(Zeeland - Wissenkerke)
By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical.
I Adriaan Boot is born about 1735. Adriaan is deceased before 1811, at the most 76 years old. Adriaan married with Durftje Bakker. Durftje is born about 1735. Durftje is deceased before 1811, at the most 76 years old.
Children of Adriaan and Durftje:
1 Adriaan Adriaanse Boot. Follow II-a.
2 Pieter Adriaansz Boot, born about 1769 in Wissenkerke. Follow II-b.
II-a Adriaan Adriaanse Boot, son of Adriaan Boot and Durftje Bakker. He was baptized on 24-12-1763 in Wissenkerke. Adriaan Adriaanse is deceased on 28-01-1814 in Wissenkerke. Registration [akte 6]. Occupation: dienstknecht, dagloner. Adriaan Adriaanse:
(1) married with Magrieta de Bruine, after publication of the bans on 09-07-1790 in Wissenkerke [source: ZA Trouwgeld Zeeuwse Eilanden 1763-1805]. Magrieta is deceased before 1811. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Magrieta: ook Magritha, Margarita.
(2) married on 20-12-1811 in Wissenkerke [akte 13] with Cornelia Snoodijk, about 22 years old. Cornelia is born about 1789 in Colijnsplaat. Cornelia is deceased on 07-06-1829 in Colijnsplaat, about 40 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 40]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Cornelia:
dochter van Gillis Adr. Snoodijk (ovl. vóór 1811) en Johanna (Janna) Kraaij (ovl. vóór 1811);
dochter Johanna Snodijk, geboren op zondag 25-06-1820 in Wissenkerke [bron: akte: 53 datum: 26-06-1820;
getrouwd (2) op vrijdag 07-09-1821 in Wissenkerke [bron: akte: 17] met Adriaan de Vos, arbeider, 54 jaar oud, geboren in Zierikzee, weduwnaar van Cornelia Vermeulen, zoon van Joos M. de Vos, arbeider, en Adriaantje Adriaanse van Els, arbeidster
Children of Adriaan Adriaanse and Magrieta:
1 Adriaan Adriaanse Boot, born about 1791 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-a.
2 Tona Boot, born about 1799 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-b.
3 Durfje Boot, born about 1806 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-c.
Child of Adriaan Adriaanse and Cornelia:
1 Adriaan Adriaanse Boot, born on 01-03-1814 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 02-03-1814 [source: ZA akte 19]. vader overleden, moeder doet aangifte. Adriaan Adriaanse is deceased on 13-04-1814 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old. Registration [akte 23].
II-b Pieter Adriaansz Boot is born about 1769 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Boot and Durftje Bakker. Pieter Adriaansz is deceased on 16-07-1811 in Geersdijk (Wissenkerke), about 42 years old. Registration [akte 23]. Occupation: boerenknecht, dagloner. Pieter Adriaansz married with Jannetje G. de Smit, after publication of the bans on 19-04-1793 in Wissenkerke [source: ZA Trouwgeld Zeeuwse Eilanden 1763-1805]. Jannetje G. is born on 14-10-1769 in Wissenkerke. Jannetje G. is deceased on 15-08-1836 in Wissenkerke, 66 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 59]. Occupation: dienstmeid, dagloonster, arbeidster.
Children of Pieter Adriaansz and Jannetje G.:
1 Durf(t)je Boot, born about 1795 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-d.
2 Gijsbregt Boot, born on 18-04-1797 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-e.
III-a Adriaan Adriaanse Boot is born about 1791 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Magrieta de Bruine. Adriaan Adriaanse is deceased on 17-02-1839 in Wissenkerke, about 48 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 13]. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Adriaan Adriaanse married, about 25 years old, on 26-04-1816 in Kats [akte 2] with Engelina Bakker, about 21 years old. Engelina is born about 1795 in Colijnsplaat. Engelina is deceased on 06-05-1859 in Colijnsplaat, about 64 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 13]. Occupation: boerendienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Engelina: dochter van Maarten Bakker, arbeider, en Catharina Geertruid Merizon.
Children of Adriaan Adriaanse and Engelina:
1 Magarita Boot, born on 25-05-1817 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 26-05-1817 [source: ZA akte 29]. Magarita is deceased on 04-10-1817 in Colijnsplaat, 4 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 44]. Note re the death of Magarita: vermeld als Magrita.
2 Catharina Boot, born on 29-07-1819 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 29-07-1819 [source: ZA akte 45]. Catharina is deceased on 20-08-1893 in Colijnsplaat, 74 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 29]. Note re the death of Catharina: als geboorteplaats vermeld Wissenkerke.
3 Magritha Boot, born on 17-03-1822 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 18-03-1822 [source: ZA akte 32]. Magritha is deceased on 24-01-1823 in Wissenkerke, 10 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 5]. Note re the death of Magritha: vermeld als Margaretha.
4 Margarita Boot, born on 07-06-1824 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 09-06-1824 [source: ZA akte 45]. Margarita is deceased on 18-05-1880 in Colijnsplaat, 55 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 15]. Note re the death of Margarita: vermeld als Magritha. Occupation: winkelierster.
5 Adriaan Boot, born on 08-03-1828 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-a.
6 Maarten Boot, born on 07-10-1832 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-b.
7 Thona Boot, born on 01-06-1836 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-c.
III-b Tona Boot is born about 1799 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Magrieta de Bruine. Tona is deceased on 08-03-1867 in Colijnsplaat, about 68 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 10]. Occupation: arbeidster. Tona married, about 50 years old, on 18-10-1849 in Colijnsplaat [akte 13] with Pieter Rooze, about 35 years old. Pieter is born about 1814 in Kortgene. Pieter is deceased on 16-04-1858 in Colijnsplaat, about 44 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 20]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Mattheus Rooze en Adriana Leendertse Versluijs.
Children of Tona out of an unknown relation:
1 Tona (Thona) Boot, born on 01-02-1823 in Colijnsplaat. Follow IV-d.
2 Adriaan Boot, born on 12-05-1826 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 13-05-1826 [source: ZA akte 31]. Adriaan is deceased on 03-01-1849 in Colijnsplaat, 22 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 3]. Occupation: arbeider.
3 Pieter Boot, born on 02-05-1835 in Colijnsplaat. Follow IV-e.
III-c Durfje Boot is born about 1806 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Magrieta de Bruine. Durfje is deceased on 30-05-1861 in Wissenkerke, about 55 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 50]. Occupation: arbeidster. Durfje married, about 31 years old, on 21-04-1837 in Wissenkerke [akte 7] with Leendert Wolse, about 40 years old. Leendert is born about 1797 in Wissenkerke. Leendert is deceased on 07-03-1855 in Wissenkerke, about 58 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 20]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Leendert: zoon van Cornelis Wolse en Maria Kramer; weduwnaar van Rokusje Verhulst, overleden te Wissenkerke.
Children of Durfje and Leendert:
1 Leendert Wolse, born on 31-05-1837 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 31-05-1837 [source: ZA akte 57]. Leendert is deceased on 16-06-1838 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 46].
2 Leendert Adriaan Wolse, born on 11-07-1838 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 11-07-1838 [source: ZA akte 51]. Leendert Adriaan is deceased on 28-06-1839 in Wissenkerke, 11 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 42].
3 Adriaan Wolse, born on 28-03-1840 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 28-03-1840 [source: ZA akte 31]. Adriaan is deceased on 27-12-1840 in Wissenkerke, 8 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 141].
4 Leendert Wolse, born on 14-02-1842 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 14-02-1842 [source: ZA akte 22]. Leendert is deceased on 31-01-1843 in Wissenkerke, 11 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 3].
5 Adriaan Wolse, born on 19-06-1843 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 19-06-1843 [source: ZA akte 64]. Adriaan is deceased on 14-08-1868 in Wissenkerke, 25 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 58]. Occupation: arbeider.
Child of Durfje out of an unknown relation:
1 Magrieta Boot, born on 12-08-1835 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-f.
III-d Durf(t)je Boot is born about 1795 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Pieter Adriaansz Boot and Jannetje G. de Smit. Durf(t)je is deceased on 13-05-1840 in Wissenkerke, about 45 years old. Registration [akte 44]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Durf(t)je: Dierftje. Durf(t)je married, about 22 years old, on 05-12-1817 in Wissenkerke [akte 8] with Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg, 20 years old. Cornelis Dingenisse is born on 31-01-1797 in Colijnsplaat. Cornelis Dingenisse is deceased on 07-04-1866 in Wissenkerke, 69 years old. Registration [akte 28]. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, arbeider. Note re Cornelis Dingenisse: zoon van Dingenis Dingenisz Verburg (23-03-1766 Colijnsplaat - 24-02-1832 Colijnsplaat), arbeider, getrouwd 02-06-1786 te Kortgene met Janna Nicolaasze Koole (1763 Wissenkerke - 14-06-1839 Colijnsplaat), arbeidster.
Children of Durf(t)je and Cornelis Dingenisse:
1 Dingenis Verburg, born on 13-02-1818 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 13-02-1818 [source: ZA akte 10]. Dingenis is deceased on 29-04-1818 in Wissenkerke, 2 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 23].
2 Pieter Verburg, born on 23-08-1819 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-g.
3 Janna (Jannetje) Verburg, born on 14-10-1820 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-h.
4 Jannetje Verburg, born on 20-07-1823 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 21-07-1823 [source: ZA akte 57]. Jannetje is deceased on 24-09-1823 in Wissenkerke, 2 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 50].
5 Dingenis Verburg, born on 07-09-1824 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 07-09-1824 [source: ZA akte 66]. Dingenis is deceased on 23-09-1824 in Wissenkerke, 16 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 56].
6 Jannetje Verburg, born on 20-02-1826 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-i.
7 Dingenus Verburg, born on 24-06-1827 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 25-06-1827 [source: ZA akte 53]. Dingenus is deceased on 19-11-1827 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 60].
8 Dingenus Verburg, born on 09-10-1828 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 09-10-1828 [source: ZA akte 85]. Dingenus is deceased on 02-11-1828 in Wissenkerke, 24 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 77].
9 Adriana Verburg, born on 19-02-1830 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-j.
10 Jacomina Verburg, born on 29-06-1831 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 29-06-1831 [source: ZA akte 46]. Jacomina is deceased on 22-08-1831 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old. Registration [source: ZA akte 70].
11 Dingenus Verburg, born on 23-05-1835 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-k.
12 Cornelis Verburg, born on 17-08-1836 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 17-08-1836 [source: ZA akte 64]. Cornelis is deceased on 12-11-1836 in Wissenkerke, 2 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 81].
III-e Gijsbregt Boot is born on 18-04-1797 in Wissenkerke, son of Pieter Adriaansz Boot and Jannetje G. de Smit. Gijsbregt is deceased on 19-10-1853 in Wissenkerke, 56 years old. Registration [akte 87]. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Gijsbregt:
(1) married, 31 years old, on 20-02-1829 in Kortgene [akte 1] with Dirkje Verhulst, 28 years old. Dirkje is born on 28-12-1800 in Kortgene, daughter of Hendrik Hendriksz Verhulst and Neeltje Cornelisdr van den Berge. Dirkje is deceased on 14-07-1831 in Wissenkerke, 30 years old. Registration [akte 49]. Note re the death of Dirkje: als geboortedatum vermeld 01-09-1806. Occupation: boerendienstmeid, arbeidster.
(2) married, 36 years old, on 09-08-1833 in Wissenkerke [akte 12] with Johanna Korshui(j)ze, 20 years old. Johanna is born on 11-01-1813 in Colijnsplaat. 1805? Kortgene?. Johanna is deceased on 11-10-1899 in Wissenkerke, 86 years old. Registration [akte 42]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Johanna: dochter van Adriaan Korshuijze (06-02-1779 Colijnsplaat - 26-03-1841 Wissenkerke), zoon van Adriaan Corsuijse en Cornelia Poortvliet, arbeider, ondertrouwd 03-11-1802 te Kats, getrouwd 17-11-1802 te Colijjnsplaat met Dirkje Johannis Poortvliet, (18-05-1778 Colijnsplaat - 25-12-1853 Wissenkerke), arbeidster, afkomstig van Kats, dochter van Johannes Dirkse Poortvliet en Geertruid Pietersdr Smid.
Children of Gijsbregt and Dirkje:
1 Pieter Boot, born on 26-03-1829 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 26-03-1829 [source: ZA akte 24]. Pieter is deceased on 11-08-1830 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 37].
2 Hendrik Boot, born on 14-10-1830 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 14-10-1830 [source: ZA akte 90].
Children of Gijsbregt and Johanna:
1 Jannetje Boot, born on 11-03-1834 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 11-03-1834 [source: ZA akte 23]. Jannetje is deceased on 28-03-1834 in Wissenkerke, 17 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 14].
2 Adriaan Boot, born on 14-03-1835 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 14-03-1835 [source: ZA akte 32]. Adriaan is deceased on 09-09-1840 in Wissenkerke, 5 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 98].
3 Pieter Boot, born on 12-09-1836 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 12-09-1836 [source: ZA akte 78]. Pieter is deceased on 15-03-1839 in Wissenkerke, 2 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 20].
4 Dirkje Boot, born on 08-09-1837 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 09-09-1837 [source: ZA akte 91]. Dirkje is deceased on 21-08-1840 in Wissenkerke, 2 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 82].
5 Jannetje Boot, born on 20-10-1839 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 21-10-1839 [source: ZA akte 105]. Jannetje is deceased on 06-09-1840 in Wissenkerke, 10 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 96].
6 Adriaan Boot, born on 26-07-1841 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-l.
7 Jannetje Boot, born on 23-01-1845 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 24-01-1845 [source: ZA akte 9]. Jannetje is deceased on 04-05-1845 in Wissenkerke, 3 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 31].
8 Dirkje Boot, born on 02-02-1846 in Wissenkerke. Dirkje is deceased on 02-10-1846 in Wissenkerke, 8 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 127].
9 Pieter Boot, born on 17-11-1847 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-m.
10 Dirkje Boot, born on 28-07-1849 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 28-07-1849 [source: ZA akte 72]. Dirkje is deceased on 17-09-1850 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 82].
11 Jannetje Boot, born on 06-04-1852 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 07-04-1852 [source: ZA akte 35]. Jannetje is deceased on 24-04-1853 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 38].
IV-a Adriaan Boot is born on 08-03-1828 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Engelina Bakker. Registration on 08-03-1828 [source: ZA akte 25]. Adriaan is deceased on 16-04-1914 in Colijnsplaat, 86 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 8]. Occupation: arbeider. Adriaan married, 31 years old, on 23-07-1859 in Colijnsplaat [akte 9] with Leuntje van den Berge, about 28 years old. Leuntje is born about 1831 in Colijnsplaat. Leuntje is deceased on 04-10-1915 in Colijnsplaat, about 84 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 17]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Leuntje: dochter van Gillis van den Berge, schipper, en Cornelia Molhoek.
IV-b Maarten Boot is born on 07-10-1832 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Engelina Bakker. Registration on 07-10-1832 [source: ZA akte 66]. Maarten is deceased on 04-05-1882 in Colijnsplaat, 49 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 23]. Note re the death of Maarten: als geboorteplaats vermeld Colijnsplaat. Occupation: arbeider. Maarten married, 28 years old, on 18-10-1860 in Colijnsplaat [akte 9] with Lena Schippers, about 19 years old. Lena is born about 1841 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Lena: dochter van Boudewijn Schippers (1815 Colijnsplaat - 14-07-1877 Colijnsplaat), arbeider, getrouwd 26-01-1839 te Colijnsplaat [bron: akte 2] met Jacoba Hameling (Amelink) (03-02-1814 Colijnsplaat - 14-09-1891 Colijnsplaat), arbeidster.
Children of Maarten and Lena:
1 Engelina Boot, born on 29-05-1861 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 29-05-1861 [source: ZA akte 31]. Engelina is deceased on 01-06-1861 in Colijnsplaat, 3 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 19].
2 Engelina Boot, born on 24-07-1862 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 24-07-1862 [source: ZA akte 62]. Engelina is deceased on 17-08-1862 in Colijnsplaat, 24 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 52].
3 Adriaan Boot, born on 18-07-1863 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 18-07-1863 [source: ZA akte 49]. Adriaan is deceased on 28-01-1884 in Den Haag, 20 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 7 Colijnsplaat]. Occupation: kanonnier.
4 Jacoba Boot, born on 12-09-1864 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-a.
5 Paulina Boot, born on 07-07-1866 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-b.
6 Engelina Boot, born on 24-03-1868 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 24-03-1868 [source: ZA akte 29]. Address: (emigreerde in 1893 naar de V.S.).
7 Johannis Boot, born on 25-08-1870 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 26-08-1870 [source: ZA akte 70].
8 Magritha Boot, born on 03-05-1873 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-c.
9 Anthony Boot, born on 07-09-1874 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 07-09-1874 [source: ZA akte 58]. Anthony is deceased on 17-08-1875 in Colijnsplaat, 11 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 40].
10 Marinus Boot, born on 13-03-1877 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 13-03-1877 [source: ZA akte 16]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Marinus: Marinus Boot Emigrant in 1895 Colijnsplaat Leeftijd: 18 Beroep: arbeider Kerkgenootschap: Nederlands-hervormd Jaar vertrek: 1895 Plaats van vertrek: Colijnsplaat Reden van vertrek: Verbetering van bestaan Bestemming: Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika Bron: Staten van landverhuizingen In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/4, pagina 117.
11 Tona Boot, born on 09-11-1878 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 09-11-1878 [source: ZA akte 80]. Tona is deceased on 25-09-1880 in Colijnsplaat, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 46].
12 Adriana Boot, born on 13-02-1880 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 13-02-1880 [source: ZA akte 10]. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Adriana:Adriana Boot13 Leunis Boot, born on 06-10-1881 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 06-10-1881 [source: ZA akte 72]. Note re Leunis:
Emigrant in 1900 Colijnsplaat
Leeftijd: 20
Beroep: dienstbode
Kerkgenootschap: Nederlands-hervormd
Jaar vertrek: 1900
Plaats van vertrek: Colijnsplaat
Reden van vertrek: Verbetering van bestaan
Bestemming: Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika
Bron: Staten van landverhuizingen
In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/4, pagina 131Gedetineerde in 1896 Huis van Bewaring te Middelburg
bron: ZA Gedetineerden in Zeeuwse gevangenissen 1812-1923
IV-c Thona Boot is born on 01-06-1836 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Adriaanse Boot and Engelina Bakker. Registration on 01-06-1836 [source: ZA akte 40]. Thona is deceased on 15-03-1874 in Colijnsplaat, 37 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 8]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Thona: ook Tona. Thona married, 25 years old, on 19-09-1861 in Colijnsplaat [akte 13] with Adriaan Koole, about 32 years old. Adriaan is born about 1829 in Colijnsplaat. Adriaan is deceased on 03-11-1889 in Leiden, about 60 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 43 Colijnsplaat]. Occupation: dagloner, arbeider, werkman. Note re Adriaan: ook Kole, zoon van Jacob Koole en Maria la Roij, arbeidster.
Children of Thona and Adriaan:
1 Jacob Koole, born on 07-08-1863 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 08-08-1863 [source: ZA akte 53]. Jacob is deceased on 29-04-1865 in Colijnsplaat, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 29].
2 Adriaan Koole, born on 16-11-1865 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 18-11-1865 [source: ZA akte 90]. Adriaan is deceased on 14-02-1886 in Breda, 20 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 10 Colijnsplaat]. Occupation: huzaar.
3 Jacob Kole, born on 26-04-1868 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-d.
4 Engelina Koole, born on 27-07-1870 in Colijnsplaat. Registration on 28-07-1870 [source: ZA akte 63]. Engelina is deceased on 22-08-1870 in Colijnsplaat, 26 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 46].
5 N.N. Koole, still born daughter on 07-09-1871 in Colijnsplaat. Registration [source: ZA akte 63].
6 N.N. Koole, still born daughter on 20-10-1872 in Colijnsplaat. Registration [source: ZA akte 86].
IV-d Tona (Thona) Boot is born on 01-02-1823 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Tona Boot. Registration on 01-02-1823 [source: ZA akte 12]. Tona (Thona) is deceased on 26-08-1892 in Vlissingen, 69 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 191]. Occupation: dienstbode. Tona (Thona) married, 28 years old, on 07-05-1851 in Vlissingen [akte 30] with Jan Bok, 27 years old. Jan is born on 12-05-1823 in Vlissingen. Jan is deceased on 12-03-1899 in Vlissingen, 75 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 69]. Occupation: metselaar. Note re Jan: zoon van Marinus Bok en Christina de Wilde.
Children of Tona (Thona) and Jan:
1 Marinus Bok, born on 09-02-1852 in Vlissingen. Follow V-e.
2 Thona Christina Bok, born on 10-11-1853 in Vlissingen. Follow V-f.
3 Anthonij Bok, born on 15-01-1856 in Vlissingen. Follow V-g.
4 Pieter Johannes Bok, born on 15-11-1857 in Vlissingen. Registration on 16-11-1857 [source: ZA akte 316]. Pieter Johannes is deceased on 07-10-1859 in Vlissingen, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 255].
5 Jacobus Bok, born on 05-02-1859 in Vlissingen. Follow V-h.
IV-e Pieter Boot is born on 02-05-1835 in Colijnsplaat, son of Tona Boot. Registration on 04-05-1835 [source: ZA akte 39]. Pieter is deceased on 16-01-1927 in Naaldwijk, 91 years old. Registration on 17-01-1927 [akte 7]. Occupation: werkman. Pieter:
(1) married, 40 years old, on 16-06-1875 in Vlissingen [akte 26] with Maatje van Doeselaar (Doezelaar), about 28 years old. Maatje is born about 1847 in Zaamslag. Maatje is deceased on 14-11-1884 in Vlissingen, about 37 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 270]. Note re Maatje: dochter van Hendrik van Doeselaar en Pieternella Rademaker.
(2) married, 54 years old, on 21-08-1889 in Vlissingen [akte 57] with Suzanna Schoonenboom, about 42 years old. Suzanna is born about 1847 in Oostkapelle. Suzanna is deceased on 15-03-1930 in Naaldwijk, about 83 years old. Registration on 17-03-1930 [akte 20]. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Suzanna: dochter van Leendert Schoonenboom en Hendrika Johanna Frenks (Frenke).
Children of Pieter and Maatje:
1 Thona Boot, born on 14-06-1876 in Vlissingen. Follow V-i.
2 Hendrik Boot, born on 01-10-1877 in Vlissingen. Follow V-j.
3 Janna Pieternella Boot, born on 12-03-1880 in Vlissingen. Registration on 12-03-1880 [source: ZA akte 82]. Janna Pieternella is deceased on 12-02-1881 in Vlissingen, 11 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 38].
4 Janna Pieternella Boot, born on 21-01-1882 in Vlissingen. Registration on 23-01-1882 [source: ZA akte 31]. Janna Pieternella is deceased on 22-02-1886 in Vlissingen, 4 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 56].
5 Adriana Boot, born on 21-07-1883 in Vlissingen. Follow V-k.
6 N.N. Boot, still born son on 09-11-1884 in Vlissingen. Registration [source: ZA akte 266].
IV-f Magrieta Boot is born on 12-08-1835 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Durfje Boot. Registration on 13-08-1835 [source: ZA akte 85]. Occupation: arbeidster. Magrieta married, 23 years old, on 07-04-1859 in Wissenkerke [akte 4] with Willem Glas, about 25 years old. Willem is born about 1834 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: arbeider, werkman. Note re Willem: zoon van Huijbregt Glas (1791-1861), arbeider, en Jannetje Hollestelle (1790-1870), arbeidster.
Children of Magrieta and Willem:
1 Huibregt Leendert Glas, born on 19-02-1860 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 20-02-1860 [source: ZA akte 32]. Huibregt Leendert is deceased on 25-07-1860 in Wissenkerke, 5 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 67].
2 Leendert Huibregt Glas, born on 29-06-1861 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-l.
3 Huibregt Glas, born on 15-10-1862 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 15-10-1862 [source: ZA akte 134].
4 Dirk Glas, born on 15-10-1863 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 16-10-1863 [source: ZA akte 138]. Dirk is deceased on 14-11-1863 in Wissenkerke, 30 days old. Registration [source: ZA akte 127].
5 Jannetje Glas, born on 31-03-1865 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 01-04-1865 [source: ZA akte 55]. Jannetje is deceased on 08-08-1865 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 113].
6 Dirk Glas, born on 14-11-1866 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 15-10-1866 [source: ZA akte 148]. een van beide datums is fout.
7 Jannetje Glas, born on 20-07-1868 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 20-07-1868 [source: ZA akte 107]. Jannetje is deceased on 19-09-1874 in Wissenkerke, 6 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 86].
8 Adriaan Glas, born on 10-09-1869 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 10-09-1869 [source: ZA akte 114]. Adriaan is deceased on 28-07-1870 in Wissenkerke, 10 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 52].
9 Andries Glas, born on 28-07-1871 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 29-07-1871 [source: ZA akte 103]. Andries is deceased on 20-09-1871 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old. Registration [source: ZA akte 78].
10 Johannes Glas, born on 16-10-1872 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 17-10-1872 [source: ZA akte 147].
11 Adriana Glas, born on 27-11-1873 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 27-11-1873 [source: ZA akte 171].
12 Jan Glas, born on 06-02-1875 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 06-02-1875 [source: ZA akte 15].
13 Pieternella Glas, born on 10-10-1876 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 11-10-1876 [source: ZA akte 137].
IV-g Pieter Verburg is born on 23-08-1819 in Wissenkerke, son of Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg and Durf(t)je Boot. Registration on 24-08-1819 [source: ZA akte 56]. Occupation: arbeider. Pieter married, 31 years old, on 30-04-1851 in Wissenkerke [akte 13] with Lena van der Weele, about 25 years old. Lena is born about 1826 in Kortgene. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Lena: dochter van Johannis van der Weele en Lena Schippers.
IV-h Janna (Jannetje) Verburg is born on 14-10-1820 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg and Durf(t)je Boot. Registration on 14-10-1820 [source: ZA akte 87]. Janna (Jannetje) is deceased on 21-11-1897 in Wissenkerke, 77 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 41]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Janna (Jannetje) married, 30 years old, on 03-09-1851 in Wissenkerke [akte 21] with Riek Amelink, about 26 years old. Riek is born about 1825 in Wissenkerke. Riek is deceased about 1888, about 63 years old. Occupation: landmansknecht. Note re Riek: zoon van Pieter Amelink, arbeider, en Tannetje Leendertse, arbeidster.
IV-i Jannetje Verburg is born on 20-02-1826 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg and Durf(t)je Boot. Registration on 21-02-1826 [source: ZA akte 10]. Occupation: arbeidster. Jannetje married, 30 years old, on 24-09-1856 in Wissenkerke [akte 17] with Pieter Faase, about 23 years old. Pieter is born about 1833 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan Theophilis Faase en Josina Kouwer.
IV-j Adriana Verburg is born on 19-02-1830 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg and Durf(t)je Boot. Registration on 20-02-1830 [source: ZA akte 19]. Adriana is deceased on 14-03-1863 in Wissenkerke, 33 years old. Occupation: arbeidster. Adriana married, 31 years old, on 03-04-1861 in Wissenkerke [akte 11] with Antonij Bouterse, 33 years old. Antonij is born on 24-11-1827 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Antonij: zoon van Christiaan Bouterse en Magdalena Wisse.
IV-k Dingenus Verburg is born on 23-05-1835 in Wissenkerke, son of Cornelis Dingenisse Verburg and Durf(t)je Boot. Registration on 23-05-1835 [source: ZA akte 59]. Occupation: landmansknecht, boerenknecht. Dingenus:
(1) married, 25 years old, on 24-10-1860 in Wissenkerke [akte 32] with Jacoba de Smit, 27 years old. Jacoba is born on 12-12-1832 in Wissenkerke. Jacoba is deceased on 29-01-1865 in Wissenkerke, 32 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Jacoba: dochter van Gerard de Smit en Thona de Moor, arbeidster.
(2) married, 39 years old, on 24-09-1874 in Colijnsplaat [akte 16] with Maria Blok, about 25 years old. Maria is born about 1849 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Maria: dochter van Hendrik Blok en Elizabeth Bolle.
IV-l Adriaan Boot is born on 26-07-1841 in Wissenkerke, son of Gijsbregt Boot and Johanna Korshui(j)ze. Registration on 26-07-1841 [source: ZA akte 60]. Adriaan is deceased on 01-04-1930 in Wissenkerke, 88 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 5]. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Adriaan married, 23 years old, on 02-11-1864 in Wissenkerke [akte 28] with Maria Hendrika Koole, 21 years old. Maria Hendrika is born on 22-09-1843 in Wissenkerke. Maria Hendrika is deceased on 22-03-1925 in Wissenkerke, 81 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 13]. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Maria Hendrika: dochter van Pieter Koole (1812-1852) en Lena van der Maas, arbeidster.
Children of Adriaan and Maria Hendrika:
1 Johanna Boot, born on 15-01-1865 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 16-01-1865 [source: ZA akte 9]. Johanna is deceased on 18-07-1865 in Wissenkerke, 6 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 92].
2 Lena Johanna Boot, born on 25-03-1866 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-m.
3 Johanna Lena Boot, born on 15-10-1867 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-n.
4 Pieternella Boot, born on 16-06-1869 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 16-06-1869 [source: ZA akte 64]. Pieternella is deceased on 10-10-1869 in Wissenkerke, 3 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 82].
5 Adriaan Boot, born on 07-11-1870 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 07-11-1870 [source: ZA akte 138]. Adriaan is deceased on 23-01-1871 in Wissenkerke, 2 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 11].
6 Pieternella Boot, born on 30-05-1872 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-o.
7 Gijsbregt Jan Boot, born on 10-07-1874 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 11-07-1874 [source: ZA akte 92]. Gijsbregt Jan is deceased on 12-09-1874 in Wissenkerke, 2 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 76].
8 Hendrika Boot, born on 18-10-1875 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-p.
9 Pieter Boot, born on 20-02-1877 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 20-02-1877 [source: ZA akte 16]. Pieter is deceased on 30-05-1877 in Wissenkerke, 3 months old. Registration [source: ZA akte 36].
10 Pieter Boot, born on 24-04-1878 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 24-04-1878 [source: ZA akte 52].
11 Adriaan Boot, born on 15-06-1880 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-q.
12 Levinus Boot, born on 22-11-1882 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 23-11-1882 [source: ZA akte 122]. Levinus is deceased on 03-09-1945 in Bergen op Zoom, 62 years old. Registration [source: ZA akte 35 Wissenkerke].
13 Thomas Boot, born on 19-02-1884 in Wissenkerke. Registration on 19-02-1884 [source: ZA akte 25]. Thomas is deceased on 20-08-1885 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. Registration [source: ZA akte 53].
IV-j Pieter Boot is born on wednesday 17-11-1847 in Wissenkerke, son of Gijsbregt Boot and Johanna Korshui(j)ze. The birth was registered on wednesday 17-11-1847 [source: ZA akte 103]. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 23-04-1930 in Oosterland, 82 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 5]. Occupation: timmermansknecht, timmerman.
Pieter Boot
Pieter married, 29 years old, on monday 12-11-1877 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 22] with Johanna Jacoba Hageman, 20 years old. Johanna Jacoba is born on tuesday 25-08-1857 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on wednesday 26-08-1857 [source: ZA akte 94]. Johanna Jacoba is deceased on thursday 10-07-1947 in Oosterland, 89 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 16]. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Johanna Jacoba: dochter van Gerrit Jan Hageman, schippersknecht, en Neeltje van den Meeberg.
Children of Pieter and Johanna Jacoba:
1 Gijsbregt Gerrit Boot, born on thursday 25-07-1878 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-j.
2 Gerrit Jan Boot, born on saturday 28-02-1880 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-k.
3 Johanna Dirkje Boot, born on sunday 10-07-1881 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on monday 11-07-1881 [source: ZA akte 68]. Johanna Dirkje is deceased on friday 28-05-1886 in Dreischor, 4 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 8].
4 Neeltje Hendrika Boot, born on monday 05-03-1883 in Wissenkerke. Follow V-l.Neeltje Hendrika Boot
5 Adriaan Jacobus Boot, born on tuesday 06-05-1884 in Dreischor. The birth was registered on wednesday 07-05-1884 [source: ZA akte 9]. Adriaan Jacobus is deceased on wednesday 07-05-1884 in Dreischor, 1 day old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 8].
6 Jannetje Adriana Boot, born on tuesday 26-05-1885 in Dreischor. Follow V-m.Jannetje Adriana Boot
7 Adriaan Jacobus Boot, born on saturday 26-06-1886 in Dreischor. Follow V-n.
Adriaan Jacobus Boot
8 Cornelia Johanna Boot, born on saturday 10-03-1888 in Dreischor. Follow V-o.
Cornelia Johanna Boot
9 Jan Gerrit Boot, born on friday 05-12-1890 in Oosterland. Follow V-p.
Jan Gerrit Boot
10 Johannes Dirk Boot, born on friday 20-10-1893 in Oosterland. The birth was registered on saturday 21-10-1893 [source: ZA akte 38]. Johannes Dirk is deceased on wednesday 06-06-1894 in Oosterland, 7 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 30].
11 Johanna Dirkje Boot, born on wednesday 23-01-1895 in Oosterland. Follow V-q.
12 Anna Elisabeth Boot, born on tuesday 04-02-1896 in Oosterland. The birth was registered on thursday 06-02-1896 [source: ZA akte 13]. Anna Elisabeth is deceased on sunday 11-09-1983 in Bruinisse, 87 years old [source: ZA Overlijdensberichten 1900-1999].Anna Elisabeth Boot
V-a Jacoba Boot is born on monday 12-09-1864 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Maarten Boot and Lena Schippers. The birth was registered on tuesday 13-09-1864 [source: ZA akte 80]. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Jacoba: Jacoba married, 22 years old, on thursday 05-05-1887 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 6] with Dingenis Verburg, about 24 years old. Dingenis is born about 1863 in Colijnsplaat. Dingenis is deceased on wednesday 17-08-1898 in Colijnsplaat, about 35 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 24]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Dingenis: zoon van Dina Verburg, arbeidster.
Jacoba Boot
Emigrant op donderdag 30 maart 1905 Colijnsplaat
Geboortedatum: 12-09-1864
Geboorteplaats: Colijnsplaat
Burgerlijke staat: Weduwe
Kerkgenootschap: Nederlands Hervormd
Beroep: veldarbeidster
Datum vertrek: 30-03-1905
Bestemming: Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Opmerking: Weduwe van Boot (?)
Bron: Bevolkingsregister gemeente Colijnsplaat
In: Gemeentearchief Noord-Beveland (Wissenkerke).
Child of Jacoba and Dingenis:
1 Dingenis Verburg, born in 09-1888 in Colijnsplaat. Dingenis is deceased on friday 16-05-1890 in Colijnsplaat, 1 year old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 18].
V-b Paulina Boot is born on saturday 07-07-1866 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Maarten Boot and Lena Schippers. The birth was registered on monday 09-07-1866 [source: ZA akte 56]. Occupation: arbeidster. Paulina married, 20 years old, on thursday 30-06-1887 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 13] with Pieter Cornelis de Wit, about 24 years old. Pieter Cornelis is born about 1863 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Pieter Cornelis: zoon van Christiaan de Wit en Cornelia Remijn, arbeidster.
Children of Paulina and Pieter Cornelis:
1 N.N. de Wit, still born son on sunday 21-12-1890 in Colijnsplaat.
2 Christina de Wit, born in 06-1892 in Colijnsplaat. Christina is deceased on friday 14-04-1893 in Colijnsplaat, 10 months old.
V-c Magritha Boot is born on saturday 03-05-1873 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Maarten Boot and Lena Schippers. The birth was registered on saturday 03-05-1873 [source: ZA akte 32]. Magritha is deceased on sunday 03-05-1959 in Kortgene, 86 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 17]. Occupation: dienstbode. Magritha married, 21 years old, on thursday 17-05-1894 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 11] with Dirk de Pree, about 24 years old. Dirk is born about 1870 in Wolphaartsdijk. Dirk is deceased before 1959, at the most 89 years old. Occupation: landbouwersknecht, landbouwer. Note re Dirk: zoon van Nicolaas de Pree, landbouwersknecht, en Lijdia Meulenberg.
Children of Magritha and Dirk:
1 Lijdia de Pree, born about 1895 in Colijnsplaat. Follow VI-a.
2 Lena de Pree, born about 1896 in Colijnsplaat. Follow VI-b.
3 Nicolaas de Pree, born about 1897 in Colijnsplaat. Follow VI-c.
4 Jacoba de Pree, born in 1899 in Colijnsplaat. Follow VI-d.
V-d Jacob Kole is born about 1869 in Colijnsplaat, son of Adriaan Koole and Thona Boot. Jacob is deceased on sunday 25-03-1923 in Colijnsplaat, about 54 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 5]. Occupation: arbeider. Jacob married, about 24 years old, on thursday 18-05-1893 in Kats [source: genlias akte 2] with Dingena de Vos, about 24 years old. Dingena is born about 1869 in Kats. Dingena is deceased on thursday 02-09-1926 in Colijnsplaat, about 57 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 17]. Note re Dingena: dochter van Cornelis de Vos, arbeider, en Willemina de Regt, arbeidster.
V-e Lena Johanna Boot is born on sunday 25-03-1866 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Maria Hendrika Koole. The birth was registered on monday 26-03-1866 [source: ZA akte 45]. Lena Johanna is deceased on tuesday 18-03-1941 in Wissenkerke, 74 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 10]. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Lena Johanna married, 24 years old, on wednesday 12-11-1890 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 22] with Marinus Kramer, about 30 years old. Lena Johanna trouwde op dezelfde datum als zus Johanna Lena. Marinus is born about 1860 in Wissenkerke. Marinus is deceased on thursday 29-03-1951 in Wissenkerke, about 91 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 13]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Marinus: zoon van Jacob Kramer en Pieternella Wilderom.
Children of Lena Johanna and Marinus:
1 Pieternella Kramer, born on saturday 26-09-1891 in Kortgene. Follow VI-e.
2 Adriaan Kramer, born on wednesday 25-08-1897 in Kortgene. Follow VI-f.
3 Maria Kramer (private). Maria married with Pieter Willem Broekhoven (private).
V-f Johanna Lena Boot is born on tuesday 15-10-1867 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Maria Hendrika Koole. The birth was registered on tuesday 15-10-1867 [source: ZA akte 137]. Johanna Lena is deceased on tuesday 11-12-1900 in Wissenkerke, 33 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 59]. Occupation: dienstmeid, winkelierster. Note re Johanna Lena: Gedetineerde in 1885 Strafgevangenis te Goes [bron: ZA Gedetineerden 1812-1923]. Johanna Lena married, 23 years old, on wednesday 12-11-1890 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 20] with Abraham van Goudswaard, 25 years old. Johanna Lena trouwde op dezelfde datum als zus Lena Johanna. Abraham is born on sunday 09-04-1865 in Colijnsplaat, son of Johannis van Goudswaard and Catharina Verburg. The birth was registered on monday 10-04-1865 [source: ZA akte 31]. Abraham is deceased on saturday 11-10-1919 in Kortgene, 54 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 15]. Occupation: (veld)arbeider. Note re Abraham: getrouwd (2) 20-03-1913 te Kortgene [bron: ZA akte 4] met Janna van Heel (ca 1875 Kortgene), veldarbeidster, dochter van Jan van Heel en Lena Zwemer; weduwe van Markus Pieter Bouwense.
V-g Pieternella Boot is born on thursday 30-05-1872 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Maria Hendrika Koole. The birth was registered on thursday 30-05-1872 [source: ZA akte 77]. Pieternella is deceased on monday 23-12-1912 in Wissenkerke, 40 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 47]. Occupation: dienstmeid, (veld)arbeidster. Pieternella married, 20 years old, on wednesday 12-04-1893 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 4] with Jan Cornelis van de Velde, about 25 years old. Jan Cornelis is born about 1868 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: (veld)arbeider. Note re Jan Cornelis: zoon van Maria van de Velde, arbeidster.
Children of Pieternella and Jan Cornelis:
1 Marinus Izak van de Velde, born about 1895 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-h.
2 Aartje Cornelia van de Velde, born about 1896 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-i.
3 Maria van de Velde, born on tuesday 07-09-1897 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-j.
4 N.N. van de Velde, still born daughter on saturday 23-07-1898 in Wissenkerke.
5 Johanna Hendrika van de Velde, born in 01-1901 in Wissenkerke. Johanna Hendrika is deceased on tuesday 17-12-1901 in Wissenkerke, 11 months old.
6 N.N. van de Velde, still born son on sunday 05-01-1902 in Wissenkerke.
7 N.N. van de Velde, still born son on friday 28-11-1902 in Wissenkerke.
8 Janna Pieternella van de Velde, born about 1903 in Wissenkerke. Janna Pieternella is deceased on tuesday 18-10-1904 in Wissenkerke, about 1 year old.
V-h Hendrika Boot is born on monday 18-10-1875 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Maria Hendrika Koole. The birth was registered on monday 18-10-1875 [source: ZA akte 126]. Hendrika is deceased on saturday 14-11-1959 in Wissenkerke, 84 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 23]. Occupation: arbeidster. Hendrika married, 23 years old, on wednesday 09-11-1898 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 23] with Willem Zwemer, 24 years old. Willem is born on sunday 04-10-1874 in Wissenkerke. Willem is deceased on thursday 25-02-1954 in Goes, 79 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 40 Goes, akte 8 Wissenkerke]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Willem: zoon van Cornelis Zwemer, arbeider, en Susanna Bouterse, arbeidster.
Children of Hendrika and Willem:
1 Cornelis Adriaan Zwemer, born on saturday 04-03-1899 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on saturday 04-03-1899 [source: ZA akte 28]. Cornelis Adriaan is deceased on sunday 09-07-1899 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 26].
2 Adriaan Cornelis Zwemer (private). Adriaan Cornelis married, 25 years old, on wednesday 24-03-1926 in Wissenkerke [source: ZA akte 5] with Cornelia Verburg, about 27 years old. Cornelia is born about 1899 in Wissenkerke. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis Verburg, veldarbeider, en Maria Kramer.
3 Susanna Maria Zwemer (private). Susanna Maria married with Leendert Jan de Bruine (private).
4 Maria Susanna Zwemer (private).
5 Adriana Zwemer, born on thursday 19-11-1903 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on saturday 21-11-1903 [source: ZA akte 80]. Adriana is deceased on thursday 07-01-1904 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 1].
6 Cornelis Zwemer (private). Cornelis married with Neeltje Maria Filius (private).
7 Lena Zwemer, born on monday 10-12-1906 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on tuesday 11-12-1906 [source: ZA akte 100]. Lena is deceased on saturday 25-11-1911 in Wissenkerke, 4 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 50].
8 Adriana Zwemer, born on friday 01-05-1908 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on friday 01-05-1908 [source: ZA akte 40]. Adriana is deceased on friday 01-12-1911 in Wissenkerke, 3 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 51].
9 Pieternella Zwemer, born on wednesday 11-08-1909 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on wednesday 11-08-1909 [source: ZA akte 49]. Pieternella is deceased on thursday 16-12-1909 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 49].
10 N.N. Zwemer, still born daughter on saturday 11-06-1910 in Wissenkerke. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 24].
11 Geertruida Zwemer, born in 06-1914 in Wissenkerke. Geertruida is deceased on thursday 31-12-1914 in Wissenkerke, 6 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 47].
12 Levinus Zwemer, born in 05-1917 in Wissenkerke. Levinus is deceased on thursday 07-11-1918 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 47].
V-i Adriaan Boot is born on tuesday 15-06-1880 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Boot and Maria Hendrika Koole. The birth was registered on tuesday 15-06-1880 [source: ZA akte 72]. Occupation: (veld)arbeider. Adriaan married, 27 years old, on friday 15-05-1908 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 10] with Pieternella Dourleijn, 26 years old. erkennen dochter Lena, geboren 16-11-1904 te Wissenkerke. Pieternella is born on wednesday 08-06-1881 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: dienstbode, (veld)arbeidster. Note re Pieternella: dochter van Abraham Dourleijn, arbeider, en Cornelia van de Velde, arbeidster.
Children of Adriaan and Pieternella:
1 Lena Boot, born on wednesday 16-11-1904 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-n.
2 Maria Cornelia Boot, born on sunday 27-09-1908 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-o.
3 Cornelia Maria Boot, born on monday 25-10-1909 in Wissenkerke. Follow VI-p.
4 N.N. Boot, still born son on tuesday 13-12-1910 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 42].
5 N.N. Boot, still born son on wednesday 10-01-1912 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 1].
6 N.N. Boot, still born son on saturday 12-07-1913 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 33].
7 Adriana Johanna Boot, born on tuesday 01-12-1914 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. Follow VI-q.
8 Adriaan Abraham Boot, born on monday 14-02-1916 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. Follow VI-r.
9 Abraham Adriaan Boot, born on tuesday 12-11-1918 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. Abraham Adriaan is deceased on tuesday 12-11-1918 in Wissenkerke, 0 days old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 49].
10 N.N. Boot, still born daughter on monday 05-04-1920 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 14].
11 N.N. Boot, still born son on friday 29-12-1922 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered on saturday 30-12-1922 [source: ZA akte 47].
12 N.N. Boot, still born daughter on tuesday 12-06-1928 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders]. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 14].
V-j Gijsbregt Gerrit Boot is born on thursday 25-07-1878 in Wissenkerke, son of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on thursday 25-07-1878 [source: ZA akte 79]. Gijsbregt Gerrit is deceased on friday 31-05-1940 in Rotterdam, 61 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 11 Wissenkerke]. Occupation: timmerman. Gijsbregt Gerrit married, 32 years old, on wednesday 03-08-1910 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 15] with Lena Otte, 27 years old. Lena is born on friday 13-07-1883 in Bruinisse, daughter of Adriaan Otte and Adriaantje Padmos. The birth was registered on friday 13-07-1883 [source: ZA akte 37].
V-k Gerrit Jan Boot is born on saturday 28-02-1880 in Wissenkerke, son of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on monday 01-03-1880 [source: ZA akte 24]. Occupation: onderwijzer. Gerrit Jan married, 27 years old, on friday 01-11-1907 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 15] with Davina Maria Vijverberg, 28 years old. Davina Maria is born on friday 14-02-1879 in Oosterland. The birth was registered on saturday 15-02-1879 [source: ZA akte 18]. Note re Davina Maria: dochter van Job Johannes Vijverberg en Johanna Maria Grieta Kraan, telefoniste.
V-l Neeltje Hendrika Boot is born on monday 05-03-1883 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on tuesday 06-03-1883 [source: ZA akte 26]. Neeltje Hendrika married, 23 years old, on thursday 07-06-1906 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 7] with Pieter Adam Rotte, 25 years old. Pieter Adam is born on monday 29-11-1880 in Oosterland, son of Adriaan Rotte and Cornelia Catharina Siemense. The birth was registered on tuesday 30-11-1880 [source: ZA akte 60]. Pieter Adam is deceased on wednesday 27-01-1932 in Oosterland, 51 years old. Occupation: broodbakker.
Children of Neeltje Hendrika and Pieter Adam:
1 Adriaan Rotte, born in 07-1910 in Oosterland. Adriaan is deceased on saturday 18-02-1911 in Oosterland, 7 months old.
2 N.N. Rotte, still born child on thursday 08-03-1923 in Oosterland.
V-m Jannetje Adriana Boot is born on tuesday 26-05-1885 in Dreischor, daughter of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on wednesday 27-05-1885 [source: ZA akte 14]. Jannetje Adriana is deceased on saturday 04-07-1970 in Oosterland, 85 years old. The decease was registered [source: adv.]. Address: (na 1900 inwoner van Middelburg). Jannetje Adriana married, 36 years old, on wednesday 05-10-1921 in Middelburg [source: genlias akte 142] with Abraham Philip Cappon, 42 years old. Abraham Philip is born on saturday 31-05-1879 in Groede. The birth was registered on saturday 31-05-1879 [source: ZA akte 35]. Abraham Philip is deceased on saturday 28-11-1953 in Middelburg, 74 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 226]. Occupation: schilder (1921), winkelier (1953). Note re Abraham Philip: zoon van Izaak Jacob Cappon en Jozina Catharina le Clercq.
V-n Adriaan Jacobus Boot is born on saturday 26-06-1886 in Dreischor, son of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on monday 28-06-1886 [source: ZA akte 27]. Occupation: timmerman. Adriaan Jacobus married, 25 years old, on wednesday 12-06-1912 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 11] with Domina Jozina de Visser, 25 years old. Domina Jozina is born on monday 03-01-1887 in Oosterland. The birth was registered on monday 03-01-1887 [source: ZA akte 1]. Occupation: naaister. Note re Domina Jozina: dochter van Adolf de Visser, vrachtrijder, en Lena Jozina Steenpoorte.
Children of Adriaan Jacobus and Domina Jozina:
1 Pieter Adolf Boot. is born on 08-12-1913 in Vlissingen. Pieter Adolf is deceased on 08-10-2011 in Goes, 97 years old. Pieter Adolf is cremated on 13-10-2011 in Rotterdam. Occupation: directeur gemeentewerken Tholen, directeur Bouw- en Woningtoezicht Schouwen-Duiveland. Decoration: Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Pieter Adolf married to Neeltje van Sluis.
Click here for an interview with Pieter Adolf Boot
2 Lena Johanna Boot (private). Lena Johanna married with Izak Berlijn (private).
3 Johanna Lena Boot (private). Johanna Lena married with Marinus Izak Geluk (private). V-o Cornelia Johanna Boot is born on saturday 10-03-1888 in Dreischor, daughter of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on saturday 10-03-1888 [source: ZA akte 8]. Address: (woonde na 1900 in Middelburg). Cornelia Johanna married, 21 years old, on wednesday 28-07-1909 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 18] with Pieter Luteijn, 27 years old. Pieter is born on sunday 16-07-1882 in Nieuwvliet. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 15-08-1951 in Middelburg, 69 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 171]. Occupation: onderwijzer. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jannis Luteijn, logementhouder, en Maria Cappon.
V-p Jan Gerrit Boot is born on friday 05-12-1890 in Oosterland, son of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on saturday 06-12-1890 [source: ZA akte 46]. Jan Gerrit is deceased in 1962, 72 years old. Occupation: timmerman. Jan Gerrit married, 36 years old, on wednesday 16-11-1927 in Oosterland [source: ZA akte 9] with Cornelia Jonker, 23 years old. Cornelia is born on sunday 09-10-1904 in Noordgouwe. The birth was registered on tuesday 11-10-1904 [source: ZA akte 18]. Cornelia is deceased on monday 27-02-1995 in Oosterland, 90 years old. She was buried on friday 03-03-1995 in Oosterland. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Anthonie Jonker, gemeenteveldwachter, en Janna van Oost.
V-q Johanna Dirkje Boot is born on wednesday 23-01-1895 in Oosterland, daughter of Pieter Boot and Johanna Jacoba Hageman. The birth was registered on thursday 24-01-1895 [source: ZA akte 3]. Johanna Dirkje married, 20 years old, on wednesday 07-04-1915 in Oosterland [source: genlias akte 5] with Marinus Leendert van der Hulle, 21 years old. Marinus Leendert is born on sunday 06-08-1893 in Oosterland. The birth was registered on monday 07-08-1893 [source: ZA akte 28]. Occupation: aannemer. Note re Marinus Leendert: zoon van Frans van der Hulle (1850-1947), aannemer, en Pieternella Scherpenisse (1873-1950).
VI-a Lijdia de Pree is born about 1895 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Dirk de Pree and Magritha Boot. Lijdia married, about 21 years old, on wednesday 31-05-1916 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 3] with Leendert Willem Leendertse, about 23 years old. Leendert Willem is born about 1893 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: timmerman. Note re Leendert Willem: zoon van Hendrik Govert Leendertse, veldarbeider, en Pieternella Begthel.
VI-b Lena de Pree is born about 1896 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Dirk de Pree and Magritha Boot. Lena married, about 23 years old, on friday 01-08-1919 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 14] with Krijn Hoogerheide, 25 years old. Krijn is born on monday 05-02-1894 in Colijnsplaat, son of Krijn Hoogerheide and Maatje van den Hoven. The birth was registered on monday 05-02-1894 [source: ZA akte 5]. Address: (woonde in 1919 te Den Haag). Occupation: tramconducteur.
VI-c Nicolaas de Pree is born about 1897 in Colijnsplaat, son of Dirk de Pree and Magritha Boot. Occupation: veldarbeider. Nicolaas married, about 22 years old, on thursday 04-12-1919 in Kats [source: genlias akte 5] with Grietje van Gilst, about 18 years old. Grietje is born about 1901 in Colijnsplaat. Note re Grietje: dochter van Leendert van Gilst, veldarbeider, en Cornelia Verburg.
VI-d Jacoba de Pree is born in 1899 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Dirk de Pree and Magritha Boot. Jacoba is deceased in 1944, 45 years old. Occupation: dienstbode. Jacoba married, 20 years old, on thursday 04-09-1919 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 16] with Cornelis Heijstek, about 21 years old. Cornelis is born about 1898 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Adriaan Heijstek, landbouwer, en Sia de Wit.
VI-e Pieternella Kramer is born on saturday 26-09-1891 in Kortgene, daughter of Marinus Kramer and Lena Johanna Boot. The birth was registered on saturday 26-09-1891 [source: ZA akte 35]. Occupation: veldarbeidster. Pieternella married, 23 years old, on wednesday 31-03-1915 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 2] with Pieter de Wit, about 30 years old. Pieter is born about 1885 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Pieter: zoon van Jan de Wit, veldarbeider, en Jannetje Heijboer.
VI-f Adriaan Kramer is born on wednesday 25-08-1897 in Kortgene, son of Marinus Kramer and Lena Johanna Boot. The birth was registered on wednesday 25-08-1897 [source: ZA akte 24]. Occupation: veldarbeider. Adriaan married, 22 years old, on wednesday 31-03-1920 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 7] with Cornelia Versluis, about 21 years old. Cornelia is born about 1899 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: veldarbeidster. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Cornelis Versluis, veldarbeider, en Elisabeth Flipse, veldarbeidster.
VI-h Marinus Izak van de Velde is born about 1895 in Wissenkerke, son of Jan Cornelis van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. Occupation: veldarbeider. Marinus Izak married, about 25 years old, on wednesday 18-08-1920 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 39] with Leijntje Clazina van der Heijde, about 21 years old. Leijntje Clazina is born about 1899 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: dienstbode. Note re Leijntje Clazina: dochter van Pieter Maarten van der Heijde, veldarbeider, en Adriana Hendrika de Looff.
VI-i Aartje Cornelia van de Velde is born about 1896 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Jan Cornelis van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. Occupation: dienstbode. Aartje Cornelia married, about 21 years old, on thursday 15-11-1917 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 31] with Cornelis van Haver, about 31 years old. Cornelis is born about 1886 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: veldarbeider. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jacobus van Haver, veldarbeider, en Cornelia Maria Broekhoven.
VI-j Maria van de Velde is born on tuesday 07-09-1897 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Jan Cornelis van de Velde and Pieternella Boot. The birth was registered on wednesday 08-09-1897 [source: ZA akte 76]. Maria married, 23 years old, on thursday 07-04-1921 in Bergen op Zoom [source: genlias akte 24] with Martinus Tuijten. Martinus is born in Duivendijke. Note re Martinus: zoon van Gerrit Jan Tuijten en Wilhelmina van de Vate.
VI-n Lena Boot is born on wednesday 16-11-1904 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Pieternella Dourleijn. The birth was registered on wednesday 16-11-1904 [source: ZA akte 105]. Note re the birth of Lena: erkend bij huwelijk van de ouders dd 15-05-1908. Lena is deceased on friday 14-03-1997 in Wissenkerke, 92 years old [source: ZA Overlijdensberichten 1900-1999]. Lena married with Adriaan Wilderom (private).
VI-o Maria Cornelia Boot is born on sunday 27-09-1908 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Pieternella Dourleijn. The birth was registered on monday 28-09-1908 [source: ZA akte 71]. Maria Cornelia is deceased on saturday 01-02-1997 in Goes, 88 years old. She was buried on thursday 06-02-1997 in Goes [source: adv. Prov. Zeeuwse Courant]. Maria Cornelia married, 21 years old, on thursday 28-08-1930 in Goes [source: ZA akte 30] with Pieter Johannes Martinus van Liplijn, about 20 years old. Pieter Johannes Martinus is born about 1910 in Goes. Pieter Johannes Martinus is deceased before 1997, at the most 87 years old. Occupation: los werkman. Note re Pieter Johannes Martinus: zoon van Pieter Johannes Liplijn en Maria Gelok.
VI-p Cornelia Maria Boot is born on monday 25-10-1909 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Pieternella Dourleijn. The birth was registered on monday 25-10-1909 [source: ZA akte 78]. Cornelia Maria is deceased on monday 21-11-2005 in Goes, 96 years old [source: adv. Prov. Zeeuwse Courant 23-11-2005]. Cornelia Maria married with Leunis Dekker. Leunis is born on sunday 01-08-1897 in Kloetinge. The birth was registered on monday 02-08-1897 [source: ZA akte 20]. Leunis is deceased on wednesday 04-06-1986 in Goes, 88 years old [source: ZA Overlijdensberichten 1900-1999]. Note re Leunis: zoon van Jakob Dekker en Maatje de Jonge.
VI-q Adriana Johanna Boot is born on tuesday 01-12-1914 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders], daughter of Adriaan Boot and Pieternella Dourleijn. Adriana Johanna is deceased on monday 11-02-1985 in Middelburg, 70 years old [source: ZA Overlijdensberichten 1900-1999]. Adriana Johanna married with Pieter A. de Kam (private).
VI-r Adriaan Abraham Boot is born on monday 14-02-1916 in Wissenkerke [source: trouwboekje ouders], son of Adriaan Boot and Pieternella Dourleijn. Adriaan Abraham is deceased on tuesday 10-02-1976 in Goes, 59 years old [source: adv. Prov. Zeeuwse Courant]. Occupation: medewerker Van Gend & Loos. Adriaan Abraham married, 22 years old, on thursday 21-04-1938 in Colijnsplaat with Jannetje de Wilde, 25 years old. Jannetje is born on thursday 20-03-1913 in Stavenisse, daughter of Hermanus de Wilde and Aaltje Helena van 't Hof. Jannetje is deceased on tuesday 06-03-2007 in Goes, 93 years old. She was cremated on friday 09-03-2007 in Middelburg.
Children of Adriaan Abraham and Jannetje:
1 Adriaan Hermanus (Adrie) Boot, born on monday 24-04-1939 in Wissenkerke. Follow VII-a.
2 Aaltje Pieternella (Alie) Boot (private). Alie married with Adriaan (Adrie) Koeman (private).
3 Hermanus Pieter (Herman) Boot (private). Herman married with Mary-Rose Jolliffe (private).
VII-a Adriaan Hermanus (Adrie) Boot is born on monday 24-04-1939 in Wissenkerke, son of Adriaan Abraham Boot and Jannetje de Wilde. Adrie is deceased on friday 22-11-1991 in De Meern, 52 years old. He was buried on tuesday 26-11-1991 in Goes [source: adv. Prov. Zeeuwse Courant]. Occupation: bouwkundig opzichter. Adrie married in Yerseke with Jannie van der Endt. Jannie is born on thursday 14-09-1939 in Yerseke.
Children of Adrie and Jannie:
1 Frank Boot (private).
2 Milly Boot (private).
3 Willem Boot (private).
Index (217 persons) |
Last name | First name | Born | Christened | Deceased | Relation(s) |
Amelink | Riek | ±1825 | ±1888 | [Partner of IV-e] | |
Bakker | Durftje | ±1735 | <1811 | [Partner of I] | |
Bakker | Engelina | ±1795 | 06-05-1859 | [Partner of III-a] | |
van den Berge | Leuntje | ±1831 | 04-10-1915 | [Partner of IV-a] | |
van den Berge | Neeltje Cornelisdr | 13-01-1768 | [Parent in law of III-e] | ||
Berlijn | Izak | (private) | |||
Blok | Maria | ±1849 | [Partner of IV-h] | ||
Boot | Aaltje Pieternella | (private) | |||
Boot | Abraham Adriaan | 12-11-1918 | 12-11-1918 | [Son of V-i] | |
Boot | Adriaan | ±1735 | <1811 | Number I | |
Boot | Adriaan | 12-05-1826 | 03-01-1849 | [Son of III-b] | |
Boot | Adriaan | 08-03-1828 | 16-04-1914 | Number IV-a | |
Boot | Adriaan | 14-03-1835 | 09-09-1840 | [Son of III-e] | |
Boot | Adriaan | 26-07-1841 | 01-04-1930 | Number IV-i | |
Boot | Adriaan | 18-07-1863 | 28-01-1884 | [Son of IV-b] | |
Boot | Adriaan | 07-11-1870 | 23-01-1871 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boot | Adriaan | 15-06-1880 | Number V-i | ||
Boot | Adriaan Abraham | 14-02-1916 | 10-02-1976 | Number VI-r | |
Boot | Adriaan Adriaanse | 24-12-1763 | 28-01-1814 | Number II-a | |
Boot | Adriaan Adriaanse | ±1791 | 17-02-1839 | Number III-a | |
Boot | Adriaan Adriaanse | 01-03-1814 | 13-04-1814 | [Son of II-a] | |
Boot | Adriaan Hermanus | 24-04-1939 | 22-11-1991 | Number VII-a | |
Boot | Adriaan Jacobus | 06-05-1884 | 07-05-1884 | [Son of IV-j] | |
Boot | Adriaan Jacobus | 26-06-1886 | Number V-n | ||
Boot | Adriana | 13-02-1880 | [Daughter of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Adriana Johanna | 01-12-1914 | 11-02-1985 | Number VI-q | |
Boot | Anna Elisabeth | 04-02-1896 | 11-09-1983 | [Daughter of IV-j] | |
Boot | Anthony | 07-09-1874 | 17-08-1875 | [Son of IV-b] | |
Boot | Catharina | 29-07-1819 | 20-08-1893 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | Cornelia Johanna | 10-03-1888 | Number V-o | ||
Boot | Cornelia Maria | 25-10-1909 | 21-11-2005 | Number VI-p | |
Boot | Dirkje | 08-09-1837 | 21-08-1840 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Dirkje | 02-02-1846 | 02-10-1846 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Dirkje | 28-07-1849 | 17-09-1850 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Durf(t)je | ±1795 | 13-05-1840 | Number III-d | |
Boot | Durfje | ±1806 | 30-05-1861 | Number III-c | |
Boot | Engelina | 29-05-1861 | 01-06-1861 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boot | Engelina | 24-07-1862 | 17-08-1862 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boot | Engelina | 24-03-1868 | [Daughter of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Frank | (private) | |||
Boot | Gerrit Jan | 28-02-1880 | Number V-k | ||
Boot | Gijsbregt | 18-04-1797 | 19-10-1853 | Number III-e | |
Boot | Gijsbregt Gerrit | 25-07-1878 | 31-05-1940 | Number V-j | |
Boot | Gijsbregt Jan | 10-07-1874 | 12-09-1874 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boot | Hendrik | 14-10-1830 | [Son of III-e] | ||
Boot | Hendrika | 18-10-1875 | 14-11-1959 | Number V-h | |
Boot | Hermanus Pieter | (private) | |||
Boot | Jacoba | 12-09-1864 | Number V-a | ||
Boot | Jan Gerrit | 05-12-1890 | 1962 | Number V-p | |
Boot | Jannetje | 11-03-1834 | 28-03-1834 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Jannetje | 20-10-1839 | 06-09-1840 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Jannetje | 23-01-1845 | 04-05-1845 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Jannetje | 06-04-1852 | 24-04-1853 | [Daughter of III-e] | |
Boot | Jannetje Adriana | 26-05-1885 | 04-07-1970 | Number V-m | |
Boot | Johanna | 15-01-1865 | 18-07-1865 | [Daughter of IV-i] | |
Boot | Johanna Dirkje | 10-07-1881 | 28-05-1886 | [Daughter of IV-j] | |
Boot | Johanna Dirkje | 23-01-1895 | Number V-q | ||
Boot | Johanna Lena | 15-10-1867 | 11-12-1900 | Number V-f | |
Boot | Johanna Lena | (private) | |||
Boot | Johannes Dirk | 20-10-1893 | 06-06-1894 | [Son of IV-j] | |
Boot | Johannis | 25-08-1870 | [Son of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Lena | 16-11-1904 | 14-03-1997 | Number VI-n | |
Boot | Lena Johanna | 25-03-1866 | 18-03-1941 | Number V-e | |
Boot | Lena Johanna | (private) | |||
Boot | Leunis | 06-10-1881 | [Son of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Levinus | 22-11-1882 | 03-09-1945 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boot | Maarten | 07-10-1832 | 04-05-1882 | Number IV-b | |
Boot | Magarita | 25-05-1817 | 04-10-1817 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | Magritha | 17-03-1822 | 24-01-1823 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | Magritha | 03-05-1873 | 03-05-1959 | Number V-c | |
Boot | Margarita | 07-06-1824 | 18-05-1880 | [Daughter of III-a] | |
Boot | Maria Cornelia | 27-09-1908 | 01-02-1997 | Number VI-o | |
Boot | Marinus | 13-03-1877 | [Son of IV-b] | ||
Boot | Milly | (private) | |||
Boot | N.N. | 13-12-1910 | [Son of V-i] | ||
Boot | N.N. | 10-01-1912 | [Son of V-i] | ||
Boot | N.N. | 12-07-1913 | [Son of V-i] | ||
Boot | N.N. | 05-04-1920 | [Daughter of V-i] | ||
Boot | N.N. | 29-12-1922 | [Son of V-i] | ||
Boot | N.N. | 12-06-1928 | [Daughter of V-i] | ||
Boot | Neeltje Hendrika | 05-03-1883 | Number V-l | ||
Boot | Paulina | 07-07-1866 | Number V-b | ||
Boot | Pieter | 26-03-1829 | 11-08-1830 | [Son of III-e] | |
Boot | Pieter | 12-09-1836 | 15-03-1839 | [Son of III-e] | |
Boot | Pieter | 17-11-1847 | 23-04-1930 | Number IV-j | |
Boot | Pieter | 20-02-1877 | 30-05-1877 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boot | Pieter | 24-04-1878 | [Son of IV-i] | ||
Boot | Pieter Adolf | 08-12-1913 | 13-10-2011 | [Son of V-v] | |
Boot | Pieter Adriaansz | ±1769 | 16-07-1811 | Number II-b | |
Boot | Pieternella | 16-06-1869 | 10-10-1869 | [Daughter of IV-i] | |
Boot | Pieternella | 30-05-1872 | 23-12-1912 | Number V-g | |
Boot | Thomas | 19-02-1884 | 20-08-1885 | [Son of IV-i] | |
Boot | Thona | 01-06-1836 | 15-03-1874 | Number IV-c | |
Boot | Tona | ±1799 | 08-03-1867 | Number III-b | |
Boot | Tona | 09-11-1878 | 25-09-1880 | [Daughter of IV-b] | |
Boot | Willem | (private) | |||
Bouterse | Antonij | 24-11-1827 | [Partner of IV-g] | ||
Broekhoven | Pieter Willem | (private) | |||
de Bruine | Leendert Jan | (private) | |||
de Bruine | Magrieta | <1811 | [Partner of II-a] | ||
Cappon | Abraham Philip | 31-05-1879 | 28-11-1953 | [Partner of V-m] | |
Dekker | Leunis | 01-08-1897 | 04-06-1986 | [Partner of VI-p] | |
Dourleijn | Pieternella | 08-06-1881 | [Partner of V-i] | ||
van der Endt | Jannie | 14-09-1939 | [Partner of VII-a] | ||
Faase | Pieter | ±1833 | [Partner of IV-f] | ||
Filius | Neeltje Maria | (private) | |||
Geluk | Marinus Izak | (private) | |||
van Gilst | Grietje | ±1901 | [Partner of VI-c] | ||
van Goudswaard | Abraham | 09-04-1865 | 11-10-1919 | [Partner of V-f] | |
van Goudswaard | Johannis | 12-04-1828 | 11-08-1901 | [Parent in law of V-f] | |
Hageman | Johanna Jacoba | 25-08-1857 | 10-07-1947 | [Partner of IV-j] | |
van Haver | Cornelis | ±1886 | [Partner of VI-i] | ||
van der Heijde | Leijntje Clazina | ±1899 | [Partner of VI-h] | ||
Heijstek | Cornelis | ±1898 | [Partner of VI-d] | ||
van 't Hof | Aaltje Helena | 24-07-1882 | 14-03-1939 | [Parent in law of VI-r] | |
Hoogerheide | Krijn | 04-04-1850 | 28-02-1938 | [Parent in law of VI-b] | |
Hoogerheide | Krijn | 05-02-1894 | [Partner of VI-b] | ||
van den Hoven | Maatje | 19-04-1852 | 03-11-1920 | [Parent in law of VI-b] | |
van der Hulle | Marinus Leendert | 06-08-1893 | [Partner of V-q] | ||
Jolliffe | Mary-Rose | (private) | |||
Jonker | Cornelia | 09-10-1904 | 27-02-1995 | [Partner of V-p] | |
de Kam | Pieter A. | (private) | |||
Koeman | Adriaan | (private) | |||
Kole | Jacob | ±1869 | 25-03-1923 | Number V-d | |
Koole | Adriaan | ±1829 | 03-11-1889 | [Partner of IV-c] | |
Koole | Adriaan | ±1866 | 14-02-1886 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Koole | Engelina | ?-08-1870 | 22-08-1870 | [Daughter of IV-c] | |
Koole | Jacob | ?-08-1863 | 29-04-1865 | [Son of IV-c] | |
Koole | Maria Hendrika | 22-09-1843 | 22-03-1925 | [Partner of IV-i] | |
Koole | N.N. | 07-09-1871 | [Daughter of IV-c] | ||
Koole | N.N. | 20-10-1872 | [Daughter of IV-c] | ||
Korshui(j)ze | Johanna | 11-01-1813 | 11-10-1899 | [Partner of III-e] | |
Kramer | Adriaan | 25-08-1897 | Number VI-f | ||
Kramer | Maria | (private) | |||
Kramer | Marinus | ±1860 | 29-03-1951 | [Partner of V-e] | |
Kramer | Pieternella | 26-09-1891 | Number VI-e | ||
Leendertse | Leendert Willem | ±1893 | [Partner of VI-a] | ||
van Liplijn | Pieter Johannes Martinus | ±1910 | <1997 | [Partner of VI-o] | |
Luteijn | Pieter | 16-07-1882 | 15-08-1951 | [Partner of V-o] | |
Otte | Adriaan | [Parent in law of V-j] | |||
Otte | Lena | 13-07-1883 | [Partner of V-j] | ||
Padmos | Adriaantje | [Parent in law of V-j] | |||
de Pree | Dirk | ±1870 | <1959 | [Partner of V-c] | |
de Pree | Jacoba | 1899 | 1944 | Number VI-d | |
de Pree | Lena | ±1896 | Number VI-b | ||
de Pree | Lijdia | ±1895 | Number VI-a | ||
de Pree | Nicolaas | ±1897 | Number VI-c | ||
Rooze | Pieter | ±1814 | 16-04-1858 | [Partner of III-b] | |
Rotte | Adriaan | [Parent in law of V-l] | |||
Rotte | Adriaan | ?-07-1910 | 18-02-1911 | [Son of V-l] | |
Rotte | N.N. | 08-03-1923 | [Child of V-l] | ||
Rotte | Pieter Adam | 29-11-1880 | 27-01-1932 | [Partner of V-l] | |
Schippers | Lena | ±1841 | [Partner of IV-b] | ||
Siemense | Cornelia Catharina | [Parent in law of V-l] | |||
de Smit | Jacoba | 12-12-1832 | 29-01-1865 | [Partner of IV-h] | |
de Smit | Jannetje | 14-10-1769 | 15-08-1836 | [Partner of II-b] | |
Snoodijk | Cornelia | ±1789 | 07-06-1829 | [Partner of II-a] | |
Tuijten | Martinus | [Partner of VI-j] | |||
van de Velde | Aartje Cornelia | ±1896 | Number VI-i | ||
van de Velde | Jan Cornelis | ±1868 | [Partner of V-g] | ||
van de Velde | Janna Pieternella | ±1903 | 18-10-1904 | [Daughter of V-g] | |
van de Velde | Johanna Hendrika | ?-01-1901 | 17-12-1901 | [Daughter of V-g] | |
van de Velde | Maria | 07-09-1897 | Number VI-j | ||
van de Velde | Marinus Izak | ±1895 | Number VI-h | ||
van de Velde | N.N. | 23-07-1898 | [Daughter of V-g] | ||
van de Velde | N.N. | 05-01-1902 | [Son of V-g] | ||
van de Velde | N.N. | 28-11-1902 | [Son of V-g] | ||
Verburg | Adriana | 19-02-1830 | 14-03-1863 | Number IV-g | |
Verburg | Catharina | ±1824 | 29-12-1908 | [Parent in law of V-f] | |
Verburg | Cornelia | ±1899 | |||
Verburg | Cornelis | 17-08-1836 | 12-11-1836 | [Son of III-d] | |
Verburg | Cornelis Dingenisse | 31-01-1797 | 07-04-1866 | [Partner of III-d] | |
Verburg | Dingenis | 13-02-1818 | 29-04-1818 | [Son of III-d] | |
Verburg | Dingenis | 07-09-1824 | 23-09-1824 | [Son of III-d] | |
Verburg | Dingenis | ±1863 | 17-08-1898 | [Partner of V-a] | |
Verburg | Dingenis | ?-09-1888 | 16-05-1890 | [Son of V-a] | |
Verburg | Dingenus | 24-06-1827 | 19-11-1827 | [Son of III-d] | |
Verburg | Dingenus | 09-10-1828 | 02-11-1828 | [Son of III-d] | |
Verburg | Dingenus | 23-05-1835 | Number IV-h | ||
Verburg | Jacomina | 29-06-1831 | 22-08-1831 | [Daughter of III-d] | |
Verburg | Janna (Jannetje) | 14-10-1820 | 21-11-1897 | Number IV-e | |
Verburg | Jannetje | 20-07-1823 | 24-09-1823 | [Daughter of III-d] | |
Verburg | Jannetje | 20-02-1826 | Number IV-f | ||
Verburg | Pieter | 23-08-1819 | Number IV-d | ||
Verhulst | Dirkje | 28-12-1800 | 14-07-1831 | [Partner of III-e] | |
Verhulst | Hendrik Hendriksz | 15-05-1750 | 19-02-1811 | [Parent in law of III-e] | |
Versluis | Cornelia | ±1899 | [Partner of VI-f] | ||
Vijverberg | Davina Maria | 14-02-1879 | [Partner of V-k] | ||
de Visser | Domina Jozina | 03-01-1887 | [Partner of V-n] | ||
de Vos | Dingena | ±1869 | 02-09-1926 | [Partner of V-d] | |
van der Weele | Lena | ±1826 | [Partner of IV-d] | ||
de Wilde | Hermanus | 29-10-1882 | 08-12-1973 | [Parent in law of VI-r] | |
de Wilde | Jannetje | 20-03-1913 | 06-03-2007 | [Partner of VI-r] | |
Wilderom | Adriaan | (private) | |||
de Wit | Christina | ?-06-1892 | 14-04-1893 | [Daughter of V-b] | |
de Wit | N.N. | 21-12-1890 | [Son of V-b] | ||
de Wit | Pieter | ±1885 | [Partner of VI-e] | ||
de Wit | Pieter Cornelis | ±1863 | [Partner of V-b] | ||
Wolse | Adriaan | 28-03-1840 | 27-12-1840 | [Son of III-c] | |
Wolse | Adriaan | 19-06-1843 | 14-08-1868 | [Son of III-c] | |
Wolse | Leendert | ±1797 | 07-03-1855 | [Partner of III-c] | |
Wolse | Leendert | 31-05-1837 | 16-06-1838 | [Son of III-c] | |
Wolse | Leendert | 14-02-1842 | 31-01-1843 | [Son of III-c] | |
Wolse | Leendert Adriaan | 11-07-1838 | 28-06-1839 | [Son of III-c] | |
Zwemer | Adriaan Cornelis | (private) | |||
Zwemer | Adriana | 19-11-1903 | 07-01-1904 | [Daughter of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Adriana | 01-05-1908 | 01-12-1911 | [Daughter of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Cornelis | (private) | |||
Zwemer | Cornelis Adriaan | 04-03-1899 | 09-07-1899 | [Son of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Geertruida | ?-06-1914 | 31-12-1914 | [Daughter of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Lena | 10-12-1906 | 25-11-1911 | [Daughter of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Levinus | ?-05-1917 | 07-11-1918 | [Son of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Maria Susanna | (private) | |||
Zwemer | N.N. | 11-06-1910 | [Daughter of V-h] | ||
Zwemer | Pieternella | 11-08-1909 | 16-12-1909 | [Daughter of V-h] | |
Zwemer | Susanna Maria | (private) | |||
Zwemer | Willem | 04-10-1874 | 25-02-1954 | [Partner of V-h] |
Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 18-03-2011. |
Private: persons marked with (private) have not all information shown due to Dutch privacy laws.
Mentioned sources:
- genlias = www.genlias.nl: database van de samenwerkende archiefdiensten (voorheen Rijksarchiefdienst)
- ZA = www.zeeuwengezocht.nl: Zeeuws Archief
- Pictures [01], [02], [03], [04], [05], [06], [07], [08], [09] are from archives of Herman Boot.