(Noord-Holland - Spierdijk)


Index  Vlag_Nederland

By missing dates of birth and/or baptism the order of the children could be alphabetical or random.


I Michiel Boots is born about 1500, birthplace unknown. Note re Michiel: married ca 1530.
Child of Michiel out of an unknown relation:

1 Jan Michiels Boots, born about 1535 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow II.
Spierdijk is een dorp in de gemeente Koggenland, in de regio Westfriesland in Noord-Holland.
Het dorp ligt tussen Heerhugowaard en Hoorn en wordt omringd door de dorpen De Goorn, Wogmeer, Zuidermeer, Bobeldijk en Berkhout.
Tot 1 januari 1979 behoorde Spierdijk tot de gemeente Berkhout, en het kent dan ook dezelfde patroonheilige: Sint Joris of Sint George. Van 1979 tot 2007 behoorde het tot de gemeente Wester-Koggenland, waarin de gemeente Berkhout was opgegaan.
Spierdijk komt als Spierdijck voor in 1365 en in 1639 wordt het Spierdyck genoemd.
De plaatsnaam is afgeleid van de grondlaag die bij de plaats voorkomt. Spier verwijst naar de taaie bovenste laag van zeeklei dat bedekt is met veen. Door de taaie aard van de spier is het geschikt voor het maken van dijken en/of het ophogen ervan. Ook de dijk van de plaats is hiervan gemaakt.
Spierdijk was lang een niet al te groot dijkdorp, maar na de Tweede Wereldoorlog groeide het langzaam. Bij deze groei is de huidige nieuwbouwwijk ontstaan. De groei van het dorp werd beduidend minder nadat de gemeente Wester-Koggenland en de provincie de dorpen De Goorn en Avenhorn als de nieuwe groeikernen aanduidde. Het dorp kent nog stolpboerderijen in en bij het centrum.
Bron: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spierdijk

II Jan Michiels Boots is born about 1535 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Michiel Boots. Jan Michiels is deceased about 1604 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), about 69 years old. Occupation: schipper, waard (1572), schepen van Spanbroek (1584). Religion: R.K. Jan Michiels married, about 25 years old, about 1560 in Berkhout with Jannitgen Jansdr, about 20 years old. Jannitgen is born about 1540 in Westerleek (Hoorn). Note re Jannitgen: dochter van Jan Elbertsen en Adrianna Bouwens.

Jan Michiels Boots: voor het eerst vermeld in 1566 wonende op de Spierdijk onder de Heerlijkheid van Spanbroek, is in 1572 waard in een 'dubbel geoctrooieerde bierstal' op de Spierdijk en is in 1584 schepen van dezelfde Heerlijkheid. Hij komt vermoedelijk uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden of Zuid-Oost Engeland (scheepvaart?).
vraag 454 van L.A. BOOTS, Purmerend, in Gens Nostra 1992 pag. 392.

Children of Jan Michiels and Jannitgen:

1 Michiel Jansz Boots.
2 Jan Jansz Boots. Follow III-a.
3 Jacob Jansz Boots, born about 1560 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow III-b.
4 Imme Jansdr Boots, born in 1600 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

III-a Jan Jansz Boots, son of Jan Michiels Boots and Jannitgen Jansdr. Jan Jansz married with Claasje Eggers.
Children of Jan Jansz and Claasje:

1 Claas Boots.
2 Jan Boots.
3 Pieter Boots.

III-b Jacob Jansz Boots is born about 1560 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jan Michiels Boots and Jannitgen Jansdr. Spanbroek. Jacob Jansz is deceased after 1631 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), at least 71 years old. Religion: R.K.. Jacob Jansz married, about 20 years old, about 1580 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Neel Jansdr Cluijver, about 11 years old. Neel Jansdr is born about 1569. Note re Neel Jansdr: dochter van Jans Cluijver.
Children of Jacob Jansz and Neel Jansdr:

1 Claas Boots.
2 Diewer Boots.
3 Giel Jacobsz Boots.
4 Griet Boots.
5 Jacob Jacobsz Boots.
6 Jan Jacobsz Boots.
7 Jannitgen Boots.
8 Marie Boots.
9 Pieter Jacobsz Boots. Pieter Jacobsz is deceased in 1679.
10 Trijn Boots.
11 Cornelis Jacobs (Crelis) Boots, born about 1590 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow IV.

IV Cornelis Jacobs (Crelis) Boots is born about 1590 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jacob Jansz Boots and Neel Jansdr Cluijver. Berkhout. Cornelis Jacobs is deceased about 1645 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), about 55 years old. Religion: R.K.. Crelis married, about 30 years old, about 1620 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Trijn Jansdr Wouters. Note re Trijn Jansdr: dochter van Jan Wouters.
Children of Crelis and Trijn Jansdr:

1 Immetje Cornelisdr Boots. Follow V-a.
2 Pieter Boots, born about 1620 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
3 Crelis Boots, born about 1622 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) Boots. Follow V-b.
5 Jan Boots, born about 1625 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
6 Outgun Boots, born about 1625 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

V-a Immetje Cornelisdr Boots, daughter of Cornelis Jacobs (Crelis) Boots and Trijn Jansdr Wouters. Immetje Cornelisdr married with Aris Cornelisz Holen.

V-b Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) Boots, son of Cornelis Jacobs (Crelis) Boots and Trijn Jansdr Wouters. He was baptized about 1624 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Berkhout?. Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) is deceased about 1686 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: landman. Religion: R.K. gedoopt. Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis):
(1) married on 07-09-1649 in Berkhout with Trijn Cornelisdr, about 25 years old. Trijn is born about 1624 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Trijn: dochter van Crelis (Cornelis) N.N. en Reijnouw Entis.
(2) married on 23-09-1685 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Neeltje Jans Schouten.
Children of Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) and Trijn:

1 Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots. Follow VI-a.
2 Trijntje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 07-02-1654 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Grietje Cornelis. Trijntje Elberts is deceased on 02-06-1725 in Westwoud.
3 Jan Elbertsz Boots. Follow VI-b.

VI-a Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots, son of Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) Boots and Trijn Cornelisdr. He was baptized on 10-07-1651 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Reinouw Entis. Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased in 03-1723 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: boer en dijkgraaf van de Wogmeer. Crelis:
(1) married on 03-04-1678 in Spanbroek with Aafje Jans. She was baptized in Spanbroek. Aafje is deceased before 1685. Note re Aafje: ook Antje.
(2) married on 25-01-1685 in Berkhout with Emmerantiana (Immetje) Claas. She was baptized in 1653 in Berkhout. Emmerantiana is deceased in 1700.
(3) married on 10-01-1700 in Berkhout with Anna Adriaans. Anna is deceased before 1707.
(4) married on 26-04-1707 in Berkhout with Cornelia (Neeltje) Pieters.
Children of Crelis and Aafje:

1 Jan Cornelisz Boots. He was baptized on 03-04-1678 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Jan Cornelisz is deceased after 1685.
2 Catharina Cornelisdr (Trijntje) Boots. She was baptized on 02-06-1679 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) [source: DTB Berkhout inv nr 12a]. Doopgetuige: Catharina Pieters.

Children of Crelis and Immetje:

1 Trijntje Boots. She was baptized on 25-10-1685 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) [source: DTB Berkhout inv nr 12a]. Doopgetuige: Marijke Germents. Trijntje is deceased before 1688.
2 Cornelis Cornelisz Boots. Follow VII-a.
3 Trijntje Cornelis Boots. Follow VII-b.
4 Aafje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 11-04-1690 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) [source: DTB Berkhout inv nr 12b]. Doopgetuige: Theunisje Jacobs. Aafje Cornelis is deceased before 1692 in Berkhout.
5 Aafje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 10-04-1692 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) [source: DTB Berkhout inv nr 12b]. Doopgetuige: Grietje Jans.
6 Elbert Cornelisz Boots. Follow VII-c.

Child of Crelis and Anna:

1 Immetje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 09-11-1700 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Aafje Maartens. Immetje Cornelis is deceased before 1707.

Children of Crelis and Neeltje:

1 Immetje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 15-10-1707 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Aafje Maartens.
2 Pieter Cornelisz Boots. Follow VII-d.

VI-b Jan Elbertsz Boots, son of Elbert Crelisz (Cornelis) Boots and Trijn Cornelisdr. He was baptized on 10-09-1656 in Berkhout. Spierdijk?. Jan Elbertsz is deceased before 1718 in Wogmeer. Function: heemraad van de Wogmeer en rentmeester voor de Heren van Wassenaar. Religion: R.K. gedoopt. Jan Elbertsz married about 1686 in Obdam with Marij (Maartje) Pieters. She was baptized on 09-12-1654 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Marij (Maartje) is deceased about 1744 in Wogmeer. Note re Marij (Maartje): dochter van Pieter Joris Pieters en Soutje N.N.
Children of Jan Elbertsz and Marij (Maartje):

1 Cornelis Jansz Boots. Follow VII-e.
2 Elbert Jansz Boots. Follow VII-f.
3 Trijntje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 04-01-1690 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Immetje Claasdr (1653-1700). Trijntje Jans is deceased about 1750.
4 Pieter Jansz Boots. Follow VII-g.
5 Jan Jansz Boots, born in Berkhout. Follow VII-h.
6 Reijnouwtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 16-12-1694 in Berkhout. Reijnouwtje Jans is deceased before 1698 in Berkhout.
7 Reinouwtje Jansdr Boots, born in Berkhout. Follow VII-i.

VII-a Cornelis Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots and Emmerantiana (Immetje) Claas. He was baptized on 19-11-1686 in Berkhout. Cornelis Cornelisz married about 1714 with Trijntje Theunis.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Trijntje:

1 Theunis Cornelisz Boots. Follow VIII-a.
2 Immetje Cornelis Boots, born in Wogmeer. Follow VIII-b.
3 Maartje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 30-07-1715 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Anna Theunis. Maartje Cornelis is deceased before 1720 in Berkhout.
4 Grietje Cornelis Boots. She was baptized on 02-12-1718 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Niesje Maartens.
5 Maartje Cornelis Boots. Follow VIII-c.
6 Cornelis Cornelisz Boots. He was baptized on 24-06-1723 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Neeltje Jans. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased before 1725 in Berkhout.
7 Cornelis Cornelisz Boots. Follow VIII-d.

VII-b Trijntje Cornelis Boots, daughter of Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots and Emmerantiana (Immetje) Claas. She was baptized on 13-05-1688 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Trijntje Cornelis is deceased before 1725. Trijntje Cornelis married with Gerrit Aarjens Grob. Gerrit Aarjens is born in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Gerrit Aarjens is deceased before 1725.
Children of Trijntje Cornelis and Gerrit Aarjens:

1 Cornelis Gerrits Grob.
2 Aarjen Gerrits Grob.

VII-c Elbert Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots and Emmerantiana (Immetje) Claas. He was baptized on 24-06-1696 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Elbert Cornelisz is deceased on 07-10-1780 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Elbert Cornelisz: op geneanet: http://gw2.geneanet.org/jvanrijn: Gedoopt op 3 november 1716 - Berkhout Overleden op 2 februari 1767 - Berkhout Gehuwd met Maartje (Marie) Jans. Elbert Cornelisz:
(1) married on 15-12-1743 in Berkhout with Lijsbeth Teunis (Marie) Jans. Lijsbeth Teunis is born in Opmeer. Note re Marie: op geneanet: http://gw2.geneanet.org/jvanrijn: Maartje (Marie) Jans Geboren circa 1720 - Opmeer Overleden voor 1764.
(2) married on 15-01-1764 in Berkhout with Grietje Jacobsdr Huijberts. Grietje Jacobsdr is born in Berkhout. She was baptized on 12-07-1739 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Grietje Jacobsdr is deceased after 1767. Note re Grietje Jacobsdr: dochter van Jacob Jansz Huiberts (ca 1710) en Trijntje Jacobs ? (ca 1710).
Children of Elbert Cornelisz and Marie:

1 Geert Elberts Boots. He was baptized on 26-11-1743 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
2 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots, born about 1745 in Berkhout. Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased before 1747 in Berkhout, at the most 2 years old.
3 Geertje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 25-03-1746 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 26-09-1747 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased before 1751 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
5 Neeltje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 11-02-1750 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
6 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 14-06-1751 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased before 1756 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
7 Jan Elberts Boots. He was baptized on 12-05-1754 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
8 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 10-03-1756 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

Children of Elbert Cornelisz and Grietje Jacobsdr:

1 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots, born on 28-10-1764 in Berkhout. Follow VIII-e.
2 Jacob Elbertsz Boots, born on 02-02-1767. Follow VIII-f.

VII-d Pieter Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Elbertsz (Crelis) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Pieters. He was baptized on 11-02-1712 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Grietje Jans Pater. Pieter Cornelisz is deceased on 23-12-1776 in Obdam. Note re Pieter Cornelisz: Sybout van der Wielen, chirurgijn te Spierdijk, en Luycas Claasz van Berkhout waren wettige voogden van het nagelaten zoontje van Crelis Elbertsz Boots. Voor deze zaak zijn ze beiden op 5 januari 1714 tesamen gekomen bij notaris Dirk Nierop te Berkhout. Pieter Cornelisz:
(1) married on 03-02-1737 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Hilletje Ariens Schouten. She is a daughter of Arien Cornelisz Schouten and Guurtje Theunis. She was baptized on 19-02-1711 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Hilletje Ariens is deceased before 1753.
(2) married on 28-10-1753 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Maartje Ariens Schouten. She is a daughter of Arien Cornelisz Schouten and Guurtje Theunis.
Children of Pieter Cornelisz and Hilletje Ariens:

1 Trijntje Pieters Boots. Follow VIII-g.
2 Cornelis Boots. He was baptized on 30-04-1741 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Maartje Ariens Schouten.
3 Cornelis Boots. He was baptized on 24-09-1742 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Maartje Ariens Schouten.

Child of Pieter Cornelisz and Maartje Ariens:

1 Anna Boots. She was baptized on 27-11-1755 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Grietje Ariens Schouten.

VII-e Cornelis Jansz Boots, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Marij (Maartje) Pieters. He was baptized on 17-11-1687 in Berkhout. Cornelis Jansz:
(1) married about 1709 in Opmeer with Geertje Cornelis Rood. Geertje Cornelis is deceased before 1728.
(2) married on 24-12-1728 in Opmeer with Dieuwertje Klaas.
Children of Cornelis Jansz and Geertje Cornelis:

1 Cornelis Boots. He was baptized on 22-07-1711 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Maartje Cornelis.
2 Anna Boots. She was baptized on 12-07-1712 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Jan Jansz Loene.
3 Anna Jans Boots. She was baptized on 29-11-1713 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Anna Theunis.

VII-f Elbert Jansz Boots, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Marij (Maartje) Pieters. He was baptized on 10-09-1688 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Elbert Jansz is deceased about 1750 in Obdam. Elbert Jansz married on 21-01-1727 in Obdam with Lijsbeth Jacobs Schonemans.
Children of Elbert Jansz and Lijsbeth Jacobs:

1 Maartje Elberts Boots. Follow VIII-h.
2 Neeltje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 11-09-1729 in Nibbixwoud. Doopgetuige: Maartje Jacobs, Anna Jans.
3 Jan Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 28-06-1738 in Wognum. Doopgetuigen: Trijntje Jans Boots, Maartje Jacobs. Jan Elbertsz is deceased before 1741 in Wognum.
4 Jan Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 10-02-1741 in Wognum. Jan Elbertsz is deceased before 1744 in Wognum.
5 Jan Elberts Boots. Follow VIII-i.
6 Trijntje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 07-04-1747 in Wognum.
7 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 24-09-1750 in Wognum. Doopgetuigen: Trijntje Jans Boots, Anna Davids.

VII-g Pieter Jansz Boots, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Marij (Maartje) Pieters. He was baptized on 05-07-1692 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Sijtje Cornelis. Pieter Jansz is deceased on 06-09-1779 in Berkhout. Pieter Jansz:
(1) married on 30-01-1718 in Obdam with Neeltje Thijs. She was baptized in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 23-12-1732 in Opmeer.
(2) married on 09-10-1735 in Spanbroek with Trijntje Sijboutsdr van der Wielen. She is a daughter of Sijbout IJsbrantsz van der Wielen and Aagtje Pieters Wit. She was baptized on 07-11-1704 in Berkhout. Trijntje Sijboutsdr is deceased in 03-1762 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
(3) married on 19-09-1763 in Berkhout with Trijntje Willems Langendijk. Note re Trijntje Willems: weduwe van Jan Punt.
Children of Pieter Jansz and Neeltje:

1 Jan Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 07-06-1719 in Berkhout. Jan Pieters is deceased on 17-07-1719 in Opmeer.
2 Jan Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 02-01-1721 in Berkhout. Jan Pieters is deceased on 04-06-1764 in Beets.
3 Thijs Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 13-11-1722 in Berkhout. Thijs Pieters is deceased before 1724.
4 Thijs Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 23-01-1724 in Berkhout. Thijs Pieters is deceased on 14-03-1724 in Berkhout.

Children of Pieter Jansz and Trijntje Sijboutsdr:

1 Sijbout Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 26-09-1737 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Sijbout Pieters is deceased on 11-10-1737 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
2 Crelis Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 24-06-1740 in Berkhout.
3 Aagt Pieters Boots. She was baptized on 14-09-1741 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Aagt Pieters is deceased on 05-10-1741 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Cornelis Pietersz (Cees) Boots. Follow VIII-j.
5 Mari Pieters Boots. She was baptized on 15-06-1745 in Berkhout.
6 Zijbout Pieters Boots. He was baptized on 16-10-1747 in Berkhout.

VII-h Jan Jansz Boots is born in Berkhout, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Marij (Maartje) Pieters. He was baptized on 02-10-1692 in Wogmeer. Doopgetuige: Neeltje Jans. Jan Jansz is deceased about 1736. Religion: R.K. gedoopt. Jan Jansz married about 1722 in Akersloot with Engeltje Barends Velserboer. Engeltje Barends is born in Schermer. She was baptized on 27-01-1694 in De Rijp (Beemster). Engeltje Barends is deceased in 09-1756 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Engeltje Barends: ook Velzerboer, ook Angela Barts of Borrits, dochter van Bart (Burtz) Willebertse Dirck Velsenboer en Neeltje Cornelisdr Cappitein.
Children of Jan Jansz and Engeltje Barends:

1 Aagje Jans Boots. She was baptized in 1722. Doopgetuige: Reijnouw Jans Boots.
2 Johannes Jansz Boots. Follow VIII-k.
3 Pieter Jansz Boots. He was baptized on 16-08-1725 in Wognum. Doopgetuige: Reijnouw Jans Boots.
4 Aagtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 18-02-1727 in Wognum. Doopgetuige: Trijntje Jans Boots. Aagtje Jans is deceased before 1728.
5 Aagtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 13-11-1728 in Wognum. Doopgetuigen: Reijnouw Jans Boots, Maartje Willems. Aagtje Jans is deceased before 1733.
6 Jacob Jansz (Japik) Boots. Follow VIII-l.
7 Aagje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 02-01-1733 in Wognum.

VII-i Reinouwtje Jansdr Boots is born in Berkhout, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Marij (Maartje) Pieters. She was baptized on 29-07-1698 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Reinouwtje Jansdr married on 06-02-1724 in Spanbroek with Cornelis Pietersz Honing. The religious wedding was celebrated the same date in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

VIII-a Theunis Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Theunis. He was baptized on 15-01-1713 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Anna Theunis. Theunis Cornelisz married on 02-02-1738 in Berkhout with Maartje Sijbouts van der Wielen. She is a daughter of Sijbout IJsbrantsz van der Wielen and Aagtje Pieters Wit.
Children of Theunis Cornelisz and Maartje Sijbouts:

1 Trijntje Theunis Boots. Follow IX-a.
2 Sijbout Theunisz Boots. Follow IX-b.

VIII-b Immetje Cornelis Boots is born in Wogmeer, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Theunis. She was baptized on 18-04-1714 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Trijntje Cornelisdr Boots. Immetje Cornelis is deceased on 21-11-1780 in Zwaag. Immetje Cornelis married on 17-01-1740 in Zwaag with Cornelis Jansz Ootes. He was baptized on 03-08-1713 in Zwaag. Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Jans. Cornelis Jansz is deceased on 05-11-1780 in Zwaag. He was buried on 08-11-1780 in Zwaag. Note re Cornelis Jansz: getrouwd (1) met Geertje Jans Butter (overleden voor 1740).

VIII-c Maartje Cornelis Boots, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Theunis. She was baptized about 1720. Maartje Cornelis married on 09-01-1746 in Obdam with Petrus Jacobsz Groot. He was baptized on 18-07-1717 in Obdam. Note re Petrus Jacobsz: zoon van Jacob Pietersz Groot en Adriaantje Willems.

VIII-d Cornelis Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Theunis. He was baptized on 01-01-1725 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Trijntje Jans Boots. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased on 09-07-1776 in Obdam. Cornelis Cornelisz married on 11-01-1750 with Aagje Pieters Oudejans. Aagje Pieters is deceased on 01-11-1800 in Obdam. Note re Aagje Pieters: dochter van Pieter Oudejans en Neeltje Dirkse.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Aagje Pieters:

1 Theunis Cornelisz Boots. He was baptized on 16-01-1751 in Berkhout. Note re Theunis Cornelisz: Doopgetuige: Maartje Sijbouts van der Wielen.
2 Trijntje Cornelis Boots, born in Wogmeer. She was baptized on 17-02-1752 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Maartje Sijbouts van der Wielen.
3 Teunis Cornelisz Boots, born in Wogmeer. He was baptized on 17-03-1753 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Trijntje Sijboutsdr van der Wielen (1704-1762).
4 Dirk Cornelisz Boots, born in Wogmeer. Follow IX-c.
5 Trijntje Cornelis Boots, born in Wogmeer. She was baptized on 27-12-1757 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Maartje Ariens. Trijntje Cornelis is deceased on 24-02-1791 in Obdam.
6 Cornelis Cornelisz Boots, born in Wogmeer. He was baptized on 04-07-1760 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Immetje Cornelis.

VIII-e Cornelis Elbertsz Boots is born on 28-10-1764 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Cornelisz Boots and Grietje Jacobsdr Huijberts. Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased on 21-05-1831 in Berkhout, 66 years old. Registration on 22-05-1831 [akte 10]. Address: Berkhout. Occupation: landman, boer. Cornelis Elbertsz:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 06-05-1787 in Berkhout with Lijsabet Germents Stam, 25 years old. Lijsabet Germents is born on 11-02-1762 in Bobeldijk (Berkhout). She was baptized on 11-02-1762 in Berkhout. She was buried on 12-01-1798 in Berkhout. Note re Lijsabet Germents: ook Elisabeth, dochter van Gemert Pieterz Germents Stam en Grietje Jandr.
(2) married, 34 years old, on 04-09-1799 in Berkhout with Eefje de Lange, about 48 years old. Eefje is born about 1751 in Grosthuizen. Eefje is deceased on 15-04-1831 in Berkhout, about 80 years old. Registration on 16-04-1831 [akte 4]. Note re Eefje: dochter van Pieter de Lange en Antje Jans.
Children of Cornelis Elbertsz and Lijsabet Germents:

1 Elbert Cornelisz Boots, born in 1788 in Berkhout.
2 Germent Cornelisz Boots. Follow IX-d.
3 Elbert Cornelisz Boots. He was baptized on 02-12-1790 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Grietje Cornelisdr Boots, born on 08-04-1792 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow IX-e.
5 Trijntje Cornelisdr Boots. She was baptized in 1793 in Berkhout.
6 Cornelis Boots. Follow IX-f.
7 Jan Cornelisz Boots. He was baptized on 23-09-1795 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
8 Geertje Cornelisdr Boots, born on 14-09-1797 in Berkhout. Follow IX-g.

VIII-f Jacob Elbertsz Boots is born on 02-02-1767, son of Elbert Cornelisz Boots and Grietje Jacobsdr Huijberts. He was baptized on 05-02-1767 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Jacob Elbertsz is deceased on 06-01-1845 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 77 years old. Registration on 07-01-1845 [akte 1]. Note re the death of Jacob Elbertsz: Wogmeer gemeente Obdam?. Address: Obdam. Occupation: landman. Jacob Elbertsz married, 26 years old, on 04-01-1794 in Wognum with Aafje Theunisdr Jonker. gegevens van het nageslacht is te vinden in de DTB registers van de gemeenten Obdam of Berkhout waartoe Spierdijk afwissellend behoorde. Deze boeken bevinden zich in het Westfries archief te Hoorn. Aafje Theunisdr is born in Noordermeer (Wognum). She was baptized on 17-05-1773 in Spanbroek. Aafje Theunisdr is deceased on 01-03-1830 in Obdam. Registration on 03-03-1830 [akte 5].
Children of Jacob Elbertsz and Aafje Theunisdr:

1 Grietje Boots, born on 28-02-1794 in Berkhout. Grietje is deceased on 22-04-1802 in Berkhout, 8 years old.
2 Maartje Boots, born on 13-10-1796 in Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 08-09-1834 in Obdam, 37 years old. Registration on 09-09-1834 [akte 11].
3 Elbert Boots. Follow IX-h.
4 Theunis Boots, born on 28-09-1799 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Follow IX-i.
5 Jacob Boots, born on 13-02-1801 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Jacob is deceased on 20-04-1802 in Obdam, 1 year old.
6 Grietje Boots, born on 09-05-1802 in Berkhout. Follow IX-j.
7 Seijtje Boots, born on 18-09-1803 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
8 Trijntje Boots, born on 23-04-1805 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
9 Jacob Boots, born on 22-10-1806 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
10 Seijtje Lucia Boots, born on 27-10-1808 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
11 Jacob Boots, born on 07-06-1810 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). He was baptized on 07-06-1810 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
12 Sijtje Boots, born on 26-03-1813 in gemeente Opdam, canton Medemblik, arrondissement Hoorn, departement Zuiderzee. Sijtje is deceased on 14-10-1832 in Obdam, 19 years old. Registration on 15-10-1832 [akte 13].
13 Jan Boots, born on 06-10-1815 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow IX-k.

VIII-g Trijntje Pieters Boots, daughter of Pieter Cornelisz Boots and Hilletje Ariens Schouten. She was baptized on 19-12-1737 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Fem Cornelis. Trijntje Pieters is deceased on 05-04-1782 in Berkhout. Trijntje Pieters married on 16-02-1775 in Berkhout with Pieter Pietersz de Boer. He was baptized on 06-10-1754 in Berkhout. Pieter Pietersz is deceased on 15-07-1796 in Berkhout.
Children of Trijntje Pieters and Pieter Pietersz:

1 Maartje de Boer, born in 1776.
2 Trijntje de Boer, born about 1780 in Berkhout. Follow IX-l.
3 Pieter de Boer, born about 1782. Follow IX-m.

VIII-h Maartje Elberts Boots, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Lijsbeth Jacobs Schonemans. She was baptized on 15-11-1727 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Maartje Jacobs. Maartje Elberts married on 09-05-1756 in Nibbixwoud with Cornelis Arise (Cees) Sneeboer. Cornelis Arise is born in Nibbixwoud. Note re Cees: zoon van Arien Alberts Sneeboer en Maartje Hilbrandts.

VIII-i Jan Elberts Boots, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Lijsbeth Jacobs Schonemans. He was baptized on 07-04-1744 in Wognum. Doopgetuigen: Reijnouw Jans Boots, Trijntje Jans Boots. Jan Elberts:
(1) married on 11-02-1770 in Nibbixwoud with Immetje Klaas Blaauw. She was baptized on 08-08-1743 in Wognum. Immetje Klaas is deceased about 1771 in Nibbixwoud. Note re Immetje Klaas: dochter van Claas Jans Blaauw, Zwaagdijk, ondertrouwd op 17-01-1739 en getrouwd op 01-02-1739 in Abbekerk met Grietje Pieters Koppedraijer, weduwe uit Midwoud.
(2) married on 03-06-1774 in Hoorn with Maartje Laurens. The religious wedding was celebrated on 19-06-1774 in Hoorn.
Child of Jan Elberts and Immetje Klaas:

1 Elbert Jansz Boots, born on 12-06-1771 in Wognum. Follow IX-n.

VIII-j Cornelis Pietersz (Cees) Boots, son of Pieter Jansz Boots and Trijntje Sijboutsdr van der Wielen. He was baptized on 24-02-1745 in Beemster. Cornelis Pietersz is deceased on 31-07-1792 in Beemster. He was buried on 03-08-1792 in Beemster. Note re the death of Cees: De begrafeniskosten bedroegen fl.30,- wat op grote welstand duidde. Note re Cees: Cees verhuisde in 1772 van de Spierdijk naar de Beemster. Hij kocht daar voor fl. 19.000,- 220 morgen aan land, de boerderij "de Elizabethhoeve" aan de Jisperweg (kavel 46) en andere opstal van de burgemeester van Alkmaar, de heer Carel de Dieu en een luitenant van de VOC te Amsterdam. Hij was daarmee de rijkste ingezetene van de Beemster (in die tijd kon je van fl. 1,- per week leven). Cees married on 24-01-1762 in Akersloot with Trijntje Cornelisdr Velseboer, 25 years old. vermoedelijk hebben Cees en Trijntje elkaar leren kennen bij hun wederzijdse oom en tante Jan Jans Boots in Wognum, broer van vader Pieter Boots, getrouwd met Engeltje Borrits Velseboer. Trijntje Cornelisdr is born on 25-09-1736 in Schermer. Trijntje Cornelisdr is deceased on 19-05-1795 in Beemster, 58 years old. She was buried on 20-05-1795 in Beemster. Note re Trijntje Cornelisdr: dochter van Cornelis Willebrord Velzeboer en Trijntje Claasdr Rijkes.
Children of Cees and Trijntje Cornelisdr:

1 Cornelis Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 29-02-1768 in Wogmeer.
2 Aagje Boots. Aagje is deceased on 08-07-1770 in Wogmeer.
3 Trijntje Cornelisse Boots. She was baptized on 13-12-1762 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Trijntje Cornelisse Boots. Follow IX-o.
5 Maartje Cornelisse Boots. Follow IX-p.
6 Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots. Follow IX-q.

VIII-k Johannes Jansz Boots, son of Jan Jansz Boots and Engeltje Barends Velserboer. He was baptized on 14-02-1723 in Schermer. Doopgetuige: Trijntje Jans Boots. Johannes Jansz is deceased on 24-03-1769 in Berkhout. Religion: R.K. gedoopt. Johannes Jansz married on 20-01-1754 in Berkhout with Aagje Jansdr Vis. She was baptized on 08-03-1731 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Aagje Jansdr is deceased on 18-03-1773 in Berkhout. Note re Aagje Jansdr: dochter van Jan Gerrits Vis en Sijtje Jacobs; getrouwd (1) met Jan Pieters te Zuidermeer; getrouwd (3) met Cornelis Cornelisz Huijberts.
Children of Johannes Jansz and Aagje Jansdr:

1 Jan Jansz Boots. He was baptized on 30-01-1755 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Jans.
2 Sijtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 02-05-1756 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Jans. Sijtje Jans is deceased before 1759.
3 Jan Jansz Boots. He was baptized on 11-04-1757 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Jans. Jan Jansz is deceased before 01-05-1758 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
4 Jan Jansz Boots. He was baptized on 01-05-1758 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Maartje Jacobs.
5 Sijtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 02-10-1759 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Jans.
6 Elbert Jansz Boots. He was baptized on 02-04-1761 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
7 Elbert Jansz Boots, born in Spanbroek. Follow IX-r.
8 Sijtje Jans Boots. She was baptized on 20-04-1765 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Trijn Cornelis.
9 Cornelis Jansz Boots. Follow IX-s.

VIII-l Jacob Jansz (Japik) Boots, son of Jan Jansz Boots and Engeltje Barends Velserboer. He was baptized on 13-09-1730 in Wognum. Doopgetuigen: Reijnouw Jans Boots, Maartje Pieters. Jacob Jansz is deceased on 06-11-1787 in Berkhout. Japik married on 16-01-1757 in Berkhout with Grietje Pieters Schilder. She was baptized on 11-07-1734 in Berkhout. Grietje Pieters is deceased on 31-03-1808 in Berkhout. Note re Grietje Pieters: dochter van Pieter Jacobsz Schilder en Lijsbeth Jans.
Children of Japik and Grietje Pieters:

1 Joannis Jacobsz (Jan) Boots. Follow IX-t.
2 Pieter Jacobsz Boots. He was baptized on 04-09-1772 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
3 Engeltje Jacobs Boots. Follow IX-u.

IX-a Trijntje Theunis Boots, daughter of Theunis Cornelisz Boots and Maartje Sijbouts van der Wielen. She was baptized on 15-07-1740 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Maartje Cornelis Boots. Trijntje Theunis married with Jacob Bartolemeus Schouten.

IX-b Sijbout Theunisz Boots, son of Theunis Cornelisz Boots and Maartje Sijbouts van der Wielen. He was baptized on 25-03-1742 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Anna Sijbouts van der Wielen. Sijbout Theunisz is deceased on 25-03-1814 in Obdam. Registration on 27-03-1814 [akte 9]. Sijbout Theunisz:
(1) married on 11-08-1765 in Berkhout with Neeltje Cornelis de Groot. She was baptized on 25-03-1742 in Berkhout. Neeltje Cornelis is deceased on 17-02-1795 in Obdam.
(2) married on 06-04-1799 in Hensbroek with Maartje Cornelis Spil. Maartje Cornelis is born in Wogmeer. She was baptized on 14-07-1762 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Aafje Claas. Maartje Cornelis is deceased on 08-05-1801 in Obdam. Note re Maartje Cornelis: dochter van Cornelis Gerrits Spil en Anna Sijbouts van der Wielen.
(3) married on 21-11-1801 in Hensbroek with Trijntje Claasdr Bakker.
Children of Sijbout Theunisz and Neeltje Cornelis:

1 Trijntje Sijbouts Boots. She was baptized on 20-06-1765 in Wogmeer. Trijntje Sijbouts is deceased on 18-04-1777 in Obdam.
2 Theunis Sijbouts Boots. He was baptized on 03-04-1767 in Wogmeer. Theunis Sijbouts is deceased on 18-02-1772 in Obdam.

IX-c Dirk Cornelisz Boots is born in Wogmeer, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boots and Aagje Pieters Oudejans. He was baptized on 26-08-1755 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Dirk Cornelisz is deceased on 28-11-1808 in Obdam. Dirk Cornelisz:
(1) married on 01-02-1794 in Obdam with Aagje Olofs Obdam. She was baptized on 11-09-1769 in Obdam. Aagje Olofs is deceased on 12-10-1798 in Wogmeer. Note re Aagje Olofs: dochter van Olaf Jacobs Obdam en Cornelia Cornelis Eeken.
(2) married on 20-09-1800 in Obdam with Trijntje Pieterse Elders. Trijntje Pieterse is born in Wadway (Wognum). She was baptized on 18-07-1770 in Opmeer. Trijntje Pieterse is deceased on 09-01-1827 in Wogmeer. Note re Trijntje Pieterse: getrouwd (2) met Jacob Gorter (1785-1830).
Children of Dirk Cornelisz and Aagje Olofs:

1 Cornelis Dirksz Boots, born in Wogmeer. He was baptized on 01-05-1795 in Berkhout. Doopgetuige: Theunis Cornelisz Boots. Cornelis Dirksz is deceased on 30-12-1798 in Obdam.
2 Aagje Boots, born in Wogmeer. Follow X-a.
3 Trijntje Boots, born in Wogmeer. She was baptized on 09-07-1798 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Pieter Theunis Blokkert. Trijntje is deceased on 22-10-1798 in Obdam.

Children of Dirk Cornelisz and Trijntje Pieterse:

1 Cornelis Dirksz Boots, born in Wogmeer. He was baptized on 30-01-1802 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Pieter Theunis Blokkert. Cornelis Dirksz is deceased on 12-07-1803 in Wogmeer.
2 Pieter Dirksz Boots, born in Wogmeer. He was baptized on 17-04-1803 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Aafje Pieters Stap. Pieter Dirksz is deceased on 24-08-1822 in Obdam. Registration on 27-08-1822 [akte 18].
3 Johanna (Jantje) Boots, born in Wogmeer (Obdam). Follow X-b.
4 Trijntje Dirks Boots, born in Wogmeer. She was baptized on 20-06-1807 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Pieter Theunis Blokkert.
5 Dirk Dirksz Boots, born on 27-03-1809 in Obdam. Follow X-c.

IX-d Germent Cornelisz Boots, son of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Lijsabet Germents Stam. He was baptized on 24-11-1789 in Berkhout. Germent Cornelisz is deceased on 26-02-1828 in Berkhout. Registration on 27-02-1828 [akte 7]. Occupation: landman, boer. Note re Germent Cornelisz: ook Gerbrand. Germent Cornelisz married on 23-06-1811 in Berkhout [akte 8] with Lijsebet Klaasdr de Haan. Lijsebet Klaasdr is born in Grosthuizen. She was baptized on 24-12-1792. Lijsebet Klaasdr is deceased on 19-07-1872 in Avenhorn. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Lijsebet Klaasdr: ook Elisabeth, dochter van Klaas de Haan (1745-1825), schuitenmaker, en Geertje (Grietje) Jans Wiggerts (?-<1820); getrouwd (2) op 03-05-1829 in Berkhout met Pieter Groot (ca 1802).
Children of Germent Cornelisz and Lijsebet Klaasdr:

1 Elbert Germentsz Boots, born on 30-08-1812 in Berkhout. Follow X-d.
2 Klaas Boots, born on 28-01-1816 in Berkhout. Follow X-e.
3 Cornelis Germetz Boots, born on 11-08-1817 in Berkhout. Follow X-f.
4 Grietje Boots, born on 22-01-1819 in Berkhout. Grietje is deceased on 07-10-1819 in Berkhout, 8 months old. Registration on 08-10-1819 [akte 18].
5 Grietje Boots, born on 13-10-1822 in Berkhout. Follow X-g.
6 Gerbrand Boots, born on 13-10-1822 in Berkhout. tweeling. Gerbrand is deceased on 24-10-1829 in Berkhout, 7 years old. Registration on 25-10-1829 [akte 35].

IX-e Grietje Cornelisdr Boots is born on 08-04-1792 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Lijsabet Germents Stam. She was baptized on 08-04-1792 in Berkhout. Grietje Cornelisdr is deceased on 16-03-1832 in Wognum, 39 years old. Registration on 17-03-1832 [akte 6]. Grietje Cornelisdr married, 19 years old, on 10-11-1811 in Wognum [akte 2] with Cornelis Ariensz Heddes, 19 years old. Cornelis Ariensz is born on 21-11-1791 in Wadway (Wognum). He was baptized on 24-11-1791 in Spanbroek. Cornelis Ariensz is deceased on 03-02-1848 in Wadway (Wognum), 56 years old. Registration on 05-02-1848 [akte 7]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Cornelis Ariensz: zoon van Arien Jansz Heddes (1764-1811) en Maartje Cornelisdr Commandeur (1768-1803).
Children of Grietje Cornelisdr and Cornelis Ariensz:

1 Maartje Heddes, born about 1813 in Wognum. Follow X-h.
2 Arien Heddes, born about 1814 in Wognum. Arien is deceased on 15-01-1838 in Wognum, about 24 years old. Registration on 16-01-1838 [akte 1].
3 Lijsbeth Heddes, born about 1815 in Wognum. Lijsbeth is deceased on 17-04-1825 in Wognum, about 10 years old. Registration on 18-04-1825 [akte 11].
4 Cornelis Heddes, born about 1817 in Wognum. Follow X-i.
5 Trijntje Heddes, born about 1819 in Wognum. Follow X-j.
6 Neeltje Heddes, born about 1820 in Wognum. Follow X-k.
7 Jan Heddes, born about 1822 in Wognum. Follow X-l.
8 Pieter Heddes, born about 1824 in Wognum. Follow X-m.
9 Jacob Heddes, born about 1828 in Wognum. Follow X-n.

IX-f Cornelis Boots, son of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Lijsabet Germents Stam. He was baptized on 24-06-1794 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 20-04-1857 in Wognum. Registration on 22-04-1857 [akte 7]. Occupation: landman. Cornelis married on 30-11-1815 in Berkhout [akte 15] with Grietje Dirksdr Wortel, 20 years old. Grietje Dirksdr is born on 24-02-1795 in Hem (Venhuizen). She was baptized on 24-02-1795 in Hem (Venhuizen). Grietje Dirksdr is deceased on 04-10-1862 in Berkhout, 67 years old. Registration on 05-10-1862 [akte 36]. Note re Grietje Dirksdr: dochter van Dirk Wortel en Willempje Appelman (1763-1815), landvrouw.
Children of Cornelis and Grietje Dirksdr:

1 Lijsebeth Boots, born on 18-03-1817 in Berkhout. Lijsebeth is deceased on 25-04-1817 in Berkhout, 1 month old. Registration on 26-04-1817 [akte 10].
2 Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots, born on 07-05-1818 in Wognum. Follow X-o.
3 Lijsbeth Boots, born on 06-06-1820 in Wognum. Follow X-p.
4 Dirk Boots, born on 26-06-1822 in Wognum. Follow X-q.
5 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots, born on 23-03-1825 in Wognum. Follow X-r.
6 Trijntje Boots, born on 25-05-1827 in Wognum. Trijntje is deceased on 24-12-1827 in Wognum, 6 months old. Registration on 24-12-1827 [akte 26].
7 Trijntje Boots, born on 13-10-1830 in Wognum. Trijntje is deceased on 10-12-1830 in Wognum, 1 month old. Registration on 11-12-1830 [akte 15].
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 07-03-1832 in Wognum. Cornelis is deceased on 24-10-1842 in Wognum, 10 years old. Registration on 26-10-1842 [akte 25].

IX-g Geertje Cornelisdr Boots is born on 14-09-1797 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Lijsabet Germents Stam. She was baptized on 14-09-1797 in Berkhout. Geertje Cornelisdr is deceased on 30-10-1833 in Spanbroek, 36 years old. Registration on 30-10-1833 [akte 19]. Geertje Cornelisdr married, 19 years old, on 04-05-1817 in Spanbroek [akte 5] with Jan Dirksz Huiberts. He was baptized on 18-08-1796 in Berkhout. Jan Dirksz is deceased on 23-11-1877 in Spanbroek. Registration on 24-11-1877 [akte 29]. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Note re Jan Dirksz: zoon van Dirk Huibers, landman, en Aagje Heddes, landvrouw.
Children of Geertje Cornelisdr and Jan Dirksz:

1 Jan Huiberts, born about 1819 in Berkhout. Follow X-s.
2 Elisabeth Huiberts, born about 1821 in Spanbroek. Elisabeth is deceased on 30-12-1837 in Spanbroek, about 16 years old. Registration on 30-12-1837 [akte 17].
3 Dirk Huiberts, born about 1824 in Berkhout. Follow X-t.
4 Aagje Huibers, born about 1826 in Berkhout. Follow X-u.
5 Grietje Huibers, born in 04-1828 in Berkhout. Grietje is deceased on 08-05-1828 in Berkhout, 1 month old. Registration on 09-05-1828 [akte 14].
6 Germent Huiberts, born about 1830 in Berkhout. Germent is deceased on 29-04-1858 in Spanbroek, about 28 years old. Registration on 29-04-1858 [akte 19].
7 Grietje Huiberts, born in 1832.

IX-h Elbert Boots, son of Jacob Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Theunisdr Jonker. He was baptized on 19-05-1798 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Elbert is deceased on 30-04-1854 in Obdam. Registration on 01-05-1854 [akte 7]. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman. Elbert:
(1) married on 19-01-1823 in Berkhout [akte 2] with Hillegonda (Hilletje) Zeeman. She was baptized on 15-04-1794 in Spanbroek. Hillegonda is deceased on 13-06-1836 in Berkhout. Registration on 14-06-1836 [akte 15]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Hilletje: dochter van Pieter Zeeman, landman, en Trijntje Willems Mulder; getrouwd (1) op 30-04-1815 in Spanbroek met Dirk van Diepen (1794-1821).
(2) married on 02-04-1840 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Cornelia (Crelisje) Sloot, about 40 years old. Cornelia is born about 1800 in Oosterblokker. Cornelia is deceased on 12-12-1868 in Obdam, about 68 years old. Registration on 12-12-1868 [akte 29]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Crelisje: dochter van Cornelis Sloot en Immetje Koning.
Children of Elbert and Hilletje:

1 Jacob Boots, born on 09-10-1823 in Berkhout. Jacob is deceased on 13-06-1833 in Berkhout, 9 years old. Registration on 13-06-1833 [akte 11].
2 Aafje Boots, born on 06-05-1825 in Berkhout. Aafje is deceased on 17-12-1825 in Berkhout, 7 months old. Registration on 18-12-1825 [akte 39].
3 Aafje Boots, born on 29-03-1827 in Berkhout. Aafje is deceased on 16-04-1845 in Berkhout, 18 years old. Registration on 16-04-1845 [akte 10].
4 Dirk Boots, born on 15-09-1829 in Berkhout. Follow X-v.
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 07-10-1831 in Berkhout. Follow X-w.
6 Sijtje Boots, born on 22-12-1833 in Berkhout. Follow X-x.

Children of Elbert and Crelisje:

1 Jacob Boots, born on 24-07-1841 in Obdam. Follow X-y.
2 Immetje Boots, born on 01-06-1843 in Obdam. Immetje is deceased on 02-11-1843 in Obdam, 5 months old. Registration on 02-11-1843 [akte 23].

IX-i Theunis Boots is born on 28-09-1799 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), son of Jacob Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Theunisdr Jonker. He was baptized on 28-09-1799 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). bij huwelijk en overlijden als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam. Theunis is deceased on 24-11-1849 in Wijdewormer, 50 years old. Registration on 24-11-1849 [akte 15]. Occupation: landman. Theunis married, 27 years old, on 26-04-1827 in Obdam [akte 4] with Aaltje Binkel, 22 years old. Aaltje is born on 24-03-1805 in Beemster. Note re Aaltje: dochter van Jan Binkel en Aaltje Oudejans.
Children of Theunis and Aaltje:

1 Aaltje Boots, born on 12-06-1828 in Katwoude.
2 Jacob Boots, born on 20-09-1830 in Katwoude. Jacob is deceased on 08-09-1850 in Obdam, 19 years old. Registration on 09-09-1850 [akte 12].
3 Aafje Boots, born on 17-04-1833 in Katwoude. Aafje is deceased on 03-07-1849 in Wijdewormer, 16 years old. Registration on 04-07-1849 [akte 5].
4 Jannetje Boots, born on 19-05-1835 in Wijdewormer. Follow X-z.
5 Maartje Boots, born on 12-06-1837 in Wijdewormer. Follow X-aa.
6 Jan Boots, born on 18-06-1839 in Wijdewormer. Follow X-ab.
7 N.N. Boots, still born son on 12-12-1840 in Wijdewormer. Registration on 14-12-1840.
8 Pieter Boots, born on 14-04-1842 in Wijdewormer. Pieter is deceased on 04-05-1844 in Wijdewormer, 2 years old. Registration on 06-05-1844 [akte 2].
9 Cornelis Boots, born on 02-11-1843 in Wijdewormer. Follow X-ac.
10 Pietertje Boots, born on 30-04-1845 in Wijdewormer. Pietertje is deceased on 19-05-1846 in Wijdewormer, 1 year old. Registration on 20-05-1846 [akte 5].

IX-j Grietje Boots is born on 09-05-1802 in Berkhout, daughter of Jacob Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Theunisdr Jonker. Grietje is deceased on 16-05-1857 in Obdam, 55 years old. Registration on 16-05-1857 [akte 11]. Note re the death of Grietje: als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam. Grietje married, 39 years old, on 10-09-1841 in Obdam [akte 8] with Arie van Diepen, 36 years old. Arie is born on 28-10-1804 in Spanbroek. Arie is deceased on 09-12-1869 in Wogmeer, 65 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman. Note re Arie: zoon van David van Diepen en Aafje Cornelis; getrouwd (2) op 16-06-1859 in Obdam met Dieuwertje Ligthart (ca 1833).
Child of Grietje and Arie:

1 David van Diepen, born about 1843. Follow X-ad.

IX-k Jan Boots is born on 06-10-1815 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jacob Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Theunisdr Jonker. Jan is deceased on 28-07-1900 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 84 years old. Registration on 29-07-1900 [akte 16]. Note re the death of Jan: als geboorteplaats en overlijdensplaats vermeld Obdam. Occupation: landman. Jan:
(1) married, 23 years old, on 26-04-1839 in Obdam [akte 3] with Anna (Antje) Stroomer, 20 years old. Anna is born on 21-03-1819 in Obdam. bij huwelijk vermeld Heerhugowaard, bij overlijden vermeld Obdam. Anna is deceased on 13-12-1872 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 53 years old. Registration on 14-12-1872 [akte 34]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Antje: dochter van Jacob Stroomer (1786-1832) en Maartje van Loo (1792-1837).
(2) married, 58 years old, on 25-06-1874 in Obdam [akte 11] with Jannetje Klaver, 50 years old. Jannetje is born on 28-03-1824 in Hensbroek. Jannetje is deceased on 14-05-1900 in Obdam, 76 years old. Registration on 15-05-1900 [akte 12]. Note re Jannetje: dochter van Jan Klaver en Maartje Spil; weduwe van Cornelis Schoenmaker; getrouwd (2) op 21-11-1861 in Obdam met Jacob (Jaap) Duin (1815-1872).
Children of Jan and Antje:

1 Maartje Boots, born on 23-01-1840 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). bij overlijden als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 22-05-1840 in Obdam, 3 months old. Registration on 23-05-1840 [akte 1].
2 Jacob Boots, born on 24-06-1841 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-ae.
3 Maartje Boots, born on 05-09-1843 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-af.
4 Arien (Arie) Boots, born on 06-08-1845 in Obdam. Follow X-ag.
5 Jan Boots, born on 06-08-1847 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-ah.
6 Theunis Boots, born on 06-06-1850 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Theunis is deceased on 17-06-1854 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 4 years old. Registration on 17-06-1854 [akte 9]. Note re the death of Theunis: als geboorteplaats en overlijdensplaats vermeld Obdam.
7 Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots, born on 10-12-1852 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-ai.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 26-09-1853 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-aj.
9 Theunis Boots, born on 11-03-1859 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Theunis is deceased on 09-09-1859 in Obdam, 5 months old. Registration on 09-09-1859 [akte 16]. Note re the death of Theunis: als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam.

IX-l Trijntje de Boer is born about 1780 in Berkhout, daughter of Pieter Pietersz de Boer and Trijntje Pieters Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 19-06-1856 in Berkhout, about 76 years old. Registration on 21-06-1856 [akte 30]. Occupation: landvrouw. Trijntje:
(1) married with Klaas Dekker.
(2) married, about 42 years old, on 03-11-1822 in Berkhout [akte 9] with Pieter Bobeldijk, about 41 years old. Pieter is born about 1781 in Berkhout. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Pieter: zoon van Cornelis Bobeldijk (ook Schuijtemaker) en Trijntje Volkers Baars.

IX-m Pieter de Boer is born about 1782, son of Pieter Pietersz de Boer and Trijntje Pieters Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, about 31 years old, on 02-05-1813 in Berkhout [akte 3] with Neeltje Kunst, about 25 years old. Neeltje is born about 1788. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Jacob Kunst en Dieuwertje Klaas.

IX-n Elbert Jansz Boots is born on 12-06-1771 in Wognum, son of Jan Elberts Boots and Immetje Klaas Blaauw. He was baptized on 19-06-1771 in Nibbixwoud. Elbert Jansz is deceased on 25-01-1824 in Wogmeer (Hensbroek), 52 years old. Registration on 25-01-1824 [akte 2]. Address: Nibbixwoud. Occupation: boer. Elbert Jansz:
(1) married, 24 years old, on 26-02-1796 in Opmeer with Trijntje Maartens Vlaar. She was baptized on 06-09-1773 in Opmeer. Trijntje Maartens is deceased on 19-05-1808 in Berkhout. Note re Trijntje Maartens: dochter van Maarten Sijmens Vlaar (ca 1739 - 19-05-1810 Spanbroek), getrouwd met Anna (Antje) Ariens Bennis (09-12-1737 Spanbroek - 12-07-1792 Spanbroek).
(2) married, 39 years old, on 17-06-1810 in Berkhout with Aaltje Jansdr Binkel, about 27 years old. Aaltje Jansdr is born about 1783 in Obdam. Aaltje Jansdr is deceased on 04-04-1852 in Nibbixwoud, about 69 years old. Occupation: boerin. Note re Aaltje Jansdr: getrouwd (2) op 14-06-1829 in Venhuizen met Jan Laan (1786-1836); getrouwd (3) op 01-06-1837 in Heerhugowaard met Klaas Quant (ca 1783-1842).
Children of Elbert Jansz and Trijntje Maartens:

1 Jannetje Elberts (Immetje) Boots. Follow X-ak.
2 Maarten Elbertsz Boots, born in Venhuizen. He was baptized on 11-06-1798 in Hoorn. Doopgetuige: Jannetje Maartens Vlaar. Maarten Elbertsz is deceased on 15-07-1835 in Sijbekarspel. Registration on 17-07-1835 [akte 5].
3 Antje Elberts Boots, born on 08-10-1800 in Hoorn. Follow X-al.
4 Lijsbeth Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 23-08-1802 in Berkhout. Lijsbeth Elberts is deceased on 04-03-1811 in Berkhout. Registration on 05-03-1811 [akte 1].
5 Jan Elbertsz Boots, born on 17-11-1803 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-am.
6 Teunis Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 08-01-1805 in Berkhout. Teunis Elbertsz is deceased on 04-06-1826 in Heerhugowaard. Registration on 04-06-1826 [source: genlias].

Children of Elbert Jansz and Aaltje Jansdr:

1 Petrus (Pieter) Boots. Follow X-an.
2 Cornelis Boots, born about 1814. Cornelis is deceased on 02-07-1815 in Obdam, about 1 year old. Registration on 19-08-1815 [akte 19].
3 Trijntje Boots, born about 1816 in Obdam. Follow X-ao.
4 Grietje Boots, born about 1818 in Hensbroek. Grietje is deceased on 14-08-1826 in Heerhugowaard, about 8 years old. Registration on 15-08-1826.
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 23-01-1820 in Hensbroek. Follow X-ap.

IX-o Trijntje Cornelisse Boots, daughter of Cornelis Pietersz (Cees) Boots and Trijntje Cornelisdr Velseboer. She was baptized on 24-07-1765 in Beemster. Trijntje Cornelisse is deceased on 04-04-1802 in Obdam. Trijntje Cornelisse married on 25-04-1789 in Beemster with Jacob Cornelisz Groot, about 21 years old. Jacob Cornelisz is born about 1768 in Ursem. Jacob Cornelisz is deceased in 1810 in Obdam, about 42 years old.
Child of Trijntje Cornelisse and Jacob Cornelisz:

1 Cornelis Groot, born on 08-06-1792 in Wogmeer. Follow X-aq.

IX-p Maartje Cornelisse Boots, daughter of Cornelis Pietersz (Cees) Boots and Trijntje Cornelisdr Velseboer. She was baptized on 19-04-1770 in Wogmeer. Maartje Cornelisse is deceased on 06-01-1835 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 06-01-1835 [akte 1]. Occupation: boerin. Maartje Cornelisse married on 28-03-1792 in Beemster with Jan Lourisse Schilder, about 25 years old. Jan Lourisse is born about 1767 in Berkhout. Hoogwoud?. Jan Lourisse is deceased on 09-01-1836 in Hoogwoud, about 69 years old. Registration on 09-01-1836 [akte 2].
Children of Maartje Cornelisse and Jan Lourisse:

1 Catharina (Trijntje) Schilder, born on 20-10-1797 in Hoogwoud. Follow X-ar.
2 Geertje Schilder, born on 29-02-1808 in Hoogwoud. Follow X-as.

IX-q Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots, son of Cornelis Pietersz (Cees) Boots and Trijntje Cornelisdr Velseboer. He was baptized on 12-03-1775 in Beemster. Doopgetuigen: Antje Oudejans, Huijbert Velzeboer. Cornelius Cornelisz is deceased on 09-02-1821 in Beemster. Address: Beemster. Note re Cor: alias: Boos. Cor married on 23-10-1796 in Beemster with Antje Ariaans de Jong. The religious wedding was celebrated on 06-11-1796 in Beemster. She was baptized on 23-04-1771 in Avenhorn. Antje Ariaans is deceased on 30-08-1826 in Beemster. Registration on 31-08-1826 [akte 65]. Note re Antje Ariaans: alias: de Boer, dochter van Ariaan Krelis de Jong (1749) en Antje Evers.
Children of Cor and Antje Ariaans:

1 Cornelis Boots. He was baptized on 16-08-1797 in Beemster. Cornelis is deceased on 21-05-1799 in Beemster (cause: koorts).
2 Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots, born on 22-07-1799 in Beemster. Follow X-at.
3 Petrus (Pieter) Boots, born on 01-11-1800 in Beemster. Follow X-au.
4 Evert Boots, born on 10-08-1802 in Beemster. Follow X-av.
5 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 24-06-1805 in Beemster. Follow X-aw.
6 Nicolaas Boots, born on 22-11-1806 in Beemster. Nicolaas is deceased on 25-11-1806 in Avenhorn, 3 days old.
7 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 20-02-1809 in Beemster. Follow X-ax.
8 Antje Boots, born on 02-03-1810 in Beemster. Follow X-ay.

IX-r Elbert Jansz Boots is born in Spanbroek, son of Johannes Jansz Boots and Aagje Jansdr Vis. He was baptized on 02-04-1762 in Berkhout. peter: Agie Crelis Keuningh. Elbert Jansz is deceased on 04-05-1838 in Obdam. Registration on 05-05-1838 [akte 10]. Occupation: landman, arbeider, landbouwer. Note re Elbert Jansz: ook Boets. Elbert Jansz:
(1) married on 24-04-1785 in Berkhout with Grietje Sijmens Grasboer, about 25 years old, after publication of the bans on 09-04-1785 in Berkhout. Grietje Sijmens is born about 1760. Grietje Sijmens is deceased on 09-04-1802 in Spanbroek, about 42 years old.
(2) married on 24-10-1802 in Opmeer with Maartje Cornelisse Schilder, after publication of the bans on 10-10-1802 in Opmeer. She was baptized on 04-04-1776 in Berkhout. Maartje Cornelisse is deceased on 02-05-1823 in Obdam. Registration on 04-05-1823 [akte 7]. Note re Maartje Cornelisse: dochter van Cornelis (Krelis) Laurens Schilder en Trijntje Gerrits de Jong.
Children of Elbert Jansz and Grietje Sijmens:

1 Aagtje Elberts Boots. Follow X-az.
2 Jan(ne)tje Elberts Boots. Follow X-ba.
3 Sijmen Elbertsz (Simon) Boots. Follow X-bb.
4 Jan Elbertsz Boots. He was baptized on 16-02-1796 in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

Children of Elbert Jansz and Maartje Cornelisse:

1 Joannes Elbertsz (Jan) Boots. He was baptized on 29-06-1803 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Cornelis Jansz Boots. Joannes Elbertsz is deceased on 12-03-1891 in Hoogwouderweere. He was buried on 17-03-1891 in De Weere (Opmeer).
2 Jan Elbertsz Boots, born in Obdam. Follow X-bc.
3 Trijntje Elberts Boots. She was baptized on 21-05-1805 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Geertje Cornelis Schilder.
4 Cornelis Elbertsz Boots, born on 24-08-1806 in Berkhout. Follow X-bd.
5 Maartje Boots, born on 10-02-1807 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow X-be.
6 Laurentinus (Laurens) Boots. He was baptized on 11-04-1809 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Adriaantje Jan Duijn. Laurentinus is deceased on 22-03-1831 in Middelburg. Registration [source: ZA akte 134 Middelburg, akte Spierdijk]. Occupation: flankeur (de flankeurs vormden als flankcompagnieën de lichte infanterie van een bataljon).
7 Trijntje Boots, born on 17-07-1809 in Obdam. Follow X-bf.
8 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. She was baptized on 12-06-1810 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Jantje Elbert Boots.
9 Margaritha (Grietje) Boots. She was baptized on 05-08-1811 in Spanbroek. Doopgetuige: Sijtje Cornelis Huijbertse.
10 Grietje Boots, born on 19-10-1812 in Spanbroek. Follow X-bg.
11 Pieter Boots, born on 14-11-1813 in Spanbroek. Pieter is deceased on 21-02-1815 in Spanbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 22-02-1815 [akte 2].
12 Neeltje Boots, born on 29-11-1814 in Spanbroek. Follow X-bh.
13 Jacob Boots, born on 09-11-1819 in Obdam. Follow X-bi.

IX-s Cornelis Jansz Boots, son of Johannes Jansz Boots and Aagje Jansdr Vis. He was baptized on 07-11-1768 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Cornelis Jansz is deceased on 08-03-1832 in Grosthuizen. Registration on 10-03-1832 [akte 3]. Occupation: veekoopman. Cornelis Jansz married on 04-10-1812 in Avenhorn [akte 8] with Antje Pieters Mul. Antje Pieters is born in Avenhorn. She was baptized on 02-09-1786 in Berkhout. Antje Pieters is deceased on 23-12-1847 in Wijdewormer. Registration on 24-12-1847 [akte 16]. Note re Antje Pieters: weduwe, dochter van Pieter Mul en Meining Venneker.
Children of Cornelis Jansz and Antje Pieters:

1 Agatha (Aagje) Boots, born on 22-10-1813 in Avenhorn. Follow X-bj.
2 Pieter Boots, born on 12-06-1815 in Avenhorn. Pieter is deceased on 07-03-1843 in Hoorn, 27 years old (cause: opgehangen wegens moord op Neeltje Spekken). Registration [akte 5 dd 08-04-1843 Grosthuizen].
3 Meinem Boots, born on 21-07-1816 in Avenhorn. Follow X-bk.
4 Jan Boots, born on 07-10-1817 in Avenhorn. Follow X-bl.
5 Lijsbeth Boots, born on 05-01-1819 in Avenhorn. Lijsbeth is deceased on 31-05-1819 in Avenhorn, 4 months old. Registration on 01-06-1819 [akte 2].
6 Lijsbeth Boots, born on 12-02-1820 in Avenhorn. Follow X-bm.
7 Neeltje Boots, born on 25-08-1821 in Grosthuizen. Follow X-bn.
8 Engeltje Boots, born on 24-09-1822 in Grosthuizen. Follow X-bo.

IX-t Joannis Jacobsz (Jan) Boots, son of Jacob Jansz (Japik) Bootsand Grietje Pieters Schilder. He was baptized on 29-03-1764 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Pieters. Occupation: winkelier, theehuishouder.

Jan Jacobsz. Boots, woonende in de Zuidermeer, onder Spanbroek, geleijde en wel deugdelijk schuldig te zijn;[aan]… Jan Walraven woonende te Alcmaar en Pieter Stelt, woonende in de Beverwijk, Curateuren en Administrateure over de nagelaten boedel van Walraven Waardenburg, binnen Hoorn overleeden ende als voogden over de minderjarige kinderen van Jan Walraven met name: Anna Walraven en Walraven Laurentius Walraven, in huwelijk verwekt bij Catharina Waardenburg; gelijk nog mede Geertruida Waardenburg, woonende te Beverwijk: de somma van vijfduizend guldens, spruitende uit koop van een huis en grond van dien, staande en geleegen op den hoek van het Breed ende Oude Noord, binnen deeze stad.[Hoorn]. Beloovende en gaande te zullen opbrengen en betaalen met primo Meij [1793] aanstaande: de somma van 1000 gulden, ende de overige 4000 gulden met interesse van dien á 3 ½ percent jaarlijks, binnen ofte uiterlijk met den tijd van agt jaaren te zullen voldoen, binnen de ieder jaar 500 gulden tot de dadelijke en effectuele voldoening toe, zullen de verschijndag ieder jaar, eeven als het eerste termijn, vallen op den 1e Meij.
Ter oirconde onze zegel er aan gehangen op den 28 dec. 1792.

(1) married on 11-06-1785 in Berkhout with Dievertje Jacobs Ettes. Dievertje Jacobs is deceased before 1800.
(2) married about 1800 with Neeltje Schuurman. Op 22-04-1799 werd er een testament op de langstlevende gepasseerd van Jan Jacobz. Boots en Neeltje Schuurman, echtlieden woonende binnen deezes stad Hoorn. Neeltje is deceased before 1813. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Jan Schuurman en Antje Marens.
(3) married on 13-01-1813 in Hoorn [akte 2] with Johanna Helena Scholten, about 36 years old. Johanna Helena is born about 1777. Note re Johanna Helena: dochter van Carel Scholten en Sophia Charlotta Ritsmans.
Children of Jan and Dievertje Jacobs:

1 Jacob Boots. He was baptized on 12-11-1787 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Engeltje Jacobs Boots.
2 Jacob Boots. He was baptized on 14-10-1788 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Engeltje Jacobs Boots.
3 Jacob Boots. He was baptized on 25-10-1789 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Engeltje Jacobs Boots.
4 Aafje Boots. She was baptized on 10-05-1791 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Nantje Jacobs Ettes.

Children of Jan and Neeltje:

1 Anna Maria (Antje) Boots, born about 1801 in Hoorn. Follow X-bp.
2 Engeltje Boots, born about 1811 in Hoorn. Follow X-bq.

Child of Jan and Johanna Helena:

1 Dieuwertje Boots, born about 1817 in Hoorn. Follow X-br.

IX-u Engeltje Jacobs Boots, daughter of Jacob Jansz (Japik) Boots and Grietje Pieters Schilder. She was baptized on 18-03-1774 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Lijsbeth Pieters. Engeltje Jacobs is deceased on 19-05-1834 in Spanbroek. Registration on 19-05-1834 [akte 11]. Occupation: landvrouw. Engeltje Jacobs:
(1) married with Pieter Jansz de Jong, after publication of the bans on 29-12-1792 in Berkhout. Pieter Jansz is deceased on 23-11-1815 in Berkhout.
(2) married on 03-11-1816 in Berkhout [akte 6] with Dirk Kwaatman, about 27 years old. Dirk is born about 1789 in Hoogkarspel. Dirk is deceased on 04-06-1827 in Berkhout, about 38 years old. Registration on 04-06-1827 [akte 25]. Occupation: landman. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jan Otte Kwaadman en Maria (Marijtje) Meijer.
Children of Engeltje Jacobs and Pieter Jansz:

1 Grietje de Jong, born on 27-11-1795 in Berkhout. Follow X-bs.
2 Neeltje de Jong, born about 1804 in Berkhout. Neeltje is deceased on 01-11-1815 in Berkhout, about 11 years old. Registration on 02-11-1815 [akte 22].
3 Jacob de Jong, born about 1808 in Berkhout. Follow X-bt.
4 Jan Pietersz de Jong, born in 11-1811 in Berkhout. Jan Pietersz is deceased on 03-06-1812 in Berkhout, 7 months old. Registration on 04-06-1812 [akte 16].
5 Jan de Jong, born about 1813 in Berkhout. Follow X-bu.
6 Neeltje de Jong, born about 1816 in Berkhout. Neeltje is deceased on 24-05-1817 in Berkhout, about 1 year old. Registration on 25-05-1817 [akte 15].

X-a Aagje Boots is born in Wogmeer, daughter of Dirk Cornelisz Boots and Aagje Olofs Obdam. She was baptized on 15-10-1796 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Aagje is deceased on 22-05-1847 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: landbouwster. Aagje married on 28-04-1822 in Obdam [akte 6] with Pieter van Kampen. He was baptized on 16-07-1796 in Zwaag. Pieter is deceased on 03-07-1844 in Spanbroek. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Dirk van Kampen en Trijntje Bakker.
Children of Aagje and Pieter:

1 Pieter van Kampen, born about 1823 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-a.
2 Dirk van Kampen, born about 1825 in Spanbroek. Dirk is deceased on 08-04-1888 in Spanbroek, about 63 years old. Registration on 09-04-1888 [akte 10].
3 Trijntje van Kampen, born about 1825 in Spanbroek. Trijntje is deceased on 06-11-1827 in Spanbroek, about 2 years old. Registration on 06-11-1827 [akte 20].

X-b Johanna (Jantje) Boots is born in Wogmeer (Obdam), daughter of Dirk Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Pieterse Elders. She was baptized on 26-02-1805 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Claas Ursem. Johanna is deceased on 24-09-1866 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Registration on 24-09-1866 [akte 33]. Occupation: winkelierster. Note re Jantje: ook Jannetje. Jantje:
(1) married with Cornelis Kuijpers. Note re Cornelis: moet Cornelis soms Pouwlus zijn?.
(2) married on 13-05-1824 in Obdam [akte 3] with Poulus Kuijpers, about 22 years old. Poulus is born about 1802 in Budel. Poulus is deceased on 05-04-1841 in Berkhout, about 39 years old. Registration on 05-04-1841 [akte 5]. Occupation: koopman. Note re Poulus: ook Paulus, zoon van Lambertus Kuijpers en Johanna Maria Somers.
Children of Jantje and Poulus:

1 Maria Catharina Kuijpers, born in 10-1826 in Berkhout. Maria Catharina is deceased on 07-11-1826 in Berkhout, 1 month old. Registration on 04-04-1827 [akte 17]. Note re the death of Maria Catharina: kloppen de datums wel?.
2 Paulus Kuijpers, born on 04-02-1830 in Berkhout. Paulus is deceased on 06-02-1830 in Berkhout, 2 days old. Registration on 06-02-1830 [akte 2].
3 Paulus Jacobus Kuijpers, born about 1831 in Berkhout. Follow XI-b.
4 Catharina Maria Kuijpers, born about 1834 in Berkhout. Follow XI-c.
5 Maria Joanna Kuijpers, born about 1841 in Berkhout. Follow XI-d.

X-c Dirk Dirksz Boots is born on 27-03-1809 in Obdam, son of Dirk Cornelisz Boots and Trijntje Pieterse Elders. Berkhout?. Dirk Dirksz is deceased on 24-08-1838 in Berkhout, 29 years old. Registration on 25-08-1838 [akte 32]. Occupation: landman, tapper. Dirk Dirksz:
(1) married, 18 years old, on 26-04-1827 in Obdam [akte 3] with Geertje Kuiper, 20 years old. Geertje is born on 19-04-1807 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Geertje is deceased on 08-10-1833 in Berkhout, 26 years old. Registration on 09-10-1833 [akte 25]. Note re Geertje: ook Grietje, Guurtje, dochter van Cornelis Kuiper, landman, en Neeltje Commandeur.
(2) married, 25 years old, on 06-07-1834 in Berkhout [akte 16] with Neeltje Klaver, 23 years old. Neeltje is born on 10-08-1810 in 't Veld (Nieuwe Niedorp). She was baptized on 12-08-1810 in Nieuwe Niedorp. Doopgetuige: Treijntje Crelisse Venneke. Neeltje is deceased on 02-03-1861 in Wogmeer, 50 years old. She was buried on 07-03-1861 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Neeltje: dochter van Willem Klaasse Klaver (ca 1780), arbeider, koehouder, en Grietje Hillebrand Sneeboer; getrouwd (2) op 28-06-1839 in Obdam met Jacob (Jaap) Duin (1815-1872).
Children of Dirk Dirksz and Geertje:

1 Dirk Boots, born on 29-03-1828 in Obdam. Follow XI-e.
2 Pieter Boots, born on 01-06-1829 in Obdam. Follow XI-f.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 08-09-1830 in Obdam. Follow XI-g.
4 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 02-05-1833 in Obdam. Follow XI-h.

X-d Elbert Germentsz Boots is born on 30-08-1812 in Berkhout, son of Germent Cornelisz Boots and Lijsebet Klaasdr de Haan. Elbert Germentsz is deceased on 23-02-1894 in Berkhout, 81 years old. Registration on 23-02-1894 [akte 15]. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Elbert Germentsz married, 21 years old, on 13-04-1834 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Geertje Ursem, 22 years old. Geertje is born on 20-12-1811 in Nibbixwoud. She was baptized on 20-12-1811 in Nibbixwoud. Geertje is deceased on 05-05-1875 in Berkhout, 63 years old. Registration on 07-05-1875 [akte 17]. She was buried on 10-05-1875 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Geertje: dochter van Jan Ursem (1775-1834), landman, en Aagje Muus (1770-1831).
Children of Elbert Germentsz and Geertje:

1 Germent Boots, born on 20-01-1835 in Spanbroek. Germent is deceased on 09-11-1900 in Berkhout, 65 years old. Registration on 10-11-1900 [akte 41].
2 Aagje Boots, born on 09-07-1836 in Obdam. Aagje is deceased on 25-06-1866 in Berkhout, 29 years old. Registration on 27-06-1866 [akte 21]. Note re the death of Aagje: 25-11-1908?.
3 Elisabeth Boots, born on 31-03-1838 in Berkhout. Elisabeth is deceased on 25-04-1839 in Berkhout, 1 year old. Registration on 27-04-1839 [akte 14].
4 Cornelis Boots, born on 07-05-1839 in Berkhout. Follow XI-i.
5 Johannes Boots, born on 31-01-1842 in Berkhout. Follow XI-j.
6 Klaas Boots, born on 06-04-1845 in Berkhout. Klaas is deceased on 27-07-1870 in Berkhout, 25 years old. Registration on 28-07-1870 [akte 40].
7 Elisabeth Boots, born on 25-02-1848 in Berkhout. Follow XI-k.
8 Trijntje Boots, born about 1850 in Berkhout. Trijntje is deceased on 12-05-1852 in Berkhout, about 2 years old. Registration on 14-05-1852 [akte 22].
9 Geertje Boots, born on 16-06-1851 in Berkhout. Follow XI-l.
10 Elbert Boots, born on 04-04-1854 in Berkhout. Elbert is deceased on 20-04-1854 in Berkhout, 16 days old. Registration on 20-04-1854 [akte 11].

X-e Klaas Boots is born on 28-01-1816 in Berkhout, son of Germent Cornelisz Boots and Lijsebet Klaasdr de Haan. Klaas is deceased on 06-04-1898 in Obdam, 82 years old. Registration on 07-04-1898 [akte 7]. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman. Klaas married, 25 years old, on 22-04-1841 in Spanbroek [akte 3] with Maartje de Boer, 20 years old. Maartje is born on 26-02-1821 in Spanbroek. Maartje is deceased on 31-10-1880 in Obdam, 59 years old. Registration on 01-11-1880 [akte 36]. She was buried on 04-11-1880 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter de Boer (1782-na 1825) en Neeltje Kunst (ca 1788-1858).
Children of Klaas and Maartje:

1 Pieter Boots, born on 23-07-1842 in Berkhout. Follow XI-m.
2 Gerbrand Boots, born on 03-11-1843 in Berkhout. Gerbrand is deceased on 17-11-1843 in Berkhout, 14 days old. Registration on 18-11-1843 [akte 35].
3 Elisabeth Boots, born on 15-10-1845 in Berkhout. Elisabeth is deceased on 15-04-1856 in Berkhout, 10 years old. Registration on 15-04-1856 [akte 18].
4 Trijntje Boots, born on 22-11-1847 in Berkhout. Trijntje is deceased on 23-02-1848 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 24-02-1848 [akte 7].
5 Grietje Boots, born on 19-07-1849 in Berkhout. Follow XI-n.
6 Germent Boots, born on 05-01-1851 in Berkhout. Germent is deceased on 06-05-1851 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 07-05-1851 [akte 30].
7 Jacob Boots, born on 19-07-1852 in Berkhout. Jacob is deceased on 17-06-1853 in Berkhout, 10 months old. Registration on 17-06-1853 [akte 21].
8 Neeltje Boots, born on 05-12-1855 in Berkhout. Follow XI-o.
9 Marijtje Boots, born on 16-03-1856 in Berkhout. Baarsdorpermeer. Marijtje is deceased on 22-04-1935 in Berkhout, 79 years old. Registration on 23-04-1935 [akte 15]. She was buried on 25-04-1935 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
10 Jacob Boots, born on 07-08-1857 in Berkhout. Jacob is deceased on 24-10-1857 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 25-10-1857 [akte 53]. Note re the death of Jacob: Baarsdorpermeer.
11 Elisabeth Boots, born on 01-09-1860 in Berkhout. Follow XI-p.

X-f Cornelis Germetz Boots is born on 11-08-1817 in Berkhout, son of Germent Cornelisz Boots and Lijsebet Klaasdr de Haan. Cornelis Germetz is deceased on 06-12-1885 in Beemster, 68 years old. Registration on 07-12-1885 [akte 60]. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman, veehouder. Cornelis Germetz married, 20 years old, on 26-04-1838 in Berkhout [akte 9] with Geertje Jacobs Jonker, 24 years old. Geertje Jacobs is born on 07-11-1813 in Hoogwoud. Geertje Jacobs is deceased on 07-01-1869 in Beemster, 55 years old. Registration on 08-01-1869 [akte 2]. Note re Geertje Jacobs: dochter van Jacob Jonker (ca 1789-1824) en Aafje Pieters Valk (1785-1848).
Children of Cornelis Germetz and Geertje Jacobs:

1 Elizabeth Boots, born on 23-03-1839 in Berkhout. Follow XI-q.
2 Jacob Boots, born on 17-01-1841 in Berkhout. Follow XI-r.
3 Jantje Boots, born on 31-01-1843 in Berkhout. Follow XI-s.
4 Cornelis Boots, born on 25-10-1845 in Berkhout. Follow XI-t.
5 Aafje Boots, born on 15-10-1847 in Wognum. Follow XI-u.
6 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots, born on 28-02-1852 in Obdam. Follow XI-v.
7 Petronella (Pietertje) Boots, born on 16-01-1854 in Obdam. Follow XI-w.
8 Gerbrand Boots, born on 07-03-1857 in Berkhout.

X-g Grietje Boots is born on 13-10-1822 in Berkhout, daughter of Germent Cornelisz Boots and Lijsebet Klaasdr de Haan. tweeling. Grietje is deceased on 04-12-1896 in Avenhorn, 74 years old. Registration on 05-12-1896 [akte 25]. Grietje married, 24 years old, on 22-04-1847 in Berkhout [akte 3] with Cornelis Koppes, 28 years old. Cornelis is born on 14-12-1818 in Avenhorn. Cornelis is deceased on 15-12-1901 in Avenhorn, 83 years old. Registration on 16-12-1901 [akte 23]. Occupation: arbeider, landman, veehouder. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Huibert Koppes (1792), landman, en Geertje Berkhout (1795).
Children of Grietje and Cornelis:

1 Huibert Koppes, born in 04-1848 in Avenhorn. Huibert is deceased on 14-08-1848 in Avenhorn, 4 months old. Registration on 15-08-1848 [akte 7].
2 N.N. Koppes, still born daughter on 28-04-1849 in Avenhorn. Registration on 28-04-1849 [akte 4].
3 Geertje Koppes, born about 1851 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-x.
4 Lijsbeth Koppes, born about 1852 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-y.
5 Eefje Koppes, born about 1854 in Avenhorn. Eefje is deceased on 19-01-1859 in Avenhorn, about 5 years old. Registration on 19-01-1859 [akte 3].
6 N.N. Koppes, still born son on 25-12-1854 in Avenhorn. Registration on 25-12-1854 [akte 13].
7 N.N. Koppes, still born daughter on 27-01-1856 in Avenhorn. Registration on 27-01-1856 [akte 3].
8 Geertje Koppes, born in 1860.

X-h Maartje Heddes is born about 1813 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Maartje is deceased on 29-03-1883 in Wognum, about 70 years old. Registration on 30-03-1883 [akte 10]. Maartje married, about 25 years old, on 29-04-1838 in Wognum [akte 3] with Pieter Jansz Commandeur, about 31 years old. Pieter Jansz is born about 1807 in Wognum. Pieter Jansz is deceased before 1883, at the most 76 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter Jansz: zoon van Jan Tamisz Commandeur, burgemeester, en Aafje Wognum.

X-i Cornelis Heddes is born about 1817 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 09-09-1894 in Spanbroek, about 77 years old. Registration on 10-09-1894 [akte 20]. Occupation: landman. Cornelis:
(1) married, about 29 years old, on 25-04-1846 in Wognum [akte 4] with Antje Besseling, about 22 years old. Antje is born about 1824 in Wognum. Antje is deceased before 1862, at the most 38 years old. Note re Antje: dochter van Jan Besseling, landman, en Immetje Ootes.
(2) married, about 45 years old, on 01-05-1862 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Eva Berkhout, about 27 years old. Eva is born about 1835. Note re Eva: dochter van Jacob Berkhout en Jantje de Wit.

X-j Trijntje Heddes is born about 1819 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 18-01-1892 in Wognum, about 73 years old. Registration on 18-01-1892 [akte 1]. Trijntje married, about 21 years old, on 03-05-1840 in Wognum [akte 3] with Jan Tool, about 22 years old. Jan is born about 1818 in Wognum. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Dirk Tool en Maartje Commandeur.

X-k Neeltje Heddes is born about 1820 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Neeltje is deceased on 15-11-1899 in Wognum, about 79 years old. Registration on 16-11-1899 [akte 26]. Neeltje married, about 24 years old, on 28-04-1844 in Wognum [akte 7] with Klaas Blauw, about 22 years old. Klaas is born about 1822 in Wognum. Klaas is deceased before 1899, at the most 77 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Klaas: zoon van Simon Blaauw, landman, en Reind Meijzen.

X-l Jan Heddes is born about 1822 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Jan is deceased on 21-11-1899 in Wognum, about 77 years old. Registration on 22-11-1899 [akte 29]. Occupation: landman. Jan married, about 25 years old, on 01-05-1847 in Wognum [akte 4] with Neeltje Jong, about 23 years old. Neeltje is born about 1824 in Zwaag. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Maarten Jong, landman, en Maartje Commandeur.

X-m Pieter Heddes is born about 1824 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Pieter is deceased on 01-11-1863 in Spanbroek, about 39 years old. Registration on 01-11-1863 [akte 25]. Pieter married, about 28 years old, on 29-04-1852 in Wognum [akte 12] with Antje Groot, about 22 years old. Antje is born about 1830 in Spanbroek. Note re Antje: dochter van Teunis Groot, landman, en Neeltje van Baar.

X-n Jacob Heddes is born about 1828 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ariensz Heddes and Grietje Cornelisdr Boots. Jacob is deceased on 29-05-1889 in Spanbroek, about 61 years old. Registration on 31-05-1889 [akte 11]. Note re the death of Jacob: moeder vermeld als Maartje Boots. Occupation: landman. Jacob married, about 24 years old, on 25-04-1852 in Opmeer [akte 2] with Guurtje de Goede, about 23 years old. Guurtje is born about 1829 in Opmeer. Note re Guurtje: dochter van Jan de Goede en Agata Pronk.

X-o Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots is born on 07-05-1818 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Grietje Dirksdr Wortel. Wilhelmina is deceased on 06-10-1897 in Obdam, 79 years old. Registration on 06-10-1897 [akte 13]. Occupation: boerin. Willempje married, 18 years old, on 27-04-1837 in Wognum [akte 4] with Joannis (Jan) Tromp, about 31 years old. Joannis is born about 1806 in Spanbroek. Joannis is deceased on 21-06-1885 in Wognum, about 79 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Jacob Pieters Tromp en Maartje Pieterse Snoeken.
Children of Willempje and Jan:

1 Grietje Tromp, born about 1843 in Wognum. Follow XI-z.
2 Maartje Tromp, born about 1844 in Wognum. Maartje is deceased on 23-04-1862 in Berkhout, about 18 years old. Registration on 24-04-1862 [akte 21].
3 Trijntje Tromp, born about 1848 in Wognum. Follow XI-aa.
4 Cornelis Tromp, born about 1850 in Wognum. Follow XI-ab.
5 Pieter Tromp, born about 1854 in Ursem. Pieter is deceased on 02-03-1945 in Hoogwoud, about 91 years old. Registration on 03-03-1945 [akte 11].
6 Dirk Tromp, born about 1856 in Ursem. Follow XI-ac.
7 Elisabeth Tromp, born about 1859 in Ursem. Follow XI-ad.

X-p Lijsbeth Boots is born on 06-06-1820 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Grietje Dirksdr Wortel. Lijsbeth is deceased on 13-11-1892 in Spanbroek, 72 years old. Registration on 14-11-1892 [akte 37]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Lijsbeth: ook Elisabeth. Lijsbeth married, 18 years old, on 25-04-1839 in Wognum [akte 6] with Jan van Diepen, 23 years old. Jan is born on 27-02-1816 in Berkhout. He was baptized on 27-02-1816 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 25-12-1872 in Spanbroek, 56 years old. Registration on 27-12-1872 [akte 39]. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelis Ariensz van Diepen (1771-1825) en Geertje Klaasdr Conijn (1777-1833).
Children of Lijsbeth and Jan:

1 Geertje van Diepen, born about 1840 in Wognum. Follow XI-ae.
2 Cornelis van Diepen, born about 1842 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 18-01-1843 in Berkhout, about 1 year old. Registration on 19-01-1843 [akte 2].
3 Cornelis van Diepen, born about 1843 in Berkhout. Follow XI-af.
4 Grietje van Diepen, born about 1844 in Wognum. Grietje is deceased on 26-03-1845 in Wognum, about 1 year old. Registration on 27-03-1845 [akte 3].
5 Grietje van Diepen, born about 1846 in Wognum. Grietje is deceased on 23-04-1847 in Wognum, about 1 year old. Registration on 24-04-1847 [akte 15].
6 Grietje van Diepen, born on 13-03-1848 in Wognum. Grietje is deceased on 24-03-1848 in Wognum, 11 days old. Registration on 27-03-1848 [akte 14].
7 Arien van Diepen, born about 1850 in Wognum. Follow XI-ag.
8 Grietje van Diepen, born in 01-1851 in Spanbroek. Grietje is deceased on 12-11-1851 in Spanbroek, 10 months old. Registration on 13-11-1851 [akte 23].
9 Petrus van Diepen, born on 31-07-1852 in Spanbroek. Petrus is deceased on 13-08-1852 in Spanbroek, 13 days old. Registration on 14-08-1852 [akte 16].
10 Petrus van Diepen, born about 1854 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ah.
11 Johannes van Diepen, born on 07-03-1855 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 14-03-1855 in Spanbroek, 7 days old. Registration on 15-03-1855 [akte 5].
12 Grietje van Diepen, born about 1857 in Spanbroek. Grietje is deceased on 22-09-1865 in Spanbroek, about 8 years old. Registration on 22-09-1865 [akte 13].
13 Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen, born on 22-05-1859 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ai.
14 Cornelia van Diepen, born about 1862 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 02-09-1863 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 02-09-1863 [akte 23].

X-q Dirk Boots is born on 26-06-1822 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Boots and Grietje Dirksdr Wortel. Dirk is deceased on 28-12-1866 in Berkhout, 44 years old. Registration on 28-12-1866 [akte 42]. Occupation: landman. Dirk married, 22 years old, on 10-04-1845 in Berkhout [akte 4] with Agatha (Aagje) Quant, 18 years old. Agatha is born on 03-07-1826 in Berkhout. Agatha is deceased on 25-04-1909 in Berkhout, 82 years old. Occupation: landvrouw, veehoudster. Note re Aagje: ook Aafje, ook Kwant, dochter van Dirk Quant (1791-1868), landman, en Neeltje Bijvoet (1794); getrouwd (2) op 09-09-1869 in Berkhout met Jan Klaver (ca 1840-1909).
Children of Dirk and Aagje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 03-01-1846 in Berkhout. Follow XI-aj.
2 Neeltje Boots, born about 1847 in Berkhout. Neeltje is deceased on 05-02-1848 in Berkhout, about 1 year old. Registration on 05-02-1848 [akte 5].
3 Neeltje Boots, born on 12-07-1848 in Berkhout. Follow XI-ak.
4 Jan Boots, born on 19-11-1849 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 16-04-1850 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 17-04-1850 [akte 11].
5 Jan Boots, born on 14-12-1850 in Berkhout. Follow XI-al.
6 Dirk Boots, born on 06-04-1851 in Berkhout. Follow XI-am.
7 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots, born on 30-04-1853 in Berkhout. Follow XI-an.
8 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 31-05-1854 in Berkhout. Follow XI-ao.
9 Pieter Boots, born on 12-07-1855 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 05-12-1855 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 06-12-1855 [akte 36].
10 Geertje Boots, born on 20-07-1856 in Berkhout. Follow XI-ap.
11 Antje Boots, born on 20-08-1857 in Berkhout. Antje is deceased on 01-01-1900 in Berkhout, 42 years old. Registration on 03-01-1900 [akte 3].
12 Leintje Boots, born on 16-01-1859 in Berkhout. Leintje is deceased on 22-10-1867 in Berkhout, 8 years old. Registration on 22-10-1867 [akte 39].
13 Pieter Boots, born on 04-11-1861 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 05-11-1861 in Berkhout, 1 day old. Registration on 05-11-1861 [akte 42].
14 Aaltje Boots, born on 12-01-1863 in Berkhout. Follow XI-aq.
15 Tamis Boots, born on 18-07-1864 in Berkhout. Follow XI-ar.
16 Dirk Boots, born in 10-1865 in Berkhout. tweeling? drieling?. Dirk is deceased on 18-06-1866 in Berkhout, 8 months old. Registration on 18-06-1866 [akte 20]. Note re the death of Dirk: zelfde aktenummer Aagje en Dirk, juist?.
17 Jansje Boots, born on 13-10-1865 in Berkhout. tweeling? drieling?. Jansje is deceased on 10-02-1866 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 10-02-1866 [akte 8].
18 Aagje Boots, born on 13-10-1865 in Berkhout. tweeling? drieling?. Aagje is deceased on 18-06-1866 in Berkhout, 8 months old. Registration on 18-06-1866 [akte 20]. Note re the death of Aagje: zelfde aktenummer Aagje en Dirk, juist?.
19 Pieter Boots, born on 08-12-1866 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 24-03-1867 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 24-03-1867 [akte 12].

X-r Margaretha (Grietje) Boots is born on 23-03-1825 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Grietje Dirksdr Wortel. Margaretha is deceased on 24-04-1871 in Berkhout, 46 years old. Registration on 24-04-1871 [akte 16]. Occupation: veehoudster. Grietje married, 19 years old, on 10-10-1844 in Berkhout [akte 12] with Cornelis Ruiter, 18 years old. Cornelis is born on 23-02-1826 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 20-11-1866 in Berkhout, 40 years old. Registration on 20-11-1866 [akte 38]. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Tamis Ruiter (1772-1844) en Geertje Roelofs (1794), landvrouw.
Children of Grietje and Cornelis:

1 Grietje Ruiter, born about 1846 in Obdam. Follow XI-as.
2 Tamis Ruiter, born about 1848 in Obdam. Follow XI-at.
3 Geertje Ruiter, born about 1849 in Obdam. Follow XI-au.
4 Cornelis Ruiter, born about 1850 in Obdam. Follow XI-av.
5 Trijntje Ruiter, born about 1852 in Berkhout. Follow XI-aw.
6 Jan Ruiter, born about 1854 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 10-03-1858 in Wognum, about 4 years old. Registration on 11-03-1858 [akte 10].
7 Aafje Ruiter, born about 1855 in Berkhout. Aafje is deceased on 24-05-1856 in Berkhout, about 1 year old. Registration on 25-05-1856 [akte 24].
8 Pieter Ruiter, born about 1856 in Berkhout. Follow XI-ax.
9 Jan Ruiter, born about 1859 in Wognum. Follow XI-ay.
10 Gerrit Ruiter, born about 1861 in Wognum. Follow XI-az.
11 N.N. Ruiter, still born daughter on 19-01-1862 in Wognum. tweeling. Registration on 20-01-1862 [akte 4].
12 N.N. Ruiter, still born daughter on 19-01-1862 in Wognum. tweeling. Registration on 20-01-1862 [akte 5].
13 Dirk Ruiter, born about 1864 in Wognum. Follow XI-ba.
14 N.N. Ruiter, still born son on 24-10-1865 in Berkhout. Registration on 25-10-1865 [akte 36].
15 Cornelis Ruiter, born on 29-11-1866 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 19-12-1866 in Berkhout, 20 days old. Registration on 19-12-1866 [akte 40].

X-s Jan Huiberts is born about 1819 in Berkhout, son of Jan Dirksz Huiberts and Geertje Cornelisdr Boots. Jan is deceased on 12-12-1891 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), about 72 years old. Registration on 12-12-1891 [akte 21]. Occupation: dienstknecht. Jan married, about 23 years old, on 04-06-1842 in Heerhugowaard [akte 9] with Antje Schuffelen, about 19 years old. Antje is born about 1823, daughter of Pieter Schoffelen and Geertje Blank. Antje is deceased before 1891, at the most 68 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Antje: ook Schoffelen.

X-t Dirk Huiberts is born about 1824 in Berkhout, son of Jan Dirksz Huiberts and Geertje Cornelisdr Boots. Dirk is deceased in 1863, about 39 years old. Occupation: landman. Dirk married, about 26 years old, on 25-04-1850 in Spanbroek [akte 6] with Trijntje Stam, about 24 years old. Trijntje is born about 1826 in Abbekerk. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Frans Stam en Neeltje Koning.

X-u Aagje Huibers is born about 1826 in Berkhout, daughter of Jan Dirksz Huiberts and Geertje Cornelisdr Boots. Aagje is deceased in 1876, about 50 years old. Aagje married, about 25 years old, on 11-05-1851 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 5] with Pieter Schuffelen, about 34 years old. Pieter is born about 1817 in Oterleek, son of Pieter Schoffelen and Geertje Blank. Occupation: watermolenaar. Note re Pieter: ook Schoffelen, weduwnaar van Trijntje Denneman.

X-v Dirk Boots is born on 15-09-1829 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Boots and Hillegonda (Hilletje) Zeeman. Dirk is deceased on 06-11-1874 in Heerhugowaard, 45 years old. Registration on 07-11-1874 [akte 54]. Occupation: boerenknecht. Dirk married, 26 years old, on 24-08-1856 in Obdam [akte 8] with Antje Strooper, 31 years old. Antje is born on 31-05-1825 in Sint Maarten (Harenkarspel). Antje is deceased on 26-07-1889 in Heerhugowaard, 64 years old. Registration on 21-11-1863 [akte 41]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Antje: dochter van Willem Willemsz Strooper (1800-1872) en Geertje Vlaar (1798-1844); getrouwd (2) op 12-04-1877 in Heerhugowaard met Cornelis van Schagen (1818-1904).
Children of Dirk and Antje:

1 Hillegonda Boots, born on 13-09-1857 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-bb.
2 Johannes Boots, born on 06-12-1859 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XI-bc.
3 Sijtje Boots, born on 18-08-1863 in Heerhugowaard. Sijtje is deceased on 20-11-1863 in Heerhugowaard, 3 months old.
4 Geertje Boots, born on 02-08-1865 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XI-bd.

X-w Cornelis Boots is born on 07-10-1831 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Boots and Hillegonda (Hilletje) Zeeman. Cornelis is deceased on 09-11-1858 in Hensbroek, 27 years old. Registration on 09-11-1858 [akte 24]. Occupation: boerenknecht. Cornelis married, 24 years old, on 04-05-1856 in Obdam [akte 5] with Maartje Dekker, 19 years old. Maartje is born on 29-06-1836 in Hensbroek. Maartje is deceased on 08-02-1871 in Opmeer, 34 years old. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Dekker (ca 1801-1868) en Geertje Quant (ca 1810-1873); getrouwd (2) op 03-05-1860 in Hensbroek met Cornelis Franciscus Nuijens (1829-1891).
Child of Cornelis and Maartje:

1 Elbert Boots, born on 18-04-1858 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-be.

X-x Sijtje Boots is born on 22-12-1833 in Berkhout, daughter of Elbert Boots and Hillegonda (Hilletje) Zeeman. Sijtje is deceased on 17-03-1863 in Ursem, 29 years old. Sijtje married, 25 years old, on 07-05-1859 in Obdam [akte 6] with Tamis Ruijter, 28 years old. Tamis is born on 15-08-1830 in Obdam. Occupation: landman. Note re Tamis: ook Teunis, zoon van Pieter Ruiter (ca 1805 - voor 1869), landman, en Antje Blank (ca 1810-1848); getrouwd (2) op 28-04-1864 in Obdam met Antje Sjerps (1829-1890).
Children of Sijtje and Tamis:

1 Antje Ruijter, born in 02-1860 in Wognum. Antje is deceased on 11-08-1860 in Ursem, 6 months old. Registration on 11-08-1860 [akte 25].
2 Elbert Ruijter, born about 1862 in Ursem. Follow XI-bf.

X-y Jacob Boots is born on 24-07-1841 in Obdam, son of Elbert Boots and Cornelia (Crelisje) Sloot. Jacob is deceased on 06-01-1874 in Obdam, 32 years old. Registration on 07-01-1874 [akte 1]. Occupation: landman. Jacob married, 25 years old, on 10-05-1867 in Obdam [akte 9] with Johanna (Jansje) Ros, 23 years old. Johanna is born on 12-10-1843 in Opmeer. Johanna is deceased on 15-03-1887 in Heerhugowaard, 43 years old. Note re Jansje: dochter van Pieter Ros, landman, en Elizabeth van der Wildenberg, landvrouw; getrouwd (2) op 21-09-1875 in Obdam met Jan Ursem (ca 1842).
Children of Jacob and Jansje:

1 Elbert Boots, born on 12-08-1868 in Obdam. Elbert is deceased on 01-09-1868 in Obdam, 20 days old. Registration on 02-09-1868 [akte 22].
2 Pieter Boots, born about 1870 in Heerhugowaard. Pieter is deceased on 22-09-1889 in Heerhugowaard, about 19 years old. Registration on 23-09-1889 [akte 51].
3 Cornelia Boots, born on 14-04-1871 in Obdam. Follow XI-bg.
4 Elisabeth Boots, born on 02-09-1872 in Obdam. Follow XI-bh.
5 Elbert Boots, born on 09-11-1873 in Obdam. Elbert is deceased on 23-02-1874 in Obdam, 3 months old. Registration on 24-02-1874 [akte 3].

X-z Jannetje Boots is born on 19-05-1835 in Wijdewormer, daughter of Theunis Boots and Aaltje Binkel. Jannetje is deceased on 04-12-1858 in Obdam, 23 years old. Registration on 04-12-1858 [akte 35]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Jannetje married, 22 years old, on 02-05-1858 in Obdam [akte 6] with Jan Potveer, 29 years old. Jan is born on 16-10-1828 in Zuid-Scharwoude. Jan is deceased on 30-05-1912 in Obdam, 83 years old. Occupation: schuitenmaker. Note re Jan: zoon van Frans Potveer (ca 1803-1858) en Aafje Koomen (ca 1798-1867), winkelierster; getrouwd (2) op 03-02-1861 met Aagje Fertelman (1832-1906).

X-aa Maartje Boots is born on 12-06-1837 in Wijdewormer, daughter of Theunis Boots and Aaltje Binkel. Maartje is deceased on 08-01-1894 in Purmerend, 56 years old. Maartje:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 05-05-1867 in Monnickendam [akte 4] with Lucas van der Meulen, 42 years old. Lucas is born on 29-08-1824 in Beemster. Lucas is deceased on 04-01-1885 in Beemster, 60 years old. Registration on 05-01-1885 [akte 2]. Occupation: landman. Note re Lucas: zoon van Teunis van der Meulen, landman, en Antje Molenaar.
(2) married, 48 years old, on 07-03-1886 in Purmerend [akte 5] with Adrianus Pelder, 59 years old. Adrianus is born on 27-03-1826 in Den Burg (Texel). Adrianus is deceased on 10-03-1908 in Purmerend, 81 years old. Occupation: bakker. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Jan Pelder en Antje Jacobs Hin; getrouwd (1) op 29-04-1855 in Purmerend met Maria Elisabeth Moolenaar (ca 1829-voor 1886).

X-ab Jan Boots is born on 18-06-1839 in Wijdewormer, son of Theunis Boots and Aaltje Binkel. Occupation: los werkman, vrachtrijder, koetsier, stalknecht. Jan married, 26 years old, on 26-04-1866 in Wognum [akte 9] with Catharina (Kaatje) Tool, 25 years old. Catharina is born on 18-08-1840 in Wognum. Occupation: naaister. Note re Kaatje: dochter van Jan Tool, kramer, en Trijntje Vijgeboom.
Children of Jan and Kaatje:

1 Anthonius Boots, born about 1868. Follow XI-bi.
2 Catharina Boots, born about 1870 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-bj.
3 Jan Boots, born about 1874 in Wognum. Follow XI-bk.
4 Elisabeth Boots, born about 1879 in Wognum. Follow XI-bl.

X-ac Cornelis Boots is born on 02-11-1843 in Wijdewormer, son of Theunis Boots and Aaltje Binkel. Cornelis is deceased on 19-03-1915 in Obdam, 71 years old. Registration on 20-03-1915 [akte 6]. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Cornelis married, 25 years old, on 10-04-1869 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Trijntje Groot, 28 years old. Trijntje is born on 20-10-1840 in Berkhout. Trijntje is deceased on 10-08-1923 in Obdam, 82 years old. Registration on 11-08-1923 [akte 11]. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Pieter Groot, barbier, en Trijntje Schaap.
Children of Cornelis and Trijntje:

1 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 24-12-1870 in Obdam. Registration on 26-12-1870 [akte 44].
2 Antonius (Antoon) Boots, born on 06-03-1872 in Obdam. Antonius is deceased on 19-08-1933 in Berkhout, 61 years old. Registration on 28-08-1933 [akte 28].
3 Pieter Boots, born on 25-02-1874 in Obdam. Pieter is deceased on 11-03-1874 in Obdam, 14 days old. Registration on 12-04-1874 [akte 4]. Note re the death of Pieter: datums juist? meer dan een maand verschil.
4 Trijntje Boots, born on 20-07-1875 in Obdam. Follow XI-bm.
5 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 18-11-1877 in Obdam. Registration on 19-11-1877 [akte 28].
6 Alida (Aaltje) Boots, born on 27-05-1880 in Obdam. Follow XI-bn.

X-ad David van Diepen is born about 1843, son of Arie van Diepen and Grietje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. David married, about 22 years old, on 27-04-1865 in Spanbroek [akte 119] with Cornelia Klaver, about 25 years old. Cornelia is born about 1840. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Gerbrand Klaver, timmerman, en Sijbreg Beers.

X-ae Jacob Boots is born on 24-06-1841 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. bij huwelijk en overlijden vermeld Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 25-09-1887 in Spanbroek, 46 years old. Registration on 26-09-1887 [akte 23]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Jacob married, 22 years old, on 28-04-1864 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Aafje Berkhout, 20 years old. Aafje is born on 16-07-1843 in Blokker. Aafje is deceased on 22-12-1921 in Opmeer, 78 years old. Registration on 23-12-1921 [akte 5]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Aafje: dochter van Dirk Berkhout en Aafje Laan.
Children of Jacob and Aafje:

1 Cornelia Boots, born on 03-08-1865 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-bo.
2 Anna (Antje) Boots, born on 31-10-1866 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-bp.
3 Dirk Boots, born on 28-12-1867 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-bq.
4 Afra (Aafje) Boots, born on 14-10-1869 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-br.
5 Jan Boots, born on 27-01-1871 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). tweeling. Jan is deceased on 31-01-1871 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 4 days old. Registration on 01-02-1871 [akte 7].
6 Klaas Boots, born on 28-01-1871 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Registration on 03-12-1871 [akte 47]. tweeling. Klaas is deceased on 03-12-1871 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 10 months old. Registration on 03-12-1871 [akte 47].
7 Maartje Boots, born on 07-12-1872 in Spanbroek. Registration on 20-02-1873 [akte 2]. Maartje is deceased on 19-02-1873 in Spanbroek, 2 months old.
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 02-08-1874 in Spanbroek. Registration on 03-08-1874 [akte 20].
9 Maria (Maartje) Boots, born on 04-05-1877 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-bs.
10 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 27-03-1882 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-bt.
11 Nicolaas Boots, born on 04-10-1884 in Spanbroek. Nicolaas is deceased on 24-04-1885 in Spanbroek, 6 months old. Registration on 25-04-1885 [akte 16].
12 Arijaantje Boots, born on 29-01-1886 in Spanbroek. Arijaantje is deceased on 07-11-1887 in Spanbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 08-11-1887 [akte 26].

X-af Maartje Boots is born on 05-09-1843 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. Maartje is deceased on 08-12-1872 in Schermer, 29 years old. Maartje married, 20 years old, on 28-04-1864 in Obdam [akte 8] with Mattheus (Matthijs) Zuurbier, 21 years old. Mattheus is born on 13-07-1842 in Oterleek. Occupation: landman. Note re Matthijs: zoon van Cornelis Zuurbier en Aagje Punt, landvrouw; getrouwd (2) na 1872 met Maartje Groothuizen.
Children of Maartje and Matthijs:

1 Jan Zuurbier, born about 1865 in Oterleek. Jan is deceased on 18-10-1917 in Heerhugowaard, about 52 years old.
2 Agatha Zuurbier, born about 1867 in Oterleek. Follow XI-bu.
3 Antje Zuurbier, born about 1870 in Oterleek. Follow XI-bv.

X-ag Arien (Arie) Boots is born on 06-08-1845 in Obdam, son of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. Arien is deceased on 09-06-1884 in Obdam, 38 years old. Registration on 09-06-1884 [akte 13]. He was buried on 13-06-1884 in 't Zand (Zijpe). Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Arie married, 21 years old, on 02-05-1867 in Schermerhorn [akte 9] with Maartje Dekker, 22 years old. Maartje is born on 25-07-1844 in Schermerhorn. Maartje is deceased on 15-01-1905 in Obdam, 60 years old. Registration on 15-01-1905 [akte 2]. Occupation: veehoudster. Note re Maartje: dochter van Klaas Dekker (1813-1888), landman, en Johanna (Jannetje) Morsch (1820-1872).
Children of Arie and Maartje:

1 Klaas Boots, born on 11-08-1868 in Opmeer. Obdam?. Klaas is deceased on 27-10-1868 in Opmeer, 2 months old. Registration on 27-10-1868 [akte 7]. Note re the death of Klaas: Obdam?.
2 Johanna (Jansje) Boots, born on 06-10-1869 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow XI-bw.
3 Antje Boots, born on 23-02-1871 in Obdam. Follow XI-bx.
4 Maartje Boots, born on 24-05-1872 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow XI-by.
5 Alida (Aaltje) Boots, born on 16-03-1874 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow XI-bz.
6 Aafje Boots, born on 13-09-1875 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Obdam?. Aafje is deceased on 04-03-1932 in De Stolpen (Zijpe), 56 years old. Registration on 05-03-1932 [akte 14].
7 Guurtje Boots, born on 21-04-1877 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow XI-ca.
8 Sijtje Boots, born on 07-08-1878 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Obdam?. Sijtje is deceased on 08-02-1879 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 6 months old. Registration on 08-02-1879 [akte 3]. Note re the death of Sijtje: Obdam?.
9 Jan Boots, born on 21-02-1880 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Jan is deceased on 04-04-1970 in Tuitjehorn, 90 years old.
10 Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 06-08-1881 in Obdam. Follow XI-cb.
11 Jacobus (Jaap) Boots, born on 26-02-1884 in Obdam. Follow XI-cc.

X-ah Jan Boots is born on 06-08-1847 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. geboorteplaats bij huwelijk en overlijden vermeld als Obdam. Jan is deceased on 06-02-1917 in Spanbroek, 69 years old. Registration on 07-02-1917 [akte 5]. Occupation: landman. Jan married, 21 years old, on 22-04-1869 in Spanbroek [akte 2] with Cornelia Commandeur, 20 years old. Cornelia is born on 21-06-1848 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 08-09-1932 in Schagen, 84 years old. She was buried on 12-09-1932 in Spanbroek. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis Commandeur (ca 1774-<1854) en Aagje Appel (ca 1819), veehoudster.
Children of Jan and Cornelia:

1 Anna (Antje) Boots, born on 17-03-1876 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-cd.
2 Cornelis Boots, born on 05-11-1883 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ce.

X-ai Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots is born on 10-12-1852 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. Cecilia is deceased on 09-05-1915 in Bergen, 62 years old. Sijtje married, 21 years old, on 01-05-1874 in Obdam [akte 8] with Jacob van Diepen, 21 years old. Jacob is born on 10-12-1852 in Heerhugowaard. Jacob is deceased on 13-06-1909 in Bergen, 56 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob van Diepen (1824-1862) en Engeltje Ruiter (1825-voor 1874).
Children of Sijtje and Jacob:

1 Jacob van Diepen, born about 1876 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XI-cf.
2 Anna (Antje) van Diepen, born about 1878 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XI-cg.
3 Engelina van Diepen, born about 1879 in Obdam. Follow XI-ch.
4 Maartje van Diepen, born about 1884 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ci.
5 Arijaantje (Jaantje) van Diepen, born about 1886 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-cj.
6 Jan van Diepen, born in 1889. Jan is deceased in 1912, 23 years old.

X-aj Cornelis Boots is born on 26-09-1853 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Jan Boots and Anna (Antje) Stroomer. Cornelis is deceased on 01-08-1935 in Alkmaar, 81 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, fabrieksarbeider. Cornelis married, 20 years old, on 01-05-1874 in Spanbroek [akte 9] with Trijntje Roemer, 18 years old. Trijntje is born on 27-08-1855 in Spanbroek. Trijntje is deceased on 06-05-1920 in Alkmaar, 64 years old. She was buried on 10-05-1920 in Alkmaar. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Jan Roemer, landman, en Grietje Smit.
Children of Cornelis and Trijntje:

1 Jan Boots, born on 19-11-1875 in Spanbroek.
2 Antje Boots, born on 09-05-1877 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ck.
3 Johannes Boots, born on 12-02-1878 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 12-02-1878 in Spanbroek. Registration on 13-02-1878 [akte 10]. Note re the death of Johannes: leeftijd 1 uur.
4 Johannes Boots, born about 1881 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 24-02-1882 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 25-02-1882 [akte 4].
5 Johannes Boots, born on 25-10-1883 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 11-05-1884 in Spanbroek, 6 months old. Registration on 12-05-1884 [akte 14].
6 Grietje Boots, born on 19-04-1888 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-cl.
7 Cornelis Boots, born on 19-04-1888 in Spanbroek. tweeling.
8 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 24-06-1889 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-cm.
9 Jacobus (Jacob) Boots, born on 22-06-1892 in Spanbroek.

X-ak Jannetje Elberts (Immetje) Boots, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Trijntje Maartens Vlaar. She was baptized on 01-01-1797 in Hoorn. Jannetje Elberts is deceased on 14-02-1871 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Registration on 14-02-1871 [akte 8]. Note re Immetje: ook Immetje Elberts. Immetje married on 30-04-1820 in Hensbroek [akte 4] with Johannes Cornelisz (Jan) Ooijevaar, 29 years old. Johannes Cornelisz is born on 19-11-1790 in Benningbroek (Medemblik). Johannes Cornelisz is deceased on 13-02-1869 in De Weere (Hoogwoud), 78 years old. Registration on 15-02-1869 [akte 5]. Note re the death of Jan: De Weere behoorde tot 1979 bij de gemeente Hoogwoud, dat toen opging in de gemeente Opmeer. Occupation: bouwman, landbouwer. Note re Jan: gedoopt op 19-11-1790 in Nibbixwoud? zoon van Cornelis Klaasz Ooijevaar (ca 1753-1796) en Grietje Jans Jong (1760-1824).
Children of Immetje and Jan:

1 Cornelis Ooijevaar, born in 1821. Cornelis is deceased in 1822, 1 year old.
2 Cornelis Ooijevaar, born on 17-06-1823 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-cn.
3 Elbert Ooijevaar, born in 1824. Elbert is deceased in 1824.
4 Trijntje Ooijevaar, born about 1827 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-co.

X-al Antje Elberts Boots is born on 08-10-1800 in Hoorn, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Trijntje Maartens Vlaar. Berkhout?. Antje Elberts is deceased on 03-11-1837 in Hoogwoud, 37 years old. Registration on 05-11-1837 [akte 36]. Occupation: boerin. Antje Elberts married, 22 years old, on 27-04-1823 in Hoogwoud with Pieter Klaver, 23 years old. Pieter is born on 02-04-1800 in Hoogwoud. He was baptized on 02-04-1800 in Abbekerk. Pieter is deceased on 07-03-1846 in Abbekerk, 45 years old. Occupation: boer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Wilm Klaver, boer, en Geertje Koning; getrouwd (2) op 27-10-1839 in Abbekerk met Maartje Schouten (1810-1868).
Children of Antje Elberts and Pieter:

1 Elbert Klaver, born about 1824 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cp.
2 Willem Klaver, born about 1826 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cq.
3 Geertje Klaver, born about 1829 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cr.

X-am Jan Elbertsz Boots is born on 17-11-1803 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Trijntje Maartens Vlaar. He was baptized on 19-11-1803 in Berkhout. Jan Elbertsz is deceased on 12-03-1891 in Hoogwoud, 87 years old. Registration on 13-03-1891 [akte 9]. He was buried on 17-03-1891 in Hoogwoud. Occupation: landman, boer. Jan Elbertsz:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 30-04-1826 in Hoogwoud [akte 6] with Antje Koning. Antje is born in Hoogwoud. She was baptized on 30-04-1801 in Abbekerk. Antje is deceased on 03-11-1861 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 04-11-1861 [akte 48]. Occupation: boerin. Note re Antje: dochter van Dirk Jans Koning (16-01-1771 Hoogwoud - 12-12-1812 Hoogwoud), getrouwd op 04-05-1800 in Abbekerk met Elisabeth (Lijsbeth) Hilbrands Sneeboer (29-11-1783 Abbekerk).
(2) married, 63 years old, on 18-01-1867 in Blokker [akte 2] with Catharina (Kaatje, Trijntje) Dudink, 61 years old. Catharina is born on 18-02-1805 in Westerblokker. Catharina is deceased on 26-12-1898 in Westerblokker, 93 years old. She was buried on 30-12-1898 in Westerblokker. Note re Kaatje, Trijntje: dochter van Willem Dudink en Trijntje Jans Karsten, landbouwster; getrouwd (1) op 25-02-1827 in Blokker met Teunis Hofland (1806-1860); getrouwd (2) op 20-11-1862 in Westwoud met Jan Vreijers (ovl. vóór 1867).
Children of Jan Elbertsz and Antje:

1 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 14-01-1828 in Lambertschaag. Follow XI-cs.
2 Lijsbeth Boots, born on 16-03-1830 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-ct.
3 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots, born on 07-09-1832 in Abbekerk. Follow XI-cu.
4 Cornelia Boots, born on 19-07-1834 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cv.
5 Elbert Boots, born on 07-08-1836 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cw.
6 Antje Boots, born on 18-01-1839 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cx.
7 Gertrudis (Geertje) Boots, born on 04-09-1841 in Hoogwoud. Follow XI-cy.
8 Pietertje Boots, born on 02-04-1846 in Hoogwoud. Pietertje is deceased on 02-11-1846 in Hoogwoud, 7 months old. Registration on 02-11-1846 [akte 44].

X-an Petrus (Pieter) Boots, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Aaltje Jansdr Binkel. He was baptized on 14-04-1811 in Berkhout. Occupation: landman, bouwman, landbouwer. Pieter married on 24-04-1836 in Venhuizen [akte 11] with Cornelia (Neeltje) Vlaar, about 24 years old. Cornelia is born about 1812 in Opmeer, daughter of Teunis Jansz Vlaar and Etje Symons Weel.
Children of Pieter and Neeltje:

1 IJtje Boots, born on 27-04-1837 in Venhuizen. Follow XI-cz.
2 Elbert Boots, born on 21-12-1838 in Venhuizen.
3 Alida (Aaltje) Boots, born on 03-07-1841 in Hem (Venhuizen). Follow XI-da.
4 N.N. Boots, still born son on 05-10-1842 in Hem (Venhuizen).
5 Teunis Boots, born on 30-12-1843 in Hem (Venhuizen).
6 Maarten Boots, born about 1846 in Hem (Venhuizen). Follow XI-db.
7 Grietje Boots, born about 1847 in Hem (Venhuizen). Grietje is deceased on 09-03-1849 in Hem (Venhuizen), about 2 years old. Registration on 10-03-1849 [akte 6].
8 Geertje Boots, born in 01-1849 in Hem (Venhuizen). Geertje is deceased on 14-04-1849 in Hem (Venhuizen), 3 months old. Registration on 14-04-1849 [akte 14].
9 Grietje Boots, born about 1850 in Hem (Venhuizen). Follow XI-dc.
10 N.N. Boots, still born son on 25-02-1853 in Hem (Venhuizen). Registration on 26-02-1853 [akte 8].

X-ao Trijntje Boots is born about 1816 in Obdam, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Aaltje Jansdr Binkel. Trijntje is deceased on 03-12-1868 in Wognum, about 52 years old. Registration on 03-12-1868 [akte 35]. Note re the death of Trijntje: als geboorteplaats vermeld Hensbroek. Occupation: arbeidster. Trijntje married, about 23 years old, on 27-01-1839 in Nibbixwoud [akte 1] with Jan Vlaar, about 28 years old. Jan is born about 1811 in Opmeer, son of Teunis Jansz Vlaar and Etje Symons Weel. Jan is deceased on 04-02-1860 in Wognum, about 49 years old. Registration on 06-02-1860 [akte 7]. Occupation: broodbakker, arbeider.
Children of Trijntje and Jan:

1 Theunis Vlaar, born about 1840. Follow XI-dd.
2 Elbertus Vlaar, born about 1841 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-de.
3 Grietje Vlaar, born about 1844.
4 Klaas Vlaar, born about 1846 in Nibbixwoud. Klaas is deceased on 18-05-1852 in Nibbixwoud, about 6 years old. Registration on 19-05-1852 [akte 15].
5 Aaltje Vlaar, born about 1847 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-df.
6 Antje Vlaar, born about 1852 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-dg.

X-ap Cornelis Boots is born on 23-01-1820 in Hensbroek, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Aaltje Jansdr Binkel. Occupation: landman, turfventer, koopman, werkman, arbeider. Cornelis:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 01-02-1849 in Spanbroek [akte 1] with Stijntje Commandeur, 27 years old. Stijntje is born on 14-08-1821 in Berkhout. Stijntje is deceased on 20-02-1860 in Nibbixwoud, 38 years old. Registration on 20-02-1860 [akte 5]. Note re Stijntje: ook Trijntje, Sijtje, dochter van Jan Commandeur en Trijntje Krijgsman.
(2) married, 44 years old, on 04-03-1864 in Hoorn [akte 6] with Maartje Veenboer, about 35 years old. Maartje is born about 1829 in Nibbixwoud. Note re Maartje: dochter van Rembertus (Remment) Veenboer (1795) en Geertje Smal (1793); getrouwd (1) op 23-06-1854 in Hoorn met Laurens Johannes Weber (ca 1825 - ca 1861).
Children of Cornelis and Stijntje:

1 Elbert Boots, born on 22-02-1850 in Nibbixwoud. Elbert is deceased on 08-03-1850 in Nibbixwoud, 14 days old. Registration on 09-03-1850 [akte 6].
2 Grietje Boots, born about 1853 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-dh.
3 Aaltje Boots, born about 1857 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XI-di.

Child of Cornelis and Maartje:

1 Albertus Boots, born about 1867 in Hoorn. Follow XI-dj.

X-aq Cornelis Groot is born on 08-06-1792 in Wogmeer, son of Jacob Cornelisz Groot and Trijntje Cornelisse Boots. He was baptized on 08-06-1792 in Berkhout. Obdam?. Cornelis is deceased on 25-07-1835 in Hensbroek, 43 years old. Occupation: landman. Cornelis:
(1) married, 18 years old, on 25-11-1810 with Maartje Duin, 25 years old. Maartje is born on 09-03-1785 in Beemster. Maartje is deceased on 29-10-1814 in Obdam, 29 years old. Note re Maartje: dochter van Claes Sijmonsz Duin en Magdalena (Leentje, Madeleentje) van Baar.
(2) married, 24 years old, on 21-07-1816 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Grietje de Jong, 20 years old. Grietje is born on 27-11-1795 in Berkhout, daughter of Pieter Jansz de Jong and Engeltje Jacobs Boots. Grietje is deceased on 22-02-1820 in Hensbroek, 24 years old.
(3) married, 28 years old, on 16-07-1820 in Hensbroek [akte 6] with Trijntje Vlaar, 24 years old. Trijntje is born on 10-11-1795 in Abbekerk. Trijntje is deceased on 19-06-1824 in Hensbroek, 28 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Simon Vlaar en Aafje Tak.
(4) married, 34 years old, on 27-08-1826 in Berkhout [akte 18] with Lijntje Helena (Trijntje) Koenis, 27 years old. Lijntje Helena is born on 11-07-1799 in Sijbekarspel. She was baptized on 11-07-1799 in Abbekerk. Lijntje Helena is deceased on 09-11-1826 in Berkhout, 27 years old. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Cornelis Jansz Koenis, landman, en Aagje Jans Reijers Floor; getrouwd (1) op 02-05-1819 in Sijbekarspel met Arien Bijvoet (1797-1825).
(5) married, 36 years old, on 31-05-1829 in Hensbroek [akte 2] with Antje Knijn. Antje is born in Avenhorn. She was baptized about 1801 in De Goorn (Berkhout). Antje is deceased on 19-12-1876 in Hensbroek. Occupation: boerin. Note re Antje: dochter van Pieter Jansz Knijn en Antje Ottis Benthuijsen; getrouwd (1) op 20-04-1822 in Ursem met Arien de Jong (ca 1798-1828); getrouwd (3) op 17-06-1836 in Hensbroek met Jacob Schipper (1806-1880).
Child of Cornelis and Trijntje:

1 Jacob Cornelisz Groot, born on 21-03-1821 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-dk.

X-ar Catharina (Trijntje) Schilder is born on 20-10-1797 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Lourisse Schilder and Maartje Cornelisse Boots. Catharina is deceased on 25-08-1827 in Hoogwoud, 29 years old. Occupation: boerin. Trijntje married, 25 years old, on 25-05-1823 in Hoogwoud with Jan Voerman, 33 years old. Jan is born on 27-04-1790 in Oostwoud. Occupation: boer. Note re Jan: zoon van Dirk Voerman en Antje Vrijers; getrouwd (2) op 30-09-1838 in Westwoud met Marijtje Zuiker (ca 1806).

X-as Geertje Schilder is born on 29-02-1808 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Lourisse Schilder and Maartje Cornelisse Boots. Geertje is deceased on 17-05-1879 in Hoogwoud, 71 years old. Registration on 19-05-1879 [akte 26]. Geertje married, 19 years old, on 29-04-1827 in Hoogwoud with Arie Ariensz Groot, 21 years old. Arie Ariensz is born on 24-09-1805 in Spanbroek. Arie Ariensz is deceased on 10-03-1880 in Hoogwoud, 74 years old.

X-at Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots is born on 22-07-1799 in Beemster, son of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Adrianus Cornelisz is deceased on 24-11-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster), 77 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, veehouder, koopman, arbeider. Arie:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 05-05-1822 in Beemster [akte 14] with Maria (Marijtje) Schilder, 16 years old. Maria is born on 29-12-1805 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Maria is deceased on 21-03-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster), 62 years old. Occupation: landbouwster, boerin. Note re Marijtje: dochter van Gerrit Schilder (1778-1865) en Ariaantje Duin (ca 1778-1846).
(2) married, 69 years old, on 18-09-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 18] with Aagje Ursem, 59 years old. Aagje is born on 14-07-1809 in Obdam. Aagje is deceased on 30-12-1893 in De Rijp (Beemster), 84 years old. Occupation: veehoudster. Note re Aagje: dochter van Cornelis Ursem (1780-1851) en Maartje Cornelis Groot (1781-1834).
Children of Arie and Marijtje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 30-03-1823 in Beemster. Follow XI-dl.
2 Antje (Trijntje) Boots, born on 06-11-1824 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dm.
3 Petrus Henricus Boots, born on 20-02-1828 in De Rijp (Beemster). Petrus Henricus is deceased on 05-11-1831 in De Rijp (Beemster), 3 years old.
4 Evert Boots, born on 09-12-1830 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dn.
5 Pieter Boots, born on 22-02-1833 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-do.
6 Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots, born on 21-05-1835 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dp.
7 Ariaantje Boots, born on 04-01-1838 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dq.
8 Arie Boots, born on 29-01-1840 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dr.
9 Johannes Boots, born on 07-05-1842 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-ds.

X-au Petrus (Pieter) Boots is born on 01-11-1800 in Beemster, son of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Petrus is deceased on 12-01-1847 in De Rijp (Beemster), 46 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, 26 years old, on 22-04-1827 in Beemster [akte 9] with Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans, 26 years old. Anthonia is born on 20-09-1800 in Beemster. Anthonia is deceased on 16-03-1846 in De Rijp (Beemster), 45 years old. Registration on 17-03-1846 [akte 15]. Note re Teunisje: dochter van Theodorus (Dirk) Pietersz Oudejans (1778-1847) en Trijntje Jansdr de Wit (1778-1833); de familie Oudejans noemde zich lange tijd Spitsbergen. Waarschijnlijk woonden ze op het landgoed Spitsbergen (Beemster) en kregen ze daarom die bijnaam. De naam gaat zeker terug naar de tijd van de walvisvaart, die al omstreeks 1600 begon.
Children of Pieter and Teunisje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 19-02-1828 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dt.
2 Theodorus Boots, born on 16-11-1829 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-du.
3 Dirk Boots, born about 1831 in De Rijp (Beemster).
4 Antje Boots, born on 13-05-1832 in De Rijp (Beemster). Antje is deceased on 23-05-1850 in De Rijp (Beemster), 18 years old. Registration on 25-05-1850 [source: genlias].
5 Catrina Boots, born on 22-12-1834 in De Rijp (Beemster). Catrina is deceased on 05-12-1835 in De Rijp (Beemster), 11 months old.
6 Petrus (Pieter) Boots, born on 22-10-1836 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dv.
7 Catrina Boots, born on 16-02-1840 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-dw.
8 Jan Boots, born on 02-06-1845 in De Rijp (Beemster). Jan is deceased on 07-03-1910 in De Rijp (Beemster), 64 years old.

X-av Evert Boots is born on 10-08-1802 in Beemster, son of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Evert is deceased on 22-10-1847 in Berkhout, 45 years old. Registration on 23-10-1847 [akte 37]. Occupation: landman. Evert married, 33 years old, on 13-03-1836 in Beemster [akte 6] with Trijntje Duits, 25 years old. Trijntje is born on 17-09-1810 in Broek op Langedijk. Trijntje is deceased on 19-01-1848 in Berkhout, 37 years old. Registration on 19-01-1848 [akte 4]. Note re the death of Trijntje: moeder vermeld als Antje Blank. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Arien Jansz Duits, landman, en Neeltje Blankendaal.
Children of Evert and Trijntje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 18-03-1837 in Hoogwoud. Cornelis is deceased on 02-10-1843 in Berkhout, 6 years old. Registration on 02-10-1843 [akte 28].
2 Ariën Boots, born on 06-12-1838 in Hoogwoud. Ariën is deceased on 24-02-1908 in De Rijp (Beemster), 69 years old.
3 Antje Boots, born on 22-02-1841 in Hoogwoud. Antje is deceased on 11-03-1859 in Beemster, 18 years old. Registration on 12-03-1859 [akte 18]. Address: Purmerend.
4 Cornelia Boots, born on 09-05-1843 in Berkhout. Follow XI-dx.
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 30-10-1844 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 13-02-1845 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 14-02-1845 [akte 11].
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 27-03-1847 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 24-09-1847 in Berkhout, 5 months old. Registration on 25-09-1847 [akte 32].

X-aw Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 24-06-1805 in Beemster, son of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Johannes is deceased on 04-10-1858 in Beemster, 53 years old. He was buried on 07-10-1858 in Westbeemster. Occupation: landman. Jan married, 33 years old, on 07-10-1838 in Beemster [akte 26] with Trijntje Velseboer, 20 years old. Trijntje is born on 06-08-1818 in Beemster. Trijntje is deceased on 07-08-1846 in Beemster, 28 years old. Registration on 08-08-1846 [source: genlias]. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Klaas Velseboer (1781-1855), landman, en Trijntje Konijn (1786-1866).
Children of Jan and Trijntje:

1 Anna (Antje) Boots, born on 30-09-1839 in Beemster. Follow XI-dy.
2 Nicolaas Boots, born on 22-05-1841 in Beemster. Follow XI-dz.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 08-05-1843 in Beemster. Cornelis is deceased on 26-03-1847 in Beemster, 3 years old. Registration on 26-03-1847 [source: genlias].
4 Catharina Boots, born on 25-08-1845 in Beemster. Catharina is deceased on 17-10-1845 in Beemster, 1 month old. Registration on 18-10-1845 [source: genlias].

X-ax Catharina (Trijntje) Boots is born on 20-02-1809 in Beemster, daughter of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Catharina is deceased on 19-05-1862 in Purmerend, 53 years old. Trijntje married, 21 years old, on 17-04-1830 in Schermerhorn [akte 2] with Floris Tijburg, 28 years old. Floris is born on 07-03-1802 in Schermerhorn. Floris is deceased on 24-05-1887 in Amsterdam, 85 years old. Occupation: wagenmaker te Purmerend. Note re Floris: zoon van Jan Tijburg (1762-1840), wagenmaker, en Japie van Dragonje (ca 1770-1835).
Children of Trijntje and Floris:

1 Johannes Tijburg, born on 09-02-1831 in Purmerend. Follow XI-ea.
2 Cornelis Tijburg, born on 19-08-1833 in Purmerend. Follow XI-eb.
3 Petrus Tijburg, born on 22-04-1835 in Purmerend. Petrus is deceased on 28-04-1835 in Purmerend, 6 days old.
4 Anna Jacoba (Antje) Tijburg, born on 24-03-1837 in Purmerend. Follow XI-ec.
5 Jacoba Agatha (Koosje) Tijburg, born on 22-12-1838 in Purmerend.
6 Petrus Johannes Tijburg, born on 18-10-1840 in Purmerend. Petrus Johannes is deceased on 21-10-1840 in Purmerend, 3 days old.
7 Alida Petronella (Daatje) Tijburg, born on 01-01-1842 in Purmerend. Follow XI-ed.
8 Petrus Florentius Tijburg, born on 25-08-1844 in Purmerend. Follow XI-ee.

X-ay Antje Boots is born on 02-03-1810 in Beemster, daughter of Cornelius Cornelisz (Cor) Boots and Antje Ariaans de Jong. Antje is deceased on 24-07-1865 in Opmeer, 55 years old. Registration on 25-07-1865 [akte 6]. Antje married, 24 years old, on 28-02-1835 in Beemster [akte 4] with Cornelis Nieuwboer, 25 years old. Cornelis is born on 28-01-1810 in Heerhugowaard. Cornelis is deceased on 23-02-1878 in Hoogwoud, 68 years old. Registration on 23-02-1878 [akte 10]. Occupation: werkman, arbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Cornelis Nieuweboer (1778-1824) en Trijntje Cornelisse Alderts (ca 1777-1846).
Children of Antje and Cornelis:

1 Cornelis Nieuweboer, born on 25-12-1836 in Katwoude. Cornelis is deceased on 24-09-1862 in Opmeer, 25 years old. Registration on 25-09-1862 [akte 13].
2 Pieter Nieuweboer, born on 04-09-1838 in Katwoude. Follow XI-ef.
3 Antje Nieuweboer, born about 1841 in Nieuwendam. Follow XI-eg.
4 Albertus Nieuweboer, born about 1844 in Nieuwendam. Follow XI-eh.
5 Jan Nieuweboer, born on 04-03-1847 in Beemster. Follow XI-ei.

X-az Aagtje Elberts Boots, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Grietje Sijmens Grasboer. She was baptized on 06-03-1788 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Jannetje Jans. Aagtje Elberts is deceased on 13-08-1866 in Spanbroek. Registration on 14-08-1866 [akte 16]. Aagtje Elberts:
(1) married on 27-07-1817 in Obdam [akte 3] with Gerrit Mak, about 39 years old. vermeld als Gerrit Mars en Aaltje Boots. Gerrit is born about 1778 in Spanbroek. Gerrit is deceased on 19-11-1850 in Spanbroek, about 72 years old. Registration on 19-11-1850 [akte 20]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Hendrik Mars en Maartje Pieters.
(2) married on 19-09-1851 in Spanbroek [akte 13] with Jan Jacobs Appel, about 64 years old. Jan Jacobs is born about 1787 in Wognum. Jan Jacobs is deceased on 03-05-1863 in Spanbroek, about 76 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan Jacobs: zoon van Jacob Appel en Susanna Briels; getrouwd (1) op 23-06-1811 in Spanbroek met Marijtje Stevens Braak.

X-ba Jan(ne)tje Elberts Boots, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Grietje Sijmens Grasboer. She was baptized on 01-11-1789 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Neeltje Sijmen Grasboer. Occupation: dienstmeid. Jan(ne)tje Elberts married on 27-04-1817 in Ilpendam [akte 3] with Johannes de Lange, 24 years old. Johannes is born on 08-04-1793 in Ilpendam. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Johannes: zoon van Cornelis de Lange, landman, en Evie Jans van den Berg.
Child of Jan(ne)tje Elberts and Johannes:

1 Elbert de Lange, born about 1824 in Wijdewormer. Elbert is deceased on 23-10-1826 in Beemster, about 2 years old. Registration on 24-10-1826 [akte 82].

X-bb Sijmen Elbertsz (Simon) Boots, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Grietje Sijmens Grasboer. He was baptized on 08-03-1794 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Grietje Ariens Heddes. Sijmen Elbertsz is deceased on 09-04-1874 in Avenhorn. Registration on 09-04-1874 [akte 13]. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman. Simon:
(1) married on 25-04-1819 in Avenhorn [akte 1] with Meinoutje (Meinem) Braas, about 23 years old. Meinoutje is born about 1796 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn). Meinoutje is deceased on 28-03-1821 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn), about 25 years old. Registration on 29-03-1821 [akte 2]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Meinem: dochter van Jan Braas, gemeenteraadslid, en Trijntje Pieters Knijn.
(2) married on 13-04-1823 in Avenhorn [akte 2] with Geertje Koppes, about 23 years old. Geertje is born about 1800 in Avenhorn. Geertje is deceased on 29-07-1868 in Avenhorn, about 68 years old. Registration on 29-07-1868 [akte 20]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Geertje: dochter van Klaas Koppes, landman, en Eefje Huiberts van den Berg.
Children of Simon and Meinem:

1 Grietje Boots, born on 05-02-1820 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn). Grietje is deceased on 17-05-1821 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn), 1 year old. Registration on 18-05-1821 [akte 5].
2 Trijntje Boots, born on 11-03-1821 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-ej.

Children of Simon and Geertje:

1 Klaas Boots, born on 14-04-1828 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn). Klaas is deceased on 03-07-1828 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn), 2 months old. Registration on 04-07-1828 [akte 4].
2 Elbert Boots, born on 30-08-1833 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-ek.
3 Eefje Boots, born on 29-01-1836 in Oostmijzen (Avenhorn). Eefje is deceased on 01-09-1836 in Avenhorn, 7 months old. Registration on 01-09-1836 [akte 5].

X-bc Jan Elbertsz Boots is born in Obdam, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. He was baptized on 27-05-1804 in Spanbroek. Doopgetuige: Cornelis Jansz Boots. Jan Elbertsz is deceased on 20-04-1882 in Hensbroek. Registration on 20-04-1882 [akte 8]. Occupation: dagloner, arbeider, landman, boer. Note re Jan Elbertsz: ook Boets. Jan Elbertsz married on 01-03-1832 in Spanbroek [akte 2] with Aagje Leek, 23 years old. Aagje is born on 17-01-1809 in Obdam. 02-02-1808? Spanbroek?. Aagje is deceased on 30-12-1869 in Heerhugowaard, 60 years old. Registration on 30-12-1869 [akte 53]. Note re Aagje: dochter van T(h)ijs Tamesz/Mathias Leek (1775-1822), arbeider, en Petronella (Neeltje) Hendriks Zouker/Suiker/Lu (1782-voor 1869), kraamster.
Children of Jan Elbertsz and Aagje:

1 Elbert Boots, born on 10-02-1833 in Spanbroek. Elbert is deceased on 10-04-1834 in Spanbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 10-04-1834 [akte 8].
2 Matthijs (Tijs) Boots, born on 23-01-1834 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-el.
3 Elbert Boots, born on 30-11-1834 in Obdam. Follow XI-em.
4 Jan Boots, born on 09-01-1836 in Obdam. Jan is deceased on 10-07-1836 in Obdam, 6 months old. Registration on 11-07-1836 [akte 10].
5 Maartje Boots, born on 22-05-1837 in Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 21-06-1850 in Obdam, 13 years old. Registration on 22-06-1850 [akte 10 Obdam, akte 3 dd 20-01-1851 Hensbroek].
6 Tamis Boots, born on 12-08-1839 in Obdam. Tamis is deceased on 15-05-1841 in Hensbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 17-05-1841 [akte 3].
7 Petronella Boots, born on 04-12-1840 in Hensbroek. Petronella is deceased on 09-08-1845 in Hensbroek, 4 years old. Registration on 10-08-1845 [akte 16].
8 Louwris Boots, born on 01-08-1842 in Hensbroek. Louwris is deceased on 22-03-1844 in Hensbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 23-03-1844 [akte 6].
9 Guurtje Boots, born on 24-10-1843 in Hensbroek. Guurtje is deceased on 10-12-1843 in Hensbroek, 1 month old. Registration on 11-12-1843 [akte 22].
10 Petronella Boots, born on 01-05-1847 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-en.
11 Laurentius Boots, born on 28-10-1850 in Hensbroek [source: GAH, GR, Nr. 27]. Follow XI-eo.

X-bd Cornelis Elbertsz Boots is born on 24-08-1806 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. He was baptized on 24-08-1806 in Spanbroek. Cornelis Elbertsz is deceased on 18-10-1873 in Spanbroek, 67 years old. Registration on 20-10-1873 [akte 22]. He was buried on 22-10-1873 in Spanbroek. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis Elbertsz married, 32 years old, on 27-01-1839 in Spanbroek [akte 1] with Aafje Wennips, 27 years old. Aafje is born on 22-08-1811 in Spanbroek. Aafje is deceased on 05-03-1867 in Spanbroek, 55 years old. Registration on 05-03-1867 [akte 10]. She was buried on 08-03-1867 in Spanbroek. Note re the death of Aafje: als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Aafje: ook Winnups, Winnips, dochter van Pieter Hendrikx Winnips (05-01-1781 Goorn Grosthuizen - 17-04-1822 Obdam) en Trijntje Pieters Nieuweboer alias Beemster (19-03-1779 Hoogwoud - 02-02-1823 Obdam).
Children of Cornelis Elbertsz and Aafje:

1 Maartje Boots, born on 18-08-1840 in Spanbroek. Maartje is deceased on 19-08-1846 in Spanbroek, 6 years old. Registration on 19-08-1846 [akte 15].
2 Trijntje Boots, born on 05-01-1842 in Spanbroek. Trijntje is deceased on 18-09-1844 in Spanbroek, 2 years old. Registration on 18-09-1844 [akte 18].
3 Maartje Boots, born on 11-12-1846 in Spanbroek. Maartje is deceased on 17-06-1847 in Spanbroek, 6 months old. Registration on 17-06-1847 [akte 17].
4 Elbert(us) Boots, born on 09-08-1848 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ep.
5 Trijntje Boots, born on 11-01-1850 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-eq.
6 Pieter Boots, born on 17-08-1851 in Spanbroek.
7 Maartje Boots, born on 19-08-1853 in Spanbroek. Maartje is deceased on 14-12-1863 in Spanbroek, 10 years old. Registration on 14-12-1863 [akte 29]. Note re the death of Maartje: moeder vermeld als Aafje Winnups.

X-be Maartje Boots is born on 10-02-1807 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. She was baptized on 10-02-1807 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Doopgetuige: Jacob Koppen. Maartje is deceased on 13-08-1879 in Oterleek, 72 years old. Maartje married, 28 years old, on 24-04-1835 in Oterleek [akte 4] with Lodewijk Fredriks, about 30 years old. Lodewijk is born about 1805 in Broek op Langedijk. Lodewijk is deceased on 11-01-1858 in Oterleek, about 53 years old. Note re Lodewijk: zoon van Joseph Fredriks (1776-1821) en Dieuwertje Dirksdr Buter (1777-1849).
Children of Maartje and Lodewijk:

1 Maartje Fredriks, born on 27-02-1837 in Oterleek. Maartje is deceased on 29-09-1860 in Oterleek, 23 years old.
2 Jozef Fredriks, born on 15-06-1838 in Oterleek. Follow XI-er.
3 Dieuwertje Fredriks, born on 13-05-1841 in Obdam. Follow XI-es.
4 Lourens Fredriks, born on 17-03-1849 in Oterleek.
5 Elbert Fredriks, born on 22-04-1852 in Oterleek. Follow XI-et.

X-bf Trijntje Boots is born on 17-07-1809 in Obdam, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. Trijntje is deceased on 17-11-1873 in Hensbroek, 64 years old. Registration on 17-11-1873 [akte 20]. Trijntje married, 24 years old, on 27-04-1834 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes, 23 years old. Cornelis is born on 25-03-1811 in Spanbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 21-09-1892 in Hensbroek, 81 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Crelis: zoon van Jacob Mettes (ca 1765-1822) en Geertje Hogeboom (ca 1781-1852), landbouwster; getrouwd (2) op 28-01-1875 in Spanbroek met Maartje Spekken (1820).
Children of Trijntje and Crelis:

1 Maartje Mettes, born on 08-09-1836 in Spanbroek. Maartje is deceased on 15-11-1855 in Hensbroek, 19 years old. Registration on 15-11-1855 [akte 25].
2 Geertje Mettes, born on 03-06-1839 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-eu.
3 Catharina (Trijntje) Mettes, born on 04-01-1841 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ev.
4 Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes, born on 07-12-1842 in Spanbroek. Follow XI-ew.
5 Grietje Mettes, born on 22-01-1845 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-ex.

X-bg Grietje Boots is born on 19-10-1812 in Spanbroek, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. Grietje is deceased on 24-03-1899 in De Rijp (Beemster), 86 years old. Grietje married, 27 years old, on 11-10-1840 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 13] with Jan de Jong, 28 years old. Jan is born on 21-10-1811 in Alkmaar. Jan is deceased on 20-08-1866 in De Rijp (Beemster), 54 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelis de Jong (1776-1838) en Anna Maria (Antje) Houtkamp (ca 1775-1820).
Children of Grietje and Jan:

1 Maria de Jong, born on 19-08-1843 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-ey.
2 Elbert de Jong, born about 1849. Follow XI-ez.
3 Femmetje de Jong, born on 19-05-1851 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-fa.

X-bh Neeltje Boots is born on 29-11-1814 in Spanbroek, daughter of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. Occupation: dienstbode. Neeltje:
(1) married, 24 years old, on 03-02-1839 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 2] with Johannes Schuit, about 30 years old. Johannes is born about 1809 in Schagen. Johannes is deceased on 09-06-1841 in De Rijp (Beemster), about 32 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Johannes: zoon van Cornelis Schuijt en Martha Tetterode.
(2) married, 29 years old, on 20-01-1844 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 1] with Cornelis Roos, about 34 years old. Cornelis is born about 1810 in Wormer. Occupation: timmermansknecht. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan Roos, timmerman, en Maartje Bolhuijs.
Children of Neeltje and Cornelis:

1 Maartje Roos, born on 31-10-1845 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XI-fb.
2 Neeltje Roos, born about 1848 in Wormer. Follow XI-fc.

X-bi Jacob Boots is born on 09-11-1819 in Obdam, son of Elbert Jansz Boots and Maartje Cornelisse Schilder. He was baptized on 09-11-1819 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Jacob is deceased on 04-12-1905 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 86 years old. Registration on 04-12-1905 [akte 30]. He was buried on 07-12-1905 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: dienstknecht, arbeider. Jacob married, 35 years old, on 26-04-1855 in Hensbroek [akte 6] with Liefje Appelman, 31 years old. Liefje is born on 30-03-1824 in Spanbroek. Liefje is deceased on 18-03-1912 in Spanbroek, 87 years old. Registration on 19-03-1912 [akte 7]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Liefje: dochter van Klaas Appelman (ca 1800) en Elisabeth (Leisebet, Lijsbeth) Manshande (ca 1800 - ca 1850).
Children of Jacob and Liefje:

1 Maartje Boots, born in 01-1857 in Hensbroek. Maartje is deceased on 11-06-1857 in Hensbroek, 5 months old. Registration on 11-06-1857 [akte 9].
2 Elbert Boots, born on 17-04-1858 in Hensbroek.
3 Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 26-01-1860 in Hensbroek. Follow XI-fd.
4 Betje Boots, born on 31-05-1862 in Hensbroek. Betje is deceased on 30-09-1862 in Hensbroek, 3 months old. Registration on 30-09-1862 [akte 19].
5 Maartje Boots, born on 23-05-1864 in Hensbroek. Maartje is deceased on 04-06-1882 in Spanbroek, 18 years old. Registration on 05-06-1882 [akte 10].

X-bj Agatha (Aagje) Boots is born on 22-10-1813 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Agatha is deceased on 09-03-1894 in Haarlemmermeer, 80 years old. Registration on 10-03-1894 [akte 80]. She was buried on 13-03-1894 in Nieuw-Vennep. Occupation: boerin. Aagje:
(1) married, 28 years old, on 03-04-1842 in Purmerend [akte 6] with Hendrik (Hijn) Zomer, about 32 years old. Hendrik is born about 1810 in Beemster. Hendrik is deceased on 21-04-1845 in Wijdewormer, about 35 years old. Registration on 22-04-1845 [akte 2]. Occupation: landman. Note re Hijn: zoon van Klaas Zomer en Zijbregt Oudians (Sijbregtje Oudejans).
(2) married, 33 years old, on 25-10-1846 in Wijdewormer [akte 3] with Cornelis Seijts, 26 years old. Cornelis is born on 05-08-1820 in Wogmeer. bij huwelijk en overlijden als geboorteplaats vermeld Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 27-11-1859 in Haarlemmermeer, 39 years old. Registration on 28-11-1859 [akte 380]. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Cornelis: ook Seijst, Zeijst, zoon van Dirk Seijts, arbeider, en Antje Vlaming.
Child of Aagje and Hijn:

1 Klaas Zomer, born about 1844 in Wijdewormer. Follow XI-fe.

Children of Aagje and Cornelis:

1 Antje Seijts, born about 1849 in Wijdewormer. Follow XI-ff.
2 Cornelia Seijts, born on 27-01-1851 in Wijdewormer. Follow XI-fg.
3 Cornelis Zeijst, born about 1852 in Wijdewormer. Cornelis is deceased on 12-09-1859 in Haarlemmermeer, about 7 years old. Registration on 13-09-1859 [akte 288].
4 Hendrikus Seijst, born about 1855 in Wijdewormer. Hendrikus is deceased on 22-07-1859 in Haarlemmermeer, about 4 years old. Registration on 23-07-1859 [akte 192].
5 Antje Seijts, born about 1857 in Wijdewormer. Follow XI-fh.

X-bk Meinem Boots is born on 21-07-1816 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Meinem is deceased on 10-02-1890 in Graft, 73 years old. Meinem married, 34 years old, on 17-05-1851 in Graft [akte 7] with Gerrit Ridder, 28 years old. Gerrit is born on 13-08-1822 in Graft. Gerrit is deceased on 26-10-1905 in Graft, 83 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Dirk Ridder en Antje Zijp.

X-bl Jan Boots is born on 07-10-1817 in Avenhorn, son of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Jan is deceased on 05-10-1904 in Avenhorn, 86 years old. Registration on 06-10-1904 [akte 15]. Note re the death of Jan: overleden aan boord van het vaartuig "de Hoop". Occupation: arbeider, inlands kramer. Jan:
(1) married, 23 years old, on 18-07-1841 in Grosthuizen [akte 2] with Aafje Keizer, 28 years old. Aafje is born on 05-01-1813 in Andijk. Aafje is deceased on 30-03-1849 in Avenhorn, 36 years old. Registration on 30-03-1849 [akte 3]. Note re Aafje: ook Keijzer, dochter van Doede Crelisz Kijser (ca 1777 Wervershoof - vóór 1830), dagloner, getrouwd op 16-02-1800 in Wervershoof met Lijsebet Pieters Manshande (Oudendijk - vóór 1830).
(2) married, 38 years old, on 27-04-1856 in Avenhorn [akte 4] with Geertje Knijn, 27 years old. Geertje is born on 02-08-1828 in Oudendijk. Geertje is deceased on 24-12-1892 in Avenhorn, 64 years old. Registration on 25-12-1892 [akte 18]. Note re Geertje: ook Konijn, dochter van Jan Knijn (1794-1857), arbeider, en Antje Everts Valk (1791-1864).
Children of Jan and Aafje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 15-07-1842 in Grosthuizen. Follow XI-fi.
2 Theodorus (Dorus) Boots, born on 11-11-1843 in Grosthuizen. Theodorus is deceased on 25-05-1849 in Avenhorn, 5 years old. Registration on 25-05-1849 [akte 6].
3 Jan Boots, born on 14-10-1845 in Avenhorn. Jan is deceased on 03-06-1847 in Avenhorn, 1 year old. Registration on 04-06-1847 [akte 6].
4 Antje Boots, born on 24-01-1848 in Avenhorn. Antje is deceased on 11-10-1926 in Bloemendaal, 78 years old. Registration [akte 13 dd 25-11-1926 Avenhorn].

Children of Jan and Geertje:

1 Theodorus (Dorus) Boots, born on 21-08-1856 in Oterleek. Theodorus is deceased on 17-04-1933 in Hoorn, 76 years old. Registration [akte 11 dd 21-04-1933 Ursem]. Occupation: kermisman. Dorus remained unmarried.
2 Aagje Boots, born on 06-11-1857 in Avenhorn. Aagje is deceased on 12-11-1857 in Avenhorn, 6 days old. Registration on 13-11-1857 [akte 35].
3 Jan Boots, born on 19-01-1859 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-fj.
4 Aafje Boots, born on 25-02-1860 in Avenhorn. Follow XI-fk.
5 Gerrit Boots, born on 07-08-1861 in Avenhorn. Gerrit is deceased on 22-08-1861 in Avenhorn, 15 days old. Registration on 22-08-1861 [akte 21].
6 Gerrit Boots, born on 29-08-1865 in Alkmaar. Follow XI-fl.
7 N.N. Boots, still born son on 27-04-1867 in Avenhorn. Registration on 28-04-1867 [akte 11].
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 02-04-1869 in Avenhorn. Registration on 03-04-1869 [akte 9].

X-bm Lijsbeth Boots is born on 12-02-1820 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Lijsbeth is deceased on 07-07-1868 in Purmerend, 48 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Lijsbeth: ook Elisabeth. Lijsbeth married, 32 years old, on 15-02-1852 in Purmerend [akte 2] with Manis Krijgsman, 34 years old. Manis is born on 18-07-1817 in Monnickendam. Manis is deceased on 18-05-1886 in Purmerend, 68 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Manis: zoon van Jan Krijgsman, herbergier, en Eegje Booij.
Children of Lijsbeth and Manis:

1 Gerrit Krijgsman, born about 1856 in Purmerend. Follow XI-fm.
2 Jan Krijgsman, born about 1857 in Purmerend. Follow XI-fn.
3 Eegje Krijgsman, born about 1864 in Purmerend. Follow XI-fo.

X-bn Neeltje Boots is born on 25-08-1821 in Grosthuizen, daughter of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Neeltje is deceased on 21-09-1916 in Purmerend, 95 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Neeltje:
(1) married, 31 years old, on 09-01-1853 in Edam [akte 5] with Sijmen Pontman, 29 years old. Sijmen is born on 24-01-1823 in Beemster. Sijmen is deceased on 02-06-1858 in Purmerend, 35 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht. Note re Sijmen: zoon van Arie Pontman (ca 1795), arbeider, landbouwer, getrouwd op 30-10-1814 in Beemster met Maartje Tijburg (ca 1791).
(2) married, 40 years old, on 31-08-1861 in Purmerend [akte 26] with Willem Dekker, 48 years old. Willem is born on 05-10-1812 in Purmerend. Willem is deceased on 19-04-1867 in Purmerend, 54 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Willem: zoon van Cornelis Dekker en Maria Welber; getrouwd (1) op 31-03-1860 in Purmerend met Antje Hollenkamp (1814 - vóór 1861).
Child of Neeltje and Willem:

1 Petrus Nicolaas Dekker, born about 1865 in Purmerend. Follow XI-fp.

X-bo Engeltje Boots is born on 24-09-1822 in Grosthuizen, daughter of Cornelis Jansz Boots and Antje Pieters Mul. Engeltje is deceased on 23-03-1894 in Volendam, 71 years old. Occupation: winkelierster. Engeltje married, 25 years old, on 13-02-1848 in Edam [akte 5] with Cornelis Steur, 26 years old. Cornelis is born on 13-09-1821 in Volendam. Cornelis is deceased on 28-02-1883 in Volendam, 61 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan Cornelisz Steur en Jannetje Jacobs Tuip.
Child of Engeltje and Cornelis:

1 Cornelis Steur, born about 1856 in Volendam. Follow XI-fq.

X-bp Anna Maria (Antje) Boots is born about 1801 in Hoorn, daughter of Joannis Jacobsz (Jan) Boots and Neeltje Schuurman. Anna Maria is deceased on 14-10-1836 in Spanbroek, about 35 years old. Registration on 14-10-1836 [akte 12]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Antje married, about 29 years old, on 02-05-1830 in Berkhout [akte 12] with Jan Brink, about 31 years old. Jan is born about 1799 in Obdam. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Jan: zoon van Gerrit Brink en Aagje Pietersdr Bos.
Child of Antje and Jan:

1 Jan Brink, born in 01-1833 in Spanbroek. Jan is deceased on 03-03-1833 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 03-03-1833 [akte 5].

X-bq Engeltje Boots is born about 1811 in Hoorn, daughter of Joannis Jacobsz (Jan) Boots and Neeltje Schuurman. Engeltje is deceased on 25-04-1880 in Obdam, about 69 years old. Registration on 25-04-1880 [akte 20]. Occupation: dienstmeid, veehoudster. Engeltje married, about 28 years old, on 06-01-1839 in Obdam [akte 1] with Arie(n) Brink, about 39 years old. Arie(n) is born about 1800 in Obdam. Berkhout?. Arie(n) is deceased on 31-10-1871 in Obdam, about 71 years old. Registration on 31-10-1871 [akte 27]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Arie(n): weduwnaar van Trijntje Mulder, zoon van Gerrit Brink en Aagje Bos.
Children of Engeltje and Arie(n):

1 Jan Brink, born about 1840 in Obdam. Jan is deceased on 14-11-1847 in Obdam, about 7 years old. Registration on 15-11-1847 [akte 30].
2 Pieter Brink, born about 1841 in Obdam. Follow XI-fr.
3 Neeltje Brink, born about 1844. Follow XI-fs.
4 N.N. Brink, still born daughter on 09-11-1845 in Obdam. Registration on 10-11-1845 [akte 19].
5 Trijntje Brink, born about 1848 in Obdam. Follow XI-ft.
6 Jantje Brink, born about 1850 in Obdam. Jantje is deceased on 12-06-1853 in Obdam, about 3 years old. Registration on 13-06-1853 [akte 9].
7 Jantje Brink, born about 1854 in Obdam. Follow XI-fu.

X-br Dieuwertje Boots is born about 1817 in Hoorn, daughter of Joannis Jacobsz (Jan) Boots and Johanna Helena Scholten. Dieuwertje is deceased on 02-04-1899 in Groningen, about 82 years old. Registration on 04-04-1899 [akte 320]. Dieuwertje married, about 32 years old, on 30-09-1849 in Hoorn [akte 55] with Roelof Simons de Rooi, about 27 years old. Roelof Simons is born about 1822 in Groningen. Roelof Simons is deceased on 19-07-1866 in Groningen, about 44 years old. Registration on 20-07-1866 [akte 1367]. Occupation: schippersknecht, zeilmakersknecht, zeilmaker. Note re Roelof Simons: zoon van Simon de Rooi, zeilmaker, en Gezina van der Wal.
Children of Dieuwertje and Roelof Simons:

1 Gezina de Rooi, born on 13-05-1852 in Groningen. Follow XI-fv.
2 Johannes Jacobus de Rooi, born on 22-05-1855 in Groningen. Registration on 22-05-1855 [akte 465]. Johannes Jacobus is deceased on 15-07-1875 in Groningen, 20 years old. Registration on 17-07-1875 [akte 793]. Occupation: schoenmaker.
3 Johanna Helena de Rooi, born on 10-01-1858 in Groningen. Follow XI-fw.
4 Henrica de Rooi, born on 28-08-1861 in Groningen. Follow XI-fx.

X-bs Grietje de Jong is born on 27-11-1795 in Berkhout, daughter of Pieter Jansz de Jong and Engeltje Jacobs Boots. Grietje is deceased on 22-02-1820 in Hensbroek, 24 years old. Grietje married, 20 years old, on 21-07-1816 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Cornelis Groot, 24 years old. Cornelis is born on 08-06-1792 in Wogmeer, son of Jacob Cornelisz Groot and Trijntje Cornelisse Boots. He was baptized on 08-06-1792 in Berkhout. Obdam?. Cornelis is deceased on 25-07-1835 in Hensbroek, 43 years old. Occupation: landman.

X-bt Jacob de Jong is born about 1808 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Jansz de Jong and Engeltje Jacobs Boots. Jacob is deceased on 06-11-1876 in Berkhout, about 68 years old. Registration on 06-11-1876 [akte 56]. Occupation: landman. Jacob:
(1) married, about 23 years old, on 17-04-1831 in Berkhout [akte 3] with Aafje (Avie) Komen, about 21 years old. Aafje is born about 1810 in Obdam. Aafje is deceased before 1839, at the most 29 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Avie: dochter van Jan Komen, landman, en Jannetje Buur.
(2) married, about 31 years old, on 03-10-1839 in Berkhout [akte 15] with Maria (Marijtje) Kamp, about 29 years old. Maria is born about 1810 in Abbekerk. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Marijtje: dochter van Bernardus Hermanus Kamp, arbeider, en Marijte Munter.

X-bu Jan de Jong is born about 1813 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Jansz de Jong and Engeltje Jacobs Boots. Occupation: landman. Jan:
(1) married, about 22 years old, on 21-05-1835 in Berkhout [akte 11] with Wilhelmina Delemarre, about 21 years old. Wilhelmina is born about 1814 in Berkhout. Wilhelmina is deceased before 1853, at the most 39 years old. Note re Wilhelmina: dochter van Petrus Bernardus Delemarre, heelmeester, en Hendrica Schermer.
(2) married, about 40 years old, on 14-10-1853 in Berkhout [akte 17] with Antje de Wit, about 32 years old. Antje is born about 1821. Note re Antje: dochter van Jan de Wit en Marijtje Koster.

XI-a Pieter van Kampen is born about 1823 in Spanbroek, son of Pieter van Kampen and Aagje Boots. Pieter is deceased on 30-11-1896 in Spanbroek, about 73 years old. Registration on 30-11-1896 [akte 29]. Occupation: landman. Pieter married, about 23 years old, on 19-11-1846 in Spanbroek [akte 12] with Aagje Bijvoet, about 23 years old. Aagje is born about 1823 in Berkhout. Occupation: landbouwster. Note re Aagje: weduwe van Cornelis Stam, dochter van Arien Bijvoet en Lijntje Koenis.

XI-b Paulus Jacobus Kuijpers is born about 1831 in Berkhout, son of Poulus Kuijpers and Johanna (Jantje) Boots. Paulus Jacobus is deceased on 08-02-1917 in Berkhout, about 86 years old. Registration on 09-02-1917 [akte 8]. Occupation: boer. Paulus Jacobus:
(1) married, about 27 years old, on 25-04-1858 in Beemster [akte 12] with Neeltje Konijn, about 21 years old. Neeltje is born about 1837 in Beemster. Neeltje is deceased before 1862, at the most 25 years old. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Pieter Konijn, landman, en Teunisje de Wit.
(2) married, about 31 years old, on 27-01-1862 in Beemster [akte 1] with Sofia Zomerdijk, about 23 years old. Sofia is born about 1839 in Beemster. Note re Sofia: dochter van Cornelis Zomerdijk en Grietje Groen.

XI-c Catharina Maria Kuijpers is born about 1834 in Berkhout, daughter of Poulus Kuijpers and Johanna (Jantje) Boots. Catharina Maria is deceased on 02-02-1902 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), about 68 years old. Registration on 04-02-1902 [akte 1 Oudorp, akte 1 dd 10-02-1902 Opmeer]. Catharina Maria married, about 23 years old, on 12-02-1857 in Berkhout [akte 4] with Jan Stuijt, about 25 years old. Jan is born about 1832 in Berkhout. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Stuijt en Grietje Stam.

XI-d Maria Joanna Kuijpers is born about 1841 in Berkhout, daughter of Poulus Kuijpers and Johanna (Jantje) Boots. Maria Joanna married, about 21 years old, on 02-05-1862 in Berkhout [akte 9] with Cornelis de Goede, about 21 years old. Cornelis is born about 1841 in Oterleek. Occupation: landman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Dirk de Goede, landman, en Pietertje Verduin.

XI-e Dirk Boots is born on 29-03-1828 in Obdam, son of Dirk Dirksz Boots and Geertje Kuiper. Dirk is deceased on 29-02-1912 in Spanbroek, 83 years old. Registration on 29-02-1912 [akte 5]. He was buried on 04-03-1912 in Wervershoof. Occupation: landbouwer, koopman, arbeider. Dirk married, 36 years old, on 17-11-1864 in Berkhout [akte 22] with Jansje Mul, 26 years old. Jansje is born on 05-03-1838 in Berkhout. Jansje is deceased on 12-09-1889 in Spanbroek, 51 years old. Registration on 12-09-1889 [akte 17]. She was buried on 16-09-1889 in Spanbroek. Note re Jansje: ook Jantje, dochter van Jan Mul en Grietje Schouten.
Children of Dirk and Jansje:

1 Geertje Boots, born on 09-09-1865 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-a.
2 Dirk Boots, born on 28-12-1867 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 04-07-1868 in Obdam, 6 months old.
3 Jan Boots, born about 1869 in Spanbroek. Jan is deceased on 27-06-1870 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 28-06-1870 [akte 24].
4 Margaretha (Grietje) Boots, born on 09-12-1870 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-b.
5 Jansje Boots, born on 25-02-1872 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-c.
6 Jan Boots, born in 10-1874 in Spanbroek. Jan is deceased on 17-08-1875 in Spanbroek, 10 months old. Registration on 17-08-1875 [akte 22].
7 Jan Boots, born on 15-02-1876 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-d.
8 Aafje Boots, born about 1877 in Spanbroek. Aafje is deceased on 04-06-1878 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 05-06-1878 [akte 23].
9 Cornelis (Kees) Boots, born about 1880 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-e.

XI-f Pieter Boots is born on 01-06-1829 in Obdam, son of Dirk Dirksz Boots and Geertje Kuiper. Pieter is deceased on 19-05-1910 in Opmeer, 80 years old. Registration on 20-05-1910 [akte 4]. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Pieter:
(1) married, 28 years old, on 13-08-1857 in Berkhout with Lijntje Koenis, 23 years old. Lijntje is born on 07-11-1833 in Berkhout, daughter of Klaas Koenis and Trijntje Blank. Lijntje is deceased on 21-04-1881 in Obdam, 47 years old. Registration on 21-04-1881 [akte 11].
(2) married, 54 years old, on 12-02-1884 in Obdam [akte 1] with Aafje Klaver, 50 years old. Aafje is born on 14-08-1833 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Aafje is deceased on 13-10-1898 in Obdam, 65 years old. Registration on 13-10-1898 [akte 13]. Occupation: landvrouw. Note re Aafje: dochter van Pieter Klaver en Dieuwertje Zijp; getrouwd (1) op 30-04-1854 in Obdam met Cornelis Biersteker (1828-1866); getrouwd (2) op 27-10-1867 in Obdam met Arien Leeuw (ca 1822); getrouwd (3) op 06-06-1869 in Obdam met Albertus (Albert) Oijevaar (1839 - vóór 1882); getrouwd (4) op 07-11-1882 in Obdam met Cornelis Appelman (1816-1883).
Children of Pieter and Lijntje:

1 Dirk Boots, born on 02-05-1859 in Obdam. Follow XII-f.
2 Pieter Boots, born on 22-04-1861 in Obdam. Pieter is deceased on 07-11-1881 in Den Helder, 20 years old. Registration [akte 22 dd 14-12-1881 Obdam]. Occupation: milicien.
3 Klaas Boots, born on 13-04-1863 in Obdam. Klaas is deceased on 02-07-1883 in Obdam, 20 years old. Registration on 02-07-1883 [akte 8].
4 Aagje Boots, born on 22-04-1866 in Obdam. Aagje is deceased on 23-07-1867 in Obdam, 1 year old. Registration on 24-07-1867 [akte 18].
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 29-08-1868 in Obdam. Cornelis is deceased on 03-07-1884 in Obdam, 15 years old. Registration on 04-07-1884 [akte 14].
6 Jacobus Boots, born on 12-05-1875 in Obdam. Follow XII-g.

XI-g Cornelis Boots is born on 08-09-1830 in Obdam, son of Dirk Dirksz Boots and Geertje Kuiper. Cornelis is deceased on 27-05-1902 in Hensbroek, 71 years old. Registration on 27-05-1902 [akte 7]. Occupation: landman, arbeider, winkelier. Cornelis married, 29 years old, on 27-04-1860 in Obdam [akte 5] with Geertje Mettes, 20 years old. Geertje is born on 03-06-1839 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Obdam?. Geertje is deceased on 29-01-1924 in Opmeer, 84 years old. Registration on 30-01-1924 [akte 3]. Note re Geertje: ook Mettis.
Children of Cornelis and Geertje:

1 Dirk Boots, born on 25-02-1861 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 13-05-1861 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 14-05-1861 [akte 8].
2 Geertje Boots, born on 14-07-1865 in Obdam. Follow XII-h.
3 Trijntje Boots, born on 11-12-1866 in Obdam. Follow XII-i.
4 Dirk Boots, born in 03-1868 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 04-07-1868 in Obdam, 4 months old. Registration on 05-07-1868 [akte 10].
5 Neeltje Boots, born on 25-11-1869 in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 24-09-1870 in Obdam, 9 months old. Registration on 25-09-1870 [akte 29].
6 Neeltje Boots, born on 12-07-1871 in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 02-08-1871 in Obdam, 21 days old. Registration on 02-08-1871 [akte 20].
7 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 03-04-1875 in Obdam. Registration on 05-04-1875 [akte 10].
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 22-12-1880 in Obdam. Registration on 24-12-1880 [akte 40].

XI-h Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 02-05-1833 in Obdam, son of Dirk Dirksz Boots and Geertje Kuiper. Johannes is deceased on 04-01-1918 in Spanbroek, 84 years old. Registration on 04-01-1918 [akte 2]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Jan married, 26 years old, on 27-04-1860 in Obdam [akte 3] with Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis, 22 years old. Catharina is born on 29-10-1837 in Berkhout, daughter of Klaas Koenis and Trijntje Blank. Catharina is deceased on 04-01-1901 in Spanbroek, 63 years old. Registration on 04-01-1901 [akte 2].
Children of Jan and Trijntje:

1 Geertje Boots, born on 12-02-1861 in Spanbroek. Geertje is deceased on 21-02-1861 in Spanbroek, 9 days old. Registration on 22-02-1861 [akte 4].
2 Dirk Boots, born about 1862 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-j.
3 Geertruida (Geertje) Boots, born on 14-05-1864 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-k.
4 Klaas Boots, born on 05-05-1867 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-l.
5 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 30-03-1868 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-m.
6 Aagje Boots, born on 08-06-1870 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-n.
7 Pieter Boots, born about 1873 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-o.
8 Geertruida Boots, born in 11-1875 in Spanbroek. Geertruida is deceased on 03-04-1876 in Spanbroek, 5 months old. Registration on 03-04-1876 [akte 9].
9 Geertruida Boots, born about 1877 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-p.
10 Cornelis Boots, born on 02-12-1879 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Follow XII-q.

XI-i Cornelis Boots is born on 07-05-1839 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Germentsz Boots and Geertje Ursem. Cornelis is deceased on 14-03-1923 in Spanbroek, 83 years old. Registration on 15-03-1923 [akte 8]. Occupation: arbeider, landman. Cornelis married, 28 years old, on 25-04-1868 in Berkhout [akte 12] with Aafje Buis, about 26 years old. Aafje is born about 1842 in Blokker. Aafje is deceased on 27-08-1924 in Hensbroek, about 82 years old. Registration on 28-08-1924 [akte 12]. Note re Aafje: dochter van Jacob Buis (ca 1801) en Neeltje Weel (ca 1802).
Children of Cornelis and Aafje:

1 Geertruida Boots, born on 23-05-1870 in Berkhout. Follow XII-r.
2 Jacob Boots, born in 12-1871 in Berkhout. Jacob is deceased on 18-06-1872 in Berkhout, 6 months old. Registration on 18-06-1872 [akte 25].
3 Jacob Boots, born on 26-10-1873 in Berkhout. Follow XII-s.
4 Neeltje Boots, born on 10-02-1876 in Berkhout. Follow XII-t.
5 Aagje Boots, born on 28-10-1877 in Berkhout. Aagje is deceased on 20-03-1885 in Berkhout, 7 years old. Registration on 20-03-1885 [akte 13].
6 Catharina Johanna (Trijntje) Boots, born on 26-01-1879 in Berkhout. Follow XII-u.
7 Catharina Boots, born on 18-06-1884 in Berkhout. tweeling. Catharina is deceased on 04-07-1884 in Berkhout, 16 days old. Registration on 04-07-1884 [akte 26].
8 Elisabeth (Betje) Boots, born on 18-06-1884 in Berkhout. Follow XII-v.

XI-j Johannes Boots is born on 31-01-1842 in Berkhout, son of Elbert Germentsz Boots and Geertje Ursem. Johannes is deceased on 27-02-1928 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 86 years old. Registration on 28-02-1928 [akte 7]. He was buried on 01-03-1928 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: boerenknecht. Johannes married, 33 years old, on 22-04-1875 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Cornelia (Trijntje) Commandeur, about 37 years old. Cornelia is born about 1838 in Obdam. Cornelia is deceased on 09-11-1916 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), about 78 years old. Registration on 10-11-1916 [akte 30]. She was buried on 14-11-1916 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Trijntje: dochter van Jan Commandeur (1812), landman, en Antje van Diepen (1807-1885); getrouwd (1) op 07-10-1864 in Spanbroek met Weijert Klaver (circa 1840 - voor 1875).
Child of Johannes and Trijntje:

1 Geertruida Boots, born in 04-1876 in Spanbroek. Geertruida is deceased on 12-06-1876 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 13-06-1876 [akte 17].

XI-k Elisabeth Boots is born on 25-02-1848 in Berkhout, daughter of Elbert Germentsz Boots and Geertje Ursem. Elisabeth is deceased on 05-04-1919 in Berkhout, 71 years old. Registration on 07-04-1919 [akte 16]. Elisabeth married, 29 years old, on 27-04-1877 in Berkhout [akte 19] with Pieter Pater, 31 years old. Pieter is born on 01-03-1846 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 13-06-1893 in Berkhout, 47 years old. Registration on 14-06-1893 [akte 30]. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jacob Cornelisz Pater (1802-1858) en Antje Klaasdr de Jong (1808-1888).
Children of Elisabeth and Pieter:

1 Geertruida Pater, born about 1880 in Berkhout. Follow XII-w.
2 Jacob Pater, born about 1881 in Berkhout. Follow XII-x.
3 Antje Pater, born about 1884 in Berkhout. Follow XII-y.
4 Aagje Pater, born in 12-1886 in Berkhout. Aagje is deceased on 25-02-1887 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 25-02-1887 [akte 9].
5 Elbert Pater, born about 1890 in Berkhout. Follow XII-z.

XI-l Geertje Boots is born on 16-06-1851 in Berkhout, daughter of Elbert Germentsz Boots and Geertje Ursem. Registration [source: akte 51]. Geertje is deceased on 06-02-1921 in Ilpendam, 69 years old. Registration [akte 2 dd 07-02-1921 Ilpendam]. She was buried on 10-02-1921 in Ilpendam. Geertje married, 25 years old, on 22-04-1877 in Berkhout with Dirk Huiberts, 26 years old. Dirk is born on 22-03-1851 in Spanbroek. Dirk is deceased before 1921, at the most 70 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Dirk: zoon van Klaas Huiberts (1813-1889), landman, en Maartje Ros (1817-voor 1866).
Children of Geertje and Dirk:

1 Klaas Huiberts, born about 1879 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-aa.
2 Elbert Huiberts, born in 09-1879 in Spanbroek. Elbert is deceased on 26-11-1879 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 27-11-1879 [akte 32].
3 Geertje Huiberts, born about 1881 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-ab.
4 Maartje Huiberts, born about 1882 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-ac.
5 Katharina Huiberts, born about 1888 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow XII-ad.

XI-m Pieter Boots is born on 23-07-1842 in Berkhout, son of Klaas Boots and Maartje de Boer. Pieter is deceased on 11-04-1900 in Berkhout, 57 years old. Registration on 12-04-1900 [akte 23]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, arbeider (hulp in de huishouding, eigenaar manufacturenwinkel Alkmaar?). Pieter married, 23 years old, on 26-04-1866 in Berkhout [akte 16] with Jantje Stam, 22 years old. Jantje is born on 14-02-1844 in Berkhout. Jantje is deceased on 07-03-1921, 77 years old. Registration on 08-03-1921 [akte 7]. Note re Jantje: dochter van Germent (Gerbrand) Pietersz Stam (ca 1811), landman, en Elisabeth Jonker (1814).
Children of Pieter and Jantje:

1 Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 10-07-1867 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ae.
2 Gerbrand Boots, born on 08-09-1868 in Berkhout. Follow XII-af.
3 Pieter Boots, born on 19-10-1869 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 31-10-1869 in Berkhout, 12 days old. Registration on 01-11-1869 [akte 28].
4 Pieter Boots, born about 1871 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ag.
5 Jacobus (Jaap) Boots, born on 18-06-1872 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ah.
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 05-11-1873 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 08-08-1874 in Berkhout, 9 months old. Registration on 08-08-1874 [akte 43].
7 Cornelis Boots, born on 04-01-1875 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 17-07-1875 in Berkhout, 6 months old. Registration on 19-07-1875 [akte 25].
8 Cornelis Boots, born in 02-1878 in Berkhout. Cornelis is deceased on 27-07-1878 in Berkhout, 5 months old. Registration on 27-07-1878 [akte 32].
9 Elisabeth (Beth) Boots, born on 28-05-1879 in Berkhout. Elisabeth is deceased on 28-11-1963 in Heerhugowaard, 84 years old.
10 Maartje Boots, born on 28-08-1880 in Berkhout. tweeling. Maartje is deceased on 11-09-1880 in Berkhout, 14 days old. Registration on 13-09-1880 [akte 36].
11 Dieuwertje Boots, born on 28-08-1880 in Berkhout. tweeling. Dieuwertje is deceased on 14-09-1880 in Berkhout, 17 days old. Registration on 14-09-1880 [akte 37].
12 Cornelis Boots, born on 13-02-1882 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ai.
13 Martinus Boots, born on 23-06-1883 in Berkhout. Martinus is deceased on 28-09-1883 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 29-09-1883 [akte 42].
14 Martinus Boots, born on 17-09-1885 in Berkhout. Martinus is deceased on 04-02-1886 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 04-02-1886 [akte 6].

XI-n Grietje Boots is born on 19-07-1849 in Berkhout, daughter of Klaas Boots and Maartje de Boer. Grietje is deceased on 09-02-1882 in Heerhugowaard, 32 years old. Registration on 10-02-1882 [akte 6]. Grietje married, 24 years old, on 30-04-1874 in Berkhout [akte 17] with Dirk van Diepen, 22 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Frans Ruiter, toeziend voogd Jan van Diepen. Dirk is born on 18-06-1851 in Heerhugowaard. Dirk is deceased on 01-05-1920 in Langendijk, 68 years old. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jacobus (Jacob) van Diepen (1824-1862) en Engeltje Ruiter (1825- voor 1874); getrouwd (2) op 24-10-1886 in Zaandam met Johanna (Jantje) Mettes (1858-1925).
Children of Grietje and Dirk:

1 Jacobus (Jacob) van Diepen, born about 1876 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-aj.
2 Engelina van Diepen, born about 1877 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-ak.
3 Maria van Diepen, born in 05-1877 in Heerhugowaard. Maria is deceased on 19-07-1877 in Heerhugowaard, 2 months old. Registration on 20-07-1877 [akte 41].
4 Maria van Diepen, born about 1879 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-al.
5 Klaas van Diepen, born in 1880. Klaas is deceased in 1968, 88 years old.

XI-o Neeltje Boots is born on 05-12-1855 in Berkhout, daughter of Klaas Boots and Maartje de Boer. Neeltje is deceased on 12-05-1948 in Berkhout, 92 years old. Registration on 14-05-1948 [akte 12]. She was buried on 15-05-1948 in Zuidermeer. Neeltje married, 21 years old, on 26-04-1877 in Berkhout [akte 14] with Simon Besseling, 22 years old. Simon is born on 04-05-1854 in Zwaag. Simon is deceased on 02-05-1913 in Berkhout, 58 years old. Registration on 03-05-1913 [akte 11]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Simon: zoon van Jacob Besseling (1819-1878), landman, en Neeltje Bancras (1821-1892).
Children of Neeltje and Simon:

1 Cornelia Jacoba Maria Antonia (Cornelia) Besseling, born about 1880 in Berkhout. Follow XII-am.
2 Maria Besseling, born about 1885 in Berkhout. Follow XII-an.

XI-p Elisabeth Boots is born on 01-09-1860 in Berkhout, daughter of Klaas Boots and Maartje de Boer. Elisabeth married, 23 years old, on 24-04-1884 in Obdam [akte 4] with Cornelis van 't Hof, about 29 years old. Cornelis is born about 1855 in Spanbroek. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Simon van 't Hof en Grietje Zoet.
Children of Elisabeth and Cornelis:

1 Grietje van 't Hof, born about 1887 in Blokker. Follow XII-ao.
2 Maartje van 't Hof, born about 1889 in Blokker. Follow XII-ap.
3 Aaltje van 't Hof, born about 1902 in Blokker. Follow XII-aq.

XI-q Elizabeth Boots is born on 23-03-1839 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Elizabeth is deceased on 09-05-1917 in Limmen, 78 years old. She was buried on 12-05-1917 in Limmen. Address: Ursem. Elizabeth married, 22 years old, on 30-01-1862 in Spanbroek [akte 3] with Jan Hinke, 23 years old. Jan is born on 01-05-1838 in Spanbroek. Jan is deceased on 10-12-1891 in Ursem, 53 years old. Registration on 10-12-1891 [akte 26]. He was buried on 14-12-1891 in Ursem. Address: Ursem. Occupation: schilder. Note re Jan: zoon van Jacob(us) Hinke (1804-1872) en Aafje Smit (1815-1887).
Children of Elizabeth and Jan:

1 Aafje Hinke, born about 1864 in Ursem. Follow XII-ar.
2 Geertruida Hinke, born about 1865 in Ursem. Follow XII-as.
3 Jacobus (Jaap) Hinke, born about 1867. Follow XII-at.
4 Elisabeth Hinke, born about 1869 in Ursem. Follow XII-au.
5 Cornelis Hinke, born about 1870 in Ursem. Follow XII-av.
6 Grietje Hinke, born about 1871 in Ursem. Follow XII-aw.
7 Maria Hinke, born about 1874 in Ursem. Follow XII-ax.
8 Johannes (Jan) Hinke, born about 1876 in Ursem. Johannes is deceased on 10-12-1942 in Hoorn, about 66 years old. Registration [akte 11 dd 15-12-1942 Spanbroek].
9 Nicolaas Hinke, born in 08-1878 in Ursem. Nicolaas is deceased on 03-04-1879 in Ursem, 8 months old. Registration on 03-04-1879 [akte 5].

XI-r Jacob Boots is born on 17-01-1841 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Jacob is deceased on 02-07-1921 in Abbekerk, 80 years old. Registration on 04-07-1921 [akte 7]. He was buried on 06-07-1921 in De Weere (Opmeer). Occupation: landman, arbeider. Jacob married, 26 years old, on 02-05-1867 in Hensbroek [akte 5] with Catharina (Trijntje) Mettes, 26 years old. Catharina is born on 04-01-1841 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Catharina is deceased on 15-09-1882 in Obdam, 41 years old. Registration on 17-09-1882 [akte 12].
Children of Jacob and Trijntje:

1 Geertje Boots, born on 11-05-1868 in Hensbroek. Geertje is deceased on 29-01-1874 in Obdam, 5 years old. Registration on 30-01-1874 [akte 2]. She was buried in Hoogwoud.
2 Trijntje Boots, born on 13-08-1869 in Obdam.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 17-09-1870 in Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 07-08-1900 in Heerhugowaard, 29 years old. Registration on 07-08-1900 [akte 43]. He was buried on 11-08-1900 in Oudorp (Alkmaar).
4 Jacob Boots, born on 20-10-1871 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 06-01-1872 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 06-01-1872 [akte 2].
5 Maartje Boots, born on 22-08-1873 in Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 27-10-1873 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 27-10-1873 [akte 19].
6 Jacob Boots, born on 18-10-1874 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 25-07-1875 in Obdam, 9 months old. Registration on 27-07-1875 [akte 18].
7 Geertje Boots, born on 08-12-1875 in Obdam. Geertje is deceased on 25-12-1896 in Opmeer, 21 years old. Registration on 28-12-1896 [akte 11]. She was buried on 29-12-1896 in Hoogwoud.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 05-06-1877 in Obdam. Follow XII-ay.
9 Jacob Boots, born on 08-07-1878 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 22-07-1878 in Obdam, 14 days old. Registration on 22-07-1878 [akte 24].
10 Aafje Boots, born on 16-11-1880 in Obdam. Aafje is deceased on 10-07-1882 in Obdam, 1 year old. Registration on 11-07-1882 [akte 9].
11 Jacob Boots, born on 15-09-1882 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 15-04-1885 in Obdam, 2 years old. Registration on 16-04-1885 [akte 11].

XI-s Jantje Boots is born on 31-01-1843 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Jantje is deceased on 08-01-1902 in Nibbixwoud, 58 years old. Registration on 08-01-1902 [akte 1]. Note re Jantje: ook Jannetje. Jantje married, 22 years old, on 09-06-1865 in Nibbixwoud [akte 9] with Klaas Bijl, 28 years old. Klaas is born on 19-09-1836 in Nibbixwoud. Klaas is deceased on 11-08-1898 in Nibbixwoud, 61 years old. Registration on 12-08-1898 [akte 15]. Occupation: gemeente-secretaris. Note re Klaas: zoon van Dirk Bijl (ca 1812-1870), veldwachter, en Maartje Jansdr Ewald (ca 1812); getrouwd (1) op 22-05-1856 in Nibbixwoud met Elisabeth Lourens Vlaar (ca 1833-1864).
Children of Jantje and Klaas:

1 Geertruida Bijl, born in 1866. Geertruida is deceased in 1866.
2 Geertruida Cunera Bijl, born about 1868 in Nibbixwoud. Geertruida Cunera is deceased on 18-08-1892 in Nibbixwoud, about 24 years old. Registration on 19-08-1892 [akte 16].
3 Elisabeth Bijl, born about 1870 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-az.
4 Dirk Bijl, born about 1872 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-ba.

XI-t Cornelis Boots is born on 25-10-1845 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Cornelis is deceased on 31-07-1923 in Berkhout, 77 years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Cornelis married, 25 years old, on 21-04-1871 in Berkhout [akte 3] with Marijtje Koppes, 24 years old. Marijtje is born on 27-03-1847 in Berkhout. Marijtje is deceased on 29-10-1898 in Berkhout, 51 years old. Registration on 31-10-1898 [akte 35]. Note re Marijtje: dochter van Jan Koppes (1825-1894), landman, en Geertje Smit (1822-1863).
Children of Cornelis and Marijtje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 23-05-1872 in Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 14-10-1872 in Hensbroek, 4 months old. Registration on 14-10-1872 [akte 26].
2 Johannes Boots, born on 09-05-1874 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-bb.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 14-06-1875 in Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 10-12-1875 in Hensbroek, 5 months old. Registration on 10-12-1875 [akte 29].
4 Cornelis Boots, born on 20-05-1877 in Berkhout. Follow XII-bc.
5 Geertruida Boots, born on 25-12-1878 in Ursem. Follow XII-bd.
6 Aafje Boots, born on 02-02-1880 in Ursem. Aafje is deceased on 05-05-1913 in Berkhout, 33 years old. Registration on 06-05-1913 [akte 14].
7 Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots, born on 27-08-1881 in Ursem. Cornelia is deceased on 02-08-1895 in Berkhout, 13 years old. Registration on 03-08-1895 [akte 25].
8 Anna Boots, born on 12-12-1882 in Ursem. Follow XII-be.
9 Petrus Boots, born on 10-06-1884 in Ursem. Petrus is deceased on 22-11-1884 in Ursem, 5 months old. Registration on 22-11-1884 [akte 30].
10 Maartje Boots, born on 08-06-1886 in Ursem. Maartje is deceased on 18-05-1887 in Ursem, 11 months old. Registration on 18-05-1887 [akte 15].
11 N.N. Boots, still born son on 09-12-1887 in Ursem. Registration on 09-12-1887 [akte 31].
12 Geertruida Boots, born on 01-04-1889 in Avenhorn. Follow XII-bf.
13 Petrus Boots, born on 29-09-1890 in Avenhorn. Petrus is deceased on 24-05-1891 in Avenhorn, 7 months old. Registration on 25-05-1891 [akte 9].
14 Maria Boots, born on 12-08-1892 in Avenhorn. Follow XII-bg.
15 Petrus Boots, born on 12-11-1893 in Berkhout. Follow XII-bh.
16 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 10-05-1895 in Berkhout. Registration on 11-05-1895 [akte 13].

XI-u Aafje Boots is born on 15-10-1847 in Wognum, daughter of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Aafje is deceased on 16-03-1874 in Avenhorn, 26 years old. Registration on 17-03-1874 [akte 9]. Aafje married, 25 years old, on 22-04-1873 in Beemster [akte 14] with Pieter Boos, 28 years old. Pieter is born on 14-02-1845 in Beemster. Pieter is deceased on 23-12-1905 in Beemster, 60 years old. Occupation: arbeider, boerenbedrijf. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Boos (1814), veehouder, en Geertje Bloothoofd (1810-1886); getrouwd (2) op 02-02-1888 in Beemster met Maria Visser (1862-1905).
Child of Aafje and Pieter:

1 Jan Boos, born about 1874 in Avenhorn. Follow XII-bi.

XI-v Margaretha (Grietje) Boots is born on 28-02-1852 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Margaretha is deceased on 18-04-1942 in Heerhugowaard, 90 years old. Registration on 20-04-1942 [akte 18]. Occupation: veehoudster. Grietje:
(1) married, 33 years old, on 09-02-1886 in Beemster [akte 3] with Hermanus Johannes Poel, 33 years old. Hermanus Johannes is born on 10-03-1852 in Beemster. Hermanus Johannes is deceased on 11-08-1893 in Heerhugowaard, 41 years old. Registration on 11-08-1893 [akte 28]. Occupation: boer. Note re Hermanus Johannes: zoon van Jan Poel (ca 1822) en Antje Steltenpool (ca 1827).
(2) married, 42 years old, on 04-01-1895 in Heerhugowaard [akte 2] with Louwrens van der Gragt, 33 years old. Louwrens is born on 29-05-1861 in Nibbixwoud. Louwrens is deceased on 28-04-1897 in Heerhugowaard, 35 years old. Registration on 28-04-1897 [akte 15]. Occupation: landman. Note re Louwrens: zoon van Tamis (Teunis) van der Gragt (1837), landman, en Aafje Vlaar (ca 1834).
Children of Grietje and Hermanus Johannes:

1 Johannes Poel, born about 1887 in Beemster. Follow XII-bj.
2 Geertruida Anna Poel, born about 1891 in Beemster. Follow XII-bk.

XI-w Petronella (Pietertje) Boots is born on 16-01-1854 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Petronella is deceased on 10-09-1889 in Spanbroek, 35 years old. Registration on 11-09-1889 [akte 16]. She was buried on 13-09-1889 in Spanbroek. Pietertje married, 25 years old, on 24-04-1879 in Wognum [akte 10] with Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel, 24 years old. Nicolaas is born on 22-09-1854 in Wognum. Nicolaas is deceased on 29-07-1928 in Spanbroek, 73 years old. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Klaas: zoon van Cornelis Appel (1819-1895), landman, en Geertje Wit (1820-1860); getrouwd (2) op 20-11-1890 in Spanbroek met Antje Rood (1861-1892); getrouwd (3) op 12-11-1896 in Wognum met Elisabeth Vlugt (1861-1906); getrouwd (4) op 13-02-1908 in Spanbroek met Antje Mak (1848-1933).
Children of Pietertje and Klaas:

1 Geertruida (Geertje) Appel, born about 1880 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-bl.
2 Aafje Appel, born about 1881 in Spanbroek. Aafje is deceased on 19-12-1885 in Spanbroek, about 4 years old. Registration on 21-12-1885 [akte 38].
3 Cornelia Appel, born about 1883 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-bm.
4 Margaretha (Grietje) Appel, born about 1883 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-bn.
5 Maria Appel, born about 1885 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-bo.
6 Cornelis Appel, born about 1886 in Spanbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 01-03-1943 in Hoorn, about 57 years old. Registration [akte 4 dd 03-03-1943 Spanbroek].
7 Pieter Appel, born about 1887 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-bp.
8 Afra (Aafje) Appel, born in 1888. Afra is deceased in 1928, 40 years old.

XI-x Geertje Koppes is born about 1851 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Koppes and Grietje Boots. Geertje is deceased on 18-03-1927 in Berkhout, about 76 years old. Registration on 19-03-1927 [akte 9]. Geertje married, about 19 years old, on 01-05-1870 in Avenhorn [akte 6] with Anthonius van der Lee, about 23 years old. Anthonius is born about 1847 in Beemster. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Anthonius: zoon van Mattheus van der Lee, korenmolenaar, en Aaltje Meijer.

XI-y Lijsbeth Koppes is born about 1852 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Koppes and Grietje Boots. Lijsbeth is deceased on 15-01-1930 in Haarlem, about 78 years old. Registration [akte 4 dd 30-01-1930 Berkhout]. Lijsbeth married, about 22 years old, on 19-04-1874 in Avenhorn [akte 2] with Johannes Mul, about 26 years old. Johannes is born about 1848 in Avenhorn. Johannes is deceased before 1930, at the most 82 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Johannes: zoon van Pieter Mul, veehouder, en Maartje de Lange.

XI-z Grietje Tromp is born about 1843 in Wognum, daughter of Joannis (Jan) Tromp and Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots. Grietje married, about 22 years old, on 04-05-1865 in Berkhout [akte 9] with Jan Bakker, about 22 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Gerbrand Dirkszoon Bakker, toeziend voogd Lourens de Lange. Jan is born about 1843 in Berkhout. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Dirk Bakker en Antje Berkhout.

XI-aa Trijntje Tromp is born about 1848 in Wognum, daughter of Joannis (Jan) Tromp and Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 09-04-1879 in Berkhout, about 31 years old. Registration on 09-04-1879 [akte 16]. Trijntje married, about 24 years old, on 18-04-1872 in Wognum [akte 9] with Jan Borst, about 26 years old. Jan is born about 1846 in Berkhout. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Borst, metselaar, en Hilletje Appelman.

XI-ab Cornelis Tromp is born about 1850 in Wognum, son of Joannis (Jan) Tromp and Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 29-06-1918 in Obdam, about 68 years old. Registration on 29-06-1918 [akte 11]. Occupation: landman. Cornelis married, about 28 years old, on 02-05-1878 in Wognum [akte 9] with Stijntje Steur, about 20 years old. Stijntje is born about 1858 in Wognum, daughter of Jacob (Jaap) Steur and Neeltje van Diepen.

XI-ac Dirk Tromp is born about 1856 in Ursem, son of Joannis (Jan) Tromp and Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots. Occupation: timmerman. Dirk married, about 23 years old, on 27-04-1879 in Bergen [akte 7] with Elisabeth Pater, about 20 years old. Elisabeth is born about 1859 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Pieter Pater, landman, en Neeltje de Jong.

XI-ad Elisabeth Tromp is born about 1859 in Ursem, daughter of Joannis (Jan) Tromp and Wilhelmina (Willempje) Boots. Elisabeth is deceased on 09-03-1931 in Hoogwoud, about 72 years old. Registration on 10-03-1931 [akte 8]. Elisabeth:
(1) married, about 21 years old, on 15-04-1880 in Wognum [akte 6] with Jacob Dekker, about 24 years old. Jacob is born about 1856 in Westwoud. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Dekker en Marijtje Wagemaker.
(2) married, about 32 years old, on 16-04-1891 in Wognum [akte 6] with Pieter Koning, about 39 years old. Pieter is born about 1852 in Hoogwoud. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter Koning en Aagje Tool.

XI-ae Geertje van Diepen is born about 1840 in Wognum, daughter of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Geertje married, about 26 years old, on 19-04-1866 in Spanbroek [akte 2] with Pieter Roemer, about 20 years old. Pieter is born about 1846 in Spanbroek. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Roemer, landman, en Trijntje Leeuw.

XI-af Cornelis van Diepen is born about 1843 in Berkhout, son of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 07-01-1921 in Spanbroek, about 78 years old. Registration on 08-01-1921 [akte 1]. Occupation: landman. Cornelis married, about 32 years old, on 22-04-1875 in Spanbroek [akte 6] with Trijntje de Jong, about 26 years old. Trijntje is born about 1849 in Ursem. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Jan de Jong en Antje Mulder.

XI-ag Arien van Diepen is born about 1850 in Wognum, son of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Arien is deceased on 06-02-1921 in Wognum, about 71 years old. Registration on 07-02-1921 [akte 2]. Occupation: landman. Arien married, about 23 years old, on 29-04-1873 in Wognum [akte 8] with Geertruida (Geertje) Groot, about 21 years old. Geertruida is born about 1852 in Wognum. Note re Geertje: dochter van Louwrens Groot en Willemijntje Leeuw, veehoudster.

XI-ah Petrus van Diepen is born about 1854 in Spanbroek, son of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Petrus is deceased on 29-01-1884 in Spanbroek, about 30 years old. Registration on 30-01-1884 [akte 5]. Occupation: landman. Petrus married, about 26 years old, on 08-04-1880 in Spanbroek [akte 5] with Betje Bijman, about 22 years old. Betje is born about 1858 in Sijbekarspel. Note re Betje: dochter van Cornelis Bijman en Meintje Schoenmaker.

XI-ai Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen is born on 22-05-1859 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Catharina is deceased on 27-09-1929 in Opmeer, 70 years old. Registration on 30-09-1929 [akte 4]. Trijntje married, 19 years old, on 24-04-1879 in Spanbroek [akte 11] with Elbert Boots, 21 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Jan Boots. Elbert is born on 18-04-1858 in Hensbroek, son of Cornelis Boots and Maartje Dekker. Elbert is deceased on 14-04-1932 in Opmeer, 73 years old. Registration on 15-04-1932 [akte 4]. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Elbert: ook Albert.
Children of Trijntje and Elbert:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 02-05-1880 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bq.
2 Johannes Boots, born on 11-07-1881 in Opmeer. Follow XII-br.
3 Maria Boots, born about 1883 in Opmeer. Maria is deceased on 13-06-1884 in Opmeer, about 1 year old. Registration on 14-06-1884 [akte 4].
4 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 19-05-1884 in Opmeer. Registration on 19-05-1884 [akte 3].
5 Petrus Boots, born on 29-05-1885 in Opmeer. Petrus is deceased on 29-07-1895 in Opmeer, 10 years old. Registration on 30-07-1895 [akte 6].
6 Maria Boots, born about 1890 in Opmeer. Maria is deceased on 16-03-1891 in Opmeer, about 1 year old. Registration on 16-03-1891 [akte 2].
7 Elisabeth Boots, born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bs.
8 Adrianus Boots, born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bt.
9 Jacob Boots, born about 1895 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bu.
10 Petrus Boots, born on 24-11-1896 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bv.

XI-aj Cornelis Boots is born on 03-01-1846 in Berkhout, son of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Occupation: landman, veehouder. Cornelis married, 25 years old, on 20-04-1871 in Nibbixwoud [akte 3] with Maartje Hokkeling, 18 years old. Maartje is born on 20-04-1853 in Zwaagdijk. Maartje is deceased on 11-11-1931 in Wognum, 78 years old. Registration on 12-11-1931 [akte 20]. She was buried on 14-11-1931 in Zwaagdijk. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Hokkeling (ca 1804-1872) en Marijtje Breeuwer (1809-1866).
Child of Cornelis and Maartje:

1 Marijtje Boots, born on 25-10-1873 in Zwaagdijk. Follow XII-bw.

XI-ak Neeltje Boots is born on 12-07-1848 in Berkhout, daughter of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Neeltje is deceased on 05-03-1940 in Obdam, 91 years old. Registration on 06-03-1940 [akte 3]. She was buried on 08-03-1940 in Obdam. Occupation: landvrouw. Neeltje:
(1) married, 19 years old, on 24-04-1868 in Berkhout [akte 10] with Teunis Spil, 20 years old. Teunis is born on 26-11-1847 in Obdam. Teunis is deceased on 11-04-1881 in Obdam, 33 years old. Registration on 11-04-1881 [akte 9]. Occupation: landman. Note re Teunis: zoon van Cornelis Spil (ca 1809) en Trijntje Duin (1811), veehoudster.
(2) married, 33 years old, on 23-06-1882 in Obdam [akte 12] with Jan Vriend, 26 years old. Jan is born on 23-02-1856 in Wervershoof. Jan is deceased on 10-04-1924 in Opmeer, 68 years old. Registration on 11-04-1924 [akte 9]. He was buried on 14-04-1924 in Obdam. Occupation: landman, broodbakker. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelis Vriend (1823-1872) en Geertje Schouten (ca 1835).
Children of Neeltje and Teunis:

1 Trijntje Spil, born about 1869 in Obdam. Follow XII-bx.
2 Dirk Spil, born in 05-1870 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 29-09-1870 in Obdam, 4 months old. Registration on 30-09-1870 [akte 31].
3 Aagje Spil, born about 1872 in Obdam. Follow XII-by.
4 Lijntje Spil, born about 1873 in Obdam. Follow XII-bz.
5 Neeltje Spil, born on 04-05-1874 in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 18-05-1874 in Obdam, 14 days old. Registration on 18-05-1874 [akte 10].
6 Theodorus (Dirk) Spil, born about 1876 in Obdam. Follow XII-ca.
7 Cornelis Spil, born about 1879 in Obdam. Follow XII-cb.
8 Antonius Spil, born about 1882 in Obdam. Follow XII-cc.

Children of Neeltje and Jan:

1 Cornelis Vriend, born in 01-1884 in Obdam. Cornelis is deceased on 26-05-1884 in Obdam, 4 months old. Registration on 26-05-1884 [akte 11].
2 Geertruida Vriend, born about 1886 in Obdam. Geertruida is deceased on 22-01-1891 in Hensbroek, about 5 years old. Registration on 22-01-1891 [akte 1].
3 Johanna Vriend, born about 1887 in Obdam. Follow XII-cd.
4 Cornelis Vriend, born in 06-1889 in Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 20-05-1890 in Hensbroek, 11 months old. Registration on 21-05-1890 [akte 9].
5 Geertruida Vriend, born about 1896 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-ce.

XI-al Jan Boots is born on 14-12-1850 in Berkhout, son of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Jan married, 24 years old, on 22-04-1875 in Blokker [akte 4] with Aagje Schouten, 25 years old. Aagje is born on 09-12-1849 in Blokker. Aagje is deceased on 21-10-1882 in Ursem, 32 years old. Registration on 22-10-1882 [akte 22]. She was buried on 25-10-1882 in Ursem. Note re Aagje: dochter van Arien Schouten (1824-1892), landman, en Aaltje Langedijk (1824-1849).
Children of Jan and Aagje:

1 Aaltje Boots, born about 1877 in Ursem. Follow XII-cf.
2 Aagje Boots, born about 1878 in Ursem. Aagje is deceased on 28-04-1898 in Wognum, about 20 years old. Registration on 29-04-1898 [akte 11].
3 Naatje Boots, born on 10-04-1879 in Ursem. Follow XII-cg.

XI-am Dirk Boots is born on 06-04-1851 in Berkhout, son of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Dirk is deceased on 15-03-1916 in Berkhout, 64 years old. Registration on 16-03-1916 [akte 8]. Occupation: landman. Dirk:
(1) married, 23 years old, on 25-06-1874 in Obdam [akte 12] with Elisabeth Klaver, 23 years old. Elisabeth is born on 07-09-1850 in Obdam. Elisabeth is deceased on 21-02-1875 in Obdam, 24 years old. Registration on 22-02-1875 [akte 7]. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Hillebrand Willemsz Klaver (1805-1872) en Agatha (Aagje) Punt (1814-1899), landvrouw.
(2) married, 25 years old, on 03-05-1876 in Obdam [akte 2] with Maartje van der Laan, about 20 years old. Maartje is born about 1856 in Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 21-03-1939 in Berkhout, about 83 years old. Registration on 23-03-1939 [akte 9]. She was buried on 25-03-1939 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Maartje: dochter van Jan van der Laan (ca 1815) en Trijntje Zuurbier (ca 1826), veehoudster.
Children of Dirk and Maartje:

1 Dirk Boots, born on 05-05-1877 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 12-03-1950 in Berkhout, 72 years old. Registration on 13-03-1950 [akte 10].
2 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 06-01-1879 in Obdam. Follow XII-ch.
3 Elisabeth Boots, born on 05-12-1885 in Berkhout. Elisabeth is deceased on 15-02-1886 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 15-02-1886 [akte 8].
4 Elisabeth Boots, born on 20-02-1887 in Berkhout. Elisabeth is deceased on 18-05-1955 in Berkhout, 68 years old.
5 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 16-04-1888 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ci.

XI-an Margaretha (Grietje) Boots is born on 30-04-1853 in Berkhout, daughter of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Margaretha is deceased on 06-04-1892 in Abbekerk, 38 years old. Registration on 09-04-1892 [akte 5]. Grietje married, 20 years old, on 16-04-1874 in Abbekerk [akte 2] with Jan Paauw, 20 years old. Jan is born on 15-09-1853 in Abbekerk. Jan is deceased on 04-01-1904 in Abbekerk, 50 years old. Note re Jan: zoon van Pieter Paauw, landman, en Aafje Reuzenaar, landvrouw; getrouwd op 09-04-1896 in Hoogkarspel met Neeltje Molenaar (1854).
Children of Grietje and Jan:

1 Theodorus Paauw, born about 1876 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-cj.
2 Aafje Paauw, born about 1878 in Abbekerk. Aafje is deceased on 26-09-1892 in Abbekerk, about 14 years old. Registration on 28-09-1892 [akte 13].
3 Aagje Paauw, born about 1880 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-ck.
4 Jan Paauw, born about 1880 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-cl.
5 Trijntje Paauw, born about 1885 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-cm.
6 Cornelis Paauw, born about 1887 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-cn.
7 Johannes Paauw, born about 1889 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-co.

XI-ao Catharina (Trijntje) Boots is born on 31-05-1854 in Berkhout, daughter of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Catharina is deceased on 16-02-1937 in Spanbroek, 82 years old. Registration on 17-02-1937 [akte 3]. Trijntje married, 21 years old, on 27-04-1876 in Spanbroek [akte 8] with Pieter Koning, about 21 years old. Pieter is born about 1855 in Spanbroek. Pieter is deceased on 30-09-1939 in Spanbroek, about 84 years old. Registration on 02-10-1939 [akte 15]. He was buried on 04-10-1939 in Spanbroek. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Dirk Koning, landman, en Dieuwertje Ligthart, landvrouw.

XI-ap Geertje Boots is born on 20-07-1856 in Berkhout, daughter of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Geertje is deceased on 16-02-1925 in Venhuizen, 68 years old. Registration on 16-02-1925 [akte 6]. Geertje married, 27 years old, on 24-04-1884 in Berkhout [akte 11] with Gerbrand Vis, 28 years old. Gerbrand is born on 07-07-1855 in Wognum. Gerbrand is deceased on 20-01-1930 in Spanbroek, 74 years old. Registration on 21-01-1930 [akte 1]. Occupation: landman, caféhouder. Note re Gerbrand: zoon van Pieter Vis, landman, en Johanna Adriana Wilhelmina (Antje) Faber.
Children of Geertje and Gerbrand:

1 Theodorus Vis, born about 1889 in Berkhout. Follow XII-cp.
2 Petrus Vis, born in 11-1892 in Blokker. Petrus is deceased on 04-10-1893 in Venhuizen, 11 months old. Registration on 06-10-1893 [akte 25].

XI-aq Aaltje Boots is born on 12-01-1863 in Berkhout, daughter of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Aaltje is deceased on 27-10-1894 in Hoogwoud, 31 years old. Registration on 29-10-1894 [akte 43]. Aaltje married, 28 years old, on 29-01-1891 in Hoogwoud [akte 4] with Cornelis Pannekeet, 25 years old. Cornelis is born on 04-01-1866 in Hoogwoud. Cornelis is deceased on 29-04-1941 in Schagen, 75 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Pieter Cornelisz Pannekeet (12-07-1829 Hoogwoud - 1914), landman, getrouwd op 12-05-1853 in Hensbroek met Hilletje Appelman (17-09-1827 Obdam - 17-11-1879 Hoogwoud); getrouwd (2) op 14-11-1895 in Hoogwoud met Afra (Aafje) Groothuizen (04-04-1867 Hensbroek - 04-05-1935 Hoogwoud).
Children of Aaltje and Cornelis:

1 Dirk Pannekeet, born about 1893 in Hoogwoud. Dirk is deceased on 05-02-1919 in Hoogwoud, about 26 years old. Registration on 06-03-1919 [akte 5]. Note re the death of Dirk: datums juist? meer dan een maand verschil.
2 Hiltje Pannekeet, born in 02-1894 in Hoogwoud. Hiltje is deceased on 07-06-1894 in Hoogwoud, 4 months old. Registration on 08-06-1894 [akte 29].

XI-ar Tamis Boots is born on 18-07-1864 in Berkhout, son of Dirk Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Quant. Tamis is deceased on 31-03-1953 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 88 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Tamis married, 21 years old, on 29-04-1886 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Jantje Ruiter, 22 years old. Jantje is born on 23-12-1863 in Nibbixwoud. Jantje is deceased on 02-03-1934 in Wognum, 70 years old. Registration on 03-03-1934 [akte 5]. Note re Jantje: dochter van Frans Ruiter (ca 1830) en Antje Leek (1833).
Children of Tamis and Jantje:

1 Dirk Boots, born in 05-1887 in Wognum. Dirk is deceased on 06-08-1887 in Wognum, 3 months old. Registration on 06-08-1887 [akte 23].
2 Dirk Boots, born about 1888 in Wognum. Dirk is deceased on 06-12-1974 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), about 86 years old.
3 Antje Boots, born on 18-08-1890 in Wognum. Follow XII-cq.
4 Frans Boots, born in 05-1892 in Wognum. Frans is deceased on 26-09-1892 in Wognum, 4 months old. Registration on 26-09-1892 [akte 28].
5 Frans Boots, born about 1894 in Wognum. Follow XII-cr.
6 Aagje Boots, born in 05-1895 in Wognum. Aagje is deceased on 20-08-1895 in Wognum, 3 months old. Registration on 21-08-1895 [akte 28].
7 Agatha (Aagje) Boots, born on 09-09-1896 in Wognum. Follow XII-cs.
8 Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots, born on 17-03-1899 in Kogge (Wognum). Follow XII-ct.
9 Grietje Boots, born in 04-1900 in Wognum. Grietje is deceased on 28-05-1900 in Wognum, 1 month old. Registration on 28-05-1900 [akte 24].

XI-as Grietje Ruiter is born about 1846 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Grietje married, about 21 years old, on 02-05-1867 in Opmeer [akte 3] with Jan Droog, about 23 years old. Jan is born about 1844 in Opmeer. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Pieter Droog en Antje Kwant.

XI-at Tamis Ruiter is born about 1848 in Obdam, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: landman. Tamis married, about 24 years old, on 11-04-1872 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Antje Blank, about 18 years old. Antje is born about 1854 in Wognum. Note re Antje: dochter van Arien Blank, landman, en Aaltje van Diepen.

XI-au Geertje Ruiter is born about 1849 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Geertje married, about 19 years old, on 24-04-1868 in Berkhout [akte 11] with Arien Koppes, about 23 years old. Arien is born about 1845 in Berkhout. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Arien: zoon van Arien Koppes en Marijtje Slot.

XI-av Cornelis Ruiter is born about 1850 in Obdam, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Cornelis is deceased in 1890, about 40 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis married, about 25 years old, on 22-04-1875 in Wervershoof [akte 11] with Neeltje Vlaar, about 20 years old. Neeltje is born about 1855 in Hoogkarspel, daughter of Jan Vlaar and Geertje Koenis.

XI-aw Trijntje Ruiter is born about 1852 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Trijntje is deceased in 1894, about 42 years old. Trijntje married, about 20 years old, on 11-04-1872 in Hoogkarspel [akte 8] with Simon Neefjes, about 28 years old. Simon is born about 1844 in Nibbixwoud. Occupation: landman. Note re Simon: weduwnaar van Meinemptje Deken, zoon van Pieter Neefjes en Elisabeth Laan.

XI-ax Pieter Ruiter is born about 1856 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Pieter is deceased on 20-05-1917 in Spanbroek, about 61 years old. Registration on 21-05-1917 [akte 13]. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, about 22 years old, on 19-09-1878 in Sijbekarspel [akte 8] with Ariaantje Vlaar, about 20 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Jan Droog, toeziend voogd Klaas Ruiter; voogd van de bruid Cornelis Vlaar, toeziend voogd Teunis Schipper. Ariaantje is born about 1858 in Hoogkarspel, daughter of Jan Vlaar and Geertje Koenis.

XI-ay Jan Ruiter is born about 1859 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Jan is deceased on 10-11-1910 in Berkhout, about 51 years old. Registration on 11-11-1910 [akte 32]. Occupation: landman. Jan married, about 23 years old, on 05-01-1882 in Berkhout [akte 1] with Aafje Pronk, about 30 years old. Aafje is born about 1852 in Zwaag. Occupation: veehoudster. Note re Aafje: weduwe van Klaas Broers, dochter van Cornelis Pronk, landman, en Grietje Bakker.

XI-az Gerrit Ruiter is born about 1861 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Gerrit married, about 25 years old, on 03-05-1886 in Obdam [akte 4] with Guurtje Spil, about 20 years old. Guurtje is born about 1866 in Obdam. Note re Guurtje: dochter van Cornelis Spil, landman, en Grietje Koppes.

XI-ba Dirk Ruiter is born about 1864 in Wognum, son of Cornelis Ruiter and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Dirk is deceased on 10-09-1939 in Berkhout, about 75 years old. Registration on 12-09-1939 [akte 37]. Occupation: landbouwer. Dirk married, about 22 years old, on 01-03-1886 in Obdam [akte 1] with Antje Karsten, about 23 years old. Antje is born about 1863 in Westwoud. Note re Antje: dochter van Simon Karsten en Meinoutje Vriend.

XI-bb Hillegonda Boots is born on 13-09-1857 in Hensbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Antje Strooper. Hillegonda is deceased on 25-02-1910 in Heerhugowaard, 52 years old. Registration on 25-02-1910 [akte 8]. Hillegonda married, 24 years old, on 16-07-1882 in Edam [akte 33] with Klaas Wortel, 42 years old. Klaas is born on 04-03-1840 in Medemblik. Klaas is deceased on 09-01-1918 in Heerhugowaard, 77 years old. Registration on 10-01-1918 [akte 3]. He was buried on 12-01-1918 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Louwris Wortel en Pietertje Duin; getrouwd (1) op 10-02-1867 in Buiksloot met Jannetje Kok (1841-1882).
Children of Hillegonda and Klaas:

1 Anna Maria Wortel, born about 1883 in Edam. Follow XII-cu.
2 Pieter Wortel, born about 1886 in Edam. Pieter is deceased on 19-02-1912 in Heerhugowaard, about 26 years old. Registration on 19-02-1912 [akte 4].
3 Dirk Wortel, born about 1887 in Edam. Follow XII-cv.
4 Simon Wortel, born about 1889 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-cw.
5 Jan Wortel, born about 1891 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-cx.
6 Nicolaas Wortel, born in 1893.
7 Petronella Wortel, born in 1895.
8 Geertje Wortel, born about 1897 in Opmeer. Follow XII-cy.

XI-bc Johannes Boots is born on 06-12-1859 in Heerhugowaard, son of Dirk Boots and Antje Strooper. Occupation: landbouwer. Johannes married, 25 years old, on 19-01-1885 in Heerhugowaard [akte 2] with Maartje Schouten, 24 years old. Maartje is born on 22-07-1860 in Nieuwe Niedorp. Maartje is deceased on 29-09-1928 in Heerhugowaard, 68 years old. Registration on 29-09-1928 [akte 46]. Note re Maartje: dochter van Jacob Schouten en Grietje Kieft.

XI-bd Geertje Boots is born on 02-08-1865 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Dirk Boots and Antje Strooper. Geertje is deceased on 14-05-1907 in Heerhugowaard, 41 years old. Registration on 14-05-1907 [akte 24]. Geertje married, 20 years old, on 05-05-1886 in Obdam [akte 5] with Arie Commandeur, about 24 years old. Arie is born about 1862 in Obdam. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Note re Arie: zoon van Jacob Commandeur, landbouwer, en Trijntje Nieuwboer.
Children of Geertje and Arie:

1 Jacob Commandeur, born about 1889 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-cz.
2 Dirk Commandeur, born about 1894 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-da.

XI-be Elbert Boots is born on 18-04-1858 in Hensbroek, son of Cornelis Boots and Maartje Dekker. Elbert is deceased on 14-04-1932 in Opmeer, 73 years old. Registration on 15-04-1932 [akte 4]. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Elbert: ook Albert. Elbert married, 21 years old, on 24-04-1879 in Spanbroek [akte 11] with Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen, 19 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Jan Boots. Catharina is born on 22-05-1859 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jan van Diepen and Lijsbeth Boots. Catharina is deceased on 27-09-1929 in Opmeer, 70 years old. Registration on 30-09-1929 [akte 4].
Children of Elbert and Trijntje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 02-05-1880 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bq.
2 Johannes Boots, born on 11-07-1881 in Opmeer. Follow XII-br.
3 Maria Boots, born about 1883 in Opmeer. Maria is deceased on 13-06-1884 in Opmeer, about 1 year old. Registration on 14-06-1884 [akte 4].
4 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 19-05-1884 in Opmeer. Registration on 19-05-1884 [akte 3].
5 Petrus Boots, born on 29-05-1885 in Opmeer. Petrus is deceased on 29-07-1895 in Opmeer, 10 years old. Registration on 30-07-1895 [akte 6].
6 Maria Boots, born about 1890 in Opmeer. Maria is deceased on 16-03-1891 in Opmeer, about 1 year old. Registration on 16-03-1891 [akte 2].
7 Elisabeth Boots, born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bs.
8 Adrianus Boots, born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bt.
9 Jacob Boots, born about 1895 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bu.
10 Petrus Boots, born on 24-11-1896 in Opmeer. Follow XII-bv.

XI-bf Elbert Ruijter is born about 1862 in Ursem, son of Tamis Ruijter and Sijtje Boots. Occupation: melkverkoper. Elbert married, about 28 years old, on 16-02-1890 in Alkmaar [akte 14] with Catharina Klaver, about 18 years old. Catharina is born about 1872 in Obdam. Note re Catharina: dochter van Willem Klaver en Geertje Schilder.

XI-bg Cornelia Boots is born on 14-04-1871 in Obdam, daughter of Jacob Boots and Johanna (Jansje) Ros. Cornelia married, 19 years old, on 09-04-1891 in Heerhugowaard [akte 8] with Arien Rood, about 21 years old. Arien is born about 1870 in Sijbekarspel. Occupation: fabrieksarbeider. Note re Arien: zoon van Jan Rood en Antje Wijnker.
Children of Cornelia and Arien:

1 Johanna Rood, born about 1895 in Venhuizen. Follow XII-db.
2 Anna Rood, born about 1896 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-dc.

XI-bh Elisabeth Boots is born on 02-09-1872 in Obdam, daughter of Jacob Boots and Johanna (Jansje) Ros. Elisabeth married, 22 years old, on 25-04-1895 in Berkhout [akte 9] with Jan Bakker, about 22 years old. Jan is born about 1873 in Berkhout, son of Weijert Bakker and Neeltje Duin. Occupation: landman.
Child of Elisabeth and Jan:

1 Petrus Bakker, born about 1902. Petrus is deceased on 07-03-1943 in Woerden, about 41 years old. Registration on 08-03-1943 [akte 21].

XI-bi Anthonius Boots is born about 1868, son of Jan Boots and Catharina (Kaatje) Tool. Anthonius is deceased on 07-06-1920 in Den Haag, about 52 years old. Registration [akte 61 dd 10-06-1920 Voorburg]. Anthonius married with Maria Johanna Islip.

XI-bj Catharina Boots is born about 1870 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Jan Boots and Catharina (Kaatje) Tool. Catharina is deceased before 1933, at the most 63 years old. Catharina married, about 31 years old, on 31-05-1901 in Hoorn [akte 32] with Johann Abel Schnieder, about 36 years old. Johann Abel is born about 1865 in Kampen. Johann Abel is deceased on 27-06-1933 in Kampen, about 68 years old. Registration on 28-06-1933 [akte 103]. Occupation: muziekonderwijzer. Note re Johann Abel: weduwnaar van Johanna Maria Blote, zoon van Johann Wessel Schnieder, manufacturier, en Geertje Broese.

XI-bk Jan Boots is born about 1874 in Wognum, son of Jan Boots and Catharina (Kaatje) Tool. Jan is deceased on 03-06-1936 in Amsterdam, about 62 years old. Registration [akte 171 dd 05-06-1936 Zaandam]. Occupation: kelner. Jan married, about 25 years old, on 07-02-1899 in Zaandam [akte 21] with Immetje Leuring, about 22 years old. Immetje is born about 1877 in Zaandam. Immetje is deceased on 06-12-1934 in Zaandam, about 57 years old. Registration on 10-12-1934 [akte 339]. Note re Immetje: dochter van Willem Leuring en Jacoba Hijmen.
Child of Jan and Immetje:

1 Johannes Jacobus Boots, born about 1899 in Zaandam. Follow XII-dd.

XI-bl Elisabeth Boots is born about 1879 in Wognum, daughter of Jan Boots and Catharina (Kaatje) Tool. Elisabeth married, about 41 years old, on 02-09-1920 in Hoorn [akte 70] with Cornelis Petrus van der Zel, about 42 years old. Cornelis Petrus is born about 1878 in Hoorn. Occupation: caféhouder. Note re Cornelis Petrus: weduwnaar van Elisabeth Margaretha Ruitenburg, zoon van Cornelis van der Zel en Anna van Berkum.

XI-bm Trijntje Boots is born on 20-07-1875 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Trijntje Groot. Trijntje married, 26 years old, on 08-07-1902 in Obdam [akte 9] with Jacobus Hendricus Rikken, about 35 years old. Jacobus Hendricus is born about 1867 in Amsterdam. Occupation: loop- en pakknecht. Note re Jacobus Hendricus: zoon van Jacobus Rikken en Maria Elizabeth Adriana Vonder.
Child of Trijntje and Jacobus Hendricus:

1 Antonius Cornelis Rikken (private). Antonius Cornelis married with Maria Hendrika Antonia Bakker (private).

XI-bn Alida (Aaltje) Boots is born on 27-05-1880 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Trijntje Groot. Alida is deceased on 18-09-1958 in Hoorn, 78 years old. Aaltje married, 26 years old, on 04-09-1906 in Obdam [akte 10] with Johannes Schouten, about 23 years old. Johannes is born about 1883 in Sassenheim. Johannes is deceased on 16-10-1958 in Hoorn, about 75 years old. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Johannes: zoon van Martinus Schouten, schoenmaker, en Johanna van Eeuwijk.

XI-bo Cornelia Boots is born on 03-08-1865 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Cornelia is deceased on 25-11-1908 in Spanbroek, 43 years old. Registration on 26-11-1908 [akte 29]. She was buried on 28-11-1908 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Cornelia married, 20 years old, on 29-04-1886 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Arien Bakker, 21 years old. Arien is born on 12-10-1864 in Berkhout, son of Weijert Bakker and Neeltje Duin. Arien is deceased on 13-05-1939 in Berkhout, 74 years old. Occupation: broodbakker (1886), landbouwer. Note re Arien: getrouwd (2) op 11-11-1914 in Spanbroek met Maria Adriana Venneker (ca 1888).
Children of Cornelia and Arien:

1 Cornelia Bakker, born about 1887 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 16-05-1907 in Spanbroek, about 20 years old. Registration on 17-05-1907 [akte 14].
2 Aafje Bakker, born about 1888 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-df.
3 Cornelisje Bakker, born about 1890 in Spanbroek. Cornelisje is deceased on 12-05-1892 in Spanbroek, about 2 years old. Registration on 12-05-1892 [akte 24].
4 Jacob Bakker, born about 1890 in Spanbroek. Jacob is deceased on 08-02-1908 in Spanbroek, about 18 years old. Registration on 10-02-1908 [akte 7].
5 Weijert Bakker, born about 1892 in Spanbroek. Weijert is deceased on 17-08-1914 in Spanbroek, about 22 years old. Registration on 19-08-1914 [akte 15].
6 Nicolaas Bakker, born about 1894 in Spanbroek. Nicolaas is deceased on 13-08-1908 in Spanbroek, about 14 years old. Registration on 14-08-1908 [akte 22].
7 Antonius Bakker, born about 1898 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-dg.
8 Cornelia Afra Bakker, born about 1899 in Spanbroek. Cornelia Afra is deceased on 07-08-1913 in Spanbroek, about 14 years old. Registration on 08-08-1913 [akte 21].
9 Arien Bakker, born about 1904 in Spanbroek. Arien is deceased on 23-06-1906 in Spanbroek, about 2 years old. Registration on 23-06-1906 [akte 20].
10 Anna Bakker, born about 1906 in Spanbroek. Anna is deceased on 02-04-1907 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 03-04-1907 [akte 12].

XI-bp Anna (Antje) Boots is born on 31-10-1866 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Anna is deceased on 24-12-1949 in Opmeer, 83 years old. Registration on 27-12-1949 [akte 7]. Antje married, 23 years old, on 24-04-1890 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Johannes (Jan) Ligthart, 24 years old. Johannes is born on 29-05-1865 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 08-04-1942 in Nibbixwoud, 76 years old. Registration on 08-04-1942 [akte 6]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelis Ligthart, landman, en Rijkje Bot.
Children of Antje and Jan:

1 Cornelis Ligthart, born about 1892 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-dh.
2 Aafje Ligthart, born about 1893 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-di.
3 Jacob Ligthart, born about 1894 in Nibbixwoud. Jacob is deceased on 19-12-1895 in Nibbixwoud, about 1 year old. Registration on 20-12-1895 [akte 28].
4 Regina Ligthart, born about 1898 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-dj.
5 Alida Ligthart, born in 09-1899 in Nibbixwoud. Alida is deceased on 25-04-1900 in Nibbixwoud, 7 months old. Registration on 26-04-1900 [akte 6].
6 Jacob Jozef Ligthart, born about 1902 in Nibbixwoud. Jacob Jozef is deceased on 07-06-1903 in Nibbixwoud, about 1 year old. Registration on 09-06-1903 [akte 12].

XI-bq Dirk Boots is born on 28-12-1867 in Spanbroek, son of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Dirk is deceased on 16-04-1921 in Hauwert (Nibbixwoud), 53 years old. Registration on 18-04-1921 [akte 7]. He was buried on 20-04-1921 in Nibbixwoud. Occupation: veehouder, landbouwer. Dirk married, 26 years old, on 18-04-1894 in Nibbixwoud [akte 3] with Antje Knol, 27 years old. Antje is born on 30-12-1866 in Hauwert (Nibbixwoud). Antje is deceased on 30-11-1937 in Hauwert (Nibbixwoud), 70 years old. Registration on 30-11-1937 [akte 14]. Note re Antje: dochter van Pieter Knol, landman, en Jantje Wiering.
Children of Dirk and Antje:

1 Johanna (Jantje) Boots, born on 11-05-1896 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-dk.
2 Aafje Boots, born on 03-03-1898 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-dl.
3 Jacobus (Jaap) Boots, born on 29-08-1900 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-dm.
4 Anne Boots, born on 05-05-1903. Follow XII-dn.
5 Marie Boots (private).
6 Pieter (Piet) Boots, born on 16-04-1905 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-do.

XI-br Afra (Aafje) Boots is born on 14-10-1869 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Afra is deceased on 04-04-1895 in Grootebroek, 25 years old. Aafje married, 24 years old, on 19-04-1894 in Grootebroek [akte 7] with Jacob de Boer, 26 years old. Jacob is born on 17-02-1868 in Grootebroek. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob de Boer en Marijtje Roosje; getrouwd (2) op 23-01-1896 in Grootebroek met Bregje Reus (ca 1866).

XI-bs Maria (Maartje) Boots is born on 04-05-1877 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Maria is deceased on 10-01-1961 in Purmerend, 83 years old. Maartje married, 23 years old, on 10-01-1901 in Spanbroek [akte 1] with Andreas Johannes Koopman, 35 years old. Andreas Johannes is born on 09-10-1865 in Beemster. Andreas Johannes is deceased on 11-01-1958 in Purmerend, 92 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Andreas Johannes: zoon van Cornelis Theodorus Koopman, landman, en Margaretha Sentenie.

XI-bt Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 27-03-1882 in Spanbroek, son of Jacob Boots and Aafje Berkhout. Johannes is deceased on 11-03-1936 in Zijpe, 53 years old. Registration on 12-03-1936 [akte 16]. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married, 22 years old, on 01-06-1904 in Beemster [akte 34] with Catharina Ligthart, 34 years old. Catharina is born on 16-08-1869 in Wognum, daughter of Jan Ligthart and Grietje Beerse. Catharina is deceased on 07-10-1951, 82 years old.
Children of Jan and Catharina:

1 Margaretha Afra Boots, born on 07-06-1905. Follow XII-dp.
2 Theodorus Antonius Boots, born in 02-1910 in Opmeer. Theodorus Antonius is deceased on 20-10-1910 in Opmeer, 8 months old. Registration on 20-10-1910 [akte 8].

XI-bu Agatha Zuurbier is born about 1867 in Oterleek, daughter of Mattheus (Matthijs) Zuurbier and Maartje Boots. Agatha is deceased on 07-02-1922 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), about 55 years old. Registration on 08-02-1922 [akte 5]. Agatha married, about 19 years old, on 01-05-1886 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 5] with Jan Buren, about 20 years old. Jan is born about 1866 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Wouter Buren, landman, en Adriana Bommer.

XI-bv Antje Zuurbier is born about 1870 in Oterleek, daughter of Mattheus (Matthijs) Zuurbier and Maartje Boots. Antje is deceased before 1932, at the most 62 years old. Antje married, about 21 years old, on 21-04-1891 in Oterleek [akte 3] with Theodorus Eeken, about 23 years old. Theodorus is born about 1868 in Hoorn. Note re Theodorus: zoon van Willem Eeken en Trijntje de Jong.

XI-bw Johanna (Jansje) Boots is born on 06-10-1869 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Johanna is deceased on 19-05-1957 in Hoogwoud, 87 years old. She was buried on 22-05-1957 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Jansje married, 23 years old, on 20-04-1893 in Obdam [akte 2] with Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen, 24 years old. Petrus is born on 12-08-1868 in Obdam. Spierdijk (Berkhout)?. Petrus is deceased on 24-01-1938 in Abbekerk, 69 years old. Registration on 25-01-1938 [akte 1]. He was buried on 27-01-1938 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Note re the death of Pieter: Hoogwoud?. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter van Diepen (1835-1911), landman, en Aagje Leek (1836-1875).
Children of Jansje and Pieter:

1 Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen, born on 01-10-1894 in Obdam. Follow XII-dq.
2 Aagje van Diepen, born about 1901 in Obdam. Aagje is deceased on 21-03-1902 in Obdam, about 1 year old. Registration on 22-03-1902 [akte 1].
3 Alida van Diepen, born in 02-1902 in Obdam. Alida is deceased on 30-04-1902 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 02-05-1902 [akte 2].
4 Jacobus van Diepen, born in 05-1904 in Abbekerk. Jacobus is deceased on 15-02-1905 in Abbekerk, 9 months old. Registration on 15-02-1905 [akte 4].

XI-bx Antje Boots is born on 23-02-1871 in Obdam, daughter of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Antje is deceased on 15-01-1934 in Oude Niedorp, 62 years old. Antje married, 32 years old, on 28-04-1903 in Obdam [akte 7] with Wouter Slijkerman, 34 years old. Wouter is born on 18-02-1869 in Zijpe. Occupation: landman. Note re Wouter: zoon van Cornelis Slijkerman (ca 1837-1878) en Antje Nonne (Nanne?) (ca 1840-na 1902), veehoudster.
Child of Antje and Wouter:

1 Maartje Slijkerman, born about 1906 in Zijpe. Maartje is deceased on 24-09-1911 in Zijpe, about 5 years old. Registration on 25-09-1911 [akte 31].

XI-by Maartje Boots is born on 24-05-1872 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Maartje is deceased on 25-01-1960 in 't Zandt, 87 years old. Maartje married, 27 years old, on 25-04-1900 in Obdam [akte 6] with Adrianus (Arie) van Diepen, 29 years old. Adrianus is born on 30-11-1870 in Obdam. Adrianus is deceased on 05-02-1950 in 't Zand (Zijpe), 79 years old. Registration on 06-02-1950 [akte 5]. He was buried on 09-02-1950 in 't Zand (Zijpe). Occupation: bakker. Note re Arie: zoon van Cornelis (Kees) van Diepen (1833-1881) en Trijntje Schipper.

XI-bz Alida (Aaltje) Boots is born on 16-03-1874 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Alida is deceased on 30-03-1946 in Obdam, 72 years old. Registration on 01-04-1946 [akte 11]. Note re the death of Aaltje: als geboorteplaats vermeld Obdam. Aaltje married, 25 years old, on 20-04-1899 in Obdam [akte 4] with Nicolaas Wester, 23 years old. Nicolaas is born on 27-05-1875 in Obdam. Nicolaas is deceased on 17-03-1941 in Nibbixwoud, 65 years old. Registration on 17-03-1941 [akte 5]. He was buried on 20-03-1941 in Nibbixwoud. Occupation: landman. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Dirk Wester (1844-1913), landman, en Antje Noordstrand (1841-1881).

XI-ca Guurtje Boots is born on 21-04-1877 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Obdam?. Guurtje is deceased on 16-11-1917 in Nibbixwoud, 40 years old. Registration on 19-11-1917 [akte 23]. She was buried on 20-11-1917 in Nibbixwoud. Guurtje married, 24 years old, on 17-04-1902 in Obdam [akte 4] with Johannes Schouten, 25 years old. Johannes is born on 24-01-1877 in De Rijp (Beemster). Johannes is deceased on 16-04-1940 in Nibbixwoud, 63 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Johannes: ook Johan Heinrich? zoon van Krijn Schouten (1850-1879) en Jansje Bos (ca 1853), veehoudster; getrouwd (2) op 20-08-1919 in Nibbixwoud met Maartje de Vries (ca 1888-1943).
Child of Guurtje and Johannes:

1 Adrianus (Arie) Schouten, born on 14-10-1911 in Nibbixwoud. Follow XII-dr.

XI-cb Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots is born on 06-08-1881 in Obdam, son of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Nikolaas is deceased on 18-04-1969 in Alkmaar, 87 years old. Note re the death of Klaas: Anna Paulowna?. Occupation: landbouwer. Klaas married, 28 years old, on 22-04-1910 in Anna Paulowna [akte 13] with Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg, 27 years old. Eva Brigitta Maria is born on 24-07-1882 in Anna Paulowna. Eva Brigitta Maria is deceased on 29-06-1945 in Alkmaar, 62 years old. Note re Eva Brigitta Maria: dochter van Petrus Ruitenburg, landbouwer, en Catharina Schouwvlieger.
Children of Klaas and Eva Brigitta Maria:

1 Arie Boots, born on 26-04-1911 in Den Helder. Arie is deceased on 04-11-1911, 6 months old.
2 Arie Boots, born on 14-05-1912 in Den Helder. Arie is deceased on 21-11-1927 in Alkmaar, 15 years old.
3 Petrus Andries (Piet) Boots, born on 22-05-1913 in Den Helder. Follow XII-ds.
4 Maria Catharina (Rie) Boots, born on 26-08-1914 in Den Helder. Follow XII-dt.
5 Jacobus (Jaap) Boots, born on 03-05-1916 in Den Helder. Follow XII-du.
6 Catharina Boots, born on 13-10-1917 in Den Helder. Catharina is deceased on 21-11-1917, 1 month old.
7 Andries Boots, born on 14-03-1919 in Callantsoog. Follow XII-dv.
8 Catriena (Tiny) Boots, born on 03-04-1920 in Zijpe. Follow XII-dw.
9 Jan Boots, born on 06-06-1921 in Zijpe. Follow XII-dx.

XI-cc Jacobus (Jaap) Boots is born on 26-02-1884 in Obdam, son of Arien (Arie) Boots and Maartje Dekker. Jacobus is deceased on 31-10-1971 in Tuitjehorn (Harenkarspel), 87 years old. Occupation: landman. Jaap married, 28 years old, on 25-04-1912 in Den Helder [akte 61] with Maria Johanna Klaver, 27 years old. Maria Johanna is born on 20-06-1884 in Den Helder. Maria Johanna is deceased on 17-11-1963 in Schagerbrug (Zijpe), 79 years old. She was buried in 't Zand (Zijpe). Note re Maria Johanna: dochter van Cornelis Klaver, landman, en Alida Kraakman.
Children of Jaap and Maria Johanna:

1 Adrianus Cornelis (Arie) Boots (private). Arie married with Cornelia Adriana (Nel) Prinse (private).
2 Alida Maria Boots (private). Alida Maria married with Nicolaas Johannes Laan (private).
3 Alida Maria Boots, born on 21-12-1921 in Callantsoog. Alida Maria is deceased on 22-01-1922 in Callantsoog, 1 month old. Registration on 23-01-1922 [akte 3].

XI-cd Anna (Antje) Boots is born on 17-03-1876 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jan Boots and Cornelia Commandeur. Anna is deceased on 14-05-1958 in Schagen, 82 years old. She was buried on 19-05-1958 in Schagen. Antje married, 22 years old, on 25-04-1898 in Spanbroek [akte 5] with Cornelis de Groot, 23 years old. Cornelis is born on 14-04-1875 in Obdam. Cornelis is deceased on 08-10-1951 in Schagen, 76 years old. He was buried on 11-10-1951 in Schagen. Occupation: landman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Pieter de Groot (1835), landman, en Antje van Diepen (ca 1851).

XI-ce Cornelis Boots is born on 05-11-1883 in Spanbroek, son of Jan Boots and Cornelia Commandeur. Cornelis is deceased on 10-03-1950 in Hoorn, 66 years old. Registration [akte 2 dd 11-03-1950 Spanbroek]. He was buried on 13-03-1950 in Spanbroek. Occupation: landman. Cornelis married, 22 years old, on 19-04-1906 in Wognum [akte 3] with Anna (Antje) Groot, 20 years old. Anna is born on 08-09-1885 in Wognum. Note re Antje: dochter van Jan Groot, landman, en Antje Groot.
Children of Cornelis and Antje:

1 Anna Boots, born about 1908 in Spanbroek. Anna is deceased on 25-07-1934 in Leiden, about 26 years old. Registration [akte 14 dd 31-07-1934 Spanbroek].
2 Nicolaus Boots, born on 06-07-1909 in Spanbroek. Nicolaus is deceased on 25-02-1953 in Nijmegen, 43 years old.
3 Cornelis Boots, born about 1913 in Spanbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 11-09-1935 in Spanbroek, about 22 years old. Registration on 12-09-1935 [akte 16].
4 Nicolaas Boots, born about 1917 in Spanbroek. Nicolaas is deceased on 08-07-1920 in Spanbroek, about 3 years old. Registration on 09-07-1920 [akte 17].

XI-cf Jacob van Diepen is born about 1876 in Heerhugowaard, son of Jacob van Diepen and Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots. Jacob is deceased in 1935, about 59 years old. Occupation: timmerman. Jacob married, about 45 years old, on 03-02-1921 in Bergen [akte 3] with Maria Eva Admiraal, about 39 years old. Maria Eva is born about 1882 in Bergen. Note re Maria Eva: dochter van Jacob Admiraal en Cornelia Hoeben.

XI-cg Anna (Antje) van Diepen is born about 1878 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Jacob van Diepen and Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots. Anna is deceased in 1963, about 85 years old. Antje married, about 24 years old, on 10-04-1902 in Obdam [akte 2] with Adrianus Johannes Leijen, about 22 years old. Adrianus Johannes is born about 1880 in Bergen. Occupation: landman. Note re Adrianus Johannes: zoon van Johannes Leijen en Elisabeth Duin, veehoudster.

XI-ch Engelina van Diepen is born about 1879 in Obdam, daughter of Jacob van Diepen and Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots. Engelina is deceased on 28-10-1942 in Heerhugowaard, about 63 years old. Registration on 29-10-1942 [akte 37]. Engelina married, about 26 years old, on 02-02-1905 in Obdam [akte 2] with Jan Borst, about 27 years old. Jan is born about 1878 in Berkhout. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Borst, metselaar, en Trijntje Tromp.

XI-ci Maartje van Diepen is born about 1884 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob van Diepen and Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots. Maartje is deceased in 1953, about 69 years old. Maartje married, about 23 years old, on 23-05-1907 in Obdam [akte 8] with Simon Johannes Out, about 25 years old. Simon Johannes is born about 1882 in Bloemendaal. Occupation: landman. Note re Simon Johannes: zoon van Hermanus Out, timmerman, en Anna Maria de Klerk.

XI-cj Arijaantje (Jaantje) van Diepen is born about 1886 in Spanbroek, daughter of Jacob van Diepen and Cecilia (Sijtje) Boots. Arijaantje is deceased in 1948, about 62 years old. Jaantje married, about 26 years old, on 25-04-1912 in Bergen [akte 7] with Gerardus Wijnker, about 27 years old. Gerardus is born about 1885 in Obdam. Occupation: landman. Note re Gerardus: zoon van Jacobus Wijnker, landman, en Agatha Koomen.

XI-ck Antje Boots is born on 09-05-1877 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Trijntje Roemer. Antje is deceased on 06-07-1932 in Spanbroek, 55 years old. Registration on 07-07-1932 [akte 7]. She was buried on 09-07-1932 in Spanbroek. Antje married, 26 years old, on 13-08-1903 in Alkmaar [akte 86] with Johannes Simon Morsch, 30 years old. Johannes Simon is born on 05-03-1873 in Alkmaar. Occupation: koopman. Note re Johannes Simon: zoon van Johannes (Jan) Morsch (ca 1828), koopman, en Guurtje Terra (1832-<1887).

XI-cl Grietje Boots is born on 19-04-1888 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Trijntje Roemer. tweeling. Grietje married, 22 years old, on 27-09-1910 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 11] with Leonardus Adrianus Plas, 24 years old. Leonardus Adrianus is born on 17-12-1885 in Alkmaar. Occupation: banketbakker. Note re Leonardus Adrianus: zoon van Johannes Frederik Plas, goudsmid, en Helena Geertruida Fransen.
Children of Grietje and Leonardus Adrianus:

1 Johannes Frederik Plas (private).
2 Trijntje Plas (private).

XI-cm Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 24-06-1889 in Spanbroek, son of Cornelis Boots and Trijntje Roemer. Johannes is deceased on 26-06-1938 in Alkmaar, 49 years old. Occupation: magazijnwerker (1920). Jan married, 31 years old, on 19-08-1920 in Koedijk [akte 13] with Anna Catharina Buter, 23 years old. Anna Catharina is born on 13-10-1896 in Koedijk. Anna Catharina is deceased on 26-06-1938 in Alkmaar, 41 years old. Note re Anna Catharina: dochter van Hermanus Buter (1854) en Grietje Hak (1859).
Children of Jan and Anna Catharina:

1 Cornelis Boots.
2 Dina Johanna Boots.
3 Hermanus Cornelis Boots.
4 Jacob Boots.
5 Leonardus Adrianus Boots (private).
6 Margaretha Catharina Boots (private).
7 Catharina Margaretha Boots (private).
8 Cornelis Johannes Boots, born on 01-01-1924 in Alkmaar. Cornelis Johannes is deceased on 21-03-1945 in Kassel, Hessen, Duitsland, 21 years old. Note re the death of Cornelis Johannes: Begraafplaats Nederlands ereveld te Frankfurt am Main Straat Burgenlandweg Plaats Frankfurt-Oberrad Provincie Hessen Land Duitsland.
9 Johannes Cornelis Boots, born on 30-06-1927 in Alkmaar. Johannes Cornelis is deceased on 01-08-1936 in Alkmaar, 9 years old.

XI-cn Cornelis Ooijevaar is born on 17-06-1823 in Nibbixwoud, son of Johannes Cornelisz (Jan) Ooijevaar and Jannetje Elberts (Immetje) Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 01-10-1894 in Midwoud, 71 years old. Occupation: dienstknecht, landbouwer. Cornelis:
(1) married, 27 years old, on 01-05-1851 in Zwaag [akte 10] with Geertje van Kleef, 27 years old. Geertje is born on 12-07-1823 in Zaandam. Geertje is deceased on 04-07-1858 in Midwoud, 34 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Geertje: dochter van Theunis van Kleef en Trijntje Meijer.
(2) married, 37 years old, on 08-07-1860 in Midwoud [akte 4] with Geertje Grootjes, 23 years old. Geertje is born on 08-09-1836 in Hem (Venhuizen). Geertje is deceased on 15-06-1899 in Midwoud, 62 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Geertje: dochter van Cornelis Grootjes, arbeider, en Marijtje Jacobs Koster.

XI-co Trijntje Ooijevaar is born about 1827 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Johannes Cornelisz (Jan) Ooijevaar and Jannetje Elberts (Immetje) Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 21-11-1906 in Hoogwoud, about 79 years old. Registration on 21-11-1906 [akte 39]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Trijntje married, about 27 years old, on 17-02-1854 in Obdam [akte 3] with Jan Stam, about 25 years old. Jan is born about 1829. Occupation: dienstknecht. Note re Jan: zoon van Frans Stam en Neeltje Koning.

XI-cp Elbert Klaver is born about 1824 in Hoogwoud, son of Pieter Klaver and Antje Elberts Boots. Occupation: landman. Elbert married, about 24 years old, on 11-05-1848 in Hoogwoud [akte 9] with Bregje Pronk, 23 years old. Bregje is born on 06-11-1824 in Abbekerk. Note re Bregje: dochter van Gerrit Pronk, landman, en Aafje Schilder.

XI-cq Willem Klaver is born about 1826 in Hoogwoud, son of Pieter Klaver and Antje Elberts Boots. Willem is deceased on 22-12-1894 in Abbekerk, about 68 years old. Registration on 22-12-1894 [akte 15]. Occupation: landman. Willem married, about 23 years old, on 03-05-1849 in Hoogwoud [akte 13] with Kaatje Vlaar, about 23 years old. Kaatje is born about 1826 in Hoogkarspel. Note re Kaatje: dochter van Cornelis Vlaar en Ariaantje Stuit.

XI-cr Geertje Klaver is born about 1829 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Pieter Klaver and Antje Elberts Boots. Geertje is deceased on 13-02-1860, about 31 years old. Registration on 14-02-1860 [akte 10]. Geertje married, about 19 years old, on 11-05-1848 in Hoogwoud [akte 8] with Jan van Diepen, about 25 years old. Jan is born about 1823 in Obdam. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Dirk van Diepen, landman, en Aaltje Bijvoet.

XI-cs Catharina (Trijntje) Boots is born on 14-01-1828 in Lambertschaag, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Catharina is deceased on 29-02-1888 in Zwaag, 60 years old. Trijntje married, 22 years old, on 10-05-1850 in Blokker [akte 13] with Hendrikus Buisman, 25 years old. Hendrikus is born on 08-01-1825 in Grootebroek. Hendrikus is deceased on 25-04-1893 in Zwaag, 68 years old. Occupation: bouwman, landbouwer. Note re Hendrikus: zoon van Pieter Buisman, landbouwer, en Aafje Wiering.
Children of Trijntje and Hendrikus:

1 Aafje Buisman, born on 03-07-1851 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-ea.
2 Antje Buisman, born on 20-07-1852 in Zwaag. Antje is deceased on 24-01-1860 in Zwaag, 7 years old.
3 Joannes (Jan) Buisman, born on 10-09-1855 in Zwaag. Joannes is deceased on 24-07-1938 in Zwaag, 82 years old.
4 Maria (Maartje) Buisman, born on 29-01-1858 in Zwaag. Follow XII-eb.
5 Anna Buisman, born on 20-07-1860 in Zwaag. Follow XII-ec.
6 Petronella Buisman, born on 26-11-1862 in Zwaag. Follow XII-ed.
7 Margaretha Buisman, born on 02-01-1865 in Zwaag. Margaretha is deceased on 10-09-1950 in Hoorn, 85 years old.
8 Petrus Buisman, born on 11-08-1867 in Zwaag. Petrus is deceased on 25-12-1869 in Zwaag, 2 years old.
9 Catharina Buisman, born on 23-07-1871 in Zwaag. Catharina is deceased after 1940, at least 69 years old.

XI-ct Lijsbeth Boots is born on 16-03-1830 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Lijsbeth is deceased about 1883, about 53 years old. Note re Lijsbeth: ook Elisabeth. Lijsbeth married, 26 years old, on 01-05-1856 in Hoogwoud [akte 7] with Simon Beemster, about 21 years old. Simon is born about 1835 in Zwaag. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Simon: zoon van Simon Beemster (1809-1888, landman, en Lijsbet de Boer (1811-1876); getrouwd (2) op 24-04-1884 in Hoogwoud met Neeltje Glas (1834).
Children of Lijsbeth and Simon:

1 Anna (Antje) Beemster, born about 1866 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-ee.
2 Elisabeth Beemster, born about 1866 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-ef.
3 Grietje Beemster, born about 1868 in Hoogwoud. Grietje is deceased on 21-04-1870 in Hoogwoud, about 2 years old. Registration on 23-04-1870 [akte 20].

XI-cu Margaretha (Grietje) Boots is born on 07-09-1832 in Abbekerk, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. bij huwelijk als geboorteplaats vermeld Hoogwoud. Margaretha is deceased on 18-12-1864 in Hoogwouder-Weren, 32 years old. She was buried on 22-12-1864 in Hoogwouder-Weren. Grietje married, 22 years old, on 03-05-1855 in Hoogwoud [akte 16] with Carolus (Karel) Snel, about 20 years old. Carolus is born about 1835 in Medemblik. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Karel: zoon van Reinier Snel, apotheker, en Catharina Geertruida Frederika Wust.
Children of Grietje and Karel:

1 Reinier Snel, born about 1857 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-eg.
2 Antje Snel, born about 1858 in Hoogwoud. Antje is deceased on 01-02-1862 in Hoogwoud, about 4 years old. Registration on 01-02-1862 [akte 8].
3 Jan Snel, born about 1862 in Hoogwoud. Follow XII-eh.
4 Antje Snel, born about 15-12-1864 in Hoogwoud. Antje is deceased on 15-02-1865 in Hoogwoud, about 2 months old. Registration on 16-02-1865 [akte 8].

XI-cv Cornelia Boots is born on 19-07-1834 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Cornelia is deceased on 15-09-1891 in Abbekerkeweere (Opmeer), 57 years old. Registration on 16-09-1891 [akte 9]. She was buried on 19-09-1891 in De Weere (Opmeer). Note re the death of Cornelia: Abbekerk?. Cornelia married, 23 years old, on 12-11-1857 in Abbekerk [akte 8] with Cornelis Pronk, 32 years old. Cornelis is born on 27-10-1825 in Abbekerk. Cornelis is deceased on 20-02-1887 in Abbekerk, 61 years old. Registration on 21-02-1887 [akte 2]. Occupation: landman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Gerrit Pronk, landman, en Aafje Schilder; getrouwd (1) op 25-04-1850 in Zwaag met Grietje Bakker (1827-vóór 1857).
Children of Cornelia and Cornelis:

1 Gerrit Pronk, born about 1860 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-ei.
2 Jan Pronk, born about 15-01-1861 in Abbekerk. Jan is deceased on 11-03-1861 in Abbekerk, about 1 month old. Registration on 11-03-1861 [akte 6].
3 Antje Pronk, born about 1862 in Abbekerk. Antje is deceased on 27-05-1864 in Abbekerk, about 2 years old. Registration on 30-05-1864 [akte 19].
4 Jan Pronk, born about 16-05-1864 in Abbekerk. Jan is deceased on 25-06-1864 in Abbekerk, about 1 month old. Registration on 27-06-1864 [akte 20].
5 Anna (Antje) Pronk, born about 1865 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-ej.
6 Jan Pronk, born about 1866 in Abbekerk. tweeling?. Jan is deceased on 15-12-1867 in Abbekerk, about 1 year old. Registration on 19-12-1867 [akte 24].
7 Cornelis Pronk, born in 10-1866 in Abbekerk. tweeling?. Cornelis is deceased on 04-09-1867 in Abbekerk, 11 months old. Registration on 06-09-1867 [akte 18].
8 Grietje Pronk, born about 1868 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-ek.
9 Hiltje Pronk, born in 01-1870 in Abbekerk. Hiltje is deceased on 11-04-1870 in Abbekerk, 3 months old. Registration on 12-04-1870 [akte 14].
10 Jan Pronk, born about 1873 in Abbekerk. Jan is deceased on 06-01-1884 in Abbekerk, about 11 years old. Registration on 07-01-1884 [akte 1].
11 Jacob Pronk, born about 1876 in Abbekerk. Jacob is deceased on 22-11-1886 in Abbekerk, about 10 years old. Registration on 24-11-1886 [akte 13].
12 Bregje Pronk, born about 1876 in Abbekerk. Follow XII-el.

XI-cw Elbert Boots is born on 07-08-1836 in Hoogwoud, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Elbert is deceased on 03-07-1872 in Berkhout, 35 years old. Registration on 03-07-1872 [akte 32]. Occupation: landman. Elbert married, 21 years old, on 15-04-1858 in Wognum [akte 5] with Antje Ruiter, about 21 years old. Antje is born about 1837 in Berkhout. Note re Antje: dochter van Tamis Janse Ruiter (1772-1844) en Geertje Roelofs (1794); getrouwd (2) op 10-07-1873 in Berkhout met Dirk Komen (1836).
Children of Elbert and Antje:

1 Geertje Boots, born on 03-06-1859 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Geertje is deceased on 15-03-1860 in Berkhout, 9 months old. Registration on 15-03-1860 [akte 20].
2 Geertruida (Geertje) Boots, born on 24-03-1861 in Berkhout. Follow XII-em.
3 Antje Boots, born on 29-11-1863 in Berkhout. Follow XII-en.
4 Grietje Boots, born on 16-09-1865 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Grietje is deceased on 16-12-1865 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 16-12-1865 [akte 43].

XI-cx Antje Boots is born on 18-01-1839 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Antje is deceased on 08-02-1877 in Berkhout, 38 years old. Registration on 08-02-1877 [akte 10]. Antje married, 21 years old, on 03-05-1860 in Hoogwoud [akte 8] with Cornelis Appelman, 28 years old. Cornelis is born on 11-03-1832 in Obdam. Cornelis is deceased on 05-03-1913 in Berkhout, 80 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Pieter Appelman (11-11-1803 Wogmeer - 18-02-1843 Berkhout), landman, getrouwd op 01-02-1829 in Obdam met Grietje Wester (19-02-1809 Obdam - ?); getrouwd (2) op 21-11-1895 in Berkhout met Jacoba Kenter (08-11-1846 Wijde Wormer - 04-03-1930 Heerhugowaard), pastoorsmeid.
Children of Antje and Cornelis:

1 Willem Appelman, born on 02-04-1861 in Berkhout. Follow XII-eo.
2 Pieter Appelman, born on 27-09-1862 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ep.
3 Jan Appelman, born about 1865 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 12-06-1867 in Berkhout, about 2 years old. Registration on 13-06-1867 [akte 33].
4 Antje Appelman, born on 27-10-1865 in Berkhout. Follow XII-eq.
5 Jan Appelman, born on 16-09-1867 in Berkhout. Follow XII-er.
6 Cornelis Appelman, born on 05-04-1870 in Berkhout. Follow XII-es.
7 Elbert Appelman, born about 1872 in Berkhout. Elbert is deceased on 20-09-1945 in Heiloo, about 73 years old. Registration [akte 36 dd 12-10-1945 Berkhout].
8 Dirk Appelman, born about 1875 in Berkhout. Dirk is deceased on 14-11-1879 in Berkhout, about 4 years old. Registration on 14-11-1879 [akte 38].
9 Simon Appelman, born on 28-12-1876 in Berkhout. Follow XII-et.

XI-cy Gertrudis (Geertje) Boots is born on 04-09-1841 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Antje Koning. Gertrudis is deceased on 05-03-1881 in Hoogwouderweere (Hoogwoud), 39 years old. Registration on 07-03-1881 [akte 12]. She was buried on 10-03-1881 in De Weere (Opmeer). Geertje married, 24 years old, on 26-04-1866 in Hoogwoud [akte 8] with Jacob Steur, about 23 years old. Jacob is born about 1843 in Wognum, son of Jacob (Jaap) Steur and Neeltje van Diepen. Jacob is deceased on 02-05-1901 in Opmeer, about 58 years old. He was buried on 06-05-1901 in Hoogwoud. Occupation: landman. Note re Jacob: getrouwd (2) op 24-01-1884 in Hoogwoud met Elisabeth Maria de Bont (ca 1850).
Children of Geertje and Jacob:

1 Jacob Steur, born about 1868 in Hoogwoud. Jacob is deceased on 27-02-1948 in Obdam, about 80 years old. Registration on 27-02-1948 [akte 6].
2 Antje Steur, born about 15-11-1870 in Hoogwoud. Antje is deceased on 30-04-1871 in Hoogwoud, about 5 months old. Registration on 01-05-1871 [akte 20].
3 Jan Steur, born in 01-1873 in Hoogwoud. Jan is deceased on 05-06-1873 in Hoogwoud, 5 months old. Registration on 06-06-1873 [akte 29].
4 N.N. Steur, still born daughter on 22-01-1875 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 23-01-1875 [akte 2].
5 Jan Steur, born on 14-02-1876 in Hoogwoud. Jan is deceased on 08-03-1876 in Hoogwoud, 23 days old. Registration on 09-03-1876 [akte 8].
6 Antje Steur, born about 1878 in Hoogwoud. Antje is deceased on 05-01-1948 in Opmeer, about 70 years old. Registration on 05-01-1948 [akte 1].
7 N.N. Steur, still born daughter on 05-03-1881 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 05-03-1881 [akte 11].

XI-cz IJtje Boots is born on 27-04-1837 in Venhuizen, daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Vlaar. Note re IJtje: ook Etje. IJtje married, 30 years old, on 20-06-1867 in Zwaag with Pieter de Haan, 35 years old. Pieter is born on 28-09-1831 in Zwaag.
Children of IJtje and Pieter:

1 Antonius de Haan, born about 1875 in Hoorn. Follow XII-eu.
2 Bernardus de Haan, born about 1879 in Hoorn. Follow XII-ev.

XI-da Alida (Aaltje) Boots is born on 03-07-1841 in Hem (Venhuizen), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Vlaar. Alida is deceased on 14-09-1896 in Venhuizen, 55 years old. Registration on 14-09-1896 [akte 31]. She was buried on 18-09-1896 in Venhuizen. Aaltje married, 25 years old, on 19-05-1867 in Wijdenes [akte 6] with Nicolaus (Klaas) Koeman, 27 years old. Nicolaus is born on 19-05-1840 in Wervershoof. Nicolaus is deceased on 30-05-1912 in Amersfoort, 72 years old. Registration on 31-05-1912 [akte 181]. Occupation: bouwman, landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Pieter Koeman en Grietje Samuel.
Children of Aaltje and Klaas:

1 Grietje Koeman, born about 1878 in Venhuizen. Follow XII-ew.
2 Geertje Koeman, born about 1879 in Venhuizen. Follow XII-ex.

XI-db Maarten Boots is born about 1846 in Hem (Venhuizen), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Vlaar. Maarten is deceased on 23-03-1923 in Nibbixwoud, about 77 years old. Registration on 23-03-1923 [akte 5]. He was buried on 26-03-1923 in Westerblokker. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, veehouder. Maarten married, about 31 years old, on 26-04-1877 in Berkhout [akte 16] with Jantje Berkhout, about 24 years old. Jantje is born about 1853 in Berkhout. Note re Jantje: dochter van Pieter Berkhout en Ariaantje Bleeker, veehoudster.
Children of Maarten and Jantje:

1 Ariaantje Boots, born about 1878 in Blokker. Ariaantje is deceased on 30-04-1898 in Berkhout, about 20 years old. Registration on 30-04-1898 [akte 12].
2 Petrus Boots, born about 1879 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ey.
3 Jan Boots, born on 21-03-1881 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 09-04-1881 in Berkhout, 19 days old. Registration on 09-04-1881 [akte 18].
4 Laurentius Petrus Boots, born on 14-03-1882 in Berkhout. Follow XII-ez.
5 Neeltje Boots, born about 1883 in Berkhout. Neeltje is deceased on 15-12-1889 in Berkhout, about 6 years old. Registration on 16-12-1889 [akte 47].
6 Jan Boots, born in 06-1884 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased on 14-07-1884 in Berkhout, 1 month old. Registration on 15-07-1884 [akte 28].
7 Jan Boots, born about 1886 in Berkhout. Follow XII-fa.
8 Antje Boots, born about 1887 in Berkhout. Antje is deceased on 05-11-1890 in Berkhout, about 3 years old. Registration on 05-11-1890 [akte 47].
9 Catharina Boots, born in 01-1888 in Berkhout. Catharina is deceased on 19-05-1888 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 19-05-1888 [akte 14].
10 Arien Boots, born in 05-1889 in Berkhout. Arien is deceased on 20-07-1889 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 22-07-1889 [akte 23].
11 Neeltje Boots, born on 04-08-1890 in Berkhout. Follow XII-fb.
12 Catharina Boots, born in 05-1892 in Berkhout. Catharina is deceased on 17-08-1892 in Berkhout, 3 months old.
13 Martinus Boots, born about 1894 in Berkhout. Follow XII-fc.
14 Elbertus Boots, born about 1895 in Berkhout. Elbertus is deceased on 28-07-1898 in Berkhout, about 3 years old. Registration on 28-07-1898 [akte 26].

XI-dc Grietje Boots is born about 1850 in Hem (Venhuizen), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Vlaar. Grietje is deceased on 04-08-1918 in Westwoud, about 68 years old. She was buried on 07-08-1918 in Westwoud. Grietje married, about 38 years old, on 22-11-1888 in Westwoud [akte 10] with Hendrikus Hoogendijk, about 49 years old. Hendrikus is born about 1839 in Medemblik. Occupation: bakker. Note re Hendrikus: zoon van Cornelis Hoogendijk en Elisabeth Winnubst; getrouwd (1) met Marijtje Wagenmaker (ovl. voor 1888).

XI-dd Theunis Vlaar is born about 1840, son of Jan Vlaar and Trijntje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Theunis married, about 35 years old, on 30-04-1875 in Obdam [akte 5] with Grietje Vlaar, about 31 years old. Grietje is born about 1844 in Nibbixwoud. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Grietje: dochter van Pieter Vlaar, arbeider, en Trijntje Olij, arbeidster.

XI-de Elbertus Vlaar is born about 1841 in Nibbixwoud, son of Jan Vlaar and Trijntje Boots. Occupation: arbeider, voerman, koetsier. Elbertus:
(1) married, about 25 years old, on 19-04-1866 in Blokker [akte 11] with Grietje Wognum, about 27 years old. Grietje is born about 1839 in Westerblokker. Grietje is deceased before 1885, at the most 46 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Grietje: dochter van Pieter Wognum en Aafje Ligthart.
(2) married, about 44 years old, on 15-01-1885 in Blokker with Geertje Vlaar, about 38 years old. Geertje is born about 1847 in Hoogwoud. Geertje is deceased before 1900, at the most 53 years old. Note re Geertje: dochter van Lourentius (Louwris) Jansz Vlaar en Gerbregje (Bregje) Dirks Koning; getrouwd (1) op 16-01-1879 in Hoogwoud met Gerrit van Baar (ca 1848 - voor 1885).
(3) married, about 59 years old, on 11-05-1900 in Hoorn [akte 27] with Aaltje Bleeker Huibers, about 60 years old. Aaltje Bleeker is born about 1840 in Nibbixwoud. Note re Aaltje Bleeker: dochter van Neeltje Huibers; getrouwd (1) op 04-05-1871 in Hoogwoud met Johannis (Jan) Oudeman (1842 - voor 1900).

XI-df Aaltje Vlaar is born about 1847 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Jan Vlaar and Trijntje Boots. Aaltje married, about 32 years old, on 20-06-1879 in Hoorn with Jacob Zweet, about 19 years old. Jacob is born about 1860 in Berkhout. Occupation: tuinman. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Zweet, broodbakker, en Trijntje Pronk.

XI-dg Antje Vlaar is born about 1852 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Jan Vlaar and Trijntje Boots. Antje married, about 27 years old, on 04-05-1879 in Venhuizen [akte 15] with Dirk Degeling, about 26 years old. Dirk is born about 1853 in Venhuizen. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Cornelis Degeling, arbeider, en Trijntje Laan.

XI-dh Grietje Boots is born about 1853 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Stijntje Commandeur. Grietje is deceased on 27-08-1885 in Hoogwoud, about 32 years old. Registration on 28-08-1885 [akte 39]. Grietje married, about 24 years old, on 27-04-1877 in Obdam [akte 4] with Arien Appel, about 23 years old. Arien is born about 1854. Occupation: arbeider, landman. Note re Arien: zoon van Steven Appel en Jantje Vlaar.
Children of Grietje and Arien:

1 Jan Appel, born on 01-11-1878 in Obdam. Follow XII-fd.
2 Cristina Appel, born about 1881 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-fe.
3 Johanna Appel, born in 06-1882 in Spanbroek. Johanna is deceased on 27-08-1882 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 28-08-1882 [akte 14].
4 Steven Appel, born about 1883 in Spanbroek. Steven is deceased on 20-08-1899 in Amsterdam, about 16 years old. Registration [akte 21 dd 12-09-1899 Hoogwoud].
5 Alida Appel, born about 1884 in Wognum. Alida is deceased on 11-11-1885 in Hoogwoud, about 1 year old. Registration on 12-11-1885 [akte 47].
6 N.N. Appel, still born daughter on 27-08-1885 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 28-08-1885 [akte 38].

XI-di Aaltje Boots is born about 1857 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Stijntje Commandeur. Aaltje married, about 44 years old, on 23-05-1901 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Joannes van Deijck, 48 years old. Joannes is born on 19-09-1852 in Middelburg. Registration on 20-09-1852 [source: ZA akte 383]. Occupation: brigadier van politie. Note re Joannes: weduwnaar van Anna Maria Veenboer, zoon van Pierre van Deijck en Maria Anna Castelijn.

XI-dj Albertus Boots is born about 1867 in Hoorn, son of Cornelis Boots and Maartje Veenboer. Occupation: bakker, los werkman. Albertus married, about 23 years old, on 03-12-1890 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Christina Schenkel, about 27 years old. Christina is born about 1863 in Scheemda. Note re Christina: dochter van Roelf Schenkel en Jacoba Hidding.
Children of Albertus and Christina:

1 Maria Alida Boots, born about 1891 in Amsterdam. Follow XII-ff.
2 Jacoba Roelfina Boots, born about 1893 in Amsterdam. Follow XII-fg.
3 Cornelis Albertus Boots, born about 1894 in Amsterdam. Follow XII-fh.
4 Hendricus Franciscus Antonius Boots, born about 1899 in Amsterdam. Follow XII-fi.

XI-dk Jacob Cornelisz Groot is born on 21-03-1821 in Hensbroek, son of Cornelis Groot and Trijntje Vlaar. Jacob Cornelisz is deceased before 1849, at the most 28 years old. Occupation: landman. Jacob Cornelisz married, 20 years old, on 06-05-1841 in Obdam with Stijntje Commandeur, 19 years old. voogd van de bruidegom Simon Duijn, toeziend voogd Klaas Vlaar; voogd van de bruid Jan Commandeur, toeziend voogd Hendrik Kruisman. Stijntje is born on 14-08-1821 in Berkhout. Stijntje is deceased on 20-02-1860 in Nibbixwoud, 38 years old. Registration on 20-02-1860 [akte 5]. Note re Stijntje: ook Trijntje, Sijtje, dochter van Jan Commandeur en Trijntje Krijgsman.

XI-dl Cornelis Boots is born on 30-03-1823 in Beemster, son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Cornelis is deceased on 28-09-1894 in Amsterdam, 71 years old. Registration [akte 44 dd 04-10-1894 Heerhugowaard]. Occupation: landman. Cornelis:
(1) married, 30 years old, on 05-02-1854 in Opmeer [akte 1] with Anna (Antje) Quant, 37 years old. Anna is born on 10-04-1816 in Berkhout. Anna is deceased on 13-01-1878 in Opmeer, 61 years old. Registration on 14-01-1878 [akte 2]. Occupation: boerin. Note re Antje: dochter van Dirk Jansz Quant (1791-1868) en Neeltje Bijvoet (1794); getrouwd (1) op 21-04-1837 in Berkhout met Pieter Droog (1813 - voor 1854).
(2) married, 56 years old, on 26-05-1879 in Heerhugowaard [akte 15] with Maria Agatha (Maartje) Büscher, 46 years old. Maria Agatha is born on 24-09-1832 in Mettingen, Pruisen, Duitsland. Maria Agatha is deceased on 08-02-1892 in Amsterdam, 59 years old. Occupation: boerin. Note re Maartje: ook Agatha Maria (Aagje) Busker, alias: Buscher, dochter van Andreas Büscher (ca 1802-1868) en Maria Theresia Bruggeman (ca 1809-1848).
Children of Cornelis and Antje:

1 Marijtje Boots, born on 22-09-1854 in Opmeer. Follow XII-fj.
2 Pieter Boots, born on 17-11-1855 in Opmeer. Pieter is deceased on 20-04-1856 in Opmeer, 5 months old. Registration on 20-04-1856 [akte 7].
3 Alida (Aaltje) Boots, born on 21-11-1862 in Opmeer. Follow XII-fk.

XI-dm Antje (Trijntje) Boots is born on 06-11-1824 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Antje (Trijntje) is deceased on 23-09-1902 in Westwoud, 77 years old. Antje (Trijntje) married, 32 years old, on 03-05-1857 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 4] with Hendrikus Kaag, 31 years old. Hendrikus is born on 21-07-1825 in Hoorn. Hendrikus is deceased on 12-01-1900 in Westwoud, 74 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Hendrikus: zoon van Cornelis Kaag (ca 1794-1863), koopman, en Anthonia Baalman (ca 1797-1840).
Child of Antje (Trijntje) and Hendrikus:

1 Anthonia Cornelia Kaag, born on 02-10-1863 in Westwoud.

XI-dn Evert Boots is born on 09-12-1830 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Evert is deceased on 26-05-1920 in De Rijp (Beemster), 89 years old. Registration on 28-05-1920 [akte 11]. Occupation: boerenknecht, landman, veehouder. Evert married, 22 years old, on 24-04-1853 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 7] with Eefje de Wit, 20 years old. Eefje is born on 30-01-1833 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jan Dirksz de Wit and Aagje Ursem. Eefje is deceased on 18-02-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster), 72 years old. Registration on 18-02-1905 [akte 5].
Children of Evert and Eefje:

1 Arie Boots, born on 03-07-1855 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fl.
2 Aagje Boots, born on 13-09-1856 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fm.
3 Johannes Boots, born on 11-12-1863 in De Rijp (Beemster). Johannes is deceased on 05-03-1864 in De Rijp (Beemster), 2 months old. Registration on 07-03-1864 [akte 12].
4 Marijtje Boots, born on 24-09-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fn.
5 Johannes Boots, born on 23-01-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Johannes is deceased on 29-05-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), 4 months old. Registration on 30-05-1873 [akte 28].

XI-do Pieter Boots is born on 22-02-1833 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Pieter is deceased on 08-05-1912 in De Rijp (Beemster), 79 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, winkelier. Pieter married, 40 years old, on 24-08-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 15] with Ariaantje Henneman, 35 years old. Ariaantje is born on 15-01-1838 in Zuid- en Noord-Schermer. Ariaantje is deceased on 08-03-1916 in De Rijp (Beemster), 78 years old. Note re Ariaantje: dochter van Jakob Henneman (1802-1853) en Teunisje Hille (ca 1803-1887), winkelierster.
Children of Pieter and Ariaantje:

1 N.N. Boots, still born child on 02-07-1874 in De Rijp (Beemster).
2 N.N. Boots, still born child on 06-08-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster).
3 Jacob Boots, born on 04-10-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fo.
4 Adrianus Boots, born on 15-03-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Adrianus is deceased on 10-08-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster), 4 months old.
5 Adrianus Boots, born on 25-03-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Adrianus is deceased on 29-03-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster), 4 days old. Registration on 29-03-1881 [akte 15].
6 Pieter Boots, born on 26-06-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Pieter is deceased on 17-09-1967 in De Rijp (Beemster), 83 years old. Occupation: tuinbouwer.

XI-dp Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots is born on 21-05-1835 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Gerardus is deceased on 22-11-1919 in De Rijp (Beemster), 84 years old. Occupation: boerenarbeider, landman. Gerrit married, 30 years old, on 29-04-1866 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 4] with Niesje Lakeman, 25 years old. Niesje is born on 17-02-1841 in Akersloot. Niesje is deceased on 23-11-1916 in De Rijp (Beemster), 75 years old. Note re Niesje: dochter van Dirk Maartensz Lakeman (1811-1884), stalknecht, en Maartje Dekker (1811-1858).
Children of Gerrit and Niesje:

1 Adrianus Boots, born on 28-04-1867 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fp.
2 Maria Gerarda Boots, born on 23-08-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fq.
3 Maria Anna Boots, born on 11-06-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster). Maria Anna is deceased on 29-06-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster), 18 days old.
4 Marijtje Boots, born on 13-09-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster). Marijtje is deceased on 25-09-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster), 12 days old.
5 Theodorus (Dirk) Boots, born on 07-11-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fr.
6 Maria Boots, born on 01-02-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster). Maria is deceased on 29-08-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster), 11 years old.
7 Gerardus Boots, born on 09-04-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fs.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 28-02-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Cornelis is deceased on 16-09-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster), 6 months old.
9 Wilhelmina (Mijntje) Boots, born on 06-08-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-ft.
10 Everardus Boots, born on 15-03-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fu.
11 Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots, born on 26-05-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fv.
12 Anna Boots, born on 26-05-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). tweeling. Anna is deceased on 22-07-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster), 2 years old.

XI-dq Ariaantje Boots is born on 04-01-1838 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Ariaantje is deceased on 12-08-1867 in Graft, 29 years old. Ariaantje married, 19 years old, on 20-09-1857 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 17] with Franciscus Ludovicus Heijnis, 23 years old. Franciscus Ludovicus is born on 02-06-1834 in Graft. Franciscus Ludovicus is deceased on 27-04-1888 in De Rijp (Beemster), 53 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Franciscus Ludovicus: zoon van Louwris (Laurens) Heijnis (Heijnes), landman, en Anna Jacoba Nuijens; getrouwd (2) op 07-10-1875 in Graft met Maria Commandeur (1855).
Children of Ariaantje and Franciscus Ludovicus:

1 Lourentius Heijnis, born on 29-01-1858 in Graft. Follow XII-fw.
2 Marijtje Heijnis, born on 30-03-1859 in Graft. Marijtje is deceased on 04-04-1859 in Graft, 5 days old.
3 Marijtje Heijnis, born on 30-03-1860 in De Rijp (Beemster). Marijtje is deceased on 09-05-1860 in De Rijp (Beemster), 1 month old.
4 Anna Heijnis, born on 18-04-1861 in Graft. Follow XII-fx.
5 Marijtje Heijnis, born on 11-11-1863 in Graft.
6 Aafje Heijnis, born on 01-03-1866 in Graft. Aafje is deceased on 23-08-1867 in De Rijp (Beemster), 1 year old.

XI-dr Arie Boots is born on 29-01-1840 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Arie is deceased on 12-04-1900 in De Rijp (Beemster), 60 years old. Occupation: landman, veehouder. Arie married, 26 years old, on 29-04-1866 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 5] with Cornelia Vredevoort, 23 years old. Cornelia is born on 18-05-1842 in De Rijp (Beemster). Cornelia is deceased on 03-09-1921 in Alkmaar, 79 years old. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Hendrik Vredevoort (17-11-1811 De Rijp - 28-07-1904 De Rijp), winkelier, getrouwd op 16-07-1837 in De Rijp met Antje Smiers (04-05-1811 De Rijp - 15-04-1898 De Rijp).
Children of Arie and Cornelia:

1 Arie Boots, born on 06-02-1867 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fy.
2 Anna Maria Boots, born on 14-10-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-fz.
3 Maria Boots, born on 29-10-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster). Maria is deceased on 30-10-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster), 2 years old.
4 Maria Anna Boots, born on 01-11-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster). Maria Anna is deceased on 07-08-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), 9 months old.
5 Maria Anna Boots, born on 03-02-1874 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-ga.
6 Hendrik Boots, born on 16-08-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gb.
7 Adriana Boots, born on 13-12-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Adriana is deceased on 11-06-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster), 7 years old.
8 Geertruida Johanna Boots, born on 27-06-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gc.
9 Cornelis Boots, born on 02-09-1882 in De Rijp (Beemster). Cornelis is deceased on 05-06-1891 in De Rijp (Beemster), 8 years old.

XI-ds Johannes Boots is born on 07-05-1842 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Adrianus Cornelisz (Arie) Boots and Maria (Marijtje) Schilder. Johannes is deceased on 14-03-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster), 62 years old. Occupation: landman, gistverkoper, koopman. Johannes married, 27 years old, on 06-06-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 4] with Margaretha Kotte, 23 years old. Margaretha is born on 04-06-1846 in Beemster. Margaretha is deceased on 15-01-1914 in De Rijp (Beemster), 67 years old. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Johan Heinrich Willem Joseph Kotte (ca 1800-1851) en Bregtje Jans Smit (11-02-1819 Enkhuizen - 1866).
Children of Johannes and Margaretha:

1 Maria Boots, born on 02-04-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gd.
2 Adriana Boots, born on 15-05-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-ge.
3 Bregitta Boots, born on 15-05-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster). tweeling.
4 Anna Boots, born on 08-10-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster). Anna is deceased on 15-06-1965 in Amsterdam, 92 years old.
5 Johan Hendrik Boots, born on 11-12-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gf.
6 Adrianus Boots, born on 14-08-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster). Adrianus is deceased on 23-12-1956 in De Rijp (Beemster), 81 years old.
7 Margaretha Boots, born on 13-12-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gg.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 09-09-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gh.
9 Elisabeth Boots, born on 20-09-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Elisabeth is deceased on 22-08-1959 in Volendam, 79 years old.
10 Hendrik Josef Boots, born on 10-05-1882 in De Rijp (Beemster). Hendrik Josef is deceased on 26-04-1916 in Amsterdam, 33 years old.
11 Theresia Boots, born on 12-07-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gi.
12 Willem Jozeph Boots, born on 17-02-1887 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gj.

XI-dt Cornelis Boots is born on 19-02-1828 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans. Cornelis is deceased on 30-12-1905 in Amsterdam, 77 years old. Address: from 1882 Amsterdam. Occupation: landman, veehouder, stalknecht, beambte. Cornelis married, 28 years old, on 29-06-1856 in Graft [akte 3] with Aafje Heijnes, 24 years old. Aafje is born on 17-02-1832 in Graft. Aafje is deceased on 17-12-1893 in Amsterdam, 61 years old. Note re Aafje: dochter van Lourens Heijnes (1799 Beemster - 1865), koopman, en Anna Jacoba Nuijens (1812 Koudekerk - na 1865).
Children of Cornelis and Aafje:

1 Petrus (Pieter) Boots, born on 16-01-1857 in Graft. Follow XII-gk.
2 Anna Jacoba Boots, born on 25-01-1859 in Graft. Follow XII-gl.
3 Antonia Boots, born on 14-09-1861 in Graft. Antonia is deceased on 02-12-1933 in Amsterdam, 72 years old. She was buried on 05-12-1933 in Amsterdam.
4 Cornelia Maria Boots, born on 22-02-1864 in Graft. Cornelia Maria is deceased on 28-07-1932 in Haarlem, 68 years old. She was buried on 30-07-1932 in Haarlem.
5 Lourens Boots, born on 18-08-1866 in Graft. Lourens is deceased on 22-08-1866 in Graft, 4 days old.
6 Theodorus (Dirk) Boots, born on 18-08-1866 in Graft. Theodorus is deceased on 18-08-1866 in Graft.
7 Laurens (Louis) Boots, born on 16-10-1867 in Graft. Follow XII-gm.
8 Theodoris (Dorus) Boots, born on 15-06-1872 in Graft. Follow XII-gn.
9 Maria Johanna Boots, born on 15-06-1872 in Graft. Follow XII-go.
10 Franciscus Ludovicus Boots, born on 24-12-1874 in Graft. Follow XII-gp.

XI-du Theodorus Boots is born on 16-11-1829 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans. Theodorus is deceased on 21-07-1862 in De Rijp (Beemster), 32 years old. Occupation: veehouder. Theodorus married, 32 years old, on 19-01-1862 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 1] with Maartje van Langen, 24 years old. Maartje is born on 01-06-1837 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Cornelis van Langen and Grietje Veerman. Maartje is deceased on 09-02-1907 in De Rijp (Beemster), 69 years old. Occupation: dienstbode, veehoudster. Note re Maartje: getrouwd (2) op 08-02-1866 in De Rijp met Cornelis Blokdijk (25-12-1836 - 1918), boerenknecht, landman.
Child of Theodorus and Maartje:

1 Theodora Boots, born on 02-12-1862 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gq.

XI-dv Petrus (Pieter) Boots is born on 22-10-1836 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans. Petrus is deceased on 30-06-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster), 49 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, 31 years old, on 24-10-1867 in Hensbroek [akte 8] with Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes, 24 years old. Cornelia is born on 07-12-1842 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Cornelia is deceased on 08-01-1915 in Hoorn, 72 years old.
Children of Pieter and Neeltje:

1 Antonia Boots, born on 20-08-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gr.
2 Catharina (Cato) Boots, born on 20-01-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gs.
3 Antje Boots, born on 19-10-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster). Antje is deceased on 21-01-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster), 3 years old.
4 Geertje Boots, born on 28-09-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Geertje is deceased on 13-10-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), 15 days old.
5 Petrus Boots, born on 03-07-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster).
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 15-03-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gt.
7 Theodorus Boots, born on 17-12-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Theodorus is deceased on 31-08-1880 in De Rijp (Beemster), 8 months old.
8 Anna (Antje) Boots, born on 19-06-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gu.
9 Catharina (Catrien) Boots, born on 12-04-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gv.
10 Neeltje Boots, born on 03-06-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Neeltje is deceased on 17-04-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), 10 months old.
11 Geertje Boots, born on 04-06-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Geertje is deceased on 31-05-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), 11 months old.
12 Theodoor Boots, born on 19-04-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster). Theodoor is deceased on 12-12-1968 in Hoorn, 82 years old.

XI-dw Catrina Boots is born on 16-02-1840 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans. Catrina is deceased on 02-12-1891 in De Rijp (Beemster), 51 years old. Catrina married, 20 years old, on 27-05-1860 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 9] with Pieter van Langen, about 24 years old. Pieter is born about 1836 in Graft, son of Cornelis van Langen and Grietje Veerman. Occupation: koopman, vleeshouwer.
Children of Catrina and Pieter:

1 N.N. van Langen, still born son on 11-02-1861 in De Rijp (Beemster).
2 Cornelis van Langen, born on 30-09-1862 in De Rijp (Beemster). Cornelis is deceased on 27-01-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), 22 years old.
3 Pieter van Langen, born on 15-09-1864 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gw.
4 Maarten van Langen, born on 01-10-1866 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gx.
5 Theodorus van Langen, born on 02-02-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gy.
6 Margaretha van Langen, born on 04-07-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Margaretha is deceased on 19-05-1901 in De Rijp (Beemster), 27 years old.
7 Jan van Langen, born on 01-12-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gz.
8 Antonia van Langen, born on 01-07-1877 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-ha.
9 Petrus van Langen, born on 08-03-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Petrus is deceased on 25-03-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster), 17 days old.
10 Maria van Langen, born on 06-10-1880 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-hb.
11 Anton van Langen, born on 03-03-1882 in De Rijp (Beemster). 05-04-1882?. Anton is deceased on 20-11-1908 in De Rijp (Beemster), 26 years old.
12 Neeltje van Langen, born on 17-02-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Neeltje is deceased on 09-04-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster), 25 years old.

XI-dx Cornelia Boots is born on 09-05-1843 in Berkhout, daughter of Evert Boots and Trijntje Duits. Cornelia is deceased on 22-12-1896 in Zuid-Scharwoude, 53 years old. Cornelia married, 28 years old, on 02-05-1872 in Oudkarspel [akte 4] with Willem Raake, 27 years old. Willem is born on 09-05-1844 in Oudkarspel. Willem is deceased on 03-06-1916 in Zuid-Scharwoude, 72 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Willem: zoon van Adolph Raake, schoenmaker, en Antje Bos; getrouwd (2) op 08-05-1897 in De Rijp met Anna Maria Bakker (1845-1905); getrouwd (3) op 21-04-1910 in Zuid-Scharwoude met Hermina (Mina) Kazenbroot (1851-1910); getrouwd (4) op 12-01-1911 in Zuid-Scharwoude met Trijntje Hoogwater (1857).

XI-dy Anna (Antje) Boots is born on 30-09-1839 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Trijntje Velseboer. Anna is deceased on 19-05-1907 in Purmerend, 67 years old. Antje married, 22 years old, on 01-05-1862 in Beemster [akte 15] with Dirk Munnikhuis, 22 years old. Dirk is born on 28-09-1839 in Purmerend. Dirk is deceased on 30-05-1895 in Purmerend, 55 years old. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jan Munnikhuis, logementhouder, en Trijntje Portegies.
Children of Antje and Dirk:

1 Catharina Maria Munnikhuis, born on 10-03-1863 at 00:30 in Purmerend. Catharina Maria is deceased on 01-11-1886 in Purmerend, 23 years old.
2 Johannes Anthonius Munnikhuis, born on 20-07-1864 at 22:30 in Purmerend. Johannes Anthonius is deceased on 17-04-1891 in Purmerend, 26 years old.
3 Johannes Franciscus Munnikhuis, born on 19-12-1865 at 11:00 in Purmerend. Johannes Franciscus is deceased on 05-01-1866 at 12:00 in Purmerend, 17 days old. Note re Johannes Franciscus: tweeling.
4 Theodorus Aloizius Munnikhuis, born on 19-12-1865 at 11:30 in Purmerend. Theodorus Aloizius is deceased on 11-01-1866 at 17:00 in Purmerend, 23 days old. Note re Theodorus Aloizius: tweeling.
5 Johannes Nicolaas Munnikhuis, born on 27-12-1869 at 02:00 in Purmerend. Follow XII-hc.
6 Johannes Theodorus Josephus Munnikhuis, born on 20-03-1872 at 21:30 in Purmerend. Follow XII-hd.

XI-dz Nicolaas Boots is born on 22-05-1841 in Beemster, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Trijntje Velseboer. Nicolaas is deceased on 05-01-1915 in Beemster, 73 years old. Registration on 06-01-1915 [akte 3]. He was buried on 09-01-1915 in Beemster. Occupation: veehouder. Nicolaas married, 21 years old, on 26-04-1863 in Beemster [akte 15] with Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans, 22 years old. Joanna is born on 05-05-1840 in Beemster. Joanna is deceased on 06-12-1902 in Beemster, 62 years old. Registration on 06-12-1902 [akte 50]. She was buried on 09-12-1902 in Beemster. Note re Jansje: ook Jantje, dochter van Pieter Jansz Oudejans (1792-1852) en Grietje Konijn (1797-1869), veehoudster.
Children of Nicolaas and Jansje:

1 Catharina Boots, born on 29-01-1864 in Beemster. Follow XII-he.
2 Petrus Antonius Boots, born on 17-01-1865 in Beemster. Follow XII-hf.
3 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 02-09-1866 in Beemster. Follow XII-hg.
4 Margaretha Boots, born on 12-07-1868 in Beemster. Follow XII-hh.
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 14-01-1870 in Beemster. Follow XII-hi.
6 Lourentius Boots, born on 27-03-1871 in Beemster. Follow XII-hj.
7 Nicolaas (Niek) Boots, born on 06-05-1873 in Beemster. Follow XII-hk.
8 Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots, born on 04-01-1881 in Beemster. Follow XII-hl.

XI-ea Johannes Tijburg is born on 09-02-1831 in Purmerend, son of Floris Tijburg and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Johannes is deceased on 21-01-1875 in Amsterdam, 43 years old. Occupation: wagenmaker. Johannes married, 25 years old, on 21-08-1856 in Ilpendam [akte 11] with Maria Charlotte (Mietje) Schulte, 23 years old. Maria Charlotte is born on 07-08-1833 in Deventer. Maria Charlotte is deceased on 18-03-1913 in Amsterdam, 79 years old. Note re Mietje: dochter van Gerhard Heinrich Frans Schulte en Maria Geertruida van Werkhoven.

XI-eb Cornelis Tijburg is born on 19-08-1833 in Purmerend, son of Floris Tijburg and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 31-01-1887 in Sloten (Amsterdam), 53 years old. Occupation: landman, boer. Cornelis:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 15-02-1863 in Nieuwendam [akte 3] with Margaretha Klasina (Grietje) Tuijp, 32 years old. Margaretha Klasina is born on 04-12-1830 in Ilpendam. Margaretha Klasina is deceased on 03-01-1873 in Landsmeer, 42 years old. Occupation: veehoudster. Note re Grietje: dochter van Hendrik Tuijp en Engeltje Scholten; getrouwd (1) op 20-11-1851 in Ilpendam met Klaas van den Bos (ca 1810 - vóór 1863).
(2) married, 40 years old, on 08-05-1874 in Beemster [akte 27] with Petronella Verduin, 27 years old. Petronella is born on 02-05-1847 in Beemster. Petronella is deceased on 24-01-1912 in Haarlemmerliede, 64 years old. Note re Petronella: dochter van Klaas Verduin en Klaasje Oudejans.

XI-ec Anna Jacoba (Antje) Tijburg is born on 24-03-1837 in Purmerend, daughter of Floris Tijburg and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Anna Jacoba is deceased on 14-07-1918 in Purmerend, 81 years old. Antje married, 29 years old, on 18-04-1866 in Purmerend [akte 6] with Pieter Mulders, 25 years old. Pieter is born on 18-03-1841 in Den Helder. Pieter is deceased on 08-06-1920 in Purmerend, 79 years old. Occupation: wagenmaker. Note re Pieter: zoon van Johannes Baptist Mulders, wagenmaker, en Elisabeth Veneca.

XI-ed Alida Petronella (Daatje) Tijburg is born on 01-01-1842 in Purmerend, daughter of Floris Tijburg and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Alida Petronella is deceased on 05-12-1914 in Alkmaar, 72 years old. She was buried on 09-12-1914 in Uitgeest. Daatje married, 31 years old, on 06-07-1873 in Purmerend [akte 27] with Mattheus Berkhoud, 25 years old. Mattheus is born on 27-12-1847 in Uitgeest. Mattheus is deceased on 24-06-1934 in Uitgeest, 86 years old. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Mattheus: zoon van Franciscus Berkhoud en Antje Wittebrood.

XI-ee Petrus Florentius Tijburg is born on 25-08-1844 in Purmerend, son of Floris Tijburg and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Petrus Florentius is deceased on 11-10-1900 in Amsterdam, 56 years old. Occupation: agent van politie. Petrus Florentius married, 35 years old, on 12-05-1880 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Margaretha Springveld, 30 years old. Margaretha is born on 27-12-1849 in Monnickendam. Margaretha is deceased on 02-02-1927 in Amsterdam, 77 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Hendrik Springveld, timmerman, en Klara (Klaasje) Huijke.

XI-ef Pieter Nieuweboer is born on 04-09-1838 in Katwoude, son of Cornelis Nieuwboer and Antje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married, 31 years old, on 28-04-1870 in Nieuwendam [akte 1] with Antje Plaggenburg, about 26 years old. Antje is born about 1844 in Zunderdorp. Antje is deceased on 27-12-1916 in Nieuwendam, about 72 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Antje: dochter van Jan Plaggenburg, landman, en Maria Vogel.

XI-eg Antje Nieuweboer is born about 1841 in Nieuwendam, daughter of Cornelis Nieuwboer and Antje Boots. Antje is deceased on 13-09-1917 in Venray, about 76 years old. Registration on 15-09-1917 [akte 154]. Antje married, about 23 years old, on 15-05-1864 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 13] with Ferdinand Laas, about 31 years old. Ferdinand is born about 1833 in Schermerhorn. Ferdinand is deceased before 1917, at the most 84 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Ferdinand: zoon van Ferdinand Laas en Maartje Louwen.

XI-eh Albertus Nieuweboer is born about 1844 in Nieuwendam, son of Cornelis Nieuwboer and Antje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Albertus married, about 33 years old, on 25-01-1877 in Nieuwendam [akte 2] with Cornelia de Boer, about 23 years old. Cornelia is born about 1854 in Nieuwendam. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis de Boer en Cornelia Hoek.

XI-ei Jan Nieuweboer is born on 04-03-1847 in Beemster, son of Cornelis Nieuwboer and Antje Boots. Jan is deceased on 12-06-1926 in Hoogwoud, 79 years old. Registration on 12-06-1926 [akte 14]. Occupation: koopman. Jan:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 12-01-1877 in Hoogwoud [akte 3] with Neeltje Hopman, 28 years old. Neeltje is born on 11-02-1848 in Zijpe. Neeltje is deceased before 1913, at the most 65 years old. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Hendrik Klaasz Hopman (01-06-1807 Zijpe - 01-02-1861 Zijpe), arbeider, getrouwd op 14-02-1835 in Zijpe met Neeltje Stam (ca 1814 Schagen - 24-03-1859 Zijpe).
(2) married, 66 years old, on 03-04-1913 in Purmerend [akte 10] with Margaretha Maria Geertruida de Boer, 45 years old. Margaretha Maria Geertruida is born on 05-01-1868 in Purmerend. Occupation: costuumnaaister. Note re Margaretha Maria Geertruida: dochter van Dirk de Boer en Maria Ursem.

XI-ej Trijntje Boots is born on 11-03-1821 in Avenhorn, daughter of Sijmen Elbertsz (Simon) Boots and Meinoutje (Meinem) Braas. Note re the death of Trijntje: voor 20-11-1856?. Trijntje married, 32 years old, on 01-05-1853 in Avenhorn [akte 6] with Jan Oud, 31 years old. Jan is born on 12-05-1821 in Graft. Jan is deceased after 1891, at least 70 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Dirk Oud (1791-1935) en Marijtje de Haan (1799); getrouwd (2) op 20-11-1856 in Zwaag met Aafje Buurman (ca 1833-<1871); getrouwd (3) op 09-11-1871 in Zwaag met Trijntje Bennis (1841-1891).

XI-ek Elbert Boots is born on 30-08-1833 in Avenhorn, son of Sijmen Elbertsz (Simon) Boots and Geertje Koppes. Elbert is deceased on 16-09-1862 in Avenhorn, 29 years old. Registration on 17-09-1862 [akte 23]. Occupation: landman. Elbert married, 26 years old, on 20-04-1860 in Avenhorn [akte 6] with Trijntje van Diepen, 19 years old. Trijntje is born on 16-09-1840 in Avenhorn. Trijntje is deceased on 10-09-1898 in Avenhorn, 57 years old. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Arien van Diepen en Geertje de Jong; getrouwd (2) op 26-05-1867 in Avenhorn met Jan Elders (1833-1899).

XI-el Matthijs (Tijs) Boots is born on 23-01-1834 in Spanbroek, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Aagje Leek. Matthijs is deceased on 22-03-1917 in Heerhugowaard, 83 years old. Registration on 23-03-1917 [akte 16]. He was buried on 26-03-1917 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: dagloner, arbeider, landbouwer. Tijs married, 24 years old, on 15-04-1858 in Heerhugowaard [akte 4] with Dieuwertje Jongkind, 24 years old. Dieuwertje is born on 03-06-1833 in Veenhuizen (Heerhugowaard). Dieuwertje is deceased on 30-03-1919 in Heerhugowaard, 85 years old. Registration on 31-03-1919 [akte 17]. Note re Dieuwertje: dochter van Pieter Jongkind (ca 1799), dagloner, arbeider, getrouwd op 03-05-1823 in Hensbroek met Jannetje Siemons Koning (ca 1798).
Children of Tijs and Dieuwertje:

1 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 19-09-1860 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-hm.
2 Jantje Boots, born on 30-04-1863 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-hn.

XI-em Elbert Boots is born on 30-11-1834 in Obdam, son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Aagje Leek. Elbert is deceased on 10-05-1904 in Heerhugowaard, 69 years old. Registration on 11-05-1904 [akte 21]. Occupation: dagloner, arbeider, landbouwer. Elbert married, 26 years old, on 31-01-1861 in Heerhugowaard [akte 4] with Immetje (Emma) Wahlen, 23 years old. Immetje is born on 04-03-1837 in Zuid-Scharwoude. Immetje is deceased on 31-05-1917 in Alkmaar, 80 years old. She was buried on 04-06-1917 in Alkmaar. Note re Emma: ook Wahling, dochter van Willem Wahlen (07-11-1808 Oudkarspel - 15-08-1878), kleermaker, getrouwd op 31-05-1835 in Zuid-Scharwoude met Grietje Zut (14-04-1813 Oudkarspel - 1900).
Children of Elbert and Emma:

1 Agatha (Aagje) Boots, born on 24-02-1862 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-ho.
2 Elbert Boots, born in 01-1864 in Heerhugowaard. Elbert is deceased on 15-05-1864 in Heerhugowaard, 4 months old. Registration on 17-05-1864 [akte 18].
3 Grietje Boots, born on 22-02-1866 in Heerhugowaard. Grietje is deceased on 03-08-1867 in Heerhugowaard, 1 year old. Registration on 03-08-1867 [akte 39].
4 Grietje Boots, born on 07-11-1868 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-hp.

XI-en Petronella Boots is born on 01-05-1847 in Hensbroek, daughter of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Aagje Leek. Petronella married, 20 years old, on 22-06-1867 in Heerhugowaard [akte 14] with Arien Schuitemaker, 25 years old. Arien is born on 16-11-1841 in Wognum. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Arien: zoon van Arien Schuitemaker, arbeider, en Cornelia Sneeks.
Children of Petronella and Arien:

1 Cornelia Schuitemaker, born about 1869 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XII-hq.
2 Agatha Schuitemaker, born in 06-1871 in Heerhugowaard. Agatha is deceased on 15-08-1871 in Heerhugowaard, 2 months old. Registration on 16-08-1871 [akte 50].
3 Johannes Schuitemaker, born about 1875 in Heerhugowaard. Johannes is deceased on 17-09-1881 in Obdam, about 6 years old. Registration on 18-09-1881 [akte 18].

XI-eo Laurentius Boots is born on 28-10-1850 in Hensbroek [source: GAH, GR, Nr. 27], son of Jan Elbertsz Boots and Aagje Leek. Laurentius is deceased on 23-09-1890 in Wogmeer, 39 years old. Registration on 24-09-1890 [akte 14]. He was buried on 27-09-1890 in Wogmeer. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Laurentius: ook Laurens, Lourens, Louris. Laurentius married, 22 years old, on 01-05-1873 in Hensbroek [akte 9] with Jantje Konijn, 20 years old. Jantje is born on 17-10-1852 in Berkhout [source: GAH, GR, Nr. 57]. Jantje is deceased on 20-02-1883 in Hensbroek, 30 years old. Registration on 21-02-1883 [akte 4]. Note re Jantje: dochter van Albert Konijn/Knijn (1814-1897), landman, arbeider, en Trijntje Smal (1829-1876).
Children of Laurentius and Jantje:

1 Jan Boots, born on 07-07-1874 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-hr.
2 Albert Boots, born on 28-02-1876 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-hs.
3 Trijntje Boots, born in 1879 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-ht.
4 Aagje Boots, born on 23-02-1880 in Hensbroek [source: GAH, GR, Nr. 10]. Follow XII-hu.
5 Jansje Boots, born on 11-05-1882 in Hensbroek. Follow XII-hv.

XI-ep Elbert(us) Boots is born on 09-08-1848 in Spanbroek, son of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Wennips. Elbert(us) is deceased on 30-05-1911 in Wognum, 62 years old. Registration on 31-05-1911 [akte 19]. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Elbert(us) married, 25 years old, on 15-02-1874 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Afra (Aafje) Kamper, 22 years old. Afra is born on 11-04-1851 in Spanbroek. Afra is deceased on 20-09-1926 in Wadway (Wognum), 75 years old. Registration on 21-09-1926 [akte 17]. She was buried on 24-09-1926 in Spanbroek. Note re Aafje: dochter van Cornelis Kamper en Cornelia (Neeltje) Knol.
Children of Elbert(us) and Aafje:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 14-02-1875 in Spanbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 19-10-1876 in Spanbroek, 1 year old. Registration on 20-10-1876 [akte 28].
2 Aafje Boots, born on 02-12-1878 in Spanbroek. Follow XII-hw.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 16-10-1879 in Spanbroek.
4 Simon Boots, born on 03-03-1881 in Spanbroek. Simon is deceased on 04-08-1881 in Spanbroek, 5 months old. Registration on 04-08-1881 [akte 15].
5 Neeltje Boots, born on 04-08-1882 in Spanbroek. Neeltje is deceased on 28-03-1883 in Spanbroek, 7 months old. Registration on 29-03-1883 [akte 13].
6 Cornelia Boots, born on 06-01-1885 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 24-01-1885 in Spanbroek, 18 days old. Registration on 26-01-1885 [akte 3]. Note re Cornelia: tweeling.
7 Maria Boots, born on 06-01-1885 in Spanbroek. Maria is deceased on 15-05-1885 in Spanbroek, 4 months old. Registration on 15-05-1885 [akte 17]. Note re Maria: tweeling.
8 Cornelia Boots, born in 05-1891 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 28-07-1891 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 29-07-1891 [akte 18].
9 Cornelia Boots, born in 02-1895 in Spanbroek. Cornelia is deceased on 10-09-1895 in Spanbroek, 7 months old. Registration on 10-09-1895 [akte 24].

XI-eq Trijntje Boots is born on 11-01-1850 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis Elbertsz Boots and Aafje Wennips. Trijntje is deceased on 14-02-1923 in Oosterblokker, 73 years old. She was buried on 17-02-1923 in Oosterblokker. Trijntje married, 26 years old, on 27-04-1876 in Spanbroek [akte 11] with Cornelis Komen, 34 years old. Cornelis is born on 12-12-1841 in Spanbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 24-11-1910 in Spanbroek, 68 years old. Registration on 24-11-1910 [akte 18]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Dirk Komen en Aagje Weel.

XI-er Jozef Fredriks is born on 15-06-1838 in Oterleek, son of Lodewijk Fredriks and Maartje Boots. Occupation: dagloner. Jozef married, 25 years old, on 28-01-1864 in Heerhugowaard [akte 3] with Antje Schipper, about 28 years old. Antje is born about 1836 in Zwaag. Note re Antje: dochter van Teunis Schipper en Grietje Voerman, tapster.

XI-es Dieuwertje Fredriks is born on 13-05-1841 in Obdam, daughter of Lodewijk Fredriks and Maartje Boots. Dieuwertje is deceased on 15-02-1881 in Oterleek, 39 years old. Dieuwertje married, 22 years old, on 31-01-1864 in Oterleek [akte 1] with Cornelis Klaver, about 24 years old. Cornelis is born about 1840 in Hensbroek. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Weijert Klaver en Geertje Laan.

XI-et Elbert Fredriks is born on 22-04-1852 in Oterleek, son of Lodewijk Fredriks and Maartje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Elbert married, 25 years old, on 18-01-1878 in Oude Niedorp [akte 1] with Trijntje Tijm, about 22 years old. Trijntje is born about 1856 in Oude Niedorp. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Cornelis Tijm en Maartje Groen.

XI-eu Geertje Mettes is born on 03-06-1839 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Obdam?. Geertje is deceased on 29-01-1924 in Opmeer, 84 years old. Registration on 30-01-1924 [akte 3]. Note re Geertje: ook Mettis. Geertje married, 20 years old, on 27-04-1860 in Obdam [akte 5] with Cornelis Boots, 29 years old. Cornelis is born on 08-09-1830 in Obdam, son of Dirk Dirksz Boots and Geertje Kuiper. Cornelis is deceased on 27-05-1902 in Hensbroek, 71 years old. Registration on 27-05-1902 [akte 7]. Occupation: landman, arbeider, winkelier.
Children of Geertje and Cornelis:

1 Dirk Boots, born on 25-02-1861 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 13-05-1861 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 14-05-1861 [akte 8].
2 Geertje Boots, born on 14-07-1865 in Obdam. Follow XII-h.
3 Trijntje Boots, born on 11-12-1866 in Obdam. Follow XII-i.
4 Dirk Boots, born in 03-1868 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 04-07-1868 in Obdam, 4 months old. Registration on 05-07-1868 [akte 10].
5 Neeltje Boots, born on 25-11-1869 in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 24-09-1870 in Obdam, 9 months old. Registration on 25-09-1870 [akte 29].
6 Neeltje Boots, born on 12-07-1871 in Obdam. Neeltje is deceased on 02-08-1871 in Obdam, 21 days old. Registration on 02-08-1871 [akte 20].
7 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 03-04-1875 in Obdam. Registration on 05-04-1875 [akte 10].
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 22-12-1880 in Obdam. Registration on 24-12-1880 [akte 40].

XI-ev Catharina (Trijntje) Mettes is born on 04-01-1841 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Catharina is deceased on 15-09-1882 in Obdam, 41 years old. Registration on 17-09-1882 [akte 12]. Trijntje married, 26 years old, on 02-05-1867 in Hensbroek [akte 5] with Jacob Boots, 26 years old. Jacob is born on 17-01-1841 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Germetz Boots and Geertje Jacobs Jonker. Jacob is deceased on 02-07-1921 in Abbekerk, 80 years old. Registration on 04-07-1921 [akte 7]. He was buried on 06-07-1921 in De Weere (Opmeer). Occupation: landman, arbeider.
Children of Trijntje and Jacob:

1 Geertje Boots, born on 11-05-1868 in Hensbroek. Geertje is deceased on 29-01-1874 in Obdam, 5 years old. Registration on 30-01-1874 [akte 2]. She was buried in Hoogwoud.
2 Trijntje Boots, born on 13-08-1869 in Obdam.
3 Cornelis Boots, born on 17-09-1870 in Hensbroek. Cornelis is deceased on 07-08-1900 in Heerhugowaard, 29 years old. Registration on 07-08-1900 [akte 43]. He was buried on 11-08-1900 in Oudorp (Alkmaar).
4 Jacob Boots, born on 20-10-1871 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 06-01-1872 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 06-01-1872 [akte 2].
5 Maartje Boots, born on 22-08-1873 in Obdam. Maartje is deceased on 27-10-1873 in Obdam, 2 months old. Registration on 27-10-1873 [akte 19].
6 Jacob Boots, born on 18-10-1874 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 25-07-1875 in Obdam, 9 months old. Registration on 27-07-1875 [akte 18].
7 Geertje Boots, born on 08-12-1875 in Obdam. Geertje is deceased on 25-12-1896 in Opmeer, 21 years old. Registration on 28-12-1896 [akte 11]. She was buried on 29-12-1896 in Hoogwoud.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 05-06-1877 in Obdam. Follow XII-ay.
9 Jacob Boots, born on 08-07-1878 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 22-07-1878 in Obdam, 14 days old. Registration on 22-07-1878 [akte 24].
10 Aafje Boots, born on 16-11-1880 in Obdam. Aafje is deceased on 10-07-1882 in Obdam, 1 year old. Registration on 11-07-1882 [akte 9].
11 Jacob Boots, born on 15-09-1882 in Obdam. Jacob is deceased on 15-04-1885 in Obdam, 2 years old. Registration on 16-04-1885 [akte 11].

XI-ew Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes is born on 07-12-1842 in Spanbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Cornelia is deceased on 08-01-1915 in Hoorn, 72 years old. Neeltje married, 24 years old, on 24-10-1867 in Hensbroek [akte 8] with Petrus (Pieter) Boots, 31 years old. Petrus is born on 22-10-1836 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Anthonia (Teunisje) Oudejans. Petrus is deceased on 30-06-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster), 49 years old. Occupation: landbouwer.
Children of Neeltje and Pieter:

1 Antonia Boots, born on 20-08-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gr.
2 Catharina (Cato) Boots, born on 20-01-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gs.
3 Antje Boots, born on 19-10-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster). Antje is deceased on 21-01-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster), 3 years old.
4 Geertje Boots, born on 28-09-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Geertje is deceased on 13-10-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), 15 days old.
5 Petrus Boots, born on 03-07-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster).
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 15-03-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gt.
7 Theodorus Boots, born on 17-12-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Theodorus is deceased on 31-08-1880 in De Rijp (Beemster), 8 months old.
8 Anna (Antje) Boots, born on 19-06-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gu.
9 Catharina (Catrien) Boots, born on 12-04-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XII-gv.
10 Neeltje Boots, born on 03-06-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Neeltje is deceased on 17-04-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), 10 months old.
11 Geertje Boots, born on 04-06-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster). Geertje is deceased on 31-05-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), 11 months old.
12 Theodoor Boots, born on 19-04-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster). Theodoor is deceased on 12-12-1968 in Hoorn, 82 years old.

XI-ex Grietje Mettes is born on 22-01-1845 in Hensbroek, daughter of Cornelis (Crelis) Mettes and Trijntje Boots. Grietje married, 28 years old, on 01-05-1873 in Hensbroek [akte 10] with Pieter Vlaming, 27 years old. Pieter is born on 25-08-1845 in Wadway (Wognum). Occupation: bakker. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jacob Vlaming en Aagje Groot, bakster.

XI-ey Maria de Jong is born on 19-08-1843 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jan de Jong and Grietje Boots. Maria married, 29 years old, on 06-07-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 12] with Klaas Molenkamp, about 30 years old. Klaas is born about 1843 in Graft. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Klaas: zoon van Jan Molenkamp en Meining Blaauw.

XI-ez Elbert de Jong is born about 1849, son of Jan de Jong and Grietje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Elbert married, about 24 years old, on 04-05-1873 in Obdam [akte 7] with Trijntje Oudhuis, about 28 years old. Trijntje is born about 1845. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Jan Oudhuis en Antje Bot.

XI-fa Femmetje de Jong is born on 19-05-1851 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jan de Jong and Grietje Boots. Femmetje married, 25 years old, on 04-06-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 8] with Jacobus Portegies, about 24 years old. Jacobus is born about 1852 in Beemster. Occupation: pakhuisknecht. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Cornelis Portegies en Elisabeth de Lange.

XI-fb Maartje Roos is born on 31-10-1845 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Cornelis Roos and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: dienstmeid. Maartje:
(1) married, 26 years old, on 05-05-1872 in Obdam [akte 7] with Jan de Jong, about 34 years old. Jan is born about 1838 in Berkhout. Jan is deceased before 1894, at the most 56 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan de Jong en Elizabeth Muuse.
(2) married, 48 years old, on 16-03-1894 in Hoorn [akte 14] with Hendrik Kenter, 42 years old. Hendrik is born on 14-12-1851 in De Rijp (Beemster). Occupation: metselaarsknecht. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Reinier Kenter (ca 1825 Hoorn), getrouwd op 31-05-1851 in De Rijp met Antje Gevel (23-11-1821 De Rijp).

XI-fc Neeltje Roos is born about 1848 in Wormer, daughter of Cornelis Roos and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: dienstbode. Neeltje married, about 28 years old, on 14-05-1876 in Wormer [akte 7] with Johannes Glas, about 25 years old. Johannes is born about 1851 in Wormer. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Johannes: zoon van Cornelis Glas en Maartje Keijzer.

XI-fd Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots is born on 26-01-1860 in Hensbroek, son of Jacob Boots and Liefje Appelman. Nicolaas is deceased on 10-04-1943 in Haarlem, 83 years old. He was buried on 14-04-1943 in Haarlem. Occupation: arbeider. Klaas married, 26 years old, on 29-04-1886 in Spanbroek [akte 6] with Agatha (Aafje) Scholten, 26 years old. Agatha is born on 12-06-1859 in Beemster. Note re Aafje: zoon van Frederik Scholten (ca 1823 Wognum), arbeider, getrouwd op 17-04-1858 in Beets met Aaltje Veerman (ca 1827 Edam).

XI-fe Klaas Zomer is born about 1844 in Wijdewormer, son of Hendrik (Hijn) Zomer and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Klaas is deceased on 09-05-1911 in Bloemendaal, about 67 years old. Registration [akte 170 dd 03-07-1911 Haarlemmermeer]. Occupation: landbouwer. Klaas:
(1) married, about 27 years old, on 05-05-1871 in Haarlemmermeer [akte 38] with Maria Tol, about 25 years old. Maria is born about 1846 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Maria is deceased before 1889, at the most 43 years old. Note re Maria: dochter van Jan Tol, landbouwer, en Willempje Molenaar.
(2) married, about 45 years old, on 12-06-1889 in Haarlemmermeer [akte 47] with Maria Sophia Calvelage, about 29 years old. Maria Sophia is born about 1860 in Haarlemmermeer. Note re Maria Sophia: dochter van Johann Bernard Calvelage, landbouwer, en Maria Margaretha Ongers.

XI-ff Antje Seijts is born about 1849 in Wijdewormer, daughter of Cornelis Seijts and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Antje:
(1) married, about 26 years old, on 28-05-1875 in Haarlemmermeer [akte 42] with Bernhard Jurgen van Noord, about 30 years old. Bernhard Jurgen is born about 1845 in Ter Aar. Bernhard Jurgen is deceased before 1892 in Haarlemmermeer, at the most 47 years old. Occupation: werkman. Note re Bernhard Jurgen: zoon van Elias van Noord en Johanna Suhre.
(2) married, about 43 years old, on 16-11-1892 in Haarlemmermeer [akte 106] with Leonardus van der Helm, about 73 years old. Leonardus is born about 1819 in Delft. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Leonardus: weduwnaar van Aaltje Verbij, zoon van Dirk van der Helm en Neeltje Groenewegen.

XI-fg Cornelia Seijts is born on 27-01-1851 in Wijdewormer, daughter of Cornelis Seijts and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Cornelia is deceased on 24-09-1891 in Leiden, 40 years old. Cornelia married, 35 years old, on 27-10-1886 in Haarlemmermeer [akte 105] with Joannes Jagtman, 43 years old. Joannes is born on 25-02-1843 in Amsterdam. Joannes is deceased on 11-07-1889 in Haarlemmermeer, 46 years old. Occupation: veenwerker, arbeider. Note re Joannes: zoon van Jacobus Jagtman, landbouwer, en Christina van der Heijden; getrouwd (1) op 28-05-1873 in Alkemade met Anna Loogman (1848-1883).

XI-fh Antje Seijts is born about 1857 in Wijdewormer, daughter of Cornelis Seijts and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Antje is deceased on 11-02-1892 in Haarlemmermeer, about 35 years old. Registration on 13-02-1892 [akte 52]. Antje married with Willem van Beek.

XI-fi Cornelis Boots is born on 15-07-1842 in Grosthuizen, son of Jan Boots and Aafje Keizer. Cornelis is deceased on 30-06-1914 in Den Helder, 71 years old. Registration [akte 170 dd 20-07-1914 Zaandam]. Address: (woonde in 1914 in Zaandam). Occupation: kramer, kermisman. Cornelis married, 41 years old, on 14-05-1884 in Purmerend [akte 25] with Gezina (Sien) Bouwhuis, about 26 years old. Gezina is born about 1858 in Borne. Gezina is deceased on 17-03-1930 in Hoorn, about 72 years old. Registration [akte 5 dd 19-03-1930 Avenhorn]. Occupation: dienstmeid, oliebollenkraam. Note re Sien: dochter van Gerrit Jan Bouwhuis, landbouwer, en Geertrui Ogink, landbouwster.

XI-fj Jan Boots is born on 19-01-1859 in Avenhorn, son of Jan Boots and Geertje Knijn. Jan is deceased on 28-06-1944 in Berkhout, 85 years old. Registration on 29-06-1944 [akte 27]. Occupation: schipper. Jan married, 39 years old, on 01-05-1898 in Oudendijk [akte 2] with Jansje de Greeuw, 37 years old. Jansje is born on 05-04-1861 in Oudendijk. Jansje is deceased on 09-04-1923 in Avenhorn, 62 years old. Registration on 10-04-1923 [akte 6]. Occupation: naaister. Note re Jansje: dochter van Jan de Greeuw en Aafje Reek.

XI-fk Aafje Boots is born on 25-02-1860 in Avenhorn, daughter of Jan Boots and Geertje Knijn. Aafje is deceased on 28-04-1922 in Bovenkarspel, 62 years old. Aafje married, 28 years old, on 06-01-1889 in Avenhorn [akte 1] with Klaas Deen, 37 years old. Klaas is born on 21-12-1851 in Bovenkarspel. Klaas is deceased on 09-12-1935 in Bovenkarspel, 83 years old. Occupation: varensgezel, veldarbeider, landarbeider. Note re Klaas: zoon van Meindert Deen (1822) en Bregje Bot (1823).
Children of Aafje and Klaas:

1 Geertje Deen, born on 07-11-1889 in Avenhorn. Follow XII-hx.
2 Bregje Deen, born on 11-10-1890 in Avenhorn. Follow XII-hy.
3 Maria Deen, born on 18-12-1892 in Avenhorn. Maria is deceased on 30-12-1892 in Avenhorn, 12 days old.

XI-fl Gerrit Boots is born on 29-08-1865 in Alkmaar, son of Jan Boots and Geertje Knijn. Gerrit is deceased on 20-12-1918 in Berkhout, 53 years old (cause: tuberculose). Registration on 20-12-1918 [akte 58]. Occupation: brandstoffenhandelaar. Gerrit married, 46 years old, on 11-01-1912 in Wognum [akte 1] with Maartje Ligthart, 32 years old. Maartje is born on 13-12-1879 in Wognum, daughter of Jan Ligthart and Grietje Beerse. Maartje is deceased on 19-10-1916 in Avenhorn, 36 years old (cause: tuberculose). Registration on 20-10-1916 [akte 10].
Children of Gerrit and Maartje:

1 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born in 1912. Follow XII-hz.
2 Margaretha (Gré(tha)) Boots, born on 01-01-1914 in Avenhorn. Margaretha is deceased on 06-02-2011 in Heemstede, 97 years old. Note re Gré(tha):
Gré(tha) groeide op in de Garegoedsbogert aan het Keern bij Hoorn, later in de nabijgelegen Kromme Elleboog, Zwaag. In 1923 kreeg ze nog een stiefzus, Annie de Vries (1923-2008). In 1930 trad ze toe tot de orde van de Zusters van de Voorzienigheid. Als zuster Osmunda werkte ze in Moordrecht, Amsterdam, Steenwijkerwold, Noordwijk en Heemstede. Na 1960 nam ze de naam Marga aan. In 2010 woonde ze in Heemstede.
3 Geertruida (Geertje) Boots, born in 1915 in Avenhorn. Geertruida is deceased in 1944 in Geel, Antwerpen, België, 29 years old. Note re Geertje:
Geertje had woedeaanvallen. Toen deze frequent werden kon ze niet op de boerderij van haar familie blijven werken. Via een katholiek netwerk kwam ze uiteindelijk in de Open Psychiatrische Instelling in Geel, België. Ze verbleef bij een gastgezin. Bij de bevrijding van België werd dagenlang rond het Albertkanaal bij Geel gevochten. Geertje kwam bij een van de bombardementen om het leven.
Na het overlijden van beide ouders werden de kinderen in 1918 door de familie van hun moeder opgevangen:
- Jan bij Klaas Ligthart en zijn vrouw Cornelia (overleed in 1921) in Wognum;
- Gré bij Piet en Pietertje de Vries. Pietertje Hoek was een stiefzus van haar moeder;
- Geertje bij Jan en Catharina Boots in Oudeschans. Catharina Boots was de oudste zus van haar moeder.

XI-fm Gerrit Krijgsman is born about 1856 in Purmerend, son of Manis Krijgsman and Lijsbeth Boots. Occupation: letterzetter. Gerrit married, about 24 years old, on 09-05-1880 in Purmerend [akte 16] with Maria Geertruida Hazes, about 26 years old. Maria Geertruida is born about 1854 in Purmerend. Note re Maria Geertruida: dochter van Jurianus Anthonius Hazes, winkelier, en Geertruida Brugman.

XI-fn Jan Krijgsman is born about 1857 in Purmerend, son of Manis Krijgsman and Lijsbeth Boots. Occupation: houtvlotter. Jan married, about 25 years old, on 05-11-1882 in Purmerend [akte 38] with Geertje de Jager, about 27 years old. Geertje is born about 1855 in Ilpendam. Note re Geertje: dochter van Hendrik de Jager en Maartje Korver.

XI-fo Eegje Krijgsman is born about 1864 in Purmerend, daughter of Manis Krijgsman and Lijsbeth Boots. Eegje married, about 28 years old, on 17-12-1892 in Purmerend [akte 37] with Christiaan Vonk, about 22 years old. Christiaan is born about 1870 in Hoorn. Occupation: koopman. Note re Christiaan: zoon van Johannes Cyriacus Vonk, vishandelaar, en Neeltje Oordt.

XI-fp Petrus Nicolaas Dekker is born about 1865 in Purmerend, son of Willem Dekker and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: zadelmaker. Petrus Nicolaas married, about 25 years old, on 08-11-1890 in Purmerend [akte 39] with Anna Catharina Kobes, about 37 years old. Anna Catharina is born about 1853 in Purmerend. Note re Anna Catharina: dochter van IJsbrand Kobes en Anna Catharina Mulder.

XI-fq Cornelis Steur is born about 1856 in Volendam, son of Cornelis Steur and Engeltje Boots. Occupation: schoenmaker. Cornelis married, about 29 years old, on 19-04-1885 in Edam [akte 19] with Hendrica Verheugd, about 18 years old. Hendrica is born about 1867 in Leimuiden. Note re Hendrica: dochter van Pieter Verheugd, huisschilder, en Geertje Raat, vroedvrouw.

XI-fr Pieter Brink is born about 1841 in Obdam, son of Arie(n) Brink and Engeltje Boots. Pieter is deceased on 22-06-1915 in Heerhugowaard, about 74 years old. Registration on 23-06-1915 [akte 34]. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married, about 33 years old, on 26-06-1874 in Heerhugowaard [akte 18] with Aagje Molenaar, about 33 years old. Aagje is born about 1841 in Warmenhuizen. Note re Aagje: weduwe van Arie Mak, dochter van Dirk Molenaar, arbeider, en Geertje Bijl.

XI-fs Neeltje Brink is born about 1844, daughter of Arie(n) Brink and Engeltje Boots. Neeltje married, about 30 years old, on 01-05-1874 in Obdam [akte 6] with Matthijs Goedhart, about 24 years old. Matthijs is born about 1850, son of Pieter Goedhart and Gesina Wijdkamp. Occupation: landbouwer.

XI-ft Trijntje Brink is born about 1848 in Obdam, daughter of Arie(n) Brink and Engeltje Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 21-03-1930 in Obdam, about 82 years old. Registration on 22-03-1930 [akte 6]. Trijntje married, about 25 years old, on 24-04-1873 in Obdam [akte 4] with Pieter Goedhart, about 28 years old. Pieter is born about 1845, son of Pieter Goedhart and Gesina Wijdkamp. Pieter is deceased before 1930, at the most 85 years old. Occupation: arbeider.

XI-fu Jantje Brink is born about 1854 in Obdam, daughter of Arie(n) Brink and Engeltje Boots. Jantje is deceased on 19-10-1927 in Obdam, about 73 years old. Registration on 21-10-1927 [akte 21]. Jantje married, about 22 years old, on 23-08-1876 in Obdam [akte 6] with Pieter Mak, about 24 years old. Pieter is born about 1852. Pieter is deceased before 1927, at the most 75 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Frans Mak en Geertje Dekker.

XI-fv Gezina de Rooi is born on 13-05-1852 in Groningen, daughter of Roelof Simons de Rooi and Dieuwertje Boots. Registration on 15-05-1852 [akte 443]. Gezina is deceased on 19-12-1902 in Groningen, 50 years old. Registration on 20-12-1902 [akte 1244]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Gezina married, 22 years old, on 13-12-1874 in Groningen [akte 351] with Renne Bakema, 21 years old. Renne is born on 03-06-1853 in Eenrum. Renne is deceased before 1902, at the most 49 years old. Occupation: pakhuisknecht. Note re Renne: zoon van Jakob Bakema, arbeider, en Berendina Trap.

XI-fw Johanna Helena de Rooi is born on 10-01-1858 in Groningen, daughter of Roelof Simons de Rooi and Dieuwertje Boots. Registration on 11-01-1858 [akte 34]. Johanna Helena is deceased on 27-11-1890 in Groningen, 32 years old. Registration on 28-11-1890 [akte 1213]. Johanna Helena married, 24 years old, on 15-01-1882 in Groningen [akte 9] with Gerardus Johannes Bruins, 22 years old. wettigen 1 kind. Gerardus Johannes is born on 11-01-1860 in Groningen. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Gerardus Johannes: zoon van Hindrik Bruins, voerman, en Pieternella Alagonda Peesen.

XI-fx Henrica de Rooi is born on 28-08-1861 in Groningen, daughter of Roelof Simons de Rooi and Dieuwertje Boots. Registration on 29-08-1861 [akte 830]. Henrica is deceased on 23-09-1950 in Groningen, 89 years old. Registration on 25-09-1950 [akte 1257]. Henrica married, 35 years old, on 08-08-1897 in Groningen [akte 328] with Derk Lammert van der Tuin, 32 years old. Derk Lammert is born on 07-04-1865 in Groningen. Occupation: voermansknecht. Note re Derk Lammert: zoon van Lammert van der Tuin, veehouder, en Hinderkien Hofman.

XII-a Geertje Boots is born on 09-09-1865 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Jansje Mul. Geertje married, 25 years old, on 30-04-1891 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Petrus Loos, 28 years old. Petrus is born on 25-11-1862 in Opmeer. Occupation: schilder. Note re Petrus: zoon van Willem Loos en Trijntje Sikken.
Child of Geertje and Petrus:

1 Willem Loos, born about 1893 in Zijpe. Follow XIII-a.

XII-b Margaretha (Grietje) Boots is born on 09-12-1870 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Jansje Mul. Margaretha is deceased on 05-01-1961 in Wervershoof, 90 years old. Grietje married, 33 years old, on 07-04-1904 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Dirk Karsten, 29 years old. Dirk is born on 07-02-1875 in Westwoud. Dirk is deceased on 01-04-1937 in Wervershoof, 62 years old. He was buried on 05-04-1937 in Wervershoof. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jacob Karsten en Marijtje Knook, landbouwster.
Child of Grietje and Dirk:

1 N.N. Karsten, still born daughter on 26-06-1905 in Spanbroek. Registration on 26-06-1905 [akte 18].

XII-c Jansje Boots is born on 25-02-1872 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Jansje Mul. Jansje is deceased on 11-10-1946 in Amsterdam, 74 years old. She was buried on 16-10-1946 in Amsterdam. Jansje married, 24 years old, on 26-10-1896 in Spanbroek [akte 13] with Jacobus Hoogewerf, 28 years old. Jacobus is born on 09-11-1867 in Beverwijk. Jacobus is deceased on 21-06-1952 in Amsterdam, 84 years old. He was buried on 25-06-1952 in Amsterdam. Occupation: steigermaker. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Floris Hoogewerf en Grietje de Wildt.

XII-d Jan Boots is born on 15-02-1876 in Spanbroek, son of Dirk Boots and Jansje Mul. Jan is deceased on 09-06-1957 in Medemblik, 81 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married, 24 years old, on 10-01-1901 in Hoogwoud [akte 2] with Johanna de Boer, 24 years old. Johanna is born on 02-11-1876 in De Weere (Opmeer). Geboorteplaats bij huwelijk vermeld als Hoogwoud. Johanna is deceased on 26-09-1952 in De Weere (Opmeer), 75 years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Klaas de Boer, arbeider, en Trijntje Beerse.
Children of Jan and Johanna:

1 Jansje Boots, born about 1902 in Hoogwoud. Jansje is deceased on 27-01-1905 in Hoogwoud, about 3 years old. Registration on 28-01-1905 [akte 4].
2 Nicolaas Boots, born on 09-04-1904 in Hoogwoud. Nicolaas is deceased on 28-04-1904 in Hoogwoud, 19 days old. Registration on 29-04-1904 [akte 14].
3 Johanna Boots, born on 16-07-1905 in Hoogwoud. Johanna is deceased on 01-08-1905 in Hoogwoud, 16 days old. Registration on 02-08-1905 [akte 19].
4 Nicolaas (Niek) Boots, born on 20-07-1907 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIII-b.
5 Johanna Boots, born on 03-03-1910 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIII-c.
6 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 09-07-1911 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 10-07-1911 [akte 23].
7 Catharina Boots, born on 31-08-1913 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIII-d.
8 Geertruida (Truus) Boots, born about 1919 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIII-e.
9 Theodorus (Dirk) Boots, born on 13-07-1921 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIII-f.

XII-e Cornelis (Kees) Boots is born about 1880 in Spanbroek, son of Dirk Boots and Jansje Mul. Occupation: huisschilder. Kees:
(1) married, about 24 years old, on 24-11-1904 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Maria Catharina Berendina Visser, about 26 years old. Maria Catharina Berendina is born about 1878 in Helder. Maria Catharina Berendina is deceased before 1918, at the most 40 years old. Note re Maria Catharina Berendina: dochter van Petrus Visser, timmerman, en Joanna Wilhelmina Hendriks.
(2) married, about 38 years old, on 03-10-1918 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Cornelia Maria Visser, about 38 years old. Cornelia Maria is born about 1880 in Amsterdam. Note re Cornelia Maria: dochter van Nicolaas Visser en Cornelia Maria van der Meijden.

XII-f Dirk Boots is born on 02-05-1859 in Obdam, son of Pieter Boots and Lijntje Koenis. Dirk is deceased on 23-10-1925 in Opmeer, 66 years old. Registration on 24-10-1925 [akte 9]. Occupation: arbeider. Dirk married, 25 years old, on 09-05-1884 in Hensbroek [akte 6] with Wilhelmina Christina Huiberts, 25 years old. Wilhelmina Christina is born on 18-04-1859 in Obdam. Wilhelmina Christina is deceased on 12-02-1936 in Nibbixwoud, 76 years old. Registration on 12-02-1936 [akte 2]. Note re Wilhelmina Christina: dochter van Cornelis Dirks Huiberts (1827), landman, en Grietje Kreijgers (Krijger) (1825).

XII-g Jacobus Boots is born on 12-05-1875 in Obdam, son of Pieter Boots and Lijntje Koenis. Note re the death of Jacobus: Opmeer?. Occupation: arbeider. Jacobus married, 27 years old, on 07-05-1903 in Spanbroek [akte 9] with Mijnoutje Hermelink, 25 years old. Mijnoutje is born on 29-11-1877 in Spanbroek. Mijnoutje is deceased on 16-04-1930 in Opmeer, 52 years old. Registration on 16-04-1930 [akte 1]. Note re Mijnoutje: ook Meinoutje, dochter van Dirk Hermelink, arbeider, en Trijntje Louter.
Children of Jacobus and Mijnoutje:

1 Lijntje Boots, born on 18-10-1904 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-g.
2 Catharina Boots, born on 30-04-1906 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-h.
3 Petrus Boots, born on 03-06-1907 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-i.
4 Dirk Boots (private).
5 Cornelis Boots, born on 12-05-1910 in Opmeer. Cornelis is deceased on 02-04-1927 in Opmeer, 16 years old.
6 Nicolaas Boots, born on 29-07-1912 in Opmeer. Nicolaas is deceased on 02-04-1927 in Opmeer, 14 years old. Registration on 02-04-1927 [akte 2].
7 Wilhelmina Boots, born on 23-05-1914 in Opmeer. Wilhelmina is deceased on 14-01-1915 in Opmeer, 7 months old. Registration on 15-01-1915 [akte 2].
8 Wilhelmina Boots, born on 06-10-1916 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-j.
9 Jacob (Jaap) Boots, born on 26-04-1918 in Opmeer. Jacob is deceased on 25-01-2000 in Hoogwoud, 81 years old.
10 Johannes Boots, born on 07-03-1921 in Opmeer. Johannes is deceased on 02-02-1922 in Opmeer, 10 months old. Registration on 02-02-1922 [akte 3].

XII-h Geertje Boots is born on 14-07-1865 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Geertje Mettes. Geertje is deceased on 30-04-1921 in Ursem, 55 years old. Registration on 30-04-1921 [akte 3]. Geertje married, 23 years old, on 16-11-1888 in Hensbroek [akte 5] with Nicolaas (Klaas) Kuijper, about 26 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1862 in Blokker. Occupation: bakker, arbeider. Note re Klaas: zoon van Jasper Kuijper (1832-1885) en Grietje Appelman (1839-1862).
Children of Geertje and Klaas:

1 Jasper Kuijper, born on 02-07-1890 in Opmeer. Jasper is deceased on 22-07-1890 in Opmeer, 20 days old. Registration on 23-07-1890 [akte 6].
2 Jasper Kuijper, born about 1892 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-k.

XII-i Trijntje Boots is born on 11-12-1866 in Obdam, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Geertje Mettes. Trijntje is deceased on 16-12-1928 in Opmeer, 62 years old. Registration on 17-12-1928 [akte 2]. Trijntje married, 27 years old, on 26-04-1894 in Hensbroek [akte 1] with Jan Pelt, about 27 years old. Jan is born about 1867 in Opmeer. Jan is deceased on 31-03-1945 in Berkhout, about 78 years old. Registration on 03-04-1945 [akte 15]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Pieter Pelt en Neeltje Danenberg.
Children of Trijntje and Jan:

1 Petrus Pelt, born about 1896 in Opmeer. Follow XIII-l.
2 Cornelis Pelt, born about 1897 in Opmeer. Cornelis is deceased on 01-06-1898 in Opmeer, about 1 year old. Registration on 01-06-1898 [akte 9].
3 Nicolaas Pelt, born about 1898 in Opmeer. Nicolaas is deceased on 30-07-1919 in Opmeer, about 21 years old. Registration on 30-07-1919 [akte 4].

XII-j Dirk Boots is born about 1862 in Spanbroek, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Dirk is deceased on 27-12-1934 in Berkhout, about 72 years old. Registration on 29-12-1934 [akte 39]. Dirk married with Elisabeth Alida Maria Scholten.

XII-k Geertruida (Geertje) Boots is born on 14-05-1864 in Spanbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Geertruida is deceased on 15-08-1940 in Spanbroek, 76 years old. Registration on 15-08-1940 [akte 9]. She was buried on 17-08-1940 in Spanbroek. Geertje married, 26 years old, on 08-04-1891 in Obdam [akte 2] with Dirk Floris, about 23 years old. Dirk is born about 1868 in Obdam. Dirk is deceased on 21-02-1936 in Spanbroek, about 68 years old. Registration on 22-02-1936 [akte 3]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jan Floris en Jantje Hermelink, winkelierster.
Children of Geertje and Dirk:

1 Johanna Floris.
2 Theodorus Floris.
3 Agatha Floris.
4 Nicolaas Floris.
5 Johannes (Jo) Floris, born about 1894 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-m.
6 Catharina Floris, born about 1897 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-n.
7 Aldert Floris, born in 07-1906 in Spanbroek. Aldert is deceased on 14-09-1906 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 14-09-1906 [akte 28].
8 Geertruida Floris, born in 07-1908 in Spanbroek. Geertruida is deceased on 09-09-1908 in Spanbroek, 2 months old. Registration on 10-09-1908 [akte 23].

XII-l Klaas Boots is born on 05-05-1867 in Spanbroek, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Klaas is deceased on 28-12-1939 in Hoorn, 72 years old. Registration [akte 19 dd 30-12-1939 Spanbroek]. He was buried in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: arbeider. Klaas married, 29 years old, on 20-04-1897 in Spanbroek [akte 5] with Tadea Klaver, 24 years old. Tadea is born on 24-07-1872 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), daughter of Simon Klaver and Meinoutje Kaldenbach. Tadea is deceased on 13-03-1964 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 91 years old.
Children of Klaas and Tadea:

1 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 18-04-1898 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-o.
2 Simon Petrus (Simon) Boots, born on 18-08-1900 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-p.
3 Catharina (Trien) Boots, born on 15-05-1903 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-q.
4 Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 20-02-1908 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-r.
5 Wilhelmina (Mien) Boots, born on 13-02-1912 in Spanbroek. Follow XIII-s.
6 Geertruida Tadea Boots, born about 1914 in Spanbroek. Geertruida Tadea is deceased on 15-05-1915 in Spanbroek, about 1 year old. Registration on 17-05-1915 [akte 11].
7 Petrus Boots, born on 12-01-1915 in Spanbroek. Petrus is deceased on 20-02-1973 in Spanbroek, 58 years old.

XII-m Catharina (Trijntje) Boots is born on 30-03-1868 in Spanbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Catharina is deceased on 28-10-1941 in Spanbroek, 73 years old. Registration on 29-10-1941 [akte 20]. She was buried on 31-10-1941 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Trijntje married, 32 years old, on 10-01-1901 in Berkhout [akte 1] with Pieter Mulder, about 35 years old. Pieter is born about 1866 in Spanbroek. Pieter is deceased on 19-01-1940 in Spanbroek, about 74 years old. Registration on 22-01-1940 [akte 1]. He was buried on 23-01-1940 in Spanbroek. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jacob Mulder (1822) en Grietje Bakker (ca 1829-1897); getrouwd (1) op 10-06-1892 in Berkhout met Cornelia (Neeltje) Schoen (ca 1864 - vóór 1901).

XII-n Aagje Boots is born on 08-06-1870 in Spanbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Aagje is deceased on 23-07-1943 in Opmeer, 73 years old. Registration on 24-07-1943 [akte 2]. Aagje married, 33 years old, on 01-05-1904 in Spanbroek [akte 13] with Jacobus Johannes Baars, about 35 years old. Jacobus Johannes is born about 1869 in Schagen. Jacobus Johannes is deceased on 14-12-1938 in Opmeer, about 69 years old. Registration on 15-12-1938 [akte 4]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jacobus Johannes: zoon van Pieter Baars en Louise Schmidt, winkelierster.
Child of Aagje and Jacobus Johannes:

1 Petrus Baars, born on 18-03-1907 in Opmeer. Petrus is deceased on 23-03-1907 in Opmeer, 5 days old. Registration on 24-03-1907 [akte 3].

XII-o Pieter Boots is born about 1873 in Spanbroek, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Pieter is deceased on 03-02-1947 in Obdam, about 74 years old. Registration on 05-02-1947 [akte 5]. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married, about 31 years old, on 03-05-1904 in Obdam [akte 4] with Cornelia (Neeltje) van Duin, 26 years old. Cornelia is born on 08-04-1878 in Opmeer. Cornelia is deceased on 25-08-1941 in Heerhugowaard, 63 years old. Registration on 26-08-1941 [akte 44]. She was buried on 28-08-1941 in Heerhugowaard. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Willem van Duin, landbouwer, en Leentje Winneps.
Children of Pieter and Neeltje:

1 Joannes (Jan) Boots, born about 1906 in Opmeer. Joannes is deceased on 12-09-1928 in Heerhugowaard, about 22 years old. Registration on 13-09-1928 [akte 44]. He was buried on 15-09-1928 in Heerhugowaard.
2 Willem Boots, born on 23-04-1908 in Heerhugowaard. Willem is deceased on 17-06-1937 in Alkmaar, 29 years old. Registration [akte 35 dd 19-06-1937 Heerhugowaard]. He was buried on 19-06-1937 in Heerhugowaard.
3 Dirk Boots, born in 1910 in Heerhugowaard. Dirk is deceased on 13-09-1914 in Heerhugowaard, 4 years old. Registration on 14-09-1914 [akte 41].
4 Helena Catharina Boots, born about 1912 in Heerhugowaard. Helena Catharina is deceased on 27-02-1924 in Heerhugowaard, about 12 years old. Registration on 29-02-1924 [akte 8].
5 Theodorus Boots, born in 02-1918 in Heerhugowaard. Theodorus is deceased on 06-11-1918 in Heerhugowaard, 9 months old. Registration on 06-11-1918 [akte 60].
6 Nicolaas Jozef Boots, born in 03-1921 in Heerhugowaard. Nicolaas Jozef is deceased on 26-12-1921 in Heerhugowaard, 9 months old. Registration on 27-12-1921 [akte 61].
7 N.N. Boots, still born son on 25-03-1921 in Heerhugowaard. Registration on 26-03-1921 [akte 20].

XII-p Geertruida Boots is born about 1877 in Spanbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Geertruida is deceased on 22-06-1906 in Spanbroek, about 29 years old. Registration on 23-06-1906 [akte 19]. She was buried on 26-06-1906 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Geertruida married, about 22 years old, on 31-05-1899 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Pieter Klaver, 34 years old. Pieter is born on 09-12-1864 in Spanbroek, son of Simon Klaver and Meinoutje Kaldenbach. Pieter is deceased on 21-11-1951 in Spanbroek, 86 years old. He was buried on 24-11-1951 in Spanbroek. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: getrouwd (2) op 03-04-1907 in Spanbroek met Dieuwertje Groskamp (ca 1884).
Child of Geertruida and Pieter:

1 Simon Klaver, born about 1901 in Spanbroek. Simon is deceased on 16-04-1904 in Spanbroek, about 3 years old. Registration on 18-04-1904 [akte 11].

XII-q Cornelis Boots is born on 02-12-1879 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Koenis. Cornelis is deceased on 23-02-1954 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 74 years old. He was buried on 26-02-1954 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married, 29 years old, on 11-02-1909 in Berkhout [akte 2] with Christina (Stijntje) Steur, 28 years old. Christina is born on 01-05-1880 in Heerhugowaard. Christina is deceased on 18-12-1952 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 72 years old. She was buried on 22-12-1952 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Stijntje: dochter van Simon Steur, landbouwer, en Aafje Pels.
Children of Cornelis and Stijntje:

1 Catharina Boots, born about 1909 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Catharina is deceased on 14-12-1934 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), about 25 years old. Registration on 15-12-1934 [akte 28]. She was buried on 18-12-1934 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re the death of Catharina: als geboorteplaats en overlijdensplaats vermeld Spanbroek.
2 Simon Boots, born on 13-03-1911. Follow XIII-t.
3 Johannes Boots, born in 09-1912 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 24-03-1913 in Spanbroek, 6 months old. Registration on 25-03-1913 [akte 9].
4 Johannes Boots, born in 12-1914 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 25-09-1915 in Spanbroek, 9 months old. Registration on 25-09-1915 [akte 20].
5 Johannes Boots, born in 07-1916 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 01-01-1917 in Spanbroek, 6 months old. Registration on 03-01-1917 [akte 1].
6 Johannes Boots, born in 03-1918 in Spanbroek. Johannes is deceased on 23-11-1918 in Spanbroek, 8 months old. Registration on 26-11-1918 [akte 30].
7 Johannes Boots, born on 13-10-1919 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Johannes is deceased on 07-01-1990 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 70 years old.
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 04-03-1923 in Spanbroek. Registration on 06-03-1923 [akte 5].
9 Afra Maria Boots, born on 25-03-1924 in Spanbroek. Afra Maria is deceased on 28-03-1924 in Spanbroek, 3 days old. Registration on 31-03-1924 [akte 9].

XII-r Geertruida Boots is born on 23-05-1870 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Buis. Geertruida is deceased on 22-01-1950 in Wogmeer (Hensbroek), 79 years old. Registration on 23-01-1950 [akte 1]. She was buried on 25-01-1950 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Geertruida married, 24 years old, on 17-01-1895 in Berkhout [akte 1] with Johannes (Jan) Knijn, 22 years old. Johannes is born on 24-05-1872 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Knijn and Antje Spekken. Johannes is deceased on 09-07-1949 in Obdam, 77 years old. Registration on 11-07-1949 [akte 19]. He was buried on 13-07-1949 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer, winkelier.
Children of Geertruida and Jan:

1 Anna Knijn, born in 1896 in Hensbroek. Follow XIII-u.
2 Cornelis Knijn, born in 1897. Cornelis is deceased in 1980, 83 years old.
3 Aafje Knijn, born in 1898 in Hensbroek. Follow XIII-v.
4 Maria Knijn, born in 1899. Maria is deceased in 1973, 74 years old.
5 Agatha Knijn, born in 1900. Agatha is deceased in 1978, 78 years old.
6 Dirk Knijn, born in 1901. Dirk is deceased in 1983, 82 years old.
7 Geertruida Knijn, born in 1903. Geertruida is deceased in 1993, 90 years old.
8 Neeltje Knijn, born in 05-1904 in Hensbroek. Neeltje is deceased on 27-02-1905 in Hensbroek, 9 months old. Registration on 28-02-1905 [akte 9].

XII-s Jacob Boots is born on 26-10-1873 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Buis. Registration [source: akte 68]. Jacob is deceased on 18-07-1936 in Berkhout, 62 years old. Registration on 20-07-1936 [akte 24]. Occupation: landbouwer. Jacob married, 23 years old, on 25-02-1897 in Nibbixwoud [akte 2] with Meinoutje Karsten, about 26 years old. Meinoutje is born about 1871 in Venhuizen. Note re Meinoutje: dochter van Jacob Karsten (ca 1848), landbouwer, en Neeltje Schaper (ca 1849).
Children of Jacob and Meinoutje:

1 Jacobus Boots, born in 03-1901 in Avenhorn. Jacobus is deceased on 13-05-1901 in Avenhorn, 2 months old. Registration on 13-05-1901 [akte 12].
2 Eva Boots, born in 04-1904 in Avenhorn. Eva is deceased on 22-11-1904 in Avenhorn, 7 months old. Registration on 23-11-1904 [akte 17].
3 Johannes Boots, born in 08-1906 in Avenhorn. Johannes is deceased on 14-10-1906 in Avenhorn, 2 months old. Registration on 15-10-1906 [akte 12].
4 Johannes Boots, born in 10-1907 in Avenhorn. Johannes is deceased on 14-01-1908 in Avenhorn, 3 months old. Registration on 15-01-1908 [akte 2].
5 Simon Boots, born in 05-1910 in Avenhorn. Simon is deceased on 08-09-1910 in Avenhorn, 4 months old. Registration on 08-09-1910 [akte 10].
6 Agatha Boots, born in 07-1911 in Berkhout. Agatha is deceased on 14-09-1911 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 14-09-1911 [akte 15].
7 Everhardus Boots, born about 1914 in Berkhout. Everhardus is deceased on 04-04-1915 in Berkhout, about 1 year old. Registration on 06-04-1915 [akte 10].
8 N.N. Boots, still born son on 24-02-1915 in Berkhout. Registration on 25-02-1915 [akte 6].

XII-t Neeltje Boots is born on 10-02-1876 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Buis. Neeltje is deceased on 28-05-1936, 60 years old. Neeltje married, 25 years old, on 19-01-1902 in Alkmaar [akte 3] with Jacobus Brons, 28 years old. Jacobus is born on 05-10-1873 in Zijpe. Occupation: fabrieksarbeider. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Jan Brons (1824-1885) en Elisabeth Schouten (ca 1842-na 1889).
Children of Neeltje and Jacobus:

1 Petrus Brons (private).
2 Elizabeth Aafje Brons (private).
3 Johannes Jacobus Brons (private).
4 Jacobus Brons (private).

XII-u Catharina Johanna (Trijntje) Boots is born on 26-01-1879 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Buis. She was buried in Schoorl. Trijntje married, 26 years old, on 23-11-1905 in Schoorl [akte 15] with Johannes Delis, 33 years old. Johannes is born on 26-01-1872 in Bergen. Johannes is deceased on 17-04-1931, 59 years old. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Johannes: zoon van Jan Delis, landman, en Maria Schaaper; getrouwd (1) op 24-04-1895 in Schoorl met Jannetje Kazenbroot (1871-1905).

XII-v Elisabeth (Betje) Boots is born on 18-06-1884 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Buis. tweeling. Elisabeth is deceased on 31-07-1924 in Benningbroek (Sijbekarspel), 40 years old. Registration on 01-08-1924 [akte 8]. She was buried on 04-08-1924 in Nibbixwoud. Betje married, 25 years old, on 21-04-1910 in Spanbroek [akte 6] with Sijvert Smit, about 27 years old. Sijvert is born about 1883 in Wognum. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Sijvert: zoon van Klaas Smit (ca 1851), arbeider, en Maartje Commandeur (ca 1851).

XII-w Geertruida Pater is born about 1880 in Berkhout, daughter of Pieter Pater and Elisabeth Boots. Geertruida married, about 23 years old, on 16-04-1903 in Berkhout [akte 4] with Arien Dekker, about 24 years old. Arien is born about 1879 in Berkhout. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Arien: zoon van Arien Dekker, metselaar, en Johanna de Boer.

XII-x Jacob Pater is born about 1881 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Pater and Elisabeth Boots. Jacob is deceased in 1954, about 73 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Jacob married, about 27 years old, on 30-04-1908 in Hoogwoud [akte 14] with Geertje Conijn, about 25 years old. Geertje is born about 1883 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Cornelis Conijn and Antje van Diepen.

XII-y Antje Pater is born about 1884 in Berkhout, daughter of Pieter Pater and Elisabeth Boots. Antje is deceased on 30-03-1927 in Hoorn, about 43 years old. Registration [akte 10 dd 31-03-1927 Berkhout]. Antje married, about 25 years old, on 22-04-1909 in Berkhout [akte 8] with Klaas Conijn, about 28 years old. Klaas is born about 1881 in Hoogwoud, son of Cornelis Conijn and Antje van Diepen. Occupation: landbouwer.

XII-z Elbert Pater is born about 1890 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Pater and Elisabeth Boots. Elbert is deceased on 06-12-1944 in Hoorn, about 54 years old. Registration [akte 21 dd 11-12-1944 Avenhorn]. Occupation: barbier. Elbert:
(1) married, about 29 years old, on 19-06-1919 in Berkhout [akte 18] with Iefke Gerritsma, about 23 years old. Iefke is born about 1896 in Amsterdam. Iefke is deceased on 25-06-1926 in Avenhorn, about 30 years old. Registration on 25-06-1926 [akte 7]. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Iefke: dochter van Urikus (Uiltje) Gerritsma, timmerman, en Anna Jacoba Cornelis.
(2) married, at least 36 years old, after 1926 with Johanna Petronella Oud.

XII-aa Klaas Huiberts is born about 1879 in Spanbroek, son of Dirk Huiberts and Geertje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Klaas married, about 29 years old, on 23-04-1908 in Hensbroek [akte 2] with Catharina Wijte, about 30 years old. Catharina is born about 1878 in Hensbroek, daughter of Pieter Wijte and Dirkje Klaver.

XII-ab Geertje Huiberts is born about 1881 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Huiberts and Geertje Boots. Geertje is deceased on 07-10-1928 in Alkmaar, about 47 years old. Registration [akte 21 dd 11-10-1928 Ilpendam]. Geertje married, about 37 years old, on 26-06-1918 in Ilpendam [akte 6] with Arie de Boer, about 37 years old. Arie is born about 1881 in Akersloot. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Arie: weduwnaar van Pietertje Nieuweboer, zoon van Jan de Boer en Aaltje Kaptein.

XII-ac Maartje Huiberts is born about 1882 in Hensbroek, daughter of Dirk Huiberts and Geertje Boots. Maartje married, about 23 years old, on 05-05-1905 in Obdam [akte 6] with Nikolaas Duin, about 22 years old. Nikolaas is born about 1883 in Obdam. Occupation: slager. Note re Nikolaas: zoon van Cornelis Duin, landman, en Antje Klaver.

XII-ad Katharina Huiberts is born about 1888 in Oud-Beijerland, daughter of Dirk Huiberts and Geertje Boots. Katharina married, about 31 years old, on 30-09-1919 in Heerhugowaard [akte 35] with Jacob Vlaming, about 28 years old. Jacob is born about 1891 in Ursem. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jacob: weduwnaar van Catharina Tessel, zoon van Pieter Vlaming, broodbakker, en Neeltje Steur.

XII-ae Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots is born on 10-07-1867 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Boots and Jantje Stam. Nicolaas is deceased on 12-01-1949 in Ursem, 81 years old. Registration on 12-01-1949 [akte 2]. Occupation: boerenknecht. Klaas married, 26 years old, on 30-01-1894 in Ursem [akte 2] with Geertruida (Geertje) Prinse, 23 years old. Geertruida is born on 18-01-1871 in Ursem. Geertruida is deceased on 27-04-1945 in Ursem, 74 years old. Registration on 30-04-1945 [akte 11]. Note re Geertje: dochter van Cornelis Prinse en Neeltje Sijts.
Children of Klaas and Geertje:

1 Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots, born about 1895 in Alkmaar. Cornelia is deceased on 17-09-1910 in Ursem, about 15 years old. Registration on 17-09-1910 [akte 15].
2 Cornelis Boots, born in 12-1895 in Alkmaar. Cornelis is deceased on 29-05-1896 in Ursem, 5 months old. Registration on 30-05-1896 [akte 10].
3 Pieter Boots, born in 03-1897 in Ursem. Pieter is deceased on 23-05-1897 in Ursem, 2 months old. Registration on 23-05-1897 [akte 12].
4 Pieter Boots, born on 15-03-1898 in Ursem. Pieter is deceased on 28-03-1898 in Ursem, 13 days old. Registration on 29-03-1898 [akte 6].
5 Pieter Boots, born on 21-05-1899 in Ursem. Follow XIII-w.
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 28-06-1900 in Ursem. Cornelis is deceased on 16-07-1900 in Ursem, 18 days old. Registration on 17-07-1900 [akte 18].
7 Johanna (Jansje) Boots, born on 30-08-1901 in Ursem. Follow XIII-x.
8 Cornelis Boots, born on 25-12-1902 in Ursem. Cornelis is deceased on 30-03-1966 in Ursem, 63 years old.
9 Klaas Boots, born on 24-03-1904 in Ursem. Klaas is deceased on 15-04-1904 in Ursem, 22 days old. Registration on 16-04-1904 [akte 8].
10 Geertje Boots, born on 02-05-1906 in Ursem. Geertje is deceased on 19-12-1979 in Ursem, 73 years old.
11 Klaas Boots, born on 03-05-1907 in Ursem. Klaas is deceased on 31-08-1974 in Ursem, 67 years old.
12 Gerbrandus Boots, born on 12-05-1909 in Ursem. Follow XIII-y.
13 Arie Boots (private).

XII-af Gerbrand Boots is born on 08-09-1868 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Boots and Jantje Stam. Gerbrand is deceased on 10-03-1932 in Limmen, 63 years old. Occupation: bakkersknecht, losser papierfabriek. Gerbrand married, 21 years old, on 30-06-1890 in Wormer [akte 10] with Catharina Koelemeijer, 26 years old. Catharina is born on 10-01-1864 in Zaandijk. Catharina is deceased on 03-04-1931 in Wormer, 67 years old. She was buried on 07-04-1931 in Wormer. Note re Catharina: dochter van Joannis Koelemeijer en Bartha Daas, winkelierster.
Children of Gerbrand and Catharina:

1 Johanna (Jansje) Boots, born on 12-10-1892 in Wormer. Follow XIII-z.
2 Bertha Johanna Boots, born on 28-07-1897 in Wormer. Follow XIII-aa.

XII-ag Pieter Boots is born about 1871 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Boots and Jantje Stam. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married, about 33 years old, on 21-04-1904 in Berkhout [akte 11] with Agatha Buiten, about 31 years old. Agatha is born about 1873 in Berkhout. Note re Agatha: dochter van Louweris Cornelis Buiten (ca 1836), arbeider, en Gerbregt Schaap (1837).

XII-ah Jacobus (Jaap) Boots is born on 18-06-1872 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Boots and Jantje Stam. Occupation: arbeider. Jaap married, 26 years old, on 25-04-1899 in Ursem [akte 6] with Lidwina Meijer, 25 years old. Lidwina is born on 11-01-1874 in Obdam. Lidwina is deceased on 09-08-1947 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 73 years old. Registration on 11-08-1947 [akte 12]. She was buried on 13-08-1947. Note re Lidwina: ook Ledwina, dochter van Johannes (Jan) Meijer (1844-1877) en Trijntje van de Nes (1843).
Children of Jaap and Lidwina:

1 Johannes Boots, born on 02-02-1900 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-ab.
2 Johanna Boots, born on 23-07-1901 in Berkhout. Johanna is deceased on 18-10-1999 in Koedijk, 98 years old.
3 Pieter Boots, born on 21-04-1903 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-ac.
4 Jacobus (Jacob) Boots, born on 29-09-1904 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-ad.
5 Nicolaas Boots, born on 05-05-1906 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-ae.
6 Catharina Boots, born on 12-11-1907 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-af.
7 Ledwina Boots, born on 31-10-1909 in Berkhout. Ledwina is deceased on 21-03-1983 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 73 years old. Occupation: bakkersknecht.
8 Cornelis Boots (private). Cornelis:
(1) married with Greetje (Gré) van der Veen (private).
(2) married with Maria Diewera (Marie) Biersteker (private).
9 Cornelis Boots, born in 01-1914 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Cornelis is deceased on 22-02-1914 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 1 month old. Registration on 23-02-1914 [akte 1].

XII-ai Cornelis Boots is born on 13-02-1882 in Berkhout, son of Pieter Boots and Jantje Stam. Cornelis is deceased on 27-12-1955 in Hem (Venhuizen), 73 years old. He was buried on 30-12-1955 in Venhuizen. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis married, 26 years old, on 30-04-1908 in Wervershoof [akte 6] with Antje Spruit, about 22 years old. Antje is born about 1886 in Wervershoof. Note re Antje: dochter van Pieter Spruit (1841), landbouwer, en Neeltje Meester (1845).
Child of Cornelis and Antje:

1 Pieter Boots, born in 04-1910 in Berkhout. Pieter is deceased on 16-08-1910 in Berkhout, 4 months old. Registration on 17-08-1910 [akte 25].

XII-aj Jacobus (Jacob) van Diepen is born about 1876 in Heerhugowaard, son of Dirk van Diepen and Grietje Boots. Jacobus is deceased in 1954, about 78 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Jacob married, about 24 years old, on 01-02-1900 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 2] with Antje van Wonderen, about 24 years old. Antje is born about 1876 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Note re Antje: dochter van Jan van Wonderen, landman, en Antje Mooij.

XII-ak Engelina van Diepen is born about 1877 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Dirk van Diepen and Grietje Boots. Engelina is deceased in 1945, about 68 years old. Engelina married, about 26 years old, on 24-04-1903 in Anna Paulowna [akte 7] with Jacobus Johannes van Kooten, about 27 years old. Jacobus Johannes is born about 1876 in Anna Paulowna. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jacobus Johannes: zoon van Adrianus van Kooten, arbeider, en Josina Alida van der Goes.

XII-al Maria van Diepen is born about 1879 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Dirk van Diepen and Grietje Boots. Maria is deceased in 1923, about 44 years old. Maria married, about 23 years old, on 21-08-1902 in Zuid-Scharwoude [akte 20] with Leonardus de Roos, about 22 years old. Leonardus is born about 1880 in Texel. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Leonardus: zoon van Govert Goverts de Roos, schoenmaker, en Jannetje Ran.

XII-am Cornelia Jacoba Maria Antonia (Cornelia) Besseling is born about 1880 in Berkhout, daughter of Simon Besseling and Neeltje Boots. Cornelia Jacoba Maria Antonia is deceased on 02-02-1943 in Berkhout, about 63 years old. Registration on 02-02-1943 [akte 2]. Cornelia married, about 24 years old, on 07-04-1904 in Berkhout [akte 6] with Cornelis Broers, about 26 years old. Cornelis is born about 1878 in Wognum. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Klaas Broers en Aafje Pronk.

XII-an Maria Besseling is born about 1885 in Berkhout, daughter of Simon Besseling and Neeltje Boots. Maria is deceased in 1967, about 82 years old. Maria married, about 26 years old, on 20-04-1911 in Berkhout [akte 4] with Jan Stam, about 27 years old. Jan is born about 1884 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Hendrik Stam, landbouwer, en Jansje de Groot.

XII-ao Grietje van 't Hof is born about 1887 in Blokker, daughter of Cornelis van 't Hof and Elisabeth Boots. Occupation: dienstbode. Grietje married, about 35 years old, on 12-01-1922 in Hoorn [akte 4] with Arie Braas, about 36 years old. Arie is born about 1886 in Avenhorn. Occupation: gemeente-werkman. Note re Arie: zoon van Dirk Braas en Neeltje Groot.

XII-ap Maartje van 't Hof is born about 1889 in Blokker, daughter of Cornelis van 't Hof and Elisabeth Boots. Maartje married, about 26 years old, on 09-04-1915 in Blokker [akte 2] with Simon van Westen, about 26 years old. Simon is born about 1889 in Blokker. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Simon: zoon van Cornelis van Westen en Trijntje Tuinman.

XII-aq Aaltje van 't Hof is born about 1902 in Blokker, daughter of Cornelis van 't Hof and Elisabeth Boots. Aaltje married, about 19 years old, on 11-05-1921 in Blokker [akte 17] with Jan Kieftenburg, about 37 years old. Jan is born about 1884 in Blokker. Occupation: landarbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Pieter Kieftenburg en Geertje Ruitenberg.

XII-ar Aafje Hinke is born about 1864 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Aafje is deceased on 26-09-1941 in Monnickendam, about 77 years old. Registration on 27-09-1941 [akte 33]. Address: Ursem. Aafje married, about 23 years old, on 29-04-1887 in Ursem [akte 6] with Cornelis Knijn, 24 years old. Cornelis is born on 26-03-1863, son of Cornelis Knijn and Antje Spekken. Address: Ursem. Occupation: boerenknecht.

XII-as Geertruida Hinke is born about 1865 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Geertruida is deceased in 1942, about 77 years old. Geertruida married, about 26 years old, on 22-10-1891 in Hoorn [akte 72] with Gerardus Jacobus Meijer, about 28 years old. Gerardus Jacobus is born about 1863 in Hoorn. Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Gerardus Jacobus: zoon van Fredrik Johannes Meijer en Maria Cornelissen.

XII-at Jacobus (Jaap) Hinke is born about 1867, son of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Jacobus is deceased on 19-06-1930 in Ilpendam, about 63 years old. Registration on 20-06-1930 [akte 13]. Occupation: schilder. Jaap:
(1) married, about 26 years old, on 25-04-1893 in Schermerhorn [akte 4] with Maria Christina Hermes, about 28 years old. Maria Christina is born about 1865. Maria Christina is deceased on 01-07-1918 in Ilpendam, about 53 years old. Registration on 01-07-1918 [akte 17]. Note re Maria Christina: dochter van Johan Gerard Hermes en Grietje Smit.
(2) married, at least 51 years old, after 1918 with Cornelia Maria Stadegaard, at least 39 years old. Cornelia Maria is born about 1879 in Zaandam. Cornelia Maria is deceased on 30-01-1942 in Purmerend, about 63 years old. Registration [akte 3 dd 03-02-1942 Ilpendam].

XII-au Elisabeth Hinke is born about 1869 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Elisabeth is deceased in 1949, about 80 years old. Elisabeth married, about 30 years old, on 25-04-1899 in Ursem [akte 7] with Cornelis Deen, about 26 years old. Cornelis is born about 1873 in Wervershoof. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Volkert Deen en Aaltje Roozendaal.

XII-av Cornelis Hinke is born about 1870 in Ursem, son of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Cornelis is deceased on 07-06-1945 in Ursem, about 75 years old. Registration on 07-06-1945 [akte 13]. Occupation: schilder. Cornelis married, about 30 years old, on 24-04-1900 in Ursem [akte 7] with Guurtje Wijte, about 26 years old. Guurtje is born about 1874 in Hensbroek, daughter of Pieter Wijte and Dirkje Klaver.

XII-aw Grietje Hinke is born about 1871 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Grietje is deceased on 08-07-1931 in Heerhugowaard, about 60 years old. Registration on 09-07-1931 [akte 30]. Grietje married, about 30 years old, on 11-02-1901 in Ursem [akte 1] with Cornelis Wilhelmus Offeringa, about 26 years old. Cornelis Wilhelmus is born about 1875 in Opmeer. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Cornelis Wilhelmus: zoon van Willem Offeringa, arbeider, en Guurtje Appelman.

XII-ax Maria Hinke is born about 1874 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Hinke and Elizabeth Boots. Maria is deceased on 18-04-1911 in Ursem, about 37 years old. Registration on 18-04-1911 [akte 4]. Maria married, about 29 years old, on 12-02-1903 in Ursem [akte 2] with Johannes Mattheus Krimp, about 25 years old. Johannes Mattheus is born about 1878 in Wilnis. Occupation: kleermaker. Note re Johannes Mattheus: zoon van Gijsbertus Krimp, timmerman, en Barbara Samsom.

XII-ay Cornelis Boots is born on 05-06-1877 in Obdam, son of Jacob Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) Mettes. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married, 27 years old, on 04-05-1905 in Hoogwoud [akte 9] with Dievera Wijnker, 24 years old. Dievera is born on 18-03-1881 in Hoogwoud. Note re Dievera: dochter van Tames Wijnker (1851), landman, en Cornelia Koning (ca 1850-1923).
Children of Cornelis and Dievera:

1 Jacob Boots, born about 1906 in Hoogwoud. Jacob is deceased on 29-06-1927 in Hensbroek, about 21 years old. Registration on 30-06-1927 [akte 9].
2 Cornelia Catharina Boots (private). Cornelia Catharina married with Petrus Johannes Bakker (private).
3 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 02-02-1909 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 02-02-1909 [akte 6].
4 Catharina Boots (private).
5 Tames Boots, born on 16-09-1911 in Opmeer.
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 28-07-1913 in Opmeer.
7 Maria Boots, born on 14-06-1915 in Hoogwoud.
8 Theodorus Boots, born in 02-1921 in Abbekerk. Theodorus is deceased on 05-06-1921 in Abbekerk, 4 months old. Registration on 06-06-1921 [akte 6].

XII-az Elisabeth Bijl is born about 1870 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Klaas Bijl and Jantje Boots. Elisabeth is deceased on 23-09-1949 in Venhuizen, about 79 years old. Registration on 24-09-1949 [akte 32]. Elisabeth married, about 23 years old, on 20-04-1893 in Wervershoof [akte 8] with Pieter Laan, about 29 years old. Pieter is born about 1864 in Wervershoof. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Pieter: zoon van Arien Laan, broodbakker, en Antje Neefjes.

XII-ba Dirk Bijl is born about 1872 in Nibbixwoud, son of Klaas Bijl and Jantje Boots. Dirk is deceased in 1953, about 81 years old. Occupation: brievengaarder. Dirk married, about 29 years old, on 25-04-1901 in Nibbixwoud [akte 4] with Maartje Schoenmaker, about 23 years old. Maartje is born about 1878 in Nibbixwoud. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Schoenmaker, landman, en Grietje Klaver.

XII-bb Johannes Boots is born on 09-05-1874 in Hensbroek, son of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Occupation: arbeider. Johannes married, 32 years old, on 22-08-1906 in Beverwijk [akte 41] with Christina Gerritsen, 38 years old. Christina is born on 23-10-1867 in Wamel. Note re Christina: dochter van Hermanus Leonardus Gerritsen (ca 1813-1871) en Willemina Bokken (ca 1829-1901).

XII-bc Cornelis Boots is born on 20-05-1877 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Cornelis is deceased on 25-02-1965 in Alkmaar, 87 years old. Occupation: broodbakker, venter. Cornelis married, 26 years old, on 13-10-1903 in Heemskerk [akte 16] with Anna Schuijt, 25 years old. Anna is born on 30-01-1878 in Heemskerk. Note re Anna: dochter van Jan Schuijt (1843-1919), landbouwer, en Grietje Hoogewerf (1847-1917).
Children of Cornelis and Anna:

1 Cornelia Afra Boots (private).
2 Johanna Catharina (Jo) Boots (private). Jo married with Adrianus Wilhelmus (Ad) Henneman. getrouwd (1) met Maria Cornelisse. Adrianus Wilhelmus is born on 22-12-1909 in Haarlem. Adrianus Wilhelmus is deceased on 10-08-1979 in Heemskerk, 69 years old.
3 Christina Maria Boots (private).
4 Margaretha Maria Geertruida Boots, born on 16-09-1905 in Castricum. Follow XIII-aj.
5 Margaretha Johanna Maria Boots, born on 13-12-1909 in Castricum. Follow XIII-ak.

XII-bd Geertruida Boots is born on 25-12-1878 in Ursem, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Geertruida is deceased on 19-11-1962 in Beverwijk, 83 years old. She was buried on 22-11-1962 in Alkmaar. Addresses: through 30-04-1917 Berkhout from 30-04-1917 Alkmaar. Geertruida:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 28-04-1904 in Berkhout [akte 15] with Hendrikus Johannes Hertogs, 24 years old. Hendrikus Johannes is born on 17-08-1879 in Alkmaar. Hendrikus Johannes is deceased on 30-06-1913 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 33 years old. Registration on 01-07-1913 [akte 8]. He was buried on 03-07-1913 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Hendrikus Johannes: zoon van Johannes Hertogs (1831-1898) en Helena Maria Swinkels (1843-1882).
(2) married, 38 years old, on 30-04-1917 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 3] with Christophorus Joseph Bleeker, 34 years old. Christophorus Joseph is born on 19-10-1882 in Schagen. Christophorus Joseph is deceased in 11-1968 in Alkmaar, 86 years old. Address: Alkmaar. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Christophorus Joseph: zoon van Jacob Bleeker (1843-1924), timmerman, en Catharina (Trijntje) Korver (1840-1925); getrouwd (1) op 10-02-1906 in Zijpe met Johanna Mak (1881-1916).
Children of Geertruida and Hendrikus Johannes:

1 Helena Maria Afra (Lena) Hertogs, born on 05-10-1907 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-al.
2 Maria Cornelia Hertogs, born in 11-1910 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Maria Cornelia is deceased on 10-07-1911 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 8 months old. Registration on 11-07-1911 [akte 5].
3 Hendrica Johanna (Jo) Hertogs, born on 18-09-1913 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Follow XIII-am.

Children of Geertruida and Christophorus Joseph:

1 Catharina Johanna (Ien) Bleeker, born on 21-02-1918 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-an.
2 Maria (Rie) Bleeker, born on 31-10-1920 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-ao.
3 Adrianus (Arie) Bleeker, born on 25-08-1923 in Alkmaar. Adrianus is deceased on 04-08-1945 in Alkmaar, 21 years old. He was buried on 07-08-1945 in Alkmaar.

XII-be Anna Boots is born on 12-12-1882 in Ursem, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Anna married, 38 years old, on 01-09-1921 in Alkmaar [akte 170] with Albertus Put, 39 years old. Albertus is born on 19-06-1882 in Oude Niedorp. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Albertus: zoon van Jan Put en Maria Helena Gerrits.

XII-bf Geertruida Boots is born on 01-04-1889 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Geertruida is deceased on 11-11-1958 in Alkmaar, 69 years old. She was buried on 14-11-1958 in Alkmaar. Geertruida married, 28 years old, on 10-01-1918 in Alkmaar [akte 4] with Klaas Adrichem, 26 years old. Klaas is born on 28-05-1891 in Akersloot. Occupation: schipper. Note re Klaas: zoon van Engel Adrichem (ca 1849-1917) en Neeltje van Tiel (1851).

XII-bg Maria Boots is born on 12-08-1892 in Avenhorn, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Maria is deceased on 25-02-1982 in Stede Broec, 89 years old. Note re the death of Maria: Stede Broec is een gemeente in de regio West-Friesland in Noord-Holland en bestaat uit de dorpen Bovenkarspel, Grootebroek en Lutjebroek. Deze dorpen lagen van oudsher al tegen elkaar aan, maar sinds de jaren 1970 zijn Bovenkarspel en Grootebroek volledig aan elkaar vastgebouwd, waardoor beide dorpen in feite één woonkern vormen. Het kleinere Lutjebroek ligt nog enigszins los van deze hoofdkern.. Occupation: dienstbode. Maria:
(1) married, 23 years old, on 22-06-1916 in Hoogwoud [akte 13] with Pieter Haring, 24 years old. Pieter is born on 28-03-1892 in Nibbixwoud. Pieter is deceased on 12-06-1940 in Hoorn, 48 years old. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Haring (1858-1944), arbeider, en IJtje Klein (1861-1895).
(2) married, 53 years old, on 28-06-1946 in Blokker with Cornelis Nieuwboer, 57 years old. Cornelis is born on 14-02-1889 in Anna Paulowna. Cornelis is deceased on 13-02-1978 in Bovenkarspel, 88 years old.

XII-bh Petrus Boots is born on 12-11-1893 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Boots and Marijtje Koppes. Occupation: broodbakker. Petrus married, 29 years old, on 16-11-1922 in Egmond aan Zee [akte 25] with Anna Bakkum, 24 years old. Anna is born on 25-01-1898 in Alkmaar. Note re Anna: dochter van Petrus Bakkum (1869), melkslijter, en Hendrica Jonker (1869).

XII-bi Jan Boos is born about 1874 in Avenhorn, son of Pieter Boos and Aafje Boots. Jan is deceased on 05-11-1949 in Beemster, about 75 years old. Registration on 07-11-1949 [akte 66]. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married, about 23 years old, on 04-02-1897 in Beemster [akte 2] with Trijntje Stroomer, about 24 years old. Trijntje is born about 1873 in Hoogwoud. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Gerrit Stroomer, schoenmaker, en Maartje van Diepen.

XII-bj Johannes Poel is born about 1887 in Beemster, son of Hermanus Johannes Poel and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Johannes married, about 21 years old, on 18-08-1908 in Castricum [akte 15] with Antje Brakenhoff, about 24 years old. Antje is born about 1884 in Egmond-Binnen. Note re Antje: dochter van Cornelis Brakenhoff, landbouwer, en Aagje Schermer.

XII-bk Geertruida Anna Poel is born about 1891 in Beemster, daughter of Hermanus Johannes Poel and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Geertruida Anna married, about 21 years old, on 21-05-1912 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) [akte 8] with Klaas Blom, about 24 years old. Klaas is born about 1888 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Jan Blom, landbouwer, en Antje van Diepen.

XII-bl Geertruida (Geertje) Appel is born about 1880 in Spanbroek, daughter of Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel and Petronella (Pietertje) Boots. Geertruida is deceased on 24-12-1950 in Opmeer, about 70 years old. Registration on 27-12-1950 [akte 3]. Geertje married, about 23 years old, on 16-04-1903 in Spanbroek [akte 2] with Johannes Hooijboer, about 34 years old. Johannes is born about 1869 in Opmeer. Johannes is deceased before 1950, at the most 81 years old. Occupation: koster. Note re Johannes: zoon van Nicolaas Hooijboer, schoenmaker, en Neeltje Groot.

XII-bm Cornelia Appel is born about 1883 in Spanbroek, daughter of Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel and Petronella (Pietertje) Boots. Cornelia is deceased in 1968, about 85 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Cornelia married, about 26 years old, on 04-02-1909 in Nibbixwoud [akte 1] with Nicolaas Bosch, about 25 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1884 in Wognum. Occupation: schilder. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Jacob Bosch en Cornelia van Diepen.

XII-bn Margaretha (Grietje) Appel is born about 1883 in Spanbroek, daughter of Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel and Petronella (Pietertje) Boots. Margaretha is deceased in 1963, about 80 years old. Grietje married, about 30 years old, on 15-05-1913 in Nibbixwoud [akte 7] with Martinus Peereboom, about 37 years old. Martinus is born about 1876 in Wognum. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Martinus: zoon van Klaas Peereboom, arbeider, en Niesje Keuning.

XII-bo Maria Appel is born about 1885 in Spanbroek, daughter of Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel and Petronella (Pietertje) Boots. Maria is deceased in 1964, about 79 years old. Maria married, about 26 years old, on 08-06-1911 in Wognum [akte 12] with Wilhelmus Appelman, about 30 years old. Wilhelmus is born about 1881 in Abbekerk. Occupation: korenmolenaar. Note re Wilhelmus: zoon van Jacob Appelman en Antje Klaver.

XII-bp Pieter Appel is born about 1887 in Spanbroek, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Appel and Petronella (Pietertje) Boots. Pieter is deceased in 1963, about 76 years old. Occupation: houtzager. Pieter married, about 27 years old, on 17-06-1914 in Noord-Scharwoude [akte 12] with Maartje Beers, about 24 years old. Maartje is born about 1890 in Heerhugowaard. Note re Maartje: dochter van Hein Beers en Maartje Oudes.

XII-bq Cornelis Boots is born on 02-05-1880 in Opmeer, son of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. Cornelis is deceased on 24-07-1912 in Schoten, 32 years old. Occupation: timmerman. Cornelis married, 21 years old, on 23-04-1902 in Bussum [akte 9] with Maria Sophia de Jong, about 22 years old. Maria Sophia is born about 1880 in Nijmegen. Note re Maria Sophia: dochter van Hermanus de Jong en Elisabeth Christina Bekker.
Child of Cornelis and Maria Sophia:

1 Maria Sophia Boots, born about 1909 in Schoten. Maria Sophia is deceased on 19-06-1910 in Schoten, about 1 year old.

XII-br Johannes Boots is born on 11-07-1881 in Opmeer, son of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. Occupation: melkrijder, veehouder. Johannes married, 27 years old, on 26-08-1908 in Opmeer [akte 5] with Elisabeth Kamper, 23 years old. Elisabeth is born on 16-01-1885 in Warmenhuizen. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Pieter Kamper en Marijtje Zomerdijk.
Children of Johannes and Elisabeth:

1 Petrus Albertus Boots (private). Petrus Albertus married with Eva Anna Maria Verhagen (private).
2 Albertus Petrus Boots, born in 06-1909 in Spanbroek. Albertus Petrus is deceased on 30-07-1909 in Spanbroek, 1 month old. Registration on 31-07-1909 [akte 18].
3 Maria Catharina Boots, born about 1914 in Opmeer. Maria Catharina is deceased on 05-07-1916 in Opmeer, about 2 years old. Registration on 05-07-1916 [akte 6].

XII-bs Elisabeth Boots is born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer, daughter of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. tweeling. Elisabeth is deceased on 11-01-1966 in Alkmaar, 73 years old. She was buried on 15-01-1966 in Heerhugowaard. Elisabeth married, 26 years old, on 24-04-1918 in Opmeer [akte 2] with Jan Groot, 25 years old. Jan is born on 31-10-1892 in Harenkarspel. Jan is deceased on 08-07-1944 in Heerhugowaard, 51 years old. Registration on 10-07-1944 [akte 34]. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Groot, landbouwer, en Antje Beers.

XII-bt Adrianus Boots is born on 06-02-1892 in Opmeer, son of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. tweeling. Occupation: landman. Adrianus married, 28 years old, on 07-04-1920 in Haarlem with Anna Hetem, about 16 years old. Anna is born about 1904.

XII-bu Jacob Boots is born about 1895 in Opmeer, son of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. Occupation: schilder. Jacob married, about 26 years old, on 14-04-1921 in Opmeer [akte 3] with Elizabeth Koning, about 25 years old. Elizabeth is born about 1896 in Berkhout. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Gerrit Koning, landbouwer, en Dieuwertje Brandewee.

XII-bv Petrus Boots is born on 24-11-1896 in Opmeer, son of Elbert Boots and Catharina (Trijntje) van Diepen. Petrus is deceased on 19-11-1943 in Haarlem, 46 years old. Petrus married with Geertruida Maria van Buggenum. Geertruida Maria is born on 12-01-1899 in Beverwijk.
Child of Petrus and Geertruida Maria:

1 Elisabeth (Els) Boots (private). Els married with Johannes Antonius Petrus Wilhelmus (Hans) Schmit (private).

XII-bw Marijtje Boots is born on 25-10-1873 in Zwaagdijk, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Maartje Hokkeling. Marijtje is deceased on 18-01-1929 in Zwaagdijk, 55 years old. She was buried on 22-01-1929 in Zwaagdijk. Marijtje married, 18 years old, on 29-04-1892 in Wervershoof [akte 6] with Johannes Koopman, 20 years old. Johannes is born on 31-08-1871 in Hoogkarspel. Johannes is deceased on 06-02-1961 in Zwaagdijk, 89 years old. He was buried on 10-02-1961 in Zwaagdijk. Occupation: landbouwer, veehouder. Note re Johannes: zoon van Jacob Koopman (1840-1912), veehouder, en Dieuwertje Groot (ca 1849-1922).
Child of Marijtje and Johannes:

1 Agatha Maria Koopman (private).

XII-bx Trijntje Spil is born about 1869 in Obdam, daughter of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Trijntje is deceased on 29-10-1948 in Avenhorn, about 79 years old. Registration on 30-10-1948 [akte 7]. Trijntje married, about 24 years old, on 23-04-1893 in Avenhorn [akte 2] with Gerrit Braas, about 23 years old. Gerrit is born about 1870 in Ursem. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Klaas Braas, landbouwer, en Aagje van de Nes.

XII-by Aagje Spil is born about 1872 in Obdam, daughter of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Aagje married, about 26 years old, on 14-04-1898 in Hensbroek [akte 4] with Pieter Klaver, about 28 years old. Pieter is born about 1870 in Spanbroek. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Weijert Klaver en Trijntje Commandeur.

XII-bz Lijntje Spil is born about 1873 in Obdam, daughter of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Lijntje is deceased on 25-11-1950 in Obdam, about 77 years old. Registration on 25-11-1950 [akte 23]. Lijntje married, about 42 years old, on 11-08-1915 in Oude Niedorp [akte 4] with Jacob Sinnige, about 41 years old. Jacob is born about 1874 in Oude Niedorp. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jacob: weduwnaar van Mietje Groen, zoon van Pieter Sinnige, arbeider, en Neeltje Entis.

XII-ca Theodorus (Dirk) Spil is born about 1876 in Obdam, son of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: broodbakker. Dirk married, about 24 years old, on 29-05-1900 in Bergen [akte 18] with Jacoba Leijen, about 23 years old. Jacoba is born about 1877 in Bergen. Note re Jacoba: dochter van Johannes Leijen en Elisabeth Duin.

XII-cb Cornelis Spil is born about 1879 in Obdam, son of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: broodbakker. Cornelis married, about 25 years old, on 26-05-1904 in Alkmaar [akte 64] with Neeltje de Goede, about 26 years old. Neeltje is born about 1878 in Oterleek. Note re Neeltje: dochter van Cornelis de Goede en Maria Johanna Kuijpers.

XII-cc Antonius Spil is born about 1882 in Obdam, son of Teunis Spil and Neeltje Boots. Occupation: bakker. Antonius married, about 25 years old, on 04-04-1907 in Berkhout [akte 5] with Geertje Dekker, about 26 years old. Geertje is born about 1881 in Berkhout. Note re Geertje: dochter van Arien Dekker, metselaar, en Johanna de Boer.

XII-cd Johanna Vriend is born about 1887 in Obdam, daughter of Jan Vriend and Neeltje Boots. Johanna married, about 25 years old, on 17-04-1912 in Hensbroek [akte 3] with Nicolaas de Wit, about 27 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1885 in Berkhout. Occupation: bakker. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Cornelis de Wit, kastelein, en Agatha Bleeker.

XII-ce Geertruida Vriend is born about 1896 in Hensbroek, daughter of Jan Vriend and Neeltje Boots. Geertruida is deceased on 31-12-1928 in Opmeer, about 32 years old. Registration on 02-01-1929 [akte 1]. Geertruida married, about 26 years old, on 21-04-1922 in Hensbroek [akte 6] with Arie Groot, about 30 years old. Arie is born about 1892 in Obdam. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Arie: zoon van Dirk Groot en Geertje Karsten.

XII-cf Aaltje Boots is born about 1877 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Boots and Aagje Schouten. Aaltje married, about 40 years old, on 14-02-1917 in Edam [akte 15] with Jacob van Dijk, about 40 years old. Jacob is born about 1877 in Edam. Occupation: koetsier. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan van Dijk en Grietje Mol.

XII-cg Naatje Boots is born on 10-04-1879 in Ursem, daughter of Jan Boots and Aagje Schouten. Naatje is deceased on 13-12-1953 in Breda, 74 years old. Naatje married, 26 years old, on 27-04-1905 in Spanbroek [akte 3] with Simon Kamp, 25 years old. Simon is born on 26-11-1879 in Wognum. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Simon: zoon van Jan Kamp, arbeider, en Antje Kos.

XII-ch Catharina (Trijntje) Boots is born on 06-01-1879 in Obdam, daughter of Dirk Boots and Maartje van der Laan. Catharina is deceased on 27-05-1954, 75 years old. Note re Trijntje: ook Antje. Trijntje married, 32 years old, on 27-04-1911 in Berkhout [akte 7] with Pieter Kruijer, 29 years old. Pieter is born on 01-02-1882 in Den Helder. Pieter is deceased on 16-06-1957 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 75 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Cornelis Kruijer, landbouwer, en Aafje Groot; getrouwd (1) op 07-04-1910 in Oude Niedorp met Antje Koemeester (1888-1910).
Child of Trijntje and Pieter:

1 N.N. Kruijer, still born son on 22-02-1919 in Berkhout. Registration on 24-02-1919 [akte 9].

XII-ci Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 16-04-1888 in Berkhout, son of Dirk Boots and Maartje van der Laan. Johannes is deceased on 17-01-1968 in Spierdijk (Berkhout), 79 years old. Occupation: veehouder. Jan married, 32 years old, on 28-04-1920 in Akersloot [akte 13] with Johanna (Jans) Swart, 28 years old. Johanna is born on 08-11-1891 in Heiloo. Johanna is deceased on 22-12-1945 in Berkhout, 54 years old. Registration on 24-12-1945 [akte 45]. Note re Jans: dochter van Jacob Swart, veehouder, en Grietje Hoogewerf.
Children of Jan and Jans:

1 Catharina Jacoba Boots, born on 11-01-1924 in Berkhout. Catharina Jacoba is deceased on 28-01-1924 in Berkhout, 17 days old. Registration on 28-01-1924 [akte 3].
2 Theodorus Jacobus Boots, born in 12-1927 in Berkhout. Theodorus Jacobus is deceased on 08-02-1928 in Berkhout, 2 months old. Registration on 08-02-1928 [akte 4].
3 Jacobus Johannes Boots, born in 12-1930 in Berkhout. Jacobus Johannes is deceased on 05-03-1931 in Berkhout, 3 months old. Registration on 06-03-1931 [akte 8].

XII-cj Theodorus Paauw is born about 1876 in Abbekerk, son of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: broodbakker. Theodorus:
(1) married, about 31 years old, on 25-04-1907 in Hoogwoud [akte 5] with Dieuwertje Portegies, about 28 years old. Dieuwertje is born about 1879 in Venhuizen. Dieuwertje is deceased before 1912, at the most 33 years old. Note re Dieuwertje: dochter van Pieter Portegies en Aafje Weel.
(2) married, about 36 years old, on 02-08-1912 in Blokker [akte 10] with Maartje Wittenberg, about 30 years old. Maartje is born about 1882 in Blokker. Note re Maartje: dochter van Hendrik Wittenberg, landbouwer, en Aaltje Buis.

XII-ck Aagje Paauw is born about 1880 in Abbekerk, daughter of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Aagje married, about 28 years old, on 05-05-1908 in Hoogkarspel [akte 7] with Theodorus Portegies, about 28 years old. Theodorus is born about 1880 in Hoogkarspel. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Theodorus: zoon van Jan Portegies, broodbakker, en Dieuwertje Laan.

XII-cl Jan Paauw is born about 1880 in Abbekerk, son of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: slager. Jan married, about 24 years old, on 17-05-1904 in Bussum [akte 21] with Johanna van Latum, about 24 years old. Johanna is born about 1880 in Bussum. Note re Johanna: dochter van Hendrik van Latum, caféhouder, en Elizabeth Hom.

XII-cm Trijntje Paauw is born about 1885 in Abbekerk, daughter of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: caféhoudster. Trijntje:
(1) married, about 28 years old, on 02-06-1913 in Wervershoof [akte 18] with Jacob Jozef Hoffer, about 25 years old. Jacob Jozef is born about 1888 in Venhuizen. Jacob Jozef is deceased before 1918, at the most 30 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jacob Jozef: zoon van Dirk Hoffer, landbouwer, en Grietje Reijn.
(2) married, about 33 years old, on 26-09-1918 in Spanbroek [akte 4] with Jacobus Bijman, about 29 years old. Jacobus is born about 1889 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Occupation: landman. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Klaas Bijman, landman, en Aaltje van Dam.

XII-cn Cornelis Paauw is born about 1887 in Abbekerk, son of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: broodbakker. Cornelis married, about 25 years old, on 02-05-1912 in Hoogkarspel [akte 8] with Catharina Portegies, about 27 years old. Catharina is born about 1885 in Hoogkarspel. Note re Catharina: dochter van Jan Portegies, broodbakker, en Dieuwertje Laan.

XII-co Johannes Paauw is born about 1889 in Abbekerk, son of Jan Paauw and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: slager. Johannes married, about 25 years old, on 16-02-1914 in Obdam [akte 2] with Maria Wester, about 22 years old. Maria is born about 1892 in Obdam. Note re Maria: dochter van Klaas Wester, timmerman, en Antje Ligthart.

XII-cp Theodorus Vis is born about 1889 in Berkhout, son of Gerbrand Vis and Geertje Boots. Occupation: slager. Theodorus married, about 28 years old, on 10-05-1917 in Hoorn [akte 34] with Johanna Margaretha Limburg, about 26 years old. Johanna Margaretha is born about 1891 in Loosdrecht. Note re Johanna Margaretha: dochter van Johannes Limburg, los werkman, en Maria Gertrude Baltissen.

XII-cq Antje Boots is born on 18-08-1890 in Wognum, daughter of Tamis Boots and Jantje Ruiter. Antje is deceased on 16-11-1974 in Obdam, 84 years old. Antje married, 26 years old, on 20-04-1917 in Obdam [akte 6] with Johannes (Jan) van Diepen, 28 years old. Johannes is born on 14-04-1889 in Obdam. Johannes is deceased on 09-05-1964 in Obdam, 75 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Klaas van Diepen (1842-1922), landman, en Trijntje Groot (1850-1922).
Children of Antje and Jan:

1 Tamis van Diepen, born about 1920 in Obdam. Tamis is deceased on 09-12-1932 in Obdam, about 12 years old. Registration on 12-12-1932 [akte 19].
2 Divera van Diepen, born in 11-1928 in Obdam. Divera is deceased on 19-05-1929 in Obdam, 6 months old. Registration on 21-05-1929 [akte 11].

XII-cr Frans Boots is born about 1894 in Wognum, son of Tamis Boots and Jantje Ruiter. Frans is deceased on 25-09-1971 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), about 77 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Frans married, about 28 years old, on 20-04-1922 in Wognum [akte 3] with Afra de Wit, 25 years old. Frans trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Neeltje en zus Aagje. Afra is born on 28-12-1896 in Bovenkarspel, daughter of Arien de Wit and Anna Boon. Afra is deceased on 11-12-1952 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 55 years old. She was buried on 15-12-1952 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
Child of Frans and Afra:

1 Franciscus Johannes Boots, born about 1936 in Berkhout. Franciscus Johannes is deceased on 05-08-1939 in Alkmaar, about 3 years old. Registration [akte 28 dd 08-08-1939 Berkhout].

XII-cs Agatha (Aagje) Boots is born on 09-09-1896 in Wognum, daughter of Tamis Boots and Jantje Ruiter. Agatha is deceased on 07-08-1963 in Hoorn, 66 years old. She was buried on 10-08-1963 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Aagje married, 25 years old, on 20-04-1922 in Wognum [akte 4] with Johannes Koning, 24 years old. Aagje trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Neeltje en broer Frans. Johannes is born on 13-08-1897 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Johannes is deceased on 09-09-1944 in Sijbekarspel, 47 years old. Registration on 11-09-1944 [akte 13]. He was buried on 12-09-1944 in De Weere (Hoogwoud). Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Johannes: zoon van Dirk Koning en Marijtje Stroet.
Children of Aagje and Johannes:

1 N.N. Koning, still born daughter on 20-04-1926 in Sijbekarspel. Registration on 21-04-1926 [akte 8].
2 N.N. Koning, still born son on 03-12-1927 in Sijbekarspel. Registration on 03-12-1927 [akte 10].

XII-ct Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots is born on 17-03-1899 in Kogge (Wognum), daughter of Tamis Boots and Jantje Ruiter. Cornelia is deceased on 28-09-1976 in Bovenkarspel, 77 years old. Neeltje married, 23 years old, on 20-04-1922 in Wognum [akte 5] with Johannes Martinus de Wit, 23 years old. Neeltje trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Aagje en broer Frans. Johannes Martinus is born on 30-12-1898 in Bovenkarspel, son of Arien de Wit and Anna Boon. Johannes Martinus is deceased on 05-02-1979 in Bovenkarspel, 80 years old. Occupation: landbouwer.

XII-cu Anna Maria Wortel is born about 1883 in Edam, daughter of Klaas Wortel and Hillegonda Boots. Anna Maria married, about 33 years old, on 27-09-1916 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Jan Johannes van Harlingen, about 35 years old. Jan Johannes is born about 1881 in Amsterdam. Occupation: gasstoker. Note re Jan Johannes: zoon van Tobias van Harlingen, werkman, en Maria Magdalena van der Burgt.

XII-cv Dirk Wortel is born about 1887 in Edam, son of Klaas Wortel and Hillegonda Boots. Dirk married, about 29 years old, on 28-11-1916 in Voorburg [akte 35] with Geertruida van Etten, 25 years old. Geertruida is born on 10-04-1891 in Abcoude-Proostdij. Note re Geertruida: dochter van Leendert van Etten en Antonia de Groot.

XII-cw Simon Wortel is born about 1889 in Heerhugowaard, son of Klaas Wortel and Hillegonda Boots. Simon is deceased in 1969, about 80 years old. Simon married, about 24 years old, on 11-04-1913 in Stompwijk [akte 7] with Johanna Louisa Romeijn, about 20 years old. Johanna Louisa is born about 1893 in Stompwijk. Note re Johanna Louisa: dochter van Lodevicus Adrianus Jozef Romeijn en Johanna Vleut.

XII-cx Jan Wortel is born about 1891 in Heerhugowaard, son of Klaas Wortel and Hillegonda Boots. Jan is deceased on 18-06-1917 in Heerhugowaard, about 26 years old. Registration on 18-06-1917 [akte 31]. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married, about 23 years old, on 02-02-1914 in Heerhugowaard [akte 3] with Guurtruida Koppes, about 24 years old. Guurtruida is born about 1890 in Akersloot. Note re Guurtruida: dochter van Arie Koppes, arbeider, en Jacoba Schrama.

XII-cy Geertje Wortel is born about 1897 in Opmeer, daughter of Klaas Wortel and Hillegonda Boots. Geertje is deceased in 1965, about 68 years old. Geertje married, about 22 years old, on 19-11-1919 in Veur (Leidschendam) [akte 6] with Hendrikus Wilhelmus Rolvink, about 26 years old. Hendrikus Wilhelmus is born about 1893 in Nootdorp. Note re Hendrikus Wilhelmus: zoon van Hendrikus Rolvink en Anna van Brikman.

XII-cz Jacob Commandeur is born about 1889 in Spanbroek, son of Arie Commandeur and Geertje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Jacob married, about 23 years old, on 24-10-1912 in Beverwijk [akte 42] with Johanna Maria Burger, about 23 years old. Johanna Maria is born about 1889 in Assendelft. Note re Johanna Maria: dochter van Hendrik Burger, arbeider, en Alida de Jong.

XII-da Dirk Commandeur is born about 1894 in Heerhugowaard, son of Arie Commandeur and Geertje Boots. Occupation: verpleger. Dirk married, about 24 years old, on 26-09-1918 in Beverwijk [akte 39] with Geertruida Catharina van der Kolk, about 27 years old. Geertruida Catharina is born about 1891 in Beverwijk. Note re Geertruida Catharina: dochter van Johannes van der Kolk, timmerman, en Gezina Magdalena Maria Fransen.

XII-db Johanna Rood is born about 1895 in Venhuizen, daughter of Arien Rood and Cornelia Boots. Johanna married, about 22 years old, on 09-05-1917 in Berkhout [akte 14] with Jacob Zwagerman, about 28 years old. Jacob is born about 1889 in Schoorl. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob Zwagerman en Engelina Meijering.

XII-dc Anna Rood is born about 1896 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Arien Rood and Cornelia Boots. Anna married, about 25 years old, on 03-11-1921 in Schoten (Haarlem) [akte 98] with Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Leering, about 24 years old. Johannes Hendrik Jacobus is born about 1897 in Velsen. Occupation: plaatwerker. Note re Johannes Hendrik Jacobus: zoon van Hendrik Leering, koopman, en Martina Hilbers.

XII-dd Johannes Jacobus Boots is born about 1899 in Zaandam, son of Jan Boots and Immetje Leuring. Johannes Jacobus is deceased on 12-11-1940 in Zaandam, about 41 years old. Registration on 14-11-1940 [akte 368]. Johannes Jacobus married with Aaltje Gorter.

XII-df Aafje Bakker is born about 1888 in Spanbroek, daughter of Arien Bakker and Cornelia Boots. Aafje is deceased on 07-06-1916 in Ursem, about 28 years old. Registration on 09-06-1916 [akte 12]. Aafje married, about 25 years old, on 02-05-1913 in Spanbroek [akte 7] with Simon Brouwer, about 24 years old. Simon is born about 1889 in Heerhugowaard, son of Klaas Brouwer and Maartje Wester. Occupation: arbeider.

XII-dg Antonius Bakker is born about 1898 in Spanbroek, son of Arien Bakker and Cornelia Boots. Antonius is deceased in 1960, about 62 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Antonius married, about 22 years old, on 29-04-1920 in Avenhorn [akte 7] with Ariaantje Bakker, about 21 years old. Ariaantje is born about 1899 in Wijdenes. Note re Ariaantje: dochter van Dirk Bakker, landbouwer, en Anna Dam.

XII-dh Cornelis Ligthart is born about 1892 in Nibbixwoud, son of Johannes (Jan) Ligthart and Anna (Antje) Boots. Occupation: vrachtrijder. Cornelis married, about 30 years old, on 20-04-1922 in Hoogwoud [akte 2] with Ariaantje Groot, about 25 years old. Ariaantje is born about 1897 in Hoogwoud. Note re Ariaantje: dochter van Jan Groot, landbouwer, en Aafje Stroet.

XII-di Aafje Ligthart is born about 1893 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Ligthart and Anna (Antje) Boots. Aafje married, about 26 years old, on 24-04-1919 in Nibbixwoud [akte 3] with Cornelis Brouwer, about 33 years old. Cornelis is born about 1886 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), son of Klaas Brouwer and Maartje Wester. Occupation: landbouwer.

XII-dj Regina Ligthart is born about 1898 in Nibbixwoud, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Ligthart and Anna (Antje) Boots. Regina married, about 23 years old, on 11-01-1921 in Nibbixwoud [akte 1] with Adrianus Cornelis Buijs, about 29 years old. Adrianus Cornelis is born about 1892 in Berkhout. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Adrianus Cornelis: zoon van Jacob Buijs, landbouwer, en Aafje Ruiter.

XII-dk Johanna (Jantje) Boots is born on 11-05-1896 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Antje Knol. Johanna is deceased on 27-09-1960 in Alkmaar, 64 years old. She was buried on 30-09-1960 in Westwoud. Jantje married, 23 years old, on 15-04-1920 in Nibbixwoud [akte 2] with Joris de Boer, 23 years old. Joris is born on 09-05-1896 in Wervershoof. Joris is deceased on 27-09-1975 in Heerhugowaard, 79 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Joris: zoon van Willem de Boer (1867-1939), landbouwer, en Antje Vriend (1867-1939).

XII-dl Aafje Boots is born on 03-03-1898 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Boots and Antje Knol. Aafje is deceased on 01-10-1982 in Heerhugowaard, 84 years old. Aafje married, 23 years old, on 11-04-1921 in Nibbixwoud [akte 8] with Johannes Antonius Deken, 25 years old. Johannes Antonius is born on 14-02-1896 in Wognum. Johannes Antonius is deceased on 22-12-1959 in Heerhugowaard, 63 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Johannes Antonius: zoon van Remment Deken, landbouwer, en Sijbregje Schouten.

XII-dm Jacobus (Jaap) Boots is born on 29-08-1900 in Nibbixwoud, son of Dirk Boots and Antje Knol. Jacobus is deceased on 30-01-1961 in Zwaag, 60 years old. He was buried in Nibbixwoud. Jaap married, 44 years old, on 30-11-1944 with Afra Groen, 34 years old. Afra is born on 04-10-1910. Afra is deceased on 19-02-1992 in Nibbixwoud, 81 years old.

XII-dn Anne Boots is born on 05-05-1903, daughter of Dirk Boots and Antje Knol. Anne is deceased on 16-03-1980 in Venhuizen, 76 years old. Anne married with Jos Sjerps (private).

XII-do Pieter (Piet) Boots is born on 16-04-1905 in Nibbixwoud, son of Dirk Boots and Antje Knol. Pieter is deceased on 28-03-1943 in Vught, 37 years old. Registration [akte 6 dd 17-04-1943 Nibbixwoud]. He was buried on 31-03-1943 in Nibbixwoud. Piet married, about 32 years old, about 1937 with Afra Groen, about 27 years old. Afra is born on 04-10-1910. Afra is deceased on 19-02-1992 in Nibbixwoud, 81 years old.
Children of Piet and Afra:

1 Petrus Maria Boots, born about 1940 in Nibbixwoud. Petrus Maria is deceased on 27-03-1942 in Nibbixwoud, about 2 years old. Registration on 27-03-1942 [akte 5].
2 Catharina Anna Maria Boots, born on 09-03-1942 in Nibbixwoud. Catharina Anna Maria is deceased on 25-03-1942 in Nibbixwoud, 16 days old. Registration on 25-03-1942 [akte 4].

XII-dp Margaretha Afra Boots is born on 07-06-1905, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Catharina Ligthart. Margaretha Afra is deceased on 19-04-1999, 93 years old. She was buried in Hoogwoud. Margaretha Afra married with Jacobus Dol. Jacobus is born on 22-12-1901. Jacobus is deceased on 16-11-1960, 58 years old. He was buried in Hoogwoud.
Child of Margaretha Afra and Jacobus:

1 Johanna Martha Dol, born in 04-1937 in Hoogwoud. Johanna Martha is deceased on 29-07-1937 in Hoogwoud, 3 months old. Registration on 30-07-1937 [akte 19].

XII-dq Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen is born on 01-10-1894 in Obdam, son of Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen and Johanna (Jansje) Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, 26 years old, on 21-04-1921 in Hoogwoud with Elisabeth (Maartje) Poland, 27 years old. Elisabeth (Maartje) is born on 15-04-1894 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Cornelis Poland and Anna (Antje) Beemster.

XII-dr Adrianus (Arie) Schouten is born on 14-10-1911 in Nibbixwoud, son of Johannes Schouten and Guurtje Boots. Adrianus is deceased on 14-05-1992 in De Weere (Opmeer), 80 years old. Occupation: veehandelaar, transportbedrijf. Arie married, 27 years old, on 15-06-1939 in Hoogwoud with Johanna Boots, 29 years old. Johanna is born on 03-03-1910 in De Weere (Opmeer), daughter of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. Johanna is deceased on 30-05-1987 in De Weere (Opmeer), 77 years old.

XII-ds Petrus Andries (Piet) Boots is born on 22-05-1913 in Den Helder, son of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Petrus Andries is deceased on 03-07-2005 in Alkmaar, 92 years old. Piet married with Elisabeth Maria Kabel (private).

XII-dt Maria Catharina (Rie) Boots is born on 26-08-1914 in Den Helder, daughter of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Maria Catharina is deceased on 04-03-1980 in Bergen, 65 years old. Rie married with Hendricus Clemens Druiven (private).
Children of Rie and Hendricus Clemens:

1 Maria Christina Adriana Druiven (private).
2 Eva Brigitta Maria Druiven (private).
3 Anna Maria Elizabeth Druiven (private).
4 Catharina Maria Louise Druiven (private).
5 Hendricus Clemens Gerardus Druiven (private).
6 Elizabeth Maria Margaretha Druiven (private).
7 Gerardus Bernardus Hendricus Druiven (private).

XII-du Jacobus (Jaap) Boots is born on 03-05-1916 in Den Helder, son of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Jaap married with Brigitta Wilhelmina Cornelia van Riet (private).
Children of Jaap and Brigitta Wilhelmina Cornelia:

1 Afra Maria Catharina Boots (private).
2 Geertruida Catharina Alida Boots (private).
3 Maria Catharina Boots (private).
4 Nicolaas Johannes Boots (private).
5 Brigitta Wilhelmina Cornelia Boots (private).
6 Catharina Wanda Josefa Boots (private).
7 Jacob Petrus Andries Boots (private).
8 Josepha Brigitta Maria Boots (private).

XII-dv Andries Boots is born on 14-03-1919 in Callantsoog, son of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Andries is deceased on 13-01-1992 in Alkmaar, 72 years old. Andries married with Petronella Stam (private).

XII-dw Catriena (Tiny) Boots is born on 03-04-1920 in Zijpe, daughter of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Catriena is deceased on 10-06-1961 in Alkmaar, 41 years old. Tiny married, 22 years old, on 15-10-1942 in Alkmaar with Leonardus (Leo) van Dijl, 24 years old. Leonardus is born on 25-01-1918 in Tilburg. Leonardus is deceased on 11-09-1980 in Alkmaar, 62 years old. Occupation: procuratiehouder. Note re Leo: zoon van Johannes Everardus van Dijl (11-11-1884 Utrecht - 18-06-1961 Kaatsheuvel), en Berdina Joanna van Keken.
Children of Tiny and Leo:

1 Johannes Everardus (Hans) van Dijl (private). Hans married with Anna Maria Louise (Anneke) Hemels (private).
2 Nicolaas Leonardus (Nico) van Dijl (private). Nico married with Geertruida Maria Elisabeth (Truus) Schilder (private).
3 Berdina Johanna (Ineke) van Dijl (private). Ineke married, 28 years old, on 06-06-1975 in Alkmaar with Adriaan (Aad) de Visser, 41 years old. Adriaan is born on 18-07-1933 in Rotterdam. Adriaan is deceased on 05-01-1998 in Alkmaar, 64 years old. Occupation: chef technische dienst.
4 Leonardus Maria (Leo) van Dijl (private). Leo married with Marty Gabrielle de Wilde (private). She is a daughter of Hubertus Marinus de Wilde and Hindrikje Elizabeth Thijssen.
5 Eva Brigitta Maria (Eva) van Dijl (private). Eva married with Rémy (René) de Heer (private).
6 Catharina Eva Maria (Tineke) van Dijl, born on 06-09-1955 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-aw.
7 Ronaldus Franciscus Petrus (Ron) van Dijl, born on 09-10-1957 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-ax.

XII-dx Jan Boots is born on 06-06-1921 in Zijpe, son of Nikolaas (Klaas) Boots and Eva Brigitta Maria Ruitenberg. Jan is deceased on 02-05-1976 in Alkmaar, 54 years old. Jan married with Everdina (Dirkje) Timmer (private).
Children of Jan and Dirkje:

1 Gerarda Frederika Boots (private).
2 Eva Brigitta Maria Boots (private).
3 Josephina Alida Petronella Maria Boots (private).
4 Nicolaas Adrianus Boots (private).
5 Maria Catharina Boots (private).
6 Carolina Maria Boots (private).
7 Jan Gerardus Nicolaas Frederikus (Jan) Boots (private).

XII-ea Aafje Buisman is born on 03-07-1851 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Hendrikus Buisman and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Aafje is deceased on 31-12-1875 in Zijdewind (Niedorp), 24 years old. She was buried in 't Veld (Nieuwe Niedorp). Aafje married, 21 years old, on 28-10-1872 in Zwaag [akte 10] with Pieter Veul, 24 years old. Pieter is born on 15-12-1847 in Zwaag. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Pieter: zoon van Frans Veul en Maartje Neefjes; getrouwd (2) op 06-10-1877 in Oude Niedorp met Antje Stam (1855-1888).

XII-eb Maria (Maartje) Buisman is born on 29-01-1858 in Zwaag, daughter of Hendrikus Buisman and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Maria is deceased on 09-03-1938 in Hem (Venhuizen), 80 years old. Registration on 09-03-1938 [akte 4]. She was buried on 12-03-1938 in Venhuizen. Maartje married, 21 years old, on 05-05-1879 in Zwaag [akte 7] with Theodorus (Dirk) Laan, 24 years old. Theodorus is born on 01-12-1854 in Westwoud. Theodorus is deceased on 09-03-1931 in Hem (Venhuizen), 76 years old. He was buried on 13-03-1931 in Venhuizen. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, vrachtman/vrachtrijder. Note re Dirk: zoon van Cornelis Jansz Laan en Stijntje Dudink.

XII-ec Anna Buisman is born on 20-07-1860 in Zwaag, daughter of Hendrikus Buisman and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Anna is deceased on 04-04-1928 in Wervershoof, 67 years old. Anna married, 20 years old, on 16-01-1881 in Zwaag [akte 2] with Gerrit Botman, 23 years old. Gerrit is born on 21-09-1857 in Bovenkarspel. Gerrit is deceased on 24-07-1940 in Wervershoof, 82 years old. Occupation: timmerman - molenmaker. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Gerrit Botman, timmerman, en Bregje Bot.

XII-ed Petronella Buisman is born on 26-11-1862 in Zwaag, daughter of Hendrikus Buisman and Catharina (Trijntje) Boots. Address: (het gezin verhuisde op 15-12-1897 van Lutjebroek naar Winterswijk). Petronella married, 19 years old, on 30-06-1882 in Zwaag [akte 9] with Pieter Knook, 25 years old. Pieter is born on 22-09-1856 in Grootebroek en Lutjebroek. Pieter is deceased on 03-08-1931 in Winterswijk, 74 years old. Registration on 03-08-1931 [source: akte 107]. Occupation: bouwman, tuinman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Dirk Knook en Elizabeth Deen; getrouwd (1) op 08-04-1880 in Blokhuizen met Aaltje Bot (ca 1858 - voor 1882).

XII-ee Anna (Antje) Beemster is born about 1866 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Simon Beemster and Lijsbeth Boots. Anna is deceased on 19-03-1929 in Hoogwoud, about 63 years old. Registration on 20-03-1929 [akte 11]. Antje married, about 18 years old, on 06-11-1884 in Hoogwoud [akte 30] with Cornelis Poland, 32 years old. Cornelis is born on 19-04-1852 in Abbekerk. Occupation: landman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Pieter Poland en Maartje Rood.
Child of Antje and Cornelis:

1 Elisabeth (Maartje) Poland, born on 15-04-1894 in Hoogwoud. Follow XIII-ay.

XII-ef Elisabeth Beemster is born about 1866 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Simon Beemster and Lijsbeth Boots. Elisabeth is deceased on 16-08-1949 in Abbekerk, about 83 years old. Registration on 17-08-1949 [akte 6]. Elisabeth married, about 20 years old, on 25-02-1886 in Hoogwoud [akte 6] with Cornelis de Groot, about 23 years old. Cornelis is born about 1863 in Oudendijk. Cornelis is deceased before 1949, at the most 86 years old. Occupation: rietdekker. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan de Groot en Antje Woestenburg.

XII-eg Reinier Snel is born about 1857 in Hoogwoud, son of Carolus (Karel) Snel and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: broodbakker. Reinier married, about 23 years old, on 07-04-1880 in Hoogwoud [akte 8] with Maartje van Diepen, about 21 years old. Maartje is born about 1859 in Hoogwoud. Note re Maartje: dochter van Klaas van Diepen, landman, en Nantje Klaver.

XII-eh Jan Snel is born about 1862 in Hoogwoud, son of Carolus (Karel) Snel and Margaretha (Grietje) Boots. Occupation: banketbakker. Jan married, about 27 years old, on 30-06-1889 in Alkmaar [akte 52] with Johanna Maria Hofstee, about 24 years old. Johanna Maria is born about 1865 in Alkmaar. Note re Johanna Maria: dochter van Johannes Hofstee, winkelier, en Maria Johanna Halsema.

XII-ei Gerrit Pronk is born about 1860 in Abbekerk, son of Cornelis Pronk and Cornelia Boots. Occupation: landman. Gerrit married, about 44 years old, on 08-01-1904 in Spanbroek [akte 1] with Christina Punt, about 35 years old. Christina is born about 1869 in Heerhugowaard. Note re Christina: dochter van Jacob Punt en Antje Kosse.

XII-ej Anna (Antje) Pronk is born about 1865 in Abbekerk, daughter of Cornelis Pronk and Cornelia Boots. Anna is deceased on 17-02-1895 in Hoogwoud, about 30 years old. Registration on 18-02-1895 [akte 5]. Antje married, about 22 years old, on 15-09-1887 in Abbekerk [akte 8] with Klaas Schouten, about 26 years old. Klaas is born about 1861 in Hoogwoud. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Hermanus Schouten en Grietje Rood.

XII-ek Grietje Pronk is born about 1868 in Abbekerk, daughter of Cornelis Pronk and Cornelia Boots. Grietje is deceased on 17-01-1946 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), about 78 years old. Registration on 18-01-1946 [akte 2]. Grietje married, about 35 years old, on 20-11-1903 in Spanbroek [akte 12] with Adam Konijn, 39 years old. Adam is born on 20-12-1863 in Oude Niedorp. Adam is deceased on 30-05-1934 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 70 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Adam: zoon van Jan Konijn en Aafje Stam; getrouwd (1) op 16-04-1890 in Oudorp met Jantje Rood (1864-1902).

XII-el Bregje Pronk is born about 1876 in Abbekerk, daughter of Cornelis Pronk and Cornelia Boots. Bregje married, about 23 years old, on 16-06-1899 in Abbekerk [akte 5] with Nicolaas Verlaat, about 28 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1871 in Abbekerk. Occupation: schilder. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Jan Verlaat, koopman, en Kaatje Smit.

XII-em Geertruida (Geertje) Boots is born on 24-03-1861 in Berkhout, daughter of Elbert Boots and Antje Ruiter. Geertruida is deceased on 23-05-1920 in Beemster, 59 years old. Registration on 25-05-1920 [akte 29]. Geertje married, 23 years old, on 25-04-1884 in Berkhout [akte 12] with Gerbrand Groot, about 22 years old. Gerbrand is born about 1862 in Berkhout. Gerbrand is deceased on 21-06-1947 in Heerhugowaard, about 85 years old. Registration on 23-06-1947 [akte 32]. He was buried on 25-06-1947 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landman, arbeider. Note re Gerbrand: zoon van Cornelis Groot, landman, en Neeltje Krom, veehoudster.
Children of Geertje and Gerbrand:

1 Neeltje Groot, born about 1885 in Berkhout. Follow XIII-az.
2 Antje Groot, born about 1887 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-ba.
3 Egbert Groot, born about 1888 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-bb.
4 Cornelis Groot, born in 03-1890 in Hoogwoud. Cornelis is deceased on 07-05-1890 in Hoogwoud, 2 months old. Registration on 08-04-1890 [akte 22]. Note re the death of Cornelis: de maand bij overlijden en aangifte komt niet overeen, een van beide fout.
5 Cornelis Groot, born about 1893 in Abbekerk. Cornelis is deceased on 17-01-1894 in Abbekerk, about 1 year old. Registration on 18-01-1894 [akte 2].
6 Maartje Groot, born about 1895 in Abbekerk. Follow XIII-bc.
7 Geertje Groot, born in 11-1899 in Beemster. Geertje is deceased on 07-06-1900 in Beemster, 7 months old. Registration on 08-06-1900 [akte 32].

XII-en Antje Boots is born on 29-11-1863 in Berkhout, daughter of Elbert Boots and Antje Ruiter. Antje is deceased on 28-03-1942 in Amsterdam, 78 years old. Antje married, 23 years old, on 18-04-1887 in Berkhout [akte 2] with Johannes Hubertus van den Bos, about 22 years old. Johannes Hubertus is born about 1865 in Nieuwendam. Occupation: landman, landbouwer. Note re Johannes Hubertus: zoon van Jan van den Bos en Helena Compier.
Children of Antje and Johannes Hubertus:

1 Johannes Elbertus van den Bos, born about 1888 in Berkhout. Johannes Elbertus is deceased on 08-11-1918 in Beemster, about 30 years old. Registration on 09-11-1918 [akte 51].
2 Elbertus Johannes van den Bos, born in 03-1889 in Beemster. Elbertus Johannes is deceased on 08-04-1889 in Beemster, 1 month old. Registration on 08-04-1889 [akte 20].
3 Elbertus Johannes van den Bos, born about 1890 in Beemster. Follow XIII-bd.
4 Helena Anna van den Bos, born in 05-1892 in Beemster. Helena Anna is deceased on 29-06-1892 in Beemster, 1 month old. Registration on 29-06-1892 [akte 49].
5 Helena Anna van den Bos, born about 1894 in Beemster. Follow XIII-be.
6 Theodorus Johannes van den Bos, born in 11-1894 in Beemster. Theodorus Johannes is deceased on 07-01-1895 in Beemster, 2 months old. Registration on 08-01-1895 [akte 3].
7 Geertruida Johanna van den Bos, born about 1897 in Beemster. Follow XIII-bf.
8 Johanna Helena van den Bos, born in 04-1898 in Beemster. Johanna Helena is deceased on 26-08-1898 in Beemster, 4 months old. Registration on 26-08-1898 [akte 44].
9 Johanna Helena van den Bos, born in 05-1899 in Beemster. Johanna Helena is deceased on 23-08-1899 in Beemster, 3 months old. Registration on 23-08-1899 [akte 39].
10 Theodorus Johannes van den Bos, born about 1901 in Beemster. Follow XIII-bg.
11 Johanna Helena van den Bos, born in 12-1902 in Beemster. Johanna Helena is deceased on 19-02-1903 in Beemster, 2 months old. Registration on 20-02-1903 [akte 9].
12 Maria Margaretha van den Bos, born about 1905 in Beemster. Follow XIII-bh.
13 Margaretha Maria van den Bos, born about 1907 in Beemster. Margaretha Maria is deceased on 14-01-1919 in Beemster, about 12 years old. Registration on 15-01-1919 [akte 5].

XII-eo Willem Appelman is born on 02-04-1861 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Willem is deceased on 10-09-1936 in Alkmaar, 75 years old. Registration [akte 35 dd 15-09-1936 Heerhugowaard]. Occupation: landman. Willem married, 22 years old, on 23-04-1883 in Heerhugowaard [akte 13] with Jantje Alles, 20 years old. Jantje is born on 18-03-1863 in Heerhugowaard. Note re Jantje: dochter van Jan Alles, landman, en Geertje Quant.

XII-ep Pieter Appelman is born on 27-09-1862 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Occupation: landman. Pieter married, 21 years old, on 23-04-1884 in Heerhugowaard [akte 9] with Catharina Oudejans, about 28 years old. Catharina is born about 1856 in Schermerhorn. Note re Catharina: Cornelia? dochter van Jan Oudejans, zadelmaker, en Geertje Jonker.

XII-eq Antje Appelman is born on 27-10-1865 in Berkhout, daughter of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Antje is deceased on 08-11-1929 in Castricum, 64 years old. Antje married, 20 years old, on 29-04-1886 in Westwoud [akte 4] with Simon Vlaar, 25 years old. Simon is born on 11-09-1860 in Westwoud. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Simon: zoon van Jan Vlaar, arbeider, en Trijntje Keersemaker.

XII-er Jan Appelman is born on 16-09-1867 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Jan married, 22 years old, on 24-04-1890 in Wervershoof [akte 5] with Niesje Dekker, about 22 years old. voogd van de bruid Arien Dekker, toeziend voogd Willem Dekker. Niesje is born about 1868 in Westwoud. Note re Niesje: dochter van Gerrit Dekker en Maartje Bakker.

XII-es Cornelis Appelman is born on 05-04-1870 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Occupation: landman. Cornelis married, 23 years old, on 24-04-1893 in Wervershoof [akte 10] with Geertje Nipshagen, about 24 years old. Geertje is born about 1869 in Wervershoof. Note re Geertje: dochter van Jan Nipshagen, hoefsmid, en Vrouwtje Knook.

XII-et Simon Appelman is born on 28-12-1876 in Berkhout, son of Cornelis Appelman and Antje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Simon married, 28 years old, on 05-01-1905 in Berkhout [akte 1] with Anna Komen, about 24 years old. Anna is born about 1881 in Spanbroek. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Anna: dochter van Jan Komen, arbeider, en Maartje Sachs.

XII-eu Antonius de Haan is born about 1875 in Hoorn, son of Pieter de Haan and IJtje Boots. Occupation: melkverkoper. Antonius married, about 28 years old, on 02-01-1903 in Hoorn [akte 1] with Catharina Molenaar, about 30 years old. Catharina is born about 1873 in Medemblik. Note re Catharina: dochter van Cornelis Molenaar, brandstoffenhandelaar, en Gerritje Klopper.

XII-ev Bernardus de Haan is born about 1879 in Hoorn, son of Pieter de Haan and IJtje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Bernardus married, about 26 years old, on 06-07-1905 in Berkhout [akte 16] with Maria Delemarre, about 26 years old. Maria is born about 1879 in Berkhout. Note re Maria: dochter van Bernardus Delemarre, landbouwer, en Grietje Mul.

XII-ew Grietje Koeman is born about 1878 in Venhuizen, daughter of Nicolaus (Klaas) Koeman and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Grietje married, about 28 years old, on 14-06-1906 in Westwoud [akte 5] with Jacob Oud, about 41 years old. Jacob is born about 1865 in Westwoud. Occupation: graankoopman. Note re Jacob: zoon van Dirk Oud, landbouwer, en Grietje Snip.

XII-ex Geertje Koeman is born about 1879 in Venhuizen, daughter of Nicolaus (Klaas) Koeman and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Geertje married, about 25 years old, on 25-09-1904 in Venhuizen [akte 18] with Martinus Nieuweboer, about 29 years old. Martinus is born about 1875 in Wervershoof. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Martinus: zoon van Pieter Nieuweboer, landbouwer, en Maartje Koster.

XII-ey Petrus Boots is born about 1879 in Berkhout, son of Maarten Boots and Jantje Berkhout. Occupation: landman. Petrus married, about 32 years old, on 25-10-1911 in Berkhout [akte 10] with Rijkje Ootes, about 45 years old. Rijkje is born about 1866 in Wognum. Rijkje is deceased on 25-10-1922 in Avenhorn, about 56 years old. Registration on 26-10-1922 [akte 7]. Note re Rijkje: weduwe van Pieter Commandeur, dochter van Teunis Ootes, landbouwer, en Elisabeth Tool.

XII-ez Laurentius Petrus Boots is born on 14-03-1882 in Berkhout, son of Maarten Boots and Jantje Berkhout. Laurentius Petrus is deceased on 28-03-1956 in Hoorn, 74 years old. He was buried on 31-03-1956 in Hoorn. Occupation: bakker. Laurentius Petrus married, 23 years old, on 08-11-1905 in Westwoud [akte 8] with Catharina (Trijntje) Klaver, 22 years old. Catharina is born on 06-08-1883 in Westwoud. Catharina is deceased on 05-07-1976 in Hoorn, 92 years old. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Cornelis Klaver, bakker, en Sijtje Voerman.

XII-fa Jan Boots is born about 1886 in Berkhout, son of Maarten Boots and Jantje Berkhout. Occupation: landbouwer. Jan married, about 27 years old, on 29-05-1913 in Zwaag [akte 8] with Maria Keijzer, about 29 years old. Maria is born about 1884 in Hoogkarspel. Maria is deceased on 19-06-1946 in Avenhorn, about 62 years old. Registration on 19-06-1946 [akte 10]. Note re Maria: dochter van Johannes Keijzer, landbouwer, en Ariaantje Opmeer.

XII-fb Neeltje Boots is born on 04-08-1890 in Berkhout, daughter of Maarten Boots and Jantje Berkhout. Neeltje married, 23 years old, on 01-05-1914 in Blokker [akte 12] with Gerrit Pronk, 31 years old. Gerrit is born on 31-05-1882 in Blokker. Gerrit is deceased on 19-08-1955 in Zwaagdijk-West (Wognum), 73 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Simon Pronk (ca 1854), landman, en Grietje Weel (ca 1855).

XII-fc Martinus Boots is born about 1894 in Berkhout, son of Maarten Boots and Jantje Berkhout. Occupation: bakker. Martinus married, about 28 years old, on 02-02-1922 in Hoorn [akte 13] with Catharina Maria Ekers, 30 years old. Catharina Maria is born on 28-02-1891 in Hoorn. Catharina Maria is deceased on 29-11-1943 in Hoorn, 52 years old. Note re Catharina Maria: dochter van Anthonius Ekers, winkelier, en Maria Pauw.

XII-fd Jan Appel is born on 01-11-1878 in Obdam, son of Arien Appel and Grietje Boots. Jan is deceased on 11-07-1907 in Heerhugowaard, 28 years old. Registration on 12-07-1907 [akte 34]. Occupation: arbeider. Jan married, 24 years old, on 23-04-1903 in Spanbroek [akte 6] with Catharina Dekker, 28 years old. Catharina is born on 24-06-1874 in Spanbroek. Note re Catharina: dochter van Cornelis Dekker en Dieuwertje Pancras (Jonker); getrouwd (2) op 16-11-1908 in Heerhugowaard met Cornelis Schouten (ca 1874).

XII-fe Cristina Appel is born about 1881 in Spanbroek, daughter of Arien Appel and Grietje Boots. Cristina married, about 22 years old, on 07-01-1903 in Obdam [akte 1] with Nicolaas van Duin, about 26 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1877 in Opmeer. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Willem van Duin, arbeider, en Leentje Winneps.

XII-ff Maria Alida Boots is born about 1891 in Amsterdam, daughter of Albertus Boots and Christina Schenkel. Maria Alida married, about 22 years old, on 24-04-1913 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johannes Curiere, about 23 years old. Johannes is born about 1890 in Amsterdam. Occupation: electricien. Note re Johannes: zoon van Johannes Curiere en Annetje Hendrika Wilhelmina Nedermowe, conciërge.

XII-fg Jacoba Roelfina Boots is born about 1893 in Amsterdam, daughter of Albertus Boots and Christina Schenkel. Jacoba Roelfina married, about 22 years old, on 08-04-1915 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johan Baas, about 23 years old. Johan is born about 1892 in Amsterdam. Occupation: koetsier. Note re Johan: zoon van Lambertus Baas, melkslijter, en Maria Christina Otte.

XII-fh Cornelis Albertus Boots is born about 1894 in Amsterdam, son of Albertus Boots and Christina Schenkel. Occupation: monteur (1922), suppoost (1930). Cornelis Albertus:
(1) married, about 28 years old, on 07-07-1922 in Aalsmeer [akte 44] with Gijsbertje Schouten, about 24 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 15-05-1930 (echtscheiding). Gijsbertje is born about 1898 in Sloten (Amsterdam). Note re Gijsbertje: dochter van Rut Schouten, los werkman, en Ida Maria van Beek.
(2) married with Elsje Silas (private).

XII-fi Hendricus Franciscus Antonius Boots is born about 1899 in Amsterdam, son of Albertus Boots and Christina Schenkel. Occupation: magazijnbediende. Hendricus Franciscus Antonius married, about 28 years old, on 17-02-1927 in Amsterdam-Watergraafsmeer [source: genlias] with Maria Pieternella Harinck, 26 years old. Maria Pieternella is born on 24-10-1900 in Goes. Registration on 25-10-1900 [source: ZA akte 186]. Occupation: verpleegster. Note re Maria Pieternella: dochter van Pieter Harinck en Adriana Schipper.

XII-fj Marijtje Boots is born on 22-09-1854 in Opmeer, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Anna (Antje) Quant. Marijtje married, 24 years old, on 25-04-1879 in Opmeer [akte 2] with Theeuwis Smit, 37 years old. Theeuwis is born on 05-12-1841 in Barsingerhorn. Theeuwis is deceased on 11-03-1893 in Barsingerhorn, 51 years old. Occupation: landman. Note re Theeuwis: zoon van Pieter Smit, landman, en Trijntje Bruin; getrouwd (1) op 26-04-1866 in Barsingerhorn met Geertje Stoop (1840-1876).
Children of Marijtje and Theeuwis:

1 N.N. Smit, still born son on 27-09-1881 in Barsingerhorn.
2 Cornelis Smit, born on 31-10-1882 in Barsingerhorn.
3 Klaas Smit, born on 23-10-1885 in Barsingerhorn. Klaas is deceased on 17-12-1885 in Barsingerhorn, 1 month old.
4 Anna Smit, born on 30-10-1887 in Barsingerhorn. Follow XIII-bi.
5 Klaas Smit, born on 30-01-1890 in Barsingerhorn. Follow XIII-bj.

XII-fk Alida (Aaltje) Boots is born on 21-11-1862 in Opmeer, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Anna (Antje) Quant. Alida is deceased on 09-04-1938 in Heerhugowaard, 75 years old. Registration on 09-04-1938 [akte 13]. Aaltje married, 18 years old, on 12-05-1881 in Heerhugowaard [akte 17] with Klaas Kruijer, 22 years old. Klaas is born on 25-12-1858 in Schagen, son of Petrus Sijmonsz (Pieter) Kruijer and Maria Agatha (Maartje) Büscher. Klaas is deceased on 02-05-1940 in Heerhugowaard, 81 years old. Registration on 03-05-1940 [akte 22]. Occupation: landman, landbouwer, veehandelaar.
Children of Aaltje and Klaas:

1 Pieter Kruijer, born on 01-10-1881 in Heerhugowaard. Pieter is deceased on 05-03-1911 in Heerhugowaard, 29 years old. Registration on 06-03-1911 [akte 15].
2 Agatha Anna Kruijer, born on 06-12-1882 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bk.
3 Anna Kruijer, born on 22-07-1885 in Heerhugowaard. Anna is deceased on 03-05-1897 in Heerhugowaard, 11 years old. Registration on 03-05-1897 [akte 16].
4 Elisabeth Kruijer, born on 18-09-1887 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bl.
5 Petrus (Piet) Kruijer, born on 19-12-1889 in Heerhugowaard. Petrus is deceased on 14-02-1890 in Heerhugowaard, 1 month old. Registration on 14-02-1890 [akte 14].
6 Pieter (Piet) Kruijer, born on 15-03-1891 in Heerhugowaard. Pieter is deceased on 05-03-1911 in Heerhugowaard, 19 years old.
7 Johanna Kruijer, born on 17-10-1893 in Heerhugowaard. Johanna is deceased on 23-11-1893 in Heerhugowaard, 1 month old. Registration on 24-11-1893 [akte 44].
8 Cornelis (Kees) Kruijer, born on 18-05-1895 in Heerhugowaard. Cornelis is deceased on 22-08-1979 in Heerhugowaard, 84 years old. Occupation: handelaar.
9 Nicolaas Kruijer, born on 09-12-1897 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bm.
10 Anna Kruijer, born on 30-11-1898 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bn.
11 Maria (Marie) Kruijer, born on 09-01-1901 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bo.
12 Margaretha Kruijer, born on 20-05-1903 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-bp.
13 Johanna Kruijer, born on 10-04-1905 in Heerhugowaard. Johanna is deceased on 28-07-1999 in Heerhugowaard, 94 years old. She was buried on 30-07-1999 in Heerhugowaard.

XII-fl Arie Boots is born on 03-07-1855 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Evert Boots and Eefje de Wit. Arie is deceased on 12-12-1938 in De Rijp (Beemster), 83 years old. Registration on 12-12-1938 [akte 12]. Occupation: landman. Arie married, 50 years old, on 26-04-1906 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 3] with Johanna Arisz, 51 years old. Johanna is born on 17-09-1854 in Velsen. Johanna is deceased before 1938, at the most 84 years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Casper Arisz en Marijtje Kors; getrouwd (1) op 28-04-1875 in Velsen met Egbertus Leijding (1847 - vóór 1906).

XII-fm Aagje Boots is born on 13-09-1856 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Evert Boots and Eefje de Wit. Aagje is deceased on 09-01-1928 in De Rijp (Beemster), 71 years old. Registration on 09-01-1928 [akte 1]. Aagje married, 27 years old, on 26-11-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 11] with Engelbert Beumer, 47 years old. Geboortedata van de kinderen komen niet overeen met de huwelijksdatum: kinderen geboren vóór het huwelijk is mogelijk, maar Aagje was pas 11 jaar bij eerste kind. Engelbert is born on 02-07-1836 in De Rijp (Beemster). Engelbert is deceased on 29-01-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster), 72 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Engelbert: zoon van Joseph Beumer, alias Jan-Barend (of is Joseph een jongere broer van Jan Barend?), (ca 1793 in Stadtlohn, Borken, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland - 14-08-1849 De Rijp), wever, getrouwd op 01-05-1825 in De Rijp met Marijtje Woltering (ca 1802 De Rijp - 08-06-1863 De Rijp); getrouwd (1) op 01-11-1863 in De Rijp met Grietje Hooijboer (1840 - vóór 1883).
Children of Aagje and Engelbert:

1 Cornelis Beumer, born on 16-08-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster). tweeling. Cornelis is deceased on 04-09-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster), 19 days old.
2 Johannes Beumer, born on 16-08-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster). tweeling. Johannes is deceased on 22-09-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster), 1 month old.
3 Cornelis Beumer, born on 13-01-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster). Cornelis is deceased on 03-10-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster), 2 years old.
4 N.N. Beumer, still born daughter on 14-01-1872 in De Rijp (Beemster).
5 Evert Beumer, born on 26-11-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-bq.
6 Engelbert Beumer, born on 03-07-1887 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-br.
7 Johan Beumer, born on 14-04-1890 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-bs.

XII-fn Marijtje Boots is born on 24-09-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Evert Boots and Eefje de Wit. Marijtje is deceased on 28-10-1946 in Warmenhuizen, 77 years old. She was buried on 31-10-1946 in Warmenhuizen. Marijtje married, 20 years old, on 02-02-1890 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 2] with Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders, 22 years old. Johannes Bernardus is born on 27-07-1867 in Ursem. Johannes Bernardus is deceased on 13-02-1931 in Warmenhuizen, 63 years old. He was buried on 16-02-1931 in Warmenhuizen. Occupation: winkelbediende, brievengaarder. Note re Jan: zoon van Jan Reinders en Catharina de Groot, winkelierster.
Children of Marijtje and Jan:

1 Johannes Adrianus Reinders, born on 08-04-1890 in Ursem. Follow XIII-bt.
2 Eva Catharina Reinders, born on 21-03-1892 in Ursem. Follow XIII-bu.
3 Catharina Maria Reinders, born on 22-06-1894 in Warmenhuizen. Follow XIII-bv.
4 Agatha Afra Reinders, born on 20-12-1896 in Warmenhuizen. Follow XIII-bw.
5 Maria Theodora Reinders, born on 26-03-1899 in Warmenhuizen. Follow XIII-bx.
6 Everardus Antonius Reinders, born on 22-06-1901 in Warmenhuizen.
7 Theodorus Hendricus Reinders (private). Theodorus Hendricus married with Euphemia Maria Andree (private).
8 Adrianus Johannes Reinders, born on 26-01-1907 in Warmenhuizen. Follow XIII-bz.
9 Anna Adriana Reinders (private).
10 Cornelis Petrus Reinders (private).
11 Agnes Antonie Reinders (private).

XII-fo Jacob Boots is born on 04-10-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Pieter Boots and Ariaantje Henneman. Occupation: slager. Jacob married, 27 years old, on 01-06-1904 in Graft [akte 7] with Neeltje Scholten, 23 years old. Neeltje is born on 01-03-1881 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Note re Neeltje: dochter van Jan Scholten, arbeider, en Pietertje Bakker.
Children of Jacob and Neeltje:

1 Adriana Antonia Boots, born on 29-12-1904 in De Rijp (Beemster). Adriana Antonia is deceased on 18-05-1917 in De Rijp (Beemster), 12 years old.
2 Petronella Johanna Boots, born on 29-12-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-ca.
3 Maria Gerardina Boots, born on 12-07-1907 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-cb.
4 Petrus Johannes Boots, born on 08-02-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster). Petrus Johannes is deceased on 18-11-1991 in Graft, 82 years old.
5 Anna Boots, born on 29-06-1910 in De Rijp (Beemster). Anna is deceased on 01-10-1910 in De Rijp (Beemster), 3 months old.

XII-fp Adrianus Boots is born on 28-04-1867 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Adrianus is deceased on 08-06-1945 in De Rijp (Beemster), 78 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, winkelier in kruidenierswaren. Adrianus married, 26 years old, on 01-04-1894 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 2] with Betje van Westen, 25 years old. Betje is born on 15-04-1868 in Beemster. Betje is deceased on 22-03-1942 in De Rijp (Beemster), 73 years old. Note re Betje: dochter van Simon van Westen (ca 1837 Wognum), stratenmaker, getrouwd op 23-04-1863 in Wognum met Maartje Komen (ca 1842 Hoogwoud).

XII-fq Maria Gerarda Boots is born on 23-08-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Maria Gerarda is deceased on 07-08-1943 in Purmerend, 73 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Maria Gerarda married, 26 years old, on 21-09-1895 in Purmerend [akte 37] with Dirk Stiemer, 21 years old. Dirk is born on 17-11-1873 in Purmerend. Dirk is deceased on 11-05-1946 in Purmerend, 72 years old. Occupation: fabrieksarbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Jan Stiemer, arbeider, en Guurtje Suidema.
Children of Maria Gerarda and Dirk:

1 Guurtje Stiemer, born on 30-12-1896 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-cc.
2 Niesje Agnes Maria Stiemer, born on 15-09-1897 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-cd.
3 Jan Stiemer, born on 20-11-1898 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-ce.
4 Gerrit Stiemer, born on 30-06-1900 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-cf.
5 Klaas Stiemer, born on 27-11-1901 in Purmerend. Klaas is deceased in 1972, 71 years old.
6 Dirk Stiemer, born on 14-11-1902 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-cg.
7 Maria Geertruida Stiemer, born on 26-06-1904 in Purmerend. Maria Geertruida is deceased on 31-05-1905 in Purmerend, 11 months old.
8 Maria Geertruida Stiemer, born on 05-08-1905 in Purmerend. Maria Geertruida is deceased in 1971, 66 years old.
9 Wilhelmina Stiemer, born on 20-03-1907 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-ch.
10 Gestina Stiemer, born on 28-08-1908 in Purmerend. Gestina is deceased in 1973, 65 years old.
11 Elisabeth Maria Stiemer, born on 17-01-1910 in Purmerend. Elisabeth Maria is deceased in 1959, 49 years old. Note re Elisabeth Maria: getrouwd op 27-04-1939 in Purmerend met N.N. Duin.
12 Adrianus Gerardus Stiemer, born on 12-07-1911 in Purmerend. Follow XIII-ci.

XII-fr Theodorus (Dirk) Boots is born on 07-11-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Theodorus is deceased on 21-01-1957 in Zaandam, 83 years old. Dirk married, 31 years old, on 03-11-1905 in Eemnes [akte 5] with Marritje Feckken, 27 years old. Marritje is born on 12-04-1878 in Eemnes. Marritje is deceased on 24-12-1960 in Zaandam, 82 years old. She was buried on 27-12-1960 in Zaandam. Note re Marritje: dochter van Joannes Feckken en Willempje Roeten; getrouwd (1) op 14-05-1902 in Hilversum met Johannes Frederik Higler (ca 1880 - vóór 1905).

XII-fs Gerardus Boots is born on 09-04-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Gerardus is deceased on 18-05-1957 in De Rijp (Beemster), 81 years old. Occupation: boerenarbeider. Gerardus married, 29 years old, on 07-06-1905 in Beemster [akte 30] with Catharina Cornelia (Kaatje) Verduin, 27 years old. Catharina Cornelia is born on 12-08-1877 in Beemster. Catharina Cornelia is deceased on 31-03-1957 in De Rijp (Beemster), 79 years old. Note re Kaatje: dochter van Cornelis Verduin (1837-1908), landbouwer, en Margaretha Geertruida Dekker (ca 1842).
Children of Gerardus and Kaatje:

1 Margaretha Agnes Boots, born on 16-05-1906. Margaretha Agnes is deceased on 19-05-1909, 3 years old.
2 Gerardus Boots, born on 13-09-1907. Follow XIII-cj.
3 Cornelis Theodorus Boots, born on 11-07-1910. Cornelis Theodorus is deceased on 15-07-1910, 4 days old.
4 Cornelis Theodorus Boots, born on 12-09-1911. Cornelis Theodorus is deceased on 18-09-1911, 6 days old.
5 Margaretha Geertruida Boots, born on 02-04-1914. Follow XIII-ck.
6 Agnes Boots (private).
7 Cornelis Theodorus Boots, born on 04-06-1919. Cornelis Theodorus is deceased on 16-03-1934 in De Rijp (Beemster), 14 years old.

XII-ft Wilhelmina (Mijntje) Boots is born on 06-08-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Wilhelmina is deceased on 24-10-1968 in Heemskerk, 87 years old. She was buried on 28-10-1968 in Beverwijk. Mijntje married, 24 years old, on 16-06-1906 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 11] with Wilhelmus van Eijk, 22 years old. Wilhelmus is born on 10-11-1883 in Zoeterwoude. Wilhelmus is deceased on 31-12-1943 in Beverwijk, 60 years old. He was buried on 04-01-1944 in Beverwijk. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Wilhelmus: zoon van Jacobus van Eijk (1843), arbeider, en Apolonia van Slingerland (1845).
Children of Mijntje and Wilhelmus:

1 Apolonia Agnes Maria van Eijk (private).
2 Gerardus Jacobus Adrianus van Eijk (private).
3 Agnes Wilhelmina Elisabeth van Eijk (private).
4 Jacobus Wilhelmus Antonius van Eijk (private).
5 Wilhelmus Nicolaas Leonardus van Eijk (private).
6 Adrianus Theodorus Everardus van Eijk (private).
7 Everardus Theodorus Antonius van Eijk (private).
8 Wilhelmina Maria van Eijk (private).
9 Theodorus Henricus Martinus van Eijk (private).

XII-fu Everardus Boots is born on 15-03-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. Everardus is deceased on 18-03-1958 in De Rijp (Beemster), 75 years old. He was buried in Ursem. Occupation: veehouder. Everardus married, 37 years old, on 28-10-1920 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 20] with Theodora Wendelina Hermsen, 34 years old. Theodora Wendelina is born on 28-10-1886 in Valburg. Theodora Wendelina is deceased on 19-07-1974 in De Rijp (Beemster), 87 years old. Note re Theodora Wendelina: dochter van Albertus Hermsen en Hendrina van Elferen.
Children of Everardus and Theodora Wendelina:

1 Agnes Hendrina Boots (private). Agnes Hendrina married with H.P.L. Kuhlman (private).
2 Hendrina Helena (Dina) Boots (private). Dina married with Cornelis (Cees) Zijp (private).

XII-fv Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots is born on 26-05-1884 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Gerardus (Gerrit) Boots and Niesje Lakeman. tweeling. Cornelia is deceased on 28-02-1978 in De Rijp (Beemster), 93 years old. Neeltje:
(1) married, 38 years old, on 03-10-1922 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 12] with Meindert Peerdeman, 35 years old. Meindert is born on 04-04-1887 in Wognum. Meindert is deceased on 25-01-1924 in De Rijp (Beemster), 36 years old. Occupation: fabrieksarbeider. Note re Meindert: zoon van Dirk Peerdeman, arbeider, en Johanna Tuinman.
(2) married, 55 years old, on 13-01-1940 in De Rijp (Beemster) with Jan Obée, 58 years old. Jan is born on 14-02-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster). Jan is deceased on 13-01-1968 in Purmerend, 86 years old. Note re Jan: zoon van Hendrikus Obée en Maartje Brasker; getrouwd (1) op 11-09-1902 in De Rijp met Catharina Noë (1865-1939).

XII-fw Lourentius Heijnis is born on 29-01-1858 in Graft, son of Franciscus Ludovicus Heijnis and Ariaantje Boots. Lourentius married, 30 years old, on 19-10-1888 in Mijdrecht [akte 23] with Emerentiana Strijk, 22 years old. Emerentiana is born on 06-05-1866 in Haarlemmermeer. Note re Emerentiana: dochter van Gijsbertus Strijk en Hendrika Kroon.

XII-fx Anna Heijnis is born on 18-04-1861 in Graft, daughter of Franciscus Ludovicus Heijnis and Ariaantje Boots. Anna is deceased on 25-12-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster), 48 years old. Anna married, 24 years old, on 07-02-1886 in Beemster [akte 2] with Petrus Jacobus van der Gragt, 26 years old. Petrus Jacobus is born on 25-07-1859 in Zwaag. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Petrus Jacobus: zoon van Cornelis van der Gragt, arbeider, en Neeltje Zoet.

XII-fy Arie Boots is born on 06-02-1867 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Arie Boots and Cornelia Vredevoort. Arie is deceased on 10-02-1958 in Alkmaar, 91 years old. Occupation: slagersknecht, koopman. Arie married, 38 years old, on 01-02-1906 in Alkmaar [akte 9] with Agatha Catharina Konijn, 20 years old. Agatha Catharina is born on 20-06-1885 in Alkmaar. Agatha Catharina is deceased on 31-05-1974 in Haarlem, 88 years old. Note re Agatha Catharina: dochter van Johannes Laurentius Konijn (1851-1903) en Maartje Timmer (1853-1892).
Children of Arie and Agatha Catharina:

1 Cornelia Maria Boots, born on 08-05-1907 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-cn.
2 Johannes Laurentius Boots, born on 21-02-1909 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-co.
3 Adrianus Boots, born on 01-01-1912 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-cp.
4 Maria Anna Boots, born on 25-03-1914 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-cq.
5 Agatha Catharina Boots, born on 10-04-1916 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-cr.

XII-fz Anna Maria Boots is born on 14-10-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Arie Boots and Cornelia Vredevoort. Anna Maria is deceased on 24-07-1940 in Den Haag, 71 years old. Anna Maria married, 29 years old, on 29-05-1898 in Alkmaar [akte 49] with Johannes van Sante, 47 years old. Johannes is born on 01-08-1850 in Zaandam. Johannes is deceased on 04-03-1929 in Alkmaar, 78 years old. Occupation: banketbakkersbediende, koek- en banketbakker. Note re Johannes: zoon van Bernardus (Barend) van Sante (28-12-1811 Zaandam - 08-02-1856 Zaandam), getrouwd op 18-11-1838 in Zaandam met Maria van Dam (13-02-1817 Zaandam - 03-01-1858 Zaandam).
Children of Anna Maria and Johannes:

1 Bernardus Johannes van Sante, born on 26-12-1899 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-cs.
2 Cornelia Maria van Sante, born on 27-11-1901 in Alkmaar. Cornelia Maria is deceased on 11-12-1912 in Alkmaar, 11 years old.
3 Maria Anna van Sante, born on 17-04-1904 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-ct.
4 Geertruida Maria van Sante (private). Geertruida Maria married, 27 years old, on 28-06-1933 in Den Haag with Jan Metz, 31 years old. Jan is born on 01-01-1902 in Den Haag. Jan is deceased on 11-08-1983 in Den Haag, 81 years old. Occupation: verwarmingsmonteur. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Carl Metz (ca 1875) Jansje Rijswijk (ca 1875).
5 Johannes Adrianus van Sante, born on 09-05-1909 in Alkmaar. Johannes Adrianus is deceased on 08-11-1914 in Alkmaar, 5 years old.
6 Adrianus van Sante, born on 14-12-1910 in Alkmaar. Adrianus is deceased on 12-02-1912 in Alkmaar, 1 year old.
7 Adrianus van Sante, born on 02-02-1912 in Alkmaar. Adrianus is deceased on 11-05-1914 in Alkmaar, 2 years old.

XII-ga Maria Anna Boots is born on 03-02-1874 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Arie Boots and Cornelia Vredevoort. Maria Anna is deceased on 06-06-1927 in Leiden, 53 years old. Maria Anna married, 23 years old, on 13-10-1897 in Delft with Petrus Cornelis van Latum, 23 years old. Petrus Cornelis is born on 15-06-1874 in Alkmaar. Petrus Cornelis is deceased on 02-11-1939 in Leiden, 65 years old. Occupation: schipper Prov. Waterstaat.
Children of Maria Anna and Petrus Cornelis:

1 Elisabeth van Latum (private). Elisabeth married on 18-05-1943 in Zoeterwoude with Joannes Leonardus van der Hoeven, 32 years old. Joannes Leonardus is born on 02-03-1911 in Zoeterwoude. Joannes Leonardus is deceased on 26-12-1967 in Ede, 56 years old.
2 Everardus van Latum, born on 04-01-1899 in Delft. Everardus is deceased on 09-08-1901 in Rijswijk, 2 years old.
3 Cornelia Agatha van Latum, born on 26-07-1900 in Leiden. Follow XIII-cw.
4 Agatha Johanna van Latum, born on 25-05-1902 in Rijswijk. Agatha Johanna is deceased on 29-07-1969 in Veenendaal, 67 years old.
5 Geertruida van Latum, born on 05-06-1903 in Rijswijk. Geertruida is deceased on 22-07-1903 in Rijswijk, 1 month old.
6 Johanna Francisca van Latum, born on 05-06-1903 in Rijswijk. Johanna Francisca is deceased on 27-06-1903 in Rijswijk, 22 days old.
7 Antonia van Latum, born on 28-09-1904 in Rijswijk. Antonia is deceased on 11-07-1905 in Rijswijk, 9 months old.
8 Everardus Adrianus van Latum, born on 25-03-1906 in Rijswijk. Everardus Adrianus is deceased on 09-05-1907 in Rijswijk, 1 year old.
9 Everardus Adrianus van Latum, born on 17-05-1907 in Rijswijk. Follow XIII-cx.
10 Johanna Maria van Latum, born on 31-03-1909 in Rijswijk. Follow XIII-cy.
11 Elisabeth Maria van Latum, born on 05-05-1910 in Rijswijk. Elisabeth Maria is deceased on 04-04-1911 in Rijswijk, 10 months old.
12 Adrianus van Latum, born on 28-07-1912 in Rijswijk. Follow XIII-cz.
13 Catharina Maria van Latum, born on 03-08-1917 in Zoeterwoude. Catharina Maria is deceased on 25-11-1997 in Breda, 80 years old.

XII-gb Hendrik Boots is born on 16-08-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Arie Boots and Cornelia Vredevoort. Hendrik is deceased on 13-02-1914 in Amsterdam, 37 years old. Occupation: trambestuurder. Hendrik married, 30 years old, on 19-12-1906 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Geertruida Clasina Hoogervorst, 27 years old. Geertruida Clasina is born on 13-09-1879 in Alkmaar. Geertruida Clasina is deceased on 03-01-1946 in Egmond-Binnen, 66 years old. Note re Geertruida Clasina: dochter van Johannes Hoogervorst (1848-1929), metselaar, en Cornelia Johanna ter Haak (1855-1916); getrouwd (2) op 07-01-1915 in Egmond-Binnen met Johannes Kramer (1877-1956), echtscheiding.
Child of Hendrik and Geertruida Clasina:

1 Cornelia Johanna Boots, born on 03-01-1910 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-da.

XII-gc Geertruida Johanna Boots is born on 27-06-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Arie Boots and Cornelia Vredevoort. Geertruida Johanna is deceased on 16-12-1931 in Alkmaar, 50 years old. Geertruida Johanna married, 26 years old, on 02-01-1908 in Alkmaar [akte 2] with Arend van Gaalen, 28 years old. The marriage was dissolved (echtscheiding). Arend is born on 08-12-1879 in Kampen. Arend is deceased on 20-08-1962 in Alkmaar, 82 years old. Occupation: sigarenmaker. Note re Arend: zoon van Jacobus Johannes van Gaalen (1850-1945), timmerman, en Johanna Sok (1849-1921).
Children of Geertruida Johanna and Arend:

1 Johanna Lucia van Gaalen, born on 02-04-1908 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-db.
2 Arie van Gaalen, born on 19-08-1910 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-dc.
3 Jacobus Johannes van Gaalen, born on 20-11-1912 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-dd.
4 Geertruida Johanna van Gaalen, born on 26-07-1918 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-de.

XII-gd Maria Boots is born on 02-04-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Maria is deceased on 18-09-1956 in Alkmaar, 86 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Maria married, 28 years old, on 10-11-1898 in Monnickendam with Willem Boddeke, 20 years old. Willem is born on 31-05-1878 in Monnickendam. Willem is deceased on 31-08-1947 in Castricum, 69 years old. Occupation: barbier. Note re Willem: zoon van Hendricus Boddeke (1851-1922), politieagent, en Maria Hoogland (1846-1919).
Children of Maria and Willem:

1 Hendrikus Anthonius Boddeke, born in 12-1900 in Monnickendam. Hendrikus Anthonius is deceased on 22-03-1901 in Monnickendam, 3 months old. Registration on 22-03-1901 [akte 14].
2 Margaretha Antonia Boddeke, born on 07-02-1902 in Monnickendam. Follow XIII-df.
3 Hendricus Johannes Anthonius Boddeke, born on 10-04-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-dg.

XII-ge Adriana Boots is born on 15-05-1871 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. tweeling. Adriana is deceased on 09-02-1950 in Zaandam, 78 years old. Registration on 10-02-1950 [akte 77]. Adriana married, 29 years old, on 17-11-1900 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 16] with Arie Mulder, 36 years old. Arie is born on 19-06-1864 in Zaandam. Arie is deceased on 12-05-1941 in Zaandam, 76 years old. Registration on 14-05-1941 [akte 189]. Occupation: molenaar. Note re Arie: zoon van Pieter Mulder en Aagje Selij.
Children of Adriana and Arie:

1 Petrus Mulder (private).
2 Johannes Mulder (private).

XII-gf Johan Hendrik Boots is born on 11-12-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Johan Hendrik is deceased on 23-08-1961 in Purmerend, 87 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Johan Hendrik married, 33 years old, on 05-05-1907 in Edam [akte 22] with Johanna Tol, 29 years old. Johanna is born on 05-04-1878 in Volendam. Johanna is deceased on 05-05-1957 in Edam, 79 years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Arie Tol, landman, en Geertrudes de Jong.
Children of Johan Hendrik and Johanna:

1 Adrianus Johannes (Arie) Boots, born on 14-05-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-dh.
2 Johannes Maria Boots, born on 03-10-1910 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-di.
3 Cornelis Gerardus Boots, born on 08-11-1911 in De Rijp (Beemster).
4 Geertruida Boots, born on 15-06-1913 in De Rijp (Beemster).
5 Petrus Boots, born on 07-08-1915 in De Rijp (Beemster).
6 Gerardus Boots, born on 14-05-1918 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-dj.

XII-gg Margaretha Boots is born on 13-12-1876 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Margaretha is deceased on 10-02-1951 in Haarlem, 74 years old. Margaretha married, 27 years old, on 19-11-1904 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 17] with Pieter IJfs, 25 years old. Pieter is born on 25-12-1878 in Koedijk. Pieter is deceased on 06-06-1951 in Haarlem, 72 years old. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jacob IJfs, landarbeider, en Jacoba Molenaar.

XII-gh Cornelis Boots is born on 09-09-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Cornelis is deceased on 18-08-1927 in Graft, 48 years old. Occupation: koopman. Cornelis married, 28 years old, on 06-06-1907 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 8] with Alida Nibbering, 28 years old. Alida is born on 28-01-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Alida is deceased on 18-08-1927 in Graft, 48 years old. Note re Alida: dochter van Roelof Nibbering en Dieuwertje van der Heiden.
Children of Cornelis and Alida:

1 Johannes Boots, born on 16-03-1910 in Graft. Johannes is deceased on 15-07-1923 in Beemster, 13 years old. Registration on 16-07-1923 [akte 48].
2 Divera Boots, born about 1914 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-dk.

XII-gi Theresia Boots is born on 12-07-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Theresia is deceased on 28-06-1943 in Purmerend, 57 years old. Theresia married, 23 years old, on 22-05-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 4] with Willem Konijn, 24 years old. Willem is born on 30-04-1885 in Beemster. Willem is deceased on 16-09-1955 in Purmerend, 70 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Willem: zoon van Jacob Konijn (15-08-1853 Beemster), boerenknecht, arbeider, getrouwd op 23-04-1882 in Beemster met Antje Tambach (22-08-1858 Beemster - 1928).
Children of Theresia and Willem:

1 Anna Konijn, born on 14-12-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster). Anna is deceased in 2000, 91 years old.
2 Jacobus Konijn, born on 23-11-1911 in De Rijp (Beemster).
3 Margaretha Konijn, born on 09-02-1914 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-dl.
4 Johanna Konijn, born on 26-11-1917 in De Rijp (Beemster).
5 Johannes Konijn, born on 01-09-1920 in De Rijp (Beemster).

XII-gj Willem Jozeph Boots is born on 17-02-1887 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johannes Boots and Margaretha Kotte. Willem Jozeph is deceased on 17-02-1931 in Volendam, 44 years old. Occupation: bierhuishouder. Willem Jozeph married, 33 years old, on 18-11-1920 in Edam [akte 76] with Helena Dirken, 40 years old. Helena is born on 28-12-1879 in Haarlem. Helena is deceased on 09-04-1924 in Amsterdam, 44 years old. Note re Helena: dochter van Hendrik Dirken (ca 1842 Borculo - 30-12-1919 Heemstede), landbouwer, getrouwd op 22-04-1874 in Haarlem met Petronella van der Vosse (01-06-1842 Haarlem - 12-05-1919 Heemstede).

XII-gk Petrus (Pieter) Boots is born on 16-01-1857 in Graft, son of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Petrus is deceased on 18-05-1940 in Amsterdam, 83 years old. Occupation: koetsier paardentram, tramconducteur. Pieter married, 36 years old, on 22-06-1893 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Catharina Margaretha Pacaud, 27 years old. Catharina Margaretha is born on 31-10-1865 in Vlissingen. Registration on 01-11-1865 [source: ZA akte 310]. Catharina Margaretha is deceased on 17-02-1954 in Amsterdam, 88 years old. Note re Catharina Margaretha: dochter van Jan Hendrik Pacaud, smid, en Johanna Maria Heimsoth.
Children of Pieter and Catharina Margaretha:

1 Cornelis Boots, born on 24-10-1894 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dm.
2 Petrus Boots, born on 07-10-1896 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dn.
3 Aafje Maria Boots, born on 15-10-1898 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-do.
4 Maria Johanna Boots, born on 11-10-1900 in Amsterdam. Maria Johanna is deceased on 03-10-1998 in Amsterdam, 97 years old.
5 Catharina Johanna Boots (private).
6 Cornelia Johanna Boots (private). Cornelia Johanna married, 23 years old, on 06-06-1929 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Hubertus Hermanus Engelbertus Brugman, 29 years old. Hubertus Hermanus Engelbertus is born on 26-05-1900 in Amsterdam. Hubertus Hermanus Engelbertus is deceased on 03-06-1962 in Utrecht, 62 years old. Occupation: winkelier in manufacturen, galanterie. Note re Hubertus Hermanus Engelbertus: zoon van Hubertus Hermanus Engelbertus Brugman (25-04-1866 Amsterdam) en Christina Anna Grossouw (30-08-1871 Amsterdam).

XII-gl Anna Jacoba Boots is born on 25-01-1859 in Graft, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Anna Jacoba is deceased on 23-04-1943 in Amsterdam, 84 years old. She was buried on 28-04-1943 in Diemen. Anna Jacoba married, 29 years old, on 02-08-1888 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johannes Vendrik, 24 years old. Johannes is born on 20-10-1863 in Amsterdam. Johannes is deceased on 18-05-1923 in Amsterdam, 59 years old. Occupation: timmerman, wagenmaker. Note re Johannes: zoon van Johannes Vendrik, landbouwer, en Anna Maria Hilhorst.
Child of Anna Jacoba and Johannes:

1 Anna Maria Vendrik, born about 1890 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dq.

XII-gm Laurens (Louis) Boots is born on 16-10-1867 in Graft, son of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Laurens is deceased on 01-04-1939 in Amsterdam, 71 years old. Occupation: drogist, winkelier. Note re Louis: ook Lourens. Louis married, 24 years old, on 29-09-1892 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Maria Theodora Valkonet, 28 years old. Maria Theodora is born on 18-11-1863 in Amsterdam, daughter of Boudewijn Lodewijk Valkonet and Theodora Maria van Middelkoop. Maria Theodora is deceased on 28-02-1944 in Amsterdam, 80 years old.
Children of Louis and Maria Theodora:

1 Cornelis Laurens Boots, born on 14-10-1893 in Amsterdam. Cornelis Laurens is deceased on 15-11-1904 in Amsterdam, 11 years old. He was buried on 19-11-1904 in Amsterdam.
2 Theodora Maria Boots, born on 28-07-1895 in Amsterdam. Theodora Maria is deceased on 02-05-1922 in Amsterdam, 26 years old. She was buried on 06-05-1922 in Amsterdam.
3 Boudewijn Lodewijk Boots, born on 03-08-1896 in Amsterdam. Boudewijn Lodewijk is deceased on 25-03-1953 in Amsterdam, 56 years old.
4 Petrus Boots, born on 29-08-1897 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dr.
5 Anthonius Theodorus Boots, born on 18-11-1898 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ds.
6 Jacobus Johannes Boots, born on 07-05-1900 in Amsterdam. Jacobus Johannes is deceased on 05-07-1900 in Amsterdam, 1 month old.
7 Afra Boots, born on 12-10-1901 in Amsterdam. Afra is deceased on 05-03-1918 in Amsterdam, 16 years old. She was buried on 09-03-1918 in Amsterdam.
8 Theodorus Jacobus Boots, born on 01-09-1904 in Amsterdam. Theodorus Jacobus is deceased on 20-07-1928 in Amsterdam, 23 years old.

XII-gn Theodoris (Dorus) Boots is born on 15-06-1872 in Graft, son of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Theodoris is deceased on 07-09-1958 in Amsterdam, 86 years old. Occupation: koetsier, trambestuurder. Dorus:
(1) married, 28 years old, on 01-05-1901 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Hester Cornelia Valkonet, 32 years old. Hester Cornelia is born on 09-08-1868 in Amsterdam, daughter of Boudewijn Lodewijk Valkonet and Theodora Maria van Middelkoop. Hester Cornelia is deceased on 23-12-1906 in Amsterdam, 38 years old. She was buried on 28-12-1906 in Amsterdam.
(2) married, 36 years old, on 02-09-1908 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johanna Helena Geusendam, 43 years old. Johanna Helena is born on 04-01-1865 in Rijssen. Johanna Helena is deceased on 13-07-1954 in Amsterdam, 89 years old. She was buried on 16-07-1954 in Amsterdam. Note re Johanna Helena: dochter van Johannes Geusendam en Willemina Kosters.
Children of Dorus and Hester Cornelia:

1 Afra Maria Theodora Boots, born on 29-09-1902 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dt.
2 Boudewijn Lodewijk Joseph Boots (private). Boudewijn Lodewijk Joseph married, 28 years old, on 12-05-1932 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Megchelina Theodora Raats, about 21 years old. Megchelina Theodora is born about 1911 in Amsterdam. Note re Megchelina Theodora: dochter van Johann Gerhard Theodor Raats, kruier, en Aaltje Berkenbosch.
3 Cornelis Antonius Boots (private). Cornelis Antonius married, 32 years old, on 24-08-1938 in Amsterdam with Clara Maria Schouten, 28 years old. Clara Maria is born on 22-07-1910 in Amsterdam.

XII-go Maria Johanna Boots is born on 15-06-1872 in Graft, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Maria Johanna is deceased on 26-06-1932 in Amsterdam, 60 years old. She was buried on 30-06-1932 in Amsterdam. Maria Johanna married, 27 years old, on 23-05-1900 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Wilhelmus Bruijnestein, 27 years old. Wilhelmus is born on 13-11-1872 in Amsterdam. Wilhelmus is deceased on 25-01-1946 in Amsterdam, 73 years old. Occupation: pakhuisknecht (1900), schrijver bij het Burgerlijk Armbestuur (1926), gemeente-ambtenaar (1931). Note re Wilhelmus: zoon van Bartholomeus Bruijnestein en Maria Wilhelmina van Zon.
Children of Maria Johanna and Wilhelmus:

1 Wilhelmus Franciscus Cornelis Bruijnestein, born about 1901 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dw.
2 Maria Wilhelmina Bruijnestein, born about 1902 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dx.
3 Aafje Maria Bruijnestein, born about 1905 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-dy.
4 Franciscus Antonius Bruijnestein (private). Franciscus Antonius married with Gerritdina van den Berg (private).

XII-gp Franciscus Ludovicus Boots is born on 24-12-1874 in Graft, son of Cornelis Boots and Aafje Heijnes. Franciscus Ludovicus is deceased on 07-05-1943 in Amsterdam, 68 years old. He was buried on 12-05-1943 in Amsterdam. Occupation: besteller, controleur bij de N.S.. Franciscus Ludovicus married, 36 years old, on 24-05-1911 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen, 29 years old. Elisabeth Cornelia is born on 25-11-1881 in Elst. Elisabeth Cornelia is deceased on 12-03-1943 in Amsterdam, 61 years old. She was buried on 16-03-1943 in Amsterdam. Note re Lies: dochter van Jacobus van Vorselen, schoenmaker, en Elisabeth Wessels.
Children of Franciscus Ludovicus and Lies:

1 Cornelis Petrus Gerardus (Cor) Boots, born on 06-06-1912 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ea.
2 Elisabeth Maria (Lies) Boots, born on 16-02-1914 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-eb.
3 Affra Johanna (Aaf) Boots, born on 06-04-1915 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ec.
4 Jacobus (Co) Boots, born on 14-10-1916 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ed.
5 Johanna (An) Boots, born on 03-04-1918 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ee.
6 Cornelia Maria (Nel) Boots, born on 20-07-1919 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ef.

XII-gq Theodora Boots is born on 02-12-1862 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Theodorus Boots and Maartje van Langen. Theodora is deceased on 21-09-1942 in Schermerhorn, 79 years old. Theodora married, 23 years old, on 17-10-1886 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 8] with Jacobus Franciscus Deckwitz, 21 years old. Jacobus Franciscus is born on 07-07-1865 in Schermerhorn. Jacobus Franciscus is deceased on 07-03-1928 in Schermerhorn, 62 years old. He was buried on 12-03-1928 in Schermerhorn. Occupation: vleeshouwer, slager, koopman. Note re Jacobus Franciscus: zoon van Fredrik Johan Deckwitz en Margaretha Water.
Children of Theodora and Jacobus Franciscus:

1 Margaretha Maria Deckwitz, born about 1887 in De Rijp (Beemster). Follow XIII-eg.
2 Fredericus Franciscus Deckwitz, born about 1891 in Schermerhorn. Follow XIII-eh.
3 Geertruida Johanna Deckwitz, born about 1898 in Schermerhorn. Follow XIII-ei.

XII-gr Antonia Boots is born on 20-08-1868 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes. Antonia is deceased on 02-11-1908 in Amsterdam, 40 years old. Antonia married, 21 years old, on 16-02-1890 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 3] with Cornelis Johannes van 't Hoff, 25 years old. Cornelis Johannes is born on 27-11-1864 in Hoorn. Occupation: slachtersknecht. Note re Cornelis Johannes: zoon van Johannes Jacobus van 't Hoff, melkslijter, en Naatje Doffer.

XII-gs Catharina (Cato) Boots is born on 20-01-1870 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes. Catharina is deceased on 09-02-1942 in Amsterdam, 72 years old. Cato married, 35 years old, on 24-11-1905 in Hoorn [akte 68] with Christiaan Peter Roovers, 37 years old. Christiaan Peter is born on 21-02-1868 in Beesd. Christiaan Peter is deceased on 16-08-1938 in Hilversum, 70 years old. Occupation: spoorwegbeambte. Note re Christiaan Peter: zoon van Peter Roovers (1838-1917), opzichter, getrouwd in 1870 met Theodora Alberta Schoordijk (1846-1910); getrouwd (1) op 25-11-1896 in Gouda met Anna van Ardenne (ca 1869 - ca 1897).
Children of Cato and Christiaan Peter:

1 Peter Christiaan Roovers, born on 19-09-1906 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ej.
2 Cornelia Antonia Roovers, born on 19-08-1908 in Amsterdam. Follow XIII-ek.

XII-gt Cornelis Boots is born on 15-03-1878 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes. Cornelis is deceased on 03-05-1950 in Hoorn, 72 years old. He was buried on 06-05-1950 in Hoorn. Occupation: timmerman. Cornelis married, 26 years old, on 25-11-1904 in Hoorn [akte 78] with Maria Geertruida Kroes, 27 years old. Maria Geertruida is born on 11-11-1877 in Amersfoort. Maria Geertruida is deceased on 17-06-1953 in Hoorn, 75 years old. She was buried on 22-06-1953 in Hoorn. Note re Maria Geertruida: dochter van Johannes Kroes, schilder, en Anna Battram.
Child of Cornelis and Maria Geertruida:

1 Petrus Johannes Boots (private). Petrus Johannes married with A.C. van der Zel (private).

XII-gu Anna (Antje) Boots is born on 19-06-1881 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes. Anna is deceased on 30-11-1967 in Amsterdam, 86 years old. Antje married, 42 years old, on 05-07-1923 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Arend Smit, 45 years old. Arend is born on 27-11-1877 in Nieuwer-Amstel. Arend is deceased on 15-01-1955 in Amsterdam, 77 years old. Occupation: briljantversteller. Note re Arend: weduwnaar van Elisabeth de Leeuw, zoon van Johannes Smit en Zeeuwi Kaptijn.

XII-gv Catharina (Catrien) Boots is born on 12-04-1883 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Cornelia (Neeltje) Mettes. Catharina is deceased on 26-08-1953 in Hoorn, 70 years old. Catrien married, 23 years old, on 04-05-1906 in Hoorn [akte 21] with Antonius Rodenburg, 20 years old. Antonius is born on 19-04-1886 in Alkmaar. Antonius is deceased on 12-12-1968 in Hoorn, 82 years old. Occupation: brievenbesteller. Note re Antonius: zoon van Cornelis Rodenburg, werkman, en Cornelia Stroomer.

XII-gw Pieter van Langen is born on 15-09-1864 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Registration on 17-09-1864. Pieter is deceased on 26-12-1933 in Purmerend, 69 years old. Address: Purmerend. Occupation: koopman. Pieter married, 22 years old, on 21-11-1886 in Graft [akte 6] with Agatha Borst, 19 years old. Agatha is born on 24-12-1866 in Graft. Agatha is deceased on 19-02-1928 in Purmerend, 61 years old. Note re Agatha: dochter van Leendert Borst en Johanna van Egmond.

XII-gx Maarten van Langen is born on 01-10-1866 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Maarten is deceased on 03-05-1931 in Amsterdam, 64 years old. Occupation: slachter. Maarten married, 21 years old, on 26-09-1888 in Beemster [akte 25] with Johanna Margaretha Verduin, 22 years old. Johanna Margaretha is born on 26-11-1865 in Beemster. Johanna Margaretha is deceased on 30-05-1927 in Amsterdam, 61 years old. Note re Johanna Margaretha: dochter van Cornelis Verduin, veehouder, en Margaretha Geertruida Dekker.

XII-gy Theodorus van Langen is born on 02-02-1869 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Theodorus is deceased on 17-09-1933 in Amsterdam, 64 years old. Occupation: banketbakker, winkelier. Theodorus:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 14-05-1898 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 7] with Luwtje de Goede, about 38 years old. Luwtje is born about 1860 in Ouder-Amstel. Luwtje is deceased before 1912, at the most 52 years old. Note re Luwtje: dochter van Jan de Goede en Maartje Berkhout.
(2) married, 43 years old, on 07-11-1912 in Utrecht [akte 814] with Hendrica Wilhelmina Lutterman, about 38 years old. Hendrica Wilhelmina is born about 1874 in Utrecht. Hendrica Wilhelmina is deceased before 1923, at the most 49 years old. Note re Hendrica Wilhelmina: dochter van Hendricus Lutterman en Mechtilda van Swol.
(3) married, 53 years old, on 25-01-1923 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Martha Jacoba Muller, 51 years old. Martha Jacoba is born on 20-09-1871 in Alkmaar. Martha Jacoba is deceased on 10-12-1939 in Amsterdam, 68 years old. Note re Martha Jacoba: dochter van Willem Antonius Muller, fabriekschef, en Elisabeth Maria Daars.

XII-gz Jan van Langen is born on 01-12-1875 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Jan is deceased on 19-06-1953 in Warmenhuizen, 77 years old. Occupation: slager. Jan married, 24 years old, on 03-05-1900 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 6] with Anna Portegies, 20 years old. Anna is born on 22-06-1879 in De Rijp (Beemster). Anna is deceased on 01-05-1952 in Warmenhuizen, 72 years old. Note re Anna: dochter van Jacobus Portegies, arbeider, en Femmetje de Jong.

XII-ha Antonia van Langen is born on 01-07-1877 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Antonia is deceased on 21-06-1956 in Purmerend, 78 years old. Antonia married, 22 years old, on 08-02-1900 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 3] with Lourens Bakker, 25 years old. Lourens is born on 08-01-1875 in Purmerend. Lourens is deceased on 04-06-1925 in Purmerend, 50 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Lourens: zoon van Jacob Bakker, landman, en Maartje de Lange.

XII-hb Maria van Langen is born on 06-10-1880 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Pieter van Langen and Catrina Boots. Maria is deceased on 24-04-1922 in Purmerend, 41 years old. Maria married, 29 years old, on 20-11-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 12] with Frederik Hendrik Gastkemper, 34 years old. Frederik Hendrik is born on 10-12-1874 in Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude. Frederik Hendrik is deceased on 17-05-1932 in Purmerend, 57 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Frederik Hendrik: zoon van Hendrik Andreas Antonia Gastkemper en Maria Geertruida Scharrighuisen.

XII-hc Johannes Nicolaas Munnikhuis is born on 27-12-1869 at 02:00 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Munnikhuis and Anna (Antje) Boots. Occupation: slager. Johannes Nicolaas married, 23 years old, on 17-08-1893 in Purmerend [akte 34] with Catharina Agatha Stam, 21 years old. Catharina Agatha is born on 11-02-1872 in Ilpendam. Catharina Agatha is deceased on 31-01-1951 in Rotterdam, 78 years old. Note re Catharina Agatha: dochter van Dirk Stam, landman, en Antje Kroon.

XII-hd Johannes Theodorus Josephus Munnikhuis is born on 20-03-1872 at 21:30 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Munnikhuis and Anna (Antje) Boots. Johannes Theodorus Josephus is deceased on 09-01-1951 in Purmerend, 78 years old. Occupation: commissionair. Johannes Theodorus Josephus married, 33 years old, on 23-08-1905 in Alkmaar [akte 85] with Antje Brakenhoff, 25 years old. Antje is born on 17-05-1880 at 22:00 in Castricum. Antje is deceased on 27-12-1955 in Purmerend, 75 years old. Note re Antje: dochter van Klaas Brakenhoff en Neeltje Kuijs.

XII-he Catharina Boots is born on 29-01-1864 in Beemster, daughter of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Catharina is deceased on 08-04-1911 in Beemster, 47 years old. Registration on 08-04-1911 [akte 26]. Catharina married, 22 years old, on 28-10-1886 in Beemster [akte 29] with Mattheus Lampe, 22 years old. Mattheus is born on 04-04-1864 in Beemster. Mattheus is deceased on 16-04-1911 in Beemster, 47 years old. Registration on 18-04-1911 [akte 27]. Occupation: boer. Note re Mattheus: zoon van Jacob Lampe (01-03-1832 Beemster - vóór 1873), koopman, getrouwd op 29-04-1860 in Beemster met Anna Maria van der Lee (10-09-1838 Beemster - vóór 1885).

XII-hf Petrus Antonius Boots is born on 17-01-1865 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Petrus Antonius is deceased on 29-03-1915 in Avenhorn, 50 years old. Registration on 30-03-1915 [akte 7]. He was buried on 02-04-1915 in De Goorn (Berkhout). Occupation: landman, boer. Petrus Antonius married, 25 years old, on 24-04-1890 in Beemster [akte 12] with Afra (Aafje) Bleeker, 24 years old. Afra is born on 14-07-1865 in Beemster, daughter of Cornelis Bleeker and Cornelia Konijn. Afra is deceased on 11-07-1942 in Avenhorn, 76 years old. Registration on 13-07-1942 [akte 4]. She was buried on 15-07-1942 in De Goorn (Berkhout).
Children of Petrus Antonius and Aafje:

1 Nicolaas Boots, born on 18-03-1891 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-em.
2 Cornelis Boots, born on 15-11-1892 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-en.
3 Jansje Boots, born on 08-01-1894 in Avenhorn.
4 Cornelia (Neeltje) Boots, born on 31-08-1895 in Avenhorn. Cornelia is deceased on 05-10-1895 in Avenhorn, 1 month old. Registration on 05-10-1895 [akte 10].
5 Johannes Boots, born on 07-10-1897 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-eo.
6 Simon Boots, born on 18-04-1899 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-ep.
7 Cornelia Boots, born on 02-09-1900 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-eq.
8 Petrus Boots, born on 22-09-1903 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-er.
9 Johannes Petrus Boots, born in 09-1905 in Avenhorn. Johannes Petrus is deceased on 09-12-1905 in Avenhorn, 3 months old. Registration on 11-12-1905 [akte 16].
10 N.N. Boots, still born son on 05-11-1906 in Avenhorn. Registration on 05-11-1906 [akte 13].
11 Catharina Boots, born on 31-01-1908 in Avenhorn. Follow XIII-es.

XII-hg Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 02-09-1866 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Johannes is deceased on 29-11-1912 in Beemster, 46 years old. Registration on 30-11-1912 [akte 54]. He was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: boer. Jan married, 25 years old, on 27-04-1892 in Beemster [akte 28] with Maria Johanna de Wit, 21 years old. Maria Johanna is born on 01-06-1870 in Beemster. Maria Johanna is deceased on 18-12-1950 in Beemster, 80 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster. Note re Maria Johanna: dochter van Pieter de Wit (09-04-1841 Beemster), veehouder, getrouwd op 28-04-1869 in Akersloot met Jannetje Kraakman (ca 1845 Uitgeest).
Children of Jan and Maria Johanna:

1 Johanna Catharina (Jansje) Boots, born on 08-02-1893 in Beemster. Follow XIII-et.
2 Petrus (Piet) Boots, born on 06-04-1895 in Beemster. Follow XIII-eu.
3 Nicolaas Boots, born on 18-12-1896 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ev.
4 Johannes Boots, born on 08-02-1899 in Beemster. Johannes is deceased about 1954 in Afrika, about 55 years old.
5 Johanna Cornelia Boots, born on 03-07-1901 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ew.
6 Cornelis Boots, born on 17-01-1904 in Beemster. Cornelis is deceased about 1966 in Afrika, about 62 years old.
7 Catharina Cornelia Boots, born on 16-12-1906 in Beemster. Catharina Cornelia is deceased on 07-03-1988 in Castricum, 81 years old. She was buried on 10-03-1988 in Castricum.
8 Jacobus Boots, born on 02-02-1909 in Beemster. Jacobus is deceased on 02-06-1981 in Castricum, 72 years old. He was buried on 05-06-1981 in Castricum.
9 Margaretha Cornelia Boots, born on 04-09-1911 in Beemster. Margaretha Cornelia is deceased on 09-06-2001 in Alverna (Wijchen), 89 years old. She was buried on 14-06-2001 in Alverna (Wijchen).

XII-hh Margaretha Boots is born on 12-07-1868 in Beemster, daughter of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Margaretha is deceased on 21-12-1952 in Purmerend, 84 years old. She was buried on 24-12-1952 in Westbeemster. Margaretha married, 25 years old, on 25-04-1894 in Beemster with Cornelis Bleeker, 25 years old. Cornelis is born on 04-03-1869 in Beemster, son of Cornelis Bleeker and Cornelia Konijn. Cornelis is deceased on 01-04-1930 in Beemster, 61 years old. Registration on 01-04-1930 [akte 12]. He was buried on 04-04-1930 in Westbeemster. Occupation: landbouwer, warmoezenier.
Children of Margaretha and Cornelis:

1 Simon Cornelis Bleeker, born about 1897 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ex.
2 N.N. Bleeker, still born son on 04-08-1898 in Beemster. Registration on 04-08-1898 [akte 41].
3 Johanna Bleeker, born about 1901 in Beemster. Johanna is deceased on 07-08-1904 in Beemster, about 3 years old. Registration on 08-08-1904 [akte 36].
4 N.N. Bleeker, still born daughter on 07-10-1906 in Beemster. Registration on 08-10-1906 [akte 42].

XII-hi Cornelis Boots is born on 14-01-1870 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Cornelis is deceased on 08-04-1928 in Beemster, 58 years old. Registration on 10-04-1928 [akte 20]. He was buried on 12-04-1928 in Westbeemster. Occupation: veehouder. Cornelis married, 47 years old, on 17-01-1917 in Beemster [akte 3] with Jacoba Schoon, 34 years old. Jacoba is born on 17-08-1882 in Akersloot. Jacoba is deceased on 31-01-1945 in Beemster, 62 years old. Registration on 01-02-1945 [akte 6]. She was buried on 03-02-1945 in Westbeemster. Occupation: huishoudster. Note re Jacoba: dochter van Gerardus Schoon en Alida Zuurbier.
Children of Cornelis and Jacoba:

1 Gerardus Cornelus Boots (private).
2 Nicolaas Boots, born about 1918 in Beemster. Nicolaas is deceased on 15-11-1932 in Purmerend, about 14 years old. Registration on 19-11-1932 [akte 57].
3 Alida (Ali) Boots, born about 1919 in Beemster. Alida is deceased on 04-11-1954 in Haarlem, about 35 years old (cause: ongeval). She was buried on 08-11-1954 in Haarlem.

XII-hj Lourentius Boots is born on 27-03-1871 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Lourentius is deceased on 11-04-1933 in Beemster, 62 years old. Registration on 11-04-1933 [akte 17]. He was buried on 14-04-1933 in Beemster. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Lourentius: ook Laurentius Albertus. Lourentius:
(1) married, 30 years old, on 01-05-1901 in Beemster [akte 19] with Aaltje Droog, 32 years old. Aaltje is born on 13-09-1868 in Beemster. Aaltje is deceased on 03-12-1907 in Beemster, 39 years old. Registration on 04-12-1907 [akte 52]. She was buried on 07-12-1907 in Westbeemster. Note re Aaltje: dochter van Jan Droog en Aaltje Oud, veehoudster.
(2) married, 43 years old, on 23-04-1914 in Beemster [akte 13] with Catharina Verdonk, 33 years old. Catharina is born on 19-09-1880 in De Rijp (Beemster). Catharina is deceased on 14-01-1956 in Beemster, 75 years old. Occupation: huishoudster. Note re Catharina: dochter van Gerardus Verdonk (26-02-1850 Utrecht - 20-09-1907 De Rijp), metselaar, kruidenier, getrouwd op 18-04-1875 in De Rijp met Jannetje Raven (van Raaven) (23-04-1851 De Rijp - 08-01-1885 De Rijp).
Children of Lourentius and Aaltje:

1 Jansje Boots, born on 05-12-1902 in Beemster. Jansje is deceased on 14-12-1917 in Beemster, 15 years old. Registration on 14-12-1917 [akte 73]. She was buried on 17-12-1917 in Westbeemster. Note re Jansje: ook Jantje.
2 Alida (Aaltje) Boots, born on 30-03-1904 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ey.
3 Catharina (Trijntje) Boots, born on 11-04-1906 in Beemster. Catharina is deceased on 07-04-1966 in Purmerend, 59 years old. She was buried on 12-04-1966 in Westbeemster.
4 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 10-04-1907 in Beemster.

Children of Lourentius and Catharina:

1 Nicolaas Gerardus (Klaas) Boots, born on 04-03-1915 in Beemster. Nicolaas Gerardus is deceased on 29-09-2000 in Beemster, 85 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Address: (op 28-10-1921 vertrokken naar Edam).
2 Gerardus (Gert) Boots, born on 11-05-1918 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ez.
3 Johannes Boots, born on 06-01-1920 in Beemster.

XII-hk Nicolaas (Niek) Boots is born on 06-05-1873 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Nicolaas is deceased on 25-03-1947 in Purmerend, 73 years old. Registration [akte 23 dd 27-03-1947 Beemster]. He was buried on 29-03-1947 in Westbeemster. Occupation: veehouder. Niek married, 24 years old, on 26-04-1898 in Zuid- en Noord-Schermer [akte 6] with Dieuwertje Bijvoet, 24 years old. Dieuwertje is born on 23-07-1873 in De Rijp (Beemster). Dieuwertje is deceased on 01-12-1944 in Beemster, 71 years old. Registration on 04-12-1944 [akte 70]. She was buried in Westbeemster. Note re Dieuwertje: dochter van Jan Bijvoet, veehouder, en Grietje Tuijp.
Children of Niek and Dieuwertje:

1 Johanna (Jans) Boots, born on 12-06-1899 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fa.
2 Johannes Boots, born on 09-06-1900 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fb.
3 Margaretha Boots, born on 28-01-1902 in Beemster. Margaretha is deceased on 10-01-1938 in Beemster, 35 years old. Registration on 10-01-1938 [akte 3]. She was buried on 13-01-1938 in Westbeemster.
4 Catharina (Trien) Boots, born on 07-05-1903 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fc.
5 Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 01-07-1905 in Beemster. Nicolaas is deceased on 08-04-1932 in Alkmaar, 26 years old. Registration [akte 26 dd 13-04-1932 Beemster]. He was buried on 12-04-1932 in Westbeemster.
6 Adrianus (Arie) Boots, born on 16-01-1907 in Beemster. Adrianus is deceased on 08-01-1911 in Beemster, 3 years old. Registration on 10-01-1911 [akte 1]. He was buried on 12-01-1911 in Westbeemster.
7 Anna Boots, born on 23-08-1908 in Beemster. Anna is deceased on 01-09-1908 in Beemster, 9 days old. Registration on 02-09-1908 [akte 26].
8 Anna Margaretha Boots, born on 23-10-1909 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fd.
9 Jacobus Adrianus (Jaap) Boots, born on 07-05-1914 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fe.

XII-hl Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots is born on 04-01-1881 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas Boots and Joanna (Jansje) Oudejans. Johannes Petrus is deceased on 23-04-1965 in Beemster, 84 years old. Occupation: veehouder. Jo:
(1) married, 27 years old, on 06-05-1908 in Beemster [akte 20] with Catharina Johanna de Jong, 25 years old. Catharina Johanna is born on 02-09-1882 in Beemster. Catharina Johanna is deceased on 16-09-1911 in Beemster, 29 years old. Registration on 18-09-1911 [akte 53]. She was buried on 20-09-1911 in Westbeemster. Note re Catharina Johanna: dochter van Pieter de Jong (ca 1840 Berkhout), koopman, veehouder, getrouwd op 31-01-1877 in Beemster met Aafje Bakker (ca 1842 Avenhorn), veehoudster.
(2) married, 35 years old, on 12-01-1916 in Beemster [akte 2] with Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar, 25 years old. Geertruida Suzanna is born on 31-03-1890 in Beemster. Geertruida Suzanna is deceased on 12-01-1973 in Dirkshorn (Harenkarspel), 82 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: huishoudster. Note re Truida: dochter van Dirk Vlaar (1851 Sijbekarspel) getrouwd op 09-01-1888 in Beemster met Jansje Oudejans (1859 Schermerhorn).
Children of Jo and Catharina Johanna:

1 Nicolaas Petrus Boots, born on 16-02-1909 in Beemster. tweeling. Nicolaas Petrus is deceased on 17-02-1909 in Beemster, 1 day old.
2 N.N. Boots, still born son on 16-02-1909 in Beemster. tweeling. Registration on 18-02-1909 [akte 17].
3 Johanna Afra Maria (Jansje) Boots, born on 25-04-1910 in Beemster. Follow XIII-ff.
4 Afra Maria (Trien) Boots, born on 08-07-1911 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fg.

Children of Jo and Truida:

1 Johanna Margaretha (Hanna) Boots, born on 12-12-1916 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fh.
2 Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots, born on 14-12-1917 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fi.
3 Theodorus Jacobus Boots, born on 16-02-1919 in Beemster. Theodorus Jacobus is deceased on 31-12-1919 in Beemster, 10 months old. Registration on 31-12-1919 [akte 83].
4 Theodorus Laurencius (Dirk) Boots, born on 24-07-1920 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fj.
5 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 09-02-1922 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fk.
6 Catharina Augustina (Tiny) Boots, born on 27-02-1924 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fl.
7 Margaretha Catharina (Gré) Boots (private). Gré married with Simon Petrus (Simon) Nooij (private).
8 Lourentius Petrus (Lou) Boots, born on 15-03-1927 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fn.
9 Cornelis (Cees) Boots, born on 22-06-1929 in Beemster. Follow XIII-fo.
10 Johannes Petrus (Joop) Boots (private). Joop married with Wilhelmina (Wil) Bakker (private).

XII-hm Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 19-09-1860 in Heerhugowaard, son of Matthijs (Tijs) Boots and Dieuwertje Jongkind. Johannes is deceased on 10-11-1933 in Heerhugowaard, 73 years old. Registration on 11-11-1933 [akte 45]. He was buried on 15-11-1933 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: arbeider, landbouwer. Jan:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 26-04-1883 in Heerhugowaard [akte 16] with Johanna (Jantje) Bruin, 23 years old. Johanna is born on 17-05-1859 in Oude Niedorp. Johanna is deceased on 18-09-1903 in Heerhugowaard, 44 years old. Note re Jantje: dochter van Cornelis Bruin, landman, en Aagje Bijwaard.
(2) married, 44 years old, on 30-06-1905 in Heerhugowaard [akte 14] with Maartje Hoogland, 36 years old. Maartje is born on 23-04-1869 in Harenkarspel. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Hoogland (1837-1895) en Antje Nottelman (1837); getrouwd (1) op 19-04-1894 in Sint Maarten met Simon Stoop (ca 1867-1904).

XII-hn Jantje Boots is born on 30-04-1863 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Matthijs (Tijs) Boots and Dieuwertje Jongkind. Jantje is deceased on 16-04-1939 in Hensbroek, 75 years old. Registration on 17-04-1939 [akte 4]. She was buried on 19-04-1939 in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Occupation: veehoudster. Jantje married, 25 years old, on 10-01-1889 in Heerhugowaard [akte 2] with Jan Commandeur, 25 years old. Jan is born on 18-05-1863 in Hensbroek. Jan is deceased on 21-03-1912 in Hensbroek, 48 years old. Registration on 22-03-1912 [akte 5]. Occupation: landman. Note re Jan: zoon van Pieter Commandeur (ca 1835), arbeider, landman, en Dieuwertje Schipper; getrouwd (1) op 26-01-1883 in Heerhugowaard met Trijntje Konijn (1862-1886).
Children of Jantje and Jan:

1 Pieter Commandeur, born on 31-08-1890 in Hensbroek. Follow XIII-fq.
2 Matthijs Commandeur, born on 24-01-1891 in Hensbroek. Matthijs is deceased on 17-02-1891 in Hensbroek, 24 days old. Registration on 17-02-1891 [akte 6].
3 Matthijs Commandeur, born about 1892 in Hensbroek. Follow XIII-fr.
4 Dina Commandeur, born about 1894 in Hensbroek. Follow XIII-fs.
5 Jacob Commandeur, born about 1896 in Hensbroek. Jacob is deceased on 27-04-1917 in Hensbroek, about 21 years old. Registration on 28-04-1917 [akte 3].

XII-ho Agatha (Aagje) Boots is born on 24-02-1862 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Elbert Boots and Immetje (Emma) Wahlen. Agatha is deceased on 05-02-1942 in Alkmaar, 79 years old. Aagje married, 23 years old, on 05-05-1885 in Heerhugowaard [akte 13] with Arie Mak, 26 years old. Arie is born on 17-06-1858 in Ursem. Arie is deceased on 27-12-1932 in Alkmaar, 74 years old. Occupation: arbeider, voerman, koetsier, melkhandelaar. Note re Arie: zoon van Gerrit Mak, landbouwer, en Maartje van Schagen.
Children of Aagje and Arie:

1 N.N. Mak, still born daughter on 25-04-1886 in Heerhugowaard. Registration on 26-04-1886 [akte 16].
2 Albertus Mak, born on 25-09-1887 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-ft.
3 Gerhard Mak, born on 23-11-1889 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: broodbakker, los werkman, kelner (op 01-07-1918 vertrokken naar Xanten, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland;
op 10-05-1922 teruggekeerd uit Chemnitz, Saksen, Duitsland;
op 19-08-1925 vertrokken naar Sneek).
4 Anna Mak, born in 1893. Anna is deceased in 1895, 2 years old.
5 Emma Mak, born about 1894 in Heerhugowaard. Emma is deceased on 01-04-1895 in Heerhugowaard, about 1 year old. Registration on 02-04-1895 [akte 12].
6 Cornelis Mak, born on 08-09-1898 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-fu.
7 Maria Cornelia Mak (private).

XII-hp Grietje Boots is born on 07-11-1868 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Elbert Boots and Immetje (Emma) Wahlen. Grietje married, 27 years old, on 10-05-1896 in Heerhugowaard [akte 14] with Dirk Bakker, 25 years old. Dirk is born on 01-03-1871 in Heerhugowaard. Dirk is deceased on 14-05-1952 in Bergen, 81 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Cornelis Bakker, arbeider, en Antje van Herk.
Children of Grietje and Dirk:

1 Cornelis Bakker, born on 29-10-1896 in Heerhugowaard. Follow XIII-fv.
2 Emma Bakker, born on 30-04-1898 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-fw.
3 Anna Maria Bakker, born on 26-01-1900 in Alkmaar. Follow XIII-fx.

XII-hq Cornelia Schuitemaker is born about 1869 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Arien Schuitemaker and Petronella Boots. Cornelia married, about 35 years old, on 07-07-1904 in Alkmaar [akte 87] with Dirk Pankras, 31 years old. Dirk is born on 19-07-1872 in Harenkarspel. Dirk is deceased on 26-04-1927 in Harenkarspel, 54 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dirk: zoon van Adrianus (Arie) Pancras alias Jonker en Geertje Smit; getrouwd (1) op 29-04-1895 in Zuid-Scharwoude met Petronella (Nel) Mettes (1860-1904).

XII-hr Jan Boots is born on 07-07-1874 in Hensbroek, son of Laurentius Boots and Jantje Konijn. Wogmeer?. Occupation: kleermaker. Jan married, 29 years old, on 08-05-1904 in Heiloo [akte 8] with Cornelia Alida Bakker, 20 years old. Cornelia Alida is born on 23-01-1884 in Heiloo. Note re Cornelia Alida: dochter van Nicolaas Bakker, jachtopziener, en Johanna Alkemade.
Children of Jan and Cornelia Alida:

1 Laurentius Nicolaas Johannes Boots (private).
2 Johanna Helena Cornelia Boots (private).
3 Johanna Cornelia Alida Boots (private).
4 Nicolaas Lourens Johannes Boots, born on 22-09-1909 in Alkmaar. Nicolaas Lourens Johannes is deceased on 30-05-1927 in Alkmaar, 17 years old. Occupation: meubelmaker/bediende.
5 Cornelia Johanna Maria Boots (private).
6 Johanna Catharina Agatha Boots (private).
7 Dina Maria Boots (private).

XII-hs Albert Boots is born on 28-02-1876 in Hensbroek, son of Laurentius Boots and Jantje Konijn. Occupation: melkventer, fruitventer, arbeider. Albert married, 34 years old, on 07-07-1910 in Alkmaar [akte 83] with Geertje van de Nes, 30 years old. Geertje is born on 05-08-1879 in Ursem. Geertje is deceased on 12-07-1933 in Alkmaar, 53 years old. Note re Geertje: dochter van Jan van de Nes, machinist, en Neeltje Vlaar.
Children of Albert and Geertje:

1 Johanna Cornelia Adriana Boots, born on 13-04-1911 in Alkmaar. Johanna Cornelia Adriana is deceased on 23-05-1938 in Alkmaar, 27 years old. Occupation: naaister.
2 Johannes Lourens Boots (private).
3 Cornelia Catharina Boots, born on 05-10-1913 in Alkmaar. Cornelia Catharina is deceased on 15-05-1917 in Alkmaar, 3 years old.
4 Lourens Boots (private).
5 Petrus Boots, born on 23-01-1915 in Alkmaar. tweeling. Petrus is deceased on 29-01-1915 in Alkmaar, 6 days old.
6 Adriana Boots, born on 07-06-1916 in Alkmaar. Adriana is deceased on 08-06-1917 in Alkmaar, 1 year old.
7 Cornelia Boots, born on 14-10-1917 in Alkmaar. Cornelia is deceased on 09-05-1919 in Alkmaar, 1 year old. Registration on 11-04-1944 [akte 147].
8 Cornelia Boots, born about 1918. Cornelia is deceased on 10-04-1944 in Venray, about 26 years old. Registration on 11-04-1944 [akte 147].
9 Jansje Boots (private).
10 Laurens Boots (private).
11 Adriana Boots (private).
12 Catharina Maria Boots (private).

XII-ht Trijntje Boots is born in 1879 in Hensbroek, daughter of Laurentius Boots and Jantje Konijn. Trijntje married, 22 years old, on 10-05-1901 in Harenkarspel [akte 8] with Bartholomeus van Duin, 23 years old. Bartholomeus is born on 12-04-1878 in Harenkarspel. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Bartholomeus: zoon van Dirk van Duin, landbouwer, en Pietertje Opmeer.

XII-hu Aagje Boots is born on 23-02-1880 in Hensbroek [source: GAH, GR, Nr. 10], daughter of Laurentius Boots and Jantje Konijn. Aagje is deceased on 26-09-1963 in Haarlem, 83 years old. She was buried on 30-09-1963 in Haarlem. Aagje married, 24 years old, on 14-04-1904 in Alkmaar [akte 32] with Johannes Franciscus (Jan) Nijs, 23 years old. Johannes Franciscus is born on 15-06-1880 in Haarlemmermeer [source: RANH GR 342]. Johannes Franciscus is deceased on 27-04-1962 in Haarlem, 81 years old. He was buried on 02-05-1962 in Haarlem. Occupation: postbode. Note re Jan: zoon van Johannes Franciscus Nijs, arbeider/aardewerker/zouaaf, en Hendrika Cornelia van Dam.

XII-hv Jansje Boots is born on 11-05-1882 in Hensbroek, daughter of Laurentius Boots and Jantje Konijn. Jansje is deceased after 1908, at least 26 years old. Jansje:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 02-05-1908 in Zijpe [akte 11] with Pieter Louwe, 40 years old. Pieter is born on 30-06-1867 in Zijpe. Pieter is deceased on 01-05-1933 in Zijpe, 65 years old. Registration on 03-05-1933 [akte 23]. Occupation: landman. Note re Pieter: zoon van Arie Louwe en Jansje Tekeleburg.
(2) married, 55 years old, on 17-11-1937 in Alkmaar with Johannes Simon Morsch, 64 years old. Johannes Simon is born on 05-03-1873 in Alkmaar. Occupation: koopman. Note re Johannes Simon: zoon van Johannes (Jan) Morsch (ca 1828), koopman, en Guurtje Terra (1832-<1887).

XII-hw Aafje Boots is born on 02-12-1878 in Spanbroek, daughter of Elbert(us) Boots and Afra (Aafje) Kamper. Aafje is deceased on 03-05-1944 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 65 years old. Registration on 04-05-1944 [akte 6]. Note re the death of Aafje: als overlijdensplaats vermeld Spanbroek. Aafje married, 30 years old, on 28-01-1909 in Wognum [akte 2] with Thomas Steur, 42 years old. Thomas is born on 09-01-1867 in Kogge (Wognum). Thomas is deceased on 30-01-1939 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 72 years old. Registration on 31-01-1939 [akte 3]. He was buried on 02-02-1939 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Note re the death of Thomas: als overlijdensplaats vermeld Spanbroek. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Thomas: zoon van Jacob (Jaap) Steur (1818-1904) en Aaltje Kil (1833-1908).

XII-hx Geertje Deen is born on 07-11-1889 in Avenhorn, daughter of Klaas Deen and Aafje Boots. Geertje is deceased on 08-11-1956 in Venhuizen, 67 years old. Geertje married, 19 years old, on 06-05-1909 in Bovenkarspel [akte 11] with Pieter Koster, 25 years old. Pieter is born on 13-04-1884 in Bovenkarspel. Pieter is deceased on 19-05-1979 in Venhuizen, 95 years old. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Koster, veldarbeider, en Aafje Snel.

XII-hy Bregje Deen is born on 11-10-1890 in Avenhorn, daughter of Klaas Deen and Aafje Boots. Bregje is deceased in 1932 in Enkhuizen, 42 years old. Bregje married, 26 years old, on 26-07-1917 in Bovenkarspel [akte 12] with Rijkwaard Johannes van Duin, 32 years old. Rijkwaard Johannes is born on 24-06-1885 in Amsterdam. Rijkwaard Johannes is deceased in 1975 in Enkhuizen, 90 years old. Occupation: stoker. Note re Rijkwaard Johannes: zoon van Jan van Duin en Catharina Maria Duyvetter.

XII-hz Johannes (Jan) Boots is born in 1912, son of Gerrit Boots and Maartje Ligthart. Johannes is deceased in 2000, 88 years old. Jan married, 22 years old, in 1934 with Corrie Dudock, 23 years old. Ze hadden decennialang een zaak in textiel en huisbekleding in de Kerkstraat in Wognum, waar oom Klaas en zijn tweede vrouw Ida van der Ham, in 1922 getrouwd, een financiële basis voor hadden gelegd. Jan was in de samenleving in Wognum zeer actief.. Corrie is born in 1911 in Wognum. Corrie is deceased in 2007, 96 years old.

XIII-a Willem Loos is born about 1893 in Zijpe, son of Petrus Loos and Geertje Boots. Occupation: schipper. Willem married, about 25 years old, on 08-05-1918 in Alkmaar [akte 55] with Johanna Maria Kotten, 22 years old. Johanna Maria is born on 01-06-1895 in Haarlem. erkend bij huwelijk ouders. Note re Johanna Maria: dochter van Nicolaas Kotten, slager, en Johanna Maria Klaver.

XIII-b Nicolaas (Niek) Boots is born on 20-07-1907 in De Weere (Opmeer), son of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. Nicolaas is deceased on 22-12-1986 in De Weere (Opmeer), 79 years old. Niek married, 26 years old, on 24-04-1934 in Wervershoof with Afra Maria (Aafje) Kunst, 27 years old. Afra Maria is born on 29-04-1906 in Zwaag. Afra Maria is deceased on 22-01-1991 in De Weere (Opmeer), 84 years old. Note re Aafje: dochter van Teunis Kunst en Antje Meissen.
Children of Niek and Aafje:

1 Anna Johanna (Annie) Boots, born on 13-07-1935 in De Weere (Opmeer). Follow XIV-a.
2 Johanna Catharina Boots (private). Johanna Catharina married with J. Karsten (private).
3 Johannes Antonius Boots (private).
4 Greta Anna Maria (Gré) Boots (private). Gré married with Nicolaas Wilhelmus op den Kelder (private).
5 Antonius Jacobus Nicolaas (Antoon) Boots (private). Antoon married with Elizabeth Maria (Bets) Bakker (private).
6 Afra Maria Cecilea Gerarda (Fia) Boots (private).

XIII-c Johanna Boots is born on 03-03-1910 in De Weere (Opmeer), daughter of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. Johanna is deceased on 30-05-1987 in De Weere (Opmeer), 77 years old. Johanna married, 29 years old, on 15-06-1939 in Hoogwoud with Adrianus (Arie) Schouten, 27 years old. Adrianus is born on 14-10-1911 in Nibbixwoud, son of Johannes Schouten and Guurtje Boots. Adrianus is deceased on 14-05-1992 in De Weere (Opmeer), 80 years old. Occupation: veehandelaar, transportbedrijf.

XIII-d Catharina Boots is born on 31-08-1913 in De Weere (Opmeer), daughter of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. Catharina is deceased on 27-08-1991 in De Weere (Opmeer), 77 years old. Catharina married, 21 years old, on 24-01-1935 in Hoogwoud with Johannes Nipshagen, 29 years old. Johannes is born on 15-07-1905. Johannes is deceased on 25-07-1971, 66 years old. He was buried in Middenmeer (Wieringermeer).
Child of Catharina and Johannes:

1 N.N. Nipshagen, still born son on 11-09-1943 in Hoogwoud. Registration on 13-09-1943 [akte 18].

XIII-e Geertruida (Truus) Boots is born about 1919 in De Weere (Opmeer), daughter of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. 7 mei jaar onbekend. Truus married with Simon Groen. Simon is born on 04-11-1919. Simon is deceased on 09-11-2001 in Dordrecht, 82 years old. He was cremated in Dordrecht.

XIII-f Theodorus (Dirk) Boots is born on 13-07-1921 in De Weere (Opmeer), son of Jan Boots and Johanna de Boer. Theodorus is deceased on 17-10-2003 in Hoogwoud, 82 years old. Dirk married with Johanna Maria (Jo) Dam (private).
Children of Dirk and Jo:

1 Johannes Nicolaas Theodorus Boots (private).
2 Margaretha Johanna Geertruida Boots (private).
3 Johanna Divera Anna Boots (private).
4 Nicolaas Johannes Albertus Boots (private).
5 Theodorus Petrus Damianus Boots (private).
6 Divera Hendrika Maria Boots (private).
7 Robertus Cyprianus Maria Boots (private).

XIII-g Lijntje Boots is born on 18-10-1904 in Opmeer, daughter of Jacobus Boots and Mijnoutje Hermelink. Lijntje is deceased on 15-01-1933 in Spanbroek, 28 years old. Registration on 16-01-1933 [akte 1]. Lijntje married with Nicolaas van Etten (private).

XIII-h Catharina Boots is born on 30-04-1906 in Opmeer, daughter of Jacobus Boots and Mijnoutje Hermelink. Catharina is deceased on 15-03-1938 in Nibbixwoud, 31 years old. Registration on 15-03-1938 [akte 3]. Catharina married with Antonius Minten (private).
Children of Catharina and Antonius:

1 Gerardus Antonius Minten, born about 1935 in Nibbixwoud. Gerardus Antonius is deceased on 03-04-1939 in Hoorn, about 4 years old. Registration [akte 10 dd 07-04-1939 Nibbixwoud].
2 Johanna Helena Minten, born on 10-03-1938 in Nibbixwoud. Johanna Helena is deceased on 10-03-1938 in Hoorn. Registration [akte 4 dd 17-03-1938 Nibbixwoud]. Note re the death of Johanna Helena: 15 uur.

XIII-i Petrus Boots is born on 03-06-1907 in Opmeer, son of Jacobus Boots and Mijnoutje Hermelink. Petrus is deceased on 29-11-1993 in Hoogwoud, 86 years old. Occupation: transportbedrijf in Hoogwoud. Petrus married with Margaretha Schoenmaker. Margaretha is born on 15-07-1913 in Avenhorn. Margaretha is deceased on 08-11-1998 in Hoogwoud, 85 years old. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Jacob Schoenmaker en Trijntje Kuiper.

XIII-j Wilhelmina Boots is born on 06-10-1916 in Opmeer, daughter of Jacobus Boots and Mijnoutje Hermelink. Wilhelmina is deceased on 12-01-1981 in Heemskerk, 64 years old. Wilhelmina married with Adrianus van de Fluit. Adrianus is born on 26-04-1916. Adrianus is deceased on 27-04-1973 in Heemskerk, 57 years old.

XIII-k Jasper Kuijper is born about 1892 in Opmeer, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Kuijper and Geertje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Jasper married, about 29 years old, on 08-04-1921 in Beemster [akte 10] with Antonia Maria Vendel, about 21 years old. Antonia Maria is born about 1900 in Beemster. Note re Antonia Maria: dochter van Jan Vendel, arbeider, en Antje Zweep.

XIII-l Petrus Pelt is born about 1896 in Opmeer, son of Jan Pelt and Trijntje Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Petrus married, about 25 years old, on 05-04-1921 in Opmeer [akte 2] with Johanna Floris, about 22 years old. Johanna is born about 1899 in Spanbroek. Note re Johanna: dochter van Petrus Floris, arbeider, en Trijntje van Baar.

XIII-m Johannes (Jo) Floris is born about 1894 in Spanbroek, son of Dirk Floris and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Jo married, about 24 years old, on 29-04-1918 in Hoogwoud [akte 6] with Catharina Kolken, about 24 years old. Catharina is born about 1894 in Hoogwoud. Note re Catharina: dochter van Johannes Kolken, arbeider, en Marijtje Bransen.

XIII-n Catharina Floris is born about 1897 in Spanbroek, daughter of Dirk Floris and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Catharina married, about 24 years old, on 19-05-1921 in Spanbroek [akte 9] with Nicolaas Appelman, about 27 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1894 in Hensbroek. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Cornelis Appelman en Bragitta Hooiboer.

XIII-o Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 18-04-1898 in Spanbroek, son of Klaas Boots and Tadea Klaver. Johannes is deceased on 20-04-1977 in Berkhout, 79 years old. He was cremated in Lelystad. Jan married, 28 years old, on 11-08-1926 in Venhuizen with Maria (Marie) Blok, 26 years old. Maria is born on 26-02-1900 in Venhuizen. Maria is deceased on 27-02-1992 in Berkhout, 92 years old. She was buried in Zuidermeer (Berkhout).
Children of Jan and Marie:

1 Anna Maria (Annie) Boots (private). Annie married, 41 years old, on 12-04-1968 in Hoorn with H.J. Buis, 59 years old. H.J. is born on 04-11-1908. H.J. is deceased on 19-04-1984, 75 years old. Occupation: chef kledingverver, hoofd huishouding politiebureau Hoorn (1962-1984).
2 Tadea Klazina (Thea) Boots (private). Thea married with Joannes Nicolaas Pirovano (private).
3 Andries Petrus Boots, born on 02-05-1931 in Hoorn. Andries Petrus is deceased on 10-07-1941 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout), 10 years old. Registration on 11-07-1941 [akte 21]. He was buried on 14-07-1941 in Zuidermeer (Berkhout). Note re the death of Andries Petrus: ouders vermeld als Johannes Theodorus Boots en Marijtje Blok.
4 Nicolaas Johannes (Nico) Boots, born on 16-12-1935 in Hoorn. Follow XIV-g.
5 Simon Petrus (Siem) Boots (private). Siem married with Maria (Ria) Groot (private).

XIII-p Simon Petrus (Simon) Boots is born on 18-08-1900 in Spanbroek, son of Klaas Boots and Tadea Klaver. Simon Petrus is deceased on 28-06-1976 in Hoorn, 75 years old. Simon married, 27 years old, on 31-05-1928 in Berkhout with Agatha (Aagje) Tesselaar, 29 years old. Agatha is born on 13-01-1899 in Harenkarspel. Agatha is deceased on 16-11-1977 in Hoorn, 78 years old. She was buried in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Note re Aagje: dochter van Nicolaas Stephanus Tesselaar (26-12-1852 Harenkarspel), landbouwer, getrouwd op 18-11-1887 in Harenkarspel met Geertje van Leeuwen (ca 1864 Oude Niedorp).
Children of Simon and Aagje:

1 Tadea (Thea) Boots (private). Thea married, 26 years old, on 27-10-1956 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Jan Knijn, 29 years old. Jan is born on 07-06-1927. Jan is deceased on 02-04-1993, 65 years old. Occupation: tuinbouwer, concierge.
2 Nicolaas Stephanus (Niek) Boots (private). Niek married with Helena (Lenie) Keuning (private).
3 Geertruida (Truus) Boots (private). Truus married with Petrus (Piet) de Wit (private).
4 Klaas Boots, born on 22-06-1934 in Spanbroek. Klaas is deceased on 29-09-1949 in Hoorn, 15 years old. Registration [akte 14 dd 03-10-1949 Spanbroek]. He was buried in Spierdijk (Berkhout).
5 Margaretha Catharina (Gré) Boots (private). Gré married, 24 years old, on 23-04-1960 in Wervershoof with Ben Koopman, 27 years old. Ben is born on 08-11-1932. Ben is deceased on 20-08-1995, 62 years old. Occupation: tuinbouwer.
6 Johannes Theodorus (Johan) Boots (private). Johan married with Annie M. Imming (private).
7 Veronica Wilhelmina (Vroon) Boots (private). Vroon married with Jan Immink (private).
8 Simon Petrus (Siem) Boots, born on 28-11-1940 in Spanbroek. Follow XIV-o.
9 Antonius Everardus (Ton) Boots (private). Ton married with Catharina Maria (Jeanette) Schipper (private).

XIII-q Catharina (Trien) Boots is born on 15-05-1903 in Spanbroek, daughter of Klaas Boots and Tadea Klaver. Catharina is deceased on 30-06-1983 in Hensbroek, 80 years old. Trien married, 25 years old, on 23-01-1929 in Spanbroek with Petrus Henricus (Pieter) Commandeur, 25 years old. Petrus Henricus is born on 21-11-1903 in Wognum. Petrus Henricus is deceased on 18-11-1982 in Hensbroek, 78 years old. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter Commandeur en Trijntje Komen.

XIII-r Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots is born on 20-02-1908 in Spanbroek, son of Klaas Boots and Tadea Klaver. Nicolaas is deceased on 25-02-1988 in De Goorn (Berkhout), 80 years old. Klaas married, 33 years old, on 24-03-1941 in Avenhorn with Ma Besseling, 26 years old. Ma is born on 20-02-1915 in Avenhorn. Ma is deceased on 20-08-2001 in De Goorn (Berkhout), 86 years old.
Children of Klaas and Ma:

1 Nicolaas Maria (Nico) Boots (private). Nico married with Ank Jong (private).
2 Petrus Alfonsus Maria (Piet) Boots (private). Piet married with Vera Entius (private).
3 Tadea Maria (Thea) Boots (private). Thea married with Cornelis Jacobus (Kees) Nan (private).
4 Maria Cornelia (Riet) Boots (private). Riet married with André Jozef (André) Vlaar (private).
5 Catharina Maria (Tineke) Boots (private). Tineke married with N.N. Seyts (private).
6 Theodorus Maria (Dick) Boots (private). Dick married with Ria Bakker (private).
7 Johannes Maria (Jan) Boots (private). Jan married with Elly Bleeker (private).
8 Cornelis Maria (Kees) Boots (private).
9 Wilhelmina Maria (Wil) Boots (private). Wil married with Jan Braakman (private).
10 Simon Maria (Siem) Boots (private). Siem started living together with Hendrike Walkeuter (private).
11 Agnes Maria (Agnes) Boots (private). Agnes married with René van Denderen (private).
12 Everdina Eugenius Maria (Evelien) Boots (private). Evelien married with Koos Kenter (private).

XIII-s Wilhelmina (Mien) Boots is born on 13-02-1912 in Spanbroek, daughter of Klaas Boots and Tadea Klaver. Wilhelmina is deceased on 15-10-1976 in Oostenrijk, 64 years old. She was buried in Spierdijk (Berkhout). Mien married, 27 years old, on 08-11-1939 in Spierdijk (Berkhout) with Petrus (Piet) Komen, 24 years old. Petrus is born on 10-07-1915 in Berkhout. Petrus is deceased on 07-11-1983 in Ursem, 68 years old. He was buried in Spierdijk (Berkhout).

XIII-t Simon Boots is born on 13-03-1911, son of Cornelis Boots and Christina (Stijntje) Steur. Simon is deceased on 03-05-1977 in Spanbroek, 66 years old. Simon married with Johanna Brigitta van Straten. Johanna Brigitta is born on 20-11-1911. Johanna Brigitta is deceased on 09-04-1998 in Spanbroek, 86 years old.
Child of Simon and Johanna Brigitta:

1 Johannes Maria Jozef Boots, born in 02-1947 in Hoorn. Johannes Maria Jozef is deceased on 22-11-1947 in Spanbroek, 9 months old. Registration on 22-11-1947 [akte 20].

XIII-u Anna Knijn is born in 1896 in Hensbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Knijn and Geertruida Boots. Anna is deceased after 1947, at least 51 years old. Anna married, 22 years old, on 21-01-1918 in Hensbroek [akte 1] with Klaas Hoogland, about 29 years old. Klaas is born about 1889 in Spanbroek. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Klaas: weduwnaar van Neeltje Dekker, zoon van Warnaard Hoogland, arbeider, en Trijntje Pel.

XIII-v Aafje Knijn is born in 1898 in Hensbroek, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Knijn and Geertruida Boots. Aafje is deceased in 1975, 77 years old. Aafje married, 22 years old, on 15-04-1920 in Hensbroek [akte 2] with Arie Pater, about 23 years old. Arie is born about 1897 in Obdam. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Arie: zoon van Jacob Pater, landbouwer, en Jantje Komen.

XIII-w Pieter Boots is born on 21-05-1899 in Ursem, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots and Geertruida (Geertje) Prinse. Pieter is deceased on 27-10-1972 in Ursem, 73 years old. Pieter married with Maria A. Slijkerman. Maria A. is born on 16-08-1902. Maria A. is deceased on 22-08-1976, 74 years old. She was buried in Ursem.

XIII-x Johanna (Jansje) Boots is born on 30-08-1901 in Ursem, daughter of Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots and Geertruida (Geertje) Prinse. Johanna is deceased on 20-05-1998, 96 years old. Jansje married with Gerardus Dekker. Gerardus is born on 13-04-1900 in Schoorl. Gerardus is deceased on 10-04-1942 in Alkmaar, 41 years old. Registration [akte 6 dd 15-04-1942 Ursem]. He was buried in Ursem. Note re Gerardus: zoon van Gerardus Dekker (ca 1863) en Catharina IJpelaan (1866).

XIII-y Gerbrandus Boots is born on 12-05-1909 in Ursem, son of Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots and Geertruida (Geertje) Prinse. Gerbrandus is deceased on 19-05-1964 in Ursem, 55 years old. Gerbrandus married with Alida Clasina Maria Overtoom.

XIII-z Johanna (Jansje) Boots is born on 12-10-1892 in Wormer, daughter of Gerbrand Boots and Catharina Koelemeijer. Johanna is deceased on 18-12-1968 in Assendelft, 76 years old. She was buried on 23-12-1968 in Assendelft. Occupation: coupeuse. Jansje married, 22 years old, on 12-05-1915 in Wormer [akte 8] with Petrus Boon, 24 years old. Petrus is born on 16-04-1891 in Assendelft. Registration [source: akte 40]. Petrus is deceased on 17-05-1945 in Stendal, Saksen-Anhalt, Duitsland, 54 years old. Registration [akte 3 dd 14-01-1947 Assendelft]. He was buried in Assendelft. Note re the death of Petrus: Stendal Kristannenberg. Occupation: sigarenfabrikant. Note re Petrus: zoon van Gawe Boon, lompenhandelaar, en Aagje Buur.

XIII-aa Bertha Johanna Boots is born on 28-07-1897 in Wormer, daughter of Gerbrand Boots and Catharina Koelemeijer. Bertha Johanna is deceased on 12-11-1983 in Assendelft, 86 years old. Bertha Johanna married, 23 years old, on 20-04-1921 in Wormer [akte 12] with Petrus Schavemaker, 25 years old. Petrus is born on 26-02-1896 in Assendelft. Registration [source: akte 12]. Petrus is deceased on 14-07-1977 in Assendelft, 81 years old. Occupation: barbier, bouwkundig hoofdopzichter gemeente Heemskerk. Note re Petrus: zoon van Jacobus Schavemaker, huisschilder, en Maartje Dekker.

XIII-ab Johannes Boots is born on 02-02-1900 in Berkhout, son of Jacobus (Jaap) Boots and Lidwina Meijer. Johannes is deceased on 17-09-1998 in Heerhugowaard, 98 years old. Johannes married with Helena (Lenie) Commandeur. Helena is born on 05-12-1902. Helena is deceased on 06-05-1992 in Heerhugowaard, 89 years old.
Child of Johannes and Lenie:

1 Lidwina Helena Boots, born about 1933 in Heerhugowaard. Lidwina Helena is deceased on 09-04-1937 in Heerhugowaard, about 4 years old. Registration on 10-04-1937 [akte 23].

XIII-ac Pieter Boots is born on 21-04-1903 in Berkhout, son of Jacobus (Jaap) Boots and Lidwina Meijer. Pieter is deceased on 05-05-1985 in Alkmaar, 82 years old. Occupation: mede-eigenaar van jeugdherberg de Mantelmeeuw te Bakkum. Pieter married, 37 years old, on 26-09-1940 in Scheveningen with Maria Johanna (Marietje) Fransen, 32 years old. Maria Johanna is born on 21-06-1908 in Alkmaar. Maria Johanna is deceased on 01-09-1981 in Alkmaar, 73 years old.

XIII-ad Jacobus (Jacob) Boots is born on 29-09-1904 in Berkhout, son of Jacobus (Jaap) Boots and Lidwina Meijer. Jacobus is deceased on 04-02-2001 in Haarlem, 96 years old. Occupation: bakker/eigenaar ijssalon te Zuid-Scharwoude. Jacob married with Maria Catharina (Rie) Janssens (private).
Children of Jacob and Rie:

1 Co Boots (private).
2 Ina Boots (private).
3 Toos Boots (private).
4 Jaap Boots (private).
5 Wil Boots (private).
6 Johannes (Han) Boots (private).
7 Catharina Maria (Ria) Boots (private).
8 Johanna (Joop) Boots (private).
9 Maria Catharina Theresia (Els) Boots (private).
10 Anna Maria (Annemieke) Boots (private).
11 Cornelis Johannes Lambertus (Cees) Boots (private).
12 Lambertus Marinus Wilhelmus (Bart) Boots (private).
13 Anthonius Nicolaas Maria (Ton) Boots (private).
14 Joseph Franciscus Maria (Jos) Boots (private).
15 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 21-01-1948 in Zeist. Registration on 23-01-1948 [akte 30].

XIII-ae Nicolaas Boots is born on 05-05-1906 in Berkhout, son of Jacobus (Jaap) Boots and Lidwina Meijer. Nicolaas is deceased on 09-03-1992 in Den Helder, 85 years old. He was cremated on 12-03-1992 in Schagen. Occupation: landman. Nicolaas married with Petronella Verheij (private).

XIII-af Catharina Boots is born on 12-11-1907 in Berkhout, daughter of Jacobus (Jaap) Boots and Lidwina Meijer. Occupation: winkeljuffrouw, hulp in de huishouding. Catharina married with Cornelis Twisk (private).

XIII-aj Margaretha Maria Geertruida Boots is born on 16-09-1905 in Castricum, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Anna Schuijt. Margaretha Maria Geertruida is deceased on 27-11-1922 in Heemskerk, 17 years old. Margaretha Maria Geertruida married with Petrus Laurentius Hoogewerf. Petrus Laurentius is born on 15-07-1901. Petrus Laurentius is deceased on 01-08-1969 in Heemskerk, 68 years old.

XIII-ak Margaretha Johanna Maria Boots is born on 13-12-1909 in Castricum, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Anna Schuijt. Margaretha Johanna Maria is deceased on 27-07-1970 in Schoorl, 60 years old. Margaretha Johanna Maria married with Wilhelmus Rohde (private).

XIII-al Helena Maria Afra (Lena) Hertogs is born on 05-10-1907 in Alkmaar, daughter of Hendrikus Johannes Hertogs and Geertruida Boots. Helena Maria Afra is deceased on 14-04-1996 in Bergen, 88 years old. Lena married, 22 years old, on 08-05-1930 in Alkmaar with Johannes Wilhelmus (Jan) van der Steen, 24 years old. Johannes Wilhelmus is born on 19-05-1905 in Bergen. Johannes Wilhelmus is deceased on 03-04-1989 in Bergen, 83 years old.

XIII-am Hendrica Johanna (Jo) Hertogs is born on 18-09-1913 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), daughter of Hendrikus Johannes Hertogs and Geertruida Boots. She was baptized on 18-09-1913 in Oudorp (Alkmaar). Hendrica Johanna is deceased on 08-11-1996 in Heemskerk, 83 years old. She was cremated on 12-11-1996 in Driehuis-Westerveld (Velsen). Jo married, 24 years old, on 27-07-1938 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) with Thimotheus Johannes (Thijs) van Vegten, 27 years old. Thimotheus Johannes is born on 03-05-1911 in Alkmaar. He was baptized on 03-05-1911 in Alkmaar. Thimotheus Johannes is deceased on 28-04-1992 in Beverwijk, 80 years old. He was cremated on 01-05-1992 in Driehuis-Westerveld (Velsen). Addresses: Alkmaar Beverwijk. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Thijs: zoon van Adam Johannes (Adam) van Vegten en Gertrudis (Guurtje) Dekker.

XIII-an Catharina Johanna (Ien) Bleeker is born on 21-02-1918 in Alkmaar, daughter of Christophorus Joseph Bleeker and Geertruida Boots. Catharina Johanna is deceased on 14-11-2003 in Heerhugowaard, 85 years old. Ien married, 25 years old, on 17-05-1943 in Alkmaar with Ferdinandus Cornelis Jan (Ferry) de Raadt, 27 years old. Ferdinandus Cornelis Jan is born on 21-08-1915 in Amsterdam. Ferdinandus Cornelis Jan is deceased on 08-01-2001 in Sint Maarten (Harenkarspel), 85 years old.

XIII-ao Maria (Rie) Bleeker is born on 31-10-1920 in Alkmaar, daughter of Christophorus Joseph Bleeker and Geertruida Boots. Maria is deceased on 01-11-2009 in Alkmaar, 89 years old. She was cremated on 05-11-2009 in Schagen. Rie married, 18 years old, on 02-01-1939 in Alkmaar with Simon Dingerdis, 33 years old. Simon is born on 13-08-1905 in Alkmaar. Simon is deceased on 30-04-1977 in Alkmaar, 71 years old. Note re Simon: weduwnaar van Jacoba Johanna Admiraal (1915-1937), getrouwd op 27-01-1937 in Alkmaar; zoon van Adolf Louis Hendrik Dingerdis en Maartje van den Berg.

XIII-aw Catharina Eva Maria (Tineke) van Dijl is born on 06-09-1955 in Alkmaar, daughter of Leonardus (Leo) van Dijl and Catriena (Tiny) Boots. Catharina Eva Maria is deceased on 28-11-2010 in Amsterdam, 55 years old. Occupation: huishoudster. Tineke married with Gerardus Jacobus (Gerard) Meerboer (private).

XIII-ax Ronaldus Franciscus Petrus (Ron) van Dijl is born on 09-10-1957 in Alkmaar, son of Leonardus (Leo) van Dijl and Catriena (Tiny) Boots. Ronaldus Franciscus Petrus is deceased on 26-11-2011 in Broek op Langedijk, 54 years old. Occupation: processpecialist. Ron married with Anna Mathilda (Anneke) Kijewski (private).

XIII-ay Elisabeth (Maartje) Poland is born on 15-04-1894 in Hoogwoud, daughter of Cornelis Poland and Anna (Antje) Beemster. Elisabeth (Maartje) married, 27 years old, on 21-04-1921 in Hoogwoud with Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen, 26 years old. Petrus is born on 01-10-1894 in Obdam, son of Petrus (Pieter) van Diepen and Johanna (Jansje) Boots. Occupation: landbouwer.

XIII-az Neeltje Groot is born about 1885 in Berkhout, daughter of Gerbrand Groot and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Neeltje married, about 24 years old, on 28-04-1909 in Beemster [akte 17] with Klaas Ursem, about 23 years old. Neeltje trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Antje. Klaas is born about 1886 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Klaas Ursem, landbouwer, en Trijntje Jongkind.

XIII-ba Antje Groot is born about 1887 in Avenhorn, daughter of Gerbrand Groot and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Occupation: dienstbode. Antje married, about 22 years old, on 28-04-1909 in Beemster [akte 16] with Cornelis Langedijk, about 22 years old. Antje trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Neeltje. Cornelis is born about 1887 in Avenhorn. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Dirk Langedijk, arbeider, en Geertje Beemster.

XIII-bb Egbert Groot is born about 1888 in Avenhorn, son of Gerbrand Groot and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Occupation: arbeider. Egbert married, about 24 years old, on 18-06-1912 in Hensbroek [akte 9] with Maria Kok, about 21 years old. Maria is born about 1891 in Obdam. Note re Maria: dochter van Cornelis Kok, landbouwer, en Neeltje Nieuweboer.

XIII-bc Maartje Groot is born about 1895 in Abbekerk, daughter of Gerbrand Groot and Geertruida (Geertje) Boots. Maartje married, about 25 years old, on 11-10-1920 in Heerhugowaard [akte 30] with Jacob van Schagen, about 21 years old. Jacob is born about 1899 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob van Schagen, landbouwer, en Maria van der Meij.

XIII-bd Elbertus Johannes van den Bos is born about 1890 in Beemster, son of Johannes Hubertus van den Bos and Antje Boots. Occupation: melkslijter. Elbertus Johannes married, about 38 years old, on 24-05-1928 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Trijntje Meijer, about 33 years old. Trijntje is born about 1895 in Amsterdam. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Adolf Meijer en Lukkiena Smit.

XIII-be Helena Anna van den Bos is born about 1894 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Hubertus van den Bos and Antje Boots. Helena Anna married, about 27 years old, on 12-05-1921 in Beemster [akte 18] with Nicolaas Johannes Konijn, about 32 years old. Nicolaas Johannes is born about 1889 in Wijdewormer. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Nicolaas Johannes: zoon van Klaas Konijn en Maria Gezina Nooij.

XIII-bf Geertruida Johanna van den Bos is born about 1897 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Hubertus van den Bos and Antje Boots. Geertruida Johanna married, about 24 years old, on 12-05-1921 in Beemster [akte 19] with Petrus Maria de Wit, about 23 years old. Petrus Maria is born about 1898 in Ilpendam. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Petrus Maria: zoon van Pieter de Wit, veehouder, en Agatha Dekker.

XIII-bg Theodorus Johannes van den Bos is born about 1901 in Beemster, son of Johannes Hubertus van den Bos and Antje Boots. Occupation: melkslijter. Theodorus Johannes married, about 26 years old, on 28-07-1927 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johanna Theodora van de Nes, about 25 years old. Johanna Theodora is born about 1902 in Ilpendam. Note re Johanna Theodora: dochter van Gerardus van de Nes en Maria Dekker.

XIII-bh Maria Margaretha van den Bos is born about 1905 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Hubertus van den Bos and Antje Boots. Maria Margaretha married, about 22 years old, on 01-06-1927 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Johannes Bleeker, about 25 years old. Johannes is born about 1902 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: werkman. Note re Johannes: zoon van Nicolaas Bleeker, seinhuiswachter, en Leentje Tamis.

XIII-bi Anna Smit is born on 30-10-1887 in Barsingerhorn, daughter of Theeuwis Smit and Marijtje Boots. Anna married, 21 years old, on 13-05-1909 in Harenkarspel [akte 10] with Adrianus Bos, 23 years old. Adrianus is born on 24-07-1885 in Harenkarspel. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Jan Bos, landbouwer, en Trijntje Zut.

XIII-bj Klaas Smit is born on 30-01-1890 in Barsingerhorn, son of Theeuwis Smit and Marijtje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Klaas married, 23 years old, on 03-06-1913 in Warmenhuizen [akte 10] with Christina Zoon, 26 years old. Christina is born on 03-03-1887 in Warmenhuizen. Note re Christina: dochter van Gerrit Zoon, landbouwer, en Geertje Stet.

XIII-bk Agatha Anna Kruijer is born on 06-12-1882 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Agatha Anna married, 22 years old, on 15-05-1905 in Heerhugowaard [akte 11] with Pieter Biersteker, 24 years old. Pieter is born on 16-02-1881 in Opmeer. Pieter is deceased after 1932, at least 51 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Pietersz Biersteker en Antje Konijn.

XIII-bl Elisabeth Kruijer is born on 18-09-1887 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Elisabeth married, 27 years old, on 22-04-1915 in Heerhugowaard [akte 6] with Klaas Stam, about 30 years old. Klaas is born about 1885 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Klaas: zoon van Hendrik Stam, landbouwer, en Jansje de Groot.

XIII-bm Nicolaas Kruijer is born on 09-12-1897 in Heerhugowaard, son of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Nicolaas is deceased on 18-11-1984 in Heerhugowaard, 86 years old. He was buried on 21-11-1984 in Heerhugowaard. Occupation: landbouwer. Nicolaas married, 23 years old, on 17-05-1921 in Heerhugowaard [akte 16] with Anna Petronella Molenaar, 23 years old. Nicolaas trouwde op dezelfde dag als zus Anna. Anna Petronella is born on 05-02-1898 in Heerhugowaard. Anna Petronella is deceased on 08-04-1984 in Heerhugowaard, 86 years old. She was buried on 11-04-1984 in Heerhugowaard. Note re Anna Petronella: dochter van Pieter Molenaar, landbouwer, en Geertruida Botman.

XIII-bn Anna Kruijer is born on 30-11-1898 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Anna is deceased on 10-05-1993 in 't Veld (Nieuwe Niedorp), 94 years old. Anna married, 22 years old, on 17-05-1921 in Heerhugowaard [akte 17] with Johannes Adrianus Slijkerman, about 25 years old. Anna trouwde op dezelfde dag als broer Nicolaas. Johannes Adrianus is born about 1896 in Zijpe. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Johannes Adrianus: zoon van Pieter Slijkerman en Geertje Groot.

XIII-bo Maria (Marie) Kruijer is born on 09-01-1901 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Maria is deceased on 10-04-1932 in Alkmaar, 31 years old. Registration [akte 7 dd 14-04-1932 Obdam]. She was buried on 13-04-1932 in Heerhugowaard. Marie married, 22 years old, on 08-05-1923 in Heerhugowaard with Theodorus (Dirk) Vlaar, 25 years old. Theodorus is born on 31-10-1897 in Heerhugowaard. Theodorus is deceased on 19-01-1967 in Obdam, 69 years old.

XIII-bp Margaretha Kruijer is born on 20-05-1903 in Heerhugowaard, daughter of Klaas Kruijer and Alida (Aaltje) Boots. Margaretha is deceased on 26-02-1945 in Heerhugowaard, 41 years old. Registration on 27-02-1945 [akte 18]. Margaretha married with Theodorus Bleeker (private).

XIII-bq Evert Beumer is born on 26-11-1885 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Engelbert Beumer and Aagje Boots. Evert is deceased on 27-12-1960 in De Rijp (Beemster), 75 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Evert married, 29 years old, on 18-05-1915 in Harenkarspel [akte 11] with Anna Maria Wester, 22 years old. Anna Maria is born on 09-09-1892 in Schagen. Anna Maria is deceased on 12-05-1972 in De Rijp (Beemster), 79 years old. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Gerrit Wester, broodbakker, en Aagje Groothuizen.

XIII-br Engelbert Beumer is born on 03-07-1887 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Engelbert Beumer and Aagje Boots. Engelbert is deceased on 13-08-1930 in De Rijp (Beemster), 43 years old. Occupation: koopman. Engelbert married, 26 years old, on 03-01-1914 in De Rijp (Beemster) [akte 1] with Maria Visser, about 22 years old. Maria is born about 1892 in Schermerhorn. Note re Maria: dochter van Marinus Visser, veedrijver, en Dieuwertje Klaver.

XIII-bs Johan Beumer is born on 14-04-1890 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Engelbert Beumer and Aagje Boots. Johan is deceased on 12-10-1968 in De Rijp (Beemster), 78 years old. Occupation: koopman. Johan married, 26 years old, on 16-08-1916 in Ursem [akte 3] with Geertruida Alida van Dam, 22 years old. Geertruida Alida is born on 26-02-1894 in Egmond-Binnen. Geertruida Alida is deceased on 28-10-1967 in De Rijp (Beemster), 73 years old. Note re Geertruida Alida: dochter van Lourens van Dam, veehouder, en Cecilia Floris.

XIII-bt Johannes Adrianus Reinders is born on 08-04-1890 in Ursem, son of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Johannes Adrianus is deceased about 1955, about 65 years old. Occupation: brievenbesteller. Johannes Adrianus married, 24 years old, on 02-02-1915 in Warmenhuizen [akte 1] with Elisabeth Maria Rentinck, 23 years old. Elisabeth Maria is born on 24-10-1891 in Abcoude-Baambrugge. Note re Elisabeth Maria: dochter van Petrus Johannes Rentinck en Joanna Apolonia Post.

XIII-bu Eva Catharina Reinders is born on 21-03-1892 in Ursem, daughter of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Eva Catharina is deceased in 1963, 71 years old. Eva Catharina married, 24 years old, on 24-05-1916 in Warmenhuizen [akte 3] with Willem Dekker, 23 years old. Willem is born on 12-02-1893 in Warmenhuizen, son of Hillebrand Dekker and Aagje Bakker. Occupation: landbouwer.

XIII-bv Catharina Maria Reinders is born on 22-06-1894 in Warmenhuizen, daughter of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Catharina Maria married, 26 years old, on 26-05-1921 in Warmenhuizen [akte 8] with Theodorus Duin, about 31 years old. Theodorus is born about 1890 in Berkhout. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Theodorus: zoon van Dirk Duin en Antje Groot.

XIII-bw Agatha Afra Reinders is born on 20-12-1896 in Warmenhuizen, daughter of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Agatha Afra married, 23 years old, on 05-08-1920 in Warmenhuizen [akte 9] with Cornelis Dekker, 23 years old. Cornelis is born on 19-10-1896 in Warmenhuizen, son of Hillebrand Dekker and Aagje Bakker. Occupation: landbouwer.

XIII-bx Maria Theodora Reinders is born on 26-03-1899 in Warmenhuizen, daughter of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Maria Theodora is deceased in 1954, 55 years old. Maria Theodora married, 26 years old, on 04-06-1925 in Warmenhuizen with Christianus Theodorus Veerkamp, 29 years old. Christianus Theodorus is born on 05-06-1895 in Amsterdam. Note re Christianus Theodorus: zoon van Johannes Veerkamp en Christina Tien.

XIII-bz Adrianus Johannes Reinders is born on 26-01-1907 in Warmenhuizen, son of Johannes Bernardus (Jan) Reinders and Marijtje Boots. Adrianus Johannes is deceased in 1993, 86 years old. Adrianus Johannes married with Margaretha Bijl (private).

XIII-ca Petronella Johanna Boots is born on 29-12-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jacob Boots and Neeltje Scholten. Petronella Johanna is deceased on 27-10-1997 in De Rijp (Beemster), 91 years old. Petronella Johanna married, 24 years old, on 05-06-1930 in De Rijp (Beemster) with Nicolaas de Boer, 29 years old. Nicolaas is born on 17-04-1901 in Beemster. Nicolaas is deceased on 19-11-1984 in De Rijp (Beemster), 83 years old. Occupation: brongasarbeider.

XIII-cb Maria Gerardina Boots is born on 12-07-1907 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jacob Boots and Neeltje Scholten. Maria Gerardina is deceased on 21-12-1984 in De Rijp (Beemster), 77 years old. Maria Gerardina married, 30 years old, on 15-06-1938 in De Rijp (Beemster) with Martinus (Tinus) Nibbering, 24 years old. Martinus is born on 01-11-1913 in Graft. Martinus is deceased on 01-12-1989 in De Rijp (Beemster), 76 years old. Note re Tinus: zoon van Klaas Hendriksz Nibbering en Grietje Groot.

XIII-cc Guurtje Stiemer is born on 30-12-1896 in Purmerend, daughter of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Guurtje is deceased on 02-10-1986 in Castricum, 89 years old. Guurtje:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 21-09-1922 in Purmerend [akte 49] with Adrianus Oudhuis, 36 years old. Adrianus is born on 23-12-1885 in Obdam. Adrianus is deceased on 25-02-1942 in Purmerend, 56 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Hendrik Oudhuis, landbouwer, en Antje Spekken.
(2) married, 48 years old, on 30-10-1945 in Wormer with Pieter Woestenburg, 56 years old. Pieter is born on 18-01-1889 in Graft. Pieter is deceased on 03-09-1960 in Alkmaar, 71 years old.
(3) married, 66 years old, on 06-11-1963 in Amsterdam with Pieter Bakker, 70 years old. Pieter is born on 24-06-1893 in Wognum. Pieter is deceased on 10-04-1974 in Amsterdam, 80 years old.

XIII-cd Niesje Agnes Maria Stiemer is born on 15-09-1897 in Purmerend, daughter of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Niesje Agnes Maria is deceased on 25-04-1991 in Heerlen, 93 years old. Niesje Agnes Maria married, 19 years old, on 17-02-1917 in Purmerend [akte 6] with Antonius van der Avoort, 24 years old. Antonius is born on 20-09-1892 in Drunen. Antonius is deceased on 01-04-1968 in Heerlen, 75 years old. Occupation: schoenmaker. Note re Antonius: zoon van Johannes van der Avoort, schoenmaker, en Johanna van de Veerdonk.

XIII-ce Jan Stiemer is born on 20-11-1898 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Jan is deceased on 25-11-1975 in Heemstede, 77 years old. Jan married, 26 years old, on 11-02-1925 in Beemster with Margaretha Bleeker, 20 years old. Margaretha is born on 23-12-1904 in Beemster. Margaretha is deceased on 27-08-1976 in Heemstede, 71 years old. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Johannes Bleeker (1860-1930) en Johanna Tamis (1867-1942).

XIII-cf Gerrit Stiemer is born on 30-06-1900 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Gerrit is deceased on 14-08-1985 in Ilpendam, 85 years old. Occupation: wijnkopersknecht. Gerrit married, 22 years old, on 03-08-1922 in Ilpendam [akte 16] with Alida Margaretha van der Meer, about 25 years old. Alida Margaretha is born about 1897 in Alkemade. Alida Margaretha is deceased on 13-05-1975 in Purmerend, about 78 years old. Note re Alida Margaretha: dochter van Gijsbertus van der Meer (04-01-1862 - Alkemade), timmerman, en Maria Oudejans (19-08-1859 Purmerend), dienstbode.

XIII-cg Dirk Stiemer is born on 14-11-1902 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Dirk is deceased on 09-11-1963 in Purmerend, 60 years old. Occupation: schoenmaker. Dirk married with Maria Hoogland (private).

XIII-ch Wilhelmina Stiemer is born on 20-03-1907 in Purmerend, daughter of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Wilhelmina is deceased on 16-02-1988 in Zaandam, 80 years old. Wilhelmina married, 21 years old, on 21-06-1928 in Purmerend with Johannes Josephus Holtkamp, 25 years old. Johannes Josephus is born on 23-02-1903 in Amsterdam. Johannes Josephus is deceased on 28-06-1976 in Zaandam, 73 years old.

XIII-ci Adrianus Gerardus Stiemer is born on 12-07-1911 in Purmerend, son of Dirk Stiemer and Maria Gerarda Boots. Adrianus Gerardus is deceased on 03-09-1978 in Purmerend, 67 years old. Adrianus Gerardus married with Tjeerke Jansens (private).

XIII-cj Gerardus Boots is born on 13-09-1907, son of Gerardus Boots and Catharina Cornelia (Kaatje) Verduin. Gerardus is deceased on 14-05-1987 in De Rijp (Beemster), 79 years old. Gerardus married, 24 years old, on 29-09-1931 with Johanna Guurtje Koning, 20 years old. Johanna Guurtje is born on 23-04-1911. Johanna Guurtje is deceased on 10-06-1996 in De Rijp (Beemster), 85 years old.
Children of Gerardus and Johanna Guurtje:

1 Catharina Petronella Boots (private). Catharina Petronella married with T.A. van Dulmen (private).
2 Nicolaas Gerardus Boots (private). Nicolaas Gerardus married with C. Glandorff (private).
3 Cornelis Maria Boots (private).
4 Johannes Gerardus Boots (private). Johannes Gerardus married with W.M.M. Schoot (private).
5 Petronella Maria Boots (private). Petronella Maria married with J.H. Stevens (private).
6 Gerardus Anthonius Maria Boots (private).
7 Maria Johanna Rosario Boots (private). Maria Johanna Rosario married with C.J.M. van de Nes (private).

XIII-ck Margaretha Geertruida Boots is born on 02-04-1914, daughter of Gerardus Boots and Catharina Cornelia (Kaatje) Verduin. Margaretha Geertruida is deceased on 19-08-1998, 84 years old. Margaretha Geertruida married with Theunis Papa. Theunis is born on 22-03-1915. Theunis is deceased on 05-12-1995, 80 years old.

XIII-cn Cornelia Maria Boots is born on 08-05-1907 in Alkmaar, daughter of Arie Boots and Agatha Catharina Konijn. Cornelia Maria is deceased on 15-12-1971 in Haarlem, 64 years old. Occupation: caféhoudster. Cornelia Maria:
(1) married, 18 years old, on 12-11-1925 in Alkmaar with Cornelis Molenaar, 25 years old. Cornelis is born on 12-05-1900 in Hoogkarspel. Cornelis is deceased on 26-05-1954 in Haarlem, 54 years old. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Adrianus Molenaar (28-01-1866 Hoogkarspel - 08-01-1933) en Marijtje Heilig (28-08-1868 Nibbixwoud - 30-05-1935).
(2) married, 48 years old, on 09-02-1956 in Haarlem with Albert Zijlstra, 44 years old. Albert is born on 24-02-1911 in Amsterdam. Albert is deceased on 18-09-1958 in Dordrecht, 47 years old. Occupation: banketbakker, magnetiseur, caféhouder. Note re Albert: zoon van Lodewijk Zijlstra (1888-1969) en Johanna Clasina Pootjes (1889-1969).

XIII-co Johannes Laurentius Boots is born on 21-02-1909 in Alkmaar, son of Arie Boots and Agatha Catharina Konijn. Johannes Laurentius is deceased on 12-03-1949 in Alkmaar, 40 years old. Occupation: melkslijter. Johannes Laurentius married, 25 years old, on 07-02-1935 in Alkmaar with Catharina Cornelia Zijp, 22 years old. Catharina Cornelia is born on 18-02-1912 in Egmond-Binnen. Catharina Cornelia is deceased on 12-12-1998 in Beverwijk, 86 years old. Note re Catharina Cornelia: dochter van Petrus Zijp (17-04-1884 Akersloot - 1966) en Geertruida Kuijs (02-03-1886 Castricum - 1968); getrouwd (2) op 30-12-1950 in Alkmaar met Johannes Cornelis (Jan) van Diepen (1911-1989), ontbonden op 07-09-1965 in Alkmaar.
Children of Johannes Laurentius and Catharina Cornelia:

1 Adrianus Johannes Boots (private).
2 Gertrudis Cornelia Boots (private).
3 Agatha Catharina Boots (private).
4 Petrus Johannes Boots (private).
5 Johannes Laurentius Boots, born on 24-08-1941 in Alkmaar. Follow XIV-ag.
6 Theodorus Boots, born on 03-07-1943 in Alkmaar. Theodorus is deceased in 1959 in Alkmaar, 16 years old.
7 Nicolaas Franciscus Boots (private).
8 Hendrikus Boots (private).

XIII-cp Adrianus Boots is born on 01-01-1912 in Alkmaar, son of Arie Boots and Agatha Catharina Konijn. Adrianus is deceased on 07-03-1996 in Alkmaar, 84 years old. He was buried on 12-03-1996 in Alkmaar. Adrianus married, 30 years old, on 21-08-1942 in Oudorp (Alkmaar) with Catharina Maria Dekker, 31 years old. Catharina Maria is born on 02-02-1911 in Koedijk. Catharina Maria is deceased on 17-04-2000 in Alkmaar, 89 years old. Note re Catharina Maria: dochter van Jacobus Dekker (27-05-1887 Berkhout - 11-11-1963 Oudorp), getrouwd op 04-02-1909 met Afra (Aafje) Veld (30-11-1882 Spanbroek - 11-07-1972 Oudorp).
Children of Adrianus and Catharina Maria:

1 Agatha Catharina Boots (private). Agatha Catharina married with Klaas Kroon (private).
2 Afra Maria Catharina Boots (private). Afra Maria Catharina married with Gerardus de Goede. Gerardus is born on 28-06-1936 in Sint Pancras. Gerardus is deceased on 24-10-1997 in Sint Pancras, 61 years old. Note re Gerardus: zoon van Gerardus de Goede (1894-1974) en Johanna Petronella Bibo (1894-1976).
3 Arie Johannes Boots (private).
4 Jacobus Cornelis Boots (private). Jacobus Cornelis married with Inge Else Bol (private).

XIII-cq Maria Anna Boots is born on 25-03-1914 in Alkmaar, daughter of Arie Boots and Agatha Catharina Konijn. Maria Anna is deceased on 10-05-2008 in Haarlem, 94 years old. She was buried in Overveen. Occupation: boekbindster. Maria Anna married, 20 years old, on 15-09-1934 in Haarlem with Hendrikus Wilhelmus Draijer, 29 years old. Hendrikus Wilhelmus is born on 27-01-1905 in Haarlem, son of Hendrik Wilhelmus Draijer and Helena van Wees. Hendrikus Wilhelmus is deceased on 15-10-1982 in Haarlem, 77 years old.
Children of Maria Anna and Hendrikus Wilhelmus:

1 Henk Draijer (private). Henk married with Truus van Rijn (private).
2 Aad Draijer (private). Aad married with Thea Collin (private).
3 Yvonne Draijer (private). Yvonne married with Ruud Kaasenbrood (private).
4 Astrid Draijer (private). Astrid:
(1) married with Kees Oud (private).
(2) married with Kees Konijn (private).
5 Kees Draijer, born on 25-04-1944 in Haarlem. Kees is deceased on 15-02-2010 in Heemstede, 65 years old.
6 Ruud Draijer (private). Ruud married with Monique Koedam (private).

XIII-cr Agatha Catharina Boots is born on 10-04-1916 in Alkmaar, daughter of Arie Boots and Agatha Catharina Konijn. Agatha Catharina is deceased on 23-01-2002 in Haarlem, 85 years old. Occupation: boekhoudster. Agatha Catharina married, 22 years old, on 20-10-1938 in Haarlem with Jacobus Cornelis Draijer, 32 years old. Jacobus Cornelis is born on 10-06-1906 in Haarlem, son of Hendrik Wilhelmus Draijer and Helena van Wees. Jacobus Cornelis is deceased on 02-01-1983 in Haarlem, 76 years old.
Children of Agatha Catharina and Jacobus Cornelis:

1 Lenie Draijer (private). Lenie married with Frits Schrage (private).
2 Ada Draijer (private). Ada married with Chris Bremer (private).

XIII-cs Bernardus Johannes van Sante is born on 26-12-1899 in Alkmaar, son of Johannes van Sante and Anna Maria Boots. Bernardus Johannes is deceased on 23-07-1986 in Alkmaar, 86 years old. Bernardus Johannes married, 28 years old, on 07-06-1928 in Alkmaar with Johanna Kopjes, 25 years old. Johanna is born on 30-08-1902 in Alkmaar. Johanna is deceased on 08-04-1977 in Alkmaar, 74 years old. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jacob Kopjes en Lummigje Hendrika Janse.

XIII-ct Maria Anna van Sante is born on 17-04-1904 in Alkmaar, daughter of Johannes van Sante and Anna Maria Boots. Maria Anna is deceased on 19-05-1934 in Wormerveer, 30 years old. Maria Anna married with Johannes Cornelis Boersen (private).

XIII-cw Cornelia Agatha van Latum is born on 26-07-1900 in Leiden, daughter of Petrus Cornelis van Latum and Maria Anna Boots. Cornelia Agatha is deceased on 19-04-1987 in Oegstgeest, 86 years old. Occupation: winkeljuffrouw. Cornelia Agatha married, 24 years old, on 24-11-1924 in Leiden with Theodorus Maria van Teijlingen, 26 years old. Theodorus Maria is born on 16-08-1898 in Leiden. Theodorus Maria is deceased on 14-05-1989 in Oegstgeest, 90 years old.

XIII-cx Everardus Adrianus van Latum is born on 17-05-1907 in Rijswijk, son of Petrus Cornelis van Latum and Maria Anna Boots. Everardus Adrianus is deceased on 11-01-1997 in Warmond, 89 years old. Everardus Adrianus married, 30 years old, on 06-01-1938 in Hoorn with Hendrika de Graaff.

XIII-cy Johanna Maria van Latum is born on 31-03-1909 in Rijswijk, daughter of Petrus Cornelis van Latum and Maria Anna Boots. Johanna Maria is deceased on 20-03-1958 in Leiden, 48 years old. Johanna Maria married, 28 years old, on 02-08-1937 in Leiden with Wilhelmus Hubertus van Steijn, 29 years old. Wilhelmus Hubertus is born on 25-01-1908 in Leiden. Wilhelmus Hubertus is deceased on 26-02-1998 in Katwijk, 90 years old.

XIII-cz Adrianus van Latum is born on 28-07-1912 in Rijswijk, son of Petrus Cornelis van Latum and Maria Anna Boots. Adrianus is deceased on 14-08-2004 in Arnhem, 92 years old. Adrianus married with Greta Pieters (private).

XIII-da Cornelia Johanna Boots is born on 03-01-1910 in Amsterdam, daughter of Hendrik Boots and Geertruida Clasina Hoogervorst. Cornelia Johanna is deceased on 07-07-1997 in Blaricum, 87 years old. Cornelia Johanna married, 22 years old, on 20-01-1932 in Egmond-Binnen with Johannes Wortel, 25 years old. Johannes is born on 15-07-1906 in Alkmaar. Johannes is deceased on 25-12-1972 in Hilversum, 66 years old. Note re Johannes: zoon van Simon Wortel (1865) en Maartje Vrederiks (Frederiks) (1865).
Children of Cornelia Johanna and Johannes:

1 Geertruida Maria Wortel (private).
2 Johannes Hendrikus Joseph Wortel (private).
3 Maria Cornelia Wortel (private).
4 Johanna Josephina Maria Wortel (private).
5 Cornelia Maria Wortel (private).

XIII-db Johanna Lucia van Gaalen is born on 02-04-1908 in Alkmaar, daughter of Arend van Gaalen and Geertruida Johanna Boots. Johanna Lucia is deceased on 06-04-1993 in Alkmaar, 85 years old. Johanna Lucia married, 24 years old, on 19-01-1933 in Alkmaar with Theodorus Korver, 28 years old. Theodorus is born on 23-02-1904 in Anna Paulowna. Theodorus is deceased on 11-10-1969 in Oudorp (Alkmaar), 65 years old.

XIII-dc Arie van Gaalen is born on 19-08-1910 in Alkmaar, son of Arend van Gaalen and Geertruida Johanna Boots. Arie is deceased on 02-11-1994 in Alkmaar, 84 years old. Occupation: tuinman. Arie married, 23 years old, on 24-05-1934 in Alkmaar with Geesje Beek, 23 years old. Geesje is born on 07-09-1910 in Hoorn. Geesje is deceased on 08-11-1993 in Alkmaar, 83 years old.

XIII-dd Jacobus Johannes van Gaalen is born on 20-11-1912 in Alkmaar, son of Arend van Gaalen and Geertruida Johanna Boots. Jacobus Johannes is deceased on 09-12-1992 in Alkmaar, 80 years old. Occupation: timmerman. Jacobus Johannes married, 22 years old, on 30-10-1935 in Alkmaar with Helena Hubertine Vossen, 23 years old. Helena Hubertine is born on 03-09-1912 in Freisenbruch-Essen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland.

XIII-de Geertruida Johanna van Gaalen is born on 26-07-1918 in Alkmaar, daughter of Arend van Gaalen and Geertruida Johanna Boots. Geertruida Johanna is deceased on 23-05-2007 in Alkmaar, 88 years old. Geertruida Johanna married, 27 years old, on 02-03-1946 in Alkmaar with Pieter de Buijzer, 26 years old. Pieter is born on 10-07-1919 in Amsterdam. Pieter is deceased on 28-05-2001 in Bergen, 81 years old. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter de Buijzer (02-10-1893 Nieuwer-Amstel) en Margaretha Lodewijks (14-11-1894 Amsterdam).

XIII-df Margaretha Antonia Boddeke is born on 07-02-1902 in Monnickendam, daughter of Willem Boddeke and Maria Boots. Margaretha Antonia is deceased on 19-07-1995 in Alkmaar, 93 years old. Margaretha Antonia married, 20 years old, on 26-10-1922 in Alkmaar [akte 196] with Adrianus Hendricus Maria de Boer, 22 years old. Adrianus Hendricus Maria is born on 30-06-1900 in Alkmaar. Adrianus Hendricus Maria is deceased on 02-07-1989 in Alkmaar, 89 years old. Occupation: sergeant vliegtuigmaker. Note re Adrianus Hendricus Maria: zoon van Cornelis Adrianus de Boer, stoker, en Anna Christina Dingerdis.

XIII-dg Hendricus Johannes Anthonius Boddeke is born on 10-04-1905 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Willem Boddeke and Maria Boots. Hendricus Johannes Anthonius is deceased on 21-12-1979 in Alkmaar, 74 years old. Hendricus Johannes Anthonius married, 29 years old, on 29-05-1934 in Alkmaar with Theodora Catharina de Boer, 25 years old. Theodora Catharina is born on 25-05-1909 in Alkmaar. Theodora Catharina is deceased on 02-07-2002 in Alkmaar, 93 years old. Note re Theodora Catharina: dochter van Jacob Nicolaas de Boer en Maria Catharina Mors.

XIII-dh Adrianus Johannes (Arie) Boots is born on 14-05-1909 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johan Hendrik Boots and Johanna Tol. Adrianus Johannes is deceased on 24-01-1989 in Volendam, 79 years old. Arie married with Afra (Aafje) Karhof (private).

XIII-di Johannes Maria Boots is born on 03-10-1910 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johan Hendrik Boots and Johanna Tol. Johannes Maria is deceased on 21-11-1968 in Purmerend, 58 years old. Johannes Maria married with Antje Buis (private).

XIII-dj Gerardus Boots is born on 14-05-1918 in De Rijp (Beemster), son of Johan Hendrik Boots and Johanna Tol. Gerardus:
(1) married with Elisabeth Paulina Maurer (private).
(2) married with Margaretha Antonia Karregat (private).

XIII-dk Divera Boots is born about 1914 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Cornelis Boots and Alida Nibbering. Divera married with Gerbrand Johannes Visser (private).

XIII-dl Margaretha Konijn is born on 09-02-1914 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Willem Konijn and Theresia Boots. Margaretha married with W. Kager (private).

XIII-dm Cornelis Boots is born on 24-10-1894 in Amsterdam, son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Catharina Margaretha Pacaud. Cornelis is deceased on 02-06-1961 in Amsterdam, 66 years old. Occupation: pakhuisknecht, expeditiebediende. Cornelis married, 30 years old, on 28-05-1925 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Stanislawa Kalowski, 29 years old. Stanislawa is born on 27-10-1895 in Grudzielec, Polen. Note re Stanislawa: dochter van Franz Kalowski en Magdalena Kubicka.
Child of Cornelis and Stanislawa:

1 Magdalena Maria Boots, born on 02-04-1926 in Amsterdam. Follow XIV-ar.

XIII-dn Petrus Boots is born on 07-10-1896 in Amsterdam, son of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Catharina Margaretha Pacaud. Petrus is deceased on 21-09-1972 in Amsterdam, 75 years old. Occupation: meubelstoffeerder. Petrus married, 26 years old, on 13-12-1922 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Catharina Maria Renting, 22 years old. Catharina Maria is born on 06-06-1900 in Sloten (Amsterdam). Catharina Maria is deceased on 30-06-1957 in Haarlem, 57 years old. Note re Catharina Maria: dochter van Theodorus Bartholomeus Wilhelmus Renting, werkman, en Catharina Bakker.
Children of Petrus and Catharina Maria:

1 Petrus Boots (private).
2 Theodorus Cornelis Boots (private).
3 Marinus Boots (private).

XIII-do Aafje Maria Boots is born on 15-10-1898 in Amsterdam, daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Boots and Catharina Margaretha Pacaud. Aafje Maria is deceased on 24-01-1991 in Amsterdam, 92 years old. Aafje Maria married, 26 years old, on 18-02-1925 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Gerrit Tjeert Frederik de Vries, 30 years old. Gerrit Tjeert Frederik is born on 27-01-1895 in Amsterdam. Gerrit Tjeert Frederik is deceased on 27-02-1966 in Amsterdam, 71 years old. Occupation: kelner. Note re Gerrit Tjeert Frederik: zoon van Tjeert Frederik de Vries, kelner, en Geziena Hinderika Hillegonda Schultze.
Children of Aafje Maria and Gerrit Tjeert Frederik:

1 Gerard Tjeert Frederik de Vries (private).
2 Petrus de Vries, born on 20-04-1928 in Amsterdam. Follow XIV-as.

XIII-dq Anna Maria Vendrik is born about 1890 in Amsterdam, daughter of Johannes Vendrik and Anna Jacoba Boots. Anna Maria married, about 29 years old, on 27-02-1919 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Martinus Zeilstra, about 28 years old. Martinus is born about 1891 in Sneek. Occupation: magazijnbediende. Note re Martinus: zoon van Machiel Pier Zeilstra, schoenmaker, en Petronella de Vries.

XIII-dr Petrus Boots is born on 29-08-1897 in Amsterdam, son of Laurens (Louis) Boots and Maria Theodora Valkonet. Petrus is deceased on 10-07-1977 in Amsterdam, 79 years old. Occupation: broodbakker. Petrus married with Wilhelmina Johanna Pieterse (private).
Children of Petrus and Wilhelmina Johanna:

1 Maria Theodora Boots (private).
2 Johannes Wilhelmus Nicolaas Boots (private).
3 Laurens Boots (private).
4 Theodora Boots (private).

XIII-ds Anthonius Theodorus Boots is born on 18-11-1898 in Amsterdam, son of Laurens (Louis) Boots and Maria Theodora Valkonet. Anthonius Theodorus is deceased on 24-11-1981 in Amsterdam, 83 years old. Occupation: broodbakker. Anthonius Theodorus married, 28 years old, on 08-09-1927 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Barbara Jacoba Hoogerwoord, 20 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 14-01-1963 in Amsterdam (echtscheiding). Barbara Jacoba is born on 28-03-1907 in Amsterdam. Barbara Jacoba is deceased about 2001, about 94 years old. Note re Barbara Jacoba: dochter van Albertus Maria Hoogerwoord, vuurwerker, en Jacoba Alberta van Ommen.
Children of Anthonius Theodorus and Barbara Jacoba:

1 Laurens Antonius (Loek) Boots (private).
2 Albertus Jacobus Johannes (Bert) Boots (private). Bert married with Cobie N.N. (private).

XIII-dt Afra Maria Theodora Boots is born on 29-09-1902 in Amsterdam, daughter of Theodoris (Dorus) Boots and Hester Cornelia Valkonet. Afra Maria Theodora is deceased on 30-10-1987 in Castricum, 85 years old. Afra Maria Theodora married with Coenradus Johannes Bekkering (private).

XIII-dw Wilhelmus Franciscus Cornelis Bruijnestein is born about 1901 in Amsterdam, son of Wilhelmus Bruijnestein and Maria Johanna Boots. Occupation: kantoorbediende. Wilhelmus Franciscus Cornelis married, about 30 years old, on 02-04-1931 in Amsterdam-Watergraafsmeer [source: genlias] with Anna Catharina Weller, about 29 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 06-12-1935 (echtscheiding). Anna Catharina is born about 1902 in Amsterdam. Occupation: kantoorbediende. Note re Anna Catharina: dochter van Gerard Weller en Johanna Adriana van den Abeele.

XIII-dx Maria Wilhelmina Bruijnestein is born about 1902 in Amsterdam, daughter of Wilhelmus Bruijnestein and Maria Johanna Boots. Maria Wilhelmina married, about 24 years old, on 22-07-1926 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Jan Matthijs Verniers, about 25 years old. Jan Matthijs is born about 1901 in Amsterdam. Occupation: letterzetter. Note re Jan Matthijs: zoon van Jan Matthijs Verniers, stempelmaker, en Johanna Willemina Lindeman.

XIII-dy Aafje Maria Bruijnestein is born about 1905 in Amsterdam, daughter of Wilhelmus Bruijnestein and Maria Johanna Boots. Aafje Maria married, about 24 years old, on 19-09-1929 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Henri Sweers, about 25 years old. Henri is born about 1904 in Amsterdam. Occupation: werktuigkundige. Note re Henri: zoon van Charles Sweers en Margaretha Heij.

XIII-ea Cornelis Petrus Gerardus (Cor) Boots is born on 06-06-1912 in Amsterdam, son of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Cornelis Petrus Gerardus is deceased on 11-12-1955 in Badhoevedorp, 43 years old. He was buried on 14-12-1955 in Sloten (Amsterdam). Occupation: timmerman. Cor married, 22 years old, on 29-05-1935 in Amsterdam with Margje Aleida (Martha) Stoter, 22 years old. 5 kinderen. Margje Aleida is born on 27-03-1913 in Amsterdam. Margje Aleida is deceased on 03-02-2002 in Hoofddorp, 88 years old. She was cremated on 08-02-2002 in Driehuis-Westerveld (Velsen).

XIII-eb Elisabeth Maria (Lies) Boots is born on 16-02-1914 in Amsterdam, daughter of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Elisabeth Maria is deceased on 08-03-2001 in Amsterdam, 87 years old. She was buried on 13-03-2001 in Amsterdam. Lies married with Johannes Hubertus Theodorus (Jan) Verhagen. Johannes Hubertus Theodorus is born on 19-04-1907 in Vught. Johannes Hubertus Theodorus is deceased on 15-04-1997 in Amsterdam, 89 years old. He was buried on 21-04-1997 in Amsterdam. Occupation: metaalarbeider, draaier. Note re Jan: zoon van Reinier Verhagen en Johanna Oda Strijbosch.
Children of Lies and Jan:

1 Franciscus Ludovicus Johannes Verhagen (private).
2 Johannes Odolf Verhagen (private).
3 Bernardus Franciscus Verhagen (private).
4 Hubbertus Joannes Verhagen (private).
5 Oda Maria Verhagen (private).
6 Vincentius Maria Verhagen (private).

XIII-ec Affra Johanna (Aaf) Boots is born on 06-04-1915 in Amsterdam, daughter of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Affra Johanna is deceased on 28-04-1991 in Harderwijk, 76 years old. She was cremated on 03-05-1991 in Amsterdam. Occupation: naaister, coupeuse. Aaf married, 22 years old, on 17-11-1937 in Amsterdam with Reinier Martinus (Rein) Verhagen, 24 years old. Rein en Aaf kregen op een van hun vele autotochtjes over de Veluwe in Speuld (Ermelo) een aanrijding met een motorrijder. Aaf was bij aankomst in het ziekenhuis in Harderwijk al overleden. Rein is daar behandeld voor een gebroken sleutelbeen. Hij is kort na deze trieste gebeurtenis in Amsterdam overleden aan een gescheurde aorta. Reinier Martinus is born on 10-11-1913 in Vught. Reinier Martinus is deceased on 30-05-1991 in Amsterdam, 77 years old. He was cremated on 04-06-1991 in Amsterdam. Note re Rein: zoon van Reinier Verhagen en Johanna Oda Strijbosch.

XIII-ed Jacobus (Co) Boots is born on 14-10-1916 in Amsterdam, son of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Jacobus is deceased on 26-08-1961 in Amsterdam, 44 years old. He was buried on 30-08-1961 in Amsterdam. Co married, 26 years old, on 05-08-1943 in Amsterdam with Emerentiana Maria (Emmy) van Tol, 24 years old. 4 kinderen. Emerentiana Maria is born on 22-01-1919 in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. Emerentiana Maria is deceased on 09-05-2005 in Lelystad, 86 years old. She was cremated on 12-05-2005 in Lelystad.

XIII-ee Johanna (An) Boots is born on 03-04-1918 in Amsterdam, daughter of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Johanna is deceased on 29-05-1976 in Amsterdam, 58 years old. Occupation: onderwijzeres. An married, 25 years old, on 29-03-1944 in Amsterdam with Johannes Petrus Franciscus (Jan) Veth, 29 years old. Johannes Petrus Franciscus is born on 01-10-1914 in Amsterdam, son of Johannes Petrus Veth and A.E. Waidlich. Johannes Petrus Franciscus is deceased on 11-11-2003 in Amsterdam, 89 years old. He was buried on 17-11-2003 in Amsterdam. Occupation: broodbakker (nadat hij last kreeg van het z.g. bakkersexceem moest hij noodgedwongen ander werk zoeken en kwam toen bij Delta Lloyd terecht).

XIII-ef Cornelia Maria (Nel) Boots is born on 20-07-1919 in Amsterdam, daughter of Franciscus Ludovicus Boots and Elisabeth Cornelia (Lies) van Vorselen. Cornelia Maria is deceased on 29-04-2006 in Best, 86 years old. She was buried on 05-05-2006 in Sint-Michielsgestel. Nel married with Antonius Josephus (Ton) Veth. Antonius Josephus is born on 09-08-1920 in Amsterdam, son of Johannes Petrus Veth and A.E. Waidlich. Antonius Josephus is deceased on 19-02-2005 in Best, 84 years old. He was buried on 26-02-2005 in Sint-Michielsgestel.

XIII-eg Margaretha Maria Deckwitz is born about 1887 in De Rijp (Beemster), daughter of Jacobus Franciscus Deckwitz and Theodora Boots. Margaretha Maria married, about 27 years old, on 20-05-1914 in Schermerhorn [akte 9] with Cornelis Broersen, about 25 years old. Cornelis is born about 1889 in Oude Niedorp. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan Broersen, tuinbouwer, en Trijntje Schilder.

XIII-eh Fredericus Franciscus Deckwitz is born about 1891 in Schermerhorn, son of Jacobus Franciscus Deckwitz and Theodora Boots. Occupation: meubelmaker. Fredericus Franciscus married, about 26 years old, on 24-10-1917 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Trijntje Kruijver, about 21 years old. Trijntje is born about 1896 in Purmerend. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Jacob Kruijver, ladingmeester, en Marijtje van Berge.

XIII-ei Geertruida Johanna Deckwitz is born about 1898 in Schermerhorn, daughter of Jacobus Franciscus Deckwitz and Theodora Boots. Geertruida Johanna married, about 24 years old, on 18-01-1922 in Schermerhorn [akte 1] with Jacob Ruijter, about 24 years old. Jacob is born about 1898 in Ursem. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Ruijter, koopman, en Aafje Smit.

XIII-ej Peter Christiaan Roovers is born on 19-09-1906 in Amsterdam, son of Christiaan Peter Roovers and Catharina (Cato) Boots. Peter Christiaan is deceased on 20-09-1974 in Amsterdam, 68 years old. Peter Christiaan married, 26 years old, on 20-04-1933 in Amsterdam with Barendina Mathilde (Diet) Kruze, 27 years old. Barendina Mathilde is born on 12-01-1906 in Amsterdam. Barendina Mathilde is deceased on 12-02-1981 in Amsterdam, 75 years old. Note re Diet: dochter van Bernardus Kruze en Mathilda Adriana Degens.

XIII-ek Cornelia Antonia Roovers is born on 19-08-1908 in Amsterdam, daughter of Christiaan Peter Roovers and Catharina (Cato) Boots. Cornelia Antonia is deceased on 16-07-2009 in Hoorn, 100 years old. Cornelia Antonia married, 28 years old, on 04-05-1937 in Amsterdam with Augustinus Franciscus Clemens Meijer, 29 years old. Augustinus Franciscus Clemens is born on 15-08-1907 in Alkmaar. Augustinus Franciscus Clemens is deceased on 18-03-1969 in Amsterdam, 61 years old.

XIII-em Nicolaas Boots is born on 18-03-1891 in Avenhorn, son of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Nicolaas is deceased on 10-06-1961 in Scharwoude, 70 years old (cause: verkeersongeval). He was buried in De Goorn (Berkhout). Occupation: landman. Nicolaas married, 22 years old, on 16-04-1913 in Wervershoof [akte 5] with Catharina Bakkum, 20 years old. Catharina is born on 11-12-1892 in Wervershoof. Catharina is deceased on 17-03-1940 in De Goorn (Berkhout), 47 years old. Registration on 18-03-1940 [akte 13]. She was buried on 20-03-1940 in De Goorn (Berkhout). Note re Catharina: dochter van Simon Bakkum, caféhouder, en Elisabeth Koedooder.
Children of Nicolaas and Catharina:

1 Cornelis Boots, born about 1917 in Wervershoof. Cornelis is deceased on 30-07-1923 in Berkhout, about 6 years old. Registration on 31-07-1923 [akte 27].
2 Simon Boots, born about 1921 in Wervershoof. Simon is deceased on 17-12-1936 in Berkhout, about 15 years old. Registration on 18-12-1936 [akte 41].
3 Johannes Boots, born about 1923 in Berkhout. Johannes is deceased on 21-08-1936 in Berkhout, about 13 years old. Registration on 22-08-1936 [akte 30].
4 Johanna Boots, born in 08-1924 in Berkhout. Johanna is deceased on 08-02-1925 in Berkhout, 6 months old. Registration on 09-02-1925 [akte 5].

XIII-en Cornelis Boots is born on 15-11-1892 in Avenhorn, son of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Cornelis is deceased on 01-05-1965 in Bovenkarspel, 72 years old. Cornelis married, 30 years old, on 05-04-1923 in Avenhorn with Catharina Blank, 23 years old. Catharina is born on 14-12-1899 in Berkhout. Catharina is deceased on 19-12-1960 in Hoorn, 61 years old.

XIII-eo Johannes Boots is born on 07-10-1897 in Avenhorn, son of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Johannes is deceased on 09-05-1982 in Wester-Koggenland, 84 years old. Johannes married, 30 years old, on 01-02-1928 in Berkhout with Arendje Aleida ter Schure, 25 years old. Arendje Aleida is born on 29-05-1902 in Steenwijkerwold. Arendje Aleida is deceased on 28-03-1939 in Berkhout, 36 years old.

XIII-ep Simon Boots is born on 18-04-1899 in Avenhorn, son of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Simon is deceased on 23-11-1976 in Hoorn, 77 years old. Simon married, 28 years old, on 27-04-1927 in Uitgeest with Klasina Buur, 25 years old. Klasina is born on 23-03-1902 in Uitgeest. Klasina is deceased on 19-12-1931 in Beemster, 29 years old. Registration on 19-12-1931 [akte 64]. Note re Klasina: dochter van Pieter Buur en Maartje Groot.

XIII-eq Cornelia Boots is born on 02-09-1900 in Avenhorn, daughter of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Cornelia is deceased on 18-12-1975 in Schermer, 75 years old. She was buried in Schermerhorn. Cornelia married, 24 years old, on 22-04-1925 in Wognum with Jacob Rood, 23 years old. Jacob is born on 12-02-1902 in Hoogwoud. Jacob is deceased on 01-11-1976 in Schermer, 74 years old. He was buried in Schermerhorn. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Rood en Marijtje Koomen.

XIII-er Petrus Boots is born on 22-09-1903 in Avenhorn, son of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Petrus is deceased on 28-09-1973 in Hoorn, 70 years old. Petrus married with Grietje Tessel (private).

XIII-es Catharina Boots is born on 31-01-1908 in Avenhorn, daughter of Petrus Antonius Boots and Afra (Aafje) Bleeker. Catharina is deceased on 25-09-1985 in Avenhorn, 77 years old. She was buried in De Goorn (Berkhout). Catharina married, 24 years old, on 14-04-1932 in Avenhorn with Johannes Nicolaas Stam, 25 years old. Johannes Nicolaas is born on 16-07-1906 in Spanbroek. Johannes Nicolaas is deceased on 18-07-1979 in Wester-Koggenland, 73 years old. He was buried in De Goorn (Berkhout).
Children of Catharina and Johannes Nicolaas:

1 Afra Cecilia Stam, born on 16-04-1936 in Ursem. Afra Cecilia is deceased on 28-04-1936 in Ursem, 12 days old. Registration on 29-04-1936 [akte 7].
2 Catharina Maria Stam, born in 11-1942 in Ursem. Catharina Maria is deceased on 30-01-1943 in Ursem, 2 months old. Registration on 01-02-1943 [akte 2].

XIII-et Johanna Catharina (Jansje) Boots is born on 08-02-1893 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Maria Johanna de Wit. Johanna Catharina is deceased on 07-04-1965 in Amsterdam, 72 years old. She was buried on 12-04-1965 in Westbeemster. Jansje married, 26 years old, on 28-01-1920 in Beemster [akte 1] with Cornelis Petrus Paulus (Cor) Vessies, 24 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 18-01-1939 (echtscheiding). Cornelis Petrus Paulus is born on 15-12-1895 in Beverwijk. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Cor: zoon van Jacobus Vessies, landbouwer, en Engelberta Poel.
Child of Jansje and Cor:

1 Jacobus Johannes (Sjaak) Vessies (private). Sjaak married with C.P. (Tiny) van Duin (private).

XIII-eu Petrus (Piet) Boots is born on 06-04-1895 in Beemster, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Maria Johanna de Wit. Petrus is deceased on 09-06-1971 in Beemster, 76 years old. He was buried on 12-06-1971 in Purmerend. Occupation: veehouder. Piet married, 26 years old, on 06-04-1921 in Wijdewormer [akte 1] with Wilhelmina Maria Kramer, 27 years old. Wilhelmina Maria is born on 02-03-1894 in Wijdewormer. Wilhelmina Maria is deceased on 26-07-1972 in Beemster, 78 years old. She was buried on 29-07-1972 in Purmerend. Note re Wilhelmina Maria: dochter van Gerardus Johannes Kramer, veehouder, en Helena Anna de Jong.
Children of Piet and Wilhelmina Maria:

1 Johannes Gerardus Boots (private). Johannes Gerardus married, 27 years old, on 04-05-1949 in Beemster with Clazina Velzeboer, 26 years old. Clazina is born on 06-06-1922 in Beemster. Clazina is deceased on 22-06-1963 in Purmerend, 41 years old (cause: ongeval). She was buried on 26-06-1963 in Monnickendam. Note re the death of Clazina: 1969?.
2 Gerardus Johannes Boots, born on 20-07-1923 in Beemster. Follow XIV-ax.
3 Maria Helena Margaretha Boots (private).
4 Helena Maria Margaretha (Leny) Boots, born on 18-09-1925 in Beemster. Helena Maria Margaretha is deceased on 15-05-2009 in Purmerend, 83 years old. She was buried on 20-05-2009 in Purmerend.
5 Petrus Maria Boots, born on 19-09-1926 in Beemster. Follow XIV-ay.
6 Margaretha Johanna Boots (private). Margaretha Johanna married, 26 years old, on 14-07-1954 in Beemster with Petrus Jacobus Johannes Poel, 27 years old. Petrus Jacobus Johannes is born on 24-06-1927 in Beemster. Petrus Jacobus Johannes is deceased on 20-06-1965 in Beemster, 37 years old. He was buried on 24-06-1965 in Westbeemster.
7 Cornelis Jozef Boots, born on 31-03-1929 in Beemster. Cornelis Jozef is deceased on 02-05-1945 in Beemster, 16 years old (cause: verdronken). Registration on 04-05-1945 [akte 36]. He was buried on 05-05-1945 in Purmerend.
8 Jacobus Petrus Boots (private).
9 Wilhelmina Maria Boots (private). Wilhelmina Maria married with Cornelis Johannes Dignum Kiebert (private).
10 Johanna Catharina Edwarda Boots (private). Johanna Catharina Edwarda married with Nicolaas Theodorus van Amsterdam (private).

XIII-ev Nicolaas Boots is born on 18-12-1896 in Beemster, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Maria Johanna de Wit. Nicolaas is deceased on 12-08-1952 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australië, 55 years old. He was buried on 15-08-1952 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australië. Occupation: groentenhandelaar. Nicolaas married, 27 years old, on 08-05-1924 in Westwoud with Anna Buurman, 26 years old. Anna is born on 16-02-1898 in Westwoud. Anna is deceased on 03-04-1972 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australië, 74 years old. She was buried on 07-04-1972 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australië.
Children of Nicolaas and Anna:

1 Johannes Theodorus Boots (private).
2 Theodorus Johannes Boots (private).
3 Martinus Nicolaas Boots (private).
4 Nicolaas Boots (private).
5 Jacobus Nicolaas Boots (private).
6 Anna Maria Theresia Boots (private).
7 Cornelis Jacobus Maria Boots (private).
8 Maria Johanna Theresia Boots (private).

XIII-ew Johanna Cornelia Boots is born on 03-07-1901 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Maria Johanna de Wit. Johanna Cornelia is deceased on 28-08-1974 in Aalsmeer, 73 years old. She was buried on 30-08-1974 in Aalsmeer. Johanna Cornelia married, 21 years old, on 06-06-1923 in Beemster with Cornelis Petrus van Wees, 26 years old. Cornelis Petrus is born on 03-02-1897 in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. Cornelis Petrus is deceased on 21-04-1980 in Aalsmeer, 83 years old. He was buried on 25-04-1980 in Aalsmeer.

XIII-ex Simon Cornelis Bleeker is born about 1897 in Beemster, son of Cornelis Bleeker and Margaretha Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Simon Cornelis married, about 23 years old, on 04-11-1920 in Beemster [akte 44] with Rijnelda Groot, about 22 years old. Rijnelda is born about 1898 in Zaandam. Note re Rijnelda: dochter van Cornelis Groot, landbouwer, en Geertje Koomen.

XIII-ey Alida (Aaltje) Boots is born on 30-03-1904 in Beemster, daughter of Lourentius Boots and Aaltje Droog. Alida is deceased on 25-09-1990 in Beemster, 86 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster. Aaltje married with Petrus Roet. Petrus is born on 15-09-1910 in Beemster. Petrus is deceased on 19-08-1951 in Beemster, 40 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster.
Child of Aaltje and Petrus:

1 Alida Johanna Catharina Roet, born in 06-1945 in Beemster. Alida Johanna Catharina is deceased on 12-08-1945 in Alkmaar, 2 months old. Registration [akte 65 dd 21-08-1945 Beemster].

XIII-ez Gerardus (Gert) Boots is born on 11-05-1918 in Beemster, son of Lourentius Boots and Catharina Verdonk. Gerardus is deceased on 09-10-1972, 54 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: slager in Amsterdam. Gert married with Petronella Commandeur. Petronella is born on 09-09-1919. Petronella is deceased on 10-03-1985, 65 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster.
Child of Gert and Petronella:

1 Nicolaas (Ko) Boots, born on 29-08-1951 in Amsterdam. Nicolaas is deceased on 20-04-1996, 44 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster.

XIII-fa Johanna (Jans) Boots is born on 12-06-1899 in Beemster, daughter of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Dieuwertje Bijvoet. Johanna is deceased on 13-07-1987 in Monnickendam, 88 years old. Jans married, 20 years old, on 18-06-1919 in Beemster [akte 29] with Nicolaas (Niek) Bloem, 24 years old. Nicolaas is born on 01-06-1895 in Monnickendam. Nicolaas is deceased on 07-12-1966 in Monnickendam, 71 years old. Occupation: veehouder. Note re Niek: zoon van Gerrit Bloem, veehouder, en Catharina Gerarda Bernardina Cocx.

XIII-fb Johannes Boots is born on 09-06-1900 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Dieuwertje Bijvoet. Johannes is deceased on 09-09-1976 in Beemster, 76 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: melkventer, melkveehouder (op 01-05-1947 ging Catharina met vier zoons naar de Beemster waar ze een boerderij kochten; Jan heeft met dochter Vera de winkel in Amsterdam nog twee jaar open gehouden om een koelcel en spoelhok te bouwen; op 01-05-1949 verhuisde Johannes met dochter Vera ook naar de Beemster.). Johannes married, 29 years old, on 12-06-1929 in Beemster with Catharina de Lange, 24 years old. Catharina is born on 17-07-1904 in Beemster. Catharina is deceased on 11-09-1958 in Beemster, 54 years old (cause: bromfietsongeluk). She was buried on 15-09-1958 in Westbeemster.
Children of Johannes and Catharina:

1 Anne Boots (private). Anne married with Piet de Wit (private).
2 Divera Maria (Vera) Boots (private). Vera married with Theodorus Johannes Anthonius (Dirk) Koning (private).
3 Jacobus Nicolaas (Jaap) Boots, born on 28-01-1933 in Amsterdam. Jacobus Nicolaas is deceased on 07-03-1974 in Beemster, 41 years old (cause: bij het rooien van een boom omgekomen). He was buried on 11-03-1974 in Westbeemster.
4 Nicolaas Johannes (Nico) Boots, born on 31-03-1934 in Amsterdam. Nicolaas Johannes is deceased on 04-11-1985, 51 years old (cause: zelfmoord). He was buried in Westbeemster.
5 Johannes Gerardus (Jan) Boots, born on 20-09-1935 in Amsterdam. Follow XIV-be.
6 Adrianus Antonius (Arie) Boots, born on 09-02-1938 in Amsterdam. Adrianus Antonius is deceased on 30-11-1979 in Westbeemster, 41 years old.

XIII-fc Catharina (Trien) Boots is born on 07-05-1903 in Beemster, daughter of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Dieuwertje Bijvoet. Catharina is deceased on 11-01-1975 in Beemster, 71 years old. Trien married, 29 years old, on 03-05-1933 in Beemster with Johannes Nicolaas (Jan) van Baar, 29 years old. Johannes Nicolaas is born on 23-08-1903 in Beemster. Johannes Nicolaas is deceased on 27-02-1999 in Beemster, 95 years old.
Children of Trien and Jan:

1 Johannes Nicolaas van Baar (private).
2 Nicolaas Gerardus van Baar (private).
3 Maria Divera van Baar (private).

XIII-fd Anna Margaretha Boots is born on 23-10-1909 in Beemster, daughter of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Dieuwertje Bijvoet. Anna Margaretha is deceased on 01-07-1980 in Amsterdam, 70 years old. Anna Margaretha married, 24 years old, on 02-05-1934 in Beemster with Petrus Theodorus de Wit, 26 years old. Petrus Theodorus is born on 17-01-1908 in Beemster. Petrus Theodorus is deceased on 16-01-1963 in Purmerend, 54 years old.

XIII-fe Jacobus Adrianus (Jaap) Boots is born on 07-05-1914 in Beemster, son of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Dieuwertje Bijvoet. Jacobus Adrianus is deceased on 18-06-1984, 70 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Jaap married with Divera Maria Commandeur. Divera Maria is born on 25-03-1918. Divera Maria is deceased on 16-01-1997, 78 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster.

XIII-ff Johanna Afra Maria (Jansje) Boots is born on 25-04-1910 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Catharina Johanna de Jong. Johanna Afra Maria is deceased on 24-07-1978 in Beemster, 68 years old. Jansje married, 14 years old, on 17-08-1924 in Beemster with Adrianus Johannes de Wildt, 16 years old. Adrianus Johannes is born on 29-10-1907. Adrianus Johannes is deceased on 06-09-1987, 79 years old. Occupation: melkhandelaar.

XIII-fg Afra Maria (Trien) Boots is born on 08-07-1911 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Catharina Johanna de Jong. Afra Maria is deceased on 18-01-2004 in Graft, 92 years old. She was buried on 23-01-2004 in De Rijp (Beemster). Trien married, 27 years old, on 17-08-1938 in Beemster with Nicolaas (Nic) Spekken, 29 years old. Nicolaas is born on 14-05-1909 in Beemster. Nicolaas is deceased on 26-12-2003 in Graft, 94 years old. He was buried in De Rijp (Beemster). Note re Nic: zoon van Simon Spekken (03-03-1881 Spanbroek) en Catharina Pronk (14-04-1887 Beemster).

XIII-fh Johanna Margaretha (Hanna) Boots is born on 12-12-1916 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Hanna married, 21 years old, on 15-06-1938 in Beemster with Antonius Gerardus (Toon) Tromp, 29 years old. Antonius Gerardus is born on 13-05-1909 in Uitgeest. Antonius Gerardus is deceased on 01-12-1969 in Haarlem, 60 years old. He was buried on 04-12-1969 in Haarlem.

XIII-fi Nicolaas (Klaas) Boots is born on 14-12-1917 in Beemster, son of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Nicolaas is deceased on 21-11-1978, 60 years old. Klaas married with Sophia Adriana (Fie) Koning (private).
Children of Klaas and Fie:

1 Geertruida Anna Maria (Trudy) Boots (private). Trudy married with Johannes Cornelis Maria (Jan) Schouten (private).
2 Anna Geertruida Maria (Ank) Boots (private). Ank married with Gerardus Nicolaas (Gerard) Out (private).
3 Johannes Wilhelmus Nicolaas (Sjonnie) Boots, born on 28-03-1951 in Wijdewormer. Johannes Wilhelmus Nicolaas is deceased on 05-05-1958, 7 years old (cause: ongeval). He was buried on 09-05-1958 in Purmerend.
4 Wilhelmus Johannes Nicolaas (Wim) Boots (private). Wim married with Margaretha (Gré) Laan (private).
5 Nicolaas Antonius Bernardus (Nico) Boots (private). Nico married with Adriana Margaretha Maria (Wolk) van Deudekom (private).
6 Petrus Cornelis Maria (Peter) Boots (private). Peter married with Agnita Jantine Georgette (Anita) Kwakernaat (private).
7 Sophia Clasina Maria (Sophie) Boots (private). Sophie married with Johannes Hendrik (Jos) Scholten (private).

XIII-fj Theodorus Laurencius (Dirk) Boots is born on 24-07-1920 in Beemster, son of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Theodorus Laurencius is deceased on 04-08-1983 in Beemster, 63 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Dirk married with Catharina Maria (Trien) Bosch-Twint (private).
Children of Dirk and Trien:

1 Hanna Boots (private). Hanna started a relationship with Niek Tromp (private).
2 Johannes Petrus (Joop) Boots (private). Joop married with Columba Maria (Connie) Blom (private).
3 Cornelis Theodorus (Cees) Boots (private). Cees married with Marianne Akkerman (private).
4 Theodorus Laurencius (Dick) Boots (private). Dick started a relationship with Mathilda Maria (Tilly) van Vlaanderen (private).
5 Geertruida Margaretha Maria (Trudy) Boots (private). Trudy married with Jacobus P.W. (Jaap) Leenstra (private).
6 Georgus Stephanus (Sjors) Boots, born on 26-12-1953. Georgus Stephanus is deceased on 18-01-1963, 9 years old (cause: als gevolg van de strenge winter). He was buried in Westbeemster.
7 Cornelia Petronella Maria (Cockie) Boots (private). Cockie married with Hendrikus Johannes (Henk) Vendel (private).
8 Nicolaas Laurentius (Co) Boots (private). Co married with Margaretha Maria Antonia (Margriet) Nooij (private).
9 Antonius Gerardus Maria (Ton) Boots (private). Ton married with Christine Reijnders (private).

XIII-fk Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 09-02-1922 in Beemster, son of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Johannes is deceased on 01-04-1994 in Alkmaar, 72 years old. Occupation: veehouder, veehandelaar. Jan married, 25 years old, on 24-04-1947 in Beemster with Margaretha Maria (Greet) Tamis, 21 years old. Margaretha Maria is born on 27-09-1925 in Alkmaar. Margaretha Maria is deceased on 29-07-1959 in Beemster, 33 years old.
Children of Jan and Greet:

1 Johannes Wilhelmus (Joop) Boots (private).
2 Johanna Cornelia Geertruida (Anneke) Boots (private). Anneke married with Theunis Visser (private).
3 Wilhelmus Johannes (Wim) Boots (private). Wim married with Antonia Afra Margaretha Maria (Toos) van der Lee (private).
4 Geertruida Margaretha (Trudy) Boots (private). Trudy married with Bartholomeus Johannes Theresia (Bart) Nieuwendijk (private).

XIII-fl Catharina Augustina (Tiny) Boots is born on 27-02-1924 in Beemster, daughter of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Catharina Augustina is deceased on 16-03-2010 in Alkmaar, 86 years old. She was buried on 20-03-2010 in Alkmaar. Tiny married, 24 years old, on 05-11-1948 in Beemster with Everardus Bartholomeus Rijser, 33 years old. Tiny en Evert hebben 8 kinderen Jansen geadopteerd na het overlijden van hun biologische ouders. Everardus Bartholomeus is born on 20-12-1914 in Purmerend. Everardus Bartholomeus is deceased on 04-08-1994 in Alkmaar, 79 years old. He was buried on 08-08-1994 in Alkmaar. Note re Everardus Bartholomeus: zoon van Simon Rijser (1870-1935) en Maartje Kuijper (1875-1916).

XIII-fn Lourentius Petrus (Lou) Boots is born on 15-03-1927 in Beemster, son of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Lourentius Petrus is deceased on 01-11-1979 in Beemster, 52 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: ondernemer, fabrikant (oprichter van Boots Frites in Purmerend). Lou married with Clazina (Sien) Smit (private).
Children of Lou and Sien:

1 Clazina Geertruida Catharina (Carla) Boots (private). Carla married with Johannes Leonardus (Jan) Tol (private).
2 Geertruida Clazina Anna (Truida) Boots (private). Truida:
(1) married with John Edward (John) Schreuder (private).
(2) married with Jan Smit (private).
3 Johannes Petrus Simon (Joep) Boots (private). Joep married with Anna Maria (Anke) Veenhof (private).
4 Johannes Hendrikus Lourencius (Jan) Boots (private). Jan married with Margaretha Geertruida (Margriet) de Koning (private).

XIII-fo Cornelis (Cees) Boots is born on 22-06-1929 in Beemster, son of Johannes Petrus (Jo) Boots and Geertruida Suzanna (Truida) Vlaar. Cornelis is deceased on 04-06-2004 in Beemster, 74 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Cees married with Afra Gerarda Bijman (private).
Children of Cees and Afra Gerarda:

1 Jacobus Gerardus Maria (Sjaak) Boots (private). Sjaak married with Margaretha Corona (Gré) Tromp (private).
2 Johannes Gerardus Maria (Hans) Boots (private). Hans married with Jacqueline Maria Erbé (private).
3 Margriet Boots, born on 23-08-1959. Margriet is deceased on 05-05-1978, 18 years old (cause: door onbekende oorzaak 's nachts in een sloot gereden en de volgende dag pas gevonden). She was buried in Westbeemster.
4 Cornelis Simon (Kees) Boots (private).
5 Geertruida Maria (Trudy) Boots (private). Trudy married with Gerardus Henricus Cornelis (Gerard) Schokker (private).
6 Maria Catharina (Marianneke) Boots, born on 29-07-1964. Maria Catharina is deceased on 13-04-1972, 7 years old (cause: door een brommer geschept en ter plaatse overleden). She was buried on 17-04-1972 in Westbeemster.

XIII-fq Pieter Commandeur is born on 31-08-1890 in Hensbroek, son of Jan Commandeur and Jantje Boots. Occupation: broodbakkersknecht. Pieter married, 22 years old, on 21-08-1913 in Limmen [akte 5] with Maartje Houtenbos, 27 years old. Maartje is born on 22-12-1885 in Limmen. Note re Maartje: dochter van Pieter Houtenbos, broodbakker, en Catharina van der Peet.

XIII-fr Matthijs Commandeur is born about 1892 in Hensbroek, son of Jan Commandeur and Jantje Boots. Occupation: landbouwer. Matthijs married, about 28 years old, on 22-04-1920 in Wognum [akte 4] with Elisabeth Bos, 27 years old. Elisabeth is born on 05-02-1893 in Wognum. Elisabeth is deceased on 28-04-1985, 92 years old. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Dirk Bos, landbouwer, en Maartje Kamper.

XIII-fs Dina Commandeur is born about 1894 in Hensbroek, daughter of Jan Commandeur and Jantje Boots. Dina is deceased on 23-12-1933 in Hensbroek, about 39 years old. Registration on 23-12-1933 [akte 15]. Dina married, about 24 years old, on 03-06-1918 in Hensbroek [akte 9] with Cornelis Gerardus Wijte, about 26 years old. Cornelis Gerardus is born about 1892 in Hensbroek, son of Pieter Wijte and Dirkje Klaver. Occupation: landman.

XIII-ft Albertus Mak is born on 25-09-1887 in Heerhugowaard, son of Arie Mak and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Occupation: steenhouwer, commissionair. Albertus married, 25 years old, on 21-05-1913 in Alkmaar [akte 67] with Veronika Ranzijn, about 21 years old. Veronika is born about 1892 in Purmerend. Note re Veronika: dochter van Hendrik Nicolaas Ranzijn, arbeider, en Antje Stam.

XIII-fu Cornelis Mak is born on 08-09-1898 in Heerhugowaard, son of Arie Mak and Agatha (Aagje) Boots. Occupation: loodgieter. Cornelis married, 22 years old, on 21-04-1921 in Alkmaar [akte 64] with Margaretha op 't Veld, about 21 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 15-11-1934 (echtscheiding). 27-06-1935 geregistreerd. Margaretha is born about 1900 in Anna Paulowna. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Dirk op 't Veld, arbeider, en Grietje Kraakman.

XIII-fv Cornelis Bakker is born on 29-10-1896 in Heerhugowaard, son of Dirk Bakker and Grietje Boots. Occupation: betonwerker. Cornelis married, 23 years old, on 15-04-1920 in Alkmaar [akte 55] with Petronella Maria Damen, about 24 years old. Petronella Maria is born about 1896 in Breda. Note re Petronella Maria: dochter van Martinus Damen, opperman, en Petronella van Gool.

XIII-fw Emma Bakker is born on 30-04-1898 in Alkmaar, daughter of Dirk Bakker and Grietje Boots. Emma married, 23 years old, on 08-09-1921 in Alkmaar [akte 182] with Gurbe Offeringa, about 25 years old. Gurbe is born about 1896 in Uithuizen. Occupation: kelner. Note re Gurbe: zoon van Bernard Offeringa, timmerman, en Margien Nienhuis.

XIII-fx Anna Maria Bakker is born on 26-01-1900 in Alkmaar, daughter of Dirk Bakker and Grietje Boots. Anna Maria married, 20 years old, on 07-10-1920 in Alkmaar [akte 189] with Hendrikus Petrus van den Bogaard, about 23 years old. Hendrikus Petrus is born about 1897 in Grave. Occupation: betonwerker. Note re Hendrikus Petrus: zoon van Johannes Sebastianus van den Bogaard, landbouwer, en Theodora Geertruida Zonnenberg.

XIV-a Anna Johanna (Annie) Boots is born on 13-07-1935 in De Weere (Opmeer), daughter of Nicolaas (Niek) Boots and Afra Maria (Aafje) Kunst. Annie married with Jacobus Dam (private).

XIV-g Nicolaas Johannes (Nico) Boots is born on 16-12-1935 in Hoorn, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Maria (Marie) Blok. Nicolaas Johannes is deceased on 09-08-2006 in Hoorn, 70 years old. Occupation: aannemer in Obdam. Nico married with Elisabeth (Eefje) Groot (private).

XIV-o Simon Petrus (Siem) Boots is born on 28-11-1940 in Spanbroek, son of Simon Petrus (Simon) Boots and Agatha (Aagje) Tesselaar. Simon Petrus is deceased on 23-09-2007 in Alkmaar, 66 years old. Occupation: rijwielhandelaar. Siem married with Janny van Dam (private).

XIV-ag Johannes Laurentius Boots is born on 24-08-1941 in Alkmaar, son of Johannes Laurentius Boots and Catharina Cornelia Zijp. Johannes Laurentius is deceased in 05-2009, 67 years old. Johannes Laurentius married with Jolanda Luigia Maria Indri (private).
Children of Johannes Laurentius and Jolanda Luigia Maria:

1 Renver Laurentius Boots (private).
2 Ralph Johannes Boots (private).

XIV-ar Magdalena Maria Boots is born on 02-04-1926 in Amsterdam, daughter of Cornelis Boots and Stanislawa Kalowski. Magdalena Maria is deceased on 25-05-2006 in Hoorn, 80 years old. Magdalena Maria married, 23 years old, on 23-03-1950 in Amsterdam with Pierre (Piet) Koorstra, 30 years old. Pierre is born on 23-12-1919 in Amsterdam.
Children of Magdalena Maria and Piet:

1 Stanislawa Maria Magdalena Koorstra (private).
2 Monica Maria Koorstra (private).

XIV-as Petrus de Vries is born on 20-04-1928 in Amsterdam, son of Gerrit Tjeert Frederik de Vries and Aafje Maria Boots. Petrus married with G.J. Riesenbeck (private).

XIV-ax Gerardus Johannes Boots is born on 20-07-1923 in Beemster, son of Petrus (Piet) Boots and Wilhelmina Maria Kramer. Gerardus Johannes is deceased in 09-2007, 84 years old. He was buried in Ilpendam. Gerardus Johannes married, 32 years old, on 22-09-1955 in Ilpendam with Johanna Lucia Laan, 26 years old. Johanna Lucia is born on 29-04-1929 in Ilpendam. Johanna Lucia is deceased on 10-01-1998 in Purmerend, 68 years old. She was buried on 15-01-1998 in Ilpendam.

XIV-ay Petrus Maria Boots is born on 19-09-1926 in Beemster, son of Petrus (Piet) Boots and Wilhelmina Maria Kramer. Petrus Maria is deceased on 05-11-2008 in Purmerend, 82 years old. He was buried on 10-11-2008 in Westbeemster. Petrus Maria married with Antonia Regina Clazina Kager (private).

XIV-be Johannes Gerardus (Jan) Boots is born on 20-09-1935 in Amsterdam, son of Johannes Boots and Catharina de Lange. Johannes Gerardus is deceased on 12-08-1994 in Beemster, 58 years old. He was buried in Westbeemster. Occupation: productiechef bij Boots Frites in Purmerend (een aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf, op 01-01-1964 opgericht door Lou Boots). Jan married with Divera Maria (Vera) Heiloo. Divera Maria is born on 04-10-1948 in Purmerend. Divera Maria is deceased on 27-08-2002 in Beemster, 53 years old. She was buried in Westbeemster. Note re Vera: dochter van Willem Heiloo en Divera Anthonia van Westen.
Children of Jan and Vera:

1 Louis Johannes Willem (Louis) Boots (private). Louis married with Jeanina de Groot (private).
2 Jacco Theodorus Gerardus (Jacco) Boots (private).


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