(Zuid-Holland - Rotterdam)

Index  Vlag_Nederland

By missing dates of birth and/or baptism the order of the children could be alphabetical or random.

I Cornelis Boot is born about 1685. Note re Cornelis:

de vader van Pieter Cornelisz Boot moet wel Cornelis Boot hebben geheten.
Het is ook mogelijk dat Cornelis niet onder de naam 'Boot' bekend is maar alleen onder een patroniem.
Een patroniem is een achternaam die is afgeleid van de voornaam van de vader, zoals hieronder Cornelisz.

Child of Cornelis out of an unknown relation:

1 Pieter Cornelisz Bood. Follow II.

II Pieter Cornelisz Bood son of Cornelis Boot. Pieter Cornelisz is deceased on 16-10-1773 in Hellevoetsluis. Function: commandeur op 's Lands uitleggers te Hellevoetsluis (ook: 's Lands commandeur op den Voorn) in 1748. Note re Pieter Cornelisz: van Flensburg of Hamburg. Pieter Cornelisz married, 33 years old, on 08-12-1744 in Rotterdam with Cornelia Verschoor, 26 years old. Cornelia is born on 13-03-1718 in Rotterdam. Cornelia is deceased on 20-11-1802 in Rotterdam, 84 years old. She was buried on 24-11-1802 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Rotterdam inv. 44]. Note re the death of Cornelia: overledene liet na 2 meerderjarige kinderen; Quakernaat midden.
Children of Pieter Cornelisz and Cornelia:

1 Anna Pieters Bood. She was baptized on 21-11-1745 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Luthers Rotterdam inv. 28]. Doopgetuigen: Johannes Mulder, Anna Biermans, Gijsbertie Verschoor.
2 Pieternelletje Boot. She was baptized on 28-06-1747 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Luthers Rotterdam inv. 28]. Doopgetuigen: Johannes Mulder, Maria Verschoor, Anna Biermans.
3 Maria Boot. She was baptized on 06-10-1748 in Hellevoetsluis.
4 Pieter Boodt (Boot). Follow III.
5 Anna Boot. She was baptized on 12-11-1752 in Hellevoetsluis.
6 Cornelia Johanna Boot. She was baptized on 14-03-1756 in Hellevoetsluis.
7 Clasina Boot. She was baptized on 23-04-1758 in Hellevoetsluis.
8 Johannes Boot. He was baptized on 05-06-1760 in Hellevoetsluis.

III Pieter Boodt (Boot), son of Pieter Cornelisz Boot and Cornelia Verschoor. He was baptized on 20-09-1750 in Hellevoetsluis. Pieter is deceased on 19-11-1820 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 1869]. Pieter married with Willemina Elisabet Ockerse, after publication of the bans on 01-08-1779. The religious wedding was celebrated on 15-08-1779 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 14 index 18]. ook ondertrouwd op 27-07-1779 in Cool (Rotterdam). Willemina Elisabet is born about 1750 in Rotterdam. Willemina Elisabet is deceased on 06-09-1826 in Rotterdam, about 76 years old. Registration [akte 1483]. Note re Willemina Elisabet: dochter van Pieter Arnoldus Ockerse en Elizabeth Lemp.
Children of Pieter and Willemina Elisabet:

1 Cornelia Willemina Boodt. She was baptized on 06-07-1780 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuige: Cornelia Boodt.
2 Elizabeth Catarina Boodt. She was baptized on 17-10-1782 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuige: Catharina Ockerse.
3 Pieter Cornelis Boodt, born on 13-07-1784 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-a.
4 Reijer Boodt. Follow IV-b.
5 Catarina Elizabeth Boodt. She was baptized on 17-04-1788 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuigen: Reijer Ockerse, Catarina Ockerse.
6 Johannes Boot, born on 18-10-1790 in Rotterdam. He was baptized on 24-10-1790 [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuigen: Reijer Okkerse, Cornelia Boodt.
7 Maria Boodt, born on 08-06-1792 in Rotterdam. She was baptized on 15-06-1792 [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuige: Maria Boodt.
8 Benjamin Boodt, born on 24-11-1794 in Rotterdam. Follow IV-c.

IV-a Pieter Cornelis Boodt is born on 13-07-1784 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Boodt (Boot) and Willemina Elisabet Ockerse. He was baptized on 18-07-1784 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuige: Cornelia Boodt. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on 24-03-1864, 79 years old. Occupation: boekhouder. Pieter Cornelis married, 29 years old, on 20-10-1813 in Rotterdam [akte a232v] with Arendina Costerman, 25 years old. Arendina is born on 20-01-1788 in Rotterdam. She was baptized on 27-01-1788 in Rotterdam. Arendina is deceased on 22-03-1864 in Rotterdam, 76 years old. Note re Arendina: getrouwd (1) op 22-01-1808 in Rotterdam met Johannes van Putten (13-06-1786 Delfshaven - 30-09-1811 Rotterdam); dochter van Gerrit Costerman (07-11-1813 Rotterdam), getrouwd op 07-11-1784 in Rotterdam met Anna Petronella Ooms (17-11-1762 Rotterdam - 15-04-1827 Rotterdam).
Children of Pieter Cornelis and Arendina:

1 Cornelia Johanna Boodt, born on 22-07-1814 in Rotterdam. Follow V-a.
2 Pieter Boodt, born on 30-09-1816 in Rotterdam. Follow V-b.
3 Gerrit Johan(nes) Boodt, born on 29-12-1819 in Rotterdam. Follow V-c.
4 Gerrit Cornelis Boodt, born in 03-1821. Gerrit Cornelis is deceased on 26-04-1821 in Rotterdam, 1 month old. Registration [akte 704].
5 Gerrit Robertus Boodt, born on 13-02-1822 in Rotterdam. Registration on 14-02-1822 [akte 333]. Gerrit Robertus is deceased on 28-07-1822 in Rotterdam, 5 months old. Registration [akte 1286].
6 Pieter Cornelis Boodt, born on 13-02-1822 in Rotterdam. Follow V-d.
7 Gerrit Cornelis Boodt, born on 03-06-1823 in Rotterdam. Follow V-e.
8 Willem Frederik Boodt, born about 1825 in Rotterdam. Follow V-f.

IV-b Reijer Boodt, son of Pieter Boodt (Boot) and Willemina Elisabet Ockerse. He was baptized on 11-05-1786 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Gereformeerd Rotterdam inv. 1 index 59]. Doopgetuigen: Reijer Ockerse, Catarina Ockerse. Reijer:
(1) married on 16-05-1821 in Rotterdam [akte a123] with Hilletje Beerewout, 17 years old. Hilletje is born in 08-1803 in Rotterdam, daughter of Tomas Beerewout and Henderina Gooijaars (Gooijers). Hilletje is deceased on 13-10-1828 in Rotterdam, 25 years old. Registration [akte 1703].
(2) married on 04-08-1830 in Rotterdam [akte a179] with Johanna Beerewout, about 21 years old. Johanna is born about 1809 in Rotterdam, daughter of Tomas Beerewout and Henderina Gooijaars (Gooijers).
(3) married on 15-08-1832 in Rotterdam [akte b17] with Petronella van Driel, about 29 years old. Petronella is born about 1803 in Rotterdam. Note re Petronella: dochter van Jan van Driel en Barber Zeijlaar.
Children of Reijer and Hilletje:

1 N.N. Boodt, still born child on 23-01-1822 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 173].
2 Henderina Boodt, born on 11-05-1825 in Rotterdam. Henderina is deceased on 17-04-1827 in Rotterdam, 1 year old. Registration [akte 765].
3 N.N. Boodt, still born son on 20-08-1827 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 1554].

Children of Reijer and Petronella:

1 Pieter Jan Boodt, born about 1834 in Rotterdam. Follow V-g.
2 Jan Boodt, born on 17-06-1841 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 1434].

IV-c Benjamin Boodt is born on 24-11-1794 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Boodt (Boot) and Willemina Elisabet Ockerse. He was baptized on 11-12-1794 in Rotterdam [source: DTB inv. 1 Gereformeerd index 59]. Benjamin:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 08-11-1820 in Rotterdam [akte c2v] with Catharina Francina Hoedemakers, about 18 years old. Catharina Francina is born about 1802 in Rotterdam. Note re Catharina Francina: dochter van Jacobus Hoedemakers en Helena Wielders.
(2) married, 39 years old, on 18-12-1833 in Rotterdam [akte c94] with Maria Romberg, about 21 years old. Maria is born about 1812 in Rotterdam. Note re Maria: dochter van Teunis Romberg en Maria Penning.
Children of Benjamin and Catharina Francina:

1 Pieter Boodt, born on 15-04-1821 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 794].
2 Leonora Elizabeth Boodt, born in 01-1823 in Rotterdam. Leonora Elizabeth is deceased on 05-03-1824 in Rotterdam, 1 year old. Registration [akte 371].
3 Wilhelmina Elizabeth Boodt, born about 1829 in Rotterdam. Follow V-h.

Children of Benjamin and Maria:

1 Benjamin Boodt, born about 1836 in Rotterdam. Follow V-i.
2 Theunis Boodt, born about 1838 in Rotterdam. Follow V-j.

V-a Cornelia Johanna Boodt is born on 22-07-1814 in Rotterdam, daughter of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Registration [akte c014]. Cornelia Johanna married, 38 years old, on 28-04-1853 in Oosterland [akte 4] with Adrianus van den Oever(en), 28 years old. Adrianus is born on 23-12-1824 in Rotterdam. Occupation: predikant afgescheiden gemeente. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Cornelis van den Oever(en), predikant afgescheiden gemeente, en Kaatje van der Bil.

V-b Pieter Boodt is born on 30-09-1816 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Registration [akte 1711]. Pieter is deceased on 06-09-1898 in Den Haag, 81 years old. Occupation: med. dr. (1841), art. obst. dr. (1842), chir. dr. (1842) Utrecht, geneesheer te Rhenen. Pieter:
(1) married, 27 years old, on 19-01-1844 in Rhenen [akte 1] with Johanna Geertruida Sandbrink, about 19 years old. Johanna Geertruida is born about 1825 in Rhenen, daughter of Jacobus Gerardus Sandbrink and Deliana Dedrica Roelofs. Johanna Geertruida is deceased before 1846, at the most 21 years old.
(2) married, 29 years old, on 17-07-1846 in Rhenen [akte 13] with Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink), 20 years old. Christina Elisabeth is born on 10-03-1826 in Rhenen, daughter of Jacobus Gerardus Sandbrink and Deliana Dedrica Roelofs. Christina Elisabeth is deceased on 25-11-1890 in Rhenen, 64 years old.
Children of Pieter and Christina Elisabeth:

1 Arendina Anna Maria Petronella Boodt, born about 1851 in Rhenen. Follow VI-a.
2 Dirk Boodt, born about 1854 in Rhenen. Follow VI-b.
3 Deliana Dederica Boodt, born on 11-12-1856 in Rhenen. Follow VI-c.
4 Willem Anthonie Boodt, born about 1864 in Rhenen. Follow VI-d.
5 Johanna Geertruida Boodt, born about 1867 in Rhenen. Follow VI-e.

V-c Gerrit Johan(nes) Boodt is born on 29-12-1819 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Registration [akte 2350]. Gerrit Johan(nes) married, 28 years old, on 26-10-1848 in Utrecht [akte 279] with Willemina Ernestina Meijster, about 25 years old. Willemina Ernestina is born about 1823 in Utrecht. Note re Willemina Ernestina: dochter van Huijbert Meijster en Theodora Cornelia Meijster.
Children of Gerrit Johan(nes) and Willemina Ernestina:

1 Anna Petronella Maria Boodt, born on 13-08-1849 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-f.
2 Hubertus Theodorus Cornelis Boodt, born on 31-10-1851 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 3020].
3 Theodora Cornelia Boodt, born on 13-09-1853 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-g.
4 Pieter Cornelis Adrianus Boodt, born on 17-01-1856 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 194].
5 Wilhelmina Ernestina Boodt, born on 16-11-1857 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 3573].
6 Arendina Ernestina Boodt, born on 18-08-1860 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-h.

V-d Pieter Cornelis Boodt is born on 13-02-1822 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Registration on 14-02-1822 [akte 332]. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on 03-12-1847 in Zuidland, 25 years old. Registration on 03-12-1847 [akte 85]. Pieter Cornelis married, 25 years old, on 30-06-1847 in Rotterdam [akte b6] with Johanna van Gijn, about 20 years old. Johanna is born about 1827 in Rotterdam. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jan van Geijn en Elisabeth Johanna Schuurman.

V-e Gerrit Cornelis Boodt is born on 03-06-1823 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Occupation: genees-, heel- en verloskundige achtereenvolgens in Schermenhorn, Renswoude, Beek (Gld) en Lent. Note re Gerrit Cornelis: ook Gerrit Cornelis Costerman Boodt. Gerrit Cornelis married, 31 years old, on 29-06-1854 in Heusden [akte 7] with Susanna Anthonia Costerman, 24 years old. uit dit huwelijk stamt de familie Costerman Boodt [NP 1926]. Susanna Anthonia is born on 26-04-1830 in 's-Hertogenbosch. Susanna Anthonia is deceased on 24-07-1913 in Waddinxveen, 83 years old. Note re Susanna Anthonia: dochter van Cornelis Costerman en Aagje de Vries.
Children of Gerrit Cornelis and Susanna Anthonia:

1 Agatha Cornelia Boodt, born on 30-05-1857 in Renswoude. Registration [akte 15]. Agatha Cornelia is deceased on 28-02-1860 in Renswoude, 2 years old. Registration on 29-02-1860 [akte 7].
2 Johan Hendrik Boodt, born on 07-08-1859 in Renswoude. Registration [akte 23].
3 Agatha Cornelia Boodt, born on 28-07-1861 in Renswoude. Registration [akte 22].
4 Cornelis Boodt, born on 17-08-1863 in Renswoude. Registration [akte 25].
5 Pieter Cornelis Boodt, born on 09-01-1865 in Renswoude. Registration [akte 2].

V-f Willem Frederik Boodt is born about 1825 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Cornelis Boodt and Arendina Costerman. Occupation: veearts. Willem Frederik:
(1) married, about 26 years old, on 17-04-1851 in Uithuizermeeden [akte 5] with Meike Rienders van der Molen, about 24 years old. Meike Rienders is born about 1827 in Uithuizermeeden. Note re Meike Rienders: dochter van Riender Harkes van der Molen en Wibbina Sierts Wiersema.
(2) married, about 28 years old, on 27-04-1853 in Rotterdam [akte a103] with Johanna van Gijn, about 26 years old. Johanna is born about 1827 in Rotterdam. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jan van Geijn en Elisabeth Johanna Schuurman.
Children of Willem Frederik and Johanna:

1 Anna Cornelia Johanna Boodt, born on 03-05-1854 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-i.
2 Jan Boodt, born on 22-10-1855 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-j.
3 Pieter Cornelis Meiko Boodt, born on 13-08-1857 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 2545].
4 Elizabeth Johanna Boodt, born on 03-01-1859 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 23].
5 Arendina Boodt, born on 20-01-1860 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-k.
6 Pieter Cornelis Boodt, born on 23-10-1861 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-l.
7 Johanna Cornelia Boodt, born on 21-11-1863 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-m.
8 Wilhelmina Frederika Boodt, born on 31-08-1865 in Rotterdam. Registration [akte 2995].

V-g Pieter Jan Boodt is born about 1834 in Rotterdam, son of Reijer Boodt and Petronella van Driel. Note re Pieter Jan: dochter van Goris Verhagen en Adriana Johanna Maria van Wijck. Pieter Jan married, about 31 years old, on 03-05-1865 in Rotterdam [akte 287] with Anna Maria Adriana Verhagen, about 33 years old. Anna Maria Adriana is born about 1832 in Rotterdam.
Children of Pieter Jan and Anna Maria Adriana:

1 Pieter Jan Boodt, born on 08-01-1867 in Rotterdam [akte 83]. Follow VI-n.
2 Jan Reijer Boodt, born on 19-10-1871 in Rotterdam [akte 3795].

V-h Wilhelmina Elizabeth Boodt is born about 1829 in Rotterdam, daughter of Benjamin Boodt and Catharina Francina Hoedemakers. Wilhelmina Elizabeth married, about 29 years old, on 13-10-1858 in Rotterdam [akte 669] with Theunis Steven Rijks en de Haas. Theunis Steven is born in Zutphen. Note re Theunis Steven: zoon van Teunis Rijks en de Haas en Aleyda Meyerink.
Child of Wilhelmina Elizabeth out of an unknown relation:

1 Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt, born on 01-06-1853 in Rotterdam. Follow VI-o.

V-i Benjamin Boodt is born about 1836 in Rotterdam, son of Benjamin Boodt and Maria Romberg. Benjamin married, about 25 years old, on 26-04-1861 in Oud-Beijerland [akte 12] with Johanna Martina van Loo, about 36 years old. Johanna Martina is born about 1825 in Oud-Beijerland. Note re Johanna Martina: dochter van Gerrit van Loo en Johanna Martina van Eijk.

V-j Theunis Boodt is born about 1838 in Rotterdam, son of Benjamin Boodt and Maria Romberg. Theunis married, about 27 years old, on 07-06-1865 in Rotterdam [akte 451] with Lutgerdina Moolekamp, about 30 years old. Lutgerdina is born about 1835 in Rotterdam. Note re Lutgerdina: dochter van Hendrik Jurgen Moolekamp en Maria Ivens.
Children of Theunis and Lutgerdina:

1 Benjamin Boodt, born on 29-07-1867 in Rotterdam [akte 2621].
2 Maria Boodt, born on 03-09-1870 in Rotterdam [akte 3296].

VI-a Arendina Anna Maria Petronella Boodt is born about 1851 in Rhenen, daughter of Pieter Boodt and Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink). Arendina Anna Maria Petronella married, about 26 years old, on 09-05-1877 in Rhenen [akte 12] with Jan Jacob Post, about 30 years old. Jan Jacob is born about 1847 in Groningen. Occupation: apotheker. Note re Jan Jacob: zoon van Jacob Post en Johanna Mina Scheepers.
Children of Arendina Anna Maria Petronella and Jan Jacob:

1 Jacob Post, born about 1885 in Rheden. Follow VII-a.
2 Pieter Post, born about 1886 in Rhenen. Follow VII-b.
3 Gerhard Jacobus Post, born about 1894 in Rhenen. Follow VII-c.

VI-b Dirk Boodt is born about 1854 in Rhenen, son of Pieter Boodt and Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink). Occupation: administrateur. Dirk married, about 28 years old, on 28-12-1882 in Arnhem [akte 333] with Susanna Johanna Hollenbach, about 28 years old. Susanna Johanna is born about 1854 in Arnhem. Note re Susanna Johanna: dochter van Johann Georg Hollenbach, muziekonderwijzer, en Maria Helena Lichtenbelt.
Child of Dirk and Susanna Johanna:

1 Pieter Boodt, born about 1884 in Rhenen. Follow VII-d.

VI-c Deliana Dederica Boodt is born on 11-12-1856 in Rhenen, daughter of Pieter Boodt and Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink). Deliana Dederica is deceased on 08-10-1948 in Haarlem, 91 years old. Deliana Dederica married, 25 years old, on 08-06-1882 in Rhenen [akte 21] with Carl Vollgraff, 23 years old. Carl is born on 27-07-1858 in Den Haag. Carl is deceased on 25-11-1932 in Den Haag, 74 years old. Occupation: notaris (1896). Note re Carl: zoon van Carl Wilhelm Vollgraff en Susanna Philippine Kist.

VI-d Willem Anthonie Boodt is born about 1864 in Rhenen, son of Pieter Boodt and Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink). Occupation: sigarenfabrikant. Willem Anthonie:
(1) married, about 28 years old, on 07-07-1892 in Tiel [akte 45] with Johanna Cornelia de Jongh, about 21 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 07-05-1900 in Rotterdam (echtscheiding) [source: akte s41v dd 15-06-1900 Rotterdam]. Johanna Cornelia is born about 1871 in Tiel. Note re Johanna Cornelia: dochter van Willem Melisse de Jongh, landbouwer, en Jantje van Wijk.
(2) married, about 36 years old, on 08-08-1900 in Rotterdam [akte h91] with Paulina Vreesen, about 19 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 20-08-1921 in Rotterdam (echtscheiding) [akte s111]. Paulina is born about 1881 in Rotterdam. Note re Paulina: dochter van Paulus Vreesen en Christina Wiehelmina Roos.

VI-e Johanna Geertruida Boodt is born about 1867 in Rhenen, daughter of Pieter Boodt and Christina Elisabeth Sandbrink (Santbrink). Johanna Geertruida married, about 30 years old, on 30-04-1897 in Rhenen [akte 9] with Isaäc van de Waal, about 30 years old. Isaäc is born about 1867 in Rhenen. Note re Isaäc: zoon van Roelof van de Waal en Jacoba Johanna Voorsteegh.

VI-f Anna Petronella Maria Boodt is born on 13-08-1849 in Rotterdam, daughter of Gerrit Johan(nes) Boodt and Willemina Ernestina Meijster. Registration [akte 2111]. Anna Petronella Maria:
(1) married, 33 years old, on 30-11-1882 in Rotterdam [akte 1195] with Arie Cornelis Boer, about 33 years old. Arie Cornelis is born about 1849 in Kralingen. Note re Arie Cornelis: zoon van Arie Pieter Boer en Cornelia Hoeneveld.
(2) married, 48 years old, on 09-09-1897 in Rotterdam [akte 1646] with Pierre Gerard Jansen, about 54 years old. Pierre Gerard is born about 1843 in Amsterdam. Note re Pierre Gerard: zoon van Pierre Jansen en Geesje Boer.
(3) married, 64 years old, on 28-05-1914 in Rotterdam [akte h99] with Pieter de Reus, about 68 years old. Pieter is born about 1846 in Gouda. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter de Reus en Maria de Jouwer.
Child of Anna Petronella Maria and Arie Cornelis:

1 Arendina Ernestina Boer, born about 1890 in Rotterdam. Arendina Ernestina is deceased on 01-04-1937 in Barneveld, about 47 years old. Registration on 03-04-1937 [akte 46].

VI-g Theodora Cornelia Boodt is born on 13-09-1853 in Rotterdam, daughter of Gerrit Johan(nes) Boodt and Willemina Ernestina Meijster. Registration [akte 2621]. Theodora Cornelia married, 28 years old, on 06-07-1882 in Klaaswaal [akte 12] with Jan Adriaan van Boven, about 29 years old. Jan Adriaan is born about 1853 in Vlissingen. Occupation: predikant. Note re Jan Adriaan: zoon van Abraham Dirk van Boven en Elizabeth Borghstijn.
Children of Theodora Cornelia and Jan Adriaan:

1 Jan Abraham Dirk van Boven, born on 27-12-1883 in Oost- en West-Souburg. Registration on 28-12-1883 [source: ZA akte 50].
2 Willem Ernst van Boven, born on 12-12-1884 in Oost- en West-Souburg. Registration on 12-12-1884 [source: ZA akte 43].
3 Theodorus Cornelis van Boven, born on 22-03-1886 in Oost- en West-Souburg. Registration on 22-03-1886 [source: ZA akte 12].
4 Adrianus Johannis van Boven, born on 10-10-1887 in Oost- en West-Souburg. Registration on 11-10-1887 [source: ZA akte 34].
5 Elizabeth Wilhelmina van Boven, born about 1893 in Ede. Follow VII-e.

VI-h Arendina Ernestina Boodt is born on 18-08-1860 in Rotterdam, daughter of Gerrit Johan(nes) Boodt and Willemina Ernestina Meijster. Registration [akte 1705]. Arendina Ernestina married, 24 years old, on 19-09-1884 in Rotterdam [akte 939] with Johannis Cornelis Prins, about 24 years old. Johannis Cornelis is born about 1860 in Nijkerk. Note re Johannis Cornelis: zoon van Cornelis Prins Gerritsz en Margrietje van Winkoop.

VI-i Anna Cornelia Johanna Boodt is born on 03-05-1854 in Rotterdam, daughter of Willem Frederik Boodt and Johanna van Gijn. Registration [akte 1347]. Anna Cornelia Johanna married, 21 years old, on 27-10-1875 in Rotterdam [akte 1013] with Gijsbert Arie van Spanje, about 23 years old. Gijsbert Arie is born about 1852 in Sliedrecht. Note re Gijsbert Arie: zoon van Maas van Spanje en Pleuntje Zuiderhoek.
Child of Anna Cornelia Johanna and Gijsbert Arie:

1 Willem Frederik van Spanje, born in Sliedrecht. Follow VII-f.

VI-j Jan Boodt is born on 22-10-1855 in Rotterdam, son of Willem Frederik Boodt and Johanna van Gijn. Registration [akte 2899]. Jan married, 25 years old, on 06-07-1881 in Rotterdam [akte 659] with Geertruida Voogd, about 25 years old. Geertruida is born about 1856 in Rotterdam. Note re Geertruida: dochter van Paulus Pieter Voogd en Sara Valkenrijk.
Child of Jan and Geertruida:

1 Johanna Boodt, born about 1882 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-g.

VI-k Arendina Boodt is born on 20-01-1860 in Rotterdam, daughter of Willem Frederik Boodt and Johanna van Gijn. Registration [akte 250]. Arendina:
(1) married, 33 years old, on 25-10-1893 in Rotterdam [akte 1416] with Antonius Zom, about 42 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 25-02-1910 in Rotterdam (echtscheiding) [akte s11v]. Antonius is born about 1851 in Arnhem. Note re Antonius: zoon van Johannes Zom en Wilhelmina van Zwelm.
(2) married, 52 years old, on 21-08-1912 in Rotterdam [akte l84v] with Hendrik Johan Hirschmann, about 68 years old. Hendrik Johan is born about 1844 in Rotterdam. Note re Hendrik Johan: zoon van Fredrik Christiaan Hirschmann en Adriana Johanna Vijzelaar.
(3) married, 60 years old, on 28-07-1920 in Rotterdam [akte m96] with Pierre Jacques Sellschop, about 77 years old. Pierre Jacques is born about 1843 in Rotterdam. Note re Pierre Jacques: zoon van Jacques Pierre François Sellschop en Wilhelmina Susanna Mariade Swart.
Child of Arendina and Antonius:

1 Pierre Charles Désiré Zom, born about 1886 in Nijmegen. Follow VII-h.

VI-l Pieter Cornelis Boodt is born on 23-10-1861 in Rotterdam, son of Willem Frederik Boodt and Johanna van Gijn. Registration [akte 3493]. Pieter Cornelis married, 33 years old, on 05-02-1895 in Rotterdam [akte 107] with Johanna Petronella Barentse, about 20 years old. Johanna Petronella is born about 1875 in Rotterdam. Note re Johanna Petronella: dochter van Jacobus Theodorus Barentse en Cornelia Geertruida van der Linden.

VI-m Johanna Cornelia Boodt is born on 21-11-1863 in Rotterdam, daughter of Willem Frederik Boodt and Johanna van Gijn. Registration [akte 3949]. Johanna Cornelia married, 19 years old, on 09-08-1883 in Arnhem [akte 217] with Gerhard Hendrik Gisolf, about 38 years old. Gerhard Hendrik is born about 1845 in Wierden. Gerhard Hendrik is deceased on 08-02-1907 in Delft, about 62 years old [akte 82]. Note re the death of Gerhard Hendrik: woonde in Rotterdam. Occupation: commies. Note re Gerhard Hendrik: zoon van Karel Willem Boorsma Gisolf, deurwaarder, en Hendrika Jongbloed; weduwnaar van Antonia Geertruida Gall.
Children of Johanna Cornelia and Gerhard Hendrik:

1 Willem Frederik Gisolf, born about 1885 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-i.
2 Anna Cornelia Johanna Gisolf, born about 1889 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-j.
3 Pieternella Cornelia Gisolf, born about 1894 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-k.

VI-n Pieter Jan Boodt is born on 08-01-1867 in Rotterdam [akte 83], son of Pieter Jan Boodt and Anna Maria Adriana Verhagen. Pieter Jan married, 24 years old, on 17-06-1891 in Rotterdam [akte 688] with Johanna Adriana Hendrika Sauer, about 23 years old. Johanna Adriana Hendrika is born about 1868 in 's-Gravendeel. Note re Johanna Adriana Hendrika: dochter van Cornelis Pieter Sauer en Aagje Maria Kardol.
Child of Pieter Jan and Johanna Adriana Hendrika:

1 Cornelis Pieter Boodt, born about 1903 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-l.

VI-o Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt is born on 01-06-1853 in Rotterdam, son of Wilhelmina Elizabeth Boodt. Registration [akte 1622]. Antonie Wilhelmus married, 26 years old, on 12-11-1879 in Rotterdam [akte 1153] with Jane Burns, about 27 years old. Jane is born about 1852 in Haggerston, Engeland. Note re Jane: dochter van David Burns en Sarah Ann Shephard.
Children of Antonie Wilhelmus and Jane:

1 Jennie Boodt, born about 1887 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow VII-m.
2 Annie (Anny) Boodt, born about 1891 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow VII-n.
3 Elisabeth Boodt, born about 1894 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow VII-o.
4 Benjamin Boodt, born about 1895 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow VII-p.

VII-a Jacob Post is born about 1885 in Rheden, son of Jan Jacob Post and Arendina Anna Maria Petronella Boodt. Occupation: fabrikant. Jacob married, about 31 years old, on 06-01-1916 in Ede [akte 3] with Sophie Christine Therese Weckener, about 29 years old. Sophie Christine Therese is born about 1887 in Rotterdam. Note re Sophie Christine Therese: dochter van Friedrich David Ludwig Weckener en Helene Wilhelmina Rijsdijk.

VII-b Pieter Post is born about 1886 in Rhenen, son of Jan Jacob Post and Arendina Anna Maria Petronella Boodt. Pieter is deceased on 18-08-1956 in Goes, about 70 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 143]. Pieter married, about 31 years old, on 11-09-1917 in Rhenen [akte 26] with Johanna Petronella Recter, about 26 years old. Johanna Petronella is born about 1891 in Rhenen. Note re Johanna Petronella: dochter van Petrus Recter en Sophia Cornelia van der Lucht.

VII-c Gerhard Jacobus Post is born about 1894 in Rhenen, son of Jan Jacob Post and Arendina Anna Maria Petronella Boodt. Gerhard Jacobus married, about 25 years old, on 23-12-1919 in Utrecht [akte 1211] with Jacoba Mathilda de Waal, about 34 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 17-08-1940 in Utrecht (echtscheiding). Jacoba Mathilda is born about 1885 in Harderwijk. Note re Jacoba Mathilda: dochter van Jan de Waal en Afina Gerina Elisabeth van de Brugh.

VII-d Pieter Boodt is born about 1884 in Rhenen, son of Dirk Boodt and Susanna Johanna Hollenbach. Occupation: houtvester. Pieter married, about 28 years old, on 13-04-1912 in Dodewaard [akte 2] with Anna Helena Wolters, about 27 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 18-03-1919 in Assen (echtscheiding) [source: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank, akte 18 dd 07-10-1919 Dodewaard]. Anna Helena is born about 1885 in Dodewaard. Note re Anna Helena: dochter van Gerrit Lambertus Johannis Fredrik Wolters, schoolhoofd, en Maria Geertruida Lammers.

VII-e Elizabeth Wilhelmina van Boven is born about 1893 in Ede, daughter of Jan Adriaan van Boven and Theodora Cornelia Boodt. Elizabeth Wilhelmina married, about 20 years old, on 26-02-1913 in Barneveld [akte 10] with Jacob Herman Romijn, about 19 years old. Jacob Herman is born about 1894 in Barneveld. Occupation: bakker. Note re Jacob Herman: zoon van Johannes Elbartus Romijn en Maria Johanna de Vries.

VII-f Willem Frederik van Spanje is born in Sliedrecht, son of Gijsbert Arie van Spanje and Anna Cornelia Johanna Boodt. Willem Frederik married on 08-10-1918 in Linne with Maria Catharina Simmelink. Maria Catharina is born in Linne. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Andreas Hubertus Simmelink en Joanna van Vlodrop.

VII-g Johanna Boodt is born about 1882 in Rotterdam, daughter of Jan Boodt and Geertruida Voogd. Johanna:
(1) married, about 23 years old, on 19-07-1905 in Rotterdam [akte g97v] with Hendrik Willem Scholte, about 25 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 09-09-1921 in Rotterdam (echtscheiding) [akte s124v]. Hendrik Willem is born about 1880 in Kralingen. Note re Hendrik Willem: zoon van Hermanus Johannes Scholte en Johanna van Oosterhout.
(2) married, about 40 years old, on 23-08-1922 in Rotterdam [akte m57v] with Abraham Hendrik Baartman, about 48 years old. Abraham Hendrik is born about 1874 in Den Haag. Note re Abraham Hendrik: zoon van Jan Baartman en Pieternella Boekestein.

VII-h Pierre Charles Désiré Zom is born about 1886 in Nijmegen, son of Antonius Zom and Arendina Boodt. Pierre Charles Désiré married, about 20 years old, on 04-04-1906 in Rotterdam [akte c58v] with Willemina Janna Scheenloop, about 24 years old. Willemina Janna is born about 1882 in Dordrecht. Note re Willemina Janna: dochter van Willem Scheenloop en Diliana Hatenboer.

VII-i Willem Frederik Gisolf is born about 1885 in Rotterdam, son of Gerhard Hendrik Gisolf and Johanna Cornelia Boodt. Willem Frederik married, about 25 years old, on 25-08-1910 in Rotterdam [akte m44] with Elisabeth Jacoba Cornelia van der Waals, about 28 years old. Elisabeth Jacoba Cornelia is born about 1882 in Leiden. Note re Elisabeth Jacoba Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis van der Waals en Alida Antoinetta van Rijn.

VII-j Anna Cornelia Johanna Gisolf is born about 1889 in Rotterdam, daughter of Gerhard Hendrik Gisolf and Johanna Cornelia Boodt. Anna Cornelia Johanna married, about 29 years old, on 18-04-1918 in Rotterdam [akte f52] with Willem Hendrik Gispen, about 27 years old. Willem Hendrik is born about 1891 in Amsterdam. Note re Willem Hendrik: zoon van Johannes Jacobus Gispen en Weea Auktje Helder.

VII-k Pieternella Cornelia Gisolf is born about 1894 in Rotterdam, daughter of Gerhard Hendrik Gisolf and Johanna Cornelia Boodt. Pieternella Cornelia married, about 23 years old, on 23-08-1917 in Rotterdam [akte o39] with Nicolaas Johannes Weeldenburg, about 26 years old. Nicolaas Johannes is born about 1891 in Rotterdam. Note re Nicolaas Johannes: zoon van Henricus Johannes Weeldenburg en Cornelia Ingetje Val.

VII-l Cornelis Pieter Boodt is born about 1903 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Jan Boodt and Johanna Adriana Hendrika Sauer. Cornelis Pieter is deceased on 22-06-1945 in Hildesheim, Duitsland, about 42 years old. Registration [akte 650 Delft]. Note re the death of Cornelis Pieter: overleden te Hildesheim in Duitsland, aangifte op 08-12-1947. Cornelis Pieter married with Richtje Grietje Mulder.

VII-m Jennie Boodt is born about 1887 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt and Jane Burns. Jennie married, about 36 years old, on 21-11-1923 in Rotterdam [akte r4v] with Gerardus Alexander Prentice, about 31 years old. Gerardus Alexander is born about 1892 in Malang, Java, Ned. Indië. Note re Gerardus Alexander: zoon van Adam Prentice en Jane de Clouie.

VII-n Annie (Anny) Boodt is born about 1891 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt and Jane Burns. Annie is deceased on 31-08-1968, about 77 years old. Anny married, about 28 years old, on 30-07-1919 in Rotterdam [akte l66] with Martinus van der Graaf, about 26 years old. Martinus is born about 1893 in Lekkerkerk. Martinus is deceased on 17-06-1975 in Middelburg, about 82 years old. Title: ir.. Note re Martinus: zoon van Hendrik van der Graaf en Pieternella van der Graaf.

VII-o Elisabeth Boodt is born about 1894 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië, daughter of Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt and Jane Burns. Elisabeth married, about 25 years old, on 06-11-1919 in Rotterdam [akte w57] with Hendrik Overeem, about 23 years old. Hendrik is born about 1896 in Norg. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Daan Overeem en Antje Wilhelmina Keiner.

VII-p Benjamin Boodt is born about 1895 in Soerabaja, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Antonie Wilhelmus Boodt and Jane Burns. Benjamin married, about 23 years old, on 22-08-1918 in Rotterdam [akte o86] with Guurtje Maartje Mulder, about 23 years old. Guurtje Maartje is born about 1895 in Rotterdam. Note re Guurtje Maartje: dochter van Jan Mulder en Aagje Roosch.  

Index (146 persons)


Last name First name Born
Baartman Abraham Hendrik 1874   [Partner of VII-g]
Barentse Johanna Petronella 1875   [Partner of VI-l]
Beerewout Hilletje 1803 1828 [Partner of IV-b]
Beerewout Johanna 1809   [Partner of IV-b]
Beerewout Tomas     [Parent in law of IV-b]
[Parent in law of IV-b]
Boer Arendina Ernestina 1890 1937 [Daughter of VI-f]
Boer Arie Cornelis 1849   [Partner of VI-f]
Bood Anna Pieters 1745   [Daughter of II]
Boodt Agatha Cornelia 1857 1860 [Daughter of V-e]
Boodt Agatha Cornelia 1861   [Daughter of V-e]
Boodt Anna Cornelia Johanna 1854   Number VI-i
Boodt Anna Petronella Maria 1849   Number VI-f
Boodt Annie 1891 1968 Number VII-n
Boodt Antonie Wilhelmus 1853   Number VI-o
Boodt Arendina 1860   Number VI-k
Boodt Arendina Anna Maria Petronella 1851   Number VI-a
Boodt Arendina Ernestina 1860   Number VI-h
Boodt Benjamin 1794   Number IV-c
Boodt Benjamin 1836   Number V-i
Boodt Benjamin 1867   [Son of V-j]
Boodt Benjamin 1895   Number VII-p
Boodt Catarina Elizabeth 1788   [Daughter of III]
Boodt Cornelia Johanna 1814   Number V-a
Boodt Cornelia Willemina 1780   [Daughter of III]
Boodt Cornelis 1863   [Son of V-e]
Boodt Cornelis Pieter 1903 1945 Number VII-l
Boodt Deliana Dederica 1856 1948 Number VI-c
Boodt Dirk 1854   Number VI-b
Boodt Elisabeth 1894   Number VII-o
Boodt Elizabeth Catarina 1782   [Daughter of III]
Boodt Elizabeth Johanna 1859   [Daughter of V-f]
Boodt Gerrit Cornelis 1821 1821 [Son of IV-a]
Boodt Gerrit Cornelis 1823   Number V-e
Boodt Gerrit Johan(nes) 1819   Number V-c
Boodt Gerrit Robertus 1822 1822 [Son of IV-a]
Boodt Henderina 1825 1827 [Daughter of IV-b]
Boodt Hubertus Theodorus Cornelis 1851   [Son of V-c]
Boodt Jan 1841   [Son of IV-b]
Boodt Jan 1855   Number VI-j
Boodt Jan Reijer 1871   [Son of V-g]
Boodt Jennie 1887   Number VII-m
Boodt Johan Hendrik 1859   [Son of V-e]
Boodt Johanna 1882   Number VII-g
Boodt Johanna Cornelia 1863   Number VI-m
Boodt Johanna Geertruida 1867   Number VI-e
Boodt Leonora Elizabeth 1823 1824 [Daughter of IV-c]
Boodt Maria 1792   [Daughter of III]
Boodt Maria 1870   [Daughter of V-j]
Boodt N.N. 1822   [Child of IV-b]
Boodt N.N. 1827   [Son of IV-b]
Boodt Pieter 1816 1898 Number V-b
Boodt Pieter 1821   [Son of IV-c]
Boodt Pieter 1884   Number VII-d
Boodt Pieter Cornelis 1784 1864 Number IV-a
Boodt Pieter Cornelis 1822 1847 Number V-d
Boodt Pieter Cornelis 1861   Number VI-l
Boodt Pieter Cornelis 1865   [Son of V-e]
Boodt Pieter Cornelis Adrianus 1856   [Son of V-c]
Boodt Pieter Cornelis Meiko 1857   [Son of V-f]
Boodt Pieter Jan 1834   Number V-g
Boodt Pieter Jan 1867   Number VI-n
Boodt Reijer 1786   Number IV-b
Boodt Theodora Cornelia 1853   Number VI-g
Boodt Theunis 1838   Number V-j
Boodt Wilhelmina Elizabeth 1829   Number V-h
Boodt Wilhelmina Ernestina 1857   [Daughter of V-c]
Boodt Wilhelmina Frederika 1865   [Daughter of V-f]
Boodt Willem Anthonie 1864   Number VI-d
Boodt Willem Frederik 1825   Number V-f
Boodt (Boot) Pieter 1750 1820 Number III
Boot Anna 1752   [Daughter of II]
Boot Clasina 1758   [Daughter of II]
Boot Cornelia Johanna 1756   [Daughter of II]
Boot Cornelis 1685   Number I
Boot Johannes 1760   [Son of II]
Boot Johannes 1790   [Son of III]
Boot Maria 1748   [Daughter of II]
Bood Pieter Cornelisz   1773 Number II
Boot Pieternelletje 1747   [Daughter of II]
van Boven Adrianus Johannis 1887   [Son of VI-g]
van Boven Elizabeth Wilhelmina 1893   Number VII-e
van Boven Jan Abraham Dirk 1883   [Son of VI-g]
van Boven Jan Adriaan 1853   [Partner of VI-g]
van Boven Theodorus Cornelis 1886   [Son of VI-g]
van Boven Willem Ernst 1884   [Son of VI-g]
Burns Jane 1852   [Partner of VI-o]
Costerman Arendina 1788 1864 [Partner of IV-a]
Costerman Susanna Anthonia 1830 1913 [Partner of V-e]
van Driel Petronella 1803   [Partner of IV-b]
van Gijn Johanna 1827   [Partner of V-d]
[Partner of V-f]
Gisolf Anna Cornelia Johanna 1889   Number VII-j
Gisolf Gerhard Hendrik 1845 1907 [Partner of VI-m]
Gisolf Pieternella Cornelia 1894   Number VII-k
Gisolf Willem Frederik 1885   Number VII-i
Gispen Willem Hendrik 1891   [Partner of VII-j]
Gooijaars (Gooijers) Henderina     [Parent in law of IV-b]
[Parent in law of IV-b]
van der Graaf Martinus 1893 1975 [Partner of VII-n]
Hirschmann Hendrik Johan 1844   [Partner of VI-k]
Hoedemakers Catharina Francina 1802   [Partner of IV-c]
Hollenbach Susanna Johanna 1854   [Partner of VI-b]
Jansen Pierre Gerard 1843   [Partner of VI-f]
de Jongh Johanna Cornelia 1871   [Partner of VI-d]
van Loo Johanna Martina 1825   [Partner of V-i]
Meijster Willemina Ernestina 1823   [Partner of V-c]
van der Molen Meike Rienders 1827   [Partner of V-f]
Moolekamp Lutgerdina 1835   [Partner of V-j]
Mulder Guurtje Maartje 1895   [Partner of VII-p]
Mulder Richtje Grietje     [Partner of VII-l]
Ockerse Willemina Elisabet 1750 1826 [Partner of III]
van den Oever(en) Adrianus 1824   [Partner of V-a]
Overeem Hendrik 1896   [Partner of VII-o]
Post Gerhard Jacobus 1894   Number VII-c
Post Jacob 1885   Number VII-a
Post Jan Jacob 1847   [Partner of VI-a]
Post Pieter 1886 1956 Number VII-b
Prentice Gerardus Alexander 1892   [Partner of VII-m]
Prins Johannis Cornelis 1860   [Partner of VI-h]
Recter Johanna Petronella 1891   [Partner of VII-b]
de Reus Pieter 1846   [Partner of VI-f]
Rijks en de Haas Theunis Steven     [Partner of V-h]
Roelofs Deliana Dedrica     [Parent in law of V-b]
[Parent in law of V-b]
Romberg Maria 1812   [Partner of IV-c]
Romijn Jacob Herman 1894   [Partner of VII-e]
Sandbrink Jacobus Gerardus     [Parent in law of V-b]
[Parent in law of V-b]
Sandbrink Johanna Geertruida 1825 1846 [Partner of V-b]
Sandbrink (Santbrink) Christina Elisabeth 1826 1890 [Partner of V-b]
Sauer Johanna Adriana Hendrika 1868   [Partner of VI-n]
Scheenloop Willemina Janna 1882   [Partner of VII-h]
Scholte Hendrik Willem 1880   [Partner of VII-g]
Sellschop Pierre Jacques 1843   [Partner of VI-k]
Simmelink Maria Catharina     [Partner of VII-f]
van Spanje Gijsbert Arie 1852   [Partner of VI-i]
van Spanje Willem Frederik     Number VII-f
Verhagen Anna Maria Adriana 1832   [Partner of V-g]
Verschoor Cornelia 1718 1802 [Partner of II]
Vollgraff Carl 1858 1932 [Partner of VI-c]
Voogd Geertruida 1856   [Partner of VI-j]
Vreesen Paulina 1881   [Partner of VI-d]
van de Waal Isaäc 1867   [Partner of VI-e]
de Waal Jacoba Mathilda 1885   [Partner of VII-c]
van der Waals Elisabeth Jacoba Cornelia 1882   [Partner of VII-i]
Weckener Sophie Christine Therese 1887   [Partner of VII-a]
Weeldenburg Nicolaas Johannes 1891   [Partner of VII-k]
Wolters Anna Helena 1885   [Partner of VII-d]
Zom Antonius 1851   [Partner of VI-k]
Zom Pierre Charles Désiré 1886   Number VII-h

logoaldfaer  Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 29-05-2012.

Mentioned sources:

  • DTB = Doop-, Trouw- en Begraafregisters (ook RBS)
  • genlias = www.genlias.nl: database van de samenwerkende archiefdiensten (voorheen Rijksarchiefdienst)
  • RBS = Retroacta Burgerlijke Stand (ook DTB)
  • ZA = www.zeeuwengezocht.nl: Zeeuws Archief
  • Many tanks voor some supplements of A. Reigersman.
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