(Zuid-Holland - Dordrecht)

Index  Vlag_Nederland 

I Dirric Dyrickx. Dirric married to Anneke Crijnen. Note re Anneke: dochter van Crijn Segersz en Pieterke Esajas.
Child of Dirric and Anneke:

1 Esaias Dircksen, born about 1620 in Dordrecht. Follow II.

II Esaias Dircksen was born about 1620 in Dordrecht, son of Dirric Dyrickx and Anneke Crijnen. Address: from ±1670 Gorinchem. Occupation: scheepstimmerman. Note re Esaias: werd op 24-09-1642 ingeschreven in het scheepstimmerliedengilde te Dordrecht. Op 21-01-1658 compareerde voor notaris J.M. van Osch te Gorichem: "Esias Dircksz Boot burger alhier, en bekende wel deuchdelick schuldich te wesen aen en ten behoeve van Dirck van Arckel en Geertgen Pietersdr echteluijden, zijns Compts huijsvrouwen vader en stiefmoeder, de somme van vijff honderd car. gl. te grooten Vlaems ´t stuck hercomen ter saecke van zoo wel gereede pen die hij comptden te lesten bijden eersten uit handen alsvoorens bekende ontvangen te hebben," etc. Hij tekende: Eseyaes Dirricksz Boot. Esaias married, at the age of about 25 years, on sunday 21-05-1645 in Dordrecht to Cornelia Dircks Langerak (Arkel). The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 05-06-1645 in Dordrecht. Note re the marriage: "Esaias Dircksen, schiptimmerman, jongeman wonende in de Raemstraat, van Dordrecht. Cornelia Dircks, jongedochter wonende op de ´Linde Graft´, van Gorcum, sijn getrout den 5 juni 1645".Cornelia Dircks was born in Gorinchem. Note re Cornelia Dircks: dochter van Dirck Cornelis Langerak (Arkel) en Ariaentgen Pietersdr. Over Dirck Cornelis Langerak (Arkel) in Gens Nostra 1970 blz. 300: Op Pinksterdag 1636 wordt hij gekozen tot diaken der kerk en op 20-05-1646 tot ouderling. Bij deze laatste benoeming vermeldt de scriba hem als Dirck Cornelisz. Langerack alias Arckel. Daar het kohier der verponding van 1649 hem vermeldt als Dirck van Arckel moet het aannemen van de naam Arkel tussen 1636 en 1646 liggen. Wat bracht hem er toe deze in Gorinchem zeer algemene naam aan te nemen? Wist hij zich een nazaat van de Arkels die eens Gorinchem bezaten? Heeft hij zich met deze naam een status willen geven tegenover de bastaarden Arkel, die in zijn dagen een grote lepel in de Gorkumse pap hadden? Of was zijn derde vrouw een Arkel uit Schoonhoven? Allemaal mogelijkheden. In 1653 verschijnt hij in de kohieren als d'Arkel.
Children of Esaias and Cornelia Dircks:

1 Ariaentge Booth. She was baptized on sunday 25-03-1646 in Dordrecht.
2 Ariaentje Booth. She was baptized on thursday 26-12-1647 in Dordrecht.
3 Dirk Jesaiasz Booth, born on friday 10-03-1651 in Middelharnis. Follow III.
4 Pieternel Booth. She was baptized on tuesday 12-01-1655 in Gorinchem.
5 Anneken Booth. She was baptized on friday 17-05-1658 in Gorinchem.

III Dirk Jesaiasz Booth was born on friday 10-03-1651 in Middelharnis, son of Esaias Dircksen and Cornelia Dircks Langerak (Arkel). Note re the birth of Dirk Jesaiasz: In april 1649 staat in het Dordtse trouwboek aangetekend: Esaias Dircksen schiptimmerman en Cornelia Dircks sijn huysvrou, woonen buijten de Sluyspoort, vertreckende (01-04-1649) na Menheerse (Middelharnis). In dec. 1651: Esaias Dircksz, schiptimmerman en Cornelia Dirx sijn huysvrou, wonen buijten Spuijpoort vertrecken na Gorcum. Volgens het lidmaten register van het kerkelijk archief van Middelharnis "is alhier op 27-06-1649 met attestatie van Dordrecht aangekomen Esayes Dircksz, scheepstimmerman, en Cornelia Dircks". Later is toegevoegd: "vertrocken". Hiermee is in feite bevestigd dat Dirk Esaiasz Boot te Middelharnis zou zijn geboren, hoewel een andere bron Gorinchem noemt als geboorteplaats. He was buried on friday 26-08-1729 in Gorinchem. Dirk Jesaiasz married to Geertruid(je) van den Berg, after the publication of the bans on sunday 29-03-1682 in Gorinchem. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 12-04-1682 in Gorinchem. Geertruid(je) was born on sunday 01-02-1660 in Gorinchem. Note re Geertruid(je): dochter van Cornelis Jansz van den Berg en Zijke Bastiaansdr Conings.
Children of Dirk Jesaiasz and Geertruid(je):

1 Cornelis Dirksz Booth. Follow IV-a.
2 Jesaias Booth. He was baptized on tuesday 12-02-1692 in Gorinchem.
3 Jan Booth. Follow IV-b.
4 Henderick Booth, born about 1698 in Gorinchem.

IV-a Cornelis Dirksz Booth, son of Dirk Jesaiasz Booth and Geertruid(je) van den Berg. He was baptized on wednesday 01-10-1687 in Gorinchem. Cornelis Dirksz is deceased before thursday 03-07-1760. He was buried in Den Haag. Address: 1757 Princenhage. Religion:N.H.. Cornelis Dirksz married to Cornelia Koning. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 11-04-1719 in Breda. Cornelia was born in Breda. Cornelia is deceased before tuesday 06-09-1729. She was buried in Den Haag. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Gerard Koning, meester-kleermaker te Breda.
Children of Cornelis Dirksz and Cornelia:

1 Gerhardus Boot, born on saturday 11-10-1721 in Gorinchem. Follow V-a.
2 Diederick Boot. He was baptized on tuesday 25-05-1723 in Den Haag. Diederick is deceased before friday 15-05-1772 in Den Haag. Note re Diederick: de heer predikaat Clerq ter secretarije van zijne Doorl. Hoogheid den Heere Prince van Orange, enz..

IV-b Jan Booth, son of Dirk Jesaiasz Booth and Geertruid(je) van den Berg. He was baptized on friday 18-02-1695 in Gorinchem. Jan married to Aderjana (Adriana) van Heijnsbergen. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 15-10-1730 in Gorinchem.
Child of Jan and Aderjana (Adriana):

1 Cornelia Boot, born on monday 17-02-1744 in Gorinchem. Follow V-b.

V-a Gerhardus Boot was born on saturday 11-10-1721 in Gorinchem, son of Cornelis Dirksz Booth and Cornelia Koning. Gerhardus is deceased on monday 09-06-1794 at 06:30 in Leur, 72 years old. He was buried on friday 13-06-1794 in Etten-Leur [source: Doodbidder begraven 1783-1807, deel 19]. Note re the death of Gerhardus: Do. Gerardus Boot sterft 9 junij den tweeden Pinksterdag smorgens 1/2 seven subiet, had daags tevooren nog gepredikt. Addresses: Princenhage Leur. Occupation: predikant. Religion:N.H.. Gerhardus married to Maria Louisa Nummer, after the publication of the bans on thursday 13-11-1755 in Princenhage. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 01-12-1755 in Princenhage. Note re the marriage: het huwelijk werd gesloten met volle instemming van wederzijdse ouders voor een volle kerk!. She was baptized on wednesday 28-01-1733 in Leeuwarden. Maria Louisa is deceased on monday 27-06-1796 in Warnsveld. Religion:N.H.. Note re Maria Louisa: dochter van Johan Jurjen Nummer, secretaris van Princenhage, en Maria Geertruyd Kleyn.
Children of Gerhardus and Maria Louisa:

1 Cornelia Maria Boot, born on thursday 18-08-1757 in Leur. She was baptized on sunday 21-08-1757 in Leur [source: NH dopen Leur 1741-1801, deel 97]. Religion:N.H.. Cornelia Maria remained unmarried.
2 Louise Henriette Boot, born in Leur. Follow VI-a.
3 Johannes Cornelis Boot, born on saturday 20-06-1761 in Leur. Follow VI-b.
4 Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot, born on tuesday 31-05-1763 in Leur. Follow VI-c.
5 Diederik Gerhard Boot, born on saturday 18-05-1765 in Leur. He was baptized on sunday 19-05-1765 in Etten-Leur [source: NH dopen Leur 1741-1801, deel 97]. Diederik Gerhard is deceased on tuesday 02-04-1811 in Heusden, 45 years old. Address: Heusden. Occupation: legerpredikant, predikant (op 05-12-1790 bevestigd als kandidaat in zijn eerste gemeente Warnsveld). Religion:N.H.. Diederik Gerhard remained unmarried.

V-b Cornelia Boot was born on monday 17-02-1744 in Gorinchem, daughter of Jan Booth and Aderjana (Adriana) van Heijnsbergen. Cornelia is deceased on sunday 04-11-1821 in Rotterdam, 77 years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 1945]. Cornelia married to Arij den Dekker, after the publication of the bans on sunday 25-04-1779. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 11-05-1779 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Rotterdam inv. 14 Trouw gereformeerd, index 28]. Arij was born in Gorinchem. Arij is deceased on sunday 20-07-1800. He was buried on thursday 24-07-1800 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Rotterdam inv. 44 Begraven]. Note re the death of Arij: Heerestraat midde; overledene liet na 1 minderjarig kinderen. Note re Arij: Decker.
Child of Cornelia and Arij:

1 Jacob den Dekker. He was baptized on sunday 24-06-1781 in Rotterdam [source: DTB Rotterdam inv. 1 Doop gereformeerd, index 82]. Note re the birth of Jacob: doopgetuigen: Christina van Dalem.

VI-a Louise Henriette Boot was born in Leur, daughter of Gerhardus Boot and Maria Louisa Nummer. She was baptized on sunday 09-12-1759 in Leur [source: NH dopen Leur 1741-1801, deel 97]. Louise Henriette is deceased on monday 17-11-1806 in Tiel. Religion:N.H.. Note re Louise Henriette: Maria Louisa ?. Louise Henriette married to Carel Ferdinand Nagel. The religious wedding was celebrated on saturday 18-05-1793 in Warnsveld. Carel Ferdinand was born on thursday 22-09-1763 in Bladel. Carel Ferdinand is deceased on tuesday 11-01-1825 in Maasbommel, 61 years old. Occupation: rector aan het gymnasium te Tiel. Note re Carel Ferdinand: zoon van Jacob Heinrich Nagel en Maria Sara van Assen.
Children of Louise Henriette and Carel Ferdinand:

1 Gerardus Hendrik Nagel, born on wednesday 17-06-1795 in Deventer. Follow VII-a.
2 Louisa Nagel, born about 1799. Follow VII-b.
3 Wilhelmus Nagel, born about 1802 in Zaltbommel. Follow VII-c.

VI-b Johannes Cornelis Boot was born on saturday 20-06-1761 in Leur, son of Gerhardus Boot and Maria Louisa Nummer. He was baptized on friday 26-06-1761 in Etten-Leur [source: N.H. Dopen Leur 1741-1810 deel 97]. Johannes Cornelis is deceased on wednesday 09-07-1834 in Arnhem, 73 years old. The decease was registered on thursday 10-07-1834 [source: akte 152]. Occupation: leraar, predikant te Nieuwenhoorn en Arnhem, dichter. Religion:N.H.. Note re Johannes Cornelis: genoot het onderwijs in de geleerde talen te Breda, studeerde theologie en werd na het voltooien van zijn letteroefeningen, op 14-08-1785 in de gemeente Nieuwenhoorn als leraar bevestigd, vier jaar later naar Arnhem beroepen, waar hij tot zijn overlijden de plichten van Herder en Leraar met de loffelijkste getrouwheid volbracht. Als maker van twee dichtstukken: "De opwekking van Lazerus" (1785) en "Tot lof der Weldadigheid", beide door het Haagsche Dichtgenootschap met een zilveren erepenning bekroond (Algem. Konst- en Letterb. 1803, D. II, bl. 202, 1804 D. I, bl.37). In mei 1804 werd hij lid van de Maatschapij der Nederlandse letterkunde te Leiden. Hij was een goed dichter, enige van zijn gedichter werden opgenomen in I.A. Nijhoff's "Geldersche Arcadia". Johannes Cornelis:
(1) married to Rosalinde Budde. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 13-07-1795 in Arnhem. Rosalinde was born on sunday 29-12-1754 in Amsterdam. Rosalinde is deceased on wednesday 28-11-1804 in Arnhem, 49 years old. Note re Rosalinde: dochter van Winolt Budde en Wilhelmina Bosboom, weduwe van ... Serrurier.
(2) married, at the age of 46 years, on sunday 25-10-1807 in Arnhem to Boudewina Donker Curtius, aged 27 years. Boudewina was born on tuesday 11-04-1780 in ´s-Hertogenbosch. Boudewina is deceased on sunday 27-03-1814 in Arnhem, 33 years old. The decease was registered on sunday 27-03-1814 [source: akte 156]. Note re Boudewina: dochter van mr. Boudewijn Donker Curtius (1746-1832) en Cornelia Hendrica Strachan (1755-1831).
Children of Johannes Cornelis and Boudewina:

1 Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot, born on saturday 17-08-1811 in Arnhem. Follow VII-d.
2 dochter Boot, daughter, born death on friday 04-09-1812 in Arnhem. The decease was registered on monday 07-09-1812 [source: akte 197].
3 Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot, born on wednesday 15-09-1813 in Arnhem. Follow VII-e.

VI-c Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot was born on tuesday 31-05-1763 in Leur, son of Gerhardus Boot and Maria Louisa Nummer. He was baptized on sunday 05-06-1763 in Leur [source: NH dopen Leur 1741-1801, deel 97]. Gerhardus Wilhelmus is deceased on thursday 06-09-1832 in Gorinchem, 69 years old. Occupation: rector aan het gymnasium te Breda, Middelburg, Zutphen en in 1792 aan de Latijnse school te Gorinchem (schoolopziener in het IVe district van Zuid-Holland en dichter). Religion:N.H.. Note re Gerhardus Wilhelmus: studeerde in Leiden net als zijn broer Cornelis. Hij werd predikant, maar omdat zijn gezondheid het liet afweten, legde hij zich toe op oude letteren. Hij werd rector aan Latijnse scholen te Breda, Middelburg en Zutphen, uiteindelijk in 1792 in Gorinchem. Hij schreef gedichten en deze werden ook regelmatig gepubliceerd in verschillende tijdschriften, waaronder "Bij mijn terugkomst van de begrafenis mijner dochter". Gerhardus Wilhelmus married, at the age of 18 years, on thursday 08-11-1781 in Warnsveld to Machteld Hendrina Ribbers. She was baptized on sunday 23-09-1764 in Arnhem. Machteld Hendrina is deceased on wednesday 08-03-1848 in Asten. Note re Machteld Hendrina: dochter van Hendrik Ribbers en Hendrina van Geyn.
Children of Gerhardus Wilhelmus and Machteld Hendrina:

1 Henrica Hermina Boot, born on saturday 28-12-1793 in Gorinchem.
2 Maria Gerarda Louiza Boot, born on saturday 12-03-1796 in Gorinchem. Maria Gerarda Louiza is deceased on sunday 20-12-1818 in Gorinchem, 22 years old.
3 Johannes Cornelis Boot, born on saturday 01-12-1798. Follow VII-f.
4 Louis Boot, born on saturday 01-08-1801 in Gorinchem. Follow VII-g.
5 Hendrik Boot, born on thursday 02-05-1805 in Gorinchem. Follow VII-h.

VII-a Gerardus Hendrik Nagel was born on wednesday 17-06-1795 in Deventer, son of Carel Ferdinand Nagel and Louise Henriette Boot. Gerardus Hendrik married, at the age of 34 years, on wednesday 16-09-1829 in ´s-Hertogenbosch [source: akte 104] to Maria Adriana van der Burght, aged 17 years. Maria Adriana was born on friday 17-01-1812 in ´s-Hertogenbosch. Note re Maria Adriana: dochter van Petrus van der Burght en Adriana Krijn.

VII-b Louisa Nagel was born about 1799, daughter of Carel Ferdinand Nagel and Louise Henriette Boot. Louisa married, at the age of about 25 years, on thursday 02-09-1824 in Heteren [source: akte 10] to Alexander Cremer, aged about 21 years. Alexander was born about 1803. Occupation: zeepzieder. Note re Alexander: zoon van Jan Hendrik Cremer en Wilhelmina van der Hart.

VII-c Wilhelmus Nagel was born about 1802 in Zaltbommel, son of Carel Ferdinand Nagel and Louise Henriette Boot. Wilhelmus married, at the age of about 28 years, on friday 03-09-1830 in Breda [source: akte 84] to Catharina Pieternella van den Ham, aged about 26 years. Catharina Pieternella was born about 1804 in Breda. Note re Catharina Pieternella: dochter van Wouter van den Ham en Maria Wilhelmina Monincx. VII-d Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot was born on saturday 17-08-1811 in Arnhem, son of Johannes Cornelis Boot and Boudewina Donker Curtius. Johannes Cornelius Gerardus is deceased on tuesday 17-12-1901 in Amsterdam, 90 years old. Occupation: hoogleraar te Amsterdam, van 1839 tot 1951 rector Gymnasium te Leeuwarden (Litt. et jur. doct. rector Lat. school te Leeuwarden, later hoogleraar Algemene Geschiedenis en oude Talen Universiteit te Amsterdam, secretaris afd. Letterkunde Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen, buitengewoon Hoogleraar in de Latijnse taal en Letterkunde). Title: prof. dr.. Note re Johannes Cornelius Gerardus: ook: Johan Cornelis Gerard Boot Bronnen: Stadsarchief Amsterdam en CBG. Johannes Cornelius Gerardus married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 04-07-1839 in Deventer [source: akte 47] to Geertruida Maria Rosalina Visser, aged 23 years. Geertruida Maria Rosalina was born on saturday 28-10-1815 in Deventer. Geertruida Maria Rosalina is deceased on monday 23-09-1844 in Leeuwarden, 28 years old. Note re Geertruida Maria Rosalina: dochter van Jurjen Hendrik Visser en Swanida Helena Budde.    

Children of Johannes Cornelius Gerardus and Geertruida Maria Rosalina:

1 Johanna Boudewina Boot, born on saturday 23-05-1840 in Leeuwarden. Follow VIII-a.
2 Hendrik Boot, born on wednesday 02-02-1842 in Leeuwarden. Hendrik is deceased on thursday 09-06-1842 in Leeuwarden, 4 months old. The decease was registered on friday 10-06-1842.
3 Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot, born on wednesday 12-04-1843 in Leeuwarden. Follow VIII-b.
4 Geertruida Maria Rosalina Boot, born on saturday 21-09-1844 in Leeuwarden. Geertruida Maria Rosalina is deceased on sunday 08-07-1917 in Haarlem, 72 years old.

VII-e Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot was born on wednesday 15-09-1813 in Arnhem, son of Johannes Cornelis Boot and Boudewina Donker Curtius. Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn is deceased on saturday 05-11-1892 in Den Haag, 79 years old. Occupation: burgemeester van Amsterdam, minister van Justitie, lid van de Raad van State (- advocaat te Den Haag van 28 december 1835 tot 1 oktober 1838
- substituut-Officier van Justitie te Amsterdam, van 1 oktober 1838 tot 1845
- Officier van Justitie te Amsterdam, van 1845 tot 1 februari 1855
- lid gemeenteraad van Amsterdam, van 1851 tot maart 1858
- burgemeester van Amsterdam, van 1 februari 1855 tot 18 maart 1858
- lid Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland voor het kiesdistrict Amsterdam, van september 1855 tot 18 maart 1858
- minister van Justitie, van 18 maart 1858 tot 23 februari 1860
- tijdelijk minister van Hervormde en andere Erediensten, uitgezonderd die der Rooms-Katholieke, van 18 maart 1858 tot 3 april 1858
- lid Raad van State, van 29 februari 1860 tot 18 februari 1873). Title: mr.. Decoration: (ridderorden
- Commandeur in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, 27 juni 1870
- Grootofficier in de Orde van de Eikenkroon). Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 22-11-1838 in Amsterdam to Wilhelmina Cramer, aged 22 years. Note re the marriage: 3e, 4e en 5e kind geboren tussen 1841 en 1851 zijn jong gestorven.Wilhelmina was born on monday 28-10-1816 in Amsterdam. Wilhelmina is deceased on friday 01-11-1901 in Den Haag, 85 years old. Note re Wilhelmina: dochter van mr. Willem Daniel Cramer, president Gerechtshof Noord-Holland, en Wilhelmine Serrurier. 

Children of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn and Wilhelmina:  

1 Boudewine Sara Boot, born on tuesday 28-01-1840 in Amsterdam. Follow VIII-c.
2 Wilhelmina Boot, born on tuesday 09-02-1841 in Amsterdam. Follow VIII-d.3 Cornelia Boot, born on friday 13-06-1851 in Amsterdam. Follow VIII-e.
4 Johannes Cornelis Gerard Boot, born on thursday 23-02-1854 in Amsterdam. Johannes Cornelis Gerard is deceased on friday 04-12-1914 in Loosduinen, 60 years old. The decease was registered on saturday 05-12-1914 [source: akte 174]. Occupation: ambtenaar openbaar ministerie bij de kantongerechten te Utrecht, Wijk bij Duurstede en Terneuzen. Title: mr.
5 Willem Boot, born on saturday 11-12-1858 in Den Haag. Willem is deceased on thursday 11-01-1923 in Amsterdam, 64 years old. Occupation: raadsheer Gerechtshof te Amsterdam.     

VII-f Johannes Cornelis Boot was born on saturday 01-12-1798, son of Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot and Machteld Hendrina Ribbers. Johannes Cornelis is deceased on monday 08-03-1852 in Gorinchem, 53 years old. Occupation: apotheker, lid van de geneeskundige commissie te Gorinchem. Johannes Cornelis married, at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 12-07-1826 in Gorinchem to Gerarda (Gerda) den Hartog(h), aged 28 years. Gerarda (Gerda) was born on wednesday 28-03-1798 in Gorinchem. Gerarda (Gerda) is deceased on thursday 07-02-1867 in Gorinchem, 68 years old. Note re Gerarda (Gerda): dochter van Corst den Hartog en Henderika Lachelouw.
Children of Johannes Cornelis and Gerarda (Gerda):

1 Johanna Boot, born on monday 29-06-1829 in Gorinchem. Note re the birth of Johanna: geboren te Amsterdam?. Johanna is deceased on wednesday 18-02-1903 in Arnhem, 73 years old. The decease was registered on wednesday 18-02-1903 [source: akte 134].
2 Hendrik Boot, born on thursday 10-03-1831 in Gorinchem. Hendrik is deceased on friday 05-01-1917 in Arnhem, 85 years old. The decease was registered on sunday 07-01-1917 [source: akte 30].
3 Henderica (Hendrika) Boot, born on thursday 29-08-1833 in Gorinchem. Note re the birth of Henderica (Hendrika): Amsterdam?. Henderica (Hendrika) is deceased on sunday 05-10-1913 in Arnhem, 80 years old. The decease was registered on monday 06-10-1913 [source: akte 641].
4 Mathilda Hendrina Boot, born on saturday 20-08-1836 in Gorinchem. Follow VIII-f.

VII-g Louis Boot was born on saturday 01-08-1801 in Gorinchem, son of Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot and Machteld Hendrina Ribbers. Louis is deceased on wednesday 10-11-1869 in Wageningen, 68 years old. Occupation: N.H. predikant te Randwijk en Lakemond. Louis married, at the age of 27 years, on friday 01-08-1828 in Gorinchem to Elisabeth Jacoba Moerkerk. She was baptized on saturday 02-07-1796 in Gorinchem. Elisabeth Jacoba is deceased on sunday 29-08-1875 in Lent (Elst). The decease was registered on monday 30-08-1875 [source: akte 94]. Note re Elisabeth Jacoba: dochter van Bastiaan Moerkerk en Elizabeth Jacoba van Braam.

1 Gerardus Wilhelmus Boot, born on tuesday 14-09-1830 in Randwijk (Heteren). Follow VIII-g.
2 Elisabeth Jacoba Boot, born on tuesday 07-08-1832 in Randwijk (Heteren). Follow VIII-h.
3 Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot, born on sunday 22-06-1834 in Randwijk (Heteren). Follow VIII-i.

VII-h Hendrik Boot was born on thursday 02-05-1805 in Gorinchem, son of Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot and Machteld Hendrina Ribbers. Hendrik is deceased on friday 29-03-1878 in Asten, 72 years old. The decease was registered on friday 29-03-1878 [source: memorienr. 109 Helmond]. Occupation: predikant te Asten. Hendrik married, at the age of 41 years, on thursday 06-08-1846 in Zwolle [source: akte 71] to Francina Maria de Ligt, aged 25 years. Francina Maria was born on friday 06-04-1821 in Rotterdam. Francina Maria is deceased on saturday 15-01-1910 in Valkenswaard, 88 years old. Note re Francina Maria: dochter van Jacobus de Ligt en Wilhelmina Cornelia Dalmeijer.
Children of Hendrik and Francina Maria:

1 Gerardus Wilhelmus Boot, born on friday 12-02-1847 in Asten. Gerardus Wilhelmus is deceased on thursday 12-11-1914 in Valkenswaard, 67 years old. Occupation: firmant Gebr. Boot, Linnenwevers te Valkenswaard.
2 Jacobus Boot, born on tuesday 03-04-1849 in Asten. Follow VIII-j.
3 Wilhelmina Cornelia Boot, born on friday 07-03-1851 in Asten. Wilhelmina Cornelia is deceased on monday 13-08-1934 in Valkenswaard, 83 years old.
4 Mathilda Hendrina Boot, born on thursday 14-07-1853 in Asten. Mathilda Hendrina is deceased on wednesday 22-09-1875 in Asten, 22 years old.
5 Hendrik Boot, born on wednesday 16-01-1856 in Asten. Hendrik is deceased on thursday 28-06-1923 in Valkenswaard, 67 years old. Occupation: bloem- en boomkweker.
6 François Marie Boot, born on monday 20-02-1860 in Asten. François Marie is deceased on saturday 01-12-1934 in Valkenswaard, 74 years old. Occupation: firmant Gebr. Boot, Linnenwevers te Valkenswaard.

VIII-a Johanna Boudewina Boot was born on saturday 23-05-1840 in Leeuwarden, daughter of Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot and Geertruida Maria Rosalina Visser. Johanna Boudewina is deceased on monday 17-08-1868 in Amsterdam, 28 years old. Note re the death of Johanna Boudewina: 17-08-1930?. Johanna Boudewina married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 13-06-1867 in Amsterdam to Adriaan Constant van Haeften, aged 37 years. Adriaan Constant was born on friday 11-06-1830 in Arnhem. Adriaan Constant is deceased on monday 22-01-1894 in Vlissingen, 63 years old. Occupation: marine-officier, luitenant ter zee, kapitein ter zee 1877-1884, schout-bij-nacht titulair. Title: jonkheer. Note re Adriaan Constant: zoon van jonkheer Petrus Adrianus van Haeften (1805-1866) en Cornelia Jacoba Maria van Outhoorn (1795-1864).
Child of Johanna Boudewina and Adriaan Constant:

1 Petronella Adriana van Haeften, born on thursday 28-04-1864 in Amsterdam. Follow IX-a.

VIII-b Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot was born on wednesday 12-04-1843 in Leeuwarden, son of Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot and Geertruida Maria Rosalina Visser. Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn is deceased on tuesday 07-09-1915 in Rotterdam, 72 years old. Occupation: officier van justitie bij de rechtbank te Breda. Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn married, at the age of 25 years, on saturday 01-08-1868 in Parijs, Frankrijk [source: akte 28 Oud-Beijerland] to Anna Francina Marguérite Saint Ange Chasselat, aged 22 years. Anna Francina Marguérite was born on tuesday 04-11-1845 in Parijs, Frankrijk. Anna Francina Marguérite is deceased on saturday 10-02-1934 in Rotterdam, 88 years old. Note re Anna Francina Marguérite: dochter van Henri Jean Saint Ange Chasselat en Francine Gerarda Anna Jacoba Boon van Ostade.
Children of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn and Anna Francina Marguérite:

1 Anna Francina Margaretha Boot, born on monday 21-06-1869 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow IX-b.
2 Johannes Cornelius Boot, born on friday 24-03-1871 in Oud-Beijerland. Follow IX-c.
3 Henri Frederik Boot, born on thursday 08-02-1877 in Maastricht. Henri Frederik is deceased on sunday 03-03-1963 in Haarlem, 86 years old. Occupation: kunstschilder.

VIII-c Boudewine Sara Boot was born on tuesday 28-01-1840 in Amsterdam, daughter of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot and Wilhelmina Cramer. Boudewine Sara is deceased on monday 03-09-1900 in Velp, 60 years old. Boudewine Sara married, at the age of 21 years, on wednesday 02-10-1861 in Den Haag to Tobias Constantijn Pieter Alsche, aged 28 years. Tobias Constantijn Pieter was born on thursday 22-11-1832 in Den Haag. Tobias Constantijn Pieter is deceased on friday 22-02-1901 in Arnhem, 68 years old. The decease was registered on friday 22-02-1901 [source: akte 174]. Occupation: advocaat te Den Haag, later steenfabrikant te Lathum. Title: mr.. Note re Tobias Constantijn Pieter: zoon van Adam George Camillus Alsche en Louise Jeanne de Bordes. 

Childeren of Boudewine Sara and Tobias Constantijn Pieter:

1 George Adriaan Alsche, born about 1865 in Den Haag. Follow IX-d.
2 Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Alsche, born 6 oktober 1869 in Angerlo. Cornelis is deceased on 27 december 1935 in Velp. Beroep: owner of Handelskwekerij Nymphaea in Velp.

VIII-d Wilhelmina Boot was born on tuesday 09-02-1841 in Amsterdam, daughter of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot and Wilhelmina Cramer. Wilhelmina is deceased on monday 16-12-1918 in Sint-Joost-ten-Noode, Brussel, België, 77 years old. Wilhelmina married, at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 15-02-1871 in Den Haag to Odilon Josse Marie Perier, aged 27 years. Odilon Josse Marie was born on saturday 25-03-1843 in Dendermonde, België. Odilon Josse Marie is deceased on saturday 19-01-1918 in Brussel, België, 74 years old. Occupation: advocaat en procureur te Brussel. Title: mr.. Note re Odilon Josse Marie: zoon van Frédéric Perier (1805-1873) en Pauline Francoise de Pauw (1806-1884).
Children of Wilhelmina and Odilon Josse Marie:

1 William Perier.
2 Gaston Frédéric Willem Perier, born in 1875. Gaston Frédéric Willem is deceased in 1946, 71 years old.

VIII-e Cornelia Boot was born on friday 13-06-1851 in Amsterdam, daughter of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot and Wilhelmina Cramer. Cornelia is deceased on thursday 14-03-1878 in Leiden, 26 years old. Cornelia married, at the age of 20 years, on thursday 04-04-1872 to Albert Cornelis Vreede, aged 32 years. Albert Cornelis was born on wednesday 29-01-1840 in Gorinchem. Albert Cornelis is deceased on thursday 20-08-1908 in Leiden, 68 years old. Occupation: hoogleraar Taal- en Letterkunde van de Oost-Indische Archipel, Literair docent Universiteit te Leiden. Note re Albert Cornelis: zoon van George Willem Vreede en Anna Catharina Hoff.

VIII-f Mathilda Hendrina Boot was born on saturday 20-08-1836 in Gorinchem, daughter of Johannes Cornelis Boot and Gerarda (Gerda) den Hartog(h). Mathilda Hendrina is deceased on tuesday 10-04-1906 in Arnhem, 69 years old. The decease was registered on thursday 12-04-1906 [source: akte 290]. Mathilda Hendrina married, at the age of 31 years, on wednesday 20-05-1868 in Gorinchem to Hilmar Marius Dirks, aged 28 years. Hilmar Marius was born on thursday 14-11-1839 in Bergen op Zoom. Hilmar Marius is deceased on friday 31-07-1914 in Brummen, 74 years old. The decease was registered on saturday 01-08-1914 [source: akte 85]. Occupation: opzichter Domeinen te Zuid-Holland, steenfabrikant te Oosterbeek. Note re Hilmar Marius: zoon van Justus Dirks (ca 1802) en Alida Katharina de Haas (1804).
Children of Mathilda Hendrina and Hilmar Marius:

1 Gerda Dirks, born on sunday 08-08-1869 in Gorinchem. Follow IX-e.
2 Alida Catharina Dirks, born about 1871 in Gorinchem. Follow IX-f.

VIII-g Gerardus Wilhelmus Boot was born on tuesday 14-09-1830 in Randwijk (Heteren), son of Louis Boot and Elisabeth Jacoba Moerkerk. Gerardus Wilhelmus is deceased on friday 16-03-1860 in Randwijk (Heteren), 29 years old. Occupation: N.H. predikant te Heilloo. Gerardus Wilhelmus married, at the age of 25 years, on friday 11-01-1856 in Zeist [source: akte 1] to Jeanne Willemine Schadée, aged 25 years. Jeanne Willemine was born on thursday 25-03-1830 in Utrecht. Jeanne Willemine is deceased on friday 05-03-1897 in Utrecht, 66 years old. Note re Jeanne Willemine: dochter van Johannes Cornelis Schadee en Anna Benine van der Does.
Children of Gerardus Wilhelmus and Jeanne Willemine:

1 Louis Boot, born on wednesday 12-11-1856 in Heiloo. Follow IX-g.
2 Johannes Cornelis Boot, born on monday 18-04-1859 in Heiloo. Follow IX-h.

VIII-h Elisabeth Jacoba Boot was born on tuesday 07-08-1832 in Randwijk (Heteren), daughter of Louis Boot and Elisabeth Jacoba Moerkerk. Elisabeth Jacoba is deceased on monday 03-03-1919 in Wageningen, 86 years old. Elisabeth Jacoba married, at the age of 21 years, on tuesday 01-08-1854 in Randwijk (Heteren) [source: akte 16] to Barend Reesen van Coeverden, aged 37 years. Barend Reesen was born on friday 30-08-1816 in Schoonhoven. Barend Reesen is deceased on monday 04-01-1875 in Wageningen, 58 years old. Occupation: koopman, graanhandelaar te Wageningen. Note re Barend Reesen: zoon van Jan Elias van Coeverden, predikant, en Cornelia Margaretha Kooij.
Children of Elisabeth Jacoba and Barend Reesen:

1 Elisabeth Jacoba van Coeverden, born about 1856 in Wageningen. Follow IX-i.
2 Johanna Rijnanda van Coeverden, born about 1858 in Wageningen. Follow IX-j.
3 Louise Mathilde Hendrina van Coeverden, born about 1863 in Wageningen. Follow IX-k.

VIII-i Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot was born on sunday 22-06-1834 in Randwijk (Heteren), son of Louis Boot and Elisabeth Jacoba Moerkerk. Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk is deceased on wednesday 12-02-1902 in Utrecht, 67 years old. Occupation: N.H. predikant te Lent. Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 06-03-1862 in Amsterdam to Helena Viervant, aged 25 years. Helena was born on friday 03-02-1837 in Amsterdam. Helena is deceased on saturday 20-06-1914 in Weurt, 77 years old. Note re Helena: dochter van Roelof Viervant en Helena Blauw.

1 Elisabeth Jacoba Boot, born on thursday 11-12-1862 in Angerlo. Follow IX-l.
2 Helena Boot, born 02-1864. Helena is deceased on saturday 16-09-1865 in Angerlo, 1 year old. The decease was registered on monday 18-09-1865 [source: akte 37].
3 Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot, born on wednesday 29-11-1865 in Angeren. Follow IX-m.
4 Helena Boot, born about 1868 in Joure. Helena is deceased on friday 21-05-1869 in Arnhem, about 1 year old. The decease was registered on saturday 22-05-1869 [source: akte 328].
5 Helena Boot, born on saturday 07-10-1871 in Elst. Follow IX-n.
6 Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot, born on friday 21-11-1873 in Lent (Elst). Follow IX-o.
7 Maria Josephine Francisca Boot, born 05-1876 in Lent (Elst). Maria Josephine Francisca is deceased on sunday 30-07-1876 in Lent (Elst), 2 months old. The decease was registered on tuesday 01-08-1876 [source: akte 73].
8 Jan Hendrik Boot, born on thursday 31-05-1877 in Elst. Follow IX-p.

VIII-j Jacobus Boot was born on tuesday 03-04-1849 in Asten, son of Hendrik Boot and Francina Maria de Ligt. Jacobus is deceased on sunday 13-03-1892, 42 years old. Note re the death of Jacobus: onderweg van Ned.-Indië naar Nederland, a/b S.S. Semarang. Occupation: 1e luitenant K.N.I.L.. Jacobus married, at the age of 30 years, on thursday 18-09-1879 in Breda [source: akte 116] to Leonore Mathilde Adolphine Rant, aged 24 years. Leonore Mathilde Adolphine was born on tuesday 01-05-1855 in Leiden. Leonore Mathilde Adolphine is deceased on sunday 17-01-1932 in Breda, 76 years old. Note re Leonore Mathilde Adolphine: dochter van Leonardus Matthijs Adolph Rant en Jeannette Elisabeth Josephine van der Horst.
Children of Jacobus and Leonore Mathilde Adolphine:

1 Jacobus Boot, born on sunday 19-12-1886 in Wahaai, Ceram, Ned. Indië. Follow IX-q.
2 Augusta Hermina Petronella Boot, born on sunday 17-08-1890 in Semarang, Ned. Indië.

IX-a Petronella Adriana van Haeften was born on thursday 28-04-1864 in Amsterdam, daughter of Adriaan Constant van Haeften and Johanna Boudewina Boot. Petronella Adriana is deceased on thursday 13-08-1942 in Apeldoorn, 78 years old. The decease was registered on saturday 15-08-1942 [source: akte 612]. Title: jonkvrouw. Petronella Adriana married, at the age of 24 years, on thursday 25-04-1889 to Henri Paul Julius Tutein Nolthenius, aged 25 years. Henri Paul Julius was born in 1864. Occupation: burgemeester van Amsterdam en Apeldoorn.

IX-b Anna Francina Margaretha Boot was born on monday 21-06-1869 in Oud-Beijerland, daughter of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot and Anna Francina Marguérite Saint Ange Chasselat. Anna Francina Margaretha is deceased on wednesday 04-06-1924 in Rotterdam, 54 years old. Anna Francina Margaretha married, at the age of 23 years, on thursday 15-09-1892 in Rotterdam [source: akte 1102] to Pieter Julius van Wijngaarden, aged 28 years. Pieter Julius was born on tuesday 01-03-1864 in Rotterdam. Pieter Julius is deceased on friday 13-01-1933 in Rotterdam, 68 years old. Occupation: notaris. Note re Pieter Julius: zoon van Andries Cornelis van Wijngaarden en Anna Catharina Antonia Slotemaker.

IX-c Johannes Cornelius Boot was born on friday 24-03-1871 in Oud-Beijerland, son of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot and Anna Francina Marguérite Saint Ange Chasselat. Johannes Cornelius is deceased on friday 05-06-1914 in Soemobito, Djombang, Java, Ned. Indië, 43 years old. Occupation: scheikundig ingenieur, directeur Proefstation der Klattensche Cult. Mij, rector voor de Java Suikerindustrie aan de Technische Hogeschool te Delft. Johannes Cornelius married, at the age of 29 years, on saturday 26-01-1901 in East Orange, New York, U.S.A. to Henriette Maria Schimmel, aged 22 years. Henriette Maria was born on thursday 25-07-1878 in New York, U.S.A.. Henriette Maria is deceased on sunday 02-01-1955 in Rotterdam, 76 years old. Note re Henriette Maria: dochter van John Schimmel en Johanna Bruijn.
Children of Johannes Cornelius and Henriette Maria:

1 Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot, born on friday 20-12-1901 in Salatiga, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-a.
2 Johanna Conradina Boot, born about 1903 in Rotterdam. Johanna Conradina is deceased on saturday 05-03-1910 in Hof van Delft, about 7 years old [source: akte 14].
3 Pieter Julius Boot, born on monday 19-12-1904 in Salatiga, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-b.
4 Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot, born on monday 08-10-1906 in Klaten, Java, Ned. Indië. Follow X-c.
5 Frederik Rutger Boot, born on thursday 06-08-1908 in Hof van Delft. Follow X-d.

IX-d George Adriaan Alsche was born about 1865 in Den Haag, son of Tobias Constantijn Pieter Alsche and Boudewine Sara Boot. Occupation: machinefabrikant. George Adriaan married, at the age of about 34 years, on thursday 27-07-1899 in Arnhem [source: akte 227] to Trijntje Draisma, aged about 22 years. Trijntje was born about 1877 in Steenwijk. Note re Trijntje: dochter van Wietse Draisma, spoorwegambtenaar, en Boukje Oosta.

IX-e Gerda Dirks was born on sunday 08-08-1869 in Gorinchem, son of Hilmar Marius Dirks and Mathilda Hendrina Boot. Gerda married, at the age of 46 years, on tuesday 07-09-1915 in Heer to Cornelius Franz Schanzleh, aged 49 years. Cornelius Franz was born on saturday 28-10-1865 in Keulen, Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen, Duitsland. Note re Cornelius Franz: dochter van Franz Joseph Albrecht Schanzleh en Adelheid Mertynich.

IX-f Alida Catharina Dirks was born about 1871 in Gorinchem, daughter of Hilmar Marius Dirks and Mathilda Hendrina Boot. Alida Catharina married, at the age of about 31 years, on wednesday 03-09-1902 in Arnhem [source: akte 309] to Adriaan Bosch, aged about 28 years. The marriage was dissolved on thursday 28-09-1905 in Arnhem (echtscheiding) [source: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank Arnhem]. Note re the marriage: wettigen 1 kind.Adriaan was born about 1874 in Scheemda. Occupation: directeur. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Christiaan Bosch, stationschef, en Johanna Welten.

IX-g Louis Boot was born on wednesday 12-11-1856 in Heiloo, son of Gerardus Wilhelmus Boot and Jeanne Willemine Schadée. Louis is deceased on friday 13-07-1923 in Nijmegen, 66 years old. Occupation: hoofdcommies Staatsspoorwegen. Louis married, at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 25-05-1887 in Utrecht [source: akte 231] to Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna Nagtglas, aged 20 years. Note re the marriage: de kinderen verkregen naamstoevoeging bij K.B. d.d. 29-12-1903, nr. 39. Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna was born on monday 10-12-1866 in Middelburg. Note re Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna: dochter van Frederik Nagtglas (1821-1902) en Maria Petronella Wilhelmina Ermerins (1824-1871).
Children of Louis and Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna:

1 Gerardus Wilhelmus Nagtglas Boot, born on thursday 28-06-1888 in Utrecht. Follow X-e.
2 Frederik Boot, born on monday 11-11-1889 in Nijmegen.
3 Maria Petronella Wilhelmina Nagtglas Boot, born on monday 26-06-1893 in Breda. Follow X-f.
4 Anne Benine Nagtglas Boot, born on friday 26-07-1895 in Groningen. Follow X-g.
5 Jeane Wilhelmine Nagtglas Boot, born on wednesday 17-09-1902 in Zwolle. Follow X-h.

IX-h Johannes Cornelis Boot was born on monday 18-04-1859 in Heiloo, son of Gerardus Wilhelmus Boot and Jeanne Willemine Schadée. Johannes Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 25-02-1902 in Heelsum, 42 years old. Occupation: adjunctcommies secretarie Rotterdam. Johannes Cornelis married, at the age of 37 years, on thursday 30-04-1896 in IJzendoorn [source: akte 4] to Catharina Christina Beijer, aged 35 years. Catharina Christina was born on thursday 06-12-1860 in Overasselt. Note re the birth of Catharina Christina: geboren te Nederasselt?. Catharina Christina is deceased on tuesday 30-08-1932 in Renkum, 71 years old. Note re Catharina Christina: dochter van Antonius Cornelis Beijer en Henderina Francken.
Child of Johannes Cornelis and Catharina Christina:

1 Jeanne Willemine Boot, born on monday 10-01-1898 in Rotterdam. Follow X-i.

IX-i Elisabeth Jacoba van Coeverden was born about 1856 in Wageningen, daughter of Barend Reesen van Coeverden and Elisabeth Jacoba Boot. Elisabeth Jacoba is deceased on thursday 28-01-1915 in Arnhem, about 59 years old. The decease was registered on thursday 28-01-1915 [source: akte 72 Nijmegen]. Note re Elisabeth Jacoba: ook: Elizabeth Jacoba Reessen van Coeverden. Elisabeth Jacoba married, at the age of about 30 years, on saturday 07-08-1886 in Wageningen [source: akte 35] to Lambertus Wilhelm du Celli¿e Muller, aged about 47 years. Lambertus Wilhelm was born about 1839 in Groningen. Occupation: militair. Note re Lambertus Wilhelm: zoon van Jan Eijes du Muller, militair, en Aletta Andrea Ducelli¿e.

IX-j Johanna Rijnanda van Coeverden was born about 1858 in Wageningen, daughter of Barend Reesen van Coeverden and Elisabeth Jacoba Boot. Johanna Rijnanda:
(1) married, at the age of about 22 years, on thursday 29-07-1880 in Wageningen [source: akte 34] to Herman Izaak Geurt Plantenga, aged about 26 years. Herman Izaak Geurt was born about 1854 in Wageningen, son of Pieter Plantenga and Jacoba Antoinette Camphuis. Herman Izaak Geurt is deceased before 1900, about 46 years old. Occupation: likeurstoker.
(2) married, at the age of about 42 years, on wednesday 07-02-1900 in Wageningen [source: akte 6] to Johannes Gerrit Cornelis Plantenga, aged about 47 years. Note re the marriage: dispensatie.Johannes Gerrit Cornelis was born about 1853 in Wageningen, son of Pieter Plantenga and Jacoba Antoinette Camphuis. Occupation: majoor der genie. Note re Johannes Gerrit Cornelis: weduwnaar van Carolina Maria de Paula Roessner.

IX-k Louise Mathilde Hendrina van Coeverden was born about 1863 in Wageningen, daughter of Barend Reesen van Coeverden and Elisabeth Jacoba Boot. Louise Mathilde Hendrina married, at the age of about 26 years, on saturday 27-04-1889 in Wageningen [source: akte 12] to Johannes Lodewijk de Wijn, aged about 29 years. Johannes Lodewijk was born about 1860 in Leeuwarden. Occupation: ontvanger. Note re Johannes Lodewijk: zoon van Alexander de Wijn, banketbakker, en Hiskia Sickler.

IX-l Elisabeth Jacoba Boot was born on thursday 11-12-1862 in Angerlo, daughter of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot and Helena Viervant. Note re the birth of Elisabeth Jacoba: geboren te Lathum?. Elisabeth Jacoba is deceased on saturday 01-11-1913 in Beuningen, 50 years old. The decease was registered on monday 03-11-1913 [source: akte 26]. Elisabeth Jacoba married, at the age of 27 years, on wednesday 19-02-1890 in Elst [source: akte 6] to Sijtze Wijbrens Taconis, aged 28 years. Sijtze Wijbrens was born on friday 02-08-1861 in Haskerland. Note re the birth of Sijtze Wijbrens: Joure?. Sijtze Wijbrens is deceased on friday 26-08-1904 in Utrecht, 43 years old. Occupation: bloemist. Note re Sijtze Wijbrens: zoon van Wijbren Krijns Taconis, boomkweker, en Hiltje Foppes Klijnsma.

IX-m Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot was born on wednesday 29-11-1865 in Angeren, son of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot and Helena Viervant. Note re the birth of Gerhardus Wilhelmus: geboren te Lathum?. Gerhardus Wilhelmus is deceased on monday 26-10-1925 in Arnhem, 59 years old. The decease was registered on wednesday 28-10-1925 [source: akte 732]. Occupation: directeur Ambachtschool te Arnhem. Decoration: Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Gerhardus Wilhelmus married, at the age of 28 years, on tuesday 21-08-1894 in Utrecht [source: akte 410] to Marie Henriette ten Hove, aged 27 years. Marie Henriette was born on tuesday 30-10-1866 in Hoorn, daughter of Samuel Louis ten Hove and Henriette Elisabeth Dumont. Marie Henriette is deceased on thursday 22-04-1943 in Den Haag, 76 years old. 

Children of Gerhardus Wilhelmus and Marie Henriette:

1 Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot, born on tuesday 12-05-1896 in Amsterdam. Follow X-j.
2 Gosuine Magdalena Boot, born on tuesday 17-01-1899 in Amsterdam. Follow X-k.

IX-n Helena Boot was born on saturday 07-10-1871 in Elst, daughter of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot and Helena Viervant. Note re the birth of Helena: geboren te Lent?. Helena is deceased on wednesday 27-01-1926 in Den Haag, 54 years old. Helena married, at the age of 38 years, on tuesday 10-05-1910 in Arnhem [source: akte 139] to Gerard Theodoor Leendertz, aged 34 years. Gerard Theodoor was born on saturday 24-07-1875 in Nijmegen. Gerard Theodoor is deceased on friday 07-03-1941 in Den Haag, 65 years old. Occupation: tuinbouwkundige en fruitkweker. Note re Gerard Theodoor: zoon van Willem Leendertz en Elizabeth Carolina Schoenhard.

IX-o Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot was born on friday 21-11-1873 in Lent (Elst), son of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot and Helena Viervant. Occupation: bloemkweker te Waverley, New York, U.S.A.. Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk married, at the age of 36 years, on sunday 05-12-1909 in Nieuw-Amsterdam, U.S.A. to Henny ter Avest, aged 32 years. Henny was born on wednesday 06-12-1876.
Children of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk and Henny:

1 Helena Boot (private).
2 Jacoba Elizabet Boot (private).

IX-p Jan Hendrik Boot was born on thursday 31-05-1877 in Elst, son of Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot and Helena Viervant. Note re the birth of Jan Hendrik: geboren te Lent?. Jan Hendrik is deceased on thursday 27-06-1935 in Utrecht, 58 years old. Occupation: leraar M.O. Tekenen. Jan Hendrik married, at the age of 27 years, on thursday 29-12-1904 in Utrecht [source: akte 745] to Alberdina Hendrika Wilhelmina Spruijt, aged 26 years. Alberdina Hendrika Wilhelmina was born on thursday 30-05-1878 in Leeuwarden. Alberdina Hendrika Wilhelmina is deceased on saturday 01-07-1939 in Utrecht, 61 years old. Note re Alberdina Hendrika Wilhelmina: dochter van Jan Jacob Spruijt en Fietje van der Weij.

Children of Jan Hendrik and Alberdina Hendrika Wilhelmina:

1 Anny Titia Albertina Boot (private). Anny Titia Albertina married, at the age of 25 years, on thursday 07-09-1933 in Utrecht to Adelbert Franz Xaver Micholitsch, aged 25 years. Adelbert Franz Xaver was born in 1908 in Krems a/d Donau. Occupation: ambtenaar Ministerie van Financien te Wenen, Oostenrijk. Note re Adelbert Franz Xaver: zoon van Adalbert Micholitsch en Rosa Mayer.
2 Henriette Albertine Boot (private). Henriette Albertine:
(1) married, at the age of 26 years, on saturday 30-09-1939 in Maartensdijk to Ernest Alfred Henri Philip Willem Frijda, aged 30 years. Ernest Alfred Henri Philip Willem was born on friday 19-02-1909 in Arnhem. Ernest Alfred Henri Philip Willem is deceased on monday 06-03-1944 in Auschwitz, Polen, 35 years old. The decease was registered on saturday 08-11-1947 [source: akte 268 Wassenaar]. Occupation: leraar M.O.. Note re Ernest Alfred Henri Philip Willem: zoon van Willem Michael Frijda en Paula Anschel.
(2) married, at the age of 34 years, on monday 29-12-1947 in Wassenaar to Bernardus Antonius Horikx, aged 31 years. Bernardus Antonius was born on sunday 20-02-1916 in Leiden. Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Bernardus Antonius: zoon van Joseph Martinus Hubertus Horikx en Hendrika Francisca van Dijk.

IX-q Jacobus Boot was born on sunday 19-12-1886 in Wahaai, Ceram, Ned. Indië, son of Jacobus Boot and Leonore Mathilde Adolphine Rant. Jacobus is deceased on wednesday 31-01-1945 in Haarlem, 58 years old. Occupation: luitenant-kolonel arts K.N.I.L.. Jacobus married, at the age of 31 years, on monday 17-06-1918 in Bandoeng, Java, Ned. Indië to Marie Wiechert, aged 19 years. Marie was born on tuesday 07-03-1899 in Batavia, Java, Ned. Indië. Note re Marie: dochter van Johan Heinrich Erdman Wiechert en Jacoba Charlotte Campbell.
Children of Jacobus and Marie:

1 Cootje Boot (private). Cootje married, at the age of 24 years, in 1943 in Schonau, Beieren, Duitsland to Christian Christlmeier, aged 27 years. Christian was born on sunday 02-07-1916 in Schonau, Beieren, Duitsland. Address: (Cornwall, Ontario, Canada). Occupation: landbouwer.
2 Frans Boot (private).

X-a Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot was born on friday 20-12-1901 in Salatiga, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Johannes Cornelius Boot and Henriette Maria Schimmel. Occupation: fabricatie-chef suikerfabriek Djatiroto, Pasoeroean, financieel adviseur fa. Vermeer & Co, bankiers te Amsterdam. Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn married, at the age of 25 years, on wednesday 09-02-1927 in Dordrecht [source: akte 38] to Henriette Boudewine Lotsij, aged 23 years. Henriette Boudewine was born on sunday 05-04-1903 in Dordrecht. Note re Henriette Boudewine: dochter van Karel Lotsij (1872) en Henriette Boudewine de Court Onderwater (1876).
Children of Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn and Henriette Boudewine:

1 Henriette Boudewine Boot (private). Henriette Boudewine married, at the age of 21 years, on saturday 05-11-1949 in Mombasa, Kenia to Eric Martin van der Sande Lacoste, aged 24 years. Eric Martin was born on wednesday 25-02-1925 in Den Helder. Occupation: employee ver. Nederl. Scheepvaart Mij. Note re Eric Martin: zoon van Adriaan Cornelis van der Sande Lacoste en Helena Kaufmann.
2 Anna Francina Margaretha Boot (private).

X-b Pieter Julius Boot was born on monday 19-12-1904 in Salatiga, Semarang, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Johannes Cornelius Boot and Henriette Maria Schimmel. Occupation: ambtenaar Ned. Clearin Inst., procuratiehouder bijbank Rotterdam van de Ned. Bank N.V.. Pieter Julius married, at the age of 47 years, on saturday 19-07-1952 in Den Haag to Anna Elizabeth Emilia van Rossem, aged 31 years. Anna Elizabeth Emilia was born on friday 30-07-1920 in Den Haag. Note re Anna Elizabeth Emilia: dochter van Johannes Petrus van Rossem en Christine Albertine Verwey.
Child of Pieter Julius and Anna Elizabeth Emilia:

1 Christine Albertine Boot (private).

X-c Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot was born on monday 08-10-1906 in Klaten, Java, Ned. Indië, son of Johannes Cornelius Boot and Henriette Maria Schimmel. Johannes Cornelius Gerardus is deceased on tuesday 07-03-2006 in Den Haag, 99 years old. Occupation: scheikundig ingenieur, hoofdvertegenwoordiger B.P.M.. Johannes Cornelius Gerardus married, at the age of 32 years, on monday 06-02-1939 in Amsterdam to Pauline Marie Bauduin, aged 30 years. Pauline Marie was born on monday 02-03-1908 in Breda. Note re Pauline Marie: dochter van Georges Joseph Dominique Bauduin (1871-1953) en Catharina Hendrika Bertha van Kleef (1874-1944).
Children of Johannes Cornelius Gerardus and Pauline Marie:

1 Johannes Cornelis Dominicus Boot (private).
2 Maria Henriette Boot (private).
3 Else Patricia Boot (private). Else Patricia married, at the age of 22 years, on saturday 30-10-1965 in Den Haag to Joost Postma, aged 35 years. Joost was born on monday 19-05-1930 in Haarlem. Note re Joost: zoon van Jaap Postma en Henriëtte Wilhelmina Cornelia Marie van Gulick.
4 Albertine Boot, born on thursday 04-10-1951 in Rueil, Malmaison, Frankrijk. Albertine is deceased on wednesday 10-10-1990 in Leiden, 39 years old.

X-d Frederik Rutger Boot was born on thursday 06-08-1908 in Hof van Delft, son of Johannes Cornelius Boot and Henriette Maria Schimmel. Frederik Rutger is deceased on sunday 24-02-1980 in Amsterdam, 71 years old. Occupation: doctor economie. Frederik Rutger married, at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 17-10-1934 in Amsterdam to Maria den Tex, aged 25 years. Maria was born on tuesday 15-06-1909 in Amsterdam. Maria is deceased on wednesday 05-05-1982 in Rotterdam, 72 years old. Note re Maria: dochter van Cornelis Anne den Tex en Martine Henriette van der Waarden.
Children of Frederik Rutger and Maria:

1 Johannes Cornelius Gerardus Boot (private).
2 Cornelis Hendrik Boudewijn Boot (private).
3 Hester Machteld Boot (private).
4 Martine Henriette Boot (private). Martine Henriette:
(1) married, at the age of 26 years, on saturday 06-05-1972 in Amsterdam to Nicholas Morbey Peyton, aged 23 years. The marriage was dissolved 05-1987 in Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Californië, U.S.A. (echtscheiding). Nicholas Morbey was born on tuesday 25-05-1948 in Petersfield, Hampshire, Groot-Brittannië. Note re Nicholas Morbey: zoon van Basil Peyton en Leonore Kochheim.
(2) married, at the age of 41 years, on wednesday 30-12-1987 in Incline Village, Nevada, U.S.A. to Mark Robert Heyer, aged 39 years. Mark Robert was born on friday 02-01-1948 in Stanford, Californië, U.S.A.. Note re Mark Robert: zoon van Norris Robbert Heyer en Ann Lydia Sturzenbecker.
5 Nicolaas Rutger Boot (private). Nicolaas Rutger married, at the age of 33 years, on saturday 17-04-1982 in Delft to Estela Patricia Tolomei, aged 32 years. Estela Patricia was born on thursday 09-06-1949 in Wenen, Oostenrijk. Note re Estela Patricia: dochter van Raúl Enrique Tolomei en Renée de Longuefosse.

X-e Gerardus Wilhelmus Nagtglas Boot was born on thursday 28-06-1888 in Utrecht, son of Louis Boot and Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna Nagtglas. Occupation: notaris te Gouda. Gerardus Wilhelmus married, at the age of 29 years, on wednesday 17-10-1917 in Gouda to Cornelia Bonte, aged 29 years. Cornelia was born on wednesday 11-07-1888 in Gouda. Cornelia is deceased on monday 13-06-1932 in Gouda, 43 years old. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Hendrik Willem Frederik Bonte en Neeltje Muller.
Children of Gerardus Wilhelmus and Cornelia:

1 Louis Nagtglas Boot (private).
2 Anna Nagtglas Boot, born on monday 12-09-1921 in Gouda. Follow XI-e.

X-f Maria Petronella Wilhelmina Nagtglas Boot was born on monday 26-06-1893 in Breda, daughter of Louis Boot and Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna Nagtglas. Maria Petronella Wilhelmina married, at the age of 23 years, on friday 27-10-1916 in Nijmegen to Louis Offermans, aged 26 years. Louis was born on monday 11-08-1890 in Delft. Occupation: notaris. Note re Louis: zoon van Gerardus Johannes Didacus Offermans en Helena Cornelia van Haarst.

X-g Anne Benine Nagtglas Boot was born on friday 26-07-1895 in Groningen, daughter of Louis Boot and Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna Nagtglas. Anne Benine married, at the age of 30 years, on thursday 10-09-1925 in Nijmegen to Hendrikus Cornelis Wilhelmus van Schaik, aged 32 years. Hendrikus Cornelis Wilhelmus was born on monday 10-04-1893 in Maastricht. Occupation: notaris. Note re Hendrikus Cornelis Wilhelmus: zoon van Johannes Robertus Hendricus van Schaik en Theodora Johanna Stephanie Deurvorst.

X-h Jeane Wilhelmine Nagtglas Boot was born on wednesday 17-09-1902 in Zwolle, daughter of Louis Boot and Adriana Maria Cornelia Johanna Nagtglas. Jeane Wilhelmine is deceased on friday 14-11-1941 in Haarlem, 39 years old. Jeane Wilhelmine married, at the age of 22 years, on wednesday 09-09-1925 in Wijk aan Zee to Adriaan Jean Pieter van Son, aged 26 years. Adriaan Jean Pieter was born on sunday 23-07-1899 in Schoonhoven. Adriaan Jean Pieter is deceased on friday 04-04-1947 in St. Servan, dept. Ille et Vilaine, Frankrijk, 47 years old. Occupation: stuurman ter koopvaardij. Note re Adriaan Jean Pieter: zoon van Adrianus Francois Pieter van Son en Catharina Josephina Sara Benjemine Boom.

X-i Jeanne Willemine Boot was born on monday 10-01-1898 in Rotterdam, daughter of Johannes Cornelis Boot and Catharina Christina Beijer. Jeanne Willemine is deceased on friday 27-10-1944 in Deventer, 46 years old. Jeanne Willemine married, at the age of 24 years, on friday 12-05-1922 in Renkum [source: akte 29] to Frans van Scherrenburg, aged 28 years. Frans was born on sunday 11-02-1894 in Renkum. Occupation: boekhouder, assistent accountant. Note re Frans: zoon van Frans van Scherrenburg en Johanna Cornelia van de Schans.

X-j Bastiaan Cornelis Moerkerk Boot was born on tuesday 12-05-1896 in Amsterdam, son of Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot and Marie Henriette ten Hove. Occupation: civiel ingenieur, hoofdinspecteur Dienst Vervoer der Ned. Spoorwegen. Bastiaan Cornelis:
(1) married, at the age of 30 years, on wednesday 15-09-1926 in Deventer to Anna Johanna Margaretha de Boer, aged 25 years. Note re the marriage: Herman Boot: "Nagtglas was een Zeeuwse geschiedschrijver. Vermoedelijk was één van zijn dochters zo trots op haar vaders naam dat ze getrouwd zijnde met Boot na zijn overlijden haar naam en van haar kinderen liet veranderen in Nagtglas Boot. Dit is ook gebeurd Moerkerk Boot, ik meen dat ze familie waren van elkaar en in de Etten-Leurse omgeving gezocht moeten worden uit een zeer getalenteerd dominees gezin".Anna Johanna Margaretha was born on thursday 28-02-1901 in Barchem. Anna Johanna Margaretha is deceased on saturday 22-08-1931 in Amersfoort, 30 years old. Note re Anna Johanna Margaretha: dochter van Reint de Boer en Jeanette Reinders.
(2) married, at the age of 41 years, on thursday 17-02-1938 in Amsterdam to Jeanne Anne van den Kieboom, aged 21 years. Jeanne Anne was born on wednesday 22-11-1916 in Takarazuka, Japan. Note re Jeanne Anne: dochter van Albert Cornelis van den Kieboom en Matsue Shikota.

Children of Bastiaan Cornelis and Anna Johanna Margaretha:

1 Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot (private).
2 Reintjan Boudewijn Boot (private).

Children of Bastiaan Cornelis and Jeanne Anne:

1 Anna Christina Boot (private).
2 Clara Elenoro Boot (private).

X-k Gosuine Magdalena Boot was born on tuesday 17-01-1899 in Amsterdam, daughter of Gerhardus Wilhelmus Boot and Marie Henriette ten Hove. Gosuine Magdalena married, at the age of 26 years, on wednesday 06-01-1926 in Arnhem to Nicolaas Cornelis Winkel, aged 27 years. Nicolaas Cornelis was born on sunday 27-03-1898 in Menaldum. Occupation: werktuigkundig ingenieur, hoofdinspecteur directoraat van de arbeid Min. van Soc. Zaken. Note re Nicolaas Cornelis: zoon van Simon Winkel en Trijntje Wijdenis Spaans.

XI-e Anna Nagtglas Boot was born on monday 12-09-1921 in Gouda, daughter of Gerardus Wilhelmus Nagtglas Boot and Cornelia Bonte. Anna is deceased on saturday 29-10-2005, 84 years old. She was buried on wednesday 02-11-2005 in Haren. Occupation: commies Provinciale Griffie. Anna married to Jan Nieuwenhuis. Jan is deceased on friday 24-11-2000.
Children of Anna and Jan:

1 Bouwe Nieuwenhuis.
2 Elly Nieuwenhuis (private).
3 Henk Nieuwenhuis (private). Henk married to Janny Klatter.
4 Dineke Nieuwenhuis (private). Dineke married to Wigbold Molenkamp.

 Index (193 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
Alsche George Adriaan ±1865     Nummer IX-d
Alsche Tobias Constantijn Pieter 22-11-1832   22-02-1901 [Partner of VIII-c]
ter Avest Henny 06-12-1876     [Partner of IX-o]
Bauduin Pauline Marie (private)      
Beijer Catharina Christina 06-12-1860   30-08-1932 [Partner of IX-h]
van den Berg Geertruid(je) 01-02-1660     [Partner of III]
de Boer Anna Johanna Margaretha 28-02-1901   22-08-1931 [Partner of X-j]
Bonte Cornelia 11-07-1888   13-06-1932 [Partner of X-e]
Boot Albertine 04-10-1951   10-10-1990 [Daughter of X-c]
Boot Anna Christina (private)      
Boot Anna Francina Margaretha 21-06-1869   04-06-1924 Nummer IX-b
Boot Anna Francina Margaretha (private)      
Boot Anny Titia Albertina (private)      
Boot Augusta Hermina
17-08-1890     [Daughter of VIII-j]
Boot Bastiaan Cornelis
22-06-1834   12-02-1902 Nummer VIII-i
Boot Bastiaan Cornelis
21-11-1873     Nummer IX-o
Boot Boudewine Sara 28-01-1840   03-09-1900 Nummer VIII-c
Boot Christine Albertine (private)      
Boot Clara Elenoro (private)      
Boot Cootje (private)      
Boot Cornelia 17-02-1744   04-11-1821 Nummer V-b
Boot Cornelia 13-06-1851   14-03-1878 Nummer VIII-e
Boot Cornelia Maria 18-08-1757 21-08-1757   [Daughter of V-a]
Boot Cornelis Hendrik
15-09-1813   05-11-1892 Nummer VII-e
Boot Cornelis Hendrik
12-04-1843   07-09-1915 Nummer VIII-b
Boot Cornelis Hendrik
20-12-1901     Nummer X-a
Boot Cornelis Hendrik
Boot Diederick   25-05-1723 <15-05-1772 [Son of IV-a]
Boot Diederik Gerhard 18-05-1765 19-05-1765 02-04-1811 [Son of V-a]
Boot dochter 04-09-1812     [Daughter of VI-b]
Boot Elisabeth Jacoba 07-08-1832   03-03-1919 Nummer VIII-h
Boot Elisabeth Jacoba 11-12-1862   01-11-1913 Nummer IX-l
Boot Else Patricia (private)      
Boot Frans (private)      
Boot François Marie 20-02-1860   01-12-1934 [Son of VII-h]
Boot Frederik 11-11-1889     [Son of IX-g]
Boot Frederik Rutger 06-08-1908   24-02-1980 Nummer X-d
Boot Geertruida Maria Rosalina 21-09-1844   08-07-1917 [Daughter of VII-d]
Boot Gerardus Wilhelmus 14-09-1830   16-03-1860 Nummer VIII-g
Boot Gerardus Wilhelmus 12-02-1847   12-11-1914 [Son of VII-h]
Boot Gerhardus 11-10-1721   09-06-1794 Nummer V-a
Boot Gerhardus Wilhelmus 31-05-1763 05-06-1763 06-09-1832 Nummer VI-c
Boot Gerhardus Wilhelmus 29-11-1865   26-10-1925 Nummer IX-m
Boot Gerhardus Wilhelmus (private)      
Boot Gosuine Magdalena 17-01-1899     Nummer X-k
Boot Helena 02-1864   16-09-1865 [Daughter of VIII-i]
Boot Helena ±1868   21-05-1869 [Daughter of VIII-i]
Boot Helena 07-10-1871   27-01-1926 Nummer IX-n
Boot Helena (private)      
Boot Henderica (Hendrika) 29-08-1833   05-10-1913 [Daughter of VII-f]
Boot Hendrik 02-05-1805   29-03-1878 Nummer VII-h
Boot Hendrik 10-03-1831   05-01-1917 [Son of VII-f]
Boot Hendrik 02-02-1842   09-06-1842 [Son of VII-d]
Boot Hendrik 16-01-1856   28-06-1923 [Son of VII-h]
Boot Henri Frederik 08-02-1877   03-03-1963 [Son of VIII-b]
Boot Henrica Hermina 28-12-1793     [Daughter of VI-c]
Boot Henriette Albertine (private)      
Boot Henriette Boudewine (private)      
Boot Hester Machteld (private)      
Boot Jacoba Elizabet (private)      
Boot Jacobus 03-04-1849   13-03-1892 Nummer VIII-j
Boot Jacobus 19-12-1886   31-01-1945 Nummer IX-q
Boot Jan Hendrik 31-05-1877   27-06-1935 Nummer IX-p
Boot Jeanne Willemine 10-01-1898   27-10-1944 Nummer X-i
Boot Johanna 29-06-1829   18-02-1903 [Daughter of VII-f]
Boot Johanna Boudewina 23-05-1840   17-08-1868 Nummer VIII-a
Boot Johanna Conradina ±1903   05-03-1910 [Daughter of IX-c]
Boot Johannes Cornelis 20-06-1761 26-06-1761 09-07-1834 Nummer VI-b
Boot Johannes Cornelis 01-12-1798   08-03-1852 Nummer VII-f
Boot Johannes Cornelis 18-04-1859   25-02-1902 Nummer IX-h
Boot Johannes Cornelis
Boot Johannes Cornelis Gerard 23-02-1854   04-12-1914 [Son of VII-e]
Boot Johannes Cornelius 24-03-1871   05-06-1914 Nummer IX-c
Boot Johannes Cornelius
17-08-1811   17-12-1901 Nummer VII-d
Boot Johannes Cornelius
08-10-1906   07-03-2006 Nummer X-c
Boot Johannes Cornelius
Boot Louis 01-08-1801   10-11-1869 Nummer VII-g
Boot Louis 12-11-1856   13-07-1923 Nummer IX-g
Boot Louise Henriette   09-12-1759 17-11-1806 Nummer VI-a
Boot Maria Gerarda Louiza 12-03-1796   20-12-1818 [Daughter of VI-c]
Boot Maria Henriette (private)      
Boot Maria Josephine Francisca 05-1876   30-07-1876 [Daughter of VIII-i]
Boot Martine Henriette (private)      
Boot Mathilda Hendrina 20-08-1836   10-04-1906 Nummer VIII-f
Boot Mathilda Hendrina 14-07-1853   22-09-1875 [Daughter of VII-h]
Boot Nicolaas Rutger (private)      
Boot Pieter Julius 19-12-1904     Nummer X-b
Boot Reintjan Boudewijn (private)      
Boot Wilhelmina 09-02-1841   16-12-1918 Nummer VIII-d
Boot Wilhelmina Cornelia 07-03-1851   13-08-1934 [Daughter of VII-h]
Boot Willem 11-12-1858   11-01-1923 [Son of VII-e]
Booth Anneken   17-05-1658   [Daughter of II]
Booth Ariaentge   25-03-1646   [Daughter of II]
Booth Ariaentje   26-12-1647   [Daughter of II]
Booth Cornelis Dirksz   01-10-1687 <03-07-1760 Nummer IV-a
Booth Dirk Jesaiasz 10-03-1651     Nummer III
Booth Henderick ±1698     [Son of III]
Booth Jan   18-02-1695   Nummer IV-b
Booth Jesaias   12-02-1692   [Son of III]
Booth Pieternel   12-01-1655   [Daughter of II]
Bosch Adriaan ±1874     [Partner of IX-f]
Budde Rosalinde 29-12-1754   28-11-1804 [Partner of VI-b]
van der Burght Maria Adriana 17-01-1812     [Partner of VII-a]
Camphuis Jacoba Antoinette       [Parent in law of IX-j]
[Parent in law of IX-j]
du Celli¿e
Lambertus Wilhelm ±1839     [Partner of IX-i]
Christlmeier Christian (private)      
van Coeverden Barend Reesen 30-08-1816   04-01-1875 [Partner of VIII-h]
van Coeverden Elisabeth Jacoba ±1856   28-01-1915 Nummer IX-i
van Coeverden Johanna Rijnanda ±1858     Nummer IX-j
van Coeverden Louise Mathilde Hendrina ±1863     Nummer IX-k
Cramer Wilhelmina 28-10-1816   01-11-1901 [Partner of VII-e]
Cremer Alexander ±1803     [Partner of VII-b]
Crijnen Anneke       [Partner of I]
den Dekker Arij     20-07-1800 [Partner of V-b]
den Dekker Jacob   24-06-1781   [Son of V-b]
Dircksen Esaias ±1620     Nummer II
Dirks Alida Catharina ±1871     Nummer IX-f
Dirks Gerda 08-08-1869     Nummer IX-e
Dirks Hilmar Marius 14-11-1839   31-07-1914 [Partner of VIII-f]
Donker Curtius Boudewina 11-04-1780   27-03-1814 [Partner of VI-b]
Draisma Trijntje ±1877     [Partner of IX-d]
Dumont Henriette Elisabeth       [Parent in law of IX-m]
Dyrickx Dirric       Nummer I
Frijda Ernest Alfred Henri Philip Willem 19-02-1909   06-03-1944  
van Haeften Adriaan Constant 11-06-1830   22-01-1894 [Partner of VIII-a]
van Haeften Petronella Adriana 28-04-1864   13-08-1942 Nummer IX-a
van den Ham Catharina Pieternella ±1804     [Partner of VII-c]
den Hartog(h) Gerarda (Gerda) 28-03-1798   07-02-1867 [Partner of VII-f]
Aderjana (Adriana)       [Partner of IV-b]
Heyer Mark Robert (private)      
Horikx Bernardus Antonius (private)      
ten Hove Marie Henriette 30-10-1866   22-04-1943 [Partner of IX-m]
ten Hove Samuel Louis       [Parent in law of IX-m]
van den
Jeanne Anne (private)      
Klatter Janny (private)      
Koning Cornelia     <06-09-1729 [Partner of IV-a]
Cornelia Dircks       [Partner of II]
Leendertz Gerard Theodoor 24-07-1875   07-03-1941 [Partner of IX-n]
de Ligt Francina Maria 06-04-1821   15-01-1910 [Partner of VII-h]
Lotsij Henriette Boudewine 05-04-1903     [Partner of X-a]
Micholitsch Adelbert Franz Xaver (private)      
Moerkerk Elisabeth Jacoba   02-07-1796 29-08-1875 [Partner of VII-g]
Moerkerk Boot Bastiaan Cornelis 12-05-1896     Nummer X-j
Molenkamp Wigbold        
Nagel Carel Ferdinand 22-09-1763   11-01-1825 [Partner of VI-a]
Nagel Gerardus Hendrik 17-06-1795     Nummer VII-a
Nagel Louisa ±1799     Nummer VII-b
Nagel Wilhelmus ±1802     Nummer VII-c
Nagtglas Adriana Maria Cornelia
10-12-1866     [Partner of IX-g]
Nagtglas Boot Anna 12-09-1921   29-10-2005 Nummer XI-e
Nagtglas Boot Anne Benine 26-07-1895     Nummer X-g
Nagtglas Boot Gerardus Wilhelmus 28-06-1888     Nummer X-e
Nagtglas Boot Jeane Wilhelmine 17-09-1902   14-11-1941 Nummer X-h
Nagtglas Boot Louis (private)      
Nagtglas Boot Maria Petronella
26-06-1893     Nummer X-f
Nieuwenhuis Bouwe       [Son of XI-e]
Nieuwenhuis Dineke (private)      
Nieuwenhuis Elly (private)      
Nieuwenhuis Henk (private)      
Nieuwenhuis Jan     24-11-2000 [Partner of XI-e]
Nummer Maria Louisa   28-01-1733 27-06-1796 [Partner of V-a]
Offermans Louis 11-08-1890     [Partner of X-f]
Perier Gaston Frédéric Willem 1875   1946 [Son of VIII-d]
Perier Odilon Josse Marie 25-03-1843   19-01-1918 [Partner of VIII-d]
Perier William       [Son of VIII-d]
Peyton Nicholas Morbey (private)      
Plantenga Herman Izaak Geurt ±1854   <1900 [Partner of IX-j]
Plantenga Johannes Gerrit Cornelis ±1853     [Partner of IX-j]
Plantenga Pieter       [Parent in law of IX-j]
[Parent in law of IX-j]
Postma Joost (private)      
Rant Leonore Mathilde Adolphine 01-05-1855   17-01-1932 [Partner of VIII-j]
Ribbers Machteld Hendrina   23-09-1764 08-03-1848 [Partner of VI-c]
van Rossem Anna Elizabeth Emilia (private)      
Saint Ange
Anna Francina Marguérite 04-11-1845   10-02-1934 [Partner of VIII-b]
van der Sande
Eric Martin (private)      
Schadée Jeanne Willemine 25-03-1830   05-03-1897 [Partner of VIII-g]
van Schaik Hendrikus Cornelis
10-04-1893     [Partner of X-g]
Schanzleh Cornelius Franz 28-10-1865     [Partner of IX-e]
van Scherrenburg Frans 11-02-1894     [Partner of X-i]
Schimmel Henriette Maria 25-07-1878   02-01-1955 [Partner of IX-c]
van Son Adriaan Jean Pieter 23-07-1899   04-04-1947 [Partner of X-h]
Spruijt Alberdina Hendrika
30-05-1878   01-07-1939 [Partner of IX-p]
Taconis Sijtze Wijbrens 02-08-1861   26-08-1904 [Partner of IX-l]
den Tex Maria 15-06-1909   05-05-1982 [Partner of X-d]
Tolomei Estela Patricia (private)      
Tutein Nolthenius Henri Paul Julius 1864     [Partner of IX-a]
Viervant Helena 03-02-1837   20-06-1914 [Partner of VIII-i]
Visser Geertruida Maria Rosalina 28-10-1815   23-09-1844 [Partner of VII-d]
Vreede Albert Cornelis 29-01-1840   20-08-1908 [Partner of VIII-e]
Wiechert Marie 07-03-1899     [Partner of IX-q]
de Wijn Johannes Lodewijk ±1860     [Partner of IX-k]
van Wijngaarden Pieter Julius 01-03-1864   13-01-1933 [Partner of IX-b]
Winkel Nicolaas Cornelis 27-03-1898     [Partner of X-k]

logoaldfaer  Generated using Aldfaer version 3.3.2 on 27-07-2009. 

Private: persons marked with (private) have not all information shown due to Dutch privacy laws.  

With many thanks for the pictures we received from Bernard van den Hout (see Dutch genealogy)

With many thanks for the pictures we received from Maarten Alsche (see Dutch genealogy)


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