(Zeeland - Driewegen/Borsele)
I Machiel de Boot (Bood). Machiel married with Elisabeth (Elizabeth) Kribbe. Elisabeth (Elizabeth) was born about 1772 in Driewegen. Elisabeth (Elizabeth) is deceased on tuesday 08-10-1833 in Driewegen, about 61 years old. Note re Elisabeth (Elizabeth): ook Elizabeth Machielse, dochter van Kornelis Kribbe en Adriana Krijger. Occupation: arbeidster.
Children of Machiel and Elisabeth (Elizabeth):
1 Adriana de Boot, born about 1805 in Borssele. Follow II-a.
2 Cornelis de Boot, born about 1811 in Driewegen. Follow II-b.
II-a Adriana de Boot was born about 1805 in Borssele, daughter of Machiel de Boot (Bood) and Elisabeth (Elizabeth) Kribbe. Adriana is deceased on wednesday 07-04-1852 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 47 years old. Occupation: boerenmeid, arbeidster. Adriana married at the age of about 25 years on thursday 08-07-1830 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 10] with Abraham de Witte aged about 24 years. Abraham was born about 1806 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Abraham is deceased on tuesday 12-02-1839 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 33 years old. Note re Abraham: zoon van Marinus de Witte, veehouder, en Suzanna van de Laare, veehoudster. Occupation: arbeider.
Children of Adriana and Abraham:
1 Suzanne de Witte, born about 1831 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Follow III-a.
2 Elisabeth de Witte, born in 03-1832 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Elisabeth is deceased on sunday 28-04-1833 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, 1 year old.
3 Marinus de Witte, born about 1833 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Follow III-b.
4 Elisabeth de Witte, born about 1836 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Elisabeth is deceased on wednesday 06-02-1839 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 3 years old.
5 Jannetje de Witte, born about 1837 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Follow III-c.
6 Abrahamina de Witte, born about 1839 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Follow III-d.
II-b Cornelis de Boot was born about 1811 in Driewegen, son of Machiel de Boot (Bood) and Elisabeth (Elizabeth) Kribbe. Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 01-06-1887 in Kruiningen, about 76 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, arbeider. Cornelis married at the age of about 25 years on thursday 27-10-1836 in Heinkenszand [source: akte 10] with Cornelia van de Schelde aged about 23 years. Cornelia was born about 1813 in Heinkenszand. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 23-06-1875 in Heinkenszand, about 62 years old. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Marinus van de Schelde, arbeider, en Neeltje Cornelisse Weststrate, arbeidster. Occupation: arbeidster.
Children of Cornelis and Cornelia:
1 Marinus de Boot, born about 1838 in Heinkenszand. Follow III-e.
2 Machiel de Boot, born about 1839 in Heinkenszand. Follow III-f.
3 Cornelis de Boot, born about 1840 in Heinkenszand. Follow III-g.
4 Elisabeth de Boot, born in 10-1841 in Heinkenszand. Elisabeth is deceased on wednesday 22-12-1841 in Heinkenszand, 2 months old.
5 Jan de Boot, born in 04-1844 in Heinkenszand. Jan is deceased on saturday 08-06-1844 in Heinkenszand, 2 months old.
6 Neeltje de Boot, born in 10-1845 in Heinkenszand. Neeltje is deceased on sunday 07-03-1847 in Heinkenszand, 1 year old.
7 Elisabeth de Boot, born in 08-1847 in Heinkenszand. Elisabeth is deceased on thursday 13-01-1848 in Heinkenszand, 5 months old.
8 N.N. de Boot, still born son on sunday 28-10-1849 in Heinkenszand.
9 N.N. de Boot, still born daughter on wednesday 21-08-1850 in Heinkenszand.
10 Neeltje de Boot, born on monday 04-07-1853 in Heinkenszand. Neeltje is deceased on tuesday 19-07-1853 in Heinkenszand, 15 days old.
III-a Suzanne de Witte was born about 1831 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, daughter of Abraham de Witte and Adriana de Boot. Suzanne is deceased on saturday 13-07-1889 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 58 years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Suzanne married at the age of about 35 years on thursday 10-05-1866 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 8] with Willem Logmans aged about 32 years. Willem was born about 1834 in Goes. Note re Willem: zoon van Bastiaan Logmans en Helena Katsman. Occupation: klokkenschoonmaker, horlogemaker.
III-b Marinus de Witte was born about 1833 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, son of Abraham de Witte and Adriana de Boot. Occupation: arbeider. Marinus married at the age of about 26 years on friday 23-12-1859 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 24] with Klasina Klap aged about 32 years. Klasina was born about 1827 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Note re Klasina: dochter van Gommert Klap en Pieternella Noorthoek, arbeidster. Occupation: arbeidster.
III-c Jannetje de Witte was born about 1837 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, daughter of Abraham de Witte and Adriana de Boot. Jannetje is deceased on saturday 02-12-1882 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 45 years old. Occupation: boerenmeid, werkvrouw. Jannetje married at the age of about 20 years on friday 30-10-1857 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 16] with Jan Mol aged about 23 years. Jan was born about 1834 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Jan is deceased before 1882, about 48 years old. Note re Jan: zoon van Joos Mol, arbeider, en Willemina Nieuwenhuijse, arbeidster. Occupation: boerenknecht.
III-d Abrahamina de Witte was born about 1839 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, daughter of Abraham de Witte and Adriana de Boot. Abrahamina is deceased on monday 05-10-1931 in Waarde, about 92 years old. Occupation: boerenmeid. Abrahamina married at the age of about 21 years on thursday 09-08-1860 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 19] with Omer Schrier aged about 27 years. Omer was born about 1833 in Waarde. Omer is deceased before 1931, about 98 years old. Note re Omer: zoon van Geeraard Schrier, arbeider, en Bastiana van Hekken. Occupation: boerenknecht.
III-e Marinus de Boot was born about 1838 in Heinkenszand, son of Cornelis de Boot and Cornelia van de Schelde. Marinus is deceased on saturday 03-04-1920 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 82 years old. Occupation: boerenknecht, veldarbeider. Marinus married at the age of about 27 years on thursday 23-02-1865 in Heinkenszand [source: akte 5] with Jannetje Derto aged about 26 years. Jannetje was born about 1839 in 's-Heerenhoek, daughter of Adriaan Derto and Elizabeth Boonman. Jannetje is deceased on monday 04-02-1918 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 79 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster.
Children of Marinus and Jannetje:
1 Cornelia de Boot, born about 1865 in 's-Heerenhoek. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 13-06-1866 in 's-Heer Abtskerke, about 1 year old.
2 Cornelis de Boot, born about 1868 in 's-Heer Abtskerke. Follow IV-a.
3 Adriaan de Boot, born in 02-1869 in 's-Heer Abtskerke. Adriaan is deceased on thursday 27-05-1869 in Heinkenszand, 3 months old.
4 Adriaan de Boot, born in 04-1870 in Heinkenszand. Adriaan is deceased on sunday 21-08-1870 in Heinkenszand, 4 months old.
5 Machiel de Boot, born in 10-1871 in Heinkenszand. Machiel is deceased on thursday 22-08-1872 in Heinkenszand, 10 months old.
6 Machiel de Boot, born about 1873 in Heinkenszand. Follow IV-b.
7 Cornelia de Boot, born about 1875 in Heinkenszand. Follow IV-c.
8 Adriana de Boot, born in 11-1877 in Heinkenszand. Adriana is deceased on tuesday 01-01-1878 in Heinkenszand, 2 months old.
9 Adriaan de Boot, born about 1879 in Heinkenszand. Follow IV-d.
10 Jan de Boot, born about 1881 in Heinkenszand. Follow IV-e.
III-f Machiel de Boot was born about 1839 in Heinkenszand, son of Cornelis de Boot and Cornelia van de Schelde. Machiel is deceased on monday 17-06-1912 in Heinkenszand, about 73 years old. Occupation: arbeider, tuinman. Machiel married at the age of about 36 years on friday 07-05-1875 in Heinkenszand [source: akte 6] with Cornelia Derto aged about 27 years. Cornelia was born about 1848 in 's-Heerenhoek, daughter of Adriaan Derto and Elizabeth Boonman. Cornelia is deceased on sunday 04-07-1926 in Heinkenszand, about 78 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, werkvrouw.
Children of Machiel and Cornelia:
1 Cornelis de Boot, born about 1877 in Heinkenszand. Follow IV-f.
2 Elizabeth de Boot, born on monday 05-02-1883 in Heinkenszand. Elizabeth is deceased on wednesday 07-02-1883 in Heinkenszand, 2 days old.
3 Cornelia de Boot, born on tuesday 06-02-1883 in Heinkenszand. Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 07-02-1883 in Heinkenszand, 1 day old.
4 Elizabeth de Boot, born about 1888 in Heinkenszand. Elizabeth is deceased on sunday 21-01-1923 in Heinkenszand, about 35 years old.
III-g Cornelis de Boot was born about 1840 in Heinkenszand, son of Cornelis de Boot and Cornelia van de Schelde. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married at the age of about 38 years on thursday 21-03-1878 in Heinkenszand [source: akte 2] with Christina den Herder aged about 23 years. Christina was born about 1855 in Borssele. Christina is deceased on tuesday 28-06-1887 in Kruiningen, about 32 years old. Note re Christina: dochter van Geerard den Herder, arbeider, en Pieternella Borgo, weduwe van Nicolaas van Antwerpen. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster.
Children of Cornelis and Christina:
1 Cornelis de Boot, born on monday 13-12-1880 in Heinkenszand. Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 14-12-1880 in Heinkenszand, 1 day old.
2 N.N. de Boot, still born daughter on tuesday 20-03-1883 in Heinkenszand.
IV-a Cornelis de Boot was born about 1868 in 's-Heer Abtskerke, son of Marinus de Boot and Jannetje Derto. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married at the age of about 28 years on thursday 07-05-1896 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 11] with Helena IJzerman aged about 28 years. Helena was born about 1868 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Note re Helena: dochter van Marinus IJzerman en Dina Westveer, winkelierster.
Child of Cornelis and Helena:
1 Dina de Boot, born on friday 10-02-1905 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Dina is deceased on saturday 11-02-1905 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, 1 day old.
IV-b Machiel de Boot was born about 1873 in Heinkenszand, son of Marinus de Boot and Jannetje Derto. Machiel is deceased on friday 16-10-1942 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 69 years old. Occupation: doktersknecht, landarbeider. Machiel married at the age of about 31 years on thursday 26-05-1904 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 14] with Tannetje Bommeljé aged about 29 years. Tannetje was born about 1875 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Note re Tannetje: dochter van Jacobus Bommeljé, veldarbeider, en Cathelijntje IJzerman.
IV-c Cornelia de Boot was born about 1875 in Heinkenszand, daughter of Marinus de Boot and Jannetje Derto. Cornelia married at the age of about 31 years on thursday 10-05-1906 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 10] with Marinus Slabbekoorn aged about 45 years. Marinus was born about 1861 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Note re Marinus: zoon van Geerard Slabbekoorn en Cristina van Antwerpen. Occupation: veldarbeider.
Children of Cornelia and Marinus:
1 Marinus Slabbekoorn, born on tuesday 15-12-1908 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Marinus is deceased on tuesday 29-12-1908 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, 14 days old.
2 Geerard Slabbekoorn, born about 1911 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Geerard is deceased on wednesday 24-07-1918 in 's-Heer Arendskerke, about 7 years old.
IV-d Adriaan de Boot was born about 1879 in Heinkenszand, son of Marinus de Boot and Jannetje Derto. Occupation: vrachtrijder. Adriaan married at the age of about 40 years on thursday 15-05-1919 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 16] with Maatje den Dekker aged about 35 years. Maatje was born about 1884 in 's-Gravenpolder. Note re Maatje: dochter van Hendrik den Dekker en Maatje Levina Landman.
IV-e Jan de Boot was born about 1881 in Heinkenszand, son of Marinus de Boot and Jannetje Derto. Occupation: veldarbeider. Jan married at the age of about 30 years on thursday 30-03-1911 in 's-Heer Arendskerke [source: akte 2] with Dina IJzerman aged about 24 years. Dina was born about 1887 in 's-Heer Arendskerke. Note re Dina: dochter van Cornelis IJzerman, veldarbeider, en Cornelia Vermeulen. Occupation: veldarbeidster.
IV-f Cornelis de Boot was born about 1877 in Heinkenszand, son of Machiel de Boot and Cornelia Derto. Occupation: arbeider. Cornelis married at the age of about 29 years on thursday 10-05-1906 in Heinkenszand [source: akte 7] with Tannetje van Iwaarden aged about 26 years. Tannetje was born about 1880 in Kruiningen. Note re Tannetje: dochter van Pieter van Iwaarden, huurkoetsier, en Anna Glerum. Occupation: boerenmeid.
Index (56 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
Bommeljé | Tannetje | ±1875 | [Partner of IV-b] | ||
Boonman | Elizabeth | [Parent in law of III-e] [Parent in law of III-f] |
de Boot | Adriaan | ?-02-1869 | 27-05-1869 | [Son of III-e] | |
de Boot | Adriaan | ?-04-1870 | 21-08-1870 | [Son of III-e] | |
de Boot | Adriaan | ±1879 | Nummer IV-d | ||
de Boot | Adriana | ±1805 | 07-04-1852 | Nummer II-a | |
de Boot | Adriana | ?-11-1877 | 01-01-1878 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
de Boot | Cornelia | ±1865 | 13-06-1866 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
de Boot | Cornelia | ±1875 | Nummer IV-c | ||
de Boot | Cornelia | 06-02-1883 | 07-02-1883 | [Daughter of III-f] | |
de Boot | Cornelis | ±1811 | 01-06-1887 | Nummer II-b | |
de Boot | Cornelis | ±1840 | Nummer III-g | ||
de Boot | Cornelis | ±1868 | Nummer IV-a | ||
de Boot | Cornelis | ±1877 | Nummer IV-f | ||
de Boot | Cornelis | 13-12-1880 | 14-12-1880 | [Son of III-g] | |
de Boot | Dina | 10-02-1905 | 11-02-1905 | [Daughter of IV-a] | |
de Boot | Elisabeth | ?-10-1841 | 22-12-1841 | [Daughter of II-b] | |
de Boot | Elisabeth | ?-08-1847 | 13-01-1848 | [Daughter of II-b] | |
de Boot | Elizabeth | 05-02-1883 | 07-02-1883 | [Daughter of III-f] | |
de Boot | Elizabeth | ±1888 | 21-01-1923 | [Daughter of III-f] | |
de Boot | Jan | ?-04-1844 | 08-06-1844 | [Son of II-b] | |
de Boot | Jan | ±1881 | Nummer IV-e | ||
de Boot | Machiel | ±1839 | 17-06-1912 | Nummer III-f | |
de Boot | Machiel | ?-10-1871 | 22-08-1872 | [Son of III-e] | |
de Boot | Machiel | ±1873 | 16-10-1942 | Nummer IV-b | |
de Boot | Marinus | ±1838 | 03-04-1920 | Nummer III-e | |
de Boot | N.N. | 28-10-1849 | [Son of II-b] | ||
de Boot | N.N. | 21-08-1850 | [Daughter of II-b] | ||
de Boot | N.N. | 20-03-1883 | [Daughter of III-g] | ||
de Boot | Neeltje | ?-10-1845 | 07-03-1847 | [Daughter of II-b] | |
de Boot | Neeltje | 04-07-1853 | 19-07-1853 | [Daughter of II-b] | |
de Boot (Bood) | Machiel | Nummer I | |||
den Dekker | Maatje | ±1884 | [Partner of IV-d] | ||
Derto | Adriaan | [Parent in law of III-e] [Parent in law of III-f] |
Derto | Cornelia | ±1848 | 04-07-1926 | [Partner of III-f] | |
Derto | Jannetje | ±1839 | 04-02-1918 | [Partner of III-e] | |
den Herder | Christina | ±1855 | 28-06-1887 | [Partner of III-g] | |
IJzerman | Dina | ±1887 | [Partner of IV-e] | ||
IJzerman | Helena | ±1868 | [Partner of IV-a] | ||
van Iwaarden | Tannetje | ±1880 | [Partner of IV-f] | ||
Klap | Klasina | ±1827 | [Partner of III-b] | ||
Kribbe | Elisabeth (Elizabeth) | ±1772 | 08-10-1833 | [Partner of I] | |
Logmans | Willem | ±1834 | [Partner of III-a] | ||
Mol | Jan | ±1834 | <1882 | [Partner of III-c] | |
van de Schelde | Cornelia | ±1813 | 23-06-1875 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Schrier | Omer | ±1833 | <1931 | [Partner of III-d] | |
Slabbekoorn | Geerard | ±1911 | 24-07-1918 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Slabbekoorn | Marinus | ±1861 | [Partner of IV-c] | ||
Slabbekoorn | Marinus | 15-12-1908 | 29-12-1908 | [Son of IV-c] | |
de Witte | Abraham | ±1806 | 12-02-1839 | [Partner of II-a] | |
de Witte | Abrahamina | ±1839 | 05-10-1931 | Nummer III-d | |
de Witte | Elisabeth | ?-03-1832 | 28-04-1833 | [Daughter of II-a] | |
de Witte | Elisabeth | ±1836 | 06-02-1839 | [Daughter of II-a] | |
de Witte | Jannetje | ±1837 | 02-12-1882 | Nummer III-c | |
de Witte | Marinus | ±1833 | Nummer III-b | ||
de Witte | Suzanne | ±1831 | 13-07-1889 | Nummer III-a |
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