(Zuid-Holland - Klaaswaal)
I Frans Boot was born about 1770. Frans is deceased before 1858. Frans married with Wilhelmina Korteweg. Wilhelmina is deceased before 1858.
Children of Frans and Wilhelmina:
1 Adrianus Boot, born about 1793 in Klaaswaal. Follow II-a.
2 Pieternella Boot, born about 1796 in Klaaswaal. Follow II-b.
3 Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot, born about 1800 in Klaaswaal. Follow II-c.
II-a Adrianus Boot was born about 1793 in Klaaswaal, son of Frans Boot and Wilhelmina Korteweg. Adrianus is deceased on saturday 11-09-1858 in Numansdorp, about 65 years years old. The decease was registered on monday 13-09-1858 [source: akte 113]. Adrianus married at the age of about 26 years on saturday 15-05-1819 in Numansdorp [source: akte 10] with Cornelia in ´t Velt aged about 24 years. Cornelia was born about 1795 in Westmaas. Cornelia is deceased before 1858. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Hendrik in 't Velt en Geertrui de Quartel.
II-b Pieternella Boot was born about 1796 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Frans Boot and Wilhelmina Korteweg. Pieternella is deceased on sunday 15-09-1872 in Zuid-Beijerland, about 76 years years old. The decease was registered on monday 16-09-1872 [source: akte 69]. Pieternella married at the age of about 23 years on friday 15-10-1819 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 2] with Jacob Pietersz Middelhoek aged about 23 years. Jacob Pietersz was born about 1796 in Klaaswaal. Jacob Pietersz is deceased before 1872. Note re Jacob Pietersz: zoon van Pieter Middelhoek en Maaike van Nederveen. Occupation: landbouwer.
Children of Pieternella and Jacob Pietersz:
1 Pieter Middelhoek, born about 1822 in Strijen. Follow III-a.
2 Wilhelmina Middelhoek, born in 1828. Follow III-b.
3 Maaike Middelhoek, born about 1831 in Zuid-Beijerland.
4 Frans Middelhoek, born on friday 14-10-1836 in Zuid-Beijerland. Follow III-c.
II-c Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot was born about 1800 in Klaaswaal, son of Frans Boot and Wilhelmina Korteweg. Kornelis (Cornelis) is deceased on wednesday 01-12-1858 in Klaaswaal, about 58 years years old. The decease was registered on thursday 02-12-1858 [source: akte 56]. Kornelis (Cornelis) married at the age of about 21 years on tuesday 20-11-1821 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 8] with Neeltje Andriesdr Vos aged about 23 years. Neeltje Andriesdr was born about 1798 in Klaaswaal. Note re Neeltje Andriesdr: dochter van Andries Klaasz Vos en Lena Vlietigen.
Children of Kornelis (Cornelis) and Neeltje Andriesdr:
1 Andries Boot, born on tuesday 29-03-1825 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-d.
2 Wilhelmina Boot, born on wednesday 12-07-1826 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-e.
3 Pieternella Boot, born about 1833 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-f.
4 Kniertje Boot, born in 1835 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-g.
5 Adriana Boot, born on friday 10-03-1837 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-h.
6 Teuntje Boot, born on saturday 04-05-1839 in Klaaswaal. Follow III-i.
III-a Pieter Middelhoek was born about 1822 in Strijen, son of Jacob Pietersz Middelhoek and Pieternella Boot. Pieter married at the age of about 24 years on thursday 12-11-1846 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 21] with Pietertje van Driel aged about 31 years. Pietertje was born about 1815 in Mijnsheerenland. Note re Pietertje: dochter van Marinus van Driel en Tanneke Maaskant, weduwe van Stephanus Goudswaard.
III-b Wilhelmina Middelhoek was born in 1828, daughter of Jacob Pietersz Middelhoek and Pieternella Boot. Wilhelmina is deceased in 1897, 69 years years old. Wilhelmina married at the age of 24 years on friday 23-04-1852 with Jan Herweijer aged 31 years. Jan was born in 1821. Jan is deceased in 1884, 63 years years old.
III-c Frans Middelhoek was born on friday 14-10-1836 in Zuid-Beijerland, son of Jacob Pietersz Middelhoek and Pieternella Boot. Frans married at the age of 25 years on thursday 17-04-1862 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 3] with Dingena Quartel aged 23 years. Dingena was born on thursday 06-09-1838 in Klaaswaal. Note re Dingena: dochter van Cornelis Quartel en Jifje Kern.
III-d Andries Boot was born on tuesday 29-03-1825 in Klaaswaal, son of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Andries married at the age of 32 years on sunday 26-04-1857 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 3] with Maartje Hense(n) aged 27 years. Maartje was born on saturday 14-11-1829 in Westmaas. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Hense(n) (1791-1859) en Maaike (de) Roos (1790-1865).
Children of Andries and Maartje:
1 Neeltje Boot, born about 1858 in Klaaswaal. Follow IV-a.
2 Maaike Boot, born about 1862 in Klaaswaal. Follow IV-b.
3 Cornelia Boot, born about 1864 in Klaaswaal. Follow IV-c.
4 Pietje Boot, born about 1873. Pietje is deceased on monday 09-03-1896 in Mijnsheerenland, about 23 years years old.
III-e Wilhelmina Boot was born on wednesday 12-07-1826 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Wilhelmina:
(1) married at the age of 21 years on sunday 30-04-1848 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 4] with Maarten de Quartel aged 16 years. Maarten was born on thursday 10-11-1831 in Klaaswaal. Note re Maarten: zoon van Adrianus de Quartel en Janna van der Heiden.
(2) married at the age of 63 years on friday 07-03-1890 in Westmaas [source: akte 1] with Leendert Schilperoort aged about 62 years. Leendert was born about 1828 in Westmaas. Note re Leendert: zoon van Arend Schilperoort en Elizabeth van Steensel, weduwnaar van Cornelia van der Grond.
III-f Pieternella Boot was born about 1833 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 09-03-1920 in Oud-Beijerland, about 87 years years old. Pieternella:
(1) married at the age of about 24 years on thursday 30-04-1857 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 16] with Jan Stolk aged 29 years. Jan was born on tuesday 18-03-1828 in Oud-Beijerland. The birth was registered on tuesday 18-03-1828 [source: akte 38]. Jan is deceased on friday 17-08-1883 in Oud-Beijerland, 55 years years old. The decease was registered on saturday 18-08-1883 [source: akte 156]. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Cornelisz Stolk (1792-1846) en Anna Dirksdr Holleman (1794-1843).
(2) married at the age of about 55 years on thursday 23-08-1888 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 23] with Maarten Kardux aged about 49 years. Maarten was born about 1839 in Stad aan ´t Haringvliet. Note re Maarten: zoon van Jaques Kardux en Lena van Delft.
Children of Pieternella and Jan:
1 N.N. Stolk, still born daughter, born in 1858.
2 Jan Stolk, born about 1859 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow IV-d.
3 Neeltje Stolk, born in 1863. Neeltje is deceased in 1885, 22 years years old.
III-g Kniertje Boot was born in 1835 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Kniertje married at the age of 25 years on friday 17-02-1860 in Zwijndrecht [source: akte 2] with Jan Kamp aged 26 years. Jan was born in 1834 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Jan: zoon van Arij Kamp (1807) en Maaike Vermaas (1806).
III-h Adriana Boot was born on friday 10-03-1837 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Adriana:
(1) married at the age of 32 years on wednesday 31-03-1869 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 2] with Pieter Niemantsverdriet aged about 40 years. Pieter was born about 1829 in Klaaswaal. Note re Pieter: zoon van Bastiaan Niemantsverdriet en Grietje Barendregt.
(2) married at the age of 36 years on friday 14-03-1873 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 2] with Teunis Nooteboom aged 39 years. Teunis was born on tuesday 14-01-1834 in Klaaswaal. Note re Teunis: zoon van Arie Nooteboom (1795) en Neeltje Luijendijk (1795); weduwnaar van Francijna van Eersel (1836), getrouwd 27-01-1865 te Klaaswaal.
Child of Adriana and Teunis:
1 Arie Nooteboom, born in 1873.
III-i Teuntje Boot was born on saturday 04-05-1839 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Kornelis (Cornelis) Boot and Neeltje Andriesdr Vos. Teuntje married at the age of 24 years on friday 22-05-1863 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 6] with Pieter Vos aged 22 years. Pieter was born on tuesday 07-07-1840 in Klaaswaal. Note re Pieter: zoon van Arie Vos (1811) en Pietertje Kooij (1808).
Child of Teuntje and Pieter:
1 Cornelis Vos, born in 1864.
IV-a Neeltje Boot was born about 1858 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Andries Boot and Maartje Hense(n). Neeltje is deceased on sunday 20-01-1935 in Mijnsheerenland, about 77 years years old. Neeltje married at the age of about 24 years on friday 28-04-1882 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 7] with Dirk van Es aged about 31 years. Dirk was born about 1851 in Strijen. Dirk is deceased on sunday 11-02-1934 in Mijnsheerenland, about 83 years years old. Note re Dirk: zoon van Gerrit van Es (1820-1891) en Anna van Nugteren (ca 1822-1888).
Children of Neeltje and Dirk:
1 Maartje van Es, born in 1883. Maartje is deceased in 1965, 82 years years old.
2 Anna Cornelia van Es, born about 1884. Anna Cornelia is deceased in 1884, about 0 days years old.
3 Anna van Es, born about 1886.
4 Andries van Es, born about 1887. Andries is deceased in 1887, about 0 days years old.
5 Gerritje van Es, born about 1889 in Mijnsheerenland. Follow V-a.
6 Maaike van Es, born on friday 23-10-1891 in Mijnsheerenland. Follow V-b.
7 Anthonia van Es, born about 1894 in Mijnsheerenland. Follow V-c.
8 Pietje van Es, born about 1897. Pietje is deceased in 1925, about 28 years years old.
IV-b Maaike Boot was born about 1862 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Andries Boot and Maartje Hense(n). Maaike married at the age of about 27 years on thursday 24-01-1889 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 1] with Hendrik Edel aged 26 years. Hendrik was born on sunday 14-09-1862 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Johannes Edel (1834-1896) en Aagje van Rij (1832-1883).
Children of Maaike and Hendrik:
1 Maartje Edel, born about 1892 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow V-d.
2 Pietje Edel, born about 1900 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow V-e.
IV-c Cornelia Boot was born about 1864 in Klaaswaal, daughter of Andries Boot and Maartje Hense(n). Cornelia married at the age of about 27 years on friday 10-04-1891 in Klaaswaal [source: akte 1] with Leendert Pegels aged 24 years. Leendert was born on friday 14-12-1866 in Klaaswaal. Note re Leendert: zoon van Bart Pegels (1823-1896) en Pleuntje Hoogvliet (1824-1892).
Child of Cornelia and Leendert:
1 Andries Pegels, born in 1892.
IV-d Jan Stolk was born about 1859 in Oud-Beijerland, son of Jan Stolk and Pieternella Boot. Jan is deceased in 1945, about 86 years years old. Jan married at the age of about 27 years on thursday 13-05-1886 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 21] with Aagje Groenenboom aged about 19 years. Aagje was born about 1867 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Aagje: dochter van Arie Groenenboom en Willempje Smits.
V-a Gerritje van Es was born about 1889 in Mijnsheerenland, daughter of Dirk van Es and Neeltje Boot. Gerritje married at the age of about 24 years on thursday 29-05-1913 in Mijnsheerenland [source: akte 9] with Leendert Bravenboer aged about 26 years. Leendert was born about 1887 in Mijnsheerenland. Note re Leendert: zoon van Jan Bravenboer en Bastiaantje Quartel.
V-b Maaike van Es was born on friday 23-10-1891 in Mijnsheerenland, daughter of Dirk van Es and Neeltje Boot. Maaike is deceased on thursday 07-12-1950, 59 years years old. Maaike married at the age of 27 years on thursday 15-05-1919 in Mijnsheerenland [source: akte 4] with Leendert Reijerkerk aged about 37 years. Leendert was born about 1882 in Westmaas. Note re Leendert: zoon van Hendrik Reijerkerk en Jannigje Bruggeman.
V-c Anthonia van Es was born about 1894 in Mijnsheerenland, daughter of Dirk van Es and Neeltje Boot. Anthonia married at the age of about 28 years on friday 31-03-1922 in Mijnsheerenland [source: akte 3] with Jan de Penning aged about 29 years. Jan was born about 1893 in Mijnsheerenland. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem de Penning en Maria Lageweg.
V-d Maartje Edel was born about 1892 in Oud-Beijerland, daughter of Hendrik Edel and Maaike Boot. Maartje married at the age of about 25 years on thursday 10-05-1917 in Oud-Beijerland [source: akte 12] with Lizabertus Booman aged about 26 years. Lizabertus was born about 1891 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Lizabertus: zoon van Hendrik Booman en Aaltje Barendrecht.
V-e Pietje Edel was born about 1900 in Oud-Beijerland, daughter of Hendrik Edel and Maaike Boot. Pietje married at the age of about 25 years on wednesday 18-03-1925 in Rotterdam [source: akte c23v] with Johannes van der Staaij aged about 32 years. Johannes was born about 1893 in Harderwijk. Note re Johannes: zoon van Dammis Adrianus van der Staaij en Leuntje Wessel.
Index (59 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
Booman | Lizabertus | ±1891 | [Partner of V-d] | ||
Boot | Adriana | 10-03-1837 | Nummer III-h | ||
Boot | Adrianus | ±1793 | 11-09-1858 | Nummer II-a | |
Boot | Andries | 29-03-1825 | Nummer III-d | ||
Boot | Cornelia | ±1864 | Nummer IV-c | ||
Boot | Frans | ±1770 | <1858 | Nummer I | |
Boot | Kniertje | 1835 | Nummer III-g | ||
Boot | Kornelis (Cornelis) | ±1800 | 01-12-1858 | Nummer II-c | |
Boot | Maaike | ±1862 | Nummer IV-b | ||
Boot | Neeltje | ±1858 | 20-01-1935 | Nummer IV-a | |
Boot | Pieternella | ±1796 | 15-09-1872 | Nummer II-b | |
Boot | Pieternella | ±1833 | 09-03-1920 | Nummer III-f | |
Boot | Pietje | ±1873 | 09-03-1896 | [Daughter of III-d] | |
Boot | Teuntje | 04-05-1839 | Nummer III-i | ||
Boot | Wilhelmina | 12-07-1826 | Nummer III-e | ||
Bravenboer | Leendert | ±1887 | [Partner of V-a] | ||
van Driel | Pietertje | ±1815 | [Partner of III-a] | ||
Edel | Hendrik | 14-09-1862 | [Partner of IV-b] | ||
Edel | Maartje | ±1892 | Nummer V-d | ||
Edel | Pietje | ±1900 | Nummer V-e | ||
van Es | Andries | ±1887 | 1887 | [Son of IV-a] | |
van Es | Anna | ±1886 | [Daughter of IV-a] | ||
van Es | Anna Cornelia | ±1884 | 1884 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
van Es | Anthonia | ±1894 | Nummer V-c | ||
van Es | Dirk | ±1851 | 11-02-1934 | [Partner of IV-a] | |
van Es | Gerritje | ±1889 | Nummer V-a | ||
van Es | Maaike | 23-10-1891 | 07-12-1950 | Nummer V-b | |
van Es | Maartje | 1883 | 1965 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
van Es | Pietje | ±1897 | 1925 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
Groenenboom | Aagje | ±1867 | [Partner of IV-d] | ||
Hense(n) | Maartje | 14-11-1829 | [Partner of III-d] | ||
Herweijer | Jan | 1821 | 1884 | [Partner of III-b] | |
Kamp | Jan | 1834 | [Partner of III-g] | ||
Kardux | Maarten | ±1839 | [Partner of III-f] | ||
Korteweg | Wilhelmina | <1858 | [Partner of I] | ||
Middelhoek | Frans | 14-10-1836 | Nummer III-c | ||
Middelhoek | Jacob Pietersz | ±1796 | <1872 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Middelhoek | Maaike | ±1831 | [Daughter of II-b] | ||
Middelhoek | Pieter | ±1822 | Nummer III-a | ||
Middelhoek | Wilhelmina | 1828 | 1897 | Nummer III-b | |
Niemantsverdriet | Pieter | ±1829 | [Partner of III-h] | ||
Nooteboom | Arie | 1873 | [Son of III-h] | ||
Nooteboom | Teunis | 14-01-1834 | [Partner of III-h] | ||
Pegels | Andries | 1892 | [Son of IV-c] | ||
Pegels | Leendert | 14-12-1866 | [Partner of IV-c] | ||
de Penning | Jan | ±1893 | [Partner of V-c] | ||
Quartel | Dingena | 06-09-1838 | [Partner of III-c] | ||
de Quartel | Maarten | 10-11-1831 | [Partner of III-e] | ||
Reijerkerk | Leendert | ±1882 | [Partner of V-b] | ||
Schilperoort | Leendert | ±1828 | [Partner of III-e] | ||
van der Staaij | Johannes | ±1893 | [Partner of V-e] | ||
Stolk | Jan | 18-03-1828 | 17-08-1883 | [Partner of III-f] | |
Stolk | Jan | ±1859 | 1945 | Nummer IV-d | |
Stolk | N.N. | 1858 | [Daughter of III-f] | ||
Stolk | Neeltje | 1863 | 1885 | [Daughter of III-f] | |
in ´t Velt | Cornelia | ±1795 | <1858 | [Partner of II-a] | |
Vos | Cornelis | 1864 | [Son of III-i] | ||
Vos | Neeltje Andriesdr | ±1798 | [Partner of II-c] | ||
Vos | Pieter | 07-07-1840 | [Partner of III-i] |
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