(Groot-Brittannië - Amerika)
The coat of arms or ensign armorial of the ancient Booth family, borne by the family for upwards of seven hundred years. The Lion, denoting royalty, and the Wild Boars' Heads, denoting bravery, are the oldest crests known in England. They show the Antiquity of the family adopting them, also its dignity, rank and near relationship to then reigning sovereign, as well as the family's reputation for undaunted courage. The shield is a modification of the Norman shield, denoting the intermingling of the noble Norman blood with the native Briton by intermarriage of the races. The entire device as shown, is copied from that preserved in the Booth Family by Lady Mary, Countess Dowager of Stamford, only daughter of Sir George Booth, third Lord Delamere and second Earl of Warrington, in whose possession the principal documents relating to the early history of the Booth Family were, in 1771. The family motto, "Quod Ero Spero", literally translated means "What I shall be I hope", literally rendered it signifies, "What I hope to accomplish I shall accomplish", or, in other words, "Hope, Perseverance, Success". This motto typifies the character that marks the race, illustrious examples of which have developed all along the line to the present day.
I Adam de Boothes was born before 1200 in Lancaster, Groot-Brittannië. Note re Adam: stamvader van het onderscheiden geslacht Booth, nazaat van een Normandische familie van stand, die in 1066 met Willem de Veroveraar naar Engeland kwam en zich vestigde in het graafschap Lancaster;
afstammelingen van Adam DeBoothes in de U.S.A. komen voornamelijk voor in:
Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts, U.S.A.;
Saco, York, Maine, U.S.A.;
Enfield, Connecticut, U.S.A..
Child of Adam out of an unknown relation:
1 William de Boothes. Follow II.
II William de Boothes, son of Adam de Boothes.
Address: (woonde in 1275 in het graafschap Lancaster, Engeland). Note re William: bezat met zijn zwager William de Brereton het Land van Withenshaw. De Breretons waren een oude familie die woonden op Brereton in het paltsgraafschap Chester. Een paltsgraafschap was een district waar de eigenaar, de paltsgraaf, een soort prins was, die koninklijke rechten en rechtsmacht bezat, of dezelfde bevoegdheden in de rechtspleging in zijn graafschap als de koning had in zijn paleis. De oorspronkelijke paltsgraafschappen van Engeland waren Lancaster, Chester en Durham. William married to Sibil (Sybil) de Brereton. Note re Sibil (Sybil): dochter van Gilbert (Ralph) de Brereton.
Child of William and Sibil (Sybil):
1 Thomas de Boothes. Follow III.
III Thomas de Boothes, son of William de Boothes and Sibil (Sybil) de Brereton.
Child of Thomas out of an unknown relation:
1 John (Robert) de Boothes. Follow IV.
IV John (Robert) de Boothes, son of Thomas de Boothes. Note re the birth of John (Robert): leefde in de tijd van Edward II (1307 tot 1327). Note re John (Robert): trouwde in de Barton familie van Lancashire, maar het is niet zeker of zijn vrouw Agnes, dochter en erfgenaam van Sir William de Barton was, of haar dochter en erfgename, Loretta. John (Robert) married to Agnes (Loretta) de Barton. Note re Agnes (Loretta): dochter van William de Barton.
Child of John (Robert) and Agnes (Loretta):
1 Thomas de Boothes. Follow V.
V Thomas de Boothes, son of John (Robert) de Boothes and Agnes (Loretta) de Barton. Note re the birth of Thomas: leefde in de tijd van Edward III (1327 tot 1377); zijn zegel, zoals het op een oud document voorkomt dat in 1680 in het bezit was van Lord Delamere, was in 1372 "een chevron ingekerfd in een kanton, een harder/zeebarbeel en als kam/kuif/[helmteken?] een vos en een Sint Catherine wiel, met het motto 'Sigillum Thomae'. Function: Ridder. Note re Thomas: ook: Thomalyn de Boothes de Barton. Thomas married in Boothes, Lancashire, Engeland to Ellen de Worsley. Note re Ellen: dochter van Robert de Worsley.
Children of Thomas and Ellen:
1 John de Boothes. Follow VI-b.
2 Henry de Boothes. Note re Henry: had nakomelingen.
3 Thomas de Boothes. Follow VI-a.
4 Alice de Boothes.
5 Catherine de Boothes.
6 Margaret de Boothes.
7 Anne de Boothes.
VI-a Thomas de Boothes, son of Thomas de Boothes and Ellen de Worsley.
Child of Thomas out of an unknown relation:
1 Robert de Boothes.
VI-b John de Boothes, son of Thomas de Boothes and Ellen de Worsley. Note re the birth of John: leefde in de tijd van Richard II en Henry IV (1377 tot 1413). Note re John: ook Sir John Barton, droeg als wapen het oude wapen van Booth met drie wilde zwijnenekoppen, waaraan hij voor zijn landgoed Barton toevoegde 'argent a fesse gules, by the name of Barton' ['argent een fesse gules, door de naam Barton'?]. John:
(1) married to Maude Savage. Note re Maude: dochter van Sir Clifton Savage van Clifton, Cheshire, Ridder.
(2) married to Joan Trafford. Note re Joan: dochter van Sir Henry Trafford van Trafford, Lancashire, Ridder. De Traffords waren een erg oude familie en woonde in Lancashire voor de tijd van Willem de Veroveraar.
Children of John and Maude:
1 Dorothy Boothe.
2 Thomas Boothe. Follow VII-b.
3 Margaret Boothe.
4 Henry Boothe. Henry remained unmarried.
5 Nicholas Boothe. Nicholas remained unmarried.
6 Anne Boothe.
7 Lawrence Boothe. Lawrence is deceased in 1480. Occupation: bisschop van Durham in 1457, aartsbisschop van York in 1476 (Keeper of the Privy Seal [bewaarder van het geheime zegel] in 1457 onder Henry VI, High Lord Chancellor van Engeland in 1474 onder Edward IV).
8 John de Boothe. John is deceased in 1533 in Flodden Field, Northumberland, Engeland. Note re the death of John: De slag bij Flodden of Flodden Field was een strijd in Northumberland, in het noorden van Engeland op 9 september 1513 tussen een Schots invasieleger onder leiding van Jacobus IV van Schotland en een Engels leger onder leiding van Thomas Howard, 2de hertog van Norfolk. De slag eindigde met een bloedige nederlaag van de Schotten. Het was de grootste strijd tussen beide landen in termen van aantal deelnemers.
Children of John and Joan:
1 Joana Boothe. Follow VII-d.
2 Thomas Boothe. Follow VII-e.
3 George Boothe. Note re George: had nakomelingen, de lijn stierf uit in de derde generatie.
4 Richard Boothe. Follow VII-i.
5 Alice Boothe. Follow VII-f.
6 Margery Boothe. Follow VII-h.
7 Rogerus Boothe. Follow VII-g.
8 Joane Boothe. Follow VII-a.
9 Catherine Boothe. Follow VII-c.
10 Robert Boothe. Follow VII-j.
11 William Boothe. William is deceased in 1464. Occupation: bisschop van Coventry en Litchfield in 1447, aartsbisschop van York in 1452.
VII-a Joane Boothe, daughter of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Joane married to Thomas Southworth.
VII-b Thomas Boothe, son of John de Boothes and Maude Savage. Thomas married to Anne Ashton. Note re the marriage: nakomelingen, uitgestorven in de volgende generatie. Note re Anne: dochter van Sir John Ashton.
VII-c Catherine Boothe, daughter of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Catherine married to Thomas Radcliffe. Note re Thomas: van Wimmersley.
VII-d Joana Boothe, daughter of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Joana married to Thomas Shirborne. Note re Thomas: van Anghto.
VII-e Thomas Boothe, son of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Function: werd geridderd in het veertiende jaar van Henry VI (1436). Thomas married to Sabell Carrington. Note re the marriage: ze kregen vier zonen en drie dochters, maar de mannelijke lijn stierf uit in de zesde generatie, en broer Robert werd het hoofd van de familie en heeft de lijn voortgezet. Note re Sabell: weduwe, dochter van Sir William (of George) van Carrington, Carrington, Ridder.
VII-f Alice Boothe, daughter of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Alice married to Robert Clifton.
VII-g Rogerus Boothe, son of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Note re Rogerus: kleinzoon Carolus werd Bisschop van Hereford in 1516, overleden in 1535.
Children of Rogerus out of an unknown relation:
1 N.N. Boothe. Follow VIII-a.
2 Robert Boothe. Follow VIII-b.
VII-h Margery Boothe, daughter of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Margery married to Joseph Byron.
VII-i Richard Boothe, son of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Note re Richard: ook Richard van Streabland in het graafschap Suffolk. Richard married to Catharine Oke. Note re the marriage: nakomelingen, kleinzoon Philip werd geridderd, maar de mannelijke lijn stierf uit in de derde generatie. Note re Catharine: dochter en erfgename van Philip Oke van Streabland.
Child of Richard and Catharine:
1 N.N. Boothe. Follow VIII-c.
VII-j Robert Boothe, son of John de Boothes and Joan Trafford. Robert is deceased 09-1450. Note re the death of Robert: begraven in de parochiekerk van Wilmerton in Cheshire. Robert married to Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Note re the marriage: tweede zoon en erfgenaam van Sir John Boothe, was de eerste van de Boothes die woonden in Dunham Massey in Cheshire.
Sir Robert en zijn zoon William hadden een concessie voor het baljuwschap van Cheshire, zowel hun beider levens als voor de overlevende van hen.
Sir Robert en zijn vrouw Dulcis hadden een talrijke gezin, de boeken zeggen negen zonen en vijf dochters, maar de voorouderlijke kaart van Lady Stamford noemt slechts zes zonen en drie dochters. Dulcis (Dulcia) is deceased 09-1453. Note re Dulcis (Dulcia): dochter en mede-erfgenaam van Sir William Venables van Bollen, Ridder.
Children of Robert and Dulcis (Dulcia):
1 William Boothe. Follow VIII-i.
2 Ellen Boothe. Follow VIII-f.
3 Mathilda (Margaret) Boothe. Follow VIII-g.
4 Ralphe Boothe. Follow VIII-h.
5 Hamo (Hammond) Boothe. Occupation: geestelijke aan wie de titel L.L.D. was verleend.
6 William (Edmund) Boothe. Follow VIII-d.
7 Alice Boothe. Note re Alice: jong overleden.
8 Lucy Boothe. Follow VIII-e.
9 Geoffry Boothe. Note re Geoffry: jong overleden.
10 Peter Boothe. Note re Peter: jong overleden.
11 Philip Boothe. Note re Philip: jong overleden.
12 Joan Boothe. Note re Joan: jong overleden.
13 John Boothe. John is deceased in 1478. Occupation: Bisschop van Exeter in 1465.
14 Robert Boothe. Robert is deceased in 1487. Occupation: Deken van York. Note re Robert: volgens de genealogie van Lady Stamford getrouwd, maar zijn nakomelingen stierven uit in de derde generatie.
VIII-a N.N. Boothe, son of Rogerus Boothe.
Child of N.N. out of an unknown relation:
1 Carolus Boothe. Carolus is deceased in 1535. Function: bisschop van Hereford in 1516.
VIII-b Robert Boothe, son of Rogerus Boothe.
Child of Robert out of an unknown relation:
1 Rogerus Boothe. Follow IX-a.
VIII-c N.N. Boothe, son of Richard Boothe and Catharine Oke.
Child of N.N. out of an unknown relation:
1 Philip Boothe. Title: werd geridderd.
VIII-d William (Edmund) Boothe, son of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. William (Edmund) married to Margery Hopton. Note re Margery: dochter van Sir William Hopton van Swillington, Ridder.
Children of William (Edmund) and Margery:
1 Philip Boothe. Title: geridderd door Henry VII. Note re Philip: de mannelijke lijn stierf uit in de derde generatie.
2 N.N. Boothe. Follow IX-b.
VIII-e Lucy Boothe, daughter of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Lucy married to John Chantrell.
VIII-f Ellen Boothe, daughter of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Ellen married to Robert Leigh. Note re Robert: van Adlington.
VIII-g Mathilda (Margaret) Boothe, daughter of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Mathilda (Margaret) married to Joseph Moberly. Function: Ridder. Title: Sir.
VIII-h Ralphe Boothe, son of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Ralphe married to Margaret Sibell. Note re the marriage: twee dochters maar geen mannelijke nakomelingen. Note re Margaret: dochter en enig erfgename van Thomas Sibell van Kent.
VIII-i William Boothe, son of Robert Boothe and Dulcis (Dulcia) Venables. Function: Ridder. Title: Sir. Note re William: van Dunham Massey. William married to Matilda (Maude) Dutton. Note re the marriage: volgens de boeken vijf zonen en negen dochters, maar de genealogie van Lady Stamford maakt maar melding van een zoon en drie dochters. Sir William Booth ontving van koning Henry VI een lijfrente voor verdiensten aan de kroon. Note re Matilda (Maude): dochter van Joseph Dutton, Heer van Dutton, in Cheshire; ze overleefde haar man en hertrouwde.
Children of William and Matilda (Maude):
1 Catherine Booth. Note re Catherine: jong overleden.
2 Matilda (Margery) Booth. Follow IX-e.
3 Dulcia Booth. Follow IX-d.
4 Anne Booth. Follow IX-c.
5 Richard Booth. Note re Richard: jong overleden.
6 Laurence Booth. Note re Laurence: jong overleden.
7 John Booth. Note re John: jong overleden.
8 William Booth. Note re William: jong overleden.
9 Ellen Booth. Note re Ellen: jong overleden.
10 Alice Booth. Note re the death of Alice: jong overleden.
11 Elizabeth Booth. Note re Elizabeth: jong overleden.
12 Joan Booth. Note re Joan: jong overleden.
13 Isabella Booth. Note re Isabella: jong overleden.
14 George Booth. Follow IX-f.
IX-a Rogerus Boothe, son of Robert Boothe.
Child of Rogerus out of an unknown relation:
1 Richardus Boothe. Follow X-a.
IX-b N.N. Boothe, daughter of William (Edmund) Boothe and Margery Hopton. N.N. married to William Litton.
Child of N.N. and William:
1 Rowland Litton.
IX-c Anne Booth, daughter of William Boothe and Matilda (Maude) Dutton. Anne married to N.N. Asherly. Note re N.N.: van Asherly.
IX-d Dulcia Booth, daughter of William Boothe and Matilda (Maude) Dutton. Dulcia married to Thomas Leigh. Note re Thomas: van Westhall.
IX-e Matilda (Margery) Booth, daughter of William Boothe and Matilda (Maude) Dutton. Matilda (Margery) married to Joseph Leigh de Boothes.
IX-f George Booth, son of William Boothe and Matilda (Maude) Dutton. George is deceased in 1483. Note re the death of George: overleden in het eerste jaar van Richard III (1483). Title: Sir. George married to Catherine Mountfort. Note re the marriage: dit huwelijk bracht Sir George een groot aantal kastelen en landerijen in de graafschappen Salop, Stafford, Warwick, Leicester, Hereford, Wilts, Somerset, Devon en Cornwall. Note re Catherine: dochter en erfgename van Robert Mountfort uit het graafschap Stafford. De Mountforts waren verwant aan Koning David van Schotland en aan de familie Clinton.
Children of George and Catherine:
1 Roger Booth. Note re Roger: waarschijnlijk jong overleden.
2 Margaretta (Ellen) Booth. Follow X-c.
3 Elizabeth (Alice) Booth. Follow X-b.
4 Laurence Booth. Note re Laurence: waarschijnlijk jong overleden.
5 William Booth, born in Bolin, Dunham Massey, Engeland. Follow X-d.
X-a Richardus Boothe, son of Rogerus Boothe.
Child of Richardus out of an unknown relation:
1 Robertus Boothe. Follow XI-a.
X-b Elizabeth (Alice) Booth, daughter of George Booth and Catherine Mountfort. Elizabeth (Alice) married to William Massey. Note re William: van Denfield.
X-c Margaretta (Ellen) Booth, daughter of George Booth and Catherine Mountfort. Margaretta (Ellen) married to N.N. Trafford. Note re N.N.: van Trafford.
X-d William Booth was born in Bolin, Dunham Massey, Engeland, son of George Booth and Catherine Mountfort. William is deceased on saturday 19-11-1519. Note re the death of William: overleden in het 11e jaar van Henry VIII, begraven te Bowden. Function: Ridder. Title: Sir. William:
(1) married to Margarette Ashton. Margarette is deceased before 1504. Title: Lady. Note re Margarette: dochter en mede-erfgename van Thomas Ashton de Ashton, Lancashire; Ridder via zijn vrouw Anue, dochter van Lord Greyslock en Wemm, "door wie een grote erfenis in Lancashire en Cheshire in bezit kwam van de familie Bouthe". Dit eigendom was in1771 in het bezit van Gravin Douarière van Stamford.
(2) married after 1504 to Alionoria (Ellen) Montgomery. Note re Alionoria (Ellen): dochter en mede-erfgename van Sir John Montgomery van Kewby in Staffordshire.
Children of William and Margarette:
1 John Booth. Follow XI-e.
2 George Booth, born in 1491 in Dunham, Engeland. Follow XI-f.
Children of William and Alionoria (Ellen):
1 William Booth.
2 Edward Booth. Note re Edward: voorvader van de Twemlow Booths.
3 Hamlet Booth.
4 Henry Booth.
5 Anne Booth. Follow XI-b.
6 Joane (Jane) Booth. Follow XI-d.
7 Dorothy Booth. Follow XI-c.
8 Andrew Booth. Andrew is deceased in 1539. Note re the death of Andrew: in het 31e jaar van Henry VIII. Andrew remained unmarried.
XI-a Robertus Boothe, son of Richardus Boothe.
Child of Robertus out of an unknown relation:
1 Robertus Boothe. Follow XII-a.
XI-b Anne Booth, daughter of William Booth and Alionoria (Ellen) Montgomery. Anne married to William Brereton.
XI-c Dorothy Booth, daughter of William Booth and Alionoria (Ellen) Montgomery. Dorothy married to Edward Warre.
XI-d Joane (Jane) Booth, daughter of William Booth and Alionoria (Ellen) Montgomery. Joane (Jane) married to Hugh Dutton.
XI-e John Booth, son of William Booth and Margarette Ashton. John married to N.N. Dutton. Note re N.N.: dochter van Sir Pierre Dutton.
Children of John and N.N.:
1 William Booth, born in Dutton, Cheshire, Engeland.
2 Robert Booth, born in Dutton, Cheshire, Engeland.
XI-f George Booth was born in 1491 in Dunham, Engeland, son of William Booth and Margarette Ashton. George is deceased in 1531 in Warrington, Lancashire, Engeland, 40 years old. Note re the death of George: overleden in het 32e jaar van Henry VIII. Title: Sir. George married in Warrington, Lancashire, Engeland to Elizabeth Butler. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Sir Thomas Butler van Bewsey (Beausay), Ridder, bij Warrington, Lancashire; waarvan nazaten waren opgeroepen naar het Parlement tijdens het bewind van Edward I en II.
Children of George and Elizabeth:
1 Elizabeth Booth. Follow XII-h.
2 Dorothy Booth. Follow XII-g.
3 Anne Booth. Follow XII-f.
4 John Booth. Follow XII-e.
5 Robert Booth.
6 Alice Booth. Follow XII-d.
7 Margaret Booth. Follow XII-c.
8 Ellen Booth. Follow XII-b.
9 Roger Booth. Note re Roger: jong overleden.
10 Cecil Booth. Note re Cecil: jong overleden.
11 George Booth, born about 1515. Follow XII-i.
XII-a Robertus Boothe, son of Robertus Boothe.
Child of Robertus out of an unknown relation:
1 Rogerus Boothe, born about 1600. Note re Rogerus: de mannelijke lijn is uitgestorven.
XII-b Ellen Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Ellen married to John Carrington. Note re John: van Carrington.
XII-c Margaret Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Margaret married to Peter Leicester.
XII-d Alice Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Alice married to William Damport.
XII-e John Booth, son of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Title: Sir.
Children of John out of an unknown relation:
1 Henry Booth.
2 Edward Booth.
3 Robert Booth.
4 William Booth.
XII-f Anne Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Anne married to William Massey.
XII-g Dorothy Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Dorothy married to Robert Tatton.
XII-h Elizabeth Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Elizabeth married to Richard Sutton.
XII-i George Booth was born about 1515, son of George Booth and Elizabeth Butler. Note re the birth of George: tussen 1515 en 1516. George is deceased in 1544, about 29 years old. Note re the death of George: Trentham Church, Staffordshire. Note re George: Lady Mary, gravin-weduwe van Stamford (1771), heeft ook een brief bewaard van Henry VIII aan Sir George Booth, 10 februari 1543, over legers die moeten worden opgericht tegen de Schotten. George:
(1) married, at the age of about 16 years, in 1531 to Margaret Bulkeley. Note re Margaret: dochter van Rowland Bulkeley, van Benmorris (Anglesea), Ridder. George and Margaret remained childless.
(2) married, at the age of about 16 years, after 1531 to Elizabeth Trafford. Elizabeth is deceased in 1582. Note re the death of Elizabeth: Trentham Church, Staffordshire. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Sir Edward Trafford, in Lancashire, Ridder. Als lid van een van de families van stand kreeg hij op last van koningin Jane Seymour een officiële brief, 12 oktober 1529, waarin de geboorte van haar zoon werd aangekondigd, de latere Edward VI, gedateerd op de dag van zijn geboorte, bewaard door Lady Mary, gravin-weduwe van Stamford (1771).
Children of George and Elizabeth:
1 Elizabeth Booth. Follow XIII-b.
2 Amey (Anne) Booth.
3 Mary Booth. Follow XIII-a.
4 William Booth, born in 1540. Follow XIII-c.
XIII-a Mary Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Trafford. Mary married to Randall Davenport. Note re Randall: van Kenbury.
XIII-b Elizabeth Booth, daughter of George Booth and Elizabeth Trafford. Elizabeth married to William Chantrell de Bache.
XIII-c William Booth was born in 1540, son of George Booth and Elizabeth Trafford. He was buried 09-1579 in Bowden, Cheshire, Engeland. Function: Sheriff van Chester 1571, Ridder 1578. Title: Sir. William married to Elizabeth Warburton. Elizabeth is deceased 12-1628. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Sir John Warburton, van Airley, Cheshire, Ridder.
Children of William and Elizabeth:
1 Elizabeth Booth. Note re Elizabeth: jong overleden.
2 Mary Booth.
3 Alice Booth.
4 Edward (Edmund) Booth. Occupation: advocaat. Edward (Edmund) remained childless.
5 Eleanor Booth. Follow XIV-c.
6 Peter Booth. Note re Peter: jong overleden.
7 Dorothy Booth. Follow XIV-a.
8 Susan Booth. Follow XIV-b.
9 William Booth. William is deceased before 1579.
10 Robert Booth. Robert is deceased in 1628. Occupation: legerofficier.
11 John Booth. John is deceased in 1644. Note re John: 3 zoons en 1 dochter.
12 George Booth, born about 1567. Follow XIV-d.
13 Richard Booth. Follow XIV-e.
XIV-a Dorothy Booth, daughter of William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton. Dorothy married to N.N. Broughton.
XIV-b Susan Booth, daughter of William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton. Susan married to Edward Warren.
XIV-c Eleanor Booth, daughter of William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton. Eleanor married to N.N. Panton.
XIV-d George Booth was born about 1567, son of William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton. Note re George: was pas 12 jaar toen zijn vader overleed, werd ridder toen hij volwassen was en opvolger van de nalatenschap van zijn vader, werd tweemaal High Sheriff van Cheshire en Lancashire. Hij trouwde twee keer en had vijf zonen en zeven dochters.. George married to N.N. Anderson. Note re the marriage: "George, born in 1557, was the first Lord Delamere, was committed to the Tower; tried for high treason and unanimously acquitted by a court of 27 Peers. He was made Privy Counseller, Chancellor of the Exchequer and was created Earl of Warrington. He had 17 children, one of whom was Richard (baptized, 1578, and died in 1628) the fifth son, from whom the first Booths of America are descended."
"His three sons--Robert, Richard and John landed at New Haven, Conn., in 1639. Richard settled in Stratford, Conn.; John in Southold, Long Island, while Robert went north.". Note re N.N.: dochter van Judge Anderson van de King's Bench.
Child of George and N.N.:
1 William Booth. Follow XV-a.
XIV-e Richard Booth, son of William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton. He was baptized in 1578. Richard is deceased 12-1628 in Cheshire, Engeland. Note re Richard: van hem stammen volgens de traditie de Boothen van Barrow, in Cheshire, en die in New England, U.S.A. af. Richard married to N.N. Massey. Note re N.N.: Massey of Cogshill in Cheshire.
Children of Richard and N.N.:
1 John Booth, born in Cheshire, Engeland.
2 Robert Booth, born in 1602 in Devonshire, Engeland. Follow XV-b.
3 Richard Booth, born in 1607 in Engeland. Follow XV-c.
XV-a William Booth, son of George Booth and N.N. Anderson. Note re the death of William: overleden vóór zijn vader.
Child of William out of an unknown relation:
1 George Booth, born 08-1622. Follow XVI-a.
XV-b Robert Booth was born in 1602 in Devonshire, Engeland, son of Richard Booth and N.N. Massey. Robert is deceased on thursday 26-10-1673 in Saco, York County, Maine, U.S.A., 71 years old. Address: (kwam in 1639 aan in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. uit Engeland, woonde in 1645 in Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, U.S.A., woonde van juli 1653 tot zijn overlijden in Saco, York County, Maine, U.S.A.). Robert married, at the age of about 24 years, about 1626 to Deborah N.N..
Children of Robert and Deborah:
1 Mary Booth, born on thursday 30-09-1627. Follow XVI-b.
2 Ellen Booth, born 02-1633. Follow XVI-c.
3 Simeon Booth, born on friday 10-05-1641. Follow XVI-d.
4 Martha Booth, born on wednesday 12-04-1645. Follow XVI-e.
5 Robert Booth, born on saturday 24-07-1655.
XV-c Richard Booth was born in 1607 in Engeland, son of Richard Booth and N.N. Massey. Richard is deceased about 1690 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., about 83 years old. Note re Richard: voorvader van de familie Booth van Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., emigreerde uit Cheshire, Engeland, tussen 1630 en 1640, was een van de stichters van Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Richard married, at the age of 33 years, in 1640 to Elizabeth Hawley, aged 33 years. Elizabeth was born in 1607 in Parwick, Derby, Engeland. Elizabeth is deceased in 1689 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 82 years old.
Children of Richard and Elizabeth:
1 Elizabeth Booth, born on tuesday 10-09-1641 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVI-f.
2 Anna Booth, born on saturday 14-02-1643 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Anna: 1644?. Note re the death of Anna: tussen 1645-1738?.
3 Ephraim Booth, born on saturday 01-08-1648 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVI-g.
4 Ebenezer Booth, born on sunday 19-11-1651 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVI-h.
5 John Booth, born on thursday 06-11-1653 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVI-i.
6 Joseph Booth, born on monday 08-03-1655 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVI-j.
7 Bethia Booth, born on sunday 18-08-1658 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Bethia: tussen 1659-1752?.
8 Johannah Booth, born on sunday 21-03-1660 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Johannah: 1661?. Note re the death of Johannah: tussen 1662-1755?.
George Booth
XVI-a George Booth was born 08-1622, son of William Booth. George is deceased on tuesday 08-08-1684, 62 years old. He was buried in Bowden, Cheshire, Engeland. Titles: 1st Lord Delamere (Baron Delamer)Sir. George married to Elizabeth Grey. Title: Lady. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Henry Grey, 1e Graaf van Stamford en Anne Cecil, dochter van William Cecil, 2e Graaf van Exeter.
Child of George and Elizabeth:
1 Henry Booth, born on friday 13-01-1651. Follow XVII-a.
XVI-b Mary Booth was born on thursday 30-09-1627, daughter of Robert Booth and Deborah N.N.. Mary married, at the age of 20 years, in 1647 to Walter Penwell.
XVI-c Ellen Booth was born 02-1633, daughter of Robert Booth and Deborah N.N.. Note re the birth of Ellen: 1634?. Ellen married, at the age of 19 years, 07-1652 to Nicholas Bully.
XVI-d Simeon Booth was born on friday 10-05-1641, son of Robert Booth and Deborah N.N.. Simeon is deceased in 1721 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 80 years old. Note re Simeon: kreeg in 1680 een concessie voor land in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Simeon:
(1) married, at the age of 21 years, on friday 05-01-1663 to Rebecca Frost, aged about 23 years. Note re the marriage: 1664?. Rebecca was born about 1640 in Winter Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, U.S.A.. Rebecca is deceased on saturday 25-12-1688, about 48 years old. Note re Rebecca: dochter van Daniel Frost en Elizabeth Barlow.
(2) married, at the age of 52 years, 12-1693 to Elizabeth Elmer.
Children of Simeon and Rebecca:
1 William Booth, born in 1664 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-b.
2 Zechariah Booth, born in 1666 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-c.
3 Elizabeth Booth, born in 1668 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-d.
4 Mary Booth, born in 1670. Follow XVII-e.
5 Rebecca Booth, born about 1672. Rebecca is deceased in 1684 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., about 12 years old.
6 Bridget Booth, born in 1675.
7 Mary Booth, born in 1678 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-f.
Children of Simeon and Elizabeth:
1 Sarah Booth, born in 1695. Follow XVII-g.
2 Pheba Booth, born in 1697.
XVI-e Martha Booth was born on wednesday 12-04-1645, daughter of Robert Booth and Deborah N.N.. Martha married, at the age of 18 years, on tuesday 02-10-1663 to John Laiton.
XVI-f Elizabeth Booth was born on tuesday 10-09-1641 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley. Elizabeth is deceased on friday 24-10-1732 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 91 years old. Elizabeth:
(1) married to Stephen Curtis. Note re the birth of Stephen: tussen 1624-1644. Note re the death of Stephen: tussen 1658-1730.
(2) married, at the age of 17 years, on saturday 19-10-1658 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to John Minor, aged 23 years. John was born on thursday 30-08-1635 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. John is deceased on sunday 17-09-1719 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 84 years old. Occupation: tolk/vertaler voor de Indiaanse missionarissen, die zich vestigden in Woodbury, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Note re John: zoon van Thomas Minor en Grace Palmer.
Children of Elizabeth and John:
1 John Minor, born on tuesday 09-09-1659 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-h.
2 Thomas Minor, born on monday 29-05-1662. Follow XVII-i.
3 Hannah Minor, born on saturday 02-08-1664. Note re the death of Hannah: tussen 1665-1758.
4 Elizabeth Minor, born on saturday 16-01-1666 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-j.
5 Grace Minor, born on saturday 20-09-1670 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-k.
6 Joseph Minor, born on friday 04-03-1672 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-l.
7 Ephraim Minor, born on thursday 24-10-1675 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-m.
8 Abigail Minor, born on monday 06-02-1679 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-n.
9 Sarah Minor, born on monday 19-06-1679 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-o.
10 Joanna Minor, born on sunday 06-06-1683 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-p.
XVI-g Ephraim Booth was born on saturday 01-08-1648 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley. Ephraim is deceased before 1692, at the most 44 years old. Ephraim married, at the age of 26 years, in 1674 to Mary Clark. Note re Mary: hertrouwd in 1692 met Thomas Bennitt uit Newton.
Children of Ephraim and Mary:
1 Bethia Booth. Follow XVII-q.
2 Richard Booth.
3 Mary Booth, born in 1676. Follow XVII-r.
4 Johanna Booth, born 09-1678. Follow XVII-s.
XVI-h Ebenezer Booth was born on sunday 19-11-1651 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley. Ebenezer is deceased in 1732 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 81 years old. Ebenezer married, at the age of about 36 years, about 1687 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Jones. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Richard Jones en Elizabeth Carpenter.
Children of Ebenezer and Elizabeth:
1 Deborah Booth.
2 Edward Booth.
3 Abigail Booth.
4 Benjamin Booth.
5 Ebenezer Booth, born on monday 19-11-1685. Follow XVII-u.
6 Elizabeth Booth, born about 1700 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVII-v.
Children of Ebenezer out of an unknown relation:
1 Abia Booth, born 10-1674. Follow XVII-t.
2 Richard Booth, born 05-1679.
XVI-i John Booth was born on thursday 06-11-1653 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley. Note re the death of John: tussen 1654-1743?. Note re John: de rang Sergeant werd verdiend in de Pequot Oorlog. In 1675 lokte koning Filips een algemene Indiaanse oorlog uit tegen de blanken, brandde vele dorpenaf en doodde mannen, vrouwen en kinderen in de kolonies van Massachusetts, Plymouth en Connecticut. De kolonisten maakten haast om zich te verdedigen en brachten duizend man op de been onder commando van Kolonel Thomas Church voor een expeditie tegen het bolwerk van de vijand in de moerassen van Rhode Island en om actief oorlog te voeren in hun winterkwartieren daar. De stad Stratford bracht voor dit doel een compagnie op de been, onder de vrijwilligers was John Booth, toen pas 22 jaar oud. De mars naar het middelpunt van de oorlog werd in de winter te voet gemaakt door kniediepe sneeuw, bijna 100 mijl en door een onrustig land, waar de vijand zich had verschanst in een vesting in een groot moeras, moeilijk te bereiken, op een eiland van een paar hectare in omvang, omgeven door een brede gracht water, waarvan de diepte reikte tot hun oksels. Dicht naast deze gracht was een barricade van boomstammen, tien of twaalf voet hoog en er werd slechts een ingang ontdekt op een plek, waar een grote boom over de sloot lag waarover men slechts een rij dik kon gaan tussen twee blokhuizen, die de ingang bewaakten. Er was geen pad om snel vooruit te gaan en de Indianen uit het blokhuis te verdringen en het te bezetten. De eerste troepen uit Connecticut die de boomstam overstaken was een compagnie uit hun kolonie; de Indianen stuurden een moordend vuur uit hun musketten dat een groot aantal van deze compagnie doodde. De volgende compagnie vlak erachter was uit Stratford, onder leiding van hun kapitein, die werd neergeschoten zodra hij de boomstam overstak en de meeste mannen naast hem. John Booth, een van de soldaten, was in het midden van deze compagnie die de boomstam overstak. Hij drong naar voren en toen hij zijn hoed opstak om de mannen achter hem aan te moedigen, drong er een musketkogel doorheen, schampte langs zijn hoofd, en zou zijn schedel hebben doorboord als de hoed op de gebruikelijke plaats was. Deze hoed is meer dan een halve eeuw bewaard gebleven in de Booth familie, waarna hij verloren is gegaan. Tegen die tijd waren ze er in geslaagd om de Indianen uit het blokhuis te verdrijven en voorkwamen zo dat de rest van de troepen werd belemmerd door geweervuur vanuit het fort. Het tij keerde in hun voordeel; ze vochten enige tijd wanhopig tegen de Indianen en vóór het einde van de strijd bracht een deel van de troepen uit Massachusetts een ingang tot stand aan de achterkant, waardoor de Indianen tussen twee vuren kwamen, waarbij een groot aantal van hen werd gedood en gewond. De wilden waren volledig omsingeld en verdwenen al snel. Hun wigwams werden verbrand en de vrouwen en kinderen die er in waren kwamen er in om. Men hoopte dat ze koning Philip gevangen konden nemen, maar hij ontsnapte op dat moment, maar werd daarna opgejaagd en doodgeschoten in een moeras, waar hij voor de veiligheid was gevlucht. Na het verlies van het grootste deel van de stam brak hij op uit hun winterkwartieren. John:
(1) married, at the age of 24 years, 06-1678 to Dorothy Hawley. Dorothy is deceased in 1710. Note re Dorothy: dochter van Thomas Hawley van Roxbury.
(2) married, at the age of at least 57 years, after 1710 to Hannah Clark. Hannah is deceased in 1717. Note re Hannah: weduwe van Robert Clark.
Child of John and Dorothy:
1 Thomas Booth, born on monday 13-03-1679.
XVI-j Joseph Booth was born on monday 08-03-1655 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley. Note re the birth of Joseph: 1656?. Joseph is deceased on saturday 01-09-1703, 48 years old. He was buried in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Joseph: tussen 1695-1747?. Joseph married to Hannah Wilcoxine. Note re the marriage: trouwde 3 keer, 7 kinderen met zijn tweede vrouw
voorvader van alle Booth´en die nu in Stratford wonen.
Child of Joseph and Hannah:
1 Joseph Booth, born in 1692. Follow XVII-w.
Henry Booth
XVII-a Henry Booth was born on friday 13-01-1651, son of George Booth and Elizabeth Grey. Henry is deceased on saturday 02-01-1694, 42 years old. Occupation: burgemeester van Chester in 1691. Title: 2nd Lord Delamere, 1st Earl Warrington in 1687 (volgde zijn vader op als de 2e Baron Delamer in 1684, werd Graaf van Warrington in 1690). Note re Henry: volgde zijn vader op in de adelstand en werd zeer beroemd in de Engelse geschiedenis. Hij was ridder van het graafschap, custos rotulorum, en lid van het Parlement voor Cheshire. Hij viel op door zijn verzet tegen de katholieken. Hij ontwikkelde de Bill of Exclusion (Wet van Uitsluiting), het bewaken van de protestantse opvolging, waarvoor hij werd bedankt door Lord Russell. In de laatste jaren van Charles II en na de toetreding van James II, werd hij twee keer in de Tower gevangen gezet, stond terecht onder laatst genoemde tiran voor hoogverraad, en werd unaniem vrijgesproken door de rechtbank van zevenentwintig peers. Daarna trok hij zich terug in Dunham Massey tot de Revolutie, waar hij deel uitmaakte van een commissie van drie edelen benoemd door de Prins van Oranje om aan James te vragen zich uit Whitehall terug te trekken. Hij werd Privy Counsellor (geheim raadslid), kanselier van de schatkist. Tijdens de revolutie van 1688 verklaarde Delamer zich voorstander van Willem van Oranje, en verzamelde een leger in Cheshire om hem te ondersteunen. Nadat William was geïnstalleerd als William III, maakte hij Delamer kanselier van de schatkist in 1689. Hij schreef een aantal politieke documenten, die zijn gepubliceerd na zijn dood zoals "De werken van de Right Honourable Henry, Late L. Delamer, en Graaf van Warrington". Hij schreef ook een verhandeling ter rechtvaardiging van zijn vriend, Edward Russell. Henry married, at the age of 19 years, on monday 07-07-1670 to Mary Langham.
Children of Henry and Mary:
1 Elizabeth Booth.
2 Mary Booth.
3 George Booth, born on thursday 02-05-1675. Follow XVIII-a.
XVII-b William Booth was born in 1664 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Simeon Booth and Rebecca Frost. William is deceased on tuesday 07-08-1753 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 89 years old. William married, at the age of 29 years, on sunday 30-08-1693 to Hannah Burroughs. Note re Hannah: dochter van John Burroughs.
Children of William and Hannah:
1 Caleb Booth, born on monday 15-08-1695.
2 Joshua Booth, born on thursday 16-05-1697 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVIII-b.
XVII-c Zechariah Booth was born in 1666 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Simeon Booth and Rebecca Frost. Zechariah is deceased on sunday 28-05-1741 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 75 years old. Zechariah married, at the age of 30 years, on monday 28-05-1696 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Mary Harmon.
XVII-d Elizabeth Booth was born in 1668 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of Simeon Booth and Rebecca Frost. Elizabeth is deceased in 1722 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 54 years old. Elizabeth married, at the age of 25 years, on sunday 11-10-1693 to Jonathan Pease.
XVII-e Mary Booth was born in 1670, daughter of Simeon Booth and Rebecca Frost. Mary married, at the age of 30 years, on friday 10-12-1700 to Israel Meachum.
XVII-f Mary Booth was born in 1678 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of Simeon Booth and Rebecca Frost. Mary is deceased on sunday 03-09-1724 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 46 years old. Mary married, at the age of 21 years, on saturday 28-02-1699 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Ebenezer Spencer, aged 30 years. Ebenezer was born in 1669 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Ebenezer is deceased on wednesday 12-04-1741 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 72 years old. Note re Ebenezer: zoon van Obadiah Spencer, geboren ca 1639 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., overleden ca 1712, getrouwd met Mary Disborough/Disbrow, geboren 1641 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., overleden voor 1709.
Child of Mary and Ebenezer:
1 Ann Spencer, born about 1716 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVIII-c.
XVII-g Sarah Booth was born in 1695, daughter of Simeon Booth and Elizabeth Elmer. Sarah married to Daniel Perry.
XVII-h John Minor was born on tuesday 09-09-1659 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. John is deceased on monday 14-03-1729 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 69 years old. Note re the death of John: 1730?. John married, at the age of about 26 years, about 1685 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Sarah Rose.
XVII-i Thomas Minor was born on monday 29-05-1662, son of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Thomas married, at the age of 30 years, in 1692 to Hannah Curtis.
XVII-j Elizabeth Minor was born on saturday 16-01-1666 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Elizabeth: 1667?. Elizabeth is deceased on friday 19-12-1749, 83 years old. Elizabeth married to Zecheriah Walkers.
XVII-k Grace Minor was born on saturday 20-09-1670 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Grace is deceased on monday 16-04-1753, 82 years old. Grace married, at the age of 17 years, on sunday 11-04-1688 in Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Samuel Grant, aged 28 years. Samuel was born on sunday 20-04-1659 in Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Samuel is deceased on thursday 08-05-1710 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 51 years old. Occupation: timmerman, mede-eigenaar van een zaagmolen. Note re Samuel: zoon van Samuel Grant en Mary Porter.
XVII-l Joseph Minor was born on friday 04-03-1672 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Joseph: 1673?. Joseph is deceased on sunday 30-10-1774, 102 years old. Joseph married, at the age of 38 years, on saturday 12-07-1710 to Susanna Root.
XVII-m Ephraim Minor was born on thursday 24-10-1675 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Ephraim is deceased on thursday 16-09-1762 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 86 years old. Ephraim married, at the age of 25 years, on sunday 21-08-1701 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Rebecca Curtis.
XVII-n Abigail Minor was born on monday 06-02-1679 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Abigail: 1680?. Abigail married, at the age of 19 years, on saturday 08-02-1698 to John Treadwell. Note re the marriage: 1699?.
XVII-o Sarah Minor was born on monday 19-06-1679 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Sarah married, at the age of 20 years, on monday 02-11-1699 to Stephen Curtis.
XVII-p Joanna Minor was born on sunday 06-06-1683 in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of John Minor and Elizabeth Booth. Joanna is deceased on wednesday 24-05-1741, 57 years old. Joanna married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 12-02-1705 to William Gaylord. Note re the marriage: 1706?.
XVII-q Bethia Booth, daughter of Ephraim Booth and Mary Clark. Bethia married in 1702 to Samuel Hawley. Note re the marriage: neef en nicht.
XVII-r Mary Booth was born in 1676, daughter of Ephraim Booth and Mary Clark. Mary married, at the age of 34 years, 09-1710 to Agar Fairchild.
XVII-s Johanna Booth was born 09-1678, daughter of Ephraim Booth and Mary Clark. Johanna:
(1) married, at the age of 21 years, in 1699 to John Sherwood.
(2) married, at the age of 23 years, in 1701 to Thomas Hawley.
XVII-t Abia Booth was born 10-1674, daughter of Ebenezer Booth. Abia married to Joseph Beach.
XVII-u Ebenezer Booth was born on monday 19-11-1685, son of Ebenezer Booth and Elizabeth Jones. Address: (ging wonen in Newtown, Connecticut, U.S.A.). Note re Ebenezer: ancestor of Sabra Sherman who married Daniel Booth of Bridgewater. Ebenezer married, at the age of 24 years, in 1709 to Mary Clark. Note re Mary: dochter van James Clark.
XVII-v Elizabeth Booth was born about 1700 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of Ebenezer Booth and Elizabeth Jones. Elizabeth married, at the age of about 21 years, on tuesday 21-01-1721 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Caleb Beardsley. Note re the marriage: 1722?.
XVII-w Joseph Booth was born in 1692, son of Joseph Booth and Hannah Wilcoxine. Joseph married to Rebecca Moorehouse.
Child of Joseph and Rebecca:
1 Stephen Booth, born on monday 17-11-1721 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XVIII-d.
George Booth
XVIII-a George Booth was born on thursday 02-05-1675, son of Henry Booth and Mary Langham. George is deceased on wednesday 02-08-1758, 83 years old. Title: 3rd Lord Delamere, 2nd Earl Warrington (als de oudste overlevende zoon erfde hij de titel van graaf van Warrington na de dood van zijn vader in 1693). Note re George: na zijn dood stierf de graaftitel Warrington uit, terwijl de familie titels van Baron Delamer en de Baronetcy verleend in 1611 overgingen op neef Nathaniel Booth. Maar zijn enige dochter, Lady Mary Booth, de vrouw van Henry Grey, 4e Graaf van Stamford, erfde alle Booth bezittingen, met inbegrip van Dunham Massey. Hun zoon werd Graaf van Warrington. George married, at the age of 27 years, in 1702 to Mary Oldbury. Note re Mary: oudste dochter van John Oldbury, een handelaar, van Sint-Dunstan's in het oosten en zijn vrouw, Mary Bohun.
Child of George and Mary:
1 Mary Booth. Follow XIX-a.
XVIII-b Joshua Booth was born on thursday 16-05-1697 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of William Booth and Hannah Burroughs. Joshua is deceased on wednesday 21-09-1757, 60 years old. Joshua married, at the age of 25 years, on saturday 05-09-1722 to Ruth Grant.
Children of Joshua and Ruth:
1 Jonathan Booth.
2 Hannah Booth. Follow XIX-b.
3 Sibyl Booth.
4 Ambrose Booth. Ambrose is deceased in 1759.
5 Oliver Booth, born on saturday 29-12-1725 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XIX-c.
6 Ruth Booth, born on monday 20-09-1728.
7 William Booth, born on saturday 20-10-1731.
8 Sarah Booth, born in 1743. Sarah is deceased on friday 13-03-1744, 1 year old. Note re the death of Sarah: 1745?.
9 Freegrace Booth, born in 1747. Freegrace is deceased on sunday 17-10-1751, 4 years old.
XVIII-c Ann Spencer was born about 1716 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., daughter of Ebenezer Spencer and Mary Booth. Ann is deceased on tuesday 03-09-1793, about 77 years old. Ann married, at the age of about 17 years, on sunday 10-05-1733 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A. to Israel Markham, aged 27 years. Israel was born on thursday 18-02-1706 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Israel is deceased before 1797 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., at the most 91 years old. Note re Israel: zoon van Daniel Markham II en Deborah Meacham.
XVIII-d Stephen Booth was born on monday 17-11-1721 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Joseph Booth and Rebecca Moorehouse. Stephen is deceased on saturday 04-11-1769 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., 47 years old. Stephen married, at the age of at the most 16 years, before 1737 to Esther Osborne, aged at the most 16 years. Esther was born in 1721 in Connecticut, U.S.A.
Children of Stephen and Esther:
1 Elizabeth Booth.
2 George Booth, born in 1737 in Sandwich, Kent, Engeland. Follow XIX-d.
3 Stephen Booth, born in 1751 in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XIX-e.
XIX-a Mary Booth, daughter of George Booth and Mary Oldbury. Title: Lady. Note re Mary: erfde alle Booth bezittingen, met inbegrip van Dunham Massey. Mary married to Henry Gray (Grey). Note re the marriage: hun zoon werd Graaf van Warrington. Title: Rt. Hon. Earl Stamford (4e Graaf van Stamford).
XIX-b Hannah Booth, daughter of Joshua Booth and Ruth Grant. Hannah married on thursday 10-11-1768 to Samuel Pease.
XIX-c Oliver Booth was born on saturday 29-12-1725 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Joshua Booth and Ruth Grant. Oliver is deceased on tuesday 25-08-1807 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A., 81 years old. Oliver:
(1) married, at the age of 25 years, in 1750 to Ruth Ingam.
(2) married, at the age of 76 years, 04-1802 to Anna Way.
Children of Oliver and Ruth:
1 Ruth Booth, born in 1752. Follow XX-a.
2 Freegrace Booth, born in 1754. Follow XX-b.
3 Epaphras Booth, born in 1757. Follow XX-c.
4 Joshua Booth, born in 1758 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A.. Follow XX-d.
5 Oliver Booth, born on sunday 06-09-1761. Follow XX-e.
6 Susannah Booth, born on sunday 05-08-1764. Follow XX-f.
7 Jonathan Booth, born on sunday 24-05-1767. Note re the death of Jonathan: tussen 1767 en 1768.
8 Jonathan Booth, born on sunday 04-06-1769. Follow XX-g.
XIX-d George Booth was born in 1737 in Sandwich, Kent, Engeland, son of Stephen Booth and Esther Osborne. George is deceased in 1813 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 76 years old. Note re the death of George: Simmons Cemetery, Floyd County, Virgina, U.S.A.. Note re George: George Booth, de eerste van de familie in Amerika, werd geboren in Engeland rond het jaar 1745, als zoon van een Engelse Graaf. Het verhaal gaat in de familie dat hij in het geheim aan boord van een schip naar Amerika werd gestuurd als een tiener om zijn leven te redden. Toen hij nog thuis was probeerden hij en een paar buurjongens hun sterkte door het optillen van een steen aan de oever van een beek waarin ze hadden gezwommen. George Booth verplaatste de steen. Later bleek dat deze steen een hoeksteen was van een perceel grond. Toendertijd was het in Engeland een overtreding om een 'hoekje op het land' te verplaatsen. Hij was een energieke man, reed vaak te paard van zijn huis in Little River naar het oude huis in de staat New York, bracht veel kudden paarden terug. Hij woonde jarenlang in de Floyd County en ligt begraven op zijn land. De Booth's waren prominente boeren en grootgrondbezitters, zoals blijkt uit de namen van vijf van de familie die op een lijst (Land Tax Book) staan van de grootste grondbezitters in de county toen het werd georganiseerd in 1831. Dat waren George, Abner, Jozef, Daniel en Isaac. In het Confederate leger waren vier namen bij de veteranen van Stuart's Horse Artillery - dat waren: Lewis Boothe, Noah R. Boothe, J.W. Boothe, en Thomas Boothe. Cornelius Boothe was lid van Company B, Virginia 42e Infanterie, onder de kapiteins Henry Lane en Abner Dobbyns, gevangen op Chancellorsville in mei 1863 en overleden in de gevangenis te Elmira, New York, in 1864. Wright Boothe was Orderly Sergeant onder kapitein Sparrel Griffith in Company H, 54e Infanterie. William Boothe was lid van de Company G, 21e Virginia Cavalerie, onder kapitein A.O. Dobbyns, gevangen genomen en overleden in de gevangenis in Camp Chase. Abner Boothe was lid van Kolonel Robert L. Preston 's Reserves, onder kapitein Andrew J. Graham.
29-12-2012 Webreactie by Brian Boothe (US): Question: You show that Richard Booth was born in 1607 in England and that he was the first to come to Stratford, Fairfeild, CT in the US. You also show that his son and grandsons are all born in Stratford, Fairfeild, CT in the US. But then you show George Booth was born in 1737 in Sandwich, Kent, England. How can it be that George Booth is born in England yet his father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc., are all born in Stratford, Fairfeild, CT in the US? Suggestion: Maybe George was sent from England to his family in the US. A possibility is that Stephen Booth and Esther Osborne were not his biological parents. Do you know the answer to this question? Send us a message. |
George married, at the age of at the most 21 years, before 1758 in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York, U.S.A. to Permelia Rite, aged about 19 years. Permelia was born about 1739 in Engeland. Permelia is deceased after 01-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 76 years old. Note re the death of Permelia: Simmons Cemetery, Floyd County, Virgina, U.S.A.
Children of George and Permelia:
1 Rhodie Booth.
2 Ruth Booth. Follow XX-h.
3 Isaac Booth, born on thursday 27-04-1758 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-i.
4 Elizabeth Booth, born in 1762 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Elisha Booth, born in 1766 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-j.
6 George Booth, born in 1769 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-k.
7 Permilia Booth, born in 1770 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-l.
8 Abijah Booth, born in 1771 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-m.
9 Daniel Booth, born in 1776 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-n.
10 Stephen Booth, born about 1778 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-o.
11 Tamer Booth, born about 1780 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-p.
12 Wright Booth, born about 1781 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
13 Riley Booth, born about 1783 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
14 Nellie Booth, born about 1785 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XX-q.
XIX-e Stephen Booth was born in 1751 in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Stephen Booth and Esther Osborne. Stephen is deceased on saturday 26-08-1815 in Russell County, Virginia, U.S.A., 64 years old. Note re the death of Stephen: 05-09-1815?. Stephen:
(1) married to Nancy Ann N.N.. Nancy Ann was born in New York, U.S.A.
(2) married to Nancy Anne Cosby. Nancy Anne is deceased after 1825.
Children of Stephen and Nancy Ann:
1 William Booth.
2 Joseph Booth.
3 Rachel Booth.
4 Jerusha Booth.
5 Nancy Booth.
6 James Booth.
7 David Booth. David is deceased in 1814.
8 Stephen Booth, born in 1768 in New York, U.S.A.. Follow XX-r.
Children of Stephen and Nancy Anne:
1 Elkins Booth.
2 Stephen Booth, born in 1768 in New York, U.S.A.
3 William Booth, born about 1770. Follow XX-s.
4 Jerutia (Jerusha) Booth, born on tuesday 07-05-1771. Follow XX-t.
5 Nancy Ann Booth, born on sunday 11-10-1772 in Westchester County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XX-u.
6 Joseph Booth, born in 1774 in Westchester County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XX-v.
7 Rachel Booth, born about 1774. Follow XX-w.
8 James Booth, born on saturday 18-06-1791 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
9 David Booth, born about 1795. David is deceased on thursday 24-11-1814 in Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A., about 19 years old (cause: gesneuveld in de oorlog van 1812).
XX-a Ruth Booth was born in 1752, daughter of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Ruth married, at the age of 17 years, on sunday 23-04-1769 to Samuel Day.
Children of Ruth and Samuel:
1 Oliver Day, born on saturday 17-03-1770.
2 Lucy Day, born on saturday 17-03-1770.
3 Ruth Day, born on thursday 03-03-1774.
4 Mahala Day, born on tuesday 12-03-1776.
5 Samuel Day, born on sunday 08-03-1778. Samuel is deceased on tuesday 06-10-1789, 11 years old.
6 Elam Day, born on wednesday 15-03-1780.
7 Joshua Day, born on friday 01-03-1782.
8 Benoria Day, born on thursday 10-06-1784.
9 Clarissa Day, born on tuesday 16-01-1787.
10 Nancy Day, born on wednesday 04-02-1789.
XX-b Freegrace Booth was born in 1754, son of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Freegrace is deceased on thursday 07-12-1837, 83 years old. Freegrace married to N.N. Parnell.
Children of Freegrace and N.N.:
1 Roswell Booth, born on monday 15-07-1782. Follow XXI-a.
2 Eliphalet Booth, born on sunday 19-10-1783. Follow XXI-b.
3 Arvilla Booth, born on wednesday 21-09-1785. Follow XXI-c.
4 Pheny Booth, born on wednesday 16-01-1788.
5 Sabria Booth, born on thursday 19-11-1789. Follow XXI-d.
6 Ruth Booth, born on sunday 11-09-1791.
7 Lendia Booth, born on friday 17-01-1794.
8 Hosea Booth, born on saturday 17-09-1796.
9 Joshua Booth, born on friday 07-03-1800. Joshua is deceased on monday 27-07-1846, 46 years old.
XX-c Epaphras Booth was born in 1757, son of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Epaphras is deceased on friday 13-02-1852, 95 years old. Epaphras:
(1) married to Elizabeth N.N..
(2) married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 01-06-1780 to Edy Roundy.
Child of Epaphras and Elizabeth:
1 Emerson Booth, born on thursday 26-01-1815.
Children of Epaphras and Edy:
1 Royal Booth, born on monday 09-04-1781.
2 Philena Booth, born on monday 04-08-1783.
3 Clarinda Booth, born on friday 01-06-1787. Follow XXI-e.
4 Collins Booth, born on sunday 14-02-1790. Collins is deceased on tuesday 16-02-1790, 2 days old.
5 Nathan Booth, born on sunday 27-11-1791. Follow XXI-f.
6 William Booth, born on sunday 22-11-1795. William is deceased on wednesday 25-11-1795, 3 days old.
7 Lorra Booth, born on wednesday 29-03-1797.
XX-d Joshua Booth was born in 1758 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A., son of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Joshua is deceased on tuesday 17-12-1816 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A., 58 years old. Note re Joshua: Op een loonlijst van kapitein Uriah Wilcox's compagnie in kolonel Bellows' Register van Militie, welk regiment het garnizoen op Ticonderoga ging versterken toen het door de vijand werd verslagen in juni 1777, toont Joshua Booth als soldaat, in dienst op 28 juni 1777, ontslagen op 9 juli 1777. Op een loonlijst van kapitein Christopher Wethers' van kolonel Horbart's Regiment in generaal Starks' Brigade welke compagnie marcheerde van Walpole, New Hampshire, en zich aansloot bij het Noordelijk Continentaal Leger in 1777 toont Joshua Booth als soldaat, in dienst op 21 juli 1777, ontslagen 22 september 1777.. Joshua married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 16-06-1785 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A. to Mehitable Slader.
Children of Joshua and Mehitable:
1 Alfred Booth, born on friday 03-03-1786. Alfred is deceased in 1871, 85 years old.
2 Truman Booth, born on wednesday 17-10-1787. Follow XXI-g.
3 Oliver Booth, born on saturday 14-08-1790 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-h.
4 Ellis Booth, born on sunday 05-08-1792. Ellis is deceased on tuesday 05-02-1793, 6 months old.
5 Mason Booth, born on thursday 09-10-1794. Mason is deceased on thursday 20-03-1879, 84 years old.
XX-e Oliver Booth was born on sunday 06-09-1761, son of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Oliver is deceased in 1825, 64 years old. Oliver married, at the age of 24 years, on sunday 20-11-1785 to Mary Story.
Children of Oliver and Mary:
1 Asaph Booth, born on friday 10-03-1786.
2 Enos Booth, born on thursday 01-01-1789. Follow XXI-i.
3 Simeon Booth, born on saturday 13-02-1790. Follow XXI-j.
4 Eddatha Booth, born on monday 11-07-1791.
5 Harma Booth, born on wednesday 01-05-1793. Follow XXI-k.
6 Almira Booth, born on friday 26-09-1794.
7 Betsey Booth, born on sunday 20-03-1796. Follow XXI-l.
8 Marion Booth, born on wednesday 11-12-1799.
9 Emma Booth, born on wednesday 09-12-1801.
XX-f Susannah Booth was born on sunday 05-08-1764, daughter of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Susannah is deceased on monday 05-02-1816, 51 years old. Susannah married, at the age of 25 years, on friday 15-01-1790 to John Way.
Children of Susannah and John:
1 William Way, born on sunday 05-12-1790.
2 Olive Way, born on sunday 12-08-1792.
3 Phebe Way, born on monday 14-07-1794.
4 Leonard Way, born on wednesday 29-06-1796.
5 Betsey Way, born on friday 29-06-1798.
6 Lucinda Way, born on sunday 29-06-1800.
7 Orpha Way, born on monday 19-12-1803.
8 John Way, born on tuesday 03-12-1805.
XX-g Jonathan Booth was born on sunday 04-06-1769, son of Oliver Booth and Ruth Ingam. Jonathan is deceased on monday 24-06-1839, 70 years old. Jonathan married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 11-11-1790 to Dolly Scott.
Children of Jonathan and Dolly:
1 Relief Booth, born on friday 25-03-1791.
2 Statire Booth, born on friday 21-09-1792.
3 Ansel Booth, born on thursday 06-02-1794.
4 William Booth, born on saturday 10-10-1795.
5 Orra Booth, born on wednesday 19-06-1799.
6 Hannah Booth, born on saturday 07-11-1801.
7 Dolly Booth, born on tuesday 09-08-1803.
8 Mary Elvira Booth, born on monday 14-11-1808.
XX-h Ruth Booth, daughter of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Ruth:
(1) married to N.N. Karn. N.N. is deceased before 1797.
(2) married on monday 21-08-1797 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Thomas Ashley.
XX-i Isaac Booth was born on thursday 27-04-1758 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Isaac is deceased 07-1837 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A., 79 years old. Occupation: farmer. Isaac:
(1) married, at the age of about 22 years, about 1780 to Frelove Booth, aged about 16 years. Note re the marriage: waarschijnlijk in New York. Frelove was born on tuesday 17-04-1764. Frelove is deceased on friday 15-12-1809 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 45 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 52 years, on tuesday 23-10-1810 in Franklin County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Ferguson, aged 37 years. Mary was born on saturday 26-06-1773. Mary is deceased after 1840, at least 67 years old.
Children of Isaac and Frelove:
1 Abner Booth, born on sunday 25-02-1781 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-m.
2 George Booth, born on sunday 20-04-1783 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. George is deceased after 1837, at least 54 years old.
3 Daniel Booth, born on tuesday 05-04-1785 in Frederick Township, Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-n.
4 Isaac Booth, born on tuesday 17-04-1787 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-o.
5 Frelove Booth, born on friday 10-04-1789 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-p.
6 Anna Booth, born on thursday 26-05-1791 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-q.
7 Hannah Booth, born on monday 06-05-1793 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Hannah is deceased before 1800, at the most 7 years old.
8 Drucilla Booth, born on tuesday 17-03-1795 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-r.
9 Adah Booth, born on friday 07-04-1797 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-s.
10 Elizabeth Booth, born on wednesday 08-05-1799 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A.. Elizabeth is deceased about 1805, about 6 years old.
11 Henry Stephen Booth, born on sunday 15-02-1801. Follow XXI-t.
Children of Isaac and Mary:
1 Ferguson Booth, born on tuesday 01-10-1811. Follow XXI-u.
2 Riley Wright Booth, born on thursday 23-09-1813 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-v.
3 Robert G. Booth, born on wednesday 19-04-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-w.
4 Permelia Booth, born on friday 25-04-1817. Permelia is deceased in 1842, 25 years old. Note re the death of Permelia: mogelijk Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A.. Note re Permelia: mogelijk getrouwd met N.N. Austin.
XX-j Elisha Booth was born in 1766 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Elisha married, at the age of 25 years, on monday 14-03-1791 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rebecca Lorton, aged about 25 years. Rebecca was born about 1766.
XX-k George Booth was born in 1769 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. George is deceased in 1801 in Kanawha County, Virginia, U.S.A., 32 years old. George married, at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 23-12-1789 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Sarah Clarisa Howard, aged about 20 years. Sarah Clarisa was born about 1769. Sarah Clarisa is deceased in 1801 in Kanawha County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 32 years old. Note re the death of Sarah Clarisa: overleed 4 maanden na haar echtgenoot en liet kinderen achter, de oudste ca 12 jaar, de jongste 13 maanden oud. Note re Sarah Clarisa: dochter van William Howard.
Children of George and Sarah Clarisa:
1 Abijah Booth, born in 1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-x.
2 Robert Booth, born on sunday 12-08-1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-y.
3 George Booth, born about 1796 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Rachel Booth, born about 1798 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-z.
5 William Booth, born about 1800. William is deceased about 1885, about 85 years old.
6 Permelia Booth, born on saturday 13-09-1800 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-aa.
XX-l Permilia Booth was born in 1770 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Permilia married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 12-04-1787 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Cyrus Howard, aged 22 years. Cyrus was born in 1765 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Cyrus is deceased in 1816 in Union Township, Brown County, Ohio, U.S.A., 51 years old. Note re Cyrus: zoon van James Howard en Mary N.N.
Children of Permilia and Cyrus:
1 Abner Howard.
2 Milly Howard.
3 James Howard.
4 Tamer Howard, born on monday 28-02-1791 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ab.
XX-m Abijah Booth was born in 1771 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Abijah is deceased in 1841 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A., 70 years old. He was buried in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A.. Abijah married, at the age of 18 years, on tuesday 29-12-1789 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rhoda Ellen Howard, aged about 18 years. Rhoda Ellen was born about 1771 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Rhoda Ellen is deceased after 1860, about 89 years old. Note re Rhoda Ellen: dochter van James Howard en Mary N.N.
Children of Abijah and Rhoda Ellen:
1 Polly Booth, born about 1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ac.
2 Mary Booth, born on wednesday 08-08-1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ad.
3 George H. Booth, born in 1795 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ae.
4 Austin Booth, born in 1796 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-af.
5 Delilah Booth, born on sunday 23-07-1797 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ag.
6 Riley Booth, born in 1800 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ah.
7 Sarah Booth, born about 1804 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ai.
XX-n Daniel Booth was born in 1776 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Daniel is deceased on monday 12-10-1857 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 81 years old. Daniel:
(1) married, at the age of 29 years, on friday 24-05-1805 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Sarah McAlexander, aged 19 years. Sarah was born in 1786 in Henry County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Sarah is deceased about 1824, about 38 years old. Note re Sarah: dochter van William McAlexander en Jenny N.N.
(2) married, at the age of 51 years, on thursday 28-06-1827 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rachel Graham, aged about 27 years. Rachel was born about 1800.
(3) married, at the age of 60 years, on tuesday 27-12-1836 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Susannah Hubbard, aged about 52 years. Susannah was born about 1784 in Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of Daniel and Sarah:
1 Tamar Booth, born on saturday 05-04-1806 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-aj.
2 Permelia Booth, born about 1808 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ak.
3 Son (zoon?) Booth, born about 1810 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 George J. Booth, born about 1810. Follow XXI-al.
5 Nancy Booth, born on monday 18-02-1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-am.
6 William C. Booth, born on wednesday 02-02-1814 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-an.
7 Sarah Booth, born on friday 16-10-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ao.
8 Son (zoon?) Booth, born about 1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A..
Children of Daniel and Rachel:
1 Enos Booth.
2 Edith Booth, born 02-1828 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ap.
3 Julyann Rachel Booth, born about 1830. Follow XXI-aq.
4 Asa H. Booth, born in 1832 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ar.
XX-o Stephen Booth was born about 1778 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Stephen married, at the age of about 21 years, on tuesday 01-01-1799 to Polly Booth, aged about 21 years. Polly was born about 1778.
XX-p Tamer Booth was born about 1780 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Tamer is deceased in 1844 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., about 64 years old. Note re the death of Tamer: of 1845 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Tamer married, at the age of about 18 years, on thursday 27-12-1798 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William H. McAlexander, aged 55 years. William H. was born on sunday 13-01-1743 in Davis Creek, Albemarle County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of William H.: 1744?. William H. is deceased on friday 08-03-1822 in Rockcastle Creek, Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 79 years old. Note re William H.: zoon van James McAlexander. Soldaat in de Revolutionaire Oorlog, drie keer getrouwd en vader van 21 kinderen. Een van zijn nakomelingen is generaal Ulysses Grant McAlexander, de held uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog, die bekend staat als "De Rots van de Marne". Vestigde zich in 1773 op een concessie wat nu Patrick County, Virginia, heet en bracht de rest van zijn leven op zijn plaats op Rockcastle Creek. Mogelijk in het buitenland geboren. William had 11 kinderen uit zijn eerste huwelijk, van wie er 5 trouwden met Booth's. Er wordt verondersteld dat Tamar zijn tweede vrouw was en dat Sarah McAlexander, die trouwde met Tamar's broer Daniel, een kind van William was uit zijn eerste huwelijk.
Children of Tamer and William H.:
1 David McAlexander, born in 1798 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-as.
2 John McAlexander, born in 1800 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-at.
3 Milly McAlexander, born on thursday 03-09-1801 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-au.
4 Daniel McAlexander, born in 1804 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-av.
5 Samuel McAlexander, born in 1808 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-aw.
6 Isabela McAlexander, born in 1809 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ax.
7 Tamar McAlexander, born in 1813 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ay.
8 Rachel McAlexander, born on tuesday 16-12-1817 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-az.
XX-q Nellie Booth was born about 1785 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George Booth and Permelia Rite. Nellie married to Hughlen Lester. Hughlen was born about 1785.
XX-r Stephen Booth was born in 1768 in New York, U.S.A., son of Stephen Booth and Nancy Ann N.N.. Stephen:
(1) married, at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 01-01-1799 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Booth.
(2) married, at the age of 89 years, on tuesday 21-04-1857 to Rebecca Taylor.
Children of Stephen and Mary:
1 Son (zoon?) Booth.
2 Dau (daughter = dochter?) Booth.
3 Jamison Booth, born 06-1806 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXI-ba.
XX-s William Booth was born about 1770, son of Stephen Booth and Nancy Anne Cosby. William married, at the age of about 60 years, on wednesday 04-08-1830 to Sally Stugill.
XX-t Jerutia (Jerusha) Booth was born on tuesday 07-05-1771, daughter of Stephen Booth and Nancy Anne Cosby. Jerutia (Jerusha) married, at the age of 18 years, on saturday 28-11-1789 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Elijah Elkins.
XX-u Nancy Ann Booth was born on sunday 11-10-1772 in Westchester County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Stephen Booth and Nancy Anne Cosby. Nancy Ann is deceased on wednesday 17-11-1852, 80 years old. Nancy Ann married, at the age of 17 years, on monday 28-06-1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to George Bishop, aged 25 years. George was born on saturday 17-11-1764 in Maryland, U.S.A.. George is deceased on thursday 27-05-1852, 87 years old.
XX-v Joseph Booth was born in 1774 in Westchester County, New York, U.S.A., son of Stephen Booth and Nancy Anne Cosby. Joseph is deceased on sunday 08-03-1868 in Russell County, Virginia, U.S.A., 94 years old. Joseph married to Jane Cromwell. Jane is deceased before 1860.
XX-w Rachel Booth was born about 1774, daughter of Stephen Booth and Nancy Anne Cosby. Rachel married, at the age of about 25 years, on wednesday 11-12-1799 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to James Dickson.
XXI-a Roswell Booth was born on monday 15-07-1782, son of Freegrace Booth and N.N. Parnell. Roswell is deceased on wednesday 11-01-1854, 71 years old. Roswell married, at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 27-11-1805 to Matilda Hurd.
Children of Roswell and Matilda:
1 Solon Booth, born on wednesday 14-10-1807.
2 Solon Alonzo Booth, born on sunday 19-04-1812.
3 Hosea Booth, born on monday 11-03-1822.
XXI-b Eliphalet Booth was born on sunday 19-10-1783, son of Freegrace Booth and N.N. Parnell. Eliphalet:
(1) married, at the age of 24 years, on sunday 22-11-1807 to Ruth Hurd.
(2) married, at the age of 31 years, on sunday 06-08-1815 to Sarah Taplin.
Children of Eliphalet and Ruth:
1 Albert Eliphalet Booth, born on friday 14-09-1810.
2 Cyntha Day Booth, born on monday 27-04-1812.
Children of Eliphalet and Sarah:
1 Frederic Booth, born on wednesday 29-01-1817.
2 James Booth, born on thursday 27-05-1819.
3 George Booth, born on tuesday 24-09-1822.
4 Ruth Maria Booth, born on sunday 12-09-1824.
5 Charles Booth, born on wednesday 07-03-1827. Charles is deceased on sunday 24-09-1899, 72 years old.
6 Sarah Booth, born on monday 30-11-1829. Sarah is deceased on friday 16-03-1832, 2 years old.
XXI-c Arvilla Booth was born on wednesday 21-09-1785, daughter of Freegrace Booth and N.N. Parnell. Arvilla is deceased on tuesday 12-07-1808, 22 years old. Arvilla started a relationship with Throop Nichols.
XXI-d Sabria Booth was born on thursday 19-11-1789, daughter of Freegrace Booth and N.N. Parnell. Sabria married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 23-11-1809 to Milton Bingham.
XXI-e Clarinda Booth was born on friday 01-06-1787, daughter of Epaphras Booth and Edy Roundy. Clarinda married, at the age of 36 years, on thursday 11-03-1824 to Daniel Brooks.
XXI-f Nathan Booth was born on sunday 27-11-1791, son of Epaphras Booth and Edy Roundy. Nathan:
(1) married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 30-12-1813 to Betsey L. Smith.
(2) married, at the age of 33 years, on friday 10-12-1824 to Esther Bradford.
Child of Nathan and Betsey L.:
1 Emily Booth, born on tuesday 09-01-1821.
Children of Nathan and Esther:
1 Sylvia Booth, born on monday 02-01-1826.
2 Olive Booth, born on thursday 13-09-1827.
3 Sylvester Booth, born on thursday 14-10-1830.
XXI-g Truman Booth was born on wednesday 17-10-1787, son of Joshua Booth and Mehitable Slader. Truman is deceased on wednesday 06-04-1853, 65 years old. Truman married to Sophia Spencer.
Children of Truman and Sophia:
1 Emiline Booth, born in 1814. Emiline is deceased on monday 17-02-1879, 65 years old.
2 Harriet Booth, born in 1817. Harriet is deceased in 1869, 52 years old.
3 Arville Booth, born in 1823. Arville is deceased on sunday 25-09-1898, 75 years old.
4 Almon Booth, born in 1825.
XXI-h Oliver Booth was born on saturday 14-08-1790 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A., son of Joshua Booth and Mehitable Slader. Oliver is deceased on sunday 07-05-1876, 85 years old. Oliver married, at the age of 21 years, on saturday 14-03-1812 to Eunice Smith.
Children of Oliver and Eunice:
1 Silas S. Booth, born on monday 14-11-1814. Follow XXII-a.
2 Joshua W. Booth, born on tuesday 22-10-1816 in Goshen, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-b.
XXI-i Enos Booth was born on thursday 01-01-1789, son of Oliver Booth and Mary Story. Enos married, at the age of 25 years, on monday 24-01-1814 to Mary Way.
XXI-j Simeon Booth was born on saturday 13-02-1790, son of Oliver Booth and Mary Story. Simeon is deceased 12-1872, 82 years old. Simeon married, at the age of 26 years, on thursday 28-03-1816 to Lydia Hebard.
XXI-k Harma Booth was born on wednesday 01-05-1793, daughter of Oliver Booth and Mary Story. Harma is deceased in 1891, 98 years old. Harma married, at the age of 28 years, on sunday 13-01-1822 to Elisha Lillie.
XXI-l Betsey Booth was born on sunday 20-03-1796, daughter of Oliver Booth and Mary Story. Betsey is deceased on friday 19-04-1861, 65 years old. Betsey married to Horatio Lillie.
XXI-m Abner Booth was born on sunday 25-02-1781 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Abner is deceased 08-1836 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 55 years old. Occupation: farmer. Note re Abner: getrouwd rond 1800 mogelijk in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A. met N.N., geboren rond 1783, overleden vóór 1836 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of Abner out of an unknown relation:
1 Son (zoon?) Booth.
2 Isaac A. Booth, born in 1803 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-c.
3 Alfred Booth, born in 1805 in Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Proninah Booth, born in 1807 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 George Booth, born in 1809 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Elizabeth Booth, born in 1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-d.
7 Catherine Booth, born in 1813 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
8 John Booth, born in 1816 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-e.
9 Diannah Booth, born in 1817 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-f.
10 Angelina Booth, born in 1821 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-g.
11 Abner Booth, born on sunday 13-04-1823 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-h.
XXI-n Daniel Booth was born on tuesday 05-04-1785 in Frederick Township, Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Daniel is deceased on friday 16-12-1853 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 68 years old. Note re the death of Daniel: Symmes Baptist Church, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer. Religion:Baptist. Daniel:
(1) married to Martha Arbaugh.
(2) married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 24-04-1806 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary McAlexander, aged 21 years. Mary was born in 1785 in Henry County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Mary is deceased in 1854 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 69 years old. Religion:Baptist. Note re Mary: dochter van William McAlexander en Jenny N.N.
Children of Daniel and Mary:
1 Lucretia Booth, born in 1807 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-i.
2 Nancy A. Booth, born on monday 21-11-1808 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-j.
3 William Booth, born in 1811 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-k.
4 Mary Booth, born on wednesday 06-10-1813 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Mary is deceased on friday 06-05-1831 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 17 years old. Note re the death of Mary: Symmes Creek Baptist Church, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
5 Elizabeth Booth, born in 1814 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-l.
6 Eveline Booth, born in 1818 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-m.
7 Zillah Booth, born in 1819.
8 Elisha Booth, born in 1821 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-n.
9 Daniel Booth, born on sunday 13-10-1822 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Daniel is deceased on friday 30-09-1825 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 2 years old. Note re the death of Daniel: Symmes Creek Baptist Church, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
10 Andrew J. Booth, born on sunday 21-11-1824 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-o.
11 Henrietta Booth, born about 1825 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-p.
XXI-o Isaac Booth was born on tuesday 17-04-1787 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Isaac is deceased on thursday 03-05-1855 in Pilot Mountain, Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 68 years old (cause: gevallen van een buggy). Note re the death of Isaac: White Oak Grove Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer. Isaac:
(1) married, at the age of 20 years, on sunday 03-05-1807 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy Agnes McAlexander, aged 26 years. Nancy Agnes was born on friday 27-04-1781 in Henry County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy Agnes is deceased on wednesday 30-11-1842 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 61 years old. Note re the death of Nancy Agnes: White Oak Grove Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Nancy Agnes: dochter van William McAlexander en Jenny N.N.
(2) married, at the age of 56 years, on monday 30-10-1843 in Franklin County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Theodocia Radford, aged about 32 years. Theodocia was born about 1811 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Theodocia: dochter van James Radford en Mary N.N.
Children of Isaac and Nancy Agnes:
1 Dau (daughter = dochter?) Booth, born about 1808 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Dau (daughter = dochter?) is deceased in 1810 in Virginia, U.S.A., about 2 years old.
2 Nancy Ann Booth, born in 1810 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-q.
3 Hannah Booth, born about 1810 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-r.
4 Elizabeth Booth, born about 1812 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-s.
5 Sarah Booth, born about 1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-t.
6 Permelia Booth, born in 1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-u.
7 James Booth, born on thursday 18-05-1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-v.
8 Druzilla C. Booth, born about 1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-w.
9 Adia (Ida) Booth, born about 1824 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Adia (Ida) is deceased on thursday 03-05-1855, about 31 years old.
Child of Isaac and Theodocia:
1 Annie Booth, born about 1846 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-x.
XXI-p Frelove Booth was born on friday 10-04-1789 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Frelove is deceased in 1860, 71 years old. Frelove:
(1) married, at the age of 17 years, on saturday 02-08-1806 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William Ervin.
(2) married, at the age of 45 years, on sunday 17-08-1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Powers.
(3) married, at the age of at least 48 years, after 1837 to Samuel Wharley.
Children of Frelove and William:
1 Son (zoon?) Ervin, born about 1808 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Son (zoon?): tussen 1807 en 1810.
2 Dau (daughter = dochter?) Ervin, born about 1808 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Dau (daughter = dochter?): tussen 1807 en 1810.
XXI-q Anna Booth was born on thursday 26-05-1791 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Anna is deceased on sunday 30-08-1863 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 72 years old. Anna married, at the age of 15 years, on thursday 14-05-1807 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William H. McAlexander, aged 27 years. William H. was born on monday 23-08-1779 in Henry County, Virginia, U.S.A.. William H. is deceased on monday 02-03-1846 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 66 years old. Occupation: farmer. Note re William H.: zoon van William McAlexander en Jenny N.N.
Children of Anna and William H.:
1 Milly McAlexander, born on saturday 05-03-1808 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-y.
2 Burke McAlexander, born on saturday 02-12-1809. Burke is deceased on tuesday 26-12-1809, 24 days old.
3 Nancy McAlexander, born on friday 02-11-1810. Nancy is deceased 02-1811, 2 months old.
4 William H. McAlexander, born on wednesday 29-03-1815 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-z.
5 Anna McAlexander, born on tuesday 31-10-1815. Follow XXII-aa.
6 Margaret McAlexander, born on thursday 31-07-1817. Margaret is deceased on friday 27-07-1821, 3 years old.
7 Isaac R. McAlexander, born on sunday 15-08-1819. Isaac R. is deceased on friday 07-12-1821, 2 years old.
8 Reuben R. McAlexander, born on saturday 03-11-1821. Reuben R. is deceased on wednesday 29-10-1823, 1 year old.
9 Lavina Lucinda McAlexander, born on tuesday 03-06-1823 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ab.
10 Elizabeth McAlexander, born on tuesday 15-09-1829. Follow XXII-ac.
11 Adah McAlexander, born on friday 02-03-1832. Adah is deceased on thursday 07-06-1838, 6 years old.
XXI-r Drucilla Booth was born on tuesday 17-03-1795 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Drucilla is deceased on thursday 05-05-1864 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 69 years old. Note re the death of Drucilla: Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, Getaway, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Drucilla:
(1) married to N.N. Sanfson. N.N. was born in 1787. N.N. is deceased in 1861, 74 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 02-08-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Samuel Langdon, aged 52 years. Samuel was born on wednesday 26-01-1763 in New York, U.S.A.. Samuel is deceased on friday 09-08-1861 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 98 years old. Note re the death of Samuel: Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, Getaway, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
Children of Drucilla and Samuel:
1 Mary (Adah?) Langdon, born in 1817 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ad.
2 James L. Langdon, born on thursday 14-10-1819 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ae.
3 Elisha Langdon, born about 1821 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-af.
4 Elijah Langdon, born in 1822. Follow XXII-ag.
5 Melinda Langdon, born in 1824 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ah.
6 Female Langdon, born about 1826 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
7 Isaac J. Langdon, born about 1827 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ai.
8 Samuel A. Langdon, born about 1829 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-aj.
9 Daniel H. Langdon, born about 1831 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ak.
10 Milly Langdon, born about 1833 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
11 Emilia Virginia Langdon, born in 1834 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-al.
XXI-s Adah Booth was born on friday 07-04-1797 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Adah is deceased on tuesday 08-07-1828 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 31 years old. Adah married, at the age of 19 years, on tuesday 26-11-1816 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Robert Booth, aged 24 years. Robert was born on sunday 12-08-1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Sarah Clarisa Howard. Robert is deceased on sunday 17-02-1861 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 68 years old. Address: (verhuisde naar Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.). Occupation: farmer.
Children of Adah and Robert:
1 Zillah Booth, born on friday 29-08-1817 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-am.
2 Flemmon S. Booth, born on sunday 02-05-1819. Follow XXII-an.
3 Merritt Washington Booth, born on saturday 27-01-1821. Follow XXII-ao.
4 Robert Campbell Booth, born on thursday 18-04-1822 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Robert Campbell is deceased on tuesday 28-11-1893 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 71 years old. Robert Campbell remained unmarried.
5 Daniel Booth, born on monday 22-03-1824. Daniel is deceased on saturday 27-09-1845, 21 years old. Daniel remained unmarried.
6 Emilia Booth, born on monday 10-10-1825. Follow XXII-ap.
7 Anna Booth, born on friday 27-01-1826. Follow XXII-aq.
XXI-t Henry Stephen Booth was born on sunday 15-02-1801, son of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Henry Stephen is deceased on monday 02-03-1846, 45 years old. Henry Stephen married, at the age of 28 years, on sunday 05-04-1829 to Millie N.N..
XXI-u Ferguson Booth was born on tuesday 01-10-1811, son of Isaac Booth and Mary Ferguson. Ferguson is deceased on tuesday 01-08-1876, 64 years old. Ferguson:
(1) married, at the age of 17 years, on sunday 05-04-1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Millie N.N., aged 19 years. Millie was born on friday 19-05-1809. Millie is deceased on sunday 30-08-1846, 37 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 47 years, in 1858 to Susanna Rogers Buckles.
Children of Ferguson and Millie:
1 Levina Booth, born on friday 19-02-1830 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Levina is deceased on wednesday 06-02-1850 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A., 19 years old.
2 Eli C. Booth, born on saturday 25-02-1832 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Eli C. is deceased on friday 25-07-1834 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A., 2 years old.
3 Nathaniel Thompson Booth, born on monday 03-03-1834 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Nathaniel Thompson is deceased on tuesday 08-08-1854, 20 years old.
4 Peridign Booth, born on wednesday 02-03-1836 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A.. Peridign is deceased on monday 25-07-1836 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A., 4 months old.
5 Mary Booth, born on sunday 10-09-1837 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ar.
6 Sarah Booth, born on sunday 06-12-1840.
7 James Harvey Booth, born on monday 21-11-1842 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A.. James Harvey is deceased 10-1868, 25 years old.
XXI-v Riley Wright Booth was born on thursday 23-09-1813 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Mary Ferguson. Riley Wright is deceased after 1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., at least 57 years old. Occupation: arbeider (deed dienst in de Burgeroorlog, 2nd Orderly Sergeant, Compagnie H, 54th Virginia Infanterie). Riley Wright married, at the age of 33 years, on thursday 17-12-1846 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Rogers.
Children of Riley Wright and Elizabeth:
1 Andrew J. Booth, born 12-1848.
2 Elenda Booth, born in 1852.
3 Frances Booth, born in 1854.
4 Milton Booth, born in 1857.
5 Wright Booth, born in 1857.
6 William Booth, born 02-1861. Follow XXII-as.
XXI-w Robert G. Booth was born on wednesday 19-04-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Mary Ferguson. Robert G. is deceased on wednesday 29-01-1862 in Corinth, Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A., 46 years old. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoner van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.). Robert G. married, at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 14-05-1839 in Chester County, South Carolina, U.S.A. to Mary Kirkpatrick, aged about 22 years. Mary was born about 1817 in South Carolina, U.S.A.. Mary is deceased after 1860, about 43 years old.
Children of Robert G. and Mary:
1 Louis B. Booth, born about 1840 in South Carolina, U.S.A. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoner van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.). Occupation: timmerman.
2 Elizabeth F. Booth, born about 1842 in South Carolina, U.S.A.. Elizabeth F. is deceased after 1860, about 18 years old. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoonster van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
3 Mary J. Booth, born about 1845 in Mississippi, U.S.A. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoonster van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
4 Sarah Booth, born about 1847 in Mississippi, U.S.A. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoonster van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
5 Lucy A. Booth, born about 1851. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoonster van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
6 Jesse R. Booth, born about 1854 in Mississippi, U.S.A. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoner van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
7 William P. Booth, born about 1858 in Mississippi, U.S.A. Address: (bij de volkstelling van 1860 inwoner van Tishomingo County, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
XXI-x Abijah Booth was born in 1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Sarah Clarisa Howard. Abijah is deceased in 1830 in Hardeman County, Tennessee, U.S.A., 38 years old. Address: (verhuisde naar Tennessee, U.S.A.). Abijah married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 24-08-1815 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lucy Hubbard.
Children of Abijah and Lucy:
1 John Booth.
2 Jesse Booth, born about 1818 in Virginia, U.S.A.
3 Abijah Howard Booth, born on tuesday 02-07-1822 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-at.
4 Lucy Booth, born about 1825 in Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Elizabeth Booth, born about 1827 in Virginia, U.S.A..
XXI-y Robert Booth was born on sunday 12-08-1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George Booth and Sarah Clarisa Howard. Robert is deceased on sunday 17-02-1861 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 68 years old. Address: (verhuisde naar Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.). Occupation: farmer. Robert:
(1) married, at the age of 24 years, on tuesday 26-11-1816 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Adah Booth, aged 19 years. Adah was born on friday 07-04-1797 in Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Frelove Booth. Adah is deceased on tuesday 08-07-1828 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 31 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 36 years, on thursday 09-04-1829 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Nancy Oliver Eaton, aged 35 years. Nancy Oliver was born on monday 03-06-1793.
Children of Robert and Adah:
1 Zillah Booth, born on friday 29-08-1817 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-am.
2 Flemmon S. Booth, born on sunday 02-05-1819. Follow XXII-an.
3 Merritt Washington Booth, born on saturday 27-01-1821. Follow XXII-ao.
4 Robert Campbell Booth, born on thursday 18-04-1822 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Robert Campbell is deceased on tuesday 28-11-1893 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 71 years old. Robert Campbell remained unmarried.
5 Daniel Booth, born on monday 22-03-1824. Daniel is deceased on saturday 27-09-1845, 21 years old. Daniel remained unmarried.
6 Emilia Booth, born on monday 10-10-1825. Follow XXII-ap.
7 Anna Booth, born on friday 27-01-1826. Follow XXII-aq.
Children of Robert and Nancy Oliver:
1 Isaac Booth, born on monday 30-11-1829 in Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-au.
2 Rachel Booth, born on saturday 15-12-1832 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-av.
3 Oliver S. Booth, born on wednesday 16-04-1834 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-aw.
XXI-z Rachel Booth was born about 1798 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George Booth and Sarah Clarisa Howard. Rachel is deceased after 1880 in Boone, Washington County, Tennessee, U.S.A., about 82 years old. Rachel married, at the age of about 24 years, on saturday 19-01-1822 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Austin Helder Hylton, aged 28 years. Austin Helder was born in 1794. Austin Helder is deceased in 1879 in Washington County, Tennessee, U.S.A., 85 years old.
Children of Rachel and Austin Helder:
1 Hardin Price Hylton, born on monday 11-11-1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ax.
2 Susannah Hylton, born about 1825 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Susannah remained unmarried.
3 Rheta Hylton, born about 1827 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Rheta: tussen 1825 en 1830. Rheta is deceased about 1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 8 years old. Note re the death of Rheta: tussen 1830 en 1840.
4 Latissa Hylton, born about 1828 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Asa Hylton, born about 1832 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Emelia Edna Hylton, born on tuesday 04-11-1834 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ay.
7 Anna Hylton, born about 1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-az.
8 Solomon Hylton, born on thursday 20-09-1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ba.
9 Martha E. Hylton, born on friday 20-03-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bb.
XXI-aa Permelia Booth was born on saturday 13-09-1800 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George Booth and Sarah Clarisa Howard. Permelia is deceased after 1850 in Virginia, U.S.A., at least 50 years old. Permelia married, at the age of 22 years, on friday 28-02-1823 in Grayson County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Hyram Hylton, aged 19 years. Hyram was born in 1804 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Hyram is deceased in 1880, 76 years old. Occupation: farmer.
Children of Permelia and Hyram:
1 Elijah Hylton.
2 Nathaniel Hylton.
3 Isaac Hylton, born about 1824 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bc.
4 Zachariah Hylton, born in 1825 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bd.
5 Archibald Hylton, born in 1830 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-be.
6 Rachel Hylton, born on tuesday 16-11-1830 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bf.
7 Ira Hylton, born about 1833 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
8 Ananias Hylton, born in 1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Ananias is deceased on thursday 08-04-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 23 years old.
9 Elizabeth Hylton, born on wednesday 16-08-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bg.
10 Almira Hylton, born in 1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bh.
11 Chester (Chesley) Hylton, born on friday 18-02-1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bi.
XXI-ab Tamer Howard was born on monday 28-02-1791 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Cyrus Howard and Permilia Booth. Tamer is deceased on saturday 14-04-1860 in Eagle Creek, Huntington Township, Brown County, Ohio, U.S.A., 69 years old. Tamer married, at the age of 18 years, in 1809 in Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, U.S.A. to John B. Cochran. Title: generaal.
XXI-ac Polly Booth was born about 1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Polly married, at the age of about 21 years, on friday 08-11-1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Joseph Carroll, aged about 20 years. Joseph was born about 1791.
XXI-ad Mary Booth was born on wednesday 08-08-1792 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Mary is deceased in 1850 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A., 58 years old. Mary married, at the age of 22 years, on monday 16-01-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Alexander McAlexander, aged 20 years. Alexander was born on monday 24-02-1794 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Alexander is deceased after 1870 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A., at least 76 years old. Address: (verhuisde naar Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A.). Note re Alexander: zoon van William McAlexander en Jenny N.N.
Children of Mary and Alexander:
1 Hannah McAlexander, born in 1811. Follow XXII-bj.
2 Rhoda McAlexander, born on monday 04-12-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bk.
3 Mary McAlexander, born about 1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bl.
4 Noah McAlexander, born on tuesday 22-10-1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bm.
5 Nancy McAlexander, born 12-1825 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy is deceased about 1909, about 84 years old.
XXI-ae George H. Booth was born in 1795 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. George H. is deceased on saturday 14-12-1872 in Alum Ridge, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 77 years old. Occupation: farmer. George H. married, at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 13-03-1816 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lucy Reed, aged 31 years. Lucy was born in 1785 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Lucy is deceased about 1855, about 70 years old. Note re the death of Lucy: tussen 1850 en 1860. Note re Lucy: dochter van Peter Reed en N.N. Spencer.
Children of George H. and Lucy:
1 Rhoda Booth, born about 1820 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bn.
2 Mary Booth, born in 1821. Follow XXII-bo.
3 Lucy Booth, born in 1827 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bp.
4 Lewis P. Booth, born in 1829 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bq.
5 Emet Peter Booth, born on saturday 15-10-1831 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-br.
6 Riley R. Booth, born in 1833 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bs.
7 George B. Booth, born in 1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bt.
8 Noah R. Booth, born on tuesday 14-07-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bu.
9 Sallie Booth, born about 1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
10 Merry Booth, born about 1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXI-af Austin Booth was born in 1796 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Austin is deceased in 1870 in Silverton, Marion County, Oregon, U.S.A., 74 years old. Address: (verhuisde in 1831 naar Jackson County, Missouri, in 1852 naar Silverton, Oregon). Austin:
(1) married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 13-05-1819 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lucy May Harris, aged about 23 years. Lucy May was born about 1796 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Lucy May is deceased in 1852 in Clackamas County, Oregon, U.S.A., about 56 years old. Note re Lucy May: dochter van Reuben Harris en Margaret McAlexander.
(2) married, at the age of 57 years, on friday 16-09-1853 in Silverton, Marion County, Oregon, U.S.A. to Catherine Hagy, aged about 57 years. Catherine was born about 1796.
Children of Austin and Lucy May:
1 Reuben H. Booth, born on sunday 02-07-1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bv.
2 James Riley Booth, born on friday 01-03-1822 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bw.
3 Louisa A. Booth, born about 1827 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bx.
4 Clayborne B.L. Booth, born about 1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-by.
5 Abijah Harrison Booth, born on sunday 22-08-1830 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-bz.
6 John Booth, born about 1835 in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A.. John is deceased in 1852 in Oregon, U.S.A., about 17 years old. Note re the death of John: Oregon Trail.
XXI-ag Delilah Booth was born on sunday 23-07-1797 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Delilah is deceased on wednesday 10-08-1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 73 years old. Delilah married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 08-01-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Thomas Weeks Simmons, aged 19 years. Thomas Weeks was born on tuesday 10-04-1798 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Thomas Weeks is deceased on tuesday 14-04-1857 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 59 years old. Note re Thomas Weeks: zoon van Charles Simmons en N.N. Weeks.
Children of Delilah and Thomas Weeks:
1 John T. Simmons. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "A" 24th Virginia Infanterie.
2 Otey Taylor Simmons, born on tuesday 15-09-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ca.
3 Matilda Simmons, born about 1821 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cb.
4 Mary Amanda Simmons, born on friday 20-02-1824 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cc.
5 Roley Madison Simmons, born on wednesday 25-01-1826 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cd.
6 William B. Simmons, born in 1830 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ce.
7 Montague Howard Simmons, born on monday 28-05-1832 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Montague Howard is deceased on thursday 18-11-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 43 years old. Occupation: arbeider in 1850.
8 Charles A. Simmons, born on monday 13-10-1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Charles A. is deceased on monday 30-06-1862 in Virginia, U.S.A., 27 years old (cause: gedood in de Burgeroorlog in de slag bij Frazier´s Farm, Virginia). Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Confederate Army - Company A, 24th Virginia Infanterie.
9 Rhoda Ellen Simmons, born on friday 14-07-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Rhoda Ellen is deceased on tuesday 04-03-1902, 64 years old.
10 Thomas Henderson Simmons, born on wednesday 17-07-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Thomas Henderson is deceased on saturday 01-04-1865, 25 years old (cause: gedood in de Burgeroorlog in 1865 in de slag bij Petersburg of Five Forks). Note re the death of Thomas Henderson: 02-04-1865?. Occupation: militaire dienst, sergeant, Confederate Army, Compagnie A, 24th Virginia Infanterie. Note re Thomas Henderson: De Slag bij Five Forks vond plaats op 1 april 1865 ten zuidwesten van Petersburg, Dinwiddie County in de staat Virginia. Deze slag is een deel van de Appomattox Campagne tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Deze slag wordt ook wel eens het Waterloo van de Zuidelijke Staten genoemd. Na de nederlaag van George E. Pickett, werd Robert E. Lee gedwongen om zijn stellingen rond Petersburg te verlaten. De terugtocht van Lee eindigde met de overgaven van zijn leger bij Appomattox Court House op 9 april 1865.11 Delilah Simmons, born in 1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Delilah is deceased in 1895, 54 years old.
Battle at Five Forks
XXI-ah Riley Booth was born in 1800 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Riley is deceased after 1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., at least 70 years old. Occupation: farmer. Riley:
(1) married, at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 03-12-1823 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Clarissa Akers. Note re Clarissa: dochter van Jonathan Akers en Hannah Howard.
(2) married, at the age of 31 years, on thursday 26-05-1831 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Malinda Lester, aged 24 years. Malinda was born in 1807 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Malinda is deceased after 1870, at least 63 years old.
Children of Riley and Clarissa:
1 Warren Booth.
2 Abijah Booth. Abijah is deceased on saturday 21-01-1865 in Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (cause: gevangen genomen bij Cloyd´s Farm, gestorven in de gevangenis in Camp Chase). Occupation: op 09-05-1864 in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "H", 36th Virginia Infanterie. Note re Abijah: Camp Chase was een militair opleidings en gevangen kamp in Columbus, Ohio, tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Alles wat er van het kamp vandaag over is is een Confederate begraafplaats met 2260 graven.3 Mandy Booth, born about 1827 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Camp Chase Ohio
4 Delilah Booth, born on monday 28-09-1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Delilah is deceased on saturday 02-05-1896 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 66 years old.
Children of Riley and Malinda:
1 Abiajah Booth.
2 John Booth.
3 Virginia Ann Booth, born in 1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cf.
4 Monroe Booth, born in 1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Mary Ellen Booth, born in 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cg.
XXI-ai Sarah Booth was born about 1804 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abijah Booth and Rhoda Ellen Howard. Sarah is deceased in 1886, about 82 years old. Sarah married, at the age of about 18 years, on tuesday 05-11-1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Henry Tripp.
XXI-aj Tamar Booth was born on saturday 05-04-1806 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. Tamar is deceased on sunday 12-01-1890, 83 years old. Tamar married, at the age of 28 years, on friday 28-11-1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Thomas R. Simmons, aged 23 years. Thomas R. was born on thursday 20-06-1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Thomas R. is deceased on wednesday 24-12-1873, 62 years old. Occupation: farmer.
Children of Tamar and Thomas R.:
1 James A. Simmons, born on thursday 08-10-1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ch.
2 Andrew J. Simmons, born on saturday 21-10-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ci.
3 Daniel R. Simmons, born on sunday 17-11-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cj.
4 Angeline Simmons, born in 1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 William L. Simmons, born in 1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ck.
6 Susannah Simmons, born about 1848 in Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Levina Simmons, born about 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cl.
8 Rowina Simmons, born in 1851 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cm.
XXI-ak Permelia Booth was born about 1808 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. Permelia married to N.N. Sowers.
XXI-al George J. Booth was born about 1810, son of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. George J. is deceased before 08-1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 35 years old. George J. married, at the age of about 24 years, on monday 21-07-1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Cinthia Webster, aged about 58 years. Cinthia was born about 1776.
Child of George J. and Cinthia:
1 Nancy Jane Booth, born about 1831 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cn.
XXI-am Nancy Booth was born on monday 18-02-1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. Nancy is deceased on sunday 25-08-1878 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 67 years old. Note re the death of Nancy: 25-08-1878? Simmons Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia. Nancy married, at the age of 21 years, on monday 10-12-1832 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John W. Graham, aged about 29 years. John W. was born about 1803 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the death of John W.: Hall's Church Cemetery, Ironto, Virginia. Occupation: farmer. Note re John W.: zoon van William Graham en Mary Elkins.
Children of Nancy and John W.:
1 Zacharias (Zacheus) Graham, born in 1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-co.
2 Alexander Montague Graham, born about 1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cp.
3 Peredine Graham, born on wednesday 25-09-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cq.
4 Paris Montague Graham, born in 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cr.
5 Sarah B. Graham, born on thursday 30-05-1844. Sarah B. is deceased on monday 19-06-1916, 72 years old. Note re the death of Sarah B.: Simmons Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia.
6 Noah Bluford Graham, born about 1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cs.
7 Sarah Octavie (Octavia Sarah) Graham, born about 1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-ct.
8 William B. Graham, born in 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cu.
9 John W. Graham, born about 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A.
10 John Hamilton Graham, born after 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cv.
11 Montague Graham, born after 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Montague is deceased after 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A., about 0 days old.
XXI-an William C. Booth was born on wednesday 02-02-1814 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. William C. is deceased on friday 12-12-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 42 years old. Note re the death of William C.: White Oak Grove Cemetery. Occupation: farmer. William C. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 12-03-1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lucenna Sowers, aged about 22 years. Lucenna was born about 1813 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Lucenna is deceased on monday 08-08-1887 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 74 years old. Note re the death of Lucenna: White Oak Grove Cemetery. Note re Lucenna: dochter van Sarah N.N.
Children of William C. and Lucenna:
1 Sarah Jane Booth, born on sunday 30-10-1836 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cw.
2 Joseph Henderson Booth, born on friday 24-05-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cx.
3 Pleasant Eden Booth, born on saturday 22-05-1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cy.
4 William T. Booth, born on sunday 31-12-1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-cz.
5 Barbaretta Booth, born on monday 06-07-1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-da.
6 Henry Marion Booth, born on thursday 28-12-1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-db.
7 Armistead A. Booth, born on friday 21-11-1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dc.
XXI-ao Sarah Booth was born on friday 16-10-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Sarah McAlexander. Sarah is deceased on sunday 28-02-1886, 67 years old. Sarah married, at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 10-02-1841 to Frederick Sowers. Note re Frederick: zoon van John Sowers en Sarah Phares.
Children of Sarah and Frederick:
1 William Sowers, born about 1842 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dd.
2 Maglin Sowers, born about 1843 in Virginia, U.S.A.
3 Caroline Sowers, born about 1844 in Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Tamar Sowers, born about 1844 in Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Elizabeth J. Sowers, born about 1850 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-de.
XXI-ap Edith Booth was born 02-1828 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Rachel Graham. Edith is deceased after 1900 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., at least 72 years old. Note re the death of Edith: tussen 1900 en 1912; Old Dishon Cemetery, Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia. Occupation: huishoudster (1900). Note re Edith: ze kon lezen maar niet schrijven. Edith married, at the age of 20 years, on friday 04-02-1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Robert A. Graham, aged 23 years. Robert A. was born in 1825 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Robert A. is deceased after 1880 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., at least 55 years old. Note re the death of Robert A.: Old Dishon Cemetery, Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Robert A.: zoon van James Graham en Mary Hollyday.
Children of Edith and Robert A.:
1 Arlevie Graham. Follow XXII-df.
2 William Addison Graham, born 04-1849 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dg.
3 Derius Graham, born in 1851 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dh.
4 Uriah Vermillion Graham, born on monday 21-02-1853 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-di.
5 Harriet M. Graham, born in 1854 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dj.
6 Lethias Graham, born on sunday 06-09-1857 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dk.
7 Asel Graham, born on thursday 04-03-1858 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dl.
8 Noah Graham, born on sunday 08-03-1863 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dm.
9 Molly Mae Graham, born on tuesday 08-10-1867 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXII-dn.
10 N.N. Graham, born on friday 18-03-1870 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.
11 N.N. Graham, born on friday 18-03-1870 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. N.N. is deceased on saturday 20-08-1870 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 5 months old.
XXI-aq Julyann Rachel Booth was born about 1830, daughter of Daniel Booth and Rachel Graham. Julyann Rachel married in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Joseph Miles.
XXI-ar Asa H. Booth was born in 1832 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Daniel Booth and Rachel Graham. Occupation: farmer (diende in de Burgeroorlog als 1e luitenant, bevorderd tot kapitein, compagnie "D", 54th Virginia Infantry). Asa H. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 27-10-1853 to Eliza Jane Spangler, aged 20 years. Eliza Jane was born in 1833 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Eliza Jane: kleindochter van Issac Boothe, Jr..
XXI-as David McAlexander was born in 1798 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Occupation: farmer. David married to Jane N.N.. Jane was born in 1798 in Virginia, U.S.A..
XXI-at John McAlexander was born in 1800 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. John is deceased in 1880 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 80 years old. Occupation: farmer, steenhouwer (vrijmetselaar?). John married, at the age of 28 years, on thursday 17-01-1828 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Margaret Brammer, aged about 19 years. Margaret was born about 1809 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Margaret is deceased in 1890, about 81 years old.
XXI-au Milly McAlexander was born on thursday 03-09-1801 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Milly is deceased about 1870, about 69 years old. Milly:
(1) married, at the age of about 20 years, about 1821 to James Reynolds, aged about 29 years. James was born in 1792. James is deceased in 1855, 63 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 16-11-1826 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Connor.
(3) married, at the age of 58 years, on thursday 31-05-1860 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Hubbard, aged 65 years. John was born in 1795.
XXI-av Daniel McAlexander was born in 1804 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Daniel is deceased in 1853 in Bath County, Kentucky, U.S.A., 49 years old. Daniel married in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy N.N.. Nancy was born about 1810. Note re the birth of Nancy: tussen 1850 en 1860. Nancy is deceased about 1855 in Kentucky, U.S.A., about 45 years old.
XXI-aw Samuel McAlexander was born in 1808 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Samuel is deceased 04-1876 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 68 years old. Occupation: farmer. Samuel married, at the age of 23 years, on friday 11-03-1831 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy Bier Lester, aged 17 years. Nancy Bier was born in 1814 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy Bier is deceased about 1870, about 56 years old. Note re the death of Nancy Bier: tussen 1860 en 1879. Note re Nancy Bier: dochter van William Lester en Rebecca Simmons.
XXI-ax Isabela McAlexander was born in 1809 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Isabela is deceased after 1865, at least 56 years old. Isabela:
(1) married, at the age of 19 years, on thursday 24-01-1828 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William J. Robertson, aged 22 years. William J. was born in 1806. William J. is deceased after 1860, at least 54 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 56 years, in 1865 to John T. Gill.
XXI-ay Tamar McAlexander was born in 1813 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Tamar is deceased 02-1871 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., 58 years old. Tamar married, at the age of 19 years, on sunday 05-02-1832 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Aaron Dehart, aged 32 years. Aaron was born in 1800 in Mercer County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Aaron is deceased 12-1861 in Mercer County, Virginia, U.S.A., 61 years old (cause: tyfuskoorts tijdens de Burgeroorlog).
XXI-az Rachel McAlexander was born on tuesday 16-12-1817 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Tamer Booth. Rachel is deceased 05-1881 in Lester, Raleigh County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 63 years old. Rachel married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 12-03-1835 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Champ Chandler Lester, aged 25 years. Champ Chandler was born on friday 03-11-1809 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer. Note re Champ Chandler: de stad Lester, Raleigh County, West Virginia, U.S.A., is naar hem genoemd.
XXI-ba Jamison Booth was born 06-1806 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Stephen Booth and Mary Booth. Jamison is deceased on monday 22-04-1889 in Roane County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 82 years old. Jamison married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 04-03-1830 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Hunter.
Child of Jamison and Elizabeth:
1 Jamison E. Booth.
XXII-a Silas S. Booth was born on monday 14-11-1814, son of Oliver Booth and Eunice Smith. Silas S. is deceased on saturday 01-09-1894, 79 years old. Silas S. married, at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 04-05-1842 to Alice Gunnison.
Children of Silas S. and Alice:
1 George A. Booth, born on wednesday 04-06-1845. Follow XXIII-a.
2 Effie M. Booth, born on saturday 13-04-1850. Follow XXIII-b.
3 Etta E. Booth, born on sunday 21-03-1852.
XXII-b Joshua W. Booth was born on tuesday 22-10-1816 in Goshen, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A., son of Oliver Booth and Eunice Smith. Joshua W. is deceased on monday 15-05-1899, 82 years old. Joshua W. married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 16-11-1843 to Mary Gunnison.
Children of Joshua W. and Mary:
1 Charles A. Booth, born on friday 21-05-1847. Follow XXIII-c.
2 Alice E. Booth, born on sunday 05-06-1853. Follow XXIII-d.
3 James Booth, born on wednesday 10-09-1856. James is deceased on thursday 04-07-1872, 15 years old.
XXII-c Isaac A. Booth was born in 1803 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth. Isaac A. is deceased before 1836, at the most 33 years old. Isaac A. married, at the age of 22 years, on tuesday 01-03-1825 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Conner.
XXII-d Elizabeth Booth was born in 1811 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth. Elizabeth married, at the age of 18 years, on saturday 23-05-1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Thomas Collins, aged 29 years. Thomas was born in 1800 in Giles County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of Elizabeth and Thomas:
1 Amanda Collins, born in 1833 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
2 Mary J. Collins, born in 1836 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
3 James Collins, born in 1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Daniel B. Collins, born about 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Daniel B.: 1842 of 1843. Daniel B. is deceased on monday 06-12-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 16 years old.
5 Thomas Collins, born in 1844 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 John H. Collins, born in 1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Charity Collins, born in 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Charity is deceased on thursday 11-07-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 18 years old.
XXII-e John Booth was born in 1816 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth. Occupation: farmer. John married, at the age of 22 years, on monday 25-06-1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Charlotte Graham, aged 27 years. Charlotte was born in 1811 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Charlotte: dochter van John Graham.
Children of John and Charlotte:
1 Asa Booth, born about 1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
2 Virginia Booth, born about 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-e.
3 Emily Caroline Booth, born about 1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-f.
4 Sarah E. Booth, born on thursday 16-07-1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Ellen Booth, born about 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Malinda E. Booth, born about 1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-f Diannah Booth was born in 1817 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth. Diannah married, at the age of 31 years, on saturday 19-02-1848 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Peter Helms.
XXII-g Angelina Booth was born in 1821 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth. Angelina married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 04-11-1841 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William Harris.
XXII-h Abner Booth was born on sunday 13-04-1823 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth. Abner is deceased on friday 03-05-1889 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 66 years old. Occupation: molenaar, farmer (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog bij de Confederatie, R. L. Preston´s Reserve Corps, kapitein A. J. Graham´s Compagnie). Abner married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 27-06-1844 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy Ruth Beckett, aged 20 years. Nancy Ruth was born 06-1824 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy Ruth is deceased on thursday 26-04-1906 in Pilot, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 81 years old. Note re Nancy Ruth: dochter van Daniel Beckett en Lydia Wade.
Children of Abner and Nancy Ruth:
1 Martha A. Booth, born on sunday 07-05-1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Martha A. is deceased on saturday 08-11-1913 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 65 years old.
2 Jacob Hillory Booth, born on monday 12-08-1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-g.
3 Riley T. Booth, born on saturday 21-08-1852 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-h.
4 Mary M. Booth, born on monday 08-05-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-i.
5 Doshia Jane Booth, born on wednesday 09-05-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-j.
6 Cordelia P. Booth, born on friday 20-11-1857 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-k.
7 Lawson Alexander Booth, born on friday 28-10-1859 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
8 Asa L. Homer Booth, born on monday 03-12-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-l.
9 William Calvin Booth, born on tuesday 17-03-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-i Lucretia Booth was born in 1807 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Lucretia is deceased in 1880, 73 years old. Lucretia married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 27-05-1824 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to William Spears, aged about 24 years. William was born about 1800. William is deceased after 1860, about 60 years old.
XXII-j Nancy A. Booth was born on monday 21-11-1808 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Nancy A. is deceased on thursday 10-05-1888 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 79 years old. Nancy A. married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 07-09-1826 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Bennet T. Earles, aged 21 years. Note re the marriage: Willow Wood of Union Township.Bennet T. was born on monday 05-11-1804 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Bennet T. is deceased on saturday 30-03-1895 in Windsor, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 90 years old. Note re Bennet T.: zoon van Charles en Mary Martin.
Children of Nancy A. and Bennet T.:
1 Louisa J. Earles, born on monday 30-07-1827 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Louisa J. is deceased on friday 11-05-1849 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 21 years old.
2 Mary Ellender Earles, born on tuesday 24-02-1829 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Mary Ellender is deceased on saturday 03-02-1923 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 93 years old.
3 Daniel Jackson Earles, born on wednesday 15-12-1830 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-m.
4 Richard R. Earles, born on wednesday 21-11-1832 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Richard R. is deceased on friday 17-10-1862 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 29 years old.
5 Nancy M. Earles, born on friday 05-12-1834 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Nancy M. is deceased on wednesday 28-01-1852 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 17 years old.
6 Martin S. Earles, born on saturday 11-02-1837 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Martin S. is deceased on friday 01-12-1865 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 28 years old. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "E", 173 Ohio Infanterie.
7 Elliott Newton Earles, born on sunday 03-02-1839 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Elliott Newton is deceased on friday 09-08-1901 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 62 years old. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "G" 4 Ohio Cavalerie.
8 William J.P. Earles, born on sunday 13-06-1841 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. William J.P. is deceased on monday 20-06-1864 in Andersonville Prison, Georgia, U.S.A., 23 years old.
9 Loucretia E.A. Earles, born on monday 26-06-1843 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Loucretia E.A. is deceased on monday 06-11-1843 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 4 months old. Note re the death of Loucretia E.A.: Symmes Creek Baptist Church.
10 Eveline Frances Earles, born on saturday 19-10-1844 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-n.
XXII-k William Booth was born in 1811 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. William:
(1) married to Sarah N.N..
(2) married, at the age of about 21 years, about 1832 to Mary N.N..
(3) married, at the age of 35 years, on thursday 06-08-1846 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Lucinda Comeans.
XXII-l Elizabeth Booth was born in 1814 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Elizabeth is deceased in 1855, 41 years old. Elizabeth married, at the age of 15 years, on thursday 29-10-1829 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Bird Smith, aged 20 years. Bird was born on saturday 12-08-1809. Bird is deceased on wednesday 17-08-1887, 78 years old.
Children of Elizabeth and Bird:
1 William Smith, born about 1832 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. William is deceased on monday 17-09-1894, about 62 years old.
2 Cyrus S. Smith, born about 1833 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-o.
3 Daniel Smith, born about 1837 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
4 David Smith, born about 1838 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
5 Caroline Smith, born about 1840 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
6 Isaac Smith, born about 1840 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Isaac is deceased 11-1891, about 51 years old.
7 James Smith, born about 1842 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
8 Ephraim Smith, born about 1842. Follow XXIII-p.
9 Cornelius (Camilus) Smith, born about 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-q.
10 Shadrock Smith, born 10-1849 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-r.
11 Martin Smith, born about 1850 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
12 Victoria Smith, born about 1852 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
13 Cecil Smith, born about 1855 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A..
XXII-m Eveline Booth was born in 1818 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Eveline married, at the age of 19 years, on thursday 01-06-1837 to Shadrack Ward.
XXII-n Elisha Booth was born in 1821 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Elisha is deceased after 1850 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., at least 29 years old. Elisha married, at the age of 23 years, on sunday 04-08-1844 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Lambert, aged about 20 years. Elizabeth was born about 1824. Note re the birth of Elizabeth: 1824 - 1825. Elizabeth is deceased after 1850, about 26 years old.
Children of Elisha and Elizabeth:
1 Virginia A. Booth, born in 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
2 Daniel J. Booth, born in 1846 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Daniel J.: 1846 - 1847.
XXII-o Andrew J. Booth was born on sunday 21-11-1824 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Andrew J. is deceased on tuesday 22-10-1878 in Union, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 53 years old. Note re the death of Andrew J.: Getaway Cemetery, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer en prediker (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, 1e luitenant, compagnie "A", 173 Ohio Infanterie). Andrew J. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 19-02-1846 in Union, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Electra Jane Willis, aged 18 years. Electra Jane was born on thursday 27-09-1827. Electra Jane is deceased on saturday 20-02-1897, 69 years old.
Children of Andrew J. and Electra Jane:
1 Roxie (Roxa) Booth, born about 1851.
2 P. Calahan Booth, born on saturday 29-05-1852 in Union, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. P. Calahan is deceased on monday 09-11-1925 in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 73 years old.
3 Harriett Booth, born about 1853 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Harriett: 1853-1854.
4 Caroline Booth, born about 1856 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Caroline: 1856-1857.
5 Andrew Booth, born about 1861 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
6 Electra Booth, born about 1864 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
7 Salina Booth, born 06-1869 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A..
XXII-p Henrietta Booth was born about 1825 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Daniel Booth and Mary McAlexander. Henrietta is deceased after 1900, about 75 years old. Henrietta married, at the age of about 20 years, on thursday 06-02-1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to William Willis, aged about 26 years. William was born about 1819. Note re the birth of William: 1819-1820. William is deceased after 1850, about 31 years old.
Child of Henrietta and William:
1 Mary Willis, born about 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Mary: 1845-1846.
XXII-q Nancy Ann Booth was born in 1810 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Nancy Ann is deceased on wednesday 21-01-1880 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 70 years old. Nancy Ann married, at the age of 34 years, on tuesday 17-12-1844 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Benjamin Helms, aged 24 years. Benjamin was born 08-1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Benjamin is deceased about 1905 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., about 85 years old.
Children of Nancy Ann and Benjamin:
1 Isaac Helms, born in 1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-s.
2 James B. Helms, born in 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
3 Drusilla Helms, born in 1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Adaline Helms, born 10-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Adaline is deceased on friday 15-11-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 7 years old.
5 Joel Helms, born 09-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-t.
XXII-r Hannah Booth was born about 1810 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Hannah is deceased on monday 15-12-1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 46 years old. Hannah married, at the age of about 16 years, on wednesday 08-11-1826 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Joseph Bishop, aged 33 years. Joseph was born in 1793. Joseph is deceased on saturday 20-12-1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 63 years old. Note re Joseph: zoon van Jacob Bishop en Catherine Elkins.
Children of Hannah and Joseph:
1 Nancy Bishop, born in 1832. Nancy is deceased in 1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 24 years old.
2 Betsy Bishop, born about 1834. Betsy is deceased in 1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 22 years old.
3 Catherine Bishop, born about 1837. Catherine is deceased in 1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 19 years old.
4 Joshua Bishop, born about 1840. Follow XXIII-u.
5 Jack Bishop, born about 1851. Jack is deceased in 1856 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 5 years old.
XXII-s Elizabeth Booth was born about 1812 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Elizabeth married, at the age of about 21 years, on thursday 25-04-1833 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Simeon Alley, aged 21 years. Simeon was born in 1812.
Child of Elizabeth and Simeon:
1 James G. Alley. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "B", 54 Virginia Infanterie.
XXII-t Sarah Booth was born about 1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Sarah is deceased on tuesday 07-02-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 50 years old. Sarah married, at the age of about 24 years, on sunday 01-09-1839 to William B. Lawrence, aged 21 years. William B. was born in 1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. William B. is deceased on sunday 05-03-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 47 years old.
Children of Sarah and William B.:
1 Jacob B. Lawrence, born about 1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, J.E.B. Stuart´s Horse Artillery.
2 Isaac Lawrence, born about 1841 in Virginia, U.S.A.
3 James B. Lawrence, born about 1842. Note re the birth of James B.: 1842-1843.
4 William B. Lawrence, born about 1843 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "I", 54th Virginia Infanterie.
5 Hosannah Lawrence, born about 1846 in Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Nancy E. Lawrence, born about 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-v.
7 Sarah J. Lawrence, born about 1851 in Virginia, U.S.A.
8 John Lawrence, born about 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A.
9 Amelia Lawrence, born on saturday 21-07-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
10 Tempe Lawrence, born about 1858 in Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-u Permelia Booth was born in 1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Permelia married, at the age of 17 years, on sunday 06-09-1835 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to David Spangler, aged 33 years. David was born in 1802 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of Permelia and David:
1 Elmira Spangler, born in 1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-w.
2 George W. Spangler, born on saturday 16-05-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-x.
3 Christian Spangler, born in 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-y.
4 Daniel Spangler, born in 1844 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
5 Adeline Spangler, born in 1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Anderson Spangler, born in 1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Margaret Spangler, born in 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-v James Booth was born on thursday 18-05-1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. James is deceased on saturday 05-09-1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 43 years old (cause: werd gestoord en schoot zichzelf dood). Occupation: farmer. James married, at the age of 22 years, on monday 10-10-1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Catherine Jane Lester, aged 19 years. Catherine Jane was born on thursday 13-03-1823 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Catherine Jane is deceased on thursday 30-01-1902, 78 years old. Note re Catherine Jane: dochter van John Lester en Mary Terry.
Children of James and Catherine Jane:
1 Isaac Booth, born on sunday 09-07-1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Isaac is deceased on monday 02-05-1853, 9 years old.
2 John Booth, born on friday 03-01-1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. John is deceased on monday 30-05-1853, 8 years old.
3 Mary Ataway Booth, born on monday 08-02-1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Nancy Ann Booth, born on saturday 04-11-1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Nancy Ann: een andere bron noemt als overlijdensdatum 27-05-1853 en trouwdatum 31-12-1873 met Lafayette Roop.
5 James Hiley Booth, born on saturday 03-01-1852 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-z.
6 Hulin A. Booth, born on tuesday 15-02-1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Hulin A. is deceased on saturday 26-08-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 12 years old (cause: diphterie).
7 Isabella Booth, born on tuesday 19-12-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-aa.
8 Charles T. Booth, born on monday 14-07-1856. Note re Charles T.: jong overleden.
9 Giles H. Booth, born on wednesday 20-10-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Giles H. is deceased on thursday 07-09-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 6 years old (cause: diphterie).
10 Jacob N. Booth, born on wednesday 10-04-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ab.
XXII-w Druzilla C. Booth was born about 1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Nancy Agnes McAlexander. Druzilla C. married, at the age of about 27 years, on wednesday 21-02-1849 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Hiram Walters, aged about 30 years. Hiram was born about 1819 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Hiram: 1819-1820.
Children of Druzilla C. and Hiram:
1 Virginia Catherine Walters.
2 Miriam Druzilla Walters.
3 Permelia Agnes Walters.
4 Amelia Walters.
5 Mary A. Walters, born in 1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ac.
6 Vina Jane Walters, born about 1854 in Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Alica Ann Walters, born on tuesday 17-04-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
8 Susan Victora (Sevenia) Walters, born about 1858 in Virginia, U.S.A.
9 John W. (M.?) Walters, born about 1859 in Virginia, U.S.A.
10 William J. Walters, born on tuesday 06-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. William J. is deceased on friday 16-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 10 days old.
XXII-x Annie Booth was born about 1846 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Isaac Booth and Theodocia Radford. Annie:
(1) married to N.N. Spangler.
(2) married to Richard Dulaney. Richard was born on monday 13-05-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Samuel Dulaney and Martha Reed.
Children of Annie and N.N.:
1 Charles Eather Spangler, born on saturday 26-05-1888 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ad.
2 Livinia Spangler, born on thursday 06-03-1890 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ae.
3 Cora Dell Spangler, born on friday 18-11-1892 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-af.
4 Arthur Elworth Spangler, born on friday 18-11-1892 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ag.
5 Oscar L. Spangler, born on saturday 23-03-1895 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ah.
6 Olie Ruth Spangler, born 08-1897 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ai.
XXII-y Milly McAlexander was born on saturday 05-03-1808 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Anna Booth. Milly is deceased on sunday 21-08-1859, 51 years old. Milly married, at the age of 18 years, on thursday 16-11-1826 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Conner, aged 23 years. John was born on tuesday 09-08-1803. John is deceased on sunday 08-02-1885, 81 years old.
XXII-z William H. McAlexander was born on wednesday 29-03-1815 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William H. McAlexander and Anna Booth. William H. is deceased on sunday 04-12-1864, 49 years old. Occupation: farmer. William H. married, at the age of 21 years, on saturday 26-11-1836 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lucy Hubbard, aged 22 years. Lucy was born on thursday 02-06-1814. Lucy is deceased on wednesday 13-01-1869, 54 years old.
XXII-aa Anna McAlexander was born on tuesday 31-10-1815, daughter of William H. McAlexander and Anna Booth. Anna is deceased on sunday 30-08-1863, 47 years old. Anna married to Daniel Conner.
XXII-ab Lavina Lucinda McAlexander was born on tuesday 03-06-1823 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William H. McAlexander and Anna Booth. Lavina Lucinda married, at the age of 24 years, on thursday 07-10-1847 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Helms, aged 21 years. John was born on thursday 18-05-1826 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-ac Elizabeth McAlexander was born on tuesday 15-09-1829, daughter of William H. McAlexander and Anna Booth. Elizabeth married, at the age of 12 years, on tuesday 26-10-1841 to Carrington Jackson Dillon.
XXII-ad Mary (Adah?) Langdon was born in 1817 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Note re Mary (Adah?): .. Mary (Adah?) married to Isiah Henry.
XXII-ae James L. Langdon was born on thursday 14-10-1819 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. James L. is deceased on saturday 10-11-1906 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 87 years old. Note re the death of James L.: Langdon Cemetary, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. James L. married to Frances N.N..
XXII-af Elisha Langdon was born about 1821 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Elisha married to Sarah Ann N.N..
XXII-ag Elijah Langdon was born in 1822, son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Elijah married to Lucinda Yingling.
XXII-ah Melinda Langdon was born in 1824 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Melinda married to Samuel Clark.
XXII-ai Isaac J. Langdon was born about 1827 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Occupation: predikant. Isaac J. married to Sarah Ann Perkins.
XXII-aj Samuel A. Langdon was born about 1829 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Samuel A. married, at the age of about 27 years, about 1856 to Mary Jane McConnell, aged about 15 years. Mary Jane was born about 1841.
XXII-ak Daniel H. Langdon was born about 1831 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Daniel H. married to Elizabeth J. Beckett.
XXII-al Emilia Virginia Langdon was born in 1834 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Samuel Langdon and Drucilla Booth. Emilia Virginia:
(1) married to James Hoskinson.
(2) married, at the age of 30 years, on saturday 24-12-1864 to Elijah B. Moredick.
XXII-am Zillah Booth was born on friday 29-08-1817 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Robert Booth and Adah Booth. Zillah is deceased after 1860, at least 43 years old. Zillah married, at the age of 25 years, on sunday 08-01-1843 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Nathan Chaffin, aged about 24 years. Nathan was born about 1819. Note re the birth of Nathan: 1819-1820. Nathan is deceased after 1860, about 41 years old.
Children of Zillah and Nathan:
1 Sarah Catherine Chaffin, born on tuesday 08-04-1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-aj.
2 John L. Chaffin, born about 1847 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
3 Ohoir (?) Chaffin, born about 1847 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of Ohoir (?): 1847-1848.
4 David C. Chaffin, born about 1848 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of David C.: 1848-1849.
5 James E. Chaffin, born about 1851 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Note re the birth of James E.: 1851-1852.
XXII-an Flemmon S. Booth was born on sunday 02-05-1819, son of Robert Booth and Adah Booth. Flemmon S. is deceased on wednesday 22-02-1888, 68 years old. Flemmon S.:
(1) married, at the age of 28 years, on sunday 20-06-1847 to Mary Cooper, aged 16 years. Mary was born on wednesday 29-12-1830. Mary is deceased on monday 08-12-1856, 25 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 41 years, on tuesday 04-09-1860 to Maribah Ratcliff, aged 20 years. Maribah was born on sunday 09-02-1840. Maribah is deceased on thursday 15-11-1917, 77 years old.
Children of Flemmon S. and Mary:
1 Flemmon S. Booth.
2 James Booth.
3 Frank Phillip Booth.
4 George Booth.
5 Marion G. Booth.
6 Eurard Craten Booth, born on tuesday 25-04-1848. Follow XXIII-ak.
7 Will Fleming Booth, born on saturday 15-03-1856. Follow XXIII-al.
XXII-ao Merritt Washington Booth was born on saturday 27-01-1821, son of Robert Booth and Adah Booth. Merritt Washington is deceased before 06-1920, at the most 99 years old. Merritt Washington married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 28-09-1843 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Lucy Ann (Sarah?) Willis.
Children of Merritt Washington and Lucy Ann (Sarah?):
1 Ed Booth.
2 Marie Booth.
XXII-ap Emilia Booth was born on monday 10-10-1825, daughter of Robert Booth and Adah Booth. Emilia is deceased on saturday 21-11-1908, 83 years old. Emilia married to James Emerson.
XXII-aq Anna Booth was born on friday 27-01-1826, daughter of Robert Booth and Adah Booth. Anna is deceased on monday 09-01-1905, 78 years old. Anna:
(1) married to Matthew Mooney.
(2) married to Edward Nichols.
(3) married, at the age of 24 years, on sunday 20-10-1850 to James Barnett, aged 23 years. James was born on monday 20-08-1827. James is deceased on tuesday 21-06-1853, 25 years old.
XXII-ar Mary Booth was born on sunday 10-09-1837 in Lawrence County, Arkansas, U.S.A., daughter of Ferguson Booth and Millie N.N.. Mary married to Jasper N. Carroll.
XXII-as William Booth was born 02-1861, son of Riley Wright Booth and Elizabeth Rogers. William married in Sharp County, Arkansas, U.S.A. to Mary Alice Carrington.
XXII-at Abijah Howard Booth was born on tuesday 02-07-1822 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abijah Booth and Lucy Hubbard. Abijah Howard is deceased in 1893 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., 71 years old. Address: (woonde in 1850 in Tishomingo, Mississippi, U.S.A.). Occupation: predikant (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, veldprediker, 26 Mississippi Infanterie). Abijah Howard married in Tennessee, U.S.A. to Belina N.N.. Belina was born about 1823 in Tennessee, U.S.A. Address: (woonde in 1850 in Tishomingo, Mississippi, U.S.A.).
Children of Abijah Howard and Belina:
1 Joel W. Booth, born about 1843 in Tennessee, U.S.A.. Occupation: in dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Confederate.
2 Elias E. Booth, born about 1845 in Tennessee, U.S.A.
3 William J. Booth, born about 1847 in Mississippi, U.S.A.
4 Abija H. Booth, born about 1850.
XXII-au Isaac Booth was born on monday 30-11-1829 in Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Robert Booth and Nancy Oliver Eaton. Isaac is deceased on saturday 30-12-1911, 82 years old. Isaac married, at the age of 27 years, on monday 15-12-1856 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Martha B. Whitehead, aged 19 years. Note re the marriage: 16-12-1856?. Martha B. was born on friday 23-12-1836 in Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
Children of Isaac and Martha B.:
1 Ollie Booth.
2 John Booth.
3 Emma Booth.
4 Georginia Booth.
5 Campbell Booth.
6 Eva Booth, born about 1858 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
7 Nannie Booth, born about 1860 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
8 Sadie Booth, born about 1861 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
9 Samuel Booth, born about 1863 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
10 Robert Booth, born about 1865 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
11 Isaac Booth, born about 1866 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
12 Edwin Booth, born about 1867 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A.
13 William M. Booth, born 09-1869 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A..
XXII-av Rachel Booth was born on saturday 15-12-1832 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Robert Booth and Nancy Oliver Eaton. Rachel is deceased in 1905, 73 years old. Rachel married to N.N. Walters.
Children of Rachel and N.N.:
1 John Walters.
2 Columbus Walters.
3 Florence Walters.
4 Mollie Walters.
5 Lou Walters.
6 Libbie Walters.
7 Belle Walters.
8 Charles Walters.
9 Henry Walters.
XXII-aw Oliver S. Booth was born on wednesday 16-04-1834 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Robert Booth and Nancy Oliver Eaton. Oliver S. is deceased on sunday 11-04-1909, 74 years old. Oliver S. married, at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 11-11-1862 to Elizabeth Jane Holland, aged 17 years. Elizabeth Jane was born on thursday 02-10-1845. Elizabeth Jane is deceased on wednesday 30-12-1925, 80 years old.
Children of Oliver S. and Elizabeth Jane:
1 George M. Booth, born on tuesday 19-01-1864. Follow XXIII-am.
2 Nancy A. Booth, born on saturday 13-01-1866. Follow XXIII-an.
3 William Booth, born on friday 07-02-1868. William is deceased on friday 23-04-1948, 80 years old. William remained unmarried.
4 Caroline E. Booth, born on thursday 24-03-1870. Follow XXIII-ao.
5 Frederick H. Booth, born on thursday 04-04-1872. Follow XXIII-ap.
6 Rachel A. Booth, born on sunday 15-02-1874. Follow XXIII-aq.
7 Mary Ethel Booth, born on thursday 23-03-1876. Follow XXIII-ar.
8 Eva D. Booth, born on thursday 18-04-1878. Follow XXIII-as.
9 Ora M. Booth, born on thursday 06-05-1880. Follow XXIII-at.
10 Bessie L. Booth, born on sunday 18-03-1883. Follow XXIII-au.
11 Elmer L. Booth, born on sunday 02-03-1884. Elmer L. is deceased on monday 04-04-1910, 26 years old. Elmer L. remained unmarried.
12 Ollie J. Booth, born on friday 11-12-1885. Ollie J. is deceased on saturday 23-04-1904, 18 years old. Ollie J. remained unmarried.
XXII-ax Hardin Price Hylton was born on monday 11-11-1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Helder Hylton and Rachel Booth. Hardin Price is deceased on sunday 24-12-1905 in Carroll County, Virginia, U.S.A., 83 years old. Occupation: farmer. Hardin Price:
(1) married to Sarah Carter.
(2) married, at the age of 22 years, in 1844 to Frances Bowman, aged 21 years. Frances was born on monday 03-02-1823 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Frances is deceased on tuesday 15-02-1898 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 75 years old.
XXII-ay Emelia Edna Hylton was born on tuesday 04-11-1834 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Austin Helder Hylton and Rachel Booth. Emelia Edna is deceased on thursday 25-02-1897, 62 years old. Emelia Edna married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 16-02-1860 to Lewis Jackson Hylton, aged 29 years. Lewis Jackson was born on friday 11-02-1831 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Lewis Jackson is deceased on thursday 05-09-1912, 81 years old.
XXII-az Anna Hylton was born about 1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Austin Helder Hylton and Rachel Booth. Anna married to George C. Bowman.
XXII-ba Solomon Hylton was born on thursday 20-09-1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Helder Hylton and Rachel Booth. Solomon is deceased on sunday 19-02-1905 in Washington County, Tennessee, U.S.A., 66 years old. Solomon married to Mary Crouch.
XXII-bb Martha E. Hylton was born on friday 20-03-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Austin Helder Hylton and Rachel Booth. Martha E. is deceased on wednesday 03-06-1885, 45 years old. Martha E. started a relationship with William H. Castle.
XXII-bc Isaac Hylton was born about 1824 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Isaac married, at the age of about 23 years, on thursday 12-08-1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Bowman, aged 25 years. Mary was born on saturday 26-01-1822 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Mary is deceased on thursday 26-09-1889 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 67 years old.
XXII-bd Zachariah Hylton was born in 1825 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Zachariah is deceased after 1860, at least 35 years old. Occupation: farmer. Zachariah married, at the age of 22 years, on tuesday 15-06-1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Martha Manning, aged 14 years. Martha was born in 1833.
XXII-be Archibald Hylton was born in 1830 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Archibald is deceased after 1860, at least 30 years old. Occupation: farmer. Archibald married, at the age of about 27 years, about 1857 to Leona N.N., aged about 25 years. Leona was born in 1832.
XXII-bf Rachel Hylton was born on tuesday 16-11-1830 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Rachel is deceased on tuesday 25-03-1919, 88 years old. Rachel married to J.G. Harris.
XXII-bg Elizabeth Hylton was born on wednesday 16-08-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Elizabeth is deceased on monday 27-02-1911, 73 years old. Elizabeth married, at the age of 21 years, in 1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John C. Burnett, aged 29 years. John C. was born on thursday 16-04-1829 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-bh Almira Hylton was born in 1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Almira married, at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 10-03-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Samuel Burnett, aged 20 years. Samuel was born in 1838 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-bi Chester (Chesley) Hylton was born on friday 18-02-1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Hyram Hylton and Permelia Booth. Chester (Chesley) is deceased on friday 14-12-1917 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 75 years old. Chester (Chesley) married to Elizabeth A. N.N.. Elizabeth A. was born on sunday 12-03-1837. Elizabeth A. is deceased on friday 05-11-1909, 72 years old.
XXII-bj Hannah McAlexander was born in 1811, daughter of Alexander McAlexander and Mary Booth. Hannah married to Josiah Smith.
XXII-bk Rhoda McAlexander was born on monday 04-12-1815 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Alexander McAlexander and Mary Booth. Rhoda is deceased on tuesday 17-08-1886 in Independence, Missouri, U.S.A., 70 years old. Rhoda married, at the age of 24 years, on sunday 28-06-1840 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A. to John H. Frances.
XXII-bl Mary McAlexander was born about 1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Alexander McAlexander and Mary Booth. Mary married, at the age of about 35 years, on thursday 23-08-1855 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A. to Jesiah Smith.
XXII-bm Noah McAlexander was born on tuesday 22-10-1822 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Alexander McAlexander and Mary Booth. Noah is deceased about 1896, about 74 years old. Noah:
(1) married to Mary Ann Layson. Mary Ann was born about 1830. Mary Ann is deceased about 1894, about 64 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 22-08-1848 to Eliza Williams, aged about 32 years. Eliza was born about 1816.
XXII-bn Rhoda Booth was born about 1820 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Rhoda married, at the age of about 21 years, on thursday 22-04-1841 to James L. Dickerson, aged about 21 years. James L. was born about 1820.
XXII-bo Mary Booth was born in 1821, daughter of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Mary:
(1) married to Andrew A. Reed. Andrew A. was born on saturday 04-03-1809 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Andrew A. is deceased on thursday 14-02-1878, 68 years old. Note re Andrew A.: zoon van George Reed en Elizabeth Altizer.
(2) married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 26-01-1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Hyram Dulaney, aged 26 years. Hyram was born in 1817 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Hyram is deceased about 1864, about 47 years old. Occupation: farmer. Note re Hyram: zoon van William Dulaney en Mary Davis.
Children of Mary and Hyram:
1 Peridina Dulaney, born in 1843. Follow XXIII-av.
2 Addison Dulaney, born in 1845. Follow XXIII-aw.
3 Christley Dulaney, born about 1846. Follow XXIII-ax.
4 Lucy Dulaney, born in 1853. Follow XXIII-ay.
5 Martha A. Dulaney, born in 1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-az.
6 N.N. Dulaney, child, death on monday 02-06-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Virga Dulaney, born on sunday 08-12-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
8 Lovina E. Dulaney, born 10-1864 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-bp Lucy Booth was born in 1827 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Lucy married, at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 09-12-1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Humphrey Duncan, aged 23 years. Humphrey was born in 1823 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer.
Children of Lucy and Humphrey:
1 Malinda Duncan, born on saturday 19-06-1847. Follow XXIII-ba.
2 Alfred Duncan, born in 1849.
3 Sarah Duncan, born in 1851.
4 Susannah Duncan, born in 1853.
5 George Duncan, born in 1856.
6 Crockett L. Duncan, born in 1859. Follow XXIII-bb.
XXII-bq Lewis P. Booth was born in 1829 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Lewis P. is deceased on friday 16-04-1897 in Indianola, Warren, Indiana, U.S.A., 68 years old. He was buried on sunday 18-04-1897 in Indianola, Warren, Indiana, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Lewis P.: Ioof Cemetery. Occupation: farmer (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "I", 54th Virginia Infanterie). Lewis P. married, at the age of 18 years, on thursday 23-12-1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy Jane Reed, aged 18 years. Nancy Jane was born on sunday 05-04-1829 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of Lewis P. and Nancy Jane:
1 George Edward Booth, born on saturday 08-12-1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bc.
2 Lucy Brown Booth, born on sunday 24-08-1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bd.
3 Asa L. Booth, born on sunday 01-05-1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-be.
4 Nancy Elizabeth Booth, born on friday 26-01-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bf.
5 Rowena A. Booth, born on sunday 04-04-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bg.
6 Eliza Ellen Booth, born on friday 31-01-1862 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Charles Lewis Booth, born on saturday 11-07-1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bh.
8 Sarah Susan Booth, born on sunday 28-05-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bi.
9 Mary Adeline Booth, born on monday 07-02-1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
10 Amos Albert Booth, born on thursday 09-01-1873 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bj.
XXII-br Emet Peter Booth was born on saturday 15-10-1831 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Emet Peter is deceased in 1885, 54 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Emet Peter married, at the age of 28 years, on wednesday 07-03-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary E. Dulaney, aged 19 years. Mary E. was born in 1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Samuel Dulaney and Martha Reed. Mary E. is deceased on wednesday 19-11-1913, 72 years old.
Children of Emet Peter and Mary E.:
1 Jane Booth, born on sunday 10-06-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Jane is deceased in 1929, 69 years old.
2 Jesse A. Booth, born on saturday 08-06-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bk.
3 Martha E. Booth, born in 1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bl.
4 Sarah Ann Booth, born on wednesday 07-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bm.
5 Abijah Booth, born on monday 17-08-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bn.
6 Elizabeth Booth, born on monday 17-08-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 William Booth, born on friday 16-12-1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bo.
8 Samuel Peter Booth, born in 1873 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bp.
9 Noah Booth, born in 1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bq.
XXII-bs Riley R. Booth was born in 1833 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Occupation: arbeider (1850), farmer (1860) (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "I", 54th Virginia Infanterie). Riley R. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 01-06-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Sarah Anna Bolling, aged 21 years. Sarah Anna was born in 1833 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
Child of Riley R. and Sarah Anna:
1 George W. Booth, born on monday 15-10-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-bt George B. Booth was born in 1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Occupation: arbeider (1850), farmer (1860), molenaar (1870). George B. married, at the age of 19 years, on wednesday 22-03-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Susan Dickerson, aged 20 years. Susan was born in 1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Susan is deceased in 1912 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 78 years old. Note re Susan: dochter van James Dickerson en M. N.N.
Children of George B. and Susan:
1 Susan Tammer Booth.
2 Delilah Booth, born in 1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
3 E. Booth, born on wednesday 31-12-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 Permelia Booth, born on thursday 01-01-1857 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-br.
5 Nancy Rosabelle Booth, born on tuesday 16-11-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
6 Malinda Ellen Booth, born in 1862 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bs.
7 James M. Booth, born 11-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bt.
8 George A. Booth, born on tuesday 22-01-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
9 Austin Monroe Booth, born on saturday 29-06-1872. Follow XXIII-bu.
XXII-bu Noah R. Booth was born on tuesday 14-07-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George H. Booth and Lucy Reed. Noah R. is deceased on tuesday 09-10-1917 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 77 years old. Occupation: farmer (in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, J.E.B. Stuart´s Horse Artillery). Noah R. married, at the age of 19 years, on tuesday 27-12-1859 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Susanna A. Hurt, aged 19 years. Susanna A. was born on tuesday 04-08-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Susanna A. is deceased on wednesday 18-05-1921, 80 years old. Note re Susanna A.: dochter van James Hurt en E. N.N.
Children of Noah R. and Susanna A.:
1 Eliza Missouri Booth, born on sunday 07-10-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bv.
2 Cylis C. Booth, born in 1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Cylis C. is deceased on wednesday 16-06-1869, 6 years old.
3 Giles A. Booth, born in 1863. Giles A. is deceased on wednesday 16-06-1869 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 6 years old (cause: kroep).
4 Frances E. Booth, born on sunday 08-07-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bw.
5 Parthena V. Booth, born about 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bx.
6 Mary J. Booth, born on sunday 08-10-1871 in Alum Ridge, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-by.
7 Lewis B. Booth, born in 1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-bz.
8 Sarah L. Booth, born in 1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-ca.
XXII-bv Reuben H. Booth was born on sunday 02-07-1820 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Booth and Lucy May Harris. Reuben H. is deceased on tuesday 05-04-1904 in Tryon, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 83 years old. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, compagnie "E", 45th Missouri Infanterie (Union). Reuben H. married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 17-11-1842 to Anne Burnett.
Children of Reuben H. and Anne:
1 Lucy Ann Booth.
2 Nancy Elizabeth Booth.
3 Martha Jane Booth.
4 Austin Wallace Booth.
5 Reuben Booth.
6 Mary Ellender Booth.
7 Hester Booth.
XXII-bw James Riley Booth was born on friday 01-03-1822 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Booth and Lucy May Harris. James Riley is deceased on sunday 07-12-1879 in Chiles Val, California, U.S.A., 57 years old. James Riley married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 26-10-1843 in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A. to Miranda Williams.
Children of James Riley and Miranda:
1 Thomas Jefferson Booth.
2 Clayborne Abijah Booth.
3 Sabina A. Booth.
4 Jedediah Booth.
5 Sarah M. Booth.
6 Alfred Booth.
7 Rosella Booth.
8 Metta M. Booth.
9 Genelle Booth.
XXII-bx Louisa A. Booth was born about 1827 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Austin Booth and Lucy May Harris. Louisa A. married, at the age of about 17 years, on thursday 21-03-1844 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A. to Thomas R. Hudson.
Children of Louisa A. and Thomas R.:
1 James Hudson.
2 John Hudson.
3 Samuel Hudson.
4 Frank Hudson.
5 Miranda Hudson.
6 William Hudson.
7 Edward Hudson.
8 George Hudson.
9 Thomas Hudson.
XXII-by Clayborne B.L. Booth was born about 1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Booth and Lucy May Harris. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog (Confederate). Clayborne B.L. married, at the age of about 21 years, on thursday 07-02-1850 in Jackson County, Missouri, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Manning.
Children of Clayborne B.L. and Elizabeth:
1 John W. Booth.
2 Albert Booth.
3 Abijah W. Booth.
4 Effie G. Booth.
5 Adabelle Booth.
6 Forrest M. Booth.
7 Nannie A. Booth.
8 Fanny Booth.
9 Corinth A. Booth.
10 James P. Booth.
XXII-bz Abijah Harrison Booth was born on sunday 22-08-1830 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Austin Booth and Lucy May Harris. Abijah Harrison is deceased on wednesday 17-02-1904 in Dayton, Columbia County, Washington, U.S.A., 73 years old. Abijah Harrison married, at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 03-03-1852 to Ann Hall.
Children of Abijah Harrison and Ann:
1 Mary Booth.
2 Susan E. Booth.
3 John Frank Booth.
4 Willis Jackson Booth.
5 Dizabelle Booth.
6 Rilda Booth.
7 Malcolm Booth.
8 Mina Booth.
XXII-ca Otey Taylor Simmons was born on tuesday 15-09-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas Weeks Simmons and Delilah Booth. Otey Taylor is deceased on thursday 25-01-1906, 87 years old. Occupation: farmer (1860) (in militaire dienst bij kapitein James B. Headen´s Reserves). Otey Taylor:
(1) married to Priscilla Harris.
(2) married, at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 02-01-1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rachel Agnew, aged 20 years. Rachel was born on wednesday 22-07-1829 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Rachel is deceased on wednesday 25-07-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 37 years old. Note re Rachel: dochter van Samuel Agnew en Susannah Preston.
XXII-cb Matilda Simmons was born about 1821 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Thomas Weeks Simmons and Delilah Booth. Matilda is deceased on monday 29-03-1858 in Mercer County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 37 years old. Matilda married, at the age of about 14 years, on wednesday 16-12-1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Bird Lester. Address: (verhuisde naar West Virginia). Note re Bird: zoon van John Lester en Mary Terry.
XXII-cc Mary Amanda Simmons was born on friday 20-02-1824 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Thomas Weeks Simmons and Delilah Booth. Mary Amanda is deceased on sunday 11-12-1887 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 63 years old. Mary Amanda married, at the age of 16 years, on monday 16-11-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William Terry Lester, aged 22 years. William Terry was born on sunday 18-01-1818 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer (een lokaal vooraanstaand man, diende als kapitein van Militie voorafgaand aan de Burgeroorlog en werd 2de luitenant in de 42e Reserves onder kolonel Robert L. Preston (Confederate)). Note re William Terry: zoon van John Lester en Mary Terry.
XXII-cd Roley Madison Simmons was born on wednesday 25-01-1826 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Thomas Weeks Simmons and Delilah Booth. Roley Madison is deceased on monday 23-12-1907 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 81 years old. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog bij J.E.B. Stuart´s Horse Artillery. Roley Madison married to Nancy Malinda Helms. Note re the marriage: Ze woonden in de Oude Charles Simmons woning. Roley Simmons kreeg zijn opleiding bij professor William T. Gannaway in zijn school voor jonge mannen te Jacksonville, waarna hij enkele jaren een van de leerkrachten was op de school van Floyd en Henry counties: onder zijn leerlingen waren Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, Hon. Posey G. Lester, en anderen die eer en zinvolheid bereikten. Hij was penningmeester van Floyd County in 1887-1891..Nancy Malinda was born on saturday 03-03-1832 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy Malinda is deceased on sunday 21-03-1915 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 83 years old. Note re Nancy Malinda: dochter van kolonel John W. Helms van Burks Fork.
XXII-ce William B. Simmons was born in 1830 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas Weeks Simmons and Delilah Booth. Occupation: arbeider in 1850, arts in Georgia. William B. married to Christina N.N..
XXII-cf Virginia Ann Booth was born in 1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Riley Booth and Malinda Lester. Virginia Ann is deceased in 1881, 44 years old. Virginia Ann married, at the age of 16 years, on tuesday 04-10-1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Anderson B. Akers, aged 22 years. Anderson B. was born in 1831 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Anderson B.: zoon van Bird Akers en Elizabeth Saunders.
Children of Virginia Ann and Anderson B.:
1 John C. Akers.
2 George H.T. Akers.
3 Amy V. Akers.
XXII-cg Mary Ellen Booth was born in 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Riley Booth and Malinda Lester. Mary Ellen married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 16-11-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to C.M. Pugh, aged about 27 years. C.M. was born about 1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-ch James A. Simmons was born on thursday 08-10-1835 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. James A. is deceased on tuesday 11-09-1923, 87 years old. Occupation: militaire dienst: Confederate Army - Company A, 54th Virginia Infanterie (gevangen genomen bij Bentonville, North Carolina, en naar Rock Island gebracht). James A.:
(1) married, at the age of 25 years, on monday 10-12-1860 to Leatha Martin.
(2) married, at the age of 33 years, in 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rebecca Chafin.
XXII-ci Andrew J. Simmons was born on saturday 21-10-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. Andrew J. is deceased on monday 24-12-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 29 years old. Andrew J. married, at the age of 28 years, in 1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy R. Miller.
XXII-cj Daniel R. Simmons was born on sunday 17-11-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. Daniel R. is deceased on wednesday 12-06-1929 in Virginia, U.S.A., 89 years old. Occupation: (in militaire dienst compagnie A, 54th Virginia Infanterie, Confederate Army - gevangen genomen 20-07-1864 bij Atlanta en naar Camp Douglas gebracht "paroled" 16-06-1865). Daniel R.:
(1) married, at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 27-12-1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy A. Morricle, aged 26 years. Nancy A. was born on wednesday 05-06-1844 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy A. is deceased on monday 28-07-1873 in Virginia, U.S.A., 29 years old.
(2) married, at the age of 36 years, on thursday 30-12-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Delphia A. Hill, aged 29 years. Delphia A. was born on friday 13-02-1846. Delphia A. is deceased on sunday 16-03-1902, 56 years old.
XXII-ck William L. Simmons was born in 1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. William L. married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 08-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rachel M. Roop.
XXII-cl Levina Simmons was born about 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. Levina is deceased in 1882, about 33 years old. Levina married in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Paul Hall.
XXII-cm Rowina Simmons was born in 1851 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Thomas R. Simmons and Tamar Booth. Rowina married, at the age of 25 years, on tuesday 12-12-1876 to Charles M. Lester.
XXII-cn Nancy Jane Booth was born about 1831 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George J. Booth and Cinthia Webster. Nancy Jane married, at the age of about 23 years, on friday 08-09-1854 to Jesse B. Day, aged about 21 years. Jesse B. was born about 1833 in Grayson County, Kentucky, U.S.A..
XXII-co Zacharias (Zacheus) Graham was born in 1834 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Zacharias (Zacheus) is deceased on saturday 08-09-1888 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 54 years old. Note re the death of Zacharias (Zacheus): Laurel Creek Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia. Occupation: farmer. Zacharias (Zacheus) married, at the age of 15 years, on wednesday 04-07-1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Tabitha F. Martin, aged 11 years. Tabitha F. was born in 1838 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Tabitha F.: Laurel Creek Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia. Note re Tabitha F.: dochter van William Martin en Sarah Harris.
XXII-cp Alexander Montague Graham was born about 1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Alexander Montague is deceased 10-1922 in Delaware County, Indiana, U.S.A., about 85 years old. Note re the death of Alexander Montague: Bethel Cemetery, Delaware County, Indiana. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "A", 54th Virginia Infanterie. Alexander Montague married, at the age of about 29 years, on thursday 27-12-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Emily Caroline Booth, aged about 23 years. Emily Caroline was born about 1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John Booth and Charlotte Graham. Emily Caroline is deceased in 1882, about 39 years old.
Children of Alexander Montague and Emily Caroline:
1 Dora Graham, born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-c.
2 Eura Graham, born in 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-d.
3 Clarence Graham, born in 1880.
XXII-cq Peredine Graham was born on wednesday 25-09-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Peredine is deceased on saturday 29-05-1920 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 80 years old. Note re the death of Peredine: Laurel Creek Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia. Peredine married, at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 13-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Isaac Martin, aged 32 years. Isaac was born on saturday 26-10-1833 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Isaac is deceased on monday 24-04-1911, 77 years old. Note re Isaac: zoon van William Martin en Sarah Harris.
XXII-cr Paris Montague Graham was born in 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "A", 54th Virginia Infanterie. Paris Montague married, at the age of 25 years, on monday 24-06-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Martha J. Priest.
XXII-cs Noah Bluford Graham was born about 1845 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Noah Bluford is deceased before 1890, about 45 years old. Noah Bluford married, at the age of about 33 years, on thursday 07-03-1878 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Rosabel Cole.
XXII-ct Sarah Octavie (Octavia Sarah) Graham was born about 1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Sarah Octavie (Octavia Sarah):
(1) married, at the age of about 23 years, in 1869 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Joseph Simmons. Joseph was born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
(2) married, at the age of about 44 years, on thursday 02-10-1890 to Nathan Hylton, aged 58 years. Nathan was born on thursday 24-11-1831 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nathan is deceased on sunday 19-03-1911, 79 years old.
XXII-cu William B. Graham was born in 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. William B.:
(1) married, at the age of 27 years, on sunday 16-01-1876 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Sarah C. Hall, aged about 19 years. Sarah C. was born about 1857.
(2) married, at the age of at least 28 years, after 1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Bethany Frances Rierson.
XXII-cv John Hamilton Graham was born after 1853 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. John Hamilton married, at the age of at the most 22 years, on thursday 23-12-1875 to Mary D. Hall. Note re Mary D.: dochter van John Hall en Mary Cole.
XXII-cw Sarah Jane Booth was born on sunday 30-10-1836 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Sarah Jane is deceased on wednesday 27-12-1893 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 57 years old. Sarah Jane married, at the age of 18 years, on tuesday 18-09-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Jathan N. Sumner, aged 18 years. Jathan N. was born on friday 14-04-1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Jathan N.: zoon van Owen Sumner en Sarah N.N.
Children of Sarah Jane and Jathan N.:
1 Cordelia Victorine Sumner, born on friday 07-11-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-cb.
2 William Owen Sumner, born on sunday 18-08-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIII-cc.
3 Albert E. Sumner, born on friday 08-04-1870. Follow XXIII-cd.
XXII-cx Joseph Henderson Booth was born on friday 24-05-1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Joseph Henderson married, at the age of 25 years, on saturday 20-08-1864 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Catherine Sowers, aged about 23 years. Catherine was born about 1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John Sowers and Rhoda Lester.
Children of Joseph Henderson and Catherine:
1 Sarah Booth, born about 1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
2 John William Booth, born about 1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-cy Pleasant Eden Booth was born on saturday 22-05-1841 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Pleasant Eden is deceased on tuesday 08-12-1874, 33 years old. Pleasant Eden married, at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 23-09-1862 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Melvina L. Sowers, aged about 23 years. Melvina L. was born about 1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John Sowers and Rhoda Lester.
Children of Pleasant Eden and Melvina L.:
1 Barbara E. Booth, born about 1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
2 Daniel A. Booth, born about 1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
3 Owen L. Booth, born about 1869 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-cz William T. Booth was born on sunday 31-12-1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. William T. married to N.N. West.
XXII-da Barbaretta Booth was born on monday 06-07-1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Barbaretta is deceased after 1870, at least 24 years old. Barbaretta married to N.N. Sowers.
XXII-db Henry Marion Booth was born on thursday 28-12-1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Henry Marion married, at the age of 28 years, on thursday 22-11-1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Jane Priest, aged about 19 years. Mary Jane was born about 1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-dc Armistead A. Booth was born on friday 21-11-1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William C. Booth and Lucenna Sowers. Armistead A. married, at the age of 36 years, on thursday 24-11-1887 to Mattie N.N..
XXII-dd William Sowers was born about 1842 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Frederick Sowers and Sarah Booth. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "A" 54th Virginia Infanterie. William married, at the age of about 28 years, on thursday 18-08-1870 to Catherine Walker.
XXII-de Elizabeth J. Sowers was born about 1850 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Frederick Sowers and Sarah Booth. Elizabeth J. married, at the age of about 21 years, on thursday 02-11-1871 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Ennis Dulaney, aged 25 years. Ennis was born on monday 01-06-1846 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Ennis is deceased on thursday 01-11-1934, 88 years old. Note re Ennis: zoon van Richard Dulaney en Miriam Reed.
XXII-df Arlevie Graham, daughter of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Arlevie married to Davie Bill Thornton.
XXII-dg William Addison Graham was born 04-1849 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. William Addison is deceased in 1921 in Gary, McDowell County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 72 years old. William Addison married, at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 27-11-1867 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Elizabeth Miles, aged 17 years. Mary Elizabeth was born 06-1850 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-dh Derius Graham was born in 1851 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Note re Derius: ook Denas Graham, misschien ook Demas Graham en Dee Graham. Derius married, at the age of 18 years, on tuesday 13-07-1869 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Henrietta Covey, aged 24 years. Henrietta was born on friday 20-09-1844 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Henrietta: dochter van Elijah Covey en Catherine Showalter.
XXII-di Uriah Vermillion Graham was born on monday 21-02-1853 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Uriah Vermillion is deceased on tuesday 04-08-1914 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 61 years old. He was buried in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: dagarbeider. Note re Uriah Vermillion: hij kon niet lezen en schrijven. Uriah Vermillion married, at the age of 21 years, on monday 16-11-1874 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rena East, aged 18 years. Rena was born in 1856 in Carroll County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-dj Harriet M. Graham was born in 1854 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Note re Harriet M.: ze kon niet lezen en schrijven. Harriet M. married, at the age of 23 years, on tuesday 08-05-1877 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to George W. Thornton, aged 20 years. George W. was born in 1857 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Gordon Thornton and Margarett Booth. Occupation: arbeider.
XXII-dk Lethias Graham was born on sunday 06-09-1857 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Occupation: farmer. Lethias married, at the age of about 26 years, about 1883 to Mary Lasley.
XXII-dl Asel Graham was born on thursday 04-03-1858 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Asel is deceased on wednesday 08-02-1950 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 91 years old. He was buried on friday 10-02-1950 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Asel married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 06-10-1881 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Jane Thornton, aged 17 years. Mary Jane was born on wednesday 06-04-1864 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Gordon Thornton and Margarett Booth. Mary Jane is deceased on thursday 19-04-1956 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 92 years old. She was buried in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXII-dm Noah Graham was born on sunday 08-03-1863 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Noah is deceased on sunday 16-02-1947 in Giatto, Mercer County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 83 years old. Note re the death of Noah: Graham/Thornton Cemetery - Pulaski County, Virginia. Occupation: farmer. Noah married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 26-03-1885 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Drusilla Clementine Thornton, aged 17 years. Drusilla Clementine was born on sunday 22-09-1867 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Gordon Thornton and Margarett Booth. Drusilla Clementine is deceased on thursday 12-12-1940 in Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 73 years old. She was buried on sunday 15-12-1940. Note re the death of Drusilla Clementine: Graham/Thornton Cemetery - Pulaski County, Virginia.
XXII-dn Molly Mae Graham was born on tuesday 08-10-1867 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Robert A. Graham and Edith Booth. Molly Mae is deceased on saturday 05-02-1938 in Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 70 years old. Note re the death of Molly Mae: Burke's Run Cemetery - Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia. Molly Mae married, at the age of 21 years, on friday 15-02-1889 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lafayette Graham, aged 21 years. Lafayette was born on saturday 30-11-1867 in Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Lafayette is deceased on sunday 08-03-1953 in Snowville, Pulaski County, Virginia, U.S.A., 85 years old. Occupation: farmer. Note re Lafayette: zoon van Ira Graham en Amanda Holliday.
XXIII-a George A. Booth was born on wednesday 04-06-1845, son of Silas S. Booth and Alice Gunnison. George A. is deceased on wednesday 10-06-1903, 58 years old. George A. married, at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 03-05-1876 to Laura D. Aldrich.
Child of George A. and Laura D.:
1 Waldo Aldrich Booth, born 08-1877. Waldo Aldrich is deceased 05-1878, 9 months old.
XXIII-b Effie M. Booth was born on saturday 13-04-1850, daughter of Silas S. Booth and Alice Gunnison. Effie M. married, at the age of 31 years, on tuesday 07-06-1881 to George W. Nourse.
Children of Effie M. and George W.:
1 Alice Marjorie Nourse, born on monday 29-10-1888. Alice Marjorie is deceased on friday 13-09-1889, 10 months old.
2 Lawrence G. Nourse, born on tuesday 18-07-1893.
XXIII-c Charles A. Booth was born on friday 21-05-1847, son of Joshua W. Booth and Mary Gunnison. Charles A. married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 10-11-1870 to Celestia Carr.
Children of Charles A. and Celestia:
1 George Gardner Booth, born on saturday 14-10-1871 in Goshen, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-a.
2 Harriet Florence Booth, born on friday 30-07-1875. Follow XXIV-b.
3 Robert Carr Booth, born on sunday 11-05-1879.
4 James Wilner Booth, born on tuesday 25-12-1883.
5 Helen Marian Booth, born on wednesday 27-01-1892.
XXIII-d Alice E. Booth was born on sunday 05-06-1853, daughter of Joshua W. Booth and Mary Gunnison. Alice E. started a relationship with George Woodbury. George was born on tuesday 01-10-1878.
XXIII-e Virginia Booth was born about 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John Booth and Charlotte Graham. Virginia married, at the age of about 19 years, on thursday 13-06-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Tazewell W. Hylton, aged about 19 years. Tazewell W. was born about 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-f Emily Caroline Booth was born about 1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of John Booth and Charlotte Graham. Emily Caroline is deceased in 1882, about 39 years old. Emily Caroline married, at the age of about 23 years, on thursday 27-12-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Alexander Montague Graham, aged about 29 years. Alexander Montague was born about 1837 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of John W. Graham and Nancy Booth. Alexander Montague is deceased 10-1922 in Delaware County, Indiana, U.S.A., about 85 years old. Note re the death of Alexander Montague: Bethel Cemetery, Delaware County, Indiana. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "A", 54th Virginia Infanterie.
Children of Emily Caroline and Alexander Montague:
1 Dora Graham, born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-c.
2 Eura Graham, born in 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-d.
3 Clarence Graham, born in 1880.
XXIII-g Jacob Hillory Booth was born on monday 12-08-1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Jacob Hillory is deceased about 1902 in Kanawha County, West Virginia, U.S.A., about 52 years old. Note re the death of Jacob Hillory: Pleasant Vw Cm, Oak Hill, Faette County, West Virginia. Jacob Hillory married, at the age of about 23 years, about 1873 in Virginia, U.S.A. to Laura Jane Mitchell, aged about 17 years. Laura Jane was born on thursday 03-01-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Laura Jane is deceased on thursday 17-06-1897 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 41 years old. Note re the death of Laura Jane: Pleasant Vw Cm, Oak Hill, Faette County, West Virginia. Note re Laura Jane: dochter van James Mitchell en Mary Basham.
Children of Jacob Hillory and Laura Jane:
1 Nannie Virginia Booth, born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
2 Marvin Waterman Booth, born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
3 Warren Ludlew Booth, born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
4 William Dow Booth, born on monday 09-03-1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-e.
5 James Abner Booth, born on thursday 17-06-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-f.
6 Samuel E. Booth, born in 1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
7 Mary Jane Booth, born on tuesday 15-01-1878 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Mary Jane is deceased on friday 20-09-1957 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 79 years old.
8 Thomas Letcher Booth, born on sunday 03-08-1879 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-g.
9 Jacob Andrew Booth, born in 1884 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.
10 Harley Stone Booth, born in 1886 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Harley Stone is deceased on monday 23-12-1957, 71 years old.
11 Walter Dudley Booth, born on sunday 17-02-1889 in Snowville, floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Walter Dudley is deceased on monday 02-10-1972 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 83 years old. He was buried on thursday 05-10-1972. Note re the death of Walter Dudley: Bays Cemetery, Fayette County, West Virginia.
12 Lora Ellen Booth, born on tuesday 22-11-1892 in Gatewood, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Lora Ellen is deceased on wednesday 01-09-1971 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 78 years old. Note re the death of Lora Ellen: Pleasant Vw Cm, Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia.
13 Bertha E. Booth, born on monday 31-05-1897 in Gatewood, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Bertha E. is deceased on wednesday 29-09-1897 in Gatewood, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 3 months old. Note re the death of Bertha E.: Pleasant Vw Cm, Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia.
XXIII-h Riley T. Booth was born on saturday 21-08-1852 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Riley T. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 06-08-1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy E. Roop, aged about 21 years. Nancy E. was born about 1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-i Mary M. Booth was born on monday 08-05-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Mary M. is deceased before 1900, at the most 46 years old. Mary M. married, at the age of 20 years, on friday 19-03-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Peter Lester, aged about 28 years. Peter was born about 1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-j Doshia Jane Booth was born on wednesday 09-05-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Doshia Jane married, at the age of 16 years, on thursday 23-11-1871 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Samuel B. Lester, aged about 22 years. Samuel B. was born about 1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-k Cordelia P. Booth was born on friday 20-11-1857 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Cordelia P. married, at the age of 18 years, on tuesday 18-04-1876 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Ira Jones, aged about 29 years. Ira was born about 1847 in Franklin County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-l Asa L. Homer Booth was born on monday 03-12-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abner Booth and Nancy Ruth Beckett. Asa L. Homer married, at the age of 34 years, on wednesday 23-01-1901 to Susanne Epperley.
Children of Asa L. Homer and Susanne:
1 Mayne L. Booth, born in 1854.
2 Vivian Booth, born on friday 18-03-1904.
3 Nellie Booth, born on saturday 29-05-1909.
4 Asa Harless Booth, born on friday 13-10-1911.
5 James Oscar Booth, born on friday 13-10-1911.
XXIII-m Daniel Jackson Earles was born on wednesday 15-12-1830 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Bennet T. Earles and Nancy A. Booth. Daniel Jackson is deceased on thursday 22-08-1912 in Windsor, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 81 years old. Note re the death of Daniel Jackson: Langdon cemetery. Daniel Jackson married, at the age of 24 years, on sunday 31-12-1854 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Dodge Hollenbeck, aged 17 years. Elizabeth Dodge was born on monday 10-04-1837 in Muskingum County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Elizabeth Dodge is deceased on thursday 07-12-1911 in Windsor, Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., 74 years old. Note re Elizabeth Dodge: dochter van Lanson Hollenbeck en Lucinda Agnew.
XXIII-n Eveline Frances Earles was born on saturday 19-10-1844 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Bennet T. Earles and Nancy A. Booth. Eveline Frances is deceased on monday 02-04-1923, 78 years old. Eveline Frances married, at the age of 19 years, on sunday 10-04-1864 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Amos H. Keeney, aged 18 years. Amos H. was born on tuesday 16-09-1845. Amos H. is deceased on tuesday 23-07-1918, 72 years old.
XXIII-o Cyrus S. Smith was born about 1833 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Bird Smith and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Cyrus S.: 1833 - 1834. Cyrus S. married, at the age of about 29 years, on sunday 12-01-1862 to Nancy Lycans.
XXIII-p Ephraim Smith was born about 1842, son of Bird Smith and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Ephraim: 1842 - 1843. Ephraim is deceased on friday 06-03-1908, about 66 years old. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog compagnie "D", 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery; compagnie "K", 5th West Virginia Volunteers. Ephraim:
(1) married to Nancy N.N..
(2) married, at the age of about 24 years, on monday 17-12-1866 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Catherine Waters, aged 18 years. Catherine was born in 1848 in Pennsylvania, U.S.A..
XXIII-q Cornelius (Camilus) Smith was born about 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Bird Smith and Elizabeth Booth. Note re the birth of Cornelius (Camilus): 1843 - 1847. Cornelius (Camilus) married, at the age of about 24 years, on wednesday 22-12-1869 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Amelia Strother.
XXIII-r Shadrock Smith was born 10-1849 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., son of Bird Smith and Elizabeth Booth. Shadrock married, at the age of 21 years, on friday 25-08-1871 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A. to Ruth Willis.
XXIII-s Isaac Helms was born in 1847 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Benjamin Helms and Nancy Ann Booth. Isaac married, at the age of 20 years, on saturday 23-11-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Emma J. Dowdy, aged 20 years. Emma J. was born in 1847 in Kanawha County, West Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-t Joel Helms was born 09-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Benjamin Helms and Nancy Ann Booth. Joel is deceased on thursday 22-02-1940 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., 84 years old. Joel married, at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 29-12-1880 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Isabella Adeline Earles, aged 15 years. Isabella Adeline was born 10-1865. Isabella Adeline is deceased 11-1947 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., 82 years old.
XXIII-u Joshua Bishop was born about 1840, son of Joseph Bishop and Hannah Booth. Occupation: in militaire dienst in de Burgeroorlog, Compagnie "A", 54th Virginia Infanterie. Joshua married, at the age of about 19 years, on friday 25-11-1859 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Jewel.
XXIII-v Nancy E. Lawrence was born about 1848 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William B. Lawrence and Sarah Booth. Nancy E. is deceased on saturday 29-10-1910 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A., about 62 years old. She was buried on monday 31-10-1910 in Radford, Virginia, U.S.A.. Nancy E. married, at the age of about 26 years, on tuesday 08-09-1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Jacob Yearout, aged about 31 years. Jacob was born about 1843 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Jacob is deceased about 1908 in Cleves, Hamilton County, Ohio, U.S.A., about 65 years old. He was buried about 1908 in Cleves, Hamilton County, Ohio, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jacob Yearout en Elizabeth Altizer.
XXIII-w Elmira Spangler was born in 1838 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of David Spangler and Permelia Booth. Elmira is deceased on sunday 30-01-1859 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 21 years old. Elmira married, at the age of 20 years, in 1858 to Isaac Martin, aged 25 years. Isaac was born on saturday 26-10-1833 in Patrick County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Isaac is deceased on monday 24-04-1911, 77 years old. Note re Isaac: zoon van William Martin en Sarah Harris.
XXIII-x George W. Spangler was born on saturday 16-05-1840 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of David Spangler and Permelia Booth. George W. is deceased on wednesday 07-03-1900, 59 years old. George W. married, at the age of at least 20 years, after 1860 to Catherine F. Bower, aged at least 18 years. Catherine F. was born on friday 25-02-1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Catherine F. is deceased on sunday 29-03-1925, 83 years old.
XXIII-y Christian Spangler was born in 1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of David Spangler and Permelia Booth. Christian married to Elizabeth Weddle. Elizabeth was born in 1839 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-z James Hiley Booth was born on saturday 03-01-1852 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of James Booth and Catherine Jane Lester. James Hiley married, at the age of 30 years, on thursday 23-02-1882 to Nancy A. Moore.
XXIII-aa Isabella Booth was born on tuesday 19-12-1854 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of James Booth and Catherine Jane Lester. Isabella married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 08-03-1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to John Wilson Bishop, aged 24 years. John Wilson was born in 1853 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-ab Jacob N. Booth was born on wednesday 10-04-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of James Booth and Catherine Jane Lester. Jacob N. is deceased on thursday 28-05-1914, 53 years old (cause: als gevolg van een explosie van een benzinemotor). Jacob N. married, at the age of 16 years, on monday 18-03-1878 to Luemma Johnson.
XXIII-ac Mary A. Walters was born in 1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Hiram Walters and Druzilla C. Booth. Mary A. married to John Taylor Aldridge.
XXIII-ad Charles Eather Spangler was born on saturday 26-05-1888 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Charles Eather is deceased on tuesday 30-12-1980 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., 92 years old. Charles Eather:
(1) married to Marietta Givan.
(2) married to Vicie M. Goodman.
XXIII-ae Livinia Spangler was born on thursday 06-03-1890 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., daughter of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Livinia is deceased on sunday 30-07-1933 in Solway, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., 43 years old. Livinia married, at the age of 16 years, on wednesday 18-07-1906 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A. to John L. Cundiff, aged 29 years. John L. was born on thursday 08-02-1877 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A.. John L. is deceased on friday 29-07-1960 in East View, Kentucky, U.S.A., 83 years old.
XXIII-af Cora Dell Spangler was born on friday 18-11-1892 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., daughter of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Cora Dell married to Oby Goodman. Oby was born in 1891 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A..
XXIII-ag Arthur Elworth Spangler was born on friday 18-11-1892 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., son of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Arthur Elworth is deceased on thursday 21-08-1969, 76 years old. Arthur Elworth married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 19-03-1914 to Luddie Ann Lyons, aged 19 years. Luddie Ann was born in 1895 in Kentucky, U.S.A..
XXIII-ah Oscar L. Spangler was born on saturday 23-03-1895 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., son of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Oscar L. married to Cleo Cundiff.
XXIII-ai Olie Ruth Spangler was born 08-1897 in Meeting Creek, Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A., daughter of N.N. Spangler and Annie Booth. Olie Ruth married to William McKinley Miller. William McKinley was born in 1898 in Hardin County, Kentucky, U.S.A..
XXIII-aj Sarah Catherine Chaffin was born on tuesday 08-04-1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, U.S.A., daughter of Nathan Chaffin and Zillah Booth. Sarah Catherine is deceased on friday 13-01-1922 in Kansas, U.S.A., 76 years old. Sarah Catherine married to William Jacob Wilson. William Jacob was born on saturday 27-06-1846 in Ohio, U.S.A.. William Jacob is deceased on saturday 09-03-1918 in Kansas, U.S.A., 71 years old.
XXIII-ak Eurard Craten Booth was born on tuesday 25-04-1848, son of Flemmon S. Booth and Mary Cooper. Eurard Craten is deceased on wednesday 06-02-1889, 40 years old. Eurard Craten married to Welda Kimball.
Children of Eurard Craten and Welda:
1 Edna Booth.
2 Percy Booth.
3 Maud Booth.
XXIII-al Will Fleming Booth was born on saturday 15-03-1856, son of Flemmon S. Booth and Mary Cooper. Will Fleming is deceased on friday 28-04-1911, 55 years old. Will Fleming married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 26-12-1878 to America Bailey, aged 19 years. America was born on wednesday 09-11-1859. America is deceased on thursday 05-10-1916, 56 years old.
Children of Will Fleming and America:
1 Lemuel Booth.
2 John William Booth.
3 Saunders Booth, born on saturday 01-05-1880. Saunders is deceased on friday 01-05-1903, 23 years old.
4 Charles Craton Booth, born on saturday 11-04-1885. Charles Craton is deceased in 1918, 33 years old.
5 Oscar Franklin Booth, born on thursday 05-05-1887. Oscar Franklin is deceased on tuesday 02-04-1907, 19 years old.
6 Cora Gertrude Booth, born on tuesday 15-10-1889. Cora Gertrude is deceased in 1918, 29 years old.
7 Thomas Clayton Booth, born on saturday 12-08-1893.
8 Homer Percy Booth, born on friday 29-03-1895.
9 James Marion Booth, born on tuesday 26-06-1900. James Marion is deceased on tuesday 19-03-1918, 17 years old.
XXIII-am George M. Booth was born on tuesday 19-01-1864, son of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. George M. is deceased on wednesday 22-07-1942, 78 years old. George M.:
(1) married to Ola Cross.
(2) married to Laura Milstead.
(3) married to Emma Paul.
Child of George M. and Ola:
1 Carl Booth.
Children of George M. and Laura:
1 Nellie Booth.
2 John Booth.
XXIII-an Nancy A. Booth was born on saturday 13-01-1866, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Nancy A. is deceased on monday 11-05-1914, 48 years old. Nancy A. married to Thomas Brammer.
Children of Nancy A. and Thomas:
1 Ora Brammer.
2 Elizabeth Brammer.
3 Dessie Brammer.
4 Estelle Brammer.
5 Thomas Brammer.
6 Oliver Brammer.
7 Grace Brammer.
8 Verna Brammer.
XXIII-ao Caroline E. Booth was born on thursday 24-03-1870, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Caroline E. is deceased on sunday 07-12-1941, 71 years old. Caroline E. married to Oren Massie.
Child of Caroline E. and Oren:
1 Elston Massie.
XXIII-ap Frederick H. Booth was born on thursday 04-04-1872, son of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Frederick H. is deceased on saturday 01-05-1943, 71 years old. Frederick H. married to Anne Ransbottom.
Children of Frederick H. and Anne:
1 Velma Booth.
2 Elmer Booth.
3 Garland Booth.
4 Lillian Booth.
XXIII-aq Rachel A. Booth was born on sunday 15-02-1874, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Rachel A. is deceased on wednesday 10-06-1942, 68 years old. Rachel A. married to Edward Hall.
Children of Rachel A. and Edward:
1 Ernest Hall.
2 Jimmie Hall.
3 Oliver Hall.
4 Chloie Hall.
5 Dewey Hall.
6 Harold Hall.
7 Bessie Hall.
8 Eddie Alice Hall. Note re the death of Eddie Alice: jong overleden.
XXIII-ar Mary Ethel Booth was born on thursday 23-03-1876, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Mary Ethel is deceased on tuesday 24-12-1963, 87 years old. Mary Ethel married, at the age of 20 years, on sunday 16-08-1896 to Alonzo Gibson.
Children of Mary Ethel and Alonzo:
1 Mary Evelyn Gibson.
2 Oliver Gibson.
3 Clara Gibson.
4 Robert Gibson.
5 Etha Gibson.
XXIII-as Eva D. Booth was born on thursday 18-04-1878, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Eva D. is deceased on sunday 10-01-1915, 36 years old. Eva D. started a relationship with Dillon Howell.
Children of Eva D. and Dillon:
1 Ruby Howell.
2 Helen Howell.
XXIII-at Ora M. Booth was born on thursday 06-05-1880, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Ora M. is deceased on thursday 04-05-1905, 24 years old. Ora M. married to Homer Smith.
Children of Ora M. and Homer:
1 N.N. Smith. Note re the birth of N.N.: overleden bij de geboorte.
2 N.N. Smith. Note re the birth of N.N.: overleden bij de geboorte.
XXIII-au Bessie L. Booth was born on sunday 18-03-1883, daughter of Oliver S. Booth and Elizabeth Jane Holland. Bessie L. is deceased on wednesday 16-12-1908, 25 years old. Bessie L. married to Dee Brammer.
Child of Bessie L. and Dee:
1 Earl Brammer.
XXIII-av Peridina Dulaney was born in 1843, daughter of Hyram Dulaney and Mary Booth. Peridina married, at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 29-04-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to George William Reed, aged 20 years. George William was born on saturday 19-02-1848. Note re George William: zoon van Humphrey Reed.
XXIII-aw Addison Dulaney was born in 1845, son of Hyram Dulaney and Mary Booth. Addison married, at the age of 20 years, on sunday 20-08-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Elizabeth Reed, aged 21 years. Elizabeth was born on wednesday 10-04-1844 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Elizabeth: dochter van Mark Reed en Lucy Reed.
XXIII-ax Christley Dulaney was born about 1846, son of Hyram Dulaney and Mary Booth. Christley married, at the age of about 21 years, on thursday 07-02-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Delilah Reed, aged 21 years. Delilah was born in 1846. Note re Delilah: dochter van Humphrey Reed en Nancy N.N..
XXIII-ay Lucy Dulaney was born in 1853, daughter of Hyram Dulaney and Mary Booth. Lucy married, at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 01-03-1871 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Greenberry Akers, aged about 19 years. Greenberry was born about 1852. Note re Greenberry: zoon van Greenberry Akers en Polly Cooper.
XXIII-az Martha A. Dulaney was born in 1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Hyram Dulaney and Mary Booth. Martha A. married, at the age of 17 years, on wednesday 11-12-1872 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Ross E. Reed, aged 21 years. Ross E. was born in 1851. Note re Ross E.: zoon van Ross Reed en Catherine N.N..
XXIII-ba Malinda Duncan was born on saturday 19-06-1847, daughter of Humphrey Duncan and Lucy Booth. Malinda is deceased on saturday 05-06-1920 in Illinois, U.S.A., 72 years old. Malinda married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 31-12-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to George Bartholomew Reed, aged 26 years. George Bartholomew was born on tuesday 20-09-1842 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. George Bartholomew is deceased on sunday 21-03-1920 in Hancock County, Illinois, U.S.A., 77 years old.
XXIII-bb Crockett L. Duncan was born in 1859, son of Humphrey Duncan and Lucy Booth. Crockett L. married, at the age of 20 years, on monday 19-05-1879 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Nancy Reed, aged 21 years. Nancy was born in 1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Nancy: dochter van Cornelius Reed en Miriam Reed.
XXIII-bc George Edward Booth was born on saturday 08-12-1849 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. George Edward married, at the age of 26 years, on thursday 06-01-1876 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Malinda E. Dulaney, aged 20 years. Malinda E. was born on saturday 30-06-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Malinda E. is deceased on tuesday 14-02-1922, 66 years old. Note re Malinda E.: dochter van Daniel Dulaney en Mary Altizer.
Children of George Edward and Malinda E.:
1 Millie E. Booth, born 11-1877. Follow XXIV-h.
2 Arvonia Elizabeth Booth, born 05-1879. Follow XXIV-i.
3 Winfield Scott Booth, born 10-1881. Follow XXIV-j.
4 Madison A. Booth, born 03-1884. Follow XXIV-k.
5 Daniel Edmond Booth, born on thursday 19-08-1886. Follow XXIV-l.
6 Charlie D. Booth, born in 1889. Follow XXIV-m.
7 Solomon Columbus Booth, born in 1892. Follow XXIV-n.
8 John Hampton Booth, born in 1892. Follow XXIV-o.
9 Lewis Booth, born 01-1896.
XXIII-bd Lucy Brown Booth was born on sunday 24-08-1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Lucy Brown married, at the age of 33 years, on thursday 11-12-1884 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Artemas Duncan.
XXIII-be Asa L. Booth was born on sunday 01-05-1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Asa L. married to Arabella Emily Lester. Arabella Emily was born on sunday 19-06-1853 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. Address: (woonde in Indianola, Iowa, U.S.A.).
XXIII-bf Nancy Elizabeth Booth was born on friday 26-01-1855 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Nancy Elizabeth married, at the age of 27 years, 02-1882 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Squire B. Reed, aged 23 years. Squire B. was born on friday 02-04-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Squire B. is deceased on tuesday 14-01-1947 in Indianola, Iowa, U.S.A., 88 years old.
XXIII-bg Rowena A. Booth was born on sunday 04-04-1858 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Rowena A. married, at the age of 19 years, on friday 04-05-1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Andrew Fulton Akers, aged 21 years. Andrew Fulton was born in 1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIII-bh Charles Lewis Booth was born on saturday 11-07-1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Charles Lewis married to Roxey McNaught. Roxey was born about 1863.
XXIII-bi Sarah Susan Booth was born on sunday 28-05-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Sarah Susan married to Griffith Arvin Dickerson. Griffith Arvin was born about 1865.
XXIII-bj Amos Albert Booth was born on thursday 09-01-1873 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Lewis P. Booth and Nancy Jane Reed. Amos Albert married to Ida Duncan. Ida was born about 1873.
XXIII-bk Jesse A. Booth was born on saturday 08-06-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Jesse A. is deceased on sunday 19-05-1929 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 67 years old. Jesse A. married, at the age of 19 years, on thursday 16-12-1880 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Eliza Missouri Booth, aged 20 years. Eliza Missouri was born on sunday 07-10-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Eliza Missouri is deceased on thursday 30-10-1924 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 64 years old.
Children of Jesse A. and Eliza Missouri:
1 David Lee Booth, born on wednesday 28-09-1881. David Lee is deceased on tuesday 06-03-1883, 1 year old.
2 Nathanial Taylor Booth, born on sunday 28-10-1883. Follow XXIV-p.
3 Lavan Dudley Booth, born 09-1887. Follow XXIV-q.
4 Erasmus Uriah Booth, born on friday 22-03-1889. Erasmus Uriah is deceased on friday 13-09-1901, 12 years old.
5 Mary Susan Booth, born on thursday 07-01-1892 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-r.
6 Jesse Andrew Booth, born on friday 07-07-1899. Follow XXIV-s.
7 Leonard Taylor Booth, born on sunday 22-06-1902. Follow XXIV-t.
XXIII-bl Martha E. Booth was born in 1863 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Martha E. is deceased in 1935 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 72 years old. Martha E. married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 12-11-1885 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Henry Reed, aged 35 years. Henry was born on saturday 12-10-1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Henry is deceased on friday 25-09-1914 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 63 years old. Note re Henry: zoon van Michael Reed en Delilah Reed.
Children of Martha E. and Henry:
1 Deliah A. Reed, born after 1885. Follow XXIV-u.
2 Mary Polly Reed, born about 1888. Follow XXIV-v.
3 John P. Reed, born about 1891. Follow XXIV-w.
4 Henry Clinton Reed, born about 1897. Follow XXIV-x.
XXIII-bm Sarah Ann Booth was born on wednesday 07-03-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Sarah Ann married, at the age of 19 years, on thursday 10-12-1885 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Floyd Akers, aged about 19 years. Floyd was born about 1866. Note re Floyd: zoon van Joshua Akers en Mary Reed.
Children of Sarah Ann and Floyd:
1 Mary Polly Akers, born 05-1887. Follow XXIV-y.
2 Ellie M. Akers, born about 1889.
3 Martha Akers, born about 1891.
4 George Harvey Akers, born about 1893. George Harvey is deceased 02-1975, about 82 years old.
5 Rowena A. Akers, born 12-1895. Follow XXIV-z.
6 Samuel Clinton Akers, born on saturday 30-04-1898. Follow XXIV-aa.
XXIII-bn Abijah Booth was born on monday 17-08-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Occupation: farmer. Abijah married, at the age of 17 years, on thursday 24-12-1885 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Parthena V. Booth, aged about 17 years. Parthena V. was born about 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt.
Children of Abijah and Parthena V.:
1 Etta Booth. Follow XXIV-ab.
2 Linnie A. Booth, born 02-1887. Follow XXIV-ac.
3 William Austin Booth, born on saturday 24-08-1889 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-ad.
4 Noah P. Booth, born in 1891. Noah P. remained unmarried.
5 Rollie M. Booth, born in 1894. Rollie M. is deceased in 1930, 36 years old. Rollie M. remained unmarried.
6 Mary Annabelle Booth, born 08-1894 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-ae.
7 Abijah Calvin Booth, born 07-1899. Follow XXIV-af.
8 Parthena Alma Booth, born in 1903. Follow XXIV-ag.
XXIII-bo William Booth was born on friday 16-12-1870 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. William:
(1) married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1887 to Rosannah Dickerson.
(2) married, at the age of 18 years, on friday 01-11-1889 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Mary Emaline Akers, aged 15 years. Mary Emaline was born in 1874. Note re Mary Emaline: dochter van Joshua Akers en Mary Reed.
Children of William and Rosannah:
1 Jessee Booth, born after 1887.
2 Clarence Booth, born after 1887.
3 N.N. Booth, born after 1887.
Children of William and Mary Emaline:
1 N.N. Booth, born after 1889.
2 N.N. Booth, born after 1889.
3 Garfield Booth, born after 1889.
4 Dorothy Booth, born after 1889.
5 George William Booth, born about 1890 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-ah.
XXIII-bp Samuel Peter Booth was born in 1873 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Samuel Peter is deceased in 1940 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 67 years old. Samuel Peter married, at the age of 23 years, on saturday 31-10-1896 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Deliah Reed, aged 25 years. Deliah was born on thursday 02-02-1871. Note re Deliah: dochter van Andrew Reed en Sarah Dulaney.
Children of Samuel Peter and Deliah:
1 Delilah Ellen Booth, born after 1896. Follow XXIV-aj.
2 Virginia Booth, born after 1896. Follow XXIV-ai.
3 Tabitha Cumi Booth, born 08-1897.
4 Andy Jackson Booth, born 10-1899. Follow XXIV-ak.
XXIII-bq Noah Booth was born in 1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Noah married, at the age of 16 years, on thursday 17-07-1890 to Lucy E. Hurt, aged about 16 years. Lucy E. was born about 1874.
Children of Noah and Lucy E.:
1 Albert Booth, born after 1890.
2 Hassell Booth, born after 1890.
3 Golden Booth, born after 1890.
XXIII-br Permelia Booth was born on thursday 01-01-1857 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George B. Booth and Susan Dickerson. Permelia is deceased on saturday 02-07-1938, 81 years old. Permelia married, at the age of 15 years, on wednesday 21-02-1872 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Ezekiel Dulaney, aged 22 years. Ezekiel was born 01-1850 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Ezekiel is deceased before 1910, at the most 60 years old. Note re Ezekiel: zoon van Daniel Dulaney en Mary Altizer.
Children of Permelia and Ezekiel:
1 Rosabelle Dulaney, born on monday 11-09-1876 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-al.
2 Virginia Frances Dulaney, born on sunday 13-01-1878 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Virginia Frances is deceased on sunday 13-01-1878 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 0 days old.
3 Rachel A. Dulaney, born on thursday 05-06-1879 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-am.
4 Susan Permelia Dulaney, born 09-1881. Follow XXIV-an.
5 Daniel Ezekiel Dulaney, born on friday 02-03-1883. Follow XXIV-ao.
6 Melodonia Elizabeth Dulaney, born on monday 23-02-1885.
7 George Addison Dulaney, born on monday 04-04-1887 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re George Addison: jong overleden.
8 William Everette Dulaney, born on saturday 24-03-1888. Follow XXIV-ap.
9 Posie Green Dulaney, born 06-1890. Follow XXIV-aq.
10 Addie Leah Dulaney, born on sunday 27-11-1892.
11 Wyatt Waitman Dulaney, born on thursday 10-01-1895. Follow XXIV-ar.
XXIII-bs Malinda Ellen Booth was born in 1862 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of George B. Booth and Susan Dickerson. Malinda Ellen is deceased before 1900, at the most 38 years old. Malinda Ellen married to Samuel William Dulaney. Samuel William was born on monday 18-01-1858. Samuel William is deceased on sunday 04-02-1940, 82 years old. Note re Samuel William: zoon van William Dulaney en Sarah Cooper.
Children of Malinda Ellen and Samuel William:
1 William E. Dulaney, born on tuesday 20-01-1885 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-as.
2 George H. Dulaney, born about 1889.
3 Benjamin H. Dulaney, born 06-1890. Follow XXIV-at.
4 Charlie Clayton Dulaney, born 02-1893.
XXIII-bt James M. Booth was born 11-1865 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of George B. Booth and Susan Dickerson. James M. is deceased in 1923 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 58 years old. James M. married, at the age of 27 years, on saturday 24-12-1892 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rosetta Ellen Akers, aged 26 years. Rosetta Ellen was born in 1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Rosetta Ellen is deceased in 1952 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 86 years old. Note re the death of Rosetta Ellen: Reed Cemetery, Floyd County, Virginia. Note re Rosetta Ellen: dochter van Beaufort Akers en Rachel Dulaney.
Children of James M. and Rosetta Ellen:
1 Ernest T. Booth, born in 1883 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Ernest T. is deceased in 1901 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 18 years old.
2 Laura Rachel Booth, born about 1888 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Laura Rachel is deceased on saturday 06-09-1958 in Radford, Virginia, U.S.A., about 70 years old.
3 Rosa Alma Booth, born about 1891 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-au.
XXIII-bu Austin Monroe Booth was born on saturday 29-06-1872, son of George B. Booth and Susan Dickerson. Austin Monroe is deceased on sunday 19-05-1935, 62 years old. Austin Monroe married, at the age of 25 years, on friday 22-04-1898 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lillie Mary Dulaney, aged 22 years. Lillie Mary was born 10-1875 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Lillie Mary: dochter van Ashell Dulaney en Rachel Reed.
Children of Austin Monroe and Lillie Mary:
1 Wilda Booth, born 04-1899.
2 Dessie E. Booth, born about 1901. Dessie E. is deceased on monday 14-02-1994 in Vinton, Virginia, U.S.A., about 93 years old.
3 George Hassell Booth, born about 1903. George Hassell is deceased about 1942, about 39 years old.
4 Everett A. Booth, born in 1904. Everett A. is deceased in 1905, 1 year old.
XXIII-bv Eliza Missouri Booth was born on sunday 07-10-1860 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Eliza Missouri is deceased on thursday 30-10-1924 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 64 years old. Eliza Missouri married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 16-12-1880 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Jesse A. Booth, aged 19 years. Jesse A. was born on saturday 08-06-1861 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Jesse A. is deceased on sunday 19-05-1929 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 67 years old.
Children of Eliza Missouri and Jesse A.:
1 David Lee Booth, born on wednesday 28-09-1881. David Lee is deceased on tuesday 06-03-1883, 1 year old.
2 Nathanial Taylor Booth, born on sunday 28-10-1883. Follow XXIV-p.
3 Lavan Dudley Booth, born 09-1887. Follow XXIV-q.
4 Erasmus Uriah Booth, born on friday 22-03-1889. Erasmus Uriah is deceased on friday 13-09-1901, 12 years old.
5 Mary Susan Booth, born on thursday 07-01-1892 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-r.
6 Jesse Andrew Booth, born on friday 07-07-1899. Follow XXIV-s.
7 Leonard Taylor Booth, born on sunday 22-06-1902. Follow XXIV-t.
XXIII-bw Frances E. Booth was born on sunday 08-07-1866 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Frances E. married, at the age of 24 years, on thursday 18-12-1890 to Joseph Mannan, aged about 24 years. Joseph was born about 1866.
XXIII-bx Parthena V. Booth was born about 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Parthena V. married, at the age of about 17 years, on thursday 24-12-1885 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Abijah Booth, aged 17 years. Abijah was born on monday 17-08-1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Emet Peter Booth and Mary E. Dulaney. Occupation: farmer.
Children of Parthena V. and Abijah:
1 Etta Booth. Follow XXIV-ab.
2 Linnie A. Booth, born 02-1887. Follow XXIV-ac.
3 William Austin Booth, born on saturday 24-08-1889 in Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-ad.
4 Noah P. Booth, born in 1891. Noah P. remained unmarried.
5 Rollie M. Booth, born in 1894. Rollie M. is deceased in 1930, 36 years old. Rollie M. remained unmarried.
6 Mary Annabelle Booth, born 08-1894 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXIV-ae.
7 Abijah Calvin Booth, born 07-1899. Follow XXIV-af.
8 Parthena Alma Booth, born in 1903. Follow XXIV-ag.
XXIII-by Mary J. Booth was born on sunday 08-10-1871 in Alum Ridge, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Mary J. married, at the age of 17 years, on wednesday 05-06-1889 to Jacob L. Asper, aged about 18 years. Jacob L. was born about 1871.
XXIII-bz Lewis B. Booth was born in 1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Lewis B. married, at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 25-02-1896 to Rhoda E. Dickerson, aged about 21 years. Rhoda E. was born about 1875.
XXIII-ca Sarah L. Booth was born in 1877 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Noah R. Booth and Susanna A. Hurt. Sarah L. married, at the age of 26 years, on sunday 01-03-1903 to W.H. Simmons, aged about 26 years. W.H. was born about 1877.
XXIII-cb Cordelia Victorine Sumner was born on friday 07-11-1856 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Jathan N. Sumner and Sarah Jane Booth. Cordelia Victorine is deceased on tuesday 06-08-1929, 72 years old. Cordelia Victorine married in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to James William Graham. James William was born on tuesday 18-02-1851 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. James William is deceased on sunday 12-04-1914, 63 years old.
XXIII-cc William Owen Sumner was born on sunday 18-08-1867 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Jathan N. Sumner and Sarah Jane Booth. William Owen married to Maggie Edison Basham.
XXIII-cd Albert E. Sumner was born on friday 08-04-1870, son of Jathan N. Sumner and Sarah Jane Booth. Albert E. is deceased on saturday 05-06-1948, 78 years old. Albert E. married, at the age of 22 years, on thursday 18-08-1892 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Louanna Weeks, aged 15 years. Louanna was born on saturday 26-05-1877.
XXIV-a George Gardner Booth was born on saturday 14-10-1871 in Goshen, Sullivan, New Hampshire, U.S.A., son of Charles A. Booth and Celestia Carr. George Gardner married, at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 25-07-1894 to Bertha Isabel Barton. Note re the death of Bertha Isabel: overleden in het Boston Hospital?. Note re Bertha Isabel: dochter van William Barton en Cecelia Armstrong.
Children of George Gardner and Bertha Isabel:
1 Hazel Marian Booth, born on thursday 22-08-1895 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-a.
2 Violet Marjorie Booth, born on sunday 06-05-1900. Violet Marjorie is deceased on tuesday 08-05-1900, 2 days old.
3 George Armand Booth, born on friday 14-11-1902 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-b.
4 Christine Norma Booth, born on monday 22-12-1913 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-c.
XXIV-b Harriet Florence Booth was born on friday 30-07-1875, daughter of Charles A. Booth and Celestia Carr. Harriet Florence married, at the age of 24 years, on friday 18-05-1900 to Albert J. Cook.
XXIV-c Dora Graham was born in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Alexander Montague Graham and Emily Caroline Booth. Dora married after 1907 to Ira Bernard Peters, aged at least 17 years. Ira Bernard was born on wednesday 08-10-1890.
XXIV-d Eura Graham was born in 1868 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Alexander Montague Graham and Emily Caroline Booth. Eura started a relationship with Sigler Wellington.
XXIV-e William Dow Booth was born on monday 09-03-1874 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Jacob Hillory Booth and Laura Jane Mitchell. William Dow is deceased on friday 31-01-1936 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 61 years old. William Dow married, at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 10-11-1897 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A. to Sarah Margaret Kincaid, aged 21 years. Sarah Margaret was born 03-1876 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Sarah Margaret: dochter van Samuel Kincaid en Martha N.N.
Children of William Dow and Sarah Margaret:
1 Almeady G. Boothe, born on tuesday 20-09-1898 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Almeady G. is deceased on monday 19-12-1898 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 2 months old. Note re the death of Almeady G.: Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia.
2 John B. Boothe, born 09-1899 in Kanawha County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIV-f James Abner Booth was born on thursday 17-06-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Jacob Hillory Booth and Laura Jane Mitchell. James Abner is deceased on tuesday 29-03-1949 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 73 years old. He was buried on thursday 31-03-1949 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Occupation: farmer. James Abner:
(1) married, at the age of 20 years, on wednesday 01-04-1896 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A. to Esther Elizabeth Johnson, aged 18 years. Esther Elizabeth was born on sunday 09-09-1877 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Esther Elizabeth is deceased on tuesday 14-05-1935 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 57 years old. She was buried on friday 17-05-1935 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Esther Elizabeth: dochter van Henry Johnson en Susan Tatum.
(2) married, at the age of about 65 years, about 1940 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A. to Lula Poteet, aged about 65 years. Lula was born about 1875 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.
Children of James Abner and Esther Elizabeth:
1 Macie Henry Booth. Follow XXV-d.
2 N.N. Booth, born on wednesday 09-11-1898 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. N.N. is deceased on wednesday 09-11-1898 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 0 days old.
3 Vibert Leo Booth, born on friday 13-06-1902 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Vibert Leo is deceased 11-1976 in Florida, U.S.A., 74 years old.
4 Cobert Dalton Booth, born on saturday 16-12-1905 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Cobert Dalton is deceased on thursday 18-11-1920 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 14 years old.
5 Delbert Lamar Booth, born on tuesday 17-05-1910 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-e.
6 Sebert Lynn Booth, born on friday 16-10-1914 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-f.
7 Gaynell Imogene Booth, born on monday 21-01-1918 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Gaynell Imogene is deceased in 1959 in New Jersey, U.S.A., 41 years old.
XXIV-g Thomas Letcher Booth was born on sunday 03-08-1879 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Jacob Hillory Booth and Laura Jane Mitchell. Thomas Letcher is deceased on saturday 26-11-1960, 81 years old. Thomas Letcher married to Hazel Lella Sanger. Hazel Lella was born on saturday 29-04-1893 in Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Hazel Lella is deceased on thursday 29-06-1978 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 85 years old. She was buried on sunday 02-07-1978 in Chestnut Grove, Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re Hazel Lella: dochter van Abraham Sanger.
Children of Thomas Letcher and Hazel Lella:
1 Thomas Mason Booth.
2 Vincent Evans Booth.
3 Melba Louise Booth.
4 Helen Delores Booth.
XXIV-h Millie E. Booth was born 11-1877, daughter of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Millie E. married, at the age of 24 years, on wednesday 21-05-1902 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Edward H. Spence, aged about 25 years. Edward H. was born about 1877.
XXIV-i Arvonia Elizabeth Booth was born 05-1879, daughter of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Arvonia Elizabeth married to Charlie Duncan.
XXIV-j Winfield Scott Booth was born 10-1881, son of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Winfield Scott married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1898 to Fletta Phillips.
XXIV-k Madison A. Booth was born 03-1884, daughter of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Madison A. married, at the age of at the most 17 years, before 1901 to Nancy Bishop.
XXIV-l Daniel Edmond Booth was born on thursday 19-08-1886, son of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Daniel Edmond is deceased on wednesday 21-08-1935, 49 years old. Daniel Edmond married to Martha Elizabeth Cox. Martha Elizabeth was born on saturday 24-03-1888. Martha Elizabeth is deceased on wednesday 05-08-1970 in Illinois, U.S.A., 82 years old.
XXIV-m Charlie D. Booth was born in 1889, son of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Charlie D. married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1906 to Rose N.N.. Rose was born in The Dakotas, U.S.A..
XXIV-n Solomon Columbus Booth was born in 1892, son of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. Solomon Columbus started a relationship with Grace N.N..
XXIV-o John Hampton Booth was born in 1892, son of George Edward Booth and Malinda E. Dulaney. John Hampton married to Kate N.N..
XXIV-p Nathanial Taylor Booth was born on sunday 28-10-1883, son of Jesse A. Booth and Eliza Missouri Booth. Nathanial Taylor is deceased on friday 19-12-1958, 75 years old. Nathanial Taylor married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 15-06-1905 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rosa Lena Weeks, aged about 16 years. Rosa Lena was born about 1889.
XXIV-q Lavan Dudley Booth was born 09-1887, son of Jesse A. Booth and Eliza Missouri Booth. Lavan Dudley is deceased on sunday 05-06-1955, 67 years old. Lavan Dudley married, at the age of 17 years, on monday 29-05-1905 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Lilley Dove Akers, aged about 16 years. Lilley Dove was born about 1889.
XXIV-r Mary Susan Booth was born on thursday 07-01-1892 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Jesse A. Booth and Eliza Missouri Booth. Mary Susan is deceased on thursday 13-09-1979, 87 years old. Mary Susan married, at the age of 18 years, on wednesday 21-12-1910 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Henry Edward Dulaney, aged 35 years. Henry Edward was born on tuesday 15-06-1875 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Henry Edward is deceased on wednesday 28-08-1957 in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, U.S.A., 82 years old. Note re Henry Edward: zoon van Madison Dulaney en Permelia Dulaney.
Child of Mary Susan and Henry Edward:
1 Madison Jesse Dulaney, born on monday 06-08-1923. Madison Jesse is deceased on friday 18-05-1945, 21 years old (cause: omgekomen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog).
XXIV-s Jesse Andrew Booth was born on friday 07-07-1899, son of Jesse A. Booth and Eliza Missouri Booth. Jesse Andrew is deceased on sunday 21-12-1958, 59 years old. Jesse Andrew started a relationship with Bessie Alma Reed. Bessie Alma was born on tuesday 19-04-1910 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Bessie Alma is deceased on thursday 10-08-1978, 68 years old.
XXIV-t Leonard Taylor Booth was born on sunday 22-06-1902, son of Jesse A. Booth and Eliza Missouri Booth. Leonard Taylor is deceased on thursday 12-12-1996, 94 years old. Leonard Taylor married, at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 15-04-1925 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Cassie B. Mannon, aged about 21 years. Cassie B. was born about 1904. Cassie B. is deceased 09-1987, about 83 years old.
XXIV-u Deliah A. Reed was born after 1885, daughter of Henry Reed and Martha E. Booth. Deliah A. married, at the age of about 17 years, after 1902 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Robert L. Beamer.
XXIV-v Mary Polly Reed was born about 1888, daughter of Henry Reed and Martha E. Booth. Mary Polly married, at the age of about 17 years, after 1905 to James Yearout.
XXIV-w John P. Reed was born about 1891, son of Henry Reed and Martha E. Booth. John P. married, at the age of about 17 years, after 1908 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Flora Mannon.
XXIV-x Henry Clinton Reed was born about 1897, son of Henry Reed and Martha E. Booth. Henry Clinton married, at the age of about 24 years, on wednesday 14-12-1921 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Toye Rhoda Reed, aged 21 years. Toye Rhoda was born on sunday 15-07-1900 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Toye Rhoda is deceased on saturday 08-12-1990, 90 years old.
XXIV-y Mary Polly Akers was born 05-1887, daughter of Floyd Akers and Sarah Ann Booth. Mary Polly married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1904 to N.N. Phipps.
XXIV-z Rowena A. Akers was born 12-1895, daughter of Floyd Akers and Sarah Ann Booth. Rowena A. married, at the age of 16 years, on thursday 05-09-1912 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Highley Graham.
XXIV-aa Samuel Clinton Akers was born on saturday 30-04-1898, son of Floyd Akers and Sarah Ann Booth. Samuel Clinton is deceased 06-1975, 77 years old. Samuel Clinton married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1915 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Elsie McNeil.
XXIV-ab Etta Booth, daughter of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. Etta married in 1938 to Barney Reed.
XXIV-ac Linnie A. Booth was born 02-1887, daughter of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. Linnie A. married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1904 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to David Lee Mannon.
XXIV-ad William Austin Booth was born on saturday 24-08-1889 in Virginia, U.S.A., son of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. William Austin is deceased in 1975 in Illinois, U.S.A., 86 years old. He was buried in Illinois, U.S.A. Address: (Carthage, Illinois, U.S.A.). Occupation: spoorwegen en farmer. Religion:Baptist. William Austin married, at the age of 23 years, on wednesday 12-02-1913 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Rosanna Edgar Hurt, aged 17 years. Rosanna Edgar was born 05-1895 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Rosanna Edgar is deceased in 1975, 80 years old. Note re Rosanna Edgar: dochter van Cornelius Hurt en Martha Dulaney.
Children of William Austin and Rosanna Edgar:
1 Nora Booth, born on friday 27-03-1914 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Follow XXV-g.
2 Clyde Denton Booth, born on tuesday 24-07-1917. Follow XXV-h.
3 Warren Harding Booth, born on friday 12-11-1920. Follow XXV-i.
4 Pauline Booth (private). Pauline married in Illinois, U.S.A. to Glenn E. Marsden.
5 Merlie Isabel Booth (private). Merlie Isabel married in Illinois, U.S.A. to Grant Shinn.
6 William Elden Booth (private). William Elden married in Illinois, U.S.A. to Louella N.N..
XXIV-ae Mary Annabelle Booth was born 08-1894 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. Mary Annabelle is deceased in 1978 in Virginia, U.S.A., 84 years old. Mary Annabelle married, at the age of at the most 17 years, before 1911 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to William Lawrence Akers. Note re William Lawrence: zoon van Anamas Akers en Cloah Lester.
Children of Mary Annabelle and William Lawrence:
1 Aline Akers, born in 1914. Aline is deceased 02-1987, 73 years old.
2 Eugene Akers (private).
XXIV-af Abijah Calvin Booth was born 07-1899, son of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. Abijah Calvin is deceased 08-1993, 94 years old. Abijah Calvin married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1916 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Weda Peters.
XXIV-ag Parthena Alma Booth was born in 1903, daughter of Abijah Booth and Parthena V. Booth. Parthena Alma is deceased on saturday 21-06-1997 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A., 94 years old. Parthena Alma married, at the age of 16 years, on wednesday 26-11-1919 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Freddie Lee Hurt, aged 22 years. Freddie Lee was born 03-1897. Note re Freddie Lee: zoon van G.W. Hurt.
Children of Parthena Alma and Freddie Lee:
1 Georgia Francis Hurt.
2 Norma Lee Hurt.
XXIV-ah George William Booth was born about 1890 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of William Booth and Mary Emaline Akers. George William married, at the age of about 37 years, on sunday 16-01-1927 in Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Minnie Alice Akers, aged 30 years. Minnie Alice was born 07-1896 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A..
XXIV-ai Virginia Booth was born after 1896, daughter of Samuel Peter Booth and Deliah Reed. Virginia married, at the age of about 17 years, after 1913 to Daniel Quesenberry.
XXIV-aj Delilah Ellen Booth was born after 1896, daughter of Samuel Peter Booth and Deliah Reed. Delilah Ellen married, at the age of about 17 years, after 1913 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Donnie Edwin Lane.
XXIV-ak Andy Jackson Booth was born 10-1899, son of Samuel Peter Booth and Deliah Reed. Andy Jackson married to Jesseleen Anna Boothe. Jesseleen Anna was born about 1927. Jesseleen Anna is deceased on wednesday 18-11-1970, about 43 years old.
XXIV-al Rosabelle Dulaney was born on monday 11-09-1876 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Rosabelle married, at the age of 29 years, on thursday 07-06-1906 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to General Curgles Reed, aged about 33 years. General Curgles was born about 1873. Note re General Curgles: zoon van George Reed en Peridina Dulaney.
XXIV-am Rachel A. Dulaney was born on thursday 05-06-1879 in Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Rachel A. is deceased on tuesday 11-11-1969 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 90 years old. Rachel A. married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 26-07-1900 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Harvey Lee Reed, aged about 19 years. Harvey Lee was born about 1881. Note re Harvey Lee: zoon van Wyatt Reed en Susannah N.N..
XXIV-an Susan Permelia Dulaney was born 09-1881, daughter of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Susan Permelia married, at the age of 21 years, on thursday 27-08-1903 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Madison Hurt, aged about 25 years. Madison was born about 1878. Note re Madison: zoon van John Hurt en Bethany Reed.
XXIV-ao Daniel Ezekiel Dulaney was born on friday 02-03-1883, son of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Daniel Ezekiel married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1900 to Ora Chatteau.
XXIV-ap William Everette Dulaney was born on saturday 24-03-1888, son of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. William Everette is deceased 06-1968 in Alum Ridge, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 80 years old. William Everette married, at the age of 26 years, on tuesday 06-10-1914 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Annie V. Stump, aged about 27 years. Annie V. was born about 1887. Annie V. is deceased on sunday 24-11-1963, about 76 years old. Note re Annie V.: dochter van W. Stump en Mattie N.N..
XXIV-aq Posie Green Dulaney was born 06-1890, son of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Posie Green married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1907 in Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A. to Hattie Duncan.
XXIV-ar Wyatt Waitman Dulaney was born on thursday 10-01-1895, son of Ezekiel Dulaney and Permelia Booth. Wyatt Waitman is deceased 08-1977 in Alum Ridge, Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., 82 years old. Wyatt Waitman married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1912 to Effie Roberts.
XXIV-as William E. Dulaney was born on tuesday 20-01-1885 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A., son of Samuel William Dulaney and Malinda Ellen Booth. William E. is deceased 10-1974, 89 years old. William E. married, at the age of at least 15 years, after 1900 to Beulah M. Meyers.
XXIV-at Benjamin H. Dulaney was born 06-1890, son of Samuel William Dulaney and Malinda Ellen Booth. Benjamin H. married, at the age of at least 17 years, after 1907 to Mabel Henderson.
XXIV-au Rosa Alma Booth was born about 1891 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of James M. Booth and Rosetta Ellen Akers. Rosa Alma married, at the age of about 22 years, on thursday 20-03-1913 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A. to Willi Handy Dulaney, aged 24 years. Willi Handy was born 09-1888 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A.. Willi Handy is deceased on friday 09-09-1977 in Roanoke County, Virginia, U.S.A., 89 years old.
XXV-a Hazel Marian Booth was born on thursday 22-08-1895 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., daughter of George Gardner Booth and Bertha Isabel Barton. Hazel Marian is deceased on saturday 29-08-1970 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 75 years old. Hazel Marian married, at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 15-05-1917 to Lester Fielding.
XXV-b George Armand Booth was born on friday 14-11-1902 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., son of George Gardner Booth and Bertha Isabel Barton. George Armand is deceased in 1993, 91 years old. George Armand married, at the age of 34 years, on saturday 12-06-1937 to Margaret Archibald. She was buried on monday 27-04-1998 in Auburn, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. Occupation: lerares.
XXV-c Christine Norma Booth was born on monday 22-12-1913 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., daughter of George Gardner Booth and Bertha Isabel Barton. Christine Norma married, at the age of 26 years, on friday 11-10-1940 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. to Wilbur Frank Stanton.
XXV-d Macie Henry Booth, daughter of James Abner Booth and Esther Elizabeth Johnson. Macie Henry married to Charles Earl Campbell.
Children of Macie Henry and Charles Earl:
1 George Arnold Campbell (private).
2 N.N. Campbell, born on thursday 18-04-1918 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. N.N. is deceased on thursday 18-04-1918 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 0 days old.
3 Charles Ernest Campbell, born on thursday 13-03-1919 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Charles Ernest is deceased on monday 04-02-1974 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, U.S.A., 54 years old. He was buried on thursday 07-02-1974. Note re the death of Charles Ernest: Greenwood Cemetery, Mercer County, New Jersey.
XXV-e Delbert Lamar Booth was born on tuesday 17-05-1910 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., son of James Abner Booth and Esther Elizabeth Johnson. Delbert Lamar is deceased on monday 28-12-1964 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, U.S.A., 54 years old. He was buried on thursday 31-12-1964 in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, U.S.A.. Occupation: mijnwerker. Delbert Lamar married, at the age of 18 years, on saturday 16-02-1929 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A. to Georgia Mae Treadway, aged 17 years. Georgia Mae was born on monday 20-03-1911 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Georgia Mae is deceased on saturday 02-03-1996 in Edinburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia, U.S.A., 84 years old. She was buried on thursday 07-03-1996 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Georgia Mae: Highlawn Cemetery. Note re Georgia Mae: dochter van Wyatt Treadway en Mary Dooley.
Child of Delbert Lamar and Georgia Mae:
1 Almeta Jewell Booth (private). Almeta Jewell married to Richard Lee Fridley.
XXV-f Sebert Lynn Booth was born on friday 16-10-1914 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., son of James Abner Booth and Esther Elizabeth Johnson. Sebert Lynn is deceased on wednesday 05-03-1980 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A., 65 years old. He was buried on saturday 08-03-1980 in Oak Hill, Fayette County, West Virginia, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Sebert Lynn: Highlawn Cemetery. Sebert Lynn married to Frances Ann Broyles.
Children of Sebert Lynn and Frances Ann:
1 James L. Booth (private).
2 Mary Frances Booth (private).
3 Sandra L. Booth (private).
4 Donna Kay Booth (private).
XXV-g Nora Booth was born on friday 27-03-1914 in Floyd County, Virginia, U.S.A., daughter of William Austin Booth and Rosanna Edgar Hurt. Nora is deceased on tuesday 31-01-1995 in Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, U.S.A., 80 years old. She was buried on saturday 04-02-1995 in Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, U.S.A.. Note re the death of Nora: Pinecrest Memorial Gardens. Note re Nora: Grandma - Not a Writer! My Grandson wants an autobiography of Grandma! He is asking for a Lot! My Biggest "claim to fame" is having four sons and being able to raise three of them to manhood and from the three sons, 14 grandchildren and as of this writing, 27 great-grandchildren!! I was born in a "share-croppers log cabin" on my Grandfather's farm in Floyd County, Virginia on March 27, 1914. A one room affair!! When I was approximately three years old, my parents, Willie and Rosie Booth moved to Carthage, Illinois where I grew up and went to school. Graduating from High School there in 1931. In the Fall of 1931, I signed up for and was accepted into Nurses training at East Moline, Illinois. The training was in a State Hospital and of course most of the patients were mental cases. What I learned there has been invaluable as my life went along! In June of 1932, I married my husband of almost 61 years now! Alex and I worked for most of our married years, he as a machinist and me as a nurses aide, hospital receptionist, insurance clerk and retiring in 1970 as an insurance secretary. Life since retirement included fun and travel until 1990, when Alex suffered a stroke which left him some disability and then in 1992, it was discovered that "Grandma" had colon cancer. It was operable and at this writing I am battling the side effects of chemotherapy. Recent tests show the cancer gone. So we live each day now, as it comes along, say our prayers that we have a roof over our heads, food to eat, which so far have been answered. We are proud of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who are scattered over this U.S. of A! Hope this will do! Grandma March 13, 1993. Nora married, at the age of 18 years, on sunday 19-06-1932 in Cambridge, Illinois, U.S.A. to Alexander Johnson, aged 20 years. Alexander was born on tuesday 01-08-1911 in Benton, Franklin County, Illinois, U.S.A.. Alexander is deceased on friday 04-04-1997 in Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippi, U.S.A., 85 years old. He was buried on thursday 10-04-1997 in Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, U.S.A.. Note re Alexander: zoon van John Johnson en Marilda Launius.
Children of Nora and Alexander:
1 Robert Dale Johnson (private). Robert Dale:
(1) married in Davenport, Iowa, U.S.A. to Dalene Hardcastle.
(2) married, at the age of 27 years, on friday 20-05-1960 in Fontana, San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A. to Bernice Hanson, aged 18 years. Bernice was born on friday 27-03-1942 in Compton, Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A. Address: (Claremont, Calofornia, U.S.A.). Occupation: schoonheidsspecialiste / lerares.
2 Donald Lee Johnson (private). Donald Lee:
(1) married to Barbara Ann Pierce.
(2) married, at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 15-07-1958 in New Jersey, U.S.A. to Hazel Lee Green, aged 19 years. Hazel Lee was born on sunday 28-05-1939 in Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, U.S.A.. Note re Hazel Lee: dochter van Richard Green en Christine Boydston.
(3) married, at the age of 45 years, in 1981 to Sara Wade Bray-Langkawell.
3 Ronald Neal Johnson (private). Ronald Neal:
(1) married in Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A. to Carolyn Walters. Carolyn was born on sunday 26-07-1936. Note re Carolyn: dochter van Vernon Walters.
(2) married, at the age of 25 years, on friday 29-06-1962 in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, U.S.A. to Anne Tyree Lininger, aged 27 years. Note re the marriage: opnieuw getrouwd op 01-07-1963.Anne Tyree was born on monday 11-03-1935 in Saint Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri, U.S.A.. Note re Anne Tyree: dochter van Kenneth Lininger en Wilhemenia Williams.
4 Jeffrey Alex Johnson, born on saturday 13-07-1946 in Longbeach, California, U.S.A.. Jeffrey Alex is deceased on wednesday 21-12-1949 in Fontana, California, U.S.A., 3 years old.
XXV-h Clyde Denton Booth was born on tuesday 24-07-1917, son of William Austin Booth and Rosanna Edgar Hurt. Clyde Denton married in Texas, U.S.A. to Eleanor Norman.
XXV-i Warren Harding Booth was born on friday 12-11-1920, son of William Austin Booth and Rosanna Edgar Hurt. Warren Harding married in San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A. to Joanne Knudson.
Generated using Aldfaer version 3.3.2 on 27-07-2009 21:00
Private: persons marked with (private) have not all information shown due to Dutch privacy laws.
- Genealogy of the Booth Family in England and the United States, Walter S. Booth, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1892
- Booth Genealogy compiled and arranged by Henry S. Booth, Randolph, Vermont, 1908
- http://www.mascotmanor.org/Genealogy/Surnames/conner.htm
- http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/o/w/Tamara-M-Bowden/GENE2-0001.html
- http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/o/w/Tamara-M-Bowden/GENE3-0001.html
- http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/j/o/h/Don-L-Johnson/GENE1-0001.html
In Gens Nostra, het blad van de Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging, stond in een uitgave uit 1949 de volgende waarschuwing over Amerikaanse genealogie:
Natuurlijk lezen wij in dit stuk over mensen, die afstammen van oude heldenfiguren als Willem de Veroveraar, Oliver Cromwell, Rollo de Deen, die in de tiende eeuw Normandië veroverde. Dat dergelijke afstamming even onbewezen is als welke afstamming van Adam, Julius Caesar of Claudius Civilis dan ook, zal iedere genealoog wel met ons eens zijn.
In hoeverre dit ook kan gelden voor de hierboven vermelde bronnen, hebben wij niet vast kunnen stellen, maar het lijkt ons juist om deze waarschuwing hier toch te vermelden.
Coat of Arms of mentioned Boot(h) - Great Britain and Ireland
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Er zijn drie verleningen van baronettitels aan Boothen in Groot-Brittannië en Ierland.
De eerste werd verleend aan de Boothen van Dunham Massey die behoorden tot de eerste achttien families aan wie een baronettitel werd verleend toen de Orde van Baronets voor het eerst werd opgericht door Jacobus I (James I) in 1611. Tot hun nazaten behoren ook de graven van Warrington. De meest recente verlening was in 1916 aan Alfred Booth, afstammeling van de oude Boothen van Twemlow.
Daarnaast de familie Gore-Booth, die ook afstamt in de moederlijn van de Salford tak van de oude Boothen van Dunham Massey.
De Booth baronets van Portland Place kunnen ook afstammelingen zijn van de oude familie: hun wapen wijst op een verbinding door de duidelijke zwijnenkop van Lawrence Booth, maar dat is niet bewezen. Deze Booth familie staat bekend om Booth's Gin en ook door hun sponsoring van verschillende poolexpedities.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booth_Baronets
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Delamer
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_of_Stamford
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