(Zeeland - Veere)
I Adriaan Boot (Bood) was born about 1765. He was buried on friday 20-11-1795 in Veere [source: Zeeuws Archief: Begraaflijsten, overl. en begraafregisters Walcheren 1600-1810]. Adriaan married,at the age of about 26 years, about 1791 in Veere [source: Zeeuws Archief: Trouwgeld Zeeuwse Eilanden 1704-1805] to Johanna (Janna) But(h), aged about 26 years. Note re the marriage: betaling trouwgeld : 01-10-1790/30-09-1791.Johanna (Janna) was born about 1765. Johanna (Janna) is deceased on wednesday 14-07-1824 in Veere, about 59 years years old [source: Memories van successie Middelburg 1818-1900]. Note re the death of Johanna (Janna): weduwe van 1. Adriaan Boot, 2. Pieter Groenewout. Occupation: dagloonster. Note re Johanna (Janna): hertrouwd te Veere met Pieter Groenewoud (trouwgeld 01-10-1800/09-1801) [Zeeuws Archief: Trouwgeld Zeeuwse Eilanden 1704-1805], geboren ca 1775 te Zierikzee, overleden 15-10-1821 te Veere [akte 27 Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811], loods, zoon van Pieter Groenewoud en Helena Zwane.
Children of Adriaan and Johanna (Janna):
1 Jacobus Boot, born about 1792 in Veere. Follow II-a.
2 Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia Boot (Bood), born on monday 07-04-1794 in Veere. Follow II-b.
II-a Jacobus Boot was born about 1792 in Veere, son of Adriaan Boot (Bood) and Johanna (Janna) But(h). Occupation: stuurman. Jacobus married,at the age of about 31 years, on thursday 22-05-1823 in Veere [source: akte 6] to Anthoinette Levina Richard, aged about 26 years. Anthoinette Levina was born about 1797 in Veere. Anthoinette Levina is deceased on monday 18-02-1867 in Middelburg, about 70 years years old. Note re Anthoinette Levina: ook Anthonetta Levina Richart of Antoinetta Levina Richard, dochter van François Richard, veldwachter, en Petronella van Male.
Children of Jacobus and Anthoinette Levina:
1 Johanna Adriana Boot, born on thursday 27-11-1823 in Veere. The birth was registered on saturday 29-11-1823. Johanna Adriana is deceased on monday 13-02-1826 in Middelburg, 2 years years old.
2 Francina Pieternella Boot, born on wednesday 15-12-1824 in Veere. The birth was registered on thursday 16-12-1824. Francina Pieternella is deceased on monday 26-12-1842 in Veere, 18 years years old. Note re the death of Francina Pieternella: over de vader: "onbekend of denselven noch in leven dan overleden is daar hij in den jare 1832 als kapitein op het schip Azia is uitgezeild en sedert dien tijd niets meer van hem heeft doen hooren".
3 Jacobus Adrianus Boot, born about 1827. Jacobus Adrianus is deceased on friday 10-04-1829 in Middelburg, about 2 years years old.
4 Anthoinetta Jacoba Boot, born about 1831. Anthoinetta Jacoba is deceased on thursday 24-01-1833 in Middelburg, about 2 years years old.
5 Marinus Cornelis Boot, born about 1833 in Middelburg. Follow III-a.
II-b Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia Boot (Bood) was born on monday 07-04-1794 in Veere, daughter of Adriaan Boot (Bood) and Johanna (Janna) But(h). Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia is deceased on thursday 24-07-1817 in Middelburg, 23 years years old. Occupation: naaister. Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia:
(1) married,at the age of 18 years, on saturday 13-02-1813 in Veere [source: akte 1] to Cornelis Kaauwe, aged about 28 years. Note re the marriage: erkennen dochter Neeltje, geboren 21-01-1813.Cornelis was born about 1785 in Zierikzee. Cornelis is deceased before 1815, about 30 years years old. Occupation: assistent-arts. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Livin Kaauwe, zeilmaker, en Neeltje van Tholen.
(2) married,at the age of 21 years, on saturday 29-07-1815 in Vlissingen [source: akte 29] to Jo(h)annes (Jan) Engels(e), aged 22 years. Jo(h)annes (Jan) was born on thursday 28-02-1793 in Veere. Occupation: matroos, commissaris Loodswezen. Note re Jo(h)annes (Jan): zoon van Abraham Engelse, visser, en Maatje Segers.
Child of Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia and Cornelis:
1 Neeltje Kaauwe, born on thursday 21-01-1813.
Child of Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia and Jo(h)annes (Jan):
1 Maatje Engels, born about 1816 in Vlissingen. Follow III-b.
III-a Marinus Cornelis Boot was born about 1833 in Middelburg, son of Jacobus Boot and Anthoinette Levina Richard. Marinus Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 24-04-1888 in Middelburg, about 55 years years old. Occupation: broodbakker, leurder, koopman.
Inwoner in 1874 Middelburg
M.C. Boot
Beroep: leurder
Adres: Domburgs Schuitvlot Q 238
Adresboek Middelburg 1874.
Marinus Cornelis married,at the age of about 27 years, on wednesday 11-04-1860 in Middelburg [source: akte 18] to Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom, aged about 27 years. Johanna Cornelia was born about 1833 in Breda. Johanna Cornelia is deceased on sunday 08-12-1889 in Middelburg, about 56 years years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Johanna Cornelia: dochter van Ida Johanna Dikkelboom.
Children of Marinus Cornelis and Johanna Cornelia:
1 Ida Johanna Anthonetta Boot, born about 1861 in Middelburg. Follow IV-a.
2 Isaac Jacobus Marinus Boot, born about 1863 in Middelburg. Isaac Jacobus Marinus is deceased on sunday 02-04-1865 in Middelburg, about 2 years years old.
3 Geertruida Pieternella Boot, born about 1864 in Middelburg. Follow IV-b.
4 Marinus Cornelis Boot, born about 1865 in Middelburg. Follow IV-c.
5 Johanna Cornelia Boot, born about 1866 in Middelburg. Follow IV-d.
6 Antoinetta Levina Boot, born 07-1869 in Middelburg. Antoinetta Levina is deceased on friday 06-08-1869 in Middelburg, 1 month years old.
7 Isaac Jacobus Boot, born on wednesday 14-06-1871 in Middelburg. Isaac Jacobus is deceased on thursday 29-06-1871 in Middelburg, 15 days years old.
8 Francina Helena Boot, born about 1873 in Middelburg. Follow IV-e.
III-b Maatje Engels was born about 1816 in Vlissingen, daughter of Jo(h)annes (Jan) Engels(e) and Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia Boot (Bood). Maatje is deceased on saturday 06-10-1849 in Terneuzen, about 33 years years old. Maatje married,at the age of about 21 years, on saturday 19-08-1837 in Zaamslag [source: akte 12] to Hendrik Leunis, aged about 23 years. Hendrik was born about 1814 in Zaamslag. Hendrik is deceased about 1878, about 64 years years old. Occupation: schipper. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Cornelis Leunis, schipper, en Sara van Doorn.
IV-a Ida Johanna Anthonetta Boot was born about 1861 in Middelburg, daughter of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom. Address: (na 1900 inwoner van Middelburg). Occupation: dienstbode. Ida Johanna Anthonetta married,at the age of about 28 years, on friday 10-05-1889 in Middelburg [source: akte 38] to Abraham van den Ende, aged about 28 years. Abraham was born about 1861 in Zierikzee. Abraham is deceased on monday 17-07-1933 in Middelburg, about 72 years years old. Occupation: kleermaker. Note re Abraham: zoon van Jan van den Ende, bakker, en Annigje Elizabeth van der Veer.
Children of Ida Johanna Anthonetta and Abraham:
1 Annigje Elizabeth van den Ende, born 07-1891 in Middelburg. Annigje Elizabeth is deceased on sunday 27-03-1892 in Middelburg, 8 months years old.
2 Jan van den Ende, born about 1895 in Middelburg. Jan is deceased on friday 01-07-1898 in Middelburg, about 3 years years old.
IV-b Geertruida Pieternella Boot was born about 1864 in Middelburg, daughter of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom. Address: (na 1900 inwoner van Middelburg). Geertruida Pieternella married,at the age of about 23 years, on friday 13-05-1887 in Middelburg [source: akte 59] to Antonie Marinus Hofman, aged about 23 years. Antonie Marinus was born about 1864 in Middelburg. Antonie Marinus is deceased on sunday 28-02-1932 in Middelburg, about 68 years years old. Occupation: meubelmaker, meubelhandelaar. Note re Antonie Marinus: zoon van Martijn Hofman, bakker, en Anthonetta Eggel.
Children of Geertruida Pieternella and Antonie Marinus:
1 Marinus Hofman, born 02-1895 in Middelburg. Marinus is deceased on saturday 31-08-1895 in Middelburg, 6 months years old.
2 Marinus Hofman, born about 1897 in Middelburg. Follow V-a.
3 Antonie Marinus Hofman, born on saturday 22-02-1902 in Middelburg. Follow V-b.
IV-c Marinus Cornelis Boot was born about 1865 in Middelburg, son of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom. Marinus Cornelis is deceased on monday 05-07-1937 in Middelburg, about 72 years years old. Address: (woonde na 1900 te Middelburg). Occupation: winkelbediende, winkelier.
Inwoner in 1890 Middelburg
M.C. Boot
Beroep: winkelbediende
Adres: Domburgs Schuitvlot Q 247
Verhuisd naar Lange Sint Pieterstraat A 76
Adresboek Middelburg 1890.
Marinus Cornelis married,at the age of about 27 years, on friday 27-05-1892 in Middelburg [source: akte 63] to Wilhelmina Constantia Stevense, aged about 25 years. Wilhelmina Constantia was born about 1867 in Middelburg. Wilhelmina Constantia is deceased on wednesday 12-04-1950 in Middelburg, about 83 years years old. Note re Wilhelmina Constantia: dochter van Jan Stevense en Maria Sophia Wilhelmina Helm.
Children of Marinus Cornelis and Wilhelmina Constantia:
1 Maria Sophia Wilhelmina Boot, born on wednesday 01-03-1893 in Middelburg. Maria Sophia Wilhelmina is deceased on wednesday 29-12-1993 in Middelburg, 100 years years old. She was buried on monday 03-01-1994 in Middelburg [source: adv. PZC].
2 Johannes Marinus Cornelis Boot, born about 1897 in Middelburg. Follow V-c.
IV-d Johanna Cornelia Boot was born about 1866 in Middelburg, daughter of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom. Johanna Cornelia is deceased on saturday 14-11-1936 in Bergen op Zoom, about 70 years years old. Address: (na 1900 inwoner van Middelburg). Occupation: dienstbode. Johanna Cornelia married,at the age of about 25 years, on friday 07-08-1891 in Middelburg [source: akte 89] to Johannes Cornelis Schoep, aged about 21 years. The marriage was dissolved on wednesday 10-04-1895 in Middelburg (echtscheiding) [source: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank Middelburg]. Note re the marriage: 08-10-1895 echtscheidingsakte 102 Middelburg.Johannes Cornelis was born about 1870 in Middelburg. Occupation: smid, machinist, werkman. Note re Johannes Cornelis: zoon van Johannes Schoep, commissionair, en Christina Cornelia Menk.
Children of Johanna Cornelia and Johannes Cornelis:
1 Christina Cornelia Schoep, born on wednesday 06-01-1892 in Middelburg. Christina Cornelia is deceased on monday 18-01-1892 in Middelburg, 12 days years old.
2 Christina Cornelia Alida Schoep, born about 1894 in Middelburg. Follow V-d.
IV-e Francina Helena Boot was born about 1873 in Middelburg, daughter of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Johanna Cornelia Dikke(l)boom. Address: (na 1900 inwoner van Middelburg). Occupation: dienstbode. Francina Helena married,at the age of about 46 years, on friday 10-01-1919 in Middelburg [source: akte 2] to Abraham van de Biezenbos, aged about 53 years. Abraham was born about 1866 in Utrecht. Occupation: bankwerker staatsspoor. Note re Abraham: zoon van Antonie van de Biezenbos en Margaretha Vreeswijk, weduwnaar van Cornelia Johanna Notebaart.
V-a Marinus Hofman was born about 1897 in Middelburg, son of Antonie Marinus Hofman and Geertruida Pieternella Boot. Occupation: meubelmaker. Marinus married,at the age of about 24 years, on wednesday 20-07-1921 in Middelburg [source: akte 99] to Catharina de Wagter, aged about 24 years. Catharina was born about 1897 in Middelburg. Note re Catharina: dochter van Hendrik de Wagter, smid, en Pieternella Dourleijn.
V-b Antonie Marinus Hofman was born on saturday 22-02-1902 in Middelburg, son of Antonie Marinus Hofman and Geertruida Pieternella Boot. Antonie Marinus is deceased on tuesday 02-10-1979 in Middelburg, 77 years years old. Antonie Marinus married,at the age of 31 years, in 1933 to Maria Johanna Plansoen, aged 27 years. Maria Johanna was born on thursday 14-06-1906 in Middelburg. Maria Johanna is deceased on wednesday 13-11-1996 in Koudekerke (Valkenisse), 90 years years old. Note re Maria Johanna: dochter van Jacob Louwrens Plansoen (1875-1948) en Pieternella Johanna den Hollander (1875-1937).
V-c Johannes Marinus Cornelis Boot was born about 1897 in Middelburg, son of Marinus Cornelis Boot and Wilhelmina Constantia Stevense. Johannes Marinus Cornelis married,at the age of about 27 years, on wednesday 17-12-1924 in Rotterdam [source: akte o164] to Pietertje de Wachter, aged about 27 years. Pietertje was born about 1897 in Rotterdam. Note re Pietertje: dochter van Marinus de Wachter en Adriaantje Overwater.
V-d Christina Cornelia Alida Schoep was born about 1894 in Middelburg, daughter of Johannes Cornelis Schoep and Johanna Cornelia Boot. Christina Cornelia Alida married,at the age of about 26 years, on wednesday 07-07-1920 in Rotterdam [source: akte m28] to Wilhelmus Antonius Vos, aged about 24 years. Wilhelmus Antonius was born about 1896 in Rotterdam. Note re Wilhelmus Antonius: zoon van Wilhelmus Vos en Antonetta Elisabeth de Ruijter.
Index (42 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
van de Biezenbos | Abraham | ±1866 | [Partner of IV-e] | ||
Boot | Anthoinetta Jacoba | ±1831 | 24-01-1833 | [Daughter of II-a] | |
Boot | Antoinetta Levina | 07-1869 | 06-08-1869 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | Francina Helena | ±1873 | Nummer IV-e | ||
Boot | Francina Pieternella | 15-12-1824 | 26-12-1842 | [Daughter of II-a] | |
Boot | Geertruida Pieternella | ±1864 | Nummer IV-b | ||
Boot | Ida Johanna Anthonetta | ±1861 | Nummer IV-a | ||
Boot | Isaac Jacobus | 14-06-1871 | 29-06-1871 | [Son of III-a] | |
Boot | Isaac Jacobus Marinus | ±1863 | 02-04-1865 | [Son of III-a] | |
Boot | Jacobus | ±1792 | Nummer II-a | ||
Boot | Jacobus Adrianus | ±1827 | 10-04-1829 | [Son of II-a] | |
Boot | Johanna Adriana | 27-11-1823 | 13-02-1826 | [Son of II-a] | |
Boot | Johanna Cornelia | ±1866 | 14-11-1936 | Nummer IV-d | |
Boot | Johannes Marinus Cornelis | ±1897 | Nummer V-c | ||
Boot | Maria Sophia Wilhelmina | 01-03-1893 | 29-12-1993 | [Daughter of IV-c] | |
Boot | Marinus Cornelis | ±1833 | 24-04-1888 | Nummer III-a | |
Boot | Marinus Cornelis | ±1865 | 05-07-1937 | Nummer IV-c | |
Boot (Bood) | Adriaan | ±1765 | Nummer I | ||
Boot (Bood) | Jacomina (Maria) Cornelia | 07-04-1794 | 24-07-1817 | Nummer II-b | |
But(h) | Johanna (Janna) | ±1765 | 14-07-1824 | [Partner of I] | |
Dikke(l)boom | Johanna Cornelia | ±1833 | 08-12-1889 | [Partner of III-a] | |
van den Ende | Abraham | ±1861 | 17-07-1933 | [Partner of IV-a] | |
van den Ende | Annigje Elizabeth | 07-1891 | 27-03-1892 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
van den Ende | Jan | ±1895 | 01-07-1898 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Engels | Maatje | ±1816 | 06-10-1849 | Nummer III-b | |
Engels(e) | Jo(h)annes (Jan) | 28-02-1793 | [Partner of II-b] | ||
Hofman | Antonie Marinus | ±1864 | 28-02-1932 | [Partner of IV-b] | |
Hofman | Antonie Marinus | 22-02-1902 | 02-10-1979 | Nummer V-b | |
Hofman | Marinus | 02-1895 | 31-08-1895 | [Son of IV-b] | |
Hofman | Marinus | ±1897 | Nummer V-a | ||
Kaauwe | Cornelis | ±1785 | <1815 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Kaauwe | Neeltje | 21-01-1813 | [Daughter of II-b] | ||
Leunis | Hendrik | ±1814 | ±1878 | [Partner of III-b] | |
Plansoen | Maria Johanna | 14-06-1906 | 13-11-1996 | [Partner of V-b] | |
Richard | Anthoinette Levina | ±1797 | 18-02-1867 | [Partner of II-a] | |
Schoep | Christina Cornelia | 06-01-1892 | 18-01-1892 | [Daughter of IV-d] | |
Schoep | Christina Cornelia Alida | ±1894 | Nummer V-d | ||
Schoep | Johannes Cornelis | ±1870 | [Partner of IV-d] | ||
Stevense | Wilhelmina Constantia | ±1867 | 12-04-1950 | [Partner of IV-c] | |
Vos | Wilhelmus Antonius | ±1896 | [Partner of V-d] | ||
de Wachter | Pietertje | ±1897 | [Partner of V-c] | ||
de Wagter | Catharina | ±1897 | [Partner of V-a] |
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