(Noord-Holland - Westzaandam)
By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical or random.
I Jan Boot is born about 1630. Note re Jan:
De vader van Jan Jansz Boot moet wel Jan Boot hebben geheten en als Jan Jansz omstreeks 1656 is geboren zal Jan sr mogelijk rond 1630 geboren zijn.
Het is ook mogelijk dat Jan niet onder de naam 'Boot' bekend is maar onder een patroniem.
Een patroniem is een achternaam die is afgeleid van de voornaam van de vader, zoals hieronder Jansz[oon].
Child of Jan out of an unknown relation:
1 Jan Jansz Boot, born about 1656 in Westzaandam. Follow II.
II Jan Jansz Boot is born about 1656 in Westzaandam, son of Jan Boot. Jan Jansz:
(1) married, about 25 years old, on 29-06-1681 in Westzaandam with Neeltje Dirks. jm van de Oostzijde op de Zuijddijk, jd in de Horn. Neeltje is deceased before 1687.
(2) married, about 31 years old, on 05-07-1687 in Westzaandam with Geertjen Davids. weduwnaar op Krimpenburg, jd op het Haringpadt, attestatie 08-07-1687. Geertjen is deceased before 1690.
(3) married, about 34 years old, on 21-05-1690 in Westzaandam with Trijntje Joris. weduwnaar in de Horn, jd van Wormerveer. Trijntje is born in Wormerveer.
Children of Jan Jansz and Neeltje:
1 Jan Jansz Boot. He was baptized on 17-05-1682 in Westzaandam. Jan Jansz is deceased before 1685 in Westzaandam.
2 Grietje Jans Boot. She was baptized on 10-11-1683 in Westzaandam. Grietje Jans is deceased before 1686 in Westzaandam.
3 Jan Jansz Boot. He was baptized on 01-01-1685 in Westzaandam.
4 Grietje Jans Boot. She was baptized on 13-10-1686 in Westzaandam.
Children of Jan Jansz and Geertjen:
1 Gerrit Jansz Boot. He was baptized on 06-06-1688 in Westzaandam. Gerrit Jansz is deceased before 1689 in Westzaandam.
2 Gerrit Jansz Boot. He was baptized on 23-10-1689 in Westzaandam.
Child of Jan Jansz and Trijntje:
1 Joris Jansz Boot. Follow III.
III Joris Jansz Boot, son of Jan Jansz Boot and Trijntje Joris. He was baptized on 07-01-1691 in Westzaandam. Joris Jansz:
(1) married on 05-05-1715 in Westzaandam with Stijntje Jans. jm en jd in de Hoge Horn.
(2) married on 23-07-1719 in Westzaandam with Trijntje Isaaks Ribbelingh, after publication of the bans on 09-07-1719 in Oostzaan. She was baptized on 06-02-1698 in Oostzaan. Note re Trijntje Isaaks: dochter van Isaak Jansz Ribbelingh (? - 10-05-1703 Oostzaan), getrouwd op 17-11-1686 in Oostzaan met Jannitje Willems Wansingh (? - 14-11-1720).
Child of Joris Jansz and Stijntje:
1 Jan Jorisz Boot. Follow IV-a.
Children of Joris Jansz and Trijntje Isaaks:
1 Isaac Jorisz Boot. Follow IV-b.
2 Trijntje Joris Boot. Follow IV-c.
3 Jannetje Joris Boot. She was baptized on 31-12-1724 in Westzaandam.
IV-a Jan Jorisz Boot, son of Joris Jansz Boot and Stijntje Jans. He was baptized on 05-02-1716 in Westzaandam. Jan Jorisz married on 15-01-1747 in Westzaandam with Maartje Arents Noomen. jm en jd beiden in de Hogehorn. Note re Maartje Arents: dochter van Arent Claasz Noomen en Grietje Jans.
Children of Jan Jorisz and Maartje Arents:
1 Joris Jansz Boot. Follow V-a.
2 Arend Jansz Boot. Follow V-b.
3 Grietje Jans Boot. Follow V-c.
IV-b Isaac Jorisz Boot, son of Joris Jansz Boot and Trijntje Isaaks Ribbelingh. He was baptized on 13-11-1720 in Westzaandam. Isaac Jorisz married on 26-06-1746 in Westzaandam with Bregje Arents Noomen, 23 years old. jm op de Heregracht, jd op de Hogendijk. Bregje Arents is born in 1723. She was buried on 22-03-1781 in Westzaandam. Note re Bregje Arents: dochter van Arent Claasz Noomen en Grietje Jans.
Children of Isaac Jorisz and Bregje Arents:
1 Trijntje Isaacs Boot. Follow V-d.
2 Arent Isaacsz Boot. He was baptized on 28-07-1751 in Westzaandam.
3 Arent Isaacsz Boot. He was baptized on 08-10-1752 in Westzaandam.
4 Joris Isaacsz Boot. Follow V-e.
5 Grietje Isaacs Boot. Follow V-f.
IV-c Trijntje Joris Boot, daughter of Joris Jansz Boot and Trijntje Isaaks Ribbelingh. She was baptized on 22-11-1722 in Westzaandam. Trijntje Joris married on 22-07-1753 in Westzaandam with Claas Gerritsz Gala. weduwnaar Noorderkerkpad, jd op het Hasepad, beiden Westzaandam. He was baptized on 02-03-1724 in Oostzaandam. Note re Claas Gerritsz: zoon van Gerrit Dirksz Gala (ca 1700 Oostzaandam), getrouwd 10-11-1720 te Westzaandam met Magteltje Claas (ca 1700 - 13-05-1749 Oostzaandam); getrouwd (1) op 23-08-1750 in Westzaandam met Neeltje Jacobs Vink (06-06-1727 - Westzaandam); getrouwd (3) op 07-04-1776 in Westzaandam met Grietje Dirks Noomen.
Children of Trijntje Joris and Claas Gerritsz:
1 Gerrit Claasz Gala, born on 19-06-1754 in Westzaandam. Gerrit Claasz is deceased before 1755 in Westzaandam, at the most 1 year old.
2 Gerrit Claasz Gala, born on 30-11-1755 in Westzaandam. Gerrit Claasz is deceased before 1757 in Westzaandam, at the most 2 years old.
3 Gerrit Claasz Gala, born in 1757 in Westzaandam. Follow V-g.
4 Trijntje Claas Gala, born on 23-11-1757 in Westzaandam.
V-a Joris Jansz Boot, son of Jan Jorisz Boot and Maartje Arents Noomen. He was baptized on 10-09-1747 in Westzaandam. Joris Jansz:
(1) married on 25-07-1773 in Oostzaandam with Maritje Hendriks (Maartje) Kat, about 23 years old. betoog van Westzaandam, jm op de Bloemgracht, jd aan de Westzijde; ook aangetekend in Westzaandam, waarbij vermeld wordt dat Joris een jm van Oostzaan is. Maritje Hendriks is born about 1750.
(2) married on 18-08-1793 in Westzaandam with Neeltje Jans Helling. weduwnaar en weduwe op de Krimp. She was baptized on 06-06-1756 in Zaandijk. Note re Neeltje Jans: dochter van Jan Albertsz Helling (1722 - 02-11-1801 Oostzaandam), getrouwd 07-04-1754 te Oostzaandam met Vroutje Jacobs Paris (gedoopt 11-11-1725 Wormerveer); getrouwd (1) 25-07-1779 te Oostzaandam met Dirk Hendriksz Zwart (gedoopt 11-11-1755 - Zaandijk).
Children of Joris Jansz and Maartje:
1 Maritje Joris Boot, born on 19-05-1775 in Westzaan. Follow VI-a.
2 Trijntje Joris Boot, born on 09-09-1776 in Westzaan. She was baptized on 15-09-1776 in Westzaan.
V-b Arend Jansz Boot, son of Jan Jorisz Boot and Maartje Arents Noomen. He was baptized on 19-10-1749 in Westzaandam. Arend Jansz married on 18-06-1775 in Westzaandam with Jannitje Claas van der Helm. jm op het Haringpad, jd op het Rustenburg. She was baptized on 29-08-1751 in Westzaandam. Note re Jannitje Claas: dochter van Claas Jansz van der Helm (ca 1712), getrouwd 18-07-1734 te Oostzaandam met Maritje Hendriks Melis (24-01-1717 Westzaandam).
Children of Arend Jansz and Jannitje Claas:
1 Maartje Arends Boot, born on 15-04-1776 in Westzaandam. She was baptized on 21-04-1776 in Westzaandam.
2 Maartje Arents Boot, born on 02-06-1777 in Westzaandam. Follow VI-b.
3 Klaas Arendsz Boot, born on 04-04-1781 in Westzaandam. He was baptized on 08-04-1781 in Westzaandam.
4 Klaas Arendsz Boot, born on 22-06-1783 in Westzaandam. He was baptized on 25-06-1783 in Westzaandam.
5 Klaas Arendsz Boot, born on 28-11-1786 in Westzaandam. Follow VI-c.
V-c Grietje Jans Boot, daughter of Jan Jorisz Boot and Maartje Arents Noomen. She was baptized on 26-11-1752 in Westzaandam. Grietje Jans married on 17-10-1784 in Oostzaandam with Arent Pietersz Junius. weduwnaar en jd, beiden op de Bloemgracht. He was baptized on 09-03-1738 in Oostzaandam. Note re Arent Pietersz: zoon van Pieter Jansz Junius, getrouwd 20-05-1736 te Oostzaandam met Guurtje Arents; getrouwd (1) 08-08-1762 te Oostzaandam met Bregje Jans Olij (11-11-1734 Oostzaandam - <1784), jm op het Hovenierspad, jd op de Bloemgracht.
V-d Trijntje Isaacs Boot, daughter of Isaac Jorisz Boot and Bregje Arents Noomen. She was baptized on 27-09-1747 in Westzaandam. Trijntje Isaacs married on 05-07-1772 in Westzaandam with Dirk Joostsz Vel. jm in de Molenbuurt, jd op het Zilverpad. He was baptized on 26-01-1746 in Westzaandam. Note re Dirk Joostsz: zoon van Joost Jansz Vel (1712), getrouwd op 28-03-1745 in Westzaandam met Maritje Dirks Gors (30-05-1717 Westzaandam); getrouwd (2) 17-06-1781 te Westzaandam met Grietje Jans de Gooij (23-12-1759 Westzaandam).
V-e Joris Isaacsz Boot, son of Isaac Jorisz Boot and Bregje Arents Noomen. He was baptized on 01-01-1756 in Westzaandam. Joris Isaacsz married on 31-01-1790 in Westzaandam with Maritje Jans Kuijpers.
Child of Joris Isaacsz and Maritje Jans:
1 Bregje Jorisdr Boot, born on 28-07-1792 in Westzaandam. Follow VI-d.
V-f Grietje Isaacs Boot, daughter of Isaac Jorisz Boot and Bregje Arents Noomen. She was baptized on 03-06-1761 in Westzaandam. Grietje Isaacs married on 10-04-1785 in Westzaandam with Jacob Claasz Vonk. weduwnaar op het Botenmakerspad, jd op het Zilverpad. He was baptized on 12-10-1755 in Oostzaandam. Occupation: koperslager. Note re Jacob Claasz: zoon van Claas Jacobsz Vonk (1730), getrouwd 16-09-1753 met Trijntje Gerrits Sloot (10-05-1724 Westzaandam - 1791); getrouwd (1) 17-08-1777 te Westzaandam, met Metje Lucas Otjes.
Children of Grietje Isaacs and Jacob Claasz:
1 Klaas Jacobsz Vonk, born in 1785.
2 Isaäk Jacobsz Vonk, born on 05-05-1793 in Zaandam. Follow VI-e.
3 Klaas Jacobsz Vonk, born on 01-08-1802 in Westzaandam. Follow VI-f.
V-g Gerrit Claasz Gala is born in 1757 in Westzaandam, son of Claas Gerritsz Gala and Trijntje Joris Boot. Gerrit Claasz is deceased in 1786 in Westzaandam, 29 years old. Gerrit Claasz:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 06-10-1782 in Westzaandam with Geertje Claas Vonk, 24 years old. Geertje Claas is born in 1758 in Zaanstreek.
(2) married, 27 years old, on 12-09-1784 in Westzaandam with Aafje Jans Koning, 27 years old. Aafje Jans is born in 1757. Aafje Jans is deceased in 1827, 70 years old.
VI-a Maritje Joris Boot is born on 19-05-1775 in Westzaan, daughter of Joris Jansz Boot and Maritje Hendriks (Maartje) Kat. She was baptized on 21-05-1775 in Westzaan. Maritje Joris is deceased on 19-01-1822 in Westzaan, 46 years old. Maritje Joris married, 17 years old, on 17-03-1793 in Oostzaandam with Jan Roelofsz Roos, 20 years old. betoog naar de Westzijde, jm op de Kalverstraat, jd aan de Westzijde op het Geldelozepad. Jan Roelofsz is born on 01-05-1772 in Oostzaandam. He was baptized on 03-05-1772 in Oostzaandam. Occupation: turfdrager, winkelier. Note re Jan Roelofsz: zoon van Roelof Willemsz Roos (gedoopt 01-07-1734 - Oostzaandam) en Guurtje Alberts de Boer; getrouwd (2) 31-05-1805 te Oostzaandam met Elisabet Jans Visser (09-10-1783 Oostzaandam); getrouwd (3) 04-09-1817 te Zaandam met Grietje Dirks Akkes (25-03-1783 - Wormerveer, 18-02-1826 - Oostzaandam); getrouwd (4) 18-03-1827 te Zaandam met Grietje Jans Out (28-04-1789 - Oostzaandam).
Children of Maritje Joris and Jan Roelofsz:
1 Maartje Jans Roos, born in 1795.
2 Roelof Jansz Roos, born in 1796.
VI-b Maartje Arents Boot is born on 02-06-1777 in Westzaandam, daughter of Arend Jansz Boot and Jannitje Claas van der Helm. She was baptized on 08-06-1777 in Westzaandam. Maartje Arents is deceased before 1823, at the most 46 years old. Maartje Arents married, 22 years old, on 30-03-1800 in Westzaandam with Jan Pietersz Groot, 18 years old. jm en jd, beiden Westzaandam. Jan Pietersz is born on 16-01-1782 in Wormerveer. He was baptized on 17-02-1782 in Wormerveer. Jan Pietersz is deceased on 21-04-1838 in Zaandam, 56 years old. Occupation: houtzager, arbeider. Note re Jan Pietersz: zoon van Pieter Willemsz Groot (1755-1813) en Klaartje Jans Kruijt (1755-1833); getrouwd (2) op 13-04-1823 in Westzaan met Aagje Jans Water (1791-1856).
Children of Maartje Arents and Jan Pietersz:
1 Pieter Jansz Groot, born about 1800 in Zaandam. Follow VII-a.
2 Arent Jansz Groot, born in 1802.
3 Jan Jansz Groot, born in 1804 in Zaandam. Follow VII-b.
4 Hendrik Jansz Groot, born in 1805.
5 Jannetje Jans Groot, born about 1809 in Zaandam. Follow VII-c.
6 Klaartje Jans Groot, born about 1812 in Zaandam. Follow VII-d.
VI-c Klaas Arendsz Boot is born on 28-11-1786 in Westzaandam, son of Arend Jansz Boot and Jannitje Claas van der Helm. He was baptized on 03-12-1786 in Westzaandam. Klaas Arendsz is deceased on 19-02-1836 in Zaandam, 49 years old. Klaas Arendsz married, 24 years old, on 30-12-1810 in Westzaandam with Krijntje Severijns Sibie. jm en jd, beiden Westzaandam. She was baptized on 02-04-1786 in Westzaandam [source: database of members of the Lutheran Church in Zaandam 1650-1815]. Krijntje Severijns is deceased on 12-05-1856 in Zaandam. Note re Krijntje Severijns: dochter van Severijn Dirksz Sibie (26-03-1752 Westzaandam - 1818), getrouwd 01-02-1778 te Westzaandam met Grietje Andries Querl (12-11-1747 Westzaandam - 1815).
Children of Klaas Arendsz and Krijntje Severijns:
1 Arent Klaasz Boot, born on 10-05-1812 in Westzaandam. Follow VII-e.
2 Jannetje Klaas Boot, born about 1813. Jannetje Klaas is deceased on 28-05-1817 in Zaandam, about 4 years old.
3 Maartje Klaas Boot, born about 1824 in Zaandam. Follow VII-f.
VI-d Bregje Jorisdr Boot is born on 28-07-1792 in Westzaandam, daughter of Joris Isaacsz Boot and Maritje Jans Kuijpers. She was baptized on 29-07-1792 in Westzaandam. Occupation: dienstmeid. Bregje Jorisdr married, 31 years old, on 31-08-1823 in Zaandam [akte 51] with Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs, 29 years old. Cornelis Jacobsz is born on 24-08-1794 in Oostzaandam. He was baptized on 31-08-1794 in Oostzaandam. Cornelis Jacobsz is deceased on 11-12-1855 in Zaandam, 61 years old. Occupation: houtzager. Note re Cornelis Jacobsz: zoon van Jacob Dirksz Buijs (ca 17670), getrouwd 08-09-1793 met Jannetje Cornelis Luijts (16-12-1764 Westzaan).
Children of Bregje Jorisdr and Cornelis Jacobsz:
1 Jacob Buijs, born about 1825 in Zaandam. Follow VII-g.
2 Joris Buijs, born about 1827 in Zaandam. Follow VII-h.
3 Cornelis Buijs, born about 1829 in Zaandam. Follow VII-i.
4 Maartje Buijs, born about 1831 in Zaandam. Follow VII-j.
5 Gerrit Buijs, born about 1835 in Zaandam. Follow VII-k.
VI-e Isaäk Jacobsz Vonk is born on 05-05-1793 in Zaandam, son of Jacob Claasz Vonk and Grietje Isaacs Boot. Occupation: koperslager. Isaäk Jacobsz:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 01-10-1815 in Zaandam [akte 67] with Jannetje Jans Ton, 23 years old. Jannetje Jans is born on 01-01-1792 in Zaandam. Jannetje Jans is deceased before 1826 in Zaandam, at the most 34 years old. Note re Jannetje Jans: dochter van Jan Ton en Hillegond Meijer.
(2) married, 33 years old, on 25-06-1826 in Zaandam [akte 48] with Maartje Maij, about 34 years old. Maartje is born about 1792 in Koog aan de Zaan. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Maartje: dochter van Gerrit Maij en Grietje Schoen.
VI-f Klaas Jacobsz Vonk is born on 01-08-1802 in Westzaandam, son of Jacob Claasz Vonk and Grietje Isaacs Boot. Klaas Jacobsz is deceased on 16-06-1863 in Zaandam, 60 years old. Occupation: koperslager. Klaas Jacobsz:
(1) married, 22 years old, on 17-10-1824 in Zaandam [akte 80] with Trijntje Sijmons Leuntjes, 26 years old. Trijntje Sijmons is born on 06-03-1798 in Landsmeer. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Trijntje Sijmons: dochter van Sijmon Leuntjes (gedoopt 24-06-1770 Landsmeer), getrouwd 26-05-1793 in Landsmeer met Trijntje Curtenius (gedoopt 17-01-1768 Landsmeer, overleden 02-08-1836 Landsmeer).
(2) married, 48 years old, on 01-12-1850 in Zaandam [akte 127] with Alida Weeteling, about 40 years old. Alida is born about 1810 in Zaandam. Note re Alida: dochter van Jacobus Weeteling en Jacoba Simons; weduwe van Pieter Evenblij.
VII-a Pieter Jansz Groot is born about 1800 in Zaandam, son of Jan Pietersz Groot and Maartje Arents Boot. Pieter Jansz is deceased on 01-04-1865 in Zaandam, about 65 years old. Registration on 01-04-1865 [akte 82]. Occupation: schippersknecht. Pieter Jansz:
(1) married, about 25 years old, on 21-08-1825 in Zaandam [akte 68] with Maretje (Maartje) Josephs Voogt, 26 years old. Maretje (Maartje) Josephs is born in 1799 in Zaandam, daughter of Joseph Voogt and Antje de Jong. Maretje (Maartje) Josephs is deceased before 1850, at the most 51 years old.
(2) married, about 50 years old, on 08-09-1850 in Zaandam [akte 98] with Hester Josephs Voogt, about 38 years old. dispensatie Koninklijk Besluit 10-08-1850 nr. 47. Hester Josephs is born about 1812 in Zaandam, daughter of Joseph Voogt and Antje de Jong.
VII-b Jan Jansz Groot is born in 1804 in Zaandam, son of Jan Pietersz Groot and Maartje Arents Boot. Jan Jansz is deceased on 02-07-1895 in Koog aan de Zaan, 91 years old. Occupation: arbeider, houtzager, koopman. Jan Jansz married, 22 years old, on 05-11-1826 in Westzaan [akte 14] with Guurtje Jacobs van den Burg, 21 years old. Guurtje Jacobs is born on 07-12-1804 in Westzaan. She was baptized on 13-01-1805 in Westzaan. Guurtje Jacobs is deceased on 06-05-1889 in Koog aan de Zaan, 84 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Guurtje Jacobs: dochter van Jacob Jacobs van den Burg (1759 - ?) en Trijntje Cornelis van Harrewijne (1762-1842).
VII-c Jannetje Jans Groot is born about 1809 in Zaandam, daughter of Jan Pietersz Groot and Maartje Arents Boot. Jannetje Jans is deceased on 15-11-1897 in Zaandam, about 88 years old. Registration on 17-11-1897 [akte 237]. Occupation: dienstbode. Jannetje Jans married, about 25 years old, on 27-04-1834 in Zaandam [akte 27] with Klaas Klaasz Hen, about 27 years old. Klaas Klaasz is born about 1807 in De Rijp (Beemster). Klaas Klaasz is deceased before 1897, at the most 90 years old. Occupation: schippersknecht. Note re Klaas Klaasz: zoon van Klaas Alders Hen en Jannetje Geukes, werkster.
VII-d Klaartje Jans Groot is born about 1812 in Zaandam, daughter of Jan Pietersz Groot and Maartje Arents Boot. Klaartje Jans is deceased on 26-01-1870 in Zaandam, about 58 years old. Registration on 26-01-1870 [akte 28]. Klaartje Jans married, about 39 years old, on 30-11-1851 in Zaandam [akte 142] with Jan Dirksz Bakker, about 29 years old. Jan Dirksz is born about 1822 in Zaandam. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan Dirksz: zoon van Dirk Bakker en Grietje Kuijn.
VII-e Arent Klaasz Boot is born on 10-05-1812 in Westzaandam, son of Klaas Arendsz Boot and Krijntje Severijns Sibie. He was baptized on 07-06-1812 in Westzaandam. Doopgetuige: Maartje Arents Boot. Arent Klaasz is deceased on 11-05-1847 in Zaandam, 35 years old. Occupation: schoenmaker. Arent Klaasz married, 29 years old, on 25-07-1841 in Zaandam [akte 58] with Johanna Jacobs Rijks, 22 years old. Johanna Jacobs is born on 20-01-1819 in Koog aan de Zaan. Johanna Jacobs is deceased on 17-01-1893 in Zaandam, 73 years old. Occupation: naaister. Note re Johanna Jacobs: dochter van Jacobus Hendriks Rijks (25-06-1786 Monnickendam), schildersknecht, getrouwd 06-02-1817 te Koog aan de Zaan met Guurtje Heerts Muijs (1796 Koog aan de Zaan - 1843); getrouwd (2) op 15-09-1850 in Zaandam met Maarten Dirksz Bakker (1816-1876), schippersknecht.
Child of Arent Klaasz and Johanna Jacobs:
1 Guurtje Boot, born about 1846 in Zaandam. Follow VIII.
VII-f Maartje Klaas Boot is born about 1824 in Zaandam, daughter of Klaas Arendsz Boot and Krijntje Severijns Sibie. Occupation: naaister. Maartje Klaas married, about 22 years old, on 20-09-1846 in Zaandam [akte 84] with Johann Diedrich Bönker, about 25 years old. Johann Diedrich is born about 1821 in Menslage, Hannover, Duitsland. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Johann Diedrich: zoon van Johann Wilhelm Bönker, slijkwerker, en Anna Margaretha Christina Köhne.
VII-g Jacob Buijs is born about 1825 in Zaandam, son of Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs and Bregje Jorisdr Boot. Occupation: timmermansknecht. Jacob:
(1) married, about 25 years old, on 27-01-1850 in Zaandam [akte 5] with Antje van Heek, about 22 years old. Antje is born about 1828 in Zaandam. Antje is deceased before 1860, at the most 32 years old. Note re Antje: dochter van Hendrik van Heek, schoenmaker, en Antje Kleijbroek.
(2) married, about 35 years old, on 26-02-1860 in Zaandam [akte 5] with Lotje Luijten, about 25 years old. Lotje is born about 1835 in Zaandam. Lotje is deceased on 02-11-1885 in Zaandam, about 50 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Lotje: dochter van Klaas Luijten en Antje Jacobs Smit (1814).
VII-h Joris Buijs is born about 1827 in Zaandam, son of Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs and Bregje Jorisdr Boot. Occupation: koopman, aanspreker. Joris:
(1) married, about 24 years old, on 14-09-1851 in Zaandam [akte 109] with Elizabeth Hofste(e), about 22 years old. Elizabeth is born about 1829 in Zaandam. Elizabeth is deceased on 19-03-1872 in Zaandam, about 43 years old. Note re Elizabeth: ook Elisabeth, dochter van Jan Hofsté (1800), timmerman, en Grietje Dirks Verlaan (ca 1807-1887).
(2) married, about 48 years old, on 26-09-1875 in Zaandam [akte 84] with Johanna Hendrika Hottmar, about 31 years old. Johanna Hendrika is born about 1844 in Amsterdam. Note re Johanna Hendrika: dochter van Jobst Heinrich Hottmar, fabrieksarbeider, en Jansje Emanuel.
VII-i Cornelis Buijs is born about 1829 in Zaandam, son of Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs and Bregje Jorisdr Boot. Cornelis is deceased on 24-10-1905 in Loosduinen, about 76 years old. Registration on 25-10-1905 [akte 121]. Occupation: houtzager. Cornelis:
(1) married, about 24 years old, on 23-01-1853 in Zaandam [akte 7] with Antje Kee, about 22 years old. Antje is born about 1831 in Zaandam. Antje is deceased before 1859, at the most 28 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Antje: dochter van Pieter Kee en Willemptje Pruijm.
(2) married, about 30 years old, on 05-06-1859 in Zaandam [akte 57] with Jeltje Boom (Boon), about 27 years old. Jeltje is born about 1832 in Zaandijk. Jeltje is deceased before 1868, at the most 36 years old. Note re Jeltje: dochter van Jan Jacobs Boom (1801-?) en Jannetje Jans Jutte (ca 1800-1877).
(3) married, about 39 years old, on 15-03-1868 in Zaandam [akte 17] with Jansje Posch, about 35 years old. Jansje is born about 1833 in Zaandam. Jansje is deceased before 1905, at the most 72 years old. Note re Jansje: dochter van Jan Posch en Anke Dobber.
VII-j Maartje Buijs is born about 1831 in Zaandam, daughter of Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs and Bregje Jorisdr Boot. Occupation: dienstbode. Maartje married, about 20 years old, on 09-03-1851 in Zaandam [akte 19] with Adrianus Alblas, about 24 years old. Adrianus is born about 1827 in Landsmeer. Occupation: korendrager. Note re Adrianus: zoon van Adrianus Alblas, korendrager, en Grietje Hooijberg.
VII-k Gerrit Buijs is born about 1835 in Zaandam, son of Cornelis Jacobsz Buijs and Bregje Jorisdr Boot. Gerrit is deceased on 09-03-1875 in Zaandam, about 40 years old. Occupation: houtzager. Gerrit married, about 21 years old, on 25-05-1856 in Zaandam [akte 30] with Anna Kat, about 22 years old. Anna is born about 1834 in Zaandam. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Anna: dochter van Cornelis Kat, scheepstimmerman, en Engeltje Duurhout.
VIII Guurtje Boot is born about 1846 in Zaandam, daughter of Arent Klaasz Boot and Johanna Jacobs Rijks. Guurtje:
(1) married with Johan George Homborg. Johan George is deceased before 1884.
(2) married, about 38 years old, on 15-06-1884 in Uitgeest [akte 14] with Jan Toot, about 43 years old. Jan is born about 1841 in Zaandam. Occupation: spoorwegbeambte. Note re Jan: zoon van Willem Toot en IJda van Buuren; weduwnaar van Helena Groot.
Child of Guurtje and Jan:
1 Johannes Toot, born about 1888 in Uitgeest. Follow IX.
IX Johannes Toot is born about 1888 in Uitgeest, son of Jan Toot and Guurtje Boot. Occupation: onderwijzer. Johannes married, about 27 years old, on 27-04-1915 in Blaricum [akte 3] with Harmke Anna Kamstra, about 20 years old. Harmke Anna is born about 1895 in Sneek. Occupation: onderwijzeres. Note re Harmke Anna: dochter van Foeke Kamstra, beddenfabrikant, en Gepke van der Meulen.
Index (100 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
Alblas | Adrianus | ±1827 | [Partner of VII-j] | ||
Bakker | Jan Dirksz | ±1822 | [Partner of VII-d] | ||
Boom (Boon) | Jeltje | ±1832 | <1868 | [Partner of VII-i] | |
Boot | Arend Jansz | 19-10-1749 | Number V-b | ||
Boot | Arent Isaacsz | 28-07-1751 | [Son of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Arent Isaacsz | 08-10-1752 | [Son of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Arent Klaasz | 10-05-1812 | 07-06-1812 | 11-05-1847 | Number VII-e |
Boot | Bregje Jorisdr | 28-07-1792 | 29-07-1792 | Number VI-d | |
Boot | Gerrit Jansz | 06-06-1688 | <1689 | [Son of II] | |
Boot | Gerrit Jansz | 23-10-1689 | [Son of II] | ||
Boot | Grietje Isaacs | 03-06-1761 | Number V-f | ||
Boot | Grietje Jans | 10-11-1683 | <1686 | [Daughter of II] | |
Boot | Grietje Jans | 13-10-1686 | [Daughter of II] | ||
Boot | Grietje Jans | 26-11-1752 | Number V-c | ||
Boot | Guurtje | ±1846 | Number VIII | ||
Boot | Isaac Jorisz | 13-11-1720 | Number IV-b | ||
Boot | Jan | ±1630 | Number I | ||
Boot | Jan Jansz | ±1656 | Number II | ||
Boot | Jan Jansz | 17-05-1682 | <1685 | [Son of II] | |
Boot | Jan Jansz | 01-01-1685 | [Son of II] | ||
Boot | Jan Jorisz | 05-02-1716 | Number IV-a | ||
Boot | Jannetje Joris | 31-12-1724 | [Daughter of III] | ||
Boot | Jannetje Klaas | ±1813 | 28-05-1817 | [Daughter of VI-c] | |
Boot | Joris Isaacsz | 01-01-1756 | Number V-e | ||
Boot | Joris Jansz | 07-01-1691 | Number III | ||
Boot | Joris Jansz | 10-09-1747 | Number V-a | ||
Boot | Klaas Arendsz | 04-04-1781 | 08-04-1781 | [Son of V-b] | |
Boot | Klaas Arendsz | 22-06-1783 | 25-06-1783 | [Son of V-b] | |
Boot | Klaas Arendsz | 28-11-1786 | 03-12-1786 | 19-02-1836 | Number VI-c |
Boot | Maartje Arends | 15-04-1776 | 21-04-1776 | [Daughter of V-b] | |
Boot | Maartje Arents | 02-06-1777 | 08-06-1777 | <1823 | Number VI-b |
Boot | Maartje Klaas | ±1824 | Number VII-f | ||
Boot | Maritje Joris | 19-05-1775 | 21-05-1775 | 19-01-1822 | Number VI-a |
Boot | Trijntje Isaacs | 27-09-1747 | Number V-d | ||
Boot | Trijntje Joris | 22-11-1722 | Number IV-c | ||
Boot | Trijntje Joris | 09-09-1776 | 15-09-1776 | [Daughter of V-a] | |
Buijs | Cornelis | ±1829 | 24-10-1905 | Number VII-i | |
Buijs | Cornelis Jacobsz | 24-08-1794 | 31-08-1794 | 11-12-1855 | [Partner of VI-d] |
Buijs | Gerrit | ±1835 | 09-03-1875 | Number VII-k | |
Buijs | Jacob | ±1825 | Number VII-g | ||
Buijs | Joris | ±1827 | Number VII-h | ||
Buijs | Maartje | ±1831 | Number VII-j | ||
van den Burg | Guurtje Jacobs | 07-12-1804 | 13-01-1805 | 06-05-1889 | [Partner of VII-b] |
Bönker | Johann Diedrich | ±1821 | [Partner of VII-f] | ||
Davids | Geertjen | <1690 | [Partner of II] | ||
Dirks | Neeltje | <1687 | [Partner of II] | ||
Gala | Claas Gerritsz | 02-03-1724 | [Partner of IV-c] | ||
Gala | Gerrit Claasz | 19-06-1754 | <1755 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Gala | Gerrit Claasz | 30-11-1755 | <1757 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Gala | Gerrit Claasz | 1757 | 1786 | Number V-g | |
Gala | Trijntje Claas | 23-11-1757 | [Daughter of IV-c] | ||
Groot | Arent Jansz | 1802 | [Son of VI-b] | ||
Groot | Hendrik Jansz | 1805 | [Son of VI-b] | ||
Groot | Jan Jansz | 1804 | 02-07-1895 | Number VII-b | |
Groot | Jan Pietersz | 16-01-1782 | 17-02-1782 | 21-04-1838 | [Partner of VI-b] |
Groot | Jannetje Jans | ±1809 | 15-11-1897 | Number VII-c | |
Groot | Klaartje Jans | ±1812 | 26-01-1870 | Number VII-d | |
Groot | Pieter Jansz | ±1800 | 01-04-1865 | Number VII-a | |
van Heek | Antje | ±1828 | <1860 | [Partner of VII-g] | |
Helling | Neeltje Jans | 06-06-1756 | [Partner of V-a] | ||
van der Helm | Jannitje Claas | 29-08-1751 | [Partner of V-b] | ||
Hen | Klaas Klaasz | ±1807 | <1897 | [Partner of VII-c] | |
Hofste(e) | Elizabeth | ±1829 | 19-03-1872 | [Partner of VII-h] | |
Homborg | Johan George | <1884 | [Partner of VIII] | ||
Hottmar | Johanna Hendrika | ±1844 | [Partner of VII-h] | ||
Jans | Stijntje | [Partner of III] | |||
de Jong | Antje | [Parent in law of VII-a] [Parent in law of VII-a] |
Joris | Trijntje | [Partner of II] | |||
Junius | Arent Pietersz | 09-03-1738 | [Partner of V-c] | ||
Kamstra | Harmke Anna | ±1895 | [Partner of IX] | ||
Kat | Anna | ±1834 | [Partner of VII-k] | ||
Kat | Maritje Hendriks | ±1750 | [Partner of V-a] | ||
Kee | Antje | ±1831 | <1859 | [Partner of VII-i] | |
Koning | Aafje Jans | 1757 | 1827 | [Partner of V-g] | |
Kuijpers | Maritje Jans | [Partner of V-e] | |||
Leuntjes | Trijntje Sijmons | 06-03-1798 | [Partner of VI-f] | ||
Luijten | Lotje | ±1835 | 02-11-1885 | [Partner of VII-g] | |
Maij | Maartje | ±1792 | [Partner of VI-e] | ||
Noomen | Bregje Arents | 1723 | [Partner of IV-b] | ||
Noomen | Maartje Arents | [Partner of IV-a] | |||
Posch | Jansje | ±1833 | <1905 | [Partner of VII-i] | |
Ribbelingh | Trijntje Isaaks | 06-02-1698 | [Partner of III] | ||
Rijks | Johanna Jacobs | 20-01-1819 | 17-01-1893 | [Partner of VII-e] | |
Roos | Jan Roelofsz | 01-05-1772 | 03-05-1772 | [Partner of VI-a] | |
Roos | Maartje Jans | 1795 | [Daughter of VI-a] | ||
Roos | Roelof Jansz | 1796 | [Son of VI-a] | ||
Sibie | Krijntje Severijns | 02-04-1786 | 12-05-1856 | [Partner of VI-c] | |
Ton | Jannetje Jans | 01-01-1792 | <1826 | [Partner of VI-e] | |
Toot | Jan | ±1841 | [Partner of VIII] | ||
Toot | Johannes | ±1888 | Number IX | ||
Vel | Dirk Joostsz | 26-01-1746 | [Partner of V-d] | ||
Vonk | Geertje Claas | 1758 | [Partner of V-g] | ||
Vonk | Isaäk Jacobsz | 05-05-1793 | Number VI-e | ||
Vonk | Jacob Claasz | 12-10-1755 | [Partner of V-f] | ||
Vonk | Klaas Jacobsz | 1785 | [Son of V-f] | ||
Vonk | Klaas Jacobsz | 01-08-1802 | 16-06-1863 | Number VI-f | |
Voogt | Hester Josephs | ±1812 | [Partner of VII-a] | ||
Voogt | Joseph | [Parent in law of VII-a] [Parent in law of VII-a] |
Voogt | Maretje (Maartje) Josephs | 1799 | <1850 | [Partner of VII-a] | |
Weeteling | Alida | ±1810 | [Partner of VI-f] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 29-03-2011.
- genlias = www.genlias.nl: database van de samenwerkende archiefdiensten
- geneanet = www.geneanet.org: website voor genealogen
- vpnd = http://vpnd.nl/: project van Papier naar Digitaal - doopboeken Oostzaan
- met aanvullingen van www.katerstede.nl: zaanstreek en zaanse dorpen
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