(Zeeland - Middelburg)

Index  Vlag_Nederland

I Cornelis Cornelisz Boot was born about 1655. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased before monday 17-06-1720, about 65 years old. Occupation: koopman. Cornelis Cornelisz married, at the age of about 24 years, before 1679 to Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. She was baptized on sunday 24-09-1656 in Nieuwerkerk. Debora Theodorusdr is deceased after sunday 16-06-1720 in Vlissingen. Note re the death of Debora Theodorusdr: waarschijnlijk. Religion:N.G. gedoopt. Note re Debora Theodorusdr: dochter van Theodorus Willemszn Teeling, predikant, en Francina van Westhuizen.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Debora Theodorusdr:

1 Debora Cornelisdr Boot.
2 Catharina Francina Cornelisdr Boot. Catharina Francina Cornelisdr is deceased after sunday 01-02-1711.
3 Theodorus Cornelisz Boot. Follow II-a.
4 Maria Cornelisdr Boot. She was buried on sunday 16-06-1720 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Maria Cornelisdr: Sint Catharinakerk.
5 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born on thursday 07-12-1679 in Middelburg. Follow II-b.

II-a Theodorus Cornelisz Boot, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. Theodorus Cornelisz is deceased after friday 17-02-1713 in Middelburg. He was buried before thursday 01-12-1718. Note re the death of Theodorus Cornelisz: waarschijnlijk. Occupation: koopman. Theodorus Cornelisz married before wednesday 16-03-1712 to Johanna Johansdr van de Wiele. Johanna Johansdr is deceased after wednesday 16-03-1712. Note re Johanna Johansdr: dochter van Johan van de Wiele, schepen en raad van Vlissingen.
Children of Theodorus Cornelisz and Johanna Johansdr:

1 Cornelis Theodorusz Boot.
2 Jan Cornelis Theodorusz Boot. Follow III-a.

II-b Cornelis Cornelisz Boot was born on thursday 07-12-1679 in Middelburg, son of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Debora Theodorusdr Teeling. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased on wednesday 01-02-1713 in Utrecht, 33 years old. He was buried on thursday 09-02-1713 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Cornelis Cornelisz: Catharijnekerk. Occupation: predikant. Cornelis Cornelisz married, at the age of 26 years, 07-1706 in Middelburg to Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld, aged 22 years, after the publication of the bans on friday 30-07-1706 in Goes. The religious wedding was celebrated on wednesday 18-08-1706 in Baarland. Anna Pietersdr was born on monday 29-05-1684 in Goes. Anna Pietersdr is deceased on thursday 01-12-1718 in Utrecht, 34 years old. She was buried on thursday 08-12-1718 in Utrecht. Note re Anna Pietersdr: dochter van Pieter Marinuszn Smijtegeld, thesaurier van Middelburg, en Aletta Haymans.
Children of Cornelis Cornelisz and Anna Pietersdr:

1 Jacoba Cornelisdr Boot. Follow III-b.
2 Debora Aletta Cornelisdr Boot, born in Utrecht. Follow III-c.
3 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born in Utrecht. He was baptized on friday 28-02-1710 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Cornelis Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuigen: dominee Jacobus Hayman, Johanna de Wiele. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased before saturday 31-01-1711. Religion:N.G. gedoopt.
4 Cornelis Cornelisz Boot, born on saturday 31-01-1711 in Utrecht. He was baptized on sunday 01-02-1711 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Cornelis Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuigen: Jacobus Hayman en joffr. Catharina Boott. Cornelis Cornelisz is deceased on tuesday 25-01-1752 in Middelburg, 40 years old. Occupation: predikant. Religion:N.G. gedoopt.
5 Petrus Peter Cornelisz Boot. He was baptized on wednesday 16-03-1712 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Petrus Peter Cornelisz: Domkerk, doopgetuige: Johanna van de. He was buried on thursday 09-05-1743 in Utrecht. Note re the death of Petrus Peter Cornelisz: Buurkerk. Occupation: arts. Religion:N.G. gedoopt.

III-a Jan Cornelis Theodorusz Boot, son of Theodorus Cornelisz Boot and Johanna Johansdr van de Wiele. Jan Cornelis Theodorusz married to Alida Kruyt.

III-b Jacoba Cornelisdr Boot, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld. Jacoba Cornelisdr married in Leiden to N.N. Koopman.

III-c Debora Aletta Cornelisdr Boot was born in Utrecht, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Boot and Anna Pietersdr Smijtegeld. She was baptized on wednesday 20-03-1709 in Utrecht. Note re the birth of Debora Aletta Cornelisdr: doopgetuige: Debora Teelink. Debora Aletta Cornelisdr is deceased on 03-?-1786 in Den Haag. She was buried in Scheveningen. Religion:N.G. gedoopt. Debora Aletta Cornelisdr:
(1) married to Daniel Danielsz Scheurwater, after the publication of the bans on sunday 06-12-1733 in Utrecht. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 07-12-1733 in Dubbeldam. Note re the marriage: N.G.. Occupation: predikant Vrouwenpolder. Note re Daniel Danielsz: zoon van Daniel Scheurwater, opperboekhouder W.I.C. kamer Zeeland, en Johanna Bisschop.
(2) married to Nicolaes Antonisz Barkey. The religious wedding was celebrated on monday 30-05-1740 in Middelburg. Note re the marriage: N.G..Nicolaes Antonisz was born on wednesday 11-09-1709 in Bremen, Duitsland. Nicolaes Antonisz is deceased on wednesday 18-06-1788 in Den Haag, 78 years old. Occupation: predikant/professor theologie. Note re Nicolaes Antonisz: zoon van Antonie Barkey, koopman te Bremen, en Veronica Nonnen.

Index (20 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
Barkey Nicolaes Antonisz 11-09-1709   18-06-1788 [Partner of III-c]
Boot Catharina Francina Cornelisdr     >01-02-1711 [Daughter of I]
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz ±1655   <17-06-1720 Nummer I
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz 07-12-1679   01-02-1713 Nummer II-b
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz   28-02-1710 <31-01-1711 [Son of II-b]
Boot Cornelis Cornelisz 31-01-1711 01-02-1711 25-01-1752 [Son of II-b]
Boot Cornelis Theodorusz       [Son of II-a]
Boot Debora Aletta Cornelisdr   20-03-1709 03- -1786 Nummer III-c
Boot Debora Cornelisdr       [Daughter of I]
Boot Jacoba Cornelisdr       Nummer III-b
Boot Jan Cornelis Theodorusz       Nummer III-a
Boot Maria Cornelisdr       [Daughter of I]
Boot Petrus Peter Cornelisz   16-03-1712   [Son of II-b]
Boot Theodorus Cornelisz     >17-02-1713 Nummer II-a
Koopman N.N.       [Partner of III-b]
Kruyt Alida       [Partner of III-a]
Scheurwater Daniel Danielsz       [Partner of III-c]
Smijtegeld Anna Pietersdr 29-05-1684   01-12-1718 [Partner of II-b]
Teeling Debora Theodorusdr   24-09-1656 >16-06-1720 [Partner of I]
van de Wiele Johanna Johansdr     >16-03-1712 [Partner of II-a]

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