in Burgh, 21 days years old.
4 Willem (William) Fokker (Tucker), born on saturday 11-10-1828 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bk.
5 Marinus Fokker, born on wednesday 02-11-1831 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bl.
6 Nicolaas (Nicholas) Fokker (Tucker), born on tuesday 22-10-1833 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bm.
7 Cornelis Fokker, born on tuesday 30-05-1837 in Burgh. Cornelis is deceased on saturday 10-10-1846 in Burgh, 9 years years old.
8 Maria Fokker (Tucker), born on monday 04-04-1842 in Burgh. Follow VIII-bn.
VII-ad Klaas Fokker was born on wednesday 13-03-1799 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Fokker and Adriana Vis. Klaas is deceased on tuesday 16-01-1855 in Haamstede, 55 years years old. Occupation: dagloner. Klaas married,at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 06-06-1827 in Haamstede to L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker, aged 20 years. L(e)ijna Pieternella was born on tuesday 25-11-1806 in Haamstede,daughter of Clement Simonse Moelijker and Elizabeth Cornelisse Larooij. L(e)ijna Pieternella is deceased on saturday 18-11-1854 in Haamstede, 47 years years old. Occupation: dagloonster.
Children of Klaas and L(e)ijna Pieternella:
1 Adriana Fokker, born on saturday 12-04-1828 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bo.
2 Clement Fokker, born on friday 19-03-1830 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bp.
3 Elizabeth Fokker, born on saturday 11-02-1832 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bq.
4 Dirk Fokker, born on saturday 17-08-1833 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-br.
5 Pieter Fokker, born on wednesday 28-01-1835 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 01-03-1835 in Haamstede. Pieter is deceased on thursday 11-07-1839 in Haamstede, 4 years years old.
6 Cornelia Fokker, born on thursday 02-06-1836 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bs.
7 Pieternella Fokker, born on tuesday 30-10-1838 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bt.
8 Cornelis Fokker, born on thursday 21-11-1839 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bu.
9 Pieter Fokker, born in 1843. Pieter is deceased in 1884, 41 years years old.
10 N.N. Fokker, child,born death in 1845.
11 Simon Fokker, born on saturday 13-03-1847 in Haamstede. Follow VIII-bv.
VIII-a Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker was born on thursday 08-06-1809 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Maria Adriana ´t Hooft. He was baptized on sunday 09-07-1809 in Middelburg. Anthony Herman Gerard is deceased on thursday 27-08-1874 in Middelburg, 65 years years old. Occupation: koopman, commissionair, scheepsreder, lid gemeenteraad Middelburg (1858-1874), numismaat, lid Kamer van Koophandel (1858-1874). Note re Anthony Herman Gerard: Anthony Herman Jacob?. Anthony Herman Gerard married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 27-05-1840 in Middelburg to Maria van den Broecke, aged 20 years. Maria was born on sunday 08-08-1819 in Middelburg,daughter of Abraham van den Broecke and Maria Jacoba Diemont. Maria is deceased on friday 06-10-1882 in Middelburg, 63 years years old.
Children of Anthony Herman Gerard and Maria:
1 Abraham Willem Jacobus Fokker, born on wednesday 17-03-1841 in Middelburg. Abraham Willem Jacobus is deceased on monday 15-06-1868 in Sintang, Borneo, Ned. Indië, 27 years years old. Occupation: controleur Binnenlands Bestuur te Sanggau, Borneo, Ned. Indië.
2 Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker, born on tuesday 09-08-1842 in Middelburg. Follow IX-a.
3 Johan Pieter Fokker, born on friday 19-04-1844 in Middelburg. Follow IX-b.
4 Adriaan Fokker, born on thursday 28-08-1845 in Middelburg. Adriaan is deceased on thursday 30-07-1874 in Aden, 28 years years old. Note re the death of Adriaan: overleden nabij Aden op de terugreis naar Nederland aan de gevolgen van kwaadaardige koortsen, aan boord van het stoomschip Holland, stomende in de golf van Aden. Occupation: luitenant ter zee 2e klasse.
5 Maria Fokker, born on monday 11-01-1847 in Middelburg. Maria is deceased on saturday 04-07-1914 in Middelburg, 67 years years old.
6 Eduard Fokker, born on saturday 14-07-1849 in Middelburg. Follow IX-c.
7 Herman Fokker, born on sunday 26-01-1851 in Middelburg. Follow IX-d.
VIII-b Adriaan Abraham Fokker was born on tuesday 24-07-1810 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Maria Adriana ´t Hooft. Adriaan Abraham is deceased on tuesday 24-12-1878 in Middelburg, 68 years years old. Occupation: med. doct., lid gemeenteraad Middelburg, inspecteur Geneeskundig Staatstoezicht Zeeland, leraar Therapie Geneesk. School. Adriaan Abraham married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 16-06-1838 in Middelburg to Anna Agatha Herklots, aged 25 years. Anna Agatha was born on thursday 04-03-1813 in Middelburg. Anna Agatha is deceased on monday 10-12-1883 in Middelburg, 70 years years old. Note re Anna Agatha: dochter van Pieter Herklots en Anna van der Veen.
Children of Adriaan Abraham and Anna Agatha:
1 Abraham Pieter Fokker, born on wednesday 08-07-1840 in Middelburg. Follow IX-e.
2 Elisabeth Susanna Fokker, born on tuesday 26-04-1842 in Middelburg. Elisabeth Susanna is deceased on tuesday 10-03-1914 in Middelburg, 71 years years old.
3 Marius Fokker, born on sunday 12-11-1843 in Middelburg. Marius is deceased on wednesday 15-01-1913 in Middelburg, 69 years years old. Occupation: lid fa. Fokker & Jeras kooplieden, gemeente-ontvanger te Middelburg.
4 Johan Adriaan Fokker, born on tuesday 24-12-1850 in Middelburg. Follow IX-f.
5 Anthonij Leonard Fokker, born on thursday 22-12-1853 in Middelburg. Follow IX-g.
VIII-c Gerrit Adriaan Fokker was born on tuesday 17-12-1811 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Maria Adriana ´t Hooft. Gerrit Adriaan is deceased on saturday 24-08-1878 in Middelburg, 66 years years old. Occupation: kantonrechter, lid 2e Kamer Staten Generaal, lid Gedeputeerde Staten van Zeeland. Gerrit Adriaan married,at the age of 33 years, on friday 06-06-1845 in Middelburg to Cornelia Jacoba van den Broecke, aged 23 years. Cornelia Jacoba was born on thursday 31-01-1822 in Middelburg,daughter of Abraham van den Broecke and Maria Jacoba Diemont. Cornelia Jacoba is deceased on monday 29-09-1879 in Middelburg, 57 years years old.
VIII-d Maria Johanna Petronella Fokker was born on sunday 06-12-1812 in Middelburg, daughter of Abraham Fokker and Maria Adriana ´t Hooft. Maria Johanna Petronella is deceased on friday 07-09-1883 in Dal der Condamine, departement Alpes Maritimes, Frankrijk, 70 years years old. Maria Johanna Petronella married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 29-10-1836 in Middelburg to Hendrik Jan Dronkers, aged 24 years. Hendrik Jan was born on monday 30-03-1812 in Axel. Hendrik Jan is deceased on tuesday 02-07-1889 in Amsterdam, 77 years years old. Occupation: wijnkoper, koopman. Note re Hendrik Jan: zoon van Simon Michiel Dronkers en Catharina Jacoba Hoelands.
Children of Maria Johanna Petronella and Hendrik Jan:
1 Cornelia Dronkers, born on tuesday 24-11-1840 in Middelburg. Follow IX-h.
2 Dirk Dronkers, born on wednesday 15-12-1841 in Middelburg. Dirk is deceased on saturday 18-06-1904 in Nijmegen, 62 years years old.
3 Emma Dronkers, born on saturday 19-10-1850 in Middelburg. Follow IX-i.
4 Albert Karel Dronkers, born on wednesday 07-10-1857 in Middelburg. Follow IX-j.
VIII-e Boudewijn Anthony Fokker was born on tuesday 21-10-1817 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Elisabeth Susanna Boom. Boudewijn Anthony is deceased on wednesday 18-05-1881 in Middelburg, 63 years years old. Occupation: lid fa. Fokker & Jeras, kooplieden Middelburg, lid gemeenteraad Middelburg. Boudewijn Anthony married,at the age of 41 years, on friday 17-06-1859 in Zaltbommel to Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora Heijligers, aged 28 years. Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora was born on wednesday 16-03-1831 in Magelang, Kedoe, Ned. Indië. Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora is deceased on monday 03-12-1917 in Den Haag, 86 years years old. Note re Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora: dochter van Gerhardus Johannes Heijligers en Isabella Allardina Vermeulen.
Children of Boudewijn Anthony and Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora:
1 Elisabeth Suzanna Fokker, born on saturday 25-05-1861 in Middelburg. Elisabeth Suzanna is deceased on thursday 24-02-1938 in Drempt, 76 years years old.
2 Gerard Abraham Fokker, born on saturday 16-05-1863 in Middelburg. Follow IX-k.
3 Suzanna Petronella Fokker, born on saturday 21-05-1864 in Middelburg. Suzanna Petronella is deceased on wednesday 29-08-1900 in Den Haag, 36 years years old.
4 Isabelle Louise Fokker, born on saturday 04-08-1866 in Middelburg.
5 Jean Jacques Louis Fokker, born on wednesday 14-10-1868 in Middelburg. Follow IX-l.
6 Theodora Fokker, born on thursday 15-09-1870 in Middelburg. Theodora is deceased on sunday 01-07-1962 in Soestdijk, 91 years years old.
7 Abraham Cornelis Fokker, born on friday 08-08-1873 in Middelburg. Abraham Cornelis is deceased on saturday 07-10-1939 in Ermelo, 66 years years old.
VIII-f Cornelis Jacobus Fokker was born on friday 13-08-1819 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Elisabeth Susanna Boom. Cornelis Jacobus is deceased on monday 30-11-1896 in Zierikzee, 77 years years old. Occupation: advocaat en procureur, wethouder Zierikzee, lid Provinciale Staten van Zeeland. Cornelis Jacobus married,at the age of 37 years, on wednesday 03-09-1856 in Zierikzee to Johanna Cornelia Egter, aged 24 years. Johanna Cornelia was born on sunday 18-09-1831 in Zierikzee. Johanna Cornelia is deceased on sunday 07-02-1909 in Zierikzee, 77 years years old. Note re Johanna Cornelia: dochter van Abraham Jacobus Frederik Egter en Elisabeth Cornelia Maria de Clercq.
Children of Cornelis Jacobus and Johanna Cornelia:
1 Abraham Jacobus Frederik Fokker, born on wednesday 05-08-1857 in Zierikzee. Follow IX-m.
2 Cornelis Jacobus Johannes Fokker, born on thursday 16-02-1871 in Zierikzee. Follow IX-n.
VIII-g Abraham Marinus Fokker was born on monday 30-06-1823 in Middelburg, son of Abraham Fokker and Elisabeth Susanna Boom. Abraham Marinus is deceased on tuesday 01-12-1863 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, 40 years years old. Occupation: president Raad van Justitie te Semarang. Abraham Marinus:
(1) married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 16-09-1853 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Maria Johanna Christina de Pauly, aged 32 years. Maria Johanna Christina was born on thursday 28-09-1820 in Ambon, Ned. Indië. Maria Johanna Christina is deceased on tuesday 12-04-1859 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, 38 years years old. Note re Maria Johanna Christina: dochter van Johannes Hendricus Cornelis de Pauly en Anna Susanna Carolina van Hasselt.
(2) married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 23-10-1861 in Semarang, Ned. Indië to Antoinette Neeltje van Rijck de Groot, aged 22 years. Antoinette Neeltje was born on saturday 12-01-1839 in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Antoinette Neeltje is deceased on wednesday 26-03-1890 in Den Helder, 51 years years old. Note re Antoinette Neeltje: dochter van Henri van Rijck de Groot en Johanna Nevina van der Plas.
Children of Abraham Marinus and Maria Johanna Christina:
1 Elisabeth Susanna Fokker, born on monday 10-07-1854 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-o.
2 Angeline Caroline Fokker, born on thursday 12-03-1857 in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-p.
3 Johanna Christina Fokker, born on thursday 24-03-1859 in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-q.
Children of Abraham Marinus and Antoinette Neeltje:
1 Abraham Anthonij Fokker, born on saturday 27-09-1862 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-r.
2 Boudewijn Willem Frederik Fokker, born on saturday 14-05-1864 in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-s.
VIII-h Christiaan Jan Spaan was born in 1821 in Middelburg, son of Pieter Johannis Spaan and Sentina Fokker. Occupation: koopman. Christiaan Jan married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 26-03-1852 in Goes to Dorothea Jacoba Pietronella de Leeuw, aged 28 years. Dorothea Jacoba Pietronella was born in 1824 in Goes. Note re Dorothea Jacoba Pietronella: dochter van Johannes de Leeuw en Helena Achneta Bennewitz.
VIII-i Adriana Johanna Fokker was born on sunday 16-04-1809 in Middelburg, daughter of Johan Pieter Fokker and Maria Dina Faro. Adriana Johanna is deceased on tuesday 21-01-1879 in Poortugaal, 69 years years old. Adriana Johanna married,at the age of 37 years, on saturday 10-10-1846 in Sas van Gent to Pieter Marius van der Bijll, aged 34 years. Pieter Marius was born on tuesday 29-10-1811 in Brielle. Pieter Marius is deceased on sunday 16-06-1878 in Poortugaal, 66 years years old. Occupation: geneesheer. Note re Pieter Marius: zoon van Pleun van der Bijll en Maria Jacoba Dorsman.
Children of Adriana Johanna and Pieter Marius:
1 Maria Jacoba van der Bijll, born on thursday 02-12-1847 in Sas van Gent. Follow IX-t.
2 Pieter Marius van der Bijll, born in 1853 in Sas van Gent. Follow IX-u.
VIII-j Johanna Antonia Fokker was born on thursday 25-10-1810 in Middelburg, daughter of Johan Pieter Fokker and Maria Dina Faro. Johanna Antonia married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 03-09-1834 in Sas van Gent to Willem Hordijk, aged 24 years. Willem was born on tuesday 17-04-1810 in Dordrecht. Willem is deceased on saturday 25-04-1874 in Amsterdam, 64 years years old. Occupation: directeur Posterijen te Amsterdam. Note re Willem: zoon van David Hordijk en Geertruida Charlotta Ampt.
Children of Johanna Antonia and Willem:
1 Maria Dina Hordijk, born in Goes. Follow IX-v.
2 Geertruida Charlotte Hordijk, born on monday 24-12-1838 in Goes. Follow IX-w.
VIII-k Johannes Lambertus Fokker was born on wednesday 19-08-1812 in Middelburg, son of Johan Pieter Fokker and Maria Dina Faro. Johannes Lambertus is deceased on wednesday 17-12-1851 in Suriname, 39 years years old. Occupation: koopman en expediteur te Suriname. Johannes Lambertus married,at the age of 25 years, on monday 21-05-1838 in Axel to Hendrica Roelofsz, aged 30 years. Hendrica was born on saturday 06-02-1808 in Amsterdam,daughter of Joost Roelofsz and Hendrica Floostman. Hendrica is deceased on tuesday 05-09-1882 in Nijmegen, 74 years years old. Occupation: schilderes, tekenares.
Children of Johannes Lambertus and Hendrica:
1 Maria Dina Fokker, born on wednesday 10-04-1839 in Sas van Gent. Maria Dina is deceased on monday 29-01-1906 in Arnhem, 66 years years old.
2 Christina Henderika Josina Fokker, born on tuesday 20-10-1840 in Sas van Gent. Follow IX-x.
3 Julia Andrea Fokker, born on thursday 14-07-1842 in Sas van Gent. Follow IX-y.
4 Johanna Pietronella Fokker, born on wednesday 29-05-1844 in Sas van Gent. Follow IX-z.
VIII-l Maria Anthoinetta Fokker was born on monday 06-12-1813 in Sas van Gent, daughter of Johan Pieter Fokker and Maria Dina Faro. Maria Anthoinetta is deceased on tuesday 20-07-1875 in Amsterdam, 61 years years old. Maria Anthoinetta married,at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 24-11-1835 in Sas van Gent to Hendrik Roelofsz, aged 22 years. Hendrik was born on saturday 26-06-1813 in Amsterdam,son of Joost Roelofsz and Hendrica Floostman. Hendrik is deceased on monday 21-05-1894 in Den Haag, 80 years years old. Occupation: majoor infanterie.
Children of Maria Anthoinetta and Hendrik:
1 Henrietta Maria Christina Roelofsz, born on sunday 04-09-1836 in Axel. Henrietta Maria Christina is deceased on thursday 09-10-1856 in Amsterdam, 20 years years old.
2 Johan Pieter Roelofsz, born on saturday 06-01-1838 in Axel. Follow IX-aa.
3 Maria Antoinetta Roelofsz, born on thursday 07-03-1839 in Axel. Maria Antoinetta is deceased on sunday 07-09-1856 in Amsterdam, 17 years years old.
4 Maria Dina Mathilda Roelofsz, born on thursday 15-04-1841 in Amsterdam. Maria Dina Mathilda is deceased on wednesday 23-01-1861 in Breda, 19 years years old.
5 Christina Roelofsz, born on saturday 01-10-1842 in Haarlem. Christina is deceased on sunday 17-06-1923 in Ober Dornach, Solothurn, Zwitserland, 80 years years old.
6 Henri Roelofsz, born on thursday 06-06-1844 in Haarlem. Follow IX-ab.
7 Josina Johanna Pieternella Roelofsz, born on monday 11-05-1846 in Haarlem. Follow IX-ac.
8 Willem Pieter Roelofsz, born on thursday 10-02-1848 in Haarlem. Willem Pieter is deceased on thursday 02-02-1893 in Den Haag, 44 years years old.
9 Godfried Arnold Roelofsz, born on monday 30-07-1849 in Haarlem.
VIII-m Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker was born on wednesday 30-04-1828 in Sas van Gent, son of Johan Pieter Fokker and Maria Dina Faro. Hendrik Gustaaf is deceased on friday 26-01-1883 in Zuidzande, 54 years years old. Occupation: secretaris en ontvanger van Zuidzande. Hendrik Gustaaf married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 06-10-1858 in Sluis to Geertruida Gerarda Henrij, aged 28 years. Geertruida Gerarda was born on monday 05-07-1830 in Sluis. Geertruida Gerarda is deceased on thursday 05-10-1905 in Zuidzande, 75 years years old. Note re Geertruida Gerarda: dochter van Jan Frederik Henrij en Andriesa Henrietta Maria Maal.
Children of Hendrik Gustaaf and Geertruida Gerarda:
1 Maria Dina Fokker, born on thursday 29-03-1860 in Zuidzande. Maria Dina is deceased on tuesday 13-04-1915 in Amsterdam, 55 years years old.
2 Jan Frederik Fokker, born on wednesday 01-05-1861 in Zuidzande. Follow IX-ad.
3 Andriesa Henriëtte Maria Fokker, born on friday 13-11-1863 in Zuidzande. Andriesa Henriëtte Maria is deceased on thursday 07-07-1927 in Zuidzande, 63 years years old.
4 Emilia Hubertina Johanna Fokker, born on tuesday 28-03-1865 in Zuidzande. Follow IX-ae.
5 Sophia Johanna Fokker, born on friday 18-05-1866 in Zuidzande. Follow IX-af.
6 Johanna Antonia Fokker, born on friday 26-04-1872 in Zuidzande. Follow IX-ag.
7 Geertruida Geerharda Fokker, born on thursday 09-04-1874 in Zuidzande. Geertruida Geerharda is deceased on sunday 05-12-1943 in Zuidzande, 69 years years old.
VIII-n Cornelis Braber was born about 1818 in Burgh, son of Pieter Braber and Adriaantje van der Nood. Cornelis is deceased on monday 02-06-1890 in Haamstede, about 72 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married,at the age of about 28 years, on wednesday 20-05-1846 in Haamstede to Krina van Splunder, aged about 25 years. Krina was born about 1821 in Renesse. Krina is deceased on tuesday 15-05-1888 in Haamstede, about 67 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Krina: dochter van Willem van Splunder en Cornelia de Oude, in een publicatie werd als ouders vermeld: Johannes van Splunter en Maria van den Berge, geboren op 09-12-1821 te Renesse.
Children of Cornelis and Krina:
1 Adriaantje Braber, born on tuesday 27-10-1846 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 13-12-1846 in Haamstede. Adriaantje is deceased on thursday 24-12-1846 in Haamstede, 1 month years old. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Willem Braber, born on friday 10-03-1848 in Haamstede. He was baptized on sunday 02-04-1848 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Willem: NG. Willem is deceased on friday 18-04-1856 in Haamstede, 8 years years old.
3 Lena Braber, born on monday 24-06-1850 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ah.
4 Cornelia Braber, born on thursday 10-03-1853 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ai.
5 Pieter Braber, born on saturday 15-03-1856 in Haamstede. Pieter is deceased on monday 17-03-1856 in Haamstede, 2 days years old.
6 Dina Braber, born on tuesday 18-08-1857 in Haamstede. She was baptized on sunday 04-10-1857 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Dina: NG. Dina is deceased on tuesday 05-01-1858 in Haamstede, 4 months years old.
7 Adriaantje Braber, born on friday 06-07-1860 in Haamstede. Follow IX-aj.
VIII-o Lena Braber was born on thursday 25-10-1827 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Braber and Adriaantje van der Nood. She was baptized on sunday 04-11-1827 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Lena: NG, doopgetuige: Neeltje Kister. Lena is deceased on tuesday 01-11-1864 in Noordwelle, 37 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Lena married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 08-08-1851 in Noordwelle to Petrus Kwant, aged about 25 years. Petrus was born about 1826 in Haamstede. Petrus is deceased after 1864, about 38 years years old. Occupation: lichtwachter. Note re Petrus: zoon van Cornelis Kwant en Elizabeth van Breda.
Children of Lena and Petrus:
1 Cornelis Kwant, born about 1851 in Renesse. Cornelis is deceased on friday 25-02-1859 in Noordwelle, about 8 years years old.
2 Adriaan Kwant, born about 03-1853 in Renesse. Adriaan is deceased on thursday 16-06-1853 in Noordwelle, about 3 months years old.
3 Adriaan Kwant, born about 03-1855 in Noordwelle. Adriaan is deceased on wednesday 12-12-1855 in Noordwelle, about 9 months years old.
4 Henderika Kwant, born about 1857 in Noordwelle. Henderika is deceased on thursday 28-01-1858 in Noordwelle, about 1 year years old.
5 Pieter Kwant, born 06-1857 in Noordwelle. Pieter is deceased on saturday 10-10-1857 in Noordwelle, 4 months years old.
6 Kornelis Kwant, born about 02-1861 in Noordwelle. Kornelis is deceased on monday 01-07-1861 in Noordwelle, about 5 months years old.
7 Kornelis Kwant, born about 08-1862 in Noordwelle. Kornelis is deceased on monday 22-12-1862 in Noordwelle, about 4 months years old.
VIII-p Lena Braber was born on tuesday 31-10-1826 in Burgh, daughter of Gerrit Cornelisse Braber and Jacomina Speelman. She was baptized on sunday 03-12-1826 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Lena: NG. Lena is deceased on sunday 16-08-1896 in Renesse, 69 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Lena married,at the age of 28 years, on thursday 15-03-1855 in Noordwelle to Jan Bakker, aged about 36 years. Jan was born about 1819 in Noordwelle. Jan is deceased on thursday 07-01-1892 in Renesse, about 73 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Bakker en Willemina Doedee.
Children of Lena and Jan:
1 Jan Bakker, born about 03-1856 in Noordwelle. Jan is deceased on sunday 13-04-1856 in Noordwelle, about 1 month years old.
2 Jan Bakker, born about 1857 in Renesse. Jan is deceased on tuesday 16-11-1858 in Renesse, about 1 year years old.
3 Willemina Bakker, born about 09-1863 in Renesse. Willemina is deceased on friday 18-12-1863 in Renesse, about 3 months years old.
4 Geertje Bakker, born about 03-1865 in Renesse. Geertje is deceased on tuesday 26-09-1865 in Renesse, about 6 months years old.
VIII-q Magdalena Braber was born on friday 09-10-1829 in Burgh, daughter of Gerrit Cornelisse Braber and Jacomina Speelman. She was baptized on sunday 01-11-1829 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Magdalena: NG. Occupation: dienstbode. Magdalena married,at the age of 44 years, on saturday 15-11-1873 in Brouwershaven to Jacob Bos, aged about 31 years. Jacob was born about 1842 in Duivendijke. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Bos en Adriana van de Velde.
VIII-r Boudewijn Braber was born on friday 07-06-1839 in Haamstede, son of Dingeman Braber and Cornelia van As. He was baptized on monday 10-06-1839 in Haamstede. Boudewijn is deceased on monday 23-08-1926 in Dreischor, 87 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landarbeider, later caféhouder. Religion: N.H. gedoopt. Boudewijn:
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 08-07-1864 in Zonnemaire to Thona Kooreman, aged 23 years. Thona was born on sunday 10-01-1841 in Bommenede. Note re the birth of Thona: NH. Thona is deceased on tuesday 17-03-1874 in Zonnemaire, 33 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Thona: dochter van Pieter Kooreman en Jacomijna Fonteijne.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on tuesday 06-10-1874 in Zonnemaire to Maatje van den Berge, aged 36 years. Maatje was born on friday 26-01-1838 in Dreischor. Maatje is deceased on monday 21-01-1918 in Dreischor, 79 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Maatje: dochter van Hendrik van den Berge en Tannetje de Jonge, weduwe van Abraham Geelhoed.
Children of Boudewijn and Thona:
1 Cornelia Braber, born on thursday 23-02-1865 in Bommenede. Follow IX-ak.
2 Pieter Braber, born on sunday 02-12-1866 in Haamstede. Follow IX-al.
3 Hendrina Cornelia Braber, born about 1869. Hendrina Cornelia is deceased on sunday 17-02-1884 in Dreischor, about 15 years years old.
4 Jacomina Braber, born 10-1869 in Zonnemaire. Jacomina is deceased on saturday 20-11-1869 in Zonnemaire, 1 month years old.
VIII-s Kaatje Fokker was born on sunday 01-04-1832 in Renesse, daughter of Jan Fokker and Dina de Oude. Kaatje is deceased on wednesday 29-08-1866 in Wemeldinge, 34 years years old. Kaatje married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 23-02-1853 in Renesse to Jan Leendert de Kok, aged 33 years. Jan Leendert was born on thursday 15-04-1819 in Haamstede. Jan Leendert is deceased on tuesday 11-08-1885 in Wemeldinge, 66 years years old. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Jan Leendert: zoon van Pieter de Kok en Katharina (Kaatje) van de Velde.
Children of Kaatje and Jan Leendert:
1 Kaatje de Kok, born on saturday 19-11-1853 in Haamstede. Kaatje is deceased on thursday 17-04-1856 in Haamstede, 2 years years old.
2 Janna Dina de Kok, born on thursday 23-11-1854 in Haamstede. Follow IX-am.
3 Kaatje de Kok, born on thursday 25-12-1856 in Haamstede.
4 Dirkje de Kok, born on monday 22-02-1858 in Haamstede. Follow IX-an.
5 Leendert de Kok, born 10-1859 in Zierikzee. Leendert is deceased on sunday 05-02-1860 in Zierikzee, 4 months years old.
6 Abraham de Kok, born 03-1864 in Wemeldinge. Abraham is deceased on saturday 19-08-1865 in Wemeldinge, 1 year years old.
VIII-t Daniël Jansz van de Velde was born on thursday 11-05-1837 in Renesse, son of Jan van de Velde and Maatje Fokker. Daniël Jansz is deceased on thursday 26-11-1925 in Oosterland, 88 years years old. Occupation: kuiper. Daniël Jansz:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 17-05-1861 in Dreischor [source: akte 3] to Pieternella Boot, aged 18 years. Pieternella was born on thursday 08-12-1842 in Dreischor,daughter of Leendert Boot and Jozina de Bil. Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 18-09-1872 in Oosterland, 29 years years old. The decease was registered on wednesday 18-09-1872 [source: akte 28]. Note re Pieternella: een erkend kind.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on friday 07-03-1873 in Elkerzee to Adriaantje Guiljaams, aged 39 years. Adriaantje was born in 1834 in Elkerzee. Note re Adriaantje: dochter van Adriaan Guiljaams en Jannetje Koster.
Children of Daniël Jansz and Pieternella:
1 Maatje van de Velde, born about 1862 in Dreischor. Maatje is deceased on saturday 12-11-1864 in Zonnemaire, about 2 years years old.
2 Jozina van de Velde, born about 1863 in Dreischor. Follow IX-ao.
3 Lena van de Velde, born 07-1864 in Zonnemaire. Lena is deceased on wednesday 03-08-1864 in Zonnemaire, 1 month years old.
4 Leendert van de Velde, born on thursday 19-10-1865 in Oosterland. Follow IX-ap.
5 Maatje van de Velde, born 03-1867 in Sirjansland. Maatje is deceased on saturday 25-05-1867 in Oosterland, 2 months years old.
6 Jan van de Velde, born 08-1868 in Sirjansland. Jan is deceased on thursday 24-09-1868 in Oosterland, 1 month years old.
7 Jan van de Velde, born on saturday 09-10-1869 in Oosterland. Follow IX-aq.
8 Maatje van de Velde, born 03-1871 in Sirjansland. Maatje is deceased on saturday 13-05-1871 in Oosterland, 2 months years old.
VIII-u Gerrit de Oude was born on wednesday 12-10-1825 in Renesse, son of Leendert de Oude and Neeltje Fokker. Gerrit is deceased on friday 15-02-1861 in Renesse, 35 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht. Gerrit married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 31-07-1857 in Renesse to Margrieta van der Jagt, aged 23 years. Margrieta was born on sunday 01-09-1833 in Noordwelle. Margrieta is deceased on saturday 31-03-1928 in Renesse, 94 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Margrieta: dochter van Johannis van der Jagt en Judith Johanna van Gestel.
VIII-v Dirk de Oude was born on friday 07-09-1827 in Renesse, son of Leendert de Oude and Neeltje Fokker. Dirk is deceased on tuesday 14-03-1893 in Renesse, 65 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Dirk married,at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 12-09-1855 in Renesse to Kornelia Johanna van Lokeren, aged 24 years. Kornelia Johanna was born on tuesday 15-02-1831 in Renesse,daughter of Jacobus van Lokeren and Kaatje van de Vaate. Kornelia Johanna is deceased on sunday 31-08-1902 in Renesse, 71 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster.
VIII-w Krina de Oude was born on friday 08-01-1830 in Renesse, daughter of Leendert de Oude and Neeltje Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Krina married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 04-11-1857 in Brouwershaven to Daniël van de Velde, aged 23 years. Daniël was born in 1834 in Brouwershaven. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Daniël: zoon van Cornelis van de Velde en Stoffelijntje Kooman.
Child of Krina and Daniël:
1 Cornelis van de Velde, born in 1859 in Brouwershaven. Follow IX-ar.
VIII-x Kaatje de Oude was born on friday 14-10-1831 in Renesse, daughter of Leendert de Oude and Neeltje Fokker. Kaatje is deceased on friday 01-11-1861 in Brouwershaven, 30 years years old. Kaatje married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 12-05-1858 in Brouwershaven to Kornelis Krijger, aged 25 years. Kornelis was born on saturday 16-02-1833 in Brouwershaven,son of Kornelis Krijger and Kornelia Westerweel. Kornelis is deceased on tuesday 08-05-1900 in Brouwershaven, 67 years years old.
VIII-y Jakobus de Bruijne was born about 1839 in Renesse, son of Leendert de Bruijne and Neeltje Fokker. Jakobus is deceased on friday 24-01-1873 in Renesse, about 34 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jakobus married,at the age of about 23 years, on saturday 31-05-1862 in Renesse to Margrieta van der Jagt, aged 28 years. Margrieta was born on sunday 01-09-1833 in Noordwelle. Margrieta is deceased on saturday 31-03-1928 in Renesse, 94 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Margrieta: dochter van Johannis van der Jagt en Judith Johanna van Gestel.
VIII-z Krijn de Bruijne was born on thursday 24-02-1842 in Renesse, son of Leendert de Bruijne and Neeltje Fokker. Krijn is deceased on sunday 28-02-1909 in Renesse, 67 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Krijn married,at the age of 28 years, on saturday 30-04-1870 in Renesse to Jacomina Versteeg, aged 29 years. Jacomina was born on thursday 15-10-1840 in Renesse. Jacomina is deceased on tuesday 03-10-1911 in Renesse, 70 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Jacomina: dochter van Lambregt Versteeg en Cornelia Bouman.
VIII-aa Cornelis Fokker was born on friday 28-07-1837 in Renesse, son of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Cornelis is deceased on friday 05-05-1916 in Rotterdam, 78 years years old. Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 05-06-1867 in Den Bommel to Jannetje Grootenboer, aged 37 years. Jannetje was born on sunday 31-01-1830 in Ooltgensplaat. Jannetje is deceased on wednesday 05-11-1902 in Den Bommel, 72 years years old. Note re Jannetje: dochter van Helbert Grootenboer en Cornelia de Bruin, eerder getrouwd met Arend Melissant.
Children of Cornelis and Jannetje:
1 Pieter Fokker, born on wednesday 13-05-1868 in Den Bommel. Follow IX-as.
2 Dirk Fokker, born on monday 21-02-1870 in Den Bommel. Dirk is deceased on wednesday 07-10-1874 in Den Bommel, 4 years years old.
3 Jannetje Fokker, born on wednesday 07-02-1872 in Den Bommel. Follow IX-at.
4 Dirk Fokker, born on tuesday 25-04-1876 in Den Bommel. Dirk is deceased on monday 01-05-1876 in Den Bommel, 6 days years old.
VIII-ab Joppa Fokker was born on tuesday 04-06-1839 in Renesse, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Joppa is deceased on saturday 01-03-1913 in Bruinisse, 73 years years old. Joppa married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 28-01-1868 in Bruinisse to Marinus Beekman, aged 50 years. Marinus was born on wednesday 30-07-1817 in Bruinisse. Marinus is deceased on wednesday 22-11-1893 in Bruinisse, 76 years years old. Occupation: vrachtrijder. Note re Marinus: zoon van Pieter Beekman en Tona Verspoor.
VIII-ac Adriaantje Fokker was born on sunday 27-12-1840 in Renesse, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Occupation: dienstmeid. Adriaantje married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 13-07-1867 in Ouwerkerk to Pieter Willemse, aged 25 years. Pieter was born in 1842 in Ouwerkerk. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Marinus Willemse en Klazina Kuijper.
Child of Adriaantje and Pieter:
1 Marinus Willemse, born in 1878 in Uithoorn. Follow IX-au.
VIII-ad Dirk Fokker was born on saturday 25-03-1843 in Renesse, son of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Dirk is deceased on thursday 23-03-1876 in Kerkwerve, 32 years years old. Occupation: boerenknecht. Dirk married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 17-08-1870 in Kerkwerve to Elizabeth Capelle, aged 23 years. Elizabeth was born on wednesday 28-07-1847 in Nieuwerkerk. Elizabeth is deceased on wednesday 05-05-1920 in Zierikzee, 72 years years old. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Adrianus Capelle en Maatje van Graafeiland.
Children of Dirk and Elizabeth:
1 Maatje Fokker, born on sunday 21-01-1872 in Kerkwerve. Follow IX-av.
2 Kornelia Fokker, born on sunday 16-11-1873 in Kerkwerve. Follow IX-aw.
VIII-ae Jan Fokker was born on tuesday 18-06-1844 in Renesse, son of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Jan is deceased on wednesday 17-01-1940 in Bruinisse, 95 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married,at the age of 41 years, on saturday 12-06-1886 in Bruinisse to Janna Cornelia Otte, aged 42 years. Janna Cornelia was born on sunday 16-07-1843 in Bruinisse. Janna Cornelia is deceased on thursday 23-12-1920 in Bruinisse, 77 years years old. Note re Janna Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis Otte en Helena van den Berg.
VIII-af Maatje Fokker was born on sunday 29-03-1846 in Renesse, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Maatje is deceased on thursday 20-04-1905 in Zierikzee, 59 years years old. Maatje married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 17-09-1873 in Nieuwerkerk to Frederik Lievense, aged 42 years. Frederik was born in 1831 in Nieuwerkerk. Frederik is deceased on monday 18-05-1908 in Zierikzee, 77 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Frederik: zoon van Leendert Lievense en Kornelia van de Stolpe.
Children of Maatje and Frederik:
1 Leenderina Cornelia Lievense, born in 1877 in Bruinisse. Follow IX-ax.
2 Adriana Lievense, born in 1882 in Uithoorn. Follow IX-ay.
VIII-ag Johannis Fokker was born on monday 16-09-1850 in Noordwelle, son of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Blom. Johannis is deceased on sunday 26-01-1913 in Noordgouwe, 62 years years old. Occupation: landarbeider. Johannis married,at the age of 37 years, on saturday 24-09-1887 in Bruinisse to Dirksje Stoutjesdijk, aged 33 years. Dirksje was born on saturday 25-03-1854 in Bruinisse. Dirksje is deceased on friday 13-02-1931 in Nieuwerkerk, 76 years years old. Note re Dirksje: dochter van Pieter Stoutjesdijk en Adriana van Vessum.
Children of Johannis and Dirksje:
1 Pieter Fokker, born on saturday 25-08-1888 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-az.
2 Jan Cornelis Fokker, born on friday 19-09-1890 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-ba.
3 Cornelia Adriaantje Fokker, born on sunday 29-11-1896 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-bb.
VIII-ah Neeltje Pieternella Fokker was born about 1818 in Renesse, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Tona (Toontje) Kosten(se). Neeltje Pieternella is deceased on saturday 30-09-1871 in Elkerzee, about 53 years years old. Neeltje Pieternella married,at the age of about 20 years, on friday 22-06-1838 in Renesse to Bastiaan Kostense, aged 26 years. Bastiaan was born on tuesday 20-08-1811 in Haamstede,son of Job Bastiaanse Kostense and Cornelia Stoel. Bastiaan is deceased on tuesday 18-12-1860 in Burgh, 49 years years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, winkelier.
Children of Neeltje Pieternella and Bastiaan:
1 Job Kostense, born on sunday 23-09-1838 in Renesse. Follow IX-bc.
2 Cornelia Kostense, born on saturday 31-07-1841 in Burgh. Follow IX-bd.
3 Toontje Kostense, born on saturday 13-07-1844 in Noordwelle. Follow IX-be.
4 Krina Kostense, born on thursday 21-12-1848 in Renesse. Krina is deceased on sunday 30-03-1856 in Ellemeet, 7 years years old.
5 Jobina Kostense, born in 1853 in Burgh. Follow IX-bf.
VIII-ai Tonis Fokker was born on tuesday 08-02-1825 in Haamstede, son of Krijn Fokker and Tona (Toontje) Kosten(se). Occupation: boerenzoon. Tonis married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 28-06-1844 in Renesse to Aagtje van den Hamer, aged 24 years. Note re the marriage: emigreerden in 1857 naar Noord Amerika.Aagtje was born on saturday 04-09-1819 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Aagtje: dochter van Harman van den Hamer en Jacoba Onasse.
Children of Tonis and Aagtje:
1 Krijn Fokker, born on sunday 20-10-1844 in Renesse.
2 Jacoba Fokker, born on monday 28-09-1846 in Renesse.
3 Pieter Fokker, born on tuesday 31-10-1848 in Renesse.
VIII-aj Willemina Fokker was born on tuesday 09-10-1827 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Grietje Faase. The birth was registered [source: akte 20]. Willemina is deceased on saturday 12-09-1863 in Burgh, 35 years years old (cause: in het kraambed) [source: Memorie van Successie 3/9226 2/99]. The decease was registered [source: akte 12]. Willemina married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 19-06-1850 in Burgh [source: akte 2] to Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot, aged 33 years. Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz was born on saturday 03-08-1816 in Burgh,son of Aalbrecht (Aalbregt, Albrecht, Albregt) Cornelisz Boot and Cornelia Fransdr Waalwijk (Waalbeke). Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz is deceased on friday 19-05-1899 in Burgh, 82 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, aannemer, koopman.
Children of Willemina and Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz:
1 Aalbregt Boot, born on thursday 05-12-1850 in Burgh. Follow IX-bg.
2 Krijn Boot, born on wednesday 12-11-1851 in Burgh. Follow IX-bh.
3 Cornelis Boot, born on saturday 16-04-1853 in Burgh. Cornelis is deceased on friday 02-03-1883 in Burgh, 29 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 4]. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis remained unmarried.
4 Grietje Boot, born on tuesday 07-11-1854 in Burgh. Follow IX-bi.
5 Marinus Boot, born on monday 25-02-1856 in Burgh. Marinus is deceased on monday 02-06-1856 in Burgh, 3 months years old [source: Memorie van Successie 4577]. The decease was registered [source: akte 6].
6 Marinus Boot, born on tuesday 31-03-1857 in Burgh. Marinus is deceased on monday 31-08-1857 in Burgh, 5 months years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 14].
7 Johannes Boot, born on tuesday 02-11-1858 in Burgh. Follow IX-bj.
8 Cornelia Boot, born on monday 20-02-1860 in Burgh. Follow IX-bk.
9 Marinus Boot, born on wednesday 19-06-1861 in Burgh. Marinus is deceased on saturday 09-02-1878 in Burgh, 16 years years old [source: Memorie van Successie 2/9018]. The decease was registered [source: akte 2].
10 Nicolaas Boot, born on sunday 19-10-1862 in Burgh. Follow IX-bl.
11 zoon Boot, son,born death on friday 28-08-1863 in Burgh. The decease was registered [source: akte 19].
VIII-ak Pieternella Fokker was born on wednesday 10-08-1831 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Grietje Faase. The birth was registered on thursday 11-08-1831 [source: akte 16]. Pieternella is deceased on saturday 05-03-1887 in Delft, 55 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 32]. Pieternella married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 21-12-1855 in Haamstede [source: akte 9] to Gillis Beije, aged 33 years. Gillis was born on tuesday 30-04-1822 in Haamstede. Gillis is deceased on sunday 04-05-1884 in Haamstede, 62 years years old. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Gillis: zoon van Nicolaas Beije en Janna Verton.
Children of Pieternella and Gillis:
1 Krijn Beije, born on tuesday 24-03-1857 in Haamstede. Follow IX-bm.
2 Janna Pieternella Beije, born on friday 19-11-1858 in Haamstede. Follow IX-bn.
3 Nicolaas Beije, born on saturday 26-08-1865 in Haamstede. Follow IX-bo.
VIII-al Krina Fokker was born on wednesday 13-08-1834 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Grietje Faase. The birth was registered on wednesday 13-08-1834 [source: akte 15]. Krina is deceased on friday 20-12-1895 in Haamstede, 61 years years old. Krina married,at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 10-06-1856 in Haamstede [source: akte 6] to Martinus Lemsom, aged 29 years. Martinus was born on saturday 16-12-1826 in Haamstede. Martinus is deceased on saturday 18-11-1899 in Haamstede, 72 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, melkboer. Note re Martinus: zoon van Marinus Lemsom, landbouwer, en Cornelia Beens.
Children of Krina and Martinus:
1 Cornelia Lemsom, born on monday 03-11-1856 in Haamstede. Follow IX-bp.
2 Grietje Marina Lemsom, born on wednesday 26-06-1861 in Burgh. Follow IX-bq.
3 Marinus Johannis Lemsom, born on sunday 09-10-1864 in Burgh. Follow IX-br.
4 Krijn Lemsom, born on monday 31-12-1866 in Burgh. Follow IX-bs.
VIII-am Nicolaas Fokker was born on saturday 03-10-1835 in Haamstede, son of Krijn Fokker and Grietje Faase. The birth was registered on saturday 03-10-1835 [source: akte 28]. Nicolaas is deceased on saturday 26-02-1910 in Haamstede, 74 years years old. The decease was registered on monday 28-02-1910 [source: akte 4]. Occupation: arbeider. Nicolaas married,at the age of 39 years, on friday 06-11-1874 in Burgh [source: akte 9] to Krina Pieternella Bakker, aged 27 years. Krina Pieternella was born on saturday 07-08-1847 in Burgh. Krina Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 25-11-1884 in Haamstede, 37 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Krina Pieternella: dochter van Jacob Bakker, arbeider, en Lena Koopman, arbeidster.
Child of Nicolaas and Krina Pieternella:
1 Krijn Fokker, born on friday 12-11-1875 in Haamstede. Follow IX-bt.
VIII-an Jannetje de Oude was born on saturday 23-01-1819 in Noordwelle, daughter of Nicolaas de Oude and Kornelia Fokker. Jannetje is deceased on monday 01-05-1893 in Nieuwerkerk, 74 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Jannetje:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 29-05-1845 in Nieuwerkerk to Abel van Agthoven, aged 56 years. Abel was born on tuesday 10-06-1788 in Nieuwerkerk,son of Marinus van Achthoven and Neeltje de Glopper. Abel is deceased on wednesday 13-06-1849 in Nieuwerkerk, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer.
(2) married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 07-06-1850 in Nieuwerkerk to Huibregt van de Zande, aged 33 years. Huibregt was born on friday 31-01-1817 in Looperskapelle. Huibregt is deceased on friday 23-01-1903 in Nieuwerkerk, 85 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landbouwer, raadslid Nieuwerkerk, wethouder Nieuwerkerk. Note re Huibregt: zoon van Huibregt van de Zande en Joppa Bartelse.
Children of Jannetje and Abel:
1 Neeltje van Agthoven, born on wednesday 29-11-1848 in Nieuwerkerk. Neeltje is deceased on wednesday 31-07-1850 in Nieuwerkerk, 1 year years old.
2 Cornelia van Agthoven, born on friday 25-01-1850 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-bu.
Children of Jannetje and Huibregt:
1 Hubregt van de Zande, born on friday 20-02-1852 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-bv.
2 Klazina van de Zande, born on friday 05-08-1853 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-bw.
3 Bartel van de Zande, born on monday 21-01-1856 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-bx.
4 Jannetje van de Zande, born on tuesday 21-05-1861 in Nieuwerkerk. Follow IX-by.
VIII-ao Pieternella de Oude was born on sunday 27-02-1820 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Nicolaas de Oude and Kornelia Fokker. Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 02-03-1864 in Zierikzee, 44 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Pieternella married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 13-10-1858 in Zierikzee to Marinus Kwist, aged 47 years. Marinus was born on sunday 06-01-1811 in Noordgouwe. Marinus is deceased on friday 11-01-1901 in Zierikzee, 90 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Marinus: zoon van Cornelis Kwist en Cornelia van den Berge, weduwnaar van Johanna Jonker.
Child of Pieternella and Marinus:
1 Hubregt Kwist, born in 1863 in Zierikzee. Hubregt is deceased on monday 30-10-1882 in Zierikzee, 19 years years old.
VIII-ap Neeltje de Oude was born on wednesday 12-10-1825 in Noordwelle, daughter of Nicolaas de Oude and Kornelia Fokker. Neeltje is deceased on thursday 24-11-1887 in Zierikzee, 62 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Neeltje married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 02-04-1852 in Renesse to Engel Bakker, aged 24 years. Engel was born on saturday 15-09-1827 in Noordwelle. Engel is deceased on wednesday 25-07-1900 in Zierikzee, 72 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Engel: zoon van Jan Bakker en Adriana Arijse.
Children of Neeltje and Engel:
1 Adriaan Bakker, born on friday 27-08-1852 in Renesse. Follow IX-bz.
2 Cornelia Bakker, born on friday 27-08-1852 in Renesse. Follow IX-ca.
3 Marinus Bakker, born on monday 12-04-1858 in Ellemeet. Follow IX-cb.
4 Clazina Bakker, born on friday 18-07-1862 in Noordwelle. Follow IX-cc.
VIII-aq Cornelis de Oude was born on thursday 24-11-1831 in Noordwelle, son of Nicolaas de Oude and Kornelia Fokker. Cornelis is deceased on monday 12-02-1900 in Nieuwerkerk, 68 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married,at the age of 35 years, on saturday 12-10-1867 in Kerkwerve to Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge, aged 24 years. Jacomijntje was born on friday 09-12-1842 in Duivendijke. Jacomijntje is deceased on wednesday 01-02-1922 in Nieuwerkerk, 79 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Jacomijntje: dochter van Jan van Westenbrugge en Maria Matthijsse.
Children of Cornelis and Jacomijntje:
1 Cornelia de Oude, born on tuesday 14-04-1868 in Ellemeet. Follow IX-cd.
2 Maria de Oude, born on thursday 01-07-1869 in Elkerzee. Follow IX-ce.
3 Nicolaas Leendert de Oude, born on thursday 11-01-1872 in Elkerzee. Follow IX-cf.
4 Jannetje de Oude, born on friday 21-05-1875 in Elkerzee. Follow IX-cg.
5 Neeltje de Oude, born about 1881 in Zierikzee. Follow IX-ch.
VIII-ar Maria de Oude was born on sunday 02-06-1839 in Noordwelle, daughter of Nicolaas de Oude and Kornelia Fokker. Maria is deceased on tuesday 28-08-1900 in Zierikzee, 61 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Maria married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 29-04-1863 in Nieuwerkerk to Thomas Brouwer, aged 25 years. Thomas was born on friday 19-05-1837 in Oosterland. Thomas is deceased on wednesday 19-10-1898 in Nieuwerkerk, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, veldarbeider. Note re Thomas: zoon van Leendert Brouwer en Lena Poot.
VIII-as Cornelis Leendert Gast, son of Cornelis Gast and Maria Moolenburg. Cornelis Leendert is deceased on sunday 30-10-1887 in Noordwelle. Cornelis Leendert married on friday 11-03-1836 in Elkerzee to Toontje van den Bout, aged 24 years. Toontje was born on friday 08-11-1811 in Elkerzee. Toontje is deceased on monday 04-01-1892 in Zierikzee, 80 years years old.
Child of Cornelis Leendert and Toontje:
1 Thonus Gast, born in 1847 in Duivendijke. Follow IX-ci.
VIII-at Nikolaas Leendert de Oude was born on monday 07-09-1835 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Leendert de Oude and Janna Kosten. Occupation: landbouwer. Nikolaas Leendert married,at the age of 32 years, on friday 13-09-1867 in Noordgouwe to Elizabeth van Nieuwenhuijzen, aged 23 years. Elizabeth was born on saturday 23-12-1843 in Noordgouwe. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Cornelis van Nieuwenhuijzen en Elizabeth Gaanderse.
Child of Nikolaas Leendert and Elizabeth:
1 Adriaan Cornelis de Oude, born on friday 22-05-1885 in Noordwelle. Follow IX-cj.
VIII-au Johannis Pieters Noordhoek was born on monday 27-07-1840 in Noordwelle, son of Pieter Noordhoek and Kornelia Kosten. Johannis Pieters is deceased on sunday 21-10-1923 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen, 83 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Johannis Pieters married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 24-04-1867 in Haamstede to Marina van Stalen, aged 25 years. Marina was born on friday 13-08-1841 in Burgh. Marina is deceased on saturday 30-04-1910 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen, 68 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Marina: dochter van Pieter Marinusz van Staalen en Wilhelmina Marinusdr de Koe.
VIII-av Jannetje Noordhoek was born on wednesday 18-12-1844 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Noordhoek and Kornelia Kosten. Jannetje is deceased on tuesday 31-01-1928 in Haamstede, 83 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Jannetje married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 29-04-1868 in Haamstede to Marinus Kloet, aged 23 years. Marinus was born on monday 29-07-1844 in Serooskerke, Schouwen,son of Jacob Kloet and Jannetje Dankerse. Marinus is deceased on monday 26-01-1931 in Burgh, 86 years years old. Occupation: arbeider.
Children of Jannetje and Marinus:
1 Jacob Jan Kloet, born on thursday 11-05-1871 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ck.
2 Pieter Kloet, born about 1882 in Haamstede. Follow IX-cl.
3 Jan Kloet, born on sunday 09-11-1884 in Haamstede. Follow IX-cm.
VIII-aw Maria van de Panne was born on sunday 19-02-1837 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Job Imanse van de Panne and Johanna Kosten. Maria is deceased on wednesday 01-03-1916 in Haamstede, 79 years years old. Maria married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 30-12-1863 in Haamstede to Nicolaas Beuzenberg, aged 26 years. Nicolaas was born on friday 31-03-1837 in Haamstede. Nicolaas is deceased on thursday 01-05-1902 in Haamstede, 65 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Georgeus Lodewijk Beuzenberg en Cornelia Eikhof.
Children of Maria and Nicolaas:
1 Johanna Beuzenberg, born on monday 07-01-1867 in Haamstede. Follow IX-cn.
2 Job Beuzenberg, born on saturday 10-09-1870 in Haamstede. Follow IX-co.
VIII-ax Pieternella van de Panne was born on sunday 03-06-1838 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Job Imanse van de Panne and Johanna Kosten. Pieternella is deceased on saturday 28-09-1901 in Haamstede, 63 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Pieternella married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 22-10-1864 in Haamstede to Marinus Laban, aged 24 years. Marinus was born on saturday 27-06-1840 in Haamstede,son of Cornelis Laban and Jacoba van ´t Veer. Marinus is deceased on tuesday 31-07-1906 in Haamstede, 66 years years old. Occupation: (veld)arbeider.
Child of Pieternella and Marinus:
1 Johanna Laban, born on monday 26-02-1866 in Haamstede. Follow IX-cp.
VIII-ay Jannetje van de Panne was born on thursday 31-12-1840 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Job Imanse van de Panne and Johanna Kosten. Jannetje is deceased on saturday 03-10-1896 in Oosterland, 55 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode, arbeidster. Jannetje:
(1) married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 05-01-1872 in Oosterland to Cornelis van Dijke, aged 26 years. Cornelis was born on friday 19-12-1845 in Oosterland. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 17-03-1874 in Oosterland, 28 years years old. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Cornelis van Dijke en Jacomina Wagemaker.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on friday 07-04-1876 in Oosterland to Frans Teunisz van de Have, aged 27 years. Frans Teunisz was born on friday 22-12-1848 in Oosterland. Frans Teunisz is deceased on sunday 23-10-1898 in Oosterland, 49 years years old. Note re Frans Teunisz: zoon van Theunis van der Have en Willemina Vijverberg.
Child of Jannetje and Frans Teunisz:
1 Willemina Hendrika van der Have, born on wednesday 06-12-1882 in Oosterland. Follow IX-cq.
VIII-az Iman van de(r) Panne was born on saturday 14-08-1852 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Job Imanse van de Panne and Johanna Kosten. Iman is deceased on tuesday 06-08-1895 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 42 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Iman married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 09-11-1878 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Thona Sara Verdick, aged about 27 years. Thona Sara was born about 1851 in Burgh. Thona Sara is deceased on sunday 13-09-1942 in Zierikzee, about 91 years years old. Note re Thona Sara: dochter van Johannes Bernardus Verdick en Janna Stoffelse Berrevoets.
Children of Iman and Thona Sara:
1 Johanna Janna van de Panne, born about 1890 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow IX-cr.
2 Johannis van der Panne, born on monday 15-06-1891 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow IX-cs.
VIII-ba Cornelis van Zuijen was born on thursday 16-01-1817 in Oostkapelle, son of Marinus van Zuijen and Suzanna Pieternella Braber. Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 16-09-1857 in Sint Laurens (Middelburg), 40 years years old. Occupation: winkelier, molenaarsknecht. Cornelis married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 06-01-1844 in Oostkapelle to Martina Kodde, aged 23 years. Martina was born on friday 14-01-1820 in Oostkapelle. Martina is deceased on monday 20-11-1905 in Vrouwenpolder, 85 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Martina: dochter van Simon Pieterse Kodde en Martina Leijnsdr de Visser.
VIII-bb Lena Fokker was born on wednesday 20-09-1815 in Burgh, daughter of Nicolaas Fokker and Kaatje de Oude. Lena is deceased on saturday 30-03-1844 in Burgh, 28 years years old. Occupation: herbergierster. Lena married,at the age of 20 years, on thursday 28-04-1836 in Burgh to Willem Jacobsz Speelman, aged 25 years. Willem Jacobsz was born in 1811 in Burgh,son of Jacob(us) Speelman and Elizabeth den Boer. Note re the birth of Willem Jacobsz: 1812? Haamstede?. Willem Jacobsz is deceased on tuesday 10-08-1897 in Burgh, 86 years years old. Occupation: akkerbouwer, landbouwer, herbergier.
Children of Lena and Willem Jacobsz:
1 Catharina Speelman, born before 1836.
2 Elisabeth Lena Speelman, born on friday 03-02-1837 in Burgh. Follow IX-ct.
3 Nicolaas Speelman, born on wednesday 04-09-1839 in Burgh. Follow IX-cu.
4 Lena Speelman, born on monday 04-10-1841 in Burgh. Follow IX-cv.
5 Kaatje Speelman, born on thursday 05-10-1843 in Burgh. Follow IX-cw.
VIII-bc Pieternella Slaager was born on monday 28-08-1820 in Burgh, daughter of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Pieternella is deceased on monday 16-01-1905 in Burgh, 84 years years old. Occupation: werkbode. Pieternella:
(1) married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 14-05-1851 in Haamstede to Jan Speelman, aged 26 years. Jan was born on thursday 14-04-1825 in Renesse. Jan is deceased on friday 26-09-1856 in Haamstede, 31 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Tonus Speelman en Tona van de Velde.
(2) married,at the age of 45 years, on friday 04-05-1866 in Burgh to Cornelis Melieste, aged 32 years. Cornelis was born on saturday 02-11-1833 in Burgh. Cornelis is deceased on saturday 13-03-1875 in Brouwershaven, 41 years years old. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Klaas Melieste en Levina Beije.
VIII-bd Marinus Slaager was born on tuesday 27-05-1823 in Burgh, son of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Marinus is deceased on saturday 17-06-1911 in Burgh, 88 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Marinus married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 16-04-1851 in Burgh to Hermina van Dorp, aged 28 years. Hermina was born on tuesday 18-02-1823 in Burgh. Hermina is deceased on friday 05-02-1892 in Burgh, 68 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Hermina: dochter van Abraham van Dorp en Elisabeth Groenleer.
VIII-be Jan Slaager was born on sunday 11-09-1825 in Burgh, son of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Jan is deceased on saturday 19-11-1904 in Burgh, 79 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married,at the age of 30 years, on saturday 29-12-1855 in Burgh to Willemina Kooijman, aged 25 years. Willemina was born on saturday 24-07-1830 in Haamstede. Willemina is deceased on thursday 21-11-1918 in Burgh, 88 years years old. Occupation: werkbode. Note re Willemina: dochter van Krina Kooijman.
Children of Jan and Willemina:
1 Gerrit Slaager, born on saturday 19-01-1856 in Burgh. Follow IX-cx.
2 Krina Slaager, born on monday 14-09-1857 in Burgh. Follow IX-cy.
3 Stoffel Slaager, born on wednesday 27-02-1861 in Burgh. Follow IX-cz.
4 Janna Slaager, born on friday 10-06-1864 in Burgh. Follow IX-da.
5 Wilhelmina Johanna Slaager, born on monday 02-07-1866 in Burgh. Follow IX-db.
6 Pieter Slaager, born on sunday 05-04-1868 in Burgh. Follow IX-dc.
7 Marinus Slaager, born on monday 11-04-1870 in Burgh. Follow IX-dd.
VIII-bf Stoffel Slaager was born on friday 14-11-1828 in Burgh, son of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Stoffel married,at the age of 33 years, on friday 06-12-1861 in Burgh to Janna Klink, aged 29 years. Janna was born on sunday 15-04-1832 in Sirjansland. Note re Janna: dochter van Jan Klink en Klazina de Ronde.
VIII-bg Nicolaas Slaager was born on wednesday 02-03-1831 in Burgh, son of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Nicolaas is deceased on wednesday 10-10-1906 in Haamstede, 75 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Nicolaas married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 03-10-1856 in Haamstede to Adriaantje de Voogt, aged 21 years. Adriaantje was born in 1835 in Haamstede. Adriaantje is deceased on monday 31-03-1890 in Haamstede, 55 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Adriaantje: dochter van Marinus de Voogt en Janna Krijger.
Children of Nicolaas and Adriaantje:
1 Marinus Slaager, born on tuesday 25-02-1862 in Haamstede. Follow IX-de.
2 Gerrit Slaager, born on thursday 12-01-1865 in Haamstede. Follow IX-df.
VIII-bh Cornelis Slaager was born on wednesday 22-01-1834 in Burgh, son of Gerrit Slaager and Adriana Fokker. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 18-06-1863 in Burgh to Levina Kloet, aged 26 years. Levina was born on thursday 01-12-1836 in Serooskerke, Schouwen,daughter of Jacob Kloet and Jannetje Dankerse. Occupation: dienstmeid.
VIII-bi Jan Fokker was born on sunday 15-03-1818 in Burgh, son of Stoffel Fokker and Grietje Leemans. Jan is deceased on tuesday 02-03-1886 in Burgh, 67 years years old. Occupation: dijkwerker. Jan married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 13-05-1842 in Burgh to Maria Kloet, aged 23 years. Maria was born on saturday 19-09-1818 in Kerkwerve,daughter of Abraham Willemse Kloet and Jannetje Gerritse Zwager. Maria is deceased on friday 16-05-1884 in Burgh, 65 years years old. Occupation: boerenmeid.
Children of Jan and Maria:
1 Jannetje Fokker, born on saturday 18-10-1845 in Burgh. Jannetje is deceased on wednesday 25-09-1861 in Burgh, 15 years years old.
2 Grietje Fokker, born on saturday 02-03-1850 in Burgh. Follow IX-dg.
VIII-bj John Fokker (Tucker) was born on sunday 05-01-1823 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Fokker and Barbara (Barbel) Melieste. John is deceased about 1875 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., about 52 years years old. Note re the death of John: tussen 1870 en 1880. John married to Jannetje (Jane) de Koning (King). Jannetje (Jane) was born on monday 17-07-1837 in Bruinisse. Note re Jannetje (Jane): dochter van Anthony de Koning en Jannetje Goudswaard.
Children of John and Jannetje (Jane):
1 John Frederick Tucker, born in 1857 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A.. Follow IX-dh.
2 Maggie Tucker, born in 1859 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A.
3 Barbara Tucker, born in 1863.
VIII-bk Willem (William) Fokker (Tucker) was born on saturday 11-10-1828 in Burgh, son of Dirk Fokker and Barbara (Barbel) Melieste. Willem (William) is deceased on wednesday 08-12-1909 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 81 years years old. Note re the death of Willem (William): Tuckertown. Occupation: oestervisser, bayman. Willem (William) married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 26-08-1854 in Burgh to Maria den Boer, aged 23 years. Note re the marriage: emigreerden in 1854 naar Amerika, waar ze zich vestigden in de plaats Oakdale. Willem Fokker veranderde daar zijn naam in William Tucker. In 1865 kocht hij een stuk land aan de Great South Bay in de buurt van Sayville, waar hij een huis bouwde en de kost verdiende als oestervisser. Al snel volgden andere Zeeuwse emigranten zijn voorbeeld en ontstond er een nieuwe nederzetting, Tuckertown. Op 13-05-1891 werd tijdens een bijeenkomst in de winkel van Dingman van Popering unaniem besloten de naam van de plaats te wijzigen in West Sayville.Maria was born on sunday 12-09-1830 in Haamstede. Note re Maria: dochter van Johannes den Boer en Johanna Timmerman.
Children of Willem (William) and Maria:
1 Betsy Anne Tucker, born in 1859 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A.
2 Mary Tucker, born in 1861 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A.
3 Jane Tucker, born on sunday 13-12-1863 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A.. Follow IX-di.
4 Belle Tucker, born in 1866 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.
5 William Tucker, born on thursday 22-02-1872 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.. Follow IX-dj.
6 Nellie Tucker, born in 1878 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.. Follow IX-dk.
VIII-bl Marinus Fokker was born on wednesday 02-11-1831 in Burgh, son of Dirk Fokker and Barbara (Barbel) Melieste. Marinus is deceased on friday 24-10-1913 in Burgh, 81 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Marinus married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 12-03-1856 in Burgh to Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta, aged 25 years. Johanna Wilhelmina was born on tuesday 21-12-1830 in Burgh. Johanna Wilhelmina is deceased on tuesday 18-04-1899 in Burgh, 68 years years old. Note re Johanna Wilhelmina: dochter van Janus Zijta en Hendrika Goudsweert.
Children of Marinus and Johanna Wilhelmina:
1 Janus Fokker, born on saturday 31-07-1858 in Burgh. Follow IX-dl.
2 Berbara Fokker, born on sunday 08-01-1860 in Burgh. Follow IX-dm.
3 Hendrika Fokker, born on tuesday 23-07-1861 in Burgh. Hendrika is deceased on thursday 19-11-1891 in Burgh, 30 years years old. Hendrika remained unmarried.
4 Dirkje Fokker, born on sunday 06-03-1864 in Burgh. Follow IX-dn.
5 Adriaantje Fokker, born on saturday 22-12-1866 in Burgh. Follow IX-do.
6 Kaatje Fokker, born on friday 23-04-1875 in Burgh. Follow IX-dp.
VIII-bm Nicolaas (Nicholas) Fokker (Tucker) was born on tuesday 22-10-1833 in Burgh, son of Dirk Fokker and Barbara (Barbel) Melieste. Note re the birth of Nicolaas (Nicholas): 26-10-1834?. Nicolaas (Nicholas) is deceased on tuesday 19-10-1886 in Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 52 years years old. Address: (emigreerde in 1857 vanuit Burgh naar Amerika). Occupation: arbeider, bayman. Nicolaas (Nicholas) married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 14-02-1857 in Burgh to Johanna van Westervoort, aged 21 years. Johanna was born on monday 17-08-1835 in Burgh. Note re Johanna: dochter van Pieter van Westervoort en Janna Eijke.
Children of Nicolaas (Nicholas) and Johanna:
1 Derrick Tucker, born in 1862. Occupation: bayman.
2 Jane Tucker, born in 1876.
VIII-bn Maria Fokker (Tucker) was born on monday 04-04-1842 in Burgh, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Barbara (Barbel) Melieste. Maria married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 10-07-1872 to James Wenham.
VIII-bo Adriana Fokker was born on saturday 12-04-1828 in Haamstede, daughter of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. She was baptized on sunday 04-05-1828 in Haamstede. Adriana is deceased on thursday 04-09-1879 in Haamstede, 51 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Adriana married,at the age of 21 years, on thursday 26-04-1849 in Haamstede to Jan Tibout, aged 24 years. Jan was born on saturday 15-01-1825 in Haamstede. Jan is deceased on saturday 13-01-1872 in Haamstede, 46 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Arie Tibout en Kaatje Fasol.
Children of Adriana and Jan:
1 Arie Tibout, born on saturday 28-07-1849 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dq.
2 Lijna Pieternella Tibout, born on wednesday 08-10-1851 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dr.
3 Kaatje Tibout, born on wednesday 05-11-1856 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ds.
4 Elizabeth Tibout, born on tuesday 26-06-1860 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dt.
5 Cornelia Tibout, born on saturday 15-10-1864 in Haamstede.
6 Janna Pieternella Tibout, born in 1872 in Haamstede. Follow IX-du.
VIII-bp Clement Fokker was born on friday 19-03-1830 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. He was baptized on sunday 04-04-1830 in Haamstede. Clement is deceased on wednesday 01-10-1884 in Haamstede, 54 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Clement married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 04-05-1859 in Haamstede to Adriaantje van der Pol, aged 25 years. Adriaantje was born on saturday 12-10-1833 in Renesse,daughter of Adriaan van der Pol and Anthonia (Tona) van ´t Noordende. Adriaantje is deceased on tuesday 04-08-1925 in Haamstede, 91 years years old. Occupation: werkbode.
Children of Clement and Adriaantje:
1 Klaas Fokker, born in 1860 in Haamstede. Klaas is deceased on monday 15-06-1891 in Haamstede, 31 years years old. Occupation: arbeider.
2 Dirk Fokker, born on tuesday 29-11-1864 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dv.
3 Adriaan Fokker, born on tuesday 30-10-1866 in Haamstede. Adriaan is deceased on tuesday 27-08-1867 in Haamstede, 9 months years old.
4 Cornelis Fokker, born on saturday 04-04-1868 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dw.
VIII-bq Elizabeth Fokker was born on saturday 11-02-1832 in Haamstede, daughter of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. She was baptized on sunday 04-03-1832 in Haamstede. Elizabeth is deceased on sunday 14-06-1891 in Haamstede, 59 years years old. Elizabeth married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 05-09-1855 in Haamstede to Adrianus de Bruine, aged 27 years. Adrianus was born on friday 28-03-1828 in Haamstede. Adrianus is deceased on friday 10-04-1874, 46 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Adriana de Bruine.
Children of Elizabeth and Adrianus:
1 Adrianus de Bruine, born on thursday 10-01-1856 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dx.
2 Nicolaas de Bruine, born on tuesday 28-04-1857 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dy.
3 Leendert de Bruine, born on saturday 14-04-1860 in Haamstede. Follow IX-dz.
4 Clement de Bruine, born on tuesday 17-12-1861 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ea.
5 Iman de Bruine, born on sunday 23-08-1863 in Haamstede. Iman is deceased on sunday 05-03-1893 in Breda, 29 years years old. Occupation: milicien plaatsvervanger.
6 Simon de Bruine, born on tuesday 03-10-1865 in Haamstede. Simon is deceased on wednesday 04-04-1928 in Haamstede, 62 years years old.
7 Johannis de Bruine, born on friday 13-10-1871 in Haamstede. Follow IX-eb.
VIII-br Dirk Fokker was born on saturday 17-08-1833 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. He was baptized on sunday 01-09-1833 in Haamstede. Dirk is deceased on monday 22-05-1876 in Haamstede, 42 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Dirk married,at the age of 31 years, on saturday 28-01-1865 in Haamstede to Cornelia van der Pol, aged 26 years. Cornelia was born on thursday 15-03-1838 in Renesse,daughter of Adriaan van der Pol and Anthonia (Tona) van ´t Noordende. Cornelia is deceased on saturday 14-11-1925 in Haamstede, 87 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid.
Children of Dirk and Cornelia:
1 Klaas Fokker, born on tuesday 14-02-1865 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ec.
2 Tona Fokker, born on monday 14-01-1867 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ed.
3 Lijna Pieternella Fokker, born on saturday 05-06-1869 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ee.
4 Adriaan Fokker, born on sunday 12-01-1873 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ef.
VIII-bs Cornelia Fokker was born on thursday 02-06-1836 in Haamstede, daughter of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. She was baptized on sunday 03-07-1836 in Haamstede. Cornelia is deceased on thursday 01-11-1906 in Haamstede, 70 years years old. Occupation: werkbode. Cornelia married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 03-06-1859 in Haamstede to Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse, aged 25 years. Pieter Cornelis was born on saturday 19-10-1833 in Haamstede,son of Johannis Geleijnse and Neeltje Kister. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on monday 29-12-1919 in Haamstede, 86 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, koetsier bij burgemeester, huismeester.
Children of Cornelia and Pieter Cornelis:
1 Neeltje Geleijnse, born on sunday 22-04-1860 in Haamstede. Follow IX-eg.
2 Leijna Pieternella Geleijnse, born on wednesday 28-08-1861 in Haamstede. Follow IX-eh.
3 Johanna Geleijnse, born on monday 06-07-1863 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ei.
4 Adriana Geleijnse, born on sunday 18-12-1864 in Haamstede. Adriana is deceased on sunday 01-08-1886 in Haamstede, 21 years years old.
5 Wilhelmina Geleijnse, born on sunday 04-03-1866 in Haamstede. Wilhelmina is deceased on sunday 23-08-1936 in Haamstede, 70 years years old.
6 Johannis Geleijnse, born on friday 17-01-1868 in Haamstede. Johannis is deceased on thursday 13-08-1868 in Haamstede, 6 months years old.
7 Klaas Geleijnse, born on thursday 27-05-1869 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ej.
8 Elizabeth Geleijnse, born on friday 24-02-1871 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ek.
9 Johannis Geleijnse, born on friday 12-03-1875 in Haamstede. Follow IX-el.
10 Clement Geleijnse, born on friday 10-05-1878 in Haamstede. Clement is deceased on friday 22-07-1898, 20 years years old.
VIII-bt Pieternella Fokker was born on tuesday 30-10-1838 in Haamstede, daughter of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. She was baptized on sunday 09-12-1838 in Haamstede. Pieternella is deceased on thursday 06-04-1871 in Haamstede, 32 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Pieternella married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 17-10-1862 in Haamstede to Bartel Geleijnse, aged 24 years. Bartel was born on thursday 12-04-1838 in Haamstede,son of Johannis Geleijnse and Neeltje Kister. Bartel is deceased on monday 20-01-1913 in Nieuwerkerk, 74 years years old. Occupation: winkelier, manufacturier.
Children of Pieternella and Bartel:
1 Nicolaas Johannes Geleijnse, born on friday 28-10-1864 in Haamstede. Follow IX-em.
2 Johannis Geleijnse, born on thursday 13-06-1867 in Haamstede. Follow IX-en.
3 Lijna Pieternella Geleijnse, born on thursday 20-08-1868 in Haamstede. Follow IX-eo.
4 Clement Geleijnse, born on wednesday 15-03-1871 in Haamstede. Follow IX-ep.
VIII-bu Cornelis Fokker was born on thursday 21-11-1839 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. He was baptized on sunday 01-12-1839 in Haamstede. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 18-08-1914 in Haamstede, 74 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, schaapherder. Cornelis:
(1) married,at the age of 32 years, on saturday 25-05-1872 in Haamstede [source: akte 6] to Adriana Boot (Bood), aged 26 years. Adriana was born on wednesday 01-10-1845 in Haamstede,daughter of Leendert Krijnsz Boot (Bood(t)) and Jacoba Kwant. Adriana is deceased on monday 02-09-1889 in Haamstede, 43 years years old [source: Memorie van Successie 3/4768]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Adriana: "de geslachtsnaam Bood is dezelfde als Boodt".
(2) married,at the age of 53 years, on friday 17-02-1893 in Haamstede to Jozina de Bruine, aged 51 years. Jozina was born on sunday 11-04-1841 in Renesse,daughter of Wouter de Bruin(e) and Johanna van den Boom. Jozina is deceased on wednesday 28-09-1927 in Haamstede, 86 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Jozina: weduwe van Adriaan van den Berge.
Children of Cornelis and Adriana:
1 Jacoba Fokker, born about 1873 in Haamstede. Jacoba is deceased on monday 06-04-1874 in Haamstede, about 1 year years old.
2 Lijna Pieternella Jacoba Fokker, born on saturday 05-08-1876 in Haamstede. Follow IX-eq.
VIII-bv Simon Fokker was born on saturday 13-03-1847 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and L(e)ijna Pieternella Moelijker. He was baptized on sunday 09-05-1847 in Haamstede. Simon is deceased on thursday 05-10-1871 in Haamstede, 24 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Simon married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 05-08-1871 in Haamstede to Pieternella Laban, aged 23 years. Pieternella was born on saturday 13-11-1847 in Haamstede,daughter of Cornelis Laban and Jacoba van ´t Veer. Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 17-12-1913 in Zierikzee, 66 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid.
IX-a Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker was born on tuesday 09-08-1842 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Maria van den Broecke. Anthony Herman Gerard is deceased on wednesday 09-03-1921 in Den Haag, 78 years years old. Occupation: president Factorij der Ned. Handelsmij. Batavia. Anthony Herman Gerard married,at the age of 35 years, on monday 05-08-1878 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Suzanna Alida der Kinderen, aged 22 years. Suzanna Alida was born on friday 24-08-1855 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Suzanna Alida is deceased on friday 27-01-1922 in Wassenaar, 66 years years old. Note re Suzanna Alida: dochter van Timon Hendrikus der Kinderen en Susanna Antoinette Theresia de Pauly.
Children of Anthony Herman Gerard and Suzanna Alida:
1 Timon Henricus Fokker, born on monday 08-03-1880 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-a.
2 Maria Fokker, born on tuesday 14-06-1881 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië.
3 Anthony Fokker, born on thursday 08-02-1883 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-b.
4 Herman Fokker, born on thursday 30-10-1884 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-c.
5 Adriaan Daniël Fokker, born on wednesday 17-08-1887 in Buitenzorg. Follow X-d.
6 Johan Pieter Fokker, born on monday 27-05-1889 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-e.
IX-b Johan Pieter Fokker was born on friday 19-04-1844 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Maria van den Broecke. Johan Pieter is deceased on thursday 09-11-1911 in Middelburg, 67 years years old. Johan Pieter married,at the age of 32 years, on friday 28-04-1876 in Middelburg to Antoinetta Wilhelmina Turk, aged 25 years. Antoinetta Wilhelmina was born on saturday 14-12-1850 in Vlissingen. Antoinetta Wilhelmina is deceased on wednesday 08-08-1917 in Middelburg, 66 years years old. Note re Antoinetta Wilhelmina: dochter van Lambertus Karel Turk en Catharina Digna Buteux.
IX-c Eduard Fokker was born on saturday 14-07-1849 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Maria van den Broecke. Eduard is deceased on thursday 04-06-1936 in Den Haag, 86 years years old. Occupation: griffier Provinciale Staten van Zeeland, lid 1e Kamer Staten-Generaal, voorzitter Centrale Raad van Beroep Ongevallenverzekeringen. Eduard married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 24-05-1876 in Sluis to Catharina Adriana Mathilda Hennequin, aged 23 years. Catharina Adriana Mathilda was born on thursday 05-08-1852 in Sluis. Catharina Adriana Mathilda is deceased on tuesday 27-01-1885 in Middelburg, 32 years years old. Note re Catharina Adriana Mathilda: dochter van Jacobus Maria Hennequin en Adriana Palesteijn van Hoek.
Children of Eduard and Catharina Adriana Mathilda:
1 Anthony Jacobus Fokker, born on friday 19-03-1880 in Middelburg. Follow X-f.
2 Jacobus Anthony Fokker, born on saturday 09-09-1882 in Middelburg. Follow X-g.
IX-d Herman Fokker was born on sunday 26-01-1851 in Middelburg, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Maria van den Broecke. Herman is deceased on wednesday 17-12-1924 in Haarlem, 73 years years old. Occupation: koffieplanter op Java. Herman married,at the age of 37 years, on thursday 29-03-1888 in Arnhem to Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina Diemont, aged 22 years. Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina was born on sunday 28-05-1865 in Leeuwarden,daughter of Abraham Diemont and Catharina Jacoba van den Broecke. Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina is deceased on tuesday 06-03-1945 in Haarlem, 79 years years old.
Children of Herman and Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina:
1 Catharina Jacoba Fokker, born on monday 18-02-1889 in Wlingi, Kediri, Ned. Indië. Follow X-h.
2 Anthony Herman Gerard (Anthony) Fokker, born on sunday 06-04-1890 in Kediri, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-i.
IX-e Abraham Pieter Fokker was born on wednesday 08-07-1840 in Middelburg, son of Adriaan Abraham Fokker and Anna Agatha Herklots. Abraham Pieter is deceased on monday 08-10-1906 in Groningen, 66 years years old. Occupation: geneesheer te Goes, hoogleraar gezondheidsleer en bacteriologie te Groningen. Abraham Pieter married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 06-02-1868 in Haarlem to Petronella Carolina van der Vinne, aged 24 years. Petronella Carolina was born on saturday 15-04-1843 in Benkoelen, Sumatra, Ned. Indië. Petronella Carolina is deceased on friday 30-11-1923 in Den Haag, 80 years years old. Note re Petronella Carolina: dochter van Laurens van der Vinne en Petronella Carolina Macdonald.
Children of Abraham Pieter and Petronella Carolina:
1 Anna Agatha Fokker, born on saturday 31-10-1868 in Goes. Anna Agatha is deceased on wednesday 14-04-1909 in Den Haag, 40 years years old.
2 Petronella Carolina Fokker, born on monday 02-01-1871 in Goes. Petronella Carolina is deceased on friday 26-11-1915 in Den Haag, 44 years years old.
3 Marie Fokker, born on wednesday 04-09-1872 in Goes. Marie is deceased on tuesday 19-09-1893 in Groningen, 21 years years old.
4 Adriaan Abraham Fokker, born on friday 08-05-1874 in Goes. Follow X-j.
5 Betsij Fokker, born on wednesday 19-01-1876 in Goes. Betsij is deceased on thursday 16-04-1896 in Groningen, 20 years years old.
6 Abramina Petronella Fokker, born on monday 11-02-1878 in Goes. Abramina Petronella is deceased on monday 12-09-1904 in Loosduinen, 26 years years old.
7 Emma Fokker, born on tuesday 11-11-1879 in Groningen. Follow X-k.
IX-f Johan Adriaan Fokker was born on tuesday 24-12-1850 in Middelburg, son of Adriaan Abraham Fokker and Anna Agatha Herklots. Johan Adriaan is deceased on friday 02-11-1900 in Bergen op Zoom, 49 years years old. Occupation: secretaris Bestr. Visserijen Schelde en Zeeuwse stromen. Johan Adriaan married,at the age of 44 years, on wednesday 04-09-1895 in Tholen to Maria Elisabeth Hoffmans, aged 29 years. Maria Elisabeth was born on sunday 04-03-1866 in Middelburg. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on tuesday 16-04-1929 in Middelburg, 63 years years old. Note re Maria Elisabeth: dochter van Johannes Matthijs Hoffmans en Elisabeth Maria Fanoij.
Children of Johan Adriaan and Maria Elisabeth:
1 Adriaan Johannes Matthijs Fokker, born on thursday 02-07-1896 in Bergen op Zoom. Follow X-l.
2 Anna Elisabeth Fokker, born on monday 30-05-1898 in Bergen op Zoom. Follow X-m.
IX-g Anthonij Leonard Fokker was born on thursday 22-12-1853 in Middelburg, son of Adriaan Abraham Fokker and Anna Agatha Herklots. Anthonij Leonard is deceased on friday 28-07-1916 in Den Haag, 62 years years old. Occupation: directeur Ned. Boek- en Steendrukkerij te Den Haag. Anthonij Leonard married,at the age of 34 years, on friday 19-10-1888 in Arnhem to Johanna Dirkje de Coole, aged 39 years. Johanna Dirkje was born on friday 29-12-1848 in Schalkwijk. Johanna Dirkje is deceased on saturday 19-09-1942 in Den Haag, 93 years years old. Note re Johanna Dirkje: dochter van Jan Dirk de Coole en Trijntje Johanna van Dijk.
IX-h Cornelia Dronkers was born on tuesday 24-11-1840 in Middelburg, daughter of Hendrik Jan Dronkers and Maria Johanna Petronella Fokker. Cornelia married,at the age of 27 years, on tuesday 21-07-1868 in Middelburg to Jan Coster, aged 31 years. Jan was born in 1837 in Alkmaar. Occupation: 1e luitenant infanterie. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Coster en Petronella Martha Berghuis.
IX-i Emma Dronkers was born on saturday 19-10-1850 in Middelburg, daughter of Hendrik Jan Dronkers and Maria Johanna Petronella Fokker. Emma married,at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 15-08-1876 in Middelburg to Simon van Milligen, aged 26 years. Simon was born in 1850 in Rotterdam. Occupation: muziekleraar. Note re Simon: zoon van Gerrit van Milligen en Engelina Theodora van Exter.
IX-j Albert Karel Dronkers was born on wednesday 07-10-1857 in Middelburg, son of Hendrik Jan Dronkers and Maria Johanna Petronella Fokker. Albert Karel is deceased on sunday 25-12-1927 in Utrecht, 70 years years old. Occupation: wijnkoper. Albert Karel married,at the age of 27 years, on monday 04-05-1885 in Middelburg to Anna Sophia Sibmacher Zijnen, aged 23 years. Anna Sophia was born on friday 04-04-1862 in Middelburg. Anna Sophia is deceased on thursday 19-05-1932 in Utrecht, 70 years years old. Note re Anna Sophia: dochter van Frederik Pieter Jacob Sibmacher Zijnen en Josina Cornelia Johanna Christina Roldanus.
IX-k Gerard Abraham Fokker was born on saturday 16-05-1863 in Middelburg, son of Boudewijn Anthony Fokker and Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora Heijligers. Gerard Abraham is deceased on saturday 03-01-1925 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië, 61 years years old. Occupation: hoofding 1e klas, chef expl. Staatsspoorwegen in Ned. Indië. Gerard Abraham married,at the age of 31 years, on thursday 07-06-1894 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Antonia Petronella Hardeman, aged 24 years. Antonia Petronella was born on thursday 16-12-1869 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Antonia Petronella is deceased on sunday 07-12-1941 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië, 71 years years old. Note re Antonia Petronella: dochter van Hermanus Jacobus Hardeman en Hermine Gerarda Evertsen.
Children of Gerard Abraham and Antonia Petronella:
1 Louise Hermine Fokker, born on monday 25-11-1895 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-n.
2 Herman Gerard Fokker, born on tuesday 25-05-1897 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-o.
3 Gerard Anthony Fokker, born on friday 01-12-1899 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-p.
IX-l Jean Jacques Louis Fokker was born on wednesday 14-10-1868 in Middelburg, son of Boudewijn Anthony Fokker and Maria Louisa Isabella Theodora Heijligers. Jean Jacques Louis is deceased on wednesday 13-12-1944 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, 76 years years old. He was buried in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Note re the death of Jean Jacques Louis: overleden in het interneringskamp Ambarawa (Semarang), begraven op het Nederlandse ereveld Kalibateng (Semarang). Occupation: adm. Gouv. Getha Percha-onderneming Tjipetir. Jean Jacques Louis married,at the age of 40 years, on monday 07-06-1909 in Soekaboemi, Java, Ned. Indië to Anna Wilhelmina Christina Kaakebeen, aged 35 years. Anna Wilhelmina Christina was born on monday 16-03-1874 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Anna Wilhelmina Christina is deceased on wednesday 01-04-1953 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië, 79 years years old. Note re Anna Wilhelmina Christina: dochter van Christiaan Kaakebeen en Wilhelmina Kadyhatoe.
Child of Jean Jacques Louis and Anna Wilhelmina Christina:
1 Boudewijn Christiaan Fokker, born on saturday 16-09-1911 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-q.
IX-m Abraham Jacobus Frederik Fokker was born on wednesday 05-08-1857 in Zierikzee, son of Cornelis Jacobus Fokker and Johanna Cornelia Egter. Abraham Jacobus Frederik is deceased on wednesday 06-03-1929 in Zierikzee, 71 years years old. Occupation: Heer van Rengerskerke, Zuidland en Crayesteyn, voorzitter bestuur der visserijen op de Schelde en de Zeeuwse Stromen, burgemeester van Zierikzee, lid 1e Kamer der Staten Generaal, voorzitter Waterschap Schouwen. Abraham Jacobus Frederik:
(1) married,at the age of 41 years, on monday 31-07-1899 in Zierikzee to Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna van Enck, aged 20 years. Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna was born on friday 07-03-1879 in Zierikzee. Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna is deceased on thursday 25-01-1962 in Den Haag, 82 years years old. Note re Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna: dochter van Bernardus Gerhard van Enck en Maatje Cappelle.
(2) married,at the age of 57 years, on tuesday 01-06-1915 in Zierikzee to Mary Frances Lyons, aged 27 years. Mary Frances was born on monday 13-02-1888 in Malton, York, Groot-Brittannië. Mary Frances is deceased on wednesday 25-04-1962 in Zierikzee, 74 years years old. Note re Mary Frances: dochter van Anthony Lyons en Mary Sands.
Children of Abraham Jacobus Frederik and Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna:
1 Ada Madeleine Johanna Geertruida Fokker, born on wednesday 11-07-1900 in Zierikzee. Follow X-r.
2 Yvonne Ghislaine Yolande Fokker, born on sunday 13-10-1901 in Zierikzee. Follow X-s.
3 Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh Fokker, born on wednesday 04-03-1908 in Zierikzee. Follow X-t.
Children of Abraham Jacobus Frederik and Mary Frances:
1 Mavourneene Beryl Fokker (private).
2 Anthony Desmond O´Connor Fokker (private). Anthony Desmond O´Connor married,at the age of 34 years, on wednesday 03-02-1954 in Schiedam to Francine Ort, aged 29 years. Francine was born on thursday 29-01-1925 in Rotterdam. Note re Francine: dochter van Willem Zwanus Ort en Mina Pieternella de Vos.
IX-n Cornelis Jacobus Johannes Fokker was born on thursday 16-02-1871 in Zierikzee, son of Cornelis Jacobus Fokker and Johanna Cornelia Egter. Cornelis Jacobus Johannes is deceased on thursday 30-09-1943 in Strijen, 72 years years old. Occupation: jurist, burgemeester van Strijen. Cornelis Jacobus Johannes married,at the age of 42 years, on saturday 03-05-1913 in Alkmaar to Anna Maria van der Feen de Lille, aged 27 years. Anna Maria was born on thursday 21-05-1885 in Alkmaar. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Barthout van der Feen de Lille en jonkvrouwe Cornelia Frederica Fontein Verschuur.
IX-o Elisabeth Susanna Fokker was born on monday 10-07-1854 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Abraham Marinus Fokker and Maria Johanna Christina de Pauly. Elisabeth Susanna is deceased on sunday 19-07-1942 in Den Haag, 88 years years old. Elisabeth Susanna married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 15-05-1874 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Lucia Louis Angèle Maurenbrecher, aged 24 years. Lucia Louis Angèle was born on thursday 18-04-1850 in Semarang, Ned. Indië. Lucia Louis Angèle is deceased on saturday 08-05-1909 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië, 59 years years old. Occupation: luitenant-kolonel infantrie O.I.L.. Note re Lucia Louis Angèle: zoon van Frederik Louis Maurenbrecher en barones Angeline Wilhelmine Jeanne van Reede van Oudtshoorn.
Children of Elisabeth Susanna and Lucia Louis Angèle:
1 Elisabeth Suzanna Maurenbrecher, born on tuesday 16-02-1875 in Sinkawang, Borneo, Ned. Indië. Follow X-v.
2 August Daniel Maurenbrecher, born in 1882 in Meester Cornelis, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-w.
IX-p Angeline Caroline Fokker was born on thursday 12-03-1857 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, daughter of Abraham Marinus Fokker and Maria Johanna Christina de Pauly. Angeline Caroline married,at the age of 26 years, on monday 19-03-1883 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Johan Theodoor Hamaker, aged 34 years. Johan Theodoor was born on thursday 22-02-1849 in Hilversum. Johan Theodoor is deceased on saturday 24-07-1915 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië, 66 years years old. Occupation: adm. Thee- en Kina-onderneming Santosa, Bandoeng. Note re Johan Theodoor: zoon van Hendrik Gerard Hamaker en Cornelia Anna van Vloten.
IX-q Johanna Christina Fokker was born on thursday 24-03-1859 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, daughter of Abraham Marinus Fokker and Maria Johanna Christina de Pauly. Johanna Christina is deceased on tuesday 19-09-1922 in Den Haag, 63 years years old. Johanna Christina married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 01-05-1878 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Eduard Karel Alexander de Neve, aged 27 years. Eduard Karel Alexander was born on saturday 22-02-1851 in Steenbergen. Eduard Karel Alexander is deceased on tuesday 15-01-1895 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, 43 years years old. Note re Eduard Karel Alexander: zoon van Gilles Pieter de Neve en Maria Elisabeth de Jongh.
Child of Johanna Christina and Eduard Karel Alexander:
1 Augusta Louise Frederika de Neve, born on thursday 22-07-1880 in Den Haag. Follow X-x.
IX-r Abraham Anthonij Fokker was born on saturday 27-09-1862 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Abraham Marinus Fokker and Antoinette Neeltje van Rijck de Groot. Abraham Anthonij is deceased on saturday 01-01-1927 in Den Haag, 64 years years old. Occupation: schrijver, asp.-contr. Binnenelands Bestuur Ned. Indië, leraar Openbare Handelsschool, privaat-docent Gemeente universiteit Amsterdam (naast goede leer- en woordenboeken voor Spaans en Maleis schreef hij onder de pseudoniemen Karamati en Tjeerd Flappuith romans en verhalen voor rijpere lezers). Abraham Anthonij:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on thursday 20-08-1885 in Den Haag to Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina van Heemskerck, aged 16 years. Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina was born on friday 26-02-1869 in Salatiga, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië. Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina is deceased on tuesday 09-02-1954 in Willemstad, Curaçao, Ned. Antillen, 84 years years old. Note re Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina: dochter van Willem Ertwin Frederik van Heemskerck en Margaretha Elizabeth van Bronckhorst.
(2) married,at the age of 42 years, on thursday 20-04-1905 in Amsterdam to Helena Gesina van Tongeren, aged 32 years. Helena Gesina was born on tuesday 25-02-1873 in Zwolle. Helena Gesina is deceased on thursday 02-03-1939 in Den Haag, 66 years years old. Note re Helena Gesina: dochter van Gerrit Hermanus van Tongeren en Jantine van Lente.
Child of Abraham Anthonij and Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina:
1 Antonia Margaretha Cornelia Baldwina Fokker, born on monday 03-01-1887 in Kediri, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-y.
Children of Abraham Anthonij and Helena Gesina:
1 Boudewina Helena Fokker, born on monday 04-03-1907 in Amsterdam. Follow X-z.
2 Carolina Fokker (private). Carolina married,at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 22-04-1930 in Den Haag to Louis Frederik Lanzing, aged 33 years. Louis Frederik was born on sunday 27-09-1896 in Bandjermasin, Borneo, Ned. Indië. Louis Frederik is deceased on thursday 24-11-1955 in Amsterdam, 59 years years old. Occupation: luitenant-kolonel infanterie K.N.I.L., hoofdbeambte Ned. Bank N.V. Amsterdam. Note re Louis Frederik: zoon van Willem Jan Rudolph Lanzing en Johanna Christina Maurenbrecher.
3 Abraham Anthonij Fokker (private). Abraham Anthonij:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 24-11-1937 in Den Haag to Marie Bouma, aged 21 years. Marie was born on saturday 08-01-1916 in Kota Radja, Atjeh, Ned. Indië. Occupation: lerares Mensendieck. Note re Marie: dochter van Reinier Dirk Bouma en Nennetje Catharina van Strieland.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on monday 12-08-1946 in Bergen to Alida Catharina Aay, aged 36 years. Alida Catharina was born on saturday 07-05-1910 in Hoorn. Note re Alida Catharina: dochter van Willem Aay en Aaltje Stammes, weduwe van Marinus Cornelis Anthonie Boon.
IX-s Boudewijn Willem Frederik Fokker was born on saturday 14-05-1864 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, son of Abraham Marinus Fokker and Antoinette Neeltje van Rijck de Groot. Boudewijn Willem Frederik is deceased on sunday 15-06-1902 in Frankfurt am Main, Duitsland, 38 years years old. Boudewijn Willem Frederik married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 30-03-1894 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Elise Leonie van Slooten, aged 23 years. Elise Leonie was born on tuesday 31-05-1870 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Note re Elise Leonie: dochter van Wijnand Lucas van Slooten en Johanna Frederika Reiniera van Motman.
IX-t Maria Jacoba van der Bijll was born on thursday 02-12-1847 in Sas van Gent, daughter of Pieter Marius van der Bijll and Adriana Johanna Fokker. Maria Jacoba is deceased on friday 08-04-1927 in Deventer, 79 years years old. Maria Jacoba married in Poortugaal to Christiaan den Hengst. Christiaan was born on friday 25-12-1840 in Delft. Christiaan is deceased on friday 28-05-1897 in Deventer, 56 years years old. Occupation: kapitein K.N.I.L.. Note re Christiaan: zoon van Willem den Hengst en Alida Anna de Vos.
IX-u Pieter Marius van der Bijll was born in 1853 in Sas van Gent, son of Pieter Marius van der Bijll and Adriana Johanna Fokker. Pieter Marius married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 10-01-1877 in Zutphen to Hendrika Wilhelmina van Beest, aged 28 years. Hendrika Wilhelmina was born in 1849 in Zutphen. Note re Hendrika Wilhelmina: dochter van Hendrik van Beest en Willemina Hassink.
IX-v Maria Dina Hordijk was born in Goes, daughter of Willem Hordijk and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Maria Dina married on thursday 24-08-1876 in Breda to David Hordijk. David was born in Herwen en Aerdt. Note re David: zoon van Karel George Albert Hordijk en Neeltje van Putten.
IX-w Geertruida Charlotte Hordijk was born on monday 24-12-1838 in Goes, daughter of Willem Hordijk and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Geertruida Charlotte is deceased on sunday 29-07-1906 in Utrecht, 67 years years old. Geertruida Charlotte married,at the age of 23 years, on thursday 19-06-1862 in Amsterdam to Wouter Pieter Nagel, aged 29 years. Wouter Pieter was born on monday 09-07-1832 in Breda. Wouter Pieter is deceased on sunday 15-10-1905 in Breda, 73 years years old. Occupation: inspecteur Posterijen in Noord-Brabant en Zeeland. Note re Wouter Pieter: zoon van Wilhelmus Nagel en Catharina Petronella van den Ham.
IX-x Christina Henderika Josina Fokker was born on tuesday 20-10-1840 in Sas van Gent, daughter of Johannes Lambertus Fokker and Hendrica Roelofsz. Christina Henderika Josina is deceased on friday 24-03-1916 in Leiden, 75 years years old. Christina Henderika Josina married,at the age of 47 years, on thursday 10-11-1887 in Doesburg to Arnoldus van Rhijn, aged 43 years. Arnoldus was born on friday 08-03-1844 in Katwijk aan Zee. Arnoldus is deceased on friday 16-02-1923 in Leiden, 78 years years old. Occupation: med. doct., geneesheer te Leiden, lid gemeenteraad Leiden, voorzitter Ned. Schaakbond 1896-1908. Note re Arnoldus: zoon van Hendrik Bernardus van Rhijn en Sophia Gijsberta de Graaf, weduwnaar van Jeannette Kruijt.
IX-y Julia Andrea Fokker was born on thursday 14-07-1842 in Sas van Gent, daughter of Johannes Lambertus Fokker and Hendrica Roelofsz. Julia Andrea is deceased on sunday 15-09-1918 in Arnhem, 76 years years old. Julia Andrea married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 06-09-1871 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Hendrik Cornelis van Houten, aged 41 years. Hendrik Cornelis was born on thursday 06-05-1830 in Ginneken. Hendrik Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 25-02-1885 in Doesburg, 54 years years old. Occupation: assistent-resident van Billiton, Ned. Indië. Note re Hendrik Cornelis: zoon van Willem van Houten en Marie Sophie Billiau.
Children of Julia Andrea and Hendrik Cornelis:
1 Willem van Houten, born on tuesday 26-11-1872 in Sambas, Borneo, Ned. Indië. Willem is deceased 09-1873 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, 9 months years old.
2 Hendrika van Houten, born on wednesday 26-05-1875 in Sambas, Borneo, Ned. Indië. Follow X-ac.
3 Willem van Houten, born on friday 17-03-1876 in Hees. Follow X-ad.
4 Johanna Hendrika van Houten, born on friday 30-03-1877 in Weltevreden, Ned. Indië. Follow X-ae.
5 Christiaan Frederik van Houten, born on saturday 26-10-1878 in Lahat, Sumatra, Ned. Indië. Follow X-af.
6 Henriette Constance Albertine van Houten, born on friday 01-08-1879 in Lahat, Sumatra, Ned. Indië. Follow X-ag.
7 Maria Dina van Houten, born on friday 13-08-1880 in Doesburg.
IX-z Johanna Pietronella Fokker was born on wednesday 29-05-1844 in Sas van Gent, daughter of Johannes Lambertus Fokker and Hendrica Roelofsz. Johanna Pietronella is deceased on monday 05-09-1881 in Buitenzorg, 37 years years old. Johanna Pietronella married,at the age of 29 years, on saturday 30-08-1873 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Henri Constant Albert Ruempol, aged 35 years. Henri Constant Albert was born on wednesday 21-02-1838 in Zutphen. Henri Constant Albert is deceased on monday 05-04-1915 in Den Haag, 77 years years old. Occupation: kolonel der infanterie O.I.L.. Note re Henri Constant Albert: zoon van Rutgerus Hendrikus Ruempol en Margaretha Christina Senstius, weduwnaar van N. van der Plant, hertrouwd op 30-03-1889 te Batavia met Sytske Wartena.
IX-aa Johan Pieter Roelofsz was born on saturday 06-01-1838 in Axel, son of Hendrik Roelofsz and Maria Anthoinetta Fokker. Johan Pieter is deceased on thursday 04-03-1920 in Velp, 82 years years old. Occupation: lid Fa. Klaas Smit & Zn, commissionairs in effecten, lid Fa. J.A. Roelofsz, assurantiën Amsterdam. Johan Pieter married,at the age of 28 years, on thursday 31-05-1866 in Amsterdam to Anna Catharina Maria Elizabeth Zimmer, aged 29 years. Anna Catharina Maria Elizabeth was born on thursday 04-05-1837 in Amsterdam. Anna Catharina Maria Elizabeth is deceased on monday 19-11-1917 in Velp, 80 years years old. Note re Anna Catharina Maria Elizabeth: dochter van Jacobus Zimmer en Maria Elisabeth Smit.
IX-ab Henri Roelofsz was born on thursday 06-06-1844 in Haarlem, son of Hendrik Roelofsz and Maria Anthoinetta Fokker. Henri is deceased on tuesday 10-08-1920 in Den Haag, 76 years years old. Occupation: kapitein infanterie O.I.L.. Henri married,at the age of 57 years, on friday 13-12-1901 in Den Haag to Jacqueline Geertruida Alida Swijser, aged 25 years. Jacqueline Geertruida Alida was born on saturday 25-03-1876 in Den Haag. Jacqueline Geertruida Alida is deceased on saturday 22-03-1947 in Den Haag, 70 years years old. Note re Jacqueline Geertruida Alida: dochter van Jacob Hendrik Swijser en Pieternella Jacoba Blom.
IX-ac Josina Johanna Pieternella Roelofsz was born on monday 11-05-1846 in Haarlem, daughter of Hendrik Roelofsz and Maria Anthoinetta Fokker. Josina Johanna Pieternella is deceased on sunday 13-01-1901 in Den Haag, 54 years years old. Josina Johanna Pieternella married,at the age of 31 years, on thursday 01-11-1877 in Amersfoort to Karel Johannes Thomas, aged 28 years. Karel Johannes was born in 1849 in Amsterdam. Note re Karel Johannes: zoon van Johannes Thomas en Alida Hendrica Elizabeth van Lochem.
IX-ad Jan Frederik Fokker was born on wednesday 01-05-1861 in Zuidzande, son of Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker and Geertruida Gerarda Henrij. Jan Frederik is deceased on monday 15-08-1932 in Wassenaar, 71 years years old. Occupation: inspecteur Directe Belastingen te Rotterdam. Jan Frederik married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 10-05-1899 in Zwijndrecht to Avelina Adriana van Epenhuysen, aged 29 years. Avelina Adriana was born on friday 03-12-1869 in Zwijndrecht. Avelina Adriana is deceased on saturday 19-01-1963 in Rotterdam, 93 years years old. Note re Avelina Adriana: dochter van Adriaan Cornelis van Epenhuysen en Aafje Gerritje Stemberg Bosch.
Children of Jan Frederik and Avelina Adriana:
1 Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker, born on sunday 18-02-1900 in Rotterdam. Follow X-ah.
2 Avelina Adriana Fokker, born on monday 17-03-1902 in Rotterdam. Avelina Adriana is deceased on wednesday 08-04-1981 in Rotterdam, 79 years years old. Occupation: lerares kinderverzorging en opvoeding.
IX-ae Emilia Hubertina Johanna Fokker was born on tuesday 28-03-1865 in Zuidzande, daughter of Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker and Geertruida Gerarda Henrij. Emilia Hubertina Johanna is deceased on saturday 23-12-1893 in Kortgene, 28 years years old. Emilia Hubertina Johanna married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 07-01-1887 in Zuidzande to Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra, aged 25 years. Cornelis Johannes was born on friday 05-07-1861 in Cadzand. Cornelis Johannes is deceased on thursday 26-04-1928 in Ter Aa, 66 years years old. Occupation: N.H. predikant te Ter Aa. Note re Cornelis Johannes: zoon van Johannes Jollius Six Dijkstra en Helena Maria Dagevos.
Children of Emilia Hubertina Johanna and Cornelis Johannes:
1 Helena Maria Six Dijkstra, born on wednesday 09-11-1887 in Doeveren. Helena Maria is deceased on wednesday 13-10-1920 in Scheveningen, 32 years years old.
2 Geertruida Geerharda Six Dijkstra, born on tuesday 26-03-1889 in Doeveren. Follow X-ai.
3 Johannes Jollius Six Dijkstra, born on tuesday 29-04-1890 in Dussen. Follow X-aj.
4 Hendrik Gustaaf Six Dijkstra, born on wednesday 11-11-1891 in Dussen. Follow X-ak.
5 Jeannette Jacoba Six Dijkstra, born on friday 06-01-1893 in Dussen. Jeannette Jacoba is deceased on monday 02-12-1968 in Utrecht, 75 years years old.
6 Marie Dina Six Dijkstra, born on wednesday 06-12-1893 in Kortgene. Marie Dina is deceased on wednesday 24-02-1971 in Utrecht, 77 years years old.
IX-af Sophia Johanna Fokker was born on friday 18-05-1866 in Zuidzande, daughter of Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker and Geertruida Gerarda Henrij. Sophia Johanna is deceased on thursday 06-04-1933 in Rotterdam, 66 years years old. Sophia Johanna married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 03-11-1893 in Zuidzande to Samuel André Rochat, aged 24 years. Samuel André was born on sunday 06-12-1868 in Middelburg. Samuel André is deceased on thursday 20-07-1933 in Rotterdam, 64 years years old. Occupation: ontvanger invoerrechten te Rotterdam. Note re Samuel André: zoon van Jacques August Rochat en Johanna Anthonia Henrij.
Child of Sophia Johanna and Samuel André:
1 Geertruida Gerharda Rochat, born in 1897 in Vaals. Follow X-al.
IX-ag Johanna Antonia Fokker was born on friday 26-04-1872 in Zuidzande, daughter of Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker and Geertruida Gerarda Henrij. Johanna Antonia is deceased on thursday 01-11-1945 in De Bilt, 73 years years old. She was buried on tuesday 06-11-1945. Note re the death of Johanna Antonia: Begraafplaats Brandenburgerweg. Johanna Antonia married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 14-04-1897 in Zuidzande to Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra, aged 35 years. Cornelis Johannes was born on friday 05-07-1861 in Cadzand. Cornelis Johannes is deceased on thursday 26-04-1928 in Ter Aa, 66 years years old. Occupation: N.H. predikant te Ter Aa. Note re Cornelis Johannes: zoon van Johannes Jollius Six Dijkstra en Helena Maria Dagevos.
Children of Johanna Antonia and Cornelis Johannes:
1 Emilia Hubertina Six Dijkstra, born in 1898 in Sint Maartensdijk. Follow X-am.
2 Andriesa Henriëtte Maria Six Dijkstra, born on monday 12-06-1899 in Sint Maartensdijk. Follow X-an.
3 Dina Frederika Six Dijkstra, born on friday 05-10-1900 in Sint Maartensdijk. Follow X-ao.
4 Sophia Johanna Six Dijkstra, born on thursday 17-10-1901 in Sint Maartensdijk. Follow X-ap.
5 Petrus Six Dijkstra, born on wednesday 07-09-1904 in Sint Maartensdijk. Follow X-aq.
6 Jannigje Six Dijkstra, born on saturday 29-12-1906 in Oud-Alblas. Follow X-ar.
7 Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra, born on saturday 20-05-1911 in Oud-Alblas. Follow X-as.
8 Henriëtte Maria Frederika Six Dijkstra, born on wednesday 08-10-1913 in Oud-Alblas. Follow X-at.
IX-ah Lena Braber was born on monday 24-06-1850 in Haamstede, son of Cornelis Braber and Krina van Splunder. He was baptized on sunday 07-07-1850 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Lena: NG.
Child of Lena out of an unknown relation:
1 Leendert Cornelis Braber, born on sunday 24-09-1876 in Haamstede. Follow X-au.
IX-ai Cornelia Braber was born on thursday 10-03-1853 in Haamstede, daughter of Cornelis Braber and Krina van Splunder. She was baptized on sunday 03-04-1853 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Cornelia: NG. Cornelia is deceased on monday 21-09-1931 in Elkerzee, 78 years years old. Cornelia married,at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 01-04-1884 in Duivendijke to Jan van de Panne, aged about 30 years. Jan was born about 1854 in Elkerzee. Jan is deceased after 1931, about 77 years years old. Occupation: slachter. Note re Jan: zoon van Marinus van de Panne en Wilhelmina van de Velde.
IX-aj Adriaantje Braber was born on friday 06-07-1860 in Haamstede, daughter of Cornelis Braber and Krina van Splunder. She was baptized on sunday 05-08-1860 in Haamstede. Adriaantje is deceased on monday 02-04-1945 in Rotterdam, 84 years years old. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Adriaantje married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 24-10-1879 in Haamstede to Johannes Willem Mohlmann, aged 25 years. Johannes Willem was born on sunday 02-04-1854 in Amsterdam. Johannes Willem is deceased on tuesday 23-10-1928 in Delft, 74 years years old. Occupation: smid. Note re Johannes Willem: zoon van Folkert Möhlmann en Everdina Gosewina van de Water.
IX-ak Cornelia Braber was born on thursday 23-02-1865 in Bommenede, daughter of Boudewijn Braber and Thona Kooreman. Cornelia is deceased on monday 03-03-1947 in Rotterdam, 82 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster, koopvrouw waterstokerij. Cornelia married,at the age of 35 years, on friday 11-01-1901 in Zonnemaire to Johannes Filee, aged 33 years. Johannes was born on saturday 09-11-1867 in Zonnemaire. Johannes is deceased on tuesday 02-03-1920 in Zonnemaire, 52 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Johannes: zoon van Dingeman Filee en Bastiana Plating.
Children of Cornelia and Johannes:
1 Bastiana Hendrina (Sjaan) Filee, born on tuesday 25-06-1901. Follow X-av.
2 Boudewijn (Boud) Filee, born on wednesday 09-12-1903 in Zonnemaire. Follow X-aw.
3 Dingeman Filee, born about 10-1905 in Zonnemaire. Dingeman is deceased on friday 29-03-1907 in Zonnemaire, about 1 year years old.
4 Antonie Dingeman Filee, born on friday 29-05-1908 in Zonnemaire. Follow X-ax.
IX-al Pieter Braber was born on sunday 02-12-1866 in Haamstede, son of Boudewijn Braber and Thona Kooreman. He was baptized on sunday 03-02-1867 in Haamstede. Note re the birth of Pieter: NG. Pieter is deceased on sunday 06-06-1943 in ´s-Hertogenbosch, 76 years years old. He was buried on thursday 10-06-1943 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Pieter: Algemeene begraafplaats Crooswijk. Occupation: veldarbeider, later stoker Brouwerij d´Oranjeboom te Rotterdam. Note re Pieter: in 1879 is bij het Kantongerecht van Zierikzee voor de 12-jarige Pieter den Braber een strafvonnis opgemaakt en ook in 1888 op 21-jarige leeftijd. Pieter married,at the age of 20 years, on saturday 09-07-1887 in Dreischor to Marina Bouman, aged 20 years. Marina was born on saturday 03-11-1866 in Brouwershaven. Note re the birth of Marina: N.H. gedoopt. Marina is deceased on monday 10-09-1934 in Rotterdam, 67 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Marina: dochter van Marinus Bouman en Stoffelina Stoel.
Children of Pieter and Marina:
1 Thona Stoffelina Braber, born on sunday 13-11-1887 in Dreischor. Follow X-ay.
2 Marinus Boudewijn Braber, born on thursday 25-04-1889 in Dreischor. Follow X-az.
3 Hendrina Maria Braber, born about 07-1890 in Dreischor. Hendrina Maria is deceased on thursday 26-03-1891 in Dreischor, about 8 months years old.
4 Boudewijn Pieter (Boud) Braber, born on friday 16-03-1894 in Burgh. Follow X-ba.
5 Stoffel Anthonie Braber, born on saturday 01-02-1896 in Burgh. Follow X-bb.
6 Marina Pieternella Braber, born on thursday 07-12-1899 in Rotterdam. Follow X-bc.
7 Willem Cornelis Braber, born on tuesday 25-06-1901 in Rotterdam. Follow X-bd.
8 Pieter Cornelis Braber, born on friday 29-01-1904 in Rotterdam. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on saturday 23-07-1904 in Rotterdam, 5 months years old.
9 Pieter Cornelis Braber, born on friday 20-10-1905 in Rotterdam. Follow X-be.
10 Cornelis Adrianus Braber, born on friday 08-11-1907 in Rotterdam. Follow X-bf.
IX-am Janna Dina de Kok was born on thursday 23-11-1854 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Leendert de Kok and Kaatje Fokker. Janna Dina is deceased on thursday 03-05-1928 in Duivendijke, 73 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Janna Dina married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 11-05-1881 in Haamstede to Jacobus Bakker, aged 25 years. Jacobus was born on thursday 27-03-1856 in Burgh. Jacobus is deceased on friday 05-10-1923 in Duivendijke, 67 years years old. Occupation: veehandelaar. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Machiel Bakker en Cornelia de Bruijne.
IX-an Dirkje de Kok was born on monday 22-02-1858 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Leendert de Kok and Kaatje Fokker. Dirkje is deceased on wednesday 16-03-1938 in Renesse, 80 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Dirkje married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 05-09-1885 in Renesse to Jan de Feiter, aged 32 years. Jan was born on sunday 07-11-1852 in Renesse. Jan is deceased on friday 14-12-1928 in Renesse, 76 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Simon de Feiter en Johanna Kommer.
Children of Dirkje and Jan:
1 Simon de Feiter, born on monday 16-04-1883 in Renesse. Follow X-bg.
2 Kaatje Johanna de Feiter, born on monday 07-12-1885 in Renesse. Follow X-bh.
IX-ao Jozina van de Velde was born about 1863 in Dreischor, daughter of Daniël Jansz van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. Jozina is deceased in 1953, about 90 years years old. Jozina married,at the age of about 25 years, on friday 13-07-1888 in Oosterland [source: akte 9] to Adriaan Kik, aged about 37 years. Adriaan was born about 1851 in Bruinisse. Occupation: varensgezel. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Johannes Kik en Jannetje Sierveld.
IX-ap Leendert van de Velde was born on thursday 19-10-1865 in Oosterland, son of Daniël Jansz van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. Leendert is deceased in 1948, 83 years years old. Occupation: broodbakkersknecht. Leendert married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 31-10-1888 in Zierikzee [source: akte 44] to Catharina de Jonge, aged 26 years. Catharina was born on tuesday 25-03-1862 in Zierikzee. Occupation: werkvrouw. Note re Catharina: dochter van Cornelis de Jonge en Jozina Pieternella Stiphoudt.
IX-aq Jan van de Velde was born on saturday 09-10-1869 in Oosterland, son of Daniël Jansz van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. Jan is deceased in 1944, 75 years years old. Occupation: kuiper. Jan married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 09-05-1900 in Zierikzee [source: akte 18] to Helena Wilhelmina van Westen, aged about 30 years. Helena Wilhelmina was born about 1870 in Zierikzee,daughter of Johannes van Westen and Janna Boot.
IX-ar Cornelis van de Velde was born in 1859 in Brouwershaven, son of Daniël van de Velde and Krina de Oude. Cornelis is deceased on saturday 27-01-1917 in Terneuzen, 58 years years old. Occupation: visser, bootwerker. Cornelis married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 29-03-1883 in Terneuzen to Adriana Dieleman, aged 21 years. Adriana was born in 1862 in Zaamslag. Adriana is deceased on saturday 25-03-1916, 54 years years old.
Children of Cornelis and Adriana:
1 Elizabeth Catharina van de Velde.
2 Krina Elisabeth van de Velde.
3 Pieter Daniël van de Velde.
4 Jacoba Francina van de Velde.
5 Andries van de Velde.
6 Neeltje van de Velde.
7 Jannetje van de Velde.
8 Jacob Leendert van de Velde.
IX-as Pieter Fokker was born on wednesday 13-05-1868 in Den Bommel, son of Cornelis Fokker and Jannetje Grootenboer. Pieter is deceased on tuesday 26-11-1957 in Den Bommel, 89 years years old. Occupation: winkelier. Pieter:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 05-07-1890 in Ooltgensplaat to Neeltje Wouters, aged 20 years. Neeltje was born on friday 26-11-1869 in Kattendijke. Neeltje is deceased on wednesday 12-03-1902 in Rotterdam, 32 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on saturday 21-11-1903 in Den Bommel to Lena Meijer, aged 18 years. Lena was born on thursday 10-09-1885 in Ooltgensplaat. Lena is deceased on thursday 02-03-1978 in Oude Tonge, 92 years years old. Note re Lena: dochter van Leendert Meijer en Adriana Johanna Huyer.
Children of Pieter and Neeltje:
1 Jannetje Johanna Fokker, born on monday 07-11-1892 in Rotterdam. Follow X-bi.
2 Jan Cornelis Fokker, born on tuesday 18-12-1894 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bj.
3 Johanna Adriana Fokker, born on monday 31-05-1897 in Rotterdam. Follow X-bk.
Children of Pieter and Lena:
1 Leendert Fokker, born on wednesday 11-05-1904 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bl.
2 Adriana Fokker, born on monday 17-12-1906 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bm.
3 Cornelis Fokker, born on saturday 28-08-1909 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bn.
4 Adriana Johanna Fokker, born on sunday 07-01-1912 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bo.
5 Pieter Fokker, born on sunday 12-10-1913 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bp.
6 Adrianus Fokker (private). Adrianus married,at the age of 33 years, on wednesday 30-03-1949 in Herkingen to A. Soeteman.
7 Dirk Fokker, born on saturday 25-08-1917 in Den Bommel. Dirk is deceased on wednesday 07-05-1924 in Den Bommel, 6 years years old.
8 Leuntje Fokker, born on wednesday 04-02-1920 in Den Bommel. Follow X-br.
9 Anthony Fokker, born on thursday 28-07-1921 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bs.
10 Leunis Fokker, born on monday 10-03-1924 in Den Bommel. Follow X-bt.
11 Dirk Fokker (private). Dirk married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 01-01-1953 in Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland to Lois Veronica Raffles, aged 22 years. Lois Veronica was born on thursday 01-01-1931 in Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland.
12 Lena Fokker (private). Lena married,at the age of 19 years, on thursday 05-02-1948 to Karel J. Zegelaar, aged 24 years. Karel J. was born in 1924.
IX-at Jannetje Fokker was born on wednesday 07-02-1872 in Den Bommel, daughter of Cornelis Fokker and Jannetje Grootenboer. Jannetje is deceased on thursday 15-05-1947 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old. Jannetje married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 26-10-1895 in Den Bommel to Teunis van Wolferen, aged 25 years. Teunis was born on friday 25-03-1870 in Oud-Beijerland. Teunis is deceased on thursday 20-08-1959 in Rotterdam, 89 years years old. Note re Teunis: zoon van Jozef van Wolferen en Pleuntje Ebink.
Children of Jannetje and Teunis:
1 Jannetje van Wolferen (private). Jannetje married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 29-11-1922 in Rotterdam to Cornelis Huibert Blokland, aged 28 years. Cornelis Huibert was born in 1894 in Klundert. Note re Cornelis Huibert: zoon van Arie Willem Blokland en Johanna Maria Pieternella van Wensen.
2 Adriana van Wolferen (private). Adriana married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 05-08-1925 in Rotterdam to Eduard Lubbe, aged 22 years. Eduard was born in 1903 in Rotterdam. Note re Eduard: zoon van Matteus Johannes Lubbe en Geertrui van Andel.
IX-au Marinus Willemse was born in 1878 in Uithoorn, son of Pieter Willemse and Adriaantje Fokker. Marinus is deceased on sunday 16-04-1933 in Bruinisse, 55 years years old. Occupation: rijwielhandelaar. Marinus married,at the age of 42 years, on friday 20-08-1920 in Bruinisse to Pouwelina Platschorre, aged 38 years. Pouwelina was born in 1882 in Sint Philipsland. Note re Pouwelina: dochter van Jacobus Willem Platschorre en Leuntje Kleinepier.
IX-av Maatje Fokker was born on sunday 21-01-1872 in Kerkwerve, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Elizabeth Capelle. Maatje is deceased on sunday 03-08-1947 in Noordgouwe, 75 years years old. Maatje married,at the age of 21 years, on saturday 29-04-1893 in Noordgouwe to Jacobus Fierens, aged 19 years. Jacobus was born on thursday 03-07-1873 in Stavenisse. Jacobus is deceased on tuesday 14-03-1944 in Enschede, 70 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Adriaan Fierens en Maatje Geldof.
Children of Maatje and Jacobus:
1 Adriaan Fierens, born on monday 22-01-1894 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-by.
2 Elizabeth Fierens, born on sunday 22-12-1895 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-bz.
3 Dirk Fierens, born on monday 09-05-1898 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-ca.
4 Maatje Fierens, born on wednesday 09-01-1901 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-cb.
5 Jacobus Fierens (private).
6 Kriena Fierens, born on tuesday 29-05-1906 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-cc.
7 Kornelis Fierens (private).
8 Geertruida Fierens (private). Geertruida married,at the age of 18 years, on friday 31-08-1928 in Noordgouwe to Arie Romijn, aged 21 years. Arie was born on friday 25-01-1907 in Zierikzee. Arie is deceased on tuesday 03-06-1980, 73 years years old. Occupation: lijnwerker, tramagent RTM. Note re Arie: zoon van Jacob Romijn en Johanna Verseput.
9 Kornelia Fierens (private). Kornelia married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 22-04-1932 in Noordgouwe to Gerrit de Bruin.
10 Dina Fierens (private). Dina married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 27-01-1942 in Zierikzee to Gerardus Jan van Wanrooij. Note re Gerardus Jan: zoon van Christiaan Marie van Wanrooij en Maria Wetting.
11 Marina Fierens, born on monday 07-08-1916 in Noordgouwe. Marina is deceased on sunday 01-04-1917 in Noordgouwe, 7 months years old.
12 Adriana Fierens, born on wednesday 26-12-1917 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-cg.
IX-aw Kornelia Fokker was born on sunday 16-11-1873 in Kerkwerve, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Elizabeth Capelle. Kornelia is deceased on monday 05-12-1960 in Zierikzee, 87 years years old. Kornelia married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 04-07-1894 in Noordgouwe to Johannis Steenland, aged 25 years. Johannis was born on saturday 26-09-1868 in Dreischor. Johannis is deceased on thursday 10-03-1938 in Dreischor, 69 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht. Note re Johannis: zoon van Leendert Steenland en Martijntje Vane.
IX-ax Leenderina Cornelia Lievense was born in 1877 in Bruinisse, daughter of Frederik Lievense and Maatje Fokker. Leenderina Cornelia married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 21-10-1903 in Zierikzee to Marinus Cornelis Hillebrand, aged 29 years. Marinus Cornelis was born in 1874 in Zierikzee. Occupation: kleermaker. Note re Marinus Cornelis: zoon van Christoffel Hillebrand en Elizabeth Lookman.
IX-ay Adriana Lievense was born in 1882 in Uithoorn, daughter of Frederik Lievense and Maatje Fokker. Adriana is deceased on sunday 27-06-1926 in Zierikzee, 44 years years old. Occupation: naaister. Adriana married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 06-04-1904 in Zierikzee to Frans Verschuur, aged 23 years. Frans was born in 1881 in Zierikzee. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Frans: zoon van Frans Verschuur en Maria Bollemeier.
IX-az Pieter Fokker was born on saturday 25-08-1888 in Nieuwerkerk, son of Johannis Fokker and Dirksje Stoutjesdijk. Pieter married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 26-04-1913 in Noordgouwe to Maria van der Werf, aged 23 years. Maria was born on tuesday 22-04-1890 in Dreischor. Maria is deceased on friday 12-01-1979 in Zwijndrecht, 88 years years old. Note re Maria: dochter van Willem van der Werf en Cornelia Vane.
Children of Pieter and Maria:
1 Dirkje Cornelia Fokker, born on tuesday 23-12-1913 in Zierikzee. Follow X-ch.
2 Willem Johannes Fokker, born on saturday 03-07-1915 in Zierikzee. Follow X-ci.
3 Johanna Fokker (private). Johanna married,at the age of 21 years, on thursday 30-01-1941 in Barendrecht to Herbert van der Waal, aged 19 years. Herbert was born on tuesday 19-04-1921 in Ridderkerk. Herbert is deceased on wednesday 24-10-1990 in Ridderkerk, 69 years years old.
4 Kornelis Fokker, born on sunday 09-09-1923 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-ck.
5 Marie Fokker (private). Marie married,at the age of 20 years, on thursday 11-03-1948 to Paulus Heijboer, aged 17 years. Paulus was born on tuesday 03-02-1931 in Ridderkerk. Note re Paulus: zoon van Krijn Heijboer en Pietertje Konijnenburg.
6 Johannes Fokker (private). Johannes married,at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 23-05-1962 to Hennie de Waard.
7 Leentje Fokker (private). Leentje married,at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 09-05-1951 to Willem Kooy.
IX-ba Jan Cornelis Fokker was born on friday 19-09-1890 in Nieuwerkerk, son of Johannis Fokker and Dirksje Stoutjesdijk. Occupation: rijksveldwachter. Jan Cornelis married,at the age of 31 years, on thursday 07-09-1922 in Axel to Maatje Cornelia Olijslager, aged 33 years. Maatje Cornelia was born on saturday 08-09-1888 in Axel. Note re Maatje Cornelia: dochter van Andries Olijslager en Krina de Vries.
Children of Jan Cornelis and Maatje Cornelia:
1 Johannes Andries Fokker, born on tuesday 29-05-1923 in Axel. Follow X-co.
2 Andries Johannes Fokker, born on thursday 24-09-1925 in Axel. Follow X-cp.
3 Dirkje Krina Fokker (private). Dirkje Krina married,at the age of 27 years, on tuesday 27-04-1954 to N.N. Detz.
IX-bb Cornelia Adriaantje Fokker was born on sunday 29-11-1896 in Nieuwerkerk, daughter of Johannis Fokker and Dirksje Stoutjesdijk. Cornelia Adriaantje is deceased on monday 24-04-1995 in Kapelle, 98 years years old. Cornelia Adriaantje married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 23-04-1920 in Noordgouwe to Marinus Fonteijne, aged 32 years. Marinus was born in 1888 in Noordgouwe. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Marinus: zoon van Leendert Fonteijne en Lena Cornelia de Kok.
Child of Cornelia Adriaantje and Marinus:
1 Lena Dirkje Fonteijne (private). Lena Dirkje married,at the age of 20 years, on thursday 15-05-1941 to Nicolaas Johannes (Nico) Viergever, aged 25 years. Nicolaas Johannes was born on wednesday 13-10-1915 in Elkerzee. Nico is deceased on sunday 19-06-1994 in Kapelle-Biezelinge, 78 years years old. Note re Nico: zoon van Antonie Viergever en Neeltje Kommer.
IX-bc Job Kostense was born on sunday 23-09-1838 in Renesse, son of Bastiaan Kostense and Neeltje Pieternella Fokker. Job is deceased on thursday 08-03-1923 in Zierikzee, 84 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Job married,at the age of 35 years, on friday 12-06-1874 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Adriana Maria Aarnoudse, aged 29 years. Adriana Maria was born in 1845 in Stavenisse. Adriana Maria is deceased on wednesday 12-11-1913 in Zierikzee, 68 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Adriana Maria: dochter van Gerard Aarnoudse en Neeltje Cornelisse.
IX-bd Cornelia Kostense was born on saturday 31-07-1841 in Burgh, daughter of Bastiaan Kostense and Neeltje Pieternella Fokker. Cornelia is deceased on thursday 12-01-1882 in Brouwershaven, 40 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Cornelia married,at the age of 34 years, on saturday 03-06-1876 in Burgh to Adriaan van den Houte(n), aged 31 years. Adriaan was born on saturday 30-11-1844 in Burgh. Adriaan is deceased on tuesday 07-02-1905 in Haamstede, 60 years years old. Occupation: (veld)arbeider. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Andries van den Houten en Maria Overdulve.
IX-be Toontje Kostense was born on saturday 13-07-1844 in Noordwelle, daughter of Bastiaan Kostense and Neeltje Pieternella Fokker. Toontje is deceased on friday 16-02-1900 in Brouwershaven, 55 years years old. Toontje married,at the age of 32 years, on saturday 30-09-1876 in Burgh to Lieven van Putte, aged 22 years. Lieven was born in 1854 in Noordgouwe. Lieven is deceased on monday 13-06-1927 in Brouwershaven, 73 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Lieven: zoon van Jan van Putte en Maatje van der Sluijs.
IX-bf Jobina Kostense was born in 1853 in Burgh, daughter of Bastiaan Kostense and Neeltje Pieternella Fokker. Jobina is deceased on monday 24-09-1923 in Zierikzee, 70 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Jobina married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 06-04-1878 in Brouwershaven to Marinus Krijger, aged 23 years. Marinus was born in 1855 in Brouwershaven. Marinus is deceased on saturday 01-01-1927 in Brouwershaven, 72 years years old. Note re Marinus: zoon van Nicolaas Krijger en Lena Hollestelle.
IX-bg Aalbregt Boot was born on thursday 05-12-1850 in Burgh, son of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Aalbregt is deceased on friday 09-09-1921 in Breda, 70 years years old. Occupation: directeur PTT. Aalbregt married,at the age of 39 years, on tuesday 10-12-1889 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 46] to Gerritje Sophia Baggerman, aged 36 years,after the publication of the bans on friday 15-11-1889 in Oud-Beijerland. Gerritje Sophia was born on thursday 17-11-1853 in Oud-Beijerland,daughter of Pieter Jacob Baggerman and Sophia Neeltje Stam. The birth was registered on friday 18-11-1853 [source: akte 158]. Gerritje Sophia is deceased on friday 12-06-1942 in Breda, 88 years years old. Note re the death of Gerritje Sophia: 10-06-1942?. Note re Gerritje Sophia: toen Gerritje Sophia 42 jaar oud was heeft ze gebroken met de Zeeuwse familie Boot.
Children of Aalbregt and Gerritje Sophia:
1 Sophia Willemina Sara Boot, born on saturday 17-10-1891 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow X-cs.
2 Pieter Jacob Adrianus Boot, born on tuesday 13-10-1896 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow X-ct.
IX-bh Krijn Boot was born on wednesday 12-11-1851 in Burgh, son of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Occupation: landbouwer, arbeider, winkelier. Krijn married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 19-03-1875 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Levina van Sluis, aged 23 years. Levina was born on tuesday 18-11-1851 in Burgh. She was baptized on sunday 04-01-1852 in Burgh. Levina is deceased on wednesday 15-05-1918 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, U.S.A., 66 years years old. She was buried on friday 17-05-1918 [source: Certificate of Death]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Levina: dochter van Jacob (Job) van Sluis (1819 Burgh) landbouwer, en Adriana (?) (Janna) Groenleer (1816 Burgh -1864).
Children of Krijn and Levina:
1 Wilhelmina Sara Boot, born in 1876 in Burgh. Wilhelmina Sara is deceased on wednesday 07-05-1879 in Burgh, 3 years years old.
2 dochter Boot, daughter,born death on sunday 11-02-1877 in Burgh.
3 zoon Boot, son,born death on thursday 28-03-1878 in Burgh.
4 Job Marinus Boot, born on friday 30-04-1880 in Burgh. Job Marinus is deceased on thursday 10-03-1881 in Burgh, 10 months years old.
IX-bi Grietje Boot was born on tuesday 07-11-1854 in Burgh, daughter of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Grietje is deceased on sunday 15-02-1920 in Burgh, 65 years years old. Grietje married,at the age of 36 years, on friday 26-06-1891 in Burgh [source: akte 5] to Johannes Bijkerk, aged 33 years. Johannes was born on friday 30-10-1857 in Burgh. Johannes is deceased on tuesday 21-12-1943 in Burgh, 86 years years old. He was buried in Burgh. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Johannes: zoon van Klaas Bijkerk, metselaar, en Hendrika Elizabeth de Vlieger.
Child of Grietje and Johannes:
1 Nicolaas Jacob Bijkerk, born on friday 15-09-1893 in Burgh. Follow X-cu.
IX-bj Johannes Boot was born on tuesday 02-11-1858 in Burgh, son of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Johannes is deceased on monday 19-06-1911 in Burgh, 52 years years old. Note re the death of Johannes: 19-07-1911?. Occupation: landbouwer, winkelier. Johannes married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 30-10-1885 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Joppa Lena Beukelaar, aged 25 years. Joppa Lena was born on friday 30-12-1859 in Burgh. Joppa Lena is deceased on saturday 20-01-1934 in Burgh, 74 years years old. Note re Joppa Lena: dochter van Hendrik Beukelaar (1831-1900) landbouwer, en Willemijntje Lemsom (1835-1891).
Children of Johannes and Joppa Lena:
1 Willemina Sara Boot, born on saturday 11-09-1886 in Burgh. Follow X-cv.
2 Hendrik Boot, born on thursday 14-11-1889 in Burgh. Follow X-cw.
3 Willemijntje Adriaantje Boot, born on sunday 20-01-1895 in Burgh. Follow X-cx.
4 dochter Boot, daughter,born death on sunday 05-03-1899 in Burgh. The decease was registered [source: akte 1].
5 Jacoba Johanna Boot, born on sunday 09-03-1902 in Burgh. Follow X-cy.
IX-bk Cornelia Boot was born on monday 20-02-1860 in Burgh, daughter of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Cornelia is deceased on sunday 22-11-1914 in Haamstede, 54 years years old. Cornelia married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 13-10-1886 in Burgh [source: akte 4] to Jan den Boer, aged 23 years. Jan was born on sunday 10-05-1863 in Haamstede. Jan is deceased on friday 25-05-1928 in Haamstede, 65 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Marinus den Boer (1817-1886), landbouwer, en Jannetje Lemsom (1828-1894), landbouwster; getrouwd 01-06-1917 te Haamstede met Maatje Adriaanse (1872).
Children of Cornelia and Jan:
1 Jannetje den Boer, born on sunday 13-02-1887 in Haamstede. Follow X-cz.
2 Jacob den Boer, born on friday 06-01-1888 in Haamstede. Follow X-da.
3 Marinus den Boer, born on sunday 26-05-1889 in Haamstede. Follow X-db.
4 Willemina Sara den Boer, born on friday 30-05-1890 in Haamstede. Follow X-dc.
5 Tannetje den Boer, born on thursday 10-09-1891 in Burgh. Follow X-dd.
6 Cornelis den Boer, born on thursday 19-01-1893 in Burgh. Follow X-de.
7 Janna den Boer, born on monday 18-06-1894 in Burgh. Follow X-df.
8 Maria den Boer, born on saturday 20-02-1897 in Burgh. Follow X-dg.
9 Cornelia den Boer, born about 1899 in Burgh. Cornelia is deceased on thursday 10-06-1920 in Breda, about 21 years years old.
IX-bl Nicolaas Boot was born on sunday 19-10-1862 in Burgh, son of Jacob (Jakob) Aalbrechtsz Boot and Willemina Fokker. Nicolaas is deceased on thursday 24-11-1921 in Zierikzee, 59 years years old. Address: Zierikzee. Occupation: bouwkundige, dijkbaas, opzichter bij rijkswaterstaat. Nicolaas married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 13-03-1885 in Elkerzee [source: akte 1] to Janna (Jannetje) van Wouwe, aged 24 years. Janna (Jannetje) was born on monday 11-02-1861 in Elkerzee. Janna (Jannetje) is deceased on thursday 12-09-1940 in Zierikzee, 79 years years old. Note re Janna (Jannetje): dochter van Cornelis van Wouwe, dijkbaas, en Maria Boogerd.
Children of Nicolaas and Janna (Jannetje):
1 Willemina Sara Boot, born on thursday 02-07-1885 in Elkerzee. Address: Haamstede.
2 Cornelis Pieter Boot, born on tuesday 21-06-1887 in Elkerzee. Follow X-dh.
3 Maria Cornelia Boot, born on monday 11-03-1889 in Zierikzee. Follow X-di.
4 Jacob(us) Marinus Boot, born on wednesday 16-07-1890 in Zierikzee. Addresses: through 30-09-1910 Zierikzee from 30-09-1910 Haarlem.
5 zoon Boot, son,born death on tuesday 14-03-1899 in Zierikzee.
IX-bm Krijn Beije was born on tuesday 24-03-1857 in Haamstede, son of Gillis Beije and Pieternella Fokker. Krijn married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 19-10-1887 in Rotterdam to Maria Charlotta Schook, aged 22 years. Maria Charlotta was born in 1865 in Tiel. Note re Maria Charlotta: dochter van Frans Schook en Johanna Maria van Gessel.
IX-bn Janna Pieternella Beije was born on friday 19-11-1858 in Haamstede, daughter of Gillis Beije and Pieternella Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Janna Pieternella married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 24-11-1880 in Zierikzee to Marinus Muste, aged 24 years. Marinus was born on monday 04-08-1856 in Zierikzee. Occupation: pakhuisknecht. Note re Marinus: zoon van Jan Muste en Cornelia Struijk.
IX-bo Nicolaas Beije was born on saturday 26-08-1865 in Haamstede, son of Gillis Beije and Pieternella Fokker. Occupation: onderwijzer. Nicolaas married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 12-08-1892 in Haamstede to Maatje Hendrika Dalebout, aged 25 years. Maatje Hendrika was born on monday 24-12-1866 in Haamstede,daughter of Machiel Dalebout and Cornelia de Vlieger.
IX-bp Cornelia Lemsom was born on monday 03-11-1856 in Haamstede, daughter of Martinus Lemsom and Krina Fokker. Cornelia is deceased on tuesday 03-03-1914 in Haamstede, 57 years years old. Cornelia married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 09-06-1881 in Haamstede to Cornelis Smalheer, aged 29 years. Cornelis was born on friday 30-01-1852 in Sirjansland-Oosterland. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 18-04-1946 in Haamstede, 94 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jacob Smalheer en Janna van Sas.
Children of Cornelia and Cornelis:
1 Jacob Smalheer, born on saturday 21-01-1882 in Oosterland. Occupation: landbouwer.
2 Martinus Smalheer, born on sunday 21-10-1883 in Haamstede. Follow X-dj.
3 Janna Smalheer, born on tuesday 05-05-1885 in Burgh. Follow X-dk.
4 Grietje Marina Smalheer, born on saturday 19-02-1887 in Burgh. Follow X-dl.
5 Adriana Smalheer, born in 1890 in Haamstede. Adriana is deceased on thursday 04-12-1890 in Haamstede, 0 days years old.
6 Marinus Smalheer, born on friday 23-10-1891 in Haamstede. Occupation: landbouwersknecht.
IX-bq Grietje Marina Lemsom was born on wednesday 26-06-1861 in Burgh, daughter of Martinus Lemsom and Krina Fokker. Grietje Marina is deceased on tuesday 06-04-1886 in Burgh, 24 years years old. Grietje Marina married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 24-11-1883 in Burgh [source: akte 5] to Cornelis van der Klooster, aged 24 years. Cornelis was born on thursday 13-10-1859 in Burgh,son of Jacob (Jakob) van der Klooster and Adriaantje (Adriana) van Loozen. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 24-10-1950 in Bergen op Zoom, 91 years years old. Occupation: schipper van de reddingsboot.
Children of Grietje Marina and Cornelis:
1 Adriana Krina van der Klooster, born on thursday 13-03-1884 in Burgh. Follow X-dm.
2 Marina Jacoba van der Klooster, born 03-1886 in Burgh. Marina Jacoba is deceased on monday 03-05-1886 in Burgh, 2 months years old.
IX-br Marinus Johannis Lemsom was born on sunday 09-10-1864 in Burgh, son of Martinus Lemsom and Krina Fokker. Marinus Johannis is deceased on wednesday 17-10-1945 in Poortugaal, 81 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht. Marinus Johannis married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 25-04-1891 in Burgh to Maatje Groenleer, aged 24 years. Maatje was born on wednesday 13-02-1867 in Burgh. Maatje is deceased on monday 23-08-1937 in Haamstede, 70 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Maatje: dochter van Cornelis Groenleer en Jacoba Kooijman.
Child of Marinus Johannis and Maatje:
1 Martinus Lemsom, born on saturday 13-08-1892 in Burgh. Follow X-dn.
IX-bs Krijn Lemsom was born on monday 31-12-1866 in Burgh, son of Martinus Lemsom and Krina Fokker. Krijn is deceased on wednesday 21-12-1904 in Burgh, 37 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Krijn married,at the age of 29 years, on saturday 08-02-1896 in Burgh to Adriana Groenleer, aged 25 years. Adriana was born on wednesday 27-04-1870 in Burgh,daughter of Cornelis Groenleer and Lena Rotte.
Children of Krijn and Adriana:
1 Krina Grietje Marina Lemsom, born on monday 09-03-1896 in Burgh. Follow X-do.
2 Cornelis Lemsom, born on thursday 15-04-1897 in Haamstede. Follow X-dp.
3 zoon Lemsom, son,born death on wednesday 02-08-1899 in Haamstede.
4 zoon Lemsom, son,born death on saturday 23-02-1901 in Burgh.
5 Adriana Krina Lemsom, born on monday 31-07-1905 in Burgh. Follow X-dq.
IX-bt Krijn Fokker was born on friday 12-11-1875 in Haamstede, son of Nicolaas Fokker and Krina Pieternella Bakker. Krijn is deceased on friday 16-10-1964 in Westenschouwen, 88 years years old. Krijn married,at the age of 29 years, on saturday 09-09-1905 in Burgh to Jacomina Groenleer, aged 21 years. Jacomina was born on friday 29-08-1884 in Bruinisse. Jacomina is deceased on tuesday 18-09-1962 in Westenschouwen, 78 years years old. Note re Jacomina: dochter van Andries Groenleer en Adriaantje de Jonge.
Children of Krijn and Jacomina:
1 Kriena Pieternella Fokker, born on thursday 14-12-1905 in Haamstede. Follow X-dr.
2 Adriana Jacoba Fokker, born on saturday 23-02-1907 in Haamstede. Follow X-ds.
3 Klazina Fokker, born on thursday 03-12-1908 in Haamstede. Follow X-dt.
4 Andrizina Fokker, born on friday 19-05-1911 in Haamstede. Andrizina is deceased on saturday 03-02-1912 in Haamstede, 8 months years old.
5 Jacoba Fokker, born on thursday 13-02-1913 in Haamstede. Follow X-du.
6 Grietje Fokker (private). Grietje married,at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 27-06-1939 in Haamstede to Hubrecht Kik, aged 31 years. Hubrecht was born on monday 04-05-1908 in Haamstede. Hubrecht is deceased on thursday 03-01-1991 in Haamstede, 82 years years old. Occupation: verzekeringsagent. Note re Hubrecht: zoon van Leendert Kik en Stoffelina de Vos.
IX-bu Cornelia van Agthoven was born on friday 25-01-1850 in Nieuwerkerk, daughter of Abel van Agthoven and Jannetje de Oude. Cornelia is deceased on friday 12-09-1924 in Tholen, 74 years years old. Cornelia married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 24-07-1874 in Nieuwerkerk to Jacobus Eliza van der Maas, aged 26 years. Jacobus Eliza was born on wednesday 08-12-1847 in Zierikzee. Jacobus Eliza is deceased on tuesday 16-02-1909 in Tholen, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jacobus Eliza: zoon van Dirk van der Maas en Dana Bevelander.
IX-bv Hubregt van de Zande was born on friday 20-02-1852 in Nieuwerkerk, son of Huibregt van de Zande and Jannetje de Oude. Hubregt is deceased on sunday 08-10-1933 in Nieuwerkerk, 81 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Hubregt married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 04-03-1881 in Bruinisse to Neeltje Bouman, aged 25 years. Neeltje was born on saturday 29-12-1855 in Bruinisse. Neeltje is deceased on wednesday 04-11-1925 in Nieuwerkerk, 69 years years old. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Pieter Bouman en Jacoba Meerman.
IX-bw Klazina van de Zande was born on friday 05-08-1853 in Nieuwerkerk, daughter of Huibregt van de Zande and Jannetje de Oude. Klazina is deceased on wednesday 20-05-1931 in Nieuwerkerk, 77 years years old. Klazina married,at the age of 39 years, on friday 14-04-1893 in Nieuwerkerk to Cornelis Zeijler, aged 48 years. Cornelis was born on thursday 09-01-1845 in Oosterland. Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 26-12-1906 in Oosterland, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer.
IX-bx Bartel van de Zande was born on monday 21-01-1856 in Nieuwerkerk, son of Huibregt van de Zande and Jannetje de Oude. Bartel is deceased on sunday 27-12-1903, 47 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Bartel married,at the age of 37 years, on friday 14-04-1893 in Nieuwerkerk to Adriana Pieternella Koopman, aged about 26 years. Adriana Pieternella was born about 1867 in Nieuwerkerk. Adriana Pieternella is deceased on monday 26-07-1943 in Zierikzee, about 76 years years old. Occupation: landmansdochter. Note re Adriana Pieternella: dochter van Leendert Koopman en Adriana Broeksmit.
IX-by Jannetje van de Zande was born on tuesday 21-05-1861 in Nieuwerkerk, daughter of Huibregt van de Zande and Jannetje de Oude. Jannetje is deceased on wednesday 11-01-1939 in Zierikzee, 77 years years old. She was buried in Nieuwerkerk. Occupation: landvrouw. Jannetje married,at the age of 26 years, on monday 23-04-1888 in Nieuwerkerk to Kornelis (Cornelis) van Westen, aged 29 years. Kornelis (Cornelis) was born on monday 20-09-1858 in Nieuwerkerk. Kornelis (Cornelis) is deceased on wednesday 19-08-1942 in Zierikzee, 83 years years old. He was buried in Zierikzee. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Kornelis (Cornelis): zoon van Pieter van Westen en Sara Smallegange.
IX-bz Adriaan Bakker was born on friday 27-08-1852 in Renesse, son of Engel Bakker and Neeltje de Oude. Adriaan is deceased on saturday 25-10-1919 in Zierikzee, 67 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Adriaan married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 06-05-1891 in Zierikzee to Laurina van der Klift, aged 22 years. Laurina was born on sunday 13-12-1868 in Zierikzee. Laurina is deceased on wednesday 22-12-1948 in Zierikzee, 80 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Laurina: dochter van Albertus van der Klift en Johanna Tichum.
IX-ca Cornelia Bakker was born on friday 27-08-1852 in Renesse, daughter of Engel Bakker and Neeltje de Oude. Cornelia is deceased on monday 10-10-1927 in Zierikzee, 75 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Cornelia married,at the age of 31 years, on thursday 01-05-1884 in Nieuwerkerk to Lambertus van Beveren, aged 28 years. Lambertus was born on monday 03-09-1855 in Stavenisse. Lambertus is deceased on wednesday 25-07-1934 in Zierikzee, 78 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Lambertus: zoon van Gilles van Beveren en Johanna Dorst.
IX-cb Marinus Bakker was born on monday 12-04-1858 in Ellemeet, son of Engel Bakker and Neeltje de Oude. Marinus is deceased on sunday 10-01-1926 in Zierikzee, 67 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Marinus married,at the age of 32 years, on wednesday 08-04-1891 in Zierikzee to Neeltje Manni, aged 27 years. Neeltje was born on monday 27-04-1863 in Zierikzee. Neeltje is deceased on friday 10-01-1941 in Rilland-Bath, 77 years years old. Occupation: melkster. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Jacob Manni en Thona de Kok.
IX-cc Clazina Bakker was born on friday 18-07-1862 in Noordwelle, daughter of Engel Bakker and Neeltje de Oude. Clazina is deceased on saturday 22-03-1941 in Zierikzee, 78 years years old. Occupation: naaister. Clazina married,at the age of 34 years, on wednesday 09-06-1897 in Zierikzee to Cornelis de Krijger, aged 48 years. Cornelis was born in 1849 in Brouwershaven. Cornelis is deceased on sunday 02-07-1922 in Zierikzee, 73 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Johannis de Krijger en Kaatje Thijssen, weduwnaar van Pieternella de Jonge.
IX-cd Cornelia de Oude was born on tuesday 14-04-1868 in Ellemeet, daughter of Cornelis de Oude and Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge. Occupation: dienstbode. Cornelia married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 03-05-1895 in Nieuwerkerk to Marinus Hoogstrate, aged about 28 years. Marinus was born about 1867 in Krabbendijke. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Marinus: zoon van Jan Hoogstrate en Johanna Kastelein.
IX-ce Maria de Oude was born on thursday 01-07-1869 in Elkerzee, daughter of Cornelis de Oude and Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge. Maria is deceased on monday 13-09-1937 in Oosterland, 68 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Maria married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 10-05-1893 in Oosterland to Jacob Klink, aged 23 years. Jacob was born on wednesday 13-04-1870 in Oosterland. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Jacob: zoon van Kornelis Klink en Pieternella de Jonge.
IX-cf Nicolaas Leendert de Oude was born on thursday 11-01-1872 in Elkerzee, son of Cornelis de Oude and Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge. Occupation: veldarbeider. Nicolaas Leendert:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 09-05-1896 in Nieuwerkerk to Wilhelmina Kooman, aged 22 years. Wilhelmina was born on friday 31-10-1873 in Nieuwerkerk. Wilhelmina is deceased on thursday 19-03-1908 in Nieuwerkerk, 34 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Wilhelmina: dochter van Adriaan Kooman en Sientje Praat.
(2) married,at the age of 44 years, on wednesday 19-04-1916 in Zierikzee to Cornelia Verton, aged 49 years. Cornelia was born on friday 08-03-1867 in Haamstede. Cornelia is deceased on saturday 31-05-1941 in Zierikzee, 74 years years old. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Marinus Verton en Adriaantje Verton.
IX-cg Jannetje de Oude was born on friday 21-05-1875 in Elkerzee, daughter of Cornelis de Oude and Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge. Occupation: dienstbode. Jannetje married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 03-11-1899 in Nieuwerkerk to Willem Christiaan van ´t Hof, aged about 26 years. Willem Christiaan was born about 1873 in Oosterland. Occupation: veldarbeider.
IX-ch Neeltje de Oude was born about 1881 in Zierikzee, daughter of Cornelis de Oude and Jacomijntje van Westenbrugge. Neeltje married,at the age of about 24 years, on friday 12-05-1905 in Nieuwerkerk to Kornelis van der Maas, aged 27 years. Kornelis was born on saturday 27-04-1878 in Oosterland. Kornelis is deceased on tuesday 11-08-1953 in Utrecht, 75 years years old.
IX-ci Thonus Gast was born in 1847 in Duivendijke, son of Cornelis Leendert Gast and Toontje van den Bout. Occupation: burgemeester, landbouwer, heemraad waterschap Schouwen. Thonus married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 03-05-1872 in Dreischor to Marina Jacoba Voorbeijtel, aged 21 years. Marina Jacoba was born in 1851 in Dreischor. Marina Jacoba is deceased on sunday 25-02-1917 in Brouwershaven, 66 years years old. Note re Marina Jacoba: dochter van Simon Voorbeijtel en Maria Meerman.
Child of Thonus and Marina Jacoba:
1 Toontje Maria Gast, born in 1889 in Duivendijke. Follow X-dw.
IX-cj Adriaan Cornelis de Oude was born on friday 22-05-1885 in Noordwelle, son of Nikolaas Leendert de Oude and Elizabeth van Nieuwenhuijzen. Adriaan Cornelis is deceased on monday 04-09-1950 in Noordgouwe, 65 years years old. Adriaan Cornelis married,at the age of 22 years, on tuesday 17-03-1908 in Duivendijke to Toontje Maria Gast, aged 19 years. Toontje Maria was born in 1889 in Duivendijke,daughter of Thonus Gast and Marina Jacoba Voorbeijtel. Toontje Maria is deceased on saturday 02-02-1952 in Zierikzee, 63 years years old.
Child of Adriaan Cornelis and Toontje Maria:
1 Elizabeth Jacoba de Oude (private). Elizabeth Jacoba married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 21-01-1931 in Zierikzee to Marinus Leonardus Jan Fokker, aged 30 years. Marinus Leonardus Jan was born on thursday 07-06-1900 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika,son of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Marinus Leonardus Jan is deceased on friday 18-04-1969 in Zierikzee, 68 years years old. Occupation: hoofdassistent Deli Mij, landbouwer.
IX-ck Jacob Jan Kloet was born on thursday 11-05-1871 in Haamstede, son of Marinus Kloet and Jannetje Noordhoek. Jacob Jan is deceased on friday 15-11-1929 in Haamstede, 58 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Jacob Jan:
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 16-05-1896 in Haamstede [source: akte 4] to Lijna Pieternella Fokker, aged 26 years. Lijna Pieternella was born on saturday 05-06-1869 in Haamstede,daughter of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Lijna Pieternella is deceased on friday 14-12-1906 in Haamstede, 37 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode.
(2) married,at the age of 36 years, on saturday 18-05-1907 in Serooskerke, Schouwen [source: akte 4] to Neeltje Dijkgraaf, aged 40 years. Neeltje was born on thursday 25-10-1866 in Burgh,daughter of Jacob Dijkgraaf and Cornelia van der Klooster. Neeltje is deceased on tuesday 23-02-1932 in Haamstede, 65 years years old. Occupation: (veld)arbeidster.
Children of Jacob Jan and Lijna Pieternella:
1 Marinus Dirk Kloet, born on thursday 11-03-1897 in Haamstede. Follow X-dy.
2 Cornelia Adriana Kloet, born on thursday 05-05-1898 in Haamstede. Follow X-dz.
3 Jan Kloet, born on thursday 21-09-1899 in Haamstede. Follow X-ea.
4 Dirkje Kloet, born on monday 31-03-1902 in Haamstede. Follow X-eb.
IX-cl Pieter Kloet was born about 1882 in Haamstede, son of Marinus Kloet and Jannetje Noordhoek. Pieter married,at the age of about 22 years, on friday 29-07-1904 in Haamstede to Willemina Hendrika van der Have, aged 21 years. Willemina Hendrika was born on wednesday 06-12-1882 in Oosterland,daughter of Frans Teunisz van de Have and Jannetje van de Panne.
IX-cm Jan Kloet was born on sunday 09-11-1884 in Haamstede, son of Marinus Kloet and Jannetje Noordhoek. Jan is deceased on saturday 23-03-1974, 89 years years old. Jan married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 30-04-1909 in Burgh to Maria Zijta, aged 21 years. Maria was born on wednesday 12-10-1887 in Burgh. Note re Maria: dochter van Willem Zijta en Anna Overbeke.
IX-cn Johanna Beuzenberg was born on monday 07-01-1867 in Haamstede, daughter of Nicolaas Beuzenberg and Maria van de Panne. Johanna is deceased on sunday 05-04-1959 in Haamstede, 92 years years old. She was buried on wednesday 08-04-1959 in Haamstede. Johanna married,at the age of 21 years, on saturday 05-05-1888 in Haamstede to Klaas Fokker, aged 23 years. Klaas was born on tuesday 14-02-1865 in Haamstede,son of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Klaas is deceased on friday 07-03-1941 in Haamstede, 76 years years old. Occupation: tuinman.
Children of Johanna and Klaas:
1 Dirk Fokker, born on sunday 26-08-1888 in Haamstede. Follow X-ec.
2 Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker, born on tuesday 23-09-1890 in Haamstede. Follow X-ed.
3 Cornelis Marinus Fokker, born on monday 07-11-1892 in Haamstede. Follow X-ee.
4 Marinus Cornelis Fokker, born on friday 19-10-1894 in Haamstede. Follow X-ef.
5 Adriaan Fokker, born on monday 08-06-1896 in Haamstede. Follow X-eg.
6 Tona Cornelia Fokker, born on thursday 13-10-1898 in Haamstede. Follow X-eh.
7 Lodewijk Georgeus Fokker, born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Haamstede. Follow X-ei.
8 Johannes Fokker, born on wednesday 24-02-1904 in Haamstede. Follow X-ej.
9 Lijna Pieternella Fokker, born on monday 07-01-1907 in Haamstede. Lijna Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 09-05-1984 in Halsteren, 77 years years old. She was buried on saturday 12-05-1984 in Haamstede. Note re the death of Lijna Pieternella: overleden Vrederust; begraven Vredehof.
IX-co Job Beuzenberg was born on saturday 10-09-1870 in Haamstede, son of Nicolaas Beuzenberg and Maria van de Panne. Job is deceased on sunday 20-08-1933 in Haamstede, 62 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Job: zoon van Nicolaas Beuzenberg en Maria van de Panne. Job married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 18-02-1898 in Haamstede to Neeltje Geleijnse, aged 22 years. Neeltje was born on monday 27-09-1875 in Haamstede,daughter of Pieter Geleijnse and Tona van der Pol. Occupation: dienstbode.
IX-cp Johanna Laban was born on monday 26-02-1866 in Haamstede, daughter of Marinus Laban and Pieternella van de Panne. Johanna is deceased on thursday 29-03-1928 in Noordgouwe, 62 years years old. Johanna married,at the age of 20 years, on monday 29-11-1886 in Burgh to Hendrik Adrianus Dijkgraaf, aged 22 years. Hendrik Adrianus was born on thursday 07-01-1864 in Burgh.
Children of Johanna and Hendrik Adrianus:
1 Cornelia Dijkgraaf, born on thursday 16-12-1886 in Haamstede.
2 Marinus Dijkgraaf, born on tuesday 27-08-1889 in Noordwelle.
3 Pieternella Dijkgraaf, born on sunday 03-01-1892 in Noordwelle.
4 Jacoba Adriana Dijkgraaf, born on wednesday 19-05-1897 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-ek.
5 Hendrik Johannes Dijkgraaf, born on friday 13-05-1898 in Noordgouwe.
6 Martinus Dijkgraaf, born on thursday 20-04-1899 in Noordgouwe. Martinus is deceased on friday 05-05-1899 in Noordgouwe, 15 days years old.
7 Kornelis Martinus Dijkgraaf, born on wednesday 08-08-1900 in Noordgouwe. Kornelis Martinus is deceased on friday 15-03-1901 in Noordgouwe, 7 months years old.
8 Andries Dijkgraaf, born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Noordgouwe. Follow X-el.
IX-cq Willemina Hendrika van der Have was born on wednesday 06-12-1882 in Oosterland, daughter of Frans Teunisz van de Have and Jannetje van de Panne. Willemina Hendrika married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 29-07-1904 in Haamstede to Pieter Kloet, aged about 22 years. Pieter was born about 1882 in Haamstede,son of Marinus Kloet and Jannetje Noordhoek.
IX-cr Johanna Janna van de Panne was born about 1890 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Iman van de(r) Panne and Thona Sara Verdick. Johanna Janna married,at the age of about 30 years, on wednesday 08-09-1920 in Zonnemaire to Gerardus Maarten bij de Vaate, aged 38 years. Gerardus Maarten was born on wednesday 25-01-1882 in Zierikzee,son of Kornelis bij de Vaate and Cornelia den Boer. Gerardus Maarten is deceased 04-1975, 93 years years old.
IX-cs Johannis van der Panne was born on monday 15-06-1891 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Iman van de(r) Panne and Thona Sara Verdick. Johannis is deceased on friday 20-07-1973 in Haamstede, 82 years years old. He was buried on wednesday 25-07-1973 in Haamstede. Note re Johannis: weduwnaar van Rachel van Felius. Johannis married,at the age of 68 years, on friday 03-07-1959 in Zonnemaire to Maatje Boot, aged 46 years. Maatje was born on thursday 12-09-1912 in Poeldijk,daughter of Pieter Jansz Boot and Jurrina Willemina van der Lingen. Maatje is deceased on wednesday 24-06-1964 in Rotterdam, 51 years years old. She was buried on saturday 27-06-1964 in Haamstede.
IX-ct Elisabeth Lena Speelman was born on friday 03-02-1837 in Burgh, daughter of Willem Jacobsz Speelman and Lena Fokker. The birth was registered on saturday 04-02-1837 [source: akte 2]. Elisabeth Lena is deceased on wednesday 18-10-1922 in Renesse, 85 years years old. Occupation: herbergierster. Note re Elisabeth Lena: ze kwam uit de herberg het Wapen van Burgh, later Supermarkt Veldmarkt en in 1995 een appartementengebouw met o.a. een kapsalon. Elisabeth Lena married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 05-09-1860 in Burgh [source: akte 7] to Cente Cornelisz Boot, aged 26 years. Cente Cornelisz was born on friday 18-10-1833 in Burgh,son of Cornelis Centse Boot and Lena van Slui(j)s. Cente Cornelisz is deceased on wednesday 26-01-1916 in Renesse, 82 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, duinboer.
Children of Elisabeth Lena and Cente Cornelisz:
1 Lena Willemina Boot, born on sunday 06-01-1861 in Burgh. Follow X-em.
2 Willem Centesz Boot, born on sunday 07-09-1862 in Burgh. Follow X-en.
3 Cornelis Centesz Boot, born on sunday 09-10-1864 in Burgh. Follow X-eo.
4 Kaatje Boot, born on sunday 11-02-1866 in Renesse. Follow X-ep.
5 Janna Jacomina Boot, born on sunday 16-02-1868 in Renesse. Follow X-eq.
6 Leendert Centesz Boot, born on monday 04-07-1870 in Renesse. Follow X-er.
7 Job Centesz Boot, born on friday 22-12-1871 in Renesse. Follow X-es.
8 Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz Boot, born on friday 06-06-1873 in Renesse. Follow X-et.
9 Elizabeth Lena Boot, born on saturday 12-12-1874 in Renesse. Elizabeth Lena is deceased on tuesday 02-02-1875 in Renesse, 1 month years old.
10 Elieza Centesz Boot, born on thursday 09-11-1876 in Renesse. Follow X-eu.
11 Cente Centesz Boot, born on friday 12-07-1878 in Renesse. Follow X-ev.
12 Machiel Cornelis Centesz Boot, born on friday 12-12-1879 in Renesse. Follow X-ew.
13 Jacomijntje Jacoba Boot, born on saturday 23-09-1882 in Renesse. Follow X-ex.
IX-cu Nicolaas Speelman was born on wednesday 04-09-1839 in Burgh, son of Willem Jacobsz Speelman and Lena Fokker. Nicolaas is deceased on monday 17-11-1902 in Burgh, 63 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landbouwer. Nicolaas married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 10-04-1863 in Burgh [source: akte 2] to Neeltje de Glopper, aged 22 years. Neeltje was born on thursday 08-10-1840 in Haamstede,daughter of Job Adriaan de Glopper and Janna Hoogenboom. Neeltje is deceased on sunday 03-11-1889 in Haamstede, 49 years years old.
Children of Nicolaas and Neeltje:
1 Willem Speelman, born on sunday 30-08-1863 in Burgh. Follow X-ey.
2 Job Adriaan Speelman, born on thursday 09-08-1866 in Burgh. Follow X-ez.
3 Leendert Johannes Speelman, born about 1869 in Burgh. Follow X-fa.
4 Machiel Speelman, born about 1875 in Renesse. Follow X-fb.
5 Lena Janna Speelman, born about 1880 in Haamstede. Follow X-fc.
IX-cv Lena Speelman was born on monday 04-10-1841 in Burgh, daughter of Willem Jacobsz Speelman and Lena Fokker. Lena is deceased on monday 26-03-1923 in Maarssen, 81 years years old. Occupation: molenaarster. Lena married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 17-04-1868 in Burgh to Machiel Steur, aged 27 years. Machiel was born on friday 08-01-1841 in Renesse. Machiel is deceased on saturday 16-04-1892 in Noordwelle, 51 years years old. Occupation: korenmolenaar. Note re Machiel: zoon van Jacob Steur en Neeltje Gast.
IX-cw Kaatje Speelman was born on thursday 05-10-1843 in Burgh, daughter of Willem Jacobsz Speelman and Lena Fokker. Kaatje is deceased on friday 07-02-1919 in Burgh, 75 years years old. Occupation: herbergierster. Kaatje married,at the age of 22 years, on tuesday 08-05-1866 in Burgh [source: akte 5] to Leendert van de Zande, aged 23 years. Leendert was born on tuesday 30-08-1842 in Burgh,son of Leendert van de Zande and Jacomijntje (Jakomijntje, Jacomina) Boot. Leendert is deceased on monday 04-03-1918 in Burgh, 75 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer.
Children of Kaatje and Leendert:
1 Nicolaas van de Zande, born on tuesday 18-11-1873 in Burgh. Follow X-fd.
2 Kaatje van de Zande, born on wednesday 14-07-1880 in Burgh. Follow X-fe.
3 Arie van de Zande, born on thursday 29-12-1881 in Burgh. Follow X-ff.
4 Janna van de Zande, born on thursday 29-12-1881 in Burgh. Follow X-fg.
IX-cx Gerrit Slaager was born on saturday 19-01-1856 in Burgh, son of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Gerrit is deceased on tuesday 01-01-1935 in Burgh, 78 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Gerrit married,at the age of 35 years, on saturday 16-05-1891 in Burgh to Lijntje Melieste, aged 40 years. Lijntje was born on sunday 22-09-1850 in Burgh. Note re Lijntje: dochter van Marinus Melieste en Tannetje Moelijker.
IX-cy Krina Slaager was born on monday 14-09-1857 in Burgh, daughter of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Krina is deceased on wednesday 06-07-1949 in Sint Annaland, 91 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Krina married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 20-09-1879 in Burgh to Johannis van Vessem, aged 27 years. Johannis was born in 1852 in Bruinisse. Johannis is deceased on friday 05-02-1909 in Sint Annaland, 57 years years old. Occupation: cichoreidroger te Sint Annaland, meekrapdroger te Burghsluis. Note re Johannis: zoon van Johannis van Vessem en Adriaantje van den Berge.
IX-cz Stoffel Slaager was born on wednesday 27-02-1861 in Burgh, son of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Stoffel is deceased on saturday 10-02-1940 in Burgh, 78 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Stoffel married,at the age of 36 years, on saturday 22-05-1897 in Burgh to Cornelia Groenleer, aged 29 years. Cornelia was born on friday 08-11-1867 in Burgh. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Stoffel Groenleer en Neeltje Padmos.
IX-da Janna Slaager was born on friday 10-06-1864 in Burgh, daughter of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Janna married,at the age of 28 years, on saturday 06-05-1893 in Burgh to Leendert de Bruine, aged 33 years. Leendert was born on saturday 14-04-1860 in Haamstede,son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Leendert is deceased on saturday 23-04-1938 in Haamstede, 78 years years old.
IX-db Wilhelmina Johanna Slaager was born on monday 02-07-1866 in Burgh, daughter of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Occupation: arbeidster. Wilhelmina Johanna married,at the age of 28 years, on saturday 13-04-1895 in Burgh to Gilles Straaijer, aged 26 years. Gilles was born in 1869 in Burgh. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Gilles: zoon van Leendert Straaijer en Maatje van Orizande.
IX-dc Pieter Slaager was born on sunday 05-04-1868 in Burgh, son of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married,at the age of 21 years, on saturday 04-05-1889 in Burgh to Elizabeth Kenters, aged 22 years. Elizabeth was born on monday 29-10-1866 in Burgh,daughter of Arnoldus Josephus Kenters and Maria Meganck. Occupation: dienstmeid.
IX-dd Marinus Slaager was born on monday 11-04-1870 in Burgh, son of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman. Occupation: veldarbeider. Marinus married,at the age of 31 years, on saturday 07-12-1901 in Burgh to Johanna Groenleer, aged 26 years. Johanna was born on monday 14-06-1875 in Burgh. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Johanna: dochter van Cornelis Groenleer en Jacoba Kooijman.
IX-de Marinus Slaager was born on tuesday 25-02-1862 in Haamstede, son of Nicolaas Slaager and Adriaantje de Voogt. Marinus is deceased on thursday 11-08-1932 in Haamstede, 70 years years old. Marinus married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 19-05-1888 in Haamstede to Leijna Pieternella Geleijnse, aged 26 years. Leijna Pieternella was born on wednesday 28-08-1861 in Haamstede,daughter of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Leijna Pieternella is deceased on saturday 18-02-1939 in Haamstede, 77 years years old.
Child of Marinus and Leijna Pieternella:
1 Nicolaas Slaager, born on wednesday 08-10-1890 in Haamstede. Follow X-fh.
IX-df Gerrit Slaager was born on thursday 12-01-1865 in Haamstede, son of Nicolaas Slaager and Adriaantje de Voogt. Gerrit is deceased on tuesday 26-05-1936 in Haamstede, 71 years years old. Gerrit married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 09-05-1894 in Haamstede to Maatje van Orizande, aged 27 years. Maatje was born on monday 10-09-1866 in Haamstede. Maatje is deceased on monday 04-08-1913 in Haamstede, 46 years years old. Note re Maatje: dochter van Gerrit van Orizande en Johanna van Dambrune.
IX-dg Grietje Fokker was born on saturday 02-03-1850 in Burgh, daughter of Jan Fokker and Maria Kloet. Grietje is deceased on thursday 20-05-1897 in Burgh, 47 years years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Grietje married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 12-06-1872 in Burgh [source: akte 3] to Abraham de Glopper, aged 24 years. Abraham was born on wednesday 29-09-1847 in Burgh,son of Job de Glopper and Clara (Klara) Abra(ha)mse. Abraham is deceased on wednesday 11-01-1922 in Burgh, 74 years years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer.
Children of Grietje and Abraham:
1 Klara (Clara) de Glopper, born on sunday 28-09-1873 in Burgh. Follow X-fi.
2 Maria de Glopper, born on friday 05-10-1877 in Burgh. Follow X-fj.
3 Job de Glopper, born on wednesday 05-02-1879 in Burgh. Follow X-fk.
4 Johannes de Glopper, born on tuesday 18-03-1884 in Burgh. Follow X-fl.
5 Maatje de Glopper, born on monday 14-09-1891 in Burgh. Follow X-fm.
IX-dh John Frederick Tucker was born in 1857 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A., son of John Fokker (Tucker) and Jannetje (Jane) de Koning (King). John Frederick is deceased on friday 14-03-1941 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 84 years years old. John Frederick married,at the age of 26 years, in 1883 to Bertline Jimlette.
IX-di Jane Tucker was born on sunday 13-12-1863 in Oakdale, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Willem (William) Fokker (Tucker) and Maria den Boer. Jane is deceased on sunday 29-04-1951, 87 years years old. Jane married to Jacob Dewaal. Jacob was born on friday 24-10-1856 in Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.. Jacob is deceased on monday 11-01-1943 in Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 86 years years old. Note re Jacob: zoon van Gabriël de Waal en Klaasje Kats.
IX-dj William Tucker was born on thursday 22-02-1872 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., son of Willem (William) Fokker (Tucker) and Maria den Boer. William is deceased 07-1968 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 96 years years old. William married to Johanna Otto. Johanna was born 07-1876.
Child of William and Johanna:
1 Alfred Tucker, born on sunday 13-05-1900 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.. Alfred is deceased 01-1972 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., 71 years years old.
IX-dk Nellie Tucker was born in 1878 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Willem (William) Fokker (Tucker) and Maria den Boer. Nellie is deceased in 1966, 88 years years old. Nellie married to Jacobus van Assendelft. Jacobus was born on sunday 30-07-1876 in Bruinisse. Jacobus is deceased in 1940 in U.S.A., 64 years years old. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Jan van Assendelft en Cornelia van Vessem.
Children of Nellie and Jacobus:
1 Myron van Essendelft.
2 John van Essendelft, born in 1899. John is deceased in 1923, 24 years years old.
3 William van Essendelft, born in 1904. William is deceased in 1925, 21 years years old.
4 Liliian van Essendelft, born on monday 04-12-1911 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A.. Follow X-fn.
IX-dl Janus Fokker was born on saturday 31-07-1858 in Burgh, son of Marinus Fokker and Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta. Janus is deceased on tuesday 07-02-1933 in Burgh, 74 years years old. Janus married to Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Trijntje was born on sunday 09-06-1878 in IJsselmonde. Treusie is deceased on tuesday 31-03-1931 in Burgh, 52 years years old. Note re Treusie: dochter van Leendert Klootwijk en Maaike Serijna Johanna Piek.
Children of Janus and Treusie:
1 Martha Serena Johanna Fokker, born on wednesday 20-05-1896 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika. Follow X-fo.
2 Johanna Wilhelmina Fokker, born on wednesday 16-06-1897 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika. Follow X-fp.
3 Marinus Leonardus Jan Fokker, born on thursday 07-06-1900 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika. Follow X-fq.
4 Jannetta Hendrika Fokker, born on wednesday 06-08-1902 in Burgh. Follow X-fr.
IX-dm Berbara Fokker was born on sunday 08-01-1860 in Burgh, daughter of Marinus Fokker and Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta. Occupation: dienstbode. Berbara married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 28-04-1883 in Burgh to Izak Daniel Bakker, aged 30 years. Izak Daniel was born on sunday 21-11-1852 in Burgh. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Izak Daniel: zoon van Job Bakker en Sara Elizabet Karreman.
Children of Berbara and Izak Daniel:
1 Sara Elisabeth Bakker, born in 1887 in Utrecht. Follow X-fs.
2 Marinus Bakker, born in 1889 in Utrecht. Follow X-ft.
3 Johanna Wilhelmina Bakker, born in 1895 in Utrecht. Follow X-fu.
IX-dn Dirkje Fokker was born on sunday 06-03-1864 in Burgh, daughter of Marinus Fokker and Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta. Dirkje is deceased on sunday 15-01-1939 in Kerkwerve, 74 years years old. Dirkje married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 03-05-1890 in Serooskerke, Schouwen to Jacobus Bastiaanse, aged 27 years. Jacobus was born on wednesday 31-12-1862 in Noordwelle. Jacobus is deceased on sunday 15-01-1939 in Kerkwerve, 76 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Izaak Bastiaanse en Pieternella Jacoba Luijk.
Child of Dirkje and Jacobus:
1 Johanna Wilhelmina Bastiaanse, born on wednesday 05-04-1893 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow X-fv.
IX-do Adriaantje Fokker was born on saturday 22-12-1866 in Burgh, daughter of Marinus Fokker and Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta. Adriaantje is deceased on saturday 25-04-1936 in Renesse, 69 years years old. Adriaantje:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 18-04-1891 in Haamstede to Balthazar Stoel, aged 24 years. Balthazar was born in 1867 in Duivendijke. Note re Balthazar: zoon van Jacob Marinus Stoel en Jacoba van Meurs.
(2) married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 02-04-1897 in Renesse to Leenderd Boslooper, aged 66 years. Leenderd was born on saturday 02-04-1831 in Elkerzee. Leenderd is deceased on wednesday 26-01-1910 in Renesse, 78 years years old. Occupation: kantonnier. Note re Leenderd: zoon van Jan Boslooper en Willemijntje Padmos.
Child of Adriaantje and Leenderd:
1 Leendert Boslooper, born on saturday 22-12-1900 in Renesse. Follow X-fw.
IX-dp Kaatje Fokker was born on friday 23-04-1875 in Burgh, daughter of Marinus Fokker and Johanna Wilhelmina Zijta. Kaatje married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 16-10-1901 in Burgh to Jan Brandenburg, aged 21 years. Jan was born on friday 21-11-1879 in Haamstede. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jan: zoon van Daniel Brandenburg en Lena Meermans.
IX-dq Arie Tibout was born on saturday 28-07-1849 in Haamstede, son of Jan Tibout and Adriana Fokker. Arie is deceased on friday 10-12-1920 in Haamstede, 71 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Arie married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 25-05-1876 in Haamstede to Willemina Kloet, aged 24 years. Willemina was born on wednesday 19-05-1852 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Willemina is deceased on saturday 08-06-1935 in Haamstede, 83 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Willemina: dochter van Jacob Kloet en Jannetje Dankerse.
IX-dr Lijna Pieternella Tibout was born on wednesday 08-10-1851 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Tibout and Adriana Fokker. Lijna Pieternella married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 21-05-1875 in Haamstede to Johannes Pieter Bouman, aged 20 years. Johannes Pieter was born on sunday 07-01-1855 in Haamstede. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Johannes Pieter: zoon van Simon Bouman en Cornelia Speelman.
IX-ds Kaatje Tibout was born on wednesday 05-11-1856 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Tibout and Adriana Fokker. Kaatje married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 15-04-1887 in Haamstede to Jan Houtman, aged 30 years. Jan was born on friday 05-09-1856 in Haamstede. Occupation: karreman. Note re Jan: zoon van Adriaan Houtman en Maria Dorreman.
IX-dt Elizabeth Tibout was born on tuesday 26-06-1860 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Tibout and Adriana Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Elizabeth married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 23-05-1888 in Zierikzee to Willem Versteeg, aged 26 years. Willem was born on saturday 01-02-1862 in Burgh. Occupation: winkelbediende. Note re Willem: zoon van Lambregt Versteeg en Cornelia Bouman.
IX-du Janna Pieternella Tibout was born in 1872 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan Tibout and Adriana Fokker. Janna Pieternella married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 18-06-1898 in Monster to Johannes Jacob Moor, aged 34 years. Johannes Jacob was born in 1864 in Monster. Note re Johannes Jacob: zoon van Bernardus Gerardus Moor en Maria Snijders.
IX-dv Dirk Fokker was born on tuesday 29-11-1864 in Haamstede, son of Clement Fokker and Adriaantje van der Pol. Dirk is deceased on saturday 22-10-1949 in Noordgouwe, 84 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, korenmolenaarsknecht. Dirk:
(1) married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 21-05-1886 in Haamstede [source: akte 4] to Neeltje Pieternella Geleijnse, aged 20 years. Neeltje Pieternella was born on tuesday 15-08-1865 in Haamstede,daughter of Willem Geleijnse and Jannetje de Granje. Neeltje Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 19-01-1897 in Haamstede, 31 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode.
(2) married,at the age of 44 years, on wednesday 09-06-1909 in Haamstede to Lena Stouten, aged 35 years. Lena was born on friday 27-02-1874 in Oosterland. Lena is deceased on thursday 02-02-1967 in Halsteren, 92 years years old. Note re Lena: dochter van Jan Stouten en Willemina Goudzwaard.
Children of Dirk and Neeltje Pieternella:
1 Adriaantje Fokker, born on tuesday 09-11-1886 in Haamstede. Follow X-fx.
2 Willem Clement Fokker, born on monday 10-02-1896 in Haamstede. Follow X-fy.
Children of Dirk and Lena:
1 Catharina Fokker, born on wednesday 07-09-1910 in Haamstede. Follow X-fz.
2 Elizabeth Wilhelmina (Betje) Fokker (private). Betje married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 01-11-1935 in Haamstede to Johannes Kik, aged 23 years. Johannes was born on monday 04-12-1911 in Haamstede. Johannes is deceased on tuesday 13-08-1996 in Haamstede, 84 years years old. Occupation: petroleumventer, winkelier. Note re Johannes: zoon van Leendert Kik en Stoffelina de Vos.
3 Clementina Fokker, born on sunday 01-02-1914 in Haamstede. Follow X-gb.
IX-dw Cornelis Fokker was born on saturday 04-04-1868 in Haamstede, son of Clement Fokker and Adriaantje van der Pol. Cornelis married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 04-08-1896 in Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten to Dellefiena van der Velden, aged 29 years. Dellefiena was born on friday 28-12-1866 in Zesgehuchten. Note re Dellefiena: dochter van Wilhelmus van der Velden en Johanna Linssen.
Child of Cornelis and Dellefiena:
1 Johanna Adriana Fokker, born on thursday 11-12-1902 in Uden. Follow X-gc.
IX-dx Adrianus de Bruine was born on thursday 10-01-1856 in Haamstede, son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Adrianus is deceased on thursday 16-12-1915 in Haamstede, 59 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Adrianus married to Maria Dijkgraaf. Maria was born on saturday 11-01-1851 in Burgh. Maria is deceased on thursday 17-01-1929 in Haamstede, 78 years years old. Note re Maria: dochter van Dingeman Dijkgraaf en Joppa van Sluis.
IX-dy Nicolaas de Bruine was born on tuesday 28-04-1857 in Haamstede, son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Nicolaas is deceased on wednesday 21-01-1942 in Haamstede, 84 years years old. Occupation: officier Marechaussee, telefonist. Nicolaas married,at the age of 33 years, on thursday 05-06-1890 in Haamstede to Jobina Adriana de Koster, aged 28 years. Jobina Adriana was born on wednesday 19-06-1861 in Haamstede,daughter of Cornelis Jacobus de Koster and Johanna Cornelia Hubrina de Glopper. Jobina Adriana is deceased on monday 12-02-1934 in Haamstede, 72 years years old.
IX-dz Leendert de Bruine was born on saturday 14-04-1860 in Haamstede, son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Leendert is deceased on saturday 23-04-1938 in Haamstede, 78 years years old. Leendert married,at the age of 33 years, on saturday 06-05-1893 in Burgh to Janna Slaager, aged 28 years. Janna was born on friday 10-06-1864 in Burgh,daughter of Jan Slaager and Willemina Kooijman.
IX-ea Clement de Bruine was born on tuesday 17-12-1861 in Haamstede, son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Clement married,at the age of 38 years, on thursday 30-08-1900 in Groningen to Lammechien Dusseljee, aged 26 years. Lammechien was born on tuesday 06-01-1874 in Wildervank. Note re Lammechien: dochter van Jan Dusseljee en Roelfien Dopper.
IX-eb Johannis de Bruine was born on friday 13-10-1871 in Haamstede, son of Adrianus de Bruine and Elizabeth Fokker. Occupation: veldarbeider. Johannis married,at the age of 36 years, on wednesday 20-05-1908 in Haamstede to Neeltje Visser, aged 30 years. Neeltje was born on thursday 25-04-1878 in Haamstede. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Cornelis Visser en Elizabeth den Boer.
IX-ec Klaas Fokker was born on tuesday 14-02-1865 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Klaas is deceased on friday 07-03-1941 in Haamstede, 76 years years old. Occupation: tuinman. Klaas married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 05-05-1888 in Haamstede to Johanna Beuzenberg, aged 21 years. Johanna was born on monday 07-01-1867 in Haamstede,daughter of Nicolaas Beuzenberg and Maria van de Panne. Johanna is deceased on sunday 05-04-1959 in Haamstede, 92 years years old. She was buried on wednesday 08-04-1959 in Haamstede.
Children of Klaas and Johanna:
1 Dirk Fokker, born on sunday 26-08-1888 in Haamstede. Follow X-ec.
2 Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker, born on tuesday 23-09-1890 in Haamstede. Follow X-ed.
3 Cornelis Marinus Fokker, born on monday 07-11-1892 in Haamstede. Follow X-ee.
4 Marinus Cornelis Fokker, born on friday 19-10-1894 in Haamstede. Follow X-ef.
5 Adriaan Fokker, born on monday 08-06-1896 in Haamstede. Follow X-eg.
6 Tona Cornelia Fokker, born on thursday 13-10-1898 in Haamstede. Follow X-eh.
7 Lodewijk Georgeus Fokker, born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Haamstede. Follow X-ei.
8 Johannes Fokker, born on wednesday 24-02-1904 in Haamstede. Follow X-ej.
9 Lijna Pieternella Fokker, born on monday 07-01-1907 in Haamstede. Lijna Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 09-05-1984 in Halsteren, 77 years years old. She was buried on saturday 12-05-1984 in Haamstede. Note re the death of Lijna Pieternella: overleden Vrederust; begraven Vredehof.
IX-ed Tona Fokker was born on monday 14-01-1867 in Haamstede, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Tona is deceased on sunday 29-01-1922 in Renesse, 55 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Tona married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 29-03-1890 in Renesse to Leendert Dorreman, aged 25 years. Leendert was born on wednesday 30-11-1864 in Renesse. Leendert is deceased on saturday 13-02-1943 in Noordgouwe, 78 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider/hulplichtwachter. Note re Leendert: zoon van Marinus Dorreman en Willemina den Boer.
Children of Tona and Leendert:
1 Willemina Dorreman, born on friday 11-07-1890 in Renesse. Follow X-gd.
2 Cornelia Johanna Dorreman, born on monday 02-01-1893 in Renesse. Follow X-ge.
IX-ee Lijna Pieternella Fokker was born on saturday 05-06-1869 in Haamstede, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Lijna Pieternella is deceased on friday 14-12-1906 in Haamstede, 37 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Lijna Pieternella married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 16-05-1896 in Haamstede [source: akte 4] to Jacob Jan Kloet, aged 25 years. Jacob Jan was born on thursday 11-05-1871 in Haamstede,son of Marinus Kloet and Jannetje Noordhoek. Jacob Jan is deceased on friday 15-11-1929 in Haamstede, 58 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider.
Children of Lijna Pieternella and Jacob Jan:
1 Marinus Dirk Kloet, born on thursday 11-03-1897 in Haamstede. Follow X-dy.
2 Cornelia Adriana Kloet, born on thursday 05-05-1898 in Haamstede. Follow X-dz.
3 Jan Kloet, born on thursday 21-09-1899 in Haamstede. Follow X-ea.
4 Dirkje Kloet, born on monday 31-03-1902 in Haamstede. Follow X-eb.
IX-ef Adriaan Fokker was born on sunday 12-01-1873 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Fokker and Cornelia van der Pol. Adriaan is deceased on saturday 17-05-1958 in Goes, 85 years years old. Note re the death of Adriaan: Ziekenhuis Oostwal. Occupation: gemeente-veldwachter. Adriaan married,at the age of 28 years, on saturday 11-01-1902 in Haamstede to Kriena Evertse, aged 28 years. Kriena was born on saturday 05-04-1873 in Haamstede. Kriena is deceased on monday 27-06-1960 in Kapelle, 87 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Kriena: dochter van Anna Evertse, geboren uit een relatie met de Zweedse zeeman Kryn Tag. Toen Anna in verwachting bleek, zouden ze gaan trouwen, maar voor het zover was, viel Kryn tijdens een storm overboord en verdronk.
Children of Adriaan and Kriena:
1 Cornelia Neeltje Fokker, born on wednesday 04-10-1899 in Rotterdam. Cornelia Neeltje is deceased on monday 07-07-1919 in Heinkenszand, 19 years years old. Occupation: dienstmeid.
2 Dirk Cornelis Fokker, born on saturday 17-09-1904 in Heinkenszand. Follow X-gf.
IX-eg Neeltje Geleijnse was born on sunday 22-04-1860 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Neeltje is deceased on saturday 09-11-1940 in Haamstede, 80 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Neeltje married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 10-05-1884 in Ouwerkerk to Adriaan Hendrikse, aged 26 years. Adriaan was born on wednesday 11-11-1857 in Ouwerkerk. Occupation: arbeider, tuinman. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Pieter Hendrikse en Cornelia Kuijper.
IX-eh Leijna Pieternella Geleijnse was born on wednesday 28-08-1861 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Leijna Pieternella is deceased on saturday 18-02-1939 in Haamstede, 77 years years old. Leijna Pieternella married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 19-05-1888 in Haamstede to Marinus Slaager, aged 26 years. Marinus was born on tuesday 25-02-1862 in Haamstede,son of Nicolaas Slaager and Adriaantje de Voogt. Marinus is deceased on thursday 11-08-1932 in Haamstede, 70 years years old.
Child of Leijna Pieternella and Marinus:
1 Nicolaas Slaager, born on wednesday 08-10-1890 in Haamstede. Follow X-fh.
IX-ei Johanna Geleijnse was born on monday 06-07-1863 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Johanna married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 19-12-1888 in Zierikzee to Jan Speelman, aged 22 years. Jan was born on saturday 20-10-1866 in Zierikzee. Jan is deceased on monday 28-09-1942 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Speelman en Cornelia de Waal.
IX-ej Klaas Geleijnse was born on thursday 27-05-1869 in Haamstede, son of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Occupation: landbouwersknecht. Klaas married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 20-08-1896 in Sint Maartensdijk to Kaatje Overbeeke, aged 24 years. Kaatje was born on friday 09-08-1872 in Haamstede,daughter of Pieter Overbeeke and Martina Jozina Verhage. Occupation: dienstbode.
IX-ek Elizabeth Geleijnse was born on friday 24-02-1871 in Haamstede, daughter of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Elizabeth is deceased on friday 16-07-1926 in Haamstede, 55 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeidster. Elizabeth married,at the age of 49 years, on friday 24-09-1920 in Haamstede to Cornelis van den Berge, aged 59 years. Cornelis was born on tuesday 26-03-1861 in Haamstede. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 17-12-1946 in Haamstede, 85 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan van den Berge en Maria Tangeman.
IX-el Johannis Geleijnse was born on friday 12-03-1875 in Haamstede, son of Pieter Cornelis Geleijnse and Cornelia Fokker. Johannis is deceased on monday 14-05-1945 in Nijmegen, 70 years years old. Johannis married,at the age of 34 years, on friday 29-10-1909 in Haamstede to Catharina Johanna Pladdet. Catharina Johanna was born in Terneuzen.
IX-em Nicolaas Johannes Geleijnse was born on friday 28-10-1864 in Haamstede, son of Bartel Geleijnse and Pieternella Fokker. Nicolaas Johannes is deceased on saturday 24-12-1938 in Soest, 74 years years old. Occupation: koopman, manufacturier. Nicolaas Johannes married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 15-01-1890 in Nieuwerkerk to Janna Wilhelmina Hemelrijk, aged 26 years. Janna Wilhelmina was born on sunday 18-01-1863 in Nieuwerkerk. Janna Wilhelmina is deceased on thursday 07-09-1922 in Nieuwerkerk, 59 years years old. Note re Janna Wilhelmina: dochter van Jan Andries Hemelrijk en Maria Folmer.
IX-en Johannis Geleijnse was born on thursday 13-06-1867 in Haamstede, son of Bartel Geleijnse and Pieternella Fokker. Johannis is deceased on friday 31-12-1915 in Rotterdam, 48 years years old. Occupation: broodbakker. Johannis married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 23-07-1890 in Zierikzee [source: akte 42] to Pieternella Lena Boot, aged 21 years. Pieternella Lena was born on monday 07-12-1868 in Zierikzee,daughter of Maarten Janse Boot and Willemijntje Dalebout. Pieternella Lena is deceased on wednesday 16-08-1944 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old. Note re the death of Pieternella Lena: overleden te Rotterdam Hillegersberg, Juliana van Stolberglaan 80.
Children of Johannis and Pieternella Lena:
1 Janna Geleijnse, born on thursday 15-09-1887 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gg.
2 Bartel Geleijnse, born about 1891. Bartel is deceased on saturday 17-04-1909 in Zierikzee, about 18 years years old. Occupation: broodbakkersknecht.
3 Wilhelmina Pieternella Geleijnse, born on saturday 12-03-1892 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gh.
4 Maarten Geleijnse, born on friday 17-03-1893 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gi.
5 Pieter Geleijnse, born about 1894 in Zierikzee. Pieter is deceased on thursday 16-10-1913 in Zierikzee, about 19 years years old. Occupation: schildersknecht.
6 Nikolaas Johannis Geleijnse, born on monday 29-03-1897 in Zierikzee. Nikolaas Johannis is deceased on tuesday 20-04-1897 in Zierikzee, 22 days years old.
7 Nicolaas Johannes Geleijnse, born on sunday 29-05-1898 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gj.
8 Neeltje Geleijnse, born on wednesday 09-10-1901 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gk.
9 Pieternella Lina Geleijnse, born on friday 10-03-1905 in Zierikzee. Follow X-gl.
10 Willem Geleijnse, born 07-1908 in Zierikzee. Willem is deceased on saturday 09-10-1909 in Zierikzee, 1 year years old.
IX-eo Lijna Pieternella Geleijnse was born on thursday 20-08-1868 in Haamstede, daughter of Bartel Geleijnse and Pieternella Fokker. Lijna Pieternella married,at the age of 33 years, on friday 08-08-1902 in Haamstede to Arie Jan Ferdinand van Driel, aged 39 years. Arie Jan Ferdinand was born in 1863 in Haarlemmermeer. Occupation: koopman. Note re Arie Jan Ferdinand: zoon van Leendert Willem van Driel en Geertrui Vervoorn.
IX-ep Clement Geleijnse was born on wednesday 15-03-1871 in Haamstede, son of Bartel Geleijnse and Pieternella Fokker. Occupation: manufacturier. Clement married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 15-09-1897 in Sint Maartensdijk to Maria Izabella Hage, aged 22 years. Maria Izabella was born on saturday 24-04-1875 in Sint Maartensdijk. Note re Maria Izabella: dochter van David Hage en Johanna Renetta van Splunter.
IX-eq Lijna Pieternella Jacoba Fokker was born on saturday 05-08-1876 in Haamstede, daughter of Cornelis Fokker and Adriana Boot (Bood). Lijna Pieternella Jacoba:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 27-05-1903 in Rotterdam [source: akte e37v] to Adrianus Bakkers, aged 26 years. Adrianus was born in 1877 in Zuid-Beijerland. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Jacob Bakkers en Neeltje Weijers.
(2) married,at the age of 35 years, on wednesday 25-10-1911 in Rotterdam [source: akte n81] to Arie Dirk de Jong, aged 34 years. Arie Dirk was born in 1877 in Kralingen. Occupation: warmoezeniersknecht. Note re Arie Dirk: zoon van Dirk de Jong en Neeltje de Graaff.
Child of Lijna Pieternella Jacoba out of an unknown relation:
1 Marina Fokker, born on saturday 11-09-1897 in Haamstede. Follow X-gm.
X-a Timon Henricus Fokker was born on monday 08-03-1880 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Suzanna Alida der Kinderen. Timon Henricus is deceased on friday 06-01-1956 in Rome, Italië, 75 years years old. Occupation: juridisch doctor, kunsthistoricus, consul-generaal voor Nederland te Kiev. Timon Henricus married,at the age of 53 years, on monday 11-12-1933 in Rome, Italië to Geertruida Reineker, aged 40 years. Geertruida was born on monday 23-10-1893 in Amsterdam. Note re Geertruida: dochter van Jacobus Reineker en Geertruida Schutte.
X-b Anthony Fokker was born on thursday 08-02-1883 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Suzanna Alida der Kinderen. Anthony is deceased on sunday 07-12-1952 in Den Haag, 69 years years old. Anthony married,at the age of 28 years, on thursday 16-11-1911 in Den Haag to Marijtje van Duivenbode, aged 35 years. Marijtje was born on sunday 29-10-1876 in Voorschoten. Note re Marijtje: dochter van Jan van Duivenbode en Maartje van der Niet.
X-c Herman Fokker was born on thursday 30-10-1884 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Suzanna Alida der Kinderen. Herman is deceased on thursday 06-09-1934 in Den Haag, 49 years years old. Occupation: arts, orthopedisch chirurg, reserve officier van gezondheid. Herman:
(1) married,at the age of 32 years, on thursday 12-04-1917 in Ridderkerk to Petronella Maria Boele, aged 24 years. Petronella Maria was born on tuesday 14-03-1893 in Slikkerveer. Petronella Maria is deceased 02-1976 in Wassenaar, 82 years years old. Note re Petronella Maria: dochter van Pieter Cornelis Boele en Geertruida Anna van der Giessen.
(2) married,at the age of 47 years, on monday 01-02-1932 in Den Haag to Geertruida Maria Mohr, aged 42 years. Geertruida Maria was born on friday 21-06-1889 in Groningen. Note re Geertruida Maria: dochter van Franciscus Jacobus Matthias Mohr en Jantje Geertruida Groen.
Children of Herman and Petronella Maria:
1 Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker (private). Anthony Herman Gerard married,at the age of 35 years, on saturday 18-06-1955 in Hilversum to Dick Heina van Eijs, aged 28 years. Dick Heina was born on tuesday 01-03-1927 in Hilversum. Note re Dick Heina: dochter van Jan van Eijs en Geertruida Floor.
2 Herman Fokker, born on thursday 10-03-1921 in Leiden. Follow XI-b.
X-d Adriaan Daniël Fokker was born on wednesday 17-08-1887 in Buitenzorg, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Suzanna Alida der Kinderen. Adriaan Daniël is deceased on sunday 24-09-1972 in Beekbergen, 85 years years old. Occupation: hoogleraar natuurkunde T.H. Delft. Adriaan Daniël:
(1) married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 07-12-1915 in Den Haag to Margaretha Jacoba Johanna Kessler, aged 29 years. Margaretha Jacoba Johanna was born on sunday 17-10-1886 in Arnhem. Note re Margaretha Jacoba Johanna: dochter van Jean Baptiste August Kessler en Margaretha Jacoba Johanna de Lange.
(2) married,at the age of 49 years, on wednesday 16-12-1936 in Bloemendaal to Teuntje van Dijk, aged 33 years. Teuntje was born on tuesday 26-05-1903 in Delft. Note re Teuntje: dochter van Johannes Christiaan van Dijk en Gerardine Koert, weduwe van Willem Burger.
Children of Adriaan Daniël and Margaretha Jacoba Johanna:
1 Margarethe Suzanna Fokker (private). Margarethe Suzanna married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 11-02-1944 in Velsen to Jan Stoffel, aged 27 years. Jan was born on monday 04-12-1916 in Vrijenban. Occupation: werktuigkundig ingenieur, med.drs., geneesheer. Note re Jan: zoon van Simon Henri Stoffel en Ann Sofia Hudig.
2 Adriaan Daniël Fokker (private). Adriaan Daniël married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 14-04-1951 in Amersfoort to Anna Hubertina Werker, aged 23 years. Anna Hubertina was born on wednesday 18-05-1927 in Den Haag. Occupation: secretaresse. Note re Anna Hubertina: dochter van Willem Hendrik Martinus Werker en Cornelia Mathilde Beaujon.
X-e Johan Pieter Fokker was born on monday 27-05-1889 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker and Suzanna Alida der Kinderen. Occupation: bouwkundig ingenieur, architect, secretaris Instituut Stad en Landschap van Zuid-Holland. Johan Pieter married,at the age of 37 years, on saturday 21-05-1927 in Wassenaar to Anna Francina Hijlkes Hijlkema, aged 37 years. Anna Francina Hijlkes was born on friday 18-04-1890 in Maassluis. Note re Anna Francina Hijlkes: dochter van Hijlke Meines Hijlkema en Hendrika van der Feen.
Children of Johan Pieter and Anna Francina Hijlkes:
1 Emilia Fokker (private).
2 Anthony Hijlke Fokker (private). Anthony Hijlke married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 25-07-1957 in Rotterdam to Johanna Mooy, aged 29 years. Johanna was born on thursday 15-12-1927 in Rotterdam. Note re Johanna: dochter van Dirk Mooy en Johanna Schoenmakers.
X-f Anthony Jacobus Fokker was born on friday 19-03-1880 in Middelburg, son of Eduard Fokker and Catharina Adriana Mathilda Hennequin. Anthony Jacobus is deceased on tuesday 29-12-1959 in Den Haag, 79 years years old. Occupation: advocaat en procureur, kantonrechter plv. Leiden/Den Haag, lid gemeenteraad Leiden. Anthony Jacobus:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on thursday 04-12-1902 in Leiden to Petronella Elisabeth Schotel, aged 23 years. Petronella Elisabeth was born on tuesday 26-08-1879 in Laboean. Petronella Elisabeth is deceased on monday 22-04-1935 in Amsterdam, 55 years years old. Note re Petronella Elisabeth: dochter van Petrus Elisa Schotel en Christina Petronella Broese van Groenou.
(2) married,at the age of 57 years, on friday 17-12-1937 in Den Haag to Maartje Willems, aged 46 years. Maartje was born on tuesday 17-03-1891 in Alkmaar. Note re Maartje: dochter van Klaas Willems en Pietertje Spruit.
Children of Anthony Jacobus and Petronella Elisabeth:
1 Anthonij Jacobus Fokker (private). Anthonij Jacobus married to Heyda Golanda de Haan.
2 Christine Mathilde Fokker (private). Christine Mathilde married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 05-09-1947 in Den Haag to Herman Johan ten Houten, aged 37 years. Herman Johan was born on wednesday 16-03-1910 in Rotterdam. Occupation: referendaris Ministerie Maatschappelijk Werk. Note re Herman Johan: zoon van Bertus Willem ten Houten en Wilhelmina Anna Christine Bakker.
X-g Jacobus Anthony Fokker was born on saturday 09-09-1882 in Middelburg, son of Eduard Fokker and Catharina Adriana Mathilda Hennequin. Jacobus Anthony is deceased on friday 08-02-1929 in Middelburg, 46 years years old. Occupation: lid fa. J.A.Zip & van Teylingen, commissionairs in effecten, directeur bijkantoor Middelburg Bankassociatie. Jacobus Anthony:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 07-03-1907 in Utrecht to Maria Josina ten Kate, aged 24 years. Maria Josina was born on wednesday 31-05-1882 in Amsterdam. Note re Maria Josina: dochter van Marten ten Kate en Antoinette Johanna Spruyt.
(2) married,at the age of 45 years, on thursday 08-12-1927 in Middelburg to Anna Elisabeth Fokker, aged 29 years. Anna Elisabeth was born on monday 30-05-1898 in Bergen op Zoom,daughter of Johan Adriaan Fokker and Maria Elisabeth Hoffmans.
Children of Jacobus Anthony and Maria Josina:
1 Catharina Adriana Mathilda Fokker, born on thursday 12-03-1908 in Utrecht. Catharina Adriana Mathilda is deceased on wednesday 27-02-1929 in Den Haag, 20 years years old.
2 Antoinette Johanna Fokker, born on friday 14-04-1911 in Utrecht. Follow XI-h.
X-h Catharina Jacoba Fokker was born on monday 18-02-1889 in Wlingi, Kediri, Ned. Indië, daughter of Herman Fokker and Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina Diemont. Catharina Jacoba is deceased on sunday 23-08-1953 in Zeist, 64 years years old. Catharina Jacoba married,at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 26-10-1915 in Haarlem to Gerrit Jan Nijland, aged 31 years. Gerrit Jan was born on sunday 17-02-1884 in Amsterdam. Gerrit Jan is deceased on saturday 26-10-1946 in Amsterdam, 62 years years old. Occupation: sportredacteur Algemeen Handelsblad. Note re Gerrit Jan: zoon van Hermanus Nijland en Gesiena Romunde.
X-i Anthony Herman Gerard (Anthony) Fokker was born on sunday 06-04-1890 in Kediri, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Herman Fokker and Johanna Hugonia Wouterina Wilhelmina Diemont. Anthony is deceased on saturday 23-12-1939 in New York, U.S.A., 49 years years old. Occupation: vliegtuigconstructeur, oprichter N.V. Ned. Vliegtuigenfabriek Fokker. Anthony:
(1) married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 25-03-1919 in Haarlem to Sophie Marie Elisabeth von Morgen, aged 23 years. Sophie Marie Elisabeth was born on monday 12-08-1895 in Zehlendorf, Berlijn, Duitsland. Note re Sophie Marie Elisabeth: dochter van Ernst Curt von Morgen en Maria Else Guthmann.
(2) married,at the age of 37 years, 07-1927 in New York, U.S.A. to Violet Austman, aged 27 years. Violet was born on sunday 04-03-1900 in Winnipeg, Canada. Violet is deceased on friday 08-02-1929 in New York, U.S.A., 28 years years old.
X-j Adriaan Abraham Fokker was born on friday 08-05-1874 in Goes, son of Abraham Pieter Fokker and Petronella Carolina van der Vinne. Adriaan Abraham is deceased on wednesday 17-01-1945 in Amerongen, 70 years years old. Occupation: gezagvoerder K.N.S.M.. Adriaan Abraham married,at the age of 51 years, on thursday 28-05-1925 in Den Haag to Charlotte Caroline Henneman, aged 34 years. Charlotte Caroline was born on thursday 12-03-1891 in Den Haag. Charlotte Caroline is deceased on friday 31-03-1939 in Den Haag, 48 years years old. Note re Charlotte Caroline: dochter van Karel Frederik Henneman en Lolkje Veenstra.
X-k Emma Fokker was born on tuesday 11-11-1879 in Groningen, daughter of Abraham Pieter Fokker and Petronella Carolina van der Vinne. Emma is deceased on tuesday 05-01-1960 in Woudenberg, 80 years years old. Emma married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 27-10-1911 in Den Haag to Willem Oosterbaan, aged 40 years. Willem was born on tuesday 27-06-1871 in Steenwijk. Willem is deceased on monday 29-03-1915 in Steenwijk, 43 years years old. Note re Willem: zoon van Jan Oosterbaan en Aaltje Volkers.
X-l Adriaan Johannes Matthijs Fokker was born on thursday 02-07-1896 in Bergen op Zoom, son of Johan Adriaan Fokker and Maria Elisabeth Hoffmans. Adriaan Johannes Matthijs is deceased on monday 16-06-1958 in Den Haag, 61 years years old. Occupation: planter in Ned. Indië, ambtenaar Ministerie van Landbouw Visserij en Voedselvoorziening. Adriaan Johannes Matthijs married,at the age of 38 years, on friday 21-12-1934 in Den Haag to Bertha Jacoba van Foreest, aged 33 years. Bertha Jacoba was born on sunday 03-03-1901 in Oosthuizen. Title: jonkvrouw. Note re Bertha Jacoba: dochter van jonkheer Dirk van Foreest en Titia Agatha van Ringh.
X-m Anna Elisabeth Fokker was born on monday 30-05-1898 in Bergen op Zoom, daughter of Johan Adriaan Fokker and Maria Elisabeth Hoffmans. Anna Elisabeth married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 08-12-1927 in Middelburg to Jacobus Anthony Fokker, aged 45 years. Jacobus Anthony was born on saturday 09-09-1882 in Middelburg,son of Eduard Fokker and Catharina Adriana Mathilda Hennequin. Jacobus Anthony is deceased on friday 08-02-1929 in Middelburg, 46 years years old. Occupation: lid fa. J.A.Zip & van Teylingen, commissionairs in effecten, directeur bijkantoor Middelburg Bankassociatie.
X-n Louise Hermine Fokker was born on monday 25-11-1895 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Gerard Abraham Fokker and Antonia Petronella Hardeman. Louise Hermine is deceased in 1944 in Semarang, Ned. Indië, 49 years years old. Louise Hermine married to Rudolf Steinlechner. Occupation: hoofdcommies Ned. Ind. Spoorweg Mij.
X-o Herman Gerard Fokker was born on tuesday 25-05-1897 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Gerard Abraham Fokker and Antonia Petronella Hardeman. Herman Gerard is deceased on monday 27-11-1944 in Palembang, Sumatra, Ned. Indië, 47 years years old. He was buried in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië. Note re the death of Herman Gerard: overleden in Japanse krijgsgevangenschap, begraven op het Nederlands Ereveld Pandu. Occupation: soldaat K.N.I.L.. Herman Gerard:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 14-07-1923 in Den Haag to Constance Geertruida Zeij, aged 21 years. Constance Geertruida was born on tuesday 08-04-1902 in Den Haag. Constance Geertruida is deceased on thursday 06-02-1958 in Leeuwarden, 55 years years old. Note re Constance Geertruida: dochter van Johannes Fredericus Eugenius Wilhelmus Zeij en Anna Geertruida Rebecca van Paasschen.
(2) married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 11-03-1936 in Hilversum to Alida Maria Bakker, aged 20 years. Alida Maria was born on friday 10-03-1916 in Hilversum. Alida Maria is deceased on saturday 28-03-1959 in Hilversum, 43 years years old. Note re Alida Maria: dochter van Hendrik Bakker en Maria Elisabeth Letter.
Children of Herman Gerard and Constance Geertruida:
1 Guido Herman Fokker (private). Guido Herman married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 15-11-1952 in Leeuwarden to Cornelia van Welzen, aged 20 years. Cornelia was born on friday 08-04-1932 in Eindhoven. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Willem Frederik van Welzen en Jacoba Agatha van den Heuvel.
2 Tom Frederik Fokker (private).
Children of Herman Gerard and Alida Maria:
1 Peter Henk Fokker (private).
2 Helen Margaret Fokker (private).
X-p Gerard Anthony Fokker was born on friday 01-12-1899 in Poerworedjo, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Gerard Abraham Fokker and Antonia Petronella Hardeman. Gerard Anthony is deceased on wednesday 12-03-1969 in Den Haag, 69 years years old. Occupation: assistent-resident. Gerard Anthony married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 10-10-1924 in Leiden to Thoma Velds, aged 25 years. Thoma was born on sunday 21-05-1899 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Thoma is deceased on thursday 27-05-1993 in Den Haag, 94 years years old. Note re Thoma: dochter van Carel Benjamin Velds en Trijntje Murks (Nienke) de Jong.
Children of Gerard Anthony and Thoma:
1 Willem Frederik Fokker (private). Willem Frederik:
(1) married to J.C. Spliethof.
(2) married,at the age of 30 years, on monday 26-03-1956 to N. Ellis.
2 Nina Veronica Fokker (private). Nina Veronica married,at the age of 25 years, on monday 16-02-1953 in Den Haag to Pieter Vink, aged 24 years. Pieter was born on monday 24-12-1928 in Gorinchem. Occupation: civiel ing., senior ing. District Office Railways Wellington. Note re Pieter: zoon van Arie Vink en Neeltje Verploegh.
3 Maarten Johannes Fokker (private). Maarten Johannes married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 14-05-1964 to U. Struckmann.
X-q Boudewijn Christiaan Fokker was born on saturday 16-09-1911 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Jean Jacques Louis Fokker and Anna Wilhelmina Christina Kaakebeen. Occupation: boekhouder Economisch Instituut voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf. Boudewijn Christiaan married,at the age of 27 years, on tuesday 13-12-1938 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië to Henriette Schmit, aged 24 years. Henriette was born on tuesday 27-10-1914 in Swalmen. Note re Henriette: dochter van Willem Schmit en Adriana Francisca Schendeler.
Children of Boudewijn Christiaan and Henriette:
1 Elisabeth Gerda Fokker (private).
2 Anna Francisca Fokker (private).
3 Anthonie Peter Paul Fokker (private). Anthonie Peter Paul married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 22-12-1981 in Den Haag to Maria Wilhelmina Gabriel van Velzen, aged 20 years. Maria Wilhelmina Gabriel was born on friday 07-04-1961 in Den Haag.
X-r Ada Madeleine Johanna Geertruida Fokker was born on wednesday 11-07-1900 in Zierikzee, daughter of Abraham Jacobus Frederik Fokker and Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna van Enck. Ada Madeleine Johanna Geertruida married,at the age of 18 years, on saturday 28-06-1919 in Amsterdam to Hendrikus Johannes van Vloten Augustijn, aged 23 years. Hendrikus Johannes was born on tuesday 10-09-1895 in Amsterdam. Occupation: koopman. Note re Hendrikus Johannes: zoon van Barend Augustijn en Frederica Willemina van Vloten; verkreeg naamstoevoeging bij G.B. dd. 20-10-1919 nr. 35.
X-s Yvonne Ghislaine Yolande Fokker was born on sunday 13-10-1901 in Zierikzee, daughter of Abraham Jacobus Frederik Fokker and Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna van Enck. Yvonne Ghislaine Yolande is deceased in 1943 in Genève, Zwitserland, 42 years years old. Occupation: verpleegster. Yvonne Ghislaine Yolande married,at the age of 40 years, in 1941 in Genève, Zwitserland to Jean Babel. Occupation: oogarts.
X-t Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh Fokker was born on wednesday 04-03-1908 in Zierikzee, son of Abraham Jacobus Frederik Fokker and Bertha Geertruida Adriana Johanna van Enck. Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh is deceased on monday 16-04-2001 in Bergen, 93 years years old. Note re the death of Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh: ingevolge de wens van de overledene is zijn lichaam ter beschikking van de wetenschap gesteld. Occupation: directeur Lindeteves Zuid Amerika N.V. Paramaribo. Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh:
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 22-12-1933 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Margaretha Adriana Wilhelmina Louise van Deursen, aged 25 years. Margaretha Adriana Wilhelmina Louise was born on tuesday 08-12-1908 in ´s-Gravenzande,daughter of Dirk Aarnout van Deursen and Christina Wilhelmina Louisa van Arkel.
(2) married,at the age of 33 years, on tuesday 06-05-1941 in Soekaboemi, Java, Ned. Indië to Gerarda Maria Elsabé Johanna van Deursen, aged 31 years. Gerarda Maria Elsabé Johanna was born on saturday 30-04-1910 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië,daughter of Dirk Aarnout van Deursen and Christina Wilhelmina Louisa van Arkel. Gerarda Maria Elsabé Johanna is deceased 11-1992 in ´s-Hertogenbosch, 82 years years old.
Children of Aarnout Anthony Vincent Hugh and Margaretha Adriana Wilhelmina Louise:
1 Helen Joan Fokker (private). Helen Joan married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 11-04-1958 in Den Haag to Roelof Bär, aged 27 years. Roelof was born on monday 01-09-1930 in Menado, Celebes, Ned. Indië. Note re Roelof: zoon van Herbert Johan Rudolf Bär en Luina Johanna Hueting.
2 Anthony Peter Hugh Fokker (private).
X-v Elisabeth Suzanna Maurenbrecher was born on tuesday 16-02-1875 in Sinkawang, Borneo, Ned. Indië, daughter of Lucia Louis Angèle Maurenbrecher and Elisabeth Susanna Fokker. Elisabeth Suzanna married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 10-05-1898 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië to Cornelis Marius Hamaker, aged 24 years. Cornelis Marius was born on thursday 29-05-1873 in Leiden. Occupation: hoofd-adm. Alg.Belg-Java Cultuur Mij. Note re Cornelis Marius: zoon van Hendrik Jacobus Hamaker en Maria Brooshooft.
X-w August Daniel Maurenbrecher was born in 1882 in Meester Cornelis, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Lucia Louis Angèle Maurenbrecher and Elisabeth Susanna Fokker. August Daniel married,at the age of 25 years, on monday 18-11-1907 in Utrecht to Nancy Pauline Schneider, aged 22 years. Note re the marriage: huwelijk bij volmacht, beschikking van 10-07-1907 nr.61.Nancy Pauline was born in 1885 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Note re Nancy Pauline: dochter van Wilhelm Albert Schneider en Anna Elise Regina Charlotte Kroll.
X-x Augusta Louise Frederika de Neve was born on thursday 22-07-1880 in Den Haag, daughter of Eduard Karel Alexander de Neve and Johanna Christina Fokker. Augusta Louise Frederika is deceased on monday 05-03-1945 in Kamp Lampersari, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië, 64 years years old. Note re the death of Augusta Louise Frederika: interneringskamp Lampersari. Augusta Louise Frederika:
(1) married to Philip Eduard Maier.
(2) married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 18-10-1907 in Den Haag to Alfons Pasteur, aged 25 years. Alfons was born on tuesday 19-09-1882 in Duisburg, Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen, Duitsland. Alfons is deceased on sunday 20-12-1964 in Bilthoven, 82 years years old. Occupation: majoor Genie K.N.I.L., directeur Javaansche Hypotheekbank Soerabaja. Note re Alfons: zoon van Wilhelmus Cornelius Pasteur en Eliza Wilhelmina Schade.
X-y Antonia Margaretha Cornelia Baldwina Fokker was born on monday 03-01-1887 in Kediri, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Abraham Anthonij Fokker and Ida Margaretha Wilhelmina van Heemskerck. Antonia Margaretha Cornelia Baldwina is deceased in 1948 in Capri, 61 years years old. Occupation: beeldhouwster. Antonia Margaretha Cornelia Baldwina:
(1) married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 07-03-1906 in Amsterdam to Otto Aris van Tricht, aged 39 years. Otto Aris was born on sunday 30-09-1866 in Zwolle. Otto Aris is deceased 10-1917 in Athene, Griekenland, 51 years years old. Occupation: redacteur Javabode, hoofdredacteur Nieuwe Courant. Note re Otto Aris: zoon van Jan Otto van Tricht en Johanna Leonora Antonia van Dijnsen.
(2) married,at the age of 32 years, on thursday 19-06-1919 in Napels, Italië to Mario Baron Cottrau. Occupation: advocaat.
X-z Boudewina Helena Fokker was born on monday 04-03-1907 in Amsterdam, daughter of Abraham Anthonij Fokker and Helena Gesina van Tongeren. Boudewina Helena is deceased on thursday 17-10-2002 in Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 95 years years old. Boudewina Helena:
(1) married,at the age of 17 years, on tuesday 29-07-1924 in Den Haag to Jakobus Voogd, aged 52 years. Jakobus was born on friday 21-06-1872 in Vlaardingen. Jakobus is deceased on monday 29-03-1943 in Den Haag, 70 years years old. Occupation: kapitein ter zee. Note re Jakobus: zoon van Alewijn Voogd en Catharina Hendrina Jacoba Grevenbroeck.
(2) married,at the age of 43 years, on friday 22-12-1950 in Amsterdam to Jan Willem Dijk, aged 54 years. Jan Willem was born on tuesday 08-12-1896 in Groningen. Jan Willem is deceased on wednesday 27-07-1988 in Arnasco, Italië, 91 years years old. Occupation: hoofdambtenaar P.T.T.. Note re Jan Willem: zoon van Derk Jan Dijk en Geesien Tholen, weduwnaar van Baukje Witteveen.
Children of Boudewina Helena and Jakobus:
1 Helena Catharina Voogd (private).
2 Alewijn Voogd (private).
X-ac Hendrika van Houten was born on wednesday 26-05-1875 in Sambas, Borneo, Ned. Indië, daughter of Hendrik Cornelis van Houten and Julia Andrea Fokker. Hendrika married,at the age of 39 years, on thursday 21-01-1915 in Haarlem to Anthonie Lodewijk Koops, aged 51 years. Anthonie Lodewijk was born on wednesday 17-06-1863 in Vlissingen. Occupation: kapitein administrateur Korps Mariniers, directeur verzekeringsmaatschappij. Note re Anthonie Lodewijk: zoon van Anthonij Nicolaas Lodewijk Koops en Leijntje Torre.
X-ad Willem van Houten was born on friday 17-03-1876 in Hees, son of Hendrik Cornelis van Houten and Julia Andrea Fokker. Occupation: directeur Mij. Loogede te Klaten. Willem married,at the age of 34 years, on thursday 04-08-1910 in Arnhem to Elisabeth van der Weide, aged 27 years. Elisabeth was born on thursday 31-05-1883 in Solok, Sumatra, Ned. Indië. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Jan van der Weide en Anna Eugenia Louise Philipinne Spandaw.
X-ae Johanna Hendrika van Houten was born on friday 30-03-1877 in Weltevreden, Ned. Indië, daughter of Hendrik Cornelis van Houten and Julia Andrea Fokker. Johanna Hendrika married,at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 06-01-1903 in Wageningen to Wilhelm Adrian Salm, aged 27 years. Wilhelm Adrian was born on thursday 09-09-1875 in Amsterdam. Occupation: houtvester. Note re Wilhelm Adrian: zoon van Gerlof Bartholomeus Salm en Jacoba Maria de Jongh.
X-af Christiaan Frederik van Houten was born on saturday 26-10-1878 in Lahat, Sumatra, Ned. Indië, son of Hendrik Cornelis van Houten and Julia Andrea Fokker. Christiaan Frederik is deceased on tuesday 08-04-1924 in Klaten, Java, Ned. Indië, 45 years years old. Occupation: adm. onderneming Ngoepit. Christiaan Frederik married,at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 09-07-1907 in Bojolali, Java, Ned. Indië to Anna Theodora Wennekendonk, aged 23 years. Anna Theodora was born on tuesday 09-10-1883 in Amsterdam. Note re Anna Theodora: dochter van Lodewijk Karel Wennekendonk en Hermine Jeannette Emilie Klerks.
X-ag Henriette Constance Albertine van Houten was born on friday 01-08-1879 in Lahat, Sumatra, Ned. Indië, daughter of Hendrik Cornelis van Houten and Julia Andrea Fokker. Henriette Constance Albertine married,at the age of 30 years, on thursday 14-07-1910 in Arnhem to Pieter Cornelis van der Wolk, aged 27 years. Pieter Cornelis was born on wednesday 03-01-1883 in Tebing Tingge, Ned. Indië. Occupation: leraar P.H.S.. Note re Pieter Cornelis: zoon van Hendrik van der Wolk en Hermina Vermeulen Bouman.
X-ah Hendrik Gustaaf Fokker was born on sunday 18-02-1900 in Rotterdam, son of Jan Frederik Fokker and Avelina Adriana van Epenhuysen. Hendrik Gustaaf is deceased on friday 02-07-1943 in Thanbyuzayat, Burma, 43 years years old. He was buried in Thanbyuzayat, Burma. Note re the death of Hendrik Gustaaf: overleden Drie Pagodenpas (kamp Thanbyuzayat, Burma), begraven Ereveld. Occupation: werktuigkundig ingenieur, vertegenwoordiger fa. Koopman & Co Bandoeng, reserve kapitein artillerie K.N.I.L.. Hendrik Gustaaf married,at the age of 29 years, on tuesday 21-01-1930 in Overveen to Everdina Brand, aged 24 years. Everdina was born on thursday 31-08-1905 in Amsterdam. Note re Everdina: dochter van Jean Daniël Brand en Anna Catharina Müller, hertrouwd 18-03-1953 te Overveen met jonkheer Johan Marie van Lidth de Jeude, weduwnaar van Cornelia Jacoba van Tienhoven.
Children of Hendrik Gustaaf and Everdina:
1 Anna Catharina Fokker (private). Anna Catharina married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 03-03-1956 in Overveen to Pieter Carel Dekker, aged 26 years. Pieter Carel was born on thursday 27-02-1930 in Wormerveer. Occupation: bouwkundig ingenieur. Note re Pieter Carel: zoon van Jan Alexander Dekker en Anna Maria Lasonder.
2 Avelina Johanna Fokker (private). Avelina Johanna married,at the age of 24 years, on monday 16-12-1957 in Baarn to Gordon Hope, aged 30 years. Gordon was born on monday 05-12-1927 in Blackpool, Groot-Brittannië. Occupation: werknemer Shell Venezuela. Note re Gordon: zoon van Bernard Hope en Gladys N.N.
3 Everdina Fokker (private).
4 Johan Pieter Fokker (private). Johan Pieter married,at the age of 29 years, on saturday 27-02-1971 to Pauline Blandine Marie Schröder, aged 25 years. Pauline Blandine Marie was born on monday 08-10-1945 in Bennebroek. Note re Pauline Blandine Marie: dochter van George Anton Paul Schröder en Jenny Eugenie Emilie Rieter.
X-ai Geertruida Geerharda Six Dijkstra was born on tuesday 26-03-1889 in Doeveren, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Emilia Hubertina Johanna Fokker. Geertruida Geerharda is deceased on thursday 08-12-1960 in Utrecht, 71 years years old. Geertruida Geerharda married,at the age of 40 years, on saturday 09-11-1929 in De Bilt to Dietrich Gomperts, aged 25 years. Dietrich was born on monday 04-01-1904 in Amsterdam. Dietrich is deceased on monday 04-11-1985 in Voorhout, 81 years years old.
X-aj Johannes Jollius Six Dijkstra was born on tuesday 29-04-1890 in Dussen, son of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Emilia Hubertina Johanna Fokker. Johannes Jollius is deceased on sunday 12-05-1940 in Rotterdam, 50 years years old. Johannes Jollius married,at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 08-02-1916 in Amersfoort to Anna Catharina Meiners, aged 22 years. Anna Catharina was born on monday 17-07-1893 in Usseloo. Anna Catharina is deceased on friday 27-07-1951 in Arnhem, 58 years years old.
X-ak Hendrik Gustaaf Six Dijkstra was born on wednesday 11-11-1891 in Dussen, son of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Emilia Hubertina Johanna Fokker. Hendrik Gustaaf is deceased on monday 19-01-1948 in Groningen, 56 years years old. Hendrik Gustaaf married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 06-06-1918 in Sauwerd to Arnolda Binnendijk, aged 21 years. Arnolda was born on wednesday 28-04-1897 in Obergum. Arnolda is deceased on saturday 02-04-1949, 51 years years old.
X-al Geertruida Gerharda Rochat was born in 1897 in Vaals, daughter of Samuel André Rochat and Sophia Johanna Fokker. Geertruida Gerharda married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 19-04-1922 in Terneuzen to Karel Bosch, aged 28 years. Karel was born in 1894 in Utrecht. Occupation: surnumerair bij de directe belastingen. Note re Karel: zoon van Evert August Bosch en Lubbertje Vonhof.
X-am Emilia Hubertina Six Dijkstra was born in 1898 in Sint Maartensdijk, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Emilia Hubertina married,at the age of 30 years, on thursday 26-04-1928 in Ter Aa to Jan Kapper, aged 30 years. Jan was born on monday 27-12-1897 in Breukelen. Jan is deceased on friday 15-08-1975 in Breukelen, 77 years years old.
X-an Andriesa Henriëtte Maria Six Dijkstra was born on monday 12-06-1899 in Sint Maartensdijk, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Andriesa Henriëtte Maria is deceased on thursday 28-09-1961 in Niekerk, 62 years years old. Andriesa Henriëtte Maria married,at the age of 34 years, on thursday 19-04-1934 in De Bilt to Gerrit Jacobus Liefting, aged 23 years. Gerrit Jacobus was born on thursday 05-05-1910 in Arnhem.
X-ao Dina Frederika Six Dijkstra was born on friday 05-10-1900 in Sint Maartensdijk, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Dina Frederika is deceased on tuesday 30-11-1976 in Rotterdam, 76 years years old. Dina Frederika married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 12-11-1925 in Ter Aa to Isaac Philip François van der Plassche, aged 32 years. Isaac Philip François was born on sunday 27-11-1892 in ´s-Heer Abtskerke. Isaac Philip François is deceased on wednesday 20-04-1977 in Rotterdam, 84 years years old.
X-ap Sophia Johanna Six Dijkstra was born on thursday 17-10-1901 in Sint Maartensdijk, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Sophia Johanna is deceased on tuesday 04-04-1972 in Zeist, 70 years years old. Sophia Johanna married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 20-12-1929 in De Bilt to Atza Teppema, aged 30 years. Atza was born on sunday 11-06-1899 in Hilversum. Atza is deceased on monday 26-03-1984 in Tricht, 84 years years old.
X-aq Petrus Six Dijkstra was born on wednesday 07-09-1904 in Sint Maartensdijk, son of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Petrus is deceased on saturday 27-09-1958 in Breukelen, 54 years years old. Petrus married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 07-09-1933 in Bodegraven to Jacoba Emmetje van Edel, aged 30 years. Jacoba Emmetje was born on monday 10-08-1903 in Bodegraven. Jacoba Emmetje is deceased on thursday 18-11-1993 in Breukelen, 90 years years old.
X-ar Jannigje Six Dijkstra was born on saturday 29-12-1906 in Oud-Alblas, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Jannigje is deceased on wednesday 19-06-1991 in Amstelveen, 84 years years old. Jannigje married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 07-09-1934 in De Bilt to Johannes Martinus van der Vlugt, aged 28 years. Johannes Martinus was born on monday 19-03-1906 in Zuidzande,son of Anthonie Pieter van der Vlugt and Pieternella Cornelia Dalebout. Occupation: onderwijzer te Amsterdam.
X-as Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra was born on saturday 20-05-1911 in Oud-Alblas, son of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Cornelis Johannes is deceased on monday 11-11-1991 in Doetinchem, 80 years years old. Cornelis Johannes married,at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 19-08-1942 in Hoofddorp to Christina Elisabeth Buis, aged 32 years. Christina Elisabeth was born on sunday 02-01-1910 in Haarlemmermeer.
X-at Henriëtte Maria Frederika Six Dijkstra was born on wednesday 08-10-1913 in Oud-Alblas, daughter of Cornelis Johannes Six Dijkstra and Johanna Antonia Fokker. Henriëtte Maria Frederika is deceased on wednesday 03-04-1968 in Klaaswaal, 54 years years old. Henriëtte Maria Frederika married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 12-07-1940 in De Bilt to Jan Adam Talma, aged 26 years. Jan Adam was born on sunday 19-04-1914. Jan Adam is deceased on monday 08-04-1968, 53 years years old.
X-au Leendert Cornelis Braber was born on sunday 24-09-1876 in Haamstede, son of Lena Braber. Leendert Cornelis is deceased on saturday 09-12-1961 in Rotterdam, 85 years years old. Occupation: slager, waterstoker, huizenexploitant. Note re Leendert Cornelis: in 1894 is door het Kantongerecht van Zierikzee voor de 16-jarige slager Leendert Braber een strafvonnis opgemaakt. Leendert Cornelis:
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 26-02-1902 in Zutphen to Antonia Fiet, aged 25 years. Antonia was born on saturday 27-05-1876 in Rheden. Antonia is deceased on wednesday 26-12-1928 in Rotterdam, 52 years years old. She was buried on friday 28-12-1928 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Antonia: begraven te Rotterdam-Crooswijk. Note re Antonia: dochter van Albert Fiet en Catrijna Werners; ging naar Den Haag, maar keerde kort voor haar huwelijk op 31-12-1901 naar Zutphen terug, op 26-02-1902 trouwde ze daar en op 29-03-1902 laat ze zich weer uitschrijven in Zutphen om zich te Rotterdam te vestigen.
(2) married,at the age of 55 years, on wednesday 11-11-1931 in Rotterdam to Urmina Bontje, aged 30 years. Urmina was born on wednesday 09-01-1901 in Rotterdam. Note re Urmina: weduwe van ? Tolenaar.
Child of Leendert Cornelis and Antonia:
1 Albertus Cornelis Leendert Braber, born on sunday 08-03-1903 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-t.
X-av Bastiana Hendrina (Sjaan) Filee was born on tuesday 25-06-1901, daughter of Johannes Filee and Cornelia Braber. Sjaan is deceased on friday 31-03-2000 in Rotterdam, 98 years years old. Sjaan married to Adriaan Nuijens. Adriaan is deceased before 03-2000.
X-aw Boudewijn (Boud) Filee was born on wednesday 09-12-1903 in Zonnemaire, son of Johannes Filee and Cornelia Braber. Boud is deceased in 1981, 78 years years old. He was buried in Dreischor. Note re the death of Boud: voorjaar 1981. Boud married to Davina (Fien) Kamsteeg. Davina was born in Woerden. Note re Fien: had van een onbekende man een dochter.
X-ax Antonie Dingeman Filee was born on friday 29-05-1908 in Zonnemaire, son of Johannes Filee and Cornelia Braber. Antonie Dingeman is deceased on friday 24-09-1982 in Rotterdam, 74 years years old. Antonie Dingeman married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 02-05-1934 in Hillegersberg (Rotterdam) to Maria Moonen, aged 23 years. Maria was born on wednesday 07-09-1910 in Rotterdam. Maria is deceased on saturday 22-01-2000 in Dordrecht, 89 years years old. Note re the death of Maria: Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis te Dordrecht. Note re Maria: dochter van Willem Moonen en Aleida Geertrui Verste(e)ge.
X-ay Thona Stoffelina Braber was born on sunday 13-11-1887 in Dreischor, daughter of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Thona Stoffelina is deceased on saturday 02-09-1961 in Rotterdam, 73 years years old. Thona Stoffelina married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 19-01-1910 in Rotterdam to Johannes Woutherus Loozen, aged 29 years. Johannes Woutherus was born on saturday 11-12-1880 in Gorinchem. Johannes Woutherus is deceased on wednesday 04-06-1952 in Rotterdam, 71 years years old.
X-az Marinus Boudewijn Braber was born on thursday 25-04-1889 in Dreischor, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Note re the birth of Marinus Boudewijn: NH. Marinus Boudewijn is deceased on thursday 13-05-1943 in ´s-Hertogenbosch, 54 years years old. He was buried on monday 17-05-1943 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Marinus Boudewijn: algemeene begraafplaats Crooswijk. Occupation: hoofdagent, brigadier, adjudant gemeente-politie Rotterdam. Marinus Boudewijn married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 13-04-1912 in Rotterdam to Johanna Stout, aged 24 years. The marriage was dissolved in 1936 (gescheiden van tafel en bed). Johanna was born on thursday 12-05-1887 in Capelle aan den IJssel. Note re the birth of Johanna: NH. Johanna is deceased on monday 01-04-1974 in Rotterdam, 86 years years old. Note re the death of Johanna: Rotterdam-Crooswijk. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jan Stout en Johanna Visser.
Children of Marinus Boudewijn and Johanna:
1 Pieter Braber, born on thursday 04-06-1914 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-u.
2 Jan Braber, born on saturday 17-07-1915 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-v.
3 Marinus Boudewijn (Rien) Braber, born on monday 24-03-1919 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-w.
X-ba Boudewijn Pieter (Boud) Braber was born on friday 16-03-1894 in Burgh, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. He was baptized on sunday 27-05-1894 in Burgh. Boud is deceased on wednesday 21-07-1943 in Rotterdam, 49 years years old. Occupation: schipper. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Boud married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 23-08-1923 in Mannheim, Duitsland to Frieda Karolina (Frieda) Fuss, aged 24 years. Frieda Karolina was born on friday 02-12-1898 in Mannheim, Duitsland. Note re Frieda: volgens een familielid was haar naam Fuchs, maar op diverse documenten (persoonskaart echtgenoot, overlijdenskaart schoonvader) is haar naam Fuss.
Child of Boud and Frieda:
1 Pieter Marinus (Piet) Braber, born on saturday 10-11-1923 in Mannheim, Duitsland. Follow XI-x.
X-bb Stoffel Anthonie Braber was born on saturday 01-02-1896 in Burgh, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. He was baptized on sunday 12-04-1896 in Burgh. Note re the birth of Stoffel Anthonie: NG. Stoffel Anthonie is deceased on thursday 23-08-1956 in Rotterdam, 60 years years old. Occupation: los werkman. Stoffel Anthonie married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 21-06-1916 in Rotterdam to Mina van Uden, aged 21 years. Mina was born on thursday 27-12-1894 in Tiel. Mina is deceased after 1956, at least 62 years years old.
Children of Stoffel Anthonie and Mina:
1 Pieter Braber, born on saturday 09-12-1916 in Rotterdam. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 16-06-1926 in Rotterdam, 9 years years old.
2 Jan Braber, born on tuesday 22-10-1918 in Rotterdam. Jan is deceased on monday 17-02-1919 in Rotterdam, 3 months years old.
3 Marina Braber, born on tuesday 25-11-1919 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-y.
4 Jan Braber, born on wednesday 11-05-1921 in Rotterdam. Jan is deceased on wednesday 17-08-1921 in Rotterdam, 3 months years old.
5 Jan Braber, born on friday 22-09-1922 in Rotterdam. Jan is deceased on monday 29-01-1923 in Rotterdam, 4 months years old.
6 Elizabeth Braber, born on wednesday 31-10-1923 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-z.
7 Jannetje Braber, born on friday 09-10-1925 in Rotterdam. Jannetje is deceased on sunday 12-09-1926 in Rotterdam, 11 months years old.
8 Pieter Braber, born on sunday 13-03-1927 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-aa.
9 Thona Stoffelina Braber, born on thursday 23-02-1928 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-ab.
10 Everdina Wilhelmina Braber, born on saturday 29-06-1929 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-ac.
11 Stoffel Anthonie Braber, born on thursday 14-04-1932 in Rotterdam. Stoffel Anthonie is deceased on friday 24-03-1995 in Albrandswaard, 62 years years old.
X-bc Marina Pieternella Braber was born on thursday 07-12-1899 in Rotterdam, daughter of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Marina Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 13-06-1989 in Rotterdam, 89 years years old. Marina Pieternella married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 10-08-1921 in Rotterdam to Reijer de Jong, aged 24 years. Reijer was born on tuesday 10-08-1897 in Ammerstol. Reijer is deceased on tuesday 02-06-1981 in Rotterdam, 83 years years old.
Children of Marina Pieternella and Reijer:
1 Adriaantje Geertje de Jong (private). Adriaantje Geertje married,at the age of 23 years, on thursday 30-08-1945 to J.H. Stenneke.
2 Marina Pieternella (Riena) de Jong (private). Riena married to Willem Zijta.
X-bd Willem Cornelis Braber was born on tuesday 25-06-1901 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Willem Cornelis married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 25-07-1923 in Rotterdam to Wilhelmina Dwarswaard, aged 20 years. Wilhelmina was born on thursday 22-01-1903 in Rotterdam.
Child of Willem Cornelis and Wilhelmina:
1 Goossen Braber, born on tuesday 29-05-1934 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-af.
X-be Pieter Cornelis Braber was born on friday 20-10-1905 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on sunday 21-12-1986 in Schiedam, 81 years years old. Occupation: matroos rijnvaart, visventer, havenarbeider. Pieter Cornelis married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 30-12-1925 in Rotterdam to Adriana Petronella van der Spuy, aged 21 years. Adriana Petronella was born on wednesday 21-09-1904 in Aruba, Ned. Antillen. Adriana Petronella is deceased on friday 18-01-1980 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old.
Child of Pieter Cornelis and Adriana Petronella:
1 Pieter Braber, born on thursday 22-07-1926 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-ag.
X-bf Cornelis Adrianus Braber was born on friday 08-11-1907 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Braber and Marina Bouman. Cornelis Adrianus is deceased on sunday 07-03-1965 in Rotterdam, 57 years years old. Occupation: schippersknecht, later schipper Rijnvaart. Cornelis Adrianus married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 13-12-1933 in Rotterdam to Cornelia Adriana Penning, aged 18 years. Cornelia Adriana was born on tuesday 07-12-1915 in Ridderkerk.
Children of Cornelis Adrianus and Cornelia Adriana:
1 Fred Braber (private).
2 Marga Braber (private).
3 Marina (Rina) Braber (private). Rina married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 26-09-1956 in Rotterdam to F. Bordes.
4 Willemina Aplonia (Wil) Braber (private).
X-bg Simon de Feiter was born on monday 16-04-1883 in Renesse, son of Jan de Feiter and Dirkje de Kok. Simon is deceased on sunday 16-04-1961 in Burgh, 78 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Simon married,at the age of 34 years, on saturday 12-05-1917 in Burgh to Maria Johanna Fondse, aged 26 years. Maria Johanna was born on monday 02-03-1891 in Haamstede,daughter of Cornelis Fondse and Grietje Overbeke.
X-bh Kaatje Johanna de Feiter was born on monday 07-12-1885 in Renesse, daughter of Jan de Feiter and Dirkje de Kok. Occupation: dienstbode. Kaatje Johanna married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 02-08-1911 in Haamstede [source: akte 3] to Cornelis Bom, aged 31 years. Cornelis was born on saturday 31-07-1880 in Haamstede,son of Jan Bom and Pieternella van der Klooster. Cornelis is deceased on sunday 08-02-1920 in Haamstede, 39 years years old. Occupation: hotelhouder.
X-bi Jannetje Johanna Fokker was born on monday 07-11-1892 in Rotterdam, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Neeltje Wouters. Jannetje Johanna is deceased on tuesday 10-11-1959 in Den Bommel, 67 years years old. Jannetje Johanna married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 20-08-1915 in Den Bommel to Jan Zuijdijk, aged 23 years. Jan was born on sunday 07-02-1892 in Den Bommel. Jan is deceased on saturday 05-08-1978 in Middelharnis, 86 years years old. Note re Jan: zoon van Adrianus Zuijdijk en Antje Menheer.
X-bj Jan Cornelis Fokker was born on tuesday 18-12-1894 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Neeltje Wouters. Jan Cornelis is deceased on sunday 02-01-1983 in Middelharnis, 88 years years old. Occupation: landarbeider. Jan Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 30-05-1924 in Den Bommel to Maatje Hobbel, aged 31 years. Maatje was born on tuesday 06-12-1892 in Den Bommel. Maatje is deceased on wednesday 01-11-1972 in Loosduinen, 79 years years old. Note re Maatje: dochter van Jan Hobbel en Elberdina Keuvelaar.
Children of Jan Cornelis and Maatje:
1 Pieter Fokker, born on monday 20-04-1925 in Den Bommel. Follow XI-ai.
2 Elberdina Fokker (private). Elberdina married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 08-11-1946 in Den Bommel to Hessel de Jong, aged 22 years. Hessel was born on thursday 21-08-1924 in Oosterbierum. Note re Hessel: zoon van Dirk de Jong en Martje Bakker.
3 Nelis Leendert Fokker (private). Nelis Leendert married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 26-08-1955 to Lena Koppenaal.
4 Jannetje Fokker (private). Jannetje married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 02-04-1952 in Den Bommel to Jan Krijtenberg, aged 25 years. Jan was born on wednesday 18-08-1926 in Sommelsdijk. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelis Krijtenberg en Jobje Nelis.
5 Lena Fokker (private). Lena married,at the age of 22 years, on tuesday 15-12-1953 in Den Bommel to Jacob Koster, aged 22 years. Jacob was born on wednesday 10-06-1931 in Middelharnis. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob Koster en Elizabeth Gans.
6 Maria Fokker (private). Maria married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 23-12-1958 in Ridderkerk to Leendert Kooijman, aged 30 years. Leendert was born on saturday 17-03-1928.
7 Jan Fokker (private). Jan married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 19-06-1964 in Groningen to Jantje Grietje Douma, aged 27 years. Jantje Grietje was born on sunday 27-12-1936 in Groningen. Note re Jantje Grietje: dochter van Jacob Douma en Albertje de Haan.
X-bk Johanna Adriana Fokker was born on monday 31-05-1897 in Rotterdam, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Neeltje Wouters. Johanna Adriana is deceased on tuesday 25-06-1974 in Rotterdam, 77 years years old. Johanna Adriana married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 07-09-1917 in Den Bommel to Lambertus Westdijk, aged 27 years. Lambertus was born on friday 20-12-1889 in Stad aan ´t Haringvliet. Lambertus is deceased on wednesday 15-02-1961 in Poortugaal, 71 years years old. Occupation: beurtschipper, havenarbeider. Note re Lambertus: zoon van Dingeman Westdijk en Sietje Donkersloot.
X-bl Leendert Fokker was born on wednesday 11-05-1904 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Leendert is deceased on monday 28-01-1985 in Oostflakkee, 80 years years old. Leendert married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 09-06-1933 in Den Bommel to Anna Verkerke, aged 27 years. Anna was born on sunday 25-02-1906 in Den Bommel.
Children of Leendert and Anna:
1 Tineke Fokker (private). Tineke married to D.J.A.H. van Hal. D.J.A.H. was born in 1936. D.J.A.H. is deceased in 1973, 37 years years old.
2 Pieter Fokker (private). Pieter married,at the age of 23 years, on thursday 09-06-1960 to D.J. Schellevis.
3 Martijntje Fokker (private).
4 Ruth Fokker (private). Ruth married to A.P.M. Hermans.
X-bm Adriana Fokker was born on monday 17-12-1906 in Den Bommel, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Adriana is deceased on wednesday 30-09-1998 in Oostflakkee, 91 years years old. Adriana married to Jacob de Vos. Jacob was born on monday 30-03-1903 in Middelharnis. Jacob is deceased on tuesday 09-05-1972 in Oostflakkee, 69 years years old.
Child of Adriana and Jacob:
1 Lena de Vos (private). Lena married to Johannes Kroon. Johannes was born in 1930.
X-bn Cornelis Fokker was born on saturday 28-08-1909 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 28-02-1980 in Rotterdam, 70 years years old. Occupation: chauffeur, automonteur. Cornelis married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 30-05-1936 in Ooltgensplaat to Annetje Bruggeman, aged 24 years. Annetje was born on wednesday 12-07-1911 in Ooltgensplaat.
X-bo Adriana Johanna Fokker was born on sunday 07-01-1912 in Den Bommel, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Adriana Johanna is deceased on tuesday 08-04-1980 in ´s-Hertogenbosch, 68 years years old. Adriana Johanna married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 14-07-1933 in Den Bommel to Arend Kransse, aged 23 years. Arend was born on saturday 04-12-1909 in Sommelsdijk.
Children of Adriana Johanna and Arend:
1 Lena Kransse (private). Lena married to H.A. Splinters.
2 Janneke Kransse (private). Janneke married to H. Brouwers.
3 Jan Kransse (private).
X-bp Pieter Fokker was born on sunday 12-10-1913 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Pieter is deceased on friday 26-11-1954 in Prinsenbeek, 41 years years old. Occupation: chauffeur, transportondernemer. Pieter married to Cornelia Bastiaantje van Es. Cornelia Bastiaantje was born on saturday 24-07-1915 in Den Bommel.
Children of Pieter and Cornelia Bastiaantje:
1 Lena Fokker (private). Lena married to H. Schilders.
2 Engeltje Fokker, born on friday 05-02-1937 in Den Bommel. Follow XI-aw.
3 Pieternella Cornelia Fokker (private). Pieternella Cornelia married to H. Verschoor.
X-br Leuntje Fokker was born on wednesday 04-02-1920 in Den Bommel, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Leuntje is deceased in 1995, 75 years years old. Leuntje married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 08-08-1945 to Petrus Maring, aged 21 years. Petrus was born on tuesday 03-06-1924 in Uithuizermeeden.
Children of Leuntje and Petrus:
1 Kornelis Maring (private). Kornelis married to Truus Burema.
2 Aaltje Maring (private). Aaltje married to Tico Top. Tico was born in 1946.
3 Lena Maring (private). Lena married to Harry J. Burema. Harry J. was born in 1939.
4 Pieter Maring (private).
X-bs Anthony Fokker was born on thursday 28-07-1921 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Anthony is deceased on monday 06-07-1998 in Eemsmond, 76 years years old. Anthony married,at the age of 32 years, on friday 09-10-1953 in Kantens to Aafke van der Zee, aged 25 years. Aafke was born on saturday 07-04-1928 in Kantens.
Children of Anthony and Aafke:
1 Peter Henk Fokker (private).
2 Theresia Greetje Fokker (private). Theresia Greetje married to Jan Raela Witting. Jan Raela was born in 1962.
X-bt Leunis Fokker was born on monday 10-03-1924 in Den Bommel, son of Pieter Fokker and Lena Meijer. Leunis is deceased on wednesday 04-09-2002 in Goedereede, 78 years years old. Leunis:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 27-05-1948 in Den Bommel to Aria Wolfert, aged 21 years. The marriage was dissolved on friday 08-01-1982. Note re the marriage: het huwelijk werd door echtscheiding ontbonden op 08-01-1982; op 28-01-1986 trouwen ze in Middelharnis weer met elkaar.Aria was born on friday 22-10-1926 in Den Bommel.
(2) married,at the age of 61 years, on tuesday 28-01-1986 in Middelharnis to Aria Wolfert, aged 59 years. Note re the marriage: het huwelijk werd door echtscheiding ontbonden op 08-01-1982; op 28-01-1986 trouwen ze in Middelharnis weer met elkaar.Aria was born on friday 22-10-1926 in Den Bommel.
Children of Leunis and Aria:
1 Pieter Fokker (private).
2 Inaka Aria Lena Fokker (private). Inaka Aria Lena married to Daan Slingerland.
3 Rens Anthony Fokker (private). Rens Anthony married to Hanni van Aalten.
4 Leunis Fokker (private). Leunis married to Marian Driese.
5 Gerrit Jan Fokker (private).
X-by Adriaan Fierens was born on monday 22-01-1894 in Noordgouwe, son of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Adriaan married,at the age of 25 years, on saturday 16-08-1919 in Ouwerkerk to Martina Cornelia de Jonge, aged 24 years. Martina Cornelia was born in 1895 in Ouwerkerk. Note re Martina Cornelia: dochter van Hendrik de Jonge en Loontje Goudzwaard.
X-bz Elizabeth Fierens was born on sunday 22-12-1895 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Elizabeth is deceased on tuesday 23-09-1975 in Zierikzee, 79 years years old. She was buried in Noordgouwe. Elizabeth married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 28-02-1919 in Noordgouwe to Cornelis Adriaan van der Jagt, aged 24 years. Cornelis Adriaan was born on sunday 03-02-1895 in Stavenisse. Occupation: veldarbeider, landbouwersknecht. Note re Cornelis Adriaan: zoon van Izaak van der Jagt en Jacoba van der Reest.
X-ca Dirk Fierens was born on monday 09-05-1898 in Noordgouwe, son of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Dirk is deceased on tuesday 04-11-1941 in Zierikzee, 43 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Dirk married,at the age of 20 years, on thursday 08-08-1918 in Noordgouwe to Cornelia den Engelsman, aged 19 years. Cornelia was born in 1899 in Sint Annaland. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Clement den Engelsman en Apolonia Geluk.
X-cb Maatje Fierens was born on wednesday 09-01-1901 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Maatje is deceased on monday 14-07-1969 in Delft, 68 years years old. Maatje married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 30-06-1922 in Noordgouwe to Jan Willem Bout, aged 22 years. Jan Willem was born on sunday 14-01-1900 in Stavenisse. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Jan Willem: zoon van Adriaan Pieter Bout en Laurina van Schouwen.
X-cc Kriena Fierens was born on tuesday 29-05-1906 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Kriena is deceased on sunday 21-02-1993 in Lisse, 86 years years old. Kriena married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 13-02-1931 in Noordgouwe to Andries Dijkgraaf, aged 29 years. Andries was born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Noordgouwe,son of Hendrik Adrianus Dijkgraaf and Johanna Laban. Andries is deceased on tuesday 31-12-1996 in Lisse, 95 years years old. Occupation: landarbeider (bloembollen).
X-cg Adriana Fierens was born on wednesday 26-12-1917 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Adriana is deceased on wednesday 13-11-2002 in Goes, 84 years years old. Adriana:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 03-04-1940 in Brouwershaven to Jan Jacob Stoel. Jan Jacob is deceased on thursday 15-11-1945 in Noordgouwe. He was buried on tuesday 20-11-1945 in Brouwershaven.
(2) married,at the age of 33 years, on wednesday 28-11-1951 in Brouwershaven to Cornelis G. Dorst. Cornelis G. is deceased on saturday 27-12-1997. Note re Cornelis G.: zoon van Dies Dorst en Helena Moerland.
X-ch Dirkje Cornelia Fokker was born on tuesday 23-12-1913 in Zierikzee, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Maria van der Werf. Dirkje Cornelia is deceased on tuesday 31-01-1995 in Barendrecht, 81 years years old. Dirkje Cornelia married to Marinus van de Ree.
Children of Dirkje Cornelia and Marinus:
1 Cobi van de Ree (private).
2 Pieter van de Ree (private).
3 Anton van de Ree (private).
X-ci Willem Johannes Fokker was born on saturday 03-07-1915 in Zierikzee, son of Pieter Fokker and Maria van der Werf. Willem Johannes is deceased on saturday 23-08-1997 in Zwanenburg, 82 years years old. Occupation: machinist, bankwerker. Willem Johannes married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 15-11-1939 in Oost-Souburg to Johanna Wilhelmina de Boer, aged 20 years. Johanna Wilhelmina was born on sunday 20-07-1919 in Rotterdam. Johanna Wilhelmina is deceased on friday 26-11-2004 in Hoofddorp, 85 years years old. She was buried on tuesday 30-11-2004 in Zwanenburg. Note re the death of Johanna Wilhelmina: Algemene begraafplaats Zwanenburg. Note re Johanna Wilhelmina: dochter van Simon de Boer en Gerarda Lubking.
Children of Willem Johannes and Johanna Wilhelmina:
1 Willem Johannes Fokker (private). Willem Johannes married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 28-02-1973 in Halfweg to Ellen van Gelder, aged 20 years. Ellen was born on sunday 07-09-1952 in Amsterdam. Note re Ellen: dochter van Jannus Hendrik Hemke Jan van Gelder en Berendina Visschers.
2 Simon Gerardus Fokker (private). Simon Gerardus:
(1) married,at the age of 23 years, in 1971 in Odoorn to Roelfina Linneman.
(2) married,at the age of 52 years, on friday 15-09-2000 in Nieuw-Schoonebeek to Alida Maria Ambergen, aged 51 years. Alida Maria was born on sunday 21-11-1948 in Schoonebeek.
3 Antony Fokker (private). Antony married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 29-12-1978 in Halfweg to Wilhelmina Elisabeth Elsina Tang. Note re Wilhelmina Elisabeth Elsina: dochter van Jan Tang en Wilhelmina Snijders.
X-ck Kornelis Fokker was born on sunday 09-09-1923 in Noordgouwe, son of Pieter Fokker and Maria van der Werf. Kornelis is deceased on monday 10-05-1999 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old. Kornelis married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 02-07-1947 in Rotterdam to Cornelia Wilhelmina Prins, aged 23 years. Cornelia Wilhelmina was born on thursday 16-08-1923 in Rotterdam. Cornelia Wilhelmina is deceased on saturday 05-02-1966 in Rotterdam, 42 years years old. Note re Cornelia Wilhelmina: dochter van Wessel Prins en Cornelia Wilhelmina Hoffman.
Children of Kornelis and Cornelia Wilhelmina:
1 Cornelia Wilhelmina Fokker (private).
2 Pieter Fokker (private).
3 Anton Bernhard Fokker (private).
4 Kornelis Wessel Fokker (private).
5 Marijke Fokker (private).
X-co Johannes Andries Fokker was born on tuesday 29-05-1923 in Axel, son of Jan Cornelis Fokker and Maatje Cornelia Olijslager. Johannes Andries is deceased on friday 29-05-1964 in Utrecht, 41 years years old. Johannes Andries married,at the age of 34 years, on saturday 24-08-1957 in Breda to Petronella Johanna Theresia Beens, aged 27 years. Petronella Johanna Theresia was born on friday 08-11-1929 in Ginneken. Note re Petronella Johanna Theresia: dochter van Theofil Beens en Anthonia Maria van Dongen.
Child of Johannes Andries and Petronella Johanna Theresia:
1 Nicole Marie Antoinette Fokker (private).
X-cp Andries Johannes Fokker was born on thursday 24-09-1925 in Axel, son of Jan Cornelis Fokker and Maatje Cornelia Olijslager. Andries Johannes is deceased on thursday 20-09-1990 in Leidschendam, 64 years years old. He was cremated on monday 24-09-1990 in Den Haag. Note re the death of Andries Johannes: Ockenburgh. Occupation: kolonel Kon. Luchtmacht. Andries Johannes married,at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 06-02-1951 in Oegstgeest to Jenny Agnes Hartgerink, aged 27 years. Jenny Agnes was born on wednesday 02-05-1923 in Apeldoorn. Note re Jenny Agnes: dochter van Derk Gerardus Hartgerink en Wilhelmina van Dijk.
Children of Andries Johannes and Jenny Agnes:
1 Andries Jan Derk Fokker (private). Andries Jan Derk married to Johanna van der Veen.
2 Johannes Cornelis Fokker (private). Johannes Cornelis married to Anne-Mie Carolina Francesca Goris Adams. Anne-Mie Carolina Francesca Goris was born on sunday 21-09-1952. Note re Anne-Mie Carolina Francesca Goris: dochter van Jan Adams en José Tjantelé.
3 Maarten Derk Fokker (private). Maarten Derk married to Henriette Wolsink.
X-cs Sophia Willemina Sara Boot was born on saturday 17-10-1891 in Oud-Beijerland, daughter of Aalbregt Boot and Gerritje Sophia Baggerman. Sophia Willemina Sara is deceased on tuesday 24-01-1978 in Amersfoort, 86 years years old. Title: mr.. Sophia Willemina Sara married,at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 29-05-1923 in Ginneken to Adolf Frederik Bange, aged 40 years. Adolf Frederik was born on saturday 17-03-1883 in Loppersum. Adolf Frederik is deceased on friday 29-01-1965 in Amersfoort, 81 years years old. Note re Adolf Frederik: zoon van Willem George Frederik Bange en Helena Maria Ziessen.
X-ct Pieter Jacob Adrianus Boot was born on tuesday 13-10-1896 in Oud-Beijerland, son of Aalbregt Boot and Gerritje Sophia Baggerman. The birth was registered on tuesday 13-10-1896 [source: akte 172]. Pieter Jacob Adrianus is deceased on friday 10-05-1940 in Loosduinen, 43 years years old (cause: gesneuveld bij Ockenburg). He was buried in Rhenen. Note re the death of Pieter Jacob Adrianus: Naam: Ereveld Grebbeberg Adres: Grebbeweg Rhenen Zerk id-nummer 102677 Begraafplaatsnr. 235 (Plaats)aanduiding 09-35. Occupation: handelsemployé; jurist; uitgever (reserve-kapitein van het Wapen der Infanterie, bij het 4-22 Depot Bataljon [Bron: BL/BK blz. 220] www.ogs.nl). Decoration: Bronzen Leeuw bij K.B. no. 27 van 14-12-1949 (postuum), OorlogsHerinneringsKruis1. Pieter Jacob Adrianus married,at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 11-09-1923 in Leiden to Anthonia Sara Ballego, aged 22 years. Anthonia Sara was born on tuesday 13-08-1901 in Leiden,daughter of Johannes Gerardus Ballego and Cornelia Maria Brouwer. Anthonia Sara is deceased on monday 26-08-1991 in Voorburg, 90 years years old.
Children of Pieter Jacob Adrianus and Anthonia Sara:
1 Albrecht Johannes Boot, born on tuesday 22-07-1924 in Calcutta, India. Follow XI-bn.
2 Pieter Jan Adolf Boot, born on wednesday 29-06-1927 in Gouda. Follow XI-bo.
3 Erik Boot (private). Erik married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 16-08-1957 in Amsterdam to Henriëtte Albertha Johanna Gerritsen, aged 21 years. The religious wedding was celebrated the same date in Amsterdam. Note re the marriage: Westerkerk.Henriëtte Albertha Johanna was born on friday 27-09-1935 in Amsterdam.
X-cu Nicolaas Jacob Bijkerk was born on friday 15-09-1893 in Burgh, son of Johannes Bijkerk and Grietje Boot. Nicolaas Jacob is deceased on thursday 16-12-1982 in Haamstede, 89 years years old. Occupation: metselaar. Nicolaas Jacob married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 28-05-1919 in Ellemeet [source: akte 5] to Jansje Pieternella Kooman, aged 21 years. Jansje Pieternella was born on thursday 23-09-1897 in Ellemeet,daughter of Cornelis Kooman and Lena Verboom. Jansje Pieternella is deceased on wednesday 15-11-1989, 92 years years old.
Child of Nicolaas Jacob and Jansje Pieternella:
1 Johannes Cornelis Bijkerk, born on sunday 26-09-1920 in Burgh. Follow XI-bq.
X-cv Willemina Sara Boot was born on saturday 11-09-1886 in Burgh, daughter of Johannes Boot and Joppa Lena Beukelaar. Address: Haamstede. Willemina Sara married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 10-04-1908 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Martinus de Roo, aged 22 years. Martinus was born on monday 25-01-1886 in Renesse,son of Cornelis de Roo and Adriana Legemate. Martinus is deceased on wednesday 11-11-1959 in ´s-Hertogenbosch, 73 years years old. He was buried in Renesse. Note re the death of Martinus: 26-08-1952?. Occupation: wagenmaker.
Child of Willemina Sara and Martinus:
1 Cornelis de Roo, born about 1913 in Renesse. Cornelis is deceased on monday 24-02-1919 in Renesse, about 6 years years old.
X-cw Hendrik Boot was born on thursday 14-11-1889 in Burgh, son of Johannes Boot and Joppa Lena Beukelaar. Hendrik is deceased on friday 07-04-1939 in Dreischor, 49 years years old. Occupation: wagenmaker. Hendrik married,at the age of 40 years, on friday 06-06-1930 in Dreischor to Jacoba Klotte (Kloote), aged 43 years. Jacoba was born on tuesday 06-07-1886 in Dreischor. Note re Jacoba: dochter van Jacob Kloote en Janna Bleijker.
X-cx Willemijntje Adriaantje Boot was born on sunday 20-01-1895 in Burgh, daughter of Johannes Boot and Joppa Lena Beukelaar. Willemijntje Adriaantje married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 12-03-1920 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Anthonie Hanson, aged 25 years. Anthonie was born on tuesday 25-12-1894 in Haamstede,son of Pieter Hanson and Grietje (de) Bruine. Occupation: landbouwer.
X-cy Jacoba Johanna Boot was born on sunday 09-03-1902 in Burgh, daughter of Johannes Boot and Joppa Lena Beukelaar. Jacoba Johanna is deceased on thursday 02-06-1977 in Zierikzee, 75 years years old. Jacoba Johanna married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 13-06-1930 in Burgh to Johannes Pieter van den Hoek, aged 30 years. Johannes Pieter was born on thursday 21-09-1899 in Noordwelle. Johannes Pieter is deceased on thursday 22-06-1944 in Renesse, 44 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer.
X-cz Jannetje den Boer was born on sunday 13-02-1887 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Jannetje married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 23-08-1911 in Haamstede [source: akte 5] to Nehemia Willem de Vin, aged 23 years. Nehemia Willem was born on sunday 09-10-1887 in Oosterland. Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Nehemia Willem: zoon van Adriaan Thomas de Vin, slotbewaarder, en Jakomina van der Maas.
X-da Jacob den Boer was born on friday 06-01-1888 in Haamstede, son of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Occupation: landbouwer te Oude Tonge, later te Haamstede. Jacob married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 22-05-1918 in Haamstede [source: akte 5] to Rimelia Anthonia Pieternella Cornelia de Bruine, aged 29 years. Rimelia Anthonia Pieternella Cornelia was born on friday 18-01-1889 in Haamstede,daughter of Jan de Bruine and Maatje Boot. Note re Rimelia Anthonia Pieternella Cornelia: rusthuis Duinoord te Haamstede.
X-db Marinus den Boer was born on sunday 26-05-1889 in Haamstede, son of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Marinus married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 17-08-1917 in Haamstede [source: akte 9] to Martina Adriaantje Hanse, aged 24 years. Martina Adriaantje was born on sunday 30-10-1892 in Haamstede,daughter of Maarten Olivier Hanse and Aaltje Willemina Dalebout.
X-dc Willemina Sara den Boer was born on friday 30-05-1890 in Haamstede, daughter of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Willemina Sara is deceased on sunday 02-08-1959 in Haamstede, 69 years years old. Note re the death of Willemina Sara: op haar graf staat WILHELMINA Sara, geboren 29 mei 1890. Willemina Sara married,at the age of 34 years, on wednesday 19-11-1924 in Haamstede to Leendert Doeleman, aged 41 years. Leendert was born on thursday 28-06-1883 in Dreischor. Leendert is deceased on saturday 03-07-1948 in Haamstede, 65 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Leendert: zoon van Jan Doeleman en Cornelia Beije, weduwnaar van Kaatje Levina Kooman. Willemina Sara remained childless.
X-dd Tannetje den Boer was born on thursday 10-09-1891 in Burgh, daughter of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Tannetje is deceased on wednesday 15-12-1954 in Apeldoorn, 63 years years old. The decease was registered on thursday 16-12-1954 [source: akte 907]. Tannetje married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 19-08-1921 in Haamstede [source: akte 7] to Leendert Kwant, aged 29 years. Leendert was born on sunday 29-11-1891 in Haamstede. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Leendert: zoon van Simon Kwant, landbouwer, en Adriaantje Speelman.
X-de Cornelis den Boer was born on thursday 19-01-1893 in Burgh, son of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 19-04-1922 in Haamstede [source: akte 2] to Maria Stoffelina Hanse(n), aged 24 years. Maria Stoffelina was born on saturday 10-07-1897 in Haamstede,daughter of Maarten Olivier Hanse and Aaltje Willemina Dalebout.
X-df Janna den Boer was born on monday 18-06-1894 in Burgh, daughter of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Janna is deceased on wednesday 13-12-1944 in Haamstede, 50 years years old. Janna married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 19-08-1921 in Haamstede [source: akte 8] to Leendert Hanse, aged 27 years. Leendert was born on wednesday 18-04-1894 in Haamstede,son of Maarten Olivier Hanse and Aaltje Willemina Dalebout. Occupation: landbouwer.
X-dg Maria den Boer was born on saturday 20-02-1897 in Burgh, daughter of Jan den Boer and Cornelia Boot. Maria married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 13-10-1922 in Haamstede [source: akte 10] to Willem Gilijamse, aged 27 years. Willem was born on sunday 08-09-1895 in Haamstede,son of Abraham Gilijamse and Hermina Laurina Hendrikse. Occupation: timmerman.
X-dh Cornelis Pieter Boot was born on tuesday 21-06-1887 in Elkerzee, son of Nicolaas Boot and Janna (Jannetje) van Wouwe. Cornelis Pieter is deceased on monday 24-06-1907 in Zierikzee, 20 years years old. Address: Zierikzee. Occupation: miliciensoldaat. Cornelis Pieter married to T.F. Kaczmaket. Address: (woonde als weduwe te Zeist).
X-di Maria Cornelia Boot was born on monday 11-03-1889 in Zierikzee, daughter of Nicolaas Boot and Janna (Jannetje) van Wouwe. Maria Cornelia is deceased on tuesday 09-04-1968 in Zierikzee, 79 years years old. Maria Cornelia married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 25-09-1912 in Zierikzee [source: akte 40] to Cornelis Pieterse de Vlieger, aged 32 years. Cornelis Pieterse was born on sunday 01-02-1880 in Zierikzee. Cornelis Pieterse is deceased on saturday 22-05-1943 in Haamstede, 63 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cornelis Pieterse: zoon van Pieter de Vlieger en Adriaantje Vink.
X-dj Martinus Smalheer was born on sunday 21-10-1883 in Haamstede, son of Cornelis Smalheer and Cornelia Lemsom. Occupation: landbouwer. Martinus married,at the age of 33 years, on friday 03-11-1916 in Haamstede to Adriana Maria Quist, aged about 22 years. Adriana Maria was born about 1894 in Oud-Vossemeer,daughter of Anthonie Abraham Quist and Elizabeth Bout. Occupation: dienstbode.
X-dk Janna Smalheer was born on tuesday 05-05-1885 in Burgh, daughter of Cornelis Smalheer and Cornelia Lemsom. Occupation: dienstbode. Janna married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 17-05-1912 in Ellemeet to Adriaan van den Houten, aged about 38 years. Adriaan was born about 1874 in Elkerzee. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Maarten van den Houten en Cornelia de Witte.
X-dl Grietje Marina Smalheer was born on saturday 19-02-1887 in Burgh, daughter of Cornelis Smalheer and Cornelia Lemsom. Grietje Marina married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 11-06-1913 in Burgh [source: akte 4] to Johannes de Glopper, aged 29 years. Johannes was born on tuesday 18-03-1884 in Burgh,son of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Occupation: landbouwersknecht.
Child of Grietje Marina and Johannes:
1 Cornelis Abraham de Glopper (private). Cornelis Abraham married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 10-10-1940 in Haamstede to Clementina Fokker, aged 26 years. Clementina was born on sunday 01-02-1914 in Haamstede,daughter of Dirk Fokker and Lena Stouten. Clementina is deceased on friday 06-08-1999, 85 years years old.
X-dm Adriana Krina van der Klooster was born on thursday 13-03-1884 in Burgh, daughter of Cornelis van der Klooster and Grietje Marina Lemsom. Adriana Krina married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 23-09-1910 in Burgh [source: akte 6] to Wouter van Loon, aged about 29 years. Wouter was born about 1881 in Giessendam. Occupation: schipper. Note re Wouter: zoon van Cornelis van Loon, werkman, en Marigje Stuij.
X-dn Martinus Lemsom was born on saturday 13-08-1892 in Burgh, son of Marinus Johannis Lemsom and Maatje Groenleer. Martinus is deceased on friday 13-07-1945 in Naarden, 52 years years old. Occupation: ordonnans Rijkscommissariaat. Martinus married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 29-10-1920 in Muiden to Petronella van Norren, aged 22 years. Petronella was born on monday 31-01-1898 in Naarden.
X-do Krina Grietje Marina Lemsom was born on monday 09-03-1896 in Burgh, daughter of Krijn Lemsom and Adriana Groenleer. Krina Grietje Marina is deceased on thursday 25-04-1963 in Zierikzee, 67 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Krina Grietje Marina married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 04-05-1918 in Ellemeet to Jacob Fonteine, aged 24 years. Jacob was born on thursday 31-08-1893 in Dreischor,son of Nicolaas Fonteine and Anna van Donge. Jacob is deceased on monday 06-08-1962 in Middenschouwen, 68 years years old. Occupation: landarbeider.
Children of Krina Grietje Marina and Jacob:
1 Anna Adriana Krina Fonteine (private). Anna Adriana Krina married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 24-06-1942 to L.C. Plandsoen.
2 Krijn Adriaan Fonteine (private).
3 Nicolaas Fonteine (private). Nicolaas married,at the age of about 29 years, on wednesday 21-12-1955 to L.M. Bijl.
4 Adriana Krina Fonteine (private). Adriana Krina married,at the age of about 41 years, on sunday 14-12-1969 to Cornelis Stoutjesdijk.
5 Cornelia Johanna Fonteine (private). Cornelia Johanna married,at the age of about 23 years, on wednesday 25-08-1954 to J. van Dijk.
6 Dirk Pieter Fonteine (private). Dirk Pieter married,at the age of about 30 years, on monday 08-04-1963 to J.H. van Dijk.
7 Catharina Helena Johanna Fonteine, born on saturday 25-02-1933 in Ellemeet. Catharina Helena Johanna is deceased on monday 04-08-1952 in Wassenaar, 19 years years old.
8 Adriaan Cornelis Fonteine, born on friday 30-11-1934 in Ellemeet. Adriaan Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 09-08-1955 in Kerkwerve, 20 years years old.
X-dp Cornelis Lemsom was born on thursday 15-04-1897 in Haamstede, son of Krijn Lemsom and Adriana Groenleer. Cornelis is deceased on sunday 02-04-1978 in Westenschouwen, 80 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Cornelis:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 27-09-1919 in Ellemeet to Janna Fonteine, aged 21 years. The marriage was dissolved on wednesday 02-02-1927 (echtscheiding). Note re the marriage: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank Middelburg; ingeschreven BS Ellemeet dd 06-08-1927.Janna was born on friday 17-06-1898 in Dreischor,daughter of Nicolaas Fonteine and Anna van Donge. Janna is deceased on thursday 03-05-1984 in Zierikzee, 85 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 48 years, on wednesday 19-12-1945 in Amsterdam to Janna Fonteine, aged 47 years. Janna was born on friday 17-06-1898 in Dreischor,daughter of Nicolaas Fonteine and Anna van Donge. Janna is deceased on thursday 03-05-1984 in Zierikzee, 85 years years old.
Child of Cornelis and Janna:
1 Krijn Adriaan Lemsom, born on thursday 01-04-1920 in Ellemeet. Follow XI-bx.
X-dq Adriana Krina Lemsom was born on monday 31-07-1905 in Burgh, daughter of Krijn Lemsom and Adriana Groenleer. Adriana Krina is deceased on thursday 04-04-1968 in Zierikzee, 62 years years old. Adriana Krina married,at the age of about 25 years, about 1930 in Ellemeet to Gerrit Bauman, aged about 24 years. Gerrit was born on thursday 01-03-1906 in Rotterdam. Occupation: veldarbeider.
X-dr Kriena Pieternella Fokker was born on thursday 14-12-1905 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Jacomina Groenleer. Kriena Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 30-06-1987 in Westenschouwen, 81 years years old. Kriena Pieternella married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 22-05-1931 in Haamstede to Cornelis Hanse, aged 25 years. Cornelis was born on thursday 14-12-1905 in Haamstede. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 30-06-1987 in Westenschouwen, 81 years years old. Occupation: landbouwknecht, bewaker interneringskamp, grondwerker. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Simon Hanse en Cornelia van Strien.
X-ds Adriana Jacoba Fokker was born on saturday 23-02-1907 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Jacomina Groenleer. Adriana Jacoba is deceased on sunday 01-05-1994 in Wieringen, 87 years years old. Adriana Jacoba married to I.J. Krijger.
X-dt Klazina Fokker was born on thursday 03-12-1908 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Jacomina Groenleer. Klazina is deceased on wednesday 01-04-1987 in Amsterdam, 78 years years old. Klazina married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 30-10-1935 in Amsterdam to Gerrit Osinga, aged 33 years. Gerrit was born on sunday 25-05-1902 in Utingeradeel. Gerrit is deceased on monday 09-04-1984 in Amsterdam, 81 years years old. Occupation: metaaldraaier. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Johannes Gerrits Osinga en Sjoukje Annes Vleeshouwer.
Children of Klazina and Gerrit:
1 Johannes Osinga (private).
2 Krijn Osinga (private).
3 Sjoukje Osinga (private).
X-du Jacoba Fokker was born on thursday 13-02-1913 in Haamstede, daughter of Krijn Fokker and Jacomina Groenleer. Jacoba is deceased on friday 20-08-2004 in Kapelle, 91 years years old. Jacoba married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 28-06-1940 in Haamstede to Adrianus Marinus van der Weel, aged about 28 years. Adrianus Marinus was born about 1912. Adrianus Marinus is deceased on saturday 26-02-2005 in Burgh-Haamstede, about 93 years years old.
X-dw Toontje Maria Gast was born in 1889 in Duivendijke, daughter of Thonus Gast and Marina Jacoba Voorbeijtel. Toontje Maria is deceased on saturday 02-02-1952 in Zierikzee, 63 years years old. Toontje Maria married,at the age of 19 years, on tuesday 17-03-1908 in Duivendijke to Adriaan Cornelis de Oude, aged 22 years. Adriaan Cornelis was born on friday 22-05-1885 in Noordwelle,son of Nikolaas Leendert de Oude and Elizabeth van Nieuwenhuijzen. Adriaan Cornelis is deceased on monday 04-09-1950 in Noordgouwe, 65 years years old.
Child of Toontje Maria and Adriaan Cornelis:
1 Elizabeth Jacoba de Oude (private). Elizabeth Jacoba married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 21-01-1931 in Zierikzee to Marinus Leonardus Jan Fokker, aged 30 years. Marinus Leonardus Jan was born on thursday 07-06-1900 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika,son of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Marinus Leonardus Jan is deceased on friday 18-04-1969 in Zierikzee, 68 years years old. Occupation: hoofdassistent Deli Mij, landbouwer.
X-dy Marinus Dirk Kloet was born on thursday 11-03-1897 in Haamstede, son of Jacob Jan Kloet and Lijna Pieternella Fokker. Marinus Dirk is deceased on wednesday 17-05-1972 in Burgh, 75 years years old. Marinus Dirk married,at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 05-11-1918 in Renesse to Jacomijntje Ringelberg, aged 20 years. Note re the marriage: 1. Adriaan Jacob Kloet, geboren 21-12-1920 te Renesse, getrouwd 15-02-1949 te Maastricht met Philomena Maria Smit, geboren 5-04-1924 te Maastricht, dochter van Theodorus Smit en Maria Margaretha van Wissem;
2. Leendert Kloet, geboren 21-09-1926;
3. Johan Kloet, geboren 13-12-1934 te Haamstede, getrouwd 08-03-1957 te Haamstede met Truus Deurloo, geboren 12-08-1935 te Ellemeet;
4. Jaap Kloet.Jacomijntje was born on monday 24-01-1898 in Renesse. Note re Jacomijntje: dochter van Adriaan Ringelberg en Johanna Evertse.
X-dz Cornelia Adriana Kloet was born on thursday 05-05-1898 in Haamstede, daughter of Jacob Jan Kloet and Lijna Pieternella Fokker. Cornelia Adriana married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 20-11-1918 in Rotterdam to Cornelis Teunis Groeneveld, aged 23 years. Cornelis Teunis was born in 1895 in Rotterdam. Note re Cornelis Teunis: zoon van Cornelis Groeneveld en Antonia Luiken.
X-ea Jan Kloet was born on thursday 21-09-1899 in Haamstede, son of Jacob Jan Kloet and Lijna Pieternella Fokker. Jan is deceased on monday 23-10-1978 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 79 years years old. Jan married,at the age of 21 years, on monday 02-05-1921 in Noordwelle to Elizabeth Steenpoorte, aged 18 years. Note re the marriage: Uit dit huwelijk:
1. Jacob Jan Kloet, geboren 19-10-1921 te Noordwelle, getrouwd 27-05-1949 met Helena J. de Blonde, geboren 17-01-1923;
2. Jacomina Pieternella Kloet, geboren 13-12-1922 te Noordwelle, getrouwd 06-10-1946 te Amsterdam met Marinus Heijboer, geboren 09-06-1919, overleden 1996;
3. Lijna Pieternella Kloet, geboren 16-01-1924 te Noordwelle, getrouwd 07-05-1943 te Serooskerke met Marinus Quist, geboren 09-01-1921;
4. Jacoba Neeltje Kloet, geboren 18-07-1925 te Noordwelle, getrouwd 21-09-1945 te Haamstede met Kornelis Jan Tuinman, geboren 25-03-1921 te Duivendijke;
5. Cornelia Adriana Kloet, geboren 29-10-1926 te Noordwelle, overleden 01-11-1926 te Noordwelle;
6. Cornelia Adriana Kloet, geboren 03-11-1929 te Noordwelle, getrouwd 22-02-1952 te Serooskerke met Johan W. Zorge, geboren 21-05-1929;
7. Elisabeth Jacomina Kloet, geboren 30-05-1936 te Serooskerke, getrouwd 20-07-1956 te Serooskerke met Marinus A. van der Wielen;
8. Jan Jacob Kloet, geboren 30-05-1936 te Serooskerke, getrouwd 11-08-1967 te Zierikzee met Maartje P. van der Haxe, geboren 25-07-1944;
9. Martina Kloet, geboren 17-11-1939 te Serooskerke, overleden 03-01-1943 te Serooskerke.Elizabeth was born on tuesday 10-06-1902 in Poortvliet. Elizabeth is deceased on saturday 05-01-1985 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 82 years years old. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Jacob Steenpoorte en Jacomijna Pieternella Bijl.
X-eb Dirkje Kloet was born on monday 31-03-1902 in Haamstede, daughter of Jacob Jan Kloet and Lijna Pieternella Fokker. Dirkje married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 03-01-1923 in Rotterdam to Cornelis Marinus van den Hoek, aged 26 years. Cornelis Marinus was born on wednesday 25-03-1896 in Noordwelle. Note re Cornelis Marinus: zoon van Leendert van den Hoek en Zegerina Cornelia de Vrieze.
X-ec Dirk Fokker was born on sunday 26-08-1888 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Dirk is deceased on friday 22-02-1957 in De Steeg, 68 years years old. He was buried on tuesday 26-02-1957 in Worth-Rheden. Note re the death of Dirk: Heiderust. Occupation: onderluitenant/parketwacht. Dirk married,at the age of 30 years, on monday 24-02-1919 in Nijmegen to Maria Hendrika van den Brink, aged 30 years. Maria Hendrika was born on thursday 27-09-1888 in Rhenen. Note re Maria Hendrika: dochter van Jan van den Brink en Berendina Alink.
Children of Dirk and Maria Hendrika:
1 Johanna Berendina Fokker (private). Johanna Berendina married to Gert Jan van den Berg. Gert Jan was born on friday 29-11-1907 in Velp. Gert Jan is deceased on wednesday 13-07-1977, 69 years years old.
2 Jannette Clara Fokker (private).
3 Nicolaas Jan Fokker (private). Nicolaas Jan married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 30-09-1949 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië to Margaretha Hendrika van Burk, aged 28 years. Margaretha Hendrika was born on tuesday 08-02-1921 in Goute. Occupation: secretaresse. Note re Margaretha Hendrika: dochter van G.J. van Burk en M.P. Haringa.
X-ed Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker was born on tuesday 23-09-1890 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Klaas is deceased on friday 27-03-1964 in Haamstede, 73 years years old. He was buried on tuesday 31-03-1964 in Haamstede. Occupation: petroleumventer. Klaas married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 24-07-1914 in Haamstede to Johanna Pieternella Zijta, aged 23 years. Johanna Pieternella was born on monday 03-11-1890 in Burgh. Johanna Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 03-12-1946 in Noordgouwe, 56 years years old. Note re Johanna Pieternella: dochter van Willem Zijta en Anna Overbeke.
Children of Klaas and Johanna Pieternella:
1 Nicolaas Willem (Nico) Fokker, born on sunday 20-09-1914 in Burgh. Follow XI-cc.
2 Willem Nicolaas Fokker, born on wednesday 12-07-1916 in Burgh. Follow XI-cd.
3 Johannes Fokker, born on wednesday 20-04-1921 in Burgh. Follow XI-ce.
X-ee Cornelis Marinus Fokker was born on monday 07-11-1892 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Cornelis Marinus is deceased on thursday 11-11-1982 in Axel, 90 years years old. He was buried on tuesday 16-11-1982 in Axel. Note re the death of Cornelis Marinus: Algemene Begraafplaats Burchtlaan. Occupation: adjudant Rijkspolitie. Cornelis Marinus:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 04-06-1919 in Terneuzen to Louisa Johanna Josephina van der Hemel, aged 25 years. Louisa Johanna Josephina was born on wednesday 22-11-1893 in Philippine. Louisa Johanna Josephina is deceased on wednesday 29-04-1953 in Axel, 59 years years old. Note re Louisa Johanna Josephina: dochter van Pieter Johannes van den Hemel en Philomena Maria van de Walle.
(2) married,at the age of 61 years, on thursday 08-07-1954 in Axel to Suzanna Elisabeth Leunis, aged 53 years. Suzanna Elisabeth was born on saturday 27-04-1901 in Axel.
Children of Cornelis Marinus and Louisa Johanna Josephina:
1 Johanna Wilhelmina Fokker, born on monday 18-02-1918 in Haamstede. Follow XI-cf.
2 Eliza Philomena Fokker, born on saturday 26-06-1920 in Egmond aan Zee. Follow XI-cg.
3 Klazina Fokker, born on monday 22-01-1923 in Goes. Follow XI-ch.
4 Nelly Marie Fokker (private). Nelly Marie married,at the age of 20 years, on tuesday 15-10-1946 in Sas van Gent to Herman Joseph Louis Renique, aged 22 years. Herman Joseph Louis was born on wednesday 30-04-1924 in Sas van Gent. Occupation: handelaar in ijzer en staal.
X-ef Marinus Cornelis Fokker was born on friday 19-10-1894 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Marinus Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 20-02-1979 in Oldenzaal, 84 years years old. He was buried on friday 23-02-1979 in Oldenzaal. Note re the death of Marinus Cornelis: Algemene Begraafplaats Hengelosestraat. Occupation: adjudant Kon. Marechaussee. Marinus Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on monday 24-03-1924 in Hulst to Clasina Maria Borghstijn, aged 23 years. Clasina Maria was born on friday 13-07-1900 in Hulst. Clasina Maria is deceased on thursday 08-05-1975 in Oldenzaal, 74 years years old. Note re the death of Clasina Maria: Algemene Begraafplaats Hengelosestraat.
Children of Marinus Cornelis and Clasina Maria:
1 Gerardus Nicolaas (Gerard) Fokker (private). Gerard married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 04-09-1946 in ´s-Hertogenbosch to Adriana Maria (Miep) Bodemeijer, aged 20 years. Adriana Maria was born on wednesday 19-05-1926 in ´s-Hertogenbosch. Note re Miep: dochter van Arnoldus Johannes Bodemeijer en Johanna de Looper.
2 Johanna Clasina (Jo) Fokker, born on saturday 18-02-1928 in Vlissingen. Follow XI-ck.
3 Nicolaas Marinus (Nico) Fokker (private). Nico married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 22-03-1962 in Hengelo to Geesje Johanna (Gé) Vos, aged 27 years. Geesje Johanna was born on sunday 13-01-1935 in Hengelo. Note re Gé: dochter van Klaas Vos en Albertje Pomper.
X-eg Adriaan Fokker was born on monday 08-06-1896 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Adriaan is deceased on wednesday 28-08-1968 in Den Haag, 72 years years old. He was buried on monday 02-09-1968 in Den Haag. Note re the death of Adriaan: Nieuw Eykenduynen. Occupation: commies/chef de bureau Rijksbelastingen. Adriaan married,at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 29-10-1924 in Den Haag to Albertine van den Berg, aged 26 years. Albertine was born on friday 21-10-1898 in Speldorf, Duitsland.
Children of Adriaan and Albertine:
1 Johanna Adriana Fokker, born on wednesday 20-06-1928 in Den Haag. Follow XI-cm.
2 Albert Nicolaas (Albert) Fokker, born on wednesday 20-04-1932 in Den Haag. Follow XI-cn.
X-eh Tona Cornelia Fokker was born on thursday 13-10-1898 in Haamstede, daughter of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Tona Cornelia is deceased on sunday 20-01-1985, 86 years years old. She was buried on friday 25-01-1985 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Tona Cornelia: Algemene Zuider Begraafplaats. Tona Cornelia married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 11-08-1922 in Haamstede to Dirk Schoenmakers, aged 27 years. Dirk was born on friday 12-07-1895 in Zierikzee. Dirk is deceased on sunday 17-05-1970 in Rotterdam, 74 years years old. He was buried on friday 22-05-1970 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Dirk: Algemene Zuiderbegraafplaats. Occupation: smid. Note re Dirk: zoon van Bartel Schoenmakers en Aaltje Hellenaard.
Children of Tona Cornelia and Dirk:
1 Bartel Nicolaas Schoenmakers (private). Bartel Nicolaas married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 29-07-1948 in Rotterdam to Willemina Jansen, aged 27 years. Willemina was born on wednesday 09-02-1921 in Rotterdam. Occupation: secretaresse Vleeskeuringsdienst. Note re Willemina: dochter van Johannes Andries Jansen en Jannetje Langerlaan.
2 Nicolaas Albert Schoenmakers, born on saturday 28-04-1928 in Rotterdam. Nicolaas Albert is deceased 02-2004 in Rotterdam, 75 years years old. Occupation: technisch hoofdambtenaar G.E.B. Rotterdam.
X-ei Lodewijk Georgeus Fokker was born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Lodewijk Georgeus is deceased on wednesday 17-01-1968 in Harderwijk, 66 years years old. He was buried on saturday 20-01-1968 in Harderwijk. Note re the death of Lodewijk Georgeus: Algemene Begraafplaats. Occupation: ambtenaar Min. van Bin. Zaken. Lodewijk Georgeus married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 03-06-1925 in Hilversum to Geertruida van der Woude, aged 21 years. Geertruida was born on friday 15-01-1904 in Hilversum. Geertruida is deceased on saturday 02-06-1979 in Harderwijk, 75 years years old. Note re Geertruida: dochter van Eize van der Woude en Suzanna Betje van der Wal.
Children of Lodewijk Georgeus and Geertruida:
1 Nicolaas Eize Fokker, born on sunday 04-04-1926 in Hilversum. Follow XI-cp.
2 Suzanna Betje Johanna Fokker (private). Suzanna Betje Johanna married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 06-05-1953 to A. Ronk.
3 Lodewijk Georgeus (Louis) Fokker, born on thursday 05-09-1935 in Poerbolinggo, Java, Ned. Indië. Louis is deceased on sunday 04-11-1945 in Banjoebiroe (kamp), Java, Ned. Indië, 10 years years old.
4 Anthonia Fokker (private). Anthonia married,at the age of 20 years, on sunday 24-04-1960 to P.W. Olthof.
5 Jelte Fokker (private). Jelte married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 07-07-1972 in Eindhoven to Jenneke Elizabeth de Jongh, aged 30 years. Jenneke Elizabeth was born on thursday 12-03-1942 in Eindhoven. Note re Jenneke Elizabeth: dochter van Andries de Jongh en Cornelia Marie van Zee.
X-ej Johannes Fokker was born on wednesday 24-02-1904 in Haamstede, son of Klaas Fokker and Johanna Beuzenberg. Johannes is deceased on monday 06-03-1967 in Gouda, 63 years years old. He was buried on friday 10-03-1967 in Gouda. Note re the death of Johannes: Algemene Begraafplaats IJsselhof. Occupation: veldwachter, papierbewerker. Johannes married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 18-09-1929 in Gouda to Neeltje Adriana Hendrika van Veen, aged 22 years. Neeltje Adriana Hendrika was born on thursday 16-05-1907 in Gouda. Neeltje Adriana Hendrika is deceased on sunday 12-08-1990 in Gouda, 83 years years old. Note re Neeltje Adriana Hendrika: dochter van Bernardus Lodewijk van Veen en Hendrika Cornelia den Hoed.
Children of Johannes and Neeltje Adriana Hendrika:
1 Johanna Hendrika Fokker (private). Johanna Hendrika married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 24-12-1952 in Gouda to Hendrik (Henk) Vlag, aged 28 years. Hendrik was born on saturday 29-03-1924 in Rotterdam. Henk is deceased on saturday 31-05-1997, 73 years years old. Note re Henk: zoon van Hendrik Vlag en Geertruida Versteeg.
2 Bernardus Lodewijk Fokker, born on wednesday 09-11-1932 in Kloetinge. Follow XI-cu.
3 Nicolaas Johannes Fokker (private). Nicolaas Johannes married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 27-07-1960 in Gouda to Wilhelmina Groenendijk, aged 21 years. Wilhelmina was born on monday 29-08-1938 in Gouda. Note re Wilhelmina: dochter van A.A. Groenendijk en W. Gouka.
X-ek Jacoba Adriana Dijkgraaf was born on wednesday 19-05-1897 in Noordgouwe, daughter of Hendrik Adrianus Dijkgraaf and Johanna Laban. Jacoba Adriana is deceased on tuesday 20-08-1985 in Vinkeveen, 88 years years old. Jacoba Adriana married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 21-03-1928 in Den Haag to Adriaan van Strien, aged 31 years. Adriaan was born on sunday 31-01-1897 in Kerkwerve,son of Bartelt van Strien and Janna Pieternella van den Bos. Adriaan is deceased on thursday 26-10-1978 in Den Haag, 81 years years old. Occupation: chauffeur, ziekencontroleur Postcheque en Girodienst.
X-el Andries Dijkgraaf was born on saturday 21-09-1901 in Noordgouwe, son of Hendrik Adrianus Dijkgraaf and Johanna Laban. Andries is deceased on tuesday 31-12-1996 in Lisse, 95 years years old. Occupation: landarbeider (bloembollen). Andries married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 13-02-1931 in Noordgouwe to Kriena Fierens, aged 24 years. Kriena was born on tuesday 29-05-1906 in Noordgouwe,daughter of Jacobus Fierens and Maatje Fokker. Kriena is deceased on sunday 21-02-1993 in Lisse, 86 years years old.
X-em Lena Willemina Boot was born on sunday 06-01-1861 in Burgh, daughter of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Lena Willemina is deceased on sunday 01-10-1899 in Vinkeveen, 38 years years old. The decease was registered on monday 02-10-1899 [source: akte 60]. Note re the death of Lena Willemina: na het overlijden van Lena wonen de kinderen sinds 01-11-1899 bij hun grootouders. Note re Lena Willemina: op 24-12-1879 als dienstbode werkzaam bij haar grootvader Willem Speelman, dan komende van Renesse, vertrekt op 28-11-1881 weer naar Renesse en op 19-07-1884 weer terug bij haar grootvader Willem als dienstbode. Lena Willemina married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 04-05-1888 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen [source: akte 13] to Arend van der Wende (Woude), aged 26 years. Arend was born on tuesday 28-01-1862 in Goedereede,son of Jan van der Wende and Jannetje Verhage. Arend is deceased on tuesday 18-09-1945 in Abcoude, 83 years years old. Address: Burgh (later verhuisd naar Amsterdam). Occupation: herbergier. Note re Arend: later getrouwd op 19-04-1901 te Vinkeveen en Waverveen met Marina Mol, 1862-1915.
Children of Lena Willemina and Arend:
1 Jan van der Wende, born in 1889. Jan is deceased in 1894, 5 years years old.
2 Cente Cornelis van der Wende, born about 1891 in Burgh. Follow XI-cw.
3 Jannetje Elisabeth van der Wende, born on tuesday 24-10-1893 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen. Follow XI-cx.
4 Jan Willem van der Wende, born about 1895 in Mijdrecht. Follow XI-cy.
5 Willem Theunis van der Wende, born on wednesday 01-09-1897 in Vinkeveen. Willem Theunis is deceased in 1899, 2 years years old.
6 Lena Willemina van der Wende, born 10-1899. Lena Willemina is deceased on tuesday 14-11-1899 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen, 1 month years old. The decease was registered on saturday 18-11-1899 [source: akte 70].
X-en Willem Centesz Boot was born on sunday 07-09-1862 in Burgh, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Note re the birth of Willem Centesz: Genlias: geboorteplaats: Noordwelle. Willem Centesz is deceased on tuesday 07-07-1936 in Noordwelle, 73 years years old. He was buried in Noordwelle. Address: (woonde in 1888 te Renesse). Occupation: landbouwer op de Wippe te Noordwelle. Willem Centesz married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 11-05-1888 in Noordwelle [source: akte 1] to Dirkje Krina van der Maas, aged 21 years. Dirkje Krina was born on sunday 07-10-1866 in Noordwelle. Dirkje Krina is deceased on monday 14-12-1931 in Noordwelle, 65 years years old. She was buried in Noordwelle. Note re Dirkje Krina: dochter van Marinus van der Maas, landbouwer, en Krina van Oeveren.
Children of Willem Centesz and Dirkje Krina:
1 Elizabeth Krina Boot, born on sunday 17-03-1889 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-cz.
2 Krina Elizabeth Boot, born on tuesday 11-02-1890 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-da.
3 Cente Marinus Boot, born on wednesday 06-05-1891 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-db.
4 Marina Maatje Boot, born on sunday 22-01-1893 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-dc.
5 Marinus Cornelis Boot, born on wednesday 18-04-1894 in Noordwelle. Marinus Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 19-07-1899 in Noordwelle, 5 years years old (cause: verdronken).
6 Cornelis Leendert Boot, born on monday 22-07-1895 in Noordwelle. Cornelis Leendert is deceased on tuesday 25-01-1898 in Noordwelle, 2 years years old.
7 Lena Jacoba Boot, born on wednesday 30-12-1896 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-dd.
X-eo Cornelis Centesz Boot was born on sunday 09-10-1864 in Burgh, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Cornelis Centesz is deceased on wednesday 06-11-1918 in Renesse, 54 years years old. Address: Renesse. Occupation: slager, landbouwer. Cornelis Centesz married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 28-04-1893 in Renesse [source: akte 3] to Cornelia van der Schelde, aged 27 years. Cornelia was born on thursday 29-06-1865 in Renesse. Cornelia is deceased on thursday 21-04-1949 in Renesse, 83 years years old. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Jakob van der Schelde (1835-1922), koopman, en Adriaantje Wesdorp (1840).
Children of Cornelis Centesz and Cornelia:
1 Machiel Cornelis Boot, born on tuesday 02-10-1894 in Renesse. Follow XI-de.
2 Jakob Adriaan Boot, born on sunday 08-11-1896 in Renesse. Follow XI-df.
X-ep Kaatje Boot was born on sunday 11-02-1866 in Renesse, daughter of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Kaatje is deceased on tuesday 15-03-1949 in Renesse, 83 years years old. She was buried in Renesse. Note re the death of Kaatje: Algemene Begraafplaats. Address: (vertrekt op 09-05-1887 naar Noordwelle en is dan in dienst bij J. de Vrieze, ze komt op 07-05-1888 weer terug en vertrekt in januari 1892 naar Middelburg). Kaatje married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 31-03-1893 in Middelburg [source: akte 25] to Andries Geelhoed, aged 39 years. Andries was born on tuesday 14-06-1853 in Renesse. The birth was registered [source: akte 12]. Andries is deceased on monday 14-03-1949 in Renesse, 95 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 5]. He was buried in Renesse. Note re the death of Andries: Algemene Begraafplaats. Occupation: werkbaas, steenbakker. Note re Andries: zoon van Johannis Geelhoed (1816-1887) en Janna van der Have (ca 1812-1900); getrouwd 12-10-1878 te Ellemeet met Dirkje van den Berge (1858-1891).
Children of Kaatje and Andries:
1 Adrie Geelhoed. Note re the birth of Adrie: tussen 1884 en 1911.
2 Eliza Cente Geelhoed, born 08-1893 in Middelburg. Eliza Cente is deceased on friday 25-08-1893 in Middelburg, 25 days years old.
3 Elizabeth Janna Geelhoed, born about 1895 in Middelburg. Follow XI-dg.
X-eq Janna Jacomina Boot was born on sunday 16-02-1868 in Renesse, daughter of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Janna Jacomina is deceased on thursday 12-06-1941 in Amsterdam, 73 years years old. Address: (vertrok in november 1893 naar Elkerzee). Janna Jacomina married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 18-10-1893 in Renesse [source: akte 6] to Johannes Stoel, aged 27 years. Johannes was born on sunday 21-01-1866 in Elkerzee. Johannes is deceased on wednesday 24-05-1939 in Amsterdam, 73 years years old. Address: Amsterdam. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Johannes: zoon van Dingeman Stoel (1827-1892) en Neeltje Verwest (1829-1893).
Children of Janna Jacomina and Johannes:
1 Elizabeth (Lies) Stoel (private). Lies started a relationship with N.N. Visser. Address: Zierikzee. Occupation: huisarts.
2 zoon Stoel, son,born death on thursday 06-05-1897 in Elkerzee.
X-er Leendert Centesz Boot was born on monday 04-07-1870 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Leendert Centesz is deceased on monday 29-12-1958 in Scharendijke, 88 years years old. He was buried in Scharendijke. Address: from 02-1897 Middelburg. Occupation: veldwachter, politieagent. Leendert Centesz married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 28-04-1897 in Haamstede [source: akte 2] to Henderieka Evertse, aged 23 years. Henderieka was born on saturday 24-01-1874 in Haamstede,daughter of Paulus Evertse and Adriaantje (Adriana) Kwant. She was baptized on sunday 01-03-1874 in Haamstede [source: Doopboek]. Henderieka is deceased on saturday 21-08-1948 in Elkerzee, 74 years years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 6]. She was buried in Scharendijke. Occupation: dienstbode.
Children of Leendert Centesz and Henderieka:
1 Elizabeth Adriana Boot, born on sunday 28-08-1898 in Kerkwerve. Follow XI-di.
2 Adriana Elizabeth Boot, born on sunday 11-03-1900 in Kerkwerve. Follow XI-dj.
3 Leendert Hendrik Boot, born on sunday 11-02-1906 in Kerkwerve. Leendert Hendrik is deceased on thursday 15-02-1906 in Kerkwerve, 4 days years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 2].
4 Centina Paulina Boot, born on thursday 09-04-1908 in Kerkwerve. Follow XI-dk.
5 zoon Boot, son,born death on saturday 06-07-1918 in Kerkwerve.
X-es Job Centesz Boot was born on friday 22-12-1871 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Job Centesz is deceased on sunday 11-02-1968 in Haamstede, 96 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Note re the death of Job Centesz: Begraafplaats Vredehof. Address: Renesse. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Job Centesz: verhuisde in juni 1895 naar Elkerzee en kwam in november 1895 weer terug naar Renesse, in maart 1900 vertrok hij naar Haamstede, woonde en boerde aldaar op de hoeve "De Schouwse Boer", waar zijn oudste dochter Elizabeth Marina werd geboren. Deze hoeve is nu Hotel "De Schouwse Boer". Later woonde en rentenierde hij in de Vertonsweg. Job Centesz married,at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 07-02-1900 in Ellemeet [source: akte 1] to Anna Jacoba den Boer, aged 24 years. Anna Jacoba was born on wednesday 18-08-1875 in Ellemeet. Anna Jacoba is deceased on thursday 18-12-1958 in Haamstede, 83 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede. Note re the death of Anna Jacoba: Begraafplaats Vredehof. Note re Anna Jacoba: dochter van Iman den Boer (1838), landbouwer, en Marina Kosten (1847).
Children of Job Centesz and Anna Jacoba:
1 Elizabeth Marina Boot, born on wednesday 15-08-1900 in Haamstede. Follow XI-dl.
2 Marina Elizabeth Boot, born on sunday 25-05-1902 in Haamstede. Follow XI-dm.
3 Cente Iman Boot, born on wednesday 06-01-1904 in Haamstede. Follow XI-dn.
4 Iman Cente Boot, born on sunday 04-06-1905 in Haamstede. Follow XI-do.
5 Lena Wilhelmina Boot, born on saturday 09-02-1907 in Haamstede. Lena Wilhelmina is deceased on friday 15-04-1994 in Haamstede, 87 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede. Address: Haamstede.
6 Toontje Jobina Boot, born on sunday 21-02-1909 in Haamstede. Follow XI-dp.
7 Jobina Anna Jacoba Boot, born on monday 24-02-1913 in Haamstede. Follow XI-dq.
X-et Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz Boot was born on friday 06-06-1873 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz is deceased on thursday 29-04-1948 in Rotterdam, 74 years years old. Address: (vertrok in maart 1895 naar Uithoorn en keerde in augustus 1898 van Nieuwer-Amstel weer terug naar Renesse. In november 1898 verhuisde hij met zijn gezin naar Serooskerke. Later woonde het gezin onder meer te Schiebroek en Hillegersberg (gemeente Rotterdam) aan de Kleiweg 70b, later vernummerd tot 89b). Occupation: slager. Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 12-02-1897 in Vinkeveen [source: akte 6] to Leuntje Maria van der Wende (Woude), aged 22 years. Leuntje Maria was born on tuesday 06-10-1874 in Winkel,daughter of Jan van der Wende and Jannetje Verhage. Leuntje Maria is deceased on wednesday 06-05-1959 in Rotterdam, 84 years years old.
Children of Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz and Leuntje Maria:
1 Elisabeth Lena Boot, born on saturday 16-04-1898 in Nieuwer-Amstel. Follow XI-dr.
2 Jan Boot, born 02-1899 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Jan is deceased on thursday 27-04-1899 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, 2 months years old.
3 Jan Boot, born on friday 13-04-1900 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Follow XI-ds.
4 Willem Arend Cente Boot, born on sunday 03-11-1907 in Rotterdam. Follow XI-dt.
X-eu Elieza Centesz Boot was born on thursday 09-11-1876 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Elieza Centesz is deceased on tuesday 19-05-1964 in Zierikzee, 87 years years old. He was buried in Renesse. Address: Renesse. Occupation: landbouwer. Elieza Centesz married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 25-10-1907 in Renesse [source: akte 8] to Toontje Verboom, aged 26 years. Toontje was born on friday 07-01-1881 in Noordgouwe. Toontje is deceased on monday 14-02-1955 in Renesse, 74 years years old. She was buried in Renesse. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Toontje: dochter van Willem Verboom, landbouwer, en Tona Janse.
Children of Elieza Centesz and Toontje:
1 zoon Boot, son,born death on tuesday 16-03-1909 in Renesse.
2 Willem Tonus Boot, born on wednesday 15-06-1910 in Renesse. Note re the birth of Willem Tonus: 15-01-1910?. Willem Tonus is deceased on tuesday 17-11-1914 in Noordgouwe, 4 years years old.
3 Cente Cornelis Eliezasz Boot, born on thursday 19-10-1911 in Renesse. Follow XI-du.
4 Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina (Liesbeth) Boot, born on monday 14-12-1914 in Renesse. Follow XI-dv.
5 Tona Wilhelmina Cornelia (Toos) Boot (private). Toos married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 12-12-1939 in Renesse to Pieter Manni, aged 27 years. Pieter was born on monday 11-11-1912 in Zierikzee. Occupation: landarbeider.
6 Cornelis Willem Boot, born on thursday 28-08-1919 in Renesse. Cornelis Willem is deceased on sunday 07-09-1919 in Renesse, 10 days years old.
7 Cornelis Willem (Cor) Boot, born on thursday 06-04-1922 in Renesse. Follow XI-dx.
8 Cornelia (Dana) Boot (private). Cornelia (Dana) married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 25-02-1944 in Renesse to Klaas Jan Goedbloed, aged 24 years. The marriage was dissolved (echtscheiding). Note re the marriage: 25-02-1945?.Klaas Jan was born on friday 19-12-1919. Address: Zierikzee. Occupation: eigenaar autogaragebedrijf.
X-ev Cente Centesz Boot was born on friday 12-07-1878 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Cente Centesz is deceased in 1916, 38 years years old. Address: Amsterdam. Occupation: groentenkweker. Note re Cente Centesz: vertrok in mei 1901 naar Ouder-Amstel. Cente Centesz married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 14-06-1906 in Watergraafsmeer to Maria Catharina van Wijngaarden, aged 30 years. Maria Catharina was born in 1876 in Nieuwer-Amstel. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Goris van Wijngaarden en Maria Catharina Lunstroo.
Children of Cente Centesz and Maria Catharina:
1 Willem Cente Boot (private).
2 Maria Catharina Boot (private).
3 Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina Boot (private).
4 Goris Boot, born on wednesday 18-11-1914 in Ouder-Amstel. Follow XI-dz.
X-ew Machiel Cornelis Centesz Boot was born on friday 12-12-1879 in Renesse, son of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Machiel Cornelis Centesz is deceased on monday 25-04-1977 in Haamstede, 97 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Address: (woonde onder meer te Serooskerke in de 2e inlaag en na 1955 te Haamstede aan de Kloosterweg). Occupation: landbouwer. Machiel Cornelis Centesz married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 06-03-1908 in Renesse [source: akte 1] to Janna van den Hoek, aged 23 years. Janna was born on monday 09-02-1885 in Kerkwerve,daughter of Gerrit van den Hoek and Johanna Tuinman. Janna is deceased on monday 11-12-1961 in Haamstede, 76 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede.
Children of Machiel Cornelis Centesz and Janna:
1 Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina Boot, born on sunday 18-04-1909 in Renesse. Follow XI-ea.
2 Johanna Maatje Boot, born on tuesday 03-01-1911 in Renesse. Follow XI-eb.
3 Cente Cornelis Boot, born on monday 07-10-1912 in Renesse. Note re the birth of Cente Cornelis: 07-10-1913?. Cente Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 12-01-1965 in Tilburg, 52 years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Cente Cornelis remained unmarried.
4 Gerritje Neeltje Boot, born on wednesday 06-01-1915 in Renesse. Gerritje Neeltje is deceased on saturday 10-09-2011 in Haamstede, 96 years old. She is buried on wednesday 14-09-2011 in Burgh-Haamstede.
(1) married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 31-05-1940 in Renesse to Jacobus van der Pol, aged 31 years. Jacobus was born on sunday 31-01-1909. Jacobus is deceased on tuesday 28-04-1970, 61 years years old. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Adriaan van der Pol en Dina van Eenennaam.
(2) relation, at the age of at least 55 years, after 1970 with Maarten van Oosterom.
5 Willem Jan Boot, born on thursday 15-11-1917 in Renesse. Willem Jan is deceased on sunday 08-09-1918 in Renesse, 9 months years old.
6 Cornelis Jan Boot, born on tuesday 03-02-1920 in Renesse. Follow XI-ed.
X-ex Jacomijntje Jacoba Boot was born on saturday 23-09-1882 in Renesse, daughter of Cente Cornelisz Boot and Elisabeth Lena Speelman. Jacomijntje Jacoba is deceased on saturday 21-06-1975 in Goes, 92 years years old. She was buried in Renesse. Address: (in oktober 1896 vertrokken naar Nieuwer-Amstel en in juni 1898 teruggekeerd naar Renesse). Jacomijntje Jacoba married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 10-05-1907 in Renesse [source: akte 6] to Govert Marinus de Vrieze, aged 29 years. Govert Marinus was born on saturday 09-06-1877 in Noordwelle. Govert Marinus is deceased on wednesday 19-11-1930 in Noordwelle, 53 years years old. Address: Renesse. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Govert Marinus: zoon van Jan de Vrieze (1848-1924), landbouwer, en Jannetje Schoof (1852-1933).
Children of Jacomijntje Jacoba and Govert Marinus:
1 Jan Cente Willem de Vrieze, born on sunday 17-05-1908 in Noordwelle. Follow XI-ee.
2 Elizabeth J.C. de Vrieze (private). Elizabeth J.C. married to M.C. Geleijnse.
X-ey Willem Speelman was born on sunday 30-08-1863 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas Speelman and Neeltje de Glopper. Willem is deceased on sunday 21-03-1937 in Burgh, 73 years years old. Willem married,at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 10-10-1894 in Burgh [source: akte 7] to Martina van Burgh, aged 39 years. Martina was born on wednesday 05-09-1855 in Haamstede,daughter of Adriaan van Burgh and Janna Beneker. Note re Martina: weduwe van Jozias Zomer.
X-ez Job Adriaan Speelman was born on thursday 09-08-1866 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas Speelman and Neeltje de Glopper. Job Adriaan is deceased on sunday 13-10-1946 in Burgh, 80 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Job Adriaan:
(1) married,at the age of 32 years, on friday 02-12-1898 in Burgh [source: akte 4] to Maria Jacoba Beije, aged 28 years. Maria Jacoba was born on thursday 10-11-1870 in Burgh. Maria Jacoba is deceased on friday 20-12-1907 in Burgh, 37 years years old. Note re Maria Jacoba: dochter van Job Beije en Dina Rens.
(2) married,at the age of 43 years, on friday 20-08-1909 in Burgh [source: akte 5] to Adriana Remeeus, aged about 23 years. Adriana was born about 1886 in Ouwerkerk. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Adriana: dochter van Willem Remeeus en Willemina (Wilhelmina) Minne.
X-fa Leendert Johannes Speelman was born about 1869 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas Speelman and Neeltje de Glopper. Leendert Johannes married,at the age of about 23 years, on wednesday 16-03-1892 in Wissenkerke [source: akte 6] to Cornelia Johanna Vendeville, aged about 22 years. Cornelia Johanna was born about 1870 in Wissenkerke. Note re Cornelia Johanna: dochter van Marinus Vanus Vendeville en Rachel van Es.
X-fb Machiel Speelman was born about 1875 in Renesse, son of Nicolaas Speelman and Neeltje de Glopper. Machiel married,at the age of about 28 years, on thursday 01-10-1903 in Tholen [source: akte 21] to Adriana Cornelia Deurloo, aged about 32 years. Adriana Cornelia was born about 1871 in Tholen. Note re Adriana Cornelia: dochter van Marinus Cornelis Deurloo en Anna Lourina Carnoelje.
X-fc Lena Janna Speelman was born about 1880 in Haamstede, daughter of Nicolaas Speelman and Neeltje de Glopper. Lena Janna married,at the age of about 22 years, on friday 01-08-1902 in Burgh [source: akte 7] to Jan Diederik Sander Elisa van Drongelen, aged about 59 years. Jan Diederik Sander Elisa was born about 1843 in Ter Aar. Note re Jan Diederik Sander Elisa: zoon van Izaak Jan van Drongelen en Josephine Marine Angelique Lasserre, weduwnaar van Maartje Sirijna Johanna Piek.
X-fd Nicolaas van de Zande was born on tuesday 18-11-1873 in Burgh, son of Leendert van de Zande and Kaatje Speelman. Occupation: smid. Nicolaas married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 25-01-1899 in Noordwelle to Neeltje Beije, aged 21 years. Neeltje was born on wednesday 23-01-1878 in Kerkwerve.
X-fe Kaatje van de Zande was born on wednesday 14-07-1880 in Burgh, daughter of Leendert van de Zande and Kaatje Speelman. Kaatje married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 17-04-1901 in Burgh to Cornelis Jacobus Simmers, aged about 24 years. Cornelis Jacobus was born about 1877 in Burgh. Occupation: slager.
X-ff Arie van de Zande was born on thursday 29-12-1881 in Burgh, son of Leendert van de Zande and Kaatje Speelman. Arie is deceased on friday 26-05-1933 in Burgh, 51 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Arie married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 17-04-1907 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Janna Willemina Dalebout, aged 21 years. Janna Willemina was born on thursday 21-01-1886 in Ellemeet,daughter of Adriaan Dalebout and Martijna (Martina) Boot. Note re the birth of Janna Willemina: Janna Martina?. Janna Willemina is deceased on tuesday 05-12-1967 in Westenschouwen, 81 years years old.
Children of Arie and Janna Willemina:
1 Leendert Adriaan van de Zande (private).
2 Adriaan Willem van de Zande (private).
3 Kaatje Martina van de Zande (private).
4 Martinus Cente van de Zande, born on wednesday 19-02-1913 in Burgh. Martinus Cente is deceased on wednesday 02-08-1916, 3 years years old.
5 Willem Pieter van de Zande (private).
6 Martinus van de Zande (private).
7 Cente van de Zande (private).
8 Aaltje Pieternella van de Zande (private).
9 Nico van de Zande (private).
10 Pieter van de Zande, born on friday 31-01-1930 in Burgh. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 15-07-1931, 1 year years old.
X-fg Janna van de Zande was born on thursday 29-12-1881 in Burgh, daughter of Leendert van de Zande and Kaatje Speelman. Janna is deceased on tuesday 15-05-1973 in Poortvliet, 91 years years old. She was buried in Tholen. Janna married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 20-03-1903 in Burgh [source: akte 3] to Thonis Jansz Boot, aged 28 years. Thonis Jansz was born on monday 15-02-1875 in Burgh,son of Jan Bartelsz Boot and Maatje van der Klooster. Thonis Jansz is deceased on wednesday 19-09-1945 in Tholen, 70 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landbouwer op de ´Irenehoeve´ te Westenschouwen en op ´Bouwlust´ te Tholen. Note re Thonis Jansz: verhuisde op 23-06-1904 van Burgh naar Haamstede en keerde op 10-05-1905 weer terug naar Burgh. Hij kocht toen van zijn neef Johannes Bartelsz. Boot een huis en bos en noemde dit 'Irene'. Op 03-03-1919 verhuisde hij met zijn gezin naar Tholen en verkocht toen de 'Irenehoeve' aan zijn broer Pieter Jansz. Boot.
Children of Janna and Thonis Jansz:
1 Jan Leendert Boot, born on tuesday 15-09-1903 in Burgh. Jan Leendert is deceased on tuesday 16-02-1993 in Tholen, 89 years years old. He was buried on friday 19-02-1993 in Tholen. Occupation: tot 1962 boer op "Bouwlust", daarna verkocht hij de boerderij. Jan Leendert remained unmarried.
2 Leendert Jan Boot, born on tuesday 18-02-1908 in Burgh. Follow XI-eg.
3 Marius Boot, born on tuesday 10-01-1911 in Burgh. Follow XI-eh.
4 Catharina (Kaatje) Boot (private). Kaatje married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 08-08-1940 in Tholen to Nicolaas Pieter van Nieuwenhuijzen, aged 38 years. Nicolaas Pieter was born on friday 24-01-1902 in Dinteloord. Nicolaas Pieter is deceased on tuesday 26-01-1965 in Dinteloord, 63 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Nicolaas Pieter: zoon van Pieter van Nieuwenhuijzen (1871), landbouwer, en Maria Vogelaar (1877).
5 Maatje Elizabeth Boot, born on friday 06-08-1920 in Tholen. Follow XI-ej.
X-fh Nicolaas Slaager was born on wednesday 08-10-1890 in Haamstede, son of Marinus Slaager and Leijna Pieternella Geleijnse. Note re Nicolaas: Tr. 3-05-1918 te Burgh Maatje Slaager [3863], geboren 2-12-1894 te Burgh, dochter van Abraham Slaager [3864] en Johanna Hendrika de Glopper [3865]. Nicolaas married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 03-05-1918 in Burgh [source: bron: akte 3] to Maatje Slaager, aged 23 years. Maatje was born on sunday 02-12-1894 in Burgh,daughter of Abraham Slaager and Johanna Hendrika de Glopper.
X-fi Klara (Clara) de Glopper was born on sunday 28-09-1873 in Burgh, daughter of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Klara (Clara) is deceased on saturday 18-02-1922 in Noordgouwe, 48 years years old. Klara (Clara) married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 07-10-1899 in Burgh [source: akte 8] to Willem Cornelis van Burgh, aged 36 years. Willem Cornelis was born on sunday 11-01-1863 in Haamstede,son of Adriaan van Burgh and Janna Beneker. Note re the birth of Willem Cornelis: Burgh?. Willem Cornelis is deceased on saturday 04-11-1939 in Haarlem, 76 years years old. Occupation: slager.
X-fj Maria de Glopper was born on friday 05-10-1877 in Burgh, daughter of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Maria is deceased on tuesday 16-01-1940 in Burgh, 62 years years old. Maria married,at the age of 33 years, on saturday 10-06-1911 in Burgh [source: akte 3] to Willem de Jonge, aged 38 years. Willem was born on monday 10-03-1873 in Ellemeet. Willem is deceased on tuesday 14-07-1964 in Haamstede, 91 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Willem: zoon van Pieter Marinus de Jonge en Aaltje Lindenhoven.
X-fk Job de Glopper was born on wednesday 05-02-1879 in Burgh, son of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Job is deceased on monday 01-06-1964 in Amsterdam, 85 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Job married,at the age of 42 years, on wednesday 09-02-1921 in Burgh [source: akte 1] to Janna Zoeter, aged 37 years. Janna was born on tuesday 17-07-1883 in Oosterland. Janna is deceased on friday 22-05-1936 in Haamstede, 52 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Janna: dochter van Jakob Zoeter en Jannetje Willemina Vijverberg.
X-fl Johannes de Glopper was born on tuesday 18-03-1884 in Burgh, son of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Occupation: landbouwersknecht. Johannes married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 11-06-1913 in Burgh [source: akte 4] to Grietje Marina Smalheer, aged 26 years. Grietje Marina was born on saturday 19-02-1887 in Burgh,daughter of Cornelis Smalheer and Cornelia Lemsom.
Child of Johannes and Grietje Marina:
1 Cornelis Abraham de Glopper (private). Cornelis Abraham married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 10-10-1940 in Haamstede to Clementina Fokker, aged 26 years. Clementina was born on sunday 01-02-1914 in Haamstede,daughter of Dirk Fokker and Lena Stouten. Clementina is deceased on friday 06-08-1999, 85 years years old.
X-fm Maatje de Glopper was born on monday 14-09-1891 in Burgh, daughter of Abraham de Glopper and Grietje Fokker. Maatje married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 30-05-1919 in Burgh [source: akte 2] to Krijn Cornelis van der Weel, aged 28 years. Krijn Cornelis was born on friday 01-08-1890 in Burgh,son of Adrianus van der Weel and Maria van Vessem. Occupation: veldarbeider.
X-fn Liliian van Essendelft was born on monday 04-12-1911 in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Jacobus van Assendelft and Nellie Tucker. Liliian is deceased on monday 18-09-1989 in Miami, Florida, U.S.A., 77 years years old. Liliian married in West Sayville, Suffolk, New York, U.S.A. to Paul Lettieri. Paul was born on friday 23-11-1906. Paul is deceased on wednesday 04-04-1973, 66 years years old.
X-fo Martha Serena Johanna Fokker was born on wednesday 20-05-1896 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika, daughter of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Martha Serena Johanna is deceased on monday 08-10-1984 in Haamstede, 88 years years old. Martha Serena Johanna married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 28-12-1921 in Burgh [source: akte 7] to Machiel Blom, aged 28 years. Note re the marriage: bruid kan wegens ontbreken B.S. in Zuid-Afrika geen geboorteakte overleggen.Machiel was born on thursday 21-12-1893 in Haamstede,son of Leendert Johannis Blom and Thona (Tona) Boot. Machiel is deceased on monday 08-08-1955 in Haamstede, 61 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, hulp-strandvonder.
Child of Martha Serena Johanna and Machiel:
1 Leendert Janus Blom, born on thursday 07-02-1924 in Haamstede. Follow XI-el.
X-fp Johanna Wilhelmina Fokker was born on wednesday 16-06-1897 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika, daughter of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Johanna Wilhelmina is deceased on monday 04-06-1990 in Hillegom, 92 years years old. Johanna Wilhelmina married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 05-09-1919 in Bindjey, Sumatra, Ned. Indië to Sijbe Auke de Graaf, aged 25 years. Sijbe Auke was born on sunday 27-05-1894 in Terneuzen. Sijbe Auke is deceased on saturday 10-08-1968 in Haarlem, 74 years years old. Occupation: hoofdcontroleur Schade-Enquete Commissie. Note re Sijbe Auke: zoon van Sijbe de Graaf en Adriana Helena Poelman.
Child of Johanna Wilhelmina and Sijbe Auke:
1 Truus de Graaf (private). Truus married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 19-02-1949 to J.W. Schimmel.
X-fq Marinus Leonardus Jan Fokker was born on thursday 07-06-1900 in Harrijsmith, Zuid-Afrika, son of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Marinus Leonardus Jan is deceased on friday 18-04-1969 in Zierikzee, 68 years years old. Occupation: hoofdassistent Deli Mij, landbouwer. Marinus Leonardus Jan married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 21-01-1931 in Zierikzee to Elizabeth Jacoba de Oude, aged 21 years. Elizabeth Jacoba was born on wednesday 07-07-1909 in Noordwelle,daughter of Adriaan Cornelis de Oude and Toontje Maria Gast.
Child of Marinus Leonardus Jan and Elizabeth Jacoba:
1 Jannetta Andrea Fokker (private). Jannetta Andrea married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 10-08-1968 in Burgh to David Whitson Scott Dunlop.
X-fr Jannetta Hendrika Fokker was born on wednesday 06-08-1902 in Burgh, daughter of Janus Fokker and Trijntje (Treusie) van Klootwijk. Jannetta Hendrika is deceased on thursday 11-05-1995 in Goes, 92 years years old. She was buried in Middelburg. Jannetta Hendrika married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 22-08-1924 in Burgh to Bartel Thonis Boot, aged 24 years. Bartel Thonis was born on friday 05-01-1900 in Burgh,son of Cornelis Willem Bartelsz Boot and Maria Johanna van Zuijen. Bartel Thonis is deceased on sunday 20-03-1949 in Noordgouwe, 49 years years old. Occupation: ambtenaar ter secretarie, bloembollenkweker.
X-fs Sara Elisabeth Bakker was born in 1887 in Utrecht, daughter of Izak Daniel Bakker and Berbara Fokker. Sara Elisabeth married,at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 06-11-1918 in Zaandam to Bauke Piebe Zoethout, aged 44 years. Bauke Piebe was born on saturday 13-12-1873 in Wymbritseradeel. Occupation: rijkswerkman. Note re Bauke Piebe: zoon van Johannes Petrus Zoethout en Grietje de Jong, weduwnaar van Trijntje Houx de Grandcourt.
X-ft Marinus Bakker was born in 1889 in Utrecht, son of Izak Daniel Bakker and Berbara Fokker. Marinus married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 20-11-1912 in Utrecht to Johanna Rumbrink, aged 21 years. Johanna was born in 1891 in Utrecht. Note re Johanna: dochter van Bernardus Johannes Rumbrink en Johanna Elisabeth de Winter.
X-fu Johanna Wilhelmina Bakker was born in 1895 in Utrecht, daughter of Izak Daniel Bakker and Berbara Fokker. Johanna Wilhelmina married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 20-05-1914 in Utrecht to Cornelis Johannes van Hal. Note re Cornelis Johannes: zoon van Hendrik Jan van Hal en Margaretha Cornelia Klaare.
X-fv Johanna Wilhelmina Bastiaanse was born on wednesday 05-04-1893 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, daughter of Jacobus Bastiaanse and Dirkje Fokker. Johanna Wilhelmina married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 10-05-1916 in Kerkwerve to Marinus Leendert Hendrikse, aged 24 years. Marinus Leendert was born on wednesday 12-08-1891 in Kerkwerve. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Marinus Leendert: zoon van Nicolaas Pieter Hendrikse en Marina Evertse.
X-fw Leendert Boslooper was born on saturday 22-12-1900 in Renesse, son of Leenderd Boslooper and Adriaantje Fokker. Occupation: bakker. Leendert married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 02-11-1921 in Wissenkerke to Adriana Maatje Elenbaas, aged 20 years. Adriana Maatje was born in 1901 in Wissenkerke. Note re Adriana Maatje: dochter van Cornelis Jacob Elenbaas en Adriana Stoutjesdijk.
X-fx Adriaantje Fokker was born on tuesday 09-11-1886 in Haamstede, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Neeltje Pieternella Geleijnse. Adriaantje is deceased on saturday 15-02-1958 in Haarlem, 71 years years old. Adriaantje married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 22-11-1907 in Haamstede to Cornelis Verton, aged 22 years. Cornelis was born on sunday 26-07-1885 in Mijdrecht,son of Jozias Verton and Debora Roos. Cornelis is deceased on saturday 03-09-1966 in Haarlem, 81 years years old. Occupation: petroleumventer.
Children of Adriaantje and Cornelis:
1 Jozias Verton (private).
2 Dirk Verton (private).
3 Cornelis Adriaan Verton (private).
4 Adriana Maria Verton (private). Adriana Maria married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 12-11-1941 in Haarlemmermeer to A.J. Schaap.
5 Adriaan Cornelis Verton (private). Adriaan Cornelis started a relationship with T. Koelemij.
X-fy Willem Clement Fokker was born on monday 10-02-1896 in Haamstede, son of Dirk Fokker and Neeltje Pieternella Geleijnse. Willem Clement is deceased on saturday 25-09-1943 in Haamstede, 47 years years old. Occupation: manufacturier. Willem Clement married,at the age of 21 years, on saturday 09-02-1918 in Haamstede to Cornelia Jacoba Straaijer, aged 23 years. Cornelia Jacoba was born on monday 13-08-1894 in Burgh,daughter of Pieter Straaijer and Anna Magdalena Dijkgraaf. Cornelia Jacoba is deceased on tuesday 16-05-1989 in Haamstede, 94 years years old.
Children of Willem Clement and Cornelia Jacoba:
1 Neeltje Magdalena Fokker (private). Neeltje Magdalena married to Jacob den Haan.
2 Lena Magdalena Fokker (private). Lena Magdalena married to T. Geurtsen.
X-fz Catharina Fokker was born on wednesday 07-09-1910 in Haamstede, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Lena Stouten. Catharina is deceased on sunday 04-06-1972 in Rotterdam, 61 years years old. Catharina married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 01-03-1935 in Haamstede to Marinus Dane, aged 23 years. Marinus was born on friday 28-04-1911 in Oosterland. Marinus is deceased on saturday 17-06-2000 in Oosterland, 89 years years old. Occupation: brandweer commandant gemeente Duiveland.
X-gb Clementina Fokker was born on sunday 01-02-1914 in Haamstede, daughter of Dirk Fokker and Lena Stouten. Clementina is deceased on friday 06-08-1999, 85 years years old. Clementina:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 10-10-1940 in Haamstede to Cornelis Abraham de Glopper, aged 25 years. Cornelis Abraham was born on friday 16-07-1915 in Haamstede,son of Johannes de Glopper and Grietje Marina Smalheer.
(2) married,at the age of 44 years, on thursday 13-02-1958 in Rotterdam to Gijsbertus Roestenburg, aged 45 years. Gijsbertus was born on monday 01-07-1912 in Rotterdam. Gijsbertus is deceased on monday 06-11-1995 in Zierikzee, 83 years years old.
X-gc Johanna Adriana Fokker was born on thursday 11-12-1902 in Uden, daughter of Cornelis Fokker and Dellefiena van der Velden. Johanna Adriana married,at the age of 18 years, on monday 14-03-1921 in Geldrop to Johannes Jacobus Nuchelmans, aged 30 years. Johannes Jacobus was born on saturday 28-02-1891 in Breda. Note re Johannes Jacobus: zoon van Antoon Hubert Nuchelmans en Johanna Catharina Buis.
Child of Johanna Adriana and Johannes Jacobus:
1 Cornelis Johannes Nuchelmans (private). Cornelis Johannes married to Theodora Maria Dora Corstjens.
X-gd Willemina Dorreman was born on friday 11-07-1890 in Renesse, daughter of Leendert Dorreman and Tona Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Willemina married,at the age of 23 years, on monday 18-05-1914 in Renesse to Cornelis Marinus Evertse, aged 26 years. Cornelis Marinus was born on thursday 02-02-1888 in Renesse. Occupation: slachter. Note re Cornelis Marinus: zoon van Leendert Evertse en Willemijntje Houtman.
X-ge Cornelia Johanna Dorreman was born on monday 02-01-1893 in Renesse, daughter of Leendert Dorreman and Tona Fokker. Occupation: dienstbode. Cornelia Johanna married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 21-04-1916 in Renesse to Jan Viergever, aged 22 years. Jan was born on friday 06-04-1894 in Noordwelle. Jan is deceased on saturday 19-04-1980, 86 years years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Viergever en Kaatje de Vos.
X-gf Dirk Cornelis Fokker was born on saturday 17-09-1904 in Heinkenszand, son of Adriaan Fokker and Kriena Evertse. Dirk Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 23-04-1968 in Bloemfontein, Zuid-Afrika, 63 years years old. He was buried in Ladybrand, Zuid-Afrika. Occupation: onderwijzer. Dirk Cornelis married,at the age of 26 years, on thursday 15-01-1931 in Heinkenszand to Wilhelmina Pieternella Mallekoote, aged 23 years. Wilhelmina Pieternella was born on saturday 25-05-1907 in Heinkenszand. Wilhelmina Pieternella is deceased on monday 14-02-1994 in Vanderbijlpark, Zuid-Afrika, 86 years years old. She was buried in Ladybrand, Zuid-Afrika. Note re Wilhelmina Pieternella: dochter van Adriaan Mallekoote en Cornelia Hooze.
Children of Dirk Cornelis and Wilhelmina Pieternella:
1 Adriaan Cornelis Fokker (private). Adriaan Cornelis married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 28-03-1959 in Vanderbijlpark, Zuid-Afrika to Christina Magdalena Viljoen, aged 21 years. Christina Magdalena was born on friday 10-09-1937 in Heilbron, Zuid-Afrika. Note re Christina Magdalena: dochter van Jozua Jakobus Viljoen en Johanna Catharina Swart.
2 Dirk Willem Fokker (private). Dirk Willem married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 19-10-1974 in Pretoria, Gauteng, Zuid-Afrika to Margaretha Isabella Combrink, aged 29 years. Margaretha Isabella was born on monday 05-02-1945 in Boksburg, Zuid-Afrika. Note re Margaretha Isabella: dochter van Christiaan Ernst Viljoen Combrink en Maria Cornelia le Roux.
X-gg Janna Geleijnse was born on thursday 15-09-1887 in Zierikzee, daughter of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Janna is deceased on saturday 28-09-1946 in Nieuwerkerk, 59 years years old. Janna:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 24-05-1912 in Zierikzee [source: akte 17] to Johannis Willem Uijl, aged 34 years. Johannis Willem was born on tuesday 26-03-1878 in Poortvliet. Occupation: houtbewerker. Note re Johannis Willem: zoon van Kornelis Uijl en Maria Cornelia Uijl.
(2) married,at the age of 33 years, on wednesday 07-09-1921 in Rotterdam [source: akte m130v] to Gerardus Mol, aged 34 years. Gerardus was born on thursday 28-04-1887 in Zonnemaire,son of Marinus Mol and Willemina Maria Feijtel.
X-gh Wilhelmina Pieternella Geleijnse was born on saturday 12-03-1892 in Zierikzee, daughter of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Wilhelmina Pieternella is deceased on monday 03-03-1930 in Kapelle, 37 years years old. Wilhelmina Pieternella married,at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 18-01-1922 in Rotterdam [source: akte a51v] to Frederik Bastiaan Kooijman, aged 24 years. Frederik Bastiaan was born on wednesday 29-12-1897 in Rotterdam. Occupation: handelsreiziger. Note re Frederik Bastiaan: zoon van Eldert Kooijmans en Wilhelmina Margrita van Beveren.
X-gi Maarten Geleijnse was born on friday 17-03-1893 in Zierikzee, son of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Occupation: timmermansleerling, parketvloerder, zendingspredikant te Celebes, predikant te Hilversum. Maarten married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 22-08-1917 in Rotterdam [source: akte n30v] to Lena Cornelia van As, aged 27 years. Lena Cornelia was born on monday 03-03-1890 in Zierikzee. Note re Lena Cornelia: dochter van Abraham van As en Cornelia Brouwer.
X-gj Nicolaas Johannes Geleijnse was born on sunday 29-05-1898 in Zierikzee, son of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Occupation: broodslijter, machinebankwerker. Nicolaas Johannes married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 13-11-1918 in Rotterdam [source: akte v13] to Elizabeth van Lieshout, aged 19 years. Elizabeth was born on saturday 04-02-1899 in Rotterdam. Elizabeth is deceased on tuesday 14-09-1954 in Rotterdam, 55 years years old. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Cornelis Franciscus van Lieshout en Elisabeth Meijvogel.
X-gk Neeltje Geleijnse was born on wednesday 09-10-1901 in Zierikzee, daughter of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Neeltje:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 08-10-1924 in Rotterdam [source: akte l84v] to Cornelis Gijzen, aged 22 years. Cornelis was born on wednesday 08-10-1902 in Rotterdam. Cornelis is deceased on sunday 22-10-1933, 31 years years old. Occupation: ambtenaar bij het GEB. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Cornelis Gijzen en Helena Stomp.
(2) married,at the age of at least 32 years, after 1933 in Rotterdam to Stoffel Johannes bij de Vaate, aged at least 49 years. Stoffel Johannes was born on tuesday 01-01-1884 in Zierikzee,son of Leendert bij de Vaate and Lena Boot. Stoffel Johannes is deceased on wednesday 10-12-1969, 85 years years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landbouwer.
X-gl Pieternella Lina Geleijnse was born on friday 10-03-1905 in Zierikzee, daughter of Johannis Geleijnse and Pieternella Lena Boot. Pieternella Lina is deceased on sunday 06-05-1984 in Apeldoorn, 79 years years old. Pieternella Lina married,at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 27-03-1929 in Rotterdam to Jacobus Dijkgraaf, aged 23 years. The marriage was dissolved on tuesday 17-02-1948. Jacobus was born on wednesday 24-05-1905 in Rotterdam. Jacobus is deceased on wednesday 08-09-1982 in Rotterdam, 77 years years old. Occupation: bankwerker, stoker Rijkswerkplaats, hulpagent van politie.
Children of Pieternella Lina and Jacobus:
1 Marinus Jacob Dijkgraaf (private).
2 Johannes Dijkgraaf (private).
3 Jacobus Dijkgraaf (private).
4 Clement Dijkgraaf (private).
X-gm Marina Fokker was born on saturday 11-09-1897 in Haamstede, daughter of Lijna Pieternella Jacoba Fokker. Note re the birth of Marina: voorhuwelijks kind. Marina is deceased on wednesday 26-02-1986 in Zierikzee, 88 years years old. Marina married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 10-10-1919 in Haamstede to Pieter Konstant Dalebout, aged 26 years. Pieter Konstant was born on friday 09-06-1893 in Elkerzee. Occupation: fruitkweker. Note re Pieter Konstant: zoon van Jan Dalebout en Dina Jacoba van den Houten.
XI-b Herman Fokker was born on thursday 10-03-1921 in Leiden, son of Herman Fokker and Petronella Maria Boele. Herman is deceased on thursday 23-08-2001 in Capelle aan den IJssel, 80 years years old. Occupation: werktuigkundig ingenieur, ingenieur Natuurkundig Laboratorium Philips, lid 1e Kamer Staten Generaal. Herman married,at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 26-08-1952 in Steenwijkerwold to Cornelia van der Wenden, aged 21 years. Cornelia was born on friday 13-02-1931 in Steenwijkerwold. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Andreas van der Wenden en Jansje Oostindië.
Children of Herman and Cornelia:
1 Petronella Maria (Ella) Fokker (private). Ella married,at the age of 31 years, on thursday 28-02-1985 in Hendrik Ido Ambacht to Arie Slagboom, aged 34 years. Arie was born on sunday 21-01-1951 in Rotterdam. Occupation: database-administrator.
2 Jansje (Jannie) Fokker (private). Jannie:
(1) married,at the age of 19 years, on thursday 25-10-1973 in Rhenen to Christoffel (Chris) Blom, aged 27 years. Christoffel was born on sunday 06-10-1946 in Enkhuizen.
(2) started living together,at the age of 43 years, 01-1998 with Jan Remmelts, aged 39 years. Jan was born on monday 01-12-1958 in Ruinerwold.
3 Neeltje (Nelleke) Fokker (private).
4 Antoinette Fokker (private). Antoinette married to Willem van Pelt. Willem was born on friday 30-09-1955 in Alblasserdam. Occupation: project-engineer.
5 Lammigje (Mieke) Fokker (private). Mieke:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 14-11-1980 in Ede to Jan van Ginkel, aged 23 years. Jan was born on friday 26-04-1957 in Ede. Jan is deceased on tuesday 08-03-1988, 30 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 38 years, on thursday 30-05-1996 in Ede to Rob Kuijpers, aged 37 years. Rob was born on friday 15-08-1958.
6 Herman Fokker (private). Herman:
(1) married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 14-04-1982 in Rotterdam to Alma Engeltje Hoogendoorn, aged 21 years. Alma Engeltje was born on friday 09-12-1960 in Rotterdam. Alma Engeltje is deceased on sunday 26-12-1999, 39 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 42 years, on wednesday 19-09-2001 in Dordrecht to Petra Hoogendoorn, aged 31 years. Petra was born on saturday 06-06-1970.
7 Andreas (André) Fokker (private). André married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 17-12-1982 in Rhenen to Hendrika Randewijk, aged 20 years. Hendrika was born on monday 25-06-1962 in Achterberg.
8 Anthony Fokker, born on tuesday 24-10-1961 in Eindhoven. Anthony is deceased on saturday 09-03-1963 in Eindhoven, 1 year years old.
9 Petrus Adrianus (Peter) Fokker (private). Peter married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 03-06-1987 in Breukelen to Everdina Christina van Luttikhuizen, aged 22 years. Everdina Christina was born on wednesday 11-11-1964 in Breukelen. Note re Everdina Christina: dochter van Dick van Luttikhuizen en Jacoba den Hertog.
10 Anthony Fokker (private). Anthony married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 29-10-1992 in Leerdam to Annigje Maria den Hartog, aged 25 years. Annigje Maria was born on monday 19-06-1967 in Leerbroek.
11 Elizabeth Cornelia (Liesbeth) Fokker (private). Liesbeth:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on monday 21-08-1995 in Utrecht to Erik van Ingen, aged 24 years. Erik was born on sunday 07-03-1971 in Barneveld.
(2) started living together,at the age of 33 years, on sunday 13-10-2002 with Thomas Wilhelmus Johannes (Tom) Jacobs, aged 49 years. Thomas Wilhelmus Johannes was born on saturday 14-03-1953 in Amsterdam. Note re Tom: zoon van Marinus Wilhelmus (Rien) Jacobs en Johanna Gerarda (Jo) van der Zwaan.
12 Adriaan Daniël (Daniel) Fokker (private). Daniel married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 06-11-1999 in Zeist to Bastienne Walpot, aged 34 years. Bastienne was born on sunday 26-09-1965 in Groningen. Note re Bastienne: dochter van Bastiaan Walpot en Maryan Verver.
XI-h Antoinette Johanna Fokker was born on friday 14-04-1911 in Utrecht, daughter of Jacobus Anthony Fokker and Maria Josina ten Kate. Antoinette Johanna is deceased on sunday 21-10-1990 in Den Haag, 79 years years old. Antoinette Johanna:
(1) married,at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 25-06-1935 in Domburg to Albertus Petrus Josephus Westenburger, aged 28 years. Albertus Petrus Josephus was born on friday 11-01-1907 in Vlissingen. Occupation: autoverkoper. Note re Albertus Petrus Josephus: zoon van Bernardus Johannes Westenburger en Louisa Maria Theresia Vollemaere.
(2) married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 17-11-1938 in Heteren to Everhard Dirk de Meester, aged 29 years. Everhard Dirk was born on wednesday 27-10-1909 in Heteren. Everhard Dirk is deceased on friday 08-03-1985 in Epe, 75 years years old. Occupation: secretaris Internationale Kamer van Koophandel, directeur Centraal Orgaan Economische Betrekkingen Buitenland. Note re Everhard Dirk: zoon van Gerrit Abraham de Meester en Gerarda Petronella Santman.
Children of Antoinette Johanna and Everhard Dirk:
1 Gerrit Abraham de Meester (private). Gerrit Abraham married,at the age of 26 years, on saturday 06-05-1967 in Heerlen to Hanna ter Horst, aged 26 years. Hanna was born on saturday 03-08-1940 in Utrecht.
2 Maria Josina de Meester (private). Maria Josina married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 19-11-1966 in Den Haag to Hubert Johan Ravenswaaij, aged 27 years. Hubert Johan was born on monday 21-08-1939 in Pladjoe, Palembang, Ned. Indië. Occupation: civiel ingenieur. Note re Hubert Johan: zoon van Hubert Adolf Ravenswaaij en Sophia Wilhelmina Elizabeth Maria Hendrichs.
3 Frank Diederik de Meester (private). Frank Diederik married,at the age of 23 years, on saturday 22-11-1969 in Den Haag to Aletta Hester Zweerts, aged 22 years. Aletta Hester was born on saturday 28-06-1947 in Den Haag. Note re Aletta Hester: dochter van Guillaume François Zweerts en jonkvrouw Anna Maria Jacoba Laman Trip.
XI-t Albertus Cornelis Leendert Braber was born on sunday 08-03-1903 in Rotterdam, son of Leendert Cornelis Braber and Antonia Fiet. Albertus Cornelis Leendert is deceased on monday 02-01-1984 in Rheden, 80 years years old. Occupation: reiziger in koffie en thee, hoofdvertegenwoordiger, verkoop-inspecteur. Albertus Cornelis Leendert married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 23-08-1928 in Rotterdam to Pieternella Jacoba Romeijn, aged 24 years. Pieternella Jacoba was born on friday 13-11-1903 in Rotterdam.
Children of Albertus Cornelis Leendert and Pieternella Jacoba:
1 Anthonia Braber, born on monday 31-03-1930 in Overschie (Rotterdam). Follow XII-p.
2 Jacob Leendert Braber, born on tuesday 30-08-1932 in Overschie (Rotterdam). Follow XII-q.
3 Lenie Cornelia Braber (private). Lenie Cornelia married to R. Brouerius van Nidek.
XI-u Pieter Braber was born on thursday 04-06-1914 in Rotterdam, son of Marinus Boudewijn Braber and Johanna Stout. Note re the birth of Pieter: gedoopt te Rotterdam-Wilhelminakerk. Pieter is deceased on saturday 03-05-2003 in Breda, 88 years years old. He was buried on friday 09-05-2003 in Den Haag. Note re the death of Pieter: begraafplaats Westduin. Note re Pieter: chemicus (drs) in dienst bij Shell Chemie, later President directeur generaal van Cefic (Conseil Europeen des Federations des Industries Chemiques) te Brussel. Pieter married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 30-03-1939 in Lekkerkerk to Maria Francina (Mies) Tillemans, aged 25 years. Maria Francina was born on friday 27-03-1914 in Rotterdam. Note re Mies: voor haar huwelijk kleuterleidster en hoofd van de kleuterschool te Lekkerkerk.
Children of Pieter and Mies:
1 Martien Boudewijn (Martien) Braber (private). Martien married,at the age of 23 years, on thursday 21-05-1970 in Den Haag to Marja Gertenbach, aged 21 years. Marja was born on friday 02-07-1948 in Den Haag. Occupation: medisch analiste. Note re Marja: dochter van Jan Willem Cornelis Gertenbach en Jeanne Harmsen.
2 Peter Frans (Peter) Braber, born on thursday 10-03-1949 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië. Peter is deceased on thursday 29-11-1956 in Den Haag, 7 years years old. He was buried on saturday 01-12-1956 in Loosduinen. Note re the death of Peter: Algemene Begraafplaats Westduin.
3 Hans Pieter (Hans) Braber (private).
XI-v Jan Braber was born on saturday 17-07-1915 in Rotterdam, son of Marinus Boudewijn Braber and Johanna Stout. Note re the birth of Jan: gedoopt te Rotterdam-Wilhelminakerk. Jan is deceased on friday 01-08-2003 in Rotterdam, 88 years years old. He was cremated on saturday 09-08-2003 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Jan: crematorium Rotterdam-Zuid. Note re Jan: directeur van de RVS Schadeverzekeringsmij te Rotterdam en daarna commissaris van Vezeno te Zaandam. Jan married,at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 12-08-1936 in Rotterdam to Johanna Christina (Ans) Wijnbeek, aged 23 years. Johanna Christina was born on tuesday 12-08-1913 in Rotterdam. Ans is deceased on thursday 20-08-1987 in Rotterdam, 74 years years old. She was cremated on tuesday 25-08-1987 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Ans: crematorium Rotterdam-Zuid. Note re Ans: dochter van Johannes Marie Wijnbeek en Johanna Christina Rikkengaa.
Children of Jan and Ans:
1 Marina Christina (Marina) Braber (private). Marina married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 15-01-1971 in Rotterdam to Adrianus (Ad) Kneepkens, aged 26 years. Adrianus was born on friday 04-02-1944 in Uden. Occupation: hoofd Interne Zaken Stadhuis Rotterdam. Note re Ad: zoon van Mathieu Bernard Jozef Marie Kneepkens en Anna Maria Claessens.
2 Johanna Adriana (Hanny) Braber (private). Hanny married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 21-08-1970 in Rotterdam to Bastiaan Anthonius (Bob) Alders, aged 27 years. Bastiaan Anthonius was born on friday 11-06-1943 in Rotterdam. Occupation: registermakelaar en taxateur o.g.. Note re Bob: zoon van Bastiaan Teunis Alders en Anna Maria Adriana Lobbe.
XI-w Marinus Boudewijn (Rien) Braber was born on monday 24-03-1919 in Rotterdam, son of Marinus Boudewijn Braber and Johanna Stout. He was baptized on sunday 08-06-1919 in Rotterdam. Note re the birth of Rien: gedoopt in de Wilhelminakerk. Rien is deceased on saturday 19-02-2000 in Breda, 80 years years old. He was buried on wednesday 23-02-2000 in Breda. Note re the death of Rien: begraafplaats De Bieberg. Occupation: kantoorbediende. Note re Rien: genealoog, lid van de NGV (lidnr.100656) 1950-1967, penningmeester van de Zuid-Hollandse vereniging Ons Voorgeslacht (1953-1961), publiceerde in Ons Voorgeslacht de stamreeks van het Haamsteedse geslacht Braber (mei/juni 1954). Rien married,at the age of 29 years, on thursday 20-05-1948 in Rotterdam to Helena (Lenie) Poolen, aged 21 years. Helena was born on sunday 10-04-1927 in Rotterdam. Note re Lenie: dochter van Bouwen Poolen en Liepje Bakker.
Children of Rien and Lenie:
1 Helena Bouwina (Heleen) Braber (private). Heleen married,at the age of 38 years, on wednesday 19-09-1990 in Rotterdam to G.G. Abeln.
2 Marinus Boudewijn (Marien) Braber (private). Marien:
(1) married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 28-05-1975 in Barendrecht to Els de Waard. The marriage was dissolved before 1985 (echtscheiding).
(2) married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 06-12-1985 in Willemstad to Mieke van der Brugge, aged 24 years. Mieke was born on saturday 08-04-1961 in Schiedam. Occupation: medisch secretaresse op het A.S.Z.
3 Johanna Marina (Anneke) Braber (private). Anneke married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 22-04-1980 in Tilburg to Frederik Johannes (Fred) Temmen.
XI-x Pieter Marinus (Piet) Braber was born on saturday 10-11-1923 in Mannheim, Duitsland, son of Boudewijn Pieter (Boud) Braber and Frieda Karolina (Frieda) Fuss. Piet is deceased on thursday 18-04-2002 in Albrandswaard, 78 years years old. Occupation: schipper. Piet married,at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 28-02-1950 in Rotterdam to Janneke Scheele, aged 27 years. The religious wedding was celebrated the same date in Rotterdam. Note re the marriage: eerst 18-09-1953, later gewijzigd, pk geeft 15-04-1950.Janneke was born on sunday 05-03-1922 in Rotterdam. Janneke is deceased on sunday 18-03-2001 in Rhoon, 79 years years old. She was cremated on thursday 22-03-2001 in Rotterdam. Note re the death of Janneke: Rotterdam-Zuid.
Children of Piet and Janneke:
1 Boudewijn Pieter Marinus (Bob) Braber (private). Bob married,at the age of 35 years, on monday 22-12-1986 to M.E. (Tineke) Koutstaal, aged 25 years. M.E. was born on tuesday 11-07-1961.
2 Hendrik Cornelis Willem (Harry) Braber (private). Harry married to Margaretha J. Overhagen. Margaretha J. was born on friday 06-07-1962.
3 Carolien Frieda Rosa (Carla) Braber (private).
4 Ronald Reinier Pieter (Ron) Braber (private). Ron married to N.T.C. (Nicoline) Rosmalen. N.T.C. was born on wednesday 24-06-1964.
XI-y Marina Braber was born on tuesday 25-11-1919 in Rotterdam, daughter of Stoffel Anthonie Braber and Mina van Uden. Marina is deceased on saturday 12-05-1990, 70 years years old. Marina married,at the age of 16 years, on wednesday 06-05-1936 in Rotterdam to Arie Stolk, aged 24 years. Arie was born on sunday 07-04-1912 in Rotterdam. Arie is deceased on sunday 01-04-1962 in Rotterdam, 49 years years old.
Children of Marina and Arie:
1 Gerarda Lucia Stolk (private).
2 Arie Stoffel Anthonie Stolk (private).
3 Marinus Stolk (private). Marinus married,at the age of 24 years, on monday 29-03-1971 to E. Dut.
4 Freddy Stolk (private). Freddy married,at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 07-06-1967 to I.M. Mus.
XI-z Elizabeth Braber was born on wednesday 31-10-1923 in Rotterdam, daughter of Stoffel Anthonie Braber and Mina van Uden. Elizabeth is deceased on saturday 18-09-1971 in Rotterdam, 47 years years old. Elizabeth married,at the age of 16 years, on wednesday 19-06-1940 in Rotterdam to Adrianus Bouman, aged 23 years. Adrianus was born on monday 13-11-1916 in Rotterdam.
XI-aa Pieter Braber was born on sunday 13-03-1927 in Rotterdam, son of Stoffel Anthonie Braber and Mina van Uden. Pieter is deceased on friday 03-09-1976 in Rotterdam, 49 years years old. Occupation: grondwerker, havenarbeider, bouwvakarbeider, matroos rijnvaart, stuurman rijnvaart, pijpfitter. Pieter married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 03-02-1954 in Rotterdam to Wilhelmina Blom, aged 18 years. Wilhelmina was born on thursday 18-07-1935 in Rotterdam.
Children of Pieter and Wilhelmina:
1 Mina Braber (private). Mina married,at the age of 16 years, on friday 04-05-1973 to J.A. de Bruyn.
2 Stoffel Anthonie Braber (private).
3 Arie Maarten Braber (private).
4 Pieter (Peter) Braber (private).
5 Johanna Christina Braber (private).
6 Johanna Theodora Braber (private).
XI-ab Thona Stoffelina Braber was born on thursday 23-02-1928 in Rotterdam, daughter of Stoffel Anthonie Braber and Mina van Uden. Thona Stoffelina is deceased on tuesday 11-12-1979 in Rotterdam, 51 years years old. Occupation: inpakster zeepfabriek, werkster. Thona Stoffelina married,at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 06-10-1948 in Rotterdam to Cornelis Kinderen, aged 24 years. Cornelis was born on thursday 06-03-1924 in Hillegersberg (Rotterdam).
XI-ac Everdina Wilhelmina Braber was born on saturday 29-06-1929 in Rotterdam, daughter of Stoffel Anthonie Braber and Mina van Uden. Everdina Wilhelmina is deceased on thursday 07-12-1967 in Rotterdam, 38 years years old. Everdina Wilhelmina married,at the age of 16 years, on wednesday 19-06-1946 in Rotterdam to Pleun van Tillo, aged 23 years. Pleun was born on saturday 15-07-1922 in Hellevoetsluis.
XI-af Goossen Braber was born on tuesday 29-05-1934 in Rotterdam, son of Willem Cornelis Braber and Wilhelmina Dwarswaard. Goossen is deceased on wednesday 03-08-1988 in Apeldoorn, 54 years years old. He was cremated on monday 08-08-1988 in Dieren. Occupation: fabrieksarbeider, metaalbewerker. Goossen married,at the age of 22 years, on thursday 20-09-1956 in Apeldoorn to Anna Maria Elisabeth (Marie) Dolman, aged 25 years. Anna Maria Elisabeth was born on thursday 16-10-1930 in Apeldoorn. Marie is deceased on saturday 10-08-1991 in Ugchelen, 60 years years old (cause: verongelukt). She was cremated on wednesday 14-08-1991 in Dieren.
Children of Goossen and Marie:
1 Antonie (Ton) Braber (private).
2 Deliana Petronella Johanna (Lia) Braber (private).
3 Wilhelmina (Wilma) Braber (private). Wilma married,at the age of 20 years, on tuesday 22-12-1981 to F.H. (Henk) Krijgsman.
XI-ag Pieter Braber was born on thursday 22-07-1926 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Braber and Adriana Petronella van der Spuy. Pieter is deceased on saturday 04-09-1993 in Schiedam, 67 years years old. Occupation: bediende grote vaart, machine-bankwerker, kraandrijver. Pieter married,at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 11-06-1958 in Rotterdam to Hendrina Schoonewil, aged 32 years. Hendrina was born on friday 25-12-1925 in Rotterdam.
Children of Pieter and Hendrina:
1 Helma Braber (private).
2 Petra Braber (private).
XI-ai Pieter Fokker was born on monday 20-04-1925 in Den Bommel, son of Jan Cornelis Fokker and Maatje Hobbel. Pieter is deceased on sunday 30-11-2003 in Urk, 78 years years old. Pieter married,at the age of 31 years, on friday 29-06-1956 in Den Bommel to Marretje Meun, aged 32 years. Marretje was born on wednesday 12-12-1923 in Urk. Note re Marretje: dochter van Gerrit Meun en Marretje Pasterkamp.
Child of Pieter and Marretje:
1 Jan Cornelis Fokker (private). Jan Cornelis married,at the age of 29 years, on sunday 26-07-1987 in Bernisse to Aaltje (Alie) van Veelen, aged 33 years. Aaltje was born on friday 16-07-1954 in Pernis. Note re Alie: dochter van Arie van Veelen en Elizabeth Henderina Bijl.
XI-aw Engeltje Fokker was born on friday 05-02-1937 in Den Bommel, daughter of Pieter Fokker and Cornelia Bastiaantje van Es. Engeltje is deceased on saturday 27-11-1999 in Rotterdam, 62 years years old. Engeltje:
(1) married,at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 07-09-1955 in Rotterdam to Rudolf van den Heuvel, aged 20 years. Rudolf was born on thursday 31-01-1935 in Hillegersberg (Rotterdam).
(2) married,at the age of 43 years, on monday 01-12-1980 in Rotterdam to Alexandre Livramento Rodrigues, aged 33 years. Alexandre Livramento was born on saturday 11-01-1947 in Sao Nicolau, Kaap Verdië.
Children of Engeltje and Rudolf:
1 Pieternella van den Heuvel (private).
2 Anton van den Heuvel (private).
XI-bn Albrecht Johannes Boot was born on tuesday 22-07-1924 in Calcutta, India, son of Pieter Jacob Adrianus Boot and Anthonia Sara Ballego. Albrecht Johannes is deceased on sunday 08-03-2009 in Breda, 84 years years old [source: advertentie]. Address: Breda. Occupation: huisarts. Note re Albrecht Johannes: volgens hem kwamen de eerste 'Booten' zo omstreeks 1200 vanuit Lage Zaluwe aan de Moerdijk naar Zeeland, waar agentschappen werden uitgezet; bezat een stuk grond aan de Meeldijk te Burgh. Albrecht Johannes married to Beatrix Henriëtta Franziska Nuyens. Beatrix Henriëtta Franziska was born on friday 07-08-1931. Beatrix Henriëtta Franziska is deceased on sunday 24-07-1983, 51 years years old.
Children of Albrecht Johannes and Beatrix Henriëtta Franziska:
1 Jeroen Wouter Boot (private). Jeroen Wouter married to Bernadette van Loon.
2 Maarten Peter Boot (private). Maarten Peter started a relationship with Ingrid N.N..
3 Erik Paul Boot (private). Erik Paul married to Nanny Scholten.
4 Coenraad Ernst Boot (private).
XI-bo Pieter Jan Adolf Boot was born on wednesday 29-06-1927 in Gouda, son of Pieter Jacob Adrianus Boot and Anthonia Sara Ballego. Pieter Jan Adolf is deceased on wednesday 08-11-1989 in Leiden, 62 years years old (cause: volgens zijn broer was hij depressief en heeft zelfmoord gepleegd). Note re Pieter Jan Adolf: had een stuk grond aan de Meeldijk te Burgh, voor hem beheerd door dhr W.G. Boot, later verkocht. Pieter Jan Adolf:
(1) married to Gisela Hoffmann.
(2) married to Francisca Elisabeth (Cissy) Nuyens. Francisca Elisabeth was born on monday 23-10-1933 in Breda.
Child of Pieter Jan Adolf and Gisela:
1 Joke Hoffmann (private).
Children of Pieter Jan Adolf and Cissy:
1 Pieter Christiaan Boot (private).
2 Chistiaan Anton Boot (private).
XI-bq Johannes Cornelis Bijkerk was born on sunday 26-09-1920 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas Jacob Bijkerk and Jansje Pieternella Kooman. Johannes Cornelis is deceased on friday 14-09-1984 in Burgh, 63 years years old. Occupation: metselaar. Johannes Cornelis married,at the age of 27 years, on saturday 28-08-1948 to Helena van Wingen, aged 24 years. Helena was born on sunday 23-12-1923 in Noordwelle. Note re Helena: dochter van Bastiaan van Wingen en Susanna Dina Tolhoek.
Children of Johannes Cornelis and Helena:
1 Nico Johan Bijkerk (private). Nico Johan married to Paulien Muller Kobald. Paulien Muller was born in 1949.
2 Bastiaan Bijkerk (private). Bastiaan married to Wilma van Oeveren. Wilma was born on monday 11-09-1950 in Scharendijke.
3 Jan Pieter Bijkerk (private). Jan Pieter married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 27-02-1981 in Westenschouwen to Pieternella Adriana (Ellen) Boot, aged 22 years. Pieternella Adriana was born on tuesday 01-07-1958,daughter of Marinus Boot and Aberdina van der Welle.
XI-bx Krijn Adriaan Lemsom was born on thursday 01-04-1920 in Ellemeet, son of Cornelis Lemsom and Janna Fonteine. Krijn Adriaan is deceased on thursday 20-04-2000 in Bruinisse, 80 years years old. Krijn Adriaan married,at the age of about 24 years, about 1944 in Bruinisse to Saartje de Ronde, aged about 20 years. Saartje was born about 1924 in Bruinisse. Note re Saartje: dochter van Dingeman de Ronde en Jacoba Cornelia Minhere.
XI-cc Nicolaas Willem (Nico) Fokker was born on sunday 20-09-1914 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker and Johanna Pieternella Zijta. He was baptized on sunday 06-12-1914 in Burgh. Nico is deceased on friday 11-11-1994 in Haamstede, 80 years years old. Note re the death of Nico: ''Vredehof''. Occupation: schilder. Religion: N.H. gedoopt. Nico married,at the age of 27 years, on tuesday 24-03-1942 in Haamstede to Lucretia Lena (Trees) van den Berge, aged 21 years. Lucretia Lena was born on tuesday 07-09-1920 in Haamstede. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Trees: dochter van Jan Marien (Jan) van den Berge en Lena Geleijnse.
Children of Nico and Trees:
1 Nicolaas (Nico) Fokker, born on friday 17-07-1942 in Haamstede. Follow XII-az.
2 Johanna Pieternella (Joke) Fokker (private). Joke married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 19-02-1971 in Haamstede to Jan Hendricus Cornelis (Jan) Haverkamp, aged 24 years. Jan Hendricus Cornelis was born on sunday 09-06-1946 in Bilthoven. Occupation: uitvoerder (Kuhne B.V.). Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Haverkamp en Berendina Hendrika van Haren.
3 Lena (Lenie) Fokker (private). Lenie married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 31-01-1974 in Haamstede to Johannes Ferdinand (Fred) van der Putten, aged 25 years. Johannes Ferdinand was born on thursday 20-05-1948 in Amsterdam. Occupation: chef kok. Note re Fred: zoon van Jan van der Putten en Hester Schneider.
4 Janny Marie (Jannie) Fokker (private). Jannie married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 31-10-1975 in Veere to Martinus (Tinus) Louws, aged 25 years. Martinus was born on wednesday 27-09-1950 in Aagtekerke. Occupation: aannemer. Note re Tinus: zoon van Pieter Louws en Willemina Nelse.
5 Lucreatia Lena (Lucie) Fokker (private). Lucie married,at the age of 21 years, on monday 25-08-1975 in Haamstede to Johannes (Hans) Schouten, aged 22 years. Johannes was born on friday 03-04-1953 in Vlaardingen. Occupation: verpleegkundige. Note re Hans: zoon van Jacob Schouten en Risje Noordzij.
6 Willem Marinus (Wim) Fokker (private). Wim married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 18-09-1992 in Middelharnis to Janna (Anja) Stoutjesdijk, aged 24 years. Janna was born on saturday 20-01-1968 in Dirksland. Note re Anja: dochter van Willem Stoutjesdijk en Jobina Verwest.
XI-cd Willem Nicolaas Fokker was born on wednesday 12-07-1916 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker and Johanna Pieternella Zijta. He was baptized on sunday 22-10-1916 in Burgh. Willem Nicolaas is deceased on wednesday 18-07-1956 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië, 40 years years old. Occupation: kwartiermeester Kon. Marine, glazenwasser. Religion: N.H. gedoopt. Willem Nicolaas married to Margaret Grace Vause. Margaret Grace was born on tuesday 03-07-1923 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië. Occupation: verpleegster.
Children of Willem Nicolaas and Margaret Grace:
1 Robert Kenneth (Rob) Fokker (private). Rob married,at the age of 22 years, on saturday 21-06-1969 in Portchester, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië to Pauline Alison (Pauline) Milverton, aged 22 years. Pauline Alison was born on monday 19-05-1947 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië. Occupation: verpleegster. Note re Pauline: dochter van Edward Milverton en Sylvia Milverton.
2 Johan Willem Fokker (private). Johan Willem married,at the age of 23 years, on monday 27-09-1971 to Joan Susan N.N., aged 20 years. Joan Susan was born on friday 24-11-1950 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië.
XI-ce Johannes Fokker was born on wednesday 20-04-1921 in Burgh, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Fokker and Johanna Pieternella Zijta. Johannes is deceased on tuesday 24-05-1988 in Den Helder, 67 years years old. He was buried on friday 27-05-1988 in Den Helder. Note re the death of Johannes: Algemene begraafplaats Huisduinen. Occupation: officier Kon. Marine. Johannes married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 25-05-1951 in Amsterdam to Aagje (An) Buth, aged 19 years. Aagje was born on saturday 02-01-1932 in Amsterdam. Note re An: dochter van Dirk Buth en Elisabeth van Es.
Children of Johannes and An:
1 Johanna Pieternella Elisabeth (Hanna) Fokker (private). Hanna married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 09-11-1973 to Philippus Kos, aged 23 years. Philippus was born on wednesday 01-03-1950 in Rotterdam. Occupation: leraar Mechanische Techniek. Note re Philippus: zoon van Philippus Kos en Maria Cornelia Helders.
2 Johannes Nicolaas (Johnny) Fokker, born on thursday 10-05-1956 in Amsterdam. Johnny is deceased on sunday 20-06-1976 in Den Helder, 20 years years old. He was buried on thursday 24-06-1976 in Den Helder. Note re the death of Johnny: Algemene begraafplaats Huisduinen. Occupation: korporaal Kon. Marine.
3 Willem Nicolaas (Wim) Fokker (private). Wim married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 14-08-1987 to Marjan van der Zee, aged 25 years. Marjan was born on saturday 03-03-1962 in Heerhugowaard. Marjan is deceased on saturday 20-12-1997 in Den Helder, 35 years years old. She was buried on wednesday 24-12-1997 in Schagen.
XI-cf Johanna Wilhelmina Fokker was born on monday 18-02-1918 in Haamstede, daughter of Cornelis Marinus Fokker and Louisa Johanna Josephina van der Hemel. Johanna Wilhelmina is deceased on friday 13-04-1945 in Goes, 27 years years old. Johanna Wilhelmina married,at the age of 23 years, on thursday 20-02-1941 in Goes to Jacobus Arie Hoogkamer, aged 26 years. Jacobus Arie was born on wednesday 21-10-1914 in Goes.
Child of Johanna Wilhelmina and Jacobus Arie:
1 Marijke Louise Hoogkamer, born on sunday 22-02-1942 in Vlissingen. Follow XII-bj.
XI-cg Eliza Philomena Fokker was born on saturday 26-06-1920 in Egmond aan Zee, daughter of Cornelis Marinus Fokker and Louisa Johanna Josephina van der Hemel. Eliza Philomena is deceased on sunday 22-04-1984 in Zierikzee, 63 years years old. Occupation: verpleegkundige. Eliza Philomena married,at the age of 26 years, on monday 04-11-1946 in Sas van Gent to Bartholomeus van der Lelie, aged 28 years. Bartholomeus was born on saturday 22-06-1918 in Leiden. Bartholomeus is deceased on wednesday 18-03-1992 in Zierikzee, 73 years years old. He was cremated on monday 23-03-1992 in Driehuis-Westerveld (Velsen). Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Bartholomeus: zoon van Bartholomeus van der Lelie en Aleida Steen.
Children of Eliza Philomena and Bartholomeus:
1 Louise Aleida (Lydia) van der Lelie (private). Lydia married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 20-09-1974 in Leiden to Arjen Sevenster, aged 28 years. Arjen was born on saturday 08-06-1946 in Voorburg. Occupation: acquisiteur. Note re Arjen: zoon van Livius Sevenster en Josina Nieuwenhuis.
2 Jolanda Margaretha van der Lelie (private). Jolanda Margaretha:
(1) married,at the age of 17 years, on friday 10-07-1970 to Karel Albertus Jakobs, aged 26 years. Karel Albertus was born on tuesday 22-02-1944 in Hengelo. Occupation: muziekleraar. Note re Karel Albertus: zoon van Hendrikus Karel Jakobs en Betsie Boom.
(2) started living together,at the age of 38 years, on sunday 07-07-1991 with Rudy Stevens, aged 31 years. Rudy was born on saturday 02-07-1960. Note re Rudy: zoon van Harm Stevens en Janny van der Wal.
3 Sylvia Carola van der Lelie (private). Sylvia Carola married,at the age of 30 years, on tuesday 10-09-1991 to Pieter Johannes Antonius Verploeg, aged 30 years. Pieter Johannes Antonius was born on sunday 10-09-1961 in Groede. Occupation: fiscalist, belastinginspecteur. Note re Pieter Johannes Antonius: zoon van Pieter Antonius Johannes Verploeg en Maatje Janna Vasseur.
XI-ch Klazina Fokker was born on monday 22-01-1923 in Goes, daughter of Cornelis Marinus Fokker and Louisa Johanna Josephina van der Hemel. Klazina is deceased on monday 08-04-1985 in Axel, 62 years years old. Klazina married,at the age of 28 years, on thursday 19-04-1951 in Axel to Jan Jannis Brugge, aged 26 years. Jan Jannis was born on sunday 05-04-1925 in Axel. Occupation: metaalbewerker. Note re Jan Jannis: zoon van Tobias Leendert Brugge en Maria Datthijn.
Children of Klazina and Jan Jannis:
1 Marie Louise Brugge (private). Marie Louise married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 23-02-1973 in Kapelle to André Cornelis Willem van der Endt, aged 22 years. André Cornelis Willem was born on monday 26-06-1950 in Kapelle. Occupation: douaneambtenaar te Vlissingen. Note re André Cornelis Willem: zoon van J.W. van der Endt en M. Nout.
2 Yvonne Johanna Brugge (private). Yvonne Johanna married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 10-11-1978 in Terneuzen to Wilfridus de Groene, aged 24 years. Wilfridus was born on sunday 07-02-1954 in Vlissingen. Occupation: administratiekantoorhouder. Note re Wilfridus: zoon van Gerardus de Groene en Marietje Persijn.
XI-ck Johanna Clasina (Jo) Fokker was born on saturday 18-02-1928 in Vlissingen, daughter of Marinus Cornelis Fokker and Clasina Maria Borghstijn. Jo is deceased on friday 17-01-2003 in Leeuwarden, 74 years years old. Jo married,at the age of 24 years, on saturday 18-10-1952 in Oldenzaal to Berthout (Bert) Kuijk, aged 26 years. Berthout was born on sunday 11-07-1926 in Arnhem. Bert is deceased on sunday 14-07-2002 in Leeuwarden, 76 years years old.
XI-cm Johanna Adriana Fokker was born on wednesday 20-06-1928 in Den Haag, daughter of Adriaan Fokker and Albertine van den Berg. Johanna Adriana is deceased on wednesday 04-06-1975 in Den Haag, 46 years years old. Johanna Adriana:
(1) married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 23-06-1955 in Den Haag to Ari Visser, aged 24 years. Ari was born on wednesday 17-06-1931 in Amsterdam.
(2) married,at the age of 37 years, on saturday 10-07-1965 in Den Haag to Olivier Berserik, aged 20 years. Olivier was born on thursday 21-06-1945 in Rijswijk.
(3) married,at the age of 41 years, on monday 16-03-1970 in Den Haag to Mali Chiliza, aged 33 years. Mali was born on monday 08-06-1936 in Durban, Zuid-Afrika.
(4) married,at the age of 46 years, on friday 25-10-1974 in Den Haag to Cornelis van Bemmel, aged 44 years. Cornelis was born on wednesday 27-08-1930 in Den Haag.
XI-cn Albert Nicolaas (Albert) Fokker was born on wednesday 20-04-1932 in Den Haag, son of Adriaan Fokker and Albertine van den Berg. Albert is deceased on tuesday 29-11-1977 in Arhus, Denemarken, 45 years years old. Occupation: radio officier koopvaardij. Albert married,at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 26-10-1960 in Schleswig, Duitsland to Kirsten Laura Nielsen, aged 20 years. Kirsten Laura was born on monday 22-04-1940 in Arhus, Denemarken. Occupation: secretaresse Confederations of Danish industries. Note re Kirsten Laura: dochter van Holger Nielsen en Nina Johanne Staberg.
Child of Albert and Kirsten Laura:
1 Arnt Albert Fokker (private). Arnt Albert remained unmarried.
XI-cp Nicolaas Eize Fokker was born on sunday 04-04-1926 in Hilversum, son of Lodewijk Georgeus Fokker and Geertruida van der Woude. Nicolaas Eize is deceased on tuesday 07-11-1989 in Hilversum, 63 years years old. Occupation: adjudant Kon. Luchtmacht, chauffeur dierenambulance. Nicolaas Eize married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 11-04-1956 in Hilversum to Johanna (Hannie) Hafkamp, aged 27 years. Johanna was born on wednesday 12-12-1928 in Hilversum. Hannie is deceased on sunday 08-06-2003 in Laren, 74 years years old. Occupation: bankmedewerkster, bestuurslid HZC de Robben, centraliste dierenambulance. Note re Hannie: dochter van Willem Hafkamp en Elizabeth Poolmeier.
Children of Nicolaas Eize and Hannie:
1 Elizabeth Fokker (private). Elizabeth married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 22-04-1983 in Huizen to Lambert (Bert) den Oude, aged 23 years. Lambert was born on friday 15-05-1959 in Huizen. Occupation: garagehouder. Note re Bert: zoon van Lambert den Oude en Annetje Spilt.
2 Lodewijk George Fokker (private). Lodewijk George married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 01-06-1990 in Hilversum to Amanda van Bokhorst, aged 25 years. Amanda was born on saturday 26-09-1964 in Hilversum. Occupation: medewerker bij Hunkemöller Hilversum. Note re Amanda: dochter van Teus van Bokhorst en Wil Erkamps.
XI-cu Bernardus Lodewijk Fokker was born on wednesday 09-11-1932 in Kloetinge, son of Johannes Fokker and Neeltje Adriana Hendrika van Veen. Bernardus Lodewijk is deceased on thursday 21-12-2000 in Amstelveen, 68 years years old. He was cremated on wednesday 27-12-2000 in Driehuis-Westerveld (Velsen). Occupation: administrateur. Bernardus Lodewijk married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 28-02-1957 in Amstelveen to Wiebina Hendrika Johanna Hamers, aged 21 years. Wiebina Hendrika Johanna was born on tuesday 24-12-1935 in Rhenen. Note re Wiebina Hendrika Johanna: dochter van H.D. Hamers en M.J. Luttmer.
Children of Bernardus Lodewijk and Wiebina Hendrika Johanna:
1 Maria Nelly Fokker (private).
2 Sylvana Fokker (private).
XI-cw Cente Cornelis van der Wende was born about 1891 in Burgh, son of Arend van der Wende (Woude) and Lena Willemina Boot. Cente Cornelis is deceased in 1977, about 86 years years old. Cente Cornelis married,at the age of about 19 years, on friday 29-07-1910 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen [source: akte 16] to Gerritje Vulperhorst, aged about 20 years. Gerritje was born about 1890 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen. Note re Gerritje: dochter van Jan Vulperhorst en Arida Offerman.
XI-cx Jannetje Elisabeth van der Wende was born on tuesday 24-10-1893 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen, daughter of Arend van der Wende (Woude) and Lena Willemina Boot. Jannetje Elisabeth married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 11-09-1914 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen [source: akte 18] to Jan Strubbe, aged about 19 years. Jan was born about 1895 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen,son of Johannes Bastiaan Strubbe and Marijtje Schreurs.
XI-cy Jan Willem van der Wende was born about 1895 in Mijdrecht, son of Arend van der Wende (Woude) and Lena Willemina Boot. Jan Willem married,at the age of about 23 years, on friday 19-04-1918 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen [source: akte 9] to Cornelia Strubbe, aged about 21 years. Cornelia was born about 1897 in Vinkeveen en Waverveen,daughter of Johannes Bastiaan Strubbe and Marijtje Schreurs.
XI-cz Elizabeth Krina Boot was born on sunday 17-03-1889 in Noordwelle, daughter of Willem Centesz Boot and Dirkje Krina van der Maas. Elizabeth Krina is deceased on wednesday 17-03-1976, 87 years years old. She was buried in Scharendijke. Address: (woonde Klooster Bethlehem te Scharendijke). Elizabeth Krina married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 05-09-1913 in Noordwelle [source: akte 5] to Jan Johannes de Vrieze, aged 24 years. Jan Johannes was born on saturday 15-06-1889 in Elkerzee. Jan Johannes is deceased on monday 14-04-1930 in Bergen op Zoom, 40 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan Johannes: zoon van Willem de Vrieze en Martina Helena Vermaas.
Child of Elizabeth Krina and Jan Johannes:
1 Dirk Marinus de Vrieze, born 05-1920 in Elkerzee. Dirk Marinus is deceased on thursday 01-07-1920 in Elkerzee, 2 months years old.
XI-da Krina Elizabeth Boot was born on tuesday 11-02-1890 in Noordwelle, daughter of Willem Centesz Boot and Dirkje Krina van der Maas. Krina Elizabeth is deceased on tuesday 17-02-1981 in Goes, 91 years years old. Krina Elizabeth married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 09-04-1915 in Noordwelle [source: akte 1] to Stoffel Verjaal, aged 24 years. Stoffel was born on tuesday 02-09-1890 in Elkerzee. Stoffel is deceased on tuesday 05-02-1957 in Noordgouwe, 66 years years old. He was buried in Scharendijke. Address: Scharendijke. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Stoffel: zoon van Jakob Verjaal, metselaar, en Adriana de Voogd.
XI-db Cente Marinus Boot was born on wednesday 06-05-1891 in Noordwelle, son of Willem Centesz Boot and Dirkje Krina van der Maas. Cente Marinus is deceased on wednesday 19-07-1972 in Haamstede, 81 years years old. Address: Noordwelle. Occupation: landbouwer op de Wippe. Cente Marinus married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 31-10-1917 in Elkerzee [source: akte 5] to Aletta Ornee, aged 27 years. Aletta was born on saturday 02-08-1890 in Elkerzee,daughter of Cornelis Daniël Ornee and Pieternella Fluijt. Aletta is deceased on sunday 31-01-1960 in Renesse, 69 years years old.
Children of Cente Marinus and Aletta:
1 Willem Cornelis Boot (private). Willem Cornelis married to Jacomina Cornelia Blom. Jacomina Cornelia was born on tuesday 08-11-1921 in Elkerzee. Note re Jacomina Cornelia: dochter van Leendert Reinier Blom en Jannetje Jacoba Delst.
2 Pieternella Dirkje Boot, born on monday 15-08-1927 in Noordwelle. Pieternella Dirkje is deceased on saturday 29-04-1944 in Noordgouwe, 16 years years old.
XI-dc Marina Maatje Boot was born on sunday 22-01-1893 in Noordwelle, daughter of Willem Centesz Boot and Dirkje Krina van der Maas. Marina Maatje is deceased on monday 23-11-1981 in Eindhoven, 88 years years old. Marina Maatje married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 19-12-1913 in Haamstede [source: akte 9] to Leendert Leeuw, aged 22 years. Leendert was born on monday 05-01-1891 in Zierikzee. Leendert is deceased on thursday 24-03-1960 in Amersfoort, 69 years years old. Occupation: winkelier, andere bron: bloembollenkweker, landbouwer (1916). Note re Leendert: zoon van Adriaan Leeuw en Johanna van Gastel Adriaan Leeuw, bloembollenhandelaar in Haamstede, ging in november 1913 failliet. Samen met zijn vrouw Johanna van Gastel en zijn zoon Leendert Leeuw en diens vrouw Marina Maatje Boot verhuisden ze in februari 1914 naar Wezup in Drenthe. In augustus 1917 verhuisden ze via Geelbroek (Drenthe) naar Wijk bij Duurstede, om daar een winkel in huishoudelijke artikelen te beginnen. Over die Drentse periode van 1914 - 1917 is/was binnen de familiekring (neven/nichten) totaal niets bekend. Géén foto's, geen papieren, geen verhalen. De vraag is dan: hoe komt een Zeeuwse familie ertoe om (berooid en platzak) naar een kleine buurtschap in Drenthe te verhuizen? In Wezup hebben mijn overgrootouders en grootouders gewoond op het adres: "Wezup 200a". Vermoedelijk in een pachtboerderij. Zowel de gemeente Coevorden als het kadaster konden mij niet verder helpen hoe dat adres tegenwoordig luidt.
Children of Marina Maatje and Leendert:
1 Johanna Dirkje (Jo) Leeuw, born on wednesday 10-06-1914 in Zweeloo.
2 Willem Adriaan (Wim) Leeuw, born on sunday 03-10-1915 in Zweeloo.
3 N.N. Leeuw, child,born death on monday 20-11-1916 in Zweeloo. The decease was registered on monday 20-11-1916 [source: akte 24].
4 Adriana Berendina Lena Leeuw, born on friday 11-01-1918 in Wijk bij Duurstede. Adriana Berendina Lena is deceased on sunday 17-02-1918, 1 month years old. Note re the death of Adriana Berendina Lena: in het trouwboekje van de ouders een aantekening op een oude girokaart: "Adriana Berendina Lena Leeuw. Open ruggetje? Waterhoofd? Geen levensvatbaarheid.".
5 Dirk (Dirk) Leeuw, born on sunday 20-07-1919 in Wijk bij Duurstede.
6 Adriana Berendina Lena (Ada) Leeuw, born on tuesday 10-08-1920 in Wijk bij Duurstede.
7 Marinus Leendert (Rien) Leeuw, born on thursday 02-06-1927 in Wijk bij Duurstede.
XI-dd Lena Jacoba Boot was born on wednesday 30-12-1896 in Noordwelle, daughter of Willem Centesz Boot and Dirkje Krina van der Maas. Lena Jacoba is deceased on tuesday 21-10-1975 in Zeist, 78 years years old. Lena Jacoba married to Pieter Jan van den Hoek. Pieter Jan was born about 1896. Pieter Jan is deceased on thursday 15-04-1943 in Renesse, about 47 years years old. Address: Renesse. Occupation: schilder.
XI-de Machiel Cornelis Boot was born on tuesday 02-10-1894 in Renesse, son of Cornelis Centesz Boot and Cornelia van der Schelde. Machiel Cornelis is deceased on sunday 04-01-1976, 81 years years old. He was buried in Renesse. Occupation: landbouwer. Machiel Cornelis married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 20-05-1921 in Renesse [source: akte 3] to Johanna Wilhelmina van Klooster, aged 19 years. Johanna Wilhelmina was born on sunday 12-01-1902 in Elkerzee,daughter of Johannes van Klooster and Ploontje Bezuijen. Johanna Wilhelmina is deceased on thursday 28-01-1993, 91 years years old. She was buried in Renesse.
Children of Machiel Cornelis and Johanna Wilhelmina:
1 Cornelia Plonny Adriaantje Boot (private). Cornelia Plonny Adriaantje married,at the age of 33 years, on friday 23-01-1959 to Gerard B. ten Oever.
2 Apolonia Johanna Boot (private). Apolonia Johanna married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 07-06-1946 in Renesse to Anton M. Verjaal.
XI-df Jakob Adriaan Boot was born on sunday 08-11-1896 in Renesse, son of Cornelis Centesz Boot and Cornelia van der Schelde. Jakob Adriaan is deceased on monday 06-03-1967, 70 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Occupation: koopman. Jakob Adriaan married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 28-04-1920 in Elkerzee [source: akte 2] to Lena Cornelia van Westervoort, aged 23 years. Lena Cornelia was born on sunday 08-11-1896 in Elkerzee. Note re the birth of Lena Cornelia: een andere bron noemt als geboortedatum 31-01-1896. Lena Cornelia is deceased on saturday 06-12-1986 in Haamstede, 90 years years old. Note re Lena Cornelia: dochter van Paulus van Westervoort, vlasser, en Johanna Cornelia van den Houten, dienstbode.
Children of Jakob Adriaan and Lena Cornelia:
1 Cornelis Paulus Boot, born on saturday 31-12-1921 in Renesse. Cornelis Paulus is deceased on thursday 19-01-1922 in Renesse, 19 days years old.
2 Johanna Cornelia Boot (private). Johanna Cornelia:
(1) married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 24-09-1948 to Willem Vlaander.
(2) married,at the age of at least 24 years, after 1949 to J.R. Smits.
XI-dg Elizabeth Janna Geelhoed was born about 1895 in Middelburg, daughter of Andries Geelhoed and Kaatje Boot. Elizabeth Janna married,at the age of about 25 years, on friday 20-02-1920 in Renesse [source: akte 2] to Anthonij Marinus Krijnse Locker, aged about 27 years. Anthonij Marinus Krijnse was born about 1893 in Haamstede. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Anthonij Marinus Krijnse: zoon van Jan Marinus Krijnse Locker, lichtwachter, en Elizabeth van Splunder.
XI-di Elizabeth Adriana Boot was born on sunday 28-08-1898 in Kerkwerve, daughter of Leendert Centesz Boot and Henderieka Evertse. Elizabeth Adriana is deceased on friday 27-01-1978 in Scharendijke, 79 years years old. She was buried in Scharendijke. Elizabeth Adriana married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 23-07-1926 in Elkerzee to David Ornee, aged 29 years. David was born on monday 12-04-1897 in Elkerzee,son of Cornelis Daniël Ornee and Pieternella Fluijt. David is deceased on sunday 04-10-1959 in Scharendijke, 62 years years old. He was buried in Scharendijke.
Child of Elizabeth Adriana and David:
1 Cornelis Leendert Adriaan Ornee, born on friday 29-01-1937. Cornelis Leendert Adriaan is deceased on sunday 27-12-1959, 22 years years old. He was buried in Scharendijke.
XI-dj Adriana Elizabeth Boot was born on sunday 11-03-1900 in Kerkwerve, daughter of Leendert Centesz Boot and Henderieka Evertse. Adriana Elizabeth is deceased on wednesday 13-04-1966 in Zierikzee, 66 years years old. She was buried in Zierikzee. Adriana Elizabeth married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 27-07-1928 in Oosterland to Pieter Kesteloo, aged 26 years,after the publication of the bans on friday 13-07-1928. Pieter was born on saturday 22-02-1902 in Kerkwerve. Pieter is deceased on monday 16-10-1967 in Duiveland, 65 years years old. He was buried in Zierikzee. Address: Oosterland. Occupation: smid.
XI-dk Centina Paulina Boot was born on thursday 09-04-1908 in Kerkwerve, daughter of Leendert Centesz Boot and Henderieka Evertse. Centina Paulina married to Johannes Cornelis van der Have. Johannes Cornelis was born on friday 01-11-1901 in Papendrecht. Occupation: accountant. Note re Johannes Cornelis: zoon van Adriaan van der Have en Cornelia Nederlof.
XI-dl Elizabeth Marina Boot was born on wednesday 15-08-1900 in Haamstede, daughter of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Elizabeth Marina is deceased on tuesday 03-12-1991 in Haamstede, 91 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede. Elizabeth Marina married,at the age of 30 years, on friday 24-04-1931 in Haamstede to Mari(n)us van der Weel, aged 36 years. Mari(n)us was born on monday 09-07-1894 in Haamstede,son of Adrianus van der Weel and Maria van Vessem. Mari(n)us is deceased on friday 16-10-1959 in Zierikzee, 65 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Occupation: landbouwer.
Children of Elizabeth Marina and Mari(n)us:
1 Marie Anna Jacoba van der Weel (private). Marie Anna Jacoba married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 25-01-1952 to Johan Jan Dalebout, aged 29 years. Johan Jan was born on wednesday 08-02-1922 in Burgh,son of Johannes Dalebout and Jannetje Delst.
2 Job Adrianus van der Weel (private). Job Adrianus married to Neeltje (Maatje) Pieternella Hanse. Neeltje (Maatje) Pieternella was born before 1947.
XI-dm Marina Elizabeth Boot was born on sunday 25-05-1902 in Haamstede, daughter of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Marina Elizabeth is deceased on sunday 17-03-1991 in Leiden, 88 years years old. Marina Elizabeth:
(1) married,at the age of at the most 33 years, before 1935 to Pieter van der Wel, aged at the most 28 years. Pieter was born on thursday 25-04-1907 in Rotterdam. Pieter is deceased on friday 27-09-1935 in Poortugaal, 28 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 38 years, on saturday 30-11-1940 to Wilhelmus Hendrikus van den Berg, aged 51 years. Wilhelmus Hendrikus was born on saturday 16-11-1889. Address: (verhuisde met zijn gezin naar Den Haag).
Children of Marina Elizabeth and Wilhelmus Hendrikus:
1 Wilhelmus Hendrikus van den Berg (private).
2 Marinus Elisa van den Berg (private).
3 Rutgeris Job van den Berg (private).
XI-dn Cente Iman Boot was born on wednesday 06-01-1904 in Haamstede, son of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Cente Iman is deceased on sunday 30-06-1968 in Brazilië, 64 years years old. Note re Cente Iman: het gezin emigreerde in 1950 naar Brazilië. Cente Iman married,at the age of 28 years, on thursday 22-12-1932 to Maatje Jozina Rotte, aged 24 years. Maatje Jozina was born on monday 07-09-1908 in Kerkwerve. Maatje Jozina is deceased in 1994 in Brazilië, 86 years years old.
Children of Cente Iman and Maatje Jozina:
1 Anna Jacoba Maatje Boot (private).
2 Maatje Anna Jacoba Boot (private).
3 Job Boot (private).
4 Joost Boot (private).
5 Elizabeth Boot (private).
6 Jan Boot, born on monday 04-01-1943. Jan is deceased about 1972, about 29 years years old.
XI-do Iman Cente Boot was born on sunday 04-06-1905 in Haamstede, son of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Iman Cente is deceased on saturday 07-08-1993 in Haamstede, 88 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede. Occupation: fruitkweker. Iman Cente married,at the age of 27 years, on friday 05-05-1933 in Haamstede to Cornelia Dirkje Steur, aged 27 years. Cornelia Dirkje was born on friday 22-12-1905 in Renesse. Cornelia Dirkje is deceased on wednesday 25-10-1978 in Zierikzee, 72 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede. Note re Cornelia Dirkje: dochter van Roeland Steur en Margretha Neeltje (Keetje?) Cooman.
Children of Iman Cente and Cornelia Dirkje:
1 Job Roeland Boot (private). Job Roeland married,at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 10-05-1960 in Zierikzee to Jannie Bastiaanse, aged 19 years. Jannie was born on tuesday 10-09-1940 in Zierikzee. Note re Jannie: dochter van Cornelis Anthonie Bastiaanse en Elizabeth Bal.
2 Roeland Job Boot (private). Roeland Job married,at the age of 25 years, on thursday 29-12-1960 in Oud-Beijerland to Teuntje (Toos) van der Heiden, aged 25 years. Teuntje was born on thursday 12-09-1935 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Toos: dochter van Pieter van der Heiden en Janna onbekend.
3 Anna Jacoba (Annie) Boot (private). Annie married to Jan A. Maris.
4 Margaretha Neeltje (Greet) Boot (private). Greet married to Pieter J.C. (Pim) Kotoun. The marriage was dissolved (echtscheiding). Pieter J.C. was born in Zierikzee. Occupation: eigenaar café-bar De Gruttepikker te Zonnemaire.
XI-dp Toontje Jobina Boot was born on sunday 21-02-1909 in Haamstede, daughter of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Address: from 1993 Sint Annaland. Toontje Jobina married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 10-07-1931 in Haamstede to Marinus Johannes Buys, aged 23 years. Marinus Johannes was born on monday 29-07-1907. Marinus Johannes is deceased on tuesday 01-02-1972, 64 years years old. Address: Tholen. Note re Marinus Johannes: zoon van Adriaan Buys en Christina (Trijntje) Goedegebuure.
Children of Toontje Jobina and Marinus Johannes:
1 Anna Jacoba Buys (private).
2 Christina Buys (private).
3 Job Adriaan Buys (private).
4 Adriaan Job Buys (private).
XI-dq Jobina Anna Jacoba Boot was born on monday 24-02-1913 in Haamstede, daughter of Job Centesz Boot and Anna Jacoba den Boer. Jobina Anna Jacoba is deceased on monday 27-09-1993, 80 years years old. She was buried in Haamstede. Jobina Anna Jacoba married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 18-05-1934 to Maarten Olivier Hanse(n), aged 26 years. Maarten Olivier was born on friday 15-11-1907 in Haamstede,son of Maarten Olivier Hanse and Aaltje Willemina Dalebout. Maarten Olivier is deceased on wednesday 27-06-1979, 71 years years old. He was buried in Haamstede.
Children of Jobina Anna Jacoba and Maarten Olivier:
1 Maarten Olivier Hanse (private). Maarten Olivier married to E.D. Kooman.
2 Job Leendert Hanse (private). Job Leendert married to M. Figel.
3 Albert Willem Hanse (private). Albert Willem married to M.A.J. Cashoek.
4 Anton Jacob (Ton) Hanse (private). Ton married to Tonny M. Landegent. Tonny M. was born in 1954.
XI-dr Elisabeth Lena Boot was born on saturday 16-04-1898 in Nieuwer-Amstel, daughter of Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz Boot and Leuntje Maria van der Wende (Woude). Elisabeth Lena is deceased on monday 15-11-1993 in Rijnwoude, 95 years years old. She was buried on friday 19-11-1993 in Hazerswoude. Elisabeth Lena married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 27-07-1921 in Rotterdam [source: akte i128v] to Willem van Bockel, aged 24 years. Note re the marriage: 2 kinderen, geboren in 1922 en 1925 te Hazerswoude.Willem was born on saturday 06-02-1897 in Rotterdam. Willem is deceased on thursday 18-02-1960 in Leiden, 63 years years old. Occupation: boekhouder. Note re Willem: zoon van Cornelis Hendrikus Marinus van Bockel en Wilhelmina Smits.
XI-ds Jan Boot was born on friday 13-04-1900 in Serooskerke, Schouwen, son of Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz Boot and Leuntje Maria van der Wende (Woude). Jan is deceased on saturday 13-04-1974 in Rotterdam, 74 years years old. Address: Rotterdam. Occupation: waterstoker, kolenhandelaar en winkelier. Jan:
(1) married,at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 07-05-1930 in Heusden to Adriana Johanna de Groot, aged 23 years. Adriana Johanna was born on friday 02-11-1906 in Heusden. Adriana Johanna is deceased on sunday 26-02-1967 in Rotterdam, 60 years years old.
(2) married,at the age of 69 years, on wednesday 03-12-1969 in Rotterdam to Adriana Nuis, aged 65 years. The marriage was dissolved on monday 05-07-1971 (echtscheiding). Adriana was born on monday 04-07-1904 in Ridderkerk.
Children of Jan and Adriana Johanna:
1 Jan Boot (private).
2 Nico Boot (private).
3 Adriaan Boot (private).
XI-dt Willem Arend Cente Boot was born on sunday 03-11-1907 in Rotterdam, son of Nicolaas (Nikolaas) Centesz Boot and Leuntje Maria van der Wende (Woude). Willem Arend Cente is deceased on thursday 10-04-1997 in Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 89 years years old. Willem Arend Cente married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 20-09-1933 in Rotterdam to Adriana Maria (Jeanna) van der Pluijm, aged 23 years. Adriana Maria was born on sunday 27-02-1910 in Rotterdam. Note re Jeanna: haar ouders hadden een café aan de Kleiweg in Rotterdam.
Child of Willem Arend Cente and Jeanna:
1 Maria Louise Boot (private).
XI-du Cente Cornelis Eliezasz Boot was born on thursday 19-10-1911 in Renesse, son of Elieza Centesz Boot and Toontje Verboom. Cente Cornelis Eliezasz is deceased on monday 17-01-1972 in Zwolle, 60 years years old. Address: (vertrok op 21-04-1915 naar Zierikzee, ging op 15-04-1938 van Noordwelle naar Burgh, woonde in 1953 te Zwollerkerspel, in 1961 te Ommen en na 23-06-1967 te Zwolle). Occupation: landbouwersknecht, tuinder en boer. Cente Cornelis Eliezasz married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 11-03-1932 in Renesse to Geertruida Viergever, aged 25 years. Geertruida was born on wednesday 30-05-1906 in Noordgouwe,daughter of Johannes Viergever and Maria Hoekman. Geertruida is deceased on sunday 08-09-1996 in Zwolle, 90 years years old.
Children of Cente Cornelis Eliezasz and Geertruida:
1 Centina Boot (private). Centina married,at the age of 20 years, on tuesday 24-03-1953 in Burgh to Cornelis Boot, aged 27 years. Cornelis was born on saturday 02-05-1925 in Haamstede,son of Stoffel Boot and Adriana Tromper. Occupation: landbouwer, later caravanhandelaar.
2 Maria Boot, born on wednesday 09-05-1934 in Noordwelle. Follow XII-cm.
3 Geertruida Boot, born on monday 27-11-1939 in Burgh. Geertruida is deceased 06-1970, 30 years years old. Note re Geertruida: geestelijk gehandicapt.
4 Cornelis Willem (Wim) Boot (private). Wim married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 23-06-1967 in Ommen to Trijntje Schuurman, aged 20 years. Trijntje was born on saturday 15-02-1947. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Hendrik Jan Schuurman en Gezina Timmer.
5 Cente Cornelis (Vincent) Boot (private). Vincent married,at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 11-12-1968 in Zwolle to Yda Maria Pronk, aged 23 years. Yda Maria was born on saturday 04-08-1945 in Bathmen. Note re Yda Maria: dochter van Nicolaas Pronk en Antonia van Sluijters.
XI-dv Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina (Liesbeth) Boot was born on monday 14-12-1914 in Renesse, daughter of Elieza Centesz Boot and Toontje Verboom. Liesbeth is deceased on saturday 15-01-2005 in Zierikzee, 90 years years old. She was buried on wednesday 19-01-2005 in Haamstede [source: adv. PZC]. Address: (woonde in 1996 te Haamstede). Liesbeth married,at the age of 19 years, on friday 16-11-1934 in Renesse to Iman Leendert Bouwman, aged 25 years. Iman Leendert was born on wednesday 04-08-1909 in Brouwershaven,son of Hubrecht Bouwman and Neeltje Berrevoets. Iman Leendert is deceased on monday 17-02-1986, 76 years years old.
Children of Liesbeth and Iman Leendert:
1 Hubrecht (Huib) Bouwman (private).
2 Toontje Neeltje (Tonny) Bouwman (private).
3 Neeltje Toontje (Nelly) Bouwman (private).
4 Elieza Hubrecht (Liza) Bouwman (private).
5 Pieter Cornelis Bouwman (private).
6 Cornelis (Daan) Bouwman (private).
7 Lena Wilhelmina (Lenie) Bouwman (private).
8 Cornelis Willem Bouwman (private).
XI-dx Cornelis Willem (Cor) Boot was born on thursday 06-04-1922 in Renesse, son of Elieza Centesz Boot and Toontje Verboom. Cor is deceased on friday 31-03-2000 in Espel (Noordoostpolder), 77 years years old [source: adv Trouw 01-04-2000]. Address: from 1990 Espel (Noordoostpolder). Occupation: landbouwer. Cor married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 28-05-1948 in Noordwelle to Jacomijntje (Mijntje) Boot, aged 23 years. Jacomijntje was born on monday 09-03-1925 in Noordwelle,daughter of Pieter Gerrit Boot and Dina van de Panne. Mijntje is deceased on sunday 28-12-2008 in Emmeloord, 83 years years old [source: www.mensenlinq.nl]. She was buried on friday 02-01-2009 in Espel (Noordoostpolder). Address: from 1990 Espel (Noordoostpolder). Note re Mijntje: stammend uit de Rengerskerkse tak.
Children of Cor and Mijntje:
1 Toontje Dina (Toke) Boot (private). Toke married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 22-12-1972 in Espel (Noordoostpolder) to Freerke (Frits) Hoekstra, aged 23 years. Freerke was born on monday 14-03-1949. Frits is deceased on friday 23-10-1998, 49 years years old. Address: Roerdomplaan 120, Hoogeveen (05280-69684).
2 Dina (Dineke) Boot (private). Dineke married to Hendrik IJzer. The marriage was dissolved (echtscheiding).
3 Elisabeth Pieternella (Els) Boot (private). Els married to Gerrit Lotterman. Occupation: verpleegkundige verstandelijk gehandicapten.
4 Elieza Cornelis (Leo) Boot (private). Leo married to Juliana Quartel.
5 Pieter Boot (private). Pieter married,at the age of 29 years, on friday 20-06-1986 in Sliedrecht to Neeltje Smit.
6 Cornelis Jan Johannis (Kees) Boot (private).
7 Centina Dana Boot (private). Centina Dana married,at the age of 22 years, on thursday 10-04-1986 to Okke Bijl, aged 26 years. Okke was born on monday 21-12-1959. Occupation: landbouwer.
XI-dz Goris Boot was born on wednesday 18-11-1914 in Ouder-Amstel, son of Cente Centesz Boot and Maria Catharina van Wijngaarden. Goris is deceased on friday 06-06-1975 in Amsterdam, 60 years years old. Address: Amsterdam. Occupation: magazijnmeester conf. fabriek. Goris married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 03-06-1942 in Amsterdam to Cornelia Schaake, aged 30 years. Cornelia was born on friday 21-07-1911 in Leiden.
XI-ea Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina Boot was born on sunday 18-04-1909 in Renesse, daughter of Machiel Cornelis Centesz Boot and Janna van den Hoek. Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina is deceased on saturday 31-01-2004, 94 years years old. Address: from 1993 Rotterdam. Elizabeth Lena Wilhelmina married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 12-12-1930 in Renesse to Jan Hart, aged 24 years. Jan was born on sunday 21-01-1906. Address: from 1993 Rotterdam.
XI-eb Johanna Maatje Boot was born on tuesday 03-01-1911 in Renesse, daughter of Machiel Cornelis Centesz Boot and Janna van den Hoek. Johanna Maatje is deceased on wednesday 07-05-2003 in Zierikzee, 92 years years old. She was cremated on saturday 10-05-2003 in Middelburg. Address: from 1993 Renesse. Johanna Maatje married,at the age of 20 years, on friday 14-08-1931 in Renesse to Hendrikus Leendert Bodbijl, aged 22 years. Note re the marriage: 12-12-1930?.Hendrikus Leendert was born on wednesday 02-09-1908 in Renesse,son of Jan Marinus Bodbijl and Janna Fondse. Hendrikus Leendert is deceased 08-1996, 87 years years old.
XI-ed Cornelis Jan Boot was born on tuesday 03-02-1920 in Renesse, son of Machiel Cornelis Centesz Boot and Janna van den Hoek. Cornelis Jan is deceased on friday 19-03-1993 in Zierikzee, 73 years years old. He was buried in Renesse. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landarbeider en klein landbouwer. Cornelis Jan married,at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 17-10-1945 in Renesse to Lijna Jacoba Dalebout, aged 24 years. Lijna Jacoba was born on friday 28-01-1921 in Elkerzee. Note re Lijna Jacoba: dochter van Pieter Konstant Dalebout en Marina Fokker.
Children of Cornelis Jan and Lijna Jacoba:
1 Marina Janna Boot (private). Marina Janna married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 05-09-1969 in Haamstede to Jan Cornelis van der Maas, aged 22 years. Jan Cornelis was born on tuesday 24-12-1946 in Noordgouwe.
2 Janna Dina Boot (private). Janna Dina married,at the age of 22 years, on friday 14-05-1971 in Emmeloord to Theunis (Teus) van der Horst, aged 27 years. Theunis was born on sunday 30-01-1944 in Moergestel. Note re Teus: zoon van Albert van der Horst en Antonia Kastelijn.
3 Machiel Cornelis Boot (private). Machiel Cornelis married,at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 03-04-1974 in Emmeloord to Jelly Jannie Greetje ter Veen, aged 18 years. Jelly Jannie Greetje was born on friday 16-03-1956 in Leeuwarden. Note re Jelly Jannie Greetje: dochter van Gerrit ter Veeen en Grietje Faber.
4 Petra Konstantia Boot (private). Petra Konstantia married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 29-06-1984 in Westenschouwen to Leo Adiël Lemsom, aged 21 years. Leo Adiël was born on tuesday 11-06-1963 in Zierikzee. Occupation: directeur bouwbedrijf. Note re Leo Adiël: zoon van Izaak Lemsom en Janna Daane.
XI-ee Jan Cente Willem de Vrieze was born on sunday 17-05-1908 in Noordwelle, son of Govert Marinus de Vrieze and Jacomijntje Jacoba Boot. Jan Cente Willem is deceased on monday 13-01-1986 in Roosendaal, 77 years years old. He was buried on friday 17-01-1986 in Rotterdam. Jan Cente Willem:
(1) married to M. den Haan. M. is deceased before 1933.
(2) married,at the age of 24 years, on sunday 30-04-1933 to Cornelia de Meij, aged 23 years. Cornelia was born on wednesday 06-04-1910 in Nieuwerkerk. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 23-12-1987 in Noordwelle, 77 years years old. She was buried on monday 28-12-1987 in Renesse. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Eliza de Meij en Francina Dijkgraaf.
Children of Jan Cente Willem and Cornelia:
1 Goverina Jacoba Elizabeth de Vrieze (private). Goverina Jacoba Elizabeth married to J.A. Schietekatte.
2 Cornelia Jannetje de Vrieze (private). Cornelia Jannetje married to A. Hoekman.
3 Jacomijntje Francina de Vrieze (private). Jacomijntje Francina married to H.J.A. ten Haaf.
4 Elizabeth Izabella de Vrieze (private). Elizabeth Izabella married,at the age of 21 years, on friday 26-02-1960 to Dingeman Verboom, aged 24 years. Dingeman was born on thursday 05-09-1935 in Serooskerke, Schouwen. Note re Dingeman: zoon van Dirk Verboom en Maatje Izabella Susanna Quaak.
5 Govert Marinus de Vrieze (private). Govert Marinus married to Geertje Marina Hanse. Note re the marriage: uit dit huwelijk 2 kinderen geboren tussen 1961 en 1988.Geertje Marina was born on saturday 16-01-1943. Geertje Marina is deceased about 1993 in Noordwelle, about 50 years years old.
6 Marinus Eliza de Vrieze (private). Marinus Eliza started a relationship with J.C. de Feiter.
7 Jan Cornelis de Vrieze (private). Jan Cornelis started a relationship with J.L. Melissant.
8 N.N. de Vrieze, born in 1944. N.N. is deceased in 1944, 0 days years old.
9 Frans Eliza de Vrieze (private). Frans Eliza started a relationship with I.W. Straaijer.
10 Janny Cornelia de Vrieze (private). Janny Cornelia married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 24-04-1970 in Haamstede to Johannes Leendert van der Klooster, aged 25 years. Johannes Leendert was born on thursday 26-10-1944 in Burgh,son of Cornelis van der Klooster and Johanna Hendrika Slaager.
11 Willem Jan de Vrieze (private). Willem Jan married to A.J. Adriaanse.
12 Cornelis Marinus de Vrieze (private). Cornelis Marinus married to W.P. Beije.
13 Johannes Marinus de Vrieze (private). Johannes Marinus married,at the age of 26 years, on friday 22-12-1978 in Haamstede to Johanna Nicolette de Wilde, aged 21 years. Johanna Nicolette was born on sunday 21-07-1957 in Duivendijke,daughter of Gerard de Wilde and Jacoba Keijzer.
14 Marius Willem de Vrieze (private). Marius Willem married to C.I. Post.
XI-eg Leendert Jan Boot was born on tuesday 18-02-1908 in Burgh, son of Thonis Jansz Boot and Janna van de Zande. Leendert Jan is deceased on sunday 02-01-1983 in Kruiningen (Reimerswaal), 74 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer op de Zanddijk. Leendert Jan married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 25-02-1932 in Sint Maartensdijk to Catharina Wilhelmina de Wilde, aged 25 years. Catharina Wilhelmina was born on friday 15-02-1907 in Sint Maartensdijk,daughter of Jacob Johannes de Wilde and Wilhelmina van Gorsel.
Children of Leendert Jan and Catharina Wilhelmina:
1 Thonis Jacob (Tonnie) Boot, born on friday 25-08-1933 in Kruiningen. Follow XII-dm.
2 Jacob Johannes (Jaap) Boot (private). Jaap married,at the age of 28 years, on saturday 01-12-1973 in Wissenkerke to Anna Pieternella (Annie) Verhulst, aged 20 years. Anna Pieternella was born on friday 27-03-1953 in Geersdijk. Note re Annie: dochter van Johannes Jacobus Verhulst en Maria Aartje Wilhelmina Dieleman.
XI-eh Marius Boot was born on tuesday 10-01-1911 in Burgh, son of Thonis Jansz Boot and Janna van de Zande. Marius is deceased on thursday 19-06-1958 in Oud-Vossemeer, 47 years years old. Address: (woonde onder meer te Scherpenisse, Oude Tonge, Tholen, Dinteloord en Oud-Vossemeer). Occupation: broodbakkersknecht, landbouwersknecht, bakker. Marius married,at the age of 35 years, on thursday 19-09-1946 in Nieuwe Tonge to Maria Holleman, aged 25 years. Maria was born on friday 03-12-1920 in Nieuwe Tonge-Bathenoord. Maria is deceased on tuesday 25-08-1981 in Bergen op Zoom, 60 years years old. She was buried in Oud-Vossemeer. Note re Maria: dochter van Jan Holleman en Kaatje de Gast.
Children of Marius and Maria:
1 Katharina Janna Maria Boot (private). Katharina Janna Maria married,at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 11-05-1971 in Oud-Vossemeer to Gerard Verburg, aged 24 years. Gerard was born on saturday 01-03-1947 in Amsterdam.
2 Janna (Anja) Boot (private). Anja married,at the age of 25 years, on friday 05-10-1979 in Tholen to Anthonius Abraham (Ton) Keijzers, aged 27 years. The marriage was dissolved (echtscheiding). Anthonius Abraham was born on sunday 20-01-1952 in Oud-Vossemeer. Note re Ton: zoon van Adrianus Petrus Keijzers en Petronella Antonia Timmermans; getrouwd met Johanna A.G. Kamphuis.
XI-ej Maatje Elizabeth Boot was born on friday 06-08-1920 in Tholen, daughter of Thonis Jansz Boot and Janna van de Zande. Maatje Elizabeth is deceased on monday 28-06-2004 in Tholen, 83 years years old. Maatje Elizabeth married,at the age of 24 years, on thursday 05-04-1945 in Tholen to Leendert Jacobus Stoutjesdijk, aged 32 years. Leendert Jacobus was born on thursday 01-08-1912 in Tholen. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Leendert Jacobus: zoon van Marinus Jacobus Stoutjesdijk en Tanna Adriana Geluk. Maatje Elizabeth remained childless.
XI-el Leendert Janus Blom was born on thursday 07-02-1924 in Haamstede, son of Machiel Blom and Martha Serena Johanna Fokker. Leendert Janus is deceased on thursday 17-05-1990 in Rotterdam, 66 years years old. Occupation: landbouwer, fruitkweker, kampeerexploitant. Leendert Janus:
(1) married,at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 24-05-1950 in Hoogezand-Sappemeer to Alberdina Alida van der Wal, aged 28 years. Alberdina Alida was born on saturday 25-06-1921 in Beerta.
(2) married,at the age of 39 years, on friday 22-03-1963 in Bergen op Zoom to Antonetta Elisabeth Borghouts, aged 29 years. Antonetta Elisabeth was born on saturday 14-10-1933 in Bergen op Zoom.
XII-p Anthonia Braber was born on monday 31-03-1930 in Overschie (Rotterdam), daughter of Albertus Cornelis Leendert Braber and Pieternella Jacoba Romeijn. Anthonia is deceased on monday 27-08-2001 in Aalten, 71 years years old. Anthonia married to Hans Schallenberg. Hans was born on tuesday 02-12-1924 in Rotterdam.
Children of Anthonia and Hans:
1 Albert Schallenberg (private).
2 Vera Schallenberg (private).
XII-q Jacob Leendert Braber was born on tuesday 30-08-1932 in Overschie (Rotterdam), son of Albertus Cornelis Leendert Braber and Pieternella Jacoba Romeijn. Jacob Leendert is deceased on monday 02-04-2001 in Amsterdam, 68 years years old. Jacob Leendert married,at the age of 38 years, on tuesday 15-12-1970 in Rotterdam to Christina Maria Kusters, aged 32 years. Christina Maria was born on monday 02-05-1938 in Rotterdam.
XII-az Nicolaas (Nico) Fokker was born on friday 17-07-1942 in Haamstede, son of Nicolaas Willem (Nico) Fokker and Lucretia Lena (Trees) van den Berge. Occupation: aanbouwer A bij HCG te Leiden/Schiedam, bloemverdeler veiling Flora te Rijnsburg. Nico married,at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 21-01-1970 in Barcelona, Catalonië, Spanje to Maria Carmen (Carmen) Montes Borrego, aged 21 years. Maria Carmen was born on saturday 10-07-1948 in Zambra, Spanje. Occupation: alpha helpende. Note re Carmen: dochter van José Montes Cabrera en Francisca Borrego Graciano.
Children of Nico and Carmen:
1 Nicolaas (Nico) Fokker (private).
2 Francisca (Ciska) Fokker (private). Ciska married,at the age of 28 years, on friday 22-09-2000 in Almelo to Hendrik Jan (Henri) Gerrits, aged 34 years. Hendrik Jan was born on friday 22-04-1966 in Almelo. Occupation: bibliothecaris Stadsbibliotheek Rijssen, mediathecaris ROC van Twente. Note re Henri: zoon van Herman Gerrits en Janna Margje (Janny) Scherphof.
3 José Manfred (Manfred) Fokker (private). Manfred married,at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 16-09-2003 in Wassenaar to Lonetta Kortekaas, aged 26 years. Lonetta was born on wednesday 18-05-1977 in Den Haag. Note re the birth of Lonetta: Antonius Kerk, doopgetuigen: Manfred Helmut Marx en Isabel Carvajal Molina. Occupation: bejaardenverzorgster. Note re Lonetta: dochter van Franciscus Johannes Emiel Maria (Frans) Kortekaas en Jacoba (Coby) van Zanten.
XII-bj Marijke Louise Hoogkamer was born on sunday 22-02-1942 in Vlissingen, daughter of Jacobus Arie Hoogkamer and Johanna Wilhelmina Fokker. Marijke Louise married,at the age of 24 years, on friday 16-12-1966 to Willem Sloeserwij, aged 29 years. Willem was born on sunday 11-07-1937 in Utrecht. Occupation: boekhouder. Note re Willem: zoon van Willem Sloeserwij en Willempje Wit.
XII-cm Maria Boot was born on wednesday 09-05-1934 in Noordwelle, daughter of Cente Cornelis Eliezasz Boot and Geertruida Viergever. Maria is deceased on saturday 19-10-1974 in Zwolle, 40 years years old. Maria married,at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 04-11-1958 in Zwolle to Hermanus Henri ter Heege, aged 27 years. Hermanus Henri was born on sunday 27-09-1931 in Zwolle.
XII-dm Thonis Jacob (Tonnie) Boot was born on friday 25-08-1933 in Kruiningen, son of Leendert Jan Boot and Catharina Wilhelmina de Wilde. Tonnie is deceased on monday 13-07-2009 in Goes, 75 years years old. Address: Zanddijk 15,4416 PR Kruiningen. Occupation: landbouwer. Tonnie married,at the age of 27 years, on thursday 13-04-1961 in Kruiningen to Johanna Lena (Jopie) Glerum, aged 25 years. Johanna Lena was born on saturday 06-07-1935 in Schore.
Children of Tonnie and Jopie:
1 Leendert Jan (Leenjan) Boot (private). Leenjan married,at the age of 23 years, on friday 01-07-1988 in Kruiningen to Jannetje Adriana (Janine) Boogert, aged 23 years. Jannetje Adriana was born on saturday 23-01-1965 in Kruiningen,daughter of Huibrecht Boogert.
2 Hendrik Johannes (Hein) Boot (private). Hein married to Clothilde Bun.
For the index click here.
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