(Zuid-Holland - Rotterdam)
By missing dates of birth and/or baptism the order of the children could be alphabetical or random.
I Bootje Israël is born about 1720. Bootje married with Heintje Jacob. Heintje is born about 1720.
Child of Bootje and Heintje:
1 Meijer Barend(szn) Boot, born about 1745 in Rotterdam. Follow II.
II Meijer Barend(szn) Boot is born about 1745 in Rotterdam, son of Bootje Israël and Heintje Jacob. Meijer Barend(szn) is deceased on 14-10-1822 in Rotterdam, about 77 years old. Meijer Barend(szn) married, about 48 years old, on 29-04-1793 in Rotterdam with Dyna Israël(s), about 28 years old. Dyna is born about 1765 in Leeuwarden. Dyna is deceased about 25-06-1810 in Rotterdam, about 45 years old. Registration on 25-06-1810.
Children of Meijer Barend(szn) and Dyna:
1 Barend Meijer Boot, born about 1795 in Rotterdam. Follow III-a.
2 Sara Meijer Boot, born in 1799 in Rotterdam. Follow III-b.
3 Israël Meijer Boot, born on 18-03-1800 in Rotterdam. Follow III-c.
4 Mietje Meijer Boot, born about 1804 in Rotterdam. Mietje Meijer is deceased about 03-11-1807 in Rotterdam, about 3 years old.
5 Jacob Meijer Boot, born about 1807 in Rotterdam. Jacob Meijer is deceased on 14-02-1813 in Rotterdam, about 6 years old.
6 NN Boot, still born child, born about 17-06-1810 in Rotterdam.
III-a Barend Meijer Boot is born about 1795 in Rotterdam, son of Meijer Barend(szn) Boot and Dyna Israël(s). Barend Meijer married, about 55 years old, on 28-08-1850 in Rotterdam with Clara (Klaartje) de Vrede, 45 years old. Clara is deceased on 24-02-1880 in Rotterdam, 75 years old.
III-b Sara Meijer Boot is born in 1799 in Rotterdam, daughter of Meijer Barend(szn) Boot and Dyna Israël(s). Sara Meijer married, 29 years old, on 28-08-1828 in Amsterdam with Salomon Valkenhuijzen, about 62 years old. Salomon is born about 1766 in Amsterdam. Note re Salomon: zoon van Samson Valkenhuijzen en Vogeltje Elkan, weduwnaar van Clara Moses van Gelder.
III-c Israël Meijer Boot is born on 18-03-1800 in Rotterdam, son of Meijer Barend(szn) Boot and Dyna Israël(s). Israël Meijer is deceased on 06-04-1891 in Rotterdam, 91 years old. Occupation: brandersknecht, koopman. Israël Meijer married, 22 years old, on 19-02-1823 in Rotterdam with Rachel Swaab, 21 years old. Rachel is born on 19-03-1801 in Rotterdam. Rachel is deceased on 21-03-1886 in Rotterdam, 85 years old. Note re Rachel: dochter van Jacob Barend Swaab (1759 - 1845), makelaarsbediende, en Anna Philips Levij (ca 1766-1833). Jacob Barend was de zoon van Barend Levy en Johanna Juda, die woonden aan de Schiedamschedijk C 560.
Children of Israël Meijer and Rachel:
1 Meijer Israel Boot, born on 16-09-1823 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-a.
2 Barend Boot, born on 15-12-1825 in Rotterdam. Barend is deceased on 06-03-1826 in Rotterdam, 2 months old.
3 Dijna Boot, born on 15-02-1827 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-b.
4 Jacob Boot, born on 08-08-1829 in Rotterdam. Jacob is deceased on 17-12-1831 in Rotterdam, 2 years old.
5 N.N. Boot, still born daughter, born on 24-03-1832 in Rotterdam.
6 Philip Boot, born on 01-02-1833 in Rotterdam. Philip is deceased on 15-11-1833 in Rotterdam, 9 months old.
7 Barend Boot, born on 31-12-1834 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-c.
8 Johanna Boot, born on 08-09-1837 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-d.
9 Jansje Boot, born on 24-08-1840 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-e.
10 Betje Boot, born on 17-06-1843 in Rotterdam. Betje is deceased on 11-02-1846 in Rotterdam, 2 years old.
11 Isaac Boot, born on 10-12-1846 in Rotterdam. Isaac is deceased on 09-11-1848 in Rotterdam, 1 year old.
IV-a Meijer Israel Boot is born on 16-09-1823 in Rotterdam, son of Israël Meijer Boot and Rachel Swaab. Meijer Israel married, 25 years old, on 08-08-1849 in Rotterdam with Lea Goedhart, 24 years old. Lea is born on 09-06-1825 in 's-Heeraartsberg en Bergambacht. Note re Lea: dochter van Jacob Goedhart en Mietje van Wittene.
Children of Meijer Israel and Lea:
1 Rachel Boot, born on 03-03-1850 in Rotterdam.
2 Jacob Boot, born on 27-03-1851 in Rotterdam.
3 Elizabeth Boot, born on 10-11-1853 in Rotterdam. Elizabeth is deceased on 19-07-1855 in Rotterdam, 1 year old.
4 Mietje Boot, born on 27-11-1856 in Rotterdam.
5 Sara Boot, born on 27-11-1856 in Rotterdam. Follow V-a.
6 Johanna Boot, born on 19-10-1859 in Rotterdam. Johanna is deceased on 18-07-1866 in Rotterdam, 6 years old.
7 Israël Meijer Boot, born on 13-08-1862 in Rotterdam.
8 Elizabeth Boot, born on 04-02-1866 in Rotterdam.
IV-b Dijna Boot is born on 15-02-1827 in Rotterdam, daughter of Israël Meijer Boot and Rachel Swaab. Dijna:
(1) married, 30 years old, on 22-04-1857 in Rotterdam with Israël de Winter, 27 years old. Israël is born on 03-02-1830 in Hedel (Maasdriel). Israël is deceased on 28-03-1861 in Tiel, 31 years old. Occupation: 1861 koopman. Note re Israël: zoon van Wolf de Winter, slager, en Hester Franken.
(2) married, 37 years old, on 01-04-1864 in Hellevoetsluis with Abraham Jacob de Brave, about 37 years old. Abraham Jacob is born about 1827 in Amsterdam. Abraham Jacob is deceased on 28-09-1895 in Amsterdam, about 68 years old. Occupation: schijvenschuurder. Note re Abraham Jacob: zoon van Jacob Mozesz de Brave en Sipora Abrahamsdr Menist.
Children of Dijna and Abraham Jacob:
1 Jacob Abraham de Brave, born on 23-06-1865 in Hellevoetsluis. Follow V-b.
2 Sophia de Brave, born on 01-04-1868 in Hellevoetsluis.
IV-c Barend Boot is born on 31-12-1834 in Rotterdam, son of Israël Meijer Boot and Rachel Swaab. Barend is deceased on 19-09-1919 in Amsterdam, 84 years old. He was buried on 21-09-1919 in Diemen. Occupation: timmerman. Barend married, 27 years old, on 06-08-1862 in Rotterdam with Lijntje (Leentje) Spier, 31 years old. Lijntje is born on 23-03-1831 in Rotterdam. She was buried on 01-03-1914 in Zeeburg. Note re Leentje: dochter van Benjamin Simon Spier en Sophia Haagman.
Children of Barend and Leentje:
1 Rachel Boot, born on 06-05-1863 in Rotterdam. Follow V-c.
2 Sophia Boot, born on 23-01-1865 in Rotterdam. Follow V-d.
3 Israël Boot, born on 11-03-1867 in Rotterdam. Follow V-e.
4 Esther Boot, born on 04-09-1869 in Rotterdam. Esther is deceased on 18-06-1874 in Rotterdam, 4 years old.
5 Dina Boot, born on 23-01-1872 in Rotterdam. Dina is deceased on 25-03-1872 in Rotterdam, 2 months old.
6 Anna Boot, born on 07-10-1874 in Rotterdam. Anna is deceased on 12-10-1874 in Rotterdam, 5 days old.
7 Jansje Boot, born on 14-10-1876 in Rotterdam. Jansje is deceased on 02-10-1896 in Amsterdam, 19 years old.
IV-d Johanna Boot is born on 08-09-1837 in Rotterdam, daughter of Israël Meijer Boot and Rachel Swaab. Johanna is deceased on 13-06-1901 in Amsterdam, 63 years old. Johanna:
(1) married, 27 years old, on 19-10-1864 in Rotterdam with Wolf David, about 23 years old. Wolf is born about 1841 in Amsterdam. Wolf is deceased before 1899, at the most 58 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Wolf: zoon van Levie Philip David en Belie Aandagt (1812); oom van Lena Snoek.
(2) married, 61 years old, on 08-03-1899 in Amsterdam with Mozes Swaab, about 68 years old. Mozes is born about 1831 in Amsterdam. Occupation: 1899 koopman. Note re Mozes: zoon van Meijer Barend Swaab en Sientje Abraham Stodel; weduwnaar van Saartje de Jongh.
IV-e Jansje Boot is born on 24-08-1840 in Rotterdam, daughter of Israël Meijer Boot and Rachel Swaab. Jansje is deceased on 28-05-1920 in Amsterdam, 79 years old. She was buried on 30-05-1920 in Diemen. Jansje married, 21 years old, on 30-10-1861 in Rotterdam with Moses Snoek, 19 years old. Moses is born on 19-10-1842 in Rotterdam. Moses is deceased on 01-02-1915 in Amsterdam, 72 years old. He was buried on 03-02-1915 in Diemen. Occupation: koekenbakker, dansonderwijzer, muzikant. Note re Moses: zoon van Isaac Snoeck (1815-1848) en Lena Rijst (1822-1877).
Children of Jansje and Moses:
1 Isaac Snoek, born on 07-04-1862 in Rotterdam. Follow V-f.
2 Rachel Snoek, born on 03-03-1864 in Rotterdam. Rachel is deceased on 09-12-1865 in Rotterdam, 1 year old.
3 Lena Snoek, born on 12-01-1866 in Rotterdam. Lena is deceased on 22-08-1866 in Rotterdam, 7 months old.
4 Rosalina (Roos) Snoek, born on 12-02-1867 in Rotterdam. Follow V-g.
5 Hannah Snoek, born on 06-10-1868 in Rotterdam. Hannah is deceased on 31-05-1870 in Rotterdam, 1 year old.
6 Lena (Leentje) Snoek, born on 28-05-1870 in Rotterdam. Follow V-h.
7 Nathan Snoek, born on 25-01-1872 in Rotterdam. Nathan is deceased on 26-04-1872 in Rotterdam, 3 months old.
8 Willem Snoek, born on 10-02-1873 in Rotterdam. Willem is deceased on 22-03-1873 in Rotterdam, 1 month old.
9 Henri Snoek, born on 09-02-1874 in Rotterdam. Henri is deceased on 16-03-1874 in Rotterdam, 1 month old.
10 Eva Snoek, born on 01-07-1877 in Rotterdam. Eva is deceased on 24-11-1877 in Rotterdam, 4 months old.
11 Dientje Snoek, born on 14-10-1879 in Rotterdam. Follow V-i.
12 Antje Snoek, born on 12-03-1882 in Amsterdam. Follow V-j.
V-a Sara Boot is born on 27-11-1856 in Rotterdam, daughter of Meijer Israel Boot and Lea Goedhart. Occupation: dienstmeid. Religion: N.H. Sara married with Pieter van Lieren. vertrokken uit Wissenkerke en emigreerden in 1873 naar de U.S.A., waarschijnlijk trouwden ze op de boot. Pieter is born about 1839. Occupation: winkelier. Religion: N.H. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter van Lieren en Maria de Smit, getrouwd in 1827 in Wissenkerke.
Children of Sara and Pieter:
1 Cornelius van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
2 Edward van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
3 Jana van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
4 Marina van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
5 Olive van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
6 Pieter van Lieren, born in U.S.A.
V-b Jacob Abraham de Brave is born on 23-06-1865 in Hellevoetsluis, son of Abraham Jacob de Brave and Dijna Boot. Occupation: 1887 diamantslijper; 1925 koopman. Jacob Abraham married, 22 years old, on 10-08-1887 in Amsterdam with Naatje de Beer, about 21 years old. Naatje is born about 1866 in Amsterdam. Note re Naatje: dochter van Barend Joseph de Beer en Schoontje Berlijn, tapster.
Child of Jacob Abraham and Naatje:
1 Joseph de Brave, born on 11-09-1891 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-a.
V-c Rachel Boot is born on 06-05-1863 in Rotterdam, daughter of Barend Boot and Lijntje (Leentje) Spier. Occupation: 1896 winkelierster. Rachel married, 33 years old, on 27-05-1896 in Amsterdam with Levij Diamant, about 23 years old. Levij is born about 1873 in Londen, Engeland. Occupation: 1896 diamantslijper. Note re Levij: zoon van Alexander Levie Diamant en Marianne Vogel.
Child of Rachel and Levij:
1 Alexander Diamant, born about 1900 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-b.
V-d Sophia Boot is born on 23-01-1865 in Rotterdam, daughter of Barend Boot and Lijntje (Leentje) Spier. Sophia is deceased on 13-03-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 78 years old. Address: Nieuwe Achtergracht 154 I, Amsterdam. Sophia married, 27 years old, on 23-11-1892 in Amsterdam with Levie Italiaander, 26 years old. Levie is born on 29-03-1866 in Amsterdam. Levie is deceased on 13-03-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 76 years old. Occupation: los werkman; 1892 schijvenschuurder. Note re Levie: zoon van Leendert Levie Italiaander en Beletje Joseph Most.
Children of Sophia and Levie:
1 Betje Italiaander, born on 04-03-1893 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-c.
2 Leendert Italiaander, born on 13-09-1896 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-d.
V-e Israël Boot is born on 11-03-1867 in Rotterdam, son of Barend Boot and Lijntje (Leentje) Spier. Israël is deceased on 13-06-1940 in Amsterdam, 73 years old. Occupation: 1896 schijvenschuurder. Israël married, 28 years old, on 04-03-1896 in Amsterdam with Henrietta van Gelderen, 29 years old. Henrietta is born on 17-04-1866 in Hellevoetsluis. Henrietta is deceased on 05-03-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 76 years old. Address: 's Gravesandestraat 22 II, Amsterdam. Note re Henrietta: dochter van Mozes van Gelderen en Esther van Engers.
Children of Israël and Henrietta:
1 Esther Boot, born on 21-08-1896 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-e.
2 Lena Boot, born on 15-01-1899 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-f.
3 Sara Boot, born on 22-09-1901 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-g.
4 Barend Boot, born on 07-01-1904 in Antwerpen, België. Follow VI-h.
5 Rozelina Boot, born on 07-01-1904 in Antwerpen, België. tweeling met Barend. Rozelina is deceased on 30-09-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 38 years old. Occupation: naaister.
V-f Isaac Snoek is born on 07-04-1862 in Rotterdam, son of Moses Snoek and Jansje Boot. Occupation: 1929 muziekschrijver. Isaac married, 66 years old, on 13-02-1929 in Amsterdam with Schoontje Scheffer, about 42 years old. Schoontje is born about 1887 in Amsterdam. Note re Schoontje: dochter van Mozes Scheffer en Chrisje Scheffer.
V-g Rosalina (Roos) Snoek is born on 12-02-1867 in Rotterdam, daughter of Moses Snoek and Jansje Boot. Rosalina is deceased on 01-02-1943 in Auschwitz (concentratiekamp Oswiecim), Polen, 75 years old. Occupation: 1892 naaister. Roos married, 25 years old, on 25-02-1892 in Amsterdam with Jacques Isaac Hoorenman, about 24 years old. Jacques Isaac is born about 1868 in Amsterdam. Jacques Isaac is deceased on 07-12-1897 in Utrecht, about 29 years old. Occupation: diamantsnijder. Note re Jacques Isaac: zoon van Hartog Hoorenman, koopman, en Branka Westerborg.
V-h Lena (Leentje) Snoek is born on 28-05-1870 in Rotterdam, daughter of Moses Snoek and Jansje Boot. Lena is deceased in 1931, 61 years old. Leentje married, 24 years old, on 07-06-1894 in Zaandam with Salomon Polk, about 19 years old. Salomon is born about 1875 in Amsterdam. Occupation: kantoorbediende. Note re Salomon: zoon van Isaäc Polk, schildersknecht, en Rozette del Canho, baker.
V-i Dientje Snoek is born on 14-10-1879 in Rotterdam, daughter of Moses Snoek and Jansje Boot. Dientje is deceased on 27-11-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 63 years old. Dientje married, 23 years old, on 10-12-1902 in Amsterdam with David Waaker, 24 years old. David is born on 23-12-1877 in Amsterdam. David is deceased on 19-11-1940 in Amsterdam, 62 years old. Occupation: 1902 diamantslijper. Note re David: zoon van Izaak Nathan Waaker, sigarenmaker, en Leentje Stokvis, naaister.
hild of Dientje and David:
1 Leentje Waaker, born on 03-04-1907 in Amsterdam. Leentje is deceased on 04-06-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 36 years old.
V-j Antje Snoek is born on 12-03-1882 in Amsterdam, daughter of Moses Snoek and Jansje Boot. Antje is deceased on 05-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 60 years old. Antje married, 20 years old, on 12-03-1902 in Amsterdam with Salomon Overste, 22 years old. Salomon is born on 02-11-1879 in Amsterdam. Salomon is deceased on 05-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 62 years old. Occupation: 1902 boekbinder; 1942 sigarenwinkelier Zandvoort. Note re Salomon: zoon van Joseph Overste, koopman, en Sara Finsij.
VI-a Joseph de Brave is born on 11-09-1891 in Amsterdam, son of Jacob Abraham de Brave and Naatje de Beer. Joseph is deceased on 31-12-1944 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 53 years old. Occupation: 1917 diamantslijper. Joseph married, 26 years old, on 12-12-1917 in Amsterdam with Esther Boot, 21 years old. Esther is born on 21-08-1896 in Amsterdam, daughter of Israël Boot and Henrietta van Gelderen. Esther is deceased on 08-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 46 years old. Address: Lange Elisabethstraat 23, Utrecht.
VI-b Alexander Diamant is born about 1900 in Amsterdam, son of Levij Diamant and Rachel Boot. Alexander married, about 32 years old, on 10-08-1932 in Amsterdam with Elisabeth Sondermann, about 27 years old. Elisabeth is born about 1905 in Boltrop, Duitsland. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Franz Sondermann en Anna Maria Kleinemeier.
VI-c Betje Italiaander is born on 04-03-1893 in Amsterdam, daughter of Levie Italiaander and Sophia Boot. Betje is deceased on 12-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 49 years old. Betje married, 27 years old, on 24-11-1920 in Zaandam with Michel de Vries, 29 years old. Michel is born on 24-06-1891 in Amsterdam. Michel is deceased on 12-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 51 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Michel: zoon van Benjamin Lipman de Vries en Bloeme Speijer.
Child of Betje and Michel:
1 Benjamin de Vries, born on 16-09-1921 in Amsterdam. Benjamin is deceased on 31-01-1943 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 21 years old.
VI-d Leendert Italiaander is born on 13-09-1896 in Amsterdam, son of Levie Italiaander and Sophia Boot. Leendert is deceased on 21-01-1943 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 46 years old. Leendert married, 27 years old, on 19-12-1923 in Amsterdam with Aaltje Dresden, 25 years old. dochter van Barend Dresden, diamantslijper, en Grietje Bas. Aaltje is born on 17-10-1898 in Amsterdam. Aaltje is deceased on 03-12-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 44 years old.
VI-e Esther Boot is born on 21-08-1896 in Amsterdam, daughter of Israël Boot and Henrietta van Gelderen. Esther is deceased on 08-10-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 46 years old. Address: Lange Elisabethstraat 23, Utrecht. Esther married, 21 years old, on 12-12-1917 in Amsterdam with Joseph de Brave, 26 years old. Joseph is born on 11-09-1891 in Amsterdam, son of Jacob Abraham de Brave and Naatje de Beer. Joseph is deceased on 31-12-1944 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 53 years old. Occupation: 1917 diamantslijper.
VI-f Lena Boot is born on 15-01-1899 in Amsterdam, daughter of Israël Boot and Henrietta van Gelderen. Lena is deceased on 23-07-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 44 years old. Address: 's Gravesandestraat 12 III, Amsterdam. Lena married, 20 years old, on 17-09-1919 in Amsterdam with Abraham Binger, 23 years old. Abraham is born on 08-02-1896 in Amsterdam. Abraham is deceased on 23-07-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 47 years old. Occupation: 1919 briljantslijper. Note re Abraham: zoon van Gerard Binger, briljantslijper, en Abigael de Jong.
Children of Lena and Abraham:
1 Henriette Binger, born on 21-12-1922 in Amsterdam. Henriette is deceased on 30-09-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 19 years old.
2 Israël Binger, born on 05-06-1925 in Amsterdam. Israël is deceased on 30-09-1942 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 17 years old.
3 Abigael Binger, born on 14-12-1927 in Amsterdam. Abigael is deceased on 23-07-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 15 years old.
VI-g Sara Boot is born on 22-09-1901 in Amsterdam, daughter of Israël Boot and Henrietta van Gelderen. Sara is deceased on 11-06-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 41 years old. Sara married with Levie Brilleslijper. Levie is born on 09-03-1905 in Amsterdam. Levie is deceased on 31-01-1944 in Oswiecim, concentratiekamp Auschwitz, Polen, 38 years old.
Child of Sara and Levie:
1 Barend Brilleslijper, born on 08-01-1935 in Amsterdam. Barend is deceased on 11-06-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 8 years old.
VI-h Barend Boot is born on 07-01-1904 in Antwerpen, België, son of Israël Boot and Henrietta van Gelderen. tweeling met Rozelina. Barend is deceased on 02-04-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 39 years old. Address: (Afrikanerplein, Amsterdam). Barend married with Rebecca Mietje Swaab. Rebecca Mietje is born on 04-09-1911 in Amsterdam. Rebecca Mietje is deceased on 02-04-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 31 years old.
Child of Barend and Rebecca Mietje:
1 Israël Boot, born on 05-08-1935 in Den Haag. Israël is deceased on 02-04-1943 in Sobibor (concentratiekamp), district Lublin, Polen, 7 years old.
Index (98 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born Christened |
Deceased Buried |
Relation(s) |
de Beer | Naatje | 1866 | [Partner of V-b] | |
Binger | Abigael | 1927 | 1943 | [Daughter of VI-f] |
Binger | Abraham | 1896 | 1943 | [Partner of VI-f] |
Binger | Henriette | 1922 | 1942 | [Daughter of VI-f] |
Binger | Israël | 1925 | 1942 | [Son of VI-f] |
Boot | Anna | 1874 | 1874 | [Daughter of IV-c] |
Boot | Barend | 1825 | 1826 | [Son of III-c] |
Boot | Barend | 1834 | 1919 | Number IV-c |
Boot | Barend | 1904 | 1943 | Number VI-h |
Boot | Barend Meijer | 1795 | 1866 | Number III-a |
Boot | Betje | 1843 | 1846 | [Daughter of III-c] |
Boot | Dijna | 1827 | Number IV-b | |
Boot | Dina | 1872 | 1872 | [Daughter of IV-c] |
Boot | Elizabeth | 1853 | 1855 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boot | Elizabeth | 1866 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
Boot | Esther | 1869 | 1874 | [Daughter of IV-c] |
Boot | Esther | 1896 | 1942 | Number VI-e |
Boot | Isaac | 1846 | 1848 | [Son of III-c] |
Boot | Israël | 1867 | 1940 | Number V-e |
Boot | Israël | 1935 | 1943 | [Son of VI-h] |
Boot | Israël Meijer | 1800 | 1891 | Number III-c |
Boot | Israël Meijer | 1862 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Boot | Jacob | 1829 | 1831 | [Son of III-c] |
Boot | Jacob | 1851 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Boot | Jacob Meijer | 1807 | 1813 | [Son of II] |
Boot | Jansje | 1840 | 1920 | Number IV-e |
Boot | Jansje | 1876 | 1896 | [Daughter of IV-c] |
Boot | Johanna | 1837 | 1901 | Number IV-d |
Boot | Johanna | 1859 | 1866 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boot | Lena | 1899 | 1943 | Number VI-f |
Boot | Meijer Barend(szn) | 1745 | 1822 | Number II |
Boot | Meijer Israel | 1823 | Number IV-a | |
Boot | Mietje | 1856 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
Boot | Mietje Meijer | 1804 | 1807 | [Daughter of II] |
Boot | N.N. | 1832 | [Daughter of III-c] | |
Boot | NN | 1810 | 1810 | [Child of II] |
Boot | Philip | 1833 | 1833 | [Son of III-c] |
Boot | Rachel | 1850 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
Boot | Rachel | 1863 | Number V-c | |
Boot | Rozelina | 1904 | 1942 | [Daughter of V-e] |
Boot | Sara | 1856 | Number V-a | |
Boot | Sara | 1901 | 1943 | Number VI-g |
Boot | Sara Meijer | 1799 | Number III-b | |
Boot | Sophia | 1865 | 1943 | Number V-d |
de Brave | Abraham Jacob | 1827 | 1895 | [Partner of IV-b] |
de Brave | Jacob Abraham | 1865 | Number V-b | |
de Brave | Joseph | 1891 | 1944 | Number VI-a |
de Brave | Sophia | 1868 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Brilleslijper | Barend | 1935 | 1943 | [Son of VI-g] |
Brilleslijper | Levie | 1905 | 1944 | [Partner of VI-g] |
David | Wolf | 1841 | 1899 | [Partner of IV-d] |
Diamant | Alexander | 1900 | Number VI-b | |
Diamant | Levij | 1873 | [Partner of V-c] | |
Dresden | Aaltje | 1898 | 1942 | [Partner of VI-d] |
van Gelderen | Henrietta | 1866 | 1943 | [Partner of V-e] |
Goedhart | Lea | 1825 | [Partner of IV-a] | |
Hoorenman | Jacques Isaac | 1868 | 1897 | [Partner of V-g] |
Israël | Bootje | 1720 | Number I | |
Israël(s) | Dyna | 1765 | 1810 | [Partner of II] |
Italiaander | Betje | 1893 | 1942 | Number VI-c |
Italiaander | Leendert | 1896 | 1943 | Number VI-d |
Italiaander | Levie | 1866 | 1943 | [Partner of V-d] |
Jacob | Heintje | 1720 | [Partner of I] | |
van Lieren | Cornelius | [Son of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Edward | [Son of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Jana | [Daughter of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Marina | [Daughter of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Olive | [Daughter of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Pieter | [Son of V-a] | ||
van Lieren | Pieter | 1839 | [Partner of V-a] | |
Overste | Salomon | 1879 | 1942 | [Partner of V-j] |
Polk | Salomon | 1875 | [Partner of V-h] | |
Scheffer | Schoontje | 1887 | [Partner of V-f] | |
Snoek | Antje | 1882 | 1942 | Number V-j |
Snoek | Dientje | 1879 | 1942 | Number V-i |
Snoek | Eva | 1877 | 1877 | [Daughter of IV-e] |
Snoek | Hannah | 1868 | 1870 | [Daughter of IV-e] |
Snoek | Henri | 1874 | 1874 | [Son of IV-e] |
Snoek | Isaac | 1862 | Number V-f | |
Snoek | Lena | 1866 | 1866 | [Daughter of IV-e] |
Snoek | Lena | 1870 | 1931 | Number V-h |
Snoek | Moses | 1842 | 1915 | [Partner of IV-e] |
Snoek | Nathan | 1872 | 1872 | [Son of IV-e] |
Snoek | Rachel | 1864 | 1865 | [Daughter of IV-e] |
Snoek | Rosalina | 1867 | 1943 | Number V-g |
Snoek | Willem | 1873 | 1873 | [Son of IV-e] |
Sondermann | Elisabeth | 1905 | [Partner of VI-b] | |
Spier | Lijntje | 1831 | 1914 | [Partner of IV-c] |
Swaab | Mozes | 1831 | [Partner of IV-d] | |
Swaab | Rachel | 1801 | 1886 | [Partner of III-c] |
Swaab | Rebecca Mietje | 1911 | 1943 | [Partner of VI-h] |
Valkenhuijzen | Salomon | 1766 | [Partner of III-b] | |
de Vrede | Clara | 1804 | 1880 | [Partner of III-a] |
de Vries | Benjamin | 1921 | 1943 | [Son of VI-c] |
de Vries | Michel | 1891 | 1942 | [Partner of VI-c] |
Waaker | David | 1877 | 1940 | [Partner of V-i] |
Waaker | Leentje | 1907 | 1943 | [Daughter of V-i] |
de Winter | Israël | 1830 | 1861 | [Partner of IV-b] |
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Generated using Aldfaer version 6.1 (with customized report generator of Cor van den Hooven) on 01-12-2015. |
- All data of births, marriages and deaths in the period BS come from www.wiewaswie.nl (formerly Genlias).
- www.joodsmonument.nl
- www.zoekakten.nl
- For other sources, clik here.
- Research data: Ron Boot (2010 and 2015)
- Additons: Frits Vergouwen (2015)
For pictures and more information see Dutch version.
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