(Limburg - Maasbree)
By missing dates of birth and/or baptism the order of the children could be alphabetical or random.
I Joannes Janssen Boots is born before 1645. Note re Joannes Janssen:
De vader van Joannes heette vermoedelijk ook Joannes, omdat hij met zijn patroniem in de huwelijksakte vermeld staat, maar in de doopakten van de kinderen wordt hij telkens Boots genoemd.
Joannes Janssen married, at least 24 years old, on 14-02-1669 in Maasbree with Elisabeth Symons Smets, at least 24 years old. Elisabeth Symons is born before 1645. Note re Elisabeth Symons: ook Smeetz.
Children of Joannes Janssen and Elisabeth Symons:
1 Johanna Boots. She was baptized on 12-11-1669 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Guilielmus Smets, Elisabeth Lemmens. Note re the death of Johanna: jong overleden.
2 Gerardus Boots. He was baptized on 15-03-1671 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Guilielmus Verheg, Johanna Nelis. Note re the death of Gerardus: jong overleden.
3 Guilielmus Boots. He was baptized on 11-03-1673 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Laurentius Verlinden, Guilielma Smets. Note re the death of Guilielmus: jong overleden.
4 Gerardus Boots. He was baptized on 04-05-1674 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Smeetz cuis in absentia Laurentius Verlinden, Catharina Schreurs.
5 Cunegondis Boots. She was baptized on 31-12-1675 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Leenen, Maria Smeetz. Note re the death of Cunegondis: jong overleden.
6 Cunegondis Boots. She was baptized on 23-12-1677 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Arnoldus Heldens, Elisabeth Boots.
7 Maria Boots. She was baptized on 29-07-1679 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Bolten cuis in absentia Gerardus Ruels, Petronella Vaessen.
8 Catharina Boots. She was baptized on 04-02-1681 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Arnoldus Heldens, Johanna Schrurs, qurum in absentia Gerardus Simons en Machtildis Pauwen.
9 Elisabeth Boots. She was baptized on 09-10-1682 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Antonio Jacobs quorum in absentia Laurentius Verlinden, Guilielma Smeetz.
10 Margaretha Boots. She was baptized on 15-05-1684 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Wolterus Stoffels cuis in absentia Gerardus Smits, Wilhelmina Simons.
11 Joannes Boots. He was baptized on 23-09-1685 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Deckers, Joanna Jacobs. Note re the death of Joannes: jong overleden.
12 Laurentius Boots. He was baptized on 12-10-1687 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Leonardus Verlinden, Wilhelma Smets.
13 Joannes Boots. Follow II-a.
14 Petronella Boots. She was baptized on 30-12-1690 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Godefridus Willems, Anna Reynkens cuis in absentia Catharina Hendrix.
15 Wilhelmus Boots. Follow II-b.
16 Petrus Boots. He was baptized on 03-09-1695 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Schreurs cuis in absentia Jacobus Janssen, Wilhelma Janssen.
17 Anna Boots. She was baptized on 20-04-1698 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Gijssen, Arnoldus Heldens.
II-a Joannes Boots, son of Joannes Janssen Boots and Elisabeth Symons Smets. He was baptized on 07-04-1689 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Laurentius Simons cuis in absentia Laurentius Verlinden, Elisabeth Wilhelmi echtgenote Verhees. Joannes is deceased on 20-09-1758 in Maasbree. Joannes:
(1) married on 08-02-1720 in Maasbree with Anna van der Schoot. She was baptized on 27-06-1679 in Maasbree. Anna is deceased on 12-03-1760 in Maasbree. Note re Anna: is de overlijdensdatum juist als Joannes Boots in 1735 hertrouwde?.
(2) married on 12-12-1735 in Maasbree with Eleonora Jacobs.
Child of Joannes and Anna:
1 Henricus (Henri) Boots. Follow III-a.
Child of Joannes and Eleonora:
1 Joanna Boots. She was baptized on 23-01-1738 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Jacobus Jacobs, Gertrudis Moex. Joanna is deceased on 25-02-1827 in Blerick. Registration on 26-02-1827 [akte 32]. Occupation: religieuse.
II-b Wilhelmus Boots, son of Joannes Janssen Boots and Elisabeth Symons Smets. He was baptized on 12-09-1692 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Mathias Cremers cuis in absentia Gerardus Reuls, Sibilla Vaessen. Note re Wilhelmus: ook Bots. Wilhelmus married on 07-05-1722 in Maasbree with Joanna Heldens. Joanna is deceased on 01-01-1781 in Maasbree.
Children of Wilhelmus and Joanna:
1 Joannes Boots. He was baptized on 31-08-1722 in Maasbree. Doopgetuige: Joannes Heldens. Note re the death of Joannes: jong overleden.
2 Joannis Boots. He was baptized on 18-12-1723 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Petronella Geurts. Note re the death of Joannis: jong overleden.
3 Wilhelmus Boots. Follow III-b.
4 Gerardus Boots. Follow III-c.
5 Joannes Boots. Follow III-d.
6 Petronella Boots. She was baptized on 17-07-1737 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Heldens, Maria Boots.
III-a Henricus (Henri) Boots, son of Joannes Boots and Anna van der Schoot. He was baptized on 13-01-1722 in Maasbree. Doopgetuige: Joannes Boots. Note re the death of Henri: tussen 1798 en 1803. Function: als schepen vermeld in 1757, 1764, 1768, 1781, 1788, 1792 (op 15-03-1792 stelt hij in Maasbree met de schepenen Jan Stoffels, Peter Peters en pastoor Petrus van Vechgelt een nieuw schoolreglement vast). Henri:
(1) married on 12-06-1743 in Maasbree with Maria Smeets. cum dispensatione tertio mixte quarto linea collateralis. She was baptized on 22-12-1722 in Maasbree. Maria is deceased in 1758 in Maasbree. Note re the death of Maria: of 1759. Note re Maria: dochter van Andreas Smeets en Margaretha Snellen.
(2) married in 1759 with Maria Baeten, about 26 years old. Maria is born about 1733. Note re the death of Maria: tussen 1798 en 1803.
Children of Henri and Maria:
1 Petrus Boots. Follow IV-a.
2 Gerardus Boots. He was baptized on 23-08-1745 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Margaretha Snellen. Gerardus is deceased on 27-08-1828 in Maasbree. Registration on 28-08-1828 [akte 154].
3 Joannes Boots. He was baptized on 30-07-1747 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Antonius Smeets, Maria Boots. Joannes is deceased on 03-09-1824 in Maasbree. Registration on 04-09-1824 [akte 179].
4 Antonius Boots. Follow IV-b.
5 Margaretha Boots. She was baptized on 26-11-1750 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Leonardus Smeets, Anna van der Schoot.
6 Silvester Boots. Follow IV-c.
7 Anna Boots. She was baptized on 26-07-1754 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Andreas Smeets, Elisabeth Boots.
8 Wilhelmus Boots. Follow IV-d.
9 Henricus Boots. He was baptized on 12-10-1757 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Simon Bongaerts, Anna Snellen.
Children of Henri and Maria:
1 Joannes Christianus Boots. He was baptized on 05-06-1760 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Christianus vrijheer baron van Gelder, Gertrudis Smeets. Joannes Christianus is deceased on 19-06-1760 in Maasbree.
2 Maria Charlotta Boots. Follow IV-e.
3 Joanna Boots. Follow IV-f.
4 Helena Boots. Follow IV-g.
5 Catharina Boots. Follow IV-h.
6 Reinerus Boots. Follow IV-i.
7 Henrica Boots. Follow IV-j.
8 Elisabeth Boots, born about 1777. Elisabeth is deceased on 03-06-1815 in Maasbree, about 38 years old. Registration on 03-06-1815 [akte 39].
III-b Wilhelmus Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Joanna Heldens. He was baptized on 23-11-1726 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Godefrida Heldens. Wilhelmus is deceased on 03-04-1795 in Venlo. He was buried on 06-04-1795 in Venlo. Note re Wilhelmus: ook Bots. Wilhelmus married on 16-04-1752 in Venlo with Aldegonda Linskens.
Op 22-07-1757 worden ze als burger van Venlo aangenomen:
"Willem Boets en Aldegonda Linskens eheluijden syn den 22 july 1757 tot borgeren deser stadt aangenoemen ende in senatu vereedt.
Voor de borgerschappe aen de stadt betaelt vier pattacons, ende is Merten van Kaldenkirchen borge gebleven voor 100 ducatons."
(pattacon: in de zuidelijke Nederlanden een veelgebruikte munt en rekeneenheid; de zilveren munt wordt ook aangeduid als kruisdaalder, kruisrijksdaalder of kortweg rijksdaalder).
She was baptized on 12-03-1728 in Venlo. Aldegonda is deceased on 21-09-1791 in Venlo. She was buried on 23-09-1791 in Venlo. Note re Aldegonda: dochter van Jacobus Linskens en Petronella ter Hoijen (beiden afkomstig uit Lottum, wonend in Venlo).
Children of Wilhelmus and Aldegonda:
1 Wilhelmus Boots. He was baptized on 28-02-1753 in Venlo. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Peeters, Petronella Heydemans namens Joanna Peeters.
2 Willemina Boots. She was baptized on 15-04-1754 in Venlo. Doopgetuigen: Martinus van Kaldekercken, Joanna Heldens namens Mechtildis Driessen.
3 Maria Elisabeth Boots. Follow IV-k.
4 Laurentius Boots. Follow IV-l.
5 Petronella Boots. She was baptized on 15-02-1763 in Venlo. Doopgetuigen: Joannes van Kaldekercken, Petronella Kupers.
III-c Gerardus Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Joanna Heldens. He was baptized on 23-10-1731 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Wilhelmus Boots, Wilhelmina Heldens. Gerardus married on 14-04-1759 in Maasbree with Petronella Maessen. She was baptized on 19-10-1731 in Maasbree. Petronella is deceased on 21-02-1789 in Maasbree. Note re Petronella: dochter van Jacobus Maessen en Joanna Fleurkens.
Children of Gerardus and Petronella:
1 Wilhelmus Boots. Follow IV-m.
2 Catharina Boots. She was baptized on 17-09-1767 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Maessen, Gertrudis Boots. Catharina is deceased on 17-03-1771 in Maasbree.
3 Thomas Boots. He was baptized on 20-10-1769 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Anna Peters. Thomas is deceased on 13-02-1790 in Maasbree.
4 Catharina Boots, born about 1777. Follow IV-n.
III-d Joannes Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Joanna Heldens. He was baptized on 15-03-1734 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Godefridus Janssen, Godefrida Heldens. Joannes is deceased on 01-06-1798 in Maasbree. Joannes married on 23-05-1758 in Maasbree with Petronella Janssen. Petronella is deceased on 20-02-1797 in Maasbree. Note re Petronella: dochter van Joannes Janssen en Aldegonda Heldens.
Children of Joannes and Petronella:
1 N.N. Boots, still born child on 20-02-1760 in Maasbree.
2 Joannes Boots. He was baptized on 03-05-1761 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Geurts, Joanna Heldens.
3 Wilhelmus Boots. He was baptized on 31-08-1764 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Joanna Janssen. Wilhelmus is deceased on 06-06-1766.
IV-a Petrus Boots, son of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Smeets. He was baptized on 28-03-1744 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Andreas Smeets, Anna van der Schoot. Petrus is deceased on 24-03-1812 in Helden. Occupation: landbouwer. Petrus married on 17-04-1776 in Maasbree with Maria Gertrudis van Wis. She was baptized on 26-01-1753 in Helden. Maria Gertrudis is deceased on 28-05-1831 in Helden. Note re Maria Gertrudis: dochter van Michael van Wis en Joanna Stammen.
Children of Petrus and Maria Gertrudis:
1 Maria Catharina Boots, born on 10-10-1776 in Helden. Follow V-a.
2 Michael Boots. He was baptized on 12-03-1778 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Gommans in plaats van Silvester van Wis, Maria Baeten.
3 Joannes Theodorus Boots. He was baptized on 09-10-1779 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Hendricus Zelen in plaats van Gerardus Boots, Catharina van Wis.
4 Aldegonda Boots. Follow V-b.
5 Theodorus Boots. Follow V-c.
6 Andreas Boots. He was baptized on 06-08-1786 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Mathias van Wis, Maria Korsten in plaats van Anna Boots. He was buried on 10-08-1786 in Helden.
7 Theodorus Boots, born on 22-09-1787 in Helden. Follow V-d.
8 Hendricus Boots. He was baptized on 26-10-1789 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Pubben in plaats van Silvester Boots, Elisabeth Crommentuyn.
9 Silvester Boots. Follow V-e.
10 Margarita Boots. She was baptized on 23-11-1794 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Pubben in plaats van Andreas Gerardus van Wis, Johanna Stammen namens Anna Boots. Margarita is deceased on 26-04-1812. Note re Margarita: ook Margaretha.
11 Matthias (Mathijs) Boots. He was baptized on 04-04-1797 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Mathias van Wis, Joanna Knippenbergh in plaats van Petronilla Knippenbergh. Matthias is deceased on 13-03-1877 in Maasbracht. Registration on 15-03-1877 [akte 8].
IV-b Antonius Boots, son of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Smeets. He was baptized on 27-03-1749 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Wilhelmus Boots, Gertrudis Smeets. Antonius is deceased on 08-04-1798 in Maasbree. Note re Antonius: ook Antoine. Antonius married on 25-02-1778 in Helden with Petronella Knippenbergh. She was baptized on 31-01-1750 in Helden. Petronella is deceased on 26-12-1816 in Maasbree. Registration on 27-11-1816 [akte 207]. Note re Petronella: dochter van Mathijs Knippenbergh en Joanna Houben.
Children of Antonius and Petronella:
1 Johanna Boots, born about 1777. Follow V-f.
2 Maria Boots. She was baptized on 04-03-1778 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Cuypers in plaats van Henricus Boots, Joanna Engelen.
3 Joanna Boots. She was baptized on 17-01-1780 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Matthias Knippenberg, Hendrina Baeten in plaats van Maria Baeten. Note re the death of Joanna: jong overleden.
4 Margaretha Boots. Follow V-g.
5 Mathias Boots. He was baptized on 30-05-1785 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Joanna Knyppenbergh. Mathias is deceased on 05-06-1785 in Maasbree.
6 Mathea Boots. Follow V-h.
7 Henricus Boots. Follow V-i.
8 Andreas Boots. He was baptized on 24-05-1791 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Ida Heldens namens Joanna Knyppenbergh. Andreas is deceased on 26-08-1794 in Maasbree.
9 Joanna Boots. Follow V-j.
10 Henricus Boots. Follow V-k.
IV-c Silvester Boots, son of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Smeets. He was baptized on 21-02-1752 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Smets, Joanna Bongaerts. Silvester is deceased on 05-02-1805 in Maasbree. Silvester married on 23-06-1784 in Maasbree with Maria Margaretha Smets. She was baptized on 26-03-1759 in Maasbree. Maria Margaretha is deceased on 23-02-1830 in Maasbree. Registration on 24-02-1830 [akte 60]. Note re Maria Margaretha: ook Smeets, Smits, dochter van Gerardus Smets en Joanna Peters.
Children of Silvester and Maria Margaretha:
1 Joannes Boots, born in Blerick. Follow V-l.
2 Gerardus Boots. He was baptized on 30-05-1785 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Boots, Joanna Peeters.
3 Joannes Boots. Follow V-m.
4 Maria Boots. Follow V-n.
5 Joanna Boots. Follow V-o.
6 Henricus Boots. He was baptized on 10-03-1797 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Ida Heldens namens grootmoeder Joanna Smets. Henricus is deceased on 09-02-1806 in Maasbree. Registration on 10-02-1806 [akte 30].
7 Gertrudis Boots. Follow V-p.
IV-d Wilhelmus Boots, son of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Smeets. He was baptized on 08-04-1756 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Leonardus Vervoort, Joanna Boots. Wilhelmus is deceased on 22-03-1813 in Venlo. Registration on 22-03-1813 [akte 58]. Address: from ±1799 Grubbenvorst. Occupation: vleeshouwer. Note re Wilhelmus: ook Guillaume. Wilhelmus married on 16-05-1781 in Grubbenvorst with Gertrudis Maessen. She was baptized on 16-07-1759 in Grubbenvorst. Gertrudis is deceased on 26-01-1830 in Venlo. Note re Gertrudis: ook Maassen, Masen, Moossen!; dochter van Gerardus Maessen en Petronella Cuijpers.
Children of Wilhelmus and Gertrudis:
1 Joannes Henricus Boots. Follow V-q.
2 Petronella Boots. She was baptized on 10-06-1784 in Grubbenvorst. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Maessen, Maria Baeten.
3 Maria Hendrina Boots. Follow V-r.
4 Anna Maria Boots. She was baptized on 01-05-1786 in Grubbenvorst. tweeling, Doopgetuigen: Petrus Berkens namens Hermanus Lichteveld, Anna Boots. Anna Maria is deceased on 09-10-1786. She was buried on 10-10-1786.
5 Andreas (Andries) Boots. Follow V-s.
6 Anna Gertrudis Boots, born on 11-08-1793 in Blerick. Follow V-t.
7 Petronella Boots, born on 11-03-1797 in Venlo. Follow V-u.
8 Anna Maria Boots, born on 31-03-1799 in Venlo. Follow V-v.
IV-e Maria Charlotta Boots, daughter of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. She was baptized on 28-06-1761 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Baptist Rutten, Charlotta Francisca vrijvrouwe van Arcen enz. geboren baronesse van Nesselrode in Erenshoven enz.. Maria Charlotta is deceased on 29-01-1826 in Maasbree. Registration on 30-01-1826 [akte 26]. Maria Charlotta married on 09-01-1788 in Maasbree with Petrus (Pieter) Zeelen. He was baptized on 02-03-1757 in Maasbree. Petrus (Pieter) is deceased on 18-09-1826 in Maasbree. Note re Petrus (Pieter): ook Selen, zoon van Joannes Zeelen en Petronella Janssen alias Aerts.
Children of Maria Charlotta and Petrus (Pieter):
1 Henricus Zeelen, born in Maasbree. Follow V-w.
2 Pieter Zeelen, born in Maasbree. Follow V-x.
3 Maria Selen, born about 1802. Follow V-y.
IV-f Joanna Boots, daughter of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. She was baptized on 25-05-1763 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Reinerus Kersten, Joanna Heldens. Joanna is deceased on 14-05-1812. Joanna married on 17-12-1788 in Maasbree with Rudolphus Roeven. He was baptized on 14-05-1765 in Maasbree. Rudolphus is deceased after 1842 in Maasbree. Note re Rudolphus: ook Rudolf, zoon van Henricus Roeven en Gertrudis Kursten.
Children of Joanna and Rudolphus:
1 Hendrik Roeven, born about 1797 in Maasbree. Follow V-z.
2 Jacobus Roeven, born on 17-02-1806 in Maasbree. Follow V-aa.
IV-g Helena Boots, daughter of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. She was baptized on 18-04-1765 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Hendrix, Gertrudis Baeten. Helena is deceased on 24-02-1827 in Maasbree. Registration on 26-02-1827 [akte 31]. Helena married about 1800 in Maasbree with Gerardus Huijs, about 23 years old. tussen 1798 en 1802. Gerardus is born about 1777. Gerardus is deceased on 10-05-1832 in Maasbree, about 55 years old. Registration on 10-05-1832 [akte 87]. Note re Gerardus: zoon van Jan Huijs en Cunegonda Geurts; getrouwd (2) met Maria Hanrats.
IV-h Catharina Boots, daughter of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. She was baptized on 14-06-1767 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Boots, Helena Baeten. Catharina is deceased on 07-10-1807 in Maasbree. Registration on 07-10-1807 [akte 61]. Catharina married with Gerard Roeven. Gerard is born about 1765. Gerard is deceased on 11-11-1837 in Maasbree, about 72 years old. Registration on 11-11-1837 [akte 205]. Note re Gerard: zoon van Hendrik Roeven en Elisabetha Hillen.
Children of Catharina and Gerard:
1 Maria Roeven, born about 1794. Maria is deceased on 13-06-1852 in Maasbree, about 58 years old. Registration on 14-06-1852 [akte 65].
2 Hendrik Roeven, born about 1796. Hendrik is deceased on 08-02-1835 in Maasbree, about 39 years old. Registration on 09-02-1835 [akte 23].
3 Margaretha Roeven, born about 1799. Margaretha is deceased on 14-03-1847 in Maasbree, about 48 years old. Registration on 15-03-1847 [akte 51].
4 Gerard Roeven, born about 1802. Follow V-ab.
5 Gertrudis Roeven, born about 1803. Gertrudis is deceased on 27-05-1854 in Maasbree, about 51 years old. Registration on 29-05-1854 [akte 34].
6 Mathieu Roeven, born about 1805. Mathieu is deceased on 01-08-1809 in Maasbree, about 4 years old. Registration on 01-08-1809 [akte 88].
IV-i Reinerus Boots, son of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. He was baptized on 21-12-1768 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Joanna Billekens. Reinerus is deceased on 07-03-1828 in Maasbree. Registration on 08-03-1828 [akte 50]. Occupation: akkerman. Note re Reinerus: ook Reinier, Renier. Reinerus married on 29-10-1800 in Maasbree with Anna Elisabeth Daniels. She was baptized on 13-11-1774 in Maasbree. Anna Elisabeth is deceased on 20-06-1839 in Maasbree. Registration on 21-06-1839 [akte 54]. Note re Anna Elisabeth: dochter van Jacobus Daniels (16-11-1746 - 24-04-1830 Maasbree), landbouwer, timmerman en koster, getrouwd 09-05-1770 te Maasbree met Joanna Pennings (13-04-1744 Maasbree - 02-03-1818 Maasbree).
Children of Reinerus and Anna Elisabeth:
1 Maria Boots, born on 05-01-1802 in Maasbree. Follow V-ac.
2 Maria Leonora Josepha Boots, born on 16-03-1803 in Maasbree. Maria Leonora Josepha is deceased on 05-01-1870 in Maasbree, 66 years old. Registration on 06-01-1870 [akte 2]. Note re the death of Maria Leonora Josepha: vermeld als Maria Josepha.
3 Jan Hendrik Boots, born on 11-10-1804 in Maasbree. Follow V-ad.
4 Agnes Boots, born on 17-09-1806 in Maasbree.
5 Anna Catharina Boots, born on 19-02-1810 in Maasbree.
6 Arnold Boots, born on 22-09-1811 in Maasbree.
7 Joannes (Jan) Boots, born on 29-08-1814 in Maasbree. Joannes is deceased on 20-03-1895 in Maasbree, 80 years old. Registration on 21-03-1895 [akte 16].
8 Gerardus Boots, born on 17-08-1817 in Maasbree. Follow V-ae.
IV-j Henrica Boots, daughter of Henricus (Henri) Boots and Maria Baeten. She was baptized on 19-01-1771 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Baeten, Margarita Boots. Henrica is deceased on 18-02-1842 in Maasbree. Registration on 19-02-1842 [akte 18]. Note re Henrica: ook Hendrina. Henrica married about 1800 with Daniël Daniels, about 26 years old. tussen 1798 en 1802. Daniël is born about 1774. Daniël is deceased on 18-12-1847 in Maasbree, about 73 years old. Registration on 20-12-1847 [akte 118]. Note re Daniël: zoon van Joannes Daniels en Hendrina Nijssen.
Children of Henrica and Daniël:
1 Henricus Daniels, born on 12-02-1805 in Maasbree. Follow V-af.
2 Maria Daniels, born about 1811 in Maasbree. Follow V-ag.
3 Joanna Daniels, born about 1816. Joanna is deceased on 07-02-1821 in Maasbree, about 5 years old. Registration on 08-02-1821 [akte 37].
IV-k Maria Elisabeth Boots, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Aldegonda Linskens. She was baptized on 18-12-1755 in Venlo. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boets, Henrica Linskens. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on 04-03-1812 in Venlo. Registration on 05-03-1812 [akte 32]. Maria Elisabeth married with Antoine Thissen.
IV-l Laurentius Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Aldegonda Linskens. He was baptized on 13-11-1758 in Venlo. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Franciscus van Seebroich, Catharina Driessen. Laurentius is deceased on 09-04-1826 in Venlo. Registration on 10-04-1826 [akte 56]. Occupation: tuinder. Note re Laurentius: ook Laurens. Laurentius:
(1) married on 01-02-1791 in Venlo with Cornelia Driessen, 26 years old. Cornelia is born on 06-02-1764 in Helden. Cornelia is deceased on 18-07-1803 in Venlo, 39 years old. Note re Cornelia: ook Driessens, dochter van Henricus Driessen en Johanna Gommans.
(2) married on 26-12-1803 in Venlo with Petronella Levels, 34 years old. Petronella is born on 30-08-1769 in Neer. Petronella is deceased on 14-09-1826 in Venlo, 57 years old. Registration on 16-09-1826 [akte 124]. Note re Petronella: dochter van Mathias Levels, hoefsmid, en Johanna van Mühlbrach.
IV-m Wilhelmus Boots, son of Gerardus Boots and Petronella Maessen. He was baptized on 13-06-1765 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Christianus Maessen, Joanna Heldens. Wilhelmus is deceased on 11-01-1844 in Maasbree. Registration on 12-01-1844 [akte 4]. Note re Wilhelmus: ook Willem. Wilhelmus married on 14-04-1790 in Maasbree with Agnes Gommans. She was baptized on 23-04-1769 in Helden. Agnes is deceased on 16-06-1824 in Maasbree. Registration on 16-06-1827 [akte 114]. Note re the death of Agnes: als leeftijd vermeld 64 jaar. Note re Agnes: dochter van Petrus (Pieter) Gommans en Wilhelmina van Oijen.
Children of Wilhelmus and Agnes:
1 Petrus Boots. He was baptized on 03-05-1792 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Wilhelmina van Oijen.
2 Petronella Boots. She was baptized on 24-08-1793 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Gommans, Catharina Boots.
3 Gertrudis Boots. Follow V-ah.
4 Johanna Boots, born about 1799. Follow V-ai.
5 Petronella Boots, born on 07-10-1802 in Maasbree. Follow V-aj.
6 Catharina Boots, born about 1806 in Maasbree. Follow V-ak.
IV-n Catharina Boots is born about 1777, daughter of Gerardus Boots and Petronella Maessen. Catharina is deceased on 27-08-1828 in Kessel, about 51 years old. Registration on 28-08-1828 [akte 43]. Note re Catharina: ook Catharijna, Katarina. Catharina married with Hendrik Jacobs. Hendrik is born about 1774. Hendrik is deceased on 12-02-1844 in Kessel, about 70 years old. Registration on 13-02-1844 [akte 1]. Note re Hendrik: ook Jakobs, zoon van Willem Jacobs en Gertruid Dorssers.
Children of Catharina and Hendrik:
1 Pieter Jacobs, born in Kessel. Follow V-al.
2 Maria Jacobs, born on 31-01-1805 in Kessel. Follow V-am.
V-a Maria Catharina Boots is born on 10-10-1776 in Helden, daughter of Petrus Boots and Maria Gertrudis van Wis. She was baptized on 11-10-1776 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Thomas Cuypers namens grootvader Henricus Boots, Joanna Stammen. Maria Catharina married, 38 years old, on 31-12-1814 in Helden [source: genlias] with Godefridus Manders. He was baptized on 20-05-1792 in Grubbenvorst. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Godefridus: ook Geoffroi, zoon van Matheus (Mathieu) Manders en Henrica (Henriette) Truijen.
Child of Maria Catharina and Godefridus:
1 Petronella Manders, born on 09-11-1814 in Helden. Follow VI-a.
V-b Aldegonda Boots, daughter of Petrus Boots and Maria Gertrudis van Wis. She was baptized on 29-12-1781 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Pubben namens Joannes Boots, Eleonora van Wis. Aldegonda is deceased on 14-01-1858 in Blerick (Maasbree). Registration on 15-01-1858 [akte 7]. Aldegonda:
(1) married on 16-09-1811 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Joseph(us) Kidzen, about 40 years old. Joseph(us) is born about 1771 in Grevenbicht. Joseph(us) is deceased on 06-02-1817 in Blerick, about 46 years old. Registration on 07-02-1817 [akte 15]. Note re Joseph(us): ook Kitsen, zoon van Andreas Kidzen en Anna Elisabeth Fransen.
(2) married on 04-09-1820 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petrus Gelissen, about 28 years old. Petrus is born about 1792 in Urmond. Petrus is deceased on 09-07-1857 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 65 years old. Registration on 10-07-1857 [akte 49]. Note re Petrus: zoon van Joannes Gelissen en Anna Passen.
Children of Aldegonda and Joseph(us):
1 Johannes Kitzen, born about 1813. Johannes is deceased on 01-01-1882 in Grevenbicht, about 69 years old. Registration on 01-01-1882 [akte 1].
2 Anna Elisabeth Kitsen, born about 1814 in Blerick. Follow VI-b.
3 Peter Kitsen, born on 25-05-1814 in Blerick. Follow VI-c.
4 Josephus Kitzen, born on 19-10-1817 in Maasbree. Follow VI-d.
Children of Aldegonda and Petrus:
1 Anna Elisabeth Gelissen, born in 02-1821. Anna Elisabeth is deceased on 30-11-1821 in Blerick, 9 months old. Registration on 30-11-1821 [akte 179].
2 Joannes Josephus Hubertus Gelissen, born about 1822. Joannes Josephus Hubertus is deceased on 16-05-1825 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 3 years old. Registration on 16-05-1825 [akte 72].
3 Anna Maria Gelissen, born about 1824. Anna Maria is deceased on 04-06-1825 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 1 year old. Registration on 04-06-1825 [akte 83].
V-c Theodorus Boots, son of Petrus Boots and Maria Gertrudis van Wis. He was baptized on 03-09-1783 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Mathias Knippenberg namens Antonius Boots, Petronella van Wis. Occupation: bouwman. Note re Theodorus: ook Bodts. Theodorus married on 13-05-1822 in Helden [source: genlias] with Maria Metsemaekers, 21 years old. Maria is born in 1801 in Roggel. 1802?. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Maria: dochter van Jan Metsemaekers en Lucia Coolerhof.
Children of Theodorus and Maria:
1 Francisca Petronella Bodts, born on 02-02-1823 in Helden. Follow VI-e.
2 Petrus Hubertus Bodts, born on 21-06-1824 in Helden. Registration on 21-06-1824 [akte 59].
3 Johannes (Jan) Boots, born on 25-02-1826 in Helden. Follow VI-f.
4 Hubertus Boots, born on 21-01-1828 in Roggel. Registration on 21-01-1828 [akte 6].
V-d Theodorus Boots is born on 22-09-1787 in Helden, son of Petrus Boots and Maria Gertrudis van Wis. Theodorus married, 43 years old, on 12-02-1831 in Heijthuizen [source: genlias] with Anna Catharina van Dael, about 34 years old. Anna Catharina is born about 1797 in Heijthuizen. Anna Catharina is deceased on 01-01-1858 in Neer, about 61 years old. Registration on 02-01-1858 [akte 1]. Note re Anna Catharina: dochter van Mathijs van Dael en Catharina Hendrikx.
Children of Theodorus and Anna Catharina:
1 Mathis Boots, born on 11-01-1832 in Roggel. Registration on 11-01-1832 [akte 7].
2 Mathis Boots, born on 28-11-1833 in Roggel. Registration on 28-11-1833 [akte 62].
V-e Silvester Boots, son of Petrus Boots and Maria Gertrudis van Wis. He was baptized on 22-09-1792 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Cuypers namens Wilhelmus Boots, Maria Gertrudis Ghijsen. Occupation: dagloner (1826), kramer (1830), koopman. Silvester:
(1) married on 24-05-1824 in Helden [source: genlias] with Willemina Gommans. She was baptized on 28-04-1791 in Helden. Willemina is deceased on 04-07-1829 in Helden. Note re Willemina: dochter van Martinus (Marten) Gommans en Agnes Peters.
(2) married on 19-04-1830 in Helden [source: genlias] with Elisabeth Groenen. She was baptized on 02-11-1789 in Helden. Occupation: akkermeid. Note re Elisabeth: dochter van Mathijs Groenen en Barbara Verschaeren.
Children of Silvester and Willemina:
1 Martinus Boots, born on 25-05-1826 in Helden. Registration on 26-05-1826 [akte 62].
2 Petrus Wilhelmus Boots, born on 04-07-1829 in Helden. Registration on 06-07-1829 [akte 72].
Child of Silvester and Elisabeth:
1 Mathijs Boots, born on 13-02-1832 in Helden. Follow VI-g.
V-f Johanna Boots is born about 1777, daughter of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. Johanna is deceased on 23-07-1852 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 75 years old. Registration on 24-07-1852 [akte 74]. Johanna married with Jacobus Wijers. Jacobus is born about 1778. Jacobus is deceased on 15-08-1835 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 57 years old. Registration on 17-08-1835 [akte 134]. Note re Jacobus: zoon van Leonard Wijhers en Sebilla Jongenrijt.
Child of Johanna and Jacobus:
1 Leonard Hendrik Wijers, born about 1811. Leonard Hendrik is deceased on 05-09-1855 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 44 years old. Registration on 06-09-1855 [akte 64].
V-g Margaretha Boots, daughter of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. She was baptized on 19-03-1782 in Helden. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Boots, Joanna van Knippenbergh namens Maria van Knippenbergh. Margaretha is deceased on 20-12-1838 in Maasbree. Margaretha married on 27-08-1810 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Huibert Smeets. Huibert is born in Maasbree. Huibert is deceased before 1838. Note re Huibert: zoon van Laurent Smeets en Gertrude Reuls.
V-h Mathea Boots, daughter of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. She was baptized on 21-09-1786 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Knyppenbergh, Anna Boots. Mathea is deceased on 18-04-1840. Registration on 20-04-1840 [akte 26]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Mathea married on 04-05-1814 in Maasbree with Hendrik (Henricus) T(h)eeuwen. He was baptized on 25-04-1777 in Maasbree. Hendrik (Henricus) is deceased before 1840. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Hendrik (Henricus): zoon van Theodorus Teeuwen en Petronella Beurskens.
Children of Mathea and Hendrik (Henricus):
1 Maria T(h)eeuwen, born about 1817. Follow VI-h.
2 Petronella Theeuwen, born about 1818 in Maasbree. Follow VI-i.
3 Elisabeth Teeuwen, born about 1822 in Maasbree. Follow VI-j.
4 N.N. Teeuwen, still born son on 08-08-1824 in Maasbree. Registration on 09-08-1824 [akte 157].
5 N.N. Teeuwen, still born son on 29-09-1825 in Maasbree. Registration on 01-10-1825 [akte 110].
6 Antoon Theeuwen, born about 1831. Antoon is deceased on 14-05-1898 in Maasbree, about 67 years old. Registration on 16-05-1898 [akte 13].
V-i Henricus Boots, son of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. He was baptized on 20-01-1789 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Joannes Boots, Maria Knippenbergh. Henricus is deceased on 14-05-1844 in Maasbree. Registration on 15-05-1844 [akte 36]. Note re the death of Henricus: als leeftijd vermeld 51 jaar. Occupation: akkerman, econoom. Note re Henricus: ook Hendrik. Henricus married on 30-07-1815 in Maasbree with Margaretha Geurts. She was baptized on 21-06-1792. Note re Margaretha: dochter van Godfried Geurts en Johanna Janssen.
Children of Henricus and Margaretha:
1 Antoon Boots, born on 31-05-1816 in Maasbree. Antoon is deceased on 16-11-1817 in Maasbree, 1 year old. Registration on 17-11-1817 [akte 155].
2 Antoon Boots, born on 08-04-1818 in Helden. Follow VI-k.
3 Jan Boots, born on 29-09-1819 in Helden. Follow VI-l.
4 Peter Boots, born on 18-04-1822 in Helden. Registration on 18-04-1822 [akte 50]. Peter is deceased on 03-10-1843 in Maasbree, 21 years old. Registration on 04-10-1843 [akte 64]. Note re Peter: ook Pieter.
5 Gerard(us) Boots, born on 25-10-1823 in Helden. Registration on 26-10-1823 [akte 120]. Gerard(us) is deceased on 29-03-1828 in Maasbree, 4 years old. Registration on 29-03-1828 [akte 59].
6 Geertruij Boots, born on 10-04-1828 in Maasbree. Follow VI-m.
7 Anna Boots, born on 29-09-1830 in Maasbree. Follow VI-n.
8 Gerard Boots, born on 06-10-1833 in Maasbree. Gerard is deceased on 16-03-1834 in Maasbree, 5 months old. Registration on 17-03-1834 [akte 69].
V-j Joanna Boots, daughter of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. She was baptized on 29-07-1793 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Silvester Boots, Cornelia Engels. Joanna is deceased on 04-05-1887 in Maasbree. Registration on 05-05-1887 [akte 39]. Joanna:
(1) married on 25-06-1818 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gerard(us) Gommans. He was baptized on 19-05-1782 in Helden. Gerard(us) is deceased on 30-08-1829 in Maasbree. Registration on 31-08-1829 [akte 157]. Occupation: akkerman, landbouwer. Note re Gerard(us): zoon van Willem Gommans en Gertrudis (Gertruij) Verschaeren; weduwnaar van Gertrudis Smeets.
(2) married on 30-06-1830 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Balthasar Theeuwen, 23 years old. Balthasar is born on 16-04-1807 in Maasbree. Balthasar is deceased on 29-10-1885 in Maasbree, 78 years old. Registration on 30-10-1885 [akte 85]. Occupation: akkerman. Note re Balthasar: zoon van Hendrik Theeuwen en Maria Smeets.
Children of Joanna and Gerard(us):
1 Gertrudis Gommans, born about 1820. Gertrudis is deceased on 21-04-1843 in Maasbree, about 23 years old. Registration on 22-04-1843 [akte 24].
2 Petronella Gommans, born on 18-02-1822. Petronella is deceased on 04-03-1822 in Maasbree, 14 days old. Registration on 05-03-1822 [akte 46].
3 N.N. Gommans, still born son on 18-05-1823 in Maasbree. Registration on 19-05-1823 [akte 106].
4 Antoon Gommans, born about 1824. Antoon is deceased on 04-03-1846 in Maasbree, about 22 years old. Registration on 05-03-1846 [akte 14].
5 Willem Gommans, born in 06-1826. Willem is deceased on 01-10-1826 in Maasbree, 4 months old. Registration on 02-10-1826 [akte 170].
6 Willem Gommans, born on 08-10-1827. Willem is deceased on 15-10-1827 in Maasbree, 7 days old. Registration on 16-10-1827 [akte 195].
Children of Joanna and Balthasar:
1 Maria T(h)eeuwen, born about 1832 in Maasbree. Follow VI-o.
2 Petronella Theeuwen, born about 1834 in Maasbree. Follow VI-p.
3 Hendrina Theeuwen, born about 1838. Follow VI-q.
V-k Henricus Boots, son of Antonius Boots and Petronella Knippenbergh. He was baptized on 01-05-1797 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Ida Heldens namens Joanna Knippenbergh. Henricus is deceased on 23-10-1843 in Maasbree. Registration on 24-10-1843 [akte 71]. Note re the death of Henricus: als leeftijd vermeld 48 jaar. Occupation: dienstknecht (1823), akkerman (1824), daghuurder (1827). Note re Henricus: ook Hendrik. Henricus married on 31-12-1823 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petronella T(h)eeuwen, about 22 years old. Petronella is born about 1801 in Maasbree. Petronella is deceased on 06-09-1878 in Maasbree, about 77 years old. Registration on 07-09-1878 [akte 81]. Note re Petronella: dochter van Theodorus Teeuwen en Joanna Huijbers.
Children of Henricus and Petronella:
1 Theodorus Boots, born on 20-11-1824 in Maasbree. Follow VI-r.
2 Antoon Boots, born on 07-09-1827 in Maasbree. Follow VI-s.
3 Jan Boots, born on 22-09-1830 in Maasbree. Follow VI-t.
4 Pieter Boots, born on 08-11-1833 in Maasbree. Follow VI-u.
V-l Joannes Boots is born in Blerick, son of Silvester Boots and Maria Margaretha Smets. Joannes married on 27-04-1816 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petronella Heldens. Petronella is born in Blerick. Note re Petronella: dochter van Gerard Heldens en Gertrudis Heldens.
V-m Joannes Boots, son of Silvester Boots and Maria Margaretha Smets. He was baptized on 24-05-1787 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Smets, Maria Boots. Joannes is deceased on 07-07-1829 in Vilvoorde, Vlaams Brabant, België. Registration [akte 138 dd 20-11-1829 Venlo]. Joannes married with Margaretha Kelders.
V-n Maria Boots, daughter of Silvester Boots and Maria Margaretha Smets. She was baptized on 02-03-1791 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Daniels namens Petrus Boots, Gertrudis Smets. Maria is deceased on 10-04-1860 in Blerick (Maasbree). Registration on 11-04-1860 [akte 35]. Maria married on 23-04-1827 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Jan Huijs. Jan is born in Blerick. Note re Jan: zoon van Petrus Huijs en Petronella van Soest; weduwnaar van Joanna Reijders.
V-o Joanna Boots, daughter of Silvester Boots and Maria Margaretha Smets. She was baptized on 29-07-1794 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Gerardus Boots, Joanna Smets. Joanna is deceased on 17-01-1862 in Maasbree. Registration on 18-01-1862 [akte 7]. Joanna married on 11-01-1826 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Antonius (Antoon) Hanraets. He was baptized on 25-03-1793 in Maasbree. Antonius is deceased on 31-08-1860 in Maasbree. Registration on 01-09-1860 [akte 61]. Occupation: akkerman. Note re Antoon: zoon van Hubertus Hanraets en Maria Clemens.
Children of Joanna and Antoon:
1 Hubertus Hanraets, born on 28-10-1826 in Maasbree. Follow VI-v.
2 Maria Hanraets, born about 1829. Maria is deceased on 17-09-1883 in Maasbree, about 54 years old. Registration on 18-09-1883 [akte 91].
3 Silvester Hanraets, born on 23-06-1834 in Maasbree. Follow VI-w.
4 Jan Hanraets, born about 1839. Jan is deceased on 04-06-1860 in Maasbree, about 21 years old. Registration on 05-06-1860 [akte 44].
V-p Gertrudis Boots, daughter of Silvester Boots and Maria Margaretha Smets. She was baptized on 05-12-1802 in Maasbree. Gertrudis is deceased on 27-04-1849 in Maasbree. Registration on 28-04-1849 [akte 42]. Note re Gertrudis: ook Geertruij. Gertrudis married on 09-04-1834 in Maasbree with Frans Bon, 26 years old. Frans is born on 04-09-1807 in Maasbree. Frans is deceased on 25-05-1839 in Maasbree, 31 years old. Registration on 25-05-1839 [akte 44]. Occupation: linnenwever. Note re Frans: zoon van Andries Bon en Elisabeth van Dijck.
Children of Gertrudis and Frans:
1 Leonard Bon, born on 07-03-1835 in Maasbree. Follow VI-x.
2 Maria Margaretha Bon, born about 1837. Maria Margaretha is deceased on 01-08-1838 in Maasbree, about 1 year old. Registration on 02-08-1838 [akte 153].
V-q Joannes Henricus Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. He was baptized on 25-06-1782 in Grubbenvorst. Doopgetuigen: Henricus Boots, Petronella Maessen. Joannes Henricus is deceased on 06-08-1847 in Venlo. Registration on 07-08-1847 [akte 148]. Occupation: tapper, slager. Note re Joannes Henricus: ook Jan Hendrik. Joannes Henricus married on 29-04-1807 in Venlo with Maria Catharina Trebels, 25 years old. Maria Catharina is born on 02-08-1781 in Körrenzig, Linnich, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Maria Catharina is deceased on 25-06-1871 in Venlo, 89 years old. Registration on 26-06-1871 [akte 92]. Note re Maria Catharina: ook Treepels, Treipels, Trijpels, Trebels, Trippels, Kessels! dochter van Theodor Trebels (? - 27-10-1792 Coernzig), landbouwer, en Gertrudis Roeben (? - 25-01-1806 Coernzig). Körrenzig is een plaats in de gemeente Linnich, deelstaat Noordrijn-Westfalen.
Children of Joannes Henricus and Maria Catharina:
1 Anne Gertrude Boots, born on 30-08-1808 in Venlo. Anne Gertrude is deceased on 12-10-1809 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 12-10-1809 [akte 181].
2 Peter Theodor Boots, born on 20-03-1810 in Venlo. Follow VI-y.
3 Johannes Andries Boots, born on 28-01-1812 in Venlo. Follow VI-z.
4 Henriette Boots, born on 30-12-1813 in Venlo.
5 Willem Joseph Boots, born on 11-03-1816 in Venlo. Follow VI-aa.
6 Johanna Hendrina Boots, born on 11-01-1817 in Venlo.
7 Gertrudis Petronella Boots, born on 30-04-1819 in Venlo. Registration on 03-05-1819 [akte 102]. Gertrudis Petronella is deceased on 16-12-1820 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 18-12-1820 [akte 162].
8 Anna Gertrudis Boots, born on 13-07-1821 in Venlo. Follow VI-ab.
9 N.N. Boots, still born son on 29-07-1823 in Venlo. Registration on 30-07-1823 [source: genlias].
10 Josephina Hubertina Boots, born on 01-01-1825 in Venlo. Follow VI-ac.
V-r Maria Hendrina Boots, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. She was baptized on 01-05-1786 in Grubbenvorst. tweeling, Doopgetuigen: Petrus Berkens namens Hermanus Lichteveld, Maria Verwey. Maria Hendrina is deceased on 06-11-1870 in Venlo. Registration on 07-11-1870 [akte 160]. Maria Hendrina married on 01-05-1833 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Jan van Vugt, 38 years old. Jan is born on 12-02-1795 in Oss. Jan is deceased on 02-07-1871 in Venlo, 76 years old. Registration on 04-07-1871 [akte 100]. Occupation: akkerman. Note re Jan: zoon van Jacob Hendrik van Vugt, metselaar, en Petronella Hoes.
V-s Andreas (Andries) Boots, son of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. He was baptized on 05-07-1789 in Grubbenvorst. Doopgetuigen: Petrus Pobben namens Gerardus Maessen, Maria Anna de Trooij. Andreas is deceased on 27-02-1860 in Venlo. Registration on 28-02-1860 [akte 26]. Occupation: slager, vrachtondernemer. Andries married on 28-06-1815 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Aldegonda Lamberts, 25 years old. Aldegonda is born on 07-07-1789 in Venlo. Aldegonda is deceased on 30-03-1845 in Venlo, 55 years old. Registration on 31-03-1845 [akte 38]. Note re Aldegonda: ook Lamers, dochter van Sebastiaan Lamberts en Johanna Dirickx.
Children of Andries and Aldegonda:
1 Johanna Geertruida Catharina Boots, born on 08-10-1815 in Venlo. Registration on 09-10-1815 [akte 189]. Johanna Geertruida Catharina is deceased on 12-12-1815 in Venlo, 2 months old. Registration on 12-12-1815 [akte 169]. Note re the death of Johanna Geertruida Catharina: vermeld als Johanna Catharina Geertruij.
2 Johanna Boots, born on 07-01-1817 in Venlo. Follow VI-ad.
3 Bartholomeus Boots, born on 27-02-1819 in Venlo. Registration on 27-02-1819 [akte 45]. Bartholomeus is deceased on 11-11-1846 in Venlo, 27 years old. Registration on 12-11-1846 [akte 139]. Occupation: vrachtrijder.
4 Gerard Willem Boots, born on 11-09-1820 in Venlo. Follow VI-ae.
5 Lambert Gerard Boots, born on 25-06-1822 in Venlo. Registration on 28-06-1822 [akte 130]. Lambert Gerard is deceased on 24-09-1822 in Venlo, 2 months old. Registration on 24-09-1822 [akte 142]. Note re the death of Lambert Gerard: bij overlijden vermeld als Gerard Lambert.
6 Anna Maria Boots, born on 27-08-1823 in Venlo. Follow VI-af.
7 Sophia Boots, born about 1825. Sophia is deceased on 07-08-1826 in Venlo, about 1 year old. Registration on 09-08-1826 [akte 108].
8 Maria Sophia Boots, born on 26-02-1825 in Venlo. Follow VI-ag.
9 Johan Antoon Boots, born on 13-12-1826 in Venlo. Follow VI-ah.
10 Simon Hubert Boots, born on 03-10-1828 in Venlo. Follow VI-ai.
11 Maria Agnes Boots, born on 02-11-1830 in Venlo. Registration on 05-11-1830 [akte 390]. Maria Agnes is deceased on 24-11-1830 in Venlo, 22 days old. Registration on 25-11-1830 [akte 184].
12 Johan Hendrik Hubert Boots, born on 27-04-1838 in Venlo. Johan Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 07-06-1838, 1 month old.
V-t Anna Gertrudis Boots is born on 11-08-1793 in Blerick, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. Anna Gertrudis is deceased on 15-04-1859 in Venlo, 65 years old. Registration on 16-04-1859 [akte 58]. Anna Gertrudis married, 27 years old, on 14-05-1821 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Hendrik Janssen, 27 years old. Hendrik is born on 07-02-1794 in Kessel. Hendrik is deceased on 12-03-1867 in Venlo, 73 years old. Registration on 12-03-1867 [akte 41]. Occupation: tuinier, hovenier. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Jacob Janssen, daghuurder, en Helena Peters (? - 12-10-1812 Kessel).
Children of Anna Gertrudis and Hendrik:
1 Gertrudis Janssen, born on 17-03-1822 in Venlo. Follow VI-aj.
2 Andries Janssen, born on 11-12-1823 in Venlo. Follow VI-ak.
3 Hendrik Janssen, born on 29-10-1825 in Venlo. Follow VI-al.
4 Willem Janssen, born on 18-02-1828 in Venlo. Follow VI-am.
5 Simon Janssen, born on 01-11-1829 in Venlo. Follow VI-an.
6 N.N. Janssen, born on 15-03-1832 in Venlo. Registration on 16-03-1832 [source: genlias].
7 Johan Lambert Janssen, born on 15-06-1833 in Venlo. Registration on 18-06-1833 [akte 232]. Johan Lambert is deceased on 27-07-1834 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 28-07-1834 [akte 129].
8 Mathijs Janssen, born on 05-07-1836 in Venlo. Registration on 06-07-1836 [akte 257]. Mathijs is deceased on 14-05-1837 in Venlo, 10 months old. Registration on 16-05-1837 [akte 110].
V-u Petronella Boots is born on 11-03-1797 in Venlo, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. Petronella is deceased on 29-02-1836 in Venlo, 38 years old. Registration on 01-03-1836 [source: Gemlias akte 52]. Petronella married, 26 years old, on 13-02-1824 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Sigismund (Simon) Joosten, 30 years old. Sigismund is born on 03-03-1793 in Venlo. Sigismund is deceased on 12-03-1867 in Venlo, 74 years old. Registration on 12-03-1867 [akte 39]. Occupation: tapper. Note re Simon: zoon van Jan Joosten (? - 07-08-1812), tapper, en Catharina Dings; getrouwd (2) met Johanna Theodora Geurts.
Children of Petronella and Simon:
1 Johan Willem Joosten, born on 25-11-1824 in Venlo. Registration on 27-11-1824 [akte 231].
2 Antonia Hendrika Joosten, born on 22-05-1826 in Venlo. Registration on 24-05-1826 [akte 105]. Antonia Hendrika is deceased on 15-03-1831 in Venlo, 4 years old. Registration on 16-03-1831 [akte 41]. Note re the death of Antonia Hendrika: vermeld als Antoinetta.
3 Maria Catharina Hubertina Joosten, born on 25-10-1828 in Venlo. Registration on 28-10-1828 [akte 190].
4 Johan Joosten, born on 20-01-1831 in Venlo. Follow VI-ao.
5 Gertrudis Joosten, born on 19-10-1832 in Venlo. Registration on 20-10-1832 [akte 370]. Gertrudis is deceased on 12-03-1852 in Venlo, 19 years old. Registration on 12-03-1852 [akte 46].
6 Peter Joosten, born on 05-06-1835 in Venlo. Registration on 06-06-1835 [akte 201]. Peter is deceased on 21-11-1887 in Venlo, 52 years old. Registration on 21-11-1887 [akte 206].
V-v Anna Maria Boots is born on 31-03-1799 in Venlo, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Gertrudis Maessen. Anna Maria is deceased on 08-07-1872 in Venlo, 73 years old. Registration on 08-07-1872 [akte 105]. Anna Maria married, 25 years old, on 17-10-1824 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johannes (Jan) Wittelings, 25 years old. Johannes is born on 06-03-1799 in Venlo. Johannes is deceased on 27-03-1877 in Venlo, 78 years old. Registration on 28-03-1877 [akte 51]. Occupation: vleeshouwer, slager. Note re Jan: ook Wettelings, zoon van Peter Wittelings (? - 29-12-1821 Venlo), metselaar, en Anna Barbara Vergoossen.
Children of Anna Maria and Jan:
1 Gertrudis Wettelings, born on 15-07-1825 in Venlo. Registration on 16-07-1825 [akte 121]. Gertrudis is deceased on 07-08-1906 in Venlo, 81 years old. Registration on 07-08-1906 [akte 153].
2 Peter Hubert Wettelings, born on 20-08-1827 in Venlo. Registration on 22-08-1827 [akte 146]. Peter Hubert is deceased on 24-11-1891 in Venlo, 64 years old. Registration on 25-11-1891 [akte 219].
3 Willem Hendrik Wettelings, born on 08-10-1829 in Venlo. Registration on 09-10-1829 [akte 161]. Willem Hendrik is deceased on 14-10-1829 in Venlo, 6 days old. Registration on 15-10-1829 [akte 120].
4 Anna Maria Barbara Wettelings, born on 30-04-1831 in Venlo. Registration on 03-05-1831 [akte 165]. Anna Maria Barbara is deceased on 27-04-1910 in Venlo, 78 years old. Registration on 27-04-1910 [akte 65].
5 Anna Catharina Wettelings, born on 11-08-1832 in Venlo. Registration on 14-08-1832 [akte 282]. Anna Catharina is deceased on 11-03-1836 in Venlo, 3 years old. Registration on 12-03-1836 [akte 61].
6 Hendrik Hubert Wettelings, born on 04-09-1835 in Venlo. Registration on 07-09-1835 [akte 315]. Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 28-10-1910 in Venlo, 75 years old. Registration on 28-10-1910 [akte 186].
7 Anna Hendrina Wettelings, born on 22-09-1836 in Venlo. Registration on 23-09-1836 [akte 351].
8 Aldegonda Maria Hubertina Wettelings, born on 14-02-1838 in Venlo. Registration on 15-02-1838 [akte 66]. Aldegonda Maria Hubertina is deceased on 09-03-1910 in Venlo, 72 years old. Registration on 09-03-1910 [akte 35].
9 Theodor Peter Wettelings, born about 1840. Follow VI-ap.
V-w Henricus Zeelen is born in Maasbree, son of Petrus (Pieter) Zeelen and Maria Charlotta Boots. Henricus married on 30-04-1823 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gertruij Linders. Gertruij is born in Maasbree. Note re Gertruij: dochter van Franciscus Linders en Maria Coopmans.
V-x Pieter Zeelen is born in Maasbree, son of Petrus (Pieter) Zeelen and Maria Charlotta Boots. Pieter married on 07-05-1827 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petronella Hounen. Petronella is born in Maasbree. Note re Petronella: dochter van Rudolf Hounen en Gertruij Bouten.
V-y Maria Selen is born about 1802, daughter of Petrus (Pieter) Zeelen and Maria Charlotta Boots. Maria is deceased on 06-09-1853 in Maasbree, about 51 years old. Registration on 07-09-1853 [akte 79]. Maria married with Gerard Janssen.
V-z Hendrik Roeven is born about 1797 in Maasbree, son of Rudolphus Roeven and Joanna Boots. Hendrik is deceased on 05-01-1851 in Maasbree, about 54 years old. Registration on 06-01-1851 [akte 2]. Hendrik married, about 33 years old, on 20-04-1830 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Christina Faessen. Christina is born in Maasbree. Christina is deceased before 1851. Note re Christina: ook Vaessen, dochter van Pieter Faessen en Elisabetha Heldens.
V-aa Jacobus Roeven is born on 17-02-1806 in Maasbree, son of Rudolphus Roeven and Joanna Boots. Jacobus is deceased on 16-07-1856 in Maasbree, 50 years old. Registration on 17-07-1856 [akte 62]. Note re Jacobus: er is nog een Rudolf Roeven getrouwd met Joanna Boots!. Jacobus married, 48 years old, on 24-05-1854 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Sibilla Jacobs. Sibilla is born in Maasbree. Note re Sibilla: dochter van Jacob Jacobs en Petronella Maassen; weduwe van Hendrik Theodoor Temong.
V-ab Gerard Roeven is born about 1802, son of Gerard Roeven and Catharina Boots. Gerard is deceased on 03-09-1852 in Maasbree, about 50 years old. Registration on 03-09-1852 [akte 83]. Gerard married [source: genlias] with Joanna Peeters. Joanna is born in Maasbree. Joanna is deceased before 1855. Note re Joanna: dochter van Willem Peeters en Joanna Huijs.
V-ac Maria Boots is born on 05-01-1802 in Maasbree, daughter of Reinerus Boots and Anna Elisabeth Daniels. Maria is deceased on 18-10-1842 in Maasbree, 40 years old. Registration on 19-10-1842 [akte 69]. Maria married, 26 years old, on 20-05-1828 in Maasbree with Willem Peeters, 29 years old. Willem is born on 03-10-1798 in Maasbree. Willem is deceased on 30-01-1859 in Maasbree, 60 years old. Registration on 31-01-1859 [akte 11]. Note re Willem: zoon van Michael Peeters en Sibilla Hermans.
Children of Maria and Willem:
1 Jacobus Peeters, born about 1830. Jacobus is deceased on 05-04-1842 in Maasbree, about 12 years old. Registration on 06-04-1842 [akte 32].
2 Christina Peeters, born on 12-04-1832 in Maasbree. Follow VI-aq.
3 Renier Peeters, born on 10-11-1835 in Maasbree. Follow VI-ar.
4 Maria Elisabeth Peeters, born about 1842 in Maasbree. Follow VI-as.
V-ad Jan Hendrik Boots is born on 11-10-1804 in Maasbree, son of Reinerus Boots and Anna Elisabeth Daniels. Occupation: akkerman, landbouwer. Jan Hendrik:
(1) married, 26 years old, on 16-08-1831 with Petronella Joosten, 22 years old. Petronella is born on 30-07-1809 in Maasbree. Petronella is deceased on 19-02-1834 in Maasbree, 24 years old. Registration on 19-02-1834 [akte 43]. Occupation: akkervrouw. Note re Petronella: dochter van Willem Joosten en Joanna Janssen.
(2) married, 30 years old, on 17-12-1834 with Agnes Janssen, 24 years old. Agnes is born on 11-11-1810 in Maasbree. Note re Agnes: dochter van Hendrik Janssen en Margaretha Claessens.
Children of Jan Hendrik and Petronella:
1 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 30-01-1832 in Maasbree. Registration on 30-01-1832 [akte 19].
2 Reinier Boots, born on 26-01-1833. Reinier is deceased on 04-02-1833 in Maasbree, 9 days old. Registration on 05-02-1833 [akte 29].
Children of Jan Hendrik and Agnes:
1 Peter Boots, born on 11-01-1835.
2 Renier Boots, born on 11-04-1837. Renier is deceased on 31-12-1923 in Maasbree, 86 years old. Registration on 31-12-1923 [akte 27].
3 Maria Elisabeth Boots, born on 10-08-1839 in Maasbree. Follow VI-at.
4 Helena Boots, born on 23-07-1841. Helena is deceased on 19-08-1874 in Maasbree, 33 years old. Registration on 20-08-1874 [akte 55].
5 Margaretha Boots, born about 1846 in Maasbree. Follow VI-au.
6 N.N. Boots, still born son on 25-06-1851 in Maasbree. Registration on 27-06-1851 [akte 59].
7 Sibilla Boots, born about 1852. Follow VI-av.
V-ae Gerardus Boots is born on 17-08-1817 in Maasbree, son of Reinerus Boots and Anna Elisabeth Daniels. Gerardus is deceased on 13-01-1899 in Maasbree, 81 years old. Registration on 14-01-1899 [akte 3]. Gerardus married, 31 years old, on 25-04-1849 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gertrudis Lenders, about 27 years old. Gertrudis is born about 1822 in Maasbree. Gertrudis is deceased on 25-10-1886 in Maasbree, about 64 years old. Registration on 26-10-1886 [akte 80]. Note re Gertrudis: ook Linders, dochter van Gerardus Linders en Maria Janssen.
Children of Gerardus and Gertrudis:
1 Renier Boots, born in 04-1850. Renier is deceased on 09-11-1850 in Maasbree, 7 months old. Registration on 11-11-1850 [akte 62].
2 Maria Elisabeth Boots, born about 1852 in Maasbree. Follow VI-aw.
3 Renier Boots, born about 1855. Renier is deceased on 09-02-1862 in Maasbree, about 7 years old. Registration on 10-02-1862 [akte 22].
4 Mathijs Boots, born about 1857 in Maasbree. Follow VI-ax.
V-af Henricus Daniels is born on 12-02-1805 in Maasbree, son of Daniël Daniels and Henrica Boots. Henricus is deceased on 04-10-1873 in Maasbree, 68 years old. Occupation: klompenmaker en landbouwer. Henricus married, 23 years old, on 07-05-1828 in Maasbree with Christina Elisabeth Daniels. het huwelijk is gesloten met dispensatie in gemengd derde- en vierdegraads verwantschap. She was baptized on 12-08-1801 in Maasbree. Christina Elisabeth is deceased on 10-11-1860 in Maasbree. Note re Christina Elisabeth: dochter van Wilhelmus Daniels, gedoopt 26-7-1756 te Maasbree, timmerman,overleden 02-10-1805 te Maasbree, getrouwd 17-04-1787 te Maasbree met Maria Smets, gedoopt 28-01-1761 te Maasbree, overleden 11-04-1827 te Maasbree.
V-ag Maria Daniels is born about 1811 in Maasbree, daughter of Daniël Daniels and Henrica Boots. Maria is deceased on 03-02-1886 in Maasbree, about 75 years old. Registration on 04-02-1886 [akte 12]. Maria married, about 29 years old, on 24-04-1840 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Antoon Vaessen, 25 years old. Antoon is born on 21-01-1815 in Maasbree. Note re Antoon: zoon van Hendrik Vaessen en Christina Daniels.
V-ah Gertrudis Boots, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Agnes Gommans. She was baptized on 04-10-1795 in Maasbree. Doopgetuigen: Theodorus Gommans, Catharina Boots. Gertrudis is deceased on 08-04-1842 in Maasbree. Registration on 09-04-1842 [akte 33]. Note re Gertrudis: ook Geertruij. Gertrudis married on 18-04-1825 in Helden [source: genlias] with Johannes (Jan) Impelmans, 33 years old. Johannes is born on 06-10-1791 in Helden. Occupation: dienstknecht. Note re Jan: zoon van Petrus Impelmans en Helena Jacobs; weduwnaar van Gertrudis Timmermans.
Children of Gertrudis and Jan:
1 Agnes Impelmans, born in Maasbree. Follow VI-ay.
2 Gerard Impelmans, born about 1826. Gerard is deceased on 01-07-1836 in Maasbree, about 10 years old. Registration on 01-07-1836 [akte 158].
3 Helena Impelmans, born on 13-03-1834 in Maasbree. tweeling. Helena is deceased on 27-03-1834 in Maasbree, 14 days old. Registration on 28-03-1834 [akte 81].
4 Catharine Impelmans, born on 14-03-1834 in Maasbree. tweeling. Catharine is deceased on 24-03-1834 in Maasbree, 10 days old. Registration on 25-03-1834 [akte 79].
5 Gerard Impelmans, born about 1837 in Maasbree. Follow VI-az.
V-ai Johanna Boots is born about 1799, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Agnes Gommans. Johanna is deceased on 23-12-1872 in Meerlo, about 73 years old. Registration on 24-12-1872 [akte 59]. Johanna married with Theodor(us) Hesselmans. Theodor(us) is born about 1798. Theodor(us) is deceased on 01-08-1872 in Meerlo, about 74 years old. Registration on 02-08-1872 [akte 41]. Note re Theodor(us): zoon van Willem Hesselmans en Maria Janssen.
Children of Johanna and Theodor(us):
1 Maria Agnes Hesselmans, born on 05-01-1827 in Bergen, L. Registration on 05-01-1827 [akte 2]. Maria Agnes is deceased on 06-01-1827 in Bergen, L, 1 day old. Registration on 06-01-1827 [akte 4].
2 Gerardus Hesselmans, born on 21-12-1827 in Bergen, L. Follow VI-ba.
3 Agnes Hesselmans, born about 1835. Agnes is deceased on 29-03-1850 in Bergen, L, about 15 years old. Registration on 30-03-1850 [akte 19].
4 Wilhelmina Hesselmans, born on 24-02-1838 in Weeze, Pruisen, Duitsland. Follow VI-bb.
5 Johannes Hesselmans, born on 27-10-1840 in Bergen, L. Follow VI-bc.
6 Gertrudis Hesselmans, born on 27-11-1843 in Bergen, L. Registration on 28-11-1843 [akte 133]. Gertrudis is deceased on 09-11-1855 in Bergen, L, 11 years old. Registration on 10-11-1855 [akte 88].
V-aj Petronella Boots is born on 07-10-1802 in Maasbree, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Agnes Gommans. Petronella is deceased on 14-10-1868 in Maasbree, 66 years old. Registration on 15-10-1868 [akte 68]. Petronella married with Hendrik Gossens.
V-ak Catharina Boots is born about 1806 in Maasbree, daughter of Wilhelmus Boots and Agnes Gommans. Catharina is deceased on 13-11-1873 in Maasbree, about 67 years old. Registration on 14-11-1873 [akte 105]. Catharina married, about 38 years old, on 12-04-1844 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Willem Peeters, 45 years old. Willem is born on 03-10-1798 in Maasbree. Willem is deceased on 30-01-1859 in Maasbree, 60 years old. Registration on 31-01-1859 [akte 11]. Note re Willem: zoon van Michael Peeters en Sibilla Hermans.
V-al Pieter Jacobs is born in Kessel, son of Hendrik Jacobs and Catharina Boots. Pieter married on 27-10-1835 in Kessel [source: genlias] with Gertrud Lisette Klaps. Gertrud Lisette is born in Bracht, Pruisen, Duitsland. Note re Gertrud Lisette: dochter van Mathijs Klaps en Katharina Agnes in gen Ried.
V-am Maria Jacobs is born on 31-01-1805 in Kessel, daughter of Hendrik Jacobs and Catharina Boots. Registration on 01-02-1805 [akte 9]. Maria is deceased on 13-08-1867 in Kessel, 62 years old. Registration on 13-08-1867 [akte 12]. Maria married, 33 years old, on 25-04-1838 in Kessel [source: genlias] with Gerardus Janssen, 35 years old. Gerardus is born on 27-09-1802 in Kessel. Note re Gerardus: zoon van Joachim Janssen en Petronella Simons.
VI-a Petronella Manders is born on 09-11-1814 in Helden, daughter of Godefridus Manders and Maria Catharina Boots. Registration on 10-11-1814 [akte 61]. Petronella married, 30 years old, on 14-04-1845 in Helden [source: genlias] with Willem Wilms, 34 years old. Willem is born on 01-03-1811 in Helden. Note re Willem: zoon van Gerard Wilms en Anna Maria Peeters.
VI-b Anna Elisabeth Kitsen is born about 1814 in Blerick, daughter of Joseph(us) Kidzen and Aldegonda Boots. Anna Elisabeth is deceased on 24-05-1875 in Blerick, about 61 years old. Registration on 25-05-1875 [akte 55]. Anna Elisabeth married, about 25 years old, on 20-11-1839 in Maasbree with Hendrik Mooren, 23 years old. Hendrik is born on 24-12-1815 in Kaldenkirchen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Note re Hendrik: ook Henricus, zoon van Hendrik Mooren en Gertrudis Heijnen.
VI-c Peter Kitsen is born on 25-05-1814 in Blerick, son of Joseph(us) Kidzen and Aldegonda Boots. Peter is deceased on 10-01-1848 in Grubbenvorst, 33 years old. Registration on 11-01-1848 [akte 4]. Peter married, 24 years old, on 21-11-1838 in Grubbenvorst [source: genlias] with Hubertina Smeets, 18 years old. Hubertina is born on 09-07-1820 in Neer. Note re Hubertina: dochter van Hendrik Smeets en Johanna Simons.
VI-d Josephus Kitzen is born on 19-10-1817 in Maasbree, son of Joseph(us) Kidzen and Aldegonda Boots. Josephus married, 33 years old, on 24-12-1850 in Grevenbicht [source: genlias] with Anna Helena Decrau, 39 years old. Anna Helena is born on 01-07-1811 in Grevenbicht. Note re Anna Helena: dochter van Nicolaas Decrau en Maria Gertrudis Spetgens; weduwe van Martinus Hubens, overleden 02-07-1849 te Grevenbicht.
VI-e Francisca Petronella Bodts is born on 02-02-1823 in Helden, daughter of Theodorus Boots and Maria Metsemaekers. Registration on 03-02-1823 [akte 19]. Francisca Petronella married, 25 years old, on 02-05-1848 in Helden [source: genlias] with Pieter Stammen, 25 years old. Pieter is born on 22-08-1822 in Helden. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Stammen en Aldegonda Wilms.
VI-f Johannes (Jan) Boots is born on 25-02-1826 in Helden, son of Theodorus Boots and Maria Metsemaekers. Registration on 27-02-1826 [akte 27]. Jan married, 21 years old, on 22-04-1847 in Sint Odilienberg [akte 3] with Anna Catharina Hodzelmans. Note re Anna Catharina: ook Hodselmans, dochter van Jan Hodzelmans en Elisabeth Cnops.
Children of Jan and Anna Catharina:
1 Jan Hubert Boots, born on 10-04-1847 in Sint Odilienberg. Follow VII-a.
2 Peter Theodoor Boots, born on 31-12-1848 in Sint Odilienberg. Registration on 31-12-1848 [akte 20].
3 Henricus Hubertus Boots, born on 30-06-1851 in Maasniel (Roermond). Registration on 30-06-1851 [akte 21]. Henricus Hubertus is deceased on 23-05-1860 in Roermond, 8 years old. Registration on 23-05-1860 [akte 74].
4 Elisabeth Boots, born about 1854 in Melick. Follow VII-b.
VI-g Mathijs Boots is born on 13-02-1832 in Helden, son of Silvester Boots and Elisabeth Groenen. Registration on 14-02-1832 [akte 5]. Mathijs married, 33 years old, on 12-07-1865 in Helden [source: genlias] with Johanna Segers, 40 years old. Johanna is born on 12-01-1825 in Helden. Note re Johanna: dochter van Jacobus Segers en Gertrudis Peters.
Child of Mathijs and Johanna:
1 Anna Elisabeth Boots, born on 06-11-1866 in Helden. Registration on 07-11-1866 [akte 83].
VI-h Maria T(h)eeuwen is born about 1817, daughter of Hendrik (Henricus) T(h)eeuwen and Mathea Boots. Maria is deceased on 10-03-1888 in Maasbree, about 71 years old. Registration on 12-03-1888 [akte 24]. Maria married, about 23 years old, on 19-06-1840 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gerard Peeters, 25 years old. Gerard is born on 26-03-1815 in Maasbree. Note re Gerard: zoon van Hendrik Peeters en Agnes Dings.
VI-i Petronella Theeuwen is born about 1818 in Maasbree, daughter of Hendrik (Henricus) T(h)eeuwen and Mathea Boots. Petronella is deceased on 29-11-1893 in Maasbree, about 75 years old. Registration on 02-12-1893 [akte 134]. Petronella married, about 30 years old, on 31-05-1848 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Pieter Verhard, 37 years old. Pieter is born on 25-05-1811 in Maasbree. Pieter is deceased before 1893, at the most 82 years old. Note re Pieter: zoon van Pieter Verhard en Elisabeth Smeets.
VI-j Elisabeth Teeuwen is born about 1822 in Maasbree, daughter of Hendrik (Henricus) T(h)eeuwen and Mathea Boots. Elisabeth is deceased on 19-04-1884 in Maasbree, about 62 years old. Registration on 20-04-1884 [akte 33]. Elisabeth:
(1) married, about 29 years old, on 30-04-1851 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petrus Joannes Haenen, 30 years old. Petrus Joannes is born on 08-01-1821 in Maasbree. Note re Petrus Joannes: zoon van Mathijs Haenen en Petronella Vaessen.
(2) married, about 34 years old, on 16-01-1856 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Joannes Geurts, 36 years old. Joannes is born on 26-01-1819 in Maasbree. Note re Joannes: zoon van Christiaan Geurts en Joanna Hermans.
VI-k Antoon Boots is born on 08-04-1818 in Helden, son of Henricus Boots and Margaretha Geurts. Registration on 09-04-1818 [akte 33]. Antoon is deceased on 26-04-1882 in Maasbree, 64 years old. Registration on 27-04-1882 [akte 35]. Note re Antoon: ook Antoine. Antoon married, 31 years old, on 05-04-1850 in Helden [source: genlias] with Catharina Verlinden, 37 years old. Catharina is born on 25-12-1812 in Helden. Catharina is deceased on 06-02-1881 in Maasbree, 68 years old. Registration on 08-02-1881 [akte 22]. Note re Catharina: dochter van Willem Verlinden en Dorothea de Bruijn.
Children of Antoon and Catharina:
1 Hendrina Boots, born about 1851. Hendrina is deceased on 11-05-1852 in Maasbree, about 1 year old. Registration on 12-05-1852 [akte 56].
2 Willem Boots, born on 15-09-1852 in Maasbree. Follow VII-c.
VI-l Jan Boots is born on 29-09-1819 in Helden, son of Henricus Boots and Margaretha Geurts. Registration on 30-09-1819 [akte 82]. Note re Jan: ook Jean. Jan married, 28 years old, on 02-05-1848 in Helden with Maria Wilms, 29 years old. Maria is born on 05-09-1818 in Helden. Note re Maria: dochter van Marcellus Wilms en Johanna Peters.
Children of Jan and Maria:
1 Johanna Boots, born on 05-07-1850 in Helden. Registration on 06-07-1850 [akte 33].
2 Hendrika Boots, born on 15-07-1852 in Helden. Registration on 16-07-1852 [akte 34].
3 Margareta Boots, born on 30-04-1854 in Helden. Registration on 01-05-1854 [akte 20].
4 Silvester Boots, born on 28-01-1857 in Helden. Follow VII-d.
5 Hendrik Boots, born on 04-04-1859 in Helden. Follow VII-e.
6 Petronella Boots, born on 23-02-1862 in Helden. Follow VII-f.
VI-m Geertruij Boots is born on 10-04-1828 in Maasbree, daughter of Henricus Boots and Margaretha Geurts. Registration on 14-02-1892 [akte 31]. Geertruij is deceased on 12-02-1892 in Maasbree, 63 years old. Geertruij:
(1) married, 32 years old, on 20-09-1860 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gerard van Dijck, 46 years old. Gerard is born on 25-09-1813 in Maasbree. Gerard is deceased on 04-06-1863 in Maasbree, 49 years old. Registration on 05-06-1863 [akte 53]. Note re Gerard: zoon van Peter van Dijck en Catharina Jacobs.
(2) married, 36 years old, on 15-04-1864 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gerard van Lier, 42 years old. Gerard is born on 28-04-1821 in Maasbree. Note re Gerard: zoon van Petrus van Lier en Catharina van Lier; weduwnaar van Catharina Peeters.
Child of Geertruij and Gerard:
1 Petrus van Dijck, born about 1862 in Maasbree. Follow VII-g.
Children of Geertruij and Gerard:
1 Anna Catharina van Lier, born about 1866. Anna Catharina is deceased on 19-05-1869 in Maasbree, about 3 years old. Registration on 20-05-1869 [akte 56].
2 Margaretha van Lier, born about 1868 in Maasbree. Follow VII-h.
VI-n Anna Boots is born on 29-09-1830 in Maasbree, daughter of Henricus Boots and Margaretha Geurts. Anna is deceased on 05-03-1867 in Maasbree, 36 years old. Registration on 06-03-1867 [akte 14]. Anna married, 23 years old, on 19-10-1853 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Christiaan Hendrix, 28 years old. Christiaan is born on 03-10-1825 in Maasbree. Note re Christiaan: ook Hendriks, zoon van Gerardus Hendrix en Maria Niessen.
Children of Anna and Christiaan:
1 Margaretha Hendrix, born about 1854 in Maasbree. Follow VII-i.
2 Mathijs Hendriks, born about 1857. Mathijs is deceased on 05-03-1881 in Venlo, about 24 years old. Registration on 05-03-1881 [akte 53].
3 Hendrica Hendriks, born about 1858. Hendrica is deceased on 19-12-1866 in Maasbree, about 8 years old. Registration on 20-12-1866 [akte 107].
VI-o Maria T(h)eeuwen is born about 1832 in Maasbree, daughter of Balthasar Theeuwen and Joanna Boots. Maria is deceased on 25-03-1908 in Sint Odilienberg, about 76 years old. Registration on 26-03-1908 [akte 5]. Maria married, about 28 years old, on 11-04-1860 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Joannes (Jan) Hermans, 29 years old. Joannes is born on 10-09-1830 in Maasbree. Joannes is deceased before 1908, at the most 78 years old. Note re Jan: zoon van Cornelus Hermans en Elisabetha Peeters.
VI-p Petronella Theeuwen is born about 1834 in Maasbree, daughter of Balthasar Theeuwen and Joanna Boots. Petronella is deceased on 17-05-1871 in Maasbree, about 37 years old. Registration on 18-05-1871 [akte 32]. Petronella married, about 28 years old, on 24-09-1862 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Jan Zelen, 31 years old. Jan is born on 09-05-1831 in Maasbree. Note re Jan: zoon van Hendrik Zelen en Gertrudis Lenders.
VI-q Hendrina Theeuwen is born about 1838, daughter of Balthasar Theeuwen and Joanna Boots. Hendrina is deceased on 19-07-1904 in Maasbree, about 66 years old. Registration on 19-07-1904 [akte 20]. Hendrina married with Daniël Lenders.
VI-r Theodorus Boots is born on 20-11-1824 in Maasbree, son of Henricus Boots and Petronella T(h)eeuwen. Theodorus is deceased on 04-02-1902 in Maasbree, 77 years old. Registration on 05-02-1902 [akte 4]. Theodorus:
(1) married, 37 years old, on 25-04-1862 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Gertruda Gerards, about 30 years old. Anna Maria Gertruda is born about 1832 in Grubbenvorst. Anna Maria Gertruda is deceased on 16-11-1869 in Maasbree, about 37 years old. Registration on 16-11-1869 [akte 108]. Note re Anna Maria Gertruda: dochter van Gerard Gerards en Maria Theresia Cuijpers.
(2) married, 48 years old, on 21-06-1873 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Maria Driessen, about 30 years old. Maria is born about 1843 in Helden. Maria is deceased on 22-05-1889 in Maasbree, about 46 years old. Registration on 22-05-1889 [akte 44]. Note re Maria: dochter van Gerardus Driessen en Christina Peeters.
Child of Theodorus and Anna Maria Gertruda:
1 Maria Theresia Boots, born about 1863. Maria Theresia is deceased on 04-11-1869 in Maasbree, about 6 years old. Registration on 05-11-1869 [akte 102].
Children of Theodorus and Maria:
1 Theodorus Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VII-j.
2 Gerard Boots, born about 1875. Follow VII-k.
3 Christiaan Boots, born about 1881 in Maasbree. Follow VII-l.
4 Martinus Boots, born about 1886. Follow VII-m.
VI-s Antoon Boots is born on 07-09-1827 in Maasbree, son of Henricus Boots and Petronella T(h)eeuwen. Antoon is deceased on 09-12-1903 in Maasbree, 76 years old. Registration on 11-12-1903 [akte 32]. Antoon married, 26 years old, on 12-10-1853 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Joanna Janssen, about 35 years old. Joanna is born about 1818 in Maasbree. Joanna is deceased on 08-03-1884 in Maasbree, about 66 years old. Registration on 10-03-1884 [akte 18]. Note re Joanna: dochter van Joannes Janssen en Barbara Geurts.
Children of Antoon and Joanna:
1 Joannes Hendrikus Boots, born on 18-12-1853 in Maasbree. Follow VII-n.
2 Joanna Boots, born about 1856 in Maasbree. Follow VII-o.
3 Theodoor Boots, born on 02-01-1857 in Maasbree. Follow VII-p.
4 Gerard Boots, born about 1859. Gerard is deceased on 06-03-1860 in Maasbree, about 1 year old. Registration on 07-03-1860 [akte 25].
5 Gerard Boots, born about 1861. Gerard is deceased on 07-04-1863 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 08-04-1863 [akte 38].
VI-t Jan Boots is born on 22-09-1830 in Maasbree, son of Henricus Boots and Petronella T(h)eeuwen. Jan is deceased on 28-12-1899 in Maasbree, 69 years old. Registration on 29-12-1899 [akte 41]. Jan married, 27 years old, on 03-05-1858 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gertrudis Janssen, about 36 years old. Gertrudis is born about 1822 in Maasbree. Gertrudis is deceased on 30-10-1901 in Maasbree, about 79 years old. Registration on 31-10-1901 [akte 23]. Note re Gertrudis: dochter van Joannes Janssen en Barbara Geurts.
Children of Jan and Gertrudis:
1 Hendrik Boots, born about 1860 in Maasbree. Follow VII-q.
2 Gerardus Hubertus Boots, born about 1862. Gerardus Hubertus is deceased on 14-10-1864 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 15-10-1864 [akte 87].
3 Joannes Boots, born about 1865. Joannes is deceased on 23-01-1866 in Maasbree, about 1 year old. Registration on 24-01-1866 [akte 10].
VI-u Pieter Boots is born on 08-11-1833 in Maasbree, son of Henricus Boots and Petronella T(h)eeuwen. Pieter is deceased on 11-12-1928 in Maasbree, 95 years old. Registration on 12-12-1928 [akte 34]. Pieter married, 32 years old, on 10-11-1865 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Helena Konix, about 34 years old. Helena is born about 1831 in Baexem. Helena is deceased on 01-10-1893 in Maasbree, about 62 years old. Registration on 02-10-1893 [akte 111]. Note re Helena: ook Konings, dochter van Gerard Konix en Petronella Konings.
Children of Pieter and Helena:
1 Petronella Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VII-r.
2 Petronella Boots, born in 09-1866. Petronella is deceased on 06-07-1867 in Maasbree, 10 months old. Registration on 08-07-1867 [akte 47].
3 Hendrika Boots, born about 1870 in Maasbree. Follow VII-s.
VI-v Hubertus Hanraets is born on 28-10-1826 in Maasbree, son of Antonius (Antoon) Hanraets and Joanna Boots. Hubertus is deceased on 03-10-1872 in Tegelen, 45 years old. Registration on 04-10-1872 [akte 33]. Hubertus married, 30 years old, on 06-07-1857 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Johanna Margaretha Strux. Johanna Margaretha is born in Tegelen. Note re Johanna Margaretha: ook Stroeks, dochter van Peter Strux en Cristina van Leipsig.
VI-w Silvester Hanraets is born on 23-06-1834 in Maasbree, son of Antonius (Antoon) Hanraets and Joanna Boots. Silvester is deceased on 24-05-1916 in Tegelen, 81 years old. Registration on 24-05-1916 [akte 55]. Silvester married, 37 years old, on 20-11-1871 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Maria Catharina Timmermans. Maria Catharina is born in Kessel. Maria Catharina is deceased before 1916. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Hendrik Timmermans en Theodora Wolters.
VI-x Leonard Bon is born on 07-03-1835 in Maasbree, son of Frans Bon and Gertrudis Boots. Leonard is deceased on 20-01-1915 in Blerick (Maasbree), 79 years old. Registration on 21-01-1915 [akte 6]. Leonard married, 38 years old, on 19-04-1873 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Catharina Engels. Catharina is born in Helden. Note re Catharina: dochter van Willem Engels en Elisabeth Steeghs.
VI-y Peter Theodor Boots is born on 20-03-1810 in Venlo, son of Joannes Henricus Boots and Maria Catharina Trebels. Registration on 22-03-1810 [akte 61]. Peter Theodor is deceased on 14-10-1889 in Venlo, 79 years old. Registration on 15-10-1889 [akte 206]. Occupation: slager. Peter Theodor married, 21 years old, on 27-06-1831 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Cornelia Johanna Bongaerts, 20 years old. Cornelia Johanna is born on 24-08-1810 in Venlo. Cornelia Johanna is deceased on 24-04-1893 in Venlo, 82 years old. Registration on 25-04-1893 [akte 75]. Note re Cornelia Johanna: dochter van Tilman Bongaerts, meestersmid, en Mechtildis Sanders.
Child of Peter Theodor and Cornelia Johanna:
1 Mechtildis Hubertina Boots, born on 16-06-1832 in Venlo. Follow VII-t.
VI-z Johannes Andries Boots is born on 28-01-1812 in Venlo, son of Joannes Henricus Boots and Maria Catharina Trebels. Johannes Andries is deceased on 12-12-1890 in Venlo, 78 years old. Registration on 15-12-1890 [akte 211]. Occupation: slager. Note re Johannes Andries: ook Jan Andries. Johannes Andries married, 25 years old, on 08-05-1837 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johanna Mechtilda Beerden, 24 years old. Johanna Mechtilda is born on 17-05-1812 in Venlo. Johanna Mechtilda is deceased on 06-06-1882 in Venlo, 70 years old. Registration on 07-06-1882 [akte 99]. Note re Johanna Mechtilda: ook Beeren, Berden, dochter van Martinus Beerden en Jacomina Catharina Nooten.
Children of Johannes Andries and Johanna Mechtilda:
1 Johan Hendrik Hubert Boots, born on 24-04-1838 in Venlo. Registration on 27-04-1838 [akte 171]. Johan Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 07-06-1838 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 08-06-1838 [akte 97].
2 Johan Caspar Hubert Boots, born on 08-04-1839 in Venlo. Follow VII-u.
3 Peter Theodoor Boots, born on 21-02-1841 in Venlo. Follow VII-v.
4 Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots, born on 12-04-1843 in Venlo. Follow VII-w.
5 Hubertus Wilhelmus Josephus Boots, born on 08-06-1845 in Venlo. Follow VII-x.
6 Josephina Hubertina Cornelia Boots, born on 03-01-1848 in Venlo. Registration on 03-01-1848 [akte 1]. Josephina Hubertina Cornelia is deceased on 15-01-1864 in Venlo, 16 years old. Registration on 16-01-1864 [akte 11].
7 Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus Boots, born on 22-01-1850 in Venlo. Follow VII-y.
8 Johanna Cornelia Hubertina Boots, born on 03-02-1852 in Venlo. Follow VII-z.
9 Maria Magdalena Hubertina Boots, born on 15-08-1854 in Venlo. Registration on 17-08-1854 [akte 154]. Maria Magdalena Hubertina is deceased on 22-01-1855 in Venlo, 5 months old. Registration on 23-01-1855 [akte 14].
10 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 26-11-1855 in Venlo. Registration on 26-11-1855 [akte 178].
VI-aa Willem Joseph Boots is born on 11-03-1816 in Venlo, son of Joannes Henricus Boots and Maria Catharina Trebels. Registration on 15-03-1816 [akte 55]. Willem Joseph is deceased on 04-05-1868 in Venlo, 52 years old. Registration on 06-05-1868 [akte 87]. Occupation: leerlooier. Willem Joseph married, 34 years old, on 14-05-1850 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Maria Gertrudis Michels, 25 years old. Maria Gertrudis is born on 02-09-1824 in Venlo. Note re Maria Gertrudis: dochter van Michiel Michels, molenaar, en Anna Josepha Andriessen.
Children of Willem Joseph and Maria Gertrudis:
1 Maria Catharina Hubertina Boots, born on 14-02-1851 in Venlo. Follow VII-aa.
2 Peter Hendrik Hubert Boots, born on 24-10-1852 in Venlo. Registration on 25-10-1852 [akte 170]. Peter Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 05-09-1854 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 06-09-1854 [akte 101].
3 Nicolaas Joseph Michiel Hendrik Boots, born on 06-11-1854 in Venlo. Follow VII-ab.
4 Maria Josephina Hubertina Boots, born on 08-02-1856 in Venlo. Registration on 09-02-1856 [akte 23].
5 Josephina Maria Huberdina Boots, born about 1857. Josephina Maria Huberdina is deceased on 01-02-1935 in Utrecht, about 78 years old. Registration on 01-02-1935 [akte 200].
6 Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha Boots, born on 10-03-1858 in Venlo. Follow VII-ac.
7 Jan Antoon Joseph Boots, born on 03-02-1868 in Venlo. Registration on 04-02-1868 [akte 35].
VI-ab Anna Gertrudis Boots is born on 13-07-1821 in Venlo, daughter of Joannes Henricus Boots and Maria Catharina Trebels. Registration on 17-07-1821 [akte 142]. Anna Gertrudis is deceased on 25-06-1884 in Venlo, 62 years old. Registration on 25-06-1884 [akte 186]. Note re Anna Gertrudis: ook Anna Maria Gertrudis. Anna Gertrudis married, 22 years old, on 22-04-1844 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck, 24 years old. Peter Alexander is born on 15-11-1819 in Venlo. Registration on 18-11-1819 [akte 248]. Peter Alexander is deceased on 22-06-1864 in Venlo, 44 years old. Registration on 23-06-1864 [akte 87]. Note re Peter Alexander: zoon van Peter Stikkelbroeck en Anna Petronella Peeters.
Children of Anna Gertrudis and Peter Alexander:
1 Petronella Catharina Hubertina Stikkelbroeck, born on 09-12-1844 in Venlo. Follow VII-ad.
2 Peter Hendrik Hubertus Stikkelbroek, born on 06-08-1846 in Venlo. Follow VII-ae.
3 Agnes Petronella Hubertina Stikkelbroeck, born on 27-11-1848 in Venlo. Follow VII-af.
4 Anna Catharina Petronella Hubertina Stikkelbroeck, born on 03-03-1852 in Venlo. Follow VII-ag.
5 Joseph Hubert Stikkelbroeck, born on 21-07-1854 in Venlo. Registration on 22-07-1854 [akte 137]. Joseph Hubert is deceased on 14-02-1897 in Venlo, 42 years old. Registration on 15-02-1897 [akte 33]. Note re the death of Joseph Hubert: moeder vermeld als Marie Gertrudis Boots.
6 Peter Hubert Stikkelbroeck, born on 28-06-1856 in Venlo. Registration on 30-06-1856 [akte 98].
7 Peter Willem Hendrik Hubert Stikkelbroeck, born on 10-02-1859 in Venlo. Registration on 11-02-1859 [akte 31]. Peter Willem Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 26-09-1885 in Venlo, 26 years old. Registration on 28-09-1885 [akte 205].
8 Petronella Catharina Hubertina Stikkelbroeck, born on 04-10-1861 in Venlo. Follow VII-ah.
9 Johan Hendrik Hubert Stikkelbroeck, born on 09-10-1863 in Venlo. Registration on 10-10-1863 [akte 189]. Johan Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 11-11-1863 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 12-11-1863 [akte 158].
VI-ac Josephina Hubertina Boots is born on 01-01-1825 in Venlo, daughter of Joannes Henricus Boots and Maria Catharina Trebels. Registration on 03-01-1825 [akte 4]. Josephina Hubertina is deceased on 12-10-1884 in Brussel, België, 59 years old. Registration on 14-10-1884 [akte 140 Buggenum]. Josephina Hubertina married, 21 years old, on 13-07-1846 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Leonardus Hubertus Schuren, 26 years old. Leonardus Hubertus is born on 06-02-1820 in Roermond. Leonardus Hubertus is deceased on 07-12-1885 in Roermond, 65 years old. Registration on 08-12-1885 [akte 221]. Note re Leonardus Hubertus: zoon van Petrus Schuren en Catharina Fijten.
Children of Josephina Hubertina and Leonardus Hubertus:
1 Petrus Wilhelmus Hubertus Schuren, born on 07-12-1846 in Roermond. Follow VII-ai.
2 Catharina Henrietta Hubertina Schuren, born on 03-03-1849 in Roermond. Registration on 04-03-1849 [akte 34].
3 Mathijs Cornelis Schuren, born on 06-10-1850 in Roermond. Registration on 07-10-1850 [akte 184].
4 Maria Hubertina Schuren, born on 12-08-1852 in Roermond. Follow VII-aj.
5 Daniël Hubert Schuren, born on 27-06-1854 in Roermond. Registration on 28-06-1854 [akte 113].
6 Josephus Hubertus Schuren, born on 11-03-1857 in Roermond. Registration on 11-03-1857 [akte 50].
7 Johanna Hubertina Christina Schuren, born on 24-09-1859 in Roermond. Registration on 24-09-1859 [akte 206]. Johanna Hubertina Christina is deceased on 23-10-1861 in Roermond, 2 years old. Registration on 23-10-1861 [akte 194].
8 Maria Mechteldis Schuren, born on 04-08-1863 in Roermond. Registration on 05-08-1863 [akte 173]. Maria Mechteldis is deceased on 13-02-1866 in Roermond, 2 years old. Registration on 14-02-1866 [akte 40].
VI-ad Johanna Boots is born on 07-01-1817 in Venlo, daughter of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 11-01-1817 [akte 5]. Johanna is deceased on 17-03-1900, 83 years old. Registration on 19-03-1900 [akte 51]. Johanna married, 40 years old, on 24-11-1857 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Paulus Lamberts, 30 years old. Paulus is born on 30-10-1827 in Venlo. Paulus is deceased on 16-03-1908 in Venlo, 80 years old. Registration on 17-03-1908 [akte 74]. Note re Paulus: zoon van Jan Lamberts en Anna Catharina Jacobs.
Child of Johanna and Paulus:
1 Aldegonda Maria Hubertina Lamberts, born on 15-04-1860 in Venlo. Follow VII-ak.
VI-ae Gerard Willem Boots is born on 11-09-1820 in Venlo, son of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 13-09-1820 [akte 159]. Gerard Willem is deceased on 12-01-1904 in Venlo, 83 years old. Registration on 12-01-1904 [akte 7]. Occupation: arbeider, vrachtondernemer, expediteur. Gerard Willem married, 32 years old, on 26-10-1852 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels, 25 years old. Anna Sibilla Hubertina is born on 18-07-1827 in Venlo. Anna Sibilla Hubertina is deceased on 10-11-1868 in Venlo, 41 years old. Registration on 10-11-1868 [akte 191]. Note re Anna Sibilla Hubertina: dochter van Peter Hendrik Michels, molenaar, en Anna Sibilla Geeraedts.
Children of Gerard Willem and Anna Sibilla Hubertina:
1 Louisa Hubertina Boots, born on 23-10-1853 in Venlo. Follow VII-al.
2 Johanna Hubertina Boots, born on 26-01-1856 in Venlo. Registration on 26-01-1856 [akte 12]. Johanna Hubertina is deceased on 06-11-1856 in Venlo, 9 months old. Registration on 07-11-1856 [akte 148].
3 Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots, born on 31-10-1857 in Venlo. Follow VII-am.
4 Maria Charlotta Florentina Boots, born on 17-05-1860 in Venlo. Follow VII-an.
5 Anna Maria Hubertina Boots, born on 19-11-1862 in Venlo. Follow VII-ao.
6 Anna Maria Hubertina Boots, born on 21-10-1865 in Venlo. Follow VII-ap.
VI-af Anna Maria Boots is born on 27-08-1823 in Venlo, daughter of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 29-08-1823 [akte 174]. Anna Maria is deceased on 17-03-1900, 76 years old. Anna Maria married with Paul Lamberts.
VI-ag Maria Sophia Boots is born on 26-02-1825 in Venlo, daughter of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 28-02-1825 [akte 45]. Maria Sophia is deceased on 04-02-1909 in Venlo, 83 years old. Registration on 05-02-1909 [akte 33]. Maria Sophia married, 28 years old, on 26-07-1853 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Mathijs Deckers, 28 years old. Mathijs is born on 24-04-1825 in Venlo. Mathijs is deceased on 27-05-1883 in Venlo, 58 years old. Registration on 29-05-1883 [akte 131]. Note re Mathijs: zoon van Jan Jozef Deckers en Johanna Hurstjes.
Children of Maria Sophia and Mathijs:
1 Andries Deckers, born on 26-03-1854 in Venlo. Registration on 28-03-1854 [akte 66]. Andries is deceased on 29-05-1855 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 30-05-1855 [akte 83].
2 Peter Johan Lambert Deckers, born on 19-11-1855 in Venlo. Registration on 20-11-1855 [akte 184]. Peter Johan Lambert is deceased on 08-09-1881 in Venlo, 25 years old. Registration on 09-09-1881 [akte 161].
3 Johan Hubert Deckers, born on 26-01-1857 in Venlo. Registration on 26-01-1857 [akte 14]. Johan Hubert is deceased on 14-04-1858 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 15-04-1858 [akte 57].
4 Simon Hubert Deckers, born on 26-12-1858 in Venlo. Follow VII-aq.
5 Gerard Hubert Deckers, born on 07-10-1860 in Venlo. Registration on 08-10-1860 [akte 167]. Gerard Hubert is deceased on 15-08-1904 in Arcen, 43 years old. Registration on 15-08-1904 [akte 14 Arcen en Velden akte 213 dd 20-08-1904 Venlo].
6 Willem Johan Hubert Deckers, born on 15-10-1863 in Venlo. Follow VII-ar.
7 Christina Aldegonda Johanna Deckers, born on 06-09-1865 in Venlo. Registration on 08-09-1865 [akte 172]. Christina Aldegonda Johanna is deceased on 31-10-1880 in Venlo, 15 years old. Registration on 02-11-1880 [akte 242].
VI-ah Johan Antoon Boots is born on 13-12-1826 in Venlo, son of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 16-12-1826 [akte 236]. Johan Antoon is deceased on 20-01-1873 in Venlo, 46 years old. Registration on 20-01-1873 [akte 8]. Occupation: vrachtondernemer en slager. Johan Antoon married, 30 years old, on 08-09-1857 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Christina Hubertina Janssen, 20 years old. Christina Hubertina is born on 21-03-1837 in Venlo. Christina Hubertina is deceased on 17-02-1906 in Venlo, 68 years old. Registration on 17-02-1906 [akte 35]. Occupation: tapster. Note re Christina Hubertina: dochter van Johan Janssen, akkerman, tuinder, en Johanna Tillemans.
Children of Johan Antoon and Christina Hubertina:
1 Andries Johan Hubert Boots, born on 24-09-1858 in Venlo. Follow VII-as.
2 Jan Nicolaas Albert Boots, born on 15-02-1861 in Venlo. Follow VII-at.
3 Johanna Maria Aldegonda Boots, born on 17-07-1863 in Venlo. Registration on 17-07-1863 [akte 135]. Johanna Maria Aldegonda is deceased on 15-06-1929 in Venlo, 65 years old. Registration on 17-06-1929 [akte 155]. Occupation: winkelierster.
4 Jacob Johan Andries Boots, born on 15-03-1866 in Venlo. Follow VII-au.
5 Aldegonda Wilhelmina Boots, born on 06-01-1869 in Venlo. Registration on 07-01-1869 [akte 3]. Aldegonda Wilhelmina is deceased on 30-08-1870 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 30-08-1870 [akte 133].
6 Maria Hubertina Aldegonda Boots, born on 11-02-1871 in Venlo. Follow VII-av.
7 Gertruda Josephina Hubertina Boots, born on 18-03-1873 in Venlo. Follow VII-aw.
VI-ai Simon Hubert Boots is born on 03-10-1828 in Venlo, son of Andreas (Andries) Boots and Aldegonda Lamberts. Registration on 06-10-1828 [akte 174]. Simon Hubert is deceased on 03-04-1885 in Venlo, 56 years old. Registration on 03-04-1885 [akte 61]. Occupation: tapper en vrachtondernemer. Simon Hubert married, 27 years old, on 15-04-1856 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Wilhelmina Reinartz, 27 years old. Wilhelmina is born on 29-07-1828 in Schelsen, Pruisen, Duitsland. Wilhelmina is deceased on 18-02-1907 in Venlo, 78 years old. Registration on 18-02-1907 [akte 43]. Note re Wilhelmina: ook Reijnartz, Reinertz, dochter van Albert Reinartz (? - 13-06-1839 Schelsen) en Gertrudis Dahners (Gelsenkirchen).
Children of Simon Hubert and Wilhelmina:
1 Andries Albert Boots, born on 15-07-1856 in Venlo. Registration on 16-07-1856 [akte 109]. Andries Albert is deceased on 15-02-1941 in Venlo, 84 years old. Registration on 17-02-1941 [akte 81].
2 Aldegonda Gertruda Boots, born on 10-12-1857 in Venlo. Follow VII-ax.
3 Gerard Albert Boots, born on 22-10-1859 in Venlo. Follow VII-ay.
4 Maria Wilhelmina Boots, born on 01-08-1861 in Venlo. Registration on 02-08-1861 [akte 132]. tweeling. Maria Wilhelmina is deceased on 04-09-1861 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 05-09-1861 [akte 128].
5 Peter Hubert Boots, born on 01-08-1861 in Venlo. Registration on 02-08-1861 [akte 133]. tweeling. Peter Hubert is deceased on 24-05-1863 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 25-05-1863 [akte 53].
6 Gerard Gustaaf Boots, born on 19-05-1863 in Venlo. Follow VII-az.
7 Henri Hubert Boots, born on 07-07-1865 in Venlo. Registration on 07-07-1865 [akte 122]. Henri Hubert is deceased on 22-01-1866 in Venlo, 6 months old. Registration on 22-01-1866 [akte 15].
8 Johan Hubert Boots, born on 21-11-1866 in Venlo. Follow VII-ba.
9 Maria Josephina Gertruda Boots, born on 15-11-1869 in Venlo. Registration on 16-11-1869 [akte 232].
10 Willem Andries Hubert Boots, born on 21-08-1872 in Venlo. Registration on 21-08-1872 [akte 172]. Willem Andries Hubert is deceased on 14-07-1873 in Venlo, 10 months old. Registration on 14-07-1873 [akte 107].
VI-aj Gertrudis Janssen is born on 17-03-1822 in Venlo, daughter of Hendrik Janssen and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 18-03-1822 [akte 57]. Gertrudis is deceased on 24-12-1889 in Venlo, 67 years old. Registration on 26-12-1889 [akte 249]. Gertrudis married, 27 years old, on 14-08-1849 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Peter Mathijs Heijsters, 27 years old. Peter Mathijs is born on 30-01-1822 in Venlo. Peter Mathijs is deceased before 1889, at the most 67 years old. Note re Peter Mathijs: zoon van Jacob Heijsters en Catharina Karmans.
VI-ak Andries Janssen is born on 11-12-1823 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Janssen and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 13-12-1823 [akte 241]. Andries is deceased on 01-02-1852 in Venlo, 28 years old. Registration on 02-02-1852 [akte 26]. Andries married, 27 years old, on 18-02-1851 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Helena Janssen. Helena is born in Venlo. Note re Helena: dochter van Peter Janssen en Maria Janssen.
VI-al Hendrik Janssen is born on 29-10-1825 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Janssen and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 29-10-1825 [akte 197]. Hendrik is deceased on 08-11-1912, 87 years old. Registration on 08-11-1912 [akte 228]. Hendrik:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 25-02-1851 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Lanckers. Anna Maria is born in Velden. Anna Maria is deceased on 07-06-1857 in Venlo. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Peter Lanckers en Maria Swerers.
(2) married, 32 years old, on 05-01-1858 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Petronella Notermans. Petronella is born in Blerick. Note re Petronella: dochter van Joseph Notermans en Marie Catharine Linssen.
VI-am Willem Janssen is born on 18-02-1828 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Janssen and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 20-02-1828 [akte 28]. Willem is deceased on 09-12-1903 in Venlo, 75 years old. Registration on 10-12-1903 [akte 255]. Willem married, 23 years old, on 07-10-1851 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johanna Elisabeth Jacobs. Johanna Elisabeth is born in Venlo. Johanna Elisabeth is deceased before 1903. Note re Johanna Elisabeth: dochter van Lambert Jozef Jacobs en Petronella Gertrudis Offergelt.
VI-an Simon Janssen is born on 01-11-1829 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Janssen and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 03-11-1829 [akte 176]. Simon is deceased on 01-11-1880 in Venlo, 51 years old. Registration on 02-11-1880 [akte 243]. Simon married, 30 years old, on 15-11-1859 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Catharina Lucia Beek. Catharina Lucia is born in Venlo. Note re Catharina Lucia: dochter van Renier Beek en Johanna Jacobs.
VI-ao Johan Joosten is born on 20-01-1831 in Venlo, son of Sigismund (Simon) Joosten and Petronella Boots. Registration on 22-01-1831 [akte 25]. Johan is deceased on 13-04-1900 in Venlo, 69 years old. Registration on 13-04-1900 [akte 64]. Occupation: slager. Johan married, 32 years old, on 11-01-1864 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Mechtildis Hubertina Boots, 31 years old. Mechtildis Hubertina is born on 16-06-1832 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Theodor Boots and Cornelia Johanna Bongaerts. Registration on 18-06-1832 [akte 224]. Mechtildis Hubertina is deceased on 19-07-1902 in Venlo, 70 years old. Registration on 21-07-1902 [akte 181].
Children of Johan and Mechtildis Hubertina:
1 Cornelia Maria Hubertina Joosten, born on 08-02-1864 in Venlo. Registration on 10-02-1864 [akte 32]. Cornelia Maria Hubertina is deceased on 07-04-1926 in Venlo, 62 years old. Registration on 07-04-1926 [akte 84].
2 Peter Joseph Joosten, born on 17-05-1865 in Venlo. Registration on 18-05-1865 [akte 94]. Peter Joseph is deceased on 05-01-1867 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 05-01-1867 [akte 3].
3 Catharina Hubertina Mechtilda Joosten, born on 08-11-1866 in Venlo. Registration on 10-11-1866 [akte 232]. Catharina Hubertina Mechtilda is deceased on 04-02-1869 in Venlo, 2 years old. Registration on 04-02-1869 [akte 15].
4 Peter Maria Joseph Hubert Joosten, born on 13-04-1869 in Venlo. Registration on 14-04-1869 [akte 83].
5 Maria Catharina Josephina Hubertina Joosten, born on 23-06-1870 in Venlo. Registration on 24-06-1870 [akte 115]. Maria Catharina Josephina Hubertina is deceased on 31-03-1932 in Venlo, 61 years old. Registration on 01-04-1932 [akte 98].
6 Johan Maria Joseph Joosten, born on 07-09-1873 in Venlo. Registration on 09-09-1873 [akte 197]. Johan Maria Joseph is deceased on 30-11-1938 in Venlo, 65 years old. Registration on 01-12-1938 [akte 260].
VI-ap Theodor Peter Wettelings is born about 1840, son of Johannes (Jan) Wittelings and Anna Maria Boots. Theodor Peter is deceased on 13-04-1924 in Venlo, about 84 years old. Registration on 14-04-1924 [akte 77]. Theodor Peter married with Anna Catharina Hubertina Pollen.
VI-aq Christina Peeters is born on 12-04-1832 in Maasbree, daughter of Willem Peeters and Maria Boots. Christina is deceased on 10-09-1905 in Baarlo (Maasbree), 73 years old. Registration on 11-09-1905 [akte 15]. Christina married, 45 years old, on 09-07-1877 in Helden [source: genlias] with Arnoldus Korsten, 41 years old. Arnoldus is born on 03-04-1836 in Helden. Note re Arnoldus: zoon van Arnoldus Korsten en Catharina Martens; weduwnaar van Maria Gertrudis Stappers.
VI-ar Renier Peeters is born on 10-11-1835 in Maasbree, son of Willem Peeters and Maria Boots. Renier:
(1) married, 23 years old, on 09-11-1859 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Francisca Lenders. Francisca is born in Maasbree. Note re Francisca: dochter van Antoon Lenders en Maria Hermans.
(2) married, 56 years old, on 13-05-1892 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Hendrika Huberta Hermans. Hendrika Huberta is born in Venray. Note re Hendrika Huberta: dochter van Antoon Hermans en Maria Catharina Schreurs.
VI-as Maria Elisabeth Peeters is born about 1842 in Maasbree, daughter of Willem Peeters and Maria Boots. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on 04-03-1920 in Maasbree, about 78 years old. Registration on 05-03-1920 [akte 14]. Maria Elisabeth married, about 46 years old, on 05-10-1888 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Peter Giezen. Peter is born in Maasbree. Note re Peter: zoon van Joannes Giezen en Maria Catharina Vaessen.
VI-at Maria Elisabeth Boots is born on 10-08-1839 in Maasbree, daughter of Jan Hendrik Boots and Agnes Janssen. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on 26-03-1906 in Blerick (Maasbree), 66 years old. Registration on 27-03-1906 [akte 25]. Maria Elisabeth married, 36 years old, on 08-07-1876 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Servaas Keunen, 42 years old. Servaas is born on 30-01-1834 in Blerick. Servaas is deceased on 17-05-1902 in Blerick, 68 years old. Registration on 17-05-1902 [akte 27]. Note re Servaas: zoon van Pieter Keunen en Eleonora Smeets.
Children of Maria Elisabeth and Servaas:
1 Johannes Hubertus Keunen, born in Blerick. Follow VII-bb.
2 Leonora Hubertina Keunen, born in Blerick. Follow VII-bc.
VI-au Margaretha Boots is born about 1846 in Maasbree, daughter of Jan Hendrik Boots and Agnes Janssen. Margaretha is deceased on 18-04-1894 in Maasbree, about 48 years old. Registration on 18-04-1894 [akte 43]. Margaretha married, about 32 years old, on 24-04-1878 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Theodorus Dericks, 33 years old. Theodorus is born on 30-08-1844 in Stein. Theodorus is deceased on 02-03-1928 in Blerick (Maasbree), 83 years old. Registration on 02-03-1928 [akte 16]. Note re Theodorus: ook Dericks, zoon van Elisabeth Dericks.
Children of Margaretha and Theodorus:
1 Gerardus Theodorus Derichs, born in Blerick. Follow VII-bd.
2 Maria Elisabeth Derichs, born in Blerick. Follow VII-be.
3 Carolina Derichs, born about 1880. Carolina is deceased on 29-01-1898 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 18 years old. Registration on 30-01-1898 [akte 14].
4 Henricus Derichs, born about 1884. Henricus is deceased on 11-11-1942 in Venlo, about 58 years old. Registration on 12-11-1942 [akte 369].
VI-av Sibilla Boots is born about 1852, daughter of Jan Hendrik Boots and Agnes Janssen. Sibilla is deceased on 01-01-1907 in Maasbree, about 55 years old. Registration on 03-01-1907 [akte 1].
Child of Sibilla out of an unknown relation:
1 Hendrik Boots, born about 1876. Hendrik is deceased on 17-07-1882 in Maasbree, about 6 years old. Registration on 18-07-1882 [akte 50].
VI-aw Maria Elisabeth Boots is born about 1852 in Maasbree, daughter of Gerardus Boots and Gertrudis Lenders. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on 01-01-1926 in Velden, about 74 years old. Registration on 02-01-1926 [akte 1]. Maria Elisabeth:
(1) married, about 40 years old, on 29-04-1892 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Willem Peeters, about 52 years old. Willem is born about 1840 in Baarlo. Willem is deceased on 21-06-1902 in Baarlo, about 62 years old. Registration on 22-06-1902 [akte 10]. Note re Willem: zoon van Frans Peeters en Maria Janssen; weduwnaar Hendrika Hogeland.
(2) married, about 55 years old, on 18-01-1907 in Arcen en Velden [source: genlias] with Joannes Gijbmans. Joannes is born in Velden. Note re Joannes: zoon van Gisbertus Gijbmans en Anna Maria Rommen; weduwnaar van Anna Catharina van Megen.
Child of Maria Elisabeth and Willem:
1 Gertruda Hendrika Hubertina Peeters, born in Baarlo. Follow VII-bf.
VI-ax Mathijs Boots is born about 1857 in Maasbree, son of Gerardus Boots and Gertrudis Lenders. Mathijs is deceased on 09-12-1927 in Maasbree, about 70 years old. Registration on 09-12-1927 [akte 31]. Mathijs:
(1) married, about 35 years old, on 06-05-1892 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Maria Carolina Schoeber, about 28 years old. erkennen zoon Jozef, geboren 12-06-1887 te Horst. Maria Carolina is born about 1864 in Horst. Maria Carolina is deceased on 11-03-1896 in Maasbree, about 32 years old. Registration on 12-03-1896 [akte 11]. Note re Maria Carolina: ook Schoeben (Schaeken), dochter van Pieter Mathijs Schoeben en Elizabeth Smulders.
(2) married, about 39 years old, on 11-09-1896 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Gijsen. Anna Maria is born in Heijthuizen. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Hendrik Gijsen en Gertrudis Hillekens.
Children of Mathijs and Maria Carolina:
1 Jozef Boots, born on 12-06-1887 in Horst. Follow VII-bh.
2 Gertrudis Boots, born about 1893. Gertrudis is deceased on 16-12-1908 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 15 years old. Registration on 17-12-1908 [akte 90].
3 Maria Elisabeth Boots, born about 1895. Maria Elisabeth is deceased on 15-04-1912 in Maasbree, about 17 years old. Registration on 16-04-1912 [akte 15].
4 Maria Gerardina Boots, born about 1896. Maria Gerardina is deceased on 21-06-1916 in Maasbree, about 20 years old. Registration on 23-06-1916 [akte 17].
Child of Mathijs and Anna Maria:
1 Helena Boots, born in Heijthuizen. Follow VII-bg.
VI-ay Agnes Impelmans is born in Maasbree, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Impelmans and Gertrudis Boots. Agnes:
(1) married on 02-07-1864 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Johannes Mathis Bongaerts, 21 years old. Johannes Mathis is born on 27-02-1843 in Tegelen. Johannes Mathis is deceased before 1874, at the most 31 years old. Note re Johannes Mathis: zoon van Godfried Bongaerts en Hendrina Krien.
(2) married on 07-11-1874 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Joannes Steeghs, 28 years old. Joannes is born on 05-04-1846 in Lottum (Grubbenvorst). Note re Joannes: zoon van Sigbertus Steeghs en Petronella Hillen.
VI-az Gerard Impelmans is born about 1837 in Maasbree, son of Johannes (Jan) Impelmans and Gertrudis Boots. Gerard is deceased on 01-03-1921 in Tegelen, about 84 years old. Registration on 01-03-1921 [akte 17]. Gerard married, about 61 years old, on 23-05-1898 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Maria Catharina Nuij. Maria Catharina is born in Tegelen. Maria Catharina is deceased before 1921. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Gerard Nuij en Wilhelmina Pras.
VI-ba Gerardus Hesselmans is born on 21-12-1827 in Bergen, L, son of Theodor(us) Hesselmans and Johanna Boots. Registration on 22-12-1827 [akte 195]. Gerardus is deceased on 21-09-1903 in Meerlo, 75 years old. Registration on 22-09-1903 [akte 22]. Gerardus married, 49 years old, on 14-04-1877 in Meerlo [source: genlias] with Petronella Boers, 33 years old. Petronella is born on 20-08-1843 in Meerlo. Note re Petronella: dochter van Jan Boers en Joanna Catharina Smits.
VI-bb Wilhelmina Hesselmans is born on 24-02-1838 in Weeze, Pruisen, Duitsland, daughter of Theodor(us) Hesselmans and Johanna Boots. Wilhelmina is deceased on 21-06-1917 in Sevenum, 79 years old. Registration on 22-06-1917 [akte 26]. Wilhelmina:
(1) married, 19 years old, on 02-05-1857 in Bergen, L [source: genlias] with Derk Gal, 30 years old. Derk is born on 27-04-1827 in Didam. Derk is deceased before 1863, at the most 36 years old. Note re Derk: zoon van Willem Gal en Mechtildes Roelofsen.
(2) married, 25 years old, on 13-04-1863 in Meerlo [source: genlias] with Jacobus Bouten, 25 years old. Jacobus is born on 14-06-1837 in Grubbenvorst, son of Joannes Hermanus Bouten and Maria Elisabeth van den Berken.
VI-bc Johannes Hesselmans is born on 27-10-1840 in Bergen, L, son of Theodor(us) Hesselmans and Johanna Boots. Registration on 28-10-1840 [akte 122]. Johannes married, 28 years old, on 07-04-1869 in Meerlo [source: genlias] with Johanna Gertrudis Hendrix, 23 years old. Johanna Gertrudis is born on 31-03-1846 in Meerlo, daughter of Johannes Hendrix and Maria Gertrudis Speijcken.
VII-a Jan Hubert Boots is born on 10-04-1847 in Sint Odilienberg, son of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Anna Catharina Hodzelmans. Jan Hubert Hodzelmans erkend en gewettigd bij huwelijk ouders dd 22-04-1847. Jan Hubert is deceased on 27-05-1921 in Heerlen, 74 years old. Registration on 28-05-1921 [akte 270 Heerlen, akte 18 dd 02-10-1921 Limbricht]. Jan Hubert married, 23 years old, on 24-10-1870 in Melick en Herckenbosch [source: genlias] with Maria Catharina Evers, about 25 years old. wettigen/erkennen dochter Catharina Evers, geboren 04-08-1870 te Melick. Maria Catharina is born about 1845 in Melick. Maria Catharina is deceased on 03-07-1923 in Thorn, about 78 years old. Registration on 04-07-1923 [akte 18]. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Joseph Evers en Catharina Leijendeckers.
Children of Jan Hubert and Maria Catharina:
1 Maria Catharina Boots, born in Melick. Follow VIII-a.
2 Maria Agnes Boots, born about 1872. Maria Agnes is deceased on 12-12-1879 in Sint Odilienberg, about 7 years old. Registration on 12-12-1879 [akte 31].
3 Elisabeth Boots, born about 1874 in Melick en Herckenbosch. Follow VIII-b.
4 Odilia Boots, born about 1875 in Melick en Herckenbosch. Follow VIII-c.
5 Leonard Boots, born about 1877. Leonard is deceased on 08-12-1879 in Sint Odilienberg, about 2 years old. Registration on 09-12-1879 [akte 29].
6 Mechtildis Boots, born on 13-07-1880 in Sint Odilienberg. Follow VIII-d.
VII-b Elisabeth Boots is born about 1854 in Melick, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Boots and Anna Catharina Hodzelmans. Elisabeth is deceased on 20-07-1904 in Roermond, about 50 years old. Registration on 21-07-1904 [akte 148]. Elisabeth married, about 27 years old, on 08-01-1881 in Melick en Herckenbosch [source: genlias] with Jan Andreas Schmitz, 39 years old. Jan Andreas is born on 03-09-1841 in Melick. Note re Jan Andreas: zoon van Jan Schmitz en Anna Catharina Claessen; weduwnaar van Aldegonda Christina Gootzen.
Children of Elisabeth and Jan Andreas:
1 Hubertus Schmitz, born in Melick. Follow VIII-e.
2 Peter Hubertus Schmitz, born about 1886. Peter Hubertus is deceased on 01-07-1892 in Roermond, about 6 years old. Registration on 02-07-1892 [akte 135].
3 Catharina Schmitz, born about 1889. Catharina is deceased on 14-09-1905 in Roermond, about 16 years old. Registration on 14-09-1905 [akte 149].
4 Sophia Catharina Schmitz, born on 06-04-1891 in Roermond. Registration on 07-04-1891 [akte 92]. Sophia Catharina is deceased on 19-08-1891 in Roermond, 4 months old. Registration on 20-08-1891 [akte 166].
VII-c Willem Boots is born on 15-09-1852 in Maasbree, son of Antoon Boots and Catharina Verlinden. Willem is deceased on 10-06-1935 in Maasbree, 82 years old. Registration on 11-06-1935 [akte 9]. Willem married, 21 years old, on 07-11-1873 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Catharina Joosten, about 26 years old. Catharina is born about 1847 in Helden. Catharina is deceased on 10-02-1911 in Maasbree, about 64 years old. Registration on 12-02-1911 [akte 6]. Note re Catharina: dochter van Petrus Joosten en Gertrudis Joosten.
Children of Willem and Catharina:
1 Antoon Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-f.
2 Gerardus Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-g.
3 Theodorus Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-h.
4 Petronella Boots, born about 1875 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-i.
5 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 12-09-1876 in Maasbree. Registration on 13-09-1876 [akte 98].
6 N.N. Boots, still born son on 29-11-1881 in Maasbree. Registration on 01-12-1881 [akte 108].
7 Anna Boots, born about 1886 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-j.
VII-d Silvester Boots is born on 28-01-1857 in Helden, son of Jan Boots and Maria Wilms. Registration on 29-01-1857 [akte 8]. Silvester married, 34 years old, on 02-02-1891 in Helden [source: genlias] with Petronella Huijs. Petronella is born in Helden. Note re Petronella: dochter van Conrardus Huijs en Petronella Smets.
Children of Silvester and Petronella:
1 Petronella Boots, born on 23-11-1891 in Helden. Registration on 23-11-1891 [akte 118].
2 Maria Petronella Boots, born on 27-12-1893 in Helden. Registration on 28-12-1893 [akte 134].
3 Johannes Boots, born on 28-08-1898 in Helden. Registration on 29-08-1898 [akte 104].
VII-e Hendrik Boots is born on 04-04-1859 in Helden, son of Jan Boots and Maria Wilms. Registration on 05-04-1859 [akte 24]. Hendrik married, 28 years old, on 25-04-1887 in Horst [source: genlias] with Jakoba Nelissen. Jakoba is born in Horst. Note re Jakoba: dochter van Jan Nelissen en Johanna Geertrui van de Ven.
Children of Hendrik and Jakoba:
1 Jan Gerard Boots, born on 25-03-1888 in Horst. Registration on 26-03-1888 [akte 23].
2 Maria Gertruda Boots, born on 04-04-1890 in Horst. Follow VIII-k.
3 Pieter Jan Jozef Boots, born on 08-02-1893 in Horst. Registration on 08-02-1893 [akte 16].
4 Jan Lambert Boots, born on 22-05-1896 in Horst. Follow VIII-l.
5 Pieter Jan Boots, born on 09-11-1899 in Horst. Registration on 09-11-1899 [akte 116].
VII-f Petronella Boots is born on 23-02-1862 in Helden, daughter of Jan Boots and Maria Wilms. Registration on 24-02-1862 [akte 13]. Petronella married, 24 years old, on 03-05-1886 in Helden [source: genlias] with Christiaan Segers. Christiaan is born in Helden. Note re Christiaan: zoon van Bernard Segers en Gertrudis van Swamen.
Children of Petronella and Christiaan:
1 Bernardina Segers, born on 12-03-1887 in Helden. Follow VIII-m.
2 Johannes Segers, born on 06-07-1888 in Helden. Follow VIII-n.
3 Gertrudis Segers, born on 02-06-1890 in Helden. Follow VIII-o.
4 Maria Segers, born on 31-10-1891 in Helden. Registration on 02-11-1891 [akte 114].
5 Jacobus Segers, born on 13-06-1893 in Helden. Follow VIII-p.
6 Hendrika Segers, born on 18-09-1895 in Helden. Registration on 19-09-1895 [akte 95].
7 Anna Segers, born on 04-05-1897 in Helden. Registration on 05-05-1897 [akte 51].
8 Gerardus Hubertus Segers, born on 26-07-1900 in Helden. Registration on 26-07-1900 [akte 92].
9 Louisa Segers, born on 03-09-1902 in Helden. Registration on 04-09-1902 [akte 100].
10 Leonardus Segers, born about 1905. Follow VIII-q.
VII-g Petrus van Dijck is born about 1862 in Maasbree, son of Gerard van Dijck and Geertruij Boots. Petrus is deceased on 18-10-1940 in Maasbree, about 78 years old. Registration on 19-10-1940 [akte 30]. Petrus married, about 32 years old, on 06-04-1894 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Willemina Hubertina Joosten. Willemina Hubertina is born in Maasbree. Note re Willemina Hubertina: dochter van Pieter Joosten en Francina van Deurssen.
VII-h Margaretha van Lier is born about 1868 in Maasbree, daughter of Gerard van Lier and Geertruij Boots. Margaretha is deceased on 12-11-1911 in Maasbree, about 43 years old. Registration on 13-11-1911 [akte 34]. Margaretha married, about 30 years old, on 22-04-1898 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Peter Hendriks. Peter is born in Maasbree. Note re Peter: zoon van Christiaan Hendriks en Maria Catharina Timmermans.
VII-i Margaretha Hendrix is born about 1854 in Maasbree, daughter of Christiaan Hendrix and Anna Boots. Margaretha is deceased on 16-11-1920 in Sevenum, about 66 years old. Registration on 17-11-1920 [akte 33]. Margaretha married, about 28 years old, on 17-04-1882 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petrus Jacobus Engels, 33 years old. Petrus Jacobus is born on 10-05-1848 in Helden. Note re Petrus Jacobus: zoon van Hubertus Engels en Johanna Maria Köppen.
VII-j Theodorus Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Theodorus Boots and Maria Driessen. Theodorus married on 17-04-1903 in Grubbenvorst [source: genlias] with Maria Johanna Engels. Maria Johanna is born in Grubbenvorst. Note re Maria Johanna: dochter van Peter Joannes Engels en Anna Margaretha Huijs.
Children of Theodorus and Maria Johanna:
1 Anna Maria Gerarda Boots, born on 15-02-1904 in Grubbenvorst. Anna Maria Gerarda is deceased on 16-02-1904 in Grubbenvorst, 1 day old. Registration on 17-02-1904 [akte 6].
2 N.N. Boots, still born daughter on 13-10-1909 in Grubbenvorst. Registration on 13-10-1909 [akte 8].
3 Theodora Jacoba Boots, born in 01-1912. Theodora Jacoba is deceased on 05-02-1912 in Grubbenvorst, 1 month old. Registration on 06-02-1912 [akte 1].
4 Johannes Wilhelmus Boots, born in 03-1913. Johannes Wilhelmus is deceased on 21-06-1913 in Grubbenvorst, 3 months old. Registration on 22-06-1913 [akte 4].
5 Gerardus Theodorus Boots, born in 08-1914. Gerardus Theodorus is deceased on 06-02-1915 in Grubbenvorst, 6 months old. Registration on 07-02-1915 [akte 7].
6 Johannes Antonius Boots, born in 06-1917. Johannes Antonius is deceased on 12-10-1917 in Grubbenvorst, 4 months old. Registration on 13-10-1917 [akte 12].
7 Elisa Petronella Boots, born in 10-1918. Elisa Petronella is deceased on 22-12-1918 in Grubbenvorst, 2 months old. Registration on 24-12-1918 [akte 18].
8 N.N. Boots, still born child on 08-02-1921 in Grubbenvorst. Registration on 10-02-1921 [akte 2].
VII-k Gerard Boots is born about 1875, son of Theodorus Boots and Maria Driessen. Gerard is deceased on 18-02-1932 in Maasbree, about 57 years old. Registration on 20-02-1932 [akte 5]. Gerard married with Cornelia Croijmans.
Child of Gerard and Cornelia:
1 Johannes Wilhelmus Boots, born about 1912. Johannes Wilhelmus is deceased on 20-04-1930 in Maasbree, about 18 years old. Registration on 22-04-1930 [akte 13].
VII-l Christiaan Boots is born about 1881 in Maasbree, son of Theodorus Boots and Maria Driessen. Christiaan is deceased on 06-03-1917 in Venlo, about 36 years old. Registration on 08-03-1917 [akte 73]. Christiaan married, about 28 years old, on 19-04-1909 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Wilhelmina Helena Emons. Wilhelmina Helena is born in Horst. Note re Wilhelmina Helena: dochter van Jan Mathijs Emons en Antonetta Janssen.
Children of Christiaan and Wilhelmina Helena:
1 Antoinetta Maria Gerarda Boots, born in 05-1910. Antoinetta Maria Gerarda is deceased on 06-12-1910 in Venlo, 7 months old. Registration on 07-12-1910 [akte 212].
2 Theodorus Mathijs Antonius Boots, born about 1912. Theodorus Mathijs Antonius is deceased on 19-04-1913 in Venlo, about 1 year old. Registration on 19-04-1913 [akte 86].
VII-m Martinus Boots is born about 1886, son of Theodorus Boots and Maria Driessen. Martinus is deceased on 07-02-1925 in Sittard, about 39 years old. Registration on 09-02-1925 [akte 23 Sittard, akte 1 dd 10-02-1925 Bingelrade]. Martinus married with Wilhelmina Verdonschot.
Children of Martinus and Wilhelmina:
1 Joseph Johann Boots, born about 1915. Joseph Johann is deceased on 31-12-1916 in Heerlen, about 1 year old. Registration on 02-01-1917 [akte 5].
2 Johanna Jozefa Boots, born on 03-08-1920. Johanna Jozefa is deceased on 05-08-1920 in Heerlen, 2 days old. Registration on 06-08-1920 [akte 334].
VII-n Joannes Hendrikus Boots is born on 18-12-1853 in Maasbree, son of Antoon Boots and Joanna Janssen. Joannes Hendrikus is deceased on 30-10-1894 in Venlo, 40 years old. Registration on 30-10-1894 [akte 216 Venlo, akte 107 dd 03-11-1894 Maasbree]. Joannes Hendrikus married, 29 years old, on 02-11-1883 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Helena Hermans, about 26 years old. Helena is born about 1857 in Maasbree. Helena is deceased on 30-08-1901 in Maasbree, about 44 years old. Registration on 31-08-1901 [akte 19]. Note re Helena: dochter van Jan Hermans en Maria Hermans.
Children of Joannes Hendrikus and Helena:
1 Albertus Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-r.
2 Hendrik Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-s.
3 Petronella Boots, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-t.
4 Maria Boots, born about 1885 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-u.
5 Johanna Boots, born about 1888 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-v.
6 Theodorus Boots, born about 1890. Theodorus is deceased on 18-02-1892 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 20-02-1892 [akte 37].
7 Gertrudis Boots, born about 1891. Gertrudis is deceased on 30-03-1910 in Maasbree, about 19 years old. Registration on 31-03-1910 [akte 4].
VII-o Joanna Boots is born about 1856 in Maasbree, daughter of Antoon Boots and Joanna Janssen. Joanna is deceased on 03-02-1892 in Maasbree, about 36 years old. Registration on 05-02-1892 [akte 27]. Joanna married, about 28 years old, on 18-04-1884 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Johannes Smeets, 27 years old. Johannes is born on 12-06-1856 in Maasbree. Johannes is deceased on 01-06-1897 in Maastricht, 40 years old. Registration on 02-06-1897 [akte 367 Maastricht, akts 15 dd 22-06-1897 Maasbree]. Note re the death of Johannes: moeder vermeld als Anna Maria De Lahije. Note re Johannes: zoon van Mathijs Smeets en Petronella Hermans.
Children of Joanna and Johannes:
1 Johanna Smeets, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-w.
2 Maria Smeets, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-x.
3 Petronella Smeets, born in Maasbree. Follow VIII-y.
4 Antoon Smeets, born about 1891. Antoon is deceased on 08-09-1893 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 10-09-1893 [akte 102].
VII-p Theodoor Boots is born on 02-01-1857 in Maasbree, son of Antoon Boots and Joanna Janssen. Theodoor is deceased on 22-11-1931 in Maasbree, 74 years old. Registration on 23-11-1931 [akte 27]. Theodoor married, 25 years old, on 17-04-1882 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Aldegonda Jacobs. Aldegonda is born in Helden. Note re Aldegonda: dochter van Pieter Jacobs en Helena Janssen.
Children of Theodoor and Aldegonda:
1 Arnoldina Boots, born about 1889. Arnoldina is deceased on 08-10-1890 in Maasbree, about 1 year old. Registration on 10-10-1890 [akte 77].
2 Henricus Boots, born on 26-07-1891 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-z.
VII-q Hendrik Boots is born about 1860 in Maasbree, son of Jan Boots and Gertrudis Janssen. Hendrik is deceased on 28-12-1938 in Venlo, about 78 years old. Registration on 28-12-1938 [akte 282 Venlo, akte 23 dd 31-12-1938 Maasbree]. Hendrik married, about 39 years old, on 20-04-1899 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Louisa Hendrika Beckers. Louisa Hendrika is born in Maasbree. Note re Louisa Hendrika: dochter van Johannes Jacobus Beckers en Anna Gertruy Peeters.
VII-r Petronella Boots is born in Maasbree, daughter of Pieter Boots and Helena Konix. Petronella married on 07-04-1904 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Martinus Hermans. Martinus is born in Venray. Note re Martinus: zoon van Antoon Hermans en Maria Catharina Schreurs.
Child of Petronella and Martinus:
1 Petronella Maria Hermans, born in 07-1908. Petronella Maria is deceased on 22-01-1909 in Maasbree, 6 months old. Registration on 23-01-1909 [akte 3].
VII-s Hendrika Boots is born about 1870 in Maasbree, daughter of Pieter Boots and Helena Konix. Hendrika is deceased on 11-09-1929 in Roermond, about 59 years old. Registration on 12-09-1929 [akte 159 Roermond, akte 26 dd 18-09-1929 Maasbree]. Hendrika married, about 31 years old, on 18-01-1901 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Peter Joannes Hanraets, about 35 years old. Peter Joannes is born about 1866 in Maasbree. Peter Joannes is deceased on 31-03-1936 in Amsterdam, about 70 years old. Registration [akte 5 dd 06-04-1936 Maasbree]. Note re Peter Joannes: zoon van Hubert Hanraets en Petronella Grutters.
Children of Hendrika and Peter Joannes:
1 Gerardus Antonius Hanraets, born in 09-1906. Gerardus Antonius is deceased on 15-04-1907 in Maasbree, 7 months old. Registration on 16-04-1907 [akte 15].
2 Lodevicus Theodoor Hanraets, born in 03-1912. Lodevicus Theodoor is deceased on 06-10-1912 in Maasbree, 7 months old. Registration on 08-10-1912 [akte 39].
VII-t Mechtildis Hubertina Boots is born on 16-06-1832 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Theodor Boots and Cornelia Johanna Bongaerts. Registration on 18-06-1832 [akte 224]. Mechtildis Hubertina is deceased on 19-07-1902 in Venlo, 70 years old. Registration on 21-07-1902 [akte 181]. Mechtildis Hubertina married, 31 years old, on 11-01-1864 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johan Joosten, 32 years old. Johan is born on 20-01-1831 in Venlo, son of Sigismund (Simon) Joosten and Petronella Boots. Registration on 22-01-1831 [akte 25]. Johan is deceased on 13-04-1900 in Venlo, 69 years old. Registration on 13-04-1900 [akte 64]. Occupation: slager.
Children of Mechtildis Hubertina and Johan:
1 Cornelia Maria Hubertina Joosten, born on 08-02-1864 in Venlo. Registration on 10-02-1864 [akte 32]. Cornelia Maria Hubertina is deceased on 07-04-1926 in Venlo, 62 years old. Registration on 07-04-1926 [akte 84].
2 Peter Joseph Joosten, born on 17-05-1865 in Venlo. Registration on 18-05-1865 [akte 94]. Peter Joseph is deceased on 05-01-1867 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 05-01-1867 [akte 3].
3 Catharina Hubertina Mechtilda Joosten, born on 08-11-1866 in Venlo. Registration on 10-11-1866 [akte 232]. Catharina Hubertina Mechtilda is deceased on 04-02-1869 in Venlo, 2 years old. Registration on 04-02-1869 [akte 15].
4 Peter Maria Joseph Hubert Joosten, born on 13-04-1869 in Venlo. Registration on 14-04-1869 [akte 83].
5 Maria Catharina Josephina Hubertina Joosten, born on 23-06-1870 in Venlo. Registration on 24-06-1870 [akte 115]. Maria Catharina Josephina Hubertina is deceased on 31-03-1932 in Venlo, 61 years old. Registration on 01-04-1932 [akte 98].
6 Johan Maria Joseph Joosten, born on 07-09-1873 in Venlo. Registration on 09-09-1873 [akte 197]. Johan Maria Joseph is deceased on 30-11-1938 in Venlo, 65 years old. Registration on 01-12-1938 [akte 260].
VII-u Johan Caspar Hubert Boots is born on 08-04-1839 in Venlo, son of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 10-04-1839 [akte 144]. Address: Cuijk. Occupation: veearts. Johan Caspar Hubert married, 30 years old, on 26-07-1869 in Heusden [akte 8] with Anna Geertruijda Govers, 23 years old. Anna Geertruijda is born on 26-09-1845 in Heusden. Note re Anna Geertruijda: dochter van Johannes Govers en Catharina Verhoeven.
Child of Johan Caspar Hubert and Anna Geertruijda:
1 Josephus Hendrik Maria Boots, born in Cuijk. Josephus Hendrik Maria is deceased on 04-07-1876 in Venlo. Registration on 04-07-1876 [akte 107].
VII-v Peter Theodoor Boots is born on 21-02-1841 in Venlo, son of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 22-02-1841 [akte 60]. Peter Theodoor is deceased on 19-03-1924 in Venlo, 83 years old. Registration on 20-03-1924 [akte 59]. Occupation: slager. Peter Theodoor:
(1) married, 27 years old, on 09-06-1868 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Maria Carolina Hendrikx, 30 years old. Maria Carolina is born on 19-03-1838 in Venlo. Maria Carolina is deceased on 30-07-1883 in Venlo, 45 years old. Registration on 01-08-1883 [akte 189]. Note re Maria Carolina: dochter van Leonardus Hubertus Hendrik Hendrikx, akkerman, tuinder, en Hendrina van Kaldenkerken.
(2) married, 43 years old, on 06-05-1884 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Maria Hendrika Hubertina Janssen, 41 years old. Maria Hendrika Hubertina is born on 31-05-1842 in Venlo. Maria Hendrika Hubertina is deceased on 22-01-1903 in Venlo, 60 years old. Registration on 23-01-1903 [akte 13]. Note re Maria Hendrika Hubertina: dochter van Hendrik Janssen en Theodora Petronella Hanen.
VII-w Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots is born on 12-04-1843 in Venlo, son of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 13-04-1843 [akte 62]. Josef Hendrik Hubert is deceased on 26-02-1929 in Venlo, 85 years old. Registration on 27-02-1929 [akte 64]. Occupation: slager. Josef Hendrik Hubert married, 37 years old, on 31-05-1880 in Ohe en Laak [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Smeets, 31 years old. Anna Maria is born on 02-03-1849 in Ohe en Laak. Anna Maria is deceased on 02-03-1929 in Venlo, 80 years old. Registration on 04-03-1929 [akte 69]. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Andries Smeets en Anna Catharina Damen.
Children of Josef Hendrik Hubert and Anna Maria:
1 Franciscus Andreas Josephus Hubertus Boots, born on 02-08-1881 in Venlo. Follow VIII-aa.
2 Jeannette Caroline Marie Hubertine Boots, born on 11-08-1882 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ab.
3 Jozef Willem Petrus Hubert Boots, born on 02-09-1884 in Venlo. Registration on 03-09-1884 [akte 262]. Jozef Willem Petrus Hubert is deceased on 23-04-1885, 7 months old. Registration on 24-04-1885 [akte 76].
4 Maria Alida Johanna Hubertina Boots, born on 29-10-1885 in Venlo. Registration on 30-10-1885 [akte 335]. Maria Alida Johanna Hubertina is deceased on 29-11-1887 in Venlo, 2 years old. Registration on 30-11-1887 [akte 218].
5 Louis Gerard Marie Hubert Boots, born on 08-06-1887 in Venlo. Registration on 09-06-1887 [akte 187]. Louis Gerard Marie Hubert is deceased on 22-09-1957 in Nijmegen, 70 years old. He was buried on 25-09-1957 in Venlo. Note re the death of Louis Gerard Marie Hubert: overleden in het Sint Radboud Ziekenhuis Nijmegen. Occupation: priester, missionaris (op 30-09-1913 tot priester gewijd; tot 1937 missionaris in Brits-Indië bij de Sint Joseph Congregatie van Mill Hill).
6 Pierre Joseph Marie Hubert Boots, born on 08-07-1888 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ac.
7 Catharina Leonarda Maria Hubertina Boots, born on 21-07-1889 in Venlo. Registration on 22-07-1889 [akte 239].
8 Maria Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots, born on 19-08-1890 in Venlo. Registration on 20-08-1890 [akte 271]. Maria Wilhelmina Hubertina is deceased on 16-07-1960 in Venlo, 69 years old. Occupation: onderwijzeres.
9 Alida Petronella Maria Boots, born on 06-05-1892 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ad.
10 Cornelia Francisca Hubertina Boots, born on 04-01-1895 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ae.
VII-x Hubertus Wilhelmus Josephus Boots is born on 08-06-1845 in Venlo, son of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 09-06-1845 [akte 88]. Hubertus Wilhelmus Josephus is deceased on 06-05-1900 in Venlo, 54 years old. Registration on 07-05-1900 [akte 83]. Hubertus Wilhelmus Josephus married, 32 years old, on 21-08-1877 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Catharina Hubertina Dentjens, 38 years old. Catharina Hubertina is born on 09-02-1839 in Venlo. Catharina Hubertina is deceased on 05-10-1912 in Venlo, 73 years old. Registration on 05-10-1912 [akte 208]. Note re Catharina Hubertina: dochter van Jacobus Dentjens, hoefsmid, en Maria Sibilla Driessen.
VII-y Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus Boots is born on 22-01-1850 in Venlo, son of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 23-01-1850 [akte 10]. Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus is deceased on 11-02-1899 in Tilburg, 49 years old. Registration [source: Memorie van Successie 39 Tilburg]. Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus married, 27 years old, on 04-07-1877 in Heusden [akte 4] with Johanna Francisca Maria der Kinderen, 21 years old. Johanna Francisca Maria is born on 07-05-1856 in Heusden. Note re Johanna Francisca Maria: dochter van Willem der Kinderen en Johanna Maria Swaans.
Child of Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus and Johanna Francisca Maria:
1 Wilhelmina Josephina Maria Boots, born on 06-05-1881 in Tilburg. Follow VIII-af.
VII-z Johanna Cornelia Hubertina Boots is born on 03-02-1852 in Venlo, daughter of Johannes Andries Boots and Johanna Mechtilda Beerden. Registration on 04-02-1852 [akte 21]. Johanna Cornelia Hubertina married, 30 years old, on 17-10-1882 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johannes Adrianus Kanters, 20 years old. Johannes Adrianus is born on 19-04-1862 in Dongen. Note re Johannes Adrianus: zoon van Adriaan Kanters en Adriana de Jong.
Child of Johanna Cornelia Hubertina and Johannes Adrianus:
1 Hubertus Andreas Antonius Kanters, born about 1885 in Dongen. Hubertus Andreas Antonius is deceased on 04-11-1948 in Nijmegen, about 63 years old. Registration on 04-11-1948 [akte 988].
VII-aa Maria Catharina Hubertina Boots is born on 14-02-1851 in Venlo, daughter of Willem Joseph Boots and Maria Gertrudis Michels. Registration on 15-02-1851 [akte 22]. Maria Catharina Hubertina is deceased on 16-01-1934 in Utrecht, 82 years old. Registration on 16-01-1934 [akte 100]. Maria Catharina Hubertina married, 28 years old, on 22-04-1879 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar de Hoog, 28 years old. Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar is born on 06-01-1851 in Geertruidenberg. Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar is deceased on 08-01-1900 in Utrecht, 49 years old. Registration on 09-01-1900 [akte 45]. Note re the death of Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar: moeder vermeld als Adriana de Kroon. Note re Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar: zoon van Wilhelmus Joannes de Hoog en Geertruida Wilhelmina de Kroon.
Child of Maria Catharina Hubertina and Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar:
1 Anna Maria Geertruida Wilhelmina Bernarda de Hoog, born on 16-03-1880 in Utrecht. Follow VIII-ag.
VII-ab Nicolaas Joseph Michiel Hendrik Boots is born on 06-11-1854 in Venlo, son of Willem Joseph Boots and Maria Gertrudis Michels. Registration on 07-11-1854 [akte 199]. Nicolaas Joseph Michiel Hendrik married, 44 years old, on 10-04-1899 in Breda [akte 34] with Maria Wilhelmina Philippi, 31 years old. Maria Wilhelmina is born on 06-08-1867 in 's-Hertogenbosch. Note re Maria Wilhelmina: dochter van Karel Philippi en Henrica Boeren.
VII-ac Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha Boots is born on 10-03-1858 in Venlo, daughter of Willem Joseph Boots and Maria Gertrudis Michels. Registration on 11-03-1858 [akte 47]. Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha married, 29 years old, on 30-06-1887 in Utrecht [akte 292] with Gerardus Rutheus van Alphen, about 28 years old. Gerardus Rutheus is born about 1859 in Breda. Note re Gerardus Rutheus: zoon van Hubertus Antonius van Alphen en Johanna Cornelia Maria van den Bergh.
Child of Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha and Gerardus Rutheus:
1 Josephine Louise Marie van Alphen, born about 1892. Follow VIII-ah.
VII-ad Petronella Catharina Hubertina Stikkelbroeck is born on 09-12-1844 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 10-12-1844 [akte 197]. Petronella Catharina Hubertina is deceased on 29-10-1881 in Venlo, 36 years old. Registration on 31-10-1881 [akte 196]. Petronella Catharina Hubertina married, 25 years old, on 30-05-1870 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johannes Franciscus Berg, 24 years old. Johannes Franciscus is born on 06-08-1845 in Venlo. Note re Johannes Franciscus: zoon van Peter Berg en Maria Aldegonda Velmans.
VII-ae Peter Hendrik Hubertus Stikkelbroek is born on 06-08-1846 in Venlo, son of Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 07-08-1846 [akte 109]. Peter Hendrik Hubertus is deceased on 31-08-1903 in Venlo, 57 years old. Registration on 31-08-1903 [akte 188]. Peter Hendrik Hubertus married, 35 years old, on 22-11-1881 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Hendrina Claessens, about 41 years old. Hendrina is born about 1840 in Sevenum. Hendrina is deceased on 23-12-1901 in Venlo, about 61 years old. Registration on 23-12-1901 [akte 262]. Note re Hendrina: dochter van Jan Claessens en Maria Snellen.
VII-af Agnes Petronella Hubertina Stikkelbroeck is born on 27-11-1848 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 29-11-1848 [akte 195]. Agnes Petronella Hubertina is deceased on 27-06-1886 in Venlo, 37 years old. Registration on 28-06-1886 [akte 100]. Agnes Petronella Hubertina married, 26 years old, on 25-05-1875 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johannes van Dongen, 45 years old. Johannes is born on 19-04-1830 in Lithoijen. Note re Johannes: zoon van Cornelis van Dongen en Francijn van der Putten; weduwnaar van Geerdina Thienissen, overleden 31-05-1873 te Durne.
VII-ag Anna Catharina Petronella Hubertina Stikkelbroeck is born on 03-03-1852 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 03-03-1852 [akte 35]. Anna Catharina Petronella Hubertina is deceased on 24-12-1902 in Venlo, 50 years old. Registration on 24-12-1902 [akte 287]. Anna Catharina Petronella Hubertina married, 21 years old, on 26-08-1873 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Henricus Hubertus Martinus Heintges, 23 years old. Henricus Hubertus Martinus is born on 12-10-1849 in Venlo. Note re Henricus Hubertus Martinus: zoon van Jacob Hubert Heintges en Anna Catharina Keijbets.
VII-ah Petronella Catharina Hubertina Stikkelbroeck is born on 04-10-1861 in Venlo, daughter of Peter Alexander Stikkelbroeck and Anna Gertrudis Boots. Registration on 05-10-1861 [akte 185]. Petronella Catharina Hubertina is deceased on 22-07-1931 in Venlo, 69 years old. Registration on 23-07-1931 [akte 199]. Petronella Catharina Hubertina married, 30 years old, on 29-02-1892 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Antoon Gerard Haenen. Antoon Gerard is born in Venlo. Note re Antoon Gerard: zoon van Peter Hubert Haenen en Anna Helena Kuster.
VII-ai Petrus Wilhelmus Hubertus Schuren is born on 07-12-1846 in Roermond, son of Leonardus Hubertus Schuren and Josephina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 08-12-1846 [akte 192]. Petrus Wilhelmus Hubertus is deceased on 22-02-1876 in Roermond, 29 years old. Registration on 23-02-1876 [akte 30]. Petrus Wilhelmus Hubertus married, 26 years old, on 18-11-1873 in Roermond [source: genlias] with Antonetta Scholastica Sophia Geenen, 22 years old. Antonetta Scholastica Sophia is born on 11-02-1851 in Roermond. Registration on 11-02-1851 [akte 24]. Note re Antonetta Scholastica Sophia: dochter van Laurens Geenen en Anna Elisabeth Bohnen.
VII-aj Maria Hubertina Schuren is born on 12-08-1852 in Roermond, daughter of Leonardus Hubertus Schuren and Josephina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 13-08-1852 [akte 162]. Maria Hubertina married, 19 years old, on 21-05-1872 in Roermond [source: genlias] with Noel Jean Louis Hubert L'honneur, 33 years old. Noel Jean Louis Hubert is born on 03-11-1838 in Luik (Liège), Luik, België. Note re Noel Jean Louis Hubert: zoon van Jean Paschal L'honneur en Marguérite Hérion.
VII-ak Aldegonda Maria Hubertina Lamberts is born on 15-04-1860 in Venlo, daughter of Paulus Lamberts and Johanna Boots. Registration on 16-04-1860 [akte 66]. Aldegonda Maria Hubertina married, 29 years old, on 18-11-1889 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Petrus Henri Hubertus van Ewijk. Petrus Henri Hubertus is born in Maasbree. Note re Petrus Henri Hubertus: zoon van Christiaan van Ewijk en Johanna Wilhelmina Smeets.
VII-al Louisa Hubertina Boots is born on 23-10-1853 in Venlo, daughter of Gerard Willem Boots and Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels. Registration on 24-10-1853 [akte 174]. Louisa Hubertina is deceased on 26-05-1904 in Blerick (Maasbree), 50 years old. Registration on 27-05-1904 [akte 53]. Louisa Hubertina married, 26 years old, on 06-04-1880 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters, 20 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 30-05-1907 in Rotterdam. Hendrik Johan Hubert is born on 11-01-1860 in Venlo. Hendrik Johan Hubert is deceased on 05-03-1933 in Maasbree, 73 years old. Registration on 06-03-1933 [akte 25]. Occupation: brandstoffenhandelaar. Note re Hendrik Johan Hubert: zoon van Leonard Maters en Petronella van Meegen.
Children of Louisa Hubertina and Hendrik Johan Hubert:
1 Petronella Maria Hubertina Maters, born in Blerick. Follow VIII-ai.
2 Gerardus Leonardus Henricus Maters, born on 05-07-1880 in Venlo. Follow VIII-aj.
3 Helena Petronella Anna Maters, born on 05-07-1880 in Venlo. Registration on 06-07-1880 [akte 174]. Helena Petronella Anna is deceased on 14-08-1880 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 14-08-1880 [akte 183].
4 Simon Hubert Maters, born on 08-03-1882 in Venlo. Registration on 08-03-1882 [akte 69].
5 Martinus Hubertus Henricus Maters, born on 03-02-1884 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ak.
6 Maria Hubertina Maters, born on 06-05-1886 in Venlo. Registration on 06-05-1886 [akte 132]. Maria Hubertina is deceased on 04-07-1894 in Maasbree, 8 years old. Registration on 05-07-1894 [akte 66].
7 Lodewijk Martinus Hubertus Maters, born about 1892. Lodewijk Martinus Hubertus is deceased on 22-02-1898 in Blerick, about 6 years old. Registration on 23-02-1898 [akte 25 dd 23-02-1898 Maasbree].
8 Hubertina Maters, born about 1894 in Maasbree. Follow VIII-al.
9 Godefridus Maters, born about 1896. Godefridus is deceased on 19-03-1898 in Blerick, about 2 years old. Registration [akte 31 dd 19-03-1898 Maasbree].
10 Leonardus Maters, born on 26-02-1896. Leonardus is deceased on 13-03-1896 in Blerick, 16 days old. Registration [akte 17 dd 16-03-1896 Maasbree].
11 Anna Maria Maters, born on 24-01-1898. Anna Maria is deceased on 07-02-1898 in Blerick, 14 days old. Registration [akte 21 dd 08-02-1898 Maasbree].
12 Maria Hubertina Maters, born in 02-1898. Maria Hubertina is deceased on 21-01-1899 in Blerick, 11 months old. Registration [akte 8 dd 21-01-1899 Maasbree].
VII-am Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots is born on 31-10-1857 in Venlo, daughter of Gerard Willem Boots and Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels. Registration on 02-11-1857 [akte 172]. Wilhelmina Hubertina is deceased on 25-06-1928 in Venlo, 70 years old. Registration on 26-06-1928 [akte 152]. Wilhelmina Hubertina married, 26 years old, on 22-04-1884 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag, 27 years old. Johann Albert Joseph is born on 31-07-1856 in Kaldenkirchen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Johann Albert Joseph is deceased on 19-11-1939 in Venlo, 83 years old. Registration on 20-11-1939 [akte 254]. Occupation: smid. Note re Johann Albert Joseph: zoon van Johan Mathias Terhaag en Amalia Sophia Timmermans (Hermans?).
Children of Wilhelmina Hubertina and Johann Albert Joseph:
1 Gerard Wilhelmus Hubertus Terhaag, born on 06-02-1885 in Venlo. Follow VIII-am.
2 Carl August Terhaag, born on 05-06-1887 in Venlo. Follow VIII-an.
3 Henricus Terhaag, born on 09-09-1889 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ao.
4 Paulus Johannes Hubertus Terhaag, born on 03-10-1891 in Venlo. Registration on 05-10-1891 [akte 365]. Paulus Johannes Hubertus is deceased on 25-11-1892 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 25-11-1892 [akte 251].
5 Franciscus Albertus Terhaag, born on 10-06-1893 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ap.
6 Wilhelm Albertus Terhaag, born on 05-06-1895 in Venlo. Follow VIII-aq.
7 Hubertina Wilhelmina Terhaag, born on 18-02-1899 in Venlo. Registration on 18-02-1899 [akte 81]. Hubertina Wilhelmina is deceased on 27-01-1900 in Venlo, 11 months old. Registration on 27-01-1900 [akte 20].
8 Albertus Maria Wilhelmus Terhaag, born on 28-01-1902 in Venlo. Registration on 28-01-1902 [akte 56].
VII-an Maria Charlotta Florentina Boots is born on 17-05-1860 in Venlo, daughter of Gerard Willem Boots and Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels. Registration on 18-05-1860 [akte 77]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Maria Charlotta Florentina:
(1) married, 21 years old, on 11-05-1882 in Nijmegen [akte 65] with Antoon Boels, 25 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 08-04-1907 in Rotterdam (echtscheiding) [source: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank]. Antoon is born on 05-07-1856 in Limbricht. Occupation: stukadoor. Note re Antoon: zoon van Bernard Joseph Boels en Gertrud Elisabeth Tammers.
(2) married, 47 years old, on 15-04-1908 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters, 48 years old. Hendrik Johan Hubert is born on 11-01-1860 in Venlo. Hendrik Johan Hubert is deceased on 05-03-1933 in Maasbree, 73 years old. Registration on 06-03-1933 [akte 25]. Occupation: brandstoffenhandelaar. Note re Hendrik Johan Hubert: zoon van Leonard Maters en Petronella van Meegen.
Children of Maria Charlotta Florentina and Antoon:
1 Hubertina Elizabeth Boels, born in Rotterdam. Follow VIII-ar.
2 Maria Hubertina Boels, born on 20-04-1885 in Delfshaven. Registration on 22-04-1885 [akte 209].
VII-ao Anna Maria Hubertina Boots is born on 19-11-1862 in Venlo, daughter of Gerard Willem Boots and Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels. Registration on 19-11-1862 [akte 211]. Anna Maria Hubertina married, 32 years old, on 27-05-1895 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Hendrik Willem Hendrikx, 33 years old. Hendrik Willem is born on 25-03-1862 in Venlo. Hendrik Willem is deceased on 09-05-1908 in Venlo, 46 years old. Registration on 11-05-1908 [akte 117]. Occupation: smid. Note re Hendrik Willem: zoon van Francis Hubert Hendrikx en Anna Maria Valentijn.
Children of Anna Maria Hubertina and Hendrik Willem:
1 Gerard Frans Hubert Hendrikx, born on 17-08-1896 in Venlo. Follow VIII-as.
2 Anna Maria Hubertina Francisca Hendrikx, born on 21-10-1898 in Venlo. Follow VIII-at.
3 Wilhelmina Hubertina Johanna Hendrikx, born on 23-11-1900 in Venlo. Follow VIII-au.
4 Maria Antonetta Catharina Hendrikx, born about 1903. Maria Antonetta Catharina is deceased on 12-11-1927 in Venlo, about 24 years old. Registration on 14-11-1927 [akte 202].
VII-ap Anna Maria Hubertina Boots is born on 21-10-1865 in Venlo, daughter of Gerard Willem Boots and Anna Sibilla Hubertina Michels. Registration on 21-10-1865 [akte 203]. Anna Maria Hubertina married, 21 years old, on 19-09-1887 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen, 27 years old. Paulus Johannes Hubertus is born on 02-07-1860 in Venlo. Paulus Johannes Hubertus is deceased on 25-09-1931 in Venlo, 71 years old. Registration on 25-09-1931 [akte 232]. Note re the death of Paulus Johannes Hubertus: leeftijd vermeld als 65 jaar. Note re Paulus Johannes Hubertus: zoon van Paulus Hinssen en Anna Christina Bollen.
Children of Anna Maria Hubertina and Paulus Johannes Hubertus:
1 Christina Maria Hubertina Hinssen, born on 03-01-1888 in Venlo. Follow VIII-av.
2 Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen, born on 15-05-1889 in Venlo. Follow VIII-aw.
3 Anna Maria Christina Hinssen, born on 04-01-1891 in Venlo. Registration on 06-01-1891 [akte 10].
4 Wilhelmina Hubertina Hinssen, born on 15-01-1893 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ax.
5 Maria Hubertina Hinssen, born on 03-01-1896 in Venlo. Registration on 04-01-1896 [akte 6].
6 Johannes Peter Jacobus Hinssen, born on 25-06-1898 in Venlo. Registration on 27-06-1898 [akte 264].
7 Maria Hubertina Johanna Hinssen, born on 21-03-1900 in Venlo. Registration on 23-03-1900 [akte 144].
8 Hendrik Hubertus Hinssen, born on 13-12-1901 in Venlo. Registration on 14-12-1901 [akte 509]. Hendrik Hubertus is deceased on 15-07-1902 in Venlo, 7 months old. Registration on 15-07-1902 [akte 173].
VII-aq Simon Hubert Deckers is born on 26-12-1858 in Venlo, son of Mathijs Deckers and Maria Sophia Boots. Registration on 27-12-1858 [akte 229]. Simon Hubert is deceased on 05-11-1903 in Venlo, 44 years old. Registration on 06-11-1903 [akte 237]. Simon Hubert married, 22 years old, on 12-01-1881 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Helena Hubertina Coenen. Helena Hubertina is born in Venlo. Note re Helena Hubertina: dochter van Joseph Coenen en Anna Catharina Geerarts.
VII-ar Willem Johan Hubert Deckers is born on 15-10-1863 in Venlo, son of Mathijs Deckers and Maria Sophia Boots. Registration on 17-10-1863 [akte 194]. Willem Johan Hubert is deceased on 11-04-1926 in Venlo, 62 years old. Registration on 12-04-1926 [akte 89]. Willem Johan Hubert married, 31 years old, on 15-10-1894 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Maria Hubertina Hovens. Maria Hubertina is born in Venlo. Maria Hubertina is deceased before 1926. Note re Maria Hubertina: dochter van Jan Steven Hovens en Maria Elisabeth Jacobs.
VII-as Andries Johan Hubert Boots is born on 24-09-1858 in Venlo, son of Johan Antoon Boots and Christina Hubertina Janssen. Registration on 25-09-1858 [akte 169]. Andries Johan Hubert is deceased on 29-08-1941 in Venlo, 82 years old. Registration on 30-08-1941 [akte 319]. Occupation: broodbakker, slager. Andries Johan Hubert married, 39 years old, on 08-02-1898 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Bernardina Wilhelmina Catharina Hubertina Janssen, 38 years old. Bernardina Wilhelmina Catharina Hubertina is born on 23-03-1859 in Venlo. Bernardina Wilhelmina Catharina Hubertina is deceased on 11-01-1911 in Venlo, 51 years old. Registration on 11-01-1911 [akte 5]. Note re Bernardina Wilhelmina Catharina Hubertina: dochter van Sebastiaan Janssen en Catharina Josephina Leurs.
VII-at Jan Nicolaas Albert Boots is born on 15-02-1861 in Venlo, son of Johan Antoon Boots and Christina Hubertina Janssen. Registration on 15-02-1861 [akte 33]. Jan Nicolaas Albert is deceased on 19-01-1945 in Straelen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland, 83 years old. Occupation: slager. Religion: R.K.. Jan Nicolaas Albert married, 25 years old, on 04-05-1886 in Venlo [source: scan akte 17] with Gertrudis Hubertina Breuers, 25 years old. Gertrudis Hubertina is born on 01-02-1861 in Venlo, daughter of Johan Hubert Breuers and Anna Christina Hendrikx. Registration on 02-02-1861 [akte 23]. Gertrudis Hubertina is deceased on 22-02-1933 in Venlo, 72 years old. Registration on 23-02-1933 [akte 53]. Religion: R.K.
Children of Jan Nicolaas Albert and Gertrudis Hubertina:
1 Johannes Josephus Hubertus Boots, born on 22-05-1887 in Venlo. Registration on 23-05-1887 [akte 176]. Address: (tussen 1910 en 1920 als kok op een schip naar Engeland gegaan en daar een nieuw leven opgebouwd). Religion: R.K.
2 Anna Christina Hubertina Boots, born on 13-01-1889 at 09:30 in Venlo. Registration on 14-01-1889 [source: akte 9]. Anna Christina Hubertina is deceased on 08-06-1892 at 18:30 in Venlo, 3 years old. Registration on 09-06-1892 [source: akte 136]. Religion: R.K.
3 Johanna Maria Josephina (Jo) Boots, born on 16-11-1891 in Venlo. Registration on 17-11-1891 [akte 416]. Religion: R.K.
4 Jacques Jean Chretien Boots, born on 14-08-1893 in Venlo. Follow VIII-ay.
5 Maria Francisca Christina Boots, born on 30-11-1898 in Venlo. Follow VIII-az.
VII-au Jacob Johan Andries Boots is born on 15-03-1866 in Venlo, son of Johan Antoon Boots and Christina Hubertina Janssen. Registration on 16-03-1866 [akte 68]. Jacob Johan Andries is deceased on 24-10-1906 in Venlo, 40 years old. Registration on 25-10-1906 [akte 216]. Jacob Johan Andries married, 34 years old, on 19-11-1900 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Maria Henrica Louisa Korsten, 29 years old. Maria Henrica Louisa is born on 06-03-1871 in Baarlo. Maria Henrica Louisa is deceased on 10-05-1907 in Baarlo, 36 years old. Note re Maria Henrica Louisa: dochter van Hendrik Arnold Korsten en Petronella Beatrix Hermkens.
VII-av Maria Hubertina Aldegonda Boots is born on 11-02-1871 in Venlo, daughter of Johan Antoon Boots and Christina Hubertina Janssen. Registration on 13-02-1871 [akte 34]. Maria Hubertina Aldegonda married, 23 years old, on 23-10-1894 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Pierre Louis Amendt. Pierre Louis is born in Blerick. Note re Pierre Louis: zoon van Leonard Amendt en Anna Catharina Hutjens.
Children of Maria Hubertina Aldegonda and Pierre Louis:
1 Christina Hubertina Catharina Maria Amendt, born in Blerick. Follow VIII-ba.
2 N.N. Amendt, still born son on 16-06-1896 in Blerick (Maasbree). Registration on 16-06-1896 [akte 24].
VII-aw Gertruda Josephina Hubertina Boots is born on 18-03-1873 in Venlo, daughter of Johan Antoon Boots and Christina Hubertina Janssen. Registration on 21-03-1873 [akte 75]. Gertruda Josephina Hubertina married, 27 years old, on 15-01-1901 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Frans Hubert Godfried Derkx. Frans Hubert Godfried is born in Venlo. Frans Hubert Godfried is deceased on 27-10-1902 in Venlo. Registration on 27-10-1902 [akte 242]. Note re Frans Hubert Godfried: zoon van Johan Hubert Theodor Derkx en Ida Petronella Hubertina Pubben.
Child of Gertruda Josephina Hubertina and Frans Hubert Godfried:
1 Christina Francisca Hubertina Josina Derkx, born on 03-10-1901 in Venlo. Registration on 04-10-1901 [akte 393]. Christina Francisca Hubertina Josina is deceased on 05-10-1901 in Venlo, 2 days old. Registration on 07-10-1901 [akte 213].
VII-ax Aldegonda Gertruda Boots is born on 10-12-1857 in Venlo, daughter of Simon Hubert Boots and Wilhelmina Reinartz. Registration on 11-12-1857 [akte 194]. Aldegonda Gertruda is deceased on 10-09-1938, 80 years old. Registration on 12-09-1938 [akte 208]. Aldegonda Gertruda married, 27 years old, on 15-09-1885 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Lambertus Wilhelmus van der Sanden, 23 years old. Lambertus Wilhelmus is born on 01-12-1861 in Veghel. Lambertus Wilhelmus is deceased on 25-12-1933 in Venlo, 72 years old. Registration on 27-12-1933 [akte 262]. Note re Lambertus Wilhelmus: zoon van Johannes van der Sanden en Johanna Maria Jonkers.
Children of Aldegonda Gertruda and Lambertus Wilhelmus:
1 Johan Simon Gerard van der Sanden, born on 02-08-1886 in Venlo. Registration on 03-08-1886 [akte 235]. Johan Simon Gerard is deceased on 24-04-1887 in Venlo, 8 months old. Registration on 25-04-1887 [akte 88].
2 Wilhelmina Johanna Maria van der Sanden, born on 19-02-1888 in Venlo. Follow VIII-bb.
3 Andries Simon Hubert van der Sanden, born on 03-08-1889 in Venlo. Registration on 05-08-1889 [akte 261]. Andries Simon Hubert is deceased on 03-04-1890 in Venlo, 8 months old. Registration on 03-04-1890 [akte 67].
4 Herman Joseph Willem van der Sanden, born on 16-11-1890 in Venlo. Registration on 18-11-1890 [akte 370]. Herman Joseph Willem is deceased on 25-05-1894 in Venlo, 3 years old. Registration on 26-05-1894 [akte 94].
5 Johan Marie Hubert van der Sanden, born on 13-07-1892 in Venlo. Registration on 14-07-1892 [akte 239]. Johan Marie Hubert is deceased on 20-01-1893 in Venlo, 6 months old. Registration on 20-01-1893 [akte 18].
6 Louis Albert Willem van der Sanden, born on 04-08-1894 in Venlo. Registration on 04-08-1894 [akte 272]. Louis Albert Willem is deceased on 08-12-1894 in Venlo, 4 months old. Registration on 08-12-1894 [akte 246].
7 Christina Helena Josephina van der Sanden, born on 04-08-1894 in Venlo. Registration on 04-08-1894 [akte 273].
8 Augusta Wilhelmina Aldegonda van der Sanden, born on 13-03-1896 in Venlo. Registration on 14-03-1896 [akte 108]. tweeling. Augusta Wilhelmina Aldegonda is deceased on 07-05-1896 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 07-05-1896 [akte 109].
9 Henrietta Josephina Johanna van der Sanden, born on 13-03-1896 in Venlo. Registration on 14-03-1896 [akte 107]. tweeling. Henrietta Josephina Johanna is deceased on 15-03-1896 in Venlo, 2 days old. Registration on 16-03-1896 [akte 72].
10 Maria Henrietta Johanna van der Sanden, born on 23-03-1899 in Venlo. Registration on 23-03-1899 [akte 141].
VII-ay Gerard Albert Boots is born on 22-10-1859 in Venlo, son of Simon Hubert Boots and Wilhelmina Reinartz. Registration on 24-10-1859 [akte 183]. Gerard Albert is deceased on 21-06-1906 in Venlo, 46 years old. Registration on 21-06-1906 [akte 109]. Address: (het gezin vertrekt op 06-03-1889 naar Keulen). Occupation: vrachtondernemer. Gerard Albert married, 27 years old, on 17-01-1887 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Christina Henrietta Huhn, 46 years old. Christina Henrietta is born in 1841 in Keulen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Christina Henrietta is deceased before 1906, at the most 65 years old. Note re Christina Henrietta: dochter van Carl Huhn, schoenmaker, en Anna Müller.
Children of Gerard Albert and Christina Henrietta:
1 Karel Andries Simon Boots, born on 18-04-1887 in Venlo. Registration on 19-04-1887 [akte 133].
2 Wilhelmina Johanna Christina Boots, born on 12-08-1888 in Venlo. Registration on 14-08-1888 [akte 241].
VII-az Gerard Gustaaf Boots is born on 19-05-1863 in Venlo, son of Simon Hubert Boots and Wilhelmina Reinartz. Registration on 20-05-1863 [akte 84]. Gerard Gustaaf is deceased on 19-11-1932 in Venlo, 69 years old. Registration on 21-11-1932 [akte 286]. Gerard Gustaaf married with Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth Mahlmann. Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth is born on 15-09-1869 in Sabbenhausen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth is deceased on 19-11-1932 in Venlo, 63 years old.
Children of Gerard Gustaaf and Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth:
1 Wilhelmina Boots, born on 24-06-1898 in Pyrmont, Nedersaksen, Duitsland.
2 Maria Catharina Boots, born on 23-05-1899 in Steinhausen, Duitsland. Steinheim?.
3 Johannes Aldegonda Antonius Boots, born in 05-1904. Johannes Aldegonda Antonius is deceased on 29-08-1904 in Blerick (Maasbree), 3 months old. Registration on 30-08-1904 [akte 85].
VII-ba Johan Hubert Boots is born on 21-11-1866 in Venlo, son of Simon Hubert Boots and Wilhelmina Reinartz. Registration on 22-11-1866 [akte 241]. Occupation: koperslager. Johan Hubert married, 25 years old, on 24-10-1892 in Broekhuizen [source: genlias] with Maria Eleonora Haan, 24 years old. Maria Eleonora is born on 03-05-1868 in Broekhuizen. Note re Maria Eleonora: dochter van Joannes Simon Haan en Anna Margaretha Kraan.
Children of Johan Hubert and Maria Eleonora:
1 Anna Margaretha Wilhelmina Boots, born on 17-08-1893 in Broekhuizen. Follow VIII-bc.
2 Lambert Simon Wilhelm Boots, born on 18-01-1895 in Broekhuizen. Registration on 18-01-1895 [akte 2]. Lambert Simon Wilhelm is deceased on 13-04-1895 in Broekhuizen, 2 months old. Registration on 13-04-1895 [akte 2].
3 Maria Anna Josephina Boots, born on 02-06-1896 in Linne. Follow VIII-bd.
4 Wilhelmina Lucia Margareta Boots, born on 19-02-1899 in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, België. Follow VIII-be.
5 Bertha Maria Wilhelmina Margaretha Boots, born on 18-09-1900 in Venlo.
6 Margaretha Henrietta Wilhelmina Boots.
7 Jan Simon Hubert Boots. Jan Simon Hubert married with Helena Antonia Maria Vallen.
VII-bb Johannes Hubertus Keunen is born in Blerick, son of Servaas Keunen and Maria Elisabeth Boots. Johannes Hubertus married on 24-11-1917 in Meerlo [source: genlias] with Maria Sophia Crijnen. Maria Sophia is born in Meerlo. Note re Maria Sophia: dochter van Petrus Joannes Crijnen en Johanna Maria Bots.
VII-bc Leonora Hubertina Keunen is born in Blerick, daughter of Servaas Keunen and Maria Elisabeth Boots. Leonora Hubertina married on 24-02-1905 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Jacob Huijs. Jacob is born in Blerick. Note re Jacob: zoon van Jan Huijs en Anna Maria Impelmans; weduwnaar van Anna Gertrudis Bos.
VII-bd Gerardus Theodorus Derichs is born in Blerick, son of Theodorus Dericks and Margaretha Boots. Gerardus Theodorus married on 07-10-1904 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Helena Schouren. Helena is born in Blerick. Note re Helena: dochter van Paul Schouren en Elisabeth Bongers.
VII-be Maria Elisabeth Derichs is born in Blerick, daughter of Theodorus Dericks and Margaretha Boots. Maria Elisabeth married on 13-11-1908 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Frederik Lodewijk Willem Thiessen. Frederik Lodewijk Willem is born in Blerick. Note re Frederik Lodewijk Willem: zoon van Gerard Hubert Thiessen en Cornelia Ernst.
VII-bf Gertruda Hendrika Hubertina Peeters is born in Baarlo, daughter of Willem Peeters and Maria Elisabeth Boots. Maasbree?. Gertruda Hendrika Hubertina:
(1) married on 26-12-1914 in Arcen en Velden [source: genlias] with Lodewijk Sanders. Lodewijk is born in Horst. Lodewijk is deceased before 1917. Note re Lodewijk: zoon van Antoon Sanders en Lambertina Croijmans.
(2) married on 11-06-1917 in Arcen en Velden [source: genlias] with Gerardus Hagens. Gerardus is born in Well (Bergen, L). Note re Gerardus: zoon van Henricus Hagens en Johanna Wilhelmina Deckers.
VII-bg Helena Boots is born in Heijthuizen, daughter of Mathijs Boots and Anna Maria Gijsen. Helena married on 01-04-1910 in Roggel [source: genlias] with Stephanus Vissers. Stephanus is born in Roggel. Note re Stephanus: zoon van Gerard Vissers en Johanna Vrenken.
VII-bh Jozef Boots is born on 12-06-1887 in Horst, son of Mathijs Boots and Maria Carolina Schoeber. Jozef married, 27 years old, on 08-04-1915 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petronella Maria Gertrudis Thijssen. Petronella Maria Gertrudis is born in Maasbree. Note re Petronella Maria Gertrudis: dochter van Mathijs Thijssen en Maria Gertrudis Geurts.
VIII-a Maria Catharina Boots is born in Melick, daughter of Jan Hubert Boots and Maria Catharina Evers. Maria Catharina married on 25-11-1891 in Sint Odilienberg [source: genlias] with Godefridus Hubertus Reijnders, 27 years old. Godefridus Hubertus is born on 18-11-1864 in Beesel. Occupation: opzichter. Note re Godefridus Hubertus: zoon van Petrus Reijnders en Barbara Roncken.
Children of Maria Catharina and Godefridus Hubertus:
1 Johannes Hubertus Reijnders, born in Melick en Herckenbosch. Follow IX-a.
2 Wilhelmus Hubertus Reijnders, born about 1892 in Melick en Herckenbosch. Follow IX-b.
3 Mathias Reijnders, born on 15-09-1895 in Melick en Herckenbosch. Follow IX-c.
VIII-b Elisabeth Boots is born about 1874 in Melick en Herckenbosch, daughter of Jan Hubert Boots and Maria Catharina Evers. Elisabeth is deceased on 21-03-1936 in Roermond, about 62 years old. Registration on 23-03-1936 [akte 57]. Elisabeth married, about 29 years old, on 13-11-1903 in Limbricht [source: genlias] with Josephus Wilhelmus Johannes Hubertus Lucas, 36 years old. Josephus Wilhelmus Johannes Hubertus is born on 14-06-1867 in Roermond. Note re Josephus Wilhelmus Johannes Hubertus: zoon van Franciscus Lucas en Maria Elisabeth van den Berken.
Child of Elisabeth and Josephus Wilhelmus Johannes Hubertus:
1 Franciscus Joseph Hubertus Lucas, born in 05-1906. Franciscus Joseph Hubertus is deceased on 03-08-1906 in Roermond, 3 months old. Registration on 04-08-1906 [akte 130].
VIII-c Odilia Boots is born about 1875 in Melick en Herckenbosch, daughter of Jan Hubert Boots and Maria Catharina Evers. Odilia is deceased on 27-09-1915 in Limbricht, about 40 years old. Registration on 28-09-1915 [akte 38]. Odilia married, about 30 years old, on 15-07-1905 in Limbricht [source: genlias] with Jan Hendrik van Cleef, 33 years old. Jan Hendrik is born on 18-11-1871 in Limbricht. Note re Jan Hendrik: zoon van Jan Willem Van Cleef en Anna Catharina Stelten.
Children of Odilia and Jan Hendrik:
1 Maria Catharina van Cleef, born about 1906. Follow IX-d.
2 Elisabeth Maria Nicolina van Cleef, born about 1908. Elisabeth Maria Nicolina is deceased on 27-10-1912 in Limbricht, about 4 years old. Registration on 28-10-1912 [akte 39].
3 Marie Jan Louis van Cleef, born in 11-1909. Marie Jan Louis is deceased on 15-04-1910 in Limbricht, 5 months old. Registration on 17-04-1910 [akte 17].
VIII-d Mechtildis Boots is born on 13-07-1880 in Sint Odilienberg, daughter of Jan Hubert Boots and Maria Catharina Evers. Registration on 13-07-1880 [akte 16]. Mechtildis is deceased on 28-02-1949 in Heerlen, 68 years old. Registration on 01-03-1949 [akte 154]. Mechtildis married, 22 years old, on 23-01-1903 in Limbricht [source: genlias] with Jan Lodewijk Goossens, 29 years old. Jan Lodewijk is born on 10-12-1873 in Sittard. Note re Jan Lodewijk: zoon van Antoon Goossens en Maria Elisabeth Tiefes.
VIII-e Hubertus Schmitz is born in Melick, son of Jan Andreas Schmitz and Elisabeth Boots. Hubertus married on 16-09-1907 in Melick en Herckenbosch [source: genlias] with Maria Johanna Antoinetta Ansink. Maria Johanna Antoinetta is born in Ede. Note re Maria Johanna Antoinetta: dochter van Gerrit Jan Ansink en Philippina Wilhelmina Christina Kelfkens.
VIII-f Antoon Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Willem Boots and Catharina Joosten. Antoon:
(1) married on 12-04-1912 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Johanna Gielen. Johanna is born in Helden. Johanna is deceased before 1916. Note re Johanna: dochter van Mathijs Gielen en Petronella Stammen.
(2) married on 22-05-1916 in Helden [source: genlias] with Petronella Greijn. Petronella is born in Helden. Note re Petronella: dochter van Peter Johannes Greijn en Willemina Gielen.
VIII-g Gerardus Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Willem Boots and Catharina Joosten. Gerardus married on 18-04-1918 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Gertrudis Keijsers. Anna Maria Gertrudis is born in Sevenum. Note re Anna Maria Gertrudis: dochter van Martin Keijsers en Maria Curvers.
Child of Gerardus and Anna Maria Gertrudis:
1 Wilhelmus Martinus Boots, born in 01-1920. Wilhelmus Martinus is deceased on 18-08-1920 in Maasbree, 7 months old. Registration on 18-08-1920 [akte 32].
VIII-h Theodorus Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Willem Boots and Catharina Joosten. Theodorus married on 11-05-1916 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Gertrudis Hubertina Hermans. Gertrudis Hubertina is born in Baarlo. Note re Gertrudis Hubertina: dochter van Gerardus Hermans en Joanna Mechtildis Peeters.
Children of Theodorus and Gertrudis Hubertina:
1 Catharina Petronella Odilia Boots, born on 25-12-1919. Catharina Petronella Odilia is deceased on 30-12-1919 in Baarlo (Maasbree), 5 days old. Registration on 31-12-1919 [akte 16].
2 Gerarda Jacoba Antonia Boots, born about 1926. Gerarda Jacoba Antonia is deceased on 02-12-1927 in Blerick (Maasbree), about 1 year old. Registration on 03-12-1927 [akte 90].
VIII-i Petronella Boots is born about 1875 in Maasbree, daughter of Willem Boots and Catharina Joosten. Petronella is deceased on 01-06-1942 in Maasbree, about 67 years old. Registration on 02-06-1942 [akte 23]. Petronella married, about 27 years old, on 29-08-1902 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Johannes Linders, about 26 years old. Johannes is born about 1876 in Maasbree. Johannes is deceased on 06-11-1920 in Maasbree, about 44 years old. Registration on 07-11-1920 [akte 42]. Note re Johannes: zoon van Pieter Linders en Petronella Theeuwen.
Children of Petronella and Johannes:
1 Maria Catharina Linders, born on 25-05-1904. Maria Catharina is deceased on 28-05-1904 in Maasbree, 3 days old. Registration on 30-05-1904 [akte 16].
2 Catharina Petronella Linders, born about 1908. Catharina Petronella is deceased on 20-07-1937 in Weert, about 29 years old. Registration on 21-07-1937 [akte 99 Weert, akte 24 dd 27-07-1937 Maasbree].
3 Anna Hendrika Linders, born about 1918. Anna Hendrika is deceased on 12-12-1920 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 13-12-1920 [akte 45].
VIII-j Anna Boots is born about 1886 in Maasbree, daughter of Willem Boots and Catharina Joosten. Anna is deceased on 03-12-1927 in Maasbree, about 41 years old. Registration on 04-12-1927 [akte 30]. Anna married, about 26 years old, on 12-04-1912 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Peter Joannes van den Ekker. Peter Joannes is born in Maasbree. Note re Peter Joannes: zoon van Franciscus van den Ekker en Joanna Gellen.
Children of Anna and Peter Joannes:
1 Catharina Johanna Francisca van den Ekker, born about 1914. Catharina Johanna Francisca is deceased on 18-07-1920 in Maasbree, about 6 years old. Registration on 20-07-1920 [akte 30].
2 Franciscus Johannes Wilhelmus van den Ekker, born in 02-1915. Franciscus Johannes Wilhelmus is deceased on 01-05-1915 in Maasbree, 3 months old. Registration on 02-05-1915 [akte 22].
3 Anna Catharina van den Ekker, born on 15-02-1917. Anna Catharina is deceased on 04-03-1917 in Maasbree, 17 days old. Registration on 04-03-1917 [akte 9].
VIII-k Maria Gertruda Boots is born on 04-04-1890 in Horst, daughter of Hendrik Boots and Jakoba Nelissen. Registration on 04-04-1890 [akte 36]. Maria Gertruda married, 24 years old, on 28-08-1914 in Horst [source: genlias] with Gerard Geurts. Gerard is born in Horst. Note re Gerard: zoon van Mathijs Geurts en Geertrui Muijsers.
VIII-l Jan Lambert Boots is born on 22-05-1896 in Horst, son of Hendrik Boots and Jakoba Nelissen. Registration on 22-05-1896 [akte 58]. Jan Lambert is deceased on 30-06-1958 in Nijmegen, 62 years old. Jan Lambert married, 23 years old, on 29-08-1919 in Horst [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Emons. Anna Maria is born in Horst. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Jakob Emons en Arnoldina Zanders.
Child of Jan Lambert and Anna Maria:
1 Jacob Gerard Boots, born about 1922. Jacob Gerard is deceased on 30-01-1937 in Weert, about 15 years old. Registration on 01-02-1937 [akte 15].
VIII-m Bernardina Segers is born on 12-03-1887 in Helden, daughter of Christiaan Segers and Petronella Boots. Registration on 15-03-1887 [akte 22]. Bernardina:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 15-04-1912 in Meijel [source: genlias] with Peter Johannes van der Elsen, 27 years old. Peter Johannes is born on 19-02-1885 in Meijel. Peter Johannes is deceased on 28-08-1913, 28 years old. Note re Peter Johannes: zoon van Andries van der Elsen en Maria Stammen.
(2) married, 27 years old, on 07-01-1915 in Sevenum [source: genlias] with Johannes Willemsen, 30 years old. Johannes is born on 17-03-1884 in Sevenum. Note re Johannes: zoon van Pieter Willemsen en Petronella Verstegen.
VIII-n Johannes Segers is born on 06-07-1888 in Helden, son of Christiaan Segers and Petronella Boots. Registration on 06-07-1888 [akte 74]. Johannes married, 31 years old, on 15-04-1920 in Sevenum [source: genlias] with Maria Francisca Lemmen. Maria Francisca is born in Sevenum. Note re Maria Francisca: dochter van Lambert Lemmen en Maria Gertrui Huijs.
VIII-o Gertrudis Segers is born on 02-06-1890 in Helden, daughter of Christiaan Segers and Petronella Boots. Registration on 03-06-1890 [akte 48]. Gertrudis married, 24 years old, on 25-01-1915 in Helden [source: genlias] with Leonardus Lenders. Leonardus is born in Helden. Note re Leonardus: zoon van Hendrik Lenders en Petronella Verhorstert.
VIII-p Jacobus Segers is born on 13-06-1893 in Helden, son of Christiaan Segers and Petronella Boots. Registration on 14-06-1893 [akte 61]. Jacobus married, 26 years old, on 25-08-1919 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Jacoba Hubertina Anna Driessen, 23 years old. Jacoba Hubertina Anna is born on 31-10-1895 in Tegelen. Note re Jacoba Hubertina Anna: dochter van Johannes Antonius Driessen en Maria Christina Hubertina Corneth.
VIII-q Leonardus Segers is born about 1905, son of Christiaan Segers and Petronella Boots. Leonardus is deceased on 11-12-1941 in Tegelen, about 36 years old. Registration on 12-12-1941 [akte 134]. Leonardus married with Gertrudis Elisabeth Hubertina Dorssers.
VIII-r Albertus Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Joannes Hendrikus Boots and Helena Hermans. Occupation: metselaar. Albertus married on 11-04-1918 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Anna Maria Jeurissen, about 19 years old. Anna Maria is born about 1899 in Horst. Anna Maria is deceased on 18-01-1949 in Belfeld, about 50 years old. Registration on 19-01-1949 [akte 2]. Note re Anna Maria: dochter van Jan Mathijs Jeurissen en Maria Louisa Bos.
Children of Albertus and Anna Maria:
1 Nellie Hendrika Boots, born about 1925 in Beesel. Nellie Hendrika is deceased on 27-03-1943 in Druten, about 18 years old. Registration on 29-03-1943 [akte 32 Druten, akte 7 dd 10-04-1943 Belfeld].
2 Peter Hendrikus Boots, born in 06-1927. Peter Hendrikus is deceased on 12-03-1928 in Belfeld, 9 months old. Registration on 13-03-1928 [akte 2].
VIII-s Hendrik Boots is born in Maasbree, son of Joannes Hendrikus Boots and Helena Hermans. Hendrik married on 07-04-1913 in Broekhuizen [source: genlias] with Petronella Willems. Petronella is born in Bergen, L. Note re Petronella: dochter van Jacobus Willems en Maria Anna Bol.
VIII-t Petronella Boots is born in Maasbree, daughter of Joannes Hendrikus Boots and Helena Hermans. Petronella married on 04-05-1916 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Bernard Aerts. Bernard is born in Maasbree. Note re Bernard: zoon van Albertus Aerts en Petronella Peeters.
Children of Petronella and Bernard:
1 Helena Gertruda Wilhelmina Aerts, born in 03-1918. Helena Gertruda Wilhelmina is deceased on 25-02-1919 in Maasbree, 11 months old. Registration on 25-02-1919 [akte 5].
2 Hendrik Peter Martinus Aerts, born in 03-1919. Hendrik Peter Martinus is deceased on 25-09-1919 in Maasbree, 6 months old. Registration on 26-09-1919 [akte 25].
3 Leonardus Jozef Franciscus Aerts, born about 1926. Leonardus Jozef Franciscus is deceased on 07-03-1928 in Maasbree, about 2 years old. Registration on 08-03-1928 [akte 3].
4 Theodorus Peter Aerts, born in 10-1929. Theodorus Peter is deceased on 06-11-1929 in Maasbree, 1 month old. Registration on 06-11-1929 [akte 31].
VIII-u Maria Boots is born about 1885 in Maasbree, daughter of Joannes Hendrikus Boots and Helena Hermans. Maria is deceased on 21-01-1931 in Heel en Panheel, about 46 years old. Registration on 22-01-1931 [akte 5 Heel en Panheel, akte 3 dd 23-05-1931 Grubbenvorst]. Maria married, about 35 years old, on 07-05-1920 in Grubbenvorst [source: genlias] with Theodorus Franciscus Brouwers. Theodorus Franciscus is born in Lottum (Grubbenvorst). Note re Theodorus Franciscus: zoon van Peter Brouwers en Wilhelmina Holtermans.
VIII-v Johanna Boots is born about 1888 in Maasbree, daughter of Joannes Hendrikus Boots and Helena Hermans. Johanna is deceased on 25-11-1918 in Tegelen, about 30 years old. Registration on 26-11-1918 [akte 123]. Johanna married, about 25 years old, on 20-10-1913 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Peter Joseph Herman Meijboom, 26 years old. Peter Joseph Herman is born on 28-03-1887 in Maasbree. Note re Peter Joseph Herman: zoon van Francis Meijboom en Cornelia Pubben.
Child of Johanna and Peter Joseph Herman:
1 Maria Helena Meijboom, born about 1917. Maria Helena is deceased on 02-04-1919 in Tegelen, about 2 years old. Registration on 02-04-1919 [akte 37].
VIII-w Johanna Smeets is born in Maasbree, daughter of Johannes Smeets and Joanna Boots. Johanna married on 24-04-1914 in Grubbenvorst [source: genlias] with Hendrik Engels. Hendrik is born in Helden. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Jacobus Engels en Maria Elisabeth Houwen.
VIII-x Maria Smeets is born in Maasbree, daughter of Johannes Smeets and Joanna Boots. Maria married on 04-04-1913 in Grubbenvorst [source: genlias] with Johannes Martinus Simons. Johannes Martinus is born in Grubbenvorst. Note re Johannes Martinus: zoon van Mathijs Simons en Elisabeth Smulders.
VIII-y Petronella Smeets is born in Maasbree, daughter of Johannes Smeets and Joanna Boots. Petronella married on 26-04-1912 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Peter Joannes Thijssen. Peter Joannes is born in Maasbree. Note re Peter Joannes: zoon van Mathijs Thijssen en Helena van Uffelt.
VIII-z Henricus Boots is born on 26-07-1891 in Maasbree, son of Theodoor Boots and Aldegonda Jacobs. Henricus married, 25 years old, on 18-05-1917 in Sevenum [source: genlias] with Maria Hendrina Kleuskens. Maria Hendrina is born in Sevenum. Note re Maria Hendrina: dochter van Christiaan Kleuskens en Helena Kerp.
VIII-aa Franciscus Andreas Josephus Hubertus Boots is born on 02-08-1881 in Venlo, son of Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots and Anna Maria Smeets. Registration on 02-08-1881 [akte 202]. Occupation: slager. Franciscus Andreas Josephus Hubertus married, 45 years old, on 30-05-1927 in Venlo with Anna Christina Hendrika Derix, 39 years old. Anna Christina Hendrika is born on 18-02-1888 in Kessel. Registration on 19-02-1888 [akte 7]. Note re Anna Christina Hendrika: dochter van Leonard Derix en Mechtildis Derix.
VIII-ab Jeannette Caroline Marie Hubertine Boots is born on 11-08-1882 in Venlo, daughter of Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots and Anna Maria Smeets. Registration on 12-08-1882 [akte 215]. Jeannette Caroline Marie Hubertine married, 31 years old, on 13-10-1913 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Hubertus Franciscus Henricus Hendrikx. Hubertus Franciscus Henricus is born in Venlo. Hubertus Franciscus Henricus is deceased on 18-12-1953 in Venlo. Occupation: boekhouder en winkelier in gedestilleerd (president van de Koninklijke Muziekvereniging Fanfare). Note re Hubertus Franciscus Henricus: zoon van Hendrik Lambert Hendrikx en Maria Antonetta Hubertina Boermans.
Child of Jeannette Caroline Marie Hubertine and Hubertus Franciscus Henricus:
1 Louis Henri Pierre Hendrikx. Louis Henri Pierre is deceased on 18-10-1915 in Venlo. Registration on 19-10-1915 [akte 222].
VIII-ac Pierre Joseph Marie Hubert Boots is born on 08-07-1888 in Venlo, son of Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots and Anna Maria Smeets. Registration on 10-07-1888 [akte 207]. Occupation: veearts.
Child of Pierre Joseph Marie Hubert out of an unknown relation:
1 Joseph Boots.
VIII-ad Alida Petronella Maria Boots is born on 06-05-1892 in Venlo, daughter of Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots and Anna Maria Smeets. Registration on 07-05-1892 [akte 163]. Alida Petronella Maria married, 33 years old, on 12-04-1926 in Venlo with Hubertus Johannes Wilhelmus Heijen. Hubertus Johannes Wilhelmus is born in Roermond. Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Hubertus Johannes Wilhelmus: zoon van Jan Gerard Heijen en Anna Wilhelmina Hubertina Steegmans.
VIII-ae Cornelia Francisca Hubertina Boots is born on 04-01-1895 in Venlo, daughter of Josef Hendrik Hubert Boots and Anna Maria Smeets. Registration on 04-01-1895 [akte 5]. Cornelia Francisca Hubertina married, 25 years old, on 18-10-1920 in Venlo with Jean Pierre Hubert Cartigny. Jean Pierre Hubert is born in Roermond. Occupation: accountant. Note re Jean Pierre Hubert: zoon van Ernest Hubertus Cartigny en Anna Maria Margaretha Geene.
VIII-af Wilhelmina Josephina Maria Boots is born on 06-05-1881 in Tilburg, daughter of Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus Boots and Johanna Francisca Maria der Kinderen. Wilhelmina Josephina Maria married, 19 years old, on 16-05-1900 in Dongen [akte 21] with Jacobus Antonius Klauwers, 26 years old. Jacobus Antonius is born on 17-07-1873 in Velsen. Note re Jacobus Antonius: zoon van Bruno Jacobus Klauwers en Hendrika Maria Dulmers.
VIII-ag Anna Maria Geertruida Wilhelmina Bernarda de Hoog is born on 16-03-1880 in Utrecht, daughter of Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar de Hoog and Maria Catharina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 17-03-1880 [akte 608]. Anna Maria Geertruida Wilhelmina Bernarda married, 29 years old, on 09-11-1909 in Utrecht [akte 677] with Wilhelmus Franciscus Driessen, about 27 years old. Wilhelmus Franciscus is born about 1882 in Ewijk. Note re Wilhelmus Franciscus: zoon van Gerard Jozef Theodor Driessen en Maria Gradussen.
VIII-ah Josephine Louise Marie van Alphen is born about 1892, daughter of Gerardus Rutheus van Alphen and Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha Boots. Josephine Louise Marie is deceased on 01-05-1950 in Voorburg, about 58 years old. Registration on 03-05-1950 [akte 145]. Josephine Louise Marie married with Johannes Petrus Andreas Brand.
VIII-ai Petronella Maria Hubertina Maters is born in Blerick, daughter of Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters and Louisa Hubertina Boots. Petronella Maria Hubertina:
(1) married on 30-05-1906 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Franciscus van Zwamen. Franciscus is born in Maashees en Overloon, son of Willem van Zwamen and Johanna Elisabeth van Knippenberg.
(2) married on 13-01-1913 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Ferdinand van Zwamen. Ferdinand is born in Maashees en Overloon, son of Willem van Zwamen and Johanna Elisabeth van Knippenberg. Note re Ferdinand: weduwnaar van J.H. Hendricx.
VIII-aj Gerardus Leonardus Henricus Maters is born on 05-07-1880 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters and Louisa Hubertina Boots. Registration on 06-07-1880 [akte 173]. Gerardus Leonardus Henricus married, 25 years old, on 02-04-1906 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Maria Gertrudis Bartels. Maria Gertrudis is born in Blerick. Note re Maria Gertrudis: dochter van Hermanus Bartels en Maria Hubertina Smits.
VIII-ak Martinus Hubertus Henricus Maters is born on 03-02-1884 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters and Louisa Hubertina Boots. Registration on 04-02-1884 [akte 31]. Martinus Hubertus Henricus married, 23 years old, on 28-08-1907 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Hubertina Maria Steegers. Hubertina Maria is born in Venlo. Note re Hubertina Maria: dochter van Michiel Hubertus Steegers en Petronella Hubertina Backus.
VIII-al Hubertina Maters is born about 1894 in Maasbree, daughter of Hendrik Johan Hubert Maters and Louisa Hubertina Boots. Hubertina married, about 29 years old, on 26-09-1923 in Amsterdam [source: genlias] with Henri Philiber Johan van Wing, about 32 years old. Henri Philiber Johan is born about 1891 in Haarlem. Occupation: agent van politie. Note re Henri Philiber Johan: zoon van Henricus Adrianus Johannes van Wing en Antoinetta Petronella Willemsen.
VIII-am Gerard Wilhelmus Hubertus Terhaag is born on 06-02-1885 in Venlo, son of Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag and Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 07-02-1885 [akte 45]. Gerard Wilhelmus Hubertus married, 29 years old, on 19-10-1914 in Tegelen [source: genlias] with Hendrika Nijs. Hendrika is born in Tegelen. Note re Hendrika: dochter van Johannes Nijs en Johanna Maria van de Goor.
VIII-an Carl August Terhaag is born on 05-06-1887 in Venlo, son of Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag and Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 06-06-1887 [akte 184]. Carl August married, 33 years old, on 22-11-1920 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Anna Hubertina Janssen. Anna Hubertina is born in Venlo. Note re Anna Hubertina: dochter van Mathijs Hubert Janssen en Kooba Konings.
VIII-ao Henricus Terhaag is born on 09-09-1889 in Venlo, son of Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag and Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 10-09-1889 [akte 304]. Occupation: wachtmeester. Henricus married, 22 years old, on 11-04-1912 in Deventer [akte 39] with Maria Schmidt, about 23 years old. Maria is born about 1889 in Charlois (Rotterdam). Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Maria: dochter van Herman Schmidt, machinist, en Geertruida Petronella Maria van Dongen.
VIII-ap Franciscus Albertus Terhaag is born on 10-06-1893 in Venlo, son of Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag and Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 12-06-1893 [akte 231]. vader vermeld als Albert Jacob Terhaag. Occupation: kleermaker. Franciscus Albertus married, 36 years old, on 08-05-1930 in Enschede [akte 176] with Maria Catharina Peeters, about 27 years old. Maria Catharina is born about 1903 in Venlo. Note re Maria Catharina: dochter van Peter Willem Peeters, los werkman, en Gerardina de Wit.
VIII-aq Wilhelm Albertus Terhaag is born on 05-06-1895 in Venlo, son of Johann Albert Joseph Terhaag and Wilhelmina Hubertina Boots. Registration on 05-07-1895 [akte 252]. datums juist? 1 maand tussen geboorte en aangifte!. Occupation: arbeider-telegrafist. Wilhelm Albertus married, 26 years old, on 10-05-1922 in Geertruidenberg [akte 9] with Michielina Huberta Theodora van Dijk, 23 years old. Michielina Huberta Theodora is born on 14-10-1898 in Geertruidenberg. Note re Michielina Huberta Theodora: dochter van Walterus Josephus van Dijk (ca 1865 Zevenbergen - 05-10-1919 Geertruidenberg), getrouwd op 08-01-1896 in Geertruidenberg met Maria Johanna van Rijn (ca 1860 Geertruidenberg - 15-12-1926 Geertruidenberg), herbergierster.
VIII-ar Hubertina Elizabeth Boels is born in Rotterdam, daughter of Antoon Boels and Maria Charlotta Florentina Boots. Hubertina Elizabeth married on 07-08-1919 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Petrus Thomas Johannes Franciscus Houwen. Petrus Thomas Johannes Franciscus is born in Venlo. Note re Petrus Thomas Johannes Franciscus: zoon van Johan Willem Hubert Houwen en Elisabeth Gerardts.
VIII-as Gerard Frans Hubert Hendrikx is born on 17-08-1896 in Venlo, son of Hendrik Willem Hendrikx and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 18-08-1896 [akte 316]. Occupation: korporaal kok (1920), sergeant Artillerie (1930). Gerard Frans Hubert:
(1) married, 24 years old, on 01-12-1920 in Hilversum [akte 325] with Wilhelmina Cornelia van Wulfen, about 28 years old. The marriage was dissolved on 03-06-1927 (echtscheiding). Wilhelmina Cornelia is born about 1892 in Hilversum. Note re Wilhelmina Cornelia: dochter van Ruth van Wulfen (1845 Hilversum), getrouwd 28-01-1880 te Hilversum met Antonia Stalenhoef (1854 Eemnes).
(2) married, 33 years old, on 22-07-1930 in Vlissingen [source: ZA akte 96] with Egbertina Johanna Maria van Hoepen, about 31 years old. Egbertina Johanna Maria is born about 1899 in Pretoria, Gauteng, Zuid-Afrika. Occupation: modiste. Note re Egbertina Johanna Maria: dochter van Cornelis Jacobus van Hoepen, magazijnbediende, en Maria Westdorp.
VIII-at Anna Maria Hubertina Francisca Hendrikx is born on 21-10-1898 in Venlo, daughter of Hendrik Willem Hendrikx and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 21-10-1898 [akte 432]. Anna Maria Hubertina Francisca married, 22 years old, on 02-05-1921 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Franciscus Johannes Hubertus de Wit. Franciscus Johannes Hubertus is born in Venlo. Note re Franciscus Johannes Hubertus: zoon van Cornelis de Wit en Anna Margaretha Cecilia Kramer.
VIII-au Wilhelmina Hubertina Johanna Hendrikx is born on 23-11-1900 in Venlo, daughter of Hendrik Willem Hendrikx and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 23-11-1900 [akte 509]. Wilhelmina Hubertina Johanna married, 21 years old, on 30-05-1922 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Petrus Gerardus Mathias Engels. Petrus Gerardus Mathias is born in Blerick. Note re Petrus Gerardus Mathias: zoon van Peter Joannes Engels en Joanna Janssen.
VIII-av Christina Maria Hubertina Hinssen is born on 03-01-1888 in Venlo, daughter of Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 04-01-1888 [akte 2]. Christina Maria Hubertina married, 23 years old, on 09-10-1911 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Cornelis Hubertus Heinen. Cornelis Hubertus is born in Venlo. Note re Cornelis Hubertus: zoon van Conrardus Heinen en Maria Theresia Peeters.
VIII-aw Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen is born on 15-05-1889 in Venlo, son of Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 15-05-1889 [akte 163]. Paulus Johannes Hubertus married, 24 years old, on 12-01-1914 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Elisa Maria Hubertina Kessels. Elisa Maria Hubertina is born in Venlo. Note re Elisa Maria Hubertina: dochter van Hendrik Alexander Kessels en Maria Hubertina Derkinderen.
VIII-ax Wilhelmina Hubertina Hinssen is born on 15-01-1893 in Venlo, daughter of Paulus Johannes Hubertus Hinssen and Anna Maria Hubertina Boots. Registration on 16-01-1893 [akte 19]. Wilhelmina Hubertina married, 20 years old, on 12-01-1914 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Antoon Gerard Hubert Peeters. Antoon Gerard Hubert is born in Venlo. Note re Antoon Gerard Hubert: zoon van Gerard Hubert Peeters en Sibilla Hubertina Hermans.
VIII-ay Jacques Jean Chretien Boots is born on 14-08-1893 in Venlo, son of Jan Nicolaas Albert Boots and Gertrudis Hubertina Breuers. Registration on 16-08-1893 [akte 324]. Jacques Jean Chretien is deceased in 1963 in Venlo, 70 years old. Occupation: broodbakker. Religion: R.K.. Jacques Jean Chretien:
(1) married, 24 years old, on 12-08-1918 in Venlo [source: akte 105] with Aldegonda Maria Hubertina Peeters, 34 years old. Aldegonda Maria Hubertina is born on 26-11-1883 at 19:00 in Venlo, daughter of Frans Joseph Peeters and Maria Hubertina Erkelens. Registration on 28-11-1883 [akte 322]. Aldegonda Maria Hubertina is deceased on 05-04-1927 in Venlo, 43 years old. Registration on 06-04-1927 [akte 88]. Occupation: telefoniste. Religion: R.K.
(2) married, 34 years old, on 05-06-1928 in Venlo with Anna Margaretha Verbeek, 25 years old. Anna Margaretha is born on 26-01-1903 in Kaldenkirchen, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland. Note re the death of Anna Margaretha: tussen 1983-1989. Religion: R.K.
Children of Jacques Jean Chretien and Aldegonda Maria Hubertina:
1 Johannes Jozef Jacques (Jan) Boots, born on 16-12-1921 in Venlo. Johannes Jozef Jacques is deceased on 03-05-1944 in Narva, Estland, 22 years old (cause: gesneuveld tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog) [source: extract bevolkingsregister Venlo]. Note re the death of Jan: vermoedelijk op 03-05-1944 bij Narva gesneuveld en daar begraven. Occupation: broodbakker. Religion: R.K.
2 Gertruda Josephina Maria (Truus) Boots. Truus married with Gerardus C. van Noorbeek. Gerardus C. is born on 18-10-1923. Gerardus C. is deceased on 23-01-1990, 66 years old.
3 Joseph Petrus Johannes Boots, born on 17-01-1926 in Venlo. Joseph Petrus Johannes is deceased on 08-03-1927 in Venlo, 1 year old. Registration on 09-03-1927 [akte 68]. Religion: R.K..
Children of Jacques Jean Chretien and Anna Margaretha:
1 Albert Henricus Jacobus (Albert) Boots, born on 06-10-1929 in Venlo. Follow IX-f.
2 Henricus Johannes (Hein) Boots. Hein married with P.G. Haegens.
VIII-az Maria Francisca Christina Boots is born on 30-11-1898 in Venlo, daughter of Jan Nicolaas Albert Boots and Gertrudis Hubertina Breuers. Registration on 01-12-1898 [akte 489]. Religion: R.K.. Maria Francisca Christina married, 20 years old, on 28-04-1919 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Albertus Johannes Hendricus Sprang. Albertus Johannes Hendricus is born in Uden. Note re Albertus Johannes Hendricus: zoon van Johannes Hendrikus Sprang en Maria Antonia van Geffen.
VIII-ba Christina Hubertina Catharina Maria Amendt is born in Blerick, daughter of Pierre Louis Amendt and Maria Hubertina Aldegonda Boots. Christina Hubertina Catharina Maria married on 29-05-1922 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Jean Henri Marie Hubert Wettelings. The marriage was dissolved on 23-06-1970 in Den Haag (echtscheiding) [source: vonnis Arrondissementsrechtbank]. Jean Henri Marie Hubert is born in Venlo. Note re Jean Henri Marie Hubert: zoon van Johan Antoon Hubert Wettelings en Johanna Mechtilda Hendrika Breidfeldt.
VIII-bb Wilhelmina Johanna Maria van der Sanden is born on 19-02-1888 in Venlo, daughter of Lambertus Wilhelmus van der Sanden and Aldegonda Gertruda Boots. Registration on 20-02-1888 [akte 54]. Wilhelmina Johanna Maria married, 32 years old, on 13-04-1920 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Gijsbertus Franciscus van Boxtel. Gijsbertus Franciscus is born in Tilburg. Note re Gijsbertus Franciscus: zoon van Franciscus Johannes van Boxtel en Hendrika Paijmans.
VIII-bc Anna Margaretha Wilhelmina Boots is born on 17-08-1893 in Broekhuizen, daughter of Johan Hubert Boots and Maria Eleonora Haan. Registration on 17-08-1893 [akte 21]. Anna Margaretha Wilhelmina married, 22 years old, on 14-10-1915 in Maasbree [source: genlias] with Jacobus Hubertus Janssen. Jacobus Hubertus is born in Blerick. Note re Jacobus Hubertus: zoon van Joseph Hubertus Janssen en Joanna Antonia Cordong.
VIII-bd Maria Anna Josephina Boots is born on 02-06-1896 in Linne, daughter of Johan Hubert Boots and Maria Eleonora Haan. Registration on 03-06-1896 [akte 14]. Maria Anna Josephina married, 20 years old, on 24-07-1916 in Venlo [source: genlias] with Gerardus Joannes Jozef Steeghs. Gerardus Joannes Jozef is born in Blerick. Note re Gerardus Joannes Jozef: zoon van Petrus Antonius Steeghs en Joanna Maria Cordong.
Child of Maria Anna Josephina and Gerardus Joannes Jozef:
1 Joseph Wilhelmus Steeghs, born in 11-1932. Joseph Wilhelmus is deceased on 17-12-1932 in Venlo, 1 month old. Registration on 17-12-1932 [akte 306].
VIII-be Wilhelmina Lucia Margareta Boots is born on 19-02-1899 in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, België, daughter of Johan Hubert Boots and Maria Eleonora Haan. Wilhelmina Lucia Margareta married, 20 years old, on 18-02-1920 in Amersfoort [akte 30] with Johannes Marinus Hermens, about 22 years old. Johannes Marinus is born about 1898 in Beek en Donk. Note re Johannes Marinus: zoon van Wilhelmus Hermens en Cornelia van Hout.
IX-a Johannes Hubertus Reijnders is born in Melick en Herckenbosch, son of Godefridus Hubertus Reijnders and Maria Catharina Boots. Johannes Hubertus married on 01-06-1922 in Wijlre [source: genlias] with Maria Muijrers. Maria is born in Wijlre. Note re Maria: dochter van Johannes Lambertus Muijrers en Maria Agnes Hubertina Camps.
IX-b Wilhelmus Hubertus Reijnders is born about 1892 in Melick en Herckenbosch, son of Godefridus Hubertus Reijnders and Maria Catharina Boots. Occupation: fourier. Wilhelmus Hubertus married, about 24 years old, on 02-06-1916 in Kapelle [akte 18] with Adriana Mallekoote, about 22 years old. Adriana is born about 1894 in Venlo. Note re Adriana: dochter van Jacobus Mallekoote en Johanna Elisabeth Rutsaert.
IX-c Mathias Reijnders is born on 15-09-1895 in Melick en Herckenbosch, son of Godefridus Hubertus Reijnders and Maria Catharina Boots. Mathias married, 20 years old, on 02-03-1916 in Heerlen [source: genlias] with Maria Elizabeth Brandts. Maria Elizabeth is born in Heerlen. Note re Maria Elizabeth: dochter van Jan Hendrik Brandts en Anna Maria Langoor.
IX-d Maria Catharina van Cleef is born about 1906, daughter of Jan Hendrik van Cleef and Odilia Boots. Maria Catharina is deceased on 26-12-1934 in Limbricht, about 28 years old. Registration on 27-12-1934 [akte 22]. Maria Catharina married with Maria Peter Jan Schrijen.
IX-f Albert Henricus Jacobus (Albert) Boots is born on 06-10-1929 in Venlo, son of Jacques Jean Chretien Boots and Anna Margaretha Verbeek. Religion: R.K.. Albert married with E.G.H. Gerits.
Index (897 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born Christened |
Deceased Buried |
Relation(s) |
Aerts | Bernard | [Partner of VIII-t] | ||
Aerts | Helena Gertruda Wilhelmina | 1918 | 1919 | [Daughter of VIII-t] |
Aerts | Hendrik Peter Martinus | 1919 | 1919 | [Son of VIII-t] |
Aerts | Leonardus Jozef Franciscus | 1926 | 1928 | [Son of VIII-t] |
Aerts | Theodorus Peter | 1929 | 1929 | [Son of VIII-t] |
van Alphen | Gerardus Rutheus | 1859 | [Partner of VII-ac] | |
van Alphen | Josephine Louise Marie | 1892 | 1950 | Number VIII-ah |
Amendt | Christina Hubertina Catharina Maria | Number VIII-ba | ||
Amendt | N.N. | 1896 | [Son of VII-av] | |
Amendt | Pierre Louis | [Partner of VII-av] | ||
Ansink | Maria Johanna Antoinetta | [Partner of VIII-e] | ||
Baeten | Maria | 1733 | [Partner of III-a] | |
Bartels | Maria Gertrudis | [Partner of VIII-aj] | ||
Beckers | Louisa Hendrika | [Partner of VII-q] | ||
Beek | Catharina Lucia | [Partner of VI-an] | ||
Beerden | Johanna Mechtilda | 1812 | 1882 | [Partner of VI-z] |
Berg | Johannes Franciscus | 1845 | [Partner of VII-ad] | |
van den Berken | Maria Elisabeth | 1803 | [Parent in law of VI-bb] | |
Bodts | Francisca Petronella | 1823 | Number VI-e | |
Bodts | Petrus Hubertus | 1824 | [Son of V-c] | |
Boels | Antoon | 1856 | [Partner of VII-an] | |
Boels | Hubertina Elizabeth | Number VIII-ar | ||
Boels | Maria Hubertina | 1885 | [Daughter of VII-an] | |
Boers | Petronella | 1843 | [Partner of VI-ba] | |
Bon | Frans | 1807 | 1839 | [Partner of V-p] |
Bon | Leonard | 1835 | 1915 | Number VI-x |
Bon | Maria Margaretha | 1837 | 1838 | [Daughter of V-p] |
Bongaerts | Cornelia Johanna | 1810 | 1893 | [Partner of VI-y] |
Bongaerts | Johannes Mathis | 1843 | 1874 | [Partner of VI-ay] |
Boots | Agnes | 1806 | [Daughter of IV-i] | |
Boots | Albert Henricus Jacobus | 1929 | Number IX-f | |
Boots | Albertus | Number VIII-r | ||
Boots | Aldegonda | 1781 | 1858 | Number V-b |
Boots | Aldegonda Gertruda | 1857 | 1938 | Number VII-ax |
Boots | Aldegonda Wilhelmina | 1869 | 1870 | [Daughter of VI-ah] |
Boots | Alida Petronella Maria | 1892 | Number VIII-ad | |
Boots | Andreas | 1786 | 1786 | [Son of IV-a] |
Boots | Andreas | 1789 | 1860 | Number V-s |
Boots | Andreas | 1791 | 1794 | [Son of IV-b] |
Boots | Andries Albert | 1856 | 1941 | [Son of VI-ai] |
Boots | Andries Johan Hubert | 1858 | 1941 | Number VII-as |
Boots | Anna | 1698 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Anna | 1754 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boots | Anna | 1830 | 1867 | Number VI-n |
Boots | Anna | 1886 | 1927 | Number VIII-j |
Boots | Anna Catharina | 1810 | [Daughter of IV-i] | |
Boots | Anna Christina Hubertina | 1889 | 1892 | [Daughter of VII-at] |
Boots | Anna Elisabeth | 1866 | [Daughter of VI-g] | |
Boots | Anna Gertrudis | 1793 | 1859 | Number V-t |
Boots | Anna Gertrudis | 1821 | 1884 | Number VI-ab |
Boots | Anna Margaretha Wilhelmina | 1893 | Number VIII-bc | |
Boots | Anna Maria | 1786 | 1786 | [Daughter of IV-d] |
Boots | Anna Maria | 1799 | 1872 | Number V-v |
Boots | Anna Maria | 1823 | 1900 | Number VI-af |
Boots | Anna Maria Gerarda | 1904 | 1904 | [Daughter of VII-j] |
Boots | Anna Maria Hubertina | 1862 | Number VII-ao | |
Boots | Anna Maria Hubertina | 1865 | Number VII-ap | |
Boots | Anna Maria Hubertina Josepha | 1858 | Number VII-ac | |
Boots | Anne Gertrude | 1808 | 1809 | [Daughter of V-q] |
Boots | Antoinetta Maria Gerarda | 1910 | 1910 | [Daughter of VII-l] |
Boots | Antonius | 1749 | 1798 | Number IV-b |
Boots | Antoon | Number VIII-f | ||
Boots | Antoon | 1816 | 1817 | [Son of V-i] |
Boots | Antoon | 1818 | 1882 | Number VI-k |
Boots | Antoon | 1827 | 1903 | Number VI-s |
Boots | Arnold | 1811 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boots | Arnoldina | 1889 | 1890 | [Daughter of VII-p] |
Boots | Bartholomeus | 1819 | 1846 | [Son of V-s] |
Boots | Bertha Maria Wilhelmina Margaretha | 1900 | [Daughter of VII-ba] | |
Boots | Catharina | 1681 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Catharina | 1767 | 1807 | Number IV-h |
Boots | Catharina | 1767 | 1771 | [Daughter of III-c] |
Boots | Catharina | 1777 | 1828 | Number IV-n |
Boots | Catharina | 1806 | 1873 | Number V-ak |
Boots | Catharina Leonarda Maria Hubertina | 1889 | [Daughter of VII-w] | |
Boots | Catharina Petronella Odilia | 1919 | 1919 | [Daughter of VIII-h] |
Boots | Christiaan | 1881 | 1917 | Number VII-l |
Boots | Cornelia Francisca Hubertina | 1895 | Number VIII-ae | |
Boots | Cunegondis | 1675 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Cunegondis | 1677 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Elisa Petronella | 1918 | 1918 | [Daughter of VII-j] |
Boots | Elisabeth | 1682 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Elisabeth | 1777 | 1815 | [Daughter of III-a] |
Boots | Elisabeth | 1854 | 1904 | Number VII-b |
Boots | Elisabeth | 1874 | 1936 | Number VIII-b |
Boots | Franciscus Andreas Josephus Hubertus | 1881 | Number VIII-aa | |
Boots | Geertruij | 1828 | 1892 | Number VI-m |
Boots | Gerard | 1833 | 1834 | [Son of V-i] |
Boots | Gerard | 1859 | 1860 | [Son of VI-s] |
Boots | Gerard | 1861 | 1863 | [Daughter of VI-s] |
Boots | Gerard | 1875 | 1932 | Number VII-k |
Boots | Gerard Albert | 1859 | 1906 | Number VII-ay |
Boots | Gerard Gustaaf | 1863 | 1932 | Number VII-az |
Boots | Gerard Willem | 1820 | 1904 | Number VI-ae |
Boots | Gerard(us) | 1823 | 1828 | [Son of V-i] |
Boots | Gerarda Jacoba Antonia | 1926 | 1927 | [Daughter of VIII-h] |
Boots | Gerardus | Number VIII-g | ||
Boots | Gerardus | 1671 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Gerardus | 1674 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Gerardus | 1731 | Number III-c | |
Boots | Gerardus | 1745 | 1828 | [Son of III-a] |
Boots | Gerardus | 1785 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Boots | Gerardus | 1817 | 1899 | Number V-ae |
Boots | Gerardus Hubertus | 1862 | 1864 | [Son of VI-t] |
Boots | Gerardus Theodorus | 1914 | 1915 | [Son of VII-j] |
Boots | Gertruda Josephina Hubertina | 1873 | Number VII-aw | |
Boots | Gertrudis | 1795 | 1842 | Number V-ah |
Boots | Gertrudis | 1802 | 1849 | Number V-p |
Boots | Gertrudis | 1891 | 1910 | [Daughter of VII-n] |
Boots | Gertrudis | 1893 | 1908 | [Daughter of VI-ax] |
Boots | Gertrudis Petronella | 1819 | 1820 | [Daughter of V-q] |
Boots | Guilielmus | 1673 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Helena | Number VII-bg | ||
Boots | Helena | 1765 | 1827 | Number IV-g |
Boots | Helena | 1841 | 1874 | [Daughter of V-ad] |
Boots | Hendricus | 1789 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Boots | Hendrik | Number VIII-s | ||
Boots | Hendrik | 1859 | Number VII-e | |
Boots | Hendrik | 1860 | 1938 | Number VII-q |
Boots | Hendrik | 1876 | 1882 | [Son of VI-av] |
Boots | Hendrika | 1852 | [Daughter of VI-l] | |
Boots | Hendrika | 1870 | 1929 | Number VII-s |
Boots | Hendrina | 1851 | 1852 | [Daughter of VI-k] |
Boots | Henri Hubert | 1865 | 1866 | [Son of VI-ai] |
Boots | Henrica | 1771 | 1842 | Number IV-j |
Boots | Henricus | 1722 | Number III-a | |
Boots | Henricus | 1757 | [Son of III-a] | |
Boots | Henricus | 1789 | 1844 | Number V-i |
Boots | Henricus | 1797 | 1806 | [Son of IV-c] |
Boots | Henricus | 1797 | 1843 | Number V-k |
Boots | Henricus | 1891 | Number VIII-z | |
Boots | Henricus Hubertus | 1851 | 1860 | [Son of VI-f] |
Boots | Henriette | 1813 | [Daughter of V-q] | |
Boots | Hubertus | 1828 | [Son of V-c] | |
Boots | Hubertus Wilhelmus Josephus | 1845 | 1900 | Number VII-x |
Boots | Jacob Gerard | 1922 | 1937 | [Son of VIII-l] |
Boots | Jacob Johan Andries | 1866 | 1906 | Number VII-au |
Boots | Jacques Jean Chretien | 1893 | 1963 | Number VIII-ay |
Boots | Jan | 1819 | Number VI-l | |
Boots | Jan | 1830 | 1899 | Number VI-t |
Boots | Jan Antoon Joseph | 1868 | [Son of VI-aa] | |
Boots | Jan Gerard | 1888 | [Son of VII-e] | |
Boots | Jan Hendrik | 1804 | Number V-ad | |
Boots | Jan Hubert | 1847 | 1921 | Number VII-a |
Boots | Jan Lambert | 1896 | 1958 | Number VIII-l |
Boots | Jan Nicolaas Albert | 1861 | 1945 | Number VII-at |
Boots | Jeannette Caroline Marie Hubertine | 1882 | Number VIII-ab | |
Boots | Joanna | 1738 | 1827 | [Daughter of II-a] |
Boots | Joanna | 1763 | 1812 | Number IV-f |
Boots | Joanna | 1780 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boots | Joanna | 1793 | 1887 | Number V-j |
Boots | Joanna | 1794 | 1862 | Number V-o |
Boots | Joanna | 1856 | 1892 | Number VII-o |
Boots | Joannes | Number V-l | ||
Boots | Joannes | 1685 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Joannes | 1689 | 1758 | Number II-a |
Boots | Joannes | 1722 | [Son of II-b] | |
Boots | Joannes | 1734 | 1798 | Number III-d |
Boots | Joannes | 1747 | 1824 | [Son of III-a] |
Boots | Joannes | 1761 | [Son of III-d] | |
Boots | Joannes | 1787 | 1829 | Number V-m |
Boots | Joannes | 1814 | 1895 | [Son of IV-i] |
Boots | Joannes | 1865 | 1866 | [Son of VI-t] |
Boots | Joannes Christianus | 1760 | 1760 | [Son of III-a] |
Boots | Joannes Hendrikus | 1853 | 1894 | Number VII-n |
Boots | Joannes Henricus | 1782 | 1847 | Number V-q |
Boots | Joannes Janssen | 1645 | Number I | |
Boots | Joannes Theodorus | 1779 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Boots | Joannis | 1723 | [Son of II-b] | |
Boots | Johan Antoon | 1826 | 1873 | Number VI-ah |
Boots | Johan Caspar Hubert | 1839 | Number VII-u | |
Boots | Johan Hendrik Hubert | 1838 | 1838 | [Son of VI-z] |
Boots | Johan Hendrik Hubert | 1838 | 1838 | [Son of V-s] |
Boots | Johan Hubert | 1866 | Number VII-ba | |
Boots | Johanna | 1669 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Johanna | 1777 | 1852 | Number V-f |
Boots | Johanna | 1799 | 1872 | Number V-ai |
Boots | Johanna | 1817 | 1900 | Number VI-ad |
Boots | Johanna | 1850 | [Daughter of VI-l] | |
Boots | Johanna | 1888 | 1918 | Number VIII-v |
Boots | Johanna Cornelia Hubertina | 1852 | Number VII-z | |
Boots | Johanna Geertruida Catharina | 1815 | 1815 | [Daughter of V-s] |
Boots | Johanna Hendrina | 1817 | [Daughter of V-q] | |
Boots | Johanna Hubertina | 1856 | 1856 | [Daughter of VI-ae] |
Boots | Johanna Jozefa | 1920 | 1920 | [Daughter of VII-m] |
Boots | Johanna Maria Aldegonda | 1863 | 1929 | [Daughter of VI-ah] |
Boots | Johanna Maria Josephina | 1891 | [Daughter of VII-at] | |
Boots | Johannes | 1826 | Number VI-f | |
Boots | Johannes | 1898 | [Son of VII-d] | |
Boots | Johannes Aldegonda Antonius | 1904 | 1904 | [Son of VII-az] |
Boots | Johannes Andries | 1812 | 1890 | Number VI-z |
Boots | Johannes Antonius | 1917 | 1917 | [Son of VII-j] |
Boots | Johannes Josephus Hubertus | 1887 | [Son of VII-at] | |
Boots | Johannes Jozef Jacques | 1921 | 1944 | [Son of VIII-ay] |
Boots | Johannes Wilhelmus | 1912 | 1930 | [Son of VII-k] |
Boots | Johannes Wilhelmus | 1913 | 1913 | [Son of VII-j] |
Boots | Josef Hendrik Hubert | 1843 | 1929 | Number VII-w |
Boots | Joseph Johann | 1915 | 1916 | [Son of VII-m] |
Boots | Joseph Petrus Johannes | 1926 | 1927 | [Son of VIII-ay] |
Boots | Josephina Hubertina | 1825 | 1884 | Number VI-ac |
Boots | Josephina Hubertina Cornelia | 1848 | 1864 | [Daughter of VI-z] |
Boots | Josephina Maria Huberdina | 1857 | 1935 | [Daughter of VI-aa] |
Boots | Josephus Hendrik Maria | 1876 | [Son of VII-u] | |
Boots | Jozef | 1887 | Number VII-bh | |
Boots | Jozef Willem Petrus Hubert | 1884 | 1885 | [Son of VII-w] |
Boots | Karel Andries Simon | 1887 | [Son of VII-ay] | |
Boots | Lambert Gerard | 1822 | 1822 | [Son of V-s] |
Boots | Lambert Simon Wilhelm | 1895 | 1895 | [Son of VII-ba] |
Boots | Laurentius | 1687 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Laurentius | 1758 | 1826 | Number IV-l |
Boots | Leonard | 1877 | 1879 | [Son of VII-a] |
Boots | Louis Gerard Marie Hubert | 1887 | 1957 | [Son of VII-w] |
Boots | Louisa Hubertina | 1853 | 1904 | Number VII-al |
Boots | Margareta | 1854 | [Daughter of VI-l] | |
Boots | Margaretha | 1684 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Margaretha | 1750 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boots | Margaretha | 1782 | 1838 | Number V-g |
Boots | Margaretha | 1846 | 1894 | Number VI-au |
Boots | Margarita | 1794 | 1812 | [Daughter of IV-a] |
Boots | Maria | 1679 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Maria | 1778 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boots | Maria | 1791 | 1860 | Number V-n |
Boots | Maria | 1802 | 1842 | Number V-ac |
Boots | Maria | 1885 | 1931 | Number VIII-u |
Boots | Maria Agnes | 1830 | 1830 | [Daughter of V-s] |
Boots | Maria Agnes | 1872 | 1879 | [Daughter of VII-a] |
Boots | Maria Alida Johanna Hubertina | 1885 | 1887 | [Daughter of VII-w] |
Boots | Maria Anna Josephina | 1896 | Number VIII-bd | |
Boots | Maria Catharina | Number VIII-a | ||
Boots | Maria Catharina | 1776 | Number V-a | |
Boots | Maria Catharina | 1899 | [Daughter of VII-az] | |
Boots | Maria Catharina Hubertina | 1851 | 1934 | Number VII-aa |
Boots | Maria Charlotta | 1761 | 1826 | Number IV-e |
Boots | Maria Charlotta Florentina | 1860 | Number VII-an | |
Boots | Maria Elisabeth | 1755 | 1812 | Number IV-k |
Boots | Maria Elisabeth | 1839 | 1906 | Number VI-at |
Boots | Maria Elisabeth | 1852 | 1926 | Number VI-aw |
Boots | Maria Elisabeth | 1895 | 1912 | [Daughter of VI-ax] |
Boots | Maria Francisca Christina | 1898 | Number VIII-az | |
Boots | Maria Gerardina | 1896 | 1916 | [Daughter of VI-ax] |
Boots | Maria Gertruda | 1890 | Number VIII-k | |
Boots | Maria Hendrina | 1786 | 1870 | Number V-r |
Boots | Maria Hubertina Aldegonda | 1871 | Number VII-av | |
Boots | Maria Josephina Gertruda | 1869 | [Daughter of VI-ai] | |
Boots | Maria Josephina Hubertina | 1856 | [Daughter of VI-aa] | |
Boots | Maria Leonora Josepha | 1803 | 1870 | [Daughter of IV-i] |
Boots | Maria Magdalena Hubertina | 1854 | 1855 | [Daughter of VI-z] |
Boots | Maria Petronella | 1893 | [Daughter of VII-d] | |
Boots | Maria Sophia | 1825 | 1909 | Number VI-ag |
Boots | Maria Theresia | 1863 | 1869 | [Daughter of VI-r] |
Boots | Maria Wilhelmina | 1861 | 1861 | [Daughter of VI-ai] |
Boots | Maria Wilhelmina Hubertina | 1890 | 1960 | [Daughter of VII-w] |
Boots | Martinus | 1826 | [Son of V-e] | |
Boots | Martinus | 1886 | 1925 | Number VII-m |
Boots | Mathea | 1786 | 1840 | Number V-h |
Boots | Mathias | 1785 | 1785 | [Son of IV-b] |
Boots | Mathijs | 1832 | Number VI-g | |
Boots | Mathijs | 1857 | 1927 | Number VI-ax |
Boots | Mathis | 1832 | [Son of V-d] | |
Boots | Mathis | 1833 | [Son of V-d] | |
Boots | Matthias | 1797 | 1877 | [Son of IV-a] |
Boots | Mechtildis | 1880 | 1949 | Number VIII-d |
Boots | Mechtildis Hubertina | 1832 | 1902 | Number VII-t |
Boots | Michael | 1778 | [Son of IV-a] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1760 | [Child of III-d] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1823 | [Son of V-q] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1832 | [Daughter of V-ad] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1851 | [Son of V-ad] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1855 | [Daughter of VI-z] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1876 | [Daughter of VII-c] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1881 | [Son of VII-c] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1909 | [Daughter of VII-j] | |
Boots | N.N. | 1921 | [Child of VII-j] | |
Boots | Nellie Hendrika | 1925 | 1943 | [Daughter of VIII-r] |
Boots | Nicolaas Joseph Michiel Hendrik | 1854 | Number VII-ab | |
Boots | Odilia | 1875 | 1915 | Number VIII-c |
Boots | Peter | 1822 | 1843 | [Son of V-i] |
Boots | Peter | 1835 | [Son of V-ad] | |
Boots | Peter Hendrik Hubert | 1852 | 1854 | [Son of VI-aa] |
Boots | Peter Hendrikus | 1927 | 1928 | [Son of VIII-r] |
Boots | Peter Hubert | 1861 | 1863 | [Son of VI-ai] |
Boots | Peter Theodoor | 1841 | 1924 | Number VII-v |
Boots | Peter Theodoor | 1848 | [Son of VI-f] | |
Boots | Peter Theodor | 1810 | 1889 | Number VI-y |
Boots | Petronella | Number VIII-t | ||
Boots | Petronella | Number VII-r | ||
Boots | Petronella | 1690 | [Daughter of I] | |
Boots | Petronella | 1737 | [Daughter of II-b] | |
Boots | Petronella | 1763 | [Daughter of III-b] | |
Boots | Petronella | 1784 | [Daughter of IV-d] | |
Boots | Petronella | 1793 | [Daughter of IV-m] | |
Boots | Petronella | 1797 | 1836 | Number V-u |
Boots | Petronella | 1802 | 1868 | Number V-aj |
Boots | Petronella | 1862 | Number VII-f | |
Boots | Petronella | 1866 | 1867 | [Daughter of VI-u] |
Boots | Petronella | 1875 | 1942 | Number VIII-i |
Boots | Petronella | 1891 | [Daughter of VII-d] | |
Boots | Petrus | 1695 | [Son of I] | |
Boots | Petrus | 1744 | 1812 | Number IV-a |
Boots | Petrus | 1792 | [Son of IV-m] | |
Boots | Petrus Alexander Franciscus Hubertus | 1850 | 1899 | Number VII-y |
Boots | Petrus Wilhelmus | 1829 | [Son of V-e] | |
Boots | Pierre Joseph Marie Hubert | 1888 | Number VIII-ac | |
Boots | Pieter | 1833 | 1928 | Number VI-u |
Boots | Pieter Jan | 1899 | [Son of VII-e] | |
Boots | Pieter Jan Jozef | 1893 | [Son of VII-e] | |
Boots | Reinerus | 1768 | 1828 | Number IV-i |
Boots | Reinier | 1833 | 1833 | [Son of V-ad] |
Boots | Renier | 1837 | 1923 | [Son of V-ad] |
Boots | Renier | 1850 | 1850 | [Son of V-ae] |
Boots | Renier | 1855 | 1862 | [Son of V-ae] |
Boots | Sibilla | 1852 | 1907 | Number VI-av |
Boots | Silvester | 1752 | 1805 | Number IV-c |
Boots | Silvester | 1792 | Number V-e | |
Boots | Silvester | 1857 | Number VII-d | |
Boots | Simon Hubert | 1828 | 1885 | Number VI-ai |
Boots | Sophia | 1825 | 1826 | [Daughter of V-s] |
Boots | Theodoor | 1857 | 1931 | Number VII-p |
Boots | Theodora Jacoba | 1912 | 1912 | [Daughter of VII-j] |
Boots | Theodorus | Number VIII-h | ||
Boots | Theodorus | Number VII-j | ||
Boots | Theodorus | 1783 | Number V-c | |
Boots | Theodorus | 1787 | Number V-d | |
Boots | Theodorus | 1824 | 1902 | Number VI-r |
Boots | Theodorus | 1890 | 1892 | [Son of VII-n] |
Boots | Theodorus Mathijs Antonius | 1912 | 1913 | [Son of VII-l] |
Boots | Thomas | 1769 | 1790 | [Son of III-c] |
Boots | Wilhelmina | 1898 | [Daughter of VII-az] | |
Boots | Wilhelmina Hubertina | 1857 | 1928 | Number VII-am |
Boots | Wilhelmina Johanna Christina | 1888 | [Daughter of VII-ay] | |
Boots | Wilhelmina Josephina Maria | 1881 | Number VIII-af | |
Boots | Wilhelmina Lucia Margareta | 1899 | Number VIII-be | |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1692 | Number II-b | |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1726 | 1795 | Number III-b |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1753 | [Son of III-b] | |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1756 | 1813 | Number IV-d |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1764 | 1766 | [Son of III-d] |
Boots | Wilhelmus | 1765 | 1844 | Number IV-m |
Boots | Wilhelmus Martinus | 1920 | 1920 | [Son of VIII-g] |
Boots | Willem | 1852 | 1935 | Number VII-c |
Boots | Willem Andries Hubert | 1872 | 1873 | [Son of VI-ai] |
Boots | Willem Joseph | 1816 | 1868 | Number VI-aa |
Boots | Willemina | 1754 | [Daughter of III-b] | |
Bouten | Jacobus | 1837 | [Partner of VI-bb] | |
Bouten | Joannes Hermanus | 1798 | 1841 | [Parent in law of VI-bb] |
van Boxtel | Gijsbertus Franciscus | [Partner of VIII-bb] | ||
Brandts | Maria Elizabeth | [Partner of IX-c] | ||
Breuers | Gertrudis Hubertina | 1861 | 1933 | [Partner of VII-at] |
Breuers | Johan Hubert | 1829 | 1914 | [Parent in law of VII-at] |
Brouwers | Theodorus Franciscus | [Partner of VIII-u] | ||
Cartigny | Jean Pierre Hubert | [Partner of VIII-ae] | ||
Claessens | Hendrina | 1840 | 1901 | [Partner of VII-ae] |
van Cleef | Elisabeth Maria Nicolina | 1908 | 1912 | [Daughter of VIII-c] |
van Cleef | Jan Hendrik | 1871 | [Partner of VIII-c] | |
van Cleef | Maria Catharina | 1906 | 1934 | Number IX-d |
van Cleef | Marie Jan Louis | 1909 | 1910 | [Son of VIII-c] |
Coenen | Helena Hubertina | [Partner of VII-aq] | ||
Crijnen | Maria Sophia | [Partner of VII-bb] | ||
van Dael | Anna Catharina | 1797 | 1858 | [Partner of V-d] |
Daniels | Anna Elisabeth | 1774 | 1839 | [Partner of IV-i] |
Daniels | Christina Elisabeth | 1801 | 1860 | [Partner of V-af] |
Daniels | Daniël | 1774 | 1847 | [Partner of IV-j] |
Daniels | Henricus | 1805 | 1873 | Number V-af |
Daniels | Joanna | 1816 | 1821 | [Daughter of IV-j] |
Daniels | Maria | 1811 | 1886 | Number V-ag |
Deckers | Andries | 1854 | 1855 | [Son of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Christina Aldegonda Johanna | 1865 | 1880 | [Daughter of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Gerard Hubert | 1860 | 1904 | [Son of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Johan Hubert | 1857 | 1858 | [Son of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Mathijs | 1825 | 1883 | [Partner of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Peter Johan Lambert | 1855 | 1881 | [Son of VI-ag] |
Deckers | Simon Hubert | 1858 | 1903 | Number VII-aq |
Deckers | Willem Johan Hubert | 1863 | 1926 | Number VII-ar |
Decrau | Anna Helena | 1811 | [Partner of VI-d] | |
Dentjens | Catharina Hubertina | 1839 | 1912 | [Partner of VII-x] |
Derichs | Carolina | 1880 | 1898 | [Daughter of VI-au] |
Derichs | Gerardus Theodorus | Number VII-bd | ||
Derichs | Henricus | 1884 | 1942 | [Son of VI-au] |
Derichs | Maria Elisabeth | Number VII-be | ||
Dericks | Theodorus | 1844 | 1928 | [Partner of VI-au] |
Derix | Anna Christina Hendrika | 1888 | [Partner of VIII-aa] | |
Derkx | Christina Francisca Hubertina Josina | 1901 | 1901 | [Daughter of VII-aw] |
Derkx | Frans Hubert Godfried | 1902 | [Partner of VII-aw] | |
van Dijck | Gerard | 1813 | 1863 | [Partner of VI-m] |
van Dijck | Petrus | 1862 | 1940 | Number VII-g |
van Dijk | Michielina Huberta Theodora | 1898 | [Partner of VIII-aq] | |
van Dongen | Johannes | 1830 | [Partner of VII-af] | |
Dorssers | Gertrudis Elisabeth Hubertina | [Partner of VIII-q] | ||
Driessen | Cornelia | 1764 | 1803 | [Partner of IV-l] |
Driessen | Jacoba Hubertina Anna | 1895 | [Partner of VIII-p] | |
Driessen | Maria | 1843 | 1889 | [Partner of VI-r] |
Driessen | Wilhelmus Franciscus | 1882 | [Partner of VIII-ag] | |
van den Ekker | Anna Catharina | 1917 | 1917 | [Daughter of VIII-j] |
van den Ekker | Catharina Johanna Francisca | 1914 | 1920 | [Daughter of VIII-j] |
van den Ekker | Franciscus Johannes Wilhelmus | 1915 | 1915 | [Son of VIII-j] |
van den Ekker | Peter Joannes | [Partner of VIII-j] | ||
van der Elsen | Peter Johannes | 1885 | 1913 | [Partner of VIII-m] |
Emons | Anna Maria | [Partner of VIII-l] | ||
Emons | Wilhelmina Helena | [Partner of VII-l] | ||
Engels | Catharina | [Partner of VI-x] | ||
Engels | Hendrik | [Partner of VIII-w] | ||
Engels | Maria Johanna | [Partner of VII-j] | ||
Engels | Petrus Gerardus Mathias | [Partner of VIII-au] | ||
Engels | Petrus Jacobus | 1848 | [Partner of VII-i] | |
Erkelens | Maria Hubertina | 1855 | 1930 | [Parent in law of VIII-ay] |
Evers | Maria Catharina | 1845 | 1923 | [Partner of VII-a] |
van Ewijk | Petrus Henri Hubertus | [Partner of VII-ak] | ||
Faessen | Christina | 1851 | [Partner of V-z] | |
Gal | Derk | 1827 | 1863 | [Partner of VI-bb] |
Geenen | Antonetta Scholastica Sophia | 1851 | [Partner of VII-ai] | |
Gelissen | Anna Elisabeth | 1821 | 1821 | [Daughter of V-b] |
Gelissen | Anna Maria | 1824 | 1825 | [Daughter of V-b] |
Gelissen | Joannes Josephus Hubertus | 1822 | 1825 | [Son of V-b] |
Gelissen | Petrus | 1792 | 1857 | [Partner of V-b] |
Gerards | Anna Maria Gertruda | 1832 | 1869 | [Partner of VI-r] |
Geurts | Gerard | [Partner of VIII-k] | ||
Geurts | Joannes | 1819 | [Partner of VI-j] | |
Geurts | Margaretha | 1792 | [Partner of V-i] | |
Gielen | Johanna | 1916 | [Partner of VIII-f] | |
Giezen | Peter | [Partner of VI-as] | ||
Gijbmans | Joannes | [Partner of VI-aw] | ||
Gijsen | Anna Maria | [Partner of VI-ax] | ||
Gommans | Agnes | 1769 | 1824 | [Partner of IV-m] |
Gommans | Antoon | 1824 | 1846 | [Son of V-j] |
Gommans | Gerard(us) | 1782 | 1829 | [Partner of V-j] |
Gommans | Gertrudis | 1820 | 1843 | [Daughter of V-j] |
Gommans | N.N. | 1823 | [Son of V-j] | |
Gommans | Petronella | 1822 | 1822 | [Daughter of V-j] |
Gommans | Willem | 1826 | 1826 | [Son of V-j] |
Gommans | Willem | 1827 | 1827 | [Son of V-j] |
Gommans | Willemina | 1791 | 1829 | [Partner of V-e] |
Goossens | Jan Lodewijk | 1873 | [Partner of VIII-d] | |
Gossens | Hendrik | [Partner of V-aj] | ||
Govers | Anna Geertruijda | 1845 | [Partner of VII-u] | |
Greijn | Petronella | [Partner of VIII-f] | ||
Groenen | Elisabeth | 1789 | [Partner of V-e] | |
Haan | Maria Eleonora | 1868 | [Partner of VII-ba] | |
Haenen | Antoon Gerard | [Partner of VII-ah] | ||
Haenen | Petrus Joannes | 1821 | [Partner of VI-j] | |
Hagens | Gerardus | [Partner of VII-bf] | ||
Hanraets | Antonius | 1793 | 1860 | [Partner of V-o] |
Hanraets | Gerardus Antonius | 1906 | 1907 | [Son of VII-s] |
Hanraets | Hubertus | 1826 | 1872 | Number VI-v |
Hanraets | Jan | 1839 | 1860 | [Son of V-o] |
Hanraets | Lodevicus Theodoor | 1912 | 1912 | [Son of VII-s] |
Hanraets | Maria | 1829 | 1883 | [Daughter of V-o] |
Hanraets | Peter Joannes | 1866 | 1936 | [Partner of VII-s] |
Hanraets | Silvester | 1834 | 1916 | Number VI-w |
Heijen | Hubertus Johannes Wilhelmus | [Partner of VIII-ad] | ||
Heijsters | Peter Mathijs | 1822 | 1889 | [Partner of VI-aj] |
Heinen | Cornelis Hubertus | [Partner of VIII-av] | ||
Heintges | Henricus Hubertus Martinus | 1849 | [Partner of VII-ag] | |
Heldens | Joanna | 1781 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Heldens | Petronella | [Partner of V-l] | ||
Hendriks | Hendrica | 1858 | 1866 | [Daughter of VI-n] |
Hendriks | Mathijs | 1857 | 1881 | [Son of VI-n] |
Hendriks | Peter | [Partner of VII-h] | ||
Hendrikx | Anna Christina | 1826 | 1899 | [Parent in law of VII-at] |
Hendrikx | Anna Maria Hubertina Francisca | 1898 | Number VIII-at | |
Hendrikx | Gerard Frans Hubert | 1896 | Number VIII-as | |
Hendrikx | Hendrik Willem | 1862 | 1908 | [Partner of VII-ao] |
Hendrikx | Hubertus Franciscus Henricus | 1953 | [Partner of VIII-ab] | |
Hendrikx | Louis Henri Pierre | 1915 | [Son of VIII-ab] | |
Hendrikx | Maria Antonetta Catharina | 1903 | 1927 | [Daughter of VII-ao] |
Hendrikx | Maria Carolina | 1838 | 1883 | [Partner of VII-v] |
Hendrikx | Wilhelmina Hubertina Johanna | 1900 | Number VIII-au | |
Hendrix | Christiaan | 1825 | [Partner of VI-n] | |
Hendrix | Johanna Gertrudis | 1846 | [Partner of VI-bc] | |
Hendrix | Johannes | 1814 | [Parent in law of VI-bc] | |
Hendrix | Margaretha | 1854 | 1920 | Number VII-i |
Hermans | Gertrudis Hubertina | [Partner of VIII-h] | ||
Hermans | Helena | 1857 | 1901 | [Partner of VII-n] |
Hermans | Hendrika Huberta | [Partner of VI-ar] | ||
Hermans | Joannes | 1830 | 1908 | [Partner of VI-o] |
Hermans | Martinus | [Partner of VII-r] | ||
Hermans | Petronella Maria | 1908 | 1909 | [Daughter of VII-r] |
Hermens | Johannes Marinus | 1898 | [Partner of VIII-be] | |
Hesselmans | Agnes | 1835 | 1850 | [Daughter of V-ai] |
Hesselmans | Gerardus | 1827 | 1903 | Number VI-ba |
Hesselmans | Gertrudis | 1843 | 1855 | [Daughter of V-ai] |
Hesselmans | Johannes | 1840 | Number VI-bc | |
Hesselmans | Maria Agnes | 1827 | 1827 | [Daughter of V-ai] |
Hesselmans | Theodor(us) | 1798 | 1872 | [Partner of V-ai] |
Hesselmans | Wilhelmina | 1838 | 1917 | Number VI-bb |
Hinssen | Anna Maria Christina | 1891 | [Daughter of VII-ap] | |
Hinssen | Christina Maria Hubertina | 1888 | Number VIII-av | |
Hinssen | Hendrik Hubertus | 1901 | 1902 | [Son of VII-ap] |
Hinssen | Johannes Peter Jacobus | 1898 | [Son of VII-ap] | |
Hinssen | Maria Hubertina | 1896 | [Daughter of VII-ap] | |
Hinssen | Maria Hubertina Johanna | 1900 | [Daughter of VII-ap] | |
Hinssen | Paulus Johannes Hubertus | 1860 | 1931 | [Partner of VII-ap] |
Hinssen | Paulus Johannes Hubertus | 1889 | Number VIII-aw | |
Hinssen | Wilhelmina Hubertina | 1893 | Number VIII-ax | |
Hodzelmans | Anna Catharina | [Partner of VI-f] | ||
van Hoepen | Egbertina Johanna Maria | 1899 | [Partner of VIII-as] | |
de Hoog | Anna Maria Geertruida Wilhelmina Bernarda | 1880 | Number VIII-ag | |
de Hoog | Joannes Wilhelmus Caspar Melchior Balthasar | 1851 | 1900 | [Partner of VII-aa] |
Hounen | Petronella | [Partner of V-x] | ||
Houwen | Petrus Thomas Johannes Franciscus | [Partner of VIII-ar] | ||
Hovens | Maria Hubertina | 1926 | [Partner of VII-ar] | |
Huhn | Christina Henrietta | 1841 | 1906 | [Partner of VII-ay] |
Huijs | Gerardus | 1777 | 1832 | [Partner of IV-g] |
Huijs | Jacob | [Partner of VII-bc] | ||
Huijs | Jan | [Partner of V-n] | ||
Huijs | Petronella | [Partner of VII-d] | ||
Impelmans | Agnes | Number VI-ay | ||
Impelmans | Catharine | 1834 | 1834 | [Daughter of V-ah] |
Impelmans | Gerard | 1826 | 1836 | [Son of V-ah] |
Impelmans | Gerard | 1837 | 1921 | Number VI-az |
Impelmans | Helena | 1834 | 1834 | [Daughter of V-ah] |
Impelmans | Johannes | 1791 | [Partner of V-ah] | |
Jacobs | Aldegonda | [Partner of VII-p] | ||
Jacobs | Eleonora | [Partner of II-a] | ||
Jacobs | Hendrik | 1774 | 1844 | [Partner of IV-n] |
Jacobs | Johanna Elisabeth | 1903 | [Partner of VI-am] | |
Jacobs | Maria | 1805 | 1867 | Number V-am |
Jacobs | Pieter | Number V-al | ||
Jacobs | Sibilla | [Partner of V-aa] | ||
Janssen | Agnes | 1810 | [Partner of V-ad] | |
Janssen | Andries | 1823 | 1852 | Number VI-ak |
Janssen | Anna Hubertina | [Partner of VIII-an] | ||
Janssen | Bernardina Wilhelmina Catharina Hubertina | 1859 | 1911 | [Partner of VII-as] |
Janssen | Christina Hubertina | 1837 | 1906 | [Partner of VI-ah] |
Janssen | Gerard | [Partner of V-y] | ||
Janssen | Gerardus | 1802 | [Partner of V-am] | |
Janssen | Gertrudis | 1822 | 1901 | [Partner of VI-t] |
Janssen | Gertrudis | 1822 | 1889 | Number VI-aj |
Janssen | Helena | [Partner of VI-ak] | ||
Janssen | Hendrik | 1794 | 1867 | [Partner of V-t] |
Janssen | Hendrik | 1825 | 1912 | Number VI-al |
Janssen | Jacobus Hubertus | [Partner of VIII-bc] | ||
Janssen | Joanna | 1818 | 1884 | [Partner of VI-s] |
Janssen | Johan Lambert | 1833 | 1834 | [Son of V-t] |
Janssen | Maria Hendrika Hubertina | 1842 | 1903 | [Partner of VII-v] |
Janssen | Mathijs | 1836 | 1837 | [Son of V-t] |
Janssen | N.N. | 1832 | [Daughter of V-t] | |
Janssen | Petronella | 1797 | [Partner of III-d] | |
Janssen | Simon | 1829 | 1880 | Number VI-an |
Janssen | Willem | 1828 | 1903 | Number VI-am |
Jeurissen | Anna Maria | 1899 | 1949 | [Partner of VIII-r] |
Joosten | Antonia Hendrika | 1826 | 1831 | [Daughter of V-u] |
Joosten | Catharina | 1847 | 1911 | [Partner of VII-c] |
Joosten | Catharina Hubertina Mechtilda | 1866 | 1869 | [Daughter of VI-ao] |
Joosten | Cornelia Maria Hubertina | 1864 | 1926 | [Daughter of VI-ao] |
Joosten | Gertrudis | 1832 | 1852 | [Daughter of V-u] |
Joosten | Johan | 1831 | 1900 | Number VI-ao |
Joosten | Johan Maria Joseph | 1873 | 1938 | [Son of VI-ao] |
Joosten | Johan Willem | 1824 | [Son of V-u] | |
Joosten | Maria Catharina Hubertina | 1828 | [Daughter of V-u] | |
Joosten | Maria Catharina Josephina Hubertina | 1870 | 1932 | [Daughter of VI-ao] |
Joosten | Peter | 1835 | 1887 | [Son of V-u] |
Joosten | Peter Joseph | 1865 | 1867 | [Son of VI-ao] |
Joosten | Peter Maria Joseph Hubert | 1869 | [Son of VI-ao] | |
Joosten | Petronella | 1809 | 1834 | [Partner of V-ad] |
Joosten | Sigismund | 1793 | 1867 | [Partner of V-u] |
Joosten | Willemina Hubertina | [Partner of VII-g] | ||
Kanters | Hubertus Andreas Antonius | 1885 | 1948 | [Son of VII-z] |
Kanters | Johannes Adrianus | 1862 | [Partner of VII-z] | |
Keijsers | Anna Maria Gertrudis | [Partner of VIII-g] | ||
Kelders | Margaretha | [Partner of V-m] | ||
Kessels | Elisa Maria Hubertina | [Partner of VIII-aw] | ||
Keunen | Johannes Hubertus | Number VII-bb | ||
Keunen | Leonora Hubertina | Number VII-bc | ||
Keunen | Servaas | 1834 | 1902 | [Partner of VI-at] |
Kidzen | Joseph(us) | 1771 | 1817 | [Partner of V-b] |
der Kinderen | Johanna Francisca Maria | 1856 | [Partner of VII-y] | |
Kitsen | Anna Elisabeth | 1814 | 1875 | Number VI-b |
Kitsen | Peter | 1814 | 1848 | Number VI-c |
Kitzen | Johannes | 1813 | 1882 | [Son of V-b] |
Kitzen | Josephus | 1817 | Number VI-d | |
Klaps | Gertrud Lisette | [Partner of V-al] | ||
Klauwers | Jacobus Antonius | 1873 | [Partner of VIII-af] | |
Kleuskens | Maria Hendrina | [Partner of VIII-z] | ||
van Knippenberg | Johanna Elisabeth | [Parent in law of VIII-ai] [Parent in law of VIII-ai] |
Knippenbergh | Petronella | 1750 | 1816 | [Partner of IV-b] |
Konix | Helena | 1831 | 1893 | [Partner of VI-u] |
Korsten | Arnoldus | 1836 | [Partner of VI-aq] | |
Korsten | Maria Henrica Louisa | 1871 | 1907 | [Partner of VII-au] |
L'honneur | Noel Jean Louis Hubert | 1838 | [Partner of VII-aj] | |
Lamberts | Aldegonda | 1789 | 1845 | [Partner of V-s] |
Lamberts | Aldegonda Maria Hubertina | 1860 | Number VII-ak | |
Lamberts | Paulus | 1827 | 1908 | [Partner of VI-ad] |
Lanckers | Anna Maria | 1857 | [Partner of VI-al] | |
Lemmen | Maria Francisca | [Partner of VIII-n] | ||
Lenders | Daniël | [Partner of VI-q] | ||
Lenders | Francisca | [Partner of VI-ar] | ||
Lenders | Gertrudis | 1822 | 1886 | [Partner of V-ae] |
Lenders | Leonardus | [Partner of VIII-o] | ||
Levels | Petronella | 1769 | 1826 | [Partner of IV-l] |
van Lier | Anna Catharina | 1866 | 1869 | [Daughter of VI-m] |
van Lier | Gerard | 1821 | [Partner of VI-m] | |
van Lier | Margaretha | 1868 | 1911 | Number VII-h |
Linders | Anna Hendrika | 1918 | 1920 | [Daughter of VIII-i] |
Linders | Catharina Petronella | 1908 | 1937 | [Daughter of VIII-i] |
Linders | Gertruij | [Partner of V-w] | ||
Linders | Johannes | 1876 | 1920 | [Partner of VIII-i] |
Linders | Maria Catharina | 1904 | 1904 | [Daughter of VIII-i] |
Linskens | Aldegonda | 1728 | 1791 | [Partner of III-b] |
Lucas | Franciscus Joseph Hubertus | 1906 | 1906 | [Son of VIII-b] |
Lucas | Josephus Wilhelmus Johannes Hubertus | 1867 | [Partner of VIII-b] | |
Maessen | Gertrudis | 1759 | 1830 | [Partner of IV-d] |
Maessen | Petronella | 1731 | 1789 | [Partner of III-c] |
Mahlmann | Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth | 1869 | 1932 | [Partner of VII-az] |
Mallekoote | Adriana | 1894 | [Partner of IX-b] | |
Manders | Godefridus | 1792 | [Partner of V-a] | |
Manders | Petronella | 1814 | Number VI-a | |
Maters | Anna Maria | 1898 | 1898 | [Daughter of VII-al] |
Maters | Gerardus Leonardus Henricus | 1880 | Number VIII-aj | |
Maters | Godefridus | 1896 | 1898 | [Son of VII-al] |
Maters | Helena Petronella Anna | 1880 | 1880 | [Daughter of VII-al] |
Maters | Hendrik Johan Hubert | 1860 | 1933 | [Partner of VII-al] [Partner of VII-an] |
Maters | Hubertina | 1894 | Number VIII-al | |
Maters | Leonardus | 1896 | 1896 | [Son of VII-al] |
Maters | Lodewijk Martinus Hubertus | 1892 | 1898 | [Son of VII-al] |
Maters | Maria Hubertina | 1886 | 1894 | [Daughter of VII-al] |
Maters | Maria Hubertina | 1898 | 1899 | [Daughter of VII-al] |
Maters | Martinus Hubertus Henricus | 1884 | Number VIII-ak | |
Maters | Petronella Maria Hubertina | Number VIII-ai | ||
Maters | Simon Hubert | 1882 | [Son of VII-al] | |
Meijboom | Maria Helena | 1917 | 1919 | [Daughter of VIII-v] |
Meijboom | Peter Joseph Herman | 1887 | [Partner of VIII-v] | |
Metsemaekers | Maria | 1801 | [Partner of V-c] | |
Michels | Anna Sibilla Hubertina | 1827 | 1868 | [Partner of VI-ae] |
Michels | Maria Gertrudis | 1824 | [Partner of VI-aa] | |
Mooren | Hendrik | 1815 | [Partner of VI-b] | |
Muijrers | Maria | [Partner of IX-a] | ||
Nelissen | Jakoba | [Partner of VII-e] | ||
Nijs | Hendrika | [Partner of VIII-am] | ||
van Noorbeek | Gerardus C. | 1923 | 1990 | |
Notermans | Petronella | [Partner of VI-al] | ||
Nuij | Maria Catharina | 1921 | [Partner of VI-az] | |
Peeters | Aldegonda Maria Hubertina | 1883 | 1927 | [Partner of VIII-ay] |
Peeters | Antoon Gerard Hubert | [Partner of VIII-ax] | ||
Peeters | Christina | 1832 | 1905 | Number VI-aq |
Peeters | Frans Joseph | 1853 | 1936 | [Parent in law of VIII-ay] |
Peeters | Gerard | 1815 | [Partner of VI-h] | |
Peeters | Gertruda Hendrika Hubertina | Number VII-bf | ||
Peeters | Jacobus | 1830 | 1842 | [Son of V-ac] |
Peeters | Joanna | 1855 | [Partner of V-ab] | |
Peeters | Maria Catharina | 1903 | [Partner of VIII-ap] | |
Peeters | Maria Elisabeth | 1842 | 1920 | Number VI-as |
Peeters | Renier | 1835 | Number VI-ar | |
Peeters | Willem | 1798 | 1859 | [Partner of V-ac] [Partner of V-ak] |
Peeters | Willem | 1840 | 1902 | [Partner of VI-aw] |
Philippi | Maria Wilhelmina | 1867 | [Partner of VII-ab] | |
Pollen | Anna Catharina Hubertina | [Partner of VI-ap] | ||
Reijnders | Godefridus Hubertus | 1864 | [Partner of VIII-a] | |
Reijnders | Johannes Hubertus | Number IX-a | ||
Reijnders | Mathias | 1895 | Number IX-c | |
Reijnders | Wilhelmus Hubertus | 1892 | Number IX-b | |
Reinartz | Wilhelmina | 1828 | 1907 | [Partner of VI-ai] |
Roeven | Gerard | 1765 | 1837 | [Partner of IV-h] |
Roeven | Gerard | 1802 | 1852 | Number V-ab |
Roeven | Gertrudis | 1803 | 1854 | [Daughter of IV-h] |
Roeven | Hendrik | 1796 | 1835 | [Son of IV-h] |
Roeven | Hendrik | 1797 | 1851 | Number V-z |
Roeven | Jacobus | 1806 | 1856 | Number V-aa |
Roeven | Margaretha | 1799 | 1847 | [Daughter of IV-h] |
Roeven | Maria | 1794 | 1852 | [Daughter of IV-h] |
Roeven | Mathieu | 1805 | 1809 | [Son of IV-h] |
Roeven | Rudolphus | 1765 | 1842 | [Partner of IV-f] |
van der Sanden | Andries Simon Hubert | 1889 | 1890 | [Son of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Augusta Wilhelmina Aldegonda | 1896 | 1896 | [Daughter of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Christina Helena Josephina | 1894 | [Daughter of VII-ax] | |
van der Sanden | Henrietta Josephina Johanna | 1896 | 1896 | [Daughter of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Herman Joseph Willem | 1890 | 1894 | [Son of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Johan Marie Hubert | 1892 | 1893 | [Son of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Johan Simon Gerard | 1886 | 1887 | [Son of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Lambertus Wilhelmus | 1861 | 1933 | [Partner of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Louis Albert Willem | 1894 | 1894 | [Son of VII-ax] |
van der Sanden | Maria Henrietta Johanna | 1899 | [Daughter of VII-ax] | |
van der Sanden | Wilhelmina Johanna Maria | 1888 | Number VIII-bb | |
Sanders | Lodewijk | 1917 | [Partner of VII-bf] | |
Schmidt | Maria | 1889 | [Partner of VIII-ao] | |
Schmitz | Catharina | 1889 | 1905 | [Daughter of VII-b] |
Schmitz | Hubertus | Number VIII-e | ||
Schmitz | Jan Andreas | 1841 | [Partner of VII-b] | |
Schmitz | Peter Hubertus | 1886 | 1892 | [Son of VII-b] |
Schmitz | Sophia Catharina | 1891 | 1891 | [Daughter of VII-b] |
Schoeber | Maria Carolina | 1864 | 1896 | [Partner of VI-ax] |
van der Schoot | Anna | 1679 | 1760 | [Partner of II-a] |
Schouren | Helena | [Partner of VII-bd] | ||
Schrijen | Maria Peter Jan | [Partner of IX-d] | ||
Schuren | Catharina Henrietta Hubertina | 1849 | [Daughter of VI-ac] | |
Schuren | Daniël Hubert | 1854 | [Son of VI-ac] | |
Schuren | Johanna Hubertina Christina | 1859 | 1861 | [Daughter of VI-ac] |
Schuren | Josephus Hubertus | 1857 | [Son of VI-ac] | |
Schuren | Leonardus Hubertus | 1820 | 1885 | [Partner of VI-ac] |
Schuren | Maria Hubertina | 1852 | Number VII-aj | |
Schuren | Maria Mechteldis | 1863 | 1866 | [Daughter of VI-ac] |
Schuren | Mathijs Cornelis | 1850 | [Son of VI-ac] | |
Schuren | Petrus Wilhelmus Hubertus | 1846 | 1876 | Number VII-ai |
Segers | Anna | 1897 | [Daughter of VII-f] | |
Segers | Bernardina | 1887 | Number VIII-m | |
Segers | Christiaan | [Partner of VII-f] | ||
Segers | Gerardus Hubertus | 1900 | [Son of VII-f] | |
Segers | Gertrudis | 1890 | Number VIII-o | |
Segers | Hendrika | 1895 | [Daughter of VII-f] | |
Segers | Jacobus | 1893 | Number VIII-p | |
Segers | Johanna | 1825 | [Partner of VI-g] | |
Segers | Johannes | 1888 | Number VIII-n | |
Segers | Leonardus | 1905 | 1941 | Number VIII-q |
Segers | Louisa | 1902 | [Daughter of VII-f] | |
Segers | Maria | 1891 | [Daughter of VII-f] | |
Selen | Maria | 1802 | 1853 | Number V-y |
Simons | Johannes Martinus | [Partner of VIII-x] | ||
Smeets | Anna Maria | 1849 | 1929 | [Partner of VII-w] |
Smeets | Antoon | 1891 | 1893 | [Son of VII-o] |
Smeets | Hubertina | 1820 | [Partner of VI-c] | |
Smeets | Huibert | 1838 | [Partner of V-g] | |
Smeets | Johanna | Number VIII-w | ||
Smeets | Johannes | 1856 | 1897 | [Partner of VII-o] |
Smeets | Maria | Number VIII-x | ||
Smeets | Maria | 1722 | 1758 | [Partner of III-a] |
Smeets | Petronella | Number VIII-y | ||
Smets | Elisabeth Symons | 1645 | [Partner of I] | |
Smets | Maria Margaretha | 1759 | 1830 | [Partner of IV-c] |
Speijcken | Maria Gertrudis | 1818 | 1878 | [Parent in law of VI-bc] |
Sprang | Albertus Johannes Hendricus | [Partner of VIII-az] | ||
Stammen | Pieter | 1822 | [Partner of VI-e] | |
Steegers | Hubertina Maria | [Partner of VIII-ak] | ||
Steeghs | Gerardus Joannes Jozef | [Partner of VIII-bd] | ||
Steeghs | Joannes | 1846 | [Partner of VI-ay] | |
Steeghs | Joseph Wilhelmus | 1932 | 1932 | [Son of VIII-bd] |
Stikkelbroeck | Agnes Petronella Hubertina | 1848 | 1886 | Number VII-af |
Stikkelbroeck | Anna Catharina Petronella Hubertina | 1852 | 1902 | Number VII-ag |
Stikkelbroeck | Johan Hendrik Hubert | 1863 | 1863 | [Son of VI-ab] |
Stikkelbroeck | Joseph Hubert | 1854 | 1897 | [Son of VI-ab] |
Stikkelbroeck | Peter Alexander | 1819 | 1864 | [Partner of VI-ab] |
Stikkelbroeck | Peter Hubert | 1856 | [Son of VI-ab] | |
Stikkelbroeck | Peter Willem Hendrik Hubert | 1859 | 1885 | [Son of VI-ab] |
Stikkelbroeck | Petronella Catharina Hubertina | 1844 | 1881 | Number VII-ad |
Stikkelbroeck | Petronella Catharina Hubertina | 1861 | 1931 | Number VII-ah |
Stikkelbroek | Peter Hendrik Hubertus | 1846 | 1903 | Number VII-ae |
Strux | Johanna Margaretha | [Partner of VI-v] | ||
T(h)eeuwen | Hendrik (Henricus) | 1777 | 1840 | [Partner of V-h] |
T(h)eeuwen | Maria | 1817 | 1888 | Number VI-h |
T(h)eeuwen | Maria | 1832 | 1908 | Number VI-o |
T(h)eeuwen | Petronella | 1801 | 1878 | [Partner of V-k] |
Teeuwen | Elisabeth | 1822 | 1884 | Number VI-j |
Teeuwen | N.N. | 1824 | [Son of V-h] | |
Teeuwen | N.N. | 1825 | [Son of V-h] | |
Terhaag | Albertus Maria Wilhelmus | 1902 | [Son of VII-am] | |
Terhaag | Carl August | 1887 | Number VIII-an | |
Terhaag | Franciscus Albertus | 1893 | Number VIII-ap | |
Terhaag | Gerard Wilhelmus Hubertus | 1885 | Number VIII-am | |
Terhaag | Henricus | 1889 | Number VIII-ao | |
Terhaag | Hubertina Wilhelmina | 1899 | 1900 | [Daughter of VII-am] |
Terhaag | Johann Albert Joseph | 1856 | 1939 | [Partner of VII-am] |
Terhaag | Paulus Johannes Hubertus | 1891 | 1892 | [Son of VII-am] |
Terhaag | Wilhelm Albertus | 1895 | Number VIII-aq | |
Theeuwen | Antoon | 1831 | 1898 | [Son of V-h] |
Theeuwen | Balthasar | 1807 | 1885 | [Partner of V-j] |
Theeuwen | Hendrina | 1838 | 1904 | Number VI-q |
Theeuwen | Petronella | 1818 | 1893 | Number VI-i |
Theeuwen | Petronella | 1834 | 1871 | Number VI-p |
Thiessen | Frederik Lodewijk Willem | [Partner of VII-be] | ||
Thijssen | Peter Joannes | [Partner of VIII-y] | ||
Thijssen | Petronella Maria Gertrudis | [Partner of VII-bh] | ||
Thissen | Antoine | [Partner of IV-k] | ||
Timmermans | Maria Catharina | 1916 | [Partner of VI-w] | |
Trebels | Maria Catharina | 1781 | 1871 | [Partner of V-q] |
Vaessen | Antoon | 1815 | [Partner of V-ag] | |
Verbeek | Anna Margaretha | 1903 | [Partner of VIII-ay] | |
Verdonschot | Wilhelmina | [Partner of VII-m] | ||
Verhard | Pieter | 1811 | 1893 | [Partner of VI-i] |
Verlinden | Catharina | 1812 | 1881 | [Partner of VI-k] |
Vissers | Stephanus | [Partner of VII-bg] | ||
van Vugt | Jan | 1795 | 1871 | [Partner of V-r] |
Wettelings | Aldegonda Maria Hubertina | 1838 | 1910 | [Daughter of V-v] |
Wettelings | Anna Catharina | 1832 | 1836 | [Daughter of V-v] |
Wettelings | Anna Hendrina | 1836 | [Daughter of V-v] | |
Wettelings | Anna Maria Barbara | 1831 | 1910 | [Daughter of V-v] |
Wettelings | Gertrudis | 1825 | 1906 | [Daughter of V-v] |
Wettelings | Hendrik Hubert | 1835 | 1910 | [Son of V-v] |
Wettelings | Jean Henri Marie Hubert | [Partner of VIII-ba] | ||
Wettelings | Peter Hubert | 1827 | 1891 | [Son of V-v] |
Wettelings | Theodor Peter | 1840 | 1924 | Number VI-ap |
Wettelings | Willem Hendrik | 1829 | 1829 | [Son of V-v] |
Wijers | Jacobus | 1778 | 1835 | [Partner of V-f] |
Wijers | Leonard Hendrik | 1811 | 1855 | [Son of V-f] |
Willems | Petronella | [Partner of VIII-s] | ||
Willemsen | Johannes | 1884 | [Partner of VIII-m] | |
Wilms | Maria | 1818 | [Partner of VI-l] | |
Wilms | Willem | 1811 | [Partner of VI-a] | |
van Wing | Henri Philiber Johan | 1891 | [Partner of VIII-al] | |
van Wis | Maria Gertrudis | 1753 | 1831 | [Partner of IV-a] |
de Wit | Franciscus Johannes Hubertus | [Partner of VIII-at] | ||
Wittelings | Johannes | 1799 | 1877 | [Partner of V-v] |
van Wulfen | Wilhelmina Cornelia | 1892 | [Partner of VIII-as] | |
Zeelen | Henricus | Number V-w | ||
Zeelen | Petrus (Pieter) | 1757 | 1826 | [Partner of IV-e] |
Zeelen | Pieter | Number V-x | ||
Zelen | Jan | 1831 | [Partner of VI-p] | |
van Zwamen | Ferdinand | [Partner of VIII-ai] | ||
van Zwamen | Franciscus | [Partner of VIII-ai] | ||
van Zwamen | Willem | [Parent in law of VIII-ai] [Parent in law of VIII-ai] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 16-10-2011.
- www.wiewaswie.nl: database van de samenwerkende archiefdiensten
For pictures see Dutch genealogy.