(Zeeland - Wissenkerke)

Index  Vlag_Nederland

By missing birthdates and/or baptismdates the order of children could be alphabetical.

I Johannes C. (Janus) Boot is born on friday 08-09-1769 in Wissenkerke [source: lds]. Janus is deceased on sunday 11-10-1846 in Wissenkerke, 77 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 132]. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Janus: ook Johannis. Janus married, 27 years old, on sunday 13-11-1796 in Kortgene [source: lds] with Sara Liefbroer, about 21 years old, after publication of the bans in 1796 in Wissenkerke [source: diaconierekeningen deel 94]. Sara is born about 1775 in Kortgene, daughter of Pieter Johannesz Liefbroer and Jacoba Cornelisdr Koeman. Note re the birth of Sara: mogelijk dochter van Pieter Liefbroer en Jacoba Koeman, nog geen bewijs gevonden. Sara is deceased on friday 09-10-1846 in Wissenkerke, about 71 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 130]. Occupation: arbeidster.
Children of Janus and Sara:

1 Lijntje Boot, born about 1797 in Kortgene. Follow II-a.
2 Pieter Boot, born about 1799 in Kortgene. Follow II-b.
3 Cornelis Boot, born about 1802. Cornelis is deceased on friday 21-02-1812 in Kortgene, about 10 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 10]. Note re the death of Cornelis: aangevers: Janus Boot, 43 jaar, vader, en Pierre Liefbroer, 74 jaar, grootvader.
4 Jacoba Boot, born about 1803 in Kortgene. Follow II-c.
5 Johannes Boot, born on tuesday 02-04-1805 in Kortgene. Johannes is deceased on monday 25-07-1881 in Wissenkerke, 76 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 36]. Occupation: arbeider.
6 Iman Boot, born on tuesday 10-09-1811 in Kortgene. Follow II-d.
7 Cornelis Boot, born on monday 29-08-1814 in Kortgene. Follow II-e.

II-a Lijntje Boot is born about 1797 in Kortgene, daughter of Johannes C. (Janus) Boot and Sara Liefbroer. Lijntje is deceased on monday 12-11-1849 in Kortgene, about 52 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Lijntje: ook Leijntje, Leentje, Leuntje, Lientje. Lijntje married, about 27 years old, on friday 30-04-1824 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 8] with Marcus Bouwense, about 27 years old. Marcus is born about 1797 in Kortgene. Marcus is deceased on wednesday 26-03-1856 in Kortgene, about 59 years old. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Note re Marcus: zoon van Adriaan Bouwense, arbeider, en Maria Clement, arbeidster.
Children of Lijntje and Marcus:

1 Adriaan Bouwense, born about 1825 in Kortgene. Follow III-a.
2 Sara Bouwense, born in 06-1826 in Kortgene. Sara is deceased on wednesday 09-08-1826 in Kortgene, 2 months old.
3 Johannis Bouwense, born about 1828 in Kortgene. Johannis is deceased on saturday 05-05-1832 in Kortgene, about 4 years old.
4 Marinus Bouwense, born in 02-1829 in Kortgene. Marinus is deceased on saturday 26-09-1829 in Kortgene, 7 months old.
5 Leijntje Bouwense, born about 1838 in Kortgene. Follow III-b.

II-b Pieter Boot is born about 1799 in Kortgene, son of Johannes C. (Janus) Boot and Sara Liefbroer. Pieter is deceased on wednesday 07-02-1866 in Wissenkerke, about 67 years old. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Pieter married, about 31 years old, on saturday 19-06-1830 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 7] with Tannetje van Gilst, about 32 years old. Tannetje is born about 1798 in Colijnsplaat. Tannetje is deceased on wednesday 29-03-1854 in Wissenkerke, about 56 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Tannetje: dochter van Teunis Teunisz van Gilst en Adriana L. Eijkenhout.
Children of Pieter and Tannetje:

1 N.N. Boot, still born daughter on sunday 26-09-1830 in Colijnsplaat.
2 Johannes Boot, still born son on thursday 13-10-1831 in Wissenkerke.
3 Teunes Boot, born in 01-1833 in Wissenkerke. Teunes is deceased on tuesday 18-06-1833 in Wissenkerke, 5 months old.
4 Johannes Boot, born on sunday 19-04-1835 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-c.

II-c Jacoba Boot is born about 1803 in Kortgene, daughter of Johannes C. (Janus) Boot and Sara Liefbroer. Jacoba is deceased on friday 31-10-1862 in Wissenkerke, about 59 years old. Note re the death of Jacoba: overleden op 23-08-1862 te Colijnsplaat; weduwe van Jan van Tollenaar?. Occupation: boerendienstmeid, arbeidster. Jacoba married, about 23 years old, on friday 28-04-1826 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 5] with Jan Tollenaar, 29 years old. Jan is born on tuesday 04-10-1796 in Wissenkerke, son of Nicolaas Tollenaar and Cornelia Boot. Jan is deceased on wednesday 27-04-1859 in Wissenkerke, 62 years old. Occupation: landbouwknecht, arbeider. Note re Jan: ook Jan Nicolaas van Tollenaar.
Children of Jacoba and Jan:

1 Jan Tollenaar, still born son on sunday 11-02-1827 in Wissenkerke.
2 Sara Tollenaar, still born daughter on thursday 24-07-1828 in Wissenkerke.
3 Sara Tollenaar, still born daughter on saturday 22-08-1829 in Wissenkerke.
4 Jacoba Tollenaar, still born daughter on tuesday 28-12-1830 in Wissenkerke.
5 Jan Tollenaar, born in 05-1834 in Wissenkerke. Jan is deceased on monday 29-09-1834 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old.
6 Saartje Tollenaar, born on thursday 24-12-1840 in Wissenkerke. Saartje is deceased on wednesday 30-12-1840 in Wissenkerke, 6 days old.
7 Clasina Tollenaar, born on friday 09-09-1842 in Wissenkerke. Clasina is deceased on friday 23-09-1842 in Wissenkerke, 14 days old.

II-d Iman Boot is born on tuesday 10-09-1811 in Kortgene, son of Johannes C. (Janus) Boot and Sara Liefbroer. The birth was registered on wednesday 11-09-1811 [source: ZA akte 24]. Iman is deceased on wednesday 09-08-1876 in Wissenkerke, 64 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 56]. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider, vrachtrijder, herbergier. Iman:
(1) married, 38 years old, on wednesday 05-12-1849 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 25] with Johanna Jongepier, 26 years old. Johanna is born on monday 30-06-1823 in Domburg. The birth was registered on tuesday 01-07-1823 [source: ZA akte 20]. Johanna is deceased on friday 13-04-1855 in Wissenkerke, 31 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 34]. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Johanna: dochter van Adriaan Jongepier (ca 1788 Domburg - 24-12-1842 Domburg), arbeider, en Janna van Vaerdegem (? - 31-03-1849 Domburg), arbeidster.
(2) married, 45 years old, on wednesday 29-10-1856 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 21] with Maria Alebregtse, about 37 years old. Maria is born about 1819 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Maria: dochter van Cornelis Alebregtse en Sara Koeman; weduwe van Pieter Jacobus de Looff (1818-1855 Wissenkerke); hertrouwd 04-06-1884 te Ellewoutsdijk met Adriaan Mol.
Children of Iman and Johanna:

1 Johannis Boot, born on monday 03-11-1851 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on tuesday 04-11-1851 [source: ZA akte 110]. Johannis is deceased on saturday 06-12-1851 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 89].
2 Johannes Boot, born on thursday 30-09-1852 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on thursday 30-09-1852 [source: ZA akte 99]. Johannes is deceased on thursday 24-11-1853 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 104].
3 Adriaan Boot, born on friday 28-10-1853 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-d.
4 Johannes Boot, born on friday 06-04-1855 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on friday 06-04-1855 [source: ZA akte 32]. Johannes is deceased on thursday 20-09-1855 in Wissenkerke, 5 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 79].

Child of Iman and Maria:

1 Johannes Boot, born about 1859 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-e.

II-e Cornelis Boot is born on monday 29-08-1814 in Kortgene, son of Johannes C. (Janus) Boot and Sara Liefbroer. The birth was registered on monday 29-08-1814 [source: ZA akte 30]. Cornelis is deceased on monday 16-01-1865 in Wissenkerke, 50 years old. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider, vrachtrijder. Cornelis married, 30 years old, on friday 30-05-1845 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 11] with Jacoba Pieternella Johannisse(n), about 21 years old. Jacoba Pieternella is born about 1824 in Wissenkerke. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster. Note re Jacoba Pieternella: dochter van Pieter Johanissen en Jannetje Sinke.
Children of Cornelis and Jacoba Pieternella:

1 Johannis Boot, born in 11-1845 in Wissenkerke. Johannis is deceased on friday 21-05-1847 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old.
2 Jannetje Boot, born about 1847 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-f.
3 Pieter Cornelis Boot, born about 1849 in Wissenkerke. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on friday 04-10-1850 in Wissenkerke, about 1 year old.
4 Johannis Boot, born on saturday 28-08-1852 in Wissenkerke. Johannis is deceased on saturday 11-09-1852 in Wissenkerke, 14 days old.
5 Pieter Cornelis Boot, born in 04-1857 in Wissenkerke. Pieter Cornelis is deceased on saturday 22-08-1857 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old.
6 Johanna Boot, born in 06-1858 in Wissenkerke. Johanna is deceased on tuesday 26-10-1858 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old.
7 Pieternella Johanna Boot, born about 1860 in Wissenkerke. Follow III-g.
8 Jacoba Johanna Boot, born in 01-1862 in Wissenkerke. Jacoba Johanna is deceased on wednesday 07-05-1862 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old.
9 Johanna Pieternella Boot, born in 06-1863 in Wissenkerke. Johanna Pieternella is deceased on monday 20-07-1863 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old.

III-a Adriaan Bouwense is born about 1825 in Kortgene, son of Marcus Bouwense and Lijntje Boot. Occupation: arbeider. Adriaan married, about 25 years old, on friday 26-04-1850 in Kortgene [source: genlias akte 4] with Jacoba Meerman, about 26 years old. Jacoba is born about 1824 in Kats. Occupation: dienstmeid. Note re Jacoba: dochter van Cornelis Meerman, arbeider, en Hendrika Polderdijk.

III-b Leijntje Bouwense is born about 1838 in Kortgene, daughter of Marcus Bouwense and Lijntje Boot. Leijntje is deceased on wednesday 20-04-1921 in Rilland-Bath, about 83 years old. Occupation: arbeidster, dienstbode. Leijntje:
(1) married, about 24 years old, on thursday 23-10-1862 in Wolphaartsdijk [source: genlias akte 11] with Jan van Strien, about 32 years old. Jan is born about 1830 in Wolphaartsdijk. Jan is deceased before 1871, at the most 41 years old. Occupation: arbeider. Note re Jan: zoon van Hendrik van Strien en Anna Verdonk.
(2) married, about 33 years old, on friday 03-03-1871 in Rilland en Maire [source: genlias akte 2] with Pieter den Haan, about 37 years old. Pieter is born about 1834 in Sint Annaland. Occupation: veldarbeider, droger. Note re Pieter: zoon van Gerrit den Haan en Willemina Dekker; weduwnaar van Dina van Dalen.
Child of Leijntje and Pieter:

1 Dina den Haan, born about 1872 in Rilland. Follow IV-a.

III-c Johannes Boot is born on sunday 19-04-1835 in Wissenkerke, son of Pieter Boot and Tannetje van Gilst. Johannes is deceased on thursday 05-02-1914 in Colijnsplaat, 78 years old. Occupation: landmansknecht, arbeider. Note re Johannes: ook Johannis. Johannes:
(1) married, 35 years old, on wednesday 09-11-1870 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 23] with Sara de Smit, 30 years old. Sara is born on monday 02-12-1839 in Wissenkerke. Sara is deceased on thursday 22-01-1880 in Wissenkerke, 40 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 4]. Occupation: arbeidster. Note re Sara: dochter van Adriaan de Smit (14-02-1813 Wissenkerke - 20-01-1890 Wissenkerke), arbeider, getrouwd ca 1835 te Wissenkerke met Elisabeth Augusteinse (06-12-1814 Wissenkerke - 06-05-1863 Wissenkerke).
(2) married, 47 years old, on thursday 29-06-1882 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 10] with Cornelia de Boo, about 47 years old. Cornelia is born about 1835 in Kats, daughter of Jacob de Boo and Tannetje Bouwense. Cornelia is deceased on friday 26-02-1915 in Colijnsplaat, about 80 years old. Occupation: dienstmeid, arbeidster.
Children of Johannes and Sara:

1 Pieter Boot, born on saturday 19-11-1870 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-b.
2 Adriaan Boot, born on sunday 10-03-1872 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-c.
3 Tannetje Boot, born in 11-1873 in Wissenkerke. Tannetje is deceased on thursday 17-09-1874 in Wissenkerke, 10 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 85].
4 Elisabeth Boot, born on thursday 18-02-1875 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on friday 19-02-1875 [source: ZA akte 25]. Elisabeth is deceased on friday 08-03-1878 in Wissenkerke, 3 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 17].
5 Tannetje Boot, born on tuesday 04-07-1876 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on wednesday 05-07-1876 [source: ZA akte 93]. Tannetje is deceased on wednesday 26-02-1879 in Wissenkerke, 2 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 10].
6 Maarten Boot, born on sunday 10-03-1878 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on monday 11-03-1878 [source: ZA akte 34]. Maarten is deceased on sunday 03-11-1878 in Wissenkerke, 7 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 88].
7 N.N. Boot, still born son on tuesday 20-01-1880 in Wissenkerke. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 3].

III-d Adriaan Boot is born on friday 28-10-1853 in Wissenkerke, son of Iman Boot and Johanna Jongepier. The birth was registered on friday 28-10-1853 [source: ZA akte 98]. Adriaan is deceased on saturday 06-01-1934 in Wolphaartsdijk, 80 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 1]. Occupation: (veld)arbeider, koopman, winkelier. Adriaan married, 30 years old, on wednesday 04-06-1884 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 12] with Maria Lena van Lieren, about 22 years old. Maria Lena is born about 1862 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Flip van Lieren and Janna van Leeuwen. Maria Lena is deceased on wednesday 26-02-1896 in Wissenkerke, about 34 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 18].
Children of Adriaan and Maria Lena:

1 Iman Flip Boot, born on wednesday 14-01-1885 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on thursday 15-01-1885 [source: ZA akte 7]. Iman Flip is deceased on friday 23-09-1904 in Wissenkerke, 19 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 31]. Occupation: arbeider.
2 Flip Iman Boot, born on monday 07-06-1886 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on wednesday 09-06-1886 [source: ZA akte 59]. Flip Iman is deceased on friday 20-12-1901 in Wissenkerke, 15 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 45]. Occupation: arbeider.
3 Johanna Boot, born on saturday 06-08-1887 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-d.
4 Jan Boot, born on sunday 23-12-1888 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on monday 24-12-1888 [source: ZA akte 118]. Jan is deceased on tuesday 16-01-1894 in Wissenkerke, 5 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 9].
5 Johannes Boot, born on friday 18-04-1890 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on friday 18-04-1890 [source: ZA akte 32]. Johannes is deceased on friday 24-04-1891 in Wissenkerke, 1 year old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 22].
6 Janna Lena Boot, born on wednesday 26-08-1891 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on wednesday 26-08-1891 [source: ZA akte 75]. Janna Lena is deceased on thursday 05-03-1903 in Wissenkerke, 11 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 17].
7 Maria Sara Boot, born on friday 12-05-1893 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on saturday 13-05-1893 [source: ZA akte 45]. Maria Sara is deceased on monday 21-08-1893 in Wissenkerke, 3 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 53].
8 Johannes Pieter Boot, born on monday 29-04-1895 in Wissenkerke. The birth was registered on tuesday 30-04-1895 [source: ZA akte 40]. Johannes Pieter is deceased on tuesday 31-12-1895 in Wissenkerke, 8 months old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 74].

III-e Johannes Boot is born about 1859 in Wissenkerke, son of Iman Boot and Maria Alebregtse. Occupation: broodbakker. Note re Johannes:

Johannes Boot
Emigrant in 1889 Wissenkerke
Leeftijd: 31
Beroep: broodbakker
Kerkgenootschap: Nederlands-hervormd
Jaar van vertrek: 1889
Plaats van vertrek: Wissenkerke
Vertrekt met zijn vrouw
Reden van vertrek: Zucht naar bestaansverbetering
Bestemming: Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika
Bron: Staten van landverhuizingen
In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/4, pagina 70.

Johannes married, about 29 years old, on wednesday 18-01-1888 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 1] with Janna Jacoba Flipse, about 23 years old. Janna Jacoba is born about 1865 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Jacob Flipse and Cornelia Kallewaard.

III-f Jannetje Boot is born about 1847 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Cornelis Boot and Jacoba Pieternella Johannisse(n). Jannetje is deceased on saturday 15-03-1919 in Yerseke, about 72 years old. Jannetje married, about 18 years old, on wednesday 08-11-1865 in Wissenkerke [source: genlias akte 19] with Hendrik Nouse, about 23 years old. Hendrik is born about 1842 in Wissenkerke. Hendrik is deceased on saturday 19-12-1914 in Yerseke, about 72 years old. Occupation: timmermansknecht, timmerman, winkelier. Note re Hendrik: zoon van Jacob Nouse, timmerman, en Magdalena Wondergem de Vos.

Read also 'Onmin in de kerk' (1874)

Children of Jannetje and Hendrik:

1 Magdalena Jacoba Nouse, born about 1867 in Wissenkerke. Magdalena Jacoba is deceased on thursday 03-08-1882 in Wissenkerke, about 15 years old.
2 Cornelis Jacob Nouse, born on thursday 19-12-1867 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-e.
3 Jacoba Magdalena Nouse, born in 03-1870 in Wissenkerke. Jacoba Magdalena is deceased on saturday 30-07-1870 in Wissenkerke, 4 months old.
4 Jacoba Magdalena Nouse, born about 1872 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-f.
5 Jacob Cornelis Nouse, born on friday 06-09-1872 in Wissenkerke. Jacob Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 01-10-1872 in Wissenkerke, 25 days old.
6 Adriana Sara Nouse, born about 1874 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-g.
7 Jacob Cornelis Nouse, born in 02-1875 in Wissenkerke. Jacob Cornelis is deceased on tuesday 18-05-1875 in Wissenkerke, 3 months old.
8 Jacob Cornelis Nouse, born in 02-1876 in Wissenkerke. Jacob Cornelis is deceased on sunday 20-08-1876 in Wissenkerke, 6 months old.
9 Sara Adriana Nouse, born on wednesday 03-10-1877 in Wissenkerke. Sara Adriana is deceased on tuesday 16-10-1877 in Wissenkerke, 13 days old.
10 Jacob Cornelis Nouse, born about 1878 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-h.
11 Sara Adriana Nouse, born about 1881 in Wissenkerke. Follow IV-i.
12 Hendrika Jannetje Nouse, born in 09-1883 in Wissenkerke. Hendrika Jannetje is deceased on wednesday 10-10-1883 in Wissenkerke, 1 month old.
13 Magdalena Jacoba Nouse, born in 09-1886 in Yerseke. Magdalena Jacoba is deceased on saturday 18-12-1886 in Yerseke, 3 months old.

III-g Pieternella Johanna Boot is born about 1860 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Cornelis Boot and Jacoba Pieternella Johannisse(n). Pieternella Johanna is deceased on tuesday 04-03-1919 in Colijnsplaat, about 59 years old. Note re the death of Pieternella Johanna: Dreischor?. Pieternella Johanna married, about 22 years old, on wednesday 22-11-1882 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 16] with Cornelis Wisse, about 23 years old. Cornelis is born about 1859 in Kortgene, son of Adriaan Wisse and Sara Verhulst. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 16-11-1933 in Krabbendijke, about 74 years old. Occupation: schippersknecht, schipper.
Children of Pieternella Johanna and Cornelis:

1 Sara Jacoba Wisse, born in 04-1883 in Colijnsplaat. Sara Jacoba is deceased on saturday 29-09-1883 in Colijnsplaat, 5 months old.
2 Jacoba Sara Wisse, born about 1885 in Colijnsplaat. Follow IV-j.
3 Sara Cornelia Wisse, born in 04-1887 in Colijnsplaat. Sara Cornelia is deceased on sunday 19-06-1887 in Colijnsplaat, 2 months old.

IV-a Dina den Haan is born about 1872 in Rilland, daughter of Pieter den Haan and Leijntje Bouwense. Dina is deceased on wednesday 29-03-1944 in Hilversum, about 72 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 97 Goes]. Occupation: dienstbode. Dina:
(1) married, about 28 years old, on thursday 26-04-1900 in Rilland-Bath [source: genlias akte 3] with Cornelis van der Klooster, 25 years old. Cornelis is born on thursday 22-10-1874 in Rilland en Maire, son of Jacob (Jakob) van der Klooster and Suzanna van Hoepen. The birth was registered on friday 23-10-1874 [source: ZA akte 40]. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 15-11-1900 in Rilland-Bath, 26 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 22]. Occupation: veldarbeider.
(2) married, about 30 years old, on thursday 17-07-1902 in Rilland-Bath [source: genlias akte 13] with Willem van der Klooster, 35 years old. Willem is born on sunday 14-10-1866 in Rilland en Maire, son of Abraham van der Klooster and Elena Sentse. The birth was registered on monday 15-10-1866 [source: ZA akte 28]. Willem is deceased on friday 17-09-1926 in Rilland-Bath, 59 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 13]. Occupation: veldarbeider.
Child of Dina and Willem:

1 Helena Pieternella van der Klooster (private). Helena Pieternella married with Johannes van Kleunen (private).

IV-b Pieter Boot is born on saturday 19-11-1870 in Wissenkerke, son of Johannes Boot and Sara de Smit. The birth was registered on monday 21-11-1870 [source: ZA akte 146]. Pieter married, 27 years old, on thursday 31-03-1898 in Strijen [source: genlias akte 8] with Maria in 't Veld, 21 years old. Maria is born on saturday 01-07-1876 in Strijen. Note re Maria: dochter van Arie in 't Veld en Jannigje Gouweloos.
Children of Pieter and Maria:

1 Jannigje Boot (private).
2 Sara Cornelia Boot, born on friday 22-07-1898 in Rotterdam. Follow V-b.
3 Arie Johannes Boot, born on saturday 17-03-1900 in Rotterdam. Follow V-c.
4 Johannes Boot, born on saturday 06-01-1906 in Rotterdam. Follow V-d.

IV-c Adriaan Boot is born on sunday 10-03-1872 in Wissenkerke, son of Johannes Boot and Sara de Smit. The birth was registered on monday 11-03-1872 [source: ZA akte 41]. Adriaan is deceased on wednesday 13-04-1932 in Colijnsplaat, 60 years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 7]. Occupation: (veld)arbeider. Adriaan married, 26 years old, on thursday 27-10-1898 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 12] with Prientje Israël, 21 years old. Prientje is born on tuesday 01-05-1877 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Geerard Israël and Dirkje Clement (Klement). Prientje is deceased on saturday 01-03-1947 in Kortgene, 69 years old. The decease was registered [source: akte 19].
Children of Adriaan and Prientje:

1 Sara Cornelia Boot, born on saturday 19-11-1898 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-e.
2 Dirkje Boot, born on sunday 02-02-1902 in Colijnsplaat. Follow V-f.

IV-d Johanna Boot is born on saturday 06-08-1887 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Maria Lena van Lieren. The birth was registered on monday 08-08-1887 [source: ZA akte 74]. Johanna is deceased on wednesday 15-02-1956 in Vlissingen, 68 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 36]. Johanna married, 35 years old, on wednesday 25-04-1923 in Wissenkerke [source: ZA akte 7] with Cornelis van Strien, 34 years old. Cornelis is born on saturday 23-02-1889 in Wolphaartsdijk. Cornelis is deceased on thursday 21-11-1957 in Nieuwdorp, 68 years old. Occupation: koopman. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jan van Strien en Adriana Saaman; weduwnaar van Maria Remijnse.
Children of Johanna and Cornelis:

1 Johanna Cornelia van Strien, born in 12-1927 in Wolphaartsdijk. Johanna Cornelia is deceased on wednesday 05-09-1928 in Wolphaartsdijk, 9 months old. Note re the death of Johanna Cornelia: woonde in Ontario, Canada.
2 N.N. van Strien, still born daughter on monday 04-11-1929 in Wolphaartsdijk.

IV-e Cornelis Jacob Nouse is born on thursday 19-12-1867 in Wissenkerke, son of Hendrik Nouse and Jannetje Boot. Cornelis Jacob is deceased on wednesday 19-06-1929 in Yerseke, 61 years old. The decease was registered [source: ZA akte 27]. Occupation: metselaar. Cornelis Jacob married, 26 years old, on thursday 28-06-1894 in Yerseke [source: genlias akte 9] with Cornelia Hoogesteger, about 26 years old. Cornelia is born about 1868 in Yerseke. Note re Cornelia: dochter van Marinus Hoogesteger, arbeider, en Maatje Hamelink.

IV-f Jacoba Magdalena Nouse is born about 1872 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Hendrik Nouse and Jannetje Boot. Jacoba Magdalena married, about 34 years old, on thursday 26-07-1906 in Yerseke [source: genlias akte 13] with Adriaan Hoebeke, about 46 years old. Adriaan is born about 1860 in Yerseke. Occupation: oesterkweker. Note re Adriaan: zoon van Marinus Hoebeke en Geertruid Pekaar; weduwnaar van Adriana de Vrede.

IV-g Adriana Sara Nouse is born about 1874 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Hendrik Nouse and Jannetje Boot. Adriana Sara married, about 23 years old, on wednesday 05-05-1897 in Delft [source: genlias akte 75] with Nicolaas Krap, about 20 years old. Nicolaas is born about 1877 in Meppel. Note re Nicolaas: zoon van Otto Krap en Johanna Aleida van Enst.

IV-h Jacob Cornelis Nouse is born about 1878 in Wissenkerke, son of Hendrik Nouse and Jannetje Boot. Occupation: timmermansknecht. Jacob Cornelis married, about 24 years old, on thursday 09-10-1902 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 10] with Maria Pieternella Janse, about 23 years old. Maria Pieternella is born about 1879 in Colijnsplaat. Note re Maria Pieternella: dochter van Marinus Janse, timmermansknecht, en Pieternella Bastiaanse.

IV-i Sara Adriana Nouse is born about 1881 in Wissenkerke, daughter of Hendrik Nouse and Jannetje Boot. Sara Adriana married, about 22 years old, on thursday 28-05-1903 in Yerseke [source: genlias akte 12] with Marinus Paauwe, about 33 years old. Marinus is born about 1870 in Hoedekenskerke. Occupation: oesterkweker. Note re Marinus: zoon van Marinus Paauwe en Dingena Pikkaart, gescheiden van Geertruida Scheele.

IV-j Jacoba Sara Wisse is born about 1885 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Cornelis Wisse and Pieternella Johanna Boot. Jacoba Sara married, about 23 years old, on wednesday 08-07-1908 in Colijnsplaat [source: genlias akte 7] with Cornelis Willem de Mul, about 24 years old. Cornelis Willem is born about 1884 in Colijnsplaat. Occupation: schipper. Note re Cornelis Willem: zoon van Jacobus Cornelis de Mul, beurtschipper, en Wilhelmina Nieuwdorp.

V-b Sara Cornelia Boot is born on friday 22-07-1898 in Rotterdam, daughter of Pieter Boot and Maria in 't Veld. Sara Cornelia is deceased on monday 19-01-1970, 71 years old. Sara Cornelia:
(1) married with Ger van de Most


(2) married, 22 years old, on thursday 10-03-1921 in Rotterdam [source: genlias akte c70] with Joseph Daniel (Jo) de Neef, about 26 years old. Joseph Daniel is born about 1895 in Rotterdam. Note re Jo: zoon van Johannes Cornelis de Neef en Susanna Jacoba Timmermans.

V-c Arie Johannes Boot is born on saturday 17-03-1900 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Boot and Maria in 't Veld. Arie Johannes married, 23 years old, on wednesday 21-11-1923 in Rotterdam [source: genlias akte r25v] with Maria Everdina Johanna Schemkes, about 21 years old. Maria Everdina Johanna is born about 1902 in Rotterdam. Note re Maria Everdina Johanna: dochter van Derk Schemkes en Everdina Johanna Reijmers.

V-d Johannes Boot is born on saturday 06-01-1906 in Rotterdam, son of Pieter Boot and Maria in 't Veld. Johannes is deceased on thursday 27-09-1951 in Rotterdam, 45 years old. Occupation: kolenhandelaar. Johannes married with Johanna Maria Donker


Child of Johannes and Johanna Maria:

1 Maria Boot. Follow VI.

V-e Sara Cornelia Boot is born on saturday 19-11-1898 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Prientje Israël. The birth was registered on saturday 19-11-1898 [source: ZA akte 59]. Sara Cornelia married, 24 years old, on thursday 24-05-1923 in Colijnsplaat [source: ZA akte 9] with Cornelis Verburg, about 26 years old. Cornelis is born about 1897 in Kats. Occupation: commies Rijksbelastingen. Note re Cornelis: zoon van Jacob Verburg en Anna Verhulst.

V-f Dirkje Boot is born on sunday 02-02-1902 in Colijnsplaat, daughter of Adriaan Boot and Prientje Israël. The birth was registered on monday 03-02-1902 [source: ZA akte 6]. Dirkje is deceased on saturday 06-02-1999 in Vlissingen, 97 years old. She was buried on wednesday 10-02-1999 in Vlissingen. Dirkje married, 24 years old, on thursday 23-12-1926 in Colijnsplaat [source: ZA akte 15] with Adriaan Geelhoed, about 25 years old. Adriaan is born about 1901 in Colijnsplaat, son of Gillis Geelhoed and Jacoba Pieternella Poortvliet. Adriaan is deceased before 1999, at the most 98 years old. Occupation: commies Rijksdirecte belastingen.

VI Maria Boot, daughter of Johannes Boot and Johanna Maria Donker. Maria married with Peter Gerhard Grupper. Note re Peter Gerhard: zoon van Welmer Grupper (1904-1972) en Johanna Pol (1904-1996).
Children of Maria and Peter Gerhard:

1 Birgitta Yolanda Grupper (private).
2 Harald Welmer Grupper (private).

 Index (137 persons)


Last name First name Born Christened Deceased Relation(s)
Alebregtse Maria ±1819     [Partner of II-d]
de Boo Cornelia ±1835   26-02-1915 [Partner of III-c]
de Boo Jacob       [Parent in law of III-c]
Boot Adriaan 28-10-1853   06-01-1934 Number III-d
Boot Adriaan 10-03-1872   13-04-1932 Number IV-c
Boot Arie Johannes 17-03-1900     Number V-c
Boot Cornelia       [Parent in law of II-c]
Boot Cornelis ±1802   21-02-1812 [Son of I]
Boot Cornelis 29-08-1814   16-01-1865 Number II-e
Boot Dirkje 02-02-1902   06-02-1999 Number V-f
Boot Elisabeth 18-02-1875   08-03-1878 [Daughter of III-c]
Boot Flip Iman 07-06-1886   20-12-1901 [Son of III-d]
Boot Iman 10-09-1811   09-08-1876 Number II-d
Boot Iman Flip 14-01-1885   23-09-1904 [Son of III-d]
Boot Jacoba ±1803   31-10-1862 Number II-c
Boot Jacoba Johanna ?-01-1862   07-05-1862 [Daughter of II-e]
Boot Jan 23-12-1888   16-01-1894 [Son of III-d]
Boot Janna Lena 26-08-1891   05-03-1903 [Daughter of III-d]
Boot Jannetje ±1847   15-03-1919 Number III-f
Boot Jannigje (private)      
Boot Johanna ?-06-1858   26-10-1858 [Daughter of II-e]
Boot Johanna 06-08-1887   15-02-1956 Number IV-d
Boot Johanna Pieternella ?-06-1863   20-07-1863 [Daughter of II-e]
Boot Johannes 02-04-1805   25-07-1881 [Son of I]
Boot Johannes 13-10-1831     [Son of II-b]
Boot Johannes 19-04-1835   05-02-1914 Number III-c
Boot Johannes 30-09-1852   24-11-1853 [Son of II-d]
Boot Johannes 06-04-1855   20-09-1855 [Son of II-d]
Boot Johannes ±1859     Number III-e
Boot Johannes 18-04-1890   24-04-1891 [Son of III-d]
Boot Johannes 06-01-1906   27-09-1951 Number V-d
Boot Johannes C. 08-09-1769   11-10-1846 Number I
Boot Johannes Pieter 29-04-1895   31-12-1895 [Son of III-d]
Boot Johannis ?-11-1845   21-05-1847 [Son of II-e]
Boot Johannis 03-11-1851   06-12-1851 [Son of II-d]
Boot Johannis 28-08-1852   11-09-1852 [Son of II-e]
Boot Lijntje ±1797   12-11-1849 Number II-a
Boot Maarten 10-03-1878   03-11-1878 [Son of III-c]
Boot Maria       Number VI
Boot Maria Sara 12-05-1893   21-08-1893 [Daughter of III-d]
Boot N.N. 26-09-1830     [Daughter of II-b]
Boot N.N. 20-01-1880     [Son of III-c]
Boot Pieter ±1799   07-02-1866 Number II-b
Boot Pieter 19-11-1870     Number IV-b
Boot Pieter Cornelis ±1849   04-10-1850 [Son of II-e]
Boot Pieter Cornelis ?-04-1857   22-08-1857 [Son of II-e]
Boot Pieternella Johanna ±1860   04-03-1919 Number III-g
Boot Sara Cornelia 22-07-1898   19-01-1970 Number V-b
Boot Sara Cornelia 19-11-1898     Number V-e
Boot Tannetje ?-11-1873   17-09-1874 [Daughter of III-c]
Boot Tannetje 04-07-1876   26-02-1879 [Daughter of III-c]
Boot Teunes ?-01-1833   18-06-1833 [Son of II-b]
Bouwense Adriaan ±1825     Number III-a
Bouwense Johannis ±1828   05-05-1832 [Son of II-a]
Bouwense Leijntje ±1838   20-04-1921 Number III-b
Bouwense Marcus ±1797   26-03-1856 [Partner of II-a]
Bouwense Marinus ?-02-1829   26-09-1829 [Son of II-a]
Bouwense Sara ?-06-1826   09-08-1826 [Daughter of II-a]
Bouwense Tannetje       [Parent in law of III-c]
Clement (Klement) Dirkje 1839     [Parent in law of IV-c]
Donker Johanna Maria (private)      
Flipse Jacob     <1871 [Parent in law of III-e]
Flipse Janna Jacoba ±1865     [Partner of III-e]
Geelhoed Adriaan ±1901   <1999 [Partner of V-f]
Geelhoed Gillis 28-04-1873   30-09-1953 [Parent in law of V-f]
van Gilst Tannetje ±1798   29-03-1854 [Partner of II-b]
Grupper Birgitta Yolanda (private)      
Grupper Harald Welmer (private)      
Grupper Peter Gerhard       [Partner of VI]
den Haan Dina ±1872   29-03-1944 Number IV-a
den Haan Pieter ±1834     [Partner of III-b]
Hoebeke Adriaan ±1860     [Partner of IV-f]
van Hoepen Suzanna ±1841   10-08-1898 [Parent in law of IV-a]
Hoogesteger Cornelia ±1868     [Partner of IV-e]
Israël Geerard 1840     [Parent in law of IV-c]
Israël Prientje 01-05-1877   01-03-1947 [Partner of IV-c]
Janse Maria Pieternella ±1879     [Partner of IV-h]
Johannisse(n) Jacoba Pieternella ±1824     [Partner of II-e]
Jongepier Johanna 30-06-1823   13-04-1855 [Partner of II-d]
Kallewaard Cornelia 28-07-1839   21-05-1904 [Parent in law of III-e]
van Kleunen Johannes (private)      
van der Klooster Abraham 31-01-1838   22-03-1910 [Parent in law of IV-a]
van der Klooster Cornelis 22-10-1874   15-11-1900 [Partner of IV-a]
van der Klooster Helena Pieternella (private)      
van der Klooster Jacob (Jakob) 12-06-1840   10-08-1916 [Parent in law of IV-a]
van der Klooster Willem 14-10-1866   17-09-1926 [Partner of IV-a]
Koeman Jacoba Cornelisdr ±1752   27-08-1821 [Parent in law of I]
Krap Nicolaas ±1877     [Partner of IV-g]
van Leeuwen Janna       [Parent in law of III-d]
Liefbroer Pieter Johannesz ±1738   18-02-1820 [Parent in law of I]
Liefbroer Sara ±1775   09-10-1846 [Partner of I]
van Lieren Flip       [Parent in law of III-d]
van Lieren Maria Lena ±1862   26-02-1896 [Partner of III-d]
Meerman Jacoba ±1824     [Partner of III-a]
van de Most Ger (private)      
de Mul Cornelis Willem ±1884     [Partner of IV-j]
de Neef Joseph Daniel ±1895     [Partner of V-b]
Nouse Adriana Sara ±1874     Number IV-g
Nouse Cornelis Jacob 19-12-1867   19-06-1929 Number IV-e
Nouse Hendrik ±1842   19-12-1914 [Partner of III-f]
Nouse Hendrika Jannetje ?-09-1883   10-10-1883 [Daughter of III-f]
Nouse Jacob Cornelis 06-09-1872   01-10-1872 [Son of III-f]
Nouse Jacob Cornelis ?-02-1875   18-05-1875 [Son of III-f]
Nouse Jacob Cornelis ?-02-1876   20-08-1876 [Son of III-f]
Nouse Jacob Cornelis ±1878     Number IV-h
Nouse Jacoba Magdalena ?-03-1870   30-07-1870 [Daughter of III-f]
Nouse Jacoba Magdalena ±1872     Number IV-f
Nouse Magdalena Jacoba ±1867   03-08-1882 [Daughter of III-f]
Nouse Magdalena Jacoba ?-09-1886   18-12-1886 [Daughter of III-f]
Nouse Sara Adriana 03-10-1877   16-10-1877 [Daughter of III-f]
Nouse Sara Adriana ±1881     Number IV-i
Paauwe Marinus ±1870     [Partner of IV-i]
Poortvliet Jacoba Pieternella 10-11-1873   31-05-1933 [Parent in law of V-f]
Schemkes Maria Everdina Johanna ±1902     [Partner of V-c]
Sentse Elena ±1844   10-01-1907 [Parent in law of IV-a]
de Smit Sara 02-12-1839   22-01-1880 [Partner of III-c]
van Strien Cornelis 23-02-1889   21-11-1957 [Partner of IV-d]
van Strien Jan ±1830   <1871 [Partner of III-b]
van Strien Johanna Cornelia ?-12-1927   05-09-1928 [Daughter of IV-d]
van Strien N.N. 04-11-1929     [Daughter of IV-d]
Tollenaar Clasina 09-09-1842   23-09-1842 [Daughter of II-c]
Tollenaar Jacoba 28-12-1830     [Daughter of II-c]
Tollenaar Jan 04-10-1796   27-04-1859 [Partner of II-c]
Tollenaar Jan 11-02-1827     [Son of II-c]
Tollenaar Jan ?-05-1834   29-09-1834 [Son of II-c]
Tollenaar Nicolaas 08-03-1767   17-03-1844 [Parent in law of II-c]
Tollenaar Saartje 24-12-1840   30-12-1840 [Daughter of II-c]
Tollenaar Sara 24-07-1828     [Daughter of II-c]
Tollenaar Sara 22-08-1829     [Daughter of II-c]
in 't Veld Maria 01-07-1876     [Partner of IV-b]
Verburg Cornelis ±1897     [Partner of V-e]
Verhulst Sara 22-10-1829     [Parent in law of III-g]
Wisse Adriaan 27-11-1829   22-08-1920 [Parent in law of III-g]
Wisse Cornelis ±1859   16-11-1933 [Partner of III-g]
Wisse Jacoba Sara ±1885     Number IV-j
Wisse Sara Cornelia ?-04-1887   19-06-1887 [Daughter of III-g]
Wisse Sara Jacoba ?-04-1883   29-09-1883 [Daughter of III-g]

 logoaldfaer  Generated using Aldfaer version 4.2 (with customized report generator) on 13-02-2011.

 Private: persons marked with (private) have not all information shown due to Dutch privacy laws.

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