(Noord-Holland / Naarden - Bussum)


Index  Vlag_Nederland


I Cornelis Boot is born before 1700. Note re Cornelis:

Gelet op de trouwdatum is zoon Klaas mogelijk geboren omstreeks 1720/1725. Cornelis zal dan mogelijk vóór 1700 zijn geboren.
Het is ook mogelijk dat Cornelis niet onder de naam 'Boot' bekend is maar onder een patroniem.
Een patroniem is een achternaam die is afgeleid van de voornaam van de vader, zoals hieronder Cornelisse.

Child of Cornelis out of an unknown relation:

1 Klaas Cornelisse Boot. Follow II.

II Klaas Cornelisse Boot, son of Cornelis Boot. Klaas Cornelisse married with Piternel Lammers van Son. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 08-09-1748 in Naarden [source: DTB RK 32]. Note re Piternel Lammers:

vermeld als Pieternel Soon bij de doop van Anne op 08-08-1752;
vermeld als Pieternel Huysman bij de doop van Gerardus op 25-04-1754;
vermeld als Pieternel Zoon bij de doop van Cornelis (Cornelius) op 20-09-1758.

Children of Klaas Cornelisse and Piternel Lammers:

1 Anne Boot. She was baptized on tuesday 08-08-1752 in Naarden.
2 Gerardus Boot. He was baptized on thursday 25-04-1754 in Naarden. Occupation: schipper. Note re Gerardus: getrouwd, 2 kinderen.
3 Cornelis Klaassen Boot. Follow III.

III Cornelis Klaassen Boot, son of Klaas Cornelisse Boot and Piternel Lammers van Son. He was baptized on wednesday 20-09-1758 in Bussum. Cornelis Klaassen:
(1) married with Antonia Hendrikzen. The religious wedding was celebrated on saturday 28-05-1785 in Naarden. Antonia is deceased before 1796.
(2) married with Agatha Vermeulen. The religious wedding was celebrated on sunday 24-04-1796 in Naarden. She was baptized on sunday 13-06-1773 in Naarden. She was buried on monday 22-10-1804 in Laarder Hoogt. Note re Agatha: dochter van Petrus (Pieter) Vermeulen (1741-1781) en Wigberta (Wijgertje, Weijgje) Harmsen de Jong (1739).
Children of Cornelis Klaassen and Agatha:

1 Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Follow IV-a.
2 Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) Boot. Follow IV-b.
3 Lucia Boot. She was baptized on saturday 22-05-1802 in Bussum.
4 Nicolaa Boot. She was baptized on monday 27-02-1804 in Bussum.

IV-a Antonia (Teuntje) Boot, daughter of Cornelis Klaassen Boot and Agatha Vermeulen. She was baptized on sunday 10-09-1797 in Bussum. Teuntje is deceased on sunday 02-03-1862 in Hilversum. Teuntje married on wednesday 11-06-1823 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 26] with Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen. He was baptized on tuesday 19-07-1796 in Hilversum. Kees is deceased on thursday 21-12-1854 in Hilversum. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Kees: zoon van Dirk Willemze Andriessen (1765-1833), landbouwer, en Dirkje Aartse Beijer (1766-1846).
Children of Teuntje and Kees:

1 Agatha Andriessen, born on tuesday 07-09-1824 in Hilversum. Follow V-a.
2 Cornelia Andriessen, born on saturday 06-08-1825 in Hilversum.
3 Dirk Andriessen, born on monday 25-09-1826 in Hilversum.
4 Cornelia Andriessen, born on monday 01-10-1827 in Hilversum. Follow V-b.
5 Clasina (Claasje) Andriessen, born on wednesday 03-09-1828 in Hilversum. Follow V-c.
6 Cornelis Andriessen, born on tuesday 08-12-1829 in Hilversum. Follow V-d.
7 Klaas Andriessen, born on friday 21-01-1831 in Hilversum. Follow V-e.
8 Willem Andriessen, born on friday 21-01-1831 in Hilversum. Note re the birth of Willem: tweeling.
9 Nicolaas Andriessen, born on wednesday 27-06-1832 in Hilversum.
10 Dirkje Andriessen, born on tuesday 20-08-1833 in Hilversum.
11 Klaas Andriessen, born on saturday 20-09-1834 in Hilversum.
12 Susanna Andriessen, born on wednesday 30-12-1835 in Hilversum.
13 Neeltje Andriessen, born on monday 06-03-1837 in Hilversum.
14 Willem Andriessen, born on sunday 20-10-1839 in Hilversum. Willem is deceased on monday 11-02-1889 at 01:00 in Hilversum, 49 years old. The decease was registered on monday 11-02-1889 [source: genlias akte 30].
15 Aart Andriessen, born on tuesday 23-02-1841 in Hilversum. Follow V-f.

IV-b Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) Boot, daughter of Cornelis Klaassen Boot and Agatha Vermeulen. She was baptized on saturday 10-08-1799 in Bussum. Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) married on wednesday 03-05-1826 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 12] with Elbert Splint. He was baptized on thursday 14-11-1799 in Hilversum. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Elbert: zoon van Steven Elbertsz Splint, landbouwer, en Aaltje Klaas Ruijter.
Children of Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) and Elbert:

1 Cornelis Splint, born on sunday 11-02-1827 in Hilversum. Follow V-g.
2 Klaas Splint, born on friday 20-03-1829 in Hilversum.
3 Klaas Splint, born on thursday 24-02-1831 in Hilversum.
4 Aaltje Splint, born on friday 04-05-1832 in Hilversum.
5 Steven Splint, born on sunday 18-08-1833 in Hilversum.
6 Aartje Splint, born on monday 01-12-1834 in Hilversum.
7 N.N. Splint, born on monday 07-03-1836 in Hilversum.
8 Aaltje Splint, born on friday 21-04-1837 in Hilversum. Follow V-h.
9 Pieter Splint, born on sunday 24-02-1839 in Hilversum. Follow V-i.
10 Agatha Splint, born on sunday 14-02-1841 in Hilversum.
11 Agatha Splint, born on sunday 17-07-1842 in Hilversum.
12 Aries Splint, born on thursday 28-11-1844 in Hilversum.

V-a Agatha Andriessen is born on tuesday 07-09-1824 in Hilversum, daughter of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Agatha married, 28 years old, on wednesday 03-11-1852 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 53] with Jan Brouwer, 31 years old. Jan is born on tuesday 21-11-1820 in Hilversum. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Jan: zoon van Hendrik Lammerts Brouwer, landbouwer, en Hindrikje (Heintje) van Wulfen.

V-b Cornelia Andriessen is born on monday 01-10-1827 in Hilversum, daughter of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Cornelia married, 22 years old, on thursday 23-05-1850 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 14] with Lambert Majoor, 36 years old. Lambert is born on sunday 14-11-1813 in Laren. Lambert is deceased on monday 25-02-1884 in Laren, 70 years old. Occupation: landbouwer. Note re Lambert: zoon van Bart Janszen Majoor en Jannetje Janse Banis.

V-c Clasina (Claasje) Andriessen is born on wednesday 03-09-1828 in Hilversum, daughter of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Claasje is deceased in 1899, 71 years old. Claasje married, 41 years old, on wednesday 09-02-1870 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 5] with Gerrit van Wulfen, 42 years old. Gerrit is born on wednesday 15-08-1827 in Hilversum. Occupation: wagenmaker. Note re Gerrit: zoon van Lammert van Wulfen en Evertje Andriessen.

V-d Cornelis Andriessen is born on tuesday 08-12-1829 in Hilversum, son of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis married, 48 years old, on tuesday 14-05-1878 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 16] with Anna Splint, about 42 years old. Anna is born about 1836 in Hilversum, daughter of Nicolaas Andriesse (Klaas) Splint and Jansje Prinsen.

V-e Klaas Andriessen is born on friday 21-01-1831 in Hilversum, son of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Note re the birth of Klaas: tweeling. Klaas married, 37 years old, on saturday 25-04-1868 in Soest [source: genlias akte 6] with Barbara Stoutenburg, 28 years old. Barbara is born on thursday 05-12-1839 in Soest, daughter of Peter Stoutenburg and Jannetje Butselaar.

V-f Aart Andriessen is born on tuesday 23-02-1841 in Hilversum, son of Cornelis (Kees) Andriessen and Antonia (Teuntje) Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Aart married, 34 years old, on wednesday 28-04-1875 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 12] with Willempje Splint, 37 years old. Willempje is born on wednesday 21-06-1837 in Hilversum, daughter of Nicolaas Andriesse (Klaas) Splint and Jansje Prinsen.

V-g Cornelis Splint is born on sunday 11-02-1827 in Hilversum, son of Elbert Splint and Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Cornelis married, 30 years old, on wednesday 01-07-1857 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 30] with Francisca Cornelia Hendrica de Ruijter, 26 years old. Francisca Cornelia Hendrica is born on saturday 03-07-1830 in Hilversum. Note re Francisca Cornelia Hendrica: dochter van Johannes de Ruijter en Cornelia Smorenburg.

V-h Aaltje Splint is born on friday 21-04-1837 in Hilversum, daughter of Elbert Splint and Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) Boot. Aaltje is deceased on monday 13-07-1903 in Baarn, 66 years old. The decease was registered on monday 13-07-1903 [source: genlias akte 59]. Aaltje:
(1) married, 36 years old, on tuesday 15-07-1873 in Hilversum [source: genlias akte 31] with Jan Stoutenburg, 29 years old. Jan is born on thursday 16-05-1844 in Soest, son of Peter Stoutenburg and Jannetje Butselaar. Occupation: tolgaarder. Note re Jan: weduwnaar van Elisabeth Andriessen.
(2) married, 42 years old, on tuesday 06-01-1880 in Bunschoten [source: genlias akte 1] with Antonie Oostveen, about 27 years old. Antonie is born about 1853 in Kamerik. Note re Antonie: zoon van Dirk Oostveen en Maria de Beer.

V-i Pieter Splint is born on sunday 24-02-1839 in Hilversum, son of Elbert Splint and Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje, Wijgje) Boot. Occupation: landbouwer. Pieter married, 34 years old, on wednesday 26-11-1873 in Bussum [source: genlias akte 22] with Gijsberta (Gijsje) Ernst, about 25 years old. Gijsberta is born about 1848. Note re Gijsje: dochter van Hendrik Ernst, landbouwer, en Mietje de Beer.

Index (55 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
Andriessen Aart ±1841     Nummer IV-f
Andriessen Agatha ±1824     Nummer IV-a
Andriessen Clasina 03-09-1828   1899 Nummer IV-c
Andriessen Cornelia 06-08-1825     [Daughter of III-a]
Andriessen Cornelia ±1828     Nummer IV-b
Andriessen Cornelis   12-07-1796 21-12-1854 [Partner of III-a]
Andriessen Cornelis 08-12-1829     Nummer IV-d
Andriessen Dirk 25-09-1826     [Son of III-a]
Andriessen Dirkje 20-08-1833     [Daughter of III-a]
Andriessen Klaas 21-01-1831     Nummer IV-e
Andriessen Klaas 20-09-1834     [Son of III-a]
Andriessen Neeltje 06-03-1837     [Daughter of III-a]
Andriessen Nicolaas 27-06-1832     [Son of III-a]
Andriessen Susanna 30-12-1835     [Daughter of III-a]
Andriessen Willem 21-01-1831     [Son of III-a]
Andriessen Willem 20-10-1839   11-02-1889 [Son of III-a]
Boot Antonia   10-09-1797 02-03-1862 Nummer III-a
Boot Cornelis Klaassen   20-09-1758   Nummer II
Boot Klaas       Nummer I
Boot Lucia   22-05-1802   [Daughter of II]
Boot Nicolaa   27-02-1804   [Daughter of II]
Boot Wigberta (Wijgertje, Wigertje,
  10-08-1799   Nummer III-b
Brouwer Jan ±1821     [Partner of IV-a]
Butselaar Jannetje       [Parent in law of IV-e]
[Parent in law of IV-h]
Ernst Gijsje ±1848     [Partner of IV-i]
Majoor Lambert ±1814     [Partner of IV-b]
Oostveen Antonie ±1853     [Partner of IV-h]
Prinsen Jansje       [Parent in law of IV-d]
[Parent in law of IV-f]
de Ruijter Francisca Cornelia Hendrica ±1831     [Partner of IV-g]
Splint Aaltje ±1838   13-07-1903 Nummer IV-h
Splint Anna ±1836     [Partner of IV-d]
Splint Cornelis ±1827     Nummer IV-g
Splint Elbert ±1800     [Partner of III-b]
Splint Nicolaas Andriesse       [Parent in law of IV-d]
[Parent in law of IV-f]
Splint Pieter ±1839     Nummer IV-i
Splint Willempje ±1838     [Partner of IV-f]
Stoutenburg Barbara 05-12-1839     [Partner of IV-e]
Stoutenburg Jan 16-05-1844     [Partner of IV-h]
Stoutenburg Peter       [Parent in law of IV-e]
[Parent in law of IV-h]
Vermeulen Agatha   13-06-1773   [Partner of II]
van Wulfen Gerrit ±1828     [Partner of IV-c]


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Mentioned sources:

  • DTB = Doop-, Trouw- en Begraafregisters (ook RBS)
  • genlias = www.genlias.nl: database van de samenwerkende archiefdiensten (voorheen Rijksarchiefdienst)
  • RBS = Retroacta Burgerlijke Stand (ook DTB)


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