Boothite (Pyrite)
Het mineraal boothite (synoniem: pyrite) is genoemd naar professor Edward Booth, (1857 – 23-08-1917), Amerikaans scheikundige bij de University of California, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
Chemische samenstelling: koper, sulfaat, water: CuSO4.7H2O.
Andere namen: Boothite (of Schaller), Copper-Melanterite.
Vindplaats: Alma Mine (Alma Pyrite Mine), Leona Heights, Oakland, Alameda County, Californie, U.S.A.
Translucent boothite fibrous aggregates, with small tarnished pyrite grains, Specimen courtesy of Excalibur Mineral Company. 2.0 cm field of view, horizontal. This mineral is fully-hydrated copper sulphate. The partially hydrated copper sulphate mineral, Chalcanthite, is more common.
Foto: © Copyright: Jeffrey G. Weissman; met toestemming overgenomen, waarvoor onze hartelijke dank.