(Noord-Brabant - Hoge en Lage Zwaluwe)
I Pieter Boot is born on 03-02-1811 in Hooge- en Lage Zwaluwe, son of Pieter Boot and Geertje van Ardenne. He was baptized on 10-02-1811 in Zwaluwe. Pieter is deceased on 20-09-1881 in Holland, Michigan [MI] , USA, 70 years old. Pieter married, 28 years old, on 22-02-1839 in Zuid-Beijerland with Wilhelmina Schaap, 23 years old. Wilhelmina is born on 05-11-1815 in Dubbeldam, daughter of Otto Janszn Schaap and Lijsje Ariesdr de Jong. Wilhelmina is deceased on 29-12-1897 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 82 years old. She was buried in Holland.
Children of Pieter and Wilhelmina:
1 Geertruida Boot, born on 16-11-1839 in Hooge- en Lage-Zwaluwe. Follow II-a.
2 Otto Boot, born on 26-10-1841 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Otto is deceased on 26-11-1864 in Centerville , Tennesee, USA, 23 years old (cause: shot down). Occupation: sergeant 25th regiment Michigan infantry during civil war.
3 Pieter Boot, born on 12-06-1844 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Pieter is deceased on 24-06-1845 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe, 1 year old.
4 Lijsje Bertha Boot, born on 31-03-1846 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Lijsje Bertha is deceased on 13-12-1850 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe, 4 years old.
5 Anna Boot, born on 05-02-1849 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Follow II-b.
6 Pieter Boot, born on 13-03-1852 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Follow II-c.
7 Arie Boot, born on 16-10-1854 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe. Arie is deceased on 14-08-1857 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 2 years old.
8 Arie Boot, born on 14-08-1857 in Holland, Michigan, USA. Arie is deceased on 06-04-1912 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 54 years old.
9 Theunis Ardenne Boot, born on 01-04-1861 in Holland, Michigan, USA. Follow II-d.
II-a Geertruida Boot is born on 16-11-1839 in Hooge- en Lage-Zwaluwe, daughter of Pieter Boot and Wilhelmina Schaap. Geertruida is deceased on 15-01-1899 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 59 years old. Geertruida married, 26 years old, on 23-05-1866 in Holland with Jan (John) Kramer, 28 years old. Jan (John) is born on 01-11-1837 in Coevorden, son of Louwerens Wispelwey Kramer and Johanna Jansdr Mensen. Jan (John) is deceased on 02-02-1913 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 75 years old. He was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Occupation: (luitenant 25th regiment infantry Michigan tijdens de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog, kruidenier (Boot & Kramer), voorman old Eagle Fire Compagny, alderman, lid bestuur Water Commissioners, hoofdopzichter Water Works.)
II-b Anna Boot is born on 05-02-1849 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe, daughter of Pieter Boot and Wilhelmina Schaap. Registration on 06-02-1849. Pieter Boot, 38 jaar, schipper, geeft geboorte aan in huis 128 van dochter Anna bij Wilhelmina Schaap; getuigen Wouter Daniel van Bezouwen 43 jaar broodbakker en Dirk Boot, 45 jaar timmerman.. Anna is deceased in 1928 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 79 years old. Anna married with Nicholas Silvius. Nicholas is born in 1852. Nicholas is deceased on 14-04-1929 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 77 years old.
II-c Pieter Boot is born on 13-03-1852 in Hooge - en Lage Zwaluwe, son of Pieter Boot and Wilhelmina Schaap. Pieter is deceased on 19-11-1925 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 73 years old. He was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Occupation: winkelier Boot & Kramer. Pieter married, about 21 years old, about 1873 in Holland with Bouwke (Bessie) van der Veere, about 16 years old. Bouwke (Bessie) is born on 07-01-1857 in Holland, Michigan, USA, daughter of Cornelis Wilbert van der Veere and Pieterke Bolhuis. Bouwke (Bessie) is deceased on 03-08-1934 in Holland, 77 years old.
Children of Pieter and Bouwke (Bessie):
1 Harry Peter Boot, born on 10-01-1874 in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin of Fullerton, Illinois, USA. Follow III-a.
2 Otto Boot, born on 08-05-1882 in Holland, Michigan, USA.
3 Cornelius William Boot, born on 13-04-1884 in Holland, Michigan, USA. Follow III-b.
4 Otto, A. Boot, born on 31-03-1892 in Holland, Michigan, USA. Otto, A. is deceased on 17-07-1893 in Holland, 1 year old. He was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery.
II-d Theunis Ardenne Boot is born on 01-04-1861 in Holland, Michigan, USA, son of Pieter Boot and Wilhelmina Schaap. Theunis Ardenne is deceased on 19-09-1924 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, 63 years old. He was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Occupation: doctor. Theunis Ardenne married, at the most 33 years old, before 1894 with Florence M. Franklin, at the most 33 years old. Florence M. is born in 1861, daughter of Mortimer C. Franklin and Charlotte Peck. Florence M. is deceased in 1946, 85 years old.
Child of Theunis Ardenne and Florence:
1 Franklin Boot, born in 1894. Franklin is deceased in 03-1908 in Holland, Michigan, USA, 14 years old.
III-a Harry Peter Boot is born on 10-01-1874 in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin of Fullerton, Illinois, USA, son of Pieter Boot and Bouwke (Bessie) van der Veere. Harry Peter is deceased on 02-10-1961 in Holland, Michigan, 87 years old. He was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Function: missionary Reformed Church of America (RCA), Amoy, China. Harry Peter:
(1) married, 29 years old, on 05-08-1903 in Overisel, Michigan with Netty Klein Heksel, 32 years old. Netty is born on 07-11-1870 in Overisel, Michigan, USA, daughter of Jan Hendrik Klein Heksel and Johanna Konijnenbelt. Netty is deceased on 14-04-1908 in Overisel, 37 years old.
(2) married, 36 years old, on 18-07-1910 in Holland Town of Cedar Grove, Wisconsin with Anna Henrietta Meengs, 30 years old. Anna Henrietta is born on 05-12-1879 in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, USA, daughter of Derk Jan Meengs and Gerdina (Delia) Voskuil. Anna Henrietta is deceased on 23-12-1959 in Holland, Michigan, 80 years old. She was buried in Holland, Pilgrim Home Cemetery.
Child of Harry Peter and Netty:
1 Theodore Boot, born on 03-07-1904 in ?. Follow IV-a.
Children of Harry Peter and Anna Henrietta:
1 Ethel Adelia Boot, born about 1910. Ethel Adelia is deceased in 1985, about 75 years old. She was buried in Holland, Michigan, USA Pilgrim Home Cemetery.
2 Raymond Ernst Boot, born about 1910. Follow IV-b.
3 Harriet Evelyn Boot, born on 21-10-1911 in Kulangu, China. Follow IV-c.
4 Marian Genevieve (Molly) Boot, born on 24-12-1913. Follow IV-d.
5 Beatrice Anna Boot, born in 1915. Follow IV-e.
6 William Eugene (Bill) Boot, born on 05-03-1919 in Amoy, China. Follow IV-f.
III-b Cornelius William Boot is born on 13-04-1884 in Holland, Michigan, USA, son of Pieter Boot and Bouwke (Bessie) van der Veere. Cornelius William is deceased on 30-08-1961 in Stickney, Illinois, 77 years old. He was buried in Stickney, Mount Auburn Memorial Park. Cornelius William married, about 26 years old, about 1910 with Elizabeth, G. McKechnie, about 26 years old. Elizabeth, G. is born on 26-09-1884 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Elizabeth, G. is deceased on 05-01-1945 in Chicago, 60 years old. She was buried in Stickney, Illinois, Mount Auburn Memorial Park.
Child of Cornelius William and Elizabeth:
1 James Clifford Boot, born on 10-02-1910 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. James Clifford is deceased on 29-10-1925 in Chicago, 15 years old. He was buried in Stickney, Illinois, Mount Auburn Memorial Park.
IV-a Theodore Boot is born on 03-07-1904 in ?, son of Harry Peter Boot and Netty Klein Heksel. Theodore is deceased on 25-03-2000 in ?, 95 years old. He was buried in Holland, Michigan, USA, Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Theodore married with Bertha Nienhuis. Bertha is born on 10-01-1903, daughter of Conrad Nienhuis and Dora Nienhuis. Bertha is deceased on 06-06-1987, 84 years old. She was buried in Holland, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA, Pilgrim Home Cemetery.
IV-b Raymond Ernst Boot is born about 1910, son of Harry Peter Boot and Anna Henrietta Meengs. Raymond Ernst is deceased on 26-06-1943 in Arlington, Virginia, USA, about 33 years old. He was buried in Grand Haven, Michigan. Raymond Ernst married with Kathryn Boon.
Child of Raymond Ernst and Kathryn:
1 Kathleen Anne Boot, born before 1940.
IV-c Harriet Evelyn Boot is born on 21-10-1911 in Kulangu, China, daughter of Harry Peter Boot and Anna Henrietta Meengs. Harriet Evelyn is deceased on 26-03-2000 in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA, 88 years old. Function: missionary sister China. Harriet Evelyn married, 29 years old, on 26-03-1941 in Hong Kong, China with Walter (Wally) de Velder, 33 years old. Walter (Wally) is born on 17-05-1907 in Boyden, Iowa, USA, son of Franklin Dirk de Velder and Aartje Verhoef. Walter (Wally) is deceased on 22-01-2005 in Saratoga Springs, New York, 97 years old. Function: missionary Reformed Church of America (RCA), Amoy, China.
IV-d Marian Genevieve (Molly) Boot is born on 24-12-1913, daughter of Harry Peter Boot and Anna Henrietta Meengs. Marian Genevieve (Molly) is deceased on 19-04-1982 in California, USA, 68 years old. Marian Genevieve (Molly) married, 24 years old, on 28-06-1938 in Holland, Michigan, USA with Joseph Richard (Joe) Esther, 26 years old. Joseph Richard (Joe) is born on 06-11-1911, son of Barthel Esther and Gertrude Feenstra. Joseph Richard (Joe) is deceased in 08-1982 in California, USA, 70 years old.
IV-e Beatrice Anna Boot is born in 1915, daughter of Harry Peter Boot and Anna Henrietta Meengs. Beatrice Anna married with Richard Charles Smith. Richard Charles is born on 14-12-1914 in Morrisville, New York, USA, son of Frederick Arthur Smith and Lena Miriam Balch.
IV-f William Eugene (Bill) Boot is born on 05-03-1919 in Amoy, China, son of Harry Peter Boot and Anna Henrietta Meengs. William Eugene (Bill) is deceased on 26-06-2012 in Grand Haven, Michigan, USA, 93 years old. He was buried in Spring Lake, Michigan, Township Cemetery. William Eugene (Bill) married, 24 years old, on 17-06-1943 in Muskegon, Michigan with Marya Bolema, 24 years old. Marya is born in 1919. Marya is deceased on 12-03-2005, 86 years old. She was buried in Spring Lake, Michigan, Township Cemetery.
\William Eugene (Bill) and Marya have five childeren.
Index (59 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born Christened |
Deceased Buried |
Relation(s) |
van Ardenne | Geertje | [Mother of I] | ||
Balch | Lena Miriam | [Parent in law of IV-e] | ||
Bolema | Marya | 1919 | 2005 | [Partner of IV-f] |
Bolhuis | Pieterke | [Parent in law of II-c] | ||
Boon | Kathryn | [Partner of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Anna | 1849 | 1928 | Number II-b |
Boot | Arie | 1854 | 1857 | [Son of I] |
Boot | Arie | 1857 | 1912 | [Son of I] |
Boot | Beatrice Anna | 1915 | Number IV-e | |
Boot | Cornelius William | 1884 | 1961 | Number III-b |
Boot | Ethel Adelia | 1910 | 1985 | [Daughter of III-a] |
Boot | Franklin | 1894 | 1908 | [Son of II-d] |
Boot | Geertruida | 1839 | 1899 | Number II-a |
Boot | Harriet Evelyn | 1911 | 2000 | Number IV-c |
Boot | Harry Peter | 1874 | 1961 | Number III-a |
Boot | James Clifford | 1910 | 1925 | [Son of III-b] |
Boot | Kathleen Anne | 1940 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boot | Lijsje Bertha | 1846 | 1850 | [Daughter of I] |
Boot | Marian Genevieve (Molly) | 1913 | 1982 | Number IV-d |
Boot | Otto | 1841 | 1864 | [Son of I] |
Boot | Otto | 1882 | [Son of II-c] | |
Boot | Otto, A. | 1892 | 1893 | [Son of II-c] |
Boot | Pieter | [Father of I] | ||
Boot | Pieter | 1811 | 1881 | Number I |
Boot | Pieter | 1844 | 1845 | [Son of I] |
Boot | Pieter | 1852 | 1925 | Number II-c |
Boot | Raymond Ernst | 1910 | 1943 | Number IV-b |
Boot | Theodore | 1904 | 2000 | Number IV-a |
Boot | Theunis Ardenne | 1861 | 1924 | Number II-d |
Boot | William Eugene (Bill) | 1919 | 2012 | Number IV-f |
Esther | Barthel | [Parent in law of IV-d] | ||
Esther | Joseph Richard (Joe) | 1911 | 1982 | [Partner of IV-d] |
Feenstra | Gertrude | [Parent in law of IV-d] | ||
Franklin | Florence M. | 1861 | 1946 | [Partner of II-d] |
Franklin | Mortimer C. | [Parent in law of II-d] | ||
de Jong | Lijsje Ariesdr | [Parent in law of I] | ||
Klein Heksel | Jan Hendrik | [Parent in law of III-a] | ||
Klein Heksel | Netty | 1870 | 1908 | [Partner of III-a] |
Konijnenbelt | Johanna | [Parent in law of III-a] | ||
Kramer | Jan (John) | 1837 | 1913 | [Partner of II-a] |
McKechnie | Elizabeth, G. | 1884 | 1945 | [Partner of III-b] |
Meengs | Anna Henrietta | 1879 | 1959 | [Partner of III-a] |
Meengs | Derk Jan | [Parent in law of III-a] | ||
van der Meer | ||||
Nienhuis | Bertha | 1903 | 1987 | [Partner of IV-a] |
Nienhuis | Conrad | [Parent in law of IV-a] | ||
Nienhuis | Dora | [Parent in law of IV-a] | ||
Peck | Charlotte | [Parent in law of II-d] | ||
Schaap | Otto Janszn | [Parent in law of I] | ||
Schaap | Wilhelmina | 1815 | 1897 | [Partner of I] |
Silvius | Nicholas | 1852 | 1929 | [Partner of II-b] |
Smith | Frederick Arthur | [Parent in law of IV-e] | ||
Smith | Richard Charles | 1914 | [Partner of IV-e] | |
van der Veere | Bouwke (Bessie) | 1857 | 1934 | [Partner of II-c] |
van der Veere | Cornelis Wilbert | [Parent in law of II-c] | ||
de Velder | Franklin Dirk | [Parent in law of IV-c] | ||
de Velder | Walter (Wally) | 1907 | 2005 | [Partner of IV-c] |
Verhoef | Aartje | [Parent in law of IV-c] | ||
Voskuil | Gerdina (Delia) | [Parent in law of III-a] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 6.1 on 22-09-2015. |
Source: research Ron Boot Utrecht
For extra information: see Dutch version.