(Zeeland and Utrecht)

Index  Vlag_Nederland


By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical.

I Cornelis Boot is born about 1630. Note re Cornelis:

de naam van de vader van Cornelis Cornelisz Boot moet wel Cornelis Boot geweest zijn en als Cornelis jr omstreeks 1655 is geboren dan zal Cornelis sr mogelijk vóór 1630 geboren zijn.
Het is ook mogelijk dat Cornelis niet onder de naam 'Boot' bekend is maar alleen onder een patroniem.
Een patroniem is een achternaam die is afgeleid van de voornaam van de vader, zoals hieronder Cornelisz.

Child of Cornelis out of an unknown relation:

1 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born about 1655. Follow II.

II Cornelis Cornelisz Boot is born about 1655, son of Cornelis Boot. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased before monday 17-06-1720, at the most 65 years old. Occupation: koopman. Cornelis Cornelisz married, at the most 24 years old, before 1679 with Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. She was baptized on sunday 24-09-1656 in Nieuwerkerk. Debora Theodorusdr is probably deceased after sunday 16-06-1720 in Vlissingen.Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Note re Debora Theodorusdr: dochter van Theodorus Willemszn Teeling, predikant, en Francina van Westhuizen.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Debora Theodorusdr:

1 Catharina Francina Cornelisdr Boot. Catharina Francina Cornelisdr is deceased after sunday 01-02-1711.
2 Debora Cornelisdr Boot.
3 Maria Cornelisdr Boot. She was buried on sunday 16-06-1720 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Maria Cornelisdr: Sint Catharinakerk.
4 Theodorus Cornelisz Boodt. Follow III-a.
5 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born on thursday 07-12-1679 in Middelburg. Follow III-b.

III-a Theodorus Cornelisz Boodt, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. He was buried on tuesday 09-07-1715 in Middelburg [source: ZA Begraaflijsten 1651-1805]. Occupation: koopman. Theodorus Cornelisz married before wednesday 16-03-1712 with Johanna Johansdr van de Wiele. Johanna Johansdr is deceased after wednesday 16-03-1712. Note re Johanna Johansdr: dochter van Johan van de Wiele, schepen en raad van Vlissingen.
Children of Theodorus Cornelisz and Johanna Johansdr:

1 Cornelis Theodorusz Boot.
2 Jan Cornelis Theodorusz Boot. Follow IV-a.

III-b Cornelis Cornelisz Boot is born on thursday 07-12-1679 in Middelburg, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased on wednesday 01-02-1713 in Utrecht, 33 years old. He was buried on thursday 09-02-1713 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Cornelis Cornelisz: Catharijnekerk. Occupation: predikant. Cornelis Cornelisz married with Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld, after publication of the bans on friday 30-07-1706 in Goes. The religious wedding was celebrated on wednesday 18-08-1706 in Baarland. Anna Pietersdr is born on monday 29-05-1684 in Goes. Anna Pietersdr is deceased on thursday 01-12-1718 in Utrecht, 34 years old. She was buried on thursday 08-12-1718 in Utrecht. Note re Anna Pietersdr: dochter van Pieter Marinuszn Smijtegeld, thesaurier van Middelburg, en Aletta Haymans.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Anna Pietersdr:

1 Jacoba Cornelisdr Boot. Follow IV-b.
2 Debora Aletta Cornelisdr Boot, born in Utrecht. Follow IV-c.
3 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born in Utrecht. He was baptized on friday 28-02-1710 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Cornelis Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuigen: dominee Jacobus Hayman, Johanna de Wiele. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased before saturday 31-01-1711. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born on saturday 31-01-1711 in Utrecht. He was baptized on sunday 01-02-1711 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Cornelis Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuigen: Jacobus Hayman en joffr. Catharina Boott. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased on tuesday 25-01-1752 in Middelburg, 40 years old. Occupation: predikant. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
5 Petrus Peter Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on wednesday 16-03-1712 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Petrus Peter Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuige: Johanna van de ?. He was buried on thursday 09-05-1743 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Petrus Peter Cornelisz: Buurkerk. Occupation: arts. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

IV-a Jan Cornelis Theodorusz Boot, son of Theodorus Cornelisz Boodt and Johanna Johansdr van de Wiele. Jan Cornelis Theodorusz married with Alida Kruyt.

IV-b Jacoba Cornelisdr Boot, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld. Jacoba Cornelisdr married in Leiden with N.N. Koopman.

IV-c Debora Aletta Cornelisdr Boot is born in Utrecht, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld. She was baptized on wednesday 20-03-1709 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Debora Aletta Cornelisdr: doopgetuige: Debora Teelink. She was buried in Scheveningen. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Debora Aletta Cornelisdr:
(1) married with Daniël Daniëlsz Scheurwater, after publication of the bans on sunday 06-12-1733 in Utrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 07-12-1733 in Dubbeldam. Occupation: predikant in Vrouwenpolder. Note re Daniël Daniëlsz: zoon van Daniel Scheurwater, opperboekhouder W.I.C. kamer Zeeland, en Johanna Bisschop.
(2) married with Nicolaes Antonisz Barkey. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 30-05-1740 in Middelburg. Nicolaes Antonisz is born on wednesday 11-09-1709 in Bremen, Duitsland. Nicolaes Antonisz is deceased on wednesday 18-06-1788 in Den Haag, 78 years old. Occupation: predikant/professor theologie. Note re Nicolaes Antonisz: zoon van Antonie Barkey, koopman te Bremen, en Veronica Nonnen. Nicolaas Barkey ging als theoloog naar Holland en was daar een korte tijd hofpredikant van Prins Willem V van Oranje. Zijn enige zoon ook theoloog stierf ongetrouwd. Zijn beide dochters gingen naar Duitsland en trouwden aldaar.

Index (21 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
Barkey Nicolaes Antonisz 11-09-1709   18-06-1788 [Partner of IV-c]
Boodt Theodorus Cornelisz       Number III-a
Boot Catharina Francina Cornelisdr     >01-02-1711 [Daughter of II]
Boot Cornelis ±1630     Number I
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz ±1655   <17-06-1720 Number II
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz 07-12-1679   01-02-1713 Number III-b
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz   28-02-1710 <31-01-1711 [Son of III-b]
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz 31-01-1711 01-02-1711 25-01-1752 [Son of III-b]
Boot Cornelis Theodorusz       [Son of III-a]
Boot Debora Aletta Cornelisdr   20-03-1709   Number IV-c
Boot Debora Cornelisdr       [Daughter of II]
Boot Jacoba Cornelisdr       Number IV-b
Boot Jan Cornelis Theodorusz       Number IV-a
Boot Maria Cornelisdr       [Daughter of II]
Boot Petrus Peter Cornelisz   16-03-1712   [Son of III-b]
Koopman N.N.       [Partner of IV-b]
Kruyt Alida       [Partner of IV-a]
Scheurwater Daniël Daniëlsz       [Partner of IV-c]
Smijtegeld Anna Pietersdr 29-05-1684   01-12-1718 [Partner of III-b]
Teeling Debora Theodorusdr   24-09-1656 >16-06-1720 [Partner of II]
van de Wiele Johanna Johansdr     >16-03-1712 [Partner of III-a]

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