(Noord-Brabant - 's-Gravenmoer)

Index  Vlag_Nederland


By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical.

I Vas Roelen.
Children of Vas out of an unknown relation:

1 Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth, born in 's-Gravenmoer. Follow II.
2 Dielis Vas.
3 Peter Vas.

II Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth is born in 's-Gravenmoer, son of Vas Roelen. Cornelis Vas Roelen is deceased about 1605. Cornelis Vas Roelen married before 1579 with Mayken Adriaen Peters (Mariken) de Vos. Note re Mariken: ook Maria Adriaan Petersdr de Vos.
Children of Cornelis Vas Roelen and Mariken:

1 Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen Boots, born in 's-Gravenmoer. Follow III-a.
2 Boudewijn Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot.
3 Dingena Cornelisdr Vas Roelen (Digna) Boot. Follow III-b.
4 Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot. Follow III-c.
5 Adriana Cornelisdr Vas Roelen Boot. Adriana Cornelisdr Vas Roelen is deceased before thursday 20-11-1642.
6 Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot, born about 1579 in 's-Gravenmoer. Follow III-d.

III-a Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen Boots is born in 's-Gravenmoer, daughter of Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth and Mayken Adriaen Peters (Mariken) de Vos. Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen is deceased after wednesday 27-09-1628 in Dordrecht. She was buried before wednesday 16-03-1633. Note re the death of Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen: ?. Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen married with Pieter Jansz Sneeuw, after the publication of the bans on sunday 18-05-1614 in Dordrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 02-06-1614 in Geertruidenberg [source: DTB NG]. Er staat in de marge dat toestemming is gegeven te trouwen in Geertruidenberg op 02-06-1614. Pieter Jansz is born about 1589 in Waspik. Pieter Jansz is deceased after 1675 in Dordrecht, at least 86 years old. Occupation: schippersgezel, schipper. Note re Pieter Jansz: zoon van Jan Sneeuw; ondertrouwd op 03-07-1633 te Dordrecht, getrouwd voor de kerk op 19-07-1633 te Dordrecht met Neeltien Jansdr Gerritsen, geboren te Dordrecht.
Child of Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen and Pieter Jansz:

1 Jan Pietersz Sneeuw. Follow IV-a.

III-b Dingena Cornelisdr Vas Roelen (Digna) Boot, daughter of Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth and Mayken Adriaen Peters (Mariken) de Vos. Digna is deceased before thursday 20-11-1642. Digna married about 1610 with Adriaan Jaspers Roelen.

III-c Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot, daughter of Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth and Mayken Adriaen Peters (Mariken) de Vos. Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen is deceased after thursday 20-11-1642 in Dordrecht. Note re Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen: getrouwd (1) vóór 1624 met N.N.. Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen married with Cornelis Gerrits de Vlucht, after the publication of the bans on sunday 13-04-1625 in Dordrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 29-04-1625 in Dordrecht [source: DTB NG]. Cornelis Gerrits is born about 1580. He was buried on tuesday 19-11-1652 in Dordrecht. Occupation: scheepstimmerman/gildedeken. Note re Cornelis Gerrits: zoon van Gerard Willemszn (Geeraerdt) en Maria Cornelisdr (Marichje).

III-d Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot is born about 1579 in 's-Gravenmoer, son of Cornelis Vas Roelen Booth and Mayken Adriaen Peters (Mariken) de Vos. Note re the death of Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen: overleden tussen 17-01-1623 en 08-11-1627. Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen married with Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr van Besoyen, after the publication of the bans on sunday 22-08-1604 in Dordrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 14-09-1604 in Dordrecht [source: DTB NG]. Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr is born before 1580. Note re the death of Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr: overleden tussen 01-06-1616 en 08-11-1627. Note re Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr: dochter van Damas Marceliszn en Geertruid.
Children of Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen and Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr:

1 Marcelis Adriaansz Boot. Follow IV-b.
2 Cornelis Adriaansz Boot. Follow IV-c.
3 Geertruid Adriaansdr Boot. She was baptized on friday 01-01-1610 in Dordrecht. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Cornelis Adriaansz Boot. He was baptized on friday 01-04-1611 in Dordrecht.
5 Damis Adriaansz Boot. He was baptized on wednesday 01-06-1616 in Dordrecht [source: DTB NG]. Damis Adriaansz is deceased on wednesday 12-08-1626 in Arnemuiden. He was buried in Arnemuiden. Note re the death of Damis Adriaansz: N.H. Kerk. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

IV-a Jan Pietersz Sneeuw, son of Pieter Jansz Sneeuw and Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen Boots. He was baptized on saturday 01-12-1618 in Dordrecht. Jan Pietersz is deceased about 1675. Note re the death of Jan Pietersz: overleden tussen 1672 en 1682. Occupation: schipper. Jan Pietersz married with Anneken Fransdr Kets, after the publication of the bans on sunday 24-10-1649 in Dordrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on tuesday 09-11-1649 in Dordrecht. She was baptized on sunday 01-06-1631 in Dordrecht. She was buried on wednesday 21-05-1692 in Dordrecht. Note re Anneken Fransdr: dochter van Frans Janszn Kets en Neeltken Korstendr Wouters.

IV-b Marcelis Adriaansz Boot, son of Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot and Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr van Besoyen. Marcelis Adriaansz is deceased after tuesday 19-05-1637. He was buried before wednesday 09-03-1639. Marcelis Adriaansz married before 1637 with Josina (Josijntgen) Luijpaarts.
Child of Marcelis Adriaansz and Josina (Josijntgen):

1 Heiltje Marcelisdr Boot. She was baptized on tuesday 19-05-1637 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Heiltje Marcelisdr: doopgetuigen: Cornelis Boot, Maeyken Bastiaens, Catelijntgen Schodijts. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

IV-c Cornelis Adriaansz Boot, son of Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen Boot and Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr van Besoyen. He was baptized on tuesday 27-11-1607 in Dordrecht. Cornelis Adriaansz is deceased on thursday 06-08-1671 in Aardenburg. Address: (woont vanaf 1624 in Aardenburg). Occupation: bierschipper (1632-1638), biersteker (1633), burgemeester van Aardenburg, schepen. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Cornelis Adriaansz:
(1) married with Tanneken de Bruijne, after the publication of the bans on thursday 05-04-1629 in Aardenburg [source: DTB]. Tanneken is born in Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, België.
(2) married about 1643 with Anna de Pours.
(3) married on saturday 02-02-1647 in Aardenburg with Catharina (Cathelijne) van der Sluis.
Children of Cornelis Adriaansz and Tanneken:

1 Adriaan Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on tuesday 19-03-1630 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Adriaan Cornelisz: doopgetuigen: Jan de Bruyne, Maeijken Cornelisdr. Adriaan Cornelisz is deceased before sunday 04-03-1640. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Heiltje Cornelisdr Boot. Follow V-a.
3 Barbara Cornelisdr (Barbel) Boot. She was baptized on sunday 27-08-1634 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Barbara Cornelisdr (Barbel): doopgetuigen: François Claes, Adriaenken de Bruine. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Maria Cornelisdr Boot. Follow V-b.
5 Jan Corneliszn (Joannes) Boot. He was baptized on sunday 17-01-1638 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Jan Corneliszn (Joannes): doopgetuigen: Jean de Bruyne, Willem Aldertsen van Cauwenhoven, Catelijntie Schodijts. Jan Corneliszn (Joannes) is deceased after sunday 30-01-1656. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
6 Adriaan Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on sunday 04-03-1640 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Adriaan Cornelisz: doopgetuigen: Daniel Huywaert, Hendrik Bellaart, Sara Lamonts. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

Children of Cornelis Adriaansz and Anna:

1 Jeremias Boot. He was baptized on monday 02-11-1643 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Jeremias: tweeling; doopgetuigen: Jeremias de Pous, Thonis Damissen, Maria Carlier, Janneken Martens.
2 Anna Marij Boot. She was baptized on monday 02-11-1643 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Anna Marij: tweeling; doopgetuigen: Jeremias de Pous, Thonis Damissen, Maria Carlier, Janneken Martens.

Children of Cornelis Adriaansz and Catharina (Cathelijne):

1 Abraham Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on wednesday 13-10-1649 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Abraham Cornelisz: doopgetuigen: Nicolaas Cupus, Margarite van der Sluijs. Abraham Cornelisz is deceased before sunday 15-08-1655. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntje) Boot. She was baptized on sunday 22-10-1651 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntje): doopgetuigen: Wouter van de Cruyce, Gorijntjen van Sluijs. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
3 Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntjen) Boot. She was baptized on sunday 01-12-1652 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntjen): doopgetuigen: Wouter van de Cruyce, Jorijntje van der Sluijs. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Abraham Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on sunday 15-08-1655 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Abraham Cornelisz: doopgetuigen: secr. Jacobus Dassingh, Tanneke van der Sluijs. Abraham Cornelisz is deceased before sunday 03-06-1657. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
5 Abraham Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on sunday 03-06-1657 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Abraham Cornelisz: doopgetuigen: François Coopman, Catalijne van Goes. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
6 Johanna Maria Cornelisdr (Joanna Marij) Boot. She was baptized on sunday 14-01-1663 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Johanna Maria Cornelisdr (Joanna Marij): doopgetuigen: Arnout Vermeer, Maria Wiljeroen, Agatha Smit huisvrouw van Abraham L'Alleman. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

V-a Heiltje Cornelisdr Boot, daughter of Cornelis Adriaansz Boot and Tanneken de Bruijne. She was baptized on saturday 09-10-1632 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Heiltje Cornelisdr: doopgetuigen: Ferdinand de Bruyne, Adriaentje van Elsemortel, Adriaentge Bartholomeus. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Heiltje Cornelisdr married on monday 01-04-1652 in Aardenburg with Arnoud Andrieszn Vermere, about 21 years old. Arnoud Andrieszn is born about 1631 in Aardenburg. Arnoud Andrieszn is deceased on thursday 13-04-1690 in Aardenburg, about 59 years old. He was buried on monday 17-04-1690 in Aardenburg. Occupation: schepen. Note re Arnoud Andrieszn: zoon van Andries Vermere, timmerman, wijnhandelaar, schepen van Aardenburg, en Sara Lamont.
Children of Heiltje Cornelisdr and Arnoud Andrieszn:

1 Sara Arnoudsdr Vermere. She was baptized on sunday 16-02-1653 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Sara Arnoudsdr: doopgetuigen: Cornelis Boot, Joor Rooman, Sara Lamonts. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Tanneke Arnoudsdr Vermere. She was baptized on monday 19-10-1654 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Tanneke Arnoudsdr: doopgetuigen: Johannes Vlamink, Catharina van Orliens. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
3 Susanna Arnoudsdr Vermere. She was baptized on sunday 30-01-1656 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Susanna Arnoudsdr: doopgetuigen: Petrus du Bois, Johannes Boot, Susanna Vermet. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
4 Jacobmina Arnoudsdr (Kakemijntje) Vermere. She was baptized on sunday 14-10-1657 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Jacobmina Arnoudsdr (Kakemijntje): doopgetuigen: Abraham Rubbens, Janneke d'Ecluse. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
5 Andries Arnoudszn Vermere. He was baptized on sunday 29-08-1660 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Andries Arnoudszn: doopgetuigen: bmr François Coopman, Cathrijna van Sluijs. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
6 Cornelis Arnoudszn Vermere. He was baptized on sunday 08-07-1663 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Cornelis Arnoudszn: doopgetuigen: Cornelis Boot, Adriaen Andriessen, Zara Lamonts, Maria Willerons. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
another 4 children with unknown year:
.... mrt 4: Adriaen, zoon van Arnout Vermeer en Heiltje Boot; doopgetuigen: Adriaen Boott, Florencia den Boer;
.... feb. 25 of 26: Maria, dochter van Aernoud Vermeer en Heylkje Boott; doopgetuigen: Petrus du Bois, predikant, Johannes Boott, Cornelia van Peene;
.... sept. 10: Maria, dochter van Arenoudt Vermeer en Heijlken Bootts; doopgetuigen Guijljam Galedt, Debora Teelinck;
.... mrt 29: Adriaen, zoon van Arenout Vermeere en Heyltje Boot; doopgetuigen: Cornelis Boot, Susanna Krols.

V-b Maria Cornelisdr Boot, daughter of Cornelis Adriaansz Boot and Tanneken de Bruijne. She was baptized on sunday 09-03-1636 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Maria Cornelisdr: doopgetuigen: Marcelis Boot, Maiken Gommerbach. Religion: N.G. gedoopt. Maria Cornelisdr married before 1658 with François Coopman, at the most 45 years old. François is born about 1613.
Children of Maria Cornelisdr and François:

1 Joris Franszn Coopman. He was baptized on tuesday 27-08-1658 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Joris Franszn: doopgetuigen: Cornelis Boot, Maria de Coopman. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
2 Helena Fransdr Coopman. She was baptized on tuesday 24-08-1660 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Helena Fransdr: doopgetuigen: Aernout Vermeer, Clara van Somer. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.
3 Cornelia Fransdr Coopman. She was baptized on wednesday 05-12-1663 in Aardenburg. Note re the birth of Cornelia Fransdr: doopgetuigen: Antonij Peurse, Adriaenken de Brune. Religion: N.G. gedoopt.

Index (52 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
van Besoyen Heiltje Damas Mercelisdr <1580     [Partner of III-d]
Boot Abraham Cornelisz   13-10-1649 <15-08-1655 [Son of IV-c]
Boot Abraham Cornelisz   15-08-1655 <03-06-1657 [Son of IV-c]
Boot Abraham Cornelisz   03-06-1657   [Son of IV-c]
Boot Adriaan Cornelisz   19-03-1630 <04-03-1640 [Son of IV-c]
Boot Adriaan Cornelisz   04-03-1640   [Son of IV-c]
Boot Adriaen Cornelis Vas Roelen ±1579     Number III-d
Boot Adriana Cornelisdr Vas Roelen     <20-11-1642 [Daughter of II]
Boot Anna Marij   02-11-1643   [Daughter of IV-c]
Boot Barbara Cornelisdr (Barbel)   27-08-1634   [Daughter of IV-c]
Boot Boudewijn Cornelis Vas Roelen       [Son of II]
Boot Cornelis Adriaansz   27-11-1607 06-08-1671 Number IV-c
Boot Cornelis Adriaansz   01-04-1611   [Son of III-d]
Boot Damis Adriaansz   01-06-1616 12-08-1626 [Son of III-d]
Boot Dingena Cornelisdr Vas Roelen     <20-11-1642 Number III-b
Boot Geertruid Adriaansdr   01-01-1610   [Daughter of III-d]
Boot Heiltje Cornelisdr   09-10-1632   Number V-a
Boot Heiltje Marcelisdr   19-05-1637   [Daughter of IV-b]
Boot Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntje)   22-10-1651   [Daughter of IV-c]
Boot Jacobmina Cornelisdr (Jaquemijntjen)   01-12-1652   [Daughter of IV-c]
Boot Jan Corneliszn (Joannes)   17-01-1638 >30-01-1656 [Son of IV-c]
Boot Jeremias   02-11-1643   [Son of IV-c]
Boot Johanna Maria Cornelisdr (Joanna Marij)   14-01-1663   [Daughter of IV-c]
Boot Maeijken (Maria) Cornelis Vas Roelen     >20-11-1642 Number III-c
Boot Marcelis Adriaansz     >19-05-1637 Number IV-b
Boot Maria Cornelisdr   09-03-1636   Number V-b
Booth Cornelis Vas Roelen     ±1605 Number II
Boots Lijsbeth (Lijsken, Elisabet) Cornelisdr Vas Roelen     >27-09-1628 Number III-a
de Bruijne Tanneken       [Partner of IV-c]
Coopman Cornelia Fransdr   05-12-1663   [Daughter of V-b]
Coopman François ±1613     [Partner of V-b]
Coopman Helena Fransdr   24-08-1660   [Daughter of V-b]
Coopman Joris Franszn   27-08-1658   [Son of V-b]
Kets Anneken Fransdr   01-06-1631   [Partner of IV-a]
Luijpaarts Josina (Josijntgen)       [Partner of IV-b]
de Pours Anna       [Partner of IV-c]
Roelen Adriaan Jaspers       [Partner of III-b]
Roelen Vas       Number I
van der Sluis Catharina (Cathelijne)       [Partner of IV-c]
Sneeuw Jan Pietersz   01-12-1618 ±1675 Number IV-a
Sneeuw Pieter Jansz ±1589   >1675 [Partner of III-a]
Vas Dielis       [Son of I]
Vas Peter       [Son of I]
Vermere Andries Arnoudszn   29-08-1660   [Son of V-a]
Vermere Arnoud Andrieszn ±1631   13-04-1690 [Partner of V-a]
Vermere Cornelis Arnoudszn   08-07-1663   [Son of V-a]
Vermere Jacobmina Arnoudsdr (Kakemijntje)   14-10-1657   [Daughter of V-a]
Vermere Sara Arnoudsdr   16-02-1653   [Daughter of V-a]
Vermere Susanna Arnoudsdr   30-01-1656   [Daughter of V-a]
Vermere Tanneke Arnoudsdr   19-10-1654   [Daughter of V-a]
de Vlucht Cornelis Gerrits ±1580     [Partner of III-c]
de Vos Mayken Adriaen Peters       [Partner of II]


logoaldfaer   Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 31-10-2010.

- generation I, II, IIIa - IIIc, IV-a: http://home.versatel.nl/hageman.ftj/tekst.htm 
- generation III-d, IVb, IVc: information from drs. Ron Boot.

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