Genealogy Arend Boot
(Zuid-Holland - Delft)
I Arend Boot is born before 1525. Arend is deceased after 22-07-1598, at least 73 years old. Arend married, 0 days old, before 1550 with Jacobtgen Leendertsdr, 0 days old. Jacobtgen is born before 1530. Jacobtgen is deceased after 22-07-1598, at least 68 years old.
Children of Arend and Jacobtgen:
1 Hendrick Arentszn Boot, born before 1550 in Delft. Follow II-a.
2 Reyer Aartszn Boot, born about 1550. Follow II-b.
II-a Hendrick Arentszn Boot is born before 1550 in Delft, son of Arend Boot and Jacobtgen Leendertsdr. Hendrick Arentszn is deceased on 13-09-1615 in Delft, at least 65 years old. He was buried on 16-09-1615 in Delft (OK). Address: from 1609 through 1615 Hyppolitusbuurt, Delft. Occupation: perhaps wool merchant. Hendrick Arentszn married, at least 30 years old, about 1580 with Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel), about 20 years old. Ermptgen Claasdr is born about 1560, daughter of Claas Willemszn van Capelle. Ermptgen Claasdr is deceased on 13-09-1625 in Delft, about 65 years old. She was buried on 17-09-1625 in Delft (NK). Address: ±1625 Verwerdijk, Delft.
Children of Hendrick Arentszn and Ermptgen Claasdr:
1 Adriaan Hendrikszn Boot, born before 1580 in Delft. Follow III-a.
2 Godschalk Hendriksz Boot, born about 1590 in Delft (?). Follow III-b.
3 Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn Boot, born about 1591 in Delft. Follow III-c.
4 Beatrix (Beatrijs) Hendriksdr Boot, born about 1595. Follow III-d.
5 Willem Hendriksz Boot, born about 1595. Follow III-e.
6 Leendert Hendrikszn Boot, born before 1600. Follow III-f.
7 Fijtgen Hendriksdr Boot, born before 1600. She was buried on 11-01-1621 in Delft (OK).
II-b Reyer Aartszn Boot is born about 1550, son of Arend Boot and Jacobtgen Leendertsdr. He was buried on 17-04-1626 in Delft (OK). Occupation: merchant in cerials. Reyer Aartszn married with Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. She is a daughter of Passchier Jansz Drijver. She was buried on 30-01-1620 in Delft.
Children of Reyer Aartszn and Agniesgen Passchierdr:
1 Clara Reijersdr Boot, born before 1580. Follow III-g.
2 Peter Reijerszn Boot, born before 1585. Follow III-h.
3 Grietgen Reijersdr Boot, born about 1585. Follow III-i.
4 Paschier Reijersz Boot, born about 1585. Follow III-j.
5 Jaques Reijersz Boot, born before 1585. Follow III-k.
6 Jan Reijerszn Boot. Occupation: pharmasist in Vianen.
III-a Adriaan Hendrikszn Boot is born before 1580 in Delft, son of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). Adriaan Hendrikszn is deceased after 1637, at least 57 years old. Occupation: engineer.
Read here more about engineer Adriaan Hendrikszn Boot.
Adriaan Hendrikszn married, at least 21 years old, on 19-05-1601 in Den Haag (NG) with Hillegonda Hermansdr Muller, about 21 years old, after publication of the bans the same date in Den Haag.
Children of Adriaan Hendrikszn and Hillegonda Hermansdr:
1 Jan Adriaansz Boot. Jan Adriaansz is deceased after 11-08-1624.
2 Meynsgen Mullers Boot. Meynsgen Mullers is deceased after 11-08-1624.
III-b Godschalk Hendriksz Boot is born about 1590 in Delft (?), son of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). Godschalk Hendriksz is deceased after 28-02-1629, at least 39 years old. Occupation: peddler (1614), soldier (1625). Godschalk Hendriksz:
(1) married with Magdalena Leendertsdr van Cleijburg. The religious wedding was celebrated on 12-10-1614 in Delft (NG). Magdalena Leendertsdr is born on 16-12-1587 in Den Briel, daughter of Leendert Cornelisz Cleijburg (shoemaker) and Cornelia (Neelken) Cornelisdr. Magdalena Leendertsdr is deceased on 12-12-1623 in Den Briel (?), 35 years old. She was buried on 15-12-1623 in Delft (?).
(2) married with Agneds Barthelmeusdr de Groot, after publication of the bans on 13-12-1625 in Delft. The religious wedding was celebrated on 28-12-1625 in Delft (SB). She was buried on 02-06-1631 in Delft (NK). Note re Agneds Barthelmeusdr: also Agnies van Diemen; widow of Huych (Hugo) Vranckensz Uytenbrouck, notary?, married in 1614 in Delft, son of Vranck Willeboortsz van Uytenbrouck, born between 20-02-1554 en 02-03-1554 (evidenced by approximate age in signatures protocols), notary in Delft between 1591-1624, burried 26-10-1624 in Delft (OK)), married 05-04-1592 in Delft with Maritgen Jans van der Dusche, van Breda; widow van Hugo van Heusden.
Children of Godschalk Hendriksz and Magdalena Leendertsdr:
1 Hendrik Godschalkszn Boot, born before 1620. Follow IV-a.
2 Neeltgen Godschalksdr Boot. Follow IV-b.
III-c Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn Boot is born about 1591 in Delft, son of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). Note re the death of Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn: between 23-06-1643 en 08-07-1652. Occupation: innkeeper. Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn married with Anneke Hendriksdr Verschuren, after publication of the bans on 12-04-1609 in Rotterdam (NG). The religious wedding was celebrated on 28-04-1609 in Rotterdam (NG). Anneke Hendriksdr is born about 1590 in Gorinchem, daughter of Hendrik Verschuren. Anneke Hendriksdr is deceased after 26-08-1652, at least 62 years old.
Children of Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn and Anneke Hendriksdr:
1 Joost Claaszn Boot, born on 05-12-1614 in Delft. He was baptized in Delft (NG). getuige(n): Maritgen Claes Duyck. Joost Claaszn is deceased on 19-02-1649 in Brazilië, 34 years old. Occupation: corporal WIC (1649).
2 Ormpge Claasdr Boot. She was baptized on 08-01-1617 in Delft (NK) (NG). Witness: Gijsbrecht Janszn van Vijanen, Lenert Hendrikszn, Magdalena Leners van Cleijburch. Ormpge Claasdr is deceased before 15-07-1618.
3 Maartje Claasdr Boot. She was baptized on 08-01-1617 in Delft (NK) (NG).
4 Ermpgen Claasdr Boot. She was baptized on 15-07-1618 in Delft (OK). Witness: Arien Michiels, Amerentia Claes van Capelle, Fijtgen Heyndricx.
5 Cornelis Claaszn Boot. He was baptized on 29-04-1620 in Delft ( Oude Kerk) (NG). Witness: Heyndrick van Middelcapel.
6 Claas Claaszn Boot. Follow IV-c.
III-d Beatrix (Beatrijs) Hendriksdr Boot is born about 1595, daughter of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). Beatrix (Beatrijs) Hendriksdr is deceased after 29-09-1630 in Delft (?), at least 35 years old. Beatrix (Beatrijs) Hendriksdr married with Gijsbrecht Janszn van Vianen. The religious wedding was celebrated on 07-03-1610 in Delft (NG). Gijsbrecht Janszn is born about 1585, son of Jan van Vianen. Gijsbrecht Janszn is deceased after 21-05-1631, at least 46 years old.
III-e Willem Hendriksz Boot is born about 1595, son of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). Willem Hendriksz is deceased in 08-1622 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië, about 27 years old. Occupation: furrier (Delft), merchant (Bandaislands). Willem Hendriksz married, about 20 years old, in 12-1615 with Christina Martinus.
Child of Willem Hendriksz and Christina:
1 Anneke Willemsdr Boot, born about 1617. Follow IV-d.
III-f Leendert Hendrikszn Boot is born before 1600, son of Hendrick Arentszn Boot and Ermptgen Claasdr van Capelle (Coppel). He was buried on 18-05-1636 in Delft (NK). Occupation: caffaworker (textile industry), tailor. Leendert Hendrikszn married with Jannitgen Evertsdr van Heuckelom (van Heuvelen), after publication of the bans on 07-08-1627 in Delft (OK). The religious wedding was celebrated on 22-08-1627 in Delft (NG). She is a daughter of Evert van Heuckelom and N.N. She was buried on 05-06-1636 in Delft (NK).
Children of Leendert Hendrikszn and Jannitgen Evertsdr:
1 Hendrik Leendertsz Boot. He was baptized on 01-01-1629 in Delft (NG). Witness: Gijsbrecht Janszn van Vijanen, Beatris Heijndricx Boot en Helena Everts van Heuckelom. He was buried on 02-03-1629 in Delft (NK).
2 Hendrik Leendertsz Boot. Follow IV-e.
III-g Clara Reijersdr Boot is born before 1580, daughter of Reyer Aartszn Boot and Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. Clara Reijersdr is deceased after 19-04-1631, at least 51 years old. Clara Reijersdr married with Arthus van Dalen. The religious wedding was celebrated on 30-12-1601 in Delft (NG). Arthus is deceased before 19-04-1631.
III-h Peter Reijerszn Boot is born before 1585, son of Reyer Aartszn Boot and Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. He was buried on 07-01-1619 in Delft (NK). Peter Reijerszn married with Machteld Dirksdr Bos. The religious wedding was celebrated on 29-01-1606 in Delft (NG). She is a daughter of Dirk Corneliszn Bos and Rusgen Jaspersdr. Machteld Dirksdr is deceased after 29-04-1656.
Children of Peter Reijerszn and Machteld Dirksdr:
1 N.N. Pietersz Boot. He was buried on 11-02-1610 in Delft (OK).
2 Ariaentgen Pietersdr Boot. She was baptized on 25-11-1618 in Delft (OK) (NG). Witness: Dirrick Ariens Buijs en Grietgen Reijers Boot. Ariaentgen Pietersdr is deceased after 29-04-1656 in Vianen.
III-i Grietgen Reijersdr Boot is born about 1585, daughter of Reyer Aartszn Boot and Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. Grietgen Reijersdr is deceased after 19-04-1631, at least 46 years old. Grietgen Reijersdr married, about 37 years old, on 28-08-1622 in Delft with Jan Plucque. He is a son of Simon Plucque and N.N. Jan is deceased after 19-04-1631. Occupation: silk cloth merchant.
III-j Paschier Reijersz Boot is born about 1585, son of Reyer Aartszn Boot and Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. Paschier Reijersz is deceased after 19-04-1631, at least 46 years old. Paschier Reijersz:
(1) married, about 44 years old, on 24-03-1629 in Delft with Elisabet (Lijsbeth) Jacobsdr. Note re Elisabet (Lijsbeth): widow of Heijndrick Flint.
(2) married with Metteken Jacobsdr van den Bosch. She is a daughter of Jacob van den Bosch. She was buried on 29-07-1640 in Delft.
III-k Jaques Reijersz Boot is born before 1585, son of Reyer Aartszn Boot and Agniesgen Passchierdr de Drijver. Occupation: pharmacist. Jaques Reijersz married with Helena Dirksdr Bos. The religious wedding was celebrated on 08-01-1612 in Delft. She is a daughter of Dirk Corneliszn Bos and Rusgen Jaspersdr.
IV-a Hendrik Godschalkszn Boot is born before 1620, son of Godschalk Hendriksz Boot and Magdalena Leendertsdr van Cleijburg. Hendrik Godschalkszn is deceased on 14-08-1654 in Brielle, at least 34 years old. He was buried on 28-08-1654 in Brielle. Hendrik Godschalkszn married with Annetgen Thomasdr. Annetgen is deceased on 09-05-1664.
Children of Hendrik Godschalkszn and Annetgen:
1 Magdalena Hendriksdr Boot, born before 1645. Magdalena Hendriksdr is deceased after 12-05-1673 in Amsterdam (?), at least 28 years old.
2 Anna Hendriksdr Boot. She was baptized on 22-05-1646 in Brielle (NG). Witness: Cornelis Cornelisse. Anna Hendriksdr is deceased before 12-05-1673.
3 Cornelis Hendriksz Boot. He was baptized on 20-08-1651 in Brielle (NG). Witness: Grietje Weymans. Cornelis Hendriksz is deceased after 12-05-1673.
4 Henrickie Hendriksdr Boot. She was baptized on 20-09-1654 in Brielle (NG). Witness: mr Jan Houtting en Neeltje Boot. Henrickie Hendriksdr is deceased before 12-05-1673.
IV-b Neeltgen Godschalksdr Boot, daughter of Godschalk Hendriksz Boot and Magdalena Leendertsdr van Cleijburg. She was baptized on 01-02-1621 in Delft (NK). Witness: Cornelis H. Cleyburch, Neeltge Cleyburchs en Byatris Boot. Note re the death of Neeltgen Godschalksdr: between 13-07-1659 and 23-05-1662 in Brielle? Neeltgen Godschalksdr married on 02-08-1642 in Brielle with Cornelis Dirkszn Buys. Cornelis Dirkszn is deceased before 13-08-1672. Occupation: bailiff Hof van Holland, notary.
IV-c Claas Claaszn Boot, son of Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn Boot and Anneke Hendriksdr Verschuren. He was baptized on 24-06-1631 in Gorinchem (NG). Witness: Jacob Daniels en Lijsbeth Segers. Claas Claaszn is deceased on 01-04-1662 in Utrecht. He was buried on 01-04-1662 in Utrecht (Buurkerk). Claas Claaszn married with Belichje Jansdr Dorst, after publication of the bans on 10-04-1653 in Utrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on 26-04-1653 in Utrecht.
IV-d Anneke Willemsdr Boot is born about 1617, daughter of Willem Hendriksz Boot and Christina Martinus. ook genoemd Janneken. Anneke Willemsdr is deceased after 10-09-1634 in Bandaislands, at least 17 years old. Anneke Willemsdr married, about 12 years old, on 26-08-1629 in Poulo Ay (Bandaislands) with Daniel Danielszn Bulsinck. He is a son of Daniel Bulsinck (Bulsing) and Maijken Roefs. He was baptized on 30-01-1603 in Amsterdam (OK) (NG). Daniel Danielszn is deceased after 02-09-1629.
IV-e Hendrik Leendertsz Boot, son of Leendert Hendrikszn Boot and Jannitgen Evertsdr van Heuckelom (van Heuvelen). He was baptized on 29-09-1630 in Delft (NK). Witness: Cornelis Cornelisz, Helena Everts, Beatricx Heijndrics. Hendrik Leendertsz is deceased on 14-08-1654.
Child of Hendrik Leendertsz out of an unknown relation:
1 Elisabeth Hendriksdr Boot. Follow V.
V Elisabeth Hendriksdr Boot, daughter of Hendrik Leendertsz Boot. Elisabeth Hendriksdr is deceased after 31-03-1743. Elisabeth Hendriksdr married with Jan Francken Schilperoort. Jan Francken is deceased after 31-03-1743. Occupation: water miller.
Index 76 persons |
Last name | First name | Born Christened |
Deceased Buried |
Relation(s) |
Boot | Adriaan Hendrikszn | 1580 | 1637 | Number III-a |
Boot | Anna Hendriksdr | 1646 | 1673 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boot | Anneke Willemsdr | 1617 | 1634 | Number IV-d |
Boot | Arend | 1525 | 1598 | Number I |
Boot | Ariaentgen Pietersdr | 1618 | 1656 | [Daughter of III-h] |
Boot | Beatrix (Beatrijs) Hendriksdr | 1595 | 1630 | Number III-d |
Boot | Claas (Niclaes) Hendrikszn | 1591 | Number III-c | |
Boot | Claas Claaszn | 1631 | 1662 | Number IV-c |
Boot | Clara Reijersdr | 1580 | 1631 | Number III-g |
Boot | Cornelis Claaszn | 1620 | [Son of III-c] | |
Boot | Cornelis Hendriksz | 1651 | 1673 | [Son of IV-a] |
Boot | Elisabeth Hendriksdr | 1743 | Number V | |
Boot | Ermpgen Claasdr | 1618 | [Daughter of III-c] | |
Boot | Fijtgen Hendriksdr | 1600 | 1621 | [Daughter of II-a] |
Boot | Godschalk Hendriksz | 1590 | 1629 | Number III-b |
Boot | Grietgen Reijersdr | 1585 | 1631 | Number III-i |
Boot | Hendrick Arentszn | 1550 | 1615 | Number II-a |
Boot | Hendrik Godschalkszn | 1620 | 1654 | Number IV-a |
Boot | Hendrik Leendertsz | 1629 | 1629 | [Son of III-f] |
Boot | Hendrik Leendertsz | 1630 | 1654 | Number IV-e |
Boot | Henrickie Hendriksdr | 1654 | 1673 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boot | Jan Adriaansz | 1624 | [Son of III-a] | |
Boot | Jan Reijerszn | [Son of II-b] | ||
Boot | Jaques Reijersz | 1585 | Number III-k | |
Boot | Joost Claaszn | 1614 | 1649 | [Son of III-c] |
Boot | Leendert Hendrikszn | 1600 | 1636 | Number III-f |
Boot | Maartje Claasdr | 1617 | [Daughter of III-c] | |
Boot | Magdalena Hendriksdr | 1645 | 1673 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boot | Meynsgen Mullers | 1624 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | N.N. Pietersz | 1610 | [Son of III-h] | |
Boot | Neeltgen Godschalksdr | 1621 | Number IV-b | |
Boot | Ormpge Claasdr | 1617 | 1618 | [Daughter of III-c] |
Boot | Paschier Reijersz | 1585 | 1631 | Number III-j |
Boot | Peter Reijerszn | 1585 | 1619 | Number III-h |
Boot | Reyer Aartszn | 1550 | 1626 | Number II-b |
Boot | Willem Hendriksz | 1595 | 1622 | Number III-e |
Bos | Dirk Corneliszn | [Parent in law of III-k] [Parent in law of III-h] | ||
Bos | Helena Dirksdr | [Partner of III-k] | ||
Bos | Machteld Dirksdr | 1656 | [Partner of III-h] | |
van den Bosch | Jacob | |||
van den Bosch | Metteken Jacobsdr | 1640 | [Partner of III-j] | |
Bulsinck | Daniel Danielszn | 1603 | 1629 | [Partner of IV-d] |
Bulsinck (Bulsing) | Daniel | [Parent in law of IV-d] | ||
Buys | Cornelis Dirkszn | 1672 | [Partner of IV-b] | |
van Capelle | Claas Willemszn | [Parent in law of II-a] | ||
van Capelle (Coppel) | Ermptgen Claasdr | 1560 | 1625 | [Partner of II-a] |
Cleijburg | Leendert Cornelisz | [Parent in law of III-b] | ||
van Cleijburg | Magdalena Leendertsdr | 1587 | 1623 | [Partner of III-b] |
Cornelisdr | Cornelia (Neelken) | [Parent in law of III-b] | ||
van Dalen | Arthus | 1631 | [Partner of III-g] | |
Dorst | Belichje Jansdr | 1630 | 1662 | [Partner of IV-c] |
van Dorsten | Jan Dirkszn | [Parent in law of IV-c] | ||
de Drijver | Agniesgen Passchierdr | 1620 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Drijver | Passchier Jansz | [Parent in law of II-b] | ||
de Groot | Agneds Barthelmeusdr | 1631 | [Partner of III-b] | |
van Heuckelom | Evert | [Parent in law of III-f] | ||
van Heuckelom (van Heuvelen) | Jannitgen Evertsdr | 1636 | [Partner of III-f] | |
Jacobsdr | Elisabet (Lijsbeth) | [Partner of III-j] | ||
Jaspersdr | Rusgen | [Parent in law of III-k] [Parent in law of III-h] | ||
Leendertsdr | Jacobtgen | 1530 | 1598 | [Partner of I] |
Martinus | Christina | [Partner of III-e] | ||
Muller | Harmen Jansz | 1540 | 1617 | [Parent in law of III-a] |
Muller | Hillegonda Hermansdr | 1580 | 1628 | [Partner of III-a] |
N.N. | [Parent in law of III-f] | |||
N.N. | [Parent in law of III-i] | |||
Plucque | Jan | 1631 | [Partner of III-i] | |
Plucque | Simon | [Parent in law of III-i] | ||
Roefs | Maijken | [Parent in law of IV-d] | ||
Schilperoort | Jan Francken | 1743 | [Partner of V] | |
Thomasdr | Annetgen | 1664 | [Partner of IV-a] | |
van der Veer | Meynsgen Adriaansdr | [Parent in law of III-a] | ||
Verschuren | Anneke Hendriksdr | 1590 | 1652 | [Partner of III-c] |
Verschuren | Hendrik | [Parent in law of III-c] | ||
van Vianen | Gijsbrecht Janszn | 1585 | 1631 | [Partner of III-d] |
van Vianen | Jan | [Parent in law of III-d] | ||
de Vrij | Jenneken Claasdr | [Parent in law of IV-c] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 6.1 (with customized report generator of Cor van den Hooven) on 24-01-2016. |
Source: The above is based on 'Boot (Boot) in Dutch Lion 132 [2015] p 140-143, with additions of Ron Boot.